By Just a thought not a sermon

Because this is exactly what it’s like, amiright?
81) The thing about this #metoo crap is that it implicitly seems to accept that sexual harassment or discrimination is something primarily experienced by women. My own life contradicts this. I have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination multiple times, and so far as I can tell, my incidents occurred with no less frequency than for the average woman. The difference is, I’ve never tried to make myself out to be a victim.
When I was in high school, a girl I wasn’t interested in pinched my ass in the hallways several times. #metoo? No, I got tired of it and told her to knock it off, so she did.
Another time in high school, a substitute teacher in my drama class sat on my lap and put her arm around me. I was NOT interested and found the whole thing embarrassing. #metoo? No, a little embarrassment didn’t hurt me, and I just rolled my eyes about it later.
When I was in college and graduate school, there were several occasions when girls I wasn’t interested in would come on to me, a couple times accompanied by unwelcome touching, at least one persisted even after I politely tried to turn her down. #metoo? No, not here, either. Somehow I managed to escape these situations without permanent psychic damage. That sometimes someone is attracted to another person and expresses that in an awkward way seemed sufficient explanation to me.
Before moving on, I’d just like to point out that I’m a reasonably good-looking guy who stays in shape, but I’m no Adonis. I don’t have a flirtatious or outgoing personality. There’s no special reason I should receive more romantic attention than other guys, and I don’t believe I do. I think nearly every man could tell similar stories to the above.
On a more serious level, I had an internship at an academic non-profit in downtown D.C. when I was in graduate school. Their financial officer was a loud feminist, and also a recent divorcee who never hesitated to put in a bad word about her ex—or men in general. Every once in a while, we used to have sessions where everybody would go to the conference room and we’d stuff hundreds of envelopes with invitations for upcoming events. These were usually good times when everybody got a chance to chat, unless the finance lady was there, as she would dominate the conversation with her bad-mouthing of men.
One day a staffer asked me to make copies of resumes for academics applying to be fellows at this institute—there were thirty or forty applications, and each required dozens of copies, which had to assembled into packages. It was an all-afternoon job of busywork. Ms. Man-Hater came in to the copy room, took a long look at what I was doing, mumbled something under her breath, and left. Later that week, I found a reprimand in my mailbox from the intern director for using institute resources for my personal use.
I had no idea what the reprimand was referring to, but eventually I put two and two together and had the staffer who’d given me the job explain to the intern director that I’d been doing something work-related. But why had the finance lady not just asked me directly if I was doing something work-related? The obvious explanation is that I was a man so she automatically assumed I must be up to no good.
Later, I learned one of the other interns I worked with (a woman) received an offer for a staff job there. Why not me? I’d done everything she had done, and was a good employee by any measure.
#metoo? I wonder. Had I chosen to pursue it, I think I would have had a very good case for sexual discrimination against this non-profit—hostile atmosphere, passed over for promotions, false accusations of wrong-doing likely based on my gender.
But no, not #metoo here, either. I was free to leave anytime I wanted, and in fact did leave after this incident, as soon as I had another job lined up. And why shouldn’t a company be able to hire whomever it wants, even if its main criterion is not being an icky man? It’s not like this place had any monopoly on jobs. (Actually, I should send Ms. Man-Hater a thank you note for keeping me off the low-paying non-profit path.)
Humans are sexual and carry around sexually-related desires and pains that don’t stop when they enter the school or workplace. Our interactions are full of impure motives, biases, and logic errors, and trying to police them in an impossible battle to end harassment and discrimination is foolish. This is true of both men and women. If anything, teaching women they are victims makes them feel helpless to address problems that could easily be solved simply be speaking up and making it clear if they feel they’re being harassed.
As far as discrimination in the workplace, the best way to address that is not to pile up regulations or increase legal jeopardy for sexual discrimination—that only makes businesses less likely to hire women in the first place. The best solution (for men and women) is a vibrant jobs market that allows unhappy employees to easily find another job. Don’t like the atmosphere where you work—sexually discriminatory, racist, or you just plain hate the other people? If it’s easy to find another job, this is hardly a problem.
When I was in college and graduate school, there were several occasions when girls I wasn’t interested in would come on to me, a couple times accompanied by unwelcome touching…
Maybe I was just a slut, but that usually moved me into the ‘interested’ category.
Nice work, Mr. Sermon. I like this format for your thoughts.
Agreed on the format. The numbered observations are a slam dunk for a regular feature.
One more upvote for regular feature
*looks smug and self-congratulatory*
Yeah, your fruit basket’s in the mail, buddy.
*(Swiss) cheese eating grin*
No stories to tell. #whynotme
*opera applause*
*gives kinnath ‘the bad touch’*
Good game out there!
Really you gotta ask, is it better to be sexually harrassed or to have not been?
I know I could have done with some more sexual harrassment in my life.
I used to think that too, but it’s not harassment when you like the chick. It’s harassment when you think the chick is a fucking nuisance.
The issue is unwanted sexual interactions. For a young male, there are very few reasons why a sexual interaction with almost any female would be totally unwanted.
This is not true for young females.
While the me-too campaign is a crock of shit, sexual harassment of women is not.
Agreed on all counts.
I didn’t sat the harassment was a good thing.
The point is that if you get harassed, and to be clear I am restricting this to harassment, anything from someone you don’t like propositioning you to a one time random grope from a stranger, not full on stalking or threats that straddle the line between harassment and more serious crimes, it means someone was sexually interested in you. While it can be annoying and frustrating, and even in some cases slightly psychologically damaging it is not (or at least should not) be something that has a significant impact on your life and it does affirm that at least some people find you sexually desirable.
Now turn it around. You NEVER get harassed. You never get propositioned, you might have the odd relationship here and there in your life but for the most part you are the pursuer. Assuming you notice this fact (and admittedly most men probably would not notice it given the societal expectation that men are to initiate all romantic/sexual interactions) how long before you start to just assume that you are not worthy of being loved or the target of anyone’s affections? How long before you begin to long for someone to catcall you?
There was even a middle age feminist who wrote an article that was shared at TOS a while back where she admitted to almost missing the catcalls and propositions now that they just weren’t there any more.
We are in general agreement.
There is a difference between sexual attention and sexual harassment. After 30 years of Corporate 500 ethics classes, it should be clear what will get you fired and what won’t. In the last couple of years, the goal posts have moved dramatically. The training class last summer was pretty astonishing actually.
Young woman have no idea what it used to be like. My wife suffered a couple of years of sustained harassment by a peer manager in a retail joint. Written complaints up to the district level did nothing. He eventually fucked a 17-year-old sales clerk, and the parents found out. He served hard time for felony rape (the age of consent was 18 in Az).
Young feminists complain about chickshit stuff these days, and it is enough to lose your job over.
When I was in grad school my friends and I went to the usual Friday night bar that we always hung out at. A friend of ours brought two of her friends along. One of them was throwing herself at me, for reasons that I still don’t understand why. At one point she bought me a drink (I’m always game for a free drink) and then grabbed some money that I had left on the bar for the bartender as a tip. She stuffed the money down my pants and obviously had a reach around. I just kept drinking my beer.
Long story short, she bought me cigarettes later and offered me something and I drunkenly obliged. #metoo
I think you bring up good points here, Just a Thought, but there is a difference between someone being propositioned at a bar versus an employer propositioning an employee. I think your example about your internship is comparable, though.
Yeah, the stuff that’s been masquerading as feminism for the past several years smacks of the general victimhood fetish that seems to be the hallmark of the social justice movement as rooted in Progressivism. As has been said with regard to BLM and other movements, if your talking points match up pretty closely with those put forward by your alleged enemies, either you’ve got hold of the wrong end of the stick or you’re not being entirely honest with your goals. Claiming that a straight man can emotionally destroy a woman simply by looking in her direction is the same thing as saying that women are too weak to be exposed to men in public. This does not go to a place that genuinely independent, strong-willed women want to go.
Also, nonprofits tend to reward groupthink and towing the lion over efficiency and effectiveness.
Maybe it’s not a victimhood fetish per se, but a desire to return to a more traditional role in their personal relationships conflicting with feminist critical theory (“It’s not that I want to be dominated, it’s just that men give me no choice!”), plus a good measure of contempt for neutered male would-be mates masquerading as “allies,” and natural intrasexual competition with other women. So feminist women, coerced into a role for which they’re psychologically and biologically unprepared (this warrior-priestess mashup), find no succor in the groveling men or the hypercompetitive women around them. Instead, they turn to playing the victim, which is a tried-and-true method for wheedling shit out of a mate during confrontations. I doubt anyone likes to play helpless, but the fundamental contradictions of third-wave feminism leave feminists with little choice… unless they want to risk censure and ostracism by becoming a heretic like Summers or Paglia, and being true warrior priestesses rather than availing themselves of the powers of social coercion.
Dunno. Just a thought.
Humans have a strong compulsion to conform, and a conflicting compulsion to assert their unique personality (but not too much). All this shit is just people saying they’re different while it’s perfectly safe to do so because everyone else is doing it as well.
Speaking of the wrong end of the stick… How about that race segregated university housing?
“With enemies like that, who needs friends?” – The Klan
Don’t know about friends, but the Klan definitely needs its enemies. The undercover FBI agents are the most faithful dues payers in the outfit. Without them they would shrivel into even more pathetic irrelevance than they’re already at.
For my part, interest was not and is not a binary state. It’s a range going from “Would hit myself in the face with a hammer in order to get the time of day” to “Would hit myself in the face to avoid her attention”, with most interactions falling somewhere around, “Meh” to “Yeah, sure”.
For me, I learned after years of high school that subtlety was not the way to go to express interest. So I tried to be more aggressive/assertive in college, by comparison. Learned that sometimes neither was the right course; sometimes folks just aren’t interested, regardless of how you get your message to them. Wah wah.
For years I could never figure out the right balance, which was frustrating as hell because I had a friend who more than one girl actually told me was absolutely irresistible because, and I quote, “He always looks like he’s brooding and deep; you just look like you’re mad.” I was always the stereotypical guy who never attracts women until he has a girlfriend, at which point they start coming out of the woodwork. Took me years to figure out that it’s because my best “game” is to not have a game at all. Weirdly, it turns out if you just act like a normal person people who might be into the same stuff or like hanging out with you kind of just show up.
It’s like cats, really.
*imagines Bill gamboling about in a jellicle cat outfit*
Hey, I like a good gambol as much as the next man.
Also, be a dick to them. That works wonders. I learned that in college
Wait wait wait….
You weren’t one of the PUAs over at Reason, were you?
I forget who that was.
something Longtorso IIRC
Longtorso. Johnny Longtorso.
There was another one who allegedly slapped women.
Found it.
Hat tip to Jesse, who’s better at The Google than I am,
I’d be outraged by that. Well, I might be if I actually believed that it happened.
That was not me. I’m just stating something that every man knows to be true to an extent. Not everyone woman responds to a guy being a jerk, but no woman responds to a guy being too differential. I learned it in college. There is value to being in a fraternity
Yeah, that gave me flashbacks to the Monday evening scoreboarding on the agneda for our weekly fraternity meeting.
Re: the pic for the post. Acceptable on the hot axis of the matrix, totally not even on the crazy axis.
I look surly, even when I’m in a rather jovial mood. It doesn’t help matters with human interaction – unless it’s a time when I’d rather not be bothered.
For some reason, I look surly, but not quite surly enough, so that it filters out people I just kind of don’t feel like dealing with while people who are truly obnoxious plow on through.
It’s true though.
When I was in college, a girl came up to me at a party and pinched my nipple. Then, she took me back to her dorm room and we fucked like crazy bunnies until the sun came up. She just wanted me for sex. Am I a victim? #metoo
Were you drunk? Then maybe, depends on whether she regretted it or not.
Was she drunk? Then no you are a rapist please report to the nearest womyns studies reeducation camp
Hah! Trick question. Male college student is ALWAYS the rapist.
When I was in my late twenties there was a girl I knew who had worked as a stripper (midwest stripper, so attractive but not too much)(I’m not much to look at myself). A few times when we were both drunk we made out. But she had a lot of issues, so I wasn’t really interested. One night when I’m going to bed she comes over drunk, starts getting naked, gets on the floor and starts masturbating begging me to fuck her. I kindly let her know it wasn’t happening and I think I even let her sleep it off in a spare bed. As a man, when I tell this story the only response is, “Why didn’t you fuck her?”. But if the roles were reversed, OMG that sicko just started jacking off in front of me, so I called the cops! Pervert!
“midwest stripper, so attractive but not too much”
That’s a damn good observation
I’m maybe a 7 in good lighting and I’ve had my ass grabbed a number of times. For that matter, I’m subjected to the female (and male, NTTAWWT) gaze pretty regularly–again, mostly because I surround myself with ugly dudes rather than being a Valentino myself–and have even been the subject of more than a few drunken passes, even now as I lurch perilously close to 40. I haven’t pressed charges, and I seem to be psychologically none the worse for the wear.
A Midwestern 7? A Berkeley 7?
Mid-Atlantic 7. Like the boyfriend or husband in a car commercial.
I larfed.
I found your portfolio:
I do love a sensible car with good gas mileage, room for the family, and optional Stow-and-Go seating…
I’m on my second one.
I had a similar (sort of) experience. She was one of several girls my friend and I were partying with. I was not interested as I was in a relationship at the time and I have an odd infliction of morals and won’t bang other girls when I am in a relationship. Getting drunk with them is where I draw the line. There is no need to get into the details, but a beer bottle was involved. I know I am scarred for life because I can still bring that memory up in my minds eye with high definition clarity. #metoo
Motley Crue raises you 1 shark.
I don’t know that reference. Did Motley Crue party with Nigerian hookers too?
I thought it was Zepplin?
I might have it wrong. If you know the shark part of the story, then you obviously know what I’m referring to,
Here’s the one I’m thinking of
Huh. The things I learn here.
“Let’s see how your red snapper likes this red snapper!”
I thought it was Vanilla Fudge
Both. Or one, or the other. Or some from each band. Or none.
All I know is what Frank Zappa tells me.
+1 biscuit crux
yellow snow+1 pair of zircon encrusted tweezers.
A girl jumped a sloppy drunk me when I was semi-passed out at a party once in my younger days. Not one I would have been interested in, either. I chalked it up as a mildly-embarrassing reminder not to get sloppy drunk and went on with my life. #metoo?
There was also a horrible old drunk woman who grabbed my junk on the street in New Orleans once. It’s amazing I ever leave my house!
What do they say about some women and scooters?
You never regret sleeping with a scooter?
They’re fun to ride, but you don’t want your friends seeing you on either one.
She was the one riding, though *rimshot*
One night I got sucked into a Harold and Kumar style adventure in the West Philadelphia ghetto for weed at 2am. As I was waiting in my car for my guy to come back from meeting his hookup, a very drunk black lady opens my car door, plops down in the passenger seat, grabs a cigarette from my pack, announces it’s her birthday, and grabs my junk. It was uncomfortable at the time, but a few months later and now it’s funny. #metoo?
Why wasn’t the car door locked?
That night was a litany of terrible decisions. The door that I thought was locked but turned out not to be is one of the milder mistakes.
You’re victim blaming! Literally shaking
If someone makes a stupid decision (ie, leaving a car door unlocked in Philly), they are contributing to whatever befalls them by failing at their due diligence.
So yeah, victims can be to blame for that which they are culpable in.
Maybe I should have written /sarc
Still, literally shaking
I knew what your intent was. I just rarely get the opportunity to answer people who use those terms seriously. (banhappy bastards)
Still, literally shaking
Might want to lay off the coffee, if that’s the case.
I think it’s the DTs.
No No, I deserve it.
He’s a friend of Jazzy Jeff’s, so he didn’t think it was necessary.
…but did she look good?
Maybe 20 years ago.
twenty years of cigarettes will do a number on anybody.
Hey, the older the berry the sweeter the juice.
And then….
Finish the story.
The guy I was waiting for came back, and the lady that was groping me recognized him. They got into a fight, which got her of my car, and as she walked off in a huff the guy offered to get me a prostitute if I was, and I quote, “jonesin’ fer some dark meat”. I declined, he found one anyway in case I changed my mind, and my merry band of idiocy continued our quest for weed in West Philly, this time trying to track down a loan shark.
♫In Philly!♫
“announces it’s her birthday, and grabs my junk”
This is my new go-to pick up move.
Well, I guess it could work. Caput Lupinum will probably get tired of you grabbing his junk all the time though.
you’re a starit’s your birthday,theyCaput Lupinum just let’s you do it. –TrumpJATNAS“”81″”
Where’s the archive? i want to find out what #s 1-5 were.
One Saturday night back in high school, I’m stopped in a parking lot to talk to a buddy. He’s in his car and I’m leaning on his door talking to him. Up comes one girl that I had a on again/off again relationship. She drapes her arm around me a very assertively presses her breasts on me. Shortly after, another on/off girlfriend walks up and -not to be outdone- leans on my other side and reaches up between my legs and grabs my junk.
At the time I was thinking I was pretty damn cool. But now with the passing of 28 years…#metoo?
Actually, it wasn’t about you at all. It was entirely about establishing the dominance heirarchy between the girls. You were immaterial to their posturing.
I swear to God, watching more than one woman in a room is like an episode of Wild Kingdom. Guys signal, but they’re like retarded children compared to the byzantine machinations of a group of women.
I remember girls in college bragging openly about being “cock blocks”.
“I swear to God, watching more than one woman in a room is like an episode of Wild Kingdom.”
That’s no shit.
Guys signal, work out a hierarchy in the current context and move on within about 15 minutes. Only time things get touchy is if you got 2 hardcore alphas and then they just both come off looking like dicks.
With girls, every little thing is an attempt to climb the hierarchy of the moment
Yeah, sounds about right. Guys are the first ten minutes of a heist movie, girls are the first four seasons of Game of Thrones.
Could have had a girl fight on your hands. You screwed up. :- (
Maybe a threesome if you played the cards right.
“at least one persisted even after I politely tried to turn her down. ”
This one time, at band camp…
My first job out of college was complete hell. There was a clique of gossiping women who gleefully passed around rumors of me being a racist, sexist, elitist and even a murderer. When I put my two weeks in it seemed like my boss knew exactly why. I’m guessing she had been trying to get rid of those women for a while.#metoo
When I was pretty young I had a cute lady boss ten years my senior who would sexual harass the hell out of me. I made her stop by taking her in the store room and curling her toes. The problem was that it would only work for a short time before I had to do it again. She scarred me for life.
Oh, and goddammit my trip got cancelled.
I see #metoo as overgeneralizing in the same way as the sex offender registry. Teenagers can get on the sex offender registry for sexting each other. They can also get on the registry for molesting a child. Both are issues, but there is a huge difference between the two. To the law, in many ways, those two offenses are the same. In both cases, the offender is on the registry and the effects are the same.
Sexual harassment at work is a serious issue, as is rape. But they shouldn’t be treated in exactly the same way. Going way over the top for the first minimizes the second.
I’ve definitely forgotten more than i remember. The ones that particularly irked me were not the ‘reciprocated advances’, where chica would stick her tongue down your throat and grab your junk… it was when they passed out in your car when you tried to drive them home, and then woke up and started crying when their roomates answered the door and everyone started screaming “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER”
that probably happened 3 times. it was like the metamorphisis cycle of the caterpillar/butterfly: they’d start off flirty and WHOO HOO, progress to drunk+aggressively grabby, fall into intoxicated stupor, then they would come out of it and start weeping in front of friends like you were hitler and had just tortured their puppy to death. Whereupon all the drunken friends would mob up and go, “MEN!!! YOU’RE ALL THE SAME”.
By the third time i would tell all the friends in advance, “I see where this is going” so that i could pre-empt that last part. they got used to it as well, having by that point seen their buddies pull this, “drunken crying jag when a boy rejected them” thing multiple times. but it was supposed to be something that you weren’t supposed to hold any grudges over or make a big deal out of. I’d see the same chick in class a few days later and there would be like this, “oh, hey!. So….” where you were expected to say, “Hey, don’t worry about it, it was cool, you weren’t that bad”. Because that was what good guys do: cover for their egos.
There’s a barfly at my regular hangout who has made quite clear her intentions towards me. She’s not my type but not hideous, I know it’s only a matter of time before I get drunk and lonely enough. I feel violated already #PreemptiveMeToo
Stay strong!
(but not too strong)
If I absolutely had to draw a general conclusion, I think I’d probably have to agree that this sort of stuff happens more often to women, and that there are a lot of pretty unpleasant men out there. The fact is, though, that I don’t think generalised assertions of this sort are helpful; in fact I think they muddy the waters and make genuine redress less likely.
The problem with #metoo is that it lumps together and equivalues things that might be a matter for the police, things that might be a matter for HR, things that might be a matter for a (platonic) pat on the back and things that make you think the ‘victim’ needs to grow up. By creating a link to the structuralist narrative that men are oppressors and women are the oppressed, it robs us of the chance to judge individual instances on their merits, instead asserting that what matters is the alleged extrinsic power dynamic.
This in itself is obviously an ecological fallacy, of the sort that identity politics always encourages. It’s also another instance of the left undermining traditional morality for its own purposes. Adding the word ‘social’ to justice (as with science) creates a near antonym. By insisting on socialising justice the left has succeeded, as they always do, in perverting the difficult task of saying, on an individual basis, that Person A has wronged Person B.
As with most left-wing ideas, it leads to difficulties when taken to its logical end. What if Person A is structurally more oppressed than Person B according to one system, but less oppressed according to another? To answer this question, the left had to invent the concept of intersectionality – a nebulous idea that would never be needed if there were no campaign against individualism.
What no one should do in response to this is enable the left’s attempt to grab basic human decency for itself. Generally speaking I think it’s better to express sympathy (if only limited sympathy) where people are upset, while gently reiterating that (say) being ‘ordered’ to smile is not in fact anything like rape.
This is a much more eloquent way of stating my position above. Nicely written.
it leads to difficulties when taken to its logical end. What if Person A is structurally more oppressed than Person B according to one system, but less oppressed according to another?
We’ve seen this play out in the Soviet Union. For those who don’t know, the search for evidence of individual guilt was considered a bourgeois concept (really!) and irrelevant to the broader goal of class retribution. So you’d often see prosecutors trying to prove the defendent’s social class and social contacts as evidence of guilt by itself, and which social classes were problematic was determined by the Party, which usually boiled down to anyone perceived to be a threat their power or goals.
My first tagging fail!
*Edit Fairy Redeems You*

When the #metoo thing started trending, there was some…. mission creep.
Several of the stories shared were some variation of my female friends going out AFTER work, getting super drunk, going back to a guy’s place, and then saying OMG HE TRIED TO KISS ME. To me, that has fuck-all to do with the workplace. You were out drinking with friends. IT’S NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING.
If your boss is calling you sugar tits and telling you to kiss his cock to keep your job, I’m on your side. Let’s bring the scumbag down. But this other shit….
Who’d have though the #MeToo hash tag could cause all of this MeTooism???? Science can’t explain it.
Precisely. As I said in the morning thread, having GHWB grab your ass, crude and unwanted thought it may be, is hardly the crime of the century. Lumping such small potatoes in with the kind of things Harvey Weinstein or, say, Bill Clinton did is ludicrous.
Oh, and let’s see.
How many of my female coworkers have tried to fuck me? All of them, including the married one. #MeToo.
Yes, a related topic. Back in my hellion days I catted around a lot. The majority of the takers were married women. By far. As a matter of fact the clerk where I usually buy my liquor acts like a fresh turd just rolled up in front of him every time I go in there. I cant figure out why he seems to hate me so much. I wonder if we know anyone in common. That is the only thing I can think of. I swear I dont know the guy but he sure seems to know me. Good God it would have had to been 30 years ago or more.
I’ve been with my wife for 17 years, all of them faithful. Before that, I made some poor choices.
I learn everything the hard way. Everything.
“I made some poor choices”
That’s one way to put it. I keep trying to explain to my brother, who is jealous of my wild days, that his lifetime of faithful marriage makes me the one who missed out for more than a decade, not him. He didn’t used to believe me but I think he gets it now. There is nothing like a secure, comfortable marriage to your best friend. If I could trade all of my adventures for ten more years with my wife I would do it without hesitation or regret.
I married my high-school sweetheart 41 years ago. I had no wild days. I have nothing to complain about.
No, you certainly dont.
I didn’t do it because it was fun. I did it because I had nothing better.
It gets old quick.
That’s for sure. Now and again I see some hot young thing and think, “Man, if I was single…” and then I remember what being single was actually like. Happily married is good work if you can get it.
I’m sure everyone has a story like this or two. Hell, one persisted and asked me if I was Mormon, seeing at as a way out I said yes. She then asked if I wanted to see her magic underwear. I swear, all the freaks come out at night.
Was it magic? Or just soiled?
I swear to God, watching more than one woman in a room is like an episode of Wild Kingdom. Guys signal, but they’re like retarded children compared to the byzantine machinations of a group of women.
In college, I took a “primatology” class which involved going to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs and watching an enclosure filled with guenons for several weeks. They were cute little fuckers. I didn’t get a very good grade in the class, but after that, I was a fucking champion body-language-reader. I could walk into a room full of people and tell who was where on the pecking order in no time flat. And watching the womynz was a source of immense entertainment.
I used to go to that zoo all the time. Its pretty awesome, its the largest privately owned zoo in the country and puts every zoo I’ve been dragged to with my kids to shame, with San Diego being the exception.
There’s a zoo in NORAD? Is it like a modern day Noah’s ark?
No. Cheyenne Mountain AFS is located somewhere on the west side of the mountain. It does not host a major command due to the outdated infrastructure. The fun part is when they show pictures of “Cheyenne Mountain” on TV, its actually a photo of nearby Pikes Peak.
NORAD is currently located in Building #2 on Peterson AFB, CO. They’ll move it back to fortress someday when they complete renovations for it.
We already have our humans, but you might be a new species so we’ll make room for you.
Huh. Maybe I’ll have to make a trip of it. That’s a hop and a leap away for me.
My wife and I try to visit zoos when we take trips.
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo definitely ranks as one of our favorites.
*imagines Brooks gamboling about in a chimp outfit*
82) Thanks for finally posting a blog instead of an insanely long comment.
Insanely long? JATNAS rarely goes past moderately long.
Yeah, he’s no Ken Shultz.
To be fair, Ken works that whitespace ’til it cries for mercy.
When I was 16, my 35 year old boss at the pizza Hut where I worked kept making googly fuck-me eyes at me. She made several passes at me and said sexually suggestive things while we worked. After a week or two of this, she started scheduling me to close the store with her. For the next year or so, I fucked her brains out at the end of each shift. #metoo.
Dear Penthouse Letters,
pretty much. It actually took a load off my shoulders for the year or so. I was worried about a GF because I had a steady supply of no strings attached pussy whenever I wanted it.
I had a similar experience at 16. She was 29. ENTHUSIASTIC consent, even though she was my boss.
To the MeToo crowd, the correct course of action would be to go public and ruin her life 20 years later.
The real correct course of action is to give her a medal and flowers.
She had you pegged, huh?
*stares at screen*
We started closing the restaurant together. Perfect opportunity, because I had a weekday curfew unless I was at work. Oh, I worked it all right.
No pegging, thanks for asking.
It wasn’t until college that I finally realized why her mouth was always dry. Huh. I wonder what ever happened to her.
She found more young prey to feast upon. Oh and suuuurrrre thing sport.
“why her mouth was always dry”
She was a meth smoker?
Cougar coke.
I did say “enthusiastic”, didn’t I?
jittery or bouncy?
Are we still doing phrasing?
He knew what he was saying.
Can I get a narrowed gaze over here?
I believe his gaze widened when the tip entered.
*sustains narrowed gaze*
Sustained or just stuck?
*narrows gaze*
We all have our stories. Who never had their junk grabbed by a drunk girl in a bar? Who never had his junk touched or grind on ”inadvertently” by a girl in school (took me 20 years to realize they knew exactly what they were doing!).
Who never got kissed or dragged around in a club by the fatso while almost passed out (arghh horrible memories!).
It’s called : the human mating process. It’s awkward, weird, and nobody really know what the hell they are doing. But thank Jebus the urge to mate is stronger than the possible embarrassment of doing something wrong, otherwise, none of us would be here.
All the guys I know have been sexually abused in some way or other by women and other men too. I have my own stories that are way much worse than what we hear in the news. But we don’t identify with those stories. We don’t play the victim. We do that little thing called : moving on.
And even if we went public with our stories, we all know the feminists wouldn’t care. Because this has nothing to do with actual sexual abuse, it’s all about playing the victim and blaming the patriarchy.
And I am grateful for that PoundMeToo campaign and the whole feminist movement, because by publicly denouncing themselves, they are flagging themselves as people we should avoid.
Yeah, who hasn’t been drugged and sodom…
Huh. Maybe I’ll have to make a trip of it. That’s a hop and a leap away for me.
It’s worth it (it was 40 years ago, anyway). As I recall, they had/have an exceptional snow leopard population. Maybe having to do with the elevation of ~7000′. Most of the time they were just asleep in a pile, but they are beautiful creatures.
#metoo cuz’ I’m fat:
Ever had your moobs grabbed? Yeah fuck your #metoo. I didn’t even get any action…well there was this dental hygienist but she’s the exception to the rule.
Sometimes when I go to strip clubs, multiple women will grind on me and take half their clothes off. It’s flattering and all, but I’m a married man! #metoo
I donate to their cause everytime. #metoogonnamakeitrain
I read that as “strip malls” …I was going to ask for a dry cleaner recommendation.
No happy ending at the dry cleaner, but there are other strip mall businesses…
They’re as good at making stains as they are taking them out!
Y’know, there was a time, not too long ago, when rape was exclusively defined as violent, forced sexual intercourse contrary to the desires of one of the partners. Is that sufficient to define all instances of “sexual assault”? What the hell is “sexual assault”? I think of that term as similar to that of “assault weapon”; it’s a meaningless term that can serve as a Rorschach inkblot for lefties. If a man corners a woman and forcibly digitally penetrates her against her wishes is that rape? I’d like to say no. It’s definitely an assault. Is it somehow more sinister than if he cornered the same woman and decked her with a right cross? I dunno.
The ever expanding definition of “rape” and “sexual assault (whatever the hell that is)” is just more of the same shit from feminists and the progressive project in general to vilify men (especially white cis-hetero-men) and reduce their influence and contribution to society. It should be obvious since the #metoo horseshit completely ignores prison rape, which by all accounts comprises the *majority* of rape in the US and in almost all cases the victim is male.
Metoo is a fad that people forget in two months time. Prison rape is here to stay
So the time I rode up to a brewery and caught a women giving me the full female gaze (cycling shorts have quite a bit of padding in them), I was harassed? I was just flattered and entertained. The girlfriend (who drove up to the brewery to meet me for lunch) was laughing at me about it.
Cycling shorts?
Can I get a ruling here?
Not with his calves
My eyes are up here!
He was pegged too. No seat on the seat post helped. You guys should start a support group.
Wait he was riding the assblaster 5000?
You don’t ride the AssBlaster 5000, it rides you
I hear the 6000 model will be coming out soon and that one is even supposed to have a Steve Smith setting
Is that the setting above “Instant Death”?
“Despite ze best efforts of our top doctors, zey couldn’t remove zee smile from his face!”
absolutely not OK.
What’s gay about a bunch of middle aged guys wearing form fitting lycra clothing and spending a day together…
Never mind.
Can’t be any worse than the middle age guys who still ski race wearing the speed suits.
It’s like I’m wearing nothing at all!
What about tickle torture? That should be a felony.
What is the technical difference between a sermon and a rant?
As a student of electronic engineering i had 2 women on my 30 one of which was a close friend since highschool so no stories on my side. My parents living in Bucharest i was.not eligible for student housing so I lived with my parents through University so not much chance of dorm harrasement.
There was this one time at the seaside when a girl i hardly knew randomily undressed when i was alone in a room with her without asking for my consent
…go on
Also I had been drinking (university seaside vacation drinking started before breakfast)
“drinking [is] breakfast”
Sounds like my typical day.
What annoys me is watering down of harrasment which does no one but the grievancemongers any favour. Like there is street harrasement and then there is a construction worker whisteling at a woman, which is basically noise like hearing a jackhammer, annoying but little more. Yoing women are being.taught to.find offense evrywhere and it will make em anxious and cause issue. A thicker skin and a who gives a fuck attitude never hurt nobody
It’s funny. I was just talking to my mom about this earlier in the week.
Compared to what she had to go through, all of this shit is a fucking joke.
Tony Podesta has resigned from the Podesta Group.
After he goes to a federal prison, yeah
“We get caught laundering money, we’re not going to white collar resort prison. No, no, no. We’re going to Federal pound me in the ass prison”
Why is it that those dumb Neanderthal Mafia guys can be so good at crime and smart guys like us suck so much at it?
Time for a tearful confession and a short stint in corruption rehab.
*Edit Fairy Haz Whimsy*

Luv thicc edit faerie

+2 sweet juicy gams
Top drawer indeed
Every time I see thicc edit fairy it’s like winning the lottery and achieving a perfect state of inner peace all at the same time.
I will have multiple schadenfreude orgasms if Podesta actually goes to jail over this.
Deep down, I can’t actually believe it will go anywhere since Mueller himself had a role in Uranium One, but yeah, if it actually happened it would be even more entertaining than Trump’s election.
this is pretty big.
This is Tony, brother to John (Clinton’s campaign manager), but it is a really really good start.
Ugh, they’re really pushing this ‘opioid epidemic’ horseshit really hard, get ready for War on Drugs 2.0. I’m pretty sure it’s nostalgia but I don’t remember news being so transparently hysterical and moving from batshit crisis to batshit crisis when I was younger, there seemed to be more a ‘flow’ that made it seem more rational.
They see where the wind is blowing with the devilweed, so they have to find something to replace it.
The thing that gets me the most is the media coverage, the ‘crisis shifting’ has the exact opposite effect on me, namely it’s rendered me unable to judge whether something is a legitimate concern without doing a ton of research. Last year Syria was the biggest OMG WE MUST DO SOMETHING story ever, and it’s vanished for months outside of the airfield bombing, and even that was basically a couple days and done.
Remember when there used to be flipouts about the ‘obesity epidemic’? Can’t do that anymore because body positivity. The drug addicts need to get in on that.
South Park has it covered.
We can debate the underlying causes, but I have no problem referring to it as an “epidemic”. It’s really really bad in the Ohio River Valley.
Did opioid use suddenly triple in the past two weeks? No? Then the narrative of ‘OMG THIS ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS IS NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAH DO SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN’ is horseshit.
I’m not arguing that it’s the most important thing ever. And I fully understand that prohibition is a major reason – perhaps THE reason – for our current problems.
I see no problem however with acknowledging that shit is really really bad. I see no problem with people calling it an “epidemic”. Though I acknowledge it’s not necessarily an “opioid epidemic”, as opioid use hasn’t necessarily increase. It’s more of a “overdose epidemic” or a “death by toxic black market drugs” epidemic. But I have no problem with referring to it as an epidemic, because shit is really fucking bad here.
“Ugh, they’re really pushing this ‘opioid epidemic’ horseshit really hard”
Because there’s tons of cash in it for cronies. Mandatory treatment is what this is all about, nothing else, it’s a literal goldmine.
I don’t remember news being so transparently hysterical and moving from batshit crisis to batshit crisis when I was younger
It’s always been there, what with “yellow journalism” being an old phrase, but I do seem to think this tendency has in the past had different levels of penetration in different medium. My theory is that the march of technology has, in laying low the print industry, scattered the market for yellow journalism to a wider field than it had been in the recent past.
a long time ago when I was still with my first wife I cam down with a pretty bad case of double pneumonia. One lung pretty much completely filled with fluid, the other about 50%. Even better a week into it I broke a rib coughing. Spent the next 2 weeks sleeping in a chair because I literally could not breathe when prone. A week after that, still can’t go 15 minutes without coughing and my wife starts going off on me because I haven’t satisfied her carnal desires in so long. 30 minutes of guilt tripping later I give in to her demands and let her use my body to satisfy herself.
Do I get to say #metoo?
She was empowered. You’re a cis-male shitlord. She owns your penis. So no.
What do you have against chair sex?
Nothing ,I have something against I havn’t slept in 5 weeks and can’t fucking breathe sex.
Sex that takes your breath away = +1
Sex when you expel more fluid from your lungs than your junk in the middle of it = -1000000000
Being the shy ‘n’ sensitive teenager I was *sniff* – for the most part I depended on female advances to get some action. And it worked until just about the time I graduated from college.
In the real world the dynamic – with some exceptions – changed, making me the pursuer. Maybe I just got uglier, or maybe female expectations changed.
One weird story (among many) from my past. I’m 16 and have a 19yo girl, who is also the next-door neighbor of my best friend, ask me out on a date. We go to the mall, hang out and talk, and at night end up on a blanket near a lake. The mosquitoes are a-flying but the clothes are coming off. But there’s a point where I just stop and won’t go on with her because part of our earlier talk was how she didn’t want to have sex because of her pregnancy last year and how she didn’t want something like that to happen again. So I stop at third base, and end up driving her home. I’m not that interested in her so not much happened after that.
A year later I find out that she badmouthed me: saying I was scared of having sex with her. Uh – I didn’t because of what YOU TOLD ME ABOUT HAVING TO PUT YOUR CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION!
And that’s what you get for trying to be a gentleman.
Pursuit is simply not in my nature. That’s how I ended up with some real ball-busting bitches as girlfriends, because they were the aggressive ones.
Except for my eventual wife – now, she’s a hardassed bitch as well, but she played hard to get. Obviously I liked her enough to do so, as we’re still together 15 years later.
Should have just had her chained and caged at the front of your hoopty.
Such an obvious baby trapper.
Probably the best decision of your life. Er… second best.
I was actually talking about this with a couple buddies the other weekend. It was 2007. We were track athletes with very nice bums. Chicks used to grope us all the time. I literally had to tell some fat chick to “stop putting (her) fucking hands on me” once. She said “oh, stop being a little bitch. Man up”. Respectful of her ability to dish out the bantz without giving a fuck, I said “You’re ok. Come be my beer pong partner” but added “but seriously, please stop groping me”. We won a few games of beer pong, and we’re still facebook friends to this day.
#MeToo, I guess
You didn’t fug her?
Are we talking thicc, or are we talking sloppy fat?
definitely more than thicc, but not quite sloppy fat. Would not, and still would not today, but she was pretty cool to hang out with. The guy that ended up marrying her is a pretty cool dude as well. Also very big. He’s like 6’6″, 300 lbs. They’re kids are in 2nd grade and kindergarten, and they’re both giants. Will probably see them playing for OSU one day, and I’m not even joking.
“oh, stop being a little bitch. Man up”
“Before I do that, you should know that if I man up, the next time you grab my ass I’m going to punch you in the face. Hard, and probably more than once. Because that’s what men do when people don’t do they’re told. Capisce?”
*Edit Fairy Haz Whimsy*
You kids and your euphemisms.
Wait until she graduates to tomfoolery.
The College Widow: Oh, professor, you’re so full of whimsy.
Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff: Can you tell from there? I always get that way when I eat radishes.
(I may have misunderstood the hashtag)
See there is no way those.things age well.
I’m willing to take that risk.
You say that now but of those hit you in the face you’d be screaming metoo
(I may have misunderstood the hashtag)
File that one under #hertwo
I like reading it as “pound me too”, as suggested upthread.
For anyone interested here’s a rather lengthy Politico interview/tonguebath with James “Cannot Trust a Goddamn Word I Say” Clapper. I find the left’s lionization of this guy to be more distasteful than their newfound respect for Bush and McCain.
*endless vomiting*
The guy who lied under oath to Congress is lecturing us about speaking truth to power?
I’ll get you to come to the dark side yet Pie!
I, too, have had the random gropings in bars by both men and women — mostly women.
Worst incident of #metoo was when I had a girl I met online come over to watch a movie. I end up getting ridiculously hammered and emotional because I had recently ended a six-year relationship, so I told her to stop touching my junk and go home please. Went to bed; woke up the next day naked with her next to me and no memory of anything after lying down on the couch. Kick her out, take a long, hot shower, and cried like a bitch. Happy birthday to me!
Two weeks later she calls me up and says I got her pregnant and I’m going to be on the hook for some baby daddy cash. Worst feeling ever. But, long story short, she was trying to scam me. Moral for her: Don’t claim to be at the Planned Parenthood Center I can see from my balcony on a day that it’s closed. Also, log out of your email/social media accounts if you check them from someone else’s computer.
That shit left some definite trust issues, but it doesn’t define me or dictate my life. And I learned some valuable lessons: Don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position with people you hardly know. Don’t have sex with someone unless you’re ready to have them in your life for at least 18 years. Not everyone you meet online is a good person. I also learned that people have next to no sympathy for a guy on the receiving end of that kind of struggle snuggle, which honestly might be a good thing because when your only option is basically to get the fuck over it, you don’t get trapped in a cycle of learned victimhood.
Sometimes bad things happen and you can’t control it; you can only control how you choose to respond. Fall apart, or grow.
What a bitch.
(Not you, the girl that tried to scam you)
“the Planned Parenthood Center I can see from my balcony”.
Location, location, location.
That’s some prime hunting grounds.
Didn’t Jay and Silent Bob have a bit about that?
Why yes they did.
Totally incidental, I swear.
Yeah, that’s the definition of CUNT, the capitalized version. I haven’t had that happen, but when I was younger I had a lot of fear of it happening and I’m probably just really lucky it didn’t. Also when I was doing the online dating thing, it was lots of fun, but I met some real wack-os a couple of times. I have some good stories on that. Also met a lot of nice people, one of whom I’m still good friends with. And now I’m married and faithful and don’t worry about any of that anymore.
Yeah, she’s literally the worst. And when I caught her in her lie, she doubled down and started accusing me of misogyny and saying she’d tell people I raped her and the works. Hung up then changed her number when I emailed her pictures of the closed clinic and her open email account. I got scared off from dating a few years but then tried it again and met some normal, sane, not awful women. Ended up making some really good friends. Then two years ago I found my wife the old-fashioned way (introduction from mutual friends) and I have been blissfully happy ever since. All’s well that ends well.
Sometimes I miss the old wild days, but even if I were young again, I wouldn’t want to go back to it. I’ll just tell stories and leave it at that.
The only real unwanted attention I get these days isn’t entirely unwanted, it’s more that I’m at a point in my life where I don’t feel like making the effort and don’t trust myself not to get too attached if I did. So there’s a friend I see from time to time in whom I’ve got no romantic interest, but she’s fun to hang out with sporadically and she plies me with booze until I’m drunk enough to consent. I know what I’m getting into, but I do have to get hammered first.
That’s called a fuck buddy.
I pine for the days when I was more enthusiastic about my fuck buddies. The hangovers weren’t as bad.
One of the tellers at my bank flirts with me whenever I go in.
I always go in.
Phrasing! BOOM.
Since I long ago lost count of how many times I’ve been molested by females, I just try to remember the funny ones. One time I was raking my lawn and 3 drunken hillbilly women from across the street came over and wanted to help me with the yard in exchange for sex. Definitely would NOT. The one that did most of the talking didn’t have any of her front teeth. She told me to just let them know if I changed my mind. I guess that’s not actually being assaulted, but it was a little bit of unwanted attention. The most recent time was some woman who lived in the community where I was previously living. She would talk to me whenever I’d see her outside and one day she just came up and grabbed me and started hugging me and then reached around and grabbed my ass. I was like whoooaaa, hey now and backed off. That was … unexpected. I sort of stayed away from her after that. She was like 3 inches taller than me and probably a good 300 lbs. I have been molested by attractive women in the past though. Problem the last time was that it was the wife of friend of a friend and she was almost doing it right in front of him. She was HOT. Definitely would, but except for the marriage thing, I’m not cool with that.
You must use Axe body spray.
Sounds like he needs Axe Bear Spray.
I don’t think bear spray would have worked on the 300 lb blonde. She would have probably ate it, can and all and did a steve smith on me right there on the lawn. Talk about aggressive. I’m not sure I could have escaped, she was a big woman and strong.
*hearty chuckle*
*sardonic applause*
It’s the eyes, I guess. That’s what my wife says. One time we were at the MVA for my wife to take her written test here and we were outside afterwards talking to some blonde chick and she just all of the sudden stops talking and goes ‘Oh my god, you have beautiful eyes!’. I didn’t say anything and just sort of glanced at my wife and she didn’t seem to even hear it. So we’re driving home and all of the sudden she punches me in the arm really hard and says ‘beautiful eyes, huh!’. Lol. I’m old now so in the rare times that I get attention from women, I sort of enjoy it.
Fatties and hillbillies find it irresistible.
I’ve lived in some places where fatties and hillbillies were the standard fare.
Ah, rural Ohio. I don’t miss it at all.
Well, I did live in that place for quite a few years.
Me too. The only think chicks were the ones on meth. Nooooo, thank you.
Thin, not think. Although they couldn’t much do that either.
Meth-heads *are* known for their great contributions to philosophy and science.
That was supposed to be a joke. But I have a few stories.
Just jerkin your chain.
No, I said your chain.
I could tell the one about my mom’s drunken friend molesting me, but I told that one at TOS. The dumb bitch stomped my toe with a high heel. I was just wearing tennies. She did it because I wouldn’t fuck her. I could have pressed charges, but I didn’t want to, I just stayed away from her after that. She was a total lush. Really fun at first, but that didn’t turn out too well. She wound up leaving her husband and moving in with some young guy who beat the shit out of her.
All of mom’s friends were much older schoolteacher shrews. *shudder*
She was in her 50s and I was 28. Mom had one super hot friend though, same age, but oh my god. If she would have tried that, she most definitely would have succeeded. I ask mom about her around 10 years ago before I got married and she said ‘she’s in her 70s now, you know’. And I was like ‘damnit! I missed my chance!’.
“Menopause – it’s natures birth control”
Yes, it works.
Great article JATNAS. I look forward to reading many more from you.
However, I do have to pick nits regarding the last paragraph. I think that is an argument that should be banished from all persuasion attempts by libertarians. I’ve been in a number of situations where the behavior (sexual or otherwise) of certain coworkers would make everyone around them miserable in otherwise perfectly pleasant working environments. Everyone already knows that you can always find another job in such situations, but even if those other jobs are plentiful shouldn’t that be treated as a last resort? What if you really love the job you’re at save for that one one shitty person in accounts receivable?
The correlation with loosening job regulations and a plentiful job market is the company has an incentive to police unwelcome behavior as well if they don’t want their best people to go to their competitors. Or they don’t care (which also happens today) and their competitors end up with better employees and the first company goes under all the while wondering what went wrong.
So, what’s the deal about Podesta? Is there anything there? Who should he fear more, the Muleface, or the Clintons? I’d say the Clintons, people seem to wind up mysteriously dead after having dealings with them.
Confirmed: Buzzfeed writers are low-T cases.
That, along with the accompanying image, is absolutely perfect.
I think mine dropped just looking at that picture.
I guess they don’t have to worry about toxic masculinity. They can just use their test results to pass the class.
i remember when the “Try Guys” went to the gun range and were so fucking clueless they nearly killed themselves.
hahaha….oh now I have to look that one up
i was really surprised the RSO didn’t kick their asses out. there is honest clueless and then there is intentionally not paying attention to safety clueless.
Once upon a time I would have though that was mildly funny but not a big deal. So what? Low testosterone doesnt really hurt anyone and it isnt what I consider the measure of a man. Poke some mild fun.
Now I see the ranks of the left and they are a circus of freaks. Such pathetic, hateful, vicious lying sacks of shit. That is the measure of a man.
I turned on the news briefly this morning and the smug “we have him now!” coupled with “Hillary isnt president and besides no proof” was too much.
The leftists commenters are really beside themselves with joy over the Manafort thing. They know their hero Mueller is going to get Trump for sure now. Never mind that the indictment of Manafort has nothing to do with the Trump admin. I’m also surprised at how easily the dismiss the part about Podesta. That’s the part I’m really curious about.
It’s just too perfect, though. A bunch of effete hipster 20something Buzzfeed writers get their testosterone tested, and they’re all low? If you made that up, people would roll their eyes at you for making such an obvious, low-effort joke.
My instinct is that there is a connection between the low-T male and how very young females are attracted to them but I am not sure what it is. Low-T is perceived as low threat? Girlish looks attract girls at an age when they are most likely to experiment with lesbianism?
I dont know what it is but there is something there. Also, this story made me think of Trudeau, mr. rainbow socks.
Have you been on any college campuses lately? I swear I’m not exaggerating, but almost every guy I see looks the same. Skinny jeans, bony as hell, the body of a 10 year old boy, nothing even remotely masculine. The few that are actually masculine looking are probably in heaven because they’re the ones getting all the poon.
I have the same observation, with one variation:
The body types are clustering at opposite ends of the spectrum, a barbell, not a bell curve. They seem to be either sunken-chested gamma males in borderline effeminate clothing, or beefed up gym rats. Not a lot in between.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m seeing. And it seems most of the masculine gym rat types are either black or foreigners. They don’t seem to be as much into the pussification thing as the white boys.
I would guess that Low-T is perceived as immature male, which is a lot easier for young females to be attracted to right out of the gate, so to speak. Teeny-boppers went nuts for Justin Beiber because he presented as just as sexually immature as their peer group; this is the actual business model for boy bands.
As the chicks mature and get more used to being around differentiated males, their comfort level with hairy-chested he-men types goes up. Now, the fact that you have these guys in their twenties still presenting as, effectively, barely pubescent is its own problem.
That’s been going on for a long time. I remember Donnie Osmond and Davey Jones. But it was tweener girls going all googly eyed over them, not college age women. I honestly don’t know what it is with this newest generation of young men. Do they actually believe that acting and looking effiminate is that cool? Or are they drinking too many soy lattes? I don’t really know.
Those numbers are lower than mine and I’m 60. They might was well start estrogen and make the transition.
I’m gonna say 50/50 that this actually happened.
I love it when these coastal lefty elites leave their bubble, travel to the flyover and discover that there are actually real people who don’t think like them. This seems to be becoming some sort of theme. I guess it’s like going to the zoo for them.
Sounds suspiciously like the flip side of that phony Jim Carrey story from yesterday’s comments.
Mark Zuckerberg started a trend. It’s now some sort of merit badge to expedition in the heartland to observe the primitive Trumpets.
Those fake Facebook posts in which Zuckerberg brags about convincing the filthy hoo-mans of his own humanity were pretty good.
I’m not buying it. Sounds a lot like, “Hey, those flyover people are all crazy wackaloons, and here’s proof!”
These stories say more about the people telling them than anything else.
my guess is the cabbie voiced his disagreement but did not threaten to kick a paying customer to the curb. also perhaps he gave him the location of the poxy whores and not the clean ones.
NEVER listen to a cabbie’s hooker recommendations. Learned that one the hard way.
Cabbie: Where to, mate?
Tobias: The Gothic Castle.
Cabbie: “Gothic Arsehole”?
Tobias: That’s what I said!
Exactly. It’s all very pat and plays neatly into already laid-out archetypes.
Domestic Tom Friedman?
I can’t wait until Friedman and Bruni venture into the heartland and co-pen an article on their amazing discoveries. That’s going to be a must read.
So my wife has the TV on and is listening to Globo News, which is Brazil’s version of CNN. They’re saying that Trump’s going to be indicted for collusion with Russia and that no Americans will come to his aid because he’s trying to force tax cuts on people, which no one in America wants. You can’t make this shit up.
we’re so fucking outnumbered when it comes to our opinion on gov spending and taxes.
Absolutely true. Every April 15th I complain that my tax bill is too low, then I mail the Treasury a check for an extra $10,000, and include a note thanking them for all their hard work. Everyone I know does the same thing.
Huh. Buffet and Soros do the exact same thing!
Forcing tax cuts huh? Like the women in the various stories upthread forcing themselves on Glibs?
Yeah, tax cuts are just like rape now. Trump is trying to rape the entire country with tax cuts.
I just thought that every Glib gets molested by mobs of women any time they leave the house… is that not true?
I’m going to hazard a guess here and suggest that Brazilians are closer to Greeks in tax compliance than they are Americans. Fucking hypocrites, if so.
I’d make an educated guess that most of the tax cheats are in Congress. If the term ‘lava jato’ is not familiar to you, it’s because you’ve never watched Brazilian news.
Our interactions are full of impure motives, biases, and logic errors, and trying to police them in an impossible battle to end harassment and discrimination is foolish.
Yes and no. I know no one likes to discuss this little element of the topic, but for a lot workplaces, everyone from the CEO to the janitor is there effectively as an employee who is supposed to be working on behalf of someone else’s interests. Using a position of trust assigned to you on behalf of those people to leverage for your own advantage seems a breech of that trust. Promoting a woman because she gives good blowjobs (or a guy because he licks pussy well), rather than because they’re the best person to advance the interests of those the organization exists on behalf of, ultimately takes resources from their rightful owner to the benefit of someone other than the person those resources belong to.
The principal agent problem is a real thing. And sexual harassment strikes me as an instance of the agent abusing his authority.
I was stalked by a girl (Andie) in high school. She even managed to get my home telephone number. I had not idea how to handle it. It’s not like I didn’t have a girl or two on my tail but this one was really working it. It got to the cool guys in my gang and the grade up from me (we played sports together) would tease me on the bus asking what I was going to do about ‘Andie’ and then they’d chant her name ‘Andie, Andie!”
Meh. I made it through. Still….
These things are not equivalent and are listed in order of decreasing severity:
Sexual Assault: Forcible rape, including roofie type and rape by instrumentation; underage rape that was “consentual” but the underage person was too young to consent; molestation of a child even without penetration or sodomy.
Sexual harassment: Unwanted sexual advances with touching in which the perpetrator is in a position of power over the victim, such as in a chain of command or a teacher/student relationship; same but without touching; persistent flirting even after “receiver” indicates he/she wants it to stop.
Discrimination: Making statements in the workplace or school to the effect that one sex is inherently better at a job duty than the other etc.
Nuisance: Unwanted advances or statements outside the context of work or school where no party has power over the other, and neither is forced to be there unwillingly. NOTE: this is a category where women are more likely to be at a disadvantage since it is more common for men to be physically intimidating (bigger & stronger) than women.
Life: Getting asked out and turning the person down.
Metooism attempts to make these equivalent.
Very late to the party but I wanted to comment that this is an excellent TNAS. This is something that bothered me when that hashtag was going around. It made me very angry to see “sexual harassment” lumped in with sexual assault. A lot of the stories that I saw other women sharing were absolutely ridiculous— “One time a gross old guy flirted with me at the mall.” “OMG, me too! So creepy! Sisters in solidarity!” Uh?? You realize that happens to guys, too? But no. They’re such victims. #rapeculture
Also, it is going to be interesting when the old Victorian standard of having chaperones accompany young people on dates becomes the norm again, to protect both parties, not just against inappropriate moves, but against accusations that destroy lives.