I grew up knowing that Halloween means trick or treating, usually going from house to house collecting candy, dressed in some sort of costume. Sometimes the school would have a parade where you could flaunt your silly costumes, but whatever, it was fun.

When I grew older and had kids of my own, I noticed people dropping their kids off in my neighborhood. Odd, I thought, until I realized: they have no trick or treating, no candy, nothing where they live for whatever reason, and that must suck.

I gave up on whether the kids are local and just focused on the fun.

To my Wendy and I, Halloween is a favorite holiday.

And it just keeps getting bigger and better for us. Wendy is worried about sound, but I have actually done checks and where she wants to be, giving out the candy, we are fine. I learned little kids get startled and scared so we play very low and spooky, and they dig it.

“I think we should call it your grave!”

I built a graveyard and set up strobe lights and some green, purple, and orange lights on the ground for effect. Then I run a sub-cooled fog machine across the graveyard, which looks uber cool as long as the wind doesn’t get too crazy.

Going with live scary music with my guitar player on Morlock/Borg guitar.

Massive disco lights and two fog machines. I need to notify the Fire department before I do it.  (Ask me how I know.) This year will be the best ever.

Too many folks forget the fun, focusing on politics, scary things, and Democrats. My kids had a great time trick or treating, but it seems to a fading tradition.

So take those kids where the candy is and have a killer Halloween!

I am the Time Traveler.

Fuck you John Titor*
