My sister recently had a birthday and I was voluntold to pick up a set of cupcakes from a baker specializing in cupcakes, and only cupcakes with ganache frosting. I found out they only make a certain amount during the day and will close when they run out. So when I arrived after they closed I still needed some cupcakes, and unfortunately for me there was only one place in the immediate area that would have what I needed to pick up.
I love how nobody at Whole Foods ever looks like their file photos…normally they look homeless yet somehow drive a Mercedes Benz Genändewagen. I know what you’re thinking, don’t you like money? Why are you shopping there? Well they had what I needed that day and their beer section is stocked with a disturbing level of variety. I picked this one up while I was there since the last time I bought from this brewery was in college.
This brand has probably one of the more visually elaborate labels out there. All of their beers are adorned with art deco style and obvious cues to 1920-1930’s era gangsters, gazing narrowly upon us from the refrigerator. The beer itself doesn’t disappoint either. It’s an American Amber Ale, which is a style that was popularized on the west coast and is probably the most ubiquitous style in the craft industry not called IPA. Do you like Fat Tire, Alaskan Amber Ale, Full Sail Amber Ale, Avery Redpoint Ale, Northcoast Red Seal Ale, etc? All fine examples of American Amber Ale. This one is a hazy, deep red-brown color that finishes with a nice foamy head. Cascade hops which is the norm but not exclusive for this type of beer, give it a citrus like aroma but not particularly floral–when it is cold.

Cascades are a strain of hops that was derived at the University of Oregon on a USDA grant in 1956 that was determined to create a species of hop resistant to downy mildew. It originated from an open seed collection that comprises of English Fuggle, Russian Serebrianker, and “an unspecified male hop variety.” The name of course, comes from the mountain range that runs through the area. In the event you run into a non-GMO type at a bar drinking a Full Sail Amber, be sure to point out this fact and provide a Dixie Cup to purge xirself of this vile example of patriarchy that displeases Gaia.
Speakeasy’s version is a bit more fun, as it warms to room temperature it takes a different character, allowing the dark toffee malts to be more evident. The malts balance out the hops, which is probably why this style is as popular as it is—it isn’t made to suit an extreme. They also mix in another hop, Centennial, which is similar to the Cascade, but manifests itself better at optimum beer drinking temperature and does not taste so much like grapefruit. This twist gives it a bit of complexity and lends itself specifically to the American standard of drinking beer while it’s near freezing. Beer should be served around 55 F, which is something in C, I just don’t care to do the math for it.
Speakeasy Prohibition Amber Ale easily rates at 3.5/5 or better depending on your glass of choice and if you are the type that prefers some balance. I had it in a chalice but you can use a pilsner glass or other wide mouth glass for a good effect. Otherwise if you read everything I just wrote about hops and determined it is another example of putrid, overpriced, over hopped, grapefruit flavored swill, there isn’t anything I can say that will convince you otherwise. So I’ll just leave this here for you:
Wife: Did you have to wear a Real Madríd jersey to your kids soccer game?
Me: I didn’t have to wear anything.
*stares down kid in Barca jersey*
Hey I’ve had this one before
“Alright Rummy- where’d you pinch the hooch? Is some blind tiger jerking suds on the side?”
“blind tiger jerking suds on the side”
Not even a euphemism.
Another great beer review. I don’t recall seeing this, but I will keep an eye out for it now.
Thank you!
great review as usual, thanks!
Excellent image at the end my man.
I thought it would be Q – approved.
Went to Bar Charlotte several years ago (it’s now closed bc there were too many fights) that sold boob shots.
My friend bought me one as a goodbye gift (i was leaving for my year in the mission field).
There was also a bucking bull, scantily clad girls in cages and on swings, and girls dancing on the bar
wait, what?
I believe that one of them likes cock.
Man, you hang out with some weird people.
would, would, wouldn’t, would
Probably South Carolina fans. Which explains why they can’t spell Cocks.
Mr Sharpshooter –
A fine collection of Arizona Brews has arrived at The Compound. Muchos Gracias, Señor, tasting reports to come later.
Is there going to be a specific Beer It Forward thread soon?
I’ll write one up.
I tried a decent Arizona beer the other day. Kiltlifter Ale from Four Peaks brewing. It is a Scottish ale and tastes closely to what I have quaffed when I was visiting those eternally dripping skies.
One of the beers in the package I received from Mexican Sharpshooter. Looking forward to trying it.
Kiltlofter is a clone of a well known 90 schilling from Scotland. I want to say its Belhaven.
Glad to hear that everything is still running smoothly with the BIF. Based on all the information I have, everyone’s packages should either be delivered already, or in the next couple of days. Good job everyone on making it easy on me.
Two beers I haven’t seen recommended in these threads yet:
Bear Republic Racer 5 for all you IPA fans
Victory Brewing Storm king imperial stout for the rest of you
Both are excellent beers I highly recommend checking out.
Thanks to mexican sharpshooter for the ongoing beer posts.
Racer 5 is good stuff. Haven’t seen it around me lately but there’s a bar near me that does “Tap Takeover” weeks where they run one draft rail with various beers from a particular brewery. I’ll have to put a bug in their ear to try and do a Bear Republic one.
Racer 5 is good, but my local grocery store doesn’t carry it. I have to go all the way to Whole Foods, which I prefer not to do.
I thought if I reviewed an IPA you’d all throw rotten cabbage at me.
Don’t let the terrorists win.
^^^ this
Good beer is good beer, regardless of the style.
Unfortunately, you guys don’t have access to some of the best IPA’s out there. We keep them here in Ohio for our own consumption. Between Brew Kettle, Fathead’s, Columbus, and Seventh Son, we’ve made good standings on all of the Paste blind taste tests as well as the GABF. But feel free to grab some lesser IPA’s to review. Not all of us are afraid of hops, and some of us were drinking IPA’s before the hipsters (does this go meta-hipster?).
Its like inception. You’re a hipster, within a hispter.
The Living Doll Strikes!
Some of us dig hops. Unabashedly. Fortunately you paired me with one of them and he will shortly receive a couple of Minnesota’s finest.
Sierra NevadaTorpedo is budweiser for old White Guys
Did Todd the Axeman go for a little ride?
A while back, he’s working at Three Floyd’s now. From what I read, he was given no equity in the brewery, and was offered equity at the new place. I would guess Overrated as the one to ship.
I heard the namesake left, but I thought the beer was still being brewed?
FWIW; Cynicale is my favorite Surley
It is still being brewed to my knowledge as well. Recipes stay with the breweries when brewers leave, it’s up to the brewery if they want to keep making it. The closest I’ve heard of a brewer moving to a new brewery and doing the same/similar recipe is the story of 12 Dogs of Christmas, which the brewer finally told the whole story at a beer dinner last year. The brewer used to work at Great Lakes and had some suggestions to update Christmas Ale, Great Lakes decided not to use the suggestions, and when the brewer moved on the Thirsty Dog, he used the changed recipe to make 12 Dogs.
As a matter of fact, the Fauxbia you have was based on a similar recipe that the same brewer did at another brewery called the Albino Stout (one of my niece’s favorite beers I introduced her to).
That Fauxbia was really good. Really good. All of them have been. The only one I have left is the City Boy. Might have that tonight, we’ll see.
Nope. Person in question used to live here and knew Surly.
Went with a couple of upstarts from Two Harbors and St. Louis Park.
i was ok with the tattoos, but the 10(*!(*$@ ear #(&*@)#$ lobe-stretching-shit (@#*()@ is just a deal breaker
I think both make her look kinda cute. I don’t know why, but I find it attractive when girls go with those outlandish types of things. Like there’s a cute Hispanic girl at my work who has those ear plug things, though they’re pretty small, not near as big as the girl in the above photo. They work for her (my coworker, not the above pictured girl), though to be fair she’d still be damn cute without them.
I don’t mind a little gauging, either. Then again, my right ear lobe was gauged out to a 4 for this sweet mother-of-pearl hook I got, so I’m biased
Just the right? Not both?
Yeah, just the one. The left ear already had/still has an odd piercing. One earing, four holes. It’s like a spring that you have to wind in.
If men just said, “Would” all the time, it would make women complacent. YOU NEED PEOPLE LIKE ME ON THAT WALL
If the above Whole Foods girl didn’t have the earlobe things and tattoo, I wouldn’t give her a second glance. She’d have been a wouldn’t.
sad. she has very nice eyes. and eyes are windows to the soul.
also, tits are the handlebars of the soul.
I have to agree. I’m a sucker for well-done piercings, tattoos, and funky hair.
I can deal with tats and jewelry. Its the crunchy vegan thing that turns me off.
One night at hockey some little freak showed up with the monster gauges. He had to tuck his fucking earlobes up into his helmet!!
I don’t get it.
Used to be you’d have to go through National Geographic to find body mutilation like that.
If I can drink it like in that photo, then it’s good. 5 stars.
^^^^ This guy just admitted that he likes bud light!!!
I appreciate that you just sauntered into this thread like you were Shecky Greene and started throwing out one-liners at everybody.
I cried because I was drinking a Bud Light until I saw a man who was drinking an IPA.
LOL. I’m so stealing that.
I hate bud light. That’s not even beer, it’s beer flavored water with virtually no alcohol.
I agree. Busch Light is much better
“”The tactics used against him are illuminating.””
Read more at:
Tactics so commonplace now as to not even br worth noting
I’d buy her cupcakes any day, IFKWIMAITTYD.
Also, now I want Bud Light.
I’ll go back to being Chevy Chase in National Lampoon’s Vacation now.
Isn’t Yuengling an American Amber Ale? Traditional lager, etc. ie. Longboard, etc.
Yuengling’s a lager I believe.
That is correct
Beer Advocate conflates the two.
There are Amber and Red Lagers and Amber and Red Ales. Yuengling is a Lager. Calling it an Amber is generous although it closer to one than it’s miller/bud counterparts.
It’s a lager, but it has a darker than usual color for a lager. I think that’s from the horse piss they put in it.
First off, would all the girls. Second, I had this Scarlet Lager (also containing cascade hops) Thursday night on draft at Beer Barrel Pizza and thought it quite tasty.
Some impressive incompetence here.
Washington (CNN)Investigators have concluded that a $22 million US Air Force F-16 fighter jet crashed near Joint Base Andrews, Maryland earlier this year because its engine was improperly assembled and was missing key parts, the service announced Thursday.
The crash occurred April 5 during a routine surface attack training mission.
Shortly after departing Joint Base Andrews, the aircraft “experienced an uncommanded engine acceleration, followed by a loss of thrust,” forcing the pilot to execute “critical action procedures for low altitude engine failure,” according to an Air Force press release.
Well if it’s an F16, it was probably following “routine” dismantling/rebuild – still doesn’t make a lot of sense….”hmmm, why do we have these 10 screws left over”.
Aircraft techs normally have an *extremely* precise maintenance / PMCS standard (ie. if you’re missing a tool when you’re done working, you find it before that aircraft gets switched on – even if that means dismantling everything again).
Plus the signoffs and oversight.
SOP for the Air Force: no matter what happens find something that can blame the crash on the crew chiefs.
Unless military standards have really gone downhill – esp for a stateside unit – I’m guessing contractors at work.
At Andrews? Sure. They have both Airmen and contractors at Luke. While I was at Shaw (ACC) it was all Airmen.
Actually it was contractors at Tinker AFB. They have a depot there which overhauls multiple engines. Somebody screwed up big time.
I’ll throw in a couple of my favs in the category. Great Lakes Nosferatu which is obviously quite popular this time of year and a very good beer. I also like Troegs Nugget Nectar. I scored a nice Nugget Nectar pint glass from when the Troeg folks were at my favorite pub across the street for some keg tappings.
If you like the Nugget Nectar, keep an eye out for Fathead’s Bone Head, which is another hoppy imperial Red. There was a blind tasting between the two a while back, and Bone Head was the winner.
Thanks. Yes, I’ve seen that around here somewhere but I think I was all crafted out at the time. I’ll partake next opportunity.
Cascades are a strain of hops that was derived at the
University of OregonOregon State University on a USDA grant in 1956The only thing that UO can grow is old.
crap. bolding should have ended after University
I still get confused by the hand gestures in the stadium, and when I’m drunk, I do it back.
Which one is that? I think the only reason to go to a live game is to get drunk these days.
It’s not what I thought it was.
Yeah, that’s a recent “innovation” by Nike U.
Stadium hand gestures.
Are you telling me I should not have read wikipedia? Wikipedia is FAKE NEWS!?
Methinks a duck messed with the wiki page. Its cool because they suck this year.
Who is the whole foods chick reminding me of? She looks like some chick on a TV show, but I can’t think of whom, and It’s bugging me.
All I see are those sad sad tattoos.
Katy Perry with less eye makeup?
*slaps forehead* Longmire’s daughter. It’s Longmire’s daughter she reminds me of, everyone can relax now.
Obama called for jury duty in Chicago
“Obviously we will make certain that he has all the accouterments that accompany a former president,” Evans told The Chicago Tribune. “His safety will be uppermost in our minds.”
Jurors receive $17.20 for a day of services.
“Although it’s not a place where the public can earn a lot of money, it is highly appreciated,” Evans said of Obama’s decision to serve. “It’s crucial that our society get the benefit of that kind of commitment.”
When Obama was president in January 2010, his name appeared up on a jury duty list at the Bridgeview courthouse. Obama passed along word from Washington that he wouldn’t make it. He had good excuses, including working on his first State of the Union address and drafting the Affordable Care Act, which now commonly bears his name.
Previous Cook County jurors have include Oprah Winfrey, who ended up hearing a murder trial in 2004, and Mr. T in a 2009 drug case.
Obama passed along word from Washington that he wouldn’t make it.
Why not? He was able to jet off any time he wanted to go golfing.
MR. T heard the case… as a juror?
But he pitied the fool.
I think having an ex-president on a jury, especially him in Chicago would be inappropriate.
Let him fill out the questionnaire, ask him some questions, and then excuse him after wasting the better part of a day. Also, make the SS wait outside (along with his aides and the rest of his entourage) since the courthouse is a secure environment and he’s now an ex-President.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall for your fantasy voire dire.
I misspelled that somehow.
He had good excuses, including working on his first State of the Union address and drafting the Affordable Care Act, which now commonly bears his name.
Some animals are more equal than others.
OT: Made the mistake of watching Tokyo Project last night. Thirty minutes run time cut down with judicious use of fast forward and then abandonment. Actual run time should be under 10 minutes without long closeup shots of the two unattractive stars. What an idiotic steaming pile of crap. Should have know it was going to be worse than I considered when the characters appear to be studying their boarding passes and the departure board AFTER landing at Narita. Supposedly a shaving company making a sales call but the goddam character is wearing a stubble neck beard. Hello? You’re selling razoring. Use one of them for God’s sakes before you try to sell them.
Iowa DOT clarifies: ‘Deer can’t read signs’
Oct. 27 (UPI) — The Iowa Department of Transportation issued an important clarification for drivers confused by deer crossing signs: “Deer can’t read signs.”
The department said in a Facebook post that officials field an unusual question “on a pretty regular basis” from drivers who apparently seem to believe deer crossing signs are placed to tell the animals where they should cross.
“Q. Why don’t you put these signs where it is safer for the deer to cross?
A. Deer can’t read signs. Drivers can. This sign isn’t intended to tell deer where to cross, it’s for drivers to be alert that deer have been in this area in the past.”
The Shame.
Well, it is Iowa….
So I didn’t know that Cato had unpersoned Vaclav Klaus (TW: written by smug ass James Kirchick) a couple years ago. Apparently the line that Cato considers ‘not libertarian’ is…support for Putin and negative comments about homosexuals.
Might explain why I haven’t heard much from him or Havel the last few years. Name still bouncing around in my memory, but nothing in the “press” in a year or two.
“”he once likened “climate alarmism” to communism””
this is supposed to be read as ‘crazy talk’, but actually makes sense in both literal and figurative ways.
Whut? There are people who haven’t figured that out?
I have 2 beers left. And a fifth of whiskey. It’s a nice day out and there’s a bunch of illegal Guatemalans doing landscaping next door, talking some sort Nahuatl/Spanish hybrid gibberish.
I think I will to grill some wings and chicken breasts and make some hot sauce to put them in.
I’m going to sit on my deck drinking and grilling and yell ‘go home you dirty Guatemalan illegal aliens!’, while waving my Trumpy Bear around.
Grill the…wings?! *lights the Playa signal*
Eh… I’ll allow it. I assume they’re still attached to the breasts.
Nope. But they’re huge wings. That chicken must have weighed 40 lbs.
I grill wings all the time after coatimg them lightly with chipotle powder and dress them with carolina gold.
‘Keeping our Nana happily tatted’: Meet the State College 93-year-old getting tattoos for free
Lily Hutchison was 80-years-old when she got her first tattoo. Now, at almost 94, she has 12 little mementos covering her forearms and ankles, all inked for free at King Cobra Tattoo in downtown State College.
“When they found out how old I was, they didn’t charge me,” Hutchison said. “They probably thought I had better sense.”
Hutchison is a Butler, Pennsylvania native and moved into an apartment at Addison Court, in State College, 17 years ago. One day, she saw a neighbor with a tattoo and decided to get one of her own.
“She would just truck right across the street,” Hutchinson’s niece, Selma, said. “There was no warning ever. All of the sudden we would just see one on her.”
Justin Sellers, the co-owner of King Cobra, still remembers the first time he met her.
“She was eccentric, and we like old people that still like to have a good time,” Sellers said.
Her first tattoo was a hummingbird floating atop a lily — chosen because of her namesake. She has tattooed initials for family members and the logos of the three colleges her grandchildren attended.
“Her doctor told her no more, but she didn’t care,” Selma said. “She kept going.”
Hutchinson is the oldest person Sellers or his brother Tim have ever tattooed. While he said he loves Hutchinson’s spunky personality, tattooing someone of her age does come with challenges.
“I call it tattooing tissue paper,” Sellers said. “It’s totally different and kind of scary.”
Hutchinson had a health scare three years ago and was moved into the Wynwood House, an assisted living facility. Before this, she could be seen strolling around downtown with her walker, which is always decorated and features some sort of stuffed animal.
As Hutchinson grows older, Selma said her memory has begun to fade. Though Hutchinson said she doesn’t know exactly why she got the tattoos, she consistently remembered the reason behind most of them – her family.
Hutchinson’s most recent tattoo is of the University of Pittsburgh logo, where her granddaughter Alicia is working on a doctorate degree. Alicia originally commented on King Cobra’s Facebook post about Lily, thanking them for “keeping our Nana happily tatted.”
“She’s inspirational for sure,” Sellers said. “I hope to never get lame.”
My brother used in work in a Jewish retirement home. He said several of the older residents had tattoos there as well.
Joos with tattoos!
Cutest ever!
I always enjoy the beer reviews.
I have a Halloween party tonight and made Hot Lips cookies to bring. These are a crispy cookie with cashews and habanero powder in them. They go pretty well with wine.
Hot Lips
Her name is Maj. Houlihan.
Enjoy your Cosplay orgy, thanks for the invite
I can see how selling shit on ebay could turn into a minor addiction.
i used to buy records like crazy on ebay. like a dozen a week. the trick was basically ‘find sellers who listed things badly’, and consequently got ignored, so you could snatch shit up for a fraction of their current-average.
now, i don’t think that works. i think there’s lots of people using bots and flipping stuff.
My mother did it for about 15 years after she retired from her job.
MIL did it for awhile, Legos we’re a big seller.
No (((Jiu))) jitsu for that girl I guess.
this has got to be the most terrifying thing ever:
Thanks Bug God
First integrated infantry training company (A Co 1/19 Inf (
RockRag of Chickamauga) results from the US Army back in May:Started with 149 males and 32 females. Graduated 119 males (80%) and 18 females (56%).
Great job guys and that’s still with the sex differentiated PT standards.
Gravida – Para – Abortus numbers?
I just bought wine at Trader Joe’s. Few shopping situations* make me rage more than the parking lot and checkout at TH.
*navigating around dawdling land whales at Wal-Mart is probably worse overall.
I’ve been meaning to go down to Wholefoods to see what’s changed after the Amazon takeover. But I hate that parking lot with a passion. There’s literally never a space. They have like 50 parking places and 45 of them are reserved for employees. Never seen any shit like that before at a retail store.
Every time I rage at WH, I just smile and know the patrons enriched John Mackey and all is well again.
Poor aging yuppie douchebags in my hood can’t catch a break. First an evil libertarian owned the Wholefoods and then when they thought it couldn’t get worse, it’s owned by Bezos, who is literally worse than Hitler. I swear I saw paint peeling off their Priuses from the salty tears.
You write the best beer reviews I’ve ever read. The stage setting and the asides are fantastic.
Thanks for the efforts, dude.
Thank you! I like to think it gives ZARDOZ time to write up his advice column.
A high school friend posted this on derpbook also the ear gages are a big no thanks.
I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief.
“Bad news, detective. We got a situation.”
“What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?”
“Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.”
The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?”
“Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.”
“Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.”
He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.”
“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.”
I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside.
“Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t.
“Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up.
“Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?”
It didn’t seem like they did.
“Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.”
Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing.
I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it.
“Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled.
Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him.
“Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen.
I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!”
He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.
“All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.”
“Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy.
“Because I was afraid.”
“Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.”
I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head.
“Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.”
He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.
That’s really good.
“flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul”
I lol’d.
This…is AWESOME.
I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head.
I’m dying. Thanks!
I read that the other day. I thought it was funny as hell.
“The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.”
That’s my favorite part.
“Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him”
Obviously this person doesn’t know how the current system works.
Ok it’s time. Go Bucks!
What sort of sportzball is Bucks?
More from AUSA’s greenbook annual:
Graduated from West Point, became helicopter pilot, then went to med school, and is now entering the astronaut training program.
That’ll be at least 17 years of training he’s sucked off taxpayers. In exchange he’s flown for about 8 years and maybe 5 years as a surgeon. What an absolute waste.
Did this dude sleep with your wife or something? Defense is one of the few actual legitimate jobs of government at least to minarchists and he earned a bronze star so I assume he’s been in the shit.
What he’s been doing isn’t defense, it’s fucking off in the schoolhouse on vacation for close to 20 years cumulative. He goes to expensive schools and training, does it for a brief period and that gets another taxpayer paid vacation.
I don’t doubt he’s been in the shit (briefly) but at his ranks, without a V device, that Bronze Star is a participation trophy.
Law and Order: SJU
Apropos given Halloween is around the corner.
I want one.
I only have busch and screwdrivers at this point.
Nice review!