Astonished to find that my millennial daughter had never seen Dr. Strangelove, I queued it up last night over dinner. The generational difference was never so stark- she found most of it incomprehensible. “Why is this in black and white? Was that to save money? They had invented color by then, right?” When Strangelove pulled a circular sliderule out of his pocket to calculate how long the survivors would have to stay in the mineshaft, she asked, “What’s that?” In the airplane scenes involving rotary switches, toggles, and code-setting, she asked, “Is all that all supposed to be a technology?” During the credits, she observed, “I’ve heard of James Earl Jones, I don’t know any of these other people.” “This was just… weird.”

Sic transit gloria Sellers.

OK, before I haul my ancient ass all around the hiking trails at the Bong Recreation Area (not making that up), I will toss out links, scientifically designed to be noticed but not actually read.

An editorial writer does not seem to notice that states that don’t shit on the Second Amendment likewise seem to be states which are business friendly. And would like to stop that.

Canadians also don’t understand basic economics and after showing proper horror at how markets work when their government decides to meddle, figure to use their ignorance to keep poor people poor.

Speaking of Wisconsin (that’s where the Bong is), the latest on how racism was used to suppress minority voting and hand the election to Trump. Because black pipo can’t get ID cards and that’s why they didn’t turn out for Herself in the numbers they turned out for the Lightbringer. That must be the answer. Or maybe not.

We libertarians have McAfee. The liberals have… someone else.

In the same vein, is there nothing that Trump can’t do?

Zardoz would seem to have great influence in Africa.

And finally, obligatory Old People Music.