Man, the games yesterday were really, really, really bad. I have a purple and black paper bag to put over my head when SP and I go to Lambeau to see the Rodgers-free packers take on the Ravens and Joe Flaccid. The other games were no better- just piss poor play. If I’m ever made King, I will take five actions:
- Get rid of all domes and artificial turf.
- Have all Superbowls schedled for outdoor stadiums in snow zones.
- Fuck parity: no salary caps and reduce the number of teams by 50%. Eliminate any team playing in warm winter climates.
- Get rid of the pussy rules that make hard hitting old fashioned football illegal.
- Not allow any TV coverage that talks about anthems, social justice, or anything other than football. And lose that horrible chick announcer with the air-raid siren voice, the one who makes my wife scream at the TV, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID TWAT!”
But like Charlie Brown every year, I know Lucy isn’t going to pull the ball away, so I’m going to watch Monday Night Football tonight. Enough ranting, let’s see what’s in the news.
Apropos to my post this past weekend about Dr. Strangelove, it’s time to buy stock in the company that makes CRM-114s. Abandon all hope, ye who foolishly thought that Trump would be less war-bonered than Obama or Clinton.
Do you feel the same contempt that I do about Chris Christie? Do you feel like you couldn’t lose any more respect for him as a human being, that your regard for him is at rock-bottom? Well, here’s a diamond-tipped drill to prove you wrong.
So let me get this straight- Progs make numerous death threats to the EPA boss, then complain when he increases security. Ohhhhh-kay.
A Jewish pedophile? This cannot be.
They named a dog Strudel, then were shocked that he got fat. Humans, hmpf.
And of course, obligatory Old Guy Music. The finest feminist anthem ever written. And seriously, listen to it all the way through. Trust the Old Man.
Very serious subject matter and this is certainly not to take away from the experience the young woman in the article had, but this is more “women and minorities hardest hit” nonsense. It’s also a great primer in how statistics, as misunderstood by laymen, can obscure truth. These two quotes:
“An analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in August found the suicide rate among teenage girls ages 15 to 19 hit a 40-year high in 2015. Between 2007 and 2015, the rates doubled among girls and rose by more than 30 percent among teen boys.” and:
“while the number of girls who have killed themselves spiked in recent years, male teens still have higher rates of suicide.”
Only by looking at the actual figure provided by the CDC can you see that the overall suicide rate for boys is almost 3x that of girls and male suicide rate actually rose more in absolute terms over the stated time period. The fact that it’s monotonically rising for both sexes is cause for concern, but I guess NBC wouldn’t publish it at all if it didn’t have the proper grievance angle.
Also first, but not really cause it’s copypasta’d from the Morning Lynx. I go sit in corner now.
Back in college, I read Émile Durkheim’s book Suicide: A Study In Sociology. It was written in 1897. It remains much more relevant than anything I read in newspapers about suicide.
Good book, but it also underlines the limitations of sociology. Durkheim’s conclusion that suicide is less prevalent in Catholic countries because of societal stigma and the lack of industry has been disproved. The suspect that the reason why suicide was less prevalent in Catholic countries was because of the stigma, suicides were classified as ‘accidents’ by sympathetic authorities.
Just ask Franz Joseph how Rudolf died,_Crown_Prince_of_Austria
The female libertarian is cheaper that I would have expected.
The costume can only be bought in bitcoins
SHUSH, we’re trying to snare the unwary with our low starting price!
Unfortunately it’s not in stock.
It doesn’t exist, so price is immaterial.
If you’re gonna play to someone’s fantasy, you might as well go whole hog.
Nazi put out anti-Semitic cartoon mocking Alan Derschowitz
And by Nazis, I mean college kids, which are the closest things to Nazis we have today. They shut-down speeches they don’t like, they use political violence against differing views, and they draw anti-Semitic cartoons
That is some seriously crappy artwork.
Seriously. It’s like someone trying to make a crappy-looking cartoon. Idiot probably thinks he’s being ironic or meta.
No. This is actually well drawn for a Daily Cal cartoon it seems. Most of them are worse. Just scroll through, if you can make it.
Is it written over the bow? Is the bow transparent? Why is his hand bigger than his head? So many questions.
Oh, Jeebus… the guy who keeps making the New Yorker puns.
These are all so terrible. Like a Spirograph getting fucked by a spastic.
Who is giving the package and who is receiving? I can only assume the white man (we’ll assume man) is giving to the POC as that is how the world works, white man using tricknology to trap a POC.
The white man is giving the strangely proportioned student of color a “gift” of a loan, which is secretly a trap that will catch the student of color with more debt, because when you borrow money you never expect that you’ll have to pay it back.
Hopefully the money will be used to fix his facial and distal limb hyperplasia.
Also, is the box see-through or cut-away or does the audience have x-ray vision or what?
My family had a fisting plant in the house when I was a small child. I hated that thing. It moaned when you watered it.
A plant that you fist, or a plant that fists you?
Or is that an auto-correct typo?
Maybe if you weren’t spending so much money on full-color x-rays, you’d have money to get something to eat.
I’m… sorry for giving you that link, SF.
We did this to Payne and Bok every Friday morning on TOS.
These guys make Payne and Bok look like expert cartoonists.
Worse that Chip
Nopity nope nope. Chip is still the worst.
Why isn’t the Palestinian character wearing a suicide vest?
I’m shocked.
Okay, not that shocked.
I am kind of surprised they haven’t either (a) taken it down with a sniveling apology or (b) written 15 op-eds about intersectionalism and how it’s not anti-Semitism it’s anti-Zionism and one from Students for Justice in Palestine talking about the brave freedom fighters fighting their oppressors and something about stolen land.
Do you know who else didn’t trim links?
Hitler? Wait, I mean….me? It’s Hitler, right?
Yes, he died before URL’s were invented.
Is… is it really anti-semitic? Not seeing it honestly.
I’ll back you up. I’m just not seeing the antisemitism, either. Anti-Israel, sure.
It’s the “Jew is an inhuman monster using a disguise to be a man” trope.
Huh. He looks like a man to me.
From my POV he’s just holding up a picture of “how Israel is” from a liberal POV (apparently), with what it really is (from the anti-zionist POV), is revealed behind.
“Get rid of all domes and artificial turf.
Have all Superbowls schedled for outdoor stadiums in snow zones.
Fuck parity: no salary caps and reduce the number of teams by 50%. Eliminate any team playing in warm winter climates.
Get rid of the pussy rules that make hard hitting old fashioned football illegal.
Not allow any TV coverage that talks about anthems, social justice, or anything other than football. And lose that horrible chick announcer with the air-raid siren voice, the one who makes my wife scream at the TV, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID TWAT!””
I would add get rid of helmets. Your concussion problem would go away overnight if no one were wearing helmets.
I think there is some truth to that. I think a huge part of the concussion issues and other injuries in hockey are related to how good the gear has gotten. It used to hurt to hit and be hit.
A little fear is healthy.
I doubt there is a concussion epidemic in rugby
How could you tell? They decided to play rugby in the first place, didn’t they?
[swiss glare shield in place]
*prepares to ruck over SugarFree… forgets what he was doing and wanders off*
*cheers for Swiss*
Don’t worry, they can’t hear you with those cauliflower ears.
Yup. See below.
I remember the first time I strapped on an Air helmet. I dealt out a lot of punishment with that thing.
I don’t know my daughter plays hockey and got a concussion last night in her first practice of the year simply by falling on the ice.
There might be a little merit to the argument in football where at least you have a somewhat soft grass to fall onto but in hockey no matter how carefully you play you are going to fall and when head hits hard ice at almost speed concussion is the result.
Getting rid of the pads might cut down on concussions in hockey but the Helmets are pretty necessary.
I would get rid of all hard shell padding. You’d have fewer injuries immediately.
And require the goddamn skill players to actually wear pads below the waist. I believe one of the contributing factors to what at least seams like an influx of ACL and MCL injuries could be because dipshits are wearing only half the gear and are bigger, stronger and faster than ever.
i think we’d see a quick spike in concussions, then a precipitous drop after all the dipshits who lead with their heads learn how to wrap up and tackle.
I was taught to tackle by guys from several Commonwealth nations. I learned proper tackling. Wrap them and drop them. No bid to be on Sportscenter by blowing someone up.
Hey. leave the dog out of this.
GD edit fairy!
Tackling is less of the problem though, as linesmen get most of the brain damage. But, they wouldn’t be knocking into each other head first if they didn’t have helmets.
Maybe remove face mask. That would certainly make you want to keep your face out of things.
the problem is the hands coming at your face. I prefer having eyes.
I guess that’s true. The line is really the problem with football. I don’t know how you would resolve that without radically changing the game.
Kareem goggles.
Leather helmets would do the trick. There’d be a few fatalities at first but then things would settle down a bit.
We were taught better tackling technique in ankle-biter football than you see in the NFL. Basically the same stuff I was taught a few years later in rugby. (Bonus “kids these days are wusses compared to my day” story – we played full contact sevens in PE class. In middle school.)
It would not surprise me if the majority of concussions are from heads hitting the ground. I think you would occasionally see people killed without helmets.
Is there a concussion problem in rugby?
Believe the research says there’s less of a chance than the NFL, but there are definitely concussions.
This is the only link that I could find that isn’t a newspaper article, and it’s a very very small sample size.
Yes. Or at least the IRB thinks so. At the moment you’ll get penalised and maybe ten minutes in the sin bin for any tackle above the armpit. And they still haven’t worked out how to make head injury assessments work. Technically you’re meant to go off if you’re suspected to have been concussed, but there’s plenty of coaches who would put a concussed player back on if necessary.
+1 Aussie rule
I’m at work…
*has sad*
It’s not bad. Listen to it when you get home.
Right up there until he says ‘Warsh’.
My local dialect!
Darkness warshed over the dude.
Like he was covered in oirl.
My mom said that all the time. And her spelling was terrible too.
Yeah but does it bark at fat humans that are eating all the food in the house?
I feel like you’re ‘off’ today, Bacon. This is what happens when there is no 11am article for Bacon to practice with. This is on you, administrators!
Thanks. Yeah, bit busy for a Monday at work.
No offense meant. I loves me some Bacon. *kisses*
All good.
(It’s an inside joke btw, I’m the fat guy in my story)
Funny that she never did that to Swiss or Sugar Free or JW or or…
I’m going to ask her to point with her paw to the place on the doll where bacon touched her.
Fat-shaming is always fun.
Kristen needs to tell us the rest of the story:
I agree. There are a myriad reason why someone wouldn’t be smiling at any particular moment. Telling someone to “smile!” is just being a jerk. I started feeling that way when I called my college apartment to get my answering machine messages and a cop answered, passed the phone to my roommate, and she said “Come. Home. Now.”
(Apologies in advance if it’s something personal she doesn’t want to talk further about.)
Probably an underwear burglary.
this, tell us KK
Let’s hope it ends with an all girl pillow fight.
The wife and I filed for our permits to carry today. Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
what are you gonna be carrying?
Well, we’ll pay our membership at the range; we’ll rent guns; we’ll shoot guns; we’ll decide.
Last time I was in, I really likde the Springfield 1911-A1 in 9 mm. I am leaning toward the Range Officer Compact in 9 mm. Although, I need to check out the Sig P938 too.
My wife was in over the weekend for a woman-only course. They had 8 stations set up with two guns per station. There were actually too many guns to go through too fast to learn anything.
Buy whatever you like BUT buying a 1911 in a caliber other than .45 actually sends you straight to hell to be tormented by the shade of John Moses Browing. Also buying a 1911 at all makes Vhyrus sad
*flips Vhyrus the bird while gently stroking my beloved Springfield Loaded 1911*
I expect that the two of use will each have a pair of handguns by Christmas — one for the range and one for carry. My initial plans are for a p938 and a compact 1911, both in 9 MM. There is plenty of time next year to buy a “true” 1911 in .45 ACP.
Not sure what my wife is going to want to shoot.
Ugh. Compact 1911 in 9mm? Talk about a deep dish abortion.
To each their own though. There are a shitload of great compact 9mm on the market. I’m partial to the XDS. The wife carries a Kahr PM9. Don’t knock the itty bitty .380s either. My Ruger LCP spends a lot of time in my pocket because it’s fucking hot and I don’t want to wear a heavy rig.
Whatever you get though, shoot the shit out of it and have fun.
Welcome to the Libertarian Militia!
He’s right on both counts. I can’t decide if my hatred of 1911s outweighs the schadenfreude of listening to Negroni’s anguished screams thinking about you carrying a 9mm 1911. I’ll have to look deep into my soul on this one.
Bro bought the P225A and loves it. He’s of medium build and it carries well.
I highly recommend you look into a s&w shield and/or a springfield xds before you commit to a 1911. They are both cheaper, lighter, and more user friendly.
I’d you have to god forbid shoot someone at least be classy about it and use a revolver.
My first day at the range, the instructor started me at five yards with a Sig M11-A1 (shooting single action) and the Glock 17. I had 11 out of 12 in the 10-ring. I had one flyer with the Glock.
I said I want go back the Sig, but he smiled and asked if I wanted to try a 1911. I said sure, then put 15 straight in the 10 ring. I rather like the trigger.
Money is not an issue. If I keep four pistols under $4k total, I’ll be happy.
You can never go wrong with a Glock 19. The new S&W M&P2.0 Compact is also very cool, I got to play with one a bit at gun school last weekend.
Do not get an XD.
If money is no issue and you’re really looking for something full frame 9mm to carry: immediately find someone to let you test a SIG P226 Legion. Or just buy one outright, you will not be disappointed.
Glock 26 is a very good choice and finding a holster is never a problem. Mags are cheap and plentiful too.
I alternate between one and a M&P9c.
1911s have issues if they stray too far from the original design. Compact/Officer frame tend to have a lot of issues with reliability. There are some though that have the bugs worked out like the Springfield EMP, but with the bushingless bull barrel and short frame its not exactly a 1911 either.
Discussed this with the instructor at the range. He said that 1911s with 4+ inch barrels were generally OK, but to stay away from anything shorter.
Yup. The Commander size.
And Springfield’s RO Compact is a 4 inch barrel.
This is good advice. You can get a 9mm 1911 that will run, but it’s gonna cost you some change. The STI Trojan is probably the least expensive 9mm 1911 that’ll (probably) run out of the box.
An STI 1911 is probably item #3 to purchase should I win the lottery. Behind a Rolex and a Ford Raptor.
IF you’re winning the lottery might as well go all the way for the SVI.
I won a GunBroker auction for a CZ P-07 last night. Looking forward to some range time next week.
I do not like that kind of language around here, young man. The correct line is “Yippee-ki-yay, Mr. Falcon”.
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.
i lost my shit when Falcon was dubbed over that line. but in a good way b/c of the absurdity.
“This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the alps!”
“Flip you, melonfarmer!” as they dubbed into Repo Man.
I first saw the TV version and it was so weird that I didn’t realize that it was dubbed, I thought that was how people insulted one another in that universe. I think it works better the dubbed way.
“D mickey fickey, D! Learn to speak English first alright, 20 D batteries!”
Welcome to the party, pal!
When is your first duel?
Oh… you live in a state that requires permits to conceal carry? How quaint.
Where did you pick yours up? Mine wore out and I need a replacement.
Taser (won’t call them by their new “friendlier name”) is pushing an app for you to snitch on your neighbors and send reports to cops.
Do I have to bust out that line from Nineteen Eighty-Four again?
Is it really a “friendlier name”? I mean it’s a weapons company called Axon. Seems to me their name is saying “Fuck you plebes. Here have some nerve damage”
Yeah, but they changed their name due to the negative reaction to pigs tasering people for no reason. So I’ll just go ahead and keep calling them by the old name.
Don’t Axon me, bro!
This reminds of a commercial for some new TV show that celebrates people reporting on each other to solve crimes. My wife asked what I thought and I said the East Germans did it better…
My neighbor used the wrong recycling bin!
I just got around to reading the Sebastian Kurz interview that was linked to this morning. I find it amazing and depressing how the conventional wisdom among the media class is how there’s only extremism on one side of the political aisle. The FPÖ are no more extreme than the Greens. And Germans have been electing the extremist SED to their parliament for the last several elections.
No enemies on the left.
Intentions, it’s all about the intentions.
Be careful there, Austrians don’t like being lumped in with Germans.
Sweet mercy that interview was painful to read. Kurz did a very good job, but roughly half of the questions were not-very-subtly trying to draw parallels to the Nazis, a quarter was trying to get him to smack talk other politicians and parties, and the first several questions were reemphasizing over and over how young he is. So very littlw substance, and in this case it’s the fault of this lefty rag asking the questions.
I think this guy missed that one day in health class…
I just watched Demon Seed over the weekend.
He caught up by watching that Rick+Morty episode
Robot with a menstrual cycle…
And this is how you get Cylons. I, for one, welcome our new hybrid overlords.
I don’t know what specific rule changes I would make, but the passing game is too easy now.
In 2016, five QBs were rated 100 or better. In 2006, one guy was. In 1996, only two QBs were rated 90 plus. In 1986, the NFL’s highest rated QB was Minnesota’s Tommy Kramer at 92.6…1976 was different: Ken Stabler and Bert Jones were both rated over 100. The third-best guy was Buffalo’s Joe Ferguson at 90.0
Instead of looking at any given year, how about decades? Here are the 100+ QB Ratings by decade:
1970s: 3
1980s: 3
1990s: 12
2000s: 21
2010-16: 34
More 100+ QB ratings in seven seasons than in the twenty before it? QBs aren’t that much better than they used to be.
Blame Bill Polian’s whining after the Patriot defense beat the hell out of the Colts’ receivers in their 2004 AFC title game defeat. That’s the point at which pass defense was basically outlawed.
His and Peyton Manning’s.
Pretty much.
Can you imagine what kind of numbers Marino or Elway or Montana might have had if they played under today’s rules? Marino’d probably still hold every season and career record for yardage and TDs.
It’s like the discussion amongst Giants fans regarding Eli. His most passionate defenders always cite his career stat ranks, but that elides that fact that he’s played his entire career in the most favorable environment for QBs in the history of the sport. I wouldn’t say to completely ignore his career totals, but you do have to take them with a large grain of salt, and I’m as big a Giants fan as anyone.
He’s had a weird career – he’s never been one of the best in the game, but he was good to very good for a very long time and played his best ball in two SB runs….yet he also was flat out terrible at times. I can’t think of a good comp for him – the rest of the multiple SB MVP quarterbacks were all clearly better. The other guy who won two titles without being one of the very best, Plunkett, didn’t have nearly the career he’s had. I guess maybe Flacco if he had two title runs, but he doesn’t.
I’m in the minority among Giants fans, but I still think Simms was the better QB. You take Phil Simms and put him in this era, with the receivers Eli has had, and I’m certain he does more than Eli. The best receiver Simms ever had was Mark Bavaro for a few years before his knee started to fall apart. The second best was probably Earnest Gray. Eli’s had Toomer, Plax, Odell, and a bunch of guys who were excellent before they got hurt (Steve Smith, Nicks, Manningham, Cruz). Any of them would have easily been the best receiver Simms ever played with.
I don’t know what specific rule changes I would make
The Illegal contact rule for DBs. If a receiver can’t recover from being slapped by DB, they should learn to be a kicker.
Especially now when there are lots of huge receivers. Some of these guys are basically TEs with speed.
I’d also make any player miming the ref-throwing-a-flag gesture to try to draw a penalty be a personal foul. WRs do it all the time.
Miming a card towards the ref in soccer is supposed to get you a yellow card. It’s inconsistently applied. Surrounding the ref to complain about a call/non-call is also supposed to get you a yellow card, but that’s rarely if ever enforced.
They should be able to make it hurt. Eject the player. They do that once or twice players will stop.
Why? Is it really that big of a deal?
It is annoying. Its especially annoying when the referee waits to see if the receiver dropped the ball, signals, then throws the flag.
+1 Fran Tarkenton.
Bert Jones to Roger Carr was a thing of beauty. I’ve never seen that kind of arm before or since.
Bert Jones? Wait a minute……you’re not actually Ernie Accorsi, are you?
Accorsi has managed to work references to Johnny Unitas and Bert Jones into every single interview he’s ever given.
Accorsi is one of those people what killed Jesus. I’m one of those people what hired one of his people. See the difference?
Players are better athletes than they were in the past. Better training and better equipment from youth. Rule changes. Different style of offense (1970’s pass was targeted long distance passes, 2000+ targeted shorter distance passes). Much better (and complicated) offensive schemes.
These are some the reasons QB ratings are higher.
Plus the NFL QB rating is stupid and outdated.
CRM-114s are also in 2001: a Space Odyssey. Very diverse company.
Well he said “can’t we get along with Russia?” not North Korea.
Underwear bomber says rights violated in prison.
Hard to feel for a guy that tried to kill 300 people.
The only thing that might have merit is the solitary confinement. Otherwise, what is the jail going to do to stop people from mocking him? It’s good that we allow prisoners to practice their faith in jail, though. Which is what makes us better than most other countries, but you have no right to be free from derision, because of your faith. That’s dumb
Hmm… I thought that your rights were taken away when you went to prison…
Prisoners still have (limited) first amendment rights, especially to religion.
Sure. You can do or say what you want in your cell. But… his “right to free association”? yeah…..
I’m for prisoners having certain rights respected if the prison is for moderate crimes and rehabilitation is the goal, Punishment prisons for murderous assholes should not give inmates any right and should be called cemeteries.
We have prisons where rehabilitation is the goal? In the US?
Do you mean to tell me that court-ordered anger management is a scam?
I guess I should have ZARDOZ’ed that IF
Something, something cruel and unusual…?
ugh, Islamophobe.
/slinks off to corner.
He already burned his junk off. What’s left but vexatious litigation?
Headlining a low-budget porn movie?
I watched that back in the day. The, um, finale was a sad sight.
“Includes the sequel, Frankenpenis!”
I’ll just drop this here, to build anticipation:
Harvey TURNS startled, sobbing.
NAME REDACTED, I wasn’t expecting…Here, have a seat.
Harvey tries to wipe a cum stain off the cushion next to him.
…and? AND?!
Should I drop it in the links?
“Uh uh!
And then along came Harvey
Slimy scummy Harvey
Slow stroken Harvey
Slow stroken Harvey
Along came plastic plant raping Harvey”
And here we were told it would stop with the statues. (Not tgatbwe believed the bastards.)
Anyone who said ‘only confederate statues will be effected’ was either a useful idiot or a willful idiot
That guy at Reason?
You’re gonna have to be a lot more specific.
I thought it was Gillespie. Bailey only cares about living forever.
In all likelihood, you could ha e said any staffers name and it would probably be true at one time or another.
I’m sure Bailey, Welch and Gillespie all agree.
Quite rich from a magazine that used to publish holocaust deniers. One of whom wrote in Reason about the expulsion of the Sudetens. Gee I wonder what he was implying there?
To be fair it was multiple staffers. I think, ENB was the only one with a rational response. She said why not have local communities decide this rather than outside mobs.
Bailey said he supports taking down confederate statues and then said in the comments that he would stand in opposition to taking down any other statues. Which was always a lie. He’s been silent on the issue lately, as has all of the staff.
Eric Boehm. In the same article he mentioned Taney who wasn’t a Confederate.
Annnnnd this is why I told my friends who call themselves Republicans or Libertarians to not cheer on the actions of the Leftist Mob when they were tearing down the statues. Tearing down statues was the beginning and they would eventually move onto other stuff, especially stuff that Libertarians and Republicans like. The leftist Mob can’t be mollified and will always seek other shit to destroy.
That’s why they should be resisted. Physically if necessary.
Slippery slopes are real. And these assholes can’t ever be granted an inch.
I’ve never heard of a happy result occurring from iconography
Constantine V defeating Arabs?
(although it is quite like the whole ‘iconoclastic persecutions’ was mostly made up decades after the event for political reasons anyway)
Well Chipper Morning Wood supports it because John doesn’t.
I’m sure the same goes for Sparky
Chipper Morning Wood and $parky….there’s a family reunion you can leave me out of. At least $parky’s a trustworthy asshole.
Guys like them and Hugh Aston really turned me off Reason. The sort of mindless bootlicking that libertarians should avoid and this site should as well.
Fuck you, Winston.
Worship me!
Sloopy on Hugh made me literally LOL.
I would have thought Warty and SugarFree would have been part of the bootlicker brigade but they are here so I was wrong.
The Dutch Republic?
The bottom line is that they never really gave two shits about confederate generals. They only cared that some people valued them. And that was their reason to take them down. SJWs are bullies. They do what you expect bullies to do.
Gadsden was a slave owner so what about that flag?
To be fair, I was always more of a fan of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which was designed by an abolitionist, incidentally.
Yes. That was the best revolutionary war flag.
Who’s next, Elie Wiesel? Oh yeah, it’s allegedly Elie Wiesel!
As the photographer took the picture, “Elie Wiesel’s right hand had reached my right ass cheek, which he squeezed.” Listman claims Wiesel, “immediately RAN, disappearing straight into the crowd of over 1000 people,” leaving her in a state of shock, panic and disbelief. The disbelief extended to her boyfriend, who at first tried to explain it away.
I just have a hard time picturing Wiesel sloooooooooowly going down her back and grabbing her ass at a Holocaust photo op and then running off into a crowd so as not to get caught.
That’s something Mel Brooks would have tried to stick in a movie 40 years ago for a laugh.
Breaking news: Everyone famous has grabbed someone’s ass at some point.
Except Colin Quinn.
Oh, I’m not famous.
Not Stephen Hawking.
*sustained applause*
I hope it’s tinny, synthesized applause.
He wasn’t always half-man half-chair.
I had a coworker who used to put her hand on my leg in meetings. She was attractive.
She also once said when I got off the elevator accidentally on her floor in a hotel that I could come hang out in her room.
However, her husband is a cop. Yeah, no.
Which means you not only passed up potentially great sex but a potentially lucrative settlement with the city.
Phew, dodged that bullet.
Saw that
Just the fact that the original source was Medium makes me skeptical. Especially when they’re trashing the reputation of a dead guy.
So ate there any governors, reps or senators you would describe as libertarian Democrats? Do they support free speech, oppose war, oppose gun control and oppose socialized medicine?
I tried searching pro gun democrats and literally could not come up with anything newer than 2013, so I am thinking ‘no’.
I think the closest is Joe Manchin aka Senator Fudd.
Reason tried to pawn Jared Polis off as one, but….yeah, no.
Polis is gay and likes video games seemed to be the main reasoning.
Bottom line is no. It’s why, as bad as the Republicans are, there are at least a few of them who kinda sorta believe in individual liberty. The Democrats simply are the anti-freedom party at this point.
Anti-freedom and out of power which teens volumes about how the Demo truly feel.
I was going to say Brian Schweitzer because he signed the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, but he’s been out of office for a while and supported single payer.
Bill Richardson was also gun friendly while Governor of New Mexico, but he was fine with Kelo style eminent domain and also has not been in office for a while.
New Mexico is a really interesting microcosm because they are bluer than a smurfs dick but if you even attempt to touch their guns you will be out on your ass.
Kinda depends where, though. For a long time (i.e. when I was a yute) it was far more evenly divided. I interned for Domenici and the joke back then was that NM always sent one D and one R to make sure NM had high committee positions whoever held the Senate. NM was always a kind of banana republic, anyway, but fraud was/is rampant (famous one i remember my parents being infuriated by, of ballots “found in the closet”), so it’s not surprising that between that and the growing population it tends more Blue.
This time you have gone too far, Florida Man
Hey, the FBI arrests another terrorist that they gave the idea and the methodology and the actual bomb to! Congratulations?
Get rid of the pussy rules that make hard hitting old fashioned football illegal.
Like that bullshit roughing the passer call that turned an interception into a first down followed by a touchdown.
the helmet to helmet one?
No, when Brady was hit as he released the ball.
Peak derp?:
I’m calling troll. Otherwise you might have won.
Most of what Tankie Takes retweets/posts are actual posts from actual tankies, judging from the rest of their content history. Some trolls mixed in, but most real.
What JB said, somebody is just compiling a bunch of tweets from different people. There is also a subbreddit where tankies as they are called hang out.
Comments include comparing Kim Il Sung to Jesus and Buddha and how gulags are much more progressive than the American prison system. Also North Korea is a better country because they would not have let Charlottesville happen.
Here is another one:
Here is a fact nonwestern countries cannot be imperialist.
Is this a new addition to the whole only white people can be racist thing?
“Here is a fact nonwestern countries cannot be imperialist.”
Japan hardest hit.
Rich white kids are hilariously ignorant about the world. Tell the Chinese and the Koreans that non-Western countries cannot be imperialist
I think that’s Korea hit hardest. Or the rest of East Asia.
Emperor of Japan hardest [Hiro]hit[o].
Since Korea got hit by both Chinese and Japanese imperialism, I concur.
Let’s not forget Tibet, either.
So those guys hate Jacobin? Maybe Jacobin treats tankies like Buckley treated John Birchers.
By the way that could be my mother in law’s twitter feed.
Real or fake, JuCheGuevara is an amazing nickname and deserves praise.
the football rules almost force QB’s to stay in the pocket looking at the medium and long ball. It’s harder to get PI calls short, holding can still happen on the better matchup flats.
If we could remove the hard pads, we’d incentivize better cleaner hits. I still think that the vicis helmet (autoplay) is better to use going forward.
extend the contact the WR’s can get from 5 yards to 10.
I don’t mind turf at this point, I do prefer grass. Domes are dumb.
I second the motion to put the superbowl outside in the north.
head injuries usually come from not the huge hits, but the little ones. If we remove pads from DBs and WRs, it will lower the number of blind, high speed hits. those are usually what causes body injuries. The helmets have to change to help brains.
Linemen could use better training too.
This is true in hockey as well. most of the concussions come from hard but legal hits. taking away hard shoulder pads would solve the high speed slamming into the corners.
fighting ends up happening to defend players from hits like that that cross a more moral line than written rule. NHL wants players moving fast and somehow not being injured/concussed from the hits that happen at those speeds.
Brain issues are mostly caused by it slapping the inside of the persons skull…what type of helmet is going to fix that?
The idea is to make slapping harder. more compression, bigger bumper.
We can put a bumper on a car to prevent car accident injuries too. I vote we put Elon Musk on it.
Hey, the FBI arrests another terrorist that they gave the idea and the methodology and the actual bomb to! Congratulations?
Maybe the SPLC should put the FBI on their terror organizations list.
::looks and see Trump name at head of FBI organizational chart::
You mean they aren’t already there?
So anyone to mention L. Frank Baum’s pro-genocide? Or what Shirley said about Arthur Freed?
Being pro-genocide isn’t necessarily bad. Was he against white males?
He wrote pro-genocide of Native Americans around the time of Wounded Knee.
Or what Shirley said about Arthur Freed?
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Do you like movies about gladiators?
Nice beaver.
Thanks. I just had it stuffed.
What phony dog poo?
Bro bought the P225A and loves it. He’s of medium build and it carries well.
An excellent choice. I have a P6 (old *’78 date stamp* German cop version. I likee bally much.) Still want a P220 .45.
Fucking spendy, though.
Did you change out the main spring? It makes a world of difference in the trigger pull. I think i went down to a #19.
Normally i think the law goes too far, but…
I think the crime should hinge on whether he was singing the chorus, or doing the entirety of Freedom Williams horridenous quasi-rap
What if he was re-enacting the gay steel mill scene from The Simpsons?
+1 We work hard, we play harder.
They took all of our best names!
+1 Bruce
while driving? that is surely a moving violation.
I would have ticketed him for the song alone.
Did he jump, jump to the rhythm?
OMWC version:
From that link, I had no idea that Finns look like Louisianans
the helmet to helmet one?
I can’t even remember which game it was. “Helmet to helmet”? Maybe. Two independently moving players cannot be expected to nullify the “laws of physics” in order to avoid any and all helmet to helmet contact. Especially if one is them is intent on colliding with the other.
This. There is a difference between incidental contact and using your helmet as a weapon.
In they particular play he could have since one player was essentially stationary. The worst ones are when you see a WR duck into a hit causing the defensive player to hit their helmet where it previously wasn’t. These seem to be blamed on the defense though, onsrtad of the offensive player who forced it.
I bring tidings of sadness.
Yoga Pants are Destroying the Planet
Expect the hot virtue-signalling chicks in your yoga class to quickly switch to baggy cotton. Someday historians will refer to our era as the “golden age of yoga pants”…
Meh. The oceans are pretty fucking big. And my time on this planet is limited.
Lululemon is doing G_d’s work.
Lululemon is doing G_d’s work.
Damn straight.
And my time on this planet is limited.
Keynes approves.
(a) I hate this. The fact that women wear yoga pants on a regular basis is the greatest thing to come of the second decade of the 21st Century (b) I would never be caught dead in a yoga class. I see my yoga pants on the street
Yoga pants are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Don’t forget tights!
It’s made waiting in airports quite bearable these days.
I use them interchangeably. Or “leggings”.
I agree, but I am so happy that they weren’t around when 8th grade Cardinal Jimbo was.
As a teacher how do you get Jr. High age boys to pay attention to anything but the yoga pants on all the Jr. High girls? And what are the legal ramifications of asking a boy with a permanent boner to do any work at the chalkboard?
This sounds like a problem a filter in the washing machine can solve. Yoga pants have likely contributed more to the nation’s health simply by drawing men into gyms to see chicks in yoga pants than anything the CDC has ever done.
^^^Future Secretary of Health and Human Services
From a story I recently wrote:
He thought Elaine Pomeroy could definitely afford Lululemon yoga pants, but it was doubtful they would ever look as good on Elaine Pomeroy as they did on her — despite yoga pants’ mystical and uncanny ability to mold the shape of the lower female body into an omnisensual presence that rendered genetics, workout routines, and dietary habits moot.
Here is the link to the Libertarian-friendly story titled The Analversary.
Although I haven’t taught in years, as someone who is certified as a yoga teacher, yoga pants or any tight-fitting garments aren’t good for yoga.
Shut your whore mouth and let these girls continue to purchase tight fitting clothing!
If you ever speak of this again…I will be so angry with you!
Now, now, calm down and let me explain. Two things. Firstly, guys who like ogling women wearing yoga pants generally don’t take yoga classes. And if they did, they would realize the pants are hardly necessary to appreciate the female form — it’s a room with women literally posing. Secondly, women who walk around in yoga pants probably aren’t serious about taking yoga classes. Or they need to take a shower.
tl;dr: When you see women in yoga pants, neither of you are in a yoga class.
Next you’re going to claim that woman like being looked at in yoga pants. Pshaw.
That’s just crazy talk.
Speaking of crazy, meet Lizzie:
And… signal deployed. Thx
Boo hoo, you’re a police officer not a nanny. Go fuck yourself and your disrespect for the people employing you.
It doesn’t matter where the fuck the other hand is. Holding a steering wheel with only one hand isn’t a crime. Probable cause, how the fuck does it work? Again, go fuck yourself.
Shut up and drive! Fucking idiots on their phone, not paying attention, violating the NAP with your reckless habits
/get off my road
If they’re actually distracted and their driving shows evidence of it, the existing laws were adequate.
Will car radios be ripped out? Or heater controls? Or talking to passengers? How about a mental evaluation prior to turning the ignition? Shitty day at work can easily mean not paying full attention to the road.
Know where the controls are, and prepare to Drive, if someone is distracting you tell em to STFU.
Driving is a very serious thing, distraction hurts the innocent,
/yells at clouds
No cellphones!!
Maybe the guy is just pulling a Weinstein.
I find that driving a manual transmission in a car that lacks power steering and is a fraction of the size of everything else on the road does wonders for your focus.
I used to be able to do that and eat a burger, fries, and shake.
Shit, I could roll a joint one-handed.
Still, I am not a fan of all the shit in the cars. I had a Suburban last week that was constantly blinking, vibrating and pinging at me. Pass.
you’ve been outdone.
Tundra is the black people of white people?
It’s been suggested before.
Yeah, guess who never tailgates now?
Haha! Yep, I’m Ms. Manners now.
It’s amazing how quickly my habits changed. I don’t think I was even a bad driver before, but losing every comfort really tells you what driving actually is.
It’s why I contend that most safety features aren’t.
+1 Tullock spike
I love my old Kia, that’s why, gotta drive it,
/Half past 4 and I’m shiftin gears
So when are you upgrading to a motorcycle?
Never! I want a GT6 next. Small sports cars are a blast.
BMW’s g310r looks kinda cool for a commuter.
Usually, my dick. Is that illegal as well?
I know I have trouble keeping mine out from under the pedals as well, HM.
“If I see one hand up on the wheel … where’s the other hand?
Not all of us can wait till we get home to masturbate, you privileged asshole.
What a jerk off. Maybe the other hand is fingering his wife.
The driver’s wife or the cop’s wife?
The cop’s wife.
I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me following up with “good. That is an important lesson for all children to learn.”
Seriously fuck this guy in the neck. Any cop who shows such an obsession with a particular law should be counseled.
The town where I grew up in had a cop who made more DUI arrests than any other cop. Lots of awards, recognition, etc. Except that it turned out later he was busting people who weren’t always intoxicated. Ooops. Oh well, so sorry about that phony arrest that you now have to disclose. And it had been going on for years and it also turns out the city had been settling lawsuits over the cop’s phony arrests pretty much from the start.
Of course he cop got punished- had to resign.
Forget texting and driving – texting and walking should be a capital offense.
“‘Willing to Do Everything,’ Mothers Defend Sons Accused of Sexual Assault
Few issues in education today are as intensely debated as the way colleges deal with sexual misconduct. Women’s groups and victims’ advocates have deplored Ms. DeVos’s moves, saying they will allow colleges to wash their hands of the problem. But a growing corps of legal experts and defense lawyers have argued that the Obama rules created a culture in which accused students, most of them men, were presumed guilty.
And some of the most potent advocates for those men have been a group of women: their own mothers.
Some of the mothers met with Ms. DeVos in July to tell their stories, and Ms. DeVos alluded to them in a speech she gave last month. An advocacy group founded in 2013 by several mothers, Families Advocating for Campus Equality, or FACE, has grown to hundreds of families, who have exchanged tens of thousands of messages through their email list, said Cynthia Garrett, co-president of the group.
The mothers lobby Congress, testify on proposed legislation and policy, and track lawsuits filed by men who say they have been wrongly accused. A bill in the California Legislature that they testified against, which would have enshrined the Obama-era regulations into state law, passed both houses but was vetoed this month by Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, who said it was “time to pause” on the issue.”
Liberals mugged by reality?
I hope Dirk Benedict is involved.
it’s so odd and telling that those who defends the Dear Colleague letter sound almost identically like the jury that let off the two men who killed Emmitt Till.
This was posted already, but it’s worth reposting:
If I see one hand up on the wheel … where’s the other hand?
Flipping you off, in my car.
“Why Liberals Are Turning Against the Internet
Following the news of late might lead one to conclude that Mark Zuckerberg is America’s Public Enemy Number One, and that the World Wide Web is destroying the foundations of the country’s democratic system.
“Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend,” cried a recent headline in The New York Times. Perhaps surprisingly, the long article below called for federal regulation of the destructive and arrogant information high-tech companies now being blamed for the election of President Donald Trump and much else besides. Having spent years telling its readership that Zuckerberg was a revolutionary innovator and boy genius, The New York Times has had second thoughts. If you believe that the most pressing danger facing the American Republic is sitting in the White House, the author explained, then think again. Apparently, it’s hidden in Silicon Valley.”
They’re not turning against the internet, they just want to bring it to hell.
Effin autocorrect
That was John worthy, and true.
That is a problem when the “free media” want censorship to allow them to save their businesses and to remain gatekeepers.
Cuz Trump killed Net Neutrality and they can no longer seize control.
“Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend,” cried a recent headline in The New York Times.
But the CEOs are trying so hard to be woke! Who could have foreseen that appeasement wasn’t going to work…
Without the internet widely distributed public information was filtered through a handful of mostly leftist gate keepers. They realize this, so they are coming after it through multiple methods. Pressure on major content providers and legislative bodies. The truth is not meant for plebes.
“These are just some examples of how I was infected by sexism. There were countless other ways in which I blatantly or more subtly devalued women, their thoughts and their feelings.
I’ve considered myself a feminist for about 25 years, and it’s been a long process of unlearning. I try to take up less space: I wait until a woman in the room has spoken before I chime in. I walk in the street in a non-intimidating way – if it’s late at night and there’s a woman in front of me, I keep my distance or cross to the other side.
I count how many women there are in the space I’m in, and I practice calling in other men in empathic, non-competitive ways (not “my feminism is bigger than yours”). And I’m still learning. I’m truly grateful to all the women who trusted me, educated me and called me out when I deserved it. Unlearning is hard but I believe we’re en route to a better, kinder society.”
So how long before we find out the author is a rapist?
No wonder the left loves sharia.
Meh, we teach people to be aware of their surroundings. Late at night alone in isolated area I’d say giving possibly nervous people a little space is common courtesy. Hell I’d be wary if some dude was approaching me from behind as I staggered home from the local at 2am when only bums and the homeless are usually about, and I’m a big tough beardy construction worker.
But he is only concerned with walking near women, not being polite in general.
To be honest, I would usually keep my distance in that situation too, primarily because I wouldn’t want to be pepper-sprayed by some jittery chick who’s had one too many cocktails.
The rest of it is just typical leftist weapons-grade stupidity.
Definitely an asshole.
How about ignoring them like you would a dude?
I can’t tell if this describes a “feminist” or some bizarre, damaged child who thinks women are made of glass.
An insecure shithead most likely
On a related note, apparently gamergate site owner was accused of sexual harassment.
No idea if it’s true, but this seems like trend.
A guy from Nickelodeon is getting slimed to.
“Male Feminist Allies: The Witch Hunters Have Become The Witches, Hunted”
Quite the neogaffe
Finally a gizmo that allows me to enjoy beer the way it should be.
Ugh. High Life.
Says the fancy boy from Exclusive West Maple Grove.
The High Life is The Beer down here in the barrio of East Maple Grove.
Please. Our whole city is barrio except for the south siders who wish they were in Plymouth. High Life is just not good. My neighbor loves it. No amount of shaming, bribing or threatening will sway him. Quote: “I can’t believe they can make it so good and sell it so cheap.”
“” High Life is just not good”‘
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, it is shitty beer.
On the other hand, when i’d drink shitloads of makers mark back when i was playing pool… it was used as something to keep me from drinking too-fast. because they were $1. frankly, they tasted pretty good after 6-8 whiskeys.
I actually don’t mind Highlife. But for the money, Busch Lite is the best cheap beer, hands down.
Someones’ never had an ice cold Stroh’s or ten.
You know…you’re right, I haven’t. I really need to try some once.
Anything tastes good after 6-8 whiskies. Probably even Busch Light.
I enjoy shotgunning a beer every now and then. Or, at best, having a yard-chugging contest (*i’ve tended to lose, not because i’m incapable, but because i think its more important to ensure the beer stays inside me)
funneling, and its variants, is something no one older than 22 should be involved in.
If locusts were one of the plagues send to the Egyptians for enslaving (((them))), what does a plague of stinkbugs signify?
Mexicans. The plague of Mexicans.
No weed and butt-sex?
There will be plenty of Mexicans, I’m sure you can find a taker or two.
Nice rack
According to proggy Twitter, this is one of those white supremacist ads that just came out today. Seems like projection to me if you associate the word “felons” with certain races, but maybe that’s just me.
It was Mario Cuomo who first brought up Willie Horton, wasn’t it?
Have them wear lacrosse style shoulder pads.
brings back memories.
i played lax in the 80s-90s. most people cut the shoulders off the pads and kept nothing except collarbone protection, because that’s where you’d catch the occasional cross-check at full speed.
the helmets and gloves sucked tho. there were mods to those too, but you couldnt get away with much. the equipment now is absurdly light/flexible and well constructed, in comparison.
Helmets in any sport are much better now. The gloves now are great. I cut the part that covered my bicep and had really think elbow guards. I actually bought a rib protector for underneath the chest. I had caught a few too many slashes and pokes to the kidneys. I never minded the bruises my arms got. my shoulder dislocated on one hit, a concussion on a blind cross check I ran into while running around the crease.
The cross checks up high were the biggest worry for me when I was a ref. I was a ref for middle schoolers, and laid the law pretty well before the game started.
thin, not think elbow guards.
Well, I fucked that up
ATTN Derpetologist,
Here’s a fun followup to your comments on codes.
Kids that were picked on relentlessly?
So what do you guys think of high trust/ low trust societies and their relation to libertarianism? Japan is high-trust but not libertarian. China is low trust yet had major reforms. Classical liberalism didn’t take off in high trust societies either.
I think it has a lot to do with culture beyond just trust level. I’d think that approaches to religion, family ties and overall collectivist tendencies probably play a lot more into that than just trust.
Classical liberalism didn’t take off in high trust societies either
Necessity being the mother of invention, a “high trust society” is just one in which the need for liberalism has not yet become apparent.
Classical liberalism didn’t take off in high trust societies either.
My guess is that it isn’t so much that libertarianism or classical liberalism stem from high trust societies as that they increase the level of trust within a society.
Just wanted to give a little shout-out and thanks to all y’all who have submitted something and have been languishing waiting to hear back from us. I appreciate your patience while we’re all under the gun (not literally).
“This video is not available.”
Well, there are no ghost-busters, either, but apparently you can sell out of that, too. It’s a wonderful world we live in.
People dress up something scary for halloween. What’s scarier to a prog than a woman leaving the plantation and embracing libertarianism?
Log Cabin Republicans
I can see you’ve never been to Warty’s dungeon.
“Poppy Day is cancelled by the police: Outrage as forces insist they cannot afford to man remembrance parades amid budget cuts”
She has her own holiday?
the bennies of being in a cult!
“Please insert another generation into Flanders fields if you would like to continue the annual memorial..”
I see they’ve taken a page from our book by cutting the most visible stuff first.
Hey, what happened to my top of page button thing that used to hang out on the mid lower right side of the screen? And I thought the Monocle upgrade was going to address the automatic-page-reload-after-posting-comment bugaboo.
I’m not using Monocle, but I can see a button with an up arrow that does that.
Yep turned off monocle and there it is, but now I can’t hyperspace to unread comments, fuck it I’m going back to Reason.
A “Top Of Comments” button on the Monocle bar apparently took it’s place.
Nah that was always there, and only goes to the first comment the other button goes all the way. IYKWIMAITTYD.
Top of comments was always there? Huh, I thought it was new.
But yeah, I know the arrow you are talking about. Well, not personally, but we met a time or two.
The comment system must be messed up over there too. P Brooks’ comments would always load at the bottom of the page.
One new behavior; when Monocle loads new comments when you are in the middle of typing a reply, it kicks the reply box back to the bottom of the page and sometimes deletes -sometimes not- what you have typed. I tried three times to get this comment typed up. Had to turn off Dynamically Load Comments to get it done.
you have to turn it on first in the lower right hand menu
it works, but i think it resets itself every time you revisit the page. or, every time leave/close the browser, and come back, it needs to be turned back on.
“Don’t put Vicks VapoRub in your vagina”
I knew these guys who would go to raves and put Gold Bond on their balls.
Uh…. why?
Because it feels…lovely.
Wasn’t that an urban legend? I thought someone had debunked the claim that Michael Vick’s girlfriend smeared something on her pussy and let the dogs lick it off. And I thought it was peanut butter not vaporub.
Gold Bond Schmold bond…Anti Monkey Butt or GTFO
If your audience needs to be reminded not mentholated ointment on sensitive membranes, maybe they don’t deserve to be reminded.
I also knew a young woman who would go to raves and put Tiger Balm on her nipples.
God, I love the smell of Tiger Balm!
Po Sum On is even better.
Good song OMWC, but the important thing to know is who is that goddess on the album cover? Oooh boy.
“The UK government says the term “pregnant woman” should not be used in a UN treaty because it “excludes” transgender people.
Feminists reacted with outrage to what they said was the latest example of “making women unmentionable” in the name of transgender equality.
The statement comes in Britain’s official submission on proposed amendments to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the UK has been a signatory since 1976. The UN treaty says a “pregnant woman” must be protected, including not being subject to the death penalty.
Yet in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office submission, Britain opposes the term “pregnant woman” because it may “exclude transgender people who have given birth”. The suggested term is “pregnant people”.
They are starting to eat each other. Glorious.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Take me off of this planet.
Impregnated females of the species
This is why when people say the grievance majors are harmless, I differ. They actively seek out positions of power in bureaucracies so they can impose their semantic will in the rest of us.
Can’t they just stick a basketball under the shirt and pretend about that too?
“When Ass Eating Goes Wrong”
Vice needs to decide what kind of publication they want to be.
That’s just stupid.
You look at that article and don’t think they’ve already decided?
I think they decided a long time ago.
“Getting Wasted on Cum Cocktails
Our new, crazy intern Gabe got a bunch of her girlfriends and guy friends together to drink semen cocktails. Here’s how that went.”
guys participated in this?
Do they get the ‘fag’ or the ‘cuck’ label? shitlording is hard sometimes.
The women drank the cocktails, and the guys were here to provide semen.
Although, since at least one of them refused female assistance during the extraction process you could make the case that… actually looking at the women involved, he made the right call.
Beat up Chris Christie all you want he’s the least worst Governor we’ve had in New Jersey in a very long time. When Phil Murphy takes over and the madness begins, Christie will be fondly remembered.
I still can’t figure out how Jon Corzine wasn’t beaten to death by an angry mob.
I can’t figure out how Phil Murphy isn’t Jon Corzine (other than the beard).
OMG the hair. I can’t get a proper Google Images link but OMG the hair.
“Columbia Law Vegans Are Probably Discriminated Against, And I Assume Delicious
Dietary discrimination is the new black… for white people, I guess.”
‘Being able to choose to NOT EAT something because of your God or your morality is the OG of #FirstWorldProblems.’
Actually, I’d say those are #HistoryOfHumanityAllOverTheWorldProblems.
P.S. Don’t worry, Count. I’ll keep those evil vegans away from you. I got your back.
*heats up fryer, sprinkles salt on CP’s head*
“The Bank of England Has Way Too Many White Men, U.K. Lawmakers Say”
I completely agree. The fact that the Bank of England relies on human beings rather than a computer program that estimates real growth and matches monetary growth accordingly is a disgrace.
Update on Puerto Rico: Power unlikely to be fully restored in Puerto Rico until after Christmas, Army 3-star says
Another good article I read recently – can’t remember how to get around the paywall:
Of course, it’s all about the feelz – no point listening to the people who actually run these things. Let’s just waste money and resources for a couple photo-ops.
What a shitshow.
Paul Krugman is probably enjoying the stimulus.
Puerto Rico is a place that has implemented shitty economic and fiscal policies for decades and now it’s biting them in the ass in the worst way possible. My wish is that instead of people using this as an opportunity to bash Trump they would actually research why the island was ill prepared for Maria and why their infrastructure is way behind the times.
That’s not going to happen though because the cronies (politicians) won’t be able to get rich, it would involve some brutal self reflection, and no one can score political points.
Still no reason not to dump the Jones Act permanently. Let’s ride that wave!
And refueling those 400-500 generators??
It’s 98 and sunny here. The beer isn’t cold enough.
Weather Underground is better. Unfortunately.
I like weatherbug.
NWS. My tax dollars are paying for it so by god, I’m going to use it!
+1 Ayn Rand
Their radar is great.
You don’t realize it until Mexico. They just don’t have radar coverage down there.
It is great. I’ve tried other sites. I will check with them during bad storms to get more than one opinion, but I’ve not seen a site with better radar.
Their maps have quite a bit of error, but at least it’s real time data.
98 degrees, on the Pacific. Ridiculous. I picked my kids up early. No outdoor stuff there today, so swim time.
God Bless Murica!
I love South Dakota.
(and ND. Chill out, Mike!)
Oh man. In about one second, the rage built so much I thought I was gonna turn into the Hulk, and then I read the second sentence. That was close. I’m gonna go have 6-8 whiskey’s and some Busch Light.
No worries. I’m gonna always have a case of Busch Light for you in the guest cabin on my SoDak ranch!
I have a feeling when we talk about my visit it will go something like this
I’m not gonna have a fucking pool!
But yeah, pond would be good for you…
Busch lite is great for marinating carne asada, which I assume is delicious in the Dakotas.
*note to self: when visitors point at my 30 pack of Busch Light and laugh, tell them it’s for marinating the carne asada for the next cookout that they aren’t invited to.*
I love the responses.
Did you know that it only takes 3.8 million dollars for the NRA to control America? Somebody should tell Soros!
i think the “they have an airport?!!” responses set the tone nicely.
That doosh has a Wikipedia entry (that I’d but 100 bucks he wrote himself).
I would quintuple the bet
a quick scan of the edit-history shows its initial addition was rejected, for what seems to be “Who is this Nobody, and why do they belong in an Encyclopedia?”-reasons
as 1 reviewer who rejected it said, “References cited must be about him, not by him – Declining submission: bio – Submission is about a person not yet shown to meet notability guidelines (AFCH 0.9)) (undo)”
i’ve noticed that lots of these “i wrote 2 articles for Huffpo” activist-type people like to puff up their apparent credentials by describing themselves as “policy analysts” or “Data scientists”…
…when you look for their background, they’ve basically done nothing with their lives except recently graduate from college, and add some derp to the left-wing-internet-media-derposphere.
and despite the guy being very insistent on over-detailing his resume.. he doesn’t actually specify what his degree was. which looks like some gender-studies department type shit.
Classical liberalism is weird. It is an ideology that made large numbers of people free and wealthy yet it was killed by its own success and it is today pretty much totally discredited.
I don’t know about discredited but indeed it was a victim of its own success. Progressivism is the viral, parasitical result living off that success.
I hold out for some kind of renaissance for classical liberalism.
The Biggest problem Is Income Inequality. People are wealthier than ever but why are there still poor people? We are rich so why not redistribute the wealth from haves to have nots?
Another is that representative government and universal suffrage which supported the “goverment is us!” Attitude so why not use it to benefit everyone? Classical liberalism benefitted from the fact that the commoners, the vast majority of society, thought the government was corrupt, out of touch and only concerned with their own privileges. Since the government was controlled by the king, aristocrats and the Church this was easy to believe (hence my remarks about high/low trust societies) so classical liberalism fell on fertile ground.
Another is war. How do you keep non-liberal societies from conquering liberal ones without the warfare state?
Public schools were another big problem. They were supposed to save liberalism from reactionary Catholics but it involved government employees teaching kids, saying that kids are the property of the state and that education is the purview of the state so why not solve other social issues?
We have many much welfare but still have poor people. Hobos even!
Like this guy?
Bonus points for another round of Deblasio/Cuomo hissy fight.
At least the NYPD Commissioner made some sense.
It’s not like the MTA doesn’t have a team of people who try to get help for these types. But they typically refuse any help (like shelters) as being worse than just sleeping anywhere and being left alone.
How do you figure it’s totally discredited?
Name a policitician, academic, or media personality who is a classical liberal.
I think Stossel at least tries
It may just be semantics but discredited and unpopular aren’t the same thing. I’d also argue politics, academia, and the media tend to attract narcissistic wannabe oligarchs whose primary motivation is the accumulation of power and they tend to rise to the top of the hierarchy because they’re highly motivated to do so. There are plenty of people who buy into classical liberalism or some reasonable facsimile thereof, they’re just not quite so vocal.
My primary motivation is to get laid.
Nothing wrong with that.
And classical liberalism empowered those sorts of people.
True but that isn’t unique to CL as a political philosophy. CL actually provides an effective means whereby these sorts of people can be checked, often without violence. Bad ideas eventually lose out to good ideas but that can take a long time to occur and it can be bloody.
Not so much discredited, as willfully ignored.
D. N. McCloskey’s Bourgeois Equality is an interesting read on the subject.
Yeah, there was a clip posted the other night where the speaker was going on and on about how it lifted so many out of poverty and was interrupted with “they owned Slaves!”. Yeah, so the fuck what.
No non-formerly-slave-owning-society ever produced a smartphone able to tweet your disapproval of slavery. Nyaah.
It is only weird if you also accept Whig history. If you are more of a “every civilization plants the seeds of its own destruction” kind of guy, then it is no surprise.
Maybe it’s just two steps forward, one step back. Or maybe it’s Idiocracy.
Quite a few libertarians love their Whig view of history *cough*Gillespie*cough*
It is funny reading fin de siecle English Liberals as many of them thought WWI and the Labour Party would not happen.
+1 Herbert Butterfield
Jesse hasn’t been on in awhile. Did STEVE SMITH finally get him? Or maybe the other way around….
Jesse is currently on a vision quest.
Why weren’t we invited?
These euphemisms are getting weirder…
[cuts to Jesse in waiting room at optometrist, looking bored, reading “Boys Life” magazine]
I just saw Jesse today. Lurking near an elementary school.
Jon Gruden’s facial expressions are hilarious. He’s ready to eat the camera.
If I don’t score at least 26 points tonight I’ll be eating my fantasy football league admission fee.
+ 5 straight loses. :/
Hey western!
Don’t know if you’re looking manual or auto. there are a few cheap outback xt’s around me as well. I can check em out if you see any around here before you make the drive.
New tires have fur! This amuses me.
Oh, Rangers.
Got in an argument with the wife last night. No, I don’t need an intervention, but she actually hurled a full beer can at me. I caught it with my right hand and out of the air, popped it open and took a giant swig. She actually forgot she was angry and laughed for a second.
‘She actually forgot she was angry and laughed for a second.’
Then you married well.
alpha af
Nah. An alpha would’ve said, “Now why don’t you toss me a sammich”.
You didn’t?! SMDH
I don’t think they have those in the Orient.
“Now why don’t you toss me a
sammichnumber 8”Your Asian wife ever toss something at you?
Only a right cross.
Bento box?
As the man in the wheelchair says: “If you can catch a can, you can dodge a divorce.”
I think it’s far past time to retire the avatar. It was originally chosen as a sly jab at TOS(The addition of SNP only punctuated the point. If for some strange reason you wish to get it and have Google Chrome, give the image search a whirl). But as of now, any sense of betrayal and vitriol is spent.
I no longer wish to identify myself in anyway here at Glibs as a disenfranchised refuge from TOS anymore than I wish to be identified as a former binary partisan hack refuge from one of the two main parties circa 2007.
Goodbye, Goya. Goodbye, SNP. Tomorrow I move on…
So…. your new name is…
Same name, new picture…
At TOS I originally toyed with the handle: Sony Gurm
Oh, God….please do that!
Bill S. is the shizznite in Crazy People.
I could never tell what your avatar was supposed to be.
Goya’s The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
They make the best canned beans too.
I’m particularly fond of their Habichuelas Rosadas.
Given your proclivities, it’s gotta be something cannabis related.
I’m leaning towards a quasi-selfie.
I may or may not have been really fucking high after a horrible day at work.
I was gonna use this. Feel free. Photo shop a top hat, can of PBR and a sammich and you’re good to go.
God, I’m so turned on right now! It’s almost as hot as a regional production of Chicago!
*Finally takes the hint bludgeoning me over the head*
Ha! That’s kinda fucked up.
I approve.
The age of consent.
Or go with A Young Girl Defending Herself against Eros.
I left out a couple e’s in there. Piss off.
I have sympathy for someone born with a chronic disease like this, but FFS grow the fuck up. Anthropomorphizing it and whining like this is pathetic. This seems like another notch on the belt of victimhood Olympics culture. “I’m being victimized by my condition waaaa waaaa waaaa!!!” Yeah, it sucks. Everyone’s got shit to deal with though, gut up or shut up.
There used to be strength and honor in overcoming adversity. It used to be laudable to face down demons and overcome obstacles. Now, it’s a race to the bottom for who can be the biggest, most pathetic victim of this, that or the other. It’s the opposite of Nietzsche’s Will To Power. Stop the Earth I wanna get off.
My reaction.
Yeah, so, at this point in the game, do I expect to win?
The correct answer is “no”.
However, I am becoming cautiously optimistic.
That was the most Ken post I have ever read.
It’s a little late to come out of the closet, but good for him.
What closet?!
I wasn’t in no closet.
Hail victory
Braves on the warpath . . .
You know who else hailed victory?
Was it Robert E. Lee?
Mark Rypien?
Sonny Jurgensen?
Dave Butz?
Russ Grimm?
Joe Jacoby?
Charlie Taylor?
Art Monk?
Joe Gibbs! It was Joe Gibbs.
The Coach? or the Team owner? Distinction with a difference
Michael Caine?
Leon Lett?
Didn’t leon drop the ball while celebrating *twice*? I know he did it once, in the snow, but i feel like it was magnified by repeat-occurrence.
i recall in the (i think) mid-late-90s we used the term “leon lett” to describe any sort of ‘pants falling down while you’re trying to look cool’ thing.
He got caught by Beebe and ran the wrong on another occasion.
Oops. He tried to jump on a blocked FG and gave the Dolphins another shot to win it.
Ahh, the snow was the field goal error
then the ‘celebrating and losing the ball’ was the super-bowl
I only knew his name because of those incidents. but i remember someone else saying it was a shame because he was one of the best defensive players of his era.
That would be NO.
I’m no longer cautiously optimistic.
Whatever optimism I have at this point is nothing short of reckless.
I’m recklessly optimistic and trending towards bitterly optimistic.
I…. what?
Despairing cursing rage
attends their rapid fall
World’s worst haiku
You ran up against Ginger Jesus, being assisted by the soul of Lukas Kusters. The game was lost from the start.
So, it looks like life is done being merely more ridiculous than the Onion, and is prepared to take things to Ludicrous Speed. I just glanced at the bunch of Dole bananas sitting on my kitchen island, and noticed that the sticker prominently displays the logo for the upcoming Star Wars movie. Star Wars fucking bananas. Even Yogurt didn’t go that far.
Star Wars even bought Alex Jones!
via Instapundit
an article by Andrew Sullivan, which attributes great-significance to “the immigration issue”, and a boat-anchor around the necks of democrats
Tyler Cohen wrote something @ Bloomberg, which had some parallel, if different, themes.
… where he looked at european and american and asian political trends… but used used the term “Culture” as being the key-factor in the rise of right-wing pols; that all were tied to changing attitudes about cultural vulnerability… His point basically being, “Its NOT the Economy, Stupid”.
I am not so sure about either analysis. Part of the problem is the inability to differentiate rhetoric (stated preference) from behavior (demonstrated preference). Sullivan glosses past a great example which could have been more revealing than it was: Obama’s actually very harsh policy stance on illegal immigrants, while mouthing platitudes to voters about how much he cared.
Basically, he knew his pandering bullshit mattered more to the left than the reality. Same with war.
As for cowen… i dunno. I think what applies to Europe makes sense. But as appealing as it might be to try to draw parallels between US immigration-anxiety and European ones… they are, in my view, in many ways fundamentally different. The US assimilates huge #s of incoming people and has done for a century. Europe, hasn’t ever, really. Also: their conflict over whether or not to absorb huge #s is more to do with economic necessity. they need them, in many ways. whereas we don’t, really. Anyway. Interesting stuff at least.
My libertarian nerd rage for the night:
The Supergirl TV show takes place in a different universe, with a totally woke woman president, but they still had to shoehorn in a latino saying “They’re building a wall to keep us out!”. They can’t help but inject their politics into everything, even if it doesn’t fit, they just ram it in like Harvey Weinstein with an empty water bottle.
Oh, they did in the TV show “Mindhunter” too.
I like the show quite a bit (with some minor complaints – e.g. i was commiserating with… Q i think, about how the main character has some acting-style issues)…
…but!… there have been a few moments in the first season where it seems obvious that someone in the production department plants a SJW flag and said, “Here is where we insert some Woke Dialogue”.
e.g. in episode 7 (?) the three main characters (#1 old-school male FBI agent, #2 younger, more-woke FBI agent, #3 secret lesbian academic expert on deviant psychology) are talking about one of their serial-killer subjects, and she gets all huffy when she hears #1 pick on the serial killer’s cross-dressing habit. She’s like “LOTS OF PEOPLE CROSS DRESS AND ARENT MURDERERS!! ITS NOT EVEN LIKE SEMI-UNUSUAL”…
….it wasn’t that her opinion was totally out of character (*it was clearly part of her sub-plot, where she struggles with her own hidden life)… it was that her sudden uppity yelling at dudes and lecturing them about the relative normalcy of transvestites was simply “out of period”. The movie “Dressed to Kill” came out in 1980. “Psycho” was still popular on re-runs. I could believe a character, particularly an expert on ‘deviant psychology’, might want to try to calmly lecture her peers that popular-fears about Trans-ness were possibly overblown…. but for her to start indignantly yelling at people that they were cavemen for daring to criticize the serial killers sexual habits….
…yeah, no= That’s Twitter Talking. Even the idea of a grown professional woman yelling at – *shaming* – FBI agents… was just implausible. ignoring the subject of trans-ness; just the idea that outsider Lady Academic could just assert her authority in that environment? Women’s lib was popular on college campuses, but the FBI was a 1950s culture. It just didn’t ring true in the slightest.
I wonder how much the internet has fueled the rise of “populism” as they define it. The people that become the most “Japanese” aren’t the ones that run their father’s father’s father’s kimono business. They’re the ones that come back after years abroad and see the deficits of other cultures rather than some romanticized version. Now days, you don’t need to go abroad to get a, certainly distorted, view of other cultures. Weaponized confirmation bias. As for “economic necessity”, hopefully a silver lining will emerge where Western Europe finally realizes that Ponzi scheme welfare systems are ultimately destructive.
Both good points.
I think the nativist sentiment in America is overblown, and overweighted, because of the internet-effect. how one postures re: immigrants is a wedge issue (sort of the way abortion was in the 1990s) becomes a defining dividing line.
the comparison re: abortion is maybe helpful. Only a fairly small # of women actually *get* abortions during their lives. But the way it is perceived is more as a proxy for a larger issue, which is “women’s rights”; ergo, any restriction at all, or any regulation, or any policy… is seen as an unspeakable infringement on the *idea* of reproductive freedom. Never mind how few people actually get late-late-late term abortions.
basically, often people who are affected the least can be the most-passionately vocal about it. Its a form of politics where most people have zero skin in the game, but everyone is given a say.
i think immigration/’nativism’ has become a similar thing. its just our modern wedge issue. many people have intensely visible postures on the subject; rarely do you hear anyone say, “i don’t know, its just not important to me”. its used as a binary thing.
Politics is the original cable bundler. You want to see abortion? Well, you gotta buy our package which includes free tampons. You want to see gun rights? Sign up for our package that includes terrorizing drug users.
minor caveat: i know that “hasn’t ever” part isn’t really true. There are large immigrant populations in many EU countries which arrived in different periods and are pretty well assimilated, more or less.
Its more that the current idea of ‘uncontrolled’ immigration, as part of the EU mandate, where countries are obligated to share an open-door ideal? is new, and not necessarily compatible with all member-states. Even ignoring the outside mobs of arabs and africans: many EU countries were already facing domestic political backlashes from the flood of Eastern European labor that moved west, to france and UK… See: Macron, and his aggressive stance toward Poland
basically, the comparison of US and EU doesn’t work because their “insiders/outsiders” dynamics are already far more complex than the US’; where here, its a mostly one-dimensional subject: “less illegal mexicans”. There, it has like 4 dimensions. Even if they all agree to limit the arab refugees, there are pressures even against the internal movement of labor within the EU.
I hope ZARDOZ is pleased and doesn’t cleanse me, I’m writing my last leg of the Harvey story and I found a way to fit the Brazilian model in.
You touched my breeest.
A whole generation of women raised on The Wizard.
I know that wasn’t the reference you were making.
I can’t take all the credit, though I probably will if everyone actually likes it. But I have to thank alcohol.
The big twist I jammed into part 3 meant I had to go and ad a few lines to the earlier chapters. But now it’s done…just waiting for the overlords. Who wants next?