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Well, I guess this IS germane to the original post…
The goddamn Germans got nothin’ to do with it!
-Sheriff Buford T Justice of Texas.
+1 sumbitch
Great, now I have to split my attentions…
How very Swiss of you. Thank you!
Alles muss in Ordnung sein!
you can stop pretending knowledge of foreign language. You are not fooling me. As an enlightened European I know Americans don’t speak foreign languages
As an enlightened European I know Americans don’t speak foreign languages
This is true: when an American wishes to speak to someone who doesn’t know God’s own language (English – American style), said American merely wills the hearer to understand, through sheer power of awesomeness. Whenever you have heard an American appear to speak in a foreign tongue, you have merely been subjected to the mind-altering power of American greatness. No true American would debase themselves by learning an inferior language. Those who claim to either are playing you or are an imposter pretending to be an American out of jealousy. Those Americans who never seem to use this power and persist in using the holy tongue, often slowly and loudly, are just having a lark and could use these mind bending powers if they really wanted to.
said American merely wills the hearer to understand, through sheer power of awesomeness
Indeed. Because I’m just nice that way, I usually try to help them along by speaking slowly and loudly.
»Muß«, not »Muss«.
Verdammte neue sogenannte Rechtschreibung!
Lousiana satsumas arrived last week. Best citrus fruit in the country. California and Florida can fight it out for distant #2.
mandarins are too sweet.
Tell that to Tony Stark
/Civil Servant, who also doesn’t like Lady Baltimore cake
Mmmm… now I’m going to have to schedule a trip to Charleston.
satsumas are also obviously a form of cultural appropriation with a name like satsuma.. win-win!
I’m partial to Minneolas or Honeybells, wherever the hell they come from.
I thought satsumas are most identified with Alabama
Get out your popcorn. All it takes is giving them enough rope to hang themselves with.
All those “we are investigating” notes. WTF? Police investigating that?! I guess we can disband 80% of the force now.
I wonder if they’re actually investigating or they’re just “maybe if we just say this she’ll shut up”.
Yes, “investigating.”
Some of my old buddies from the service are Boston cops. They are “investigating” wicked hard. And doing their best not to roll their eyes in front of hysterical SJWs.
But why? Why don’t they just tell them to fuck off while they investigate actual crimes? Why the need to coddle these retards?
Because they like their paychecks?
If they can’t be fired for robbing, assaulting, or killing someone, I don’t think they have much to be worried about for rolling their eyes at college students.
I want very badly for the police to come back on monday and say “We investigated. It appears to be a piece of printed white paper affixed by a length of commonly available adhesive tape. No explosives were detected. A crime has not been committed.”
Some idiot in a nearby college town put up a Confederate flag in their off-campus apartment. Of course some even bigger idiot called the police. Police spokeschicken/Lt said no crime was committed but they referred it to the college for any further action. Swing and a miss. If it’s not a crime, that’s the end of your work popo. Your job is not to use extrajudicial means to enact punishments for non-crimes.
There you have it. College students are children.
“It’s not illegal to ride without a helmet, but I’m calling your mother!”
That. Is. Delicious.
I need to get my gf to put a few of these up at her college.
For a little juxtaposition, put ‘its okay to be black’ right next to it.
From what I’ve seen, it’s 4Chan trolling the SJW’s. The signs started appearing in a Cleveland suburb as well.
But it is OK to be black. It’s not OK to be white.
That Is Not OK?
You’re right, its not Ok. Its pretty great.
One of the funniest moments on TV last year, BTW
For a little juxtaposition, put ‘its okay to be black’ right next to it.
Report back which one disappears first, if at all.
Also would be interesting if that one gets treated like a painting of Dear Leader.
“It’s OK to be black” should be printed on black paper with white lettering, so it “opposes” the OK to be white sign.
All it takes is giving them enough rope to hang themselves with.
“Patience and Time are the two greatest warriors. Patience and Time will defeat
the Frenchthe SJWs.”-Lev Tolstoy, War and Peace (probably)
All it takes is giving them enough rope to hang themselves with.
Microagressor endorsing LYNCHINGS>!!?@#!@?
My words may be interpreted in a way that causes offense. Feature, not a bug.
Blow ’em in the stoneage, son
Blow me where the pampers is?
You’re wearing the shirt of the band you’re going to see? Don’t be that guy.
Donna Brazille has the biggest balls in the DNC right now. It takes a special kind of scum to try to distance yourself from the scum pond you’ve been swimming in.
So must be looking for a job in the administration.
She’s clearing the table. As delicious as it seems to have the wolves devour each other, I think this is getting out in front of the next shitstorm involving Hildog and Lightbringer. Gotta prepare the way for their next foray into Marxism.
But what do I know? I’ve taken a few shots to the head after all…
Sadly, no. Just concussions.
*has sad*
I’ve had one in the past and it’s no fun.
Ever seen rats climb over each other to get out of a flooded building? That’s all this is. Clinton is losing power in the DNC and Brazile doesn’t want to be labeled a Clintonite anymore.
Some of those rats haven’t got the memo. They’re still going after the messenger who revealed the truth to the proles, whoops, I mean, “arguably swayed the election toward President Trump”, and they’re super positive it’s the Kremlin.
“the hacking that arguably swayed the election toward President Trump.”
Did they publish lies? Or reveal truth? As I recall the cry at the time was “people found out what Hillary and her campaign were up to and it looks bad so thats not fair!”
Arguably swayed? What argument? Spell it out for us please.
Wasn’t she the contact between CNN and Clinton’s campaign? Isnt she the one who coordinated the questions for Hillary’s interviews?
Funny that she is the one now blowing the whistle. Yes, she sees the hold filling up with water and is jumping ship. I am not impressed.
This. Clinton’s power base in the Democrats is tanking hard. Not as hard as if they did the smart thing and correctly blamed her for losing the election openly, but with the ‘justice’ Democrats/hardcore progressives/whatever they’re called making waves and Barry desperately trying to piece together a power base she’s gradually fading into irrelevancy.
By 2020 she’ll be political kryptonite. People keep thinking she’ll be able to come back for a run but she’s toast. This was her last chance to win and she blew it.
Hope those balls are big enough to block an icepick to the head. Selling Hillary down the river, even if it seems like her power is about to collapse, is quite the gamble.
That would be something. A congresswoman isnt the same as an aide but I can see Clinton arrogant enough to think she could sweep that under the rug. Talk about shit hitting the fan…
WTF happened to the Vegas investigation? It just all went away…
I hate to sound like a conspiracy kook, but this really bothers me.
It makes me mad that I laughed at all the tin foil wearers.
The press lost interest when they couldn’t find a way to link it to Trump or Russia.
They’re covering up their own incompetence. They’ll guard that “secret” closer than any other.
Incompetent reporters covering incompetent cops makes for stories so incomprehensible, the conspiracies make way more sense.
The reporting has also been incompetent. Probably the worst I’ve ever seen.
It bothers me a lot too. Stinks to fuckin’ high heaven. The ‘investigation’ looks suspiciously like a cover-up.
And this really is the gist of my concern, Suthen. What would we need to cover up at this time, and why? I can’t think of anything that would make the usual dnc operatives with bylines dropping a story like this if they figured they could use it to demand gun confiscation and hurt the other side. I similarly can’t see this all becoming old hat, especially now with not one, but two couples that survived this, both claiming there were multiple shooters, dying in some seriously weird ass accidents. And the thing with the guard leaving the country is just baffling.
WTF is going on here?
If it’s a cover-up it’s brilliant. Make yourselves look utterly incompetent. So deeply retarded that nobody will question you for fear of catching some of your stupidity.
Well, there were something like 20k people there, so for a certain broad definition of “survivor”, it’s not that statistically surprising for 2 or 3 people to die.
Call it 30K fatalities a year in car accidents in a country of 330mm, for an annual death toll of one in 11,000. That means you could expect two surviving concert-goers to die in a car accident in the following year. We’re up to four killed in a month? That’s about 24 times the rate you would expect, no?
I had heard about one couple, but not the other. And they both claimed multiple shooters? Any links?
What I heard about the one couple also has “WTF black op” tattooed on its ass, as well. They crashed into a gate in their own neighborhood and the car immediately burst into flames, killing them both in an accident that probably didn’t even pop the airbag?
What exactly would such a hypothetical conspiracy have to gain? A couple of people saying they thought they heard multiple gunshots can easily be ignored, since if you don’t find hundreds of other witnesses corroborating, they’re probably just mistaken. Killing people attracts a little more notice.
If there is a conspiracy underway, then it seems to be a conspiracy whose objective is to breed conspiracy theories. Make sure the killer isn’t seen when shooting, eliminate any evidence of standard spree killer motives, fuck with the timeline, let the guard disappear and the travel out of country, rob the house, steal the hard drive, kill random conspiracy theorists, spread fake news. Make people paranoid and mistrustful, cause strife. I don’t think any domestic faction would gain by it, and it sounds too clever and operationally complex for ISIS. Who would be carrying it out, the Russians?
Allow me to pontificate:
Religious tests are in vogue, despite the explicit prohibition against such tests in the US Constitution. But, I guess it’s 1517 instead of 2017.
The religious tests began with Bernie Sanders who chastised a presidential nominee for believing that salvation is only afforded to those of his faith (ummm…has Bernie Sanders just found out what ‘religion’ is?). This earned a rebuke by the editorial boards of a few publications.
Then we had Diane Feinstein tell a Catholic judicial nominee that “the dogma lives loudly in you” and that she found this concerning. Not to be outdone, Dick Durbin told the same nominee that he was concerned that her religious beliefs would not make her an impartial jurist. These comments earned a much deserved rebuke by the University of Notre Dame and Princeton University’s law schools. Additionally, Mike Lee gave a floor speech in the Senate remarking at how disturbing he finds the recent trend of religious tests to be.
But, Mike Lee isn’t one with clean hands. He endorsed Roy Moore for Senate, a man who should be disqualified from such office for saying that a Muslim should not hold elected office (Moore has recently backed off from such statements). Of course, this statement was the only one that ‘respectable’ ‘libertarians’ and media outlets were concerned about, while they ignored the preceding religious tests being imposed by Sanders, Feinstein, and Durbin. Will Gillespie’s favorite ‘libertarian’ Senator, Ron Wyden, get dinged for endorsing Sanders, Feinstein, or Durbin’s re-election? I won’t hold my breath, since ‘the Jacket’ is anything, but logical.
Now we have Sheldon Whitehouse attacking another judicial nominee, because his church doesn’t accept gay marriage (spoiler alert: the vast majority of religions do not accept gay marriage or any marriage that is not conducted under their religious tradition).
Fuck these reactionaries
I wish Dick Durbin would choke on his own filth. Illinoisians can’t get rid of him.
Yes they can. They just wont.
I’m one that tries every election.
They can’t vote him out (its not who votes that counts, its who counts the votes), so short of a bullet to the head, how do they get rid of him?
Salvation according to your faith? Ridiculous! Everyone knows that salvation comes from being born a non-white cis-hetero xer of color word-salad.
The religious tests began with Bernie Sanders who chastised a presidential nominee for believing that salvation is only afforded to those of his faith (ummm…has Bernie Sanders just found out what ‘religion’ is?)
The socialist utopia is only reserved for its acolytes. Bernie is just as religious as them.
Would be willing to bet that the reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church didn’t accept gay marriage either but I didn’t hear anyone questioning Obama about it
IIRC, he did have to answer questions about some of the racially charged things that Wright said, and the “American’s chickens are coming home to roost” line post-9/11
Though, Obama was allowed to get away with not wholeheartedly and repeatedly disavowing Wright. And there was no talk about why he wasn’t pre-disavowed before reporters brought those things to his attention.
Whitey made him attend Wright’s church. No apology necessary.
His mom was a honkey…
From the “so long as she’s talking about the power of the federal government, this is supposed to be a bad thing?” files…
To make it even better, let’s start 30 years before that. We can undo the Slaughterhouse Cases and reinstate the Privileges or Immunities clause of the 14th Amendment, and follow up by repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. Then we can undo all the Supreme Court cases that overturned Lochner.
For some reason, this made me think of my Con Law 1 professor who would routinely burst into tears while reviewing the Court’s more progressive decisions.
Well, I guess that answers my question:
“Do they still teach Con Law?”
Well, yes and no. They teach Supreme Court doctrine, which is occasionally consistent with the Constitution and frequently mistaken for “Constitutional Law”.
Out of joy or despair?
“He’s going to undo, I’m afraid, much of the 20th century,” Hillary Clinton says of Trump
So stop two world wars and prevent the deaths of millions under totalitarian regimes?
Restore the gold standard and abolish federal debt?
Not intern American citizens and not pursue a Hollywood blacklist?
Hollywood seems busy trying to blacklist itself at the moment. See? The market works!
WTF- I love Trump now!
Dissolve the DoE, ED, Fed, EPA, HHS, Homeland Security, and return defense spending to 1.5% GDP?
shoot, homeland security was 21st century, sorry.
2002. Its close enough.
I had a conversation once where someone incredulously asked me if I thought Trump would be a good president–as if no reasonable person would ever think so.
My answer was since she called him Hitler, the bar is genocide and war. He avoids both, he’s a good president, by her own standards. We don’t talk politics anymore.
What she and many others are bemoaning is that they wont get their glorious revolution after all. At least not yet. From the way she is running around pretending she won the election I believe she still thinks there is a chance.
Clinton doesn’t give a fuck about the revolution, she just pays lip service to whomever she can pull in. If America was majority socon Christian she’d be up there wailing a Bible around talking about the sodomites.
So much fucking this… I have never seen anyone as pathological of a liar and conniving as this woman. It is all about being the center of attention and wanting to lord it over everyone. This woman would drink baby blood if that is what it took to get what she wanted. Like I told my ex when she pointed out Hillary stayed with Bill because he was her soul mate: Maybe if they both share evil as the overriding character trait, because Hillary stayed cause she wanted to have a shot at being POTUS. That was never going to happen without Bill’s coat tails.
How much must she hate herself and Bill at this point? All those compromises made in order to become POTUS and she just couldn’t get over the finish line.
Clinton will never hate herself, it will always be everyone around her that’s the problem. ‘What Happened’ is basically her glorifying her ability to refuse to take responsibility for anything.
We were talking a little while ago about Corey Feldman.
Crazy AND full of shit.
Money quote:
“Feldman recently had a contentious interview on Today regarding a plan he has to name the accused pedophiles only after he raises $10 million online to make a film on the topic.”
Full of shit, yes. Crazy, though? It seems like a pretty shrewd move.
People aren’t going to put up with that shit. It should be obvious to him. Should be.
If he were female he’d get the money. Being male, very few people who ‘matter’ care if he had to take a shot in the mouth to get a part in “The Gooneys”.
But what if he had to take the shot for the third Lost Boys movie?
There was more than 1?
And I’m not saying that in the Highlander sense, This is the first I have ever heard that there was ever a sequel to Lost Boys
Yep. The third one I linked to above, and the second one. The second one is just terrible, the third one can be tolerated with enough alcohol. I’d like to point out that the second one came out in 2008, and the third one in 2010. Both were direct to DVD, and both illustrate the rule that if your sequel is coming out more then 10 years after the original, odds are it’s going to be terrible.
Speaking of which, Beverly Hills Cop IV is supposed to start (started?) filming… in Detroit.
If it makes you feel better, there’s been 9 released Hellraiser movies.
BHC IV? There was a III?
That was supposed to threaded under Gustave
A month ago, sure. Today? I think the next bunch of movies these idiots make will be about sexual assault.
Are we talking more movies like Teeth, Hard Candy, or Last House on the Left? Or something boring and talky?
Talky and emotional.
Your movie, sir:
I think I can squeeze in at least 5 more Simpsons links today
I laughed way too hard at that.
People donate to GoFundMe’s for all sorts of bullshit. I bet he triples his goal.
With a $30 million budget, I hope his documentary is as good as his music video.
Speaking of crazy, I briefly listened to Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 on Joe Rogan’s pod cast yesterday. He is completely delusional: He is in contact with the CIA because of his deep knowledge of the real truth, aliens are real and among us, Roswell was a Russian version of a time traveling alien’s technology, alternative energy, it goes on and on. I stopped listening after Rogan whispered how crazy he was into the mic when DeLonge was off the head phones.
It’s best to just let people like that talk for as long as they want.
Tom DeLonge dabbles in the kind of drugs that other drugs do when they want to get weird.
Rogan entertains and listens to every manner of nut, but also has some great guests and challenges them on their ideas. He talked for hours to the Google software guy JAMES DAMORE who got fired for questioning their diversity polices and Bret Weinstein from Evergreen College.
I’ll have to check those out. Laura Kipnis might make a good guest for him.
Rubin did an interview with her, right? They have a lot of the same guests.
How much did Jill Stein raise to challenge the Trump election? What is she up to these days?
Debate between Strawmen: Healthcare
Universal healthcare is great. No greedy profits. Also It is actually a lot more humane to say “nothing can’t be done” than “you can’t afford it”. You would not want to live in debt would you
And when you piss off the bureaucrat that makes the life or death choices, its your fault anyway that you ended up on the “FYTW” list..
You would not want to live in debt would you
Better dead than in debt, amirite?
I posted this late in the morning linx but Im an attention whore so you get it again.
An epic takedown of a commie professor’s call to violence.
The appropriate response to a commie call to violence probably involves something in .30 cal.
When you care enough to send the very best…
Brenneke Black Magic Magnum 12g slugs
Are those the ones the media says are made with death crystals, palm oil and blessed by Satan himself?
Conflict palm oil.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard the media talk about 12 gauge slugs…
They’re just bad ass slugs.
Are we not doing free helicopter rides anymore? They’re free! Commies love that!
Well, the reply just stated “any proceeds from this column will be spent on ammunition”, so it’s possible.
This is become a pathetically regular thing with the ‘punching Nazis’ business. Warren Ellis pushed for ‘punching Nazis’ under the logic that we already knows what happens when they come into power (this, of course, coming from a socialist) and then doubled down and advocating punching anyone who defended ‘Nazis’ free speech.
Ellis, of course, is a coward and a piece of shit. Because there’s no way in hell that old man is going to be punching ‘Nazis’ or people who defend free speech, he just wants to sic thugs on people he doesn’t like.
I reminded some douche that told me he was proud to be a Nazi punching, Bernie Bro communist the other day that the only other evil fucks that gave the commies a run for their money – by killing 120 million plus people and putting some 3 billion under the yoke of some of the most repugnant and evil regimes ever (with free non existing healthcare) – were the very Nazis he wanted to punch so badly. The only difference between him and these Nazis was that the Nazis didn’t rack up the body count the commies managed to get, and they disagreed on how they should pretend the ruling class would tell the serfs power was distributed. He almost had a stroke but couldn’t defend his stupidity. He ended up asking who had invited a know-it-all to what he thought was a left-thinking only occasion. Pass on both groups.
Get those facts outta here. Everyone knows commies had good intentions, and uttered happy sounding phrases like “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Look, proletariat is in the name! Why would they lie about it?
Incantations, intentions, and optics always take precedence over real world outcome for these retards.
More good news in the tax bill.
Elon is trying to save you people and this is the thanks he gets. He’ll just go to mars by himself and you will be sorry!!
But, how will we be able to support Elon Musk? He can’t survive in the market! Won’t someone think about multimillionaire rent-seeker, Elon Musk!
Multibillionare peasant
I’m trying to find some bad news about it.
TL:DR version:
1) Corp tax rate cut down to 20% from 35%
2) Double limit on Estate Tax to $10 Million, and phase it out over 6 years. 25% rate for pass-through businesses.
3) Caps on Mortgage Interest Deduction ($500K), cap on state/property tax ($10K), no medical expense deduction
4) Consolidating the tax brackets from seven to four.
5) Increase to the standard deductions.
Scare quote to end the story:
Thanks. Regarding the quote: I guess we’re just gonna have to shut down a few of those 440+ Federal agencies.
I hate that term.
Hmmm…. What do you call an investment where you never get your money back?
I call it a kid.
My kids are going to change my diapers one day.
Pffft. I am holding out for DiaperBot 3000!
Does DiaperBot 3000 look like this?
I figured you’d just put newspaper down and go free range.
No they’re going to outsource that to some bitter fat Nurse Ratched type.
From our conversation in the mostly dead links thread….
…I pray for the day my son tells me he bought a factory at an auction.
Thankfully my mom didn’t get that far.
Donating your college loans to Bernie Sanders?
It’s like you expect some kind of return on your investments.
…cap on state/property tax ($10K)…
That right there is brilliant on the part of the Reps. It targets the rich, so the Dems can’t criticize it, while simultaneously encouraging the rich (and their taxes) to move from high tax states (generally Dem) to low tax states (generally Rep). Starve the beast is much more fun when you are starving your opponents.
Yeah. I think removing it entirely would have caused too much of a backlash, but capping it gives them cover. It also means that (in general) their constituents won’t be impacted by the change, while their opponents constituents will be.
There’s too much to like about this bill. It’s never going to pass.
That sounds reasonable.
The plan looks pretty fucking great to me! It’s going to lower my direct taxes, and it’s going to lower the taxes on the small company I work for so they will have more money available to pay me. When the S Corp you work for has it’s top tax rate drop from 40% to 25%, that’s a lot of scratch to re-invest in the company.
#3 is going to kill the mid-Atlantic.
Fuck them. Cut spending to balance the budget.
Jesus goddamned christ what a bunch oof dishonest pricks the dems are. In the past when ridiculously high taxes were cut did revenue go up or down? Up? Up you say? What was Obumbles answer to that when it was pointed out to him?
“This isnt about revenue, this is about fairness.” Whatever the fuck that means.
Now we are back to “lets pretend we ddidnt already acknowledge that lowering rates means greater revenues and try to scare people with the lost revenue myth”
You cant have a conversation with someone like that.
Obumbles was half right. It’s not about revenue; it’s about control.
Now we are back to “lets pretend we ddidnt already acknowledge that lowering rates means greater revenues and try to scare people with the lost revenue myth”
In fairness, there is an initial loss of revenue. After the Bush tax cuts, federal revenues were down below pre-tax cut levels for ~4 years.
On another note, looking at tax revenues over time makes me more frustrated that the government can’t ever balance the budget. In the last 30 years, inflation adjusted revenues have doubled (see here) while population has only grown 35%. That means inflation adjusted per capita spending has grown~55% over that period. That’s insane.
In the end everything comes down to “Fuck you, cut spending!”
Ok, here’s some slightly bad news… GOP measure preserves threatened wind and solar tax credits. It also adds geothermal tax credits, extends some nuclear tax credits, and ends some tax breaks on the oil industry.
The team Blue should love this – well except for the nuclear stuff – since they are cutting support for the evul oil industry..
Not sure if covered this morning, but Donna Brazille of all people wrote a startling frank account of how Hillary took over the DNC and rigged things against Bernie. Also several shots at Obama who neglected the party and DNC and left it badly in debt with Debbie lying about the matter.
I mean, this should be a bombshell story…
Sure, if “frank account” means “complete bullshit”.
She was one of the ringleaders.
Gotta get ahead of that bus if you’re gonna throw other people under it.
I think most of the account is probably accurate aside from the part about Donna not having a major role in the malfeasance.
She was shocked at the revelation!
Did she first hear about it in the paper this morning?
I think we need a Hillary and Huma episode to lay out how they would respond to this betrayal.
I think you need some psychological help.
I’m posting here. I think that says it all.
*screams internally*
G spots hardest hit.
*looks down*….. I have to go to the doctor.
Curved vertically or horizontally? Asking for a friend
Doesn’t specify. In other news:
I had no idea I was so…. unique.
I worked on an ad campaign for Peyronie’s, so there’s treatment for it.
…. ladies love the banana dick.
submit pics to info@glibertarians.com
I like how the auto-play video is about Elaine’s breast cancer.
I thought all my excessive fapping put that curve in there…did I give myself an STD?
excessive fapping
Does not compute.
You’ve never rubbed yourself raw?
They sell lube in 55 gallon barrels for a reason, you know.
The representational image is priceless.
I would be more concerned about the blisters and the rash.
I find that vaginal fluid is the best balm.
How you know what WaPo is getting desperate about Virginia: they’re getting their cadre of “house conservatives”, like Jennifer Rubin, to oppose the “racism” of Ed Gillespie’s campaign.
The whole article is bullshit. Gillespie is an establishment Republican to the core.
But remember, being establishment Republican isn’t enough for WaPo/NYT “house conservatives”, but you also have to denounce the spooky, icky Donald Trump and stick to being “compassionate and loving”.
What is Jennifer Rubin’s purpose anymore? Is she supposed to be masquerading as a “Good Republican” by being a 90’s Democrat? She must be a fig leaf to the leftists reading the Post to signal to them that TDS is OK because a supposed conservative suffers from it.
That presumes she ever had a purpose.
I assume what she does puts food on the table. WaPo needs her.
Can anyone who actually says the term even articulate what the fuck a ‘Trumpist’ is? Because this may surprise you morons, but Trump kinda doesn’t have a consistent ideological platform. The only thing he seems to keep as a constant, based on old interviews, is his views on trade.
A Trumpist is someone who refuses to resign from the Senate in protest or otherwise disavow the GOP.
“house conservatives”
I’m never going to make Uncle Frum happen, am I?
Uncle Frum’s, Aunt Rubin’s, and Egg McMuffins. Now I want a pancake.
I’m never going to make Uncle Frum happen, am I?
Try this.
Here in NJ, we have a Dem candidate who is completely unqualified to be Governor. His sole experience in government was the vacation in Germany he took after buying the Ambassadorship. And he’s going to win easily over the Lt. Governor (former Assistant New Jersey Attorney General and Monmouth County Sheriff).
If Christie had simply resigned at the end of last year, disappeared without a trace, and let the Lt. Gov dabble in the Governor’s spot for an entire year, the race would likely be a lot closer. But Christie wanted to rule the roost and be a POS for just a little while longer, so the Democrat will easily win off of Christie protest votes.
Wait, didn’t the D’s already hammer the Gillespie is a racist angle hard and it resulted in him rising significantly in the polls and his donations to jump dramatically? Do I have that right?
And now they are doubling down? Excellent.
How about Huma and CA rep Nanette Baragan?You’ve saeen this, right?
Edit faerie, please delete the first sentence above
Any state that has a personal property tax is NOT a low tax state. Fuck you, Jenny. And Scruffy is absolutely right – Gillespie is as milquetoast a Republican as you can find. Running a couple of ads (that have been effective, mind you) about illegal immigration suddenly makes him Non-Orange Trump? Give me a fucking break.
I like how she scoffs at tax cuts because they already have “low taxes”. How selfish could you be to actually want more? Reveals a whole lot about Jennifer.
I’ve always contested that all the Northam campaign and the Democratic base needed to do to win this election in a landslide like Bob McDonnell did in 2009 was to excite the voters in the primary election and then do and say nothing. Because of that insane Latino Victory Fund ad and other errors beforehand, now the conservative voter base is angered and eager to unite with Chamber of Commerce GOPe voters in NoVA, and the left will have to grind their teeth. And unlike ten years ago, now you have a much more developed internet political culture that can promulgate a bad political ad well beyond its small initial ad buy.
Pretty much – Northam could have cruised with what would basically be a re-election campaign, more or less acting as if succeeding another not-totally-prog Dem makes him the incumbent. Some gauzy stuff about how wonderful things have been, yay Dems, and just ignore Gillespie. Gillespie doesn’t have a natural constituency. There are very few people out there around the commonwealth who are really psyched about voting for him because they think he’s great. The Dems have now given him a constituency of people who really want to show up and vote against the guy who thinks they’re prowling the streets in an F-150 with minority children splattered across the undercarriage.
A really good side effect, much better than Gillespie winning, that would result if the building wave against the Northam campaign is successful is that Mark Herring could potentially be run out of town by a nobody via Gillespie’s coattails. That guy sounds like a real POS and a radical leftist, especially regarding guns. I’ve read something to the effect of him cancelling concealed carry reciprocity with 25 neighboring states.
Yes, Mark Herring fucking sucks and only scraped into office via voter fraud.
Mark Herring needs to step up a rung to become a piece of shit.
Virginia is ranked #27, so right in the middle, clearly not a low tax state. 9.3% state-local tax burden. NY is #1 at 12.7%, AK is last at 6.5%. Once again, right in the middle.
I did not know there was a gender wiki. And i thought i was woke
Aren’t pangender and genderflux redundant? Or is it the idea that I can be multiple genders at the same time along with transitioning at will? Uhhh…
Panflux is the excuse you use when you finish to fast.
Wasn’t Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flux?
*narrows gaze*
Pan Flux, skin flute…same thing.
I’m looking some thing more alto or bass.
Thanks for offering, though.
*6’7″ linebacker struts up*
Here’s a tuba, do yo job.
I read about that, it was in a Spider Robinson short story. Someone invented a cure for cancer, but the side effect was that taking the pill caused you to pass out for 8 hours, and when you woke up you were the opposite gender.
And almost overnight, it became the most popular recreational drug in history?
Oh, you’ve read Spider stories before?
The story was talking about the cultural impact, as there were people who could tell when someone was a different gender then their birth one. Then there was groups who would go out and bash those they thought were testing another gender, and clubs that were birth gender only (there was some slang term created for those temporarily trying out another gender, but I don’t remember it). Churches split on if the drug was acceptable or not, etc., etc.
LOL! Seriously, I was just guessing. I’ve read some Spider Robinson, but not that one in particular.
What if you took it twice?
Aren’t pangender and genderflux redundant?
Yes, in that they are both meaningless terms describing a state of mind, not a state of gender like they purport.
No, in that if we assume the premises they are based on, pangender means multiple genders at the same time while genderfulx means constantly transitioning between genders (but only being one at a time). Therefor, panflux means you are multiple, shifting genders.
It brings a smile to my face that all these terms are showing up underlined in red, but who knows how long that will last.
New terms will proceed to come online as the old ones cease to instill a sense of uniqueness. No point trying to keep up with the jargon.
These people need a hobby. Badly.
They have a hobby. It’s whining on Twitter and Tumblr. I mean, activism.
Look, the world is a dangerous place. If they left their parent’s basements, it’s only a matter of time before a redneck in a pickup truck tries to run them down, or worse, encounter STEVE SMITH.
I am not buying that shit for one second. That was generated by one of the online nonsense generators, wasn’t it?
I have an episode of Frontline on in the background, and it’s fucking incredible. “Putin’s Revenge, Part 2”.
They’re getting to the part about Podesta’s phishing email. The narrator is American.
But when they read the email out loud:
“Google stopped this sign-in attempt. You should change your password immediately”
They read it in a sinister Russian accent. For fuck’s sake.
They know they had to figure out some way to make Podesta seem less retarded.
Oh… and about a dozen references to Hillary Clinton’s “successes” in Libya.
Did they use this?
CNN declares that Trump’s terror fixes are ‘fairly useless’ without a hint of irony. Also, they make sure to point out how extremism isn’t just a Muslim problem. Because Las Vegas – an attack where no one knows what the fuck motivated the guy.
Apparently they stopped investigating Vegas because they found out everything they needed to know, including motive. They just forgot to tell everyone else.
Forgot to tell everyone else = scared shitless everyone else will find out.
A Democratic candidate who is eminently qualified but a lackluster campaigner at best
Uh-huh. Stupid voters. They don’t know what’s good for them.
Seems I heard the same excuse about a year ago.
Nunes: Dems Suddenly Very Interested in Viewing DOJ Dossier Docs They Didn’t Want Subpoenaed
The plot thickens.
They got to work on those talking points to feed the media
So much this.. At this point it is damage control and trying to figure out who is going down under the bus..
I hope somebody was keeping a close eye on the documents. Wouldn’t want them to fall into anyone’s pants and get lost, would we?
I don’t know why they would run down there and be the first people to view the information.
“Can I get some redaction over here, like pronto?!”
I can’t believe those Facebook ads that convinced me to vote for Trump were actually from the Russians. I feel like such a sucker.
It’s amazing what $100,000 in Facebook ads can do.
Seriously, the Jesus arm wrestling Satan meme was so convincing. Before I saw that meme, I was thinking, “sure she opposes religious liberty and is in favor of using the strong arm of government to punish churches that don’t abide by her beliefs, but I think Jesus would take her side in an arm wrestling match against Satan”.
I am so gullible
This made Just Say’n a Papist.
That’s a rather silly meme. There is no mention of kneeling.
Your snack privileges have been revoked.
The Other Kevin…
I wonder what kind of Russian tomfoolery lead me to vote for GaJo?
*Too lazy to photoshop picture of Gary Johnson in Russian hat*
Gary was interviewed on RT.
This was pointed out in that earlier FBI document detailing Russia’s involvement. Russia is trying to increase the visibility of third party candidates! Literally undermining our democracy.
That was actually official U.S. government policy last year. I posted an article on the other site on a U.S. Embassy web site talking about how 3rd parties ruin shit for the two other “real” parties. No one batted an eye.
Emphasis mine
Strikes me as the exact same entitled mentality that causes people to say things like tax cuts deprive the state of its hard earned money.
You know who deprives the major candidates of votes? The major candidates.
More Conchitas, less Sanjays
My favorite part is when the woman says “I’m an ally, my housekeeper is Mexican”.
Cam Soto @Camsotoc Oct 30
Yeah. We mexicans have been around for a long time ?
Rose Drummond @KissedByaRose3 Oct 31
And we are #StrongerTogether for it, Cam! I just wish that Mexico wasnt a third world country so people werent forced to flee it!
Rose Drummond @KissedByaRose3 Oct 31
Its an embarrassingly poorly run country. Makes you wonder why anyone stays at all!
Cam Soto @Camsotoc Oct 31
Unfortunate twit ?. There are more mexicans returning to MX than migrating to the US. There is great research by @pewresearch on this.
Rose Drummond @KissedByaRose3 Oct 31
You can lose the ‘tude, Cam. Im an ally. My housekeeper is mexican. Just saying I wish it wasnt so POORLY run that people HAD to leave.
Some of my best friends are housekeepers.
Rose Drummond – Her picture is in the dictionary next to Self-Awareness:
I’m an ally, my housekeeper is Mexican
What can brown do for you?
Make the bed, do the laundry, clean the bathroom and not say much more than “Sí, señorita” apparently.
Mexico’s so poorly run, you’d think they have Mexicans in charge or something.
Oh, and in enough time for everyone to be able to celebrate, don’t forget that today is International Stout Day.
*kicks trashcan*
I’m constantly confused by what my work webfilter blocks. In short, today is a day to drink a stout. If you’re on Untappd, and check into a stout, you get a badge. Because what makes drinking better? Gamifying it with badges and prizes.
This guy gets it. /50th level photogenic beer drinker…
Total: 3730; Unique: 2505; Badges: 1,149 unlocked
What? I only joined in March of 2012.
Holy hell, man. I need to get to work. 259 unique since 2014.
I’m much less rigorous for my Untappd check-ins then I am my reviews on BA or RateBeer. Then there’s a couple of beer fests in there, and flights at breweries, and travel…
I do have 2015 and 2016 Founders KBS stashed. I was saving to celebrate…something. Maybe I’ll have to pop one of those today.
I tried using untappd at a beer fest, but that worked for about an hour.
*reads, gets big grin*
Day-um. Now I need to drink.
If it makes you feel better, I generally only check in when I’m out and about, or it’s a new beer. I also never entered my homebrewing into Untappd.
Either way its pretty good timing. I sent Stouts Part 2 to the Gliberatti.
(Gilmore, wearing full-body weasel costume, checks his calendar again. “…i could have swore it said ‘Stoat‘….”)
“Gilmore, wearing full-body weasel costume”
Oddly, that is exactly how I always picture you.
I’m not one of you pervy furries; this was done out of my respect for international norms.
*opera applause*
Meh….I think I will have a Kostritzer, at least the color is close.
I’ll be choosing between Fauxbia Albino Stout and a 2015 Great Lakes BA Blackout depending on how the craft beer sales interview goes.
Are they crazy? It’s hot here today, I can’t drink those type beers until the temperature falls below 60 F during the day.
Re: something I was curious about from the previous thread
I found a cost of living by city index chart, where 100 is the US average. The most average US city? Rochester NY.
And as an aside, Bergen-Passiac is at 131 and Newark-Elizabeth is at 129, so northern Jersey is only 30% more expensive than national average.
well, as long as you don’t mind lumping together violent newark inner-city neighborhoods, and super-rich suburbs
i don’t think that # means anything.
Every other city has the same lumping going on. You think Rochester doesn’t have violent inner-city neighborhoods?
no, of course they do, just on a smaller scale, and in a region that isn’t disproportionately affected by the cost-increasing effects of nearness to NYC
I just think its a bad way to measure relative costs. what you’re really trying to measure is the cost as it might affect someone in a given wealth-bracket. if you wanted to do that properly, you’d compare smaller areas with comparable demographics.
Northern Jersey is only somewhat more expensive than average? That seems rather hard to believe.
Richmond is very slightly above average, 104.5.
Only 6 places in the chart were over 150: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, San Francisco, San Jose, Honolulu.
I’m guessing that cost of living in calculated mostly by mortgage/rent prices since that is the majority of most people’s living expense. In MD, the cost of real estate is at least 3x higher than in Indiana, maybe more. But most food here, especially produce, is a lot cheaper.
13% Grocery Items
29% Housing
10% Utilities
12% Transportation
4% Health Care
32% Miscellaneous Goods and Services
Apparently that is the breakdown.
But housing is the big driver as the others don’t veer THAT far off of par.
For example, for SF, Housing is a 281, Groceries a 111, and Utilities only a 94.
Where I live in BG, housing is a 78 but our utilities are a 104, with everything else in the mid 90s. Utilities suck here.
4% on Health Care? Hmm.
Yeah, that seems low. Although I want 20 years without seeing a doctor, so it might average out about right.
Love this Irish plane spotter. “Dere she goos!”
Sorry y’all.
Excuse me… #AvGeek
Whoops – thought you were replying to the plane spotter post!
What’s this ‘midday’ links bullshit? You guys are just trying to stop me from being first on Afternoon Links! Conspiracy!
Links? What links?
Running behind again – and may be able to post from the theater later. Haven’t had time to read the full review of the Navy collision reports that came out but I’ve seen a few summaries.
Big takeaway for me is that 7th Fleet, DESRON, etc should have stepped in and/or been fired a lot earlier. Reading the Antietam grounding report last month was a big indicator – they could have nipped these things in the bud months before the collisions and avoided loss of life and millions in damages.
Seriously – the error chain on that grounding – beginning with lack of qualified people, etc – is a direct link to the “accidents” and directly at the feet of DESRON and 7th Fleet.
When I was in 3rd Fleet (deploying to 4th Fleet – or 3rd Fleet deploying to 7th Fleet) – DESRON and assessors rode us like crazy to validate manning, inspections, qualifications, etc. So many hoops to jump through – but we didn’t have any issues either. The errors I’ve been reading about from both collisions this year are minor level bush league that absolutely blow my mind. Both re: Chain of command and apparent wardroom/mess climate on the ships.
Obviously a lot has to do with their deployment rotations, ie. Out 3 months, back 3 months vs out 6 months, back 18 months – but that hasn’t changed – although maybe now they’ll station a few more ships out there to take up the slack – or rotate crews. The fact of the matter is it should have been blindingly obvious to higher HQ that you can’t actually certify to deploy with that timeline – and someone was signing acknowledgements/checking the boxes (or as we’d say – gun-decking reports and qualifications) in order to get a ship off the pier.
As far as the training aspect….15 years ago, after finishing OCS, a SWO (Surface Warfare Officer – aka Boat driver) would have 6 months of school at Newport – including taking the small training ships out for a day or two, celestial navigation, etc. When I went through in 2010, it was 2 weeks, all classroom and they gave us a stack of CDs that nobody had time to work on once you got to the ship. I know some folks who deployed the week they got to their ship. Lucky for them – hit the ground running in the perfect learning environment. I met my first ship on the pier returning from deployment and we went into a 6 month drydock period a month later – although I did get 2 months underway with a different ship during that time – which was useful, but somewhat limiting not being a part of their official crew – and not having “real” guidance on what to focus on for qualifications other than some of the more basic ones…and then getting back to my ship and *still* not getting underway again for another 6 months or so.
I think they’ve increased the school back to 4-6 weeks – still minor, but better and they are bringing stuff like celestial navigation back in – but I can’t imagine being on a ship where the XO/CO sign off on a watchbill with an unqualified Navigator or unmarked/verified charts, etc. Where CIC thinks they don’t need to be giving forceful backup to the bridge every step of the way – especially in a shipping lane – and the TAO isn’t yelling at the OOD to check his course.
Freaking sad – and maddening.
Could you do an article on it? Please?
I would like an indepth look at what the &$% is going on.
I can do an article on what *I think* is going on in a week or two (gotta read some more stuff) – I can ask a couple more folks I know – but I’ve never been stationed in Yokosuka and haven’t dealt as directly with 7th fleet aside from operational tasking when our ship deployed to their area.
When I was working on my OOD quals, the quartermasters told me I was the first officer that had ever shown up to shoot stars at dusk. :/
It’s not a new problem.
Wow. The fucking Power Squadron teaches that. I just assumed it was mandatory in the USN/.
Some year we should have a glibs meetup at Great Taste of the Midwest. There have been a few reason meetups there, me and ClubMedSux met up for about an hour mid-fest about 3 years running.
Where is that?
People’s Republic of Madison. 2nd Saturday in August.
Oh, and one more pimping of my video link from this morning since nobody reads last night’s links today: https://t.co/D5lCHzerpU
Highly recommended for anime fans (region-free Blu-Ray) – and worth the express shipping cost from Japan.
I am looking forward to checking out Terminator 2: 3D in the theater tonight – hanging out with some buddies from work – some good beers, etc. It should be a blast!