Because there is no reasonable way to do a write up of this genre and continue to be employed, this must be done in pieces. Which is fine, since the subgenres are unique enough to stand on their own.
Part 1: The Imperial Stout
The Imperial Stout is a style with origins in England, who’s brewers had contracts to supply Russian Czars with beer—particularly Catherine the Great (pictured below).
This style is not Russian in origin which is why nearly every take on the Imperial Stout is associated with Russia or the Soviet Union is misleading. The standard bearer, at least out west, comes from California’s Northcoast Brewery and associates itself with a Czarist wizard who is famous for his ability to survive multiple attempts on his life. Possibly due to jealousy over that bitchin beard.
Czar Nicholas II, after multiple attempts at siring an heir finally had son, Aleksei Nikolayevich in 1904. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed at an early age with hemophilia and at that time there wasn’t exactly a treatment for it. Once Aleksei began to bleed, his parents did what any rational person would do and consulted mystics, holy men and healers to cure their son. In 1908 they finally found a Siberian who delivered. Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, a man who underwent a bit of a religious transformation after travels to Greece and Jerusalem in his formative years. Upon his arrival to St. Petersburg he gained a self-proclaimed reputation as having both healing powers and the ability to predict the future. Part of why anybody really talks about him is that somehow, whatever he did, helped Aleksei survive. Nobody is certain if he really did anything, or if it was just a coincidence. In 1916, conspirators from the royal family believed Rasputin to have sexual relations with the queen and that his beard was an evil presence that was taking over Russia.
In order to save Mother Russia, Rasputin had to die.
Turns out killing Rasputin and his beard was quite the task. First, they tried to lure Rasputin with a sexual foray and leave cyanide laced pastries and wine. Rasputin eventually ate the pastries, and drank the wine, with no effect. They then tried a more direct approach and shot him, with Rasputin initially convulsing and going still. An hour later, they found Rasputin stumbling across the courtyard. After a bit of a chase, they eventually shot him in the back, which stopped the beard momentarily. Finally, they did something Russians are quite proficient, and shot him in the back of the head. Even then, the beard continued to crawl forward with the final blow being a kick to the head.
The beer itself is just as relentless. It is black in color, and has an insane level of complexity. The color of beer is the direct result of roasting malt prior to adding it to the wort. For light colored beers, the malt is lightly roasted or not at all. In the case of stouts, the malt is roasted almost to the point of being burnt. Much the same way that Starbucks roasts their coffee beans, which is why the word coffee almost universally comes up in conversation when describing Imperial Stouts. What makes it imperial? High gravity or high ABV. These typically operate in the 8-10% range. Other things you might taste in this style of beer is dark fruit, chocolate, nutty bread and a pleasant hop intensity to balance most of this out.
As a bonus, this beer does not contain Cyanide. Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout 4.3/5
Since I like to believe I know my audience, this next one comes with the STEVE SMITH SEAL OF APPROVAL. AND BY APPROVAL, MEAN RAPE.
This one is just as good, but the unfortunate aspect of this style is that they very nearly all taste alike unless you’re the type that will stick your nose into the glass to find the underlying aromatics. I will end this by saying I suck at STEVE SMITH jokes. THE PEANUT GALLERY HERE GETS THIS ONE. AND BY PEANUT GALLERY, MEAN……
Had just read this review of coffee stouts this morning. Meeting sister and bil at this grocery for a Jackie O’s keg tapping later today. Pretty good brewer out of Athens, OH.
Jackie O’s is pretty damn good. I live in southwest Ohio, and my newly expanded Kroger carries many of their brews.
Yeah, most our local pubs in Columbus have them in tap. I enjoy them. Sister in BIL live in FL so not sure they’ve had a chance to try them yet.
How much of this is true? I’m way too drunk to judge.
All of it. Including that pic of Catherine the Great.
She could Tsarina me, IYKWIMAITYD.
I’d storm my streltsy into her Kremlin iykwim
Thank you for the picture. I like both beers you reviewed.
I’ll back up the recommendation on both of the beers, and I’ve enjoyed all of the variants of the Yeti that I’ve had as well.
Best stouts I’ve had the pleasure of tasting this week were a Barrel Aged Vanilla and Coffee aged Ten-Fidy, and Avery’s The Nuttiest Professor. Tomorrow is the end of beer week, with just the Belgian brunch on the schedule.
As if I didn’t already envy horses enough…
I’ve tried the stuff and found it good.
Thanks for the reminder.
Gave them a little spot of bother in the ‘not dying’ department, did he?
I’m pretty sure the beard is still alive, only disguised as Trump’s hair.
I haven’t done my shopping yet, thanks for the recce, can these be purchased at Bevmo ya think?
Hell yeah. I have consistently found both at BevMo.
cool thanks, I’m off! to get some!
Wouldn’t you know, this was posted while I was out shopping. Not ready for stouts like that yet, weather has to cool off some more.
I love both of the ones you reviewed, MS.
Drink enough Old Rasputin (a wintertime favorite) and you too may believe you can see the future, and cure people!
Ditto. I’m a huge stout/porter guy and those two definitely represent in the category.
Guinness in the us is only 4-5. Sad!
something i keep forgetting (*facts learned when drinking tend to be either a) wrong, and/or b) quickly forgotten/confused) … is that these 2 products are in fact different
the one on the left being the more-legit/more intoxifyicating, better tasting imho. the one on the right is what you get out of kegs.
Guiness draught is closer to 4%. This is how the Irish are able to handle 8-10pints/day and still be reasonably functional.
You could make it stronger and it would still be child’s play. imo, getting beer-drunk is
nearly impossibledifficult unless the shit is above 6% and you’re quaffing it in Liter sized portions. its hard to even impress people with your drunkenness because you’re spending half your time peeingre: the functionality of drunks
i think it should be measured based on their sober productivity levels. by this measure, there is really no difference between drunken and sober irishmen.
Germans, see… they go from being workhorses, to …. uh, horses. Irish, well, they’re sitting around talking bullshit and doing nothing anyway, they might as well drink.
I was trying to be nice, last time I was around Irishmen Connor MacGregor got choked out and I had to break up a fight in the stands…over spilled beer.
For me to get drunk on beer I have to skip a meal or hit the bag for an hour and rehydrate with beer. Which is a terrible way to hydrate.
this should be like the “Got Milk?” campaign
BEER: Like water, but better
I’d tap into the religious:
Jesus turned water into wine because Guinness hadn’t been created yet.
Or something like that.
Excellent Documentary: How Beer Saved the World
unfortunately removed from youtube.
History Channel (I think) had a good show on beer (or was it alcohol in general?). It was narrated by Mike Rowe.
You’re drinking the wrong beer then. I’m not generally a big fan of Sam Adams, but… their rebel rouser IPA (not the rebel, mind you, but the rebel rouser) is not just tasty, it’s guaranteed to insult even the most jaundiced liver.
I bar tended for years. Took my time with the spoon to make the perfect pint only to hand it to a guy. “Broncoooooos!”. Why bother?
You need to drink with women to know how much you forget. Why get drunk with a dude?
I used to randomly say, “hey, you got a haircut?” to women on the off chance i’d be right and they’d be very happy about it. I stopped because some of them got mad. Or maybe they’d heard me try it on someone else.
Yeah, I used to say “wow, your hair smells good” to random women on the same theory, but I had to stop because I kept getting slapped. Did I ever mention I’m a midget?
For you
I fucked that all up though- only after posting it did I realize that the -correct- last line there would have been “And let me tell you, getting slapped by a full-grown woman _hurts_ when you’re a midget.” There are a lot of reasons I’d like to have the opportunity to do my life over, knowing what I know now, but muffed jokes is not low on the list.
You made up for it with “muffed jokes.”
Yeah, but it really should have been “on my short list.” Sigh…
Agreed. Not that regular Guinness isn’t good.
Guinness Extra Stout is, I think, 7% ABV.
Only the “foreign” branded variety, unfortunately
I honestly thought there was just 1 kind. this disappoints me. i feel like i deserved better.
When I traveled to Ireland I learned that they only drink Guinness, at least in the south. Even in the shadow of the Jameson distillery, the pubs all were serving almost exclusively Guinness.
I also learned that Guinness in Ireland is better than Guinness in the US. There’s something to the “fresh beer” thing that I don’t fully get… but the best beer I had over there was at the Guinness brewery (a tour I highly recommend).
The same thing worked for coffee. The best cup I’ve ever had was a cup of Kona Peaberry served up right on the mountainside in Kona. It was very lightly roasted and the first cup of coffee I ever actually enjoyed. Although I don’t know if that has anything to do with being fresh – although it was right out of the roaster – because I’ve never tried it since. They had it on offer for $65 per pound, shipped to my house. I passed.
Its liquid bread. If it were less complicated, it would have to come out of a cow’s tit.
I knew there was more than one kind. A beer magazine I subscribe to covered the different types of Guinness several years ago. I guess Guinness went through another modification of their product line because, according to the magazine, at the time, there were only four different versions of Guinness.
I dated a girl for a while who was convinced that Guinness was <2%. She'd be all like "I'm fine to drive, I only had 7 Guinesses, which is like two normal beers." I tried to correct her about this once, but she pulled rank: "I'm a bartender," she said, "so I think I might know a little more about this than you do."
Did you get femsplained to?
Maybe more like barsplained to (completely incorrectly, of course.) That girl, while an absolute lunatic in many respects, was pretty chill when it came to “gender” stuff, especially for someone who went to Wesleyan. It helped that it was the mid-90s I think. She was a a super-down girl at the height of the age of down girls. Those were the days, my friend…
I’ve heard a bazillion various rumoured insights about Guinness, almost none of them true.
Which makes sense. Anything that both the Irish and Jamaicans love is bound to have a lot of bullshit associated with it.
**actual true fact:
– the 2 countries outside Ireland (and UK) with the highest per-capita consumption of Guinness? Nigeria and Cameroon. I think Jamaica is also in the top 5 (not by volume, but per-cap)
Non-American black people love the stuff. Black Americans on the other hand, not so much. I did consulting work for Guinness when they were in the middle of the merger w/ Grand Metropolitan to create Diageo, and my client would share various tidbits of Guinness lore.
I think it partly stems from the fact that Guiness is unintuitively low in calories. I mean, you have one and it feels like you just had a hearty breakfast (Ok, maybe that’s partly because I like to get my morning drink on, so substitute lunch for that if you prefer to wait till noon for your first beer of the day.)
But it turns out that Guiness is roughly comparable to light American lagers (by which I mean water) when it comes to calories. So, having had her mind blown by that, I’m pretty suede my girlfriend just decided to go all in on unintuitiveness and declare Guiness an almost alcohol-free beer.
Now, that might sound a little off to the typical rational male brain, but I’m pretty sure that’s literally how Steven Levitt gets all his book ideas. And when I say literally, I mean it in the older sense of the word.
I think Steven gets up, has a Guiness or two for breakfast, and then calls my ex-girlfriend, who is also morning-drinking. What you got for me, he asks? And she’s like… I think we can attribute most of the drop in crime rates since the early 90s to abortionists outfitting their waiting rooms chairs with spikes. And Steven’s like That’s gold baby. That’s Freakonomics 3 right there.
Also, autocorrect is clearly highly intuitive… I am pretty suede.
Guiness is watery and flat tasting compared to a well done stout.
Not to gove everything away, but you might like part 2 of this series.
So much this. Guinness tastes like water with mouthfeel.
You haven’t drank it in Ireland I take it – it is a very different experience from what you get in the U.S.
Correct. Never been to Ireland, hard to even believe I’m a white American, right?
I have, its better in Ireland but I have to say it was an anticlimactic experience.
I’ve never been to Ireland, but my little sister married an Irish fellow (and yes, of course I objected strenuously) and moved there a couple of years ago. They have a ~year-old half-breed at the moment, so it’s not an opportune time to visit, but I imagine I’ll get over there some time in the next few years.
I’m used to drinking micro-brew stouts. At a n Irish bar last week I had a draft Guinness and was really dissapointed.
I’m enjoying a Yuengling after spending the morning bottling my first homebrew — an amber ale.
I really like Yuengling… a nice compromise of flavor and drinkability.
leinenkugel’s creamy dark is kinda in the same bucket – flavorful but you can still down quite a few – and quite delicious on tap. Not nearly as good in a bottle, I’m afraid. And it wasn’t so great on tap in Deerfield Florida – probably because the keg lasts a few weeks down here instead of a few hours in their home range in Minnesota and Wisconsin. (those guys can down some beer.)
Yuengling is awesome. Unfortunately, the closest place where I can get it is Massachusetts, and I’m not sure their entire line is available in Massachusetts. That’s OK, I’m in Pennsylvania often enough to get my fix.
Yuengling makes me smelly. I used to like it, but I don’t get the appeal now.
Here’s hoping the bottling went well. I’ve only bottled a couple of my beers (sours), most I just keg.
When Social Justice Virtue-Signalling Goes Wrong
Article makes claim that online-hate-mobs are AKSHULLY a right-wing phenomenon
there is a nugget of truth in the story (like a peanut in a pile of poo): where the mother says (in so many words), “but my daughter is an idiot: why would anyone take shit some 23 year old says seriously?”
those poor people, expressing left-of-center views. Won’t someone protect them from the terrible consequences of speech? I was told by very informed and sensible people that the 1st Amendment only protects people from govt censorship.
I’m kind of tired of the mobs… even that cbs exec who said she had no sympathy for the Las Vegas victims, because country music fans are probly gun-toters.
I mean that’s dumb, and ‘m not sure I’d want to employ someone with that tenuous a grasp on reality and logic, but I’m also not sure I want people fired over things like that. I mean, sure, it’s not a first amendment issue, but how free people are to speak their minds goes beyond questions of direct government intervention.
It wasn’t the owner her went on the anticop tirade; it was her daughter. The online mob took out on the mother. That’s bullshit.
How to show your wokeness, lesson 23897234
Denounce your spouse
I hope he’s got something going on the side.
also: i thought the #Rashomon was totes extra-racist
and makes me think the whole thing is a staged catfight between comics to try and attract attention to flagging careers.
Well if he’d used #TheOutrage we’d have to add cultural appropriation to his crimes.
Translation: “For the last time, it’s not Hillary’s fault that Bill can’t keep his hands to himself!”
Yeah, cause clearly David Cross isn’t woke enough… I mean if Cross is even mikd,y drowsy, I’m pretty much Rip Van fucking Winkle. Ok, well, I didn’t need Twitter to tell me that, I suppose.
Halloween Nightmare
OT: When you’ve lost the former head of NPR…
I liked that. Tho i suspect he’s trying to capitalize on the “Hillbilly Elegy” market, and never actually left his DC suburb.
It’s amazing the prejudices one can overcome getting out and meeting real people.
Holy shit. That’s not gonna sell well with Salon, HuffPo, CNN or any other insular leftist bubbles.
I wonder why NPR didn’t publish the story. You know, seeing as he ran the place for a while and left under ostensibly good relations.
Not only did he say nice things about deplorables, say good things about guns, suggest the media might be partly to blame for its current state, but… he didn’t once – not once! – use the phrase “Age of Trump.” He’ll be lucky to just get excommunicated.
He’ll probably just get ignored. The lefty media talking heads in the Acela corridor don’t want to discuss the substance of his piece because it will expose their complete lack of exposure to the people they lump into groups so readily.
Hmf. Pretty much anything above 8% ABV, you can forget it as far as beer and I am concerned. The taste of the alcohol cuts into what there is of the malt and the hops and ruins the flavour.
I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a craft Imperial anything that I’d recommend; though I’m willing to be proved wrong.
Oh, hello by the way. Name’s Ulape. Briton, libertarian, and beer aficionado. Long time lurker at TOS, I’ve lurked a bit here and I like what I see.
Well, except STEVE SMITH.
That’s no way to say ‘Fuck off Tulpa”
Now, now. If it’s Tulpa, he’ll out himself eventually. We can take him at his word.
And even if he is British, he’s at least following the dress code.
Fuck off, Tulpa!!
I thought this place was clothing-optional.
I don’t know why anybody would go without pants in a place where STEVE SMITH is known to lurk around.
Hey, don’t knock it till you try it.
Yes, so long as you have a top hat and monocle.
That’s no way to say ‘Fuck off Tulpa”
To be fair, I was going to let STEVE SMITH do that for me.
Where in Britain?
Bradford, Yorkshire, England, the United Kingdom.
Does this man’s accent deeply offend you?
Lots of things about Bernie offend me, but I’m fine with his accent.
Oh, the other guy? No, that’s a typical mid-Atlantic accent. Happens to loads of Brits who immigrate to the US. This on the other hand…
Bradford City made the Premier a few years back as I recall, how are they faring these days?
Yep, they were in the EPL for two seasons (1999-2000 and 2000-2001).
The Bantams are currently in League One (the third national division of commieball in England). They narrowly missed promotion to the Championship last year, losing in the playoffs to Millwall.
They were runners-up in the League Cup in 2013. They beat three EPL clubs to get there (Wigan Athletic, Arsenal and Aston Villa) before losing to the fourth EPL club, Swansea.
They also had a good FA Cup run in 2015. They reached the quarter-finals, defeating EPL sides Chelsea and Sunderland to get there.
Ah, a northerner. I spent 6 weeks in the Bank section of London over a decade ago for work.
I enjoyed being able to go to bet shops, especially since the World Cup was going on at the time. Also, London, so there’s always a concert or something going on.
And, on topic – lots and lots of pubs.
*Note to self: review a barleywine to piss off the new guy.
Last time I looked, barleywine ain’t beer. It’s malt liquor. Does the one you plan on reviewing come in 40oz bottles, perchance?
It comes in a 25.9oz bomber.
Barleywine =/= malt liquor. One requires a well adjusted palate, and can be cellared to age like wine. The other requires duck tape and a frat party or four buddies in a smoke filled room playing dominoes.
Next you’re going to tell me redheads are just irritable brunettes.
Oi! There are actually craft malt liquors as well.
Next you’re going to tell me redheads are just irritable brunettes.
No, they’re Blondes from Hell. And I likes ’em, I do! 8^p
Hmf. Pretty much anything above 8% ABV, you can forget it as far as beer and I am concerned. The taste of the alcohol cuts into what there is of the malt and the hops and ruins the flavour.
The alcohol burn/flavor above 8% isn’t always present. Consider well-done Belgian Triples or Samichlaus.
Briton, libertarian, and beer aficionado.
A trifecta.
At least you didn’t say you are a woman. Then I’d have to think you were trolling.
I’ve never drunk a trippel; quite a few Belgian dubbels were pushing it for me. Pauwel Kwak was on the right side of being beer, but barely.
Thanks for the recommend. I might try it.
Had a friend gift me an Allagash Belgian Trippel, which I drank as I was cooking a dinner. By the time dinner was served I was in full Julia Child mode.
No point in drinking anything less than a Belgian quad.
I find most sotuts have a strong flavor, thus negating the taste of alcohol, but I also used to be a drunk who did shots of Everclear, so that might have fucked up my taste buds.
My goodness. I’m suddenly just…so parched.
me too. What to do, what to do.
Looks like you’re missing a hashtag there, buddy.
I’m going to see what the liquor store has for seasonal stouts. I doubt any of these will be there, but I’ll snag them if they are!
Still need to shovel a couple pounds of pumpkin spice into them though.
Hey! I covered punkins two weeks ago!
Keep that punkin chunkin business over there…
I’m heading to the local brewpub for dinner. That’s what I’m going to do. They haven’t run out of their 24th Anniversary Ale (it’s based on a Belgian Triple) or their Oktoberfestbier.
Nature, Nurture
Ha! Myopic narratives, how do they work?
when you don’t have a good answer to what a person actually says, attack their character.
when you don’t have any decent way to impugn their character, attack their background.
When you attack a person’s background, be sure it doesn’t apply equally to your own peers.
If it applies equally to your own peers, well, fucking wave your hands and go, “SHIT IS DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT BECAUSE WE GOOD PEOPLE”
Praise Kek!
Hindu what now?
Learn the lore man.
No. Just, no.
*Rhywun in the nursing home shaking fist at 4channers torturing Shia on his lawn*
Is that like “Shaka when the walls fell”?
It is one of the most beautiful examples of spontaneous order and voluntarism in recent decades.
What channel is the Motherfuckers Channel?
Oxygen Network
Thanks for the link. That took me here:
She’s my hero.
Reposted from the morning lynx.
Asiago and Cabernet, breakfast of champions.
#2 has a look like Angela White, but she isn’t.
#11 is Mia Khalifa. Her implants make me sad, but I won’t exclude her.
#13 looked familiar so I ran her picture through Google image search. This was the first Google Image search hit. The woman is not whom I thought she was, but according to Google, this is her instagram page.
Having said all that… the correct answer is orgy.
Wow. #1 just knocked it out of the park for me.
For OMWC’s hike…
OK, I started watching Mindhunter on the recommendation of several people here. Compelling subject matter and very well written, it’s a great show…
…except there is something about the guy who plays Holden that I just can’t stand. His delivery and acting style drives me absolutely crazy, I can’t put my finger on exactly why. I can’t tell if it’s by design, but everything he does is so overly deliberate and emotionless that I feel like it’s covering up bad acting. He reminds me of Tobey Maguire; one emotion, never changes and completely inappropriate for what I consider normal responses to a situation. I’m going to have to stop watching it because I can’t get over feeling like I want to punch that guy.
because he’s a millenial parody of how they imagine “people in the before times” were, rather than an actual character
the older you get, the more you realize all movies depicting times you actually lived through are being filtered through the expectations of youth. hence the worldly sociologist-graduate-student chick, and the nerdy and unworldly FBI agent. It only makes sense when you realize its trying to appeal to modern biases about boys and girls.
I guess that marks the difference between a passable actor and a great one. A great actor will create a believable human even in spite of the director; whereas a passable/mediocre actor follows direction to the letter and ends up with a cardboard cutout. So, maybe my problem with the show is the direction rather than that specific actor. I can buy that, because even the settings seem like cardboard cutouts, perhaps that’s another reason I find the show so annoying. It’s sterile. Like life drained of all the incidental minutiae that permeates authentic existence. Again, maybe it’s by design, but it’s not believable or particularly enjoyable to watch. It’s a real shame because criminal psychology, especially that of serial killers, is a truly fascinating subject matter.
exactly. as someone else put it, “you need to always be yourself, even when you’re someone else”. i.e.. You need to have natural reactions, and instantly credible motives. When you, the actor, don’t really understand or believe the person you’re playing, it comes across as pantomime/just reading lines.
fwiw i actually like the show as well. but i had exactly the same reaction as you, which is that the main character is very superficial/shallow and has none of the “Clarisse Starling” believability in role.
i’ve only watched the first episode tho. I very much like the actor who he got paired with. I met him once or twice at my local bar, which was for whatever reason a popular place for B-grade actors to day-drink.
I watched the first episode last night.
As for Holden, he reminds me of Cary Elwes. And this role is all wrong for Cary Elwes.
Also on NetFlix – Casting JonBenet was either super-brilliant and I missed the point entirely (which, I’ll admit, is very much in play), or a waste of 80 minutes.
Moved on from the Cabernet dog hair to this:
Never had it, but it’s pretty good.
Cool. I like a good red lager but you don’t see them that often.
I have not had it either, but it looks good.
Narwhal Imperial Stout is good. If you mix it with an IPA , you get an intense version of a Black and Tan.
They make something called Black IPA. Narehal is anothet good one.
Stone makes a good one as well.
Never try what a friend of mine did… making a Black and Tan with 120 minute and World Wide Stout just ruins both beers.
Also, thanks for the hottie MS.
How dare you speak of the queen that way!
You know what they said about her and horses…
I have a feeling I know what you’re referring to…hopefully its unrelated.
…do tell.
And there it is.
OK. I have 175 bucks in Cabela’s gift cards to burn. Should I get a Glock?
No. Buy a Walther or a CZ. You could also do what I am doing and search gunbroker religiously for a Sig P225.
Already got a CZ75 and it is the BOMB. Just wondering what the next purchase should be… Walther *is* a good gun. Maybe I should go with one of those instead.
There is this too. Kind of on the fence with the looks though.
Oooooo Beretta. I hadn’t considered that. Thanks a lot MS, now I have to think about things. I hate thinking!
What can I say? I’m an enabler.
Buy a Ghillie suit and start stalking your neighbors
Someone must have cut this link out of Mexican’s post, so here it is:
Looking at the posts above, I wanted to comment a la Brooks.
British and Irish beers are completely different from US beers. Even in the same style.
In my experience US beers are a good deal stronger in ABV than British and Irish beers. Typical ABV for a tradition British or Irish beer is around the 3.5%-4.5% range.
And of course, there’s the way the beers are kept and served.
Too many differences to fit a comment; you’d need something the length of an article.
this is actually close to the the national average for mass-produced beer in the US. Especially light beer, which is (sadly or not) the most popular. eg. Bud Light is about 4%
Craft beers and regionally distributed beers are the ones that skew higher (and the ones people here tend to talk about/prefer). but the majority of the beer sold in the US is still made by Anheuser/Miller-Coors
there is the added complexity that brewers in the US put alcohol content “by weight” rather than “by volume” on the bottle, so a 12oz bottle that says 3.2% is actually 4% ABV
ABV vs. ABW labeling is different between brewers and states. Ohio allows ABV on it’s labels.
The US and the islands have a completely different beer culture. I was surprised to find that there was rarely a beer in Ireland that went over 5% ABV, even the ones labelled as “American IPA’s”, whereas here in the American craft beer culture, it’s a struggle to find ones that are under 5% ABV.
The cask culture is another beast entirely.
Yep, that’s what I was implying. Cask-conditioned beer is almost unknown in the US, whereas it’s at the heart of decent beer culture in Blighty. By CAMRA’s standards, while you guys might be making pretty tasty beer, it’s all still keg beer, and thus an abomination before the Lord.
Now, although I’m a CAMRA member, I appreciate, enjoy, and frequently sample with pleasure the great craft beer culture that’s grown up in those United States over the years. But, yeah, different cultures, both around how beer is brewed and kept, and how people enjoy beer over here as opposed to how you do it over there.
I’d be happy to go into detail, if all y’all are interested?
North Coast Brewing makes some great stuff. Their Scimshaw Pilsner is an excellent example of the style and their Red Seal Ale is also vergood. Also from that area, Anderson Valley makes a ton of great stuff. They have one of my favorite pale ales, Poleeko Gold, and they make a number of Gose style beers that are super sour and salty.
“Turns out killing Rasputin and his beard was quite the task. ”
This was an ObamaCare allegory, right? Who is the beard?