Aww yeah. Its Friday afternoon. Took my wife to this nice little mom’n’pop Japanese restaurant today. The food was awesome, but everyone sat down at lunch at once. At one point we hear Pop go into the back (he’s usually up front doing the sushi), loud yelling in Korean or Japanese (the restaurant is Japanese, but they are always playing K-Pop), a refrigerator door slam and then a loud English “Shit!” All of that to say, cooks are the same in every language.
Big ball game tonight. Will Lance McCullers Jr bring the same filthy pitching he closed down game 7 of the ALCS? Will the Yu Darvish of the Rangers era show up against the Astros or will he be the dominant pitcher he’s been post-Trade? Will we see another 3+ homerun night? Which, call me old fashioned, but I want to see less than 50% of the runs in a game result from homeruns. I like seeing guys have to put together two or three good at bats together to get a single run across the plate. Maybe the A/C will take 10 feet off those long hits and we’ll see more doubles off the wall.
Given the arrest rate of NFL players, I don’t see what’s so problematic about the statement “we can’t have the inmates running the prison” with regard to the flag kneeling thingy. Maybe some non-black NFL players who have been convicted of crimes should start a #MeToo trend*.
If this kid ever gets to drive again, NASCAR should give him a chance.
Wisconsin man gets stuck in beer cooler, decides to make the best of it.
Another questionable study that some here may appreciate.
Topical Song for Wisconsin Man.
*I assume that there isn’t much statistical difference in the arrest rate based on race.
Spain has called a snap election for Catalonia.
Oh. snap!
They do have the power.
*hat tip*
A tiny part of me wants to go fight for Catalonioan independence. There is zero risk of that actually happening. But still. I like the idea.
Oh yeah… the game.
Note to self: Be drunk by 5:20 PM
If I didn’t work at a hospital, I’d be drunk at work already!
So…. pills until clock out time?
Pfft. No. I’m leaving.
But that’s 2 hours before game time!
Good job, Wisconsin man. Midwesterners excel at being drunk and fat.
The more I hear about Wisconsin, the more I like it.
Supper Clubs and water parks, what’s not to like?
“what’s not to like?”
Well, the Green Bay Packers, of course
*nods vigorously*
*looks furtive, downs Old Fashioned*
I actually didn’t know what mosquitos looked like until a family reunion in Minnesota as a teenager.
So you were surrounded by blood suckers?
Easy, there.
I meant the family, not the Minnesotans. But now that you mention it…
Tundra’s about to drop the ‘Minnesota nice’ and start getting real
Minnesota nice is a myth.
They should call it ‘Minnesota passive/aggressive’
*drops gloves*
*slips on bloody floor*
I did in fact see my first leech there too.
Gunflint Trail. Almost in Canada.
The Gunflint is gorgeous. It’s a little rotten these days with proggies, but still one of my favorite places.
Poplar lake. I don’t remember exactly how far it was from Grand Marais, but it seemed like it took 40-45 minutes to get there.
Nice. It’s a beautiful lake. We used to stay at Gunflint Lodge, another 30 minutes down the trail.
The Dells are impressive.
In contrast with….?
Floridians, who excel at getting drunk and jailed.
Fair enough.
Rail thin. Track marks. Jittery. Summer teeth.
I’m going to have to go to Urban Dictionary for “Summer Teeth”.
Some ‘er teeth, some ‘er dentures
Summer there. Summer missing.
Summer pointin this way. Summer pointing that way.
Here you go.
That will be next up in the queue. Haven’t listened to that in probably over a year.
Me either. That’s probably my favorite off theirs, or possibly YHF.
Listening now. It’s good.
The rest of the country. Some random guy from Peking, IL could out drink and out eat any man, woman, or child from either coast. All those winter months we just drink ourselves stupid and eat unnecessarily large portions of food. Truly the Midwest is God’s country.
My girlfriend grew up in Wisconsin in the late 70’s and is very nostalgic for it. She went to Milwaukee for a wedding last year and it basically ruined her memories of it. Just such a rundown shit-hole now. Of course, that’s the city; the hinterlands may be a different story.
They are…Milwaukee has done what most Blue havens have – Decline.
Milwaukee has improved quite a bit over the last few years. It might have been the neighborhood where she is from that has gotten worse. The City has changed quite a bit though. Too many hipsters for my taste now.
The Manning Brothers definitely have live boys or dead girls in their trunks.
Thats a very weird euphamism. I’m gonna havta to get HM to decode it for me. But I’m pretty sure butt sex is involved.
Good links Brett!
Better than Jesses’s?
Trump meets with the children of reporters.
Trump: Your parents are very bad people. Some say, the worst.
Kid: *sobbing*
Trump: You’re crying? You don’t know that your mommy is a terrible person?
Kid: *still sobbing*
Trump: Get her out of here. Get her the hell out of here
*VP Pence grabs child and hustles out of the room*
He did say:
“Are you going to grow up to be like your parents? Don’t answer.”
It’s funny because it’s true.
So I am completely out of ideas for firearms friday. The guns news is still being dominated by Vegas and nothing new is going to be announced before SHOT show in January. If you have any suggestions let me know, cause right now I got nothing.
If we weren’t on a bunch of lists already…. how about a report on European blackmarkets for arms?
Something I know shockingly little about. Unless you have a ‘breaking bad’ like opportunity for me?
Why…no. I know nothing of where AKs, DShKs and the like come from!
*tugs collar*
Lord of War intensifies!
I work with two guys who attend gun and weapons shows all over the world – for work.
My uncle used to be in that biz. I would love that.
Isn’t that what Pie in the Sky is for?
I know…things about Central Asia. Romania might be retail, but certain spots in Central Asia are wholesale.
How about one on how to remove a hard drive from your laptop and burglarize your own house to make it look like a conspiracy?
Right after my 9/11 expose, I’ll get right on that.
(Some of you will find this funnier than others).
love you bby
You’re complicit in the cover-up
*continues to write manifesto*
The Truth(er) is out there!
What’s the deal with Palmetto State’s GB2 AKs? Are they any good? The side folder daily deal yesterday was tempting at $579.
I have heard mixed reviews. The TLDR version is that Americans have not figured out how to properly make an AK even after 70 years. If you want a cheap AK I still recommend century imported Zastavas or WASRs if you can get them.
I don’t really need anymore, but it looked real tempting at that price point.
How about a round up of quality scopes, sights, lasers, optics?
I dont buy quality stuff, I buy cheap shit that mostly works, so I might not be of much help there.
I like the cheap side because I’m $ deficient.
Primary arms, holosun, vortex, and bushnell.
That was a short article.
Lost it all in pork belly futures?
The market will REBOUND!
*pours more bacon grease into mayo jar*
Shoulda talked to HRC’s stock picker.
UCS with the sick burn. ????
I’m pretty salty about it.
*pours another shot*
Liqour won’t cure you.
It’s to counteract the salt.
Things to do at the range, other than just blast shit into the berm?
I got you covered.
Me vs. a 1lb propane tank.
Write an article about eggs. They make great pistol targets. Cheap. Very visible at long distances. Not too big to be easy targets and not too small to be impossible. Make a very satisfying pop when hit. Completely bio-degradable so there’s nothing to clean up. And they give you a shiny coat.
Why do you hate these eggs so much?
They come from geese?
You mean from Fucking Hate Birds, the Birds that Hate.
Sky Vermin
Are you thinking of a particular country?
He’s obviously using evil code words to talk about shooting women in their Fallopian tubes.
I thought he meant (((eggs))).
I thought he was talking about twitter users.
I really meant “cans”.
My go to has been Walmart store brand diet caffeine free soda cans. With 5.56 you can chase the blown out can for a few more shots before it becomes hopelessly perforated. Not sure if eggs would be alright since the designated shooting area I go to is a pack it in, pack it out kind of place. Egg shell bits might be pushing it (they don’t like biodegradable clays either).
I won an auction on GunBroker this week. If all goes well, I’ll have a new boomstick next week. If not, I’ll be here to bitch about it.
What did ya get?
CZ P-07
It’s my pre-Phil Murphy New Jersey legal handgun.
How about which surplus Mausers are safe to rebarrel for modern cartridges and which aren’t? Because I’ve seen a few catastrophic failures due to this particular sort of stupidity, as in rebarreling a ’96 Swede for .308.
as in rebarreling a ’96 Swede for .308.
I have a m96 Swede. The action is strong as I recall, but not that strong. Who was that stupid?
Kimber of America, for one:–kimber-m96–308-swedish-mauser-conversion
No pre-98 action is strong enough for 55-60psi loads, like the .308. The 6.5x55mm was strictly a 40psi proposition.
I can’t believe Kimber was dumb enough to do this.
Followup thought: When these rifles were first advertised, I actually called Kimber and asked if they thought this was such a swift idea. I finally got through to a guy who claimed to be a Kimber gunsmith, and he said it was OK because “the new barrel took all of the pressure.” I asked him if he’d ever heard of locking lugs.
Goddamn. They should know better!
You mentioned in this article about following up with an article on body armor if people were interested:
Count me as someone who would be interested. There’s occasionally poachers in my woods and body armor is a low priority purchase in the not too distant future. They’ve killed my neighbors dogs in the past before we moved in, so I know some have an itchy trigger finger.
Good call, although BA is pretty straightforward so it might not be a long article.
I second Spartan’s suggestion.
+1 plate carrier
Hey, Vhyrus. As someone who is presently a non-owner but is very interested in someday becoming an owner, are there any books you could recommend that would assist with getting started? I’m talking about something completely rudimentary that covers firearm types, handling and maintenance practices, etc.
If you can handle the fact that it’s published by the RCMP, there is an online (and free!) PDF of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (Restricted [“handguns”] and Regular) Student Handbook 2014. It doesn’t cover everything, but it emphasizes things like safety. Used to be in two volumes, and combined since 2014. I had to grok both of ’em before I got my Restricted PAL. It’s actually reasonably well-written.
Thanks, downloaded and ready for weekend reading.
Well, I did say rudimentary, so…
Hey, the range I went to in Calgary, Alberta before I moved to B.C. had a small but diligent base of black powder enthusiasts. You could always tell who they were by all the soot on their hands, and whether any had been there earlier that day by the sinks in the bathrooms. 😉
If you want to know my advice, either get with someone who does know guns and have him go over stuff or take a class. The only way you’re really going to learn is by handling and shooting guns.
Ya. Find a Redneck near you. It’s a culture thing. Hard to learn that in an abstract way. Not impossible, but hard.
(looks out window of Chicago home)
Damn, no rednecks.
Thanks for the advice though. I’m planning on taking courses out in the ‘burbs but wanted to do some advance reading so I’m not going into it like a total ignoramus.
It’s okay to go in like a total ignoramus as long as you tell them that. If you know which end the bullets come out of and what the trigger does they can teach you the rest.
Know the Four Commandments. Do not break them. You’ll be fine.
Yhe rest is detail. Gun people love talking/teaching detail.
Looks like you can just run a Q&A thread if you are out of ideas.
That’s a good one
I’d be happy to contribute dry, long winded articles on:
Long range shooting
How to win an argument on the internet with fellow gun owners about marginal differences in LR cartridge preformance
Precision rifle reloading
Why coveralls are the superior tactical garment
LR Precision Rifle match shooting
Shooting to and past a mile
Developing marksmanship skills at 25m with a 22
The advantages and disadvantages having a long gun and sidearm that both shoot the same round. I’m genuinely interested.
Freaking criminals. Got an alert from my credit card company this morning about possible fraud. They were right. ~$432 of fraudulent charges. I’m glad the cc company is so vigilant. Easy to cancel and get a new one issued, but its’ still annoying and a little worry some.
I dropped BofA after 20 years because the card kept getting stolen, and they wouldn’t tell me how or by whom.
“Your card may have been comprised by an undisclosed merchant”. Fuck you, disclose it so that I know not to shop there anymore.
It’s that Chevron at the corner of Aviation and MB Blvd.
One of them was Home Depot. I was able to piece it together.
I use my AMEX at that gas station all the time, and it’s never been re-issued. I did notice that they ask for the CVV number on Visa transactions now….
When I lived in Redondo, I figured it was that fucking station. That Home Depot is also a pretty good call. I never thought about that. ?
Yeah, Home Depot stored numbers unencrypted. And I shopped there a lot.
If you go to the Home Depot website right now, you can register, enter your credit card, and get receipts for everything you’ve ever purchased there on that credit card.
Great for tax time, horrible for security.
One of them was Home Depot. I was able to piece it together.
I tried to place an order online at Lowes a couple weeks ago. The system made me call a 800 number in order to complete my order. I called and had to pay by speaking my cc number over the phone. ~$600 in fraudulent charges the next day.
Coincidence? I think not. I prefer never to read out my number, but occasionally there’s no choice. Fortunately, I keep a “burner” card with an intentionally low limit to use for most online purchases and anytime the number must be read out.
Interesting. Was it Lowes’ system, or your bank’s?
If I have to make a phone call, I’m done. Sorry, stores, get your shit together.
The risk of fraud is one of the reasons I use AMEX so much. If there’s a problem, they fix it. I’m past the rewards threshold for 6% cash back on groceries, but it’s still worth the convenience.
AMEX caught fraudulent activity on my card about eighteen months ago, and sent me a text (SMS) message within 2 minutes of the activity, asking me if it was mine and to contact them in any case.
I was suitably impressed. New card arrived in the mail about three working days later.
It was Lowe’s. Their system didn’t like one of the items in my cart. Specifically, I placed enough to qualify for a bulk order discount and the system couldn’t handle it for this one item and forced me to call. I would have much rather eaten the $3 discount on a $400 order for the convenience of not having to deal with that.
I had a guy who was going to be there waiting at opening the next day to pick up the order so not placing it wasn’t an option. Lowe’s managed to fuck that up too. I called and heard:
Lowe’s store: “Oh sorry sir, we can’t find your order. Oh wait, here it is but we can’t fill it without approval from Corporate. Can you please call them?”
Me: “Seriously? What do you want me to say? Hey Corporate, your store has my order but can’t fill it for reasons they can’t tell me. But they wanted me to call you and tell you this. You really can’t handle calling Corporate?”
Lowe’s: “No sir”
Me: “Put your manager on”
Lowe’s Manager: “I apologize sir and will call Corporate immediately”
Manager got it straightened out. I still don’t know what the issue was. Something about the corporate-store interface when you place an order over the phone. I still had to pay my guy to sit around and wait for a couple hours at the store and was not happy with Lowes about that.
The texts are really convenient.
“Did you just check in to Hong Kong Disneyland?”
Why no, no I did not.
Yeah, our AMEX caught a 4 dollar transaction on the other side of the country. Obviously the number had been stolen, and that was the first attempt to test it on a small amount they thought would sneak through. But nope.
But just about anyone can have a skimmer these days. So it only takes one dishonest employee to take the info off any card he comes in contact with.
Almost every single freakin’ time the spousal unit and I go to Europe, one (or more) of our cards gets compromised. This latest trip, I went almost all-cash for purchases except for hotel rooms, gasoline (always checked the card readers) and the SNCF’s TGV (high-speed train). So far, so good — haven’t seen any weird activity yet. I’ll be checking for the next couple of months, though — at least until Christmas.
Oh yeah, almost forgot — the good folks at SparkFun released an app that allows your smartphone to scan a gas station pump’s card reader via Bluetooth to see if it’s been compromised in any way. Useful.
Oh, and as a semi-tangent — this is yet another reason why it would be a REALLY BAD IDEA to completely dispense with cash and move to a “cashless” society. Cash is King, baby. Cash. Is. King.
Sorry I’m late But you said it. Sparkfun is a great source for Electronics and the toys they make,
and Cash is King, no doubt.
In my experience, almost all Japanese restaurants in the US are run by Koreans. That is all.
Japanese people are exiled Koreans.
But don’t tell them that.
Standard cultural appropriation. I guess that makes Koreans the ‘White People’ of Asia.
We have the real deal here. Honda and Toyota headquarters are nearby, so good food and good markets.
It’s times like this when I sort of miss dating the most progressive girl I have ever known. I haven’t been to LA since it ended, which is like 9 years or so at this point, but for a few years I went out there regularly. I also miss getting hammered before hoping on the red eye back to the east coast.
It’s really the only way to stay asleep for the entire flight. There’s a good reason why airports have bars.
Chain Japanese restaurants are starting to move in, but beyond the token Asian at the hostess podium, it’s all wypo doing the cooking.
Do you mean to tell me that Yoko’s in Bend ISN’T authentic?
Haven’t been there so not sure. I usually go to Bend-O Bento when I’m there and want Japanese food. Listen to Yukiko and Keiko chat back and forth while cooking, even if I can’t catch most of what they’re saying.
Last one I went to was Kezuki was it was exactly like that. (chain Japanese restaurant with wypo)
They claim to be the premier sushi place in the Cascades, but they’re…. clearly not.
*scratches off another restaurant that wasn’t on list*
Thanks for saving me the trouble.
Not true. In Pensacola, they’re staffed by the Filipino wives of retired Navy guys.
Here, it’s Koreans who run Korean restaurants and have Korean cooks, or Chinese restaurants who are ran by Koreans who have Hispanic cooks.
I’m not sure who runs the Korean restaurants in Istanbul, but based on the menu in my avatar (not sure if it’s readable to others) they are sadistic.
Number 18 – “Crap stew for 2 person”
Most of them in my neck of the woods are run by a single old Asian man and staffed by Hispanics.
Is it common for people moving from a technical job to a supervicory/manageral role to have difficulty delegating when they first start out? I’m in the early stages of working in that direction (the job I interviewed for is managerial, all the advancement opportunities where I am are managerial, everyone seems to think I’m headed that way). But I have to fight the impulse to jump in to the actual work that the consultant and the lower pay grade guy are supposed to handle.
In one case I have the sneaking suspicion that I could do the work myself without difficulty. In the other I know I can because it’s the guy’s first assignment in the particular scripting language. I keep reminding myself that it’s their job to do this work and I’m only supposed to monitor, direct or instruct. Being the key technical person for the better part of a decade ingrained the habit of “Oh, I’ll get right on that” that I have to overcome.
Is this common, or an ill-omen?
Fire them all if they don’t accept your superiority.
*sits back on throne*
I’m not actually their manager. I can’t even fire the consultant. This is the “Moving in that direction” phase.
Oh, well sit back and laugh and wait to be the closer hero.
I like the cut of your glib
In my experience this is commonplace. To me, a good IT manager is someone who know what needs to be done but leaves the employees free to do it. When an employee doesn’t know how to do something, show them once and make sure they understand the principles behind what is being done and then leave them alone. If they don’t learn from that, fire them and get a new one. If you find that you are doing too much IT work, you need better employees.
Be comfortable with emplyees coming up with solutions to day-to-day problems that don’t quite match how you would do it. As long as the job gets done on schedule without leaving a mess behind that someone will have to cleanup later, let it go.
I’d give my guys things to do that I could literally do faster than the time it took to explain it to them specifically so I could check their solutions and give them opportunity to improvise.
Use it as a learning experience for both of you.
I’ll try. So far I’ve avoided pushing them out of the seat and just doing the work.
Now you’ll have to lead those shitty 1:1 meetings where you develop goals and metrics for people and hold them to it.
How am I supposed to demonstrate that you are doing your job if we don’t agree what that job is and how we will determine if it is getting done?
Yeah. Problem is, goals never wind up just that. Remember, there’s development, taking initiative, etc.
Yes. I’ve been in more of a lead position for a couple years now and I still struggle with wanting to just do it myself versus figuring out how to support others doing the work. Couple that with habitual introversion.
Oh, good.
So long as I manage to keep myself from trying to do their job, I still stand a chance.
Yes. It is. As someone told me as I started to move into that sort of thing: “Of course you can do the work yourself faster when there’s only one or two of them. The point is to get 4 or 5 or 10 75%-80% Bretts running under you. If you get a miracle and you get two or three who are as-good or better, that’s great, too.”
If they are junior make daily workplans together. As they get more senior/experienced, “invite” them to discuss what they plan to do every 2 days to 1 week. Be very kind if they come to you with a problem early. Be less kind the longer they’ve chewed on a problem*.
*if it’s a fairly competent, experienced person and what they are doing is actually hard, give them your best knowledge or go find someone who can help them.
Be very kind if they come to you with a problem early. Be less kind the longer they’ve chewed on a problem
And even less kind if they come to you first rather than at least attempting to fix the problem. Along with that, try to give them guidance on what should be escalated immediately versus what they “should” be able to handle themselves.
Brett, you work mostly from home right? Can you recommend any good books or literature on this from a remote viewpoint?
I have no direct reports currently, but as my career advances, I’m going to hit a wall unless I can convince my company that I can manage direct reports while being 95% remote.
I’m struggling to come up with any off of the top of my head. My education has been organic. Our company has a voluntary mentorship program that I’ve taken advantage of. The guy mentoring me is super-Christian in the best sense of the word. So we have non-idiotic discussions about being respectful, challenging, and honoring that don’t end with Kumbaya. Its been really helpful. So I would say that’s my best experience is find someone who does it, explain to them that you would like to do it in the future, and ask if you can send them an email once in a while and have 30 minutes of their time for a phone conversation once a month.
Five Dysfunctions of a Team is one he had me read. My mentor was very forthright in saying that he preferred the “fable” style leadership books. So that’s where I am right now.
Communication is hard. Remote communication is harder. Standups every other day or some other sort of daily team communication. Maybe Slack or HipChat. One on ones every two weeks. And if you don’t know what someone is working on, ask.
Thanks, I added the book to my amazon cart. I have two informal mentors inside my company, who are very supportive and helpful, but we have not had discussions like this. That is something I think I can broach with one, and potentially even request some leadership training courses which I did not think of before.
I’ve gone several years with once weekly or every other week communication with my boss, which has worked well for both us. It’s funny you mentioned these communication techniques because he recently got a new direct report under him that I now report to, and she has started integrating all of these within our group. I’m still given a pass on most because of my work, but they are beneficial and I could see implementing them if I get direct reports.
One helpful book on this is Berkun’s The Year Without Pants. It describes his year managing a fully remote team at Automattic.
Awesome, thanks
I’m hanging on to technical like grim death. I would rather chew my arm off than be a “manager”.
Ditto. As a plus if I ever do become a manager type, it’ll be because I’ve already gone thru complete capitulation, and so, I don’t think I’ll have any problem at all delegatin the shit out of stuff
It is common. You will adjust. Get yourself a coffee machine for your office. Think of yourself as a teacher. You assign and wait for them to turn in their work.
It’s common. And in all reality, it’s sometimes useful. Keeping your hand a little bit in the work gives you a better sense of what your people are working on and what their issues are. It also helps them understand that you’re not just that guy in the suit. The key is to keep it limited to the point that it doesn’t interfere with your actual managing.
Got a call this morning from our company. Was the $1000 charge last week (they declined it) and the $300 charge yesterday (both Nordstoms) ours? Nope. New card is now in the mail. Third time this has happened. Other two times we thought we could trace to times we gave the card to someone. Kid at the gas station charged a couple hundred on video games. CC company called my wife before she got home.
Is it common for people moving from a technical job to a supervicory/manageral role to have difficulty delegating when they first start out?
I think so.
Having said that, I’ve noticed at places like start-ups delegation can at times be impossible because there just aren’t enough people to delegate to.
I believe it’s fairly common no matter what industry. You’ve been promoted because you’ve spent years learning your craft, and your employees are junior as far as experience. Of course you know how to it better/ quicker, but you can’t do everything yourself; you have to good people and trust them.
I just posted this in the Catalonia post but realized that probably no one will see it. Q Continuum asked what a demiguy is. I’m sorry to have to admit that I know what it is. It’s not demisexual. It’s people who “sometimes” feel like their gender and sometimes don’t. Based on the person I know who IDs as demigirl, and based on the fact that both she (I WENT THERE, PRONOUN POLICE) and this guy have about a million other alphabet soup identities attached to themselves, I’m going to guess that it typically involves a number of mental disorders. (In my personal experience, the more letters you’ve got, the higher the odds that you’re not well.) She’s bipolar and has severe depression. Amazingly, she also has body dysphoria (or is it dysmorphia when you feel uncomfortable with body parts?) and thinks this has something to do with her gender and not her mental illnesses. For some reason her doctor thinks it’s a good idea to enable this.
does she pay him?
I suspect Medicaid pays him. I could be wrong though.
Don’t get me wrong here; there are some good doctors out there, but,,,,
I have 2 neighbors who are psychologists, and… Jesus H Christ. One of them had her kid taken away in a Hannibal Lecter mask last year. The other one… don’t even get me started.
Every clinical psychologist I have ever known has been batshit crazy and their kids even more so.
Yep. They go into the field to fix themselves, and they… don’t.
Bingo. I worked in the mental health field and I can tell you that only 1 in 100 psychiatrists are remotely sane. 0 in 100 for psychologists. -100 in 100 for social workers.
It’s…well, crazy.
Is the crazy contagious?
Taught to their kids, I would say.
For example, the “kid” who got taken away in the mask (he’s 23):
His mom is kind of a hippyish psychologist, and she insists that he follow his lifelong dream of playing wide receiver in the NFL. This kid is 5’7″, half Japanese, and runs a 5.1 40 yard dash. I’d say the odds are 1 in 500 million. But she keeps pushing it, so of course this kid has mental breakdowns. And he didn’t bone up on any other skills while he was “following his dream”.
It’s fucking crazy.
‘This kid is 5’7″, half Japanese, and runs a 5.1 40 yard dash.’
Was she planning on purchasing a time machine so he could try out for the ’76 Buccaneers?
2017 Bears.
Isn’t Mattress Girl he daughter of psychologists or something brainy?
People become psychologists to diagnose themselves.
The head Psych nurse during my stint (thirty years ago, don’t ask…) and I became VERY close. Just for shits and giggles I googled her name last year and discovered that she has always been a closet tippler and druggie. The article kept going on and on about her “bravery” in coming forward with her “problems”. I nearly shit my pants, I was laughing so hard! Physician, heal thyself!
My wife told me stories about a friend of hers when she was a kid. Both his parents were psychologists, and yet they lived in a really shitty neighborhood because they didn’t want their kid to be spoiled and a bunch of other “racial justice” reasons. As a result, the kid was routinely pummeled by the friendly neighborhood children because he was a scrawny Jewish boy living in the ghetto. She also said their house was always in complete disarray.
* it was Just Say’n who asked. Not Q Continuum. Sorry!
Thanks for the info. I have no problem with people identifying however they want to, I just don’t feel the need to take some of these things seriously. Although, I take the position that if I met them personally, I would use whatever pronoun they want me to use, because I’m a gentleman first. Unless the government forced me to use a particular pronoun, then I’d do the opposite.
I work with someone who has undergone transgender conversion (not sure how far it’s progressed because unless they want to share it, none of business), and while I’m skeptical of much of the crap that gets the attention, this person has been an exception colleague for close to twenty years. Even if they weren’t, they still deserve professional respect just as anyone else does.
I don’t have a problem with *actual* transgender people. The *actual* transgender people I have met have been pretty normal, tbh. They have a condition I personally suspect is neurological rather than psychological, they’re treating it, they want to go about their lives and most of them are frankly embarrassed by the antics of the “community.”
It’s these “there are more than two genders/gender is a cultural construct/gender is fluid” people that I am really, really sick of. “I don’t like stereotypical girly things, therefore I’m not a girl. I command you use this madeup pronoun or I will call the cops on you.” And in the case of this person, it’s a really madeup pronoun. I have never heard anyone else use it. I can deal with singular “they,” and at least most people have heard of “xir” even if they mock it. But expecting people to incorporate a set of pronouns into their language that don’t exist for anyone else on the planet except you? And wanting to classify not using it as a hate crime? I’m not a fan of this trend.
I don’t have a problem with *actual* transgender people. Yeah, if they’re M-to-F or F-to-M, okay. It’s still a little awkward for me, but I can be polite and respectful. M or F-to-DemiFurryUnicornKin who demands fake pronouns? GFY.
I can be polite to anyone but I still think they’re probably unstable. I think the people who preach about Jesus constantly are unstable as well. I don’t much want to be around progs either.
Actually my list of people I don’t want much to do with is probably longer than the list I do. I reject the idea you can’t be on my avoid list just because you’re angry at your dick or whatever.
I try to avoid them when possible, due to my Cartmanesque desire to treat them like Retards, which isn’t cool, hence the avoidance
Nice parody the other day.
Even made me look like an idiot. I’ve been a little too good at that lately. Jesus, I’m on a bad streak.
Haha, thanks.
I recommend you spend more time studying memes and less time working.
More flax seed and less GLIBERTARIANS.
This was the best response I could come up with.
That’s how bad it’s been lately.
*hugs Rufus*
/leaves streak of shnott all over B-M’s Ron Flockhart’ t-shirt.
Ewwwww, poutine.
*doesn’t comment about all the grease all over Rufus’s puppet clothes*
Awww, Rufus, you’re still one of the cool kids.
You always look like an idiot. :-p
Possibly relevant:
Yes, accurate. She is one of the normal ones.
she wants to be on rogans show. That could be a good one.
“It’s people who “sometimes” feel like their gender and sometimes don’t.”
Every time I see that I hear Spiccoli saying “I dont feel tardy”
Facts dont care about feelings.
the comments in wapo are great!
A jingo ate her baby.
I shared this last night, but I doubt 5 people saw it
That’s hilarious
its beautifully sums up most of my conversations.
SugarFree is a Republican?
He does want to take your birth control.
But only after I’m done using it?
Holy crap, that is hilarious. This is exactly what I needed after a shittier-than-usual work week. Thank you.
The comments too…
Very funny, Like Carlin, True
That channel also puts this out: PAGING VHYRUS…
Review of George Clooney’s new movie…
From the review…
“As a portrait of the venality, perversion and deceit at the heart of white privilege and obliviousness, “Suburbicon” chooses its targets with insight and reckless brio.”
Apparently we’re in the midst of a national conversation/lecture about “white privilege”, because people from all walks of life talk about it with a straight face.
So… the movie is going to tank hard.
For sure. Nobody in flyover country is going to know what it’s about or even care. But it will probably win a ton of awards.
I fucking hate Matt Damon. Such a self-important douche. I like it when he’s in shitty movies like this that I have no motivation to watch.
I can’t stand fucking ignorant wealthy white idiots buying into and then lecturing white privilege.
Fuck. You.
When you give this stupid asshole theory attention you get stuff like that moron professor who thinks math and teaching math is ‘white privilege’.
I liked him in Eurotrip.
I liked him in Intersteller and I didn’t even realize it was him until the credits. I remember thinking it was someone who sort of looked like Damon but that was all. FWIW I hadn’t seen a movie with him in it in about 20 years.
Sonny Bunch’s spoiler-riffic review is fantastic.
That one left a mark.
Because we need more fucking shit about 1950s suburbs.
Oh come on – the horrors of the suburbs is a totally fresh topic that has been ignored by Hollywood for far too long.
Well, except for Ordinary People, American Beauty, and The Ice Storm, and about a hundred other movies.
Yep. The best band from Minneapolis not named the Replacements or Husker Du.
Straight outta Long Beach: Suburban Lawns
Oh. That’s really good.
And on Spotify!
WTF am I listening to…?
Forever will I love that movie, “Queeennnyy!”
It’s not just that it’s about the horrors of the suburbs, but yet another look back to the late 50s/60s.
Remember, I’m the guy who constantly rages about the doe-eyed look back at the Kennedy era.
But you do have to admit it, MTV really did go downhill after they fired Kennedy.
You don’t like “documentaries” that glorify teenage pregnancy? SO NOT WOKE
You forget that timeless gem Revolutionary Road.
Ya. Godamn. Everybody who ever thought Leave It To Beaver had anything to do with reality is long dead. Stop inititiating all your racial insults at me for being white by telling me what I think. At least come up with something original.
The genius of Leave it to Beaver (that a lot of people miss) is that the entire series is told from Beaver’s POV. That’s why the parents are idealized. What six-year-old doesn’t think great things of their parents?
So an extended version of Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ speech.
That’s going to go over well.
“As a portrait of the venality, perversion and deceit at the heart of white privilege and obliviousness, “Suburbicon” chooses its targets with insight and reckless brio.”
A comedy, then
This would be funny if asshole pricks like Sam Kriss weren’t already doing it unironically.
“Given the arrest rate of NFL players”
I read it is lower than the average arrest rate for men.
Probably higher than the average arrest rate for men earning $1.9 million (average NFL salary).
Once you account for age, race, and gender, the arrest rate of NFL players is lower. Higher than men with their years of education and income level, but that should make sense to anyone with three working neurons.
I hear players are losing their shit over that NFL owner’s comment?
Seriously man, they may be tough physically but mentally they’re useless.
imagine the current campus atmosphere. now imagine a group of people who get even extra help passing.
The players need to know their damn fucken place now.
As if the owner owes them. Fuck them too.
I’m feeling sweary-rantish today.
I think between the practice squads, the CFl, the american minor leagues, college kids, and random athletic people all could be suitable replacements if need arose.
There are a million people looking for a spot in the NFL. most would take peanuts in comparison.
You’re probably too young to remember this.
I was a negative number!
Not even a gleam of DOOM in your daddy’s eye?
My parents got married in 88. Maybe they saw it live together. I could have been that shimmer.
Joe Dudek, bitches.
“HIV-infected school aide accused of sexually victimizing 42 children in Maryland
A former Maryland school aide and track coach accused of sexually assaulting several male students while he was HIV positive was indicted Friday on more charges as the number of victims has nearly doubled. The Charles County State Attorney’s Office announced Monday a 206-count indictment for Carlos Deangelo Bell, 30, a stark increase from the 119-count indictment handed out in late July. Bell is now accused of assaulting 42 juveniles after officials originally reported 24 victims in July. “The ages of the alleged victims at the time the offenses were committed range from 11 years old to 17 years old,” the state attorney’s office said.”
Woodchippers at dawn. For real.
Wouldn’t want to be on cleanup duty.
The article says that none of the children has yet tested positive for HIV. Hopefully they are all being put on anti-retrovirals as a prophylactic measure.
The University of Bedfordshire hires Bond villain.
Sure, what could go wrong?
Someone could get shot by a baby?
Any grants these idiots have should be pulled immediately.
Does it feature Scottish accents and the devil?
I thought the oceans were rising. Shouldn’t the extra water depth dim the sun for the coral?
“DA resigns after he’s charged in sex-toy beatdown cover-up
Suffolk County DA Thomas Spota announced Thursday that he is retiring — just a day after pleading not guilty in a police-brutality coverup involving a former top cop’s stolen sex toys and porn stash.”
Maura Healey isn’t just content to try to make MA residents less able to defend themselves against violent crime. She wants to make sure that the local criminals won’t be deterred by fear of armed out of staters coming to visit.
Massachusetts AG among 17 opposing concealed gun permit bill
I really hope Exxon and CEI’s civil suits expose her fucking outrageous misconduct and not only kill her political career but force her to give up her law license.
Is she a clone of Martha Coakley?
And fuck Taxachussetts. My relatives can’t understand why I refuse to consider ever living there again – fucking ever.
I don’t think she was in on the brainwashing of the Fells Acres kids.
Honestly, I think she’s the Jar Jar Binks to Martha Coakley’s young Obi Wan Kenobi.
Martha Coakley had animal cunning and really only went after the truly defenseless. Coakley goes after people with the wherewithal to defeat her. Her hubris will be her undoing.
She looks like that lying twit-cunt Elizabeth Warren.
Does she also think drivers licenses shouldn’t transfer?
This press release from the NY AG office lists all 17 AGs. I’m surprised that Iowa’s, North Carolina’s and Pennsylvania’s AGs are on the list.
The letter, sent to House and Senate leadership, was led by Attorney General Schneiderman, and signed by the Attorneys General of New York, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia. Collectively, these Attorneys General represent over 140 million Americans.
Iowa’s AG is a partisan POS. Generally speaking, Iowa is “government” and “farms” – little else.
Wisconsin Woman does her best impression of Florida man.
Newsweek apparently printed some vaguely racialist screed by some professor at a second-rate liberal arts school in which he claims all rightish blowhards have Irish ancestry….and for some reason includes Pat Buchanan, whose surname is most assuredly Scottish and who has been a fringe player on the national scene for well over a decade. Contains much TakiMagish bloviating about the natural character of particular ethnicities, who is actually white, etc.
Indeed. And some leprechauns are even down with the brothas.
YES! I love that movie! One of the better hate-watches.
Gilmore lamented that white communist academics could not be more like Thomas Sowell.
Is the heading pic the official Glib side-boob pic?
That must be those whiskey tits we were discussing this morning.
Speaking of whiskey; just poured me a double Jim Beam over a big ice cube. Listening to this and chillin’out with you weirdos.
Now you’re talking, good stuff. (the music, not the whiskey (which I’m sure is also very nice (Beer > whiskey)))
Your a weirdo, in a good way, what did I just listen too, the Ventures?
Death By Unga Bunga. Kind of garagey punky pop psych from Scandinavia. Album titled Pineapple Pizza ??
Little Steven’s Underground Garage went on a Scandinavian spree a while back, some great old school rock-n-roll, The Laundrettes, The Breakers, The Cocktail slippers, The Hellacopters, etc….
I have to like this for the album art and title.
She looks a little too trashy for this place.
I approve.
mental sandbox time
About 40% of the military budget is for pay and benefits for current and former members. It would be a lot cheaper if the reserves/guard were bigger than the active force. Finland has something like 40 reservists for each active. Israel and South Korea also have large reserves, which eases the problem of filling the ranks when a war starts.
Way too many officers, especially generals and admirals. There were about 2,000 of them during WW2 when there were about 12 million in uniform. Today, there are 1,000 generals and admirals while the active military is down to 1.2 million.
Surface ships are a giant money pit, particularly the carriers. Aircraft operation and maintenance is also crazy expensive.
Definitely way too many flag officers. So many of them just hold down desks in the Pentagon, doing nothing important in particular.
From “Ozma of Oz” by L. Frank Baum
Tin Woodman commands the entire Army of the Land of Oz. Twenty seven men of which there are “eight Generals six Colonels, seven Majors and five Captains, besides one private for them to command.”
“I’d like to promote the private, for I believe no private should ever be in public life; and I’ve also noticed that officers usually fight better and are more reliable than common soldiers. Besides, the officers are more important looking, and lend dignity to our army.”
Of course when it came time for the army to fight it turned out that all the officers had heart disease and all they could do is order the private into battle.
“”For-ward—march!” cried all the generals, with one voice. “For-ward—march!” yelled the colonels. “For-ward—march!” shouted the majors. “For-ward—march!” commanded the captains.
And at that the private leveled his spear and dashed furiously upon the foe.”
Did he win?
And at that the private leveled his spear and dashed furiously upon the foe.
The captain of the Nomes was so surprised by this sudden onslaught that he forgot to command his warriors to fight, so that the ten men in the first row, who stood in front of the private’s spear, fell over like so many toy soldiers. The spear could not go through their steel armor, however, so the warriors scrambled to their feet again, and by that time the private had knocked over another row of them.
Then the captain brought down his battle-axe with such a strong blow that the private’s spear was shattered and knocked from his grasp, and he was helpless to fight any longer.
The Nome King had left his throne and pressed through his warriors to the front ranks, so he could see what was going on; but as he faced Ozma and her friends the Scarecrow, as if aroused to action by the valor of the private, drew one of Billina’s eggs from his right jacket pocket and hurled it straight at the little monarch’s head.
It struck him squarely in his left eye, where the egg smashed and scattered, as eggs will, and covered his face and hair and beard with its sticky contents.
“Help, help!” screamed the King, clawing with his fingers at the egg, in a struggle to remove it.
“An egg! an egg! Run for your lives!” shouted the captain of the Nomes, in a voice of horror.
And how they DID run! The warriors fairly tumbled over one another in their efforts to escape the fatal poison of that awful egg, and those who could not rush down the winding stair fell off the balcony into the great cavern beneath, knocking over those who stood below them.
Even while the King was still yelling for help his throne room became emptied of every one of his warriors, and before the monarch had managed to clear the egg away from his left eye the Scarecrow threw the second egg against his right eye, where it smashed and blinded him entirely. The King was unable to flee because he could not see which way to run; so he stood still and howled and shouted and screamed in abject fear.
While this was going on, Billina flew over to Dorothy, and perching herself upon the Lion’s back the hen whispered eagerly to the girl:
“Get his belt! Get the Nome King’s jeweled belt! It unbuckles in the back. Quick, Dorothy–quick!”
If I remember correctly, for that display of duty and gallantry he finally got promoted.
I was actually going to write an article about abolishing the military, but I did a google search and the first hit is Jacobin. I really don’t want to start ripping them off yet.
Today, there are 1,000 generals and admirals
Are you just referring to O-10s?
I find it hard to believe there are only 1000 O-7s, O-8s, O-9s, and O-10s.
There are also 4700 retired generals and admirals.
As of April 2011, there were 964 general and flag officers. By comparison, at the end of the Cold War the U.S. had 1,017 general and flag officers. Thus, there has only been a nominal decrease in general and flag officers even though the number of active duty uniformed personnel has decreased by roughly 28%, the Air Force flies 35% fewer planes, and the Navy has 46% fewer ships in its fleet. In sum, the number of general and flag officers has barely fallen despite double-digit percentage drops in the size of the forces they command.
Love this gem
“In place of that optimax of 5% {officers} that the MI never can reach, many armies in the past commissioned 10% of their number, or even 15%! This sounds like a fairy tale but it was a fact, especially during the 20th century. What kind of an army has more officers than corporals? And more noncoms than privates! An army organized to lose wars — if history means anything. An army that is mostly red tape and overhead, most of whose soldiers never fight.”
— From Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers (1959). Heinlein was Annapolis class of 1929, discharged in 1934 due to TB.
One that bothers me is the enormous resources for the Generals. Every Combat Army Aviation brigade has an entire company and fleet of aircraft specifically for the purpose of flying them around if they ever want it. Why can’t they just fly on the helicopters that are good enough for Joe?
Plus there are additional units just for the VIPs that have no combat mission and additional airplane units for them.
Generals absorb obscene amounts of money doing politics.
There was a kerfuffle about a year ago about Generals/Admirals and the fact that part of their staff were household stewards and cooks all enlisted and paid on the taxpayers dime rather than privately contracted house staff paid out of salary (or more likely some sort of obscenely large allowance/stipend). Can’t seem to find the article now.
Shit, forget flag ranks. Last I checked there were ~25,000 Army captains commanding ~2,000 companies.
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
Meanwhile, there’s a military aviator shortage, which has nothing to do with our military being overextended in multiple wars of choice.
Look on the bright side: if present trends continue, the military will consist entirely of generals and there will be no one to drop the bombs or pull the triggers, thus bringing the war to an end.
This aviator shortage occurred just after the Army kicked out huge numbers of aviators.
Yeah. Even counting doctors, chaplains, foreign area officers, and other typical captain jobs, that’s still means there are thousands pushing paper.
1 officer for every 5 enlisted. During WW2, it was 1 for every 20. Did soldiers get 4x harder to manage since then? If anything, technology should make it easier to keep track of people.
Base closure.
It would be a lot cheaper if the reserves/guard were bigger than the active force.
As long as they’re an actual reserve and not a full time for every little piddling contigency action phony “reserve”. One of the reasons I got out was the upper
management“leadership” wanted to dramatically increase both the training and planned mobilization time so they could be a full part of theactive“Total” force. Screw every state AG who wanted a third or fourth star & the NGB. If I wanted to be full time, I’d be full time. I’ve got a civilian career to take care of too.There were appx. 560 generals in the Union Army during the 4 years of the Civil War. Approximately 2 million to 2.5 million men served as soldiers. And most of these generals, especially the brigadiers, were in combat positions and exposed (or, being on horseback, more exposed) to enemy fire.
One general officer killed in the last 47 years.
The Fins have mandatory conscription. That would probably save money.
Ya. But be evil.
Yeah, who would voluntarily want to play with Jay Cutler?
Catalan Declaration of Independence in English.
US Declaration of Independence in Catalan:
Thanks, Quincy! Good follow material!
The rest of it:
Dramatic reenactment.
Live version.
Hooray for thought crime!
If You’ve Done Any Of These Things, It Counts As Harassment
Which is the same result whether you click 1 or all of the responses.
yeah. *action* *new information* *leaves*
I guess the presumption is that she wasn’t interested but you kept on trying until you found out she had a boyfriend. Her lack of consent wasn’t reason enough to stop trying to bang her.
Maybe. Or they’re just stupid.
So your feelings constitute crime. Who could have seen that coming.
Thats stupider and more evil than thought-crime.
I was merely supporting them in being true to their preferences.
We be pretty close to having “Asked for a date” considered as harassment.
Colleges are way past that.
I hooked up with her, and I kept going when I found out she had a boyfriend.
I guess I’m a feminist.
Consolidated list:
Have a penis
This McCarthyism/witch hunt is just starting.
Feminists realize their popularity is waning and everyone things they’re annoying harpies so they’re trying to gin up “I’m a poor helpless woman” sympathy for more power. And guys are suckers for that shit.
OMWC — I tried your shakshuka recipe last night, onaccounta the wife was out for a work function, and she don’t like tomatoes or poached eggs. Fan-tastic! I made a few subs based on local availability (where local == my kitchen), but I think it was pretty true to your version. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to any more (((recipes))) you might want to share.
We’ve made Shakshuka before. Great dish. Haven’t tried OMWC’s but I think I saved the recipe. We have a little Mediterranean place down the street that serves it for Sunday brunch. Theirs is pretty good.
You could always look it up again on the site.
Lifehack: buy yo woman a Wii.
Oldie but goodie.
You don’t need a wii for that.
My wife used to walk around in her underwear. But then, kids.
That’s what happens when your wife walks around with next to nothing on.
Twice on purpose, once accidentally.
It’s all the fault of the Irish.
neon’s response
Is that the Irish Steve Smith on the poster?
I thought it looked like me when I’m ranting.
Sororities are for girls.
You don’t know humiliation until you’ve left a cult… Down under.
I come from a cult down under,
Where women glow and men plunder.
+1 vegemite sandwich
Liked this article today:
This guy gets it.
Depends on what’s in the contract, I’m all for being able to fire/hire whomever you want to or don’t want to for whatever reason you want, but, a deal’s a deal. Para exemplar, I just agreed to remodel a dudes kitchen for [REDACTED] amount of money,Now if I show up day one and he says ‘hey before you start lets pray’ and I had a problem with that (which I wouldn’t, not that I’m a god-botherer, but because I’m not a it’s a meaningless gesture and keeping customers happy blah,blah,blah) and refuse so he fires me, I’m due at least some breach of contract settlement. I was willing to do what was agreed upon not some unrelated mumbo jumbo.
I work for Muslims, as much as any other group, as long they pay, who gives a fuck
Apparently a bunch of people with Strong Philosophical Objections™ , and as much as I think all the Non Cake Bakers and the Kneelers and the Not Paying for Your Bruf Contro!! types are nuts for injecting philosophy into business, I like to play the ‘Where do I draw the line? game.’ Thus while I think these protester are morans I imagine having to listen to Pet Sounds every morning and then forced to swear fealty to Brian Wilson, or what have you, Each of us has that line we won’t cross for love or money and just like musical taste there is no right or wrong* answer just your own gut instinct.
*unless you don’t like JLH, then you are objectively wrong.
In the Brady decision the courts ruled their contracts mean shit because every specific rule is yrumpee by the general rule that the commissioner can punish any conduct he deems worthy. That goes for unwritten rules like cleats or written rules like do x and receive 2 game suspension. The commissioner can say now x is a 4 game suspension. If players disagree they can appeal to the league and be judged by the same commissioner.
It’s kind of how the general welfare clause negates the entire constitution.
*stands to applaud*
The wife told me that “Ellen” was praising Kaepernick as a “great player” on her show yesterday, and opining how horrible it was to deny him his right to protest. Of course, the audience was eating it up. I wonder what Ellen’s reaction would be if the guy who warms up her audience decided to appear one day in a “Lesbians are Sinners” t-shirt? I doubt the guy would ever work in television another day in his life.
And…this week’s review – since I keep missing the main comment threads at peak hours.
If you like vampire flicks with a steampunk twist – give “Perfect Creature” a shot.
For this next review – an amazing Anime flick – I’m going to try and pull several animated clips to run silently in the background – assuming I can get it to work and I don’t get any copyright hits.
Awesome. Thank you for the recommendation. My wife will love this movie.
Good youtube as well. Look forward to the next one. ?
Gracias! Love feedback.
The idea of vampires being out in the open and not considered evil is pretty good reversal of the trope. It looks pretty good, they couldn’t have had a big budget but they put it on screen.
I suggested Marathon Family in the comments last week, so if you go ahead with review and have any questions, ask away – it was one of the foundational materials for people my age!
It’s out of stock!!!! On my short list for new purchases and I’ll pimp it to a few other folks I know – esp since it’s region free.
BTW – have you watched Tears for Sale? Gorgeous – that bizarre love scene in the back of the haunted hearse is incredibly erotic.
Nope, I’ve not seen a Balkan film in ..15? 20? years or so. And that was Underground which made me want to punch someone.
Well, the director. I later read the novel screenwriter wrote based on the screenplay and it fixed many problems I had. Incidentally, same guy wrote The Marathon Family.
Sorry, link.
maybe they can sink CBS as they go.
Disney owns ABC, not CBS.
i feel stupid now.
Only now?
I kid, I kid!
Fine! most of the time. gosh.
We are protected by the enormity of your stupidity, for a time.
The senator from Arizona can run but can’t hide from the pollution he has left along his political path. Republicans wisely rejected war in Kosovo; McCain jettisoned party loyalty to call for bombs from above and “more boots on the ground.” At the prospects of war with Iran, McCain burst into song, “Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran.” The possibility still makes this war ghoul smile. Before that, McCain promised a 100-year war in Iraq.
No war makes Johnny a sad boy. But now he’s considering a subpoena over Niger.
He’s a cancer
Seriously! I mean, what is going on in that man’s head?!?
Hitler. We were looking for Hitler. Thanks for playing.
Truly, I still can’t figure out if he is evil or stupid or or both. Both is obviously the operational assumption. But I’m not truly sure.
Upon hearing of the ambush, McCain was reported as saying, “Niger? Please.”
And none of that fancy “nee-ZHAIR” nonsense. Or “NIGH-jer”.
You’re all making me very uncomfortable.
Where, oh where did that tricked-up pronunciation come from? It’s irritating as hell. Maybe pronouncing it as NIGH-jer is too close to the dreaded N-word?
Damn, it’s too late tonight to pick up the stuff I need at Tar-SZAY.
filth goal.
My old boss from State (the one who’s the team boss at USAID currently with my former colleague), saw my post on Facebook about losing my job. She texted my former colleague and said “commence operation ‘Get Kristen to USAID'”. That’s kind of exciting! Nice to know people like & appreciate your work.
*raises hand for high five*
High five!
Losing your job? I missed that. I thought you were job hunting while still employed.
Yeah. The team I’m on was given its budget and there’s not room for me. I saw the writing on the wall a while back. It was a high-stress environment, so it could very well be a blessing in disguise.
Stress is killing me right now, seriously, don’t stress out, move to CO and play in the snow, there’s good work for you. And after a while you’ve made enough money, right?
/Obama sarc at the end
Well crap. But it sounds like you’ve got solid professional connections backing you.
I read that as “Operation Get Kristen AIDS”.
What you said is much better.
NO! Give him AIDS!
Excellent! Though I thought you were working?
I just read the morning links. Sorry about losing your job. It is good that folks are helping you out.
That’s a good sign!
Now that Catalonia has declared independence, what’s happening in the Basque area? Emergence of a non-terrorist movement there yet?
Also, has the Catalan government taken over BCN and started issuing their own entry/exit stamps yet? I’d fly there to pick up one of those.
two internet girls view on metoo
I expected one cup. false advertising.
Sabre-Toothed Squirrel for tonight. It’s a bit hoppier than I would normally go for, but it is pretty good.
Enjoying the beer?
Why yes I am. Arrogant Bastard in cans, because they’re 16s instead of 12s.
I got the 12 pack of Stella in cans. BEST.BEER.EVER. Ya’ll need to start drinking good beer.
I know several women who like Stella.
She was all right
You’re right. Do you have any recommendations?
just poured one of these
Dunkelweizens are good.
That sounds good. I’m having one of these with a glass of this
Yes, yes I am. Thanks!
I just poured a Ballast Point Big Eye IPA. This is a delicious beer.
Sly Fox’s Royal Weisse is next. Sly Fox has good beers. This is not one of them.
Surrogate mother gives birth to own biological son in rare medical incident.
Ummm… I think they mean rare legal incident. I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure giving birth to your own son is actually quite common. But again, I’m not a doctor.
I’ve never done it.
Not for lack of trying.
“An alleged dispute started between Ms Allen and the couple, who did not want to keep the child that was not theirs and asked Ms Allen for compensation. ”
Am I… reading this right? Did these cocksuckers hold this woman’s baby for ransom? Cause that’s really what I think I’m reading here.
That’s the way it’s written. It doesn’t entirely make sense though because the other claim in the article is the couple didn’t want the son who wasn’t biologically theirs. I get the impression they need a reporter with a better grasp of biology to clearly report what happened.
Decline of France continues in areas I’d never consider.
‘Sugar daddy’ site targeting university students in Paris is removed
I mean, it’s a bit gauche to emblazon it on a billboard, but what is France without mistresses?!
Even less appealing?
Matchmaker: Why women have totally unrealistic standards for men.
Have you ever heard that Man Store joke? The one with all the floors?
I just did. But it’s not a joke, it’s an actual store, right?
sorry, Husband store.
The Husband Store!
A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. … You may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 – These men have jobs.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 – These men have jobs and love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 – These men have jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking.
“Wow,” she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 – These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework.
“Oh, mercy me!” she exclaims, “I can hardly stand it!”
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 – These men have jobs, love kids, are drop- dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 – You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!
That’s fantastic. I’m definitely stealing it.
I’ve already appropriated it.
I watched a few minutes. Hilarious.
It’s princess syndrome and it is depressingly common.
In latin america it is customary for a girl to be given a ‘princess party’ when she turns 15 or 16. For up to a week she is given pretty things, cakes, etc while everyone that knows her kisses her ass up, down and sideways giving her anything she wants. Afterwards she spends the rest of her life being angry and bitter that real life is tough and she aint no princess.
We have that here too, or used to. Debutante ball we call it. It isnt as extreme but we do give girls unrealistic expectations in their rearing. Psychologically it is very destructive. I have one granddaughter and I intend to drill it in her head: Life is tough. Stand up for yourself. Make sure you can stand on your own two feet. A lot of people suck so dont have unrealistic expectations and dont put yourself out there so far that someone can tear you down. Don’t be one of the sucky people. Every day above ground is a good day so be happy.
I am also going to teach her to shoot.
“Since then police have seized the billboard.”
How is the billboard’s dog?
This reminds me of the tip the Dali Lama gave Carl Spackler.
Einstein’s tip for bellboy
Democracy vouchers in actual action, not as described by the Seattle Times Editorial board.
SSDD. I am shocked.
I work for pinkos. It was the 150th anniversary of our country’s confederation this year and their union decided that instead of celebratory messages it was a grand idea to turn the Maple Leaf upside-down and call it instead “150 Years Of Colonization”. Nice. I was so fucking tempted to draw a dick pic on that stupid poster but calmed myself and thought of the pets that I have to feed. And beer. And smokes. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
“I was so fucking tempted to draw a dick pic on that stupid poster”
Heh. I first read that as ‘I was so tempted to draw an ice pick and hack those stupid people to…’
Lackadaisical postal workers, Bro. I scrub their fecal matter from their surfaces and this is how they reward me? 2047 can’t come soon enough.
I think I see the problem here.
It wouldn’t bother me as much if was working for the Robber Barons at some corporate shining tower. These people are supposed to be OF the people and they still could give a fuck for their “lessers”. Tamps down your belief in the good of humanity, to be sure.
Final United 747 flight
I rode once on an Air France 747. I was on the upper deck, which was set up as premium economy. It was nice.
I rode on a final flight for a United 747. SFO to Columbus should have been the first clue, because it’s not a Heavy route. They didn’t announce until final.
Last scheduled one is UA892 ICN-SFO on Sunday.
Tribute video for you KK –
Last one to LHR
new (for me) running cadence I heard today
Way up north where the air gets cold
We’re running out of money and we’re running out of gold
So now I earn my living
Killing the baby seals
You can hit `em with a bat you can hit `em with a brick
You can poke `em in th eye with your eye pokin stick
That’s how I earn my living
Killing the baby seals
You can slash `em in the head you can slash `em in the throat
Then throw `em in the back of your fishing boat
That’s how I earn my living
Killing the baby seals.
Socialism and Prohibition: two awful things that are even worse together
A hundred years ago, at the height of World War I, the British government faced a dilemma. As the slaughter on the Somme reached its climax, a vast munitions factory had been built on the border between England and Scotland, on an area covering more than fourteen square miles. Some 12,000 workers, plus thousands more builders and a military guard, were drafted into the area.
Most were billeted in townships near Gretna on the Scottish side of the border, but only a short train journey from Carlisle, a city in northern England. With little else to amuse themselves, Carlisle’s pubs became a home for the workers and their unusually generous pay packets, every evening swelling a native population of just 50,000. At Boustead’s, a watering hole near Carlisle station, they would line up 500 whiskies along the bar, ready for the first after-work customers off the train.
By the summer of 1916, convictions for drunkenness in the town had soared six-fold. But, of course, it wasn’t disorder that primarily concerned the authorities. When future prime minister David Lloyd George, then munitions minister, declared that “We are fighting Germany, Austria and drink, and as far as I can see, the greatest of these three deadly foes is drink,” he was referencing the widespread view that the effects of alcohol were threatening production.
Outright prohibition was on the agenda for a time, something which was to come to pass in America only four years later with a constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcohol. But by the outbreak of the First World War the temperance movement in Britain had passed its high-water mark. In 1908, the House of Lords threw out a licensing bill which had proposed closing 30,000 of the 96,000 pubs in England and Wales.
But war had sharpened the drink question once more — and something had to be done. Against this backdrop, the Carlisle Experiment, as it became known, was born.
That’s Top. Men. thinking for you. Something must be done, this is something, therefore we must do it.
You ship a guy off to nowhere so he can work 60 hours a week building ammo for a pointless slaughter. Can’t you just let him get hammered?
oopsy- link
good call anyway, thanks for the linky!
Or buy his mates a drink? But it’s always control control control with those fuckers. The only control they should have is leaving the helicopter on the left or right side.
OT Tip-o-the-lid to the janitor defenders from a previous thread. You guys are not on my list. The rest of you are skating on thin ice, Mister!
Janitors are the cool people of white people
We’re all wise and philosophical and shit. It is known.
“Janitor” comes from the Latin word for door, janua. Janitor means door-man. Gladiator means sword-man.
Janus was the two-faced Roman god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings.
Janus is probably a contraction of Januadeus: door-god.
See? Knowledge of dead languages is useful for something.
I was aware. Does that mean that i get some bum-action tonight? (asking for a janitor).
Truly, you are an eagle amongst a flock of sparrows.
please accept this as a small token of my esteem
Ha! I was thinking about a prior thread wherein it was claimed that the hoi-polloi didn’t have weapons per se but went into battle with everyday tools. A mop isn’t much but some of the chemicals that I use might come in handy. Captain Squirt Bottle to the rescue!
Addendum. The key-ring adds that certain j’en sais quoi! Nice work!
Heh. I was just thinking what a janitor might have…razor (cleaning glass), mop handle (staff weapon solid or jointed used for thrashing wheat or enemies), hmmmm.
It seems agricultural or primitive industrial tools are better than cleaning tools. Surely you have a toolbox around with a hammer in it.
You are right about the chemicals though. Easy to make a muriatic acid or drano bomb by filling a lightbulb and tossing it. Yikes.
The Hero Janitor
William John “Bill” Crawford (May 19, 1918 – March 15, 2000) was a United States Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during World War II. He was also a career U.S. Army enlisted soldier and later a janitor at the United States Air Force Academy.
Crawford was born on May 19, 1918, in Pueblo, Colorado, and later joined the U.S. Army from that city in July 1942.[1] By September 13, 1943, he was serving as a private with the 142nd Infantry Regiment 36th Infantry Division in southern Italy. On that day, he was acting as a squad scout when his company attacked Hill 424 near Altavilla Silentina. During the battle, Crawford twice moved forward through continuous fire and, using hand grenades and his rifle, destroyed machine gun nests which were holding back his platoon’s advance.[2]
After the battle, Crawford was captured by the Germans and presumed dead. So in 1944 the Medal of Honor was presented posthumously to his father. Later in the year, Crawford was among a group of soldiers rescued from German captivity.[3]
On January 13, 1946, he married Eileen Bruce. He re-enlisted in the Army in 1947, retired in 1967 with the rank of master sergeant.[3] He later worked as a janitor at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and as director of the Lucretia Vaille Museum in Palmer Lake.[3]
While working at the Air Force Academy, he mentioned to friends that he had never received the Medal from the president. In 1984, during that year’s graduation ceremony, President Ronald Reagan formally presented him with the Medal.
No shit of a lie, the janitor at my high school tied a double Windsor knot for me before our graduation ceremony. He saw how drunk and pathetic I was and took pity. I wish I’d bothered to learn his name.
Leftists are vermin, film at 11
The larger point is that this decades-long assault on progressive taxes has a logic to it: the Right wants to destroy progressive taxation because it works.
It was originally enacted to tame the excesses of wealth and power that dominated the economy in the Gilded Age. The point was not to raise money, nor even, really, to shift the burden of taxation towards those better able to shoulder it (though the latter played a role). Rather, it was to fundamentally alter the distribution of power in society.
When he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt and his Congressional allies increased the top marginal income tax rate from 25 percent to 63 percent, and a few years later to 79 percent. In 1936, only a single taxpayer earned enough to be subject to that rate: John D. Rockefeller Jr. The point was to make it de facto illegal to be too rich, to better ensure that economic well-being was broadly distributed throughout the economy and society.
When it’s illegal to be too rich, many of the things rich people do — exploit labor, monopolize markets, squeeze supply chains, offshore jobs, asset-strip their companies, commit fraud — aren’t worth doing, since the government takes the lion’s share of the proceeds. When marginal tax rates are high, every other stakeholder has a greater claim on the surplus from participating in a market economy.
With luck, the current assault on the US corporate tax system will be repulsed, though the political deck is stacked in favor of the attackers. Let this battle herald a return to our roots: tax the rich so much that they aren’t rich anymore — only then can the rest of us live in a decent world.
I’ll give them a point for honesty.
What shame they have not considered the other things people do less of as taxes rise.
But taking money from the rich to pay the poor to not work is only fair.
“…economic well-being was broadly distributed throughout the economy and society.”
We have to. There is simply no other way to have economic well-being broadly distributed. None.
Thats bullshit. That wasn’t their motivation at all. It is more top ended now than during the so-called gilded age and it is that way by design. The progressive tax system is no small part of that.
The older and more curmudgeonly I get, the more that I like the idea of a flat tax. I’m relatively poor but fuck it, bring in a poll tax while your cooking with bacon. Earners vote, baby gets empty gruel bowl.
I was about to say that if we could drastically cut taxes the government would have to snuff out a number of federal agencies out of the X number of alphabet soup so I googled how many agencies are there and I get…
The government has no idea how many agencies it has
That shit makes me mad. It is time to cut the fuck out of government agencies and it can be done by starving the beast.
+1 Agency of Nothing Left to Cut
The pie of wealth is only big enough that everyone gets a crumb.
Mice going to war over crumbs. Soros is pleased.
Initial drunken Friday night hot take. I find this guy far less nauseating than most leftist/old school liberty leaning writers. Not sure if that’s even a fair criticism. Anyway, I agree, with no pretense of expertise(y’all know me), that any Republican tax cuts without at least a massive reduction in annual budget increases, if not(shudder to think!), cuts to entitlements will only increase deficits to the point that the further devaluing of our currencies strength will negate the economic growth to the point of it being inconsequential.
Again, drinking and just skimmed.
What tickled me was that he seemed to come to the conclusion that bipartisan support was not only the prudent strategy to enact the necessary cuts to both taxes and spendingThere is ample valid criticism of the naïve model of supply-side tax cuts, the deathless Republican canard that these things “pay for themselves.” There might be imaginable situations in which they do, but probably not in a large, complex, globalized economy with a moderate tax burden. There often are growth effects from tax cuts, but they do not usually amount to 100 percent of the notionally forgone tax revenue, much less 110 percent or 150 percent or whatever the radio economists are selling this week. , but seem…optimistic?
Again, drunk and just looking for feedback.
Oh, this caught my eye.
‘There is ample valid criticism of the naïve model of supply-side tax cuts, the deathless Republican canard that these things “pay for themselves.” There might be imaginable situations in which they do, but probably not in a large, complex, globalized economy with a moderate tax burden. There often are growth effects from tax cuts, but they do not usually amount to 100 percent of the notionally forgone tax revenue, much less 110 percent or 150 percent or whatever the radio economists are selling this week.’
Would that be the case because most if not all federal budgets post WWII increase regardless the tax cuts? Making the deck stacked so to speak against any possible surplus revenue being generated?
Just found the article curious.
Forget to space out one little quote and the whole post goes to shit.
this song actually manages to capture all the parts of Prince that made him musically interesting, imo.
particularly the fact he wrote very simple, catchy, major scale melodies.. but then layered harmonic things (*usually his own voice, but not always) them in ways that made them sound crazy and a little dangerous. he had an incredible ear for the way the same phrase could be transformed progressively changing 1 harmonic element. its actually very ‘mozart’; incredibly simple, but uniquely compelling.
nevermind the bits where he’s dancing around in women’s panties.
You’re fucking smart Gilmore
I have no ability to understand the necessity of dancing around in women’s panties, which makes me pretty dumb, as far as pop-music goes.
Yeah, despite improperly threading comments and actually liking Prince, he’s alright. Prince love. Don’t get it.
I used to look up to your musical taste, Gilmore. What happened?
You have a brain tumor? you got me.
compare this to Dirty Mind
its even in the same key (at least that’s my ear’s judgement)
in the “how interesting can you make 1 chord” competition, Prince wins
Nope. I’m a bit of a musical snob and Prince is like the best-looking guy on earth offering me a BJ. Still not interested.
Goddamn, I hate God Bless America.
Dear Gkibertarians, I never thought this could happen to me…
There is a fire hydrant in front of my house, close to the property line with my neighbor. The local PD and fire marshalls can be total dicks about ticketing and towing cars parked in front of fire hydrants.
Anyways, so one of my neighbors is having a Halloween party, and I spotted one of the guests parking his car in front of the hydrant. so I yelled at him that he shouldn’t park there. Then he started yelling at me and calling me a racist for not wanting people of his race parked in front of my house. (I mean, I can’t park my car in that spot in front of my house either.)
Despite the fact that we were about 30 feet apart, he was wearing a Halloween costume, and it was dark, so he could have been an albino for all I could tell. So now telling people not to park in front of hydrants a racist act.
I thought I was giving him a courtesy pointing out that he can’t park there, then it immediately escalated into a race thing.
Thrak ain’t woke enough, Yo! He needs to check his hydrant courtesy privilege. White Devil.