The ball is juiced and the strike zone tends to get bigger and smaller based on the situation. But none of that was able to keep the hard-hitting Astros from coming back to win Game 2 of the World Series last night. Hoo-boy! That was a doozy of a game. Now its back home to Minute Maid Park, where the ball will really fly (unless they replace them with, you know, actual baseballs that don’t surprise batters when they leave the field instead of dropping in for lazy pop flies).
Also, football is back tonight as a diversion. Thank God I can watch something boring after those two action-packed baseball games. Think about the truth in that statement for a minute and then wonder why the NFL’s attendance and viewership is really dropping like a stone.
Right. Let’s do…the links!
So now we’re supposed to believe these things about Vegas:
- The shooter acted alone
- He put up security cameras in a Vegas hotel/casino hallway without anyone noticing
- Nobody else helped him
- He shot a security guard several minutes before his rampage in a hail of 200 bullets and the police never came upstairs and nobody in a room on the floor opened their door and called the front desk
- His house was burgled just after the shooting but nothing important was taken
- And now we are being told that he took his laptop with him into that hotel room but the hard drive is gone.
OK, sure thing. That all seems legit. Especially since the dude has absolutely none of the signs of a mass shooter and nothing else in the world makes any sense in this thing. I’m sorry, but this whole thing feels like someone is trying to feed me a pile of horseshit.

Spot the racism! Its there.
The latest hotbed of racism? Kellogg’s!!!! America’s cereal manufacturers have always been racist, so this shouldn’t be news. Those fucks at General Mills have been making fun of the drunken Irish since forever. And their “Kike Flakes” brand with the gold-dust coated flakes was obviously a bad idea in 1934.
The FBI informant that brought you the real Russian collusion scandal has been cleared to testify before the House and Senate committees on the Uranium One “deal”. That ought to fill a few pairs of pants with shit over at the DNC Headquarters, not to mention the Clinton Global Scam and there FBI.

Disgusting fat pig
Don’t worry Rosie. I’m sure you’ve got enough fat and bile stored up inside you to labor through it.

Still delicious, but also evil!
Where do your delicious gummy bears come from? Sugar…and slaves!
Enjoy the day, friends. Banjos gets home in a few more hours from Balmer. So it looks like I’m gonna make it through her trip without going insane.
Negative – you need to comment on a link to be first. Even my comment below doesn’t count.
Your rules don’t apply to me.
I don’t make ’em, I just enforce ’em. *cracks knuckles*
(actually I don’t care – FoE rules don’t apply in Glib land)
Fascist thug.
*goosesteps off into the sunset*
-plays music from end of the Hulk.
Dont feel bad Archie. I ran afoul of this arbitrary rule for which there is no notice.
Sigh….. But as far as im concerned, you arw first.
You know who else ran afoul of an arbitrary rule?
Three felonies a day!
Josh Walker?
George Brett?
Winner. When the ump pointed to Brett in the dugout and called him out, I learned the true meaning of the word “conniption”.
*impotently shakes fist at Chips*
This trend is stupid and needs to go away.
Arizona man: I’m selling my ranch after aliens tried to abduct my wife
Arizona, huh? Did they come in a beat up pickup truck with a coyote?
The Gua’uld System Lords are not gonna like this.
We die free!!!
It sounds like he needs to get a better real-estate agent; I’m skeptical of this form of viral marketing.
So, they can levitate objects, but they have no defense against swords. Sounds legit.
Maybe it was cold iron?
One of our former governors claimed to see a UFO over Phoenix. This shit is real.
Of course it’s real. “unidentified” means unidentified, it doesn’t mean “alien”.
Paging Mr. Lizard. Mr Lizard, please check the status of your scouting teams.
How did he watch his cameras on his computer without a hard drive?
Only vaguely plausible thing I can think of is he was working off of a bootable USB stick and flushed it down the toilet. Otherwise it would have to be in the room too.
Of course, since no one has a lick of sense when they say “hard drive” these days — it could have been a M.2 SSD in the first place, which would probably also be flushable — just usually ultrabooks with those drives don’t let you easily get to them.
All that said, I’m still leaning towards this doofus flew drugs for the CIA from Florida in the 80’s and this was Company work in style or rogue op… just too many weird things. No proof — just that’s my gut until some actual facts surface.
That sounds plausible.
I don’t have enough faith in human nature to believe in conspiracies. Oswald acted alone. Terrorists crashed into the WTC. We landed on the moon. The Earth is round.
This shit storm? God damn.
I’m going with FBI sting goes wrong. The guy is the perfect front to play an arms dealer. His buyer goes up to check out the merchandise, then starts shooting. FBI has an “oh shit” moment, and cleans up what they can. If any family member or witness gets too uppity…well, be a damn shame if we find child porn on your computer or you get dragged down to Mexico by guys in a van.
Incompetence and ass covering is more plausible than an organized conspiracy.
FBI has an “oh shit” moment, and cleans up what they can. If any family member or witness gets too uppity…well, be a damn shame if we find child porn on your computer or you get dragged down to Mexico by guys in a van.
It sounds like you a describing a textbook example of an organized conspiracy. The FBI sting going wrong would not be. The cover-up, if indeed there is one, would be as conspiracy as it gets.
Though I think your theory is one of the more plausible ones.
Oh I think your right. If this is anything suspicious, it’s an ass covering (which technically, is still a conspiracy). Ass coverings are ad hoc, so it explains why they are so unbelievable.
I can’t help but notice you didn’t mention spiking the water supply with fluoride……
Have the ever seen a commie drink water?
Have you ever seen a commie’s teeth?
– precious bodily fluids
After shooting the pilot of SMILF in 2016 (on what happened to to be November 9, the day after Election Day), O’Donnell is now speaking out about the media’s part in the election,
You can shoot me when your done with the pilot. *Barf*
7. The security guard, the only eye witness, left the country for unknown reasons instead of attending a scheduled press conference.
8. Said security guard drove himself to Mexico after being shot in the leg by a .223 and then drove himself back.
It’s like they are trying as hard as they can to create conspiracy theories.
The shooter fired 200 rounds and only hit the security guard once, in the leg? Also, why were there so many guns? Why have hotel, FAA, and Air B’n’B records been deleted? How did they get the date of when he checked into the hotel wrong? How does someone make a living playing video poker?
“It’s like they are trying as hard as they can to create conspiracy theories.”
The frogs have not only turned gay, they are producing a musical on Broadway.
Video Poker can be a living. It is more like a job than gambling.
First, it is called full pay video poker. It pays out over 100%, that means statistically per the odds on the machine payout as a whole. So, if you read the odds payout on a machine, say for deuces wild, it needs to pay out 4000 on a 5 coin play (or 800-1 payout) and 25 on a four of a kind. That means that you are getting better odds on the payout than the risk taken (about 100.8%). NOW, IF ( a big if) you play at 99.7% accuracy (there is a statistically ideal way to play every single possible hand) then your payout IN THE LONG RUN will be 50 cents for every 100$ through the machine. Play 700 hands an hour at $1.25, $875 an hour through the machine, making you roughly $4.37/hr…NOW a few things…Add in comp points, special progressives, and doubles days, and you get gasoline, groceries, cigarettes, pretty much anything, for free and your real rate of return comes out to about 35k a year for 8 hrs a day m-f. The minimum required starting bankroll for a quarter game is 10k…for a dollar game (which this guy played) is is SIGNIFICANTLY more.
Yup. I don’t go for conspiracy theories but I’m still waiting for the rational explanation.
One way to tenderize that tough piece of venison.
Cop car has dash cam on when he hits a deer at 114mph. (Responding to report of a guy with a gun at a restaurant.)
Even knew it was coming and I still jumped.
No kidding. Had his antlers up and everything.
I see (finally) what you did there.
I get really scared driving at night. Driving through the woods of Indiana between Evansville and Bloomington…the fear of hitting a deer just perfectly triggers my pretty severe anxiety issues. I get visibly shaky when I have to do it, which is fantastic.
Now that I-69 (Nice.) is open this is much less of a problem.
Once, while driving back from college, I had a deer run right in front of me. It was so close I could see the glint of it’s nearest eye. I was traveling on the highway – 55 stay alive! (which mean 65ish) – and swerved, just missing the deer. But I almost lost control of the little Nissan Stanza as the rear wheels broke loose. Definitely one of those “OH SHIT!” moments. I suppose my 20-something reflexes saved my ass – these days traction and stability control would have kicked in.
I had a deer decide to run alongside me for a bit when I was biking once. That thing could have taken me out whenever it wanted to.
I’ve seen some videos of mountain bikers hitting wildlife, it doesn’t end well for the biker. I stop when animals (non aggressive) are running around.
good one
I hit and killed a deer about 2 years ago. I drive a Ford Explorer. It came across the road at an angle from a little behind me so I never saw it until we collided. Busted up the car pretty good but was still driveable.
Most expensive meat I’ve ever “bought”, between the deductible and the processing fee on the button buck I wiped out a couple years ago.
$45 a lb.
hen I lived in rural Monterey County we had deer, elk and pigs. At night the pigs were the terrifying thing. Deer and elk you have a least some chance of seeing but a group of dark running pigs is no chance. Plus with their low center of gravity pigs roll under the car and tear everything up. Every year ~2 of my coworkers had their car totaled or their pickups require big expensive repairs.
I’ll drive you through the woods at night if you come and drive me over high suspension bridges. Last time I crossed the Houston Ship Channel bridge, I almost completely seized up and I found myself going 15 mph as I started the descent. I won’t even attempt the one in La Porte because its even steeper.
I’m the same way Sloop. Large dams also freak me out. At least on the dams I can focus on the solid roadway and pretend there isn’t death on both sides of me.
The Victoria bridge over the St. Lawrence River is like that for me. Narrow, with a goddamn TRAIN within arm’s reach, and it’s not even a solid road!
Damn… it’s like none of you have been up north before. Behold, the Mackinac bridge! Just under 5 miles of swaying suspension bridge that’s been up for 60 years. I drove across it once during a thunderstorm, and my girlfriend was freaking out the whole time.
I have been over it AND under it. Both are, shall we say, interesting experiences.
I can do the Sunshine Skyway bridge (174′ above the mouth of Tampa Bay) no problem. But the I-10 High Rise bridge (a mere 115′ above the Industrial Canal) in New Orleans gives me the willies every time I cross it.
Try the Columbia River Bridge at Astoria sometime. It runs low across the river before starting a carrier launch ascent in order to open a ship channel below. Plus its the coastal Pacific Northwest and always blowing and raining.
I’ve hit 5-6 deer in my life and narrowly avoided at least twice that many. Only killed one that I know of. It was a fawn. Mama took off across the road, I got on the brakes and hit her square with the front end just before coming to stop. She bounced off and fell down, got up, and ran away limping. About 2 full seconds after impact with mama, junior runs head first into my truck and drops dead. I couldn’t find any marks on the fender, so I assume he ran into the wheel.
The fun of living in a rural area. I’m sure guys like Southen and Lachowski have similar stories.
I used to work graves with lots of driving. I’ve hit deer and other small animals, and come close a lot more, but the worst was hitting a cow (moo kind not moose or elk). Luckily I had a fullsize pickup and the thing didn’t flip up through the windshield.
No offense, but how were you unable to avoid a collision with a moo-cow? They ain’t exactly known for hurling themselves in front of cars.
Many years ago I was attending graduate school at Auburn University. The drive down from Birmingham was mostly on a two lane country road. One dark and stormy night I was driving back to school after visiting my girlfriend in Birmingham. Truck driving the other direction was flashing his lights at me, but I thought that he was just warning me that there was a cop ahead (that road was a notorious speed trap). I slow down to the 55 mph speed limit just in case. Go down a hill and around a slight bend in the road, and then I see why the truck was flashing his lights – a bull was standing in the middle of the road. I lock up the brakes and somehow come to a halt inches away from it’s legs. Bastard of a bull just stood there, head halfway over my hood, staring at me. I back up slowly and ease my way around him.
Once I got to the next town I stop at a gas station and call the police to let them know there was a bull standing in the middle of Highway 280. Their response – “can you describe it?” Yeah, it’s a @#$%ing big bull standing in the middle of the @#$%ing road!
Dark night unlit two lane highway with no nearby houses other sources of light, dark colored cow roughly the same color as the pavement turned about 45 degrees so it didn’t break up the center/fog lines. I saw it prior to the crash and began braking but not enough stopping distance from 55 MPH to avoid impact.
Also standing still and not moving, which also helped to blend in with the pavement.
That’s why my gummy bears come from trustworthy, black-market marijuana distributors.
If you can’t trust your black market distributor, who can you trust?
Trust NO ONE
But if they change this part of the Gummi recipe can dropping orphan tears be next? Haribo makes damn addicting candy.
How we learn to accept art that hates woman
From Phil Spector to Roman Polanski, we ignore the signs of danger.
I can help her with that bone-deep feeling of unease.
“and fill our own ears with our own voices.”
Never thought that this was a problem, but an inability to hear their own voice would explain why they talk do much.
Listen and believe, amiright? Who needs that pesky evidence stuff? If a woman says she was raped it must be true. Why would a woman lie?
Atticus Finch was a rape denier!!
There’s a reason they are pulling “To Kill a Mockingbird” from schools, and it’s not because of racism.
Most of us, for most of our lives, have been trying to square ourselves with a body of culture that, more or less, hates us.
So by “us” she means men? Because that might actually make a little sense.
Ok, wait a second… Did Hugh Hefner actually do anything besides pay women a shitload of money to get naked for his magazine and occasionally live at his colossal mansion as his fuck buddies?
Exactly. Total victims. He should’ve just paid them to exist.
WTF did Hefner do? He was very clear about what the women were modeling.
Haribo is known for its gummy candy products sold internationally, from the popular Haribo Gold-Bears to its Happy Cola soda-flavored gummies and Haribo Peaches. A documentary that aired on German television last week exposed the company for purchasing carnauba wax that was produced under what some consider slave conditions. – wait was it a subsidiary or did they just buy stuff ? Because they don’t seem that exposed to me…
Wait s minute, gummies have the same stuff in it that makes my boat all shiny?
And what holds in the under-pressure air that Tom Brady throws around.
Well obviously nobody cares if some shitty company in a shit-hole country is treating its employees like shit. But obviously buying stuff from them is basically the same as owning slaves. You don’t support slavery do you?
“Harvesting the palm leaves that the wax is made from is labor intensive, and workers earn approximately $12 a day.”
Sure is nice of them to pay their slaves.
Missing from this article: Are there suppliers for this product that treat their employees more humanely?
Also, what is $12 / day adjusted to the local markets? It’s probably still shit, but who knows.
A quick Google search says the cost of living in the U.S. in general is substantially higher than that of Brazil.
Of course, taking a national average is susceptible to both high and low outliers (New York City alone likely has a staggering pull on the U.S. average cost of living), but since I didn’t see in the article where these workers are in Brazil the national average will have to substitute. Probably still terrible conditions, but these aren’t slaves, they have a choice where to work. To call them slaves denies them agency, which the left seems to like doing to brown people.
69 million Americans live in the metropolitan areas of
New York
Los Angeles
San Fran/Oakland/San Jose
So that is 1/5th of the country living somewhere that costs more than double the national average which means that the median cost of living for everywhere outside of those 5 cities is ~83% of what the median cost of living in the US as a whole is.
Wait, do gummy bears contain palm oil? Because the people complaining about this will probably care more about those orange monkeys than the workers that harvest the leaves?
The workers have a choice. The monkeys don’t.
“Candymaker Haribo was forced to address accusations surrounding its practices in producing its gummy bear products, after a documentary found that the company used ingredients made in horrible conditions for humans and animals.”
Just wait until they find out the conditions under which lithium and cobolt is produced. I’m sure there will be just as much of an outcry-
Oh wait, those are needed for green energy products? Move along, nothing to see here.
The green revolution is really about making first order costs into third or fourth order costs so you can plausibly post pictures of yourself saving the world on your instagram page.
The latest hotbed of racism? Kellogg’s!!!!
While they’re at it, they need to put that Nazi frog on the Sugar Smacks box out to pasture.
You joke, but who is gonna pay for the PTSD treatment of the poor antifas traumatized by the frog, huh? This is why government should spend more o mental health. And tax corporations more to pay for it. Be moar woke my brother
I think I found the problem.
What kid is going to be scanning the cereal box to even notice a brown flake doing the cleaning, much less associate it with “oh, brown and black people are all lesser than whites”?
The kids won’t. But this will make the parents feel like they did something.
His whose dentist has Highlights in the waiting room?
In a weird way, he has a point. Why is there only one darker corn pop on the box?
Maybe its a Sugar Smack that got lost.
*opera applause*
Yeah, this does seem like an easy thing to fix, and probably should be. And the story made it sound like the guy was even reasonably polite about pointing it out.
I want to know why there’s even a brown pop to begin with. Are there brown pops in the box? How is this not misrepresenting their product? I think it’s time for a class action suit!
Also, everyone knows it’s latinos doing most of the janitorial work these days…
Yay for reddit style snark!
All they have to do is make the brown guy like the rest of them or change a few of the others and make that the print going forward. Done. Easy fix, and who really cares?
And was the complainer not reasonably polite about pointing it out to them? It is a stupid complaint, but it doesn’t seem he ginned up the usual hate mob. Practically a saint.
He was “polite” for internet SJW-ing, sure.
I’d take him to task for denigrating the janitorial services occupation — that shit is essential to any commercial enterprise!
Somebody is not familiar with the Pops.
There are always a few inferior brown ones in the box, over-cooked during the process.
Racist cereal.
The label just told the Kelloggs truth.
“inferior brown ones in the box, ”
Oh hell no. ; )
I know that there are burnt pops in every box, but why put one in the illustration? Sure, it’s admitting reality that not every pop is perfectly golden, but why make your product look less appealing than you want it to?
The eyes are quite different from every other corn pop, could it be that it isn’t a corn pop?
It’s also literally the only corn pop with a discernible nose. Are we sure this isn’t antisemitism , or something?
The picture on the box also shows a corn-on-a-stick kiosk. That’s cannibalism!
Best Twitter Reply:
“@KelloggsUS it’s a losing battle. Make all Pops same color and it’s not diversity. Make dark Pop a light Pop you took away dark Pop’s job.”
Honorable Mention:
“I’m just surprised that no one cares to mention that all the ninjas are yellow. I mean, while we’re busy being preoccupied with skin color.”
The loss of Dudley Dough means more than losing a pizza parlor to Roxbury regulars.
They say they’re losing a community resource in the heart of Dudley Square and a singular business based on a premise of economic justice and healthy food.
Launched in 2015, the fair-wage pizza shop will close at the end of the year, according to Bing Broderick, executive director for the nonprofit Haley House, which oversees the shop. While popular, the shop is not breaking even financially, which has put stress on the wider nonprofit organization.
So many damn people talk of supporting fair wages, I sometimes wonder why these businesses don’t get more customers. Put your money (and ehm your mouth I guess) where your mouth is
Didn’t we have a commie restaurant go out of business last year? The story read like an Ayn Rand novel.
Yes, I wanna say it was in the Midwest somewhere.
Enacting your labor, yo
My friends ate at some “co-op” burrito restaurant last weekend. They said it took half an hour to get seated despite the fact that the restaurant was less than half full. They had waited another half hour for their food when they decided that they had other shit to do. When they went up to the cashier to pay for their drinks, they were told that they hadn’t even started on their orders yet. Through a little window to the kitchen area, they could see a bunch of cooks just standing around doing nothing.
It’s a fucking burrito restaurant; it should take ten minutes tops to make a burrito. It’s not like they’re serving made-to-order pot roast or something.
Pot roast is always better the second day…everyone knows this.
That’s such a cliche
This guy gets it.
Shit, it’s almost as though market forces have an impact on wages or something!
We had a restaurant in my town, down the street from my workplace, that was run by a homeless advocacy outfit that was staffed by down-on-their-luck folks trying to get back into society. I ate there now and again. The food was good, and I liked the idea, but it seemed to succumb to uneven management. The restaurant that took over the place slings chicken and is always packed, so location wasn’t the problem.
Man plans to take B.C., Alberta to court in order to prove Bigfoot exists
Steve Smith make witnesses all by himself
and by make mean rape
Well, at least he has standing in court.
Why can’t Kellogg’s claim they were “culturally incompetent” and be given a pass?
Sooner or later someone is going to have to take a stand and tell these morons to go blow it out of their ass. There is gonna be blowback for all of their shenanigans. I heard talk yesterday of mandatory patriotism classes in HS.
Look, nobody heard of Toucan Sam until he showed up in Argentina in the mid 1940s, Tony the Tiger was an infamous SS camp guard, and Fred and Barney of Cocoa Puffs fame belonged to a KKK klaven (Loyal Order of Water Buffalos my ass). Cereal has a long history of racism.
Fred and Barney of Cocoa Puffs
That’s cocoa pebbles. And I think they left that lifestyle and are now full-throated supporters of the LGBT movement with their Fruity Pebbles campaign.
So they get a pass.
full-throated supporters of the LGBT movement
I… see what you did there.
Don’t forget the Fruit Loops.
A construction worker who got trapped in a sewer pipe died Wednesday evening in northwest suburban Streamwood.
Maybe we can get Tim Robbins to make the movie.
I wish I could tell you that the construction worker fought the good fight, and he made it out of that pipe. I wish I could tell you that – but construction is no fairy tale world.
that death is one of those “make sure i never die this way” deaths of mine. it’s a Dr. Phoebes death. falling down a 20-inch diameter pipe that’s 20′ deep? the claustrophobia alone would kill me. i’m guessing he died from shock + suffocation. or maybe there was 2′ of standing water at the bottom and he just drowned. again. quite possibly the worst death i can imagine. not the most painful. just the worst. i’d rather be eaten by a shark. at least you can flail your arms with the shark.
That goes with the buried alive fear – being trapped inside of a little box and/or unable to move as you suffocate to death. *shudders*
Even though live burial with modern medical science is probably virtually non-existent, I still want to be cremated.
Agreed. Contemplating those circumstances…. ugh.
FWIW, he may have died extremely quickly, given it was a sanitary sewer. I can imagine the H2S levels in one of those can be really high, and H2S in large enough quantities will kill you before you realize anything’s wrong. Ask anyone in the oil and gas field. Once he was incapacitated, anoxia would have killed him in the first 10 minute
In the Houston area, we recently had a guy who fell down a manhole, and wasn’t discovered for something like nine days. He lived.
good point. i grew up hearing stories about folks passing out from the gases after stumbling into their septic tanks during the decennial cleaning.
Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ ‘Slush Fund’
Move along nothing to see here.
Waiting for John Oliver to wittily take down the Democrats on this one.
You have a …..substantial waiting time ahead of you.
Press 1 to have John Oliver call you back.
The story is interesting, but the author of that piece needs a new bio pic. She looks like a brunette Rocky Dennis.
Yeah, that’s a whole lotta forehead.
The left overtly stealing from companies? No surprises here.
“The probe by the two committees revealed that, in approximately the last two years, the DOJ used mandatory donations to direct nearly $1 billion to such groups.”
How much of that billion was then spent on Democratic election campaigns?
I bet all of it.. Except for the stuff they used for the cheap drugs and hos…
Model of Ultra High-Speed Public Transport U-Loop Unveiled
It’s right next to the fusion reactor.
Depending a vacuum to make your product work seems like a tall order to fill. Might work on a 1/16 scale model or something but big boy tubes like to leak and collapse.
“but big boy tubes like to leak and collapse.”
You might want to talk to your doctor about that.
Doctor? I thought that’s how it was supposed to work.
Yeah, sounds like someone has confused a capstone project with something that is actually feasible. I can’t even imagine what it would take to create a vacuum in a tunnel long enough / large enough to make this a mode of transportation worth having.
Plus, wouldn’t there be safety concerns if the vehicle is damaged and the passengers are exposed to vacuum?
No one is ever going to ride on the thing. They are just going to spend 20 years looting your tax dollars building it.
Well, if we’re really lucky, we might get a Titanic 2.0 out of it.
Launched in 2015, the fair-wage pizza shop will close at the end of the year, according to Bing Broderick, executive director for the nonprofit Haley House, which oversees the shop. While popular, the shop is not breaking even financially, which has put stress on the wider nonprofit organization.
Maybe they can get a grant from George Soros.
Obviously not popular enough. I’m guessing they never so much as figured their Break-even point when they started it.
Why should they even do that? Real kkkorporations just figure out how much money they want to pocket off the backs of the poor and downtrodden. This place isn’t taking advantage of their workers, so they should just be able to run the business how they feel.
Also Lavar Ball was right again, the Lakers won. Man’s a genius.
*squints suspiciously*
And Lonzo dropped a back breaking 6 points in 40 minutes played, 14th highest scorer in the game. Look out Warriors.
You know who else wanted to spread white supremacism (sic) globally.. and used psychological warfare tactics…
Margaret Sanger?
Khan Noonien Singh?
… or was he simply offering the world order?
So racist! How dare they have a Mexican play a desi!
He played a Japanese kabuki actor in “Sayonara”.
The Beatles?
The House of York?
Holy shit. That was published in Newsweek? That is chemtrailluminumfoiluminati levels of paranoid insanity.
And it ends with a quote from noted grifter Mark Potok. This couldn’t possibly be any closer to perfection.
This sounds really dangerous though, I mean they used both crowdfunding AND encrypted apps.
Encrypting should be illegal. If you have nothing to hide then you won’t worry.
It’s funny that the argument used by Republicans 15 years ago could now be used by the left.
Its…its…almost as if the damned libertarians might be on to something about government power being abused?!?!?!?!
Oh, don’t be absurd. Our Top Men will never abuse their power!
In short, most of the mainstream media has fallen to the level of you Facebook friend who posted articles from Breitbart or DU and acts like the world is ending.
The new MKULTRA?
Newsweek is just an off-shoot of the Onion where they exclude the humor.
WTF happened to Newsweek?
“the Institute for Strategic Dialogue”…..sounds legit.
I am more of an Operational Chat guy… maybe Tactical Talk.
The Duffle Blog?
The U-Loop model is capable of creating a vacuum state within its tube by reducing the atmospheric pressure level to one thousandth of actual conditions to reduce air resistance.
Sounds legit.
Tesla’s AI will guess where you want to go
Those pre-ordering Tesla Model 3 will have an autopilot update that predicts destination
I don’t know why, honey, but the car keeps taking me to the strip club.
I’ll be going to work in the morning and home in the afternoon. Look at my Google calendar, you will know the other places. Not terribly difficult.
/Man and woman in Tesla car. Drives them to Red light district.
Woman: Honey?
Man (nervous laugh, faux concerned grin): This crazy fuck car! I’m returning it in the morning!
Tesla intercom: Shall I call your usual?
/Man stares at radio unsure what to do.
Woman: Honey?
/Hooker approaches car.
He tries to wave her off with his hands as if a little dog but she continues to approach with an inviting smirk.
Woman: Honey?
Man (mutters to himself): Elon you cocksucker.
“Tesla, take me to work.”
Car drives through front of house, stops at computer, pulls up Glibs website.
You mean the front of Rufus’ house, right?
“Look, I don’t know why my car drove me to a crackhouse!”
Laugh all you want, but that’ll be enough evidence to get thrown in a rape cage in 10 years.
And your defense of “I need to get to a house on Broad Street, not Broadway” isn’t going to fly.
I told it to take me to Martin Luther Bing Boulevard, not Martin Luther King, Officer. I swear!
“I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there!”
Isn’t this the fucker telling us that AI will kill us? I guess he means every AI except his.
You mentioned gummy bears without including the sugar free reviews?
Best. Reviews. Ever. Do not read if you are in an area you cannot laugh out loud.
I almost feel bad for SF. I was unaware of the GI issues case by sugar-free candies.
In a fit of hunger, I once ate a bag of sugar free Twizzlers, aka the Colon Cleanser
I think Im going to hand these out to the kids for Halloween.
Now THAT is the most Glibertarian thing I will read today.
We hand out packets of relish and taco bell fire sauce for kids in bad costumes.
We’re handing out full-sized candy bars for the neighborhood kids. Anyone who looks like they aren’t from the *area, will be getting a sucker.
*some of the **poorer kids from the city will be driven into my suburb so they will have a safer place to trick ‘n’ treat.
I love the review for the guy setting a bowl out for the barracks. That was hilarious, especially if it’s true.
5.0 out of 5 starsApril 25, 2014 – A day that will live in infamy
ByAmazon Customeron April 25, 2014
April 25, 2014 – A day that will live in infamy – I was suddenly and deliberately attack by these evil gummy bears
It all started the day prior when my sugar tooth persuaded me to eat 2 handfuls of these sugar-free delights. Fast forward 15 hours 23 minutes and 44 seconds, the world shook. All hell broke loose inside me, a sudden headache, my skin began to perspire and something tore around in my abdomen with force enough to make me latch onto my couch with both hands and let out a sheer cry that sent my dog retreating into the bedroom, she probably knew the battle was already lost. I tried to make for the bathroom but the pressure was so intense I had to wait it out on the couch until a lapse in the gut-busting occurred and I regained control of my muscles. It took only moments before the volcano Mt Anus had blown its top. The air quickly turned poisonous from the methane and sulfuric fumes that spewed forth. Violence and terror are understatements of what happened for the next 45 minutes. I sustained 3rd degree burns from contact with the lava that flowed abruptly from my bowels, my blood pressure was at record levels, and my body mass was reduced by 4 lbs. After ample ventilation of the crime scene I quickly took a shower and changed clothes because the powerful fumes had soaked through the fabric and into the skin. I almost had a mental breakdown in the shower after realizing those little gummy bears had nearly defeated such a man that I thought I was. I can now hardly bare to look forward through the night-terrors and PTSD that will come of this horrid event. . .
Hate crime.
A local story that blew up:
A North Dakota post office lost his mother’s ashes. In his search, he’s found only frustration – and fury.
It’s a real shitty situation, but the guy does his best to come off as unlikable:
That sucks to be that broke, man. I feel for you. Oh…what now?
And then there’s this little nugget:
Ahhh so this is just a really poorly thought out way to try to hit up someone for money. I bet this guy doesn’t even have a mother.
Of course he doesn’t. It’s right there in the story!
*narrows gaze at USPS*
*cheers, applauds, throws hat in the air*
Well, let’s see: hasn’t seen her in 20 years, couldn’t be bothered to go to North Dakota to pick up the urn himself, too cheap to pay for her burial. Sounds like a real peach.
“quit me because he said I had a terrible attitude.”
More likely because he didn’t pay his bills.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
Don’t entrust your mom’s ashes
To USPS trucks.
Fun to Funky
*applauds wildly while single tear rolls down cheek*
Haha….This morning I scheduled with the crematorium to have my mother’s ashes shipped to me via USPS. Feeling a bit perturbed after reading that article, I have to say. On the other hand, I could use a cool million if they screw it up…
A rental van and one day of driving is too much for this guy?
Dunno how many of you hear of Jordan Peterson and what your opinion is (I am not necessarily a fan but the guy has some good point and can be interesting to listen to in small doses)
Anyhoo allegedly according to his twitter people are putting posters in his neighborhood calling him basically a Nazi. If true seems a bit assholeish behavior, to be honest. I mean say what you will, the guy does not campaign against right (except the retarded lefty right of not being offended or some shit) and has no open associations with Nazis.
They call anyone to the right of Mao a Nazi. Peterson just got popular enough that he gets special attention
I wouldn’t take it too seriously. They can’t even spell the word color correctly.
I don’t know who Ben Shephard or any of these other people, but what a bunch of sissies in the UK!
Twits upset because dude eats squirrel on TV Bonus points for doing it in front of PETA person.
Personally, I love squirrel. One of my favorite things to eat. I also like hunting them. Lots of fun creeping around in the woods on a nice fall day.
There is this channel called 18th century cooking (used to be Jas. Townsend and Son, not it is just Townsend) which I watch because I find it very relaxing for some reason. Soothing in a way, given most of the crap on yuotube. Anyway on every video there is the same guy commenting asking if he can do rabbit and squirrel recipes.
Too late to fix the Reason comment section.
Grey squirrels are an environmental disaster and overpopulated. If people ate them it would solve a lot of problems.
This is true. There is only one true type of squirrel Yes, I am a White Squirrel Supremacist
Someone’s been to Olney?
The blonde is easy on the eyes
Chip. Stay on topic. This is a story about squirrels. Maybe say “The blonde is easy on the nuts”?
This one? I concur.
Fried squirrel is delicious. Cleaning said squirrel after it eats hickory nuts is one of the stinkiest jobs ever.
Huckleberries. Try cleaning one full of huckleberries. Jesus, gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.
Hell we let school out on the friday before squirrel season. Work too. The whole state shuts down.
yeah, but it’s Louisiana – y’all eat ANYTHING
Yo, DB Cooper, I finished reading “The Analversary” last night. I enjoyed it, and really like the depiction of Elaine Pomeroy. Moar, pleez. And why don’t you submit it to the Glib as an article?
Wait?! We were denied material to post??? Drat!
He published a link to it here earlier this week, but I don’t think a lot of people picked up on it.
I like to rag on Justin Raimondo but I think his shots at Sheldon Richman are dead on here.
I mean Richman has written about how libertarians are socialists because of Benjamin Tucker…
I see no difference between Richman and Adam Lanza.
It’s a good read. In regards to Catalonian nationalism, I made the comment to my friend that it’s funny that nationalism in the US is associated with the right, but in Europe, they are largely leftist groups that wasn’t too secede. (Scottish Independence, Catalan Independence). In the US we assume all nationalists are practically Nazis, but the two are separate and different.
The US left can be pretty nationalist when it suits them. See the World Wars, the New Deal, that Trek episode with the Yangs and Komms or the current anti-Russia panic.
I know, I’m talking about general cultural perceptions and how they don’t make over to cultures that are even as similar as the Europeans and Americans.
Tupy and Richman… I guess that’s the combo that gets me to get behind Raimondo
I honestly had never heard if They, but he sounds like the kind of ‘libertarian’ I’ve come to expect from Cato.
You spin me right round, baby.
like a record?
Goddam ad blocker blockers.
Come on technology, I expect better than this.
Drain the swamp
Really draining the swamp means changing the policymaking process to shield it against insider takeover and manipulation. For starters, congressional staffs need to be expanded, upgraded and professionalized. Legislators would then be better able to make their own assessments of complex regulatory issues without having to depend on the biased expertise of industry lobbyists.
Yeah, Brink, that’ll fix it. We just need to conjure up a better, smarter class of
regulatorsmandarins, and pay them more.Well it worked in Yes, Minister. Each congressman needs a Sir Humphrey
Brink Lindsay is a top man statist. Who woulda thunk?
To drain the swamp we need to give more money to the corrupt people.
Yes, to drain the swamp, we need to expand the number of swamp creatures with incentives to maintain the swamp. Idiot.
Classic Rock Is Now A Young Band’s Game
Greta Van Fleet draws sold-out shows and hit songs with a new spin on old-school rock
Not surprised. Everything old is new again. Culture is constantly recycled with new wrinkles and wrappers.
Hopefully this takes off because I can’t abide what gets played on putative rocks stations today.
Was this written by the same guy that told us the Squirrel Nut Zippers were going to start the renaissance of big band music?
What struck Saladin Ahmed was that a single brown corn pop was working as a janitor operating a floor waxer. Ahmed, current writer of Marvel Comics’ Black Bolt series and author of 2012 fantasy novel Throne of the Crescent Moon, took to Twitter on Tuesday to ask, “Why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor? this is teaching kids racism.”
Piece of shit.
To nit pick like this and insult a profession in this manner and for Kellogg’s to fricken cave?
Fuck. You. Saladin you fuckhead. Go write your shitty SJW cartoon over at Marvel where crappy artists like you will take down this once great comic entity.
Yeah, I love the fact that the assumption is that being a janitor is somehow demeaning and dehumanizing. Fuck, I appreciate the janitors of the world more than I respect about 99% of Hollywood.
I’m surprised he’s willing to let people know he’s a writer for Hollywood. I can’t think of a job more suited for people with no discernable value to society.
Janitors are more important than CEOs in most companies.
Without someone cleaning the bathroom there will be a very appreciable decrease in customers.
“OK fine, we added a coolie cornpop as a houseboy, happy now?”
As a an ex-janitor, fuck you Saladin. It is honest work that keeps civilization running
Most important people in your community:
Garbage man
Water department employees and plumbers
Talentless Artist doesnt even make the list.
The garbage man truly is the unsung hero of the modern world.
At least three of the occupations on that list also have higher job mortality rates than the cops.
If I ever find a bottle with a Genie, my first wish is to rid of the “you know who else… ” meme.
/get off my lawn
Tell me about it.
You know who else had a wish that couldn’t be granted…
/hunts down LH, pries his eyes open a la clockwork orange, and makes him read Sugarfree.
Karl Marx!
Mr. Welch? (no, not tOS Welch)
Jiminy Cricket?
You know who else wanted to rid the world of things he didn’t like…
You know who else was just like Troy?
That’s right, Hitler.
You’re just asking for it.
*notes Troy’s dislike of said meme in Glib’s notebook*
You know who else was triggered by memes?
Rachel Maddow? (Praise Kek!)
So there is this thing in Romania to have sort of a ball for freshmen when high school begins. So I bring you a local outrage story that causes much gnashing of teeth in some areas of Romania. The link is useless as the text is in Romanian, but you can still click it and see the picture of the event should you be curious to see what it is all about.
Long story short, as part of the fun and games part of such a party, there was this part where some boys held bananas between their legs and some girls competed in who can eat the banana faster. Off course, as you may imagine, some people afflicted with pareidolia saw this innocent bit of fun as somewhat similar to simulating certain adult activities, and as such que the outrage about the sexualisation of the young or something.
Why do I link this you may ask? Who the fuck cares? I dunno why link anything… I find it amusing. Also it may give the more curmudgeonly glibs which may have the same affliction the change to go harrumph and say something of kids these days. Romanian kids, not like wholesome American kids who would never do such a thing, depriving you fine fellows of the chance to harrumph.
Excellent. I’m happy to see Romanian mail order bride training begin so early. Y’all should edge out the Russian and Ukrainian market sure very soon with such dedication.
I give this an OMWC score of 8/10.
2/10 at most. Way too old for OMWC.
These girs are 14 15 year old Romanian girls, we need Old Man With Vodka Cranberry
Old Man With Vodka Cranberry
Dude, that’s my uncle.
I don’t know.
I’m going to actually go off the ranch here and say they were absolutely simulating sexual activity.
I don’t disagree.
That’s crazy talk
A pickle you say!?
The girls don’t seem too upset. And I suppose the activity is voluntary?
It is voluntary. And potassium is important in ones diet
*wild applause*
If i were a doctor i would recomend simulatin sex on 5 fruits or vegetables a day
Romanian is a fake language.
This is hate speech
You need Jesus. Try that on for hate speach.
Wouldn’t it technically be gnashing of fangs?
This is hate speech
I don’t get it – don’t all girls eat bananas that way?
I am not clicking on that. Y’all are all gonna end up in a cell next to the Vegas shooter’s brother.
No matter what might be going wrong in your life, take a moment to be thankful for the greatest invention of all time: yoga pants.
I’d go for #1 even if she had Sly Stallone’s face; that’s what paper bags are for.
3 works fine. A few others maybe but not enough face to decide
13 – just for that innocent face *sniff*
The one sorta decent pic of the whole set was ruined by those horrifying back stud things.
2 stars, would not yoga pants again.
It’s a magic number
Yes it is
It’s a magic number
#33. Both the location and the girl.
37, 45.
10 made me laugh.
*insert DEG’s lame boring ass response here*
*Rubs hands together in eager and earnest preparation*
1 Is super hot. Again. No face is disqualified. Probably a little less fun. You don’t get a body like that by not doing drugs and rock ‘n roll. Also applies for 6, 9,
39 wins. God she’s cute.
51 for a very close second. She looks quite a bit spacey but I’m….perfectly willing to ignore that in the name of name of science, because that figure…can’t actually be real. That does dock her, I’m afriad.
41 and 3 come in a rare tie for my mind’s endless battle with “Vaguely Asian” and “Hot but Distinctly Adorable.”
A shout out to 40 for potentially distracting the Indians on our way to a WS Championship. *Cough.*
*heads to bunk…didn’t make it in time*
My wife and I were once meandering out of restaurant when another couple was going in. The attractive woman kept tugging at her shirt in an effort to cover her bum. As I passed, I turned to look. She was wearing yoga pants that were sheer enough that I could see the details of the lacy black thong underneath. I’m sure she worked out at home and didn’t bother to change before leaving the house. Not that I minded.
Former NBA Commissioner David Stern is calling for the league to reverse its medical marijuana policy.
Speaking to former Indiana Pacers swingman Al Harrington as part of an UNINTERRUPTED feature released Wednesday, Stern said he believes the NBA should allow the use of medical marijuana in states where it is already legalized.
“I’m now at the point where, personally, I think [marijuana] probably should be removed from the ban list,” Stern said (h/t Sports Illustrated). “I think there is universal agreement that marijuana for medical purposes should be completely legal.”
Stern is obviously not thinking about the childrunz
File under “Why not when you ran the league?”
Im just curious if the rumor is true that General Mills will be releasing a special edition Cocoa Puffs box with a scene from the Rodney King riots depicted on the back with a bunch of Puffs wearing LA Raiders gear and gold chains.
Now THAT wound be racist.
With an Eazy-He action figure inside!
I notice that Cato and the cosmotarians have a real Top Man fetish. Seriously read any pro-EU article and it will be about how they need to be run by Top Men who will solve all problems.
For a spell That Other Site had a real anti-UKIP boner. You know EU = open borders/free trade, even though it comes with a big sack of shit (regulations and Top MEN) tied to it.
Cato makes sense if you think about it. They are think tank, so they are kinda founded in the idea that smart people help make better policy. Rather than just advocating for principles and analyzing policy in that light.
So you’re saying that their Top Nan fetish was inevitable?
They also assume that political elites really want to give up power. Ha ha no.
Top Nan fetish
Does that mean they’re into GILFs?
Saw an article the other day where David Boaz was fellating Jeff Flake and giving vent to his TDS.
he was just eatin a banana.
Well, Cato is always going to stick by more free trade, and free trade is a profoundly good thing that makes the world much richer.
The EU is associated with more free trade, but of course it’s a lot more complicated than that.
Never really liked the implication that we need a top man ruling elite to have free trade.
It’s the entire purpose of the Niskanen Center – they take pains on their website to explain that they’re not trying to influence us mere peons:
Top Men today, Top Men tomorrow, Top Men forever!
How is this supposed to work exactly? Is having zero popular support really the best way to implement change? Will lack of popular support convince the elites to change their minds? Why would the elites want to give up power?
The goal, it seems, is not to influence the elites, but to become elites themselves. Something, something, sell your soul, something…
That’s one thing that led me to libertarianism, wondering how anyone who has ever worked for a company would hope an all-powerful government would be any better.
I mean the company I work for has plenty of “smart” credentialed people in management, but they still make terrible decisions that costs millions of dollars of waste, make changes that only add more time, not productivity, and hire people who are obviously (at least to my eyes) incompetent, or straight out con men. And this is just a microcosm of what a government can do in scope and money.
There is an inherent limit to the stupidity of a company because stupid companies will eventually go under. It may take years and years in some cases, but it will happen.
The government, on the other hand, has no such natural corrections.
It does, but it takes much longer and involves lots of people dying.
These guys are Fabians. Except the Fabians offered the elites something they wanted and socialism did have the backing of some labour unions, intellectuals and entertainers.
“Zil(chectoplasm ?) @ZilchExo 16h16 hours ago
It’s a completely unnecessary detail with concerning implications”
A reply from the idiot Marvel writer with waaayyy too much nanny time on his hands to find injustice on cereal boxes (imagine how many he must see in a day!).
And to think these people have a platform to express their moronic crap.
I WISH and LONG for the day for a company to tell them to stick it up their ass. I bet you they wouldn’t lose much in sales.
Taco Bell has a history of telling complainers to stick it up their ass. My favorite was in the mid/late 90s, when they ran the chihuahua “yo quiero Taco Bell” commercials. After a thunderous round of racism! ensued, Taco Bell went to eleven with the campaign, turning the chihuahua into a Peron-style dictator (complete with beret) and festooning their restaurants with huge, propaganda-like banners.
‘Ridiculously healthy’ elderly have the same gut microbiome as healthy 30-year-olds
In one of the largest microbiota studies conducted in humans, researchers at Western University, Lawson Health Research Institute and Tianyi Health Science Institute in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China have shown a potential link between healthy aging and a healthy gut.
Using “‘Ridiculously healthy” causes me think you’re an idiot.
Hey it wasn’t me
Chicken. Egg.
DNA, aka heredity, matters..
Whenever I see “gut” in reference to a “science” article, my bullshit ganglia alert…
A criticism I’ve seen of catalonian separatism is that it is nationalist which is evil. Problem is isn’t the indivisability of a nation-state also a nationalist position?
The nonSpaniards bitching about this are really worried about the implications to the wonderful transnational EU, they don’t give a damn about Spain or Catalonia.
The room is dark, illuminated only by the TV. HARVEY is sprawled on the velvet couch in front of the TV, his robe open, nothing underneath. He is sobbing and masturbating to the image on the screen. A pile of tissues on his lap, another to his right for the tears. The video on the screen is a security video of Harvey masturbating onto a plant.
Plastic, fucking plastic. Just like all those sluts. Made up to look perfect, then they call me a creep!?
His motion grows faster. Tears roll down his cheek. Suddenly there is a noise. He stops masturbating, pauses the video and turns. Tears streaming down his face.
Who’s there? Huh, one of those paparazzi fucks?
There is only silence. He un-pauses the video and resumes. A shadow emerges from the darkness behind him. The Emperor Palpatine-esque features of GEORGE’S face slowly emerge from the shadows. Harvey doesn’t notice him. George speaks in a thick Eastern European accent, pausing for deep breaths.
Have you learned your lesson Harvey?
Harvey TURNS startled, sobbing.
George, I wasn’t expecting…Here, have a seat.
Harvey tries to wipe a cum stain off the cushion next to him.
No thank you, I vill stand.
George, ya gotta know, I never touched them broads…well some of them. But mostly I just wanted them to wa…
Zat is not the issue. You botched ze Vegas job. Hillary vanted Micheal to do it. He vould have gotten zat fuel tank to explode. Zat fucker loves explosions. But, I vas sure you could handle it.
I…I…It was under control, then that damn security guard wandered on set. I…
Shh…I’m not blaming you. But you understand. Ve needed something to get the media to focus…elsewhere. After ze facts didn’t, what’s the saying? Add up.
But come on, I done some good work for you!
Stop masturbating damnit! Zis is important.
Harvey closes his robe in shame and wipes his hand on the couch.
Come on. It woulda worked. You just didn’t have enough patience.
GEORGE (lashing out)
No. It was sloppy!
(Composes himself)
Now I have to double my funding efforts. All it managed to accomplish is some bullshit on bump-stocks. Who the hell even knew vhat a bump-stock was!? No, this vas supposed to be the nail in ze coffin. And you fucked up!
HARVEY (sobbing)
Please. You already ruined my career!
Hush now, it is ok. Just remember, zis was a light punishment. It can get much vorse.
Harvey breaks down, an emotional mess. George adjusts his impeccable suit and walks out the door.
George exits the main entrance. George meets KIETH at the limo, Kieth is rubbing his leg with excitement.
Tingles! Tingles!
So, what should I do with him?
Kill him.
George enters the limo and it drives off. Keith walks to the front entrance, dragging his leg and rubbing it, he pulls out a silenced pistol and enters the building.
TED, who has been watching from the bushes, he stealthily approaches the building.
Harvey is still masturbating to the video footage. Sobbing like a child. He is startled by gunfire and explosions in the hall. The door to the suite is blown off its hinges and Ted emerges from the smoke, wearing his cowboy hat and a sleeveless shirt, holding his compound bow, a gun on his hip.
Get yer fuckin dick out of your hand and get moving. This is a God Damn rescue!
Harvey grabs a tissue to wipe the tears away. He realizes it was from the wrong pile.
I love it, but I still can’t tell why Clooney is talking with a Russian accent.
*narrows gaze*
Get this man a Wednesday blog stat!
Rethinking Gender, Sexuality, and Violence
TW: quillette
Why TW? Quillette has excellent articles. They just tend to be long.
“However, the gender gap vanishes altogether when we look at the prevalence over a 12-month period instead of lifetime prevalence: 1.1% of women were victims of rape, while 1.1% of men were “made to penetrate.” We do not know the reason for this discrepancy.”
It’s because the definition of “rape” they are using is bullshit to deliberately inflate the numbers.
Well I read that it is one o them nazi websites
So with all the populist and nationalists around some libertarians have come around to elitist internationalism.
I have my doubts that that will work. The notion that a one-world government will be run by libertarians is dubious considering how unlibertarian the political elites all around the world are. Not to mention that said ruling elite will not become self-serving and corrupt is dubious.
But they do it in a smart power kinda way. Libertarians pride themselves in thinking rationally about things. So when you get people whose goal is rational, well managed and efficient government, rather than a commitment to basic principles of liberty, it’s not surprising that they start taking for ‘Top Men’.
It should be pointed that sort of thinking is what killed classical liberalism. However libertarian have accomplished jack shot before selling out.
“However libertarian have accomplished jack shot”
This is one of the primary accomplishments of many libertarians.
That and infighting/No True Scotsman-ing
Yeah, but if you drink enough shots, little else matters
Dubious. Yeah, you could use that word.
I think of the last guys who wanted a one-world government.
George HW Bush and James Baker?
22% of the extra inning home runs hit in World Series history were hit last night.
Kenley Jansen made me so very sad.
*Sideshow Bob-style uproarious laughter*
He was due for a bad outing.
When I was a kid (back in Abner Doubleday era it seems) the strike zone was from the armpits or letters to the knees. When did it morph into being from the belt to the knees and several inches wider than the plate?
It should still be from the letters to the knees, but umps are terrible nowadays and pitches are much harder to judge than they were back then. Hence the push for robo-umps calling balls and strikes.
As awkward that will make the game, at least initially, I’d rather see that than Jose Altuve strike out looking at a ball that passes over his shins. He’s like 5’5″, that ball was exceptionally low.
They did it in a spring training game and no one noticed a difference. No delay in the calls. I”ll be shocked if it isn’t implemented in the next few years.
They had a golden opportunity to do it when the umps called a labor strike a few years ago. Couldn’t figure out why management didn’t kick them out then.
How many extra-inning WS games were played in as warm of weather as LA last night? Hotter air is less dense, so less drag, and hit balls should go farther, right?
But I tend to think that MLB may have urged Rawlings to tinker with the balls again.
On Tuesday night the Senate, with a tiebreaking vote from Vice President Mike Pence, followed the House in voting to overturn a rule that would have allowed consumers to file class-action lawsuits against banks and other financial institutions, rather than be forced to take their disputes to arbitration. The regulation, created after fraud and malfeasance by those businesses financially ruined thousands of Americans and almost wrecked the world economy, joins a series of Obama-era rules that Congress and Mr. Trump have shredded. Meanwhile, they have taken several actions to benefit the well-off at the expense of average Americans.
Yeah whatever dude. Take your meds.
I was happy to see this (and other) Obama-era mob-rule regulations taken out.
There are certain bellwethers, certain lodestars, who serve me as good proxies when I don’t have time to really dig deep into the nitty gritty.
If the trial lawyers are squealing like a stuck pig, something good happened.
I would have been okay with the rule, IF it stated that trial lawyers must ensure that the payout to the class is greater than the actual financial damages faced, and their cut is less than 5%. Honestly, the only reason Obama put this rule into place in the first place was to reward a large Democrat donor class (Trial Lawyers).
The regulation, created after fraud and malfeasance by those businesses financially ruined thousands of Americans and almost wrecked the world economy,
Notice the question being begged: Did this regulation actually do anything to address the problem?
joins a series of Obama-era rules that Congress and Mr. Trump have shredded.
As is well within their authority. Also, note the question being begged: Were these regulations actually a good idea in the first place?
My brother, the trial attorney, is pissed.
This is what we’re up against. The New York Times editorial board has abandoned any pretense of sanity. Words no longer have any meaning.
Making housing less affordable.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development delayed by two years a rule that would help poor people in high-cost areas by changing how the value of housing vouchers is calculated.
That’s what I think of, when the topic of “affordable” housing comes up.
In my local elections housing costs and affordable housing have become a big issue, and on the left (who dominate politics here) the consensus seems to be that the problem will be solved by some ever-elusive regulatory slight of hand.
Monsanto Faces Blowback Over Cancer Cover-Up
A release of internal emails has revealed that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto manipulated studies of the company’s herbicide, Roundup. Experts believe the product causes cancer – and the consequences for the company could be dire.
This whole roundup think is one of those things I just can’t get a clear idea on. Same with the issue of neonicotinoid pesticides and bees. I tried to get the actual data / info and it is very hard everyone has an agenda or so they seem. Reason seemed pretty friendly to both, but I aint convinced, and anyhoo Bailey is a shill, it is known.
There is approaching zero evidence that Roundup/glyphosphate herbicides are carcinogenic from a product consumption, or even water run-off standpoint. There is extremely limited evidence that long-term exposure (e.g. occupational-type) with zero precautions may have some carcinogenic potential.
A good analogy is diacetyl – widely used as a flavoring for decades and ultimately brought down b/c of occupational safety concerns when HEATED AND INHALED over extended periods.
Diacetyl is an off flavor in most beers. In some a small amount is okay.
Correct, it can be produced naturally via fermentation. The primary industrial flavor use was as a butter flavor.
Yes, and beers with too much can taste like a bag of buttered popcorn, and not in a good way.
true but for precautionary principle people (not me) you need to prove it is 100% safe and such evidence is difficult to say the least
“”Experts believe “”
There’s your bullshit right there.
Look, everything causes cancer. It all depends on the criteria you use to define risk levels and what you’re comparing it to. (i.e. Is it more or less-dangerous than a million other things we expose ourselves to every day?) I don’t think any binary claims that something ‘does/doesn’t’ “Cause” cancer actually mean anything. The only data point that is relevant is what is its risk level to the average person under average conditions.
Its also hard to take any European reporting on the subject at face value because the various ag lobbies and leftists in Europe have treated MON like Satan incarnate for decades now.
There was a poll that came out yesterday that showed that the R candidate for governor in Virginia expanded his lead to 8 points after Obama came to visit Virginia (confirming the Hyperion theory). The MSM now has a new strategy to get the Democrat to win, and that is to attack him with “House Republicans” like George Will by accusing him of going too Trumpian to win the state.
I love the combination of
It cannot be both. It can be one or the other, but not both.
The upcoming GOP pols are finally learning the basic rule of politics: a weak yes and a resounding yes both count for one vote. For decades the moderate Republicans have pissed off their base because they believed the lying liberal voters who swear up and down they would vote for a “moderate, sensible, Republican”.
Turn out your base. Get your base excited. The side with the more energized base wins.
It’s amusing that Will seems quite annoyed that Gillespie is, horror of horrors, trying to win the election however he can. Just another confirmation of the notion that the GOP establishment’s most fervent desire is to write beautiful concession speeches.
I like George Will and enjoy reading his stuff, but he is absolutely in love with establishment politics.
Gillespie is winning because the Trump election wasn’t a one-off fluke. People so dislike the Democrat brand and are so afraid of and disgusted by the Progressives that dominate the party establishment that anybody who’s on the fence, or a “purple” voter, is going right back to the Republicans no matter what Trump does or what the particular candidate says.
The Obama Era reminded middle America what Democrats do when they get power: they jack up taxes, they give your money to their supporters, and they come up with various ways to make your poorer, for your own good.
My 401k grew 18% over the last calendar year. Anyone who opened their statements up and saw the same thing is saying to themselves “If that’s Trumpism, then I am a Trumpist.”
So, so much this. I think part of the anti-Trump hysteria (distinguished from the genuine, rational, sane reasons to dislike Trump) stems from Obama supporters who are aghast that after bestowing eight years of enlightened leadership on the little people some of us don’t show the proper appreciation. I think they find the notion that there could be a backlash against Obama and his policies completely abhorrent.
In some ways, Obama was the greatest gift the Democrats ever gave the Republican party.
I see it often written that Terry McAuliffe is popular, but I’m guessing it’s an extremely shallow popularity. I don’t know of anyone, even among the hardcore Dems I know, who is terrible enthused by McAuliffe. Probably more accurate to say he’s not unpopular.
There’s no smoking in the governor’s mansion, because if you get an open flame within 2 feet of that oily piece of shit he bursts into flame. You could wring him out and fry up 2 pounds of onion rings from the grease that would come out.
And oily he most definitely is. I had to be up close around him earlier this year for a bill signing ceremony at work. It’s amazing how obvious it is even in such a brief encounter. Thankfully I’m insignificant enough that I didn’t have to meet him and shake his hand.
I am fairly confident I am on some kind of master “keep him away from politicians” list. I ran into Gilmore at a grocery store once and asked him whatever happened to getting rid of the goddamn car tax.
Did his hair look as awesome IRL as it does in his avatar pic?
Hah! Before he was lieutenant governor, Gilmore was a neighbor of a friend of mine. He lived in the West End off Gayton Rd.
A Democrat not hated by other Democrats is apparently how they define success.
McAuliffe’s true base of support is the Ruling Class. Without that, he would be a nobody. The voters who vote for him do so mostly out of tribal loyalty to the D. As people figure out that the Ruling Class is a toxic sewer of entitlement, arrogance, corruption, and sycophancy, their tribal loyalty is eroded and guys like Terry will be left high and dry.
And to think the Dodgers lost even after they chased Verlander off the field!
Oh and I think Robert this time was guilty of micro-managing. Houston can smash the ball. I’m starting to think it’s better to just let your starters go as deep as they can if they’re in a groove rather than follow what the analytics say.
Some notes of little interest:
We’re throwing a Halloween party this Friday. Of course my wife invited most of the neighborhood over, most who I don’t know.
My son’s MRI came back normal, so no obvious physical reason for his seizure, which he’s had no more occurrences.
Starting the countdown before i go on vacation to Charleston, SC. This will be my fourth time in seven years. I love it there even though we are running out of new things to do.
That’s awesome news about your son.
Also writing a new adventure/horror/post-apocalyptic book so I can keep my mind occupied.
And I’m getting the metalwork in today for my latest tube amplifier, a 1625 based unit make a whopping ~15Ws of power.
Happy to hear your son’s MRI was normal.
Enjoy Charleston – I miss vacations there and now am hungry for Magnolia’s fried chicken…
If I were suddenly independently wealthy and could live anywhere, I’d totally move to Charlestown. Wonderful town.
Charleston is nice too though.
*lights tiki torch for Chipwooder*
I spent a few years digging into my ancestry. To my eternal shame, I discovered that my South Carolina ancestors were members of a loyalist militia during the Revolution.
When I was in Beaufort, I went through a church’s graveyard (btw, I recommend the Unitarian Church graveyard in Charleston as one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been).
I found a grave of a British soldier who had been killed during the Revolutionary War. Someone had put flowers on the grave along with a little Union Jack. Very touching.
Found a link with a picture
That’s a fascinating little story. I didn’t know that there were virtually no marked graves of the fallen British soldiers from that war.
It’s all good. Some of my ancestors were Jacobites (better than Jacobins, but not by much).
Not that my patriot ancestors were that much better. One joined the North Carolina militia as a hatter. He didn’t fight, but he did make a lot of hats for them I guess. Another joined the Continental Army and deserted during the winter in Valley Forge. He returned to the army in 1781, after the fighting but it was apparently still enough to keep him alive and out of prison. His desertion did result in his pension claim being denied in the 1820s, though.
A lot of the choosing of sides in Carolina had more to do with long-running local disputes than decisions about revolution vs. loyalty.
This is pretty typical of civil wars/revolts/revolutions etc.
I’ve been to Charleston a few times. It is beautiful. Try taking a ghost tour of the city, or seeing the CSS Hunley.
“I love it there even though we are running out of new things to do.”
Post up on the patio of your favorite cafe/bar and watch people go by. Enjoy the company of your family. You don’t always have to be “doing something “. Hell, stay in your hotel room in your pajamas for a week watching HGTV and Food Network. It’s vacation. R e l a a a x.
We spend a lot of time on the balcony that overlooks Market Street; drinking beer and – used to – smoke locally made cigarettes. My wife, however, is a bit of a “go getter” and wants to do a walking tour, a carriage tour, and a boat thing. Among shopping, walking, eating out a lot. It’s still relaxing either way.
“Bye, honey. Have fun. Let’s meet for lunch at the cafe.”
Yep, that’s what me and the girlfriend did in Dublin. I spent my day walking around, getting local culture, seeing distilleries. She wasted hers on guided tours.
Market St is nice, bit crowded. If you’re hanging in that area Mr Humungus, I’d recommend a dinner (with accompanying “oyster shooter”) at Pearlz, followed by drinks at the back patio of the Blind Tiger. Was a concierge at the Vendue, would always send people that way if they wanted something a lil less touristy.
Excellent news about your son’s MRI.
It’s been about ten years since I’ve been to Charleston. It is a good town to visit.
Good for your son.
Sooooo….what offensive costume will you be wearing?
Birthday suit? Hiya doin’!
Black face? MAMMY! MAMMY!
From that same NYT editorial-
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration proposed changes that would weaken a rule intended to limit workers’ exposure to beryllium, an industrial mineral linked to lung damage and estimated to cause about 100 deaths a year.
100 deaths? in the US? from beryllium exposure? Outside of aerospace and Formula One, I’m not aware of widespread use of beryllium. Beryllium is nasty shit, and machining it requires extensive precautions, but the guys who can do it properly are too valuable to be allowed to die off indiscriminately.
What’s really funny is how many of these diktats are less than 5 years old.
I’m guessing more than a hundred people a year die in America from drowning in bathtubs.
I’m guessing more than a hundred people are killed by raccoons in America every year.
Statistically 2 Americans die from being crushed by vending machines each year.
I was almost one of those two back in my thieving teen years.
Are those statistical Americans, or are they statistically dead, or what?
I don’t think the statistics killed them.
+1 Galaxy Quest
miners, not minors!
Ya lost me.
Starting the countdown before i go on vacation to Charleston, SC. This will be my fourth time in seven years. I love it there even though we are running out of new things to do.
Jump up behind General Lee on that big equestrian statue, and take a selfie.
What I would expect from our current political class.
we get all the weirdos.
Imma try again…
Yes, that’s right.
WeThey are non-existent.*holds pinky to face. laughs diabolically*
Survey Shows Sexism Is Still Alive in the Auto Industry
This guy has more excuses than Carter has liver pills.
This is a stupid statement, and it or a variation of it gets made every day, it seems. If you were a woman (or whatever other demographic) you wouldn’t need to imagine; the reason you use imagination is to consider situations that don’t reflect your own real experiences. For instance, I don’t need to have been shot to imagine that it’s not something I’d like to happen.
Didn’t he just confess to being a sociopath who is incapable of empathy?
Another one bites the dust, Glasgow Rangers fire manager.
After the fiasco in the last few minutes of the game yesterday it’s not exactly surprising.
(they were up 1-0 in the 90th minute and had a penalty kick. They proceeded to miss the penalty kick, get a player shown a straight red, and then proceed to give up a goal to tie the game)
Yeah, I followed the blog online and that was bizarre, to say the least.
Reminded me of this insanity from a few years back:
“Study: Rx Drug Lawsuit Ads Cause Spike in Reports of Patient Health Incidents, Deaths
U.S. Chamber’s 18th Annual Legal Reform Summit Highlights Research on Improving the Litigation Environments of the U.S., Canada, and EU”
Believable, but it’s the Chamber of Commerce…
That was fun. Do it again, Astros.
I still don’t understand how Twitter is ever going to make any money.
They haven’t figured out how to monetize mob stupidity. Whoever does that will own the world.
Yes they have. See: Kickstarter
Like any market, there’s dumb stuff on Kickstarter, but also not-dumb stuff.
Yep. I’ve been a backer on two local breweries. Got some free swag and helped create two new places for me to drink!
TW: Buzzfeed
Uh, duh, yes they have. Its called ‘the lottery’.
And look at who runs the lottery…
The Lottery – The biggest tax the government ever levied on the poor, and they pay it happily.
Yes, that’s right.
WeThey are non-existent.*holds pinky to face. laughs diabolically*
*Points and laughs at MikeS*
At least I put it under a thread for the correct person. Do I get partial credit?
dammit. Wrong thread
The greatest trick Cabal every played was convincing the world that they exist.
If I added correctly, Twitter has lost ~$750 million dollars over the last 8 quarters.
“A judge has ruled Peabody Energy Corp. is protected by its recent bankruptcy from global-warming lawsuits brought by California coastal communities against fossil-fuel companies.
“The lawsuits say Peabody for decades has exported substantial amounts of coal from California and claim the company has been linked to groups that have sought to undermine climate science and the connection between emissions and global warming and rising sea levels. Peabody has said the lawsuits lack merit.
“Judge Schermer said that the California communities were required to bring claims against Peabody during the bankruptcy but, instead, chose not to participate in the chapter 11. Initiating the lawsuits after Peabody left chapter 11 was intended to give these communities an advantage over other company creditors who went through the bankruptcy process, the judge said.”
California, man.
Local pronunciation of “Peabody” = pibidi
Nah. It’s brilliant.
This is not going to be overturned by any appeal court.
If you send your child to college, choose wisely.
Now this is the way to respond to the harpies.
The book does sound pretty dumb, though.
Streisand. Effect.
I don’t care if the book sounds dumb (and it probably is), I’m buying it because of that letter.
“What struck Saladin Ahmed was that a single brown corn pop was working as a janitor operating a floor waxer. Ahmed, current writer of Marvel Comics’ Black Bolt series and author of 2012 fantasy novel Throne of the Crescent Moon, took to Twitter on Tuesday to ask, “Why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor? this is teaching kids racism.”
The only way for this to be “racist” is if you believe that we live in some sort of caste system where janitors are at the bottom. Fuck that noise. I have respect for anyone that does a job and earns a paycheck and pays their own way through life without being a burden to others.
Yeah, my first thought was, “What’s wrong with being a janitor?”
Not having seen the box, is the brown corn pop the only one that has a job? Why is it racist and demeaning to have the only person who is productively employed be a minority?
Also, he appears to be the only one wearing clothes. That means that all the other corn pops in this sordid scene are naked. Not only are they in a shameful state of undress in a public place, but they are also behaving like barbarians: swimming in the fountain, playing hockey indoors, forming nude human pyramids, skateboarding down the escalator, and swinging from banners on the ceiling like wild apes.
The janitor is merely trying to clean up the mess resulting from this highly dishonorable display of hedonism. If you ask me, he’s a credit to his race.
I wish they picked a different analogy, because if I find a brown corn pop I’m throwing the whole box away.
On a related note, my favorite person in my office is Phil, the janitor. He got the job through a pathways program for homeless vets, recovering alcoholic and all around nice guy. I feel bad for using the toilets.
especially after four packages of sugar free gummy bears.
Joe Girardi out as Yankees manager. Reportedly a mutual decision.
Aaaand that story lasted all of five minutes. Girardi has released a statement making it clear that it was not mutual – he wanted to come back and was told that his contract wasn’t being renewed.
Doesn’t sound mutual to me.
“With a heavy heart, I come to you because the Yankees have decided not to bring me back.”—statement from Joe Girardi #Yankees
— Sweeny Murti (@YankeesWFAN) October 26, 2017
Yeah, like I said, the first report I read said it was “apparently mutual” but obviously that’s not the case.
WTF are the Yankees thinking?
Calling on the Phillies front office to pivot immediately and throw as much money as he wants to move a little bit south.
Joe sounded pretty burned out at the end of the season, even before the playoffs. I wouldn’t be shocked to see him step away for a year.
As far as the reasoning…..honestly, I’m not sure. He’s not the best manager but they could do much worse, and no one expected them to do as well as they did.
But then why release the statement that he wanted to stay but the Yankees pushed him out?
He’s going to the Expos South.
So he brings a team that wasn’t even supposed to make the playoffs to within one win of the WS and they fire him? It’s shit like this that make the Yankee haters feel justified.
He won only 1 WS in ten years. For the Yankees, that’s considered failure.
*Hillary, sighing in exasperation*
“Get the assassin on the phone. We got another one.”
my first reaction to this was the normal one; that the offense-taking is absurd.
my second reaction was, “wait…there’s another brown corn there… and its….. selling drugs?? WTF”
British kid who had a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook found not guilty. Don’t ask me “of what?” – it’s the fuckin’ United Kingdom.
That is the most profoundly retarded thing I read all day. Bravo
Here’s what the BBC reported: “a charge of possession of a record of terrorist information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terror.”
Yes…in other words, complete nonsense.
So, thoughtcrime?
** quickly hides my copy of the book I bought second-hand from a kid in my class when I was a freshman in HS. Fondly remembers how bad-ass I was for having it then **
File under: why we have the death penalty.
There’s always been an incestuous relationship between biglaw (really the top 10 or so firms) and government. Either party.
Mark Halperon likes rubbing his erection on things.
So, I’m conflicted. Doing that stuff is scummy. I think it’s also scummy that all these people knew, but they they either laughed it off at the time, or are complete scumbags themselves because they did nothing about it.
How about a little Sam and Dave
How about a little more?
a little more uptempo
If there’s any musical experience i wish i could have been present @ firsthand, i think it probably would have been that Stax tour of Europe in… 196
67?I think almost all the B+W footage you see of them in those days is from that tour.
I never saw James Brown in his heyday. That would’ve been a good show.
As manufacturing technology gets better and more affordable, the “gun question” becomes: Would a law be able to stop a physical device from being made from a relatively simple process?
At the moment, none of these issues are very significant and perhaps they won’t be for a long time. Perhaps when that time comes we can teach our manufacturing machines to not make weapons.
the first comment was pretty much a kick in the writer’s gunt:
It is said, of attempts to scrub information from the Internet, “The network treats censorship as damage and routes around it.”
The same will surely soon be said of gun control. “Makers treat our machines refusing to do our bidding as damage and repair them.” It’s already visible in the Digital Restrictions Management sphere. Every time someone wants to consume legally obtained content in a manner the producer of that content doesn’t want it consumed, DRM is broken faster and faster. Denuvo is a DRM system used on PC games. It used to take years for a newly released Denuvo interfered with game to have its Denuvo shell cracked. Then months. Last month, it took mere weeks. Last week, Denuvo interfered with games were being cracked on the same day they were being released. Denuvo is now deadtech.
The idea that CNC machines and 3D printers will refuse to run the programs put into them because of the mechanical meaning of the parts those programs create is foolish in the extreme and utterly a-historical in basis.
you can’t stop the signal. except for north korea that is
Slow start, but I really like this one.
There would need to be a massive shift in the way CNC machines are programmed for this to even begin to be feasible. As it is now (and has been since the first CNC) all the machine “knows” it is doing is moving in a certain direction for a certain distance. CNC programming has changed very little over the years for a reason; it is relatively simple to do with a relatively small amount of training. Anyone who thinks/hopes this could happen has no knowledge of how CNC machines are programmed.
How would the CNC machine know it’s making gun parts? Illegal gun parts? For a functional firearm used for firing actual rounds? As I’ve seen it phrased in several venues, it is entirely legal to buy an aluminum paperweight in the shape of an AR-15 lower. That is not a gun. To a machine, milling out an area roughly the size of a door latch carries no meaning or indication of intent.
By virtue of majick of course
They would need to centrally manage the software and require that the device get all it’s schematics from the central office in order to print them. This would be hacked around by advanced users, but would probably restrict the average joe from doing things the makers of the CNC device don’t approve of. I’m sure the government is going to try to get CNC makers to put back-doors into their software so they can monitor their use for ungoodfulness, same as they are trying to do for encryption.
A CNC machine that could only use pre-written milling programs would be pretty damned useless. It would basically just be an Easy-Bake Oven. I can’t imagine there’d be a market for that.
If an Easy-Bake Oven were useless it wouldn’t exist. The time will come when a CNC mill of some sort will be as common as a microwave oven. Just like a microwave, you generally use them to prepare something that is pre-made. Using pre-made designs in a CNC seems similar to me. For a CNC, I think the model that you will see will be similar to iTunes. A closed playground with a lot of options to choose from, but with the owner of the playground putting limitations on what goes in there.
Do you have any experience with manufacturing or CNC machines? Because reality looks almost nothing like you are describing.
The average home likely will resemble what you are describing (with 3D printers though, not CNC mills) but the thousands of manufacturing shops and machining hobbyists around the country are not and will not be sharing pre-made designs and just producing the same thing day after day.
That’s what I was thinking; it would be like selling a saw that only cuts pre-approved lengths. If it was dirt cheap it might be worthwhile, but the kind of people who buy these machines aren’t buying them because they want to make the same novelty coasters over and over again. Like you say, maybe there’s going to be a time when you buy a program for plastic shower curtain hooks and fire up the ol’ 3D printer instead of ordering them from Amazon or whatever, but that’s a different kettle of fish.
The mill only runs programs that are signed with an SSL cert that is downstream from one of a handful of “approved CNC program vendor” keys baked into the mill’s firmware. Big shops can absorb the cost of “getting safe-CNC certified” and buying a cert, little shops get run out of business after their non-cert-locked mills age out or are banned outright. Think of the opportunity for rent-seeking and non-value-adding jobs in the layers of bureaucracy such a scheme would require. With only a modest loss of efficiency!
gunt is a sorely underutilized word in the vernacular.
yes, well, i’m here to raise the bar.
I’m not familiar with it.
Ignorance, in this case, truly is bliss.
What’s Digital Restrictions Management? Anything like Digital Rights Management?
Ah, Stallman Newspeak. That explains the retardation.
The idea that CNC machines and 3D printers will refuse to run the programs put into them because of the mechanical meaning of the parts those programs create is foolish in the extreme and utterly a-historical in basis.
Good grief. A computer program running a machine tool is not exactly prone to making moral arguments.
Here’s what’s happening:
A large number of thought leaders in CNC community have been trying to figure out how to prevent their machines from being misused to make guns. They have been mooting about various ideas, such as designing the machines to only accept programs from legitimate sources.
And it’s an utterly futile idea.
Frankly, the reason I would own a CNC would be to mill out lowers. The idea that I would spend thousands of dollars on a machine that would then prevent me from using it for purposes contrary to the arbitrary moral compunctions of the person who took my money is absolutely ridiculous.
Go for it! I’ll laugh when their market share gets summarily yanked out from under them by 3D printer manufacturers who offer machines that print whatever designs you put in.
“thought leaders” bringing us yesterday’s prohibitions today!
Rosie O’Donnell is really starting to look like Michael Moore with longer hair.
Starting? I thought they were twins in appearance and ideology.
such as designing the machines to only accept programs from legitimate sources.
Yes, of course. That’ll work.
+3 laws of robotics
Tom Perez sez “I’m a know-nothing ignor-anus.”