The freaking Member-Guest is this weekend at my club, so I’m gonna have a hard time getting a round in today. And I couldn’t play in a golf outing when Ohio State hosts Penn State with an afternoon start. So I don’t know what I’ll do with my time other than work. And that ain’t no fun for nobody. Meh, I guess I can suck it up for another day. (Or I can still go out there around noon and figure out a way to worm my way in between groups out there before they start the shootout.)
No baseball yesterday means no shit-talking today. It also means I have time to dedicate for a nice early-season NHL analysis. In the Wales Conference, Tampa Bay just keeps on lighting it up. 44 goals through 11 games and a 9-1-1 record is a hell of a start. The Pens are playing well, which is no surprise. But the Maple Leafs are hanging tough with a 7-3-1 record and look to end their misery streak with a nice season. Sure its early days, but they are looking good. Ottawa, New Jersey, Columbus and the NY Islanders round out the top 7 although Boston and Carolina have a couple extra games to play and the middle of the table is pretty tight. Over in the Campbell Conference, the LA Kings are leading the con…wait, did I just say the LA Kings are leading the Campbell? Holy shit, they are. Well good for them. I suppose the bandwagon will start to attract a few more people by the day and pretty soon, the internet will be crawling with LA hockey fans. The Blues are right there with them and Vegas, with the generous expansion draft system that was employed this year, are hanging tough at the top and with a couple extra games to play. Vancouver, Chicago and Dallas needn’t worry. They’re fine. But Arizona. Yikes! They might fold the team midseason if this debacle continues. I mean, even Les Canadiens du Montreal have won a couple games this year.
Anyway on to football, where Stanford had to come back and pull out a miracle win against Oregon State, who just fired their coach two weeks ago. And there was a blowout in the pro game but I won’t report on out because I can’t find stories on who kneeled and who didn’t that don’t contradict each other. And I wouldn’t want to report on that oh-so-important part of the story without being accurate.
Fine. Ready? Off we go with…the links!

My God, look at those magnificent tits!
Hypocrisy, thy name is Ellen DeGeneris. But in the daytime star’s defense…that’s quite a pair of balloons.
I guess the shit apple doesn’t fall too far from the shit tree, does it Randy? (Pours out a beer for Mr Lahey) What a fucking scumbag piece of shit.
We need to just tear down the Confederate monuments to end the national conversation. That’s what we were being told by those dumb enough to take these perma-griefers at their word. Except anybody with an ounce of brains knows they’ll never stop until they’ve destroyed everything that runs counter to their chosen narrative.
OK, I gotta give her credit for making a good joke. But it doesn’t sound like the hunger strike is anything to be taken seriously if the commissary receipts show anything. These guys sure as shit ain’t the IRA.
What an amazing amount of butthurt and deflection. But its what I’d expect from Mother Jones. (Trigger Warning: duh, Mother Jones)

I don’t care about him whoring, but a Patriots fan? BLECH!
Houston cops bust 140 johns at a whorehouse. One of them a cop. I give the whorehouse credit for serving a diverse clientele though. The slideshow shows men from all races and ethnicities willing to pay for a little boom-boom.
This song’s title reminds me of the left’s reaction to finding out their own ranks are filled with sexual harassers and guys jacking off into potted plants while starlets watch. But since its such a good song, I quickly overcome that and just rock out.
Have a great weekend. Go Astros! Go Bucks! Fuck Michigan! That is all.
Thanks, autocorrect.
You have an … interesting autocorrect.
I think it changes the word to the most used word in your history. Someone likes their German fart porn…
It does, does it?
*frantically scrubs search history*
Without fail, every time I get a hole in one at mini golf, I scream “this is shooter’s tour”.
So you’re still waiting for your chance then?
You win this round, Negroni. Also, bring a round of Negronis.
Thanks Edit
FaerieFarty!Are you sure that isn’t a cat-butt?
…cat fart?
That stinks.
President Trump, who refused to condemn the Charlottesville participants
Really? Paddock must removed my hard drive, too.
Well he refused to do it without also condemning the antifa.
I am pro-hypocracy, as at least they are right half the time.
*partially narrows gaze*
“In the wake of the recent Harvey Weinstein scandal, of which DeGeneres was an outspoken critic, dedicating part of her show to sharing her thoughts on the “#MeToo” movement, many fans were quick to mention the idea that this tweet wouldn’t fly had a man posted it.”
Well, a man didn’t post it.
I don’t understand why hypocras is so popular. Just tastes like cheap wine with spaghetti sauce in it to me.
Hypocras is wine sweetened with sugar or honey and then spiced with aromatic spices like grains of paradise. Spaghetti sauce ain’t got nuthin to do with it.
I will own my failure at making a misspelling pun.
I have no idea if I spelled it right or not, I am completely incapable of spelling it. No matter what I try, I am wrong.
0 for 2 in this thread
Let he who has never gone to an Asian massage parlor cast the first stone.
I assume that’s the majority of Earth right there. Could make for a pretty severe stoning.
Depends where you are. There’s one on every block in parts of Miami.
Wait, is there actually another south Floridian here? I thought I was the only one to suffer such torture.
No, thankfully, but do I live in Floriduh, and have to travel to other cities for work sometimes.
I can’t say that I have.
You can just go to the beach in NY and get one for free.
I have never gone to an Asian massage parlor. Except the one in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon but it doesn’t count when your abroad
I read that as “it doesn’t count when you’re a broad”
That works for me.
Could you add some more details to the story?
They just call them massage parlors in Asia
I also went to get a massage in Ko Phi Phi cause I though it would relax me after a night spent on a bus. There was this under 100 pound Thai chick there but I walked out sore like hell. But it was strangely relaxing. Although I am highly skeptical of the whole crack your back/neck thing Thai do. That shit can’t be healthy. It was also unexpected. She was massaging my temples, moving my head slowly left right and then snap-snap my neck is cracked.
They have western massage parlors in Asia, I presume.
You mean white slavery? Yes.
I have but I actually went for and received a massage. It worked the kinks out of my back like nobody’s business.
Shouldn’t “back” be in scare quotes?
But those weren’t the only ‘kinks’ you had worked on I bet.
Almost 140 men, including a Houston police officer, found out too late that the new management were actually undercover vice officers operating the massage parlor that had been a well-known underground brothel in the past. Dozens of men including two attorneys, a teacher and the police officer, were arrested earlier this month during a 10-day sting, law officials announced Thursday. – wow I though it was all at once and was thinking one helluva whorehouse. Also whorehouse is derogatory the preferred nomenclature is purveyors of reasonably priced high quality emotional support
“Intimacy support center”
“undercover vice officers operating the massage parlor”
That’s our government for you. They have to open a white house in order to arrest the clientel. Thank god they out there, keeping us safe from the hookers they are pimping.
Would you say its the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas?
I’d think one that doesn’t end with an arrest record would be better.
And before Election Day, the F.B.I. reached an agreement to pay Mr. Steele to continue his research, though that plan was scrapped after the dossier was published.
That little factoid, from the NYT no less, is conveniently absent from the Mother Jone’s piece.
I get the notion that pinkos never got called on their lies when they were kids. Now that they are adults they expect the same treatment.
We have witnesses and documents on Hillary. On Trump, nothing. They are trying to spin it as if the Steele file hasn’t been completely debunked.
“after a year of revelations on this scandal…” – baseless allegations, not revelations.
Media failure? How many anchors got caught admitting they were in the tank for Hillary? CNN got caught coordinating with her campaign. How many of them shit their pants on election night? It is hilarious watching the circular firing squad they are forming after the loss. Everybody’s fault but mine. Let me tell another lie.
They really are the worst kinds of people.
Trump says something stupid but ultimately pointless and unenforceable about the media: democracy is dead and Trump is our tyrant overlord.
News media actively colludes with Dems to promote progressive policy: why are you questioning the integrity of our journalists? You’re just a Trump partisan.
The Trump-Russia Scandal Is a Huge Media Fail
Such breathless wonderment at the failure of the media. Yeah David, we were kind of awestruck at the mendacity and absurdity as well.
I still fail to see the scandal to be honest.
They didn’t pin Trump to the wall with obviously made-up bullshit. That’s the scandal
When you meet a Russian lawyer it’s a scandal. When your husband gets 500 large to give an hour speech to Russians while your SoS wife approves a multi multi million dollar deal with the Russians on behalf of the US government? Sausage being made.
This will be a nice right hook for when any of my prog acquaintances have the audacity to bring up collusion again. Consider it stolen.
“with Russian intelligence hacking Democratic targets, stealing sensitive material, and then publicly dumping the material via several cut-outs, including WikiLeaks”
Citation needed.
Nuh uh!
/Mommy Jones
Could we get a sample of this sensitive information? No? Because it showed collusion with the media to elect Clinton? Yeah MJ, the media has let us down.
“American voters ended up hitting the polls with the Russia matter far lower on the list of major campaign issues than Hillary Clinton’s email server troubles”
Oh, for fuck’s sake!
Welp. I guess just leave it and let them peddle that. Avoiding the real issues with HRC is going to mean we get Trumped again in 2020.
Yeah, the Rangers got to toy with them yesterday. It was almost like watching a good team play!
The stupidest decision ever made in sports was moving a hockey team to Phoenix. The second stupidest decision? Building their hockey area in Glendale.
Jesus… I didn’t know the league ran the team for 4 years…. how the fuck does that be allowed to happen?
That’s the thing, in the 90s the Yotes were cool. They played downtown at a converted basketball arena, but since it was downtown you could get there fairly easily and there were other things to do there before and after the game. Phoenix does have a pretty sizeable population form the north so there’s plenty of fans of other teams that would show up.
That is until they built the arena in Glendale, which is out of the way for most of the Phoenix area. The area works for Cardinals since they only play on Sundays but hockey is played several times a week, its not a drive you want to make on a workday. That makes it a poor investment, naturally nobody locally wants to touch it therefore the NHL had top pick up the slack.
Trump’s New Refugee Vetting Rules Will All but Stop the Resettlement Process
I am not commenting on the policy but one would think that is the point. And what trump supporters want is precisely to stop “resettlement”
Not stop, reverse – start returning people to their homes.
Refugees returning home? That’s just crazy talk.
I keep waiting for someone to ask Frau Merkel – “so, ISIS is defeated….how many go home now?”
Why does it seem like 90% of Subaru WRX owners are asshole drivers?
Because they’re human?
This. You only notice the car because it’s worth noticing.
I’ve never noticed one. Either they aren’t on the road or they’re not worth noticing.
They often come with a hyper attractive spoilers and goes faster with a wide mouth muffler that makes the car sound flatulant. Good cars though.
Damn good point.
Guy I met since I moved, was driving me around town showing me stuff, and he remarks “People around here drive like assholes” to which I responded “I’ve never heard anyone make the claim that the drivers in their area are The Best.”
I used to hear that claim about Portland drivers. With the standard disclaimer to be wary of Cali and Washington plates. People would point out that all it took was a turn signal and space would magically appear to let you into the next lane and that it worked all the way from the far right to the far left even on the highway. It’s been at least a decade since then.
Maybe it’s you?
Yeah, maybe. The only other car racism I have is against late model Chevy Malibu drivers. The worst.
Cops drive Crowns, I thought.
I’m not sure if crown vics have been discontinued. Seeing a lot of late model dodge chargers as cop cars.
Me too. I felt vindicated when all the cop cars became chargers because I had already declared that the charger was the OFFICIAL car of pieces of shit everywhere
Crown Vics are dead, The Taurus and Explorer are the Ford cop entries.
I just dislike Chevy. Don’t know a darn thing about the drivers.
We all know it’s not “just” that. Pretty sure you have a hihn-esque file cabinet of dislikes.
No, it’s just a really short list of things he likes.
Much more efficient that way.
The mammal doth protest too much? Perhaps while driving too slow in the left lane? Hmmmmmmmm?
Me, a left lane bandit? Thems fighting words, scales.
I’ve never found Subaru owners to be that obnoxious as drivers. They generally seem to fall into two camps – the crunchy granola yuppie with a CoExiSt bumper sticker who backs into parking spaces at Whole Foods and the rally fanatics that have a small fortune invested in their car and are extra careful with it.
Audi owners, on the other hand…
My wife and I have had several Subarus including the Forrester she drives now. We are neither crunchy granola yuppies nor rally fanatics.
Hey, I did say “generally”.
Meaning that there is room for a third segment that simply make rational vehicle purchasing decisions based on reliability and return on investment, though that segment is likely much smaller than the other two.
Here in the People’s Republic of Connecticut and around the North East in general, Subarus are associated with the lesbian community. My son whom works at a Subaru dealership as a mechanic has confirmed that comment however that Subaru owners tend to be major assholes. Even the lesbian ones.
Prius owners are the worst. Whenever traffic is inexplicably slow there is almost always a Prius in the left lane holding things up.
Second that
+1 hypermiling fuckwit.
They are the least likely to give cyclists space and they are so quiet they sneak up on you. They are probably jealous that cyclists have lower carbon footprints than they do, and they wan’t to eliminate the competition for the crown of piety.
Vhyrus, to the red courtesy phone…
They survived shark attacks, the loss of their engine and then their main mast during a five-month ordeal lost at sea. Now, two women sailors and their dogs are finally safe after being rescued by the US Navy on Wednesday.
Lost at sea: the man who vanished for 14 months
Read more
Jennifer Appel and Tasha Fuiaba ran into trouble during the 2,700-mile journey from Hawaii to Tahiti. After their rescue, they credited the two animals onboard with them with keeping their spirits and said they managed to stay alive because they had packed a water purifier and enough food to last for a year before leaving.
To get the bad joke aside first, So not only chicks can’t drive cars they can’t drive boats either? Seriously though, with all this tech how can one be lost for 5 months inn 2017? The ocean ain’t that big
Hey it isn’t their fault they were willing to ask for directions.
Its the Pacific ocean! Roll your windows up and don’t stop for anything!
It’a a part of America we never get to see…
It is indeed a great song. Some of the psychedelic stuff is just so evocative – I dig it. And the video is fun, too.
I see in the sidebar Sunshine Superman, which is also a wonderful song. But instead of Donovan, let’s let let some kids from Minneapolis take a crack at it.
Nice. I like their take on Mary Tyler Moore too.
I’ll be honest with y’all. This was probably my most or second most enjoyable week, music-picking, so far. I found some stuff I hadn’t heard in forever and even got introduced to some new stuff.
Plan on more psychedelic stuff from time to time in the future.
Maybe some rockabilly next week!
You just lit the Nephilium signal!
But, yeah, that would be great as well.
And Mike Ness is the coolest motherfucker ever.
You called? I really need to get back out to see those guys, and see if Sugar rejoined them.
13th Floor Elevators.
+1 jug solo
Trump Allows Release of Most but Not All Remaining Kennedy Assassination Files
I trust the CIA to be fully honest with us.
That’s bullshit. It’s about protecting the reputation of the CIA.
“methods and partnerships that remain viable” from 54 years ago?
Castro’s still alive?
Wow. I kept clicking links in the MJ article thinking it would lead to evidence to back the claims being made in the article, but it was just an endless rabbit hole of baseless accusations.
Same here.
It’s using massively inflated language. For example “Trump and his campaign aides did aid and abet Putin’s plot”. How? Well, Trump questioned whether or not the Russians hacked the DNC server. Just like CNN and MSNBC repeated the words “hacked the election” over and over again, misleading people to believe that the Russians tampered with the voting machines.
What’s happening in your neck of the woods this weekend?
My new hometown is going to be flooded with about 10,000 kids, pre-teens, and teenagers, many of them doing Harry Potter cosplay while making this town even more difficult to drive in than normal.
*Lights OMWC signal.*
But the last book came out TEN YEARS AGO. And it sucked.
Committed fans are kinda like Team Politics voters …. no matter how bad something gets ….
It did seem to kind of fizzle, didn’t it. I read all the books except the last myself.
Yeah. I’ll admit to pirating my advance copy of book 7 a week before release. Stayed up until about 3 am reading the first half. Then it took me about 3 months to finish the piece of shit.
You could be describing my finishing of The Gunslinger series.
Ugh. Don’t go there. I have a few hours before I can start drinking.
Side note: took your reading advice and knocked out all six of the ‘The Prince of’ books. Really enjoyed the Lies trilogy. Thanks for the referrals!
I gave up in the middle of book 4.
I gave up up after the first chapter of the first book.. I knew that this shit was gonna end up sucking..
Well just tell them you have a cool wand to show them
“Enlargess mydongus” /begins waving around ‘wand’.
What’s happening in your neck of the woods this weekend?
Food & Wine at EPCOT, Halloween horror nights, German food fest, independent film festival, Mickey’s not so scary, so basically your 10,000 kids times 9/11.
I got my monthly poker game.
There is actually an Italian wine fair in Bucharest this weekend where you can taste up to 300 wines for free
How’s your Italian anyway? I presume you can understand or speak, what, with Romanian being part of the Romance language group?
I can vaguely understand, cannot speak at all.
*searches Priceline for airline tickets to Bucharest*
Here in Cleveland, it’s the annual release of the Christmas Ales. Two breweries tapped their kegs yesterday, at least one is releasing today. One of them (the Great Lakes Christmas Ale) is popular enough that it gets a handle even at dive bars, and is ordered by those who usually don’t enter the world of craft beer. Some of those people then get into trouble, as it’s about twice the strength of their usual beers.
The GL Christmas Ale is very enjoyable. Bell’s reformulated theirs this year and it’s being distributed this week. Still early as far as I’m concerned, but I’ll grab a few of each.
My favorites for the season are Troeg’s Mad Elf (which is a dangerous and expensive six-pack) and Thirsty Dog’s 12 Dogs of Christmas. While I love Bell’s beers; unfortunately, their Christmas ale is a Scotch ale, which is one of my least favorite styles. The one problem with the dive bars getting Christmas Ale is that some of them decide to fancy it up, and do a cinnamon/brown sugar rim on the pint glass… *sigh*
I’ll try to keep a lookout for those you mention. We have a great beer place in town that seems to find non Michigan distributed beers to sell (they always have Yuengling on a back shelf).
Dilly dilly…
It’s good, but GLBC’s best brew has always been the Dortmunder.
“In an effort to avoid event disruption or fear, we are asking all attendees to leave their clown costumes at home.”
We’ve got the World Series!
So Houston tops Ithaca again!!!!!!
Ithaca = 10 square miles, ~ 40,000 people (70 when the students are in town)
Houston = what, 1000 square miles, 2.5 million?
Not even a contest.
I’ve got some beers from NY to try.
Oh, and it’s snowing.
Bottoms up, shovels down.
There should be a package arriving by FEDEX today or tomorrow. It bears the Glib-mark….
For more than 15 years, Tenzin Dhonden has stood between the Dalai Lama and multitudes of US philanthropists, celebrities, scholars and officials eager for even an instant in the revered Buddhist leader’s presence. In his red and saffron robes and gleaming bald pate, the smiling Tibetan monk, widely known as Lama Tenzin, has introduced himself as the Dalai Lama’s “personal emissary for peace”.
Yet the monk has now been suspended as secretary and trustee of the Dalai Lama Trust, a charitable organization chaired by the Dalai Lama, pending an investigation into allegations from a prominent Seattle-based technology entrepreneur who claims that, between 2005 and 2008, the monk abused his role to extract unjustified payments from him.
If you can’t trust Lama Tenzin who can you trust?
Anyone trusting the Dalai Lama himself is in for a big surprise. What isnt a surprise is that he is surrounded by other con artists.
And he’s not a big tipper.
Yeah, but when he dies, on his deathbed, he will receive total consciousness. So he’s got that going for himself. Which is nice.
Why does it seem like 90% of Subaru WRX owners are asshole drivers?
I came up with the concept of “maximum IQ cars” a long time ago. Cars which, apparently, cannot be sold to anybody with an IQ higher than about 47. The one that crystallized it for me was the Dodge Duster. Without exception driven by idiots. There have been a few others, notably the Ford Probe. The WRX is definitely a candidate.
Anything by Fiat
Audit the Fed is what you are saying?
Wait are we still talking about cars? The Fed’s Audi QE Infinity is also a piece of shit…
I’ve heard good things about the 124 Abarth.
I have a 500 Abarth and it’s a blast. But I’m fully aware that it’s a Fiat and will be unreliable.
I don’t know about that. The new Spider is gorgeous.
*fist bump*
I’m sure it will still be pretty when it’s broken down on the side of the road with the other Fiats
Uh, it’s got the same underpinnings as the Miata. It ain’t breaking down.
Damn it Tundra, get out of my head!
Why? It’s fun in here! Meth, bikinis, risky behaviors…
*settles in*
*passes jelly jar of corn liquor*
But Fiat engineered the engine….
You will not make me question my anti-fiat bias goddamnit
Mazda helped and my RX-8 was as reliable as a…you know what? Just forget I said anything.
Yeah. My wife has a Miata and it has been a piece of shit too. Everyone is always surprised that it’s been such a headache so maybe she just got a bad one. But goddamn I hate that car. Especially because I’m huge. My head sits above the stupid seat’s roll protection and I have to scrunch up my shoulders to not interfere with her driving.
Stupid go cart.
Huh. My wife has a CX-9 and it’s been a great car for us.
The Dacia on the other hand is the thinking man’s vehicle
You forgot the “Ro” before “man’s”.
Well I’ve got a high enough IQ but for the life of me I can’t seem to stop my car from going crowd-killing rampages at local car meets. Might as well call it the Ford Paddock-stang.
Can’t figure out why it does it either. Never gives me any clues beforehand.
Smart Car could be on that list.
I’m a doctor and I drive an STI. It stands out in the physician lot
There’s a surgeon here with a Nissan GTR. I’m surprised the car hasn’t wound up on blocks yet since I’m also pretty sure everyone hates him.
It’s probably no coincidence, as they are marketed to the same demographic, but this brings to mind the Scion/Subaru BRZ.
An ambulance drove through an intersection near my house while I was driving. As he turned a side door swung open and 6 litters flew out landing in the intersection. He kept driving. I stopped to get them out of the road. As I’m picking them up another ambulance comes and I point at them. The driver looks and gives me this shrug like “I don’t know, shit happens.” Then he drives on. Weird morning.
So you’re saying you’ve got six litters to sell cheap?
That’s like 36 kittens! Monsters.
I’ve got pythons to feed, buddy.
*kisses Floridian biceps*
Things you carry wounded on, like you see in WW2 movies.
So….they were littering?
holds mirror to Swiss… You know what to do
They were litterally littering.
You, of all people, should not be allowed to make such comments.
What, like stretchers? That’s what I assumed when he said litters.
Six litters in one ambulance? Then proceeds to “pick” them up.
maybe they were… kitty litters?
Yes stretchers. I’ve always heard them called litters. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. Like some cultures call them the wrong thing.
There is no culture around here.
FBI Informant’s Lawyer — Obama Admin ‘Threatened’ My Client And His Career
I wouldn’t want to be this guy. Not only do you have the Russians to worry about, you also have the Democrats and FBI. Where the hell do you hide?
Ax Julian Assange if he has a spare room?
If you ax him I’m sure a room will open up.
Several rooms if you spray him with enough ax.
Oh, look behind the slick fuck head smile lies a real slimy piece of shit fuck head.
Who knew?
He’ll be dead in a week. Robbery gone wrong, doncha know.
North Korea: still a hellhole
The purpose of the provisions of the North Korean criminal code is to enforce North Korea’s state ideology and Kim idolization.
A sentence to a Kyo-hwa-so prison camp could await a North Korean citizen if she calls for an unauthorized gathering, expresses dissatisfaction about the state, imports, owns or consumes “decadent” movies and music, or listens to “enemy” broadcasting or propaganda, according to the report written by Hawk and colleague Amanda Mortwedt Oh.
The criminalization of external media consumption could mean the Kim Jong Un regime sees something relatively benign, such as a South Korean romantic comedy, as destabilizing to Kim’s rule.
According to Hawk, marketization is helping people of means to circumvent crackdowns, and the population with money is growing.
“There’s more people that have more money, so there’s more bribery. So while you have a crackdown you have more people with the ability to bribe police and avoid imprisonment,” he said.
When laws are dumb, corruption is honorable.
A socialist bragging about getting things voluntarily from people.
I’m kind of surprised I didn’t get in trouble at work. Some lady said she wished Bernie had won. I said “Why not skip the middle man? Get a gun and start stealing from anyone that has more than you”
Nice. I’ve been trying to find a quicker way to show progs that their system is rooted in violence; yours does the trick. Most of the progs I’ve been able to show that fact to didn’t even realize it.
They dont just steal from people that have more than they do.
I know that, but that’s her understanding of socialism. Taking from the rich (other people), give to the poor (her).
Sooner than later everyone not part of the oligarchy running the show will be considered to be “richer” so they can be robbed..
You need a gun to steal from those who have more, but also to protect yourself from everyone who has less. Socialism – war of all against all.
A core tenet of Jentzen’s campaign is raising taxes for the city’s wealthiest residents. She supports a slew of taxes aimed at the ultra-wealthy, including a millionaire’s tax, an increase in developer impact fees, and excise taxes on big-box retailers and banks.
Fuck off, slaver.
Ultra-wealthy means anyone with assets. I notice, too, that Seattle was her inspiration. *face palm*
Oh well, South Dakota is just a few short miles away.
Comments are fun. There’s even a poet:
Forward, comrades!
Ginger Jentzen – That’s a porn star name.
Would NOT!
I thought “don’t stick it in crazy” was understood around here.
Bitter cold winter? I thought global warming was going to burn us all?
Ask her to come check out how well this strategy worked for people that believe and talk like her in the People’s Republic of Connecticut. A few years back the usual team blue hacks tried to overcome a billion dollar annual deficit in their ridiculously bloated free shit for votes budget by instituting a whole slew of anti-rich and anti-business taxes. And now, but a few years later, after practically every one of those millionaires we were told would love to gladly pay that additional taxation and every corporation that could has either moved or started to look at options to move – with the very rich ones and corporations that came forth to peddle the new taxes for the pols pushing them being amongst the first to bail – we have a 3.3 billion dollar deficit and another round of “tax everything that we can to keep spending on buying votes from those that do nothing” move, going on.
These people deserve to be fucked over by what they do. It is a pity that so many others that know better also get fucked in the process.
It’s obscene that cutting a tax should disproportionately help those that disproportionately pay it.
Michael Malice.
Is Fargo open for business?
You know who else was a socialist who got things done?…
The Paris Commune?
This is going to be a pretty short list.
Pol Pot got “things” done.
“FYI: advocating for livable wage, not just minimum wage does not make you a socialist, it just makes you decent human being.
Equalizing income of oligarchy to the rest of us would not make you a socialist but social democrat.
Rejecting greed,profit and human exploitation and commodification as immoral and illegal would make you a socialist in training.
Only Rejecting liberalism, property, Capital and over all use of money completely within self governed community via a form of direct democracy would make you a socialist.
So let’s quit this Orwellian newspeak and hijacking meaning of words.”
Keep thinking that buddy. The problem is what you consider to be ‘decent’ needs to be socially engineered. Enter progressivism. Where you must take from people to give to others. It’s all socialism by other means.
And, in the end, everyone ends up against the wall.
These people truly make me ill.
advocating for livable wage, not just minimum wage does not make you a socialist, it just makes you decent human being
When you advocate for a policy to be enacted, in this case an economic policy, and you contribute nothing of your own to the effort, save perhaps a vote, then you are most definitely not “[a] decent human being”, you are a scumbag who thinks other people should be forced at pain of jail or death to carry out your wishes. Although, you might prefer being called a socialist.
Why would anyone want to actually bear the costs of their virtue signaling costs if it is so easy to tag others as evil for not wanting to give their shit up, huh?
The one that crystallized it for me was the Dodge Duster.
Lol. My dad had a plum crazy purple duster when he was a teenager.
There is a habit in certain cultures to pour a drink out for the departed. In the same spirit I am linking this for Eddie wherever he may be
How the Reformation sowed the seeds of Brexit
The 500th anniversary of Lutheranism will pass unmarked in Britain. But it left a toxic and destructive legacy
What a twat.
And we can’t have that.
Ha. Great minds and all.
Yup we can’t have differences and pride in cultures.
:Looks up: damnit!
Eurofanatics who go on about how navel gazing Britain is project in the usual left wing way.If Kettle weren’t a complete and utter tit, he’d realise that the Reformation wasn’t a case of Britain ‘splitting off from the rest of Europe’ – it was the trigger for conflict right across the continent. Wikipedia tells me that 8 million people (well, Germans) died in the Thirty Years’ War, and nearly 4 million more in the French Wars of Religion. But no, the Reformation was all about Britain, don’t you know. It had a permanent impact on our national character alone, despite the fact that we’re the ones who aren’t celebrating it.
Leftie worship of the EU over the past 25 years has little to do with being outgoing or internationalist. it’s all about oikophobia and asserting that Britain is horrid and foreigners sophisticated. So dunces like Kettle ignore one of the bloodiest wars in history because ultimately, they hate their own country far more than they love anyone else’s.
And Kettle decides to completely ignore the 30 years war because England essentially didn’t participate (since basically Parliament and the Stuarts were feuding over money the entire reign of both James and Charles I).
Somewhat related
It could be argued that Luther’s Ninety-five Theses was one of the foundations of modern liberalism: If and individual is allowed to find his way to God without the authority of the Church, why not then find his way to prosperity without the authority of the King?
With the Russian meddling relegated to a side show, Trump’s role in it was an even more tangential topic. And when I say “role,” I don’t mean to suggest there was hard evidence that Trump and his associates were directly in cahoots directly with the Russian scheme. What we do know—as I’ve written elsewhere—is that Trump and his campaign aides did aid and abet Putin’s plot.
David Corn gets paid to excrete this nonsensical babble.
So his theory is that because (ostensibly) Putin wanted Trump elected, even though there is no hard evidence that Trump and Putin worked together, the fact is that Trump helped Putin by campaigning to get elected.
Does anyone know what the TrumPutin scheme was/is and how Putin has been helped by Trump’s election? I am a little fuzzy on it.
What I want know is why the media seems to be stuck in the eighties with their foreign policy reporting. I mean, HELLO…
“What is Bastiat’s favorite punk song? I fought The Law and the The Law won.”
Tried that joke on my normal friends. Didn’t work. Salvageable?
No. And Bastiat is one of my favorite political philosophers.
Is it too unseen?
*visibly narrows gaze*
Works for me. But that could be the title of my political autobiography. The Law made me a libertarian in the first place. Goddamn you Bastiat. YOU WERE JUST TOO REASONABLE.
It’s fun to give copies to proggies. Not one of them will read it.
Yep, I just finished Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell and was thinking of sending a copy to a prog friend of mine but why bother? It’s not like she’d ever read it.
Is that a book worth reading?
Culturally Appropriate This, Social Justice Jerks
Why some people don’t just tell these morons where to get off is baffling. Let’s try a bit of role playing:
SJW: “Your Mexican fiesta on Cinco de Mayo trivializes a vital Latin cultural expression!”
Me: “They’re celebrating a battle where they beat the French like that’s a big deal. Now go away before I use you as the piñata.”
I mean he’s trying to be funny but these are the low hanging fruit of ethnic jokes
Katie Perry is quite the hottie, isn’t she? Too bad she ruined herself by touching Russel Brand.
Playa claims she’s a 4 without the fluff and buff.
Probably true for most women we think of 8’s or higher.
This is true enough. It’s amazing how horrible some “hot” women look when you see them without makeup.
Mila Kunis without makeup is quite disappointing.
Mila Kunis without makeup is quite disappointing.May the next toe you suck have athlete’s foot. And a hang nail.
You won’t BELIEVE what these pornstars look like without makeup!
No. Like her singing voice, it’s all Hollywood magic.
I’m not going to see her in person, so seeing the airbrushed illusion is fine by me
I can agree on at least one thing with Ellen DeGeneres, she do have a nice rack
That and plugging for Hillary……something, something SugarFree.
I’d start a GoFundMe for her to be in Playboy before she sags. I think she can be quite lovely.
I know right?
I give Brand props on his work on Morning Joe. That was fun.
City agency pushes back against bullshit money-grubbing “wrongful death” suit. No, really.
“Just because someone’s on the tracks, you can’t run them over and kill them and say it’s not our fault,” said Michael Kremins, the Han family’s lawyer.
I know lawyers get paid to say stupid shit, but how could you say that with a straight face.
Nutjob News
President Trump took to Twitter on Friday to deride political mega-donor Tom Steyer as “wacky & totally unhinged,” firing back at a California billionaire who is funding and starring in a television ad campaign calling for Trump’s impeachment.
“Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!” Trump said in his tweet.
Steyer has poured his wealth into various liberal political efforts, largely focused on combating climate change. He also spent more than $90 million supporting Democrats in the 2016 elections.
Some people buy boats. Some people build monuments to themselves. Some people flush their money down the toilet of politics.
Is the media ever going to figure out that they should just ignore Trump’s tweets and focus on things that are actually happening?
*shakes magic 8 ball*
*snorts 8 ball*
Even if Trump didn’t tweet, they wouldn’t focus on things that are actually happening.
Not as long as the things that are actually happening are at least kinda OK. If they ever turn mildly not OK, they will REALLY focus on them.
Actually if it was something that hurt team red, even if obviously fake, they would focus on it, while ignoring anything good. And they would also be doing exactly the reverse for things that would hurt or help team blue. It’s almost like the media these days is all about being dnc operatives with bylines and then getting angry when called out for it.
That might require actual journalism, so no.
Steyer was on Power Lunch last week – he is 100% whack job. They treated him with kid gloves, and let him present a canned tirade, but he couldn’t even field soft-ball questions.
I guess his business sense is better than his interviewing skills, but I don’t understand how someone that wealthy can make that much money with a complete lack of public speaking skills.
Libertarian Screams ‘Am I Being Detained?!’ At Everyone Who Shakes His Hand During Church Greeting Time
Clad in his favorite Sunday Gadsden flag T-shirt, local libertarian believer John Revere reportedly screamed, “AM I BEING DETAINED!?!” to every person who attempted to shake his hand during the greeting time at Beech Reformed Church over the weekend.
He bellowed the phrase at the top of his lungs to each of the fourteen people who happily greeted him and grabbed his hand during the mandatory time of saying hello, witnesses confirmed.
“Hi, how was your we—” one man said just before Revere replied “AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I BEING DETAINED?” repeatedly before the man finally scurried away in a fright. Several other victims followed, each one immediately rebuffed by Revere’s rock-solid strategy of ensuring his person or property wouldn’t be unlawfully searched or seized.
“You can’t be too careful,” he said. “Deep-state government shills are everywhere, and as soon as you let your guard down, you find yourself in a dungeon getting waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay.”
I laughed.
I enjoy their work over there.
Ha, nice. Passing that one along for a laugh at myself.
I do love that most libertarians can laugh at themselves.
Woman who married herself gives in to temptation and cheats on herself
How’d she find out? Did she hire a P.I. and have herself followed?
Oh no. Now she has to give half of herself half of her stuff. What a nightmare.
Wait…does that mean 1/4 of her stuff vanished? I hate fractions!
minus the lawyer’s fees, of course.
She’ll probably hire a hitman to off herself so she doesn’t have to pay alimony.
Behold the wonders of deinstitutionalization.
Sophie ended up having an affair (of sorts) with Ruari Barrett, a polyamorist who was apparently monogamous while going out with Sophie.
I’m late to the party (as usual), but is “marrying yourself” another euphemism?
And if you marry yourself, do you get two exemptions on your taxes?
Did anyone watch The Orville last night? They actually hit on the lunacy of direct democracy. I’ve actually enjoyed a few of the episodes, but I keep waiting for a nut punch.
Well, Seth Macfarlane, so yeah. A nut-punch is bound to come if there hasn’t already been one.
I was kind of astonished by that episode which I happened upon by accident. But then you have to think about why he wouldn’t like direct democracy. Not much room for TOP MEN to run things.
The show is actually really good. McFarlane’s biggest redeeming quality is his ability to laugh at himself and his own sacred cows.
Random question: Had anyone here ever heard of Richard Spencer before the protests and the punching?
Not me but I ain’t a nazi like you lot.
Yes, but only because of weirdo “race realists” and “human biodiversity” enthusiasts that would pop up at various places, e.g., H&R (remember “American” and his various socks?) and often, for some reason, Marginal Revolution (I guess because Steve Sailer hangs out there).
Also had the misfortune of coming across antifa morons prior to this post-election idiocy.
Same here. He’d come up in Breitbart comments during the election as well.
I still don’t really know who he is.
Nope… and I’ve been hanging around /pol/ for years. Leading up to the election, I vaguely remember him mentioned once or twice in passing. After the election, there were threads on him multiple times per day. Especially after the stupid “Roman salute” and the whole getting punched thing.
I did because someone (can’t remember who) used to post links to Radix (where Spencer writes articles) on TOS a couple years ago. Though I did keep confusing him with Jared Taylor for awhile.
The pick-up screams down the highway, a pair of antlers mounted to the hood, a small doe in the bed. On the tailgate is a bumper sticker that reads “Never get on one knee for a girl who won’t get on two for you”. Harvey’s robe flaps in the breeze out the open window.
OK. So now what? Where the hell are we goin?
Shit man, that’s up to you. Arizona ain’t exactly my bag. They elected John McCain for fuck sake.
What!? You ain’t got no fuckin’ plan?
Well, shit. I can pull over and drop you off anytime you want. Good luck.
No…No…Ok…I can think of somthin’.
And for love of God, put some damn pants on!
Ted reaches behind him, grabs a pair of pants and throws them at Harvey who fumbles and wiggles his way into the pants. He tries to button them, but gets exhausted and gives up.
Harvey pulls out his cellphone, taps on the screen and issues a command.
Turn left on Bell Road. After 8.4 miles, turn right into the parking lot.
Where the fuck are we going.
It’s better if you don’t ask questions. Things are about to get…weird. By the way, thanks for believing I’m innocent.
What!? Hell if I do. If there’s one thing Uncle Ted knows about it’s sex addiction. And you ain’t no sex addict. You’re just a fucking piece if shit.
So why did you rescue me?
Got word, from an inside man, that this whole shitstorm is to cover up the Vegas shooting and the liberal plan to confiscate firearms from good ol Americans. And hell, Uncle Ted is always up for some adventure. But that don’t mean you ain’t a piece of shit.
Turn here!
The truck careens across several lanes of traffic to make the turn, horns blare.
Ted’s truck jumps the curb entering the parking lot and slides to a halt in front of the front door. Ted gets out of the truck and stares at the building in bewilderment. He places his hand on his holstered gun.
What the fuck!?
Just, let me do the talking. I told you, shit is gonna get weird.
This is the product of a sick, sad mind, and I like it.
I don’t know who to root for! Fuck it, I’ll just go with Harvey.
So CPRM is a branch of the SugarFree writing tree??!
Doesn’t he do the artwork for SF?
Yes. CPRM is my fellow traveler on the dark roads of American desire…
Yes…he is branching out.
I also did artwork for this!
Fun fact: the concept behind the Jerome character in Gotham is based on SF.
We are witnessing the mimetic contagion.
See? Ominous, hilarious, full of menacing promise… this is how it’s done.
What a cliffhanger. So…. Um… At the Chuckee Cheese, is it teenager Harry Potter cosplay night?
Just asking for a friend
Wednesday novelette material.
I must be obtuse, but who is TED?
Also, love the bumper sticker.
Sweaty Teddy. Cat butt fever.
I’ve found a new favorite twitter parody account
Also this:
Someone should seriously do a web sitcom series about PC British police.
Trump Announces Designation of Opioid Epidemic as Public Health Crisis
Same old shit – we gotta do something!! And ‘disclocated worker grants’?!? What the everloving fuck?
Fuck you, Donald. And all your little statists, too.
The epidemic (epidemic my ass) is as good as solved! I wonder why no one though of this before?
tl;dr: People with chronic pain problems can go fuck themselves, we’ve got a crisis! A CRISIS!
If only there were some other safer, non-addictive alternative for pain relief.
Fire up the furnaces, boys! We’ve got new piles of money to burn!
Epidemic. crisis. <—- Bullshit fear mongering.
Most of what Trump does is like Christmas every day for me. Then I think of his ramping up the war on drugs and I start feeling my face get hot. this so called epidemic/crisis is of the government's making.
It’s a money grab by the rentseeking drug rehab/prevention/punishment industry. A national emergency makes it easier to push thru new initiatives and programs aimed at eradication, treatment, etc…
Politics are a slave to culture, not the other way around. Unfortunately, drugs are one of those issues where the libertarian position isn’t very popular until the majority of people get burned by the hot stove.
It’s an epidemic? Holy Fuck! That means that if I use the same toilet as someone using pain-killers I’m going to become a dope fiend, right?
Drug panics are one of those non-libertarian things that the general hoi polloi love to fear. It’s like a cresting wave that will crush you if you don’t surf on it for a little while, and it’s impossible to popularly critique and slow it until it dispersed and does its damage.
Come on, Trump. You were doing so well. Why you got to start on this shit?
How about legalizing heroin? That would solve a big chunk of the problem immediately.
Anybody else paying attention to Australia?
Crib sheet version: The delightfully named Malcolm Turnbull, who took power after stabbing the leader of his party’s coalition in the back, was already massively unpopular with his own party’s base. Imagine if the Republican party leaders in Congress had decided to remove Donald Trump from power, after he’d won the election, and installed John Boehner as the new President instead, and President Boehner subsequently started running the country like a Democrat–and you get the idea. (Understand that the “Liberal party” in Australia is center right, like the Republicans in the U.S. The center left party, like the American Democrats, is “Labour”).
Anyway, in a parliamentary system, there didn’t need to be another election until Turnbull called one or he didn’t have a choice–now it looks like he doesn’t have a choice.
Australia has a law that prevents citizens of other countries from sitting in parliament, and it turns out that a bunch of PMs have dual citizenship–for various reasons. If your father was a citizen of New Zealand or the UK, you may have qualified for that citizenship automatically, your mother may have applied for such citizenship when you were a baby, etc. Those people are supposed to renounce their citizenship before they take office–but a number of them didn’t.
Their highest court just ruled that those MPs are ineligible for office, and it is my understanding that enough of them were disqualified that Turnbull no longer has the votes in parliament necessary to sustain his leadership. It’s as if the Birthers were right about Obama, and the Supreme Court removed him from office–except there’s no Vice President in Australia.
Australia’s former prime minister (the one before the PM Turnbull stabbed in the back) was a Labour/Green, ousted largely for introducing a massively unpopular carbon tax and being a feminist SJW, she effectively indicted Australian society for being misogynist and thus explaining her unpopularity. Meanwhile, she gave $88 million in Australian taxpayer money to the Clinton Foundation and another $300 million in Australian taxpayer money to The Clinton Foundation’s affiliates. Once she was ousted by Turnbull’s predecessor, she took a job with that Clinton Foundation affiliate, where I believe she’s still working today.
People imagine that the rest of the world is somehow above and immune to the ugliness and awfulness of American politics, but it’s pretty much the same wherever you go. Show me a place with politicians, and I’ll show you a festering swamp of corruption, abuse of power, and incompetence. An excellent politician is someone who can pursue libertarian objectives despite all that, not someone who’s so “principled” he can’t get anything done. Going back to the Roman senate, it’s always been the same. Our politicians will never have hearts of gold.
I don’t get how governments can give money to charaties / foundations.
I don’t know much bout Aussie politics but I know that old Mal was a piece of dogshit, as were several of his predecessors.
They do things differently.
One of the things I’ve read is that down under, in order not to discriminate against religious institutions, the government gives taxpayer money to private schools, including religious ones. I suppose that’s a;ways stuck in the craw of atheists, but it became especially disruptive when they got a lot of Muslim immigrants and schools paid for and built by foreign interests started qualifying for tax payer funds.
The absurdity of progressive tolerance becomes quickly apparent when they claim that nothing is more tolerant than forcing taxpayers to pay for Muslim madrasas.
This is how – sue a business with money, settle with said business by having them “donate” to a favorite charity / foundation.
Ken, really well explained. I’ve been following this and it’s pretty awful.
One thing I want to add: it’s all to do with the green religion.
The Australian people don’t want the higher taxes and higher energy prices that the green movement is pushing. The people inside the government do.
Gilliard (the Hillary-lovin former PM) got into office in an election where she promised that Labour wasn’t going to put in place a carbon tax. Naturally, once in office, that is exactly what they put in place. And it was ruinous. It was – effectively – as comprehensive as the Stamp Tax that pushed the American colonies into rebellion. It also was totalitarian – for example, it was against the law to post how much of the price of a good you had for sale was due to the carbon tax.
Abbott (the PM that ended up getting stabbed in the back) engineered Gilliard being ousted from office. And he made repealing the ruinously expensive and authoritarian green initiatives the centerpiece of his campaign. He did an outstanding job in getting his party into power. He got rid of the carbon tax. He ended much of the cash flowing to “climate change” research which essentially was flowing to green activists making shit up.
And when Turnbull ousted him, Turnbull cited the need to restore Australia’s leadership in the fight against climate change as the justification. And while he hasn’t been so stupid as to bring back the carbon tax, he turned the spigot back on, and his policies – particularly centered around power generation – have put Australia in a state of crisis where rolling blackouts are almost inevitable (they are literally blowing up the coal powered plants needed to provide power and counting on wind and solar to make up the shortfall – despite the example of the outages this spring when a storm caused a complete shutdown of the grid in New South Wales after wind turbines destabilized the grid).
It sickens me.
Global elite, comprised of the political class and a huge swath of mendacious cunts that make money from these people, are getting really pissed that the fucking unwashed masses are catching on to what they have been doing, and telling are them to go fuck themselves. Whenever I hear some asshole talk about the evils of nationalism or of western civilization, I can practically always find clues that whet we have is some asshole that is worried the plebes will upset their apple cart by ending the scamming they have been profiting from.
Very interesting (and depressing). And I learned a new word from the article — “spruiking”
Wow. Not a single comment about Ellen.
Well, lemme add remember the bromance she had with Obama despite that little shit having said he doesn’t agree with same-sex marriage?
I swear. This swamp.
There were comments on the important part. The tits.
So big.
What Pie said. Who cares about Ellen’s comment? It’s are only a big deal because we know the same comment would be condemned as horribly sexist if made by a man. They shouldn’t be a big deal no matter the sex of the person making the comment. There, commented on Ellen’s comment? HAPPY NOW?! DON’T YOU EVEN WORK!?
Get rid of that “are.” Where’s my edit button? This is why I prefer our Discord chat!
I can go work.
/opens window and stares at neighbour.
American actor Shia LaBeouf’s artistic protest against US President Donald Trump has been attacked again — this time by vandals using a flaming drone in western France where it went on display this month.
The project, which features a white flag with the words “He Will Not Divide Us” filmed round-the-clock by a camera, has already moved several times from New York, to New Mexico and to Liverpool in Britain because of security problems.
Now installed above an art gallery in an old biscuit factory in the French city of Nantes, the flag came under attack overnight Tuesday-Wednesday by a drone, which attempted for several minutes to set it on fire.
That’s funny right there it is
YEah. I kind of want to take a run at burning that flag now. Hmm. Where did I leave my 1990’s super soaker filled with kerosene…
I hate that people I mostly disagree with are having all the fun because they’re fucking with people I almost entirely disagree with.
/pol/ is mostly libertarian at its core. The vast majority of nazi stuff is expressed ironically. Although there have been more real stormfags shitting up the board since they shut down The Daily Stormer, I truly believe these to be only a handful of prolific posters as well as antifa and shareblue trying to divide /pol/.
They are quite obviously saying the nazi shit to trigger certain people and don’t believe it:
/pol/ *was* mostly libertarian at its core. I don’t think it is anymore. It’s idiots who think they’re being funny and a fuckload of true believers nowadays.
I don’t disagree that there are true believers on there. But I think they’re a vocal minority. I also do think that a lot of the nazi shit comes from the opposition, especially antifa and shareblue.
I personally love triggering stormfags by pointing out that national socialism is a far left ideology. It drives them nuts.
Film of a drone trying to set such a thing on fire might be deemed performance art itself.
That film should be preserved as culturally significant.
As funny as it would be for /pol/ to set the flag on fire, that kinda seems like a cheat compared to taking the flag and replacing it with a MAGA hat like they did before. Burning it with a drone seems like the easy way out if you ask me.
Considering it took a lift to set it up in the first place…
*looks up cost of equipment rental in Nantes*
New season coming soon?
I thought Shia would be in rehab.
No justice, no apartments!
The New York mayoral election is less than two weeks away, and Bill de Blasio announced an affordable housing expansion that he likely hopes might shore up some extra votes. At a press conference this week, the incumbent mayor announced a 50 percent expansion of his affordable housing program. The city will aim to build or preserve 300,000 new units for low-income renters by 2026, up from a previously pledged 200,000. To meet these goals, his administration will commit $150 million annually over four years to build and protect affordable housing, with a special focus on seniors and slowing the deregulation process of existing rent-stabilized units.
Most interestingly, one specific plank of the platform seeks to slow the pace of gentrification. Part of the mayor’s more aggressive target will necessitate an expansion of the Neighborhood Pillars program, an initiative that will utilize $275 million in earmarked funds over eight years to help nonprofit developers with the mortgages and rehabilitation costs of up to 7,500 affordable housing units.
It’s part of an effort to keep such units from being sold to speculators who take control of properties and jack up rents, upending the real estate market for entire neighborhoods and displacing longtime residents in the process. “We don’t want these speculators to win the day,” said Mayor de Blasio outside an East Flatbush supportive housing complex. “We want nonprofit organizations to be the ones that get these buildings. We know they’ll take care of them right.”
I am beginning(!) to experience a Pavlovian rage when I am confronted with the term, “nonprofit”.
Every time I turn around, some moron is earnestly spouting some completely nonsensical hogwash about how nonprofits are saving the world from evul profitmongering Snideley Whiplash.
“slowing the deregulation process of existing rent-stabilized units.”
Yeah, that bring prices down. I wonder if politicians believe their own horseshit.
Non-profits = unaccountable to investors
I guarantee you that the corruption rate in non-profits is higher than in for-profits.
All you got to look at is what percentage of the money they collect actually gets to doing what they claim is their mission versus what percentage ends up in the pockets of the top men and the political class they bribe, and you will see most non-profits are just quasi-criminal enterprises that the people that hate capitalism like because it isn’t an entity beholden to the laws of economics, physics, or reality.
Commie builds projects to stymie legitimate developers seeking to make money. Turns city into blighted shithole as developers leave for elsewhere. Housing crisis worsens. NYC to become the next Detroit. News at 11.
How in the fuckity fuck do these pinkos keep getting elected? Who is stupid enough to buy their shit? Is NY still advertising for businesses to relocate there? Who in their right mind would see this going on and take that bait?
Easy. There is almost no middle-class left in NYC.
Nope. Both side of my family were working/middle class NYC families. Guess how many of my relative still live there? Almost none. Most of them left the area entirely. Most of the ones who stayed moved to Long Island…..and now most of their children are leaving too because they can’t afford to live decently there either.
And BTW the middle-class that are left vote Republican.
God damn he is a vile, lying, commie POS. At least the Post is doing the leg-work that Pravda won’t touch to reveal what a fucking slimebag he is.
New York state also announced a new PAID family leave policy which impacts all businesses (even those currently exempted via Federal law) – starting at 8 weeks paid and ramping-up to 12 weeks over the next few years.
I like to replace the word ‘profit’ with ‘value-added’ when evaluating things of this nature. So when I see “We want nonprofit organizations to be the ones that get these buildings. We know they’ll take care of them right.” I am actually seeing “We want non-value-adding organizations to be the ones that get these buildings. We know they’ll fuck them up right.”
This is kinda weird
City restrictions won’t let Denver mom sell home for market value
Home sweet home is now bittersweet home for Cynthia Lopez. The 35-year old single mom bought her Green Valley Ranch home in 2012 for $150,000. Just a few months ago, Lopez had a contract in place to sell her 1,200-square-foot home for $265,000 so she and her daughter could move to a bigger house nearby.
Just days before the home closing, Lopez was told her home was part of an affordable housing program that Denver created in 2003.
Out of 5,000 homes built in Green Valley Ranch, 642, including Lopez’s, were priced as affordable housing. That meant 642 homes could only be sold to buyers who qualified as low income.
But Lopez insisted she had no knowledge of her home’s covenant restrictions when she moved in nine years later.”Nobody told me. I didn’t sign any contracts. I didn’t sign any documentation that is required by the city to be in the affordable housing program. My income didn’t qualify. It was not in my title, it was not in my deed. Why do I need to abide by it now? Just let me sell my home at market value,” Lopez said.
Nothing could be found in the title documents that mention affordable housing restrictions.
I mean apparently it is some sort of regulated price commodity, but then the woman says she didn’t know. What can one make of this?
Unless it came up in a title search, she should be in the clear. Unfortunately, it’s probably going to cost her to fight the city because they probably won’t give up easily.
“But Lopez insisted she had no knowledge of her home’s covenant restrictions when she moved in nine years later.”Nobody told me. I didn’t sign any contracts. I didn’t sign any documentation that is required by the city to be in the affordable housing program. My income didn’t qualify. It was not in my title, it was not in my deed.
If she bought title insurance, they’ll pay up. I’ve seen them pay up for missing an illegally built sewer line across our property. Otherwise, she has a lawsuit with the title company–or she didn’t do her due diligence. If she contracted her real estate agent to do that due diligence for her, then she may have a good claim against them, too.
Understand, it may have cost the city in foregone fees etc. associated with that housing. The reason 55+ communities can’t sell to anyone under that age is because the developer was given an exemption to not pay school fees, which can run hundreds of thousands of dollars and are also priced lower for property tax purposes. It may not be their fault that you and the people you contracted with didn’t do their due diligence.
GVR is a shithole.
From Reason (well, originally it came from WaPo but I link to another). Story about a Judge who took a child away from the mother for 14 months over unpaid fees:
My comment there:
One of the reasons he claimed why he did this monstrous thing was because:
“After the women were arrested, the officer listed the child as “abandoned” because the mother had been detained. The baby’s grandmother arrived to take the child soon after, but the officer still requested the mother and child appear in Pearl Youth Court.”
See? The cops detain the mother and the child suddenly becomes abandoned! Over a…traffic violation!
A crystal clear case of how law enforcement fosters distrust among the poor.
Beyond, this Shirley lacks compassion and decency. To take a mother away from her child for 14 months in this story is beyond the pale.
And the prick is standing by his asshole decision:
Name dropping Jesus Christ was just bizarre. At least the douchebag resigned.
And good on the MacArthur Center for Justice. We need organizations like this by the gross.
I’ve never been one to entertain conspiracy theories, but after Harvey Weinstein, and the Vegas shooter, and this Russian file, and now Corey Feldman’s claims about pedophiles in Hollywood, I’m really thinking twice and realizing there are some big things that rich and powerful people are hiding from us yokels in plain sight. I think this “instant news” and hyper-connected thing is bad in some ways, but it’s also making it a lot harder for people to cover shit up.
Alex Jones isn’t so crazy now, eh?
Some of that stuff just doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. Which is scary.
Could you imagine how many people they ruined and perhaps even killed?
Scary for real. This shit is getting serious.
Don’t forget Epstein’s Island, accessible to the rich and the powerful via the exclusive Lolita Express.
Bill Clinton, who had no issue with the Secret Service knowing all about Monica and the other Presidential Suck Squad, ditched his Secret Service detail to travel to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.
I’m sure it was all an innocent romp.
Yeah, giving the old dog the benefit of the doubt, we’re probably talking about teenagers. As much as I fucking hate Bill Clinton, I don’t think he would be into raping actual prepubescent girls. Then again, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Wow, that’s also some serious shit. Time for a trip to Costco to get a big roll of tin foil.
The thing I don’t get (well I guess I do get, since these people are utterly morally corrupt and I, at least hope, am not); If you had Weinstein’s coin, there would be an endless line of gold-digging hotties that would have sex with you willingly. He has so much fuck you money it wouldn’t matter. Does he just get off on the power and control thing? And the pedophilia? Again, if I have that kind of money, I can run a fucking background check on every potential bedmate to make sure she’s 18.
But what the hell do I know, I’m just a mouth breathing bumpkin out in flyover country.
A guy with that kind of power and money – if he truly was a man of character – would patiently wait, play it cool and let the ladies come to him because there will always be some who will be attracted to that sort of thing.
So there definitely was hubris and arrogance at play here. Plus he’s just an asshole it sounds.
Most Hollywood celebrities aren’t cool. That’s the thing. To me anyway. I see nothing cool in Jolie or Clooney or whoever.
Agreed. On a much smaller but related scale, I find it utterly baffling that they still manage to rack up DUIs or drug related crashes. They can afford to hire a fleet of 24/7 private drivers and luxury vehicles, yet still get trashed and try to drive.
It wasn’t pedophilia(*). It was ephebophilia(**).
I speculate that adult(***) ephebophiles want to have a sexual partner that they can completely dominate and who isn’t in a position to make significant demands. A fourteen year old girl isn’t going to have the resources and the agency to insist that you stay true to your promises to her. Hell, the promises you need offer to an immature person are generally far less than to a mature one. A fourteen year old may think a week in a Caribbean island is the gift of the gods, while a 25 year old would place the gift on a far lower pedestal.
(*) defined as erotic interest in a prepubescent child
(**) defined as erotic interest in a post-pubescent but socially-inappropriately young person/child
(***) some ephebophilia is the product of people who are emotionally retarded pursuing an interest in people at their emotional age. For example someone who was imprisoned at age 16 will – upon getting out of jail – tend to try pick up again with 16 year olds, even if 10 years have passed behind bars. The guy who set up the FBI’s behavioral psychology lab was the first to document this phenomenon.
But Lopez insisted she had no knowledge of her home’s covenant restrictions when she moved in nine years later.”Nobody told me. I didn’t sign any contracts. I didn’t sign any documentation that is required by the city to be in the affordable housing program. My income didn’t qualify. It was not in my title, it was not in my deed. Why do I need to abide by it now? Just let me sell my home at market value,” Lopez said.
Nothing could be found in the title documents that mention affordable housing restrictions.
My initial response was to ridicule her for not doing her homework. If there’s nothing attached to the title, the city should just fuck off.
Without seeing her deed it’s hard to say, but I would not be surprised if it contains a clause that states the property is subject to any restrictions of record.
Have a good morning ladies and gentlemen…who am I kidding, gentlemen. I’m off to the gun range.
“15 Moroccan Teens Treated For Rabies After Having Sex With Donkey”
The donkey wanted it.
Rabid Moroccan Sex Donkey
Sounds like a Thrash Metal band.
With what she was wearing? Totally.
Hillary Clinton’s email server troubles
When you minimize one huge scandal, your reportage of another huge scandal becomes immediately suspect, Mother Jones.
“When you take your credibility, douse it in kerosene, burn it to ashes, then grind it up in a garbage disposal, then nuke it from orbit, your reportage on everything becomes immediately suspect, all MSM.”
An olive leaf to my ass-Glibs.
I’m an ass man.
Lotsa nice ass not enough face. Some interesting 2 for 1 deals as well
30 and maybe 39 seem cute but
What about an olive leaf [?] to your bag-of-antlers-glibs?
“What about an olive leaf [?]”
Not a complete olive branch because they must be informed that they’re still wrong, but I will continue to show compassion toward them in spite of their infinite wrongitude. Kind of like how (((we))) traditionally treat the goyim.
Also, bag of antlers is a bridge too far my friend.
I’d like to watch a Spongebob marathon with #15.
*heads to bunk*
Olive branch, fig leaf, what’s the difference? Especially with these links.
this is the craziest eight-word story i have ever read
Is that a double wide?
Catalan parliament declares independence from Spain
How many legions does the Parliament command?
We will see.
“I‘m not going to use force and beat people with my baton if they are passive,” said a 15-year Mossos veteran and secessionist, who declined to be named.
He said many others felt the same, but added: “I would have to obey it. My family has to eat.”
This is how you end up with Jews in ovens. I was just doingy job. My family has to eat. What a coward.
Thank you, blessed edit faerie.
Oh, boy.
Is either side committed enough to actually start killing/dying over this? We shall see…
Is it time to form a new Lincoln Battalion and join in the Spanish Civil Shitshow 2.0?
“15 Moroccan Teens Treated For Rabies After Having Sex With Donkey”
Mule train, ho!
*strongly narrows gaze*
What a jackass.
Will a cool $9 mill stop the frivolous suits?
“Sex robots will orgasm more for ‘nice men’ and have moral code
A SEX robot inventor has claimed that their robots will have a moral compass and will be able to judge nice men.”
A moral compass, just what I want in my mechanical jizz receptacle.
“mechanical jizz receptacle”
Another excellent band name.
No, no it’s not.
Judge Posner, hoisted by his own retard:
I’m fine with destroying any statues of historic politicians and generals. Go ahead. Get crazy.
And for those statues of communist/socialist darlings, past, present, and future: I have my sledge hammer ready.
Just got back from a crazy Halloween party for the kids at work. Something like 500 kids in a space…not designed for such activities. My boss is absolutely obsessed with it. A lot of Koreans don’t like the introduction/popularization of Halloween because it’s so distinctly un-Korean. Boss keeps Halloween decorations out year round.
Then had a work dinner–I’ve never had one in the States before (I moved abroad when I was 22 and never had a ‘serious’ job, though I’ve been employed since I was 14). It’s a very interesting dynamic. I wish I had an American baseline to compare it to. I think I can be pretty sure that more alcohol is involved here. Between the 8 of us that were drinking, we had at least 10 pints and I think 6 bottles of soju. One of the biggest “Huh, that’s odd” things is that no one gets their own drink. You just order batches of bottles and everyone pours from them into their own glass until you need to order more. And no one orders their own food. All communally eaten.
I have a show tomorrow, which is great because along with NYE it’s by far the best crowd of the year. This new band is just me (funk/rock/jazz drummer) and a classical pianist and we make some very crazy shit together. Very challenging but equally rewarding as well. We’re headlining with 6 originals and two Halloween covers (our versions of Addams Family and Thriller)…which is a bit light for a headliner….
Anyway. Not sure why I typed all of this. That’s my life at the moment. That ‘Stros/LA game was fucking insane. Fuck LA.
End transmission.
Depends on if the Americans are consultants eating on their client’s dime.
Go get laid.
Why the fuck do you think I’m a drummer in a fucking band?
Shit works, yo.
Thrill-Her time?
*Taps nose sagely*
Fuck Michigan!
RIP Almanian…
The picture for the post on the front page is absolute appalling. “Where’s the whiskey tits”???? Since we don’t we care about subject-verb agreement?
This country’s headed straight to hell.
I think whiskey tits would feature strongly in my personal version of Heaven.
Where’s the whiskey, tits?
Getting high and bumping uglies.
Correlation is not causation.
Also, surveys are crap.
Get this man a cigar!
Bringing new meaning to the term “motherfucker”.
Definitely not true in my case.
Me neither.
Winston’s Mom throws the statistics off.
She makes up for everyone else’s Mom.
Yeah, no. Personality-wise, maybe. Not looks, at all.
What would you think if your boss scheduled a vague no-agenda meeting with you and your big boss who never talks to you?
I think I’m about to get canned.
Maybe a promotion! Glass half-full KK!
Yep, my boss that never interacts with me at all wants to promote me!
He got a tip you were looking for another job and they’re seeing what they can do to keep you.
And the big boss is there because he wants to know why the fuck your boss didn’t pick up on reasons you are looking.
Maybe you’re about to be Weinsteined?
Nah. I volunteer at a school for handicapped kids. The teacher told me the principal wanted to see me after class one day. I panicked until I realized I was a 45 year old volunteer. Things freak us out just because…
I panicked until I realized I was a 45 year old volunteer.
I laughed at that. “I don’t even really work here!” “That’s what makes this so difficult.”
We need to talk about your visits to certain websites using the companies property.
Show up drunk. It will make the exit interview flow more smoothly.
I get one of those at least once a month, normally following my boss’ monthly meeting with the director.
your big boss who never talks to you
I read but did not process that part. Nevermind.
I may be dumb, but I ain’t stupid.
Meaning, I was right. They say it was purely budgetary, and I choose to believe them.
Shit. Sorry to hear that, Kristen. Hoping your new gig with USAID pays better.
LOL – don’t jinx it!
That ain’t no good.
Follow your skis out west.
If you want to work G’vmnt Contracting for IT services, FT Knox KY has lots of opportunity and the cost of living here is infinitesimal as compared to DC.
My LinkedIn indicates I’m willing to relocate to Denver or Salt Lake, so I’ll definitely keep my eyes and ears open out there.
You work in IT? Have a clearance by any chance? My wife works for a defense contractor, and one of her main duties is recruiting cleared IT people…
aw, fired?
Sorry to hear that.
I’ve had coworkers ask me before, when I worked in a large organization, why I put so much faith in capitalism when it always seems like the wrong people are promoted, the wrong people are let go . . .
It happens a lot.
—-Ecclesiastes 9:10, 11
Sounds like it’s been that way for thousands of years. Sounds so futile.
Of course, the verse right before that one doesn’t say it’s futile at all. It says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
Doesn’t sound like much of an afterlife. Sounds like working, being productive, and (later in the book) sharing the fruit of your labor with the people you love is what life is all about. I’d go crazy if I didn’t have something to do.
I like capitalism being flexible enough to where I can take all kinds of risks, make all sorts of mistakes, and still have a plethora of options before me. I’ve been in healthcare, software, commercial real estate, . . .
The Apple board once fired Steve Jobs and subsequently let management run Apple so far into the ground that Microsoft had to keep them afloat financially–just so Gates could point to Apple and say Microsoft wasn’t a monopoly back when he was fighting off federal trust suits.
For me, it isn’t even about how if everything were run by the government, things would be managed even worse. It’s about there being so many opportunities with capitalism when bad things happen–and I get to look for the next thing. I was once kept as one of the only employees in the hospital when they stopped being acute care and became a mental health facility. I was so scared of getting fired. It wasn’t until I went to a reunion with all the old employees that I realized all the people who had been laid off were the lucky ones. All the smart, hard working ones had found something better, but I was still stuck in the same old job.
Still, it sucks. The worst part is dealing with personnel departments, who typically don’t know what you do, what they’re really looking for, or why you’re qualified.
Personnel directors are some of America’s most horrible people.
Found out you are a ‘libertarian woman.’
Not good.
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday criticized judges who have issued nationwide injunctions that blocked Trump administration policies, calling the judges ‘super-legislators for the entire United States.’
“Sessions singled out a Brooklyn federal judge as ‘a particularly striking example’ of a judge who fails to respect the other branches of government. Sessions didn’t name the judge in his prepared remarks, but he was referring to U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis, according to the NLJ and Politico.
Garaufis is considering a challenge to the Trump administration’s decision to cancel a program that protected immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children. Garaufis had said at a hearing that the administration’s position was ‘heartless.'”
Is it time to form a new Lincoln Battalion and join in the Spanish Civil Shitshow 2.0?
Which side will our brave antifa legionnaires join, in order to hone their fascist-bashing skillz? That’s what I want to know.
Straffin, I think you should see this and provide a review for the assembled Glibs.
What would you think if your boss scheduled a vague no-agenda meeting with you and your big boss who never talks to you?
“Why don’t you ever talk to me Kristen? Did I do something wrong?”
Surprise, surprise: government efforts to combat opioid abuse is likely increasing deaths due to illicit drugs.
But, but, prohibition WORKS.
It works to increase government executive department budgets and nonprofit coffers.
That pay gap just keeps getting worse.
“Anyway on to football, where Stanford had to come back and pull out a miracle win against Oregon State, who just fired their coach two weeks ago. ”
Actually, Gary Andersen quit the job.
“I’ve had enough of these beavers.”
Alright everyone. I have some news:
I received a job offer this morning–from a legitimate employer.
It is a similar role that I have now at the VA (compliance) it’s just not in health care. Predictably, they are offering to pay me slightly less than I make now.
Use it as leverage with your current employer, see if they’ll pay you even less. I think that’s how it works.
The people I work with either hate me or don’t realize it yet as I have developed a reputation for writing detailed reports and powerpoints that illustrate problems within their programs. In short, I tell them they suck.
They’ll be happier when I’m gone.
Be sure to sing “When I’m Gone” sarcastically on your way out.
Wait a second – didn’t Bernie Sanders say that the VA is an example of how government-run healthcare works perfectly with no problems at all??
You should get a job with an IG. Writing detailed reports on how badly people do their job is basically my job description…