Also known as the World Series Game 1 Links. or even the Global Warming World Series Eco-killer Links.  Or whatever else. Just don’t call it the Yankees Latest World Series. Because it is definitely not that, although I think Aaron Judge did strike out while answering a question about who he thinks will win it all.  I believe he was taken aback when the reporter threw him a couple of curveball questions.  But I’m not here to be mean. I’m sure he’s going to have a hell of a career. And I mean that in all sincerity. Dude just needs to learn to his curveballs away and occasionally take something off that swing and hit for average.

Now, it is gonna be hot today in L.A.  They’re expecting it to dip just below 100 for the start.  Tomorrow will bring little relief. And in a series where a few of the absolute best pitchers in baseball will be taking the hill, it will be interesting to see how they are able to maintain.  Let’s hope for a fun start tonight.

He likes french fried potaters, mmmmm.

And oh yeah, the Wall Street Journal does some solid, and truthful, sports reporting from time to time. I enjoyed that thoroughly.  I hope you do as well. (It opens for me from the tweet, but if it doesn’t for you, copy it and then open in a private window.)

Right, that’s that with sports.  Time for…the links!

Talk about upsetting your narrative. MSNBC gets more yuk-yuks than Saturday Night Live anymore.

This is how modern men become the Unsullied. Except, you know, they probably can’t fight.  Seriously though, if you’re taking this class, you should just go have your dick and balls cut completely off and chucked in the Potomac River.  Then tie a cinder block to your foot and jump in after it.

Hobos about to be kicked to the curb in Bay Area. But the local denizens have so much compassion, they’re demanding our tax dollars be used for a “solution” to the “problem”.  In the immortal words of the Representative from South Carolina “I got a solution. You’re a dick!”  They can use their own money. Or at least the tax money from Californians.

Hey, where the white women at?

MATT DAMON!!!!! Way to take a brave stand, ass.

I’m sure you’re just as shocked as I am. But its true. Chicago residents will face property tax hikes in 2020 and 2021 to try and fund municipal pension funds.

Chicago taxpayers face yet another property tax increase for police and fire pensions in 2020 — and another hike the following year in the tax tacked onto water and sewer bills to save the Municipal Employees pension fund, aldermen learned on the first day of City Council budget hearings.

Following five-year “ramp-up” periods, the additional increases will be needed to honor the city’s statutory promise to keep all four city government pension funds on the road to 90 percent funding by 2048.

By the city’s own estimate, police and fire pension costs will rise by $297.3 million, or 36 percent, in 2020. The Municipal and Laborers plan costs will grow by $330.4 million, or 50 percent, in 2022.

Well, enjoy being fiscally raped for the foreseeable future, Chicagoans. Because rates rising that sharply this quickly will never, ever be shored up.  This is what happens when your one-party ruled city lets pubsec unions fund campaigns and then sit across the bargaining table from the people whose campaigns they funded.  You have two viable solutions: bankruptcy with the legacy costs being discharged. The other involves nuclear bombardment from a space platform.  I wish you luck.

This is the costume, I shit you not.

LOL How could she ever have thought this was a good idea?

They better not start calling this cultural appropriation or I’m gonna fucking lose it.

Have a safe trip, Banjos.  See you in a couple days. I’ll try not to let the house go completely to shit. The rest of you…pray for me.