For some reason, our village has decreed that trick or treating will not be on Halloween, but will be done tonight. Which is great- I love the idea of having a delivery service. So I may be scarce for a while, feasting on variety that only happens once a year. OK, so what’s happening in the world?
Can you imagine being trapped in a jury room with this gasbag? That’s cruel and unusual punishment right there.
Obviously, there’s no new news since Mueller announced he’s made his first ham sandwich, but why let that get in the way of empty speculation?
Not to get in the way of the fine ranting Swiss has been doing this week, but this strikes me as too cute by half. “We can depose you again, so sure, go for it, run again.”
A couple dozen attention-seeking losers make a big noise. A few hundred attention-seeking losers show up to make even a bigger noise. The news media has a field day, pumping up the importance of these non-important losers. Our national IQ drops ten points.
Iceland really does have better politicians than we do. I’ll be in my bunk.
And for today’s installment of Old People Music, the one-time pairing of the fabulous-but-forgotten vocalist Al Hibbler and the never-forgotten Count Basie, who practically invented the less-is-more style of jazz.
“A couple dozen attention-seeking losers make a big noise.”
I wonder how many are in the entire country?
“The KKK is really small. They could all stay in the same hotel with a bunch of free rooms left over. Or put another way: the entire membership of the KKK is less than the daily readership of this blog.
If you Google “trump KKK”, you get 14.8 million results. I know that Google’s list of results numbers isn’t very accurate. Yet even if they’re inflating the numbers by 1000x, and there were only about 14,000 news articles about the supposed Trump-KKK connection this election, there are still two to three articles about a Trump-KKK connection for every single Klansman in the world.
I don’t see any sign that there are other official white supremacy movements that are larger than the Klan, or even enough other small ones to substantially raise the estimate of people involved. David Duke called a big pan-white-supremacist meeting in New Orleans in 2005, and despite getting groups from across North America and Europe he was only able to muster 300 attendees (by comparison, NAACP conventions routinely get 10,000).
My guess is that the number of organized white supremacists in the country is in the very low five digits.”
Most members of the KKK are FBI agents.
I was just snickering about the same thing. The only white group that I can think of that is an actual problem are the damned outlaw biker gangs and they all have plants in them too. Mind you, some of those biker gangs are just guys playing dress up on the weekends with their friends but there is a nucleus of hardcore criminal types.
Speaking of “Outlaw” bikers, I read Hell’s Angels a few weeks ago. HST really made them sound pretty sad and a little pathetic.
Like most criminals.
We’re all criminals. Every single on of us.
HST at his best was excellent. Every presidential election year I re-read “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail” to help remind me how loathsome those who run for president and the press are.
I’m thinking that there may be some militia type white seperatists ala randy weaver living in places here and there. They are racists, but they self segregate and as best I can tell just want to be left alone. I don’t think they cause any trouble.
James Ridgeway wrote a quite comprehensive, and rather even-handed, book detailing the history of the White Nationalist/ethnic determinism groups in the US called Blood In The Face: The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads, and the Rise of a New White Culture that is a great read if y’all are interested in this sort of thing. The KKK has been combat ineffective since the late 1960s – early 1970s (Morris Dees can take a great deal of credit for that) and the WAR/AN types had their heyday back in the early 1990s with groups like The Order and RAC bands like Day Of The Sword robbing banks and armored cars. They are all in prison now. The book has an accompanying documentary notable for being a early appearance by Michael ‘Yes, I’ll have another sandwich’ Moore. In the doc, the bigots come off as quite old and sad and really just pathetic pretenders to the mantle of George Lincoln Rockwell. There is one fellow in the video who, not too long ago, made the news for a shoot-em-up at a Jewish Community Center
There are 5 million NRA members at lest 80%¹ are rednecks and 80%² of rednecks are racist so 3.2 million.
¹totally made up statistic
²based on personal anecdotal evidence only
What is racist?
1. They are different than us
2. I hate those fucking ______ and want to kill them all
“What is racist?”
1. White
2. Male
3. Not a leftist
If you’re 2 or more of the above, you’re racist.
What is racist?
The belief that any individual of some particular race is inherently inferior to any individual of another race.
Can you imagine being trapped in a jury room with this gasbag?
He’s jes’ folks.
A deeply moral man happily undertaking his sacred societal duty.
Chief law enforcement officer less than a year ago is on your jury. Yeah that’s justice.
When was he AG? /pedant
I’d just say something to make sure I won’t be there.
Goddamn, who of you is up this early? Cast the first stone at your defunct alarm clock.
I work 6:00-2:30 ET, so even on weekends I’m up by 6:30.
It sucks doesn’t it. What I’d give to be able to sleep past 8am just once
I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Nature’s alarm clocks.
I just woke up.
Well, it’s 10:30am.
Iceland really does have better politicians than we do. I’ll be in my bunk.
Um, she leads the “Left-Green” Party. Is she on the hot side of the hot/crazy line?
And the four parties of the right look like they could form a majority, although that would probably be fractious too since the one of them broke off from another in the past year.
Get penetration consent in writing, notarized, in triplicate, ideally.
When you live on an island country with a small population it pays to be nice.
There’s no hot/crazy line.
A woman’s desirability and their ideas on politics exist in separate universes.
People believe all kinds of things for various reasons. Ghost stories are irrational, but, hey, it’s Halloween, and ghost stories are fun! Those stories aren’t meant to be taken seriously.
Neither is the belief in Santa Claus, but people get all worked up over Christmas. Women speak some 20,000 words a day. Men speak 7,000. I suspect two-thirds of the things women say aren’t meant to be believed or disbelieved. Sometimes it is meant to be believed, but unless they’re saying “The house is on fire”, it can be hard to tell.
Dogs can’t pass the mirror test. They see themselves in a mirror at first, and they think it’s another dog. Once they realize it’s not another dog, they think it’s another one of those waking dreams–something to be ignored. It’s the same thing with TV. They think what’s on TV is a dream, to be ignored, and they’re generally more interested in watching us watch TV than they are in what’s on TV. I’m like that with women and what they think about politics. I don’t understand why they’re interested in the strange things they like. I just like it when they want to cuddle up on the couch.
Stay with any woman long enough, and she’ll start making you repeat everything you say like she’s hard of hearing just so she can make sure she disagrees with you anyway.
“Women speak some 20,000 words a day”
If they’re married, around 15,000 of those words are some variation of ‘you need to’ or ‘when are you going to’.
You gotta respond to that stuff with demands of your own.
Every time she needs you to do something, tell her you need her to do something.
You need her to pick up your stuff at the cleaners.
You need her to stop by the store on the way home to pick up some razors.
You need her to bake something to take into the office on Monday.
Unless, she doesn’t need you to do anything, in which case, you don’t need her to do anything either.
But if she leaves you a list, then you need to leave her a list of your own.
She needs to mow the lawn, take the car in to have the tires rotated, go help your brother load his couch into the moving van, and she needs to go pick up some new white shirts at Nordstrom.
Incidentally, I suspect one of the reasons “mansplaining” became a thing is because women talk about their problems.
Men generally don’t. If I tell you about my problem, though, goddamn it, I want some ideas on what to do. I’m not telling you about my problem just to hear myself talk.
So, excuse me for trying to help? I’m not apologizing for that.
Her: “if I ask you what time it is, you tell me how to build a clock”.
Ken: “Maybe you should solve your own problems. Can’t you take a hint?”
I can get past any opinion, except belief in astrology. That’s an instant dealbreaker for me.
I had one once who went to a psychic that told her I was cheating.
She told me this on our second date.
I have to admit, that one was problematic, especially since I was already dealing with a stalker.
I said she “told” me this, but, actually, it was more like she confronted me with it.
*eyes suspiciously*
You must be a Gemini.
Freedom fighter
Who was this bicyclist? Was she upset about the president’s frequent golfing excursions? Could his travels to the Virginia golf course and the resulting congestion in traffic have ticked her off? Is she one of the majority of Americans who feel Trump is to blame for the dysfunction in Washington?
None of this is clear, except for the cyclist’s intention to give nobody else but Trump the middle finger during his trip home to the White House. Pool reporters have yet to release any footage of the bicyclist’s exchange with the president.
Of the 96 visits Trump has taken to his own properties as president, 76 of those have been to golf clubs. Saturday also marked the second-consecutive weekend he visited the Trump National Golf Course in Virginia. It’s the first time pool reporters have noted a bicyclist has flipped him off as he was visiting, however.
What, no beatdown? No hail of bullets?
Could you imagine the reaction to flipping off Obama?
You’re a superacist for even pointing that out.
Newsweek. All cap hysteria All day. I don’t remember them being this cringy in back in the day.
Neither do I.
They’ve been derptards for decades. We only slightly better than Time which may as well be edited by Cynthia McKinney. US News and WR used to be a lot more balanced as recently as 20 years ago but at some point went off the rails.
Ha. I would like to think that given the chance, I would flip off Trump too. Him or any other president. I don’t much care for any president we have had in my lifetime.
My desktop background is Rand Paul standing at the presidential podium. We can all dream.
That could have been Ha ha funny, but they used “she persisted” unironically.
There is a children’s book with that title that I just noticed on our most recent trip to B&N. Luckily the boy chose a Plants vs Zombies book.
Hehe, the creepy Lizzie Warren kids book. Was there a large stack of unsold inventory?
It’s Chelsea Clinton.
I saw a picture of Chelsea in a magazine this morning. Definite butterface (at least from the angle the photo was taken.)
When my niece and nephew have kids, I’m going to get them books from this author.
I didn’t know what Plants vs Zombies was until my labor was enacted to make a Halloween costume this weekend.
Yes, it HAD to be handmade, because store bought costumes don’t win the contest.
The one time I won a costume contest I was wearing a store-bought witch’s outfit. It could be that I was just really selling it by scream-cackling at all the younger children and chasing them around the pumpkin patch with my broom.
Iceland really does have better politicians than we do. I’ll be in my bunk.
Seriously? That mouth is going to give me nightmares.
She can actually look quite stunning when looking super cereal.
Definitely a Mouth of Sauron vibe going on there.
I got more of a hungry seal, smiling dog vibe.
Goblin Shark
I don’t like her nose either.
Could you imagine the reaction to flipping off Obama?
10,000 gallons of printer’s ink, all of which boils down to DISSENT IS TREASON.
A “national conversation” on race relations and reactionary white anger.
That bicyclist could have been a North Korean assassin.
Do you want WWIII? Because that’s how you get WWIII.
Killing the Archduke Tinyhand?
Stuck in Place, U.S. Homeowners Hunker Down as Housing Supply Stays Tight
Interesting article that describes homeowners keeping their homes in larger cities, despite wanting to sell, because they can’t afford to buy another house. The article dances around the reason without fully embracing it, namely increased regulations preventing new affordable houses from being built. And I don’t mean what politicians call “affordable housing”, I mean houses that don’t come with $200k in building fee/permits already baked into the price.
This stood out.
Can’t find a home with a backyard for less than $1 million? Around here, $500k would buy you 400 acres of prime land, a mansion sitting on it, a guesthouse the size of a normal suburban home, and a 12 stall stable filled with excellent horses, along with all the other typical estate additions. And that’s asking, so who know how low you could really get it.
The price of housing in some places boggles my mind. I have less than 100k invested in my house, land, shop, and barn. Why anyone would want to spend that much money on housing just so that they can be around a bunch of other people is beyond me.
We have a bit of a problem with white-flight pushing up the prices of rural land within a 30 minute drive of our major cities but other than that north rural louisiana is about the same.
I bought a newly built, well about 2 years old home, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, full walkout basement, 24.5 acres in the midwest for 160k. Around here that home would cost at least 2 mil because of the land. A teeny tiny lot around here, barely big enough to build a small house on is at least 200k. With a house, it’s at least 400k. I haven’t seen one property here for less than that and the taxes will be almost as much as the mortgage. No way, no way in hell. People are fucking nuts for buying anything here at these prices.
Most people I know here have spent anywhere from 400k to 1mil on a house. There is no way in hell I’m getting myself in that sort of debt over a house that is worth maybe 25% of the price. The housing market here is extremely inflated.
Career choices play a part: some kinds of work are much harder to find outside of a handful of high-cost cities. My wife and I relocated out of California 2 years ago to a very nice and much less expensive place, but now that she’s looking for a new job, she’s finding that recruiters all seem to want her to relocate to CA, NJ, or Boston. And … yeah, we really don’t have much interest in moving to any of those places.
So, I’d guess that a lot of these people continue to live in super-expensive places because they don’t want to have to change careers to move.
Around here, $500k would buy you 400 acres of prime land, a mansion sitting on it, a guesthouse the size of a normal suburban home, and a 12 stall stable filled with excellent horses, along with all the other typical estate additions.
Where’s this?
Rural Virginia. I would imagine it’s the same in most rural places in fly-over country.
Here in rural north central Ohio land goes for 2-10 grand an acre, house is gonna cost between 80-120$ per sqft, you’re gonna need more than a few million for all that stuff.
If land is $6k/acre and it costs $200,000 for a 2,000 square foot home (the average of your numbers), that’s definitely not rural. Those numbers are about as close to rural as living in NYC is to living in Rwanda.
Well it’s farm land, 45min from any major city you’d have a well and a septic system, if that’s your idea of urban then we have different definitions of the words.
Ehh, not urban but not deep rural either. I think that’s what’s termed the exburbs.
For comparison, I’m about 35 minutes from the closest Walmart, never mind a major city. For what I’d call a major city, the closet one is about 3 hours from me. My future BIL, who’s from Atlanta, calls that city a tiny backwater dump so your mileage may vary.
Spartan is correct. Here’s a place a few miles from me.
Only 80 acres, not what I’d call a mansion.
Ok, Spartan may have been using a bit of hyperbole. His point is mostly correct though. 500k here will get you a very nice place with a lot of land.
I get that, but 400 acres of prime land, a mansion sitting on it, a guesthouse the size of a normal suburban home, and a 12 stall stable filled with excellent horses, not so much, In fact if he has 400 acres of prime land, a mansion sitting on it, a guesthouse the size of a normal suburban home, and a 12 stall stable filled with excellent horses, I’ll give him $600,000 for it.
Where’s my mule?
Have you looked? Perhaps it’s somewhere on your 40 acres.
It might be in the upper 500s but I saw several properties like this when we were looking 4 years ago. I remember finding it funny when my mother in law pointed them out on the real estate brochures and my wife and I laughed and asked “how are we going to afford $500k”?!! She told us that we were supposed to negotiate it down. Don’t think that was going to happen by 75%.
Anyway, here’s a similar property that I can find with a quick search. It’s only 20 acres but is right next to very expensive areas of Richmond. Pick this property up and drop it 3 hours west in the boondocks and you can add a couple hundreds acres and take off $100k. Regardless, this should be close enough for my point.
When I first moved out here 4 years ago, we saw several such properties on the real estate brochures. It was funny because my mother in law kept pointing them out. When my wife and I explained we couldn’t afford $500k, she responded that we were supposed to negotiate it down. I don’t think they would accept 75% off.
Anyways, a quick search revealed a similar property here. It’s only 20 acres, but it’s also right up against a very expensive part of Richmond. Pick this property up and drop it about 3 hours west in the boondocks and you can add 200 acres while taking off $100k or so.
So not an exact match, but should be close enough for my point.
I don’t the system liked my link. Let me try a zillow one since it looks like that’s going through.
This one is only 20 acres, but is right up against an expensive part of Richmond. Pick it up and drop it 3 hours west and you can add a couple hundred acres while knocking off probably $200k. It may not be the exact same, but I think it’s close enough for my point.
I saw several places like this on the real estate brochures when we moved in. My mother in law kept pointing them out to us while my wife and I were asking where we were going to get $500k.
Knock off $100k. Didn’t mean to exaggerate there.
Not sure why my reply keeps getting eaten. Let me try again.
When I first moved out here 4 years ago, we saw several such properties on the real estate brochures. It was funny because my mother in law kept pointing them out. When my wife and I explained we couldn’t afford $500k, she responded that we were supposed to negotiate it down. I don’t think they would accept 75% off.
Anyways, a quick search revealed a similar property here. It’s only 20 acres, but it’s also right up against a very expensive part of Richmond. Pick this property up and drop it about 3 hours west in the boondocks and you can add 200 acres while taking off $100k or so.
So not an exact match, but should be close enough for my point.
Reply keeps getting eaten, one last time.
When I first moved out here 4 years ago, we saw several such properties on the real estate brochures. It was funny because my mother in law kept pointing them out. When my wife and I explained we couldn’t afford $500k, she responded that we were supposed to negotiate it down. I don’t think they would accept 75% off.
Anyways, a quick search revealed a similar property here. It’s only 20 acres, but it’s also right up against a very expensive part of Richmond. Pick this property up and drop it about 3 hours west in the boondocks and you can add 200 acres while taking off $100k or so.
So not an exact match, but should be close enough for my point.
Here, 500k will buy you an avg 2 bedroom ranch on a lot the size of a postage stamp.
Here, it will buy you a 3 bedroom condo. You shave a third off that, like we did, by going with a 2 bedroom condo.
Shit, here in southwest Ohio, I got a 2-bedroom house (good condition) with a yard and garage for $69k. It’s in a city of about 25,000, and it’s within walking distance to the downtown area. I do think it was a rather lucky find, which is why I jumped and bought it right away.
In case you weren’t aware, the main pasttime in Ohio is talking about all the wonderful places you’re going to move to and all the amazing things you’re going to do once you “finally get out of Ohio”. People ask me, “are you just going to spend your whole life in Ohio?!” Well, why the hell would I want to move to some big city, get rid of most of my guns, and live in a cramped apartment that costs $900 a month? I know a lot of people love the big city life, but I sure do get sick of people acting like NYC and LA are all sunshine and rainbows.
Heh. “Cramped apartment that costs $900 a month”. People in those cities would kill to pay that. When I last lived in CA, I was in an edge suburb about 45 minutes east of San Francisco. Our 750 sq ft apartment there now rents for $3700/month.
Here is a take from the paper of record.
It starts out good pointing out that local and state regulations are stifling new home construction in places like Boston and San Fran, but thier solution is Federal action to counter it.
I paid more for my 1300 square ft duplex (“3” bed, “2” bath) with off street parking than my sister paid for her 5 bedroom, 4 bath, with 3 car garage. Watching house hunters when they go to places like Texas makes me sad.
3 bedrooms if you turn the basement into a bedroom. Where I grew up we call a bathroom with a shower stall a 3/4 bath, but here it’s a “full” bath.
“Around here, $500k would buy you 400 acres of prime land, a mansion sitting on it, a guesthouse the size of a normal suburban home, and a 12 stall stable filled with excellent horses, along with all the other typical estate additions. And that’s asking, so who know how low you could really get it.”
I think the obvious thing is that most people wouldn’t be able to find a way to make a living.
That’s a really interesting point. The thing is, there used to be a ton of jobs around here. Good paying jobs in the factories. Where a wife didn’t have to work to make ends meet and just the father could work without a college degree and still afford a decent house and to take his family on a decent vacation once a year (not to Europe but maybe the oceanfront). The factory jobs created other jobs up the chain too.
Those are all gone now. There’s at least a dozen abandoned factories within a 30 minute drive from me. I’ve heard no one will invest in the factories because it will cost more than they are worth just to bring them up compliant with EPA regs.
“What will I tell my daughters? ‘Mommy was too busy watching football to protest a Nazi takeover?’ Not me. Not in my state,” Ortega said.
These people think there is an actual nazi threat from a couple hundred rednecks with confederate flags and a few losers with fake nazi memorabilia. Pathetic.
If they keep pretending hard enough and long enough there could be a real problem. Pretend to be something long enough and you become that. They pretend they are victims of fascism sooner or later there will be serious backlash. In their minds they will be victims of fascism when in reality it will be regular conservative Joe getting fed up with their shit.
Well, basically all that means is that a Republican is president. There’s nothing more there.
This. Let’s not pretend that these people weren’t acting the same way when W was President.
WHen I first came to DC in 1990, there was a large KKK rally on the Mall. It generated some counter-protests, but mostly curiosity. It just wasn’t a Big Scary Thing, and it was a much larger gathering than today’s tiki-torch marches.
The leader of Iceland’s main Left-Green opposition party
Anyone got a flow chart for this?
Why, is she on her period?
left-green is probably equivalent to U.S. watermelons.
Bill deBlasio is making New Yorkers safer
Imagine a citywide policy that could reduce the incomes of the poor, worsen traffic congestion, make living in a city more expensive and less convenient, and fine small businesses. It would be a remarkable achievement, putting the limited power of urban governance to maximum bad effect.
Well, congratulations to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on hitting the stupid-policy quadfecta with his announcement on Thursday of a crackdown on electronic bicycles, or e-bikes.
When you’ve lost Slate…
Well, he is banning a hipster favorite. This is a mild equivalent of “Not me! You are making a mistake! Wait until comrade Stalin finds out what you are doing!”
They never see it coming.
Leftists are all for top men banning things until their ox gets gored. To be fair, the same can be said of conservatives.
I thought the hipsters went with the fixies, not e-bikes?
I’m trying to understand how electric cars = good, and electric bikes = bad… and it’s far too early to start drinking.
License and insurance required for an electric car but not for an electric bike would be my guess.
Some cities are working on that. Hell, one of the Cleveland suburbs requires licenses and registration for bikes. I know quite a few riders, and none of us have registered our bikes.
Ann Arbor also required registration of bikes. Though it wasn’t enforced in any way that I could see (this was back in the mid-2000s, so maybe it’s changed).
It’s even more stupider than that. The City mandates registration for any powered vehicle used in NYC but the State monopolizes motor vehicle registration and refuses to have anything to do with registering wee electric bikes/skateboards (IIRC, the State says anything under 5 brake hp is not required to be registered). It’s just another mayor v. governor pissing match wherein the commonweal gets the short end of the stick.
I have only seen e-bikes used by food delivery people. Then again there are no hipsters in my neighborhood so YMMV.
There are some e-bikes that you wouldn’t be able to pick out from looking at them. I’ve heard from some of the local bike shops that they’re popular with older people for riding the trails, or for couples who have different levels of cycling speed.
What the hell is an e-bike?
It’s a bicycle with an electric motor.
To haven’t lived until you see 10’s of Chinese ebike hauling 500 lbs of scrap metal and two additional people on the same roadway as $100K Audis and various vintages of Buicks.
For example.
I wouldn’t mind one myself if I knew a smug prick like Deblasio wasn’t going to outlaw it (harder).
I wonder how many Harvard graduates today could pass their 1899 entrance exam.
Most incredible. Pretty sure compulsory, public Pre-Kindergarten will get us back to there.
This exam content is interesting. The level of Latin competency needed is understandable considering the Liberal Arts focus back then. I’m surprised by the depth of geography knowledge expected, but these students could be expected to be the political class when they graduated.
My father in law and I were discussing our college education focus yesterday and to my surprise he had to take mandatory German and Russian to get a chemistry degree. It makes sense as these were the languages along with English most scientific papers and patents were written in. In my day Japanese and now Chinese would be required along with German. Fortunately translation is much easier today.
I had to pass an advanced proficiency exam in German for my chemistry PhD (back in the early 1980s). The general attitude from the department was, yeah, Beilstein is now in English, ditto Angewandte Chemie, but there are hazing rituals all the newbies have to go through, and this is one of them.
I had to take mandatory German in high school in the 80s. It was science-tech focused. Even then it seemed ridiculous but I loved it.
I’m just going to take a guess that physics and chemistry which were mandatory for me in high school, have now been replaced with gender studies and something about toxic masculinity.
Again, it’s all connected to the value they placed on the Classics. All of the questions, with the exception of the Amazon River one, is basically testing if one has read Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico and Xenophon’s Anabasis or not.
Agreed. Also lots of local knowledge for your post as ambassador to Siam
Yeah, anyone with a reasonable knowledge of classical Med history can handle that page – there was nothing that I’d consider genuinely obscure.
I’m surprised at the level of assistance they gave on the Latin and Greek, to be honest. It’s possible that they were just trying to make it easier to mark, but it strikes me as unlikely that a candidate would be familiar with the required grammatical constructions but not the vocabulary they suggest. Makes me think the pass mark wasn’t actually that high and/or that there was a lot of cramming.
The math part was a bit tedious but pretty easy. Latin and Greek… well… I’d like to see how they do on Hebrew and Aramaic.
I was going to say, the math is basically what a high school graduate should know. I would suspect that a first-year math course in Harvard now would be much more difficult.
Back in the day, I would guess that anyone entering Harvard Divinity School would have at least reading knowledge of Biblical Hebrew.
I dont
Makes me feel…inadequate.
Meanwhile we’ve reached a point where Yale decides Shakespeare ain’t all that because white.
Fall of the West.
It’s upsetting to see how far the “education” system in America has fallen. Sure, this exam was probably for super-sharp whiz kids, but it suggests that the standards for high school grads have become incredibly lax since then.
It’s more aggravating when you consider that funding for government education has absolutely exploded in recent decades while test scores have remained the same or even gotten worse. If you could adjust these numbers for the dumbing down of the curriculum, I’m sure the results would be downright appalling.
So why do people always freak the fuck out about reducing funding (or not increasing it as fast) for government schools? This never-ending gravy train of taxpayer money has not improved test scores, so why do people act like Betsy DeVos is the end of the fucking world?
As an aside, I overheard someone in a coffee shop saying, “There are kids going to school in the same building where their parents went to school… There is something fundamentally wrong with that!” THIS mindset is part of the problem.
This is probably a dead thread, but my mother went to high school in 1963. I went to school in the same building (it was a Junior High, though) in 1981. My nephew went to school in the exact same building (except as a middle school (6th and 7th grade)) in 2011.
Also, the school district uses the same high school building now as it did when I graduated in 1984. Somehow our school put out 2 Presidential Scholars (and 2 other finalists) in the 3 years I was there, so I guess we weren’t hurt THAT badly by being in a relatively old building.
I would fail spectacularly.
Devil Weed
Recent research on marijuana is starting to address the type of questions that might ordinarily be revealed via lengthy clinical trials during the development of a pharmaceutical. This process is occurring as the legalization bandwagon picks up speed. Marijuana is increasingly taking a place alongside Johnny Walker and Yellow Tail on the credenza—no longer stashed away in a drawer within. In the U.S. marijuana use among high school seniors is more common than smoking cigarettes. The researchers at the Berlin conference discussed the need to alert the public about worrying new findings. “As physicians, we need to say clearly what is happening and what is not,” says Peter Falkai, a psychiatrist at the Munich Center for Neurosciences at Ludwig Maximilian University. “Looking into the data, clearly yes, the data show increasing risk of psychosis.”
“In the U.S. marijuana use among high school seniors is more common than smoking cigarettes.”
Maybe because fewer of them smoke cigarettes?
Big Marijuana looms.
So it’s entirely possible that since weed is becoming more acceptable, more research is being done and more negative attributes are discovered. Not saying that’s absolutely certain, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
That in itself is cause for concern, to be sure.
Hard to believe there hasn’t been a shit-ton of research already. I think we already know everything that might be negative.
You’re not wrong about the Feds wanting to find everything bad about evil drugs that are killing our children; however, so little is known, good and bad, about Schedule 1 drugs because even FDA/CDC people can’t get money to do research. It really is a shame since some of those drugs, while of course having side effects, are now showing promise for actual medical benefit (MDMA for PTSD, psilocybin for OCD, cannabis for cachexia and pain) but even getting the basic research done is very challenging, forget about getting them approved.
Wait until they move weed to schedule 2. And then we will have our next national crisis since the opiate scare will be getting old.
One of my trade journals has a study linking endocannibinoids to obesity/diabetes/CVD.
I could see how it might lead to overeating, but that’s not really a legitimate medical problem in itself.
I agree 100%. Unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped the government from taxing/banning other products.
Look what the media has tried to do with Vaping.
If more states legalize MJ, there will be a torrent of bullshit ‘studies’ used to justify further and further restrictions and roadblocks to its actual use.
i think the reasons why are myriad. Its not as simple as “govt/tobacco lobby” wanting to limit competition/threat to their cash flows, tho that’s 1 part of it.
I think the biggest thing is just that regulation is a racket, and this is a goldmine if you’re a regulator-type.
There are a lot of perverts who get their rocks off bossing other people around.
The Feds also keep tight control over “science weed”, not allowing independent/non-government researches to get ahold of it to study it.
Hey, if you’ve got the funds to get inked, go for it.
Part of the fun is saving up for a laser removal procedure.
You could also wait till your 90 and get them for free.
Summary: the numbers are okay, better than Veep, but Trump’s America or something
I haven’t seen Curb before, though I should get around to it. But God damn, Lanre Bakare writing for The Guardian is one insufferable bag of dicks.
An old guy revives an old show and ratings are good but not great. That’s not really surprising.
Because comparing a network show to a premium cable show makes total sense
A couple weeks ago, I got a call from the Palestinian kid who worked for me- “Tell me you have HBO, you GOTTA! ‘Curb’ brought back Palestinian Chicken!!!”
As soon as it hits Netflix, we’re binging, because SP and I have the reputation of being very woke and politically correct. We’re planning on taking careful notes, then protesting on Twitter.
Dear Carolyn: I am a mother of twin 5-year-old boys. My sons play together really well with our neighbor’s same-age son, at his house and ours.
Three weeks back I learned the family owns guns, which the mother claims are stored properly. I could not gather the courage to request further details as I feared sounding impolite and inappropriate. But ever since it has been eating me up and I end up visualizing all the possible scary scenarios whenever my boys play at our neighbor’s home. What do I do? It’s soon going to be winter and playing outdoors in subfreezing temps won’t be an option.
— V.
V.: People who keep guns in the house and take the responsibility seriously enough to host small children safely will welcome a fellow parent’s inquiry about the precautions they take.
People who get offended by your inquiry about precautions are not ones you want hosting your kids.
The gun question is tidy that way, if awkward. The qualities you want in someone watching your kids are honesty, humility and appreciation of the sacred trust you’re placing in them. If she’s more concerned with defending her choices than informing yours, then that indicates she is her top priority, which means your kids’ safety can’t be; such priorities are mutually exclusive.
“Sacred trust”? This is what’s wrong with America.
When I met SP’s father for the first time, one of the “tests” he gave me was to ask my (then) 8 year old son if he would like to see the gun cabinet. While watching me out of the corner of his eye (at the time, he just thought of me as “that Californian”), he pulled out several fine specimens, showed my kid how to check the chamber and safety, and let him handle a few. When he saw my expression was one of total approval, he grinned ear to ear, and we spent the rest of that weekend talking and drinking. He was delighted that I was an admirer of Barry Goldwater and knew how to do contour integration.
Needless to say, she was given permission to marry me.
What if he had pulled out the Werther’s and called your son over?
I would have sent him the bill for the inevitable dental work.
“knew how to do contour integration”
But enough about you and SP’s bedroom activities…
Actually, her advice was pretty sound until the last sentence.
I couod leave my 5 year old alone in a room with half dozen loaded firearms and he would know not to mess with them. He knows thus because I have taught him about guns since he was 3. I have shown him what they do. He knows how they operate. He knows they are dangerous. I have let him handle mine dozens of times so that he is not eaten up with curiosity when he encounters one. He is normalized to firearms.
Meh. She’s not being totally unreasonable. Especially once the boys get to an older age and begin to explore. Geez, just go and ask. What does it take or hurt and just say ‘Look, I understand I may sound prudish or even ignorant but I’m not familiar with guns do you mind walking me through how you stored them in order to keep them out of the hands of children?’
Or does she want fucken Michelle Obama to ask?
She could always move to Chicago.
“What do I do?”
Stop being a cunt. See how easy that was?
Iran’s Rouhani said his country will produce whatever weapons are necessary to defend itself and does not see this a violation of treaties.
Anyone who didn’t think this was their natural position and thinking despite Obama’s piece of paper doesn’t understand or hasn’t followed Iran close enough.
The usual prog fetish for words on paper altering reality was particularly hilarious in this case.
Iran has every incentive to acquire nuclear weapons.
The ACLU won’t even defend its own right to speak
And, from the “at least they’re honest” file..
The ACLU is just pathetic.
Aren’t these guy supposed to be having an armed uprising sometime in November?
“ACLU, you protect Hitler, too.”
BLM, You want stalin in power again!
I love it.
This is a lemon:
I feel like I just watched a South Park parody commercial.
Is that like some kind of meta thing from your avatar?
This is a potato:
Why is he eating dirt?
Holy shit…Rita Pavone! Haven’t seen her since the days my father would watch RAI back in the 80s.
I am now officially in love with Rita Pavone.
Don has a sad.
A ‘bitter’ lemon?
I thought lemons are….sour?
Look at the picture of the Klan losers and counter-losers. There’s a couple dozen people walking in street, a couple hundred wasting time beside, and the local PD across the highway has a goddamn MRAP to block them. Am I the only person who thinks it’s fucked up that that entire crowd could be dispatched by that one government surplus vehicle in the hands of a bunch of podunk morons with big guns?
For the ass Glibs, though number 8 really is an excellent compromise, yowza.
Good morning, Q!
Lots of fatties (NTTAWWT) today.
23 is more my speed.
Morning Tundra. Try this on for size:
Nice! Lots of girls who take their vitamins!
18 and 22.
18,19 and 34 send my heart aflutter.
Yeah 18 & 34 are probably my top 2.
Yeah that’s more like it.
Another orgy.
It wouldn’t say any of those are fat.
I would say that #4 escaped from a carnival.
Dude, it’s Halloween. It’s the one time necrophiliacs like him can let their freak flags fly.
Where is sarcasmic when you need him?
Trying out a new 9mm, last I heard.
Yeah, I’m not really a big butt man. 20 would be on the top end for me as far as butts go.
20’s got some excellent cushion for the pushin’.
NY legislator (D) fakes panic attack to get out of ticket.
What a failure.
I wonder how she voted on seatbelt laws.
Seatbelt laws are the worst sort of nanny statism.
Love the Prius.
Not only is progressivism a ‘mental disorder’, Democrats are simply out of their minds. A party built for people who are simply besides themselves all the time. Normal, thinking Democrats are all like ‘wtf is this crazy shit? I’m out’.
I’m guessing of course.
How far Ms. Frizzle has fallen.
“The Anti-Racialist Q & A”
Just in case you wondered why some people live in fly-over country. They left out the roving gangs of nazis and KKK members.
I live in fly-over country and I don’t like the shit that is flying over.
Flying between Hawaii and Beijing?
Right up near Ohio wine country. Luckily for him he wasn’t in Cleveland.
That’s still quite a distance from Ohio wine country. I used to live over on that side of town, and downtown Willoughby was our old stomping grounds. It’s about four square blocks of bars and antique shops. It’s also the town where as the bars closed, the cops would direct traffic to clear out the traffic jams instead of just popping everyone for a DUI.
It’s nice to see that “To Protect and Serve'” is still around.
I wonder if any of them are NRA members.
There were probably a couple, and I’m also willing to bet he saw some confederate flags there as well. They were common up until the early 2000’s when I left that side of town at least.
“So we drove to what is probably the finest dining spot in all of Willoughby – some place on Erie Street, I think it was – and had one hell of a great sandwich.”
I bet it was a woman who made the sandwich. Watch out carrey, your career is about to be ended.
A Stop at Willoughby, you say?
There was a train station in Willougby (as well as a local rumor that the town was the one the story in the show was about). That train station was converted to Willoughby Brewing Company, which was the first (and for quite some time, only) brewery in Lake County.
“Willoughby? Maybe it’s wishful thinking nestled in a hidden part of a man’s mind, or maybe it’s the last stop in the vast design of things—or perhaps, for a man like Mr. Gart Williams, who climbed on a world that went by too fast, it’s a place around the bend where he could jump off and have a pint of Cosmic IPA. Willoughby? Whatever it is, it comes with sunlight and serenity and a plate of Henny wings, and is a part of The Flyover Zone.”
According to the disclaimer at the site it is satirical. Regardless, this place is in Willoughby and would be a great place to meet some Cleveland Glibs. And we can walk to my shop and wait there for the Uber drivers.
Anyone interested?
I know exactly where that place is, and I’d be up for heading over to the barren East side to meet up with some Glibs.
That story sounded a little familiar.
Really, really familiar.
I blame my Google newsfeed for giving me fake news. I’ll hang my head in shame, and read the comments at Salon as punishment.
Beat me to it. Damn you.
I find it odd that people think that doesn’t happen outside of West Bumfuck, Wisconsin.
This a recurring fake story that keeps getting circulated with different actors in different locations. Don’t ask me why.
I was going to say: “That reads like copypasta with names changed”
something about ‘hell of a sandwich’ triggered my bullshit alarms
The primary purpose of glurge is to contrast an idealized “fly-over country” to the dark, satanic urban centers filled with roving gangs of “gangstas” and “illegals”.
One of the more interesting patterns of the last 30 years is that crime/violence moved out of the ‘dark satanic urban centers’ with their ‘gangstas and illegals’…. and began booming in smaller towns, suburbs, and rural areas.
Rural America Is the New ‘Inner City’
A Wall Street Journal analysis shows that since the 1990s, sparsely populated counties have replaced large cities as America’s most troubled areas by key measures of socioeconomic well-being—a decline that’s accelerating
‘glurge’ might help paper-over anxiety over this shift.
I wonder if all these “WXYZ13” fake news sites are all run by the same person. I can’t imagine them all popping up independently and running the same mad-lib fake stories.
A German with a sense of humor? Or maybe he is serious?
The truth
Oh, the horror.
Cool boss. Someone needs attention. I just wonder at the out-of-work drag queen who needs a cheeseburger look.
Are anyone else comments getting eaten?
My comments are way too unsavory, they get spit out immediately. Probably all the asparagus I’ve been eating (see what I mean?).
Butterface is eating them.
I preemptively apologize for ^that.
I should have anticipated this and have no one to blame but myself.
I’m guessing any gender studies group is gonna have several elephants in the room.
This is not news to anyone who has been paying attention.
On a personal note, I thoroughly enjoy teaching and went into grad school with the intention of pursuing a career as a professor, now I wouldn’t be caught dead working at one of these places. It’s a shame because I still really enjoy teaching. I have occasionally done adjunct work at Community Colleges and I’ll say that the quality of student at CC is almost universally better; a bit more “blue collar” if you want to put it that way. They work hard and they’re there because they have a solid plan that usually involves bettering themselves. It’s not just an expensive 4 year vacation at progressive orgy island.
Hence why you get morons screaming ‘popular vote!” You laugh but there’s something to be said of people who A) have proper education; or been educated well via post-secondary education and B) people intelligent enough to be largely self-taught who maintain a strong knowledge equal to those with degrees. I think this place is a mixture of both.
University/colleges blowing out core subjects is bound to leave its clients/students wallowing in ignorance especially if they’re not curious enough to go beyond what they were taught leaving them vulnerable to, well, do I have to point out the collective, manic, hysterical reaction to Trump’s election?
Just a rudimentary observation on my part.
True education requires training the students’ ability to think critically. Classical education was all about logic and reason, you know those Enlightenment values that are racist and colonialist? If you have good critical thinking skills, it’s very simple to shine light on to the progressive project’s lies. Since modern Higher Ed is dedicated to advancing that project, it’s essential from their point of view to extinguish critical thinking ability in the students.
I think you’re correctly diagnosing the symptom but not the disease. As I have written before, yes, there will always be wackadoodles in the Academy, but their power to shape the curriculum pales in comparison to the forces hell-bent on converting a 4-year degree granting institution into glorified Voc-Techs. As Rhywun pointed out, so many people think the primary purpose of higher education is career training; they don’t have time to learn how to think critically. Which is just how the elite class likes it. Well trained, but docile worker-drones.
In your opinion, what happens when the whole mess finally implodes? Will higher education be reformed, or will it become a luxury item again?
Good question. I believe there will always be a place for elite institutions. Harvard and Stanford aren’t going anywhere. As for the rest, one of the reasons I like working for my institution is that we are at the forefront of disrupting the standard model. One of the ways we are doing this is giving the career-minded students what they want while also providing a service for those seeking a more traditionally-focused education. I also think you’ll see an expansion of “coding boot-camp”-like apprenticeships. Already, The Apprentice School is more selective than Harvard and I would suspect the average starting salary and job placement rates are much higher as well. Embry–Riddle is also a good model, having started the same way but branched out to a more traditional model.
Interesting – thank you.
If I had to do it all over again, I would have gone to Embry-Riddle and studied logistics.
Also, the purge has already happened, but slowly. A college closes about every month. From what I’ve heard, within the next 10 to 15 years, 50 percent of private colleges open now will be out of business. Part of it is just plain demographics, they were founded to accommodate the Baby Boom and the demand for so many colleges just isn’t there anymore. State flagships will of course also exist as taxpayer-funded dinosaurs.
I argue the majors that are career training (eg. accounting, engineering, nursing, etc.), where one could graduate and get a job in that field, depend on applying facts and reason. As opposed to majors in Critical Latinx Theory, Demisexual Puppetry, or Dragonkin Studies.
An Education degree is technically career training as well.
So there are exceptions. Although I wonder how much of it is actually learning how to teach, and not just bullshit credentialism.
Most kids don’t go to college for a “well-rounded education” and haven’t done so for what, fifty, sixty years? I get what they’re saying here but what do you expect when college is all-but-mandatory in our culture – or at least positioned as such. Probably 75% of them should just turn into trade schools and ditch the “general education” stuff that most of the students don’t want anyway. The basics they’re talking about should be taught in high school anyway.
It was in my day, ‘well-rounded’ education generally meant ‘Humanities’ classes.
I have let him handle mine dozens of times so that he is not eaten up with curiosity when he encounters one. He is normalized to firearms.
This is what terrifies the gungrabbers more than anything. The thought of some private citizen with a gun waiting patiently in line at Kroger to buy a gallon of milk and a package of english muffins without shooting anybody sends them into a tizzy. The narrative must be upheld.
The lady who taught my CCW class used to be a cop and also held a variety of police-related jobs; one of them was 911 dispatcher. She said someone called one time in hysterics over a guy in Kroger with a gun:
Caller: “There’s a man in Kroger with a GUN on his belt!”
911: “What’s he doing?”
Caller: “He’s putting stuff in his cart!”
911: “Is he bothering anybody?”
Caller: “Well, he’s – oh my god, he’s going up to the register! He’s swiping his credit card!”
911: “Has he taken the gun out at all?”
Caller: “Now he’s LEAVING THE STORE!!”
Culture of corruption. He got his political education in Cook County, so he learned from the best.
just an expensive 4 year vacation at progressive orgy island.
“Hillary Clinton ‘Sex Tape’ Was Made By Russian Trolls”
SugarFree tovarish!
The aim allegedly was to help Donald Trump defeat Clinton in last year’s election.
BS. He was working for Big Voban.
“I Was ‘Melon-Shamed.’ Don’t Let It Happen to You”
Melonin shamed.
A constant problem for the FLBP girls.
The call is coming from inside the building!
Filed under –
shit that never happened
This is not news to anyone who has been paying attention.
My alma mater, Colorado College? F
No surprise.
“Unfortunately for Romney, 2012 was not the year to be running for president as relatively moderate Republican gazillionaire deal-maker with northeastern roots and a squishy record on abortion and the Second Amendment. As it turns out, the GOP is perfectly at ease with relatively moderate Republican gazillionaire deal-makers with northeastern roots and squishy records on abortion and the Second Amendment: They nominated one in 2016, and then elected him president.”
I shudder to think what Romney would have enabled or pushed through after Sandy Hook. So far, I haven’t seen Trump shouting from the rooftops after Las Vegas (bump stocks notwithstanding) for anything too intrusive. So far he’s been much better on the 2nd than Mitt would have been.
Also, Romney is a spineless and weak sack of country club Republican neocon shit.
Classical education was all about logic and reason, you know those Enlightenment values that are racist and colonialist?
Truth is an arbitrary construct, designed to perpetuate slavery and the subjugation of teh womynz and de colored folk.
“Chanel’s $1,325 boomerang condemned as ‘cultural appropriation'”
This is what is wrong with the world.
Did a little spotting at DCA yesterday. Perfect conditions, but no go-arounds (not enough traffic).
I have a place like that at LAX. Conveniently, it also serves cheeseburgers.
Bucket list item for me is In n Out at LAX
Especially since I plan to dress like Malcolm Macdowell!
Vikes are in London. Watching?
Kind of. It’s a pathetic performance against a doormat team. Par for the course, I guess. Hopefully the 2nd half will be better.
Gah! Intercept that thang!
Never underestimate the Vikings ability to play down to their opponents. The central is in freefall and the Vikes stomp on their own dicks.
They are the Republican Party of the NFL.
Nice penalty!!
Another nice penalty!
OK, now I’m starting to recognize this team.
Nice to have Diggs back.
That’s where I’m taking the youngest kid today. I have to check the schedule…
2 back to back A380s come in from Korea between 9 and 10 AM, and they always land on the In and Out runway.
There’s a good overlook on the South side of the airport too, but you need a decent lens.
Huh. Looks like it’s going to be A380, 777, A380 today:
That’s a nice lineup!
I spent this morning watching DAL2 on Flight Radar – squawked 7700 and returned to LHR. But the damn Brits don’t allow live broadcast of ATC. Seemed like a cabin pressure issue, since they descended to 10,000 and stayed there til final approach.
Top of the hill.
Top of the hill pushed in about halfway.
83x zoom.
Awesome shots! If I ever have $$ again, I’ll get me a nice camera for planes.
Yesterday, there was a hottie taking pro shots of the landings at DCA. Socially-awkward me didn’t say “hi”. 🙁
WHat’s this place I see on Google Earth – the Proud Bird? Good spotting location?
“Top of the hill pushed in about halfway”
Also hawt.
Not much of a plane spotter myself. But the bartender at Proud Bird had a heavy pour and I’ve gotten well buzzed a couple times there. Also planes. It’s actually pretty cool.
Proud Bird is decent… for now. They’re currently building an elevated light rail on the west side of Aviation Blvd, and it’s going to block the view of the runway.
My camera isn’t that nice; doesn’t even have a shoe for an external flash. I just bought it for the 83x zoom so I could get some full moon shots,. Nikon Coolpix P900.
WEll, that sucks. Maybe the bar can build a 2nd floor.*
*(HAHAAAA! Probably not, given CA’s regulatory state)
I think they just did a big remodel.
I’m driving by in 15 minutes; I’ll report back what I find.
Next time I’ll go down by the river and see if I can get stack shots
To the surprise of no one, I’ve decided to start going for a Cicerone certification. I have passed the first level, which is a 60 question multiple choice test. The next time the real certification test is in the area is March, so I’ve got some time to study.
Study = drinking lots of beer?
I think that goes without saying. You need to be able to identify off flavors and know what some of the beers are supposed to taste like.
Excellent! Congratulations on passing the first test.
“Little girls should not dress up as Elsa from Frozen because it promotes ‘white beauty'”
“Writing in her popular blog Raising Race Conscious Children”
Popular does not mean what you think it means.
“Writing in her popular blog Raising Racist progressive brainwashed Children”
Potato sacks for everyone! Miniculture-approved.
Jesus, the Rangers couldn’t even beat the lowly Habs with a goalie with a .883 sv%.
And he’s scheduled to get paid $10.5 per next year. Lol.
Always felt Price was a tad over praised or even hyped. He’s very good but not even close to being an all-time best. To give him that contract was ridiculous.
I noticed Lundqvist was out again. Not that it matters at this point.
Price has been phenomenal for the past few seasons, but yeah: statistically, hockey goalies reach their prime around 25-26. So giving him a huge multi-year deal that kicks in when he’s 31 … probably not a great idea.
I really don’t get this trend of news articles about the writings of crazy people. Who the hell cares? Does any word of that blog have any effect on anyone’s life outside the child of the blogger? Is this just the new version of going to Bedlam to see the inmates?
Bedlam? It’s all about the Special Olympics these days.
If only we could all be fucking retarded.
OK, I’m late to this (as usual), but this is ridiculous. If you’re a young white girl, you can’t dress up as a “white princess” because it perpetuates the idea of white as the ultimate beauty, but you can’t dress up as anything else because of cultural appropriation.
“Woman pulls up skirt in crowded station calling to criminalize ‘upskirting’ (VIDEO)”
Would x 100.
Sticking it in crazy, don’t do it.
She pulled off the thigh gap despite having some healthy gams. Noice.
Norm gets it:
I like how one of the few people to actually turn their heads to look at her was an old, gray-haired lady.
Andrew Sullivan flirts with sanity
For me, as regular readers know, few things seem as ominous as the fate of free speech in the West. In democratic countries without a First Amendment, writers and speakers are now routinely hauled into court for hurting someone’s feelings or violating some new PC edict. In Canada, it is now a crime to use pronouns that have served the English language well enough for centuries, if you are not careful. You are compelled by law to say “ze” or “xe” or “ve” or an endlessly proliferating litany of gobbledygook — “(f)aer,” “e/ey,” “perself” — invented out of thin air by postmodern transgenderists. Justin Trudeau doesn’t just want you to be criminalized for saying things he regards as “hate,” he wants to use the criminal law to force you to say things you don’t believe in and can’t even remember.
In Britain, meanwhile, it is now a criminal offense to post something on social media that “is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice.” “Hostility” is defined thus: “ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.” In other words, if you “dislike” some idea, and someone else asserts your view is driven by “unfriendliness” to a member of a minority, you are breaking the law. There is effectively no free speech left in the U.K. that isn’t subject to a criminal veto by someone seeking to make trouble or permanently primed to take offense. And that is not to speak of the chilling effect such laws have on others too intimidated to open their mouths at all.
The UK and Germany are competing to out derp each other where matters of free speech are concerned. I feel the UK is worse because they should know better. Germany never was really a bastion for liberty or free speech. The UK had thinkers like Locke.
It’s really sad and disturbing how the lights are now out in England.
What none of these assholes seem to get: Throughout all of history, it was very rare for anyone to try to censor ideas that were false. Because there would have been no point. Without censorship, bad ideas fall on their own.
“CNN’s Undisclosed Ties To Fusion GPS”
My shocked face is still out for repairs. I’ll let you know when it’s fixed.
Ha Ha! I repeat: Ha Ha!
The Oakland A’s catcher just got arrested on gun charges.
And to clarify, this was not some bullshit possession without a license charge in a blue state. This was in Arizona.
Sometimes, people think I’m talking about obscure issues for no apparent reason, but, a lot of times, the reason the issue is obscure is because it just hasn’t hit the mainstream yet–but it’s about to . . .
Exhibit A: The Opioid addiction crisis.
Donald Trump’s reaction has largely been one of inaction–and that is exactly what he should do. You know what everyone’s hyping as “action”?
Expanding Medicaid.
We came within a vote or two of rolling back Medicaid eligibility to what it was before ObamaCare, and now they want to expand Medicaid eligibility again to fight Opioid addiction?!
Even our former friends at Reason are chastising Trump this morning for his inaction on opioids.
“Trump’s Weak Response to Opioid Overdoses”
I maintain that expanding Medicaid eligibility by way of ObamaCare created an enormous supply of new opioid addicts, giving the demographic most susceptible to opioid addiction a steady legal supply of free opioids, access to which they wouldn’t have had otherwise. The thought of expanding Medicaid makes me feel nauseated for all sorts of anti-socialist reasons, but expanding Medicaid to fight opioid addiction, in particular, is especially stupid and evil–like trying to put out a school fire with people trapped inside by spraying it with gasoline.
Agreed. Also, a great deal of evidence indicating Medicaid recipients receive(d) large quantities of pills with each prescription and sold to others.
I loathe and despise Medicaid.
I’m a proud daddy today
Lachowsky Jr. killed his first deer this morning.
Nice. I hope a hearty bowl of venison stew is in his future.
I make quite a bit of jerky. Most of it I will grind up into deer burger for chili and sausage for breakfast.
I’m hungry. Venison is hands-down my favorite meat. I have to wait one more week for deer season here unless I want to use a bow.
Congrats Papa.
Very nice! The rack will look great on his wall!
Bow? Congrats either way.
Lol. Should’ve clicked first.
Muzzle loader
It will be a few years before he’s strong enough to pull back a bow.
Good shot. Did you have to track?
Sadly, I’m at work. He was with his grandpa. I don’t think he ran far. My experience with shooting them in the neck has been that they don’t make it far.
Great memories for those two, though! You and jr will have many experiences. Grandpas need to get the time in while they can 🙂
Nice – did he eat the heart?
Make sure to share this with any proggie friends you might have.
My wife already put it on facebook.
How ’bout them Buckeyes?
Great game but I hope they get their shit together soon.
Half watched, half slept through the DVRed game after getting home from the hubby’s early-evening winery gig. That was just ugly. Nice that they pulled it out, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t really help their ranking.
They’re one of the name programs. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them jump over Wisconsin.
I don’t think I’d be surprised to see Notre Dame jump Wisconsin, too.
Top Men Adventures
The Man Who Thought He Could Fix Afghanistan
To get something done in Afghanistan, you need to know Scott Guggenheim. But even the ultimate fixer isn’t sure anyone can solve the country’s problems.
The basement was dominated by State Department employees, who are officially barred from political activism while living abroad but tend to support Democrats; some, anticipating a Hillary Clinton victory, were even calling the occasion a party. On the wall hung a Donald Trump piñata.
Some of the diplomats were typing furiously on their BlackBerrys. Others stepped outside to smoke, leaving behind a more Trump-friendly crowd of uniformed soldiers and veterans who had returned to Afghanistan as private contractors.
“I doubt if there is a government office in Jakarta that doesn’t know Scott,” James Gilling, an Australian development official who worked with Guggenheim from 2012 to 2014, told me. “I mean, he is probably a genius, right?”
That morning, Guggenheim was returning from an appointment with ambassadors from four Nordic countries, with whom he had been discussing the mass deportation of Afghan refugees. More than 10,000 were set to be expelled from Europe, and Guggenheim had been tasked with “taking advantage of their moral principles” to delay the returns, as he wryly told me. Guggenheim had spent the first half of his career as an international development expert, advising countries on how best to run their governments.
The George W. Bush administration had gone to war in 2001 promising to improve the lives of Afghans but spent most of its tenure hunting down Al Qaeda and inciting further violence. That original promise had faded from the minds of many, but Guggenheim remained its most formidable proponent. “Remember, the goal is still poverty,” he told me.
Guggenheim’s car inched through Kabul traffic and arrived at the first of many checkpoints surrounding the Green Zone, a cordoned-off area of downtown Kabul that is home to NATO headquarters, embassies, news bureaus and other foreign outposts. The gated community had been carved out of the city without the city in mind, and the resulting interminable traffic is, for Afghans, a daily reminder of the second-class status they endure in their own country.
Ugh. Wife needs a couple items from Whole Foods.
Wish me luck.
Check the beer case. You will NOT be disappointed. Except with the prices.
So you don’t let her drive herself?
The wife and I made it to the range yesterday. We shot Springfield’s 1911 (9MM), Kimber’s Custom II TLE 1911 (9MM), Glock’s 17 Gen 5 (9MM), Springfield’s XD-S (9MM). There are a dozen more 9MM in the rental case to try out. At this point, I really don’t like the squishy trigger on the striker-fired weapons.
how’d the 9mm 1911’s do?
A lot of people think the PPQ trigger is the best for a striker fire out of the box. I can’t say it’s the best, but I do think it has a lot less squish.
I like the 1911 trigger a lot. My wife liked them too, but preferred the springfield. Given input from Mexican Sharpshooter last week, the Springfield EMP 4 is at the top of my wish list. Unfortunately, the range does not have an EMP in the rental case. But I will shoot the Kimber Pro Carry II and Ultra Carry II. And I’ll shoot 8 or 10 more striker-fired guns too.
I expect that next weekend, we’ll try the Pro Carry II, the XD-9 Mod.2, the M&P 9, and one other 9mm from the rental case.
busy busy! as long as you like it it’s the right choice.
Oh no, the owner called us a name
“Gosh, I never heard that expression before Bob McNair said it. Must be a racist thing.”
I’ve always heard it as “asylum”, but either way fits.
Pro sports so prison is a better metaphor.
I think the OG one is asylum, but I don’t think his intention was any different because he got it wrong.
“mute point.”
“OMG you hate the disabled!”
kind of feels like what’s happening.
Eh hem,
Got a rack of frenched lamb ribs marinating in lemon, pinot grigio, red wine vinegar, garlic, onion, oregano, thyme, bayleaf, salt, pepper, evoo. Browned in the skillet and then roasted in the oven, finished under the broiler. Making a cold beet salad with a garlic/red wine vinegar dressing. Plates garnished with a variety of olives, sliced tomatoes, and hard boiled egg,
Mrs Time was up at 5:00 am so she made Jamaican oxtail stew with potatoes.
The house smells wonderful. We are off to the punk rock flea market for the afternoon.
Good day all.
That’s an outstanding breakfast.
Is it the New Zealand rack from Costco?
It’s for dinner. The lamb rack is from Marconda’s Meats at Farmers Market @ 3rd & Fairfax. Brunch is looking like Chicago deep dish from this joint
Then on to the cinema to waych “The Foreigner”. Bonus: they just opened a full bar inside the lobby of the theater. Whiskey at your reclining seat. ???
Pyrrhic victory?
Reporters and editors at the commonly owned New York news sites DNAinfo and Gothamist are now represented by a union.
The newsroom workers initially agreed to join the union, the Writers Guild of America East, in April, shortly after DNAinfo bought Gothamist. But DNAinfo’s owner, Joe Ricketts, refused to recognize the union, so the National Labor Relations Board conducted a formal vote on Thursday. The result — 25 out of 27 workers voted to join the Writers Guild — means that management is required to bargain with the union.
Katie Honan, a DNAinfo reporter who covers Queens and was part of the organizing effort, said that like many digital-media workers, the newsrooms at DNAinfo and Gothamist were looking for stability.
“No one’s trying to bankrupt anybody,” she said. “We just want to have an ability to negotiate things, and not necessarily money. If this is the future of journalism, it should be a career for people, not a postcollege hobby.”
“We just want a bunch of work rules guaranteed to make this place an inefficient mess and get rid of merit-based policies. This place has never made money, why should we care if it ever does?”
Vikings win decisively in the 2nd half, but NFL Network is only talking about how hard Cleveland fought, how well they played, how they’re doing better, etc.
Newsflash: the Browns suck. It’s not that they played well in the 1st half, it’s that the Vikes played like warmed-over shit.
Yesterday, my remaining grandparent died. My relatives are buying a casket from Costco. I guess they sell everything.
She lived a good, long life and had been ill for the past few years. I saw her about a month ago and it seemed like she was at peace and ready for it.
When it’s my time, I’d like to have my skeleton preserved for use as a Halloween decoration or a medical school teaching aid.
Sorry to hear it, my last grandparent died this August at 100 but it’s still a rough thing to see them go, even if it’s expected.
Sorry to hear that. My gramma lived to 100. Miss her still.
It depends on the state whether they can sell caskets. I remember a John Stossel piece decades ago on 20/20 about state laws forcing people to buy coffins from funeral homes. The justifications from the undertakers’ racket were hilarious.
IJ has taken on a few of the casket cartels and won.
And my condolences.
My grandmother lived to 93, and when she died, my sister and her husband were celebrating their 10th anniversary by taking a cruise to Alaska, so there was no way they could come back for the funeral. Their two kids were also staying with my parents for the week. Anyhow, at the funeral, the undertaker asked if I’d be willing to do one of the Old Testament readings since nobody in my parents’ generation were up for it emotionally. As I got up to go to the lectern to do the reading, you could hear by 3-1/2 year-old niece saying, “Uncle Ted! Uncle Ted!”
(Said niece is also the one who got married this August. My how time flies.)
Sorry. My last grandparent died earlier this year.
I’ve heard that Hibbler and Basie tune before. It’s a good one.
Basie has some good tunes for dancing, this was Frankie Manning’s favorite.