I have my followers. Inseminate us all, and we’ll teach you all we know, give you all we have. Perhaps you can break the Tabernacle. Or be broken.
“If you really want a gun, you can just drive over the Indiana border and get whatever you want,” Emanuel said. “That’s why you need national gun legislation that prevents gang members and criminals from getting their hands on an assault weapon that is not meant for the streets of any urban environment.”
Fuck off slaver.
Also: “Details on thousands of guns used in crimes and recovered by Chicago Police are being revealed in a new report.”
How many of those crimes were the “crime” of having an unpermitted gun? Most? Almost all? (other than the… you know…. murders)
*makes guns illegal*
HEY! Look at all of this gun crime!!!!
That’s the brilliance of it.
“It’s not just wrong, it’s illegal.” That is, “illegality” is worse (more wrong?) than “wrongness.” But since this makes no sense, it’s convenient to elide this analysis and just let people heuristically conflate ‘wrong’ with ‘illegal.’
And in that case, of course we need top-down rules and people to execute them, i.e. government.
Technically, Chicago doesn’t have gun laws; it has gun ordinances. This little loophole allows them to essentially ban guns without violating the Constitution.
To legally own a gun in Chicago, you need an Illinois Firearm Owner ID Card ($30) and a Chicago Gun Permit ($500) and register with the police and be subject to inspections. I forget how much a conceal carry permit costs. They didn’t exist when I lived there.
My goodness, it’s almost like they want to make it as inconvenient as possible to own a gun.
For poor people, certainly.
Wait a minute! I thought requiring an ID to exercise one of your rights was deeply unconstitutional and racist?
Not true any more.
When Illinois passed concealed carry, the legislature also passed statewide preemption of ordinances regarding handguns with no grandfathering for existing ordinances. They also passed statewide preemption for long guns but allowed grandfathering for certain existing laws.
Not too long after that law was passed, Chicago repealed its handgun possession permit, “training” requirement and even its long-gun registry. A court goes and tells them “your gun ban is unconstitutional” and they try everything under the sun to get around it, but when the legislature did this they gave up without even a whimper. IIRC the vote to repeal all that was like 80-90% Yes.
The only thing they have left is a 15rd mag limit and a laser sight ban. They might also have an MSR ban, but I’m not 100% sure on that.
So basically, today in Chicago, you just need a FOID card from the state ($10 for 10 years)
CC permit is $150 for residents and requires 16hrs of so called “training” (8hrs if you have prior “training”)
It’s easier to get a gun than a book –
B. Obama
Noted Library patron, B. Obama.
I like the “recovery” language. The guns were “recovered”. Recovered from what?
The streets. And by streets, I mean gun safes and closets on a technical violation.
I was getting the sense that they think the guns are owned by the police unless they decide to let you borrow one.
That’s the plan.
They also closed down the closest gun range to me when I lived there. The next closest one was an hour away.
I guessing mostly from people whose crime was posession the gun recovered
“If you really want a gun, you can just drive over the Indiana border and get whatever you want”
Not really. It is not legal for a resident of Illinois to buy a gun in Indiana and bring it back. It is possibly to have a gun shipped from one FFL dealer to another.
I doubt very much a typical gangbanger in Chicago does that. They buy guns on the black market or they steal them. Any IL resident with a clean record can buy a gun and bring it into the city. Yeah, that’s illegal. It still happens.
His argument is just ridiculous as saying the reason you can buy marijuana in Chicago is because it’s legal in Colorado.
I really wish he went back to working at Arby’s.
Does IL explicitly prohibit out of state purchases by IL residents? Handgun sales are prohibited by federal law but over the counter sales of long guns are allow unless prohibited by state law.
I have two Swedish Mausers because I can buy rifles from licensed dealers outside of my state of residence.
Illinois allows purchase from adjacent states only, unless you have it shipped to an IL dealer.
Handguns of course must be shipped from out of state dealer to in state dealer.
Fuckin’ liar. Without an Indiana driver’s license no such thing, unless the law has changed and I am unaware.
Asking Ms Edmondson to buy sex toys in Soho was ‘good-humoured high jinks’, he said.
“Good-humored hi-jinks”? That wouldn’t fly where I work.
Edmondson is guilty of being very stupid. Very very stupid. Instead of using Amazon like a non-crazy person, he did… well, what you read in the article.
All I’m getting from the article is that Britain is finding it convenient to bury all their troubles under a “moral panic” just like the US.
Making her buy one dildo is funny. Making her buy two is stretching it.
*narrowed something-or-other*
I suspect you might get your wish.
“It is self-evident that the availability of illegally circulated firearms in Chicago, which exceeds that of many other major U.S. cities, is directly connected to its deadly street violence,” the report – a draft of which was obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times – reads.
Somebody needs to learn the meaning of self evident. replace self evident with “implied by statists scumbags” and the sentence will have much more truthiness.
Surprisingly, when you make guns illegal, then the guns that are traded are illegally traded. I’m willing to bet that the amount of illegally traded marijuana in Illinois is higher then that amount of illegally traded marijuana in Colorado as well.
Chicago has how many unsolved murders? Over a thousand in the past two or three years?
They’re wasting time tracking down the origin of tens of thousands of firearms instead of tracking down the people who used them to commit murder? That’s some nice police work there, Lou.
I think you have that backwards, the evil guns used the people to carry them to where the guns could do the most damage. Do you not understand the power of the gun?
Now I know how God feels when he’s holding a gun.
It’s a trivial statement. “People intent on killing people often use guns to kill people, and so people will fulfill the market demand to supply guns to those people intent on killing with them.”
Why are they intent on killing, though, O wise ones?
*Raises hand, rising intonation*
Men are less likely to learn how to control their anger when they grow up without fathers?
I’ll wait right here for my cookie. Or beer. I’ll also accept beer as a prize.
*Hands Playa a Hell or High Watermelon*
I said beer, not menthol cigs.
A permanent underclass dependant on the government who have had their opportunities regulated and taxed away and who are actively encouraged to avoid the nuclear family model produce violent offspring?
You can have half of my beer/cookie.
Thanks. I get off work in 22 minutes. I’ll take the beer. You can have the cookies. A 24oz is just about perfect for the drive home, if you have one.
Careful. The beer helmet is a magnet for Highway Patrol.
ding ding
I have prog acquaintances who agree that you are correct. But they see no way out of it. Gradual reduction of dependency doesn’t satisfy libertarians.
Cold turkey will only produce a violent underclass that will riot, steal, etc. in order to keep living. Orphanages for the kids, as Gingrich once suggested are more expensive than handouts. One prog says “let’s just keep giving them welfare, keeping them placid, and hope some kids have the brains to escape.”
It doesn’t?
I’d be ecstatic about ANY reduction.
SLD: Reduction does NOT mean “growing at a slower rate”
Kicking pubsec unions in the teeth would be a start.
So? Kill them back.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings have wisdom here.
But remember, progs aren’t racist.
That’s the whole prog ideology
A complacent population ruled by elites. That’s their wet dream.
I’m paraphrasing from memory, but my favorite comment on the fawning eulogies of Fidel Castro by Western lefties (e.g., Trudeau): “Castro was a white man who enslaved the mostly black population of an island nation for half a century. In other words, he lived the dream of Western liberals everywhere.”
I wouldn’t have faith in anything Gingrich has to say about the matter if the only options he can come up with are orphanages and the dole.
I will say the whole Uncle Milty “if we’re gonna have welfare, best to just hand out cash and housing vouchers” idea is, to me, very counter productive. It creates the whole “hammock, not a safety net” moral hazard.
If every county had a barracks style poor house where you got a bowl of rice and beans morning, noon, and night, with a volunteer or military doctor making a sick call at 9AM sharp, I think there would be a hell of a lot fewer people on the dole.
Imagine if taxes, spending, and regulations were cut – you know, all the things Republicans say they’ll do when they’re not in power – so most of today’s layabouts could find a job, too.
Oh absolutely.
But if the taxes, non welfare spending, and regulation were all cut, you would still have people sponging off the dole, because getting paid for not working is a hell of a lot better than getting paid for working.
I don’t have a hell of a lot of truck with the “bleeding heart libertarians” who argue that most of the welfare parasites would love to work, if only we could get rid of occupational licensing and payroll taxes they’d all march into the workforce.
Obviously both barriers to employment and the dole should not exist, but if you ended the dole, all those people who supposedly would be working but for all those barriers to entry like occupational licensing, payroll taxes, minimum wage laws, etc would find some way to get some cash in their pocket, because being hungry and homeless is a hell of a motivator.
Taxes, regs, and licensing sucks ass, but it falls on everyone. Somehow I manage to not only provide for me and mine, but also chip in to keep my shiftless neighbors on this mortal coil.
“Gradual reduction of dependency doesn’t satisfy libertarians.”
Never mind the soul crushing amount of human misery and mind blowing amount of wasted human potential, this is about politics.
From the sidebar of the Brexit Minister article, Sofia Vergara in a low-cut top.
If you have to stay in a drunk tank, stay in this one.
“Straw purchasers will also sometimes lie to police and say their gun was lost or stolen “as an excuse intended to cut off further investigation,”
Because no one’s guns are ever stolen or lost. The police know the original owner was a straw purchaser. They need the power to arrest these lying scumbags who “claim” their gun was stolen.
When will Christmas stop infringing on Thanksgiving, let alone Halloween?
When people stop buying it.
The margin on that stuff is huge. The buyers I would work with would keep Christmas in stock year round if they could.
Add another reason as to why I hate most people.
This is why I hate Xmas. Seriously, Scrooge, The Grinch? Those assholes got soft. My only decoration is a sign that says, “carolers are hereby informed they are tresspassing and will be handled in accordance of the laws of the State of Arizona.”
You have decorations?
My house cant be seen from the road.
hell, kids dont even come here for trick or treat so I have no reason to buy candy.
*grumble grumble*
Note to self: stay off Suthenboy’s lawn.
1/4 mile of driveway!
::hangs out high five::
Christmas is the campiest holiday, followed by Halloween. Their intersection makes perfect sense.
Haters are simply anti-gay.
Poor Thanksgiving. It used to hold the line for Christmas, but now it’s become just a pile of baking products in the back of the supermarket.
We were at Home Depot today, and it’s already awash in Christmas stuff.
Thanksgiving is racist. Soon, Christmas.
There’s a guy who works for one of my clients named Steve Smith.
Every time I hear him on a call or see an email from him I imagine a rape-prone sasquatch and get disappointed when his emails aren’t ALL CAPS and speaks proper English thanks to you guys.
Steve Smith is actually a real guy. A lawyer in the Los Angeles area. I’ve seen him at a Reason function, and he wasn’t humping any legs (that I saw).
I don’t think humping legs was actually the problem. I think it was all the RAPE.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
It’s not a problem by itself. But it’s usually foreplay to something much much worse.
You do NOT want to preheat Steve Smith’s oven.
If it happens, you’d better pray that there’s bear spray and a firehose within reach.
There is a Steve Smith used car dealer near me.
“Al-Shabab, Africa’s deadliest Islamic extremist group, quickly claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack and said its fighters were inside the hotel.
Among the dead were a mother and three children, including a baby, all shot in the head”
I have no words. It takes a sick motherfucker to shoot a baby.
It’s not a “baby” to them as we understand it. It’s completely dehumanized. It’s like shooting a roach.
So yeah, ‘sick.’ And contagious.
See: The SS and all German soldiers who worked in the camps during the Holocaust.
Yep, and the Bolsheviks who grabbed toddlers by their ankles and swung them against brick walls.
The baby probably couldn’t recite verses from the Koran.
But what if you need a boob job?
“It takes a sick motherfucker to shoot a baby.”
There are a lot more of those than you know. That really isnt all that bad, relatively speaking. Worse happens every minute of every day.
I want you to be wrong suthen. I know you ain’t.
This incident took place a few houses away from a friend of mine. Not as bad as shooting a baby, but my friend was pissed about the situation, and happy the cops caught the robbers.
No one needs a 30 round magazine.
I work with guys who live in the town this happened in. I know you were being sarc, but yes, some people need a 30 rd. magazine.
Some people need them and don’t have them.
Nah dude, violent attackers always form a circle around you and fight you one at a time. Then, after you knock them out with various martial arts moves, the big boss attacker comes out and you have to fight him one v one.
OMG! Greatest comeback in Buckeye history?
What happened? Did Penn State keep looking the other way?
JT Barrett and the OSU defense woke up evidently. Actually they stopped shooting themselves in the foot.
Looking at the game stats, how the hell it was even close is bewildering.
PSU got big plays. 21 points came off of 4 big plays basically. Opening kick off returned 97 yards for TD. Them they got a fumble recover in their own territory on OSUs first drive and throw a long ball for a TD. Them Q2 they have a long 37 breakout run for a TD. That’s 4 plays for 21 points. Other than those plays their stats up to that point we’re terrible. OSU kept making mistake after mistake even though it seemed like they could run the ball at will. PSU had some talent in that team.
Sorry about the spelling. I’m on my phone.
Nobody got the Penn State joke.
I have a special level of hate for tOSU and I have no clue why. I’m not a fan of any team that might conceivably be considered their rival. I have no reason to hate them. But I despise them. It’s probably because of the “the”. The “the” fucking irritates me.
Being a Clevelander, you get used to more people cheering for tOSU then the Browns.
Words can hurt JB, words can hurt.
**holds back tears, quickly leaves**
Because their players clearly aren’t students? I find that a little irritating.
Having academic standards is a huge disadvantage in D1 recruiting.
Are you telling me that Urban Meyer and Nick Saban ignore potential student athletes’ academic performance in their search for athletic potential?
They do what they’re allowed to do.
I’ve met UCLA’s coach at a few charity functions, and he has a pretty hilarious monologue about recruiting.
“Please be able to read! Please be able to read! OH GOD DAMMIT! I’ll call USC for you.”
Their major is in football, and there is no alternative farm team system feeding the NFL. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game,
For me, it’s because Sloopy is such an insufferable asshole about them.
You’ll find yourself in a far better mood if you make a habit of regularly rinsing the sand out of your vagina. Seriously, at least once a day, or you’re gonna get cranky.
Oh what the fuck?
Why would you hate me for my love of the Buckeyes? Not insufferable. I’m ok.
That was a helluva game.
Helluva game. Stumbled into the 4 Sons tasting room to catch the 4th quarter. Sat among some other Buckeye fans. High 5’s were everywhere. Finished our beers snd split.
If you’ been there for the first three quarters, you’d have seen the OSU fans tying nooses and tossing them over the rafters.
Yeah. For the officials that tried to fuck us.
This^ is why you are insufferable. Your team was a complete fuck-up for 3 qtrs and you want to talk refs.
I would have liked to have been in a bar in State College at the end of that game. Lol.
Alot of people doing this
Only in blue and white.
Plus, with TCu losing the buckeyes should move up to at least the #4 spot. Playoffs!
Only to lose to Wisconsin in the B1G champeenship game.
My guess is that they jump Wisconsin. So it will be Bama, Bulldogs, Bucks, then Badgers.
We’ll see when the actual rankings come out, but they don’t deserve a spot in the playoffs with the way they’re playing. Remember, the committee aren’t beholden to any current polls or rankings. Notre Dame is playing like a much better 1 loss team right now.
@ mr simple
Very good point. ???
You’re OK elsewhere; it’s just when you’re talking about the Buckeyes that you get insufferable.
You want his internet to go down?
But I’m always talking about the Buckeyes.
You both have a point.
But my point is an erect penis after that win.
A. Giant. Erect. Penis.
A. Giant. Erect. Penis.
You should be telling Banjos about that and not us.
“Oh God, not another one, please.”
Brunettes with boobs. ‘Nuff said.
#26 excluded from the orgy on account of bull nose ring.
For that rack I’d put a bag on her head.
Contrary to what some people think, I have standards.
I have standards, just no where near as high as yours:) Vagina? Check. Not gross? Check. Not crazy? Check. Come with me.
‘Not Crazy’ is a pretty high standard.
I have my reasons
““It is self-evident that the availability of illegally circulated firearms in Chicago, which exceeds that of many other major U.S. cities, is directly connected to its deadly street violence,”
I know what this means but it isnt what we are supposed to take away from it. Availability of guns connected to violence, not the cause. Take the guns away and nothing would change.
“Indiana does not require background checks when gun sales occur at gun shows or between private parties. ”
No, but the feds do and every gun sold at a gun show has a background check associated with it everywhere in the US.
As I have said before gun grabbers lie. Everything they say is designed to deceive.
75% lies, 25% ignorance.
They do. And I think you can expand that to say “leftists lie”. They lie about everything and have ulterior motives for everything. It’s all about the power grab. Kinda reminds me of that verse in the Koran that permits lying in service to the cause.
Let’s talk about Brazil and gun laws and gun violence. Oh, the gun grabbers don’t want to go there? I’m fucking shocked, shocked I tell you.
No, but the feds do and every gun sold at a gun show has a background check associated with it everywhere in the US.
Not quite right. The Feds only require a background check if you buy from a FFL holder. If you buy at a gun show from someone that isn’t a FFL holder, no background check. If you’re in a state that bans private sales, then anyone selling at a gun show is going to have a FFL.
Lying Liars lie. Assume everything a gun grabber says is a lie and you will be right 90% of the time.
The moral of this story, to me, is not more #metooism but don’t get black out hammered around strangers and people you don’t trust.
Victim blamer.
Here is the contemporary standard, which is ever changing:
A girl cannot consent after one sip of alcohol.
A guy cannot consent only after he’s so drunk that he suffers erectile dysfunction.
I hope that clears things up.
Young guys are known for their good judgement.
Apparently 5 out of 4 college women do it every day so…
And now back to your regularly scheduled Rangers, getting crushed by the other bottom-feeder in the East.
Fuck the Rangers and fuck Madison Square Garden.
What he said.
LOL I knew that was coming. Show me on the doll where MSG touched you.
For years they shunted Islanders and Devils games to a channel that was Cablevision only.
And I’m up in the Catskills. New York City types in general are pretty damn bigoted toward the rest of the state. (They’re also lousy neighbors in that discharges from the reservoirs have dirtied some of the waterways.)
Well, I grew up & tramped all over upstate and am very fond of all of it.
As for MSG, I dunno anything about Cablevision, I’ve always had Time Warner & get all the local games on multiple MSG’s.
today I learned:
The Feds Borrow More Than The “Deficit”
People naturally assume that the annual Deficit is the total that the Federal government borrows each year. Actually this is not so. The Deficit is simply the difference between Federal Outlays and Federal Receipts. Usually, the Feds borrow a lot more than the official Deficit.
Construction week continues at the SD household. I picked up the pvc and flex conduit today, along with all the connectors. I think this going to work out very well. Trench is already halfway dug.
This week, I’m having two bathrooms gutted with new ceilings and flooring installed. My wife is very happy because she got to pick out new paint colors. I’m happy because I got to hire a couple local guys to do the heavy work. This is due to a persistent leak that finally took replacing half the roof to fix.
What are some books from the left that we should read—whether for knowledge that leads to better understanding of and response to its most popular ideas and impetuses, or for personal enrichment (well-articulated positions to broaden the horizons of someone with a general knee-jerk contempt for ‘leftism’)?
Something like this, perhaps? (I’ll probably get it anyway. It sounds interesting.)
I’m listening to a lecture by Cornel West, and it’s pretty good, though abstract-philosophical much more than political.
“What are some books from the left that we should read”
They can write? You know, I mean beyond a 5 year old level. This is new to me.
Lindy West is a genius!
Cant hold a candle to Amanduh. And then there is Neckbeard.
You talking about Sadbeard, Suthen?
I am tired. Yeah.
Saying something stupid while calling someone stupid. Is that akin to making grammar mistakes while correcting someones grammar?
I’ve gotten the gist of it over the years, and prefer not to read leftist garbage anymore.
I know a few people who have fallen into the trap of reading the idiocy and mocking it to feel better about themselves.
Throwing rocks at your neighbor’s porch light does not make yours shine brighter.
How deep into the weeds do you want to go? John Rawls, “A Theory of Justice”; Keynes, “General Theory”?
Well, I don’t want to tear my hair out. I think Rawls would make me do that—I’ll just stick to overviews of his work. Keynes might be worth reading.
Maybe “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”
I suggest cheating and reading “The Economic Consequences of the Peace”. Then you can say that you read Keynes, but you won’t have to drown yourself in a vat of whiskey afterwards.
Rawls is a vile of ignorance.
Start with the basics, “Das Kapital” and “The Communist Manifesto”. The former is in my to-read queue.
If you’re just getting into Marx, its like “Holy shit this sounds just like college!!!”
I’ve probably heard lots of it. One of my undergrad days roommates was a Chomsky loving Marxist.
He talked me into reading one of Chomsky’s books. I don’t remember which one. I remember thinking after I read it, “It wasn’t complete horseshit, just mostly horseshit.”
TCM is quintessential hair-rending-core. DK is probably more rhetorically restrained, I’d hope.
Manifesto’s a least short, Das Kapital is an insomnia treatment.
As if The Wealth of Nations was some kind of page-turner.
I liked “The Wealth of Nations”.
Trump’s legacy.
Trump is responsible for modern day feminism?
/Shorter NYT
It’s hilarious how mentally disturbed the NYT are. I mean it was bad enough before. But now Freidman and Bruni have completely lost their little infant minds.
The NYT makes Trump seem a lot more remarkable than he is.
Anyway, it’s nothing a little eugenics can’t fix.
Jesus Christ what fucking bullshit. Anything short of bankrupting the future is eco-horror to these mendacious fucks. Meanwhile there are still titanic mountains of regulations that Trump and friends will never succeed at “dismantling”.
*checks day*
It ain’t even Sunday.
You know what? I’m strangely comfortable with that.
Does IQ matter or not? I can’t keep the talking points straight.
Matter to whom?
Progressives, as a way to compile others.
“The President gave me cancer and made my womb barren!!!” -Rational Secular Skeptics
Yeah. Cancer. Totally. I don’t remember the name of the pesticide, and I’m drinking and eating pizza, and therefore, I’m not going to look it up.
But basically, it was an anti corporate move on the part of Obama’s EPA under the guise of “science”. They tried 3 different studies to “prove” that it caused cancer. They failed.
This pesticide is on EVERYTHING. I’ve probably consumed it a dozen times today. If it caused cancer, it would be really fucking obvious at this point. Sample size n=2 billion +.
Was this process basically the opposite of the scientific method? Yeah. They started with a conclusion and worked backwards. But why do YOU deny science?
I imagine you’re talking glysophate (Round-up) since it came from the source of all evil, Monsanto.
Just repeat the experiment 25 times. You should get the result you are looking for at least once.
Glib survey time! After hearing a song, oddly enough, at the gym, I was flooded with very pleasant memories of a particular strip-tease incident with a lovely young lady.
What is your most lust inducing song that is associated with sexytime memories?
Hmm… the only association I have with songs and sex is negative. I once had sex with “Wooden Ships” playing in the background. Whenever I hear “Wooden Ships”, I think to myself, “Why did I date that woman?”
At least until my wife came along. She started playing this album dedicating this song to me. The greatest compliment of my life.
Sexytime with the hand
Oh, please. You weren’t at the gym.
I actually was; didn’t seem appropriate, but middle of the day on a Saturday the staff has a wide latitude.
You roll on Shabbos?
“Happy Birthday”.
Evenflow. Unfortunately it was fitting.
I have my reasons.
I’m just glad none of you posted this.
It’s a long story
Just in case you wanted to go full beer geek. Most of the pairings don’t sound terrible, but with them not mentioning specific beers, I’m not sure how much I’d follow this chart.
I would never even consider beer and sweets pairings. I know it’s a matter of personal preferences, but mine are strong.
I’ve done some pairings with stouts and dark chocolate that worked well (and there’s the annual doughnut and beer pairing), but that list as a whole would probably give me the diabeetus.
Stout and chocolate goes well together.
Beeradvocate magazine has a monthly cooking with beer article. I used a recipe from that series to make a set of lemon bars with a Hefeweizen. They turned out great.
This is about the only one I agree with.
Skittles and Dubbel? What nonsense is this?
Skittles and Dubbel? What nonsense is this?
Insanity is what it is.
Sure, if you want to cover your breath when you’re picking up your kid at preschool.
Coffee stouts. Your wife, emoloyer, pastor, orphans, side ho and mother–all none the wiser.
Was that the recipe that calls for over a dozen egg yolks? I’ve been a BA subscriber since almost the beginning, and remember that recipe jumping out at me.
Yes, I think it was.
I was a charter subscriber to BA, but I stupidly let my subscription lapse. I renewed, and even though I don’t get the charter rate, they still list me as a charter subscriber. Funny, the current rate is less than the charter rate.
There’s several of the BA recipes that I’ve used. The most popular is the Beerimisu recipe that includes how to make your own mascarpone. I have several friends who request that I make a batch of it for any party they have. If you want, feel free to tag me there, I’ve got the same handle.
I sent you a message on Beeradvocate.
The refs in the Tennessee-Kentucky game just gave every player on both teams a personal foul, all at the same time. That was.. something.
Nathan Robinson has some more deep thoughts
Stephens also suggests that saying communism remains a sound theory or has “never been tried” amounts to an apology for dictatorships. I think here he misunderstands what the actual argument is, at least in its more sensible version. When anyone points me to the Soviet Union or Castro’s Cuba and says “Well, there’s your socialism,” my answer isn’t “well, they didn’t try hard enough.” It’s that these regimes bear absolutely no relationship to the principle for which I am fighting. They weren’t egalitarian in any sense; they were dictatorships. Thus to say “Well, look what a disaster an egalitarian society is” is to mistake the nature of the Soviet Union. The history of these states shows what is wrong with authoritarian societies, in which people are not equal, and shows the fallacy of thinking you can achieve egalitarian ends through authoritarian means.
The primary lesson here is not about “egalitarianism” or “socialism” or even “communism” since Castro, Mao, Stalin, and Lenin did not actually attempt to implement any of those ideas. Instead, the lesson is about what happens when you have a political ideology that contains a built-in justification for any amount of horrific violence. The bad part of Marxism is not the part that says workers should cease to be exploited, but the part about the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” The dominant “communist” tendencies of the 20th century aimed to liberate people, but they offered no actual ethical limits on what you could do in the name of “liberation.” That doesn’t mean liberation is bad, it means ethics are indispensable and that the Marxist disdain for “moralizing” is scary and ominous.
There is no difficulty whatsoever in being an anti-authoritarian socialist. Everyone should be one. You should believe in freedom and equality, not just one or the other. Freedom without equality means low-wage servitude, while equality without freedom means living in a police state. Conservative critics are right that it’s hypocrisy for any leftist to condemn mass murder while justifying mass murders committed in the name of the working class. But that’s a problem of hypocrisy, not of leftism. You won’t find me giving excuses for the Shining Path or the GDR. But there is no logical reason why that should lead us to endorse the callous policies of the American right. Instead, we should be offering a set of ideas that are genuinely humane, compassionate, and socialistic.
“Everyone should be one.”
Or else what?
That is some serious lack of self awareness right there.
Well, except for the fact that such a thing has never existed anywhere at any time.
But for the briefest of moments. Eventually you need to be able to kick out people like Bernie Sanders who refuse to put in the work required.
True. Those people don’t make it to the top.
Correct. There is no difficulty inherent in imagining something that cannot exist. That’s why “unicorns”, “perpetual motion machines”, and “anti-authoritarian socialist” are all concepts.
Golden opportunity missed to say “God” and start an epic flame war. Of course, it’d pale in comparison to what it would’ve been were John and Sevo here, so maybe you fairly decided What’s the point? Go for the biggest or for none at all.
You’re right. I shall endeavor to do better next time.
“Stephens also suggests that saying communism remains a sound theory ”
I was just talking to bigfoot space alien a minute a minute ago, I swear!
Of all the intelligent things Orwell said, ““Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” is my favorite.
Socialism is, in a single sentence: wealth should be taken from those who have “too much” and given to those who have “too little”.
You cannot do that without force supplied via an authoritarian state. It is literally (the actual definition of literally, not the new millennial version) impossible to have socialism at anything above the size of a kibbutz without using coercion.
What mr. logical ethics is missing is that socialism is specifically designed by authoritarians as a pretense for authoritarianism. that is the whole purpose of it. People arguing against it can make rational arguments on behalf of anyone on the fence but it will never win over any of the people making arguments for it. It is about power, nothing else. No argument you can make no matter how much evidence, no matter how sound your reasoning will stop them in their quest for ultimate power.
I’m erect. ERECT!
Wow. What a fucking game.
I mean…wow. There’s not anything else to say. That shit was sick as fuck.
Go Bucks. Fuck Michigan. Yeah…I’m gonna cum in my fucking pants. That was AWESOME.
You are such an insufferable asshole about them.
A bunch of muscly guys running around in tights piling on each other and patting each other on the ass. Are we talking gay porn here?
I don’t think LSU was playing in the game.
Hey, everybody has to have at least one secret.
No, that was a sick as fuck game where we overcame not only PSU but a lot of poor officiating.
Your O face is showing
“If you really want a gun, you can just drive over the Indiana border and get whatever you want,”
No you have to be a resident of Indiana.
“Straw purchasers will also sometimes lie to police and say their gun was lost or stolen “as an excuse intended to cut off further investigation,”
Is that so? Where are the stats on people who lied about their guns being stolen? Or is it you just think they are lying?
Just make it a felony to not report a lost or stolen firearm. Problem solved.
As if the police never lie.
Have you ever seen that Mad Max movie? That’s what Indiana is like, except for corn fields and anything that can be considered in anyway to be interesting.
I dunno. When I was just a wee sprite my mother had a friend who owned a huge farm around Ft. Wayne and when she would go out to visit my brother and i would go with the friends kids to swim and fish in a pond. They had horses too. Also a huge barn 100 yo and built of hand cut lumber. I have good memories of Indiana. I resolve never to go back so that I can keep those memories intact.
Mushroom hunting is really good still. You know Hen of the Woods? Still not as good as Murland, I found 26 magical this year. And I totally don’t know what that means.
Louisiana used to be good for that too, or so I am told.
You also have to pay for the privilege of driving through it.
Indiana: the state so boring, people will pay to get out of it
I heard a lot of bad things about Gary, IN. I couldn’t see why people hate it, but I could smell why.
I’d argue Iowa beats Indiana in the boring drive competition.
Ever been to west Texas?
Hail Satan!
Suthen, I’ll put western Nebraska up there with it.
It’s like New Jersey.
You pay a toll driving on the Ben Franklin Bridge traveling from Camden into Philadelphia.
You don’t pay a toll going the other way.
Most of the tolled bridges and tunnels around NYC are like that. I don’t know what the rationale is, other than maybe having fewer toll plazas, but the end result is a sort of circular pattern caused by everyone avoiding the tolls and which leaves certain streets completely clogged with trucks all day long.
Charge double, and only pay workers to collect one way.
Everyone wants to get out of New Jersey.
With the construction going on at La Guardia, that’s not entirely true.
Let the unavoidable Christmas music moment begin!
A kind Glib might or might not have sent me this beer. It’s interesting.
Has anyone ever had to get ebay to refund money when the seller turned out to be a fraud?
No. I have AMEX.
Did you pay via PayPal linked to a credit card? If you bought it as a goods purchase, you have two layers of protection. Like 2 condoms!
That’s what I do to punish supermodels!
Yes. I’ve just never been burned before. Its unclear whether i try first restitution process w/ Ebay, Paypal or the cc company. the ebay lawyer-lingo suggests if i go to some other party, they excuse themselves and no longer are obliged to guarantee anything.
File a claim with ebay. You can escalate it immediately with them and they will usually refund through Paypal within 72 hours. Ebay and Paypal are the same thing in the end. The claim with Ebay will be linked with Paypal.
Precisely. And if the eBay/PayPal process sides with a fraudulent seller for some odd reason, take it up with your card issuer to get a reversal.
Be prepared for the Monday links to be Buckeye-PSU heavy. I apologize in advance.
Hope you’re talking pm links. I only do am on Mondays.
Ohio State momentum collapsed the PSU offense and defense. 16 straight completions on the PSU defense? Give me a break. PSU to #5 and OSU to #4. But no national championship for either.
You crazy. We’re going this year. And it’ll be another championship for us.
Like this one.
Thats an unusual way to spell cock.
Guys – it’s a totally huge coincidence, but in the same weekend that the story broke that charges were being filed by Mueller, you won’t believe what happened! Mr. Obama has been summoned for jury duty! What are the odds?
I mean, it’s totally just the Cook County system. I mean, Cook County is known for its integrity and the equal application of the law, after all.
Sadly, for all the tough talk, the Trump administration has kept the gloves on. They need to come off. Not to settle scores, but because of the complete corruption of the institutions that nominally hold this republic together. There’s nothing about any of this that’s even remotely clean.
maybe i’m a little thick because my mind is on other things, but why exactly do you think these 2 things would be connected?
Yeah. This is just shitty PR for the Cook County court system.
I didn’t think the optics were that hard to understand, personally. There’s a pretty clear link and contrast drawn. Obviously, Obama won’t be serving on any jury convicting anyone in the Trump administration. Yet, it’s the perfect sort of story to go out this weekend on a Saturday to reinforce the notion that the Obama admin, and the man himself, had integrity that Trump lacks. Especially after a week of the right media (after a likely full court press by the Trump administration) pulling a last ditch effort to throw mud on the Mueller investigation.
Maybe Obama was just really called up for jury duty in Cook fucking County. And the story just happened to break on a Saturday. I kind of doubt that when talking about an administration which was almost entirely about narrative. Maybe the judge in question had a perfectly good reason for making a show of this story, and that’s why it’s a headliner just about everywhere* right now.
“I don’t understand what you mean”
“but I was very clear”
i read what you said there, and its still kind of fuzzy-wuzzy. The Mueller/Manafort thing… as far as i can tell, doesn’t really even have anything to do with the trump administration… and maybe barely the Trump campaign. He’s likely being charged with failure to register as a foreign agent for lobbying he did… which would have been entirely separate from his role w/ trump. But i haven’t seen any further details, maybe you know something i don’t.
Maybe you know something I don’t. Because right now, no one knows who is or isn’t being charged and what the Mueller team is trying to throw at the wall. Manafort is the best guess, but it’s entirely naive to think the entire narrative in the next week isn’t going to be about his close ties to Trump.
You were wrong about Mueller and the whole special prosecutor thing. Regardless of what the charges are, it’s about the narrative. Whatever they are and whoever they’re against, they probably won’t stick. But Mueller and his team clearly set out for indictments and one way or the other it’s going to mean a protracted legal battle that will consistently allow the media to tar Trump.
We are not seeing the consistent application of laws or even legal principles here. That’s my strong hunch. But we can wait until Monday and see the specifics. What I suspect is a bunch of trumped up charges in an attempt to strong arm people into creating a bigger scandal and more charges against others despite a complete lack of evidence. The complete opposite approach of what we saw with regards to Hillary and her campaign. One investigation went looking for crimes and found it. The other went out looking to prove no crimes were committed. And they found it.
i hadn’t realized I’d made any particular claims about it.
I have no doubt the media will make overblown accusations about trump based on flimsy rumor. Its sort of what they do. I just didn’t understand how you saw Obama’s jury duty having some clear and essential connection to the Mueller investigation and its media-vicissitudes.
I don’t believe essential was any sort of claim I made. Or how it could be interpreted that way. I’ve used terms like optics, narrative, and symbolism, though while pointing out the obvious that Obama isn’t serving on any jury that will convict anyone related to Trump.
I’m not one of these guys who stores away links and quotes for a later date, but you did. You expressed the opinion, and I’m going off memory here so it’s an obvious paraphrase, that Mueller would investigate a few months and come up with nothing. If I’m wrong, you can correct me. But when Mueller was appointed, that’s what I recall.
Obama being appointed to a jury isn’t some essential point. It’s just good PR. It could, possibly, be entirely coincidental. Though, it’s more likely that given the people involved and how/when the story broke, that it’s something more orchestrated. It amounts to a middle finger and not much else in the long term.
But to get back to the Obama jury duty bullshit, it’s clear symbolism from a guy who has not removed himself from the current political fray in the least and who understands narrative. This is a point which, unless I’m mistaken, I’ve seen you make about about the Obama admin a number of times to explain their actions.
It could all be coincidence, though, sure.
Normally I’d read this as sarcastic, but it is NPR.
IANAL, but I think if I was the defense attorney I could strike the shit out of Obama for any number of reasons.
There’s no way he actually gets seated. RIght?
Nope. Unless the PR stunt goes to the next level.
If he shows up at all
Every year? I find that hard to believe. In New York you get called like every 5 or 6 years.
It’s obvious bullshit. Some (likely) crooked Cook County judge decided to make a big announcement of this on the very weekend the story of Mueller filing his first charges broke. He was begging the question. No one was asking whether Obama was called to serve for jury duty.
In New York you get called like every 5 or 6 years.
I’ve never been called during the nineteen years I have lived in New Hampshire. I was called once in Pennsylvania.
For reasons that made sense at the time, I changed my voter registration to my parents’ house since I was going to live with them for one summer during my undergrad. When the summer ended, and I went back to central Pennsylvania for my undergrad, I updated my voter registration. A few days after I updated my voter registration, my mom called me. The county where my parents’ house was located sent me a jury summons. She told there was a phone number on the summons that I should call. I called the phone number.
A woman answered. She worked for whatever office handles jury summons. I explained that I had moved and I was now a four hour drive away from the county courthouse. I added, “If you come get me and bring me back, I’d be happy to serve.” The woman responded with, “Thanks, but we won’t need your services. Good-bye.” She hung up the phone. I heard nothing more about it.
I view it as a nice day off work. As long as I have a book with me to while away the hours, I’m golden.
I got a letter for Jury duty several years ago. The most interesting thing about the time I spent there was that I wound up running into 3 other people who graduated in my high school class who were stuck in the same jury pool. I went to a Catholic College Prep high school, so my graduating class was just over 100. The odds of all of us getting called up at the same time is huge.
Someone needs to wake Sessions up first or fire him. He’s been absolutely pathetic, to the point of complicity even.
Everyone in DC save a handful have one hand holding a knife behind their back. Trump is just narcissistic enough to think he will win. The crazy thing is, he looks like he might.
yeah, Sessions should go.
What’s winning look like?
That’s a good question but Trump does need to quit pussyfooting around and he needs an aggressive anti-corruption political outsider in charge of the DOJ. If he doesn’t get to work trying to claim their scalps they’re going to claim his. After the revelations on the Clinton uranium deal and the piss dossier who the hell thought the big story going into next week would be Mueller getting ready to indict someone?
Drastic reduction in regulation and getting out of deals that fuck america over, unemployment down and the economy picking up so far. Better would be Obamacare history and taxes drastically cut.
Oh, and how many RINO senators are leaving the senate? is it 6 now? 8? Wait until the primaries, there will be a slew more. The base is getting a look at someone doing what they said they would do and they are looking at the squish senators they have and waking up. Pink slips being made out as we speak.
Getting rid of those guys is winning too.
I was speaking more in terms of the Russia ‘question,’ but the entire point of it in my view is to weaken Trump’s political capital. There’s no real winning with any of this from the Trump perspective. Not after Mueller was appointed. There were only different degrees of losing. A win for Trump here is more about mitigating the damage.
I’m pretty skeptical he can achieve anything significant legislatively.
I see what you mean, yes.
The 2018 Senate is going to look very different. Take a look at the map. At a minimum, you’re looking at a much more conservative caucus, and there’s a pretty good chance there’s 60 GOP Senators, and it would be a GOP Senate purged of the RINOs, for the most part. No McCain, no Corker, No Hatch, no Flake.
There’s a reason the Establishment keeps rolling out “Obamacare fixes”. They need to go back to all these Trump states in 2018 and talk about they worked with Trump.
Some Astro made the slanty eyed gesture at Darvish and got a game suspension? Looks like he didn’t do it for the camera or crowd. Seems a bit harsh.
If there’s one thing that can distract us from the national conversation about kneeling in sports, it’s a national conversation about racism in sports. Get ready for an avalanche of it.
I like to press my palms to my face, pulling my eyes slanty whenever my wife puts dinner in front of me. “Oh, God! Rice again?”
How does she prepare it?
1 cup of rice, 2 cups chicken, pork or beef stock – your choice, salt to taste (about 3/4 teaspoon) 2 tablespoons real butter and a hefty dash of sweet basil. Some prefer parsley, I like the basil. I also like the firmer rice – basmati not jasmine mush.
It will never get old.
i just made that exact recipe with chicken stock, minus the butter (was considering it, maybe next time) or any herbs.
I prefer jasmine myself – I love sticky rice.
Try the basil, it really adds to it when cooked in. Butter too. Try not to eat all of the rice straight out of the cooker before you leave the kitchen.
When I cook rice I have to guard it or else people sneak in the kitchen behind my back and eat two or three spoonfuls out of the cooker. then they stir the rice up and think I wont notice. I am on to them.
Butter in rice is like putting peanut butter in miso soup to them. I don’t mind it. We toss some garlic, diced chicken and lotus root in the cooker with the rice. Yummy.
All right, I will definitely try to zhoozh it up next time.
I don’t have a rice cooker – is it really worth getting one?
It does seem wrong if you’re going for sticky rice like I usually do.
“We toss some garlic, diced chicken and lotus root in the cooker with the rice. Yummy.”
That made me laugh. My brother had one working on a work visa in his office. We took the guy fishing. He freaked out when he saw how much lotus we have here and spent the whole trip gathering leaves and roots while my brother and I drank beer and caught perch. That still cracks me up, he was like a kid on christmas morning. He couldn’t believe miles of the stuff for free and no one touching it.
“I don’t have a rice cooker – is it really worth getting one?”
Yes. Or go to a kitchen store and get a microwave rice pot. Cheap as hell and simple. You can probably get one for 5 bucks at wal-mart. Put the ingredients in and cook on high for 15 minutes, bang, perfect rice every time.
Damn. The kid was right. Deep fried lotus root AND beer? Little srice of heaven you got there in Looziana.
If you eat enough and you like pretty good quality rice. It does take up space though.
My wife makes pretty darn good stove top rice with just water so we don’t have a rice cooker.
Rinse rise, place rice & water in sauce pan according to bag’s ratio. Bring to boil. Put kitchen towel wrapped lid (so there’s a single cloth layer between the lid and pan) on top of pan and cook for length on bag. Turn off burner when done and let rest for 10 minutes.
Also, use good quality rice.
I dunno. I get perfect results on the stovetop in the same amount of time. I don’t get it. I don’t need another gadget on my tiny counter.
That’s interesting. The one problem I have on the stovetop is that the water/stock tends to boil over on even the lowest heat if I don’t watch it carefully. This sounds like a way to prevent that.
1/2 cup basmati 1/4 cup carnaroli,1/4 cup orzo, 1 3/4 cup stock, good pinch of salt, just when it comes to an almost boil throw in finely diced broccoli or mushrooms or onion or all three or any combo of two, clamp on a lid and simmer for 15 min. take off heat fluff and let sit (covered again) for five more min. You’re welcome.
Rice cooker. I like it, and I like making the racist gesture.
He won’t be suspended until next year. Apparently, racism towards Asians isn’t worth missing the World Series over.
As a sports fan, I approve of the decision. This is what sports are about, in my view. As an angry white male, I’m forced to ponder what would have happened if he had insulted a player of the darker persuasion. Or if he had been white instead of Hispanic.
Seriously? That doesn’t send any kind of mixed messages at all.
Darvish is only half Japanese. He should’ve winked.
“Oh… the rapist was the starting QUARTERBACK???? Oooh…. yeah… He’s going to get a letter of admonishment.”
I guess the national conversation about racism in sports will have to wait until next year too. Even though it’s literally worse than Hitler out there.
Ten years ago I was happy that although there were still a few hardcore racists around it was very definitely on its way out. The majority didn’t give a shit about race and the ones who did were ashamed to say so. Nobody was talking about it because it didn’t matter. Same for homosexuality.
Then that piece of shit Obama and his party gave it a heart transplant.
Identity politics = bigotry writ large
I live in an area populated with actual racists. I hear them from time to time at work. They were getting less and less vocal and their views were becoming less and less acceptable. It seems like the BLM movement, Ferguson riots, NFL protest bullshit, etc. has started to give them some (although small) legitimacy again in the eyes of a lot of people. It’s not a huge shift, it is subtle. The activities of the openly racist left have lent credence to the arguments of actual racists.
It’s disappointing.
I have a dream. That one day we can all sit at the table spewing whatever bullshit racist, sexist, homophobic, flat earth garbage we want and nobody violates the NAP.
Same here Lachowsky. I live here:
Everyone remembers it but it was part of the ancient past until the dems started stirring the shit. Now I hear mumblings again. Not long ago I met the great grandson of one of those guys, the one that supplied the canon. He still has the canon in his shed. Of course the version I got from him and other whites here differs greatly from the one I linked to.
You have a point
There’s nothing inherently subversive to society about racists, as long as they don’t have power to enforce their racist policies on others. Racists are no worse than socialists, keynesians, drug warriors, mercantilists, nationalists, internationalists, Theocratists, monarchists, etc. As long as all there people can be kept from forcing their views on others, then I have no problem with them
The problem lies in the ability of the state to enforce policies advocated by any of these groups. The problem actually lies in with the existence of the state.
Asians are the white people of people of color.
I’m supposed to believe one had anything to do with the other?
The movie got shitty reviews, and I’ve never seen it advertised (of course, I don’t pay much attention to ads or new releases).
Clooney makes a movie that screams “Look how irredeemable you deplorable fuckers are!” and the movie tanks because of…Harvey Weinstein. Sounds legit.
Just read the plot outline. There’s not one even fractionally original element to it.
It reads like Fargo + black people ^ wokeness. No wonder the Coens sat on it for 30 years.
OT: I put up my Black and White U.S. flag today for the Halloween effect, and hung it upside down, but it got me thinking?
If the BW flag is a sign of rebellion, anarchy, Je ne se Qua, then is flipping it over a double negative? Is it an actual U.S. flag then ?
Or is it Double Bad distress run to the hills, just a thought experiment
It’s a gay cruising spot flag.
umm, oh fuck, my Wife is gonna kill me!
Razorfist debated some Kyle guy on DrunkenPeasants. I tried watching it, but the smug, nasty, cackling little douchebag lefty made it unwatchable. Razor isn’t the world’s best debater, but I don’t think he insulted the other guy once. I’d link it, but it’s not worth watching.
He has a Dennis Miller style that I find really off-putting.
Razor doesn’t pull the “But wadda I know. I’m just a comedian” shtick that Miller, Stewart and Maher do. Similar to Miller in packing references into every sentence. He’s not going to be the intellectual leader of any movement. What else we have besides Dave Smith, Stanhope and Razor?
God. Fucking.Speed.
Steven Crowder. Been loving his weekly show lately. Might sign up for mug club eventually. The Bernie Sanders sketches are great.
George Washington’s Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down
I wonder when this cold civil war will go hot.
I was asking just that this afternoon. Morning? It’s been a busy day. It’s all a blur. They live in such a bubble they actually think they can win. Why does the Vegas shooting pop in my head?
They think they can win because they have been winning since the 1960s.
Everybody loves Lysander Spooner
But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful.
The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a “protector,” and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to “protect” those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you. He does not keep “protecting” you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villanies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.
Since the links contain gun grabber justifications for statism, I give one of my quotes regarding statism.
There is an honesty about the highwayman that the government doesn’t have.
I’m reminded of a chat with a former roommate that grew up in Philly. I said something along the lines of, “My impression of the Mob is, they’re honest, unlike the government.” His response? “Yep.”
I posted a similar quote from Spooner on FB a few years back. My nephew’s response was that they do good shit with the money they take. Same old shit. Different day.
Do you guys do Halloween in Japan? It seems your all Americrazy, I thought, maybe?
Not the trick or treating thing. We do decorating and foreigners do the costumes. The main loop train, Yamanote line, is filled with foreigners in costume. They drink and just ride the train around and around the loop.
That seems boring and stupid.
they do good shit with the money
Shit so good you have to be forced to pay for it!
Pandora just finished playing “Rosen aus dem Süden”.
Last beer for the night. I consider this my penance. Sly Fox makes good beer, but sometimes they have misses. This is a miss.
Do they have a beer called Let’s Go All The Way?
No, sorry.
It’s called vodka
Huh… that was the one that first convinced me that canned beer could be good. Mind you, that was over a decade ago.
Sonny Boy Williamson just came up on Pandora.
Big Trouble in Little Venezuela
The government has slowly drained its savings to pay down debt. In 2011, its central bank had $30 billion. In 2015, $20 billion. This year: $10 billion. By comparison, Venezuela’s neighbor Colombia has four times as much in reserves: $46 billion.
Unpossible. I’ve been assured that a nation’s budget is totally different from a family budget.
Venezuela is blaming Trump for missed debt payments
Short version: Trump imposed sanctions. Venezuela was doing just fine before.
Near the end of the article:
What’s worse: Venezuela’s only source of income — oil — is drying up. Literally. There were only 44 oil rigs in operation in Venezuela as of September. That’s down from 81 rigs four years ago, according to Baker Hughes, an oil service provider.
I think I found a problem.
The rigs are govt operated. They are falling apart. An oil well is a high maintenance item and they have no gringos left to maintain and operate them. The venezuelans are breaking them as fast as they can.
“The rigs are govt operated”
Imagine that. An enterprise that has no market feedback on the efficacy of its operations is failing. color me shocked.
Also…81 rigs? Fuck. That is what all the big deal is? We have that many in any parish north and west of the Red. And I wont even talk about Texas or out in the gulf.
Shit, I have 120 acres on Catahoula lake with 4 wells operating on it as we speak.
Those numbers are pathetic.
My stepmother is from Peru. She is fascinated by trains. When she has to stop for one she just stares, awestruck. I asked her why the fascination.
“That train and its contents is worth more than the GDP of my country.”
“Oh yeah? We have hundreds of those running at any given time all over the country.”
What holds latin america back is the very strong commie streak and the culture. I have had a hundred say to me “Life isnt worth living if you work all of the time. You have to enjoy life. Now give me something you’ve got.”
A cousin of mine and her husband lived in Ecuador for a while. I visited them. I liked how cheap everything was. However, don’t expect anything to happen on time unless Gringos or Gringas are involved.
My cousin and her husband lived in an area that was, by Ecuadorean standards, heavily middle class. Folks weren’t too happy about Correa’s taxes and redistribution crap.
If I quit my job ano lived off the 20 acres I own, I would be better off than your average Venezuelan.
Maybe they can get some of those giant rabbits the North Koreans are breeding. Great minds think alike.
The Venezuelan leaders, who blame President Trump and the United States for Venezuela’s economic crisis, recommend that people raise rabbits at home as a source of food.
“The rabbit isn’t a pet, it’s only two and a half kilos of meat,” Bernal said smiling, with a few laughs around him. “Trump’s attack against the Venezuelan people is an opportunity to revise and change cultural consumption patterns.”
Maduro, grinning, cheered Bernal’s talk, adding “The first part of Plan Rabbit moves forward!” He added that some rabbits have already been distributed to a few communities as part of a pilot project.
“…an opportunity to revise and change cultural consumption patterns.”
Translation: Prepare to starve.
As wackadoodle as that sounds the pinkos we have here are no saner.
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the, you know, famine that seems inevitable at this point.
No “hare-brained scheme” joke? I am disappoint.
Do you believe me now?
Rather than risk going out on a Saturday night and having a good time, I’m going to sit here and watch Arrival, which I hear is an okay time. To hell with going outside. The music is too loud, the food is cold, the drinks are few, and the people are many. It’s everything I expect, and less. I’m never going outside again unless I need some place to throw up.
I saw it last week. The one where aliens show up and hover, right? It had me rolling with laughter after about 30 minutes. Absurd movie.
What? You didn’t think that the genius tentacled jellyfish were believable?
I’m kidding. I didn’t believe it either. Everybody knows they are lizards.
If they didn’t try the fucking manipulative “My little girl died” shit right off the bat, I would’ve given it a chance. Rubbed me the wrong way.
Did you hate Interstellar that way, too? Because Jesus. I’m not even a parent and that shit had me bawling. Arrival kinda grabbed me that way, too.
If you’re gonna make a serious movie and have a kid die right out of the gate, you better not have Forrest Whitaker playing every government role. It got ridiculous. One thing about bureaucracy is that you almost never deal with the same guy twice. Also, the squiddos jizzing on the screen as a form of communication? The physicist being completely useless except as an “ally” of the plucky Berkeley professor? How about we make some Chinese general the new Hitler?
I’ve got strong premonitions of Contact, for which I still have great affection.
Contact was infinitely better.
six degrees of Matthew Mc caunaghy? sp.
I love Contact. I hate how it’s been panned. It’s such a great film.
I haven’t watched it in sooo many years. I remember liking it.
And yeah I recently watched Intersteller and really like it so naturally McC. put me mind of Contact again.
I am with you on that. Everytime I go out it reminds me why I dont like to go out. I can go to the woods. I get along fine with the trees but as soon as I have to be around people I start counting the steps to my Jeep and how many minutes to drive home.
lachowsky’s theory of happiness. It doesn’t apply to all.
Apply oneself to hard work in pursuit of a goal. My goal is a place of my own. I have it. A house and land that I owe nothing on. Next step. Improve what one has as much as possible. I do this by working on my house and improvingy land. Next step. Enjoy what you have. That’s the easy part. I have already put a wife and kid in my place. I enjoy the work I do on the things that I own. I get satisfaction from increasing the value of my property and joy from my family.
The point is, build a place that you want to be and then you will be happy with not leaving it.
Out? People? Oh fuck no, i have better beer, a better sound system, and good safe sex when i go to bed, out sucks,
At a certain age going out is just a chore. I’m single and I’d rather just stay home and curl up with a good movie or sportsball match. Used to be I’d be really disappointed if I wasn’t “going out”.
Back in the day, going out meant gigging with my Wife in tow, not as fun as it sounds, got kids and did a lot of backyard gigs, much better.
Friends are way better than bars IMO,
Getting reminders of District 9, too
I love that the’re being raised into the craft via construction lifts. I use those for framing, but yeah, I guess you could use that shit to reorienting yourself into a wholly new gravitational field.
i have to redesign an HVAC system, starting Monday, again, but this time it’s Scissor lifts all the way,
My internet is down. Does anyone have the score to the Dodger game?
Sorry but Fuck The Doyers,
that is all
I have no idea why you hate America.
I’ve been browsing around for a Gadsden flag and came across this variation. I want.
this one made me larf:
That, is Glib. Good find. Mine is the old fashioned original,
/molon labe
Just watched this clip of Obama totally losing control of the crowd when a Trump protester holds up a sign. This was from before the election. The Dem leadership are fools if they think they can control the mob once they let loose the worst demons inside people. They’re evil they know that the mob is uncontrollable, yet incite regardless for political expediency. It’s been batshit lunacy for over two years and I don’t see how you can calm these fuckers down.
straffinrun, do you have any good Japanese movies you could rec?
Tokyo Story. Otoko wa tsurai. Tampopo. If I think of any others, I’ll let you know. Beat Takeshi’s Outrage is showing now.
Thx, especially for reminding me of Tampopo. It was on my list, but I missed it. I’ve seen Tokyo Story, and it’s not a bad film, but Ozu gets old quick. The 1950’s family drama thing – Ozu meets Haru(-iet). His unusual blocking only works for so long when he doesn’t have much drama in the story. I’d send you my DVDs for Passing Fancy and An Inn in Tokyo, but they probably wouldn’t play in your player.
Loved BT in Battle Royale. Shame the sequel sucked, but I don’t know that I should have expected anything else.
Otoko wa tsurai looks like a standard genre comedy – it’s really worth it?
Let me know what you think about Outrage.
I’m waiting until Outrage comes out on video. Not a huge Beat Takeshi fan. Otoko wa tsurai is very funny stuff. Extremely unPC and depicts real Japanese men and women of that era. Professor showing off his language ability impresses Torasan. Faaart. F.A.R.T.
Tokyo Story is good until the mother’s illness on the way back home, and then it drags on for another 45 minutes.
I’d suggest Cruel Story of Youth and One Wonderful Sunday.
hey, at least darnolds fumble tonight was on a 4th down attempt.