Man, I am just beat. Too many late nights watching beisbol. Since all my preferred football teams suck and nothing interesting will happen in hockey or basketball until after Spring Training starts, I have a couple of months to catch up.
How many people get to say they got kidnapped by Amazonian pirates and wandered out of the jungle just fine? I’m not sure I agree with their life choices, but I’m happy for their children that everyone survived with only bug bites to show.
This article’s headlines says Analytics won the World Series. But upon reading the article, it seems that the analytics identify people underperforming, and having coaches who can develop them is what actually matters.
NYC Attack would have been much worse if the super highly trained NYPD hadn’t shown up in minutes(!) and shot the guy. Who had left his vehicle and had a pellet gun. What the fuck are you talking about? The apologists did this after Vegas, too. No. Just, no. That guy carried out a successful attack, unfortunately. All the cops did was prevent him from escaping. Which, good on them, but they didn’t stop it from getting worse.
The new Fed Chair, about as milquetoast as you could find. At least seems to understand that the Fed has some limits on its ability to affect the economy and dislikes the Volker rule.
Oh look, another State Capitalist currency adding zeroes to its bank notes. This would never happen in True Socialism.
Cultural appropriation or just a good euphemism for wanking?
Stuffed pizza!!!! Now I am hungry.
I want that pizza. I was already planning on having pizza tonight anyway, but now it’s meant to be
Had it for lunch yesterday.
CPK BBQ pizza with bacon.
All of you haters can suck it.
Oh, and an IPA that was so bitter that it tasted like aspirin.
Scratch that. It tasted like god’s tears.
Grooooooss. I’ve tried to branch out by sampling various IPAs, and I’ve yet to try even one that I would buy again.
I would eat that pizza, too, though.
“sampling various IPAs”
Don’t bother, they’re all the same bitter swill with different goofy names.
Lagunitas has a good flavor balance usually. Many others range from bitter to soapy.
If they’re not your thing, that’s fine, but don’t pretend IPA’s are all swill.
No need to pretend
I wouldn’t feel compelled to slag IPAs in general if it weren’t for so many of their fans acting as if anyone who doesn’t like incredibly bitter beer is some kind of dumb yokel philistine.
Yes, and Apple products suck because some of their customers won’t shut up about them too.
Some of us have the good taste not to like beer at all.
Until you’ve had Art Car IPA, Elissa IPA and Endeavour Double IPA (all by St Arnold) at the same sitting, you haven’t sampled a broad range of quality IPAs yet.
So get your ass to Houston.
Don’t have to pretend if it is true.
I went to the brewery tour at St. Arnolds and just sat there and ‘sampled’ everything.
Excellent IPAs, liked Art Car best.
The Lawnmower is pretty damn good too.
Everything hoppier than the Lawnmower from St. Arnold is hoppier than I like. Which doesn’t make it bad, but not to my taste.
I sent you a couple you might like. Well, one of them anyway.
Just fixing to read it 🙂 Many thanks!
Lagunitas makes one called Dark Swan, a sour Ale, almost a lambic Tartness, 8% good stuff
Dark Swan is AMAZING, but I wouldn’t call it an IPA.
I had Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA last night that was really surprisingly well-balanced and delicious.
**Adds both of these to the list of beers that she will probably never find but would like to try**
No, not an IPA to me anyway
Lambics are an abomination upon the goodness that flows from our Lord Bacchus’s sweet veins.
lambics are awesome, give me a cantillon gueuze any day.
For all the IPA haters: more for me.
That’s not pizza, you midewestern savages
A pizza by any other name would taste as delicious and cheesy.
Hey! Don’t blame that on the entire midwest. Chicago gets that all to themselves.
I suppose you’d rave about such great Midwestern pizza as Quad City-style pizza or some other sub par attempt at pizza. Repent!
“Quad City-style pizza”…..I’m afraid to even ask.
Iowa is God’s country, but they don’t know pizza.
They put corn on it.
*pphhheeewwt! Spits out mouthful of tator tot hotdish*
Iowa is NOT God’s country, good sir.
If a restaurant served me that, I’d throw it on the floor.
Jesus….still looks more appealing than that St Louis monstrosity, though.
“Iowa is God’s country
*pphhheeewwt! Spits out mouthful of tator tot hotdish*
Iowa is NOT God’s country, good sir.”
I challenge you to a duel, Mike. For the honor of Iowa
Sad, but true.
However, I had a delicious pizza for lunch – husband made dough and baked Jersey-style tomato pie in our pizza oven.
Don’t fuck with me Just Say’n. Today is North Dakota’s birthday and I’m feeling extra jingoistic today. (or whatever the hell you call it at a state level)
North Dakota is merely South Dakota’s top hat
But a damn nice looking top hat! The best top hat! Classy!
Agreed. North Dakota is good people. Happy Birthday, North Dakota
Iowa is a different sort of place. That’s all I have to say. I’m not saying anything bad, just saying it’s a different sort of place than any other place I’ve ever been. Friendly people. Worst freaking storms I’ve ever seen.
And happy B-day to SoDak as well.
I suspect I would like North Dakota. Cold and mostly devoid of people works for me. If only that did it for my wife, too.
Styles of pizza I never knew existed:
Both Dakotas have a lot of positives. The Black Hills are fucking awesome.
Lots of open space – not a lot of proggies.
Yeah, my closest 2 neighbors are each a half mile away. And I live in a relatively (for ND) populated rural area.
If you’ve never had to experience St Louis pizza, Gustave, then immediately fall to your knees and thank the deity of your choosing.
Yeah, I had no idea there is such a thing as Detroit style pizza either.
Chipwooder – it sounds like frozen Totino’s pizzas.
Could be worse. Could be frozen Tony’s pizza. *shudder*
Pizza by the Quad City DJs?
Whoo whoo! Cmon n’ eat it!
If that song gets stuck in…
mother fucker
Or Ohio style. “Let’s put all the toppings on after we cook the dough!”
Huh? Where did you have that? Only thing I can think of is when grilling pizza, I’ve seen them grilled for a minute then flipped and topped, never cooked then topped.
Indeed. While I won’t apologize for liking deep dish, my favorite can be found not 60 miles from Chicago – Ach – N – Lou’s in Aurora, IL. Not deep dish, square cut, and delicious.
Christ, people – pizza is like sex. It’s all just varying degrees of awesome.
I thought the same thing. Then I moved to Minnesota.
To borrow a phrase from above,
dumb yokel philistine sex is awesome!
Waking up in a hot tub with Lena Dunham would not be.
You, sirrah, are a gentleman and a scholar!
*tips toque*
Christ. Now Tundra tells us he’s fucked a pizza. I’m too Catholic for this place sometimes.
Those Minnesota winter nights can get long…
Damn straight.
Ow! That cheese is hot.
That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.
Every pizza I’ve ever had in the Midwest looks like it’s been fucked.
Fuck Lena Dunham and see if you’re still saying that
With a pizza? How does that even work from a mechanical standpoint?
You just take the part that’s gooey and yeasty and lumpy and shove a pizza into it.
*Paging Barfman*
Totally should’ve seen that one coming.
“Pizza’s just like sex – even when it’s bad, you still gotta pay for it.”
It looks like lasagne.
Looks much more appetizing than the cardboard that Uncivil raves about
American Pie style?
Just gotta let it cool a little. Stromboli is also a good choice.
calzone > stromboli.
Put the crack pipe down, boy.
No love for panzerotti?
calzone stromboli
calzone = stromboli
it’s all good in pizza town. <3 ❤️ ???
It would be rude not to eat that pie, which I assume is not only hot, but also moist.
Although hopefully not flaky.
I’ve said that to a few dates.
It does look good but I’ll take St. Louis style and a Blues game any day.
I will never understand you southern Illinoisans.
Provel is not actually cheese.
*flings toasted ravioli, shuriken style*
*grabs ravs and pulls out marinara sauce to dunk*
Kidnapped by pirates will always make me think of guys in big frock coats with eye patches and parrots.
Yarrrrrr matey…hoist the mainsail and shiver UCS’s timbers.
Kidnapped by Amazonian pirates makes me think of death by snu snu.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy, and bruised.
Well, the mid-day conspiracy succeeded. I see that Swiss was in on it.
Put a picture of stuffed pizza up, and I move like lightning.
Stranger things have happened in the Amazon.
Errr…. I mean
Do you know what else happened in the Amazon?
I didn’t get the stand mixer I ordered on time?
Jeff Bezos?
Yes, my order’s not arrived yet. I hate that.
Meh. I used Amazon for all my Christmas shopping. Well, except for Dad who’s getting a bottle or two of wine.
From the gas station?
Not in New York.
Whole Foods?
You know who else was spirited away to the Amazon?
The Washington Post?
Joan Wilder?
*Begins thunderous ovation*
Joan Wilder…..THE Joan Wilder?!
I love the El Guapo guy.
+1 hit the road, Gringo!
I sooooo wanted to be there when they found that plane of weed.
+1 “The Doobie Brothers broke up! Shiiit!”
You’re thinking of Netflix.
“How many people get to say they got kidnapped by Amazonian pirates and wandered out of the jungle just fine?”
More than you think. It’s just that most of them are Brazilian. Concede that not all of them are lucky enough to survive. You should NOT be fucking around up river from Manaus, everyone in those parts know there are pirates and that they will do pirate like stuff.
Pirate-like stuff? They drink rum and say “yarrrrrrrr”?
Well, I’m gonna guess the definitely drink rum and they’d be really happy to drink YOUR rum. And maybe murder you and dispose of your body somewhere in the jungle where it will never be found.
They’ve never been to Boston in the Fall.
They’ve never bathed in yogurt?
They’ve never sniffed a stink bug?
They’ve never licked a spark plug?
They don’t look good in leggings?
Sounds like they don’t do anything…
They drive their tour boat miles down river from civilization, put you out on the bank and say “yarrrrr. Wanna ride back? That’ll be 1 million bucks matey. yarrr again and fuck you.” And yes, they have parrots
I didn’t know anyone was dumb enough to take those ‘cruises’ anymore.
Dammit Brett! Once more – with feeling! – Honestly, this anime is surprisingly libertarian for something from Japan (maybe that’ll get me a few extra views from these guys).
Ongoing United Healthcare drama (could be a soap opera with a different plot every week): wife is using a manufacturer’s discount card/program along with insurance- manufacturer pays difference between after insurance and a $10 “copay”, which is about $90. UHC sees the amount paid at the pharmacy as being the full after insurance amount as an automatic claim (which it really isn’t) and is cutting unrequested $90 checks.
After much hold time, UHC rep says you can keep the check (which is for an amount already paid by the manufacturer’s discount program) or void and mail it back requesting that it be redeposited back into the HRA. Did I mention this is a monthly prescription?
They’re sending you money.
I’d be happy about except
a) it’s coming out of my HRA, which means it’s not available for actual medical expenses, and would have to cover actual medical-expenses from post-tax dollars potentially
b) worried about getting fucked in the ass down the road with insurance fraud, either criminally (sure long shot) or employment wise (not worth my job for a couple bucks), if I took the money and ran
No chance of that.
Worst that would happen is they would deny legitimate claims until the value of those denied legitimate claims exceeded the value of the improper payments.
Basically it comes down to how likely are you to need that money in the HRA for other medical expenses. If you never spend the entire HRA then keep the money.
If you always spend the entire HRA and would be hard pressed to pay the deductibles without the HRA send it back.
No love for the Japan Series? Games 6 starts in about 12 hours. Hawks are up 3-2.
Lol. On BBC Newshour I heard something even more pompous than the public radio device of “now remind us of blah blah blah.”
There BBC broadcaster says this to an egyptologist he was interviewing, without any hint of being tongue in cheek: “now for the benefit of the minority of our listeners that don’t know what muonography imaging is, would you please explain it?”
Huge eye roll.
That’s the one where they use the ancient alien technology, right?
“But upon reading the article, it seems that the analytics identify people underperforming, and having coaches who can develop them is what actually matters.”
You are just now learning that the point of analytics is to make judgement based on intermediate parameters that are more predictive of future wins than traditional methods?
Um. No. I’m pointing out that everyone is trying to use data to identify talent, but identifying talent doesn’t necessarily develop that talent evenly.
Except it is not necessarily just about identifying talent that needs further development. It is about identifying talent that is not reaching it’s full potential and that could be for any reason from misuse (for example batting a guy who would be best off 6th in the lineup second), a park mismatch (Hey this guy hits about 80 balls a year that would HR’s in our park but easy fly outs in his home park, he’s more valuable to us than he is to them), lack of support (guy generates ground balls better than a gopher but the middle infield defense sucks and has no range), or just plain bad luck that should normalize out over time.
Players who have undeveloped skills are only 1 source of unrealized value but the point of analytics is to identify unrealized value so you can acquire players at a discounted rate and ensure you, not your opponents realize that value.
Oh, that’s just wrong. Analytics has at least as much influence on how coaches develop their talent as it does in identifying it in the first place. Pitch count is an early example – coaches started to realize the impact of pitch count on injury and performance, and course correct their talent development based on this metric. Analytics in coaching is like that, only with orders of magnitude more metrics.
Analytics are at odds with talent development, analytics is part of talent development. There’s no conflict between the two.
Should be “Analytics are not at odds with talent development”
Its not magic. Who does it matters, as does how they analyze and use the information.
Witness Roberts’ complete misuse of data to fuck his bullpen up. (And start Darvish twice against a team that shelled him in the regular season several times.)
I really have no idea what your point is now. Sorry for the confusion.
Its probable that I’ve had several. I really am too tired to keep a focused thought.
Best Halloween costume idea ever. Don’t even try to argue with me.
No fucking way.
What I meant to say is, holy crap that’s awesome!
That’s amazing. Hopefully you don’t know anyone who went as STEVE SMITH and a hiker.
*SQUEEEEEEEEEEEES like a little kid*
Righteous. Future glib?
Holy Shit!
I thought they hit Turner to keep him from having a big game. He was pretty quiet the entire series and it would suck if he suddenly went 4 for 4 in game 7.
Nah. He threw basically the same pitch where he let go of his fastball too early all 4 times.
I agree with MS. They definitely did in on purpose because they’re scumbags.
Smart? Yes. Scumbags? Maybe.
It was in the subtext of what you wrote.
One d the most extraordinary quotes I’ve seen in awhile.
“That he had many mistresses, that he consulted sites, that girls were brought to the hotel at the end of his lectures, that he invited them to undress, that some resisted and that he could become violent and aggressive, yes, but I have never heard of rapes, I am stunned,” he told French magazine L’Obs.
“We knew Krusty Brand Choo-Goo Gum-like Substance contained spider eggs, but the hantavirus? Ho-oh-oh, that really came outta left field!”
Is that a translation error?
What exactly does “that some resisted and that he could become violent and aggressive, yes” mean to this guy?
Look, he’s French – he doesn’t have your uptight American hangups about forcing women to have sex, ok?
I can’t remember who all was here when I was talking about the noise my old G6 was making a while back. But I finally got around to taking in and we pretty much had it correctly diagnosed here, front sway bar links, with the one on the front right being the one that’s making all the noise, but we’re replacing both sides.
Good news. Cheap and easy, just like we like ’em.
Yep. The back ones need done soon also, but will put off until next month.
So, you’re buying us all beer tonight?
I helped by not objecting too much.
It was your silence on the matter that convinced him.
Well, I’m buying me a beer for my part. JK, you guys are welcome to come to Baltimore and I will buy you a beer. Maybe more than one.
Mmmm…. IPAs.
You guys are getting Busch Lite, stop being so picky.
Instead of driving all that way, how about I donate my beer back to you and ask you to do me the favor of enjoying it.
I’m on it!
Tomorrow is World Sandwich Day!
What about Make Me a Sammich Day?
I thought it was Stout Day. I’m starting to think these holidays are just made-up in an attempt to drive sales.
should we tell enb to avoid the internet?
What’s she doing on the internet?, she should be makin us a nice sammich.
Look at her. No way I’d want someone that skinny making me a sammich.
She had diet coke and a cigarette for lunch.
Seems like a decent meal.
And some beta-dick for dinner.
I just don’t want her to exhaust herself in one day trying to ruin careers or dox people.
So My wife has to make me a sandwich to celebrate?
I mean I could make her one but I’d need to find another piece of bread first
I’ll miss out. I don’t eat bread. I guess wife can make me a lettuce wrap sammich.
Make mine a sailor sandwich from Chiocca’s in Richmond and I’m in
This is going to take a lot of thought.
I’ll be near this store tomorrow, so I think I have the meat part figured out….
That meat selection makes me ask WWTB(F)CD?
Grilled bread with prosciutto (Acorn-fed – of course), smoked mozzarella, garlic, EVO, salt, pepper, parsley.
It’s really weird, but I like (seasoned rice vinegar soaked) bean sprouts in my sandwiches. Gives it a nice crunch.
Acid balance is never weird.
But yeah, I’m going to get the garlic roasting tonight.
So in regards to that sanctimonious shithead TomSteyer and his laughable impeachment ad, it seems that even Nancy Pelosi in her middle stage dementia can see that it is a terrible strategy. Tom wants to press on of course. Ejit.
So in regards to that sanctimonious shithead Steyer and his impeachment ad, it seems that even Nancy Pelosi in her middle stage dementia can tell it’s not a good idea. Tom wants to press on tho.
Speaking of middle stage dementia…
You can say that again
What if she wasn’t dead wrong, and was just dead?
How would you tell the difference?
Tainted, evil money!
Montana State University’s plan to create an economic research center with money from the Charles Koch Foundation would damage MSU’s reputation and allow the university to be used to promote the billionaire’s agenda, opponents charged Wednesday during a Faculty Senate debate.
The Faculty Senate will likely vote at its next meeting Nov. 15 on whether to endorse creating the proposed MSU Center for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis. The center would promote research on the impact of government regulations and economic well-being.
“I would ask people to judge us by what we do, not by preconceived stereotypes,” Wendy Stock, co-director of the grant with fellow economics professor Vince Smith, said afterward.
Jim Goetz, a prominent Bozeman attorney and MSU alumnus, urged professors to read the book “Dark Money” and said the Koch Foundation’s agenda is “to seduce and coopt universities and students and scholars.”
Goetz said the Koch brothers manipulate university grants to appear neutral, funding research on “well-being,” but to the billionaire oilmen the term means pushing economic libertarianism.
Oh, NOOOOOO, not economic libertarianism! What next, leaving people and their ill-gotten gains alone?
Idiots. I’m sure they would accept money from admitted Nazi flunky, Soros.
I’m sad I gave them tuition money.
Unlike all the government funding we receive which results in no negative outcomes and doesn’t influence our results.
“…said the Koch Foundation’s agenda is “to seduce and coopt universities and students and scholars.””
Yeah, they seem to be a little behind the competition on this one.
Well, apparently Houston is not allowed to have too much sporting success at any one time, because Deshaun Watson reportedly tore his ACL at practice. Sucks – he’s one of the few bright spots in an otherwise shitty NFL season.
17 hours from the end of Game 7 to the first announcement of the knee injury.
That’s just cruel.
Tomas Gedeon, a math professor, said it’s cool that MSU economics professors are bringing in research money.
“I think we should trust our colleagues’ integrity,” Gedeon said.
Obviously a Nazi. If he doesn’t already have tenure, he’d better start shopping for another job.
Math is fascist, this is known.
Could you make it bigger?
that’s what she said
Insty, huh? I was there 30 seconds ago, frightening
Ha, ha ha!
That is awesome.
That deserve’s a Nelson laugh.
Remember – the journalists at GQ are the smart guys, and we’re just the dumb peons.
P.S: Literally Hitler.
“probably related”. I mean, how can you tell?
That means they were too ashamed to ask for a clarification from the White House.
Its almost like GQ should stick to reviewing pocket squares.
Lol. Trump is lucky to have such enemies.
That reads like the person writing the correction is more than a little bit annoyed with the TDS-suffering fuckwit who made the correction necessary.
“The Las Vegas shooter is dead.”
That’s just what they’d like you to believe.
I haven’t seen a body, have you?
*adjusts tin foil hat*
You are correct NYT, complete and utter mystery.
So serious question: Who do they think they are fooling with this shit, exactly?
OTOH, I say “thank God” all the time and no one bugs me about
/just say’n
If people were running around screaming THANK GOD before, during, and after murdering people, then you might have a point.
Well, I keep that part to myself,
That’s what makes it creepy. Before I deployed they showed us AQ propaganda videos and pointed out the music in the background when translated will sound a lot like gospel music.
People willing to be ignorant.
They dont think they are fooling anyone. They actually believe that shit. They just dont notice everyone rolling their eyes at them.
Useful idiots are idiots.
Saw some pundit on Fox say this…”All these people saying Allahu Ahkbar is so innocent will be the first one to dive for cover if they hear that said aloud.”
“Deus Vult” has somehow become inextricably intertwined with the Crusades. Its real meaning is far more innocent.
We’re just peaceful Catholics, trying to go on our pilgrimage.
I’m shocked. SHOCKED!
ok I’m not that shocked.
A week ago, reporters and editors in the combined newsroom of DNAinfo and Gothamist, two of New York City’s leading digital purveyors of local news, celebrated victory in their vote to join a union. On Thursday, they lost their jobs, as Joe Ricketts, the billionaire founder of TD Ameritrade who owned the sites, shut them down.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I’m sure they can buy plenty of tissues to dry their tears.
There really are too many journalists. Probably if they didn’t unionize, only a few of them would be cut.
Also, didn’t Patch have this same model and fail? I guess people like local news but not enough to pay for it.
More so that advertisers aren’t willing to pay high enuff rates to allow it to turn a profit.
Huh. I wonder how she’s feeing about that ‘career’ now?
“If this is the future of journalism”
Well, now you know that it isn’t. buh bye
I love these stories. Great teaching moments for the kids!
*cue nelson laugh*
(GASP!) After losing Teen Vogue… I can only assume this is part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy to silence the most potent critics of those in power.
CNN think cutting taxes is absurd
So if we drop the statutory corporate rate, will that also drop the effective rate and thus put the US in a more competitive position?
WOO HOO! I’m tired of wondering how much I am paying for Germany’s social programs every time I buy a Warsteiner.
Germans named Achmed as well
They don’t even know why they’re mad anymore.
Rich people will get to have more toys, and that’s upsetting.
Poor people will to, but fuck them. Priority should be on punishing the rich. Like Barry said, it’s about fairness.
The only possible point they would have is if they pointed out that without spending cuts, tax cuts are going to end badly.
Gee, it’s almost as if they have zero understanding of business, economics and human behavior.
This is not a bad thing. At all. Why would this be a bad thing?
Look. I just want cheap German made cars, beer and guns. Is that too much to ask?
*H&K/SIG laughter intensifies*
Why would this be a bad thing?
Because if the corporate tax is reduced, revenue will have to come more from income taxes. Since people can more easily see the bite taken from them through income taxes than through corporate taxes, this means they will more easily see the true cost of government. Big government proponents like to maximize “stealth taxes” in order to squeeze more money out of people without them noticing.
I thought they wanted to have tax rates like Europe.
Donald Trump, Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and the key billionaire funders of the Republican Party (including the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and Robert Mercer) would each
reapkeep a fortune from the proposed tax cuts.Fixed to more accurately reflect reality.
That money belongs to the government. Keeping your own money is akin to stealing from the government, don’t you know.
It’s why all those proponents for higher taxes pay the full 39.6% on their entire income and don’t take any deductions.
You didn’t build that!
I’m really enjoying all the democrats trying to convince people that getting more of their money back from the government is going to be bad for them.
since, what, 47%? have a 0 net tax burden, it seems to me that a large portion of those people are not going to get more “of their money” back, but less of other people’s.
I doubt 47% have 0 net tax burden, lots probably have negative tax burdens though.
Basically two competing pieces of information:
So, if we are talking about basic income taxes that you have to do every year, 45% owe 0 net. However, if you have a job, the government is still extracting payroll taxes from you.
This is what I mean, just because I’m not liable for any taxes doesn’t mean I pay net zero taxes. Many people get a tax return, they are on net making money from ‘taxes’.
From my days in corp. finance, the largest “effective tax reduction” measure was accelerated depreciation (at least at the several mfg. companies where I worked). The corp. had to keep investing ever more in capital assets each year, or the effect would flip in the last few years of an asset’s “life.” Is CNN suggesting that depreciation be captured all in one year, never, or what?
All in the first year.
*praises robot overlords*
Great idea. *cracks a Dunkel*
I rolled out a cracker crust for pizza yesterday. It came out well…thin, crispy and not droopy at all. Lots of leftover pizza so I will heat it up in a skillet shortly.
Crackers don’t work very well in the oven. Jews, on the other hand….
Children named Hansel?
Remember kids, you can say anything as long as its funny enough.
Then I thought about Crackers like myself and said, nahhh too flaky
What other kind of crust could I make?
Well at least you don’t droop
At my age that is a miracle. I must be doing something right.
So what’s your excuse?
We’re not very tasty.
try eating some bath salts first, it helps.
Crackers are the White People of bread-like products. It is known.
In regards to that sanctimonious shithead Tom Steyer and his impeachment ad, damn, when Nancy Pelosi through her dementia fog is able to see what you are doing is idiotic then you have really gone sideways. What a tool that guy is.
(Sorry that this got stuck in the spam folder for some reason.)
I have to hand it to KSuellington for sticking with it all 3 times.
Right? I try to monitor the spam queue because it sticks stuff in there on its own, and it usually does a good job. But every now and then… I’ll check it and someone will have tried to post basically the same comment a few times and none of them get through for some reason. It’s odd but we’re trying to figure it out.
Ha! Thanks Riven. That ad annoyed me a great deal.
I’ve seen it in a few of the world series games.
Who exactly does he think his audience is?
So my wife is pissed at me for being pissed at her because she forgot it was her day to pick up the kids and I had to leave work early and run across town just so I could pick up the kids an hour late.
/Cisgender patriarch problems
Um, hello? Uber?
You’ll be able to dance in night clubs in NYC.
This used to be a pain in the ass for me, personally, over the years. (*i worked as a DJ in places that both had cabaret licenses, and which didn’t, and the latter were constantly pissing themselves with fear that “too many people dancing” meant they’d get shut down. It was enforced selectively in different places by different mayors. which i think they did because their crony real-estate buddies wanted to open new developments in certain areas, but first needed to get all the nightclubs on that block shut down. I mean, i dont’ think that – i know that. they went ballistic in certain neighborhoods, slapping fines on any bar where so much as anybody stood and jiggled their ass for 2 seconds… while in other places, it was basically a non-existent policy. (*e.g. in chelsea or the meatpacking district, you could pretty much turn any restaurant into a nightclub afterhours and the cops wouldn’t say boo).
That lasanga pic is disgusting. Gonna shit inBretts lawn
Just came across this doozie in the fall issue of HBR’s OnPoint
I suppose if you had zero background, this article would sound really great. I suppose there are some good nuggets in here but the idiotic way they try to use authority to hammer their point.
Every unit does AARs, every CTC (and really any sort of FTX) has an OPFOR. Or mistating AARs as the overall leadership process (and troop leading procedures as a subset of AARs) rather than a technique. Oh mother of god.
AARs aren’t (all of) why OPFORs at CTCs succeed. They succeed because a) they know BLUFOR tactics themselves b) the process is the training, it’s designed to break BLUEFOR units and see how they handle things when things fall apart c) THEY’RE IN THE FIELD DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN DAY IN DAY OUT. And BLUEFOR units can win. See LTC (now LTG-Ret) Dan Bolger’s Battle for Hunger Hill as an example.
Also, nice slur of NG units once again as weekend warriors and “not professional soldiers”.
I think I understood two out of every three words, counting ‘and’ and ‘in’.
Sorry. 🙁 Just bitching.
Good news is Thai on tap for dinner tonight.
Whats her name?
I think if I read your link it would maybe have made more sense. 😉
That sounds good. My wife made so much Indian food last week (I was gone for a month and requested a feast) that we’re still eating leftovers today.
AAR- after action review, can be formal or informal, what went right/what went wrong/what should be continued/what should be changed with the goal of learning from what you did and do a better job next time
CTC- combat training centers (NTC at Ft Irwin, JRTC at Ft Polk, CTC at Hoenfels (I know I’m going to screw up that spelling)) where units go for periodic training or pre-deployment assessment
OPFOR- opposing force, the enemy in a training exercise
BLUFOR- “us”, the unit being assessed
FTX- field training exercise, working within a given scenario to train on a specified area
LTC- lieutenant colonel
LTG-Ret: lieutenant general (retired)
NG- national guard/nasty girls
I’ve been out for a years now but getting things wrong sticks in my craw. It’s like any sort of media I suppose. Sounds like experts on any given subject but if you know a little bit about it, you realize how horseshitty it is.
Anything with bird chilis is alright in my book.
“Also, nice slur of NG units once again as weekend warriors and “not professional soldiers”.”
That’s annoying. They are extremely cheaper, and generally perform at the same level as their active counterparts (yes, you need a mobilization period, but it’s not incredibly long). In my ideal world your reserves/militias/NGs would comprise a much larger portion of the military. And then leave a small cadre of active units.
Wasn’t there a period during the GWOT (global war on terror) where Reserve/Nation Guard units were deploying *more* frequently because they weren’t subject to the same limitations? Western PA (Pennsylvania) got hit pretty hard by that from what I remember.
This is true. In spite of the fact that Nat’l Guard is supposed to be specifically for threats on American soil.
We replaced a PAARNG unit in Afghanistan in 2004. Saw them later in post- Katrina, Nawlins…small world.
Over the counter.
Yeah, Three deployments later, I kind of saw how well NG units did in, you know, actual wars. Lots of time, they were a shitload more flexible than “Active” units.
Clear they don’t understand the purpose of the TCs.
Fall issue? Fall 2005. That thing is 12 years old.
Damn, that sucks. *cracks another Warsteiner*
LOL. I’m an enabler.
My wife found some online coupon site that gets us $3 back on cases of the Dunkel. That’s $10 or less for a case of beer that is delicious for a commercial brew.
Dunkel. Woof. I save those for Lent.
I’m so sorry. Just about five minutes left here.
I will see all of you in hell, and I will be holding the pitchfork.
Can I be a henchman?
Yes you can.
Trump is going to win 57 states in 2020, because Democrats are still thinking like this (after Elizabeth Warren admitted the primaries were rigged for Hillary)
Because identity politics have been such a success for the Democrats…
Must… prog… harder… /SJZombie
If you have to call yourself a warrior, you’re definitely not.
Or maybe we’ve misinterpreted it all this time. They’re Social Justice Worriers. That would make sense, since their shtick is grabbing hold of trivialities and worrying at them until the whole thing comes apart.
The one on the right…. *swoon*
That almost looks digitally enhanced.
Recipe for a bad back later on…. Titties, thanks
I’ve known girls with physiques like that; it’s very time limited.
This one, no soul, creamy skin yummy
Shes cute, and I want to pet her kitty under the table.
What you did there….. I see it.
Jebus, I’ve lost track, what happened to the one link with 50 girls, 90% of which were hiding parts or terribly inked and pierced?
Just keeping you on your toes.
Q and Hyperbole have some serious nesting going on in this thread. It’s like the world’s biggest IF statement. It’s something like
If Q then Hyperbole
Else if Hyperbole Then Q
forever and ever
Those aren’t my toes.
If those tits aint Photoshopped then she really needs to go see a doctor.
TFW you don’t have DSL, but try really hard to make it seem like you do.
*insert black science guy IMG here*
Can’t see her ass
I spent the past couple days working on the Santa display at the mall. It’s hell, believe me: surrounded all day by beautiful young women, most of them in yoga pants for some reason.
MILFs or unattached? Get out there man. It’s a numbers game.
Are you Santa?
He got the job after OMWC’s background check came back.
*prolonged applause*
I used to have a kiosk in the mall. That was back in peak mall days before Amazon. Good times.
Young people go to your local mall?
The ones with gang symbols tattooed on their face.
interesting tidbits from the Al Qaeda book I’ve been reading
-They tried to buy uranium and plutonium from Russia, but ended up being tricked into buying radioactive waste. The Russians who sold it to them probably laughed long into the night as they counted the money.
-They had an idea to develop a poison that could be absorbed through the skin. They wanted to test it on suspected spies. They went to ask a sheikh if that was OK with Islamic law. The sheikh yelled at them and said “you idiots! We’re Muslims not Nazis! Use a dog.” They wanted to use a pig because its biochemistry is more similar to humans, but did not know where to find a pig in Pakistan.
-Bin Laden was very angry at the cowardice of the US when it bombed him in 2001. He and his guys were all in their trenches. I guess they were hoping the Americans would form up like Red Coats and march into AQ’s machine guns. He was surprised no US soldiers confronted his forces at Tora Bora.
Tora Bora means black hole in Pashto. It is a reference to the many caves in the area.
So Tora Bora should be the new name for the whole region?
Assuming, of course, it carries the same double entendre to “asshole” as in English. Otherwise, we need a different Pashto word.
Reading books by Al Qaeda eh Derpy?
*adds Derpy to a list*
The second one made me gigglesnort.
I don’t know how many lists there are, but I’m pretty sure I’m on most of them.
Fortunately, Uncle Sugar has sunk enough money into training me to keep me around a while.
I should add that it’s pretty rich that a guy who authorized the 9/11 attack would whine about the cowardice of his opponents. If really believed in all that nonsense about martyrdom, he would have done a suicide attack himself.
He was jealous of Ahmad Shah Massoud, who did a much better job of fighting the Soviets. Bin Laden sent suicide bombers to assassinate him.
Which one?
“The Osama Bin Laden I Know”
It’s an anthology of interviews with people who knew him.
“The Kid Stays on The Airplane”
Bin-Laden as Robert Evans:
“Yeah, some people might have called it quits after the Kenya bombing… I was washed out! I’d lost my Sudanese sponsors, my old Saudi buddies wanted nothing to do with me, hell: even my third wife was looking like she’d been happier tending goats… Did I feel low as whale shit? you better believe it. Sure, it was tough going for a little while. But that’s when your best ideas come knocking. I bumped into Khalid at the rooftop bar in the Dubai Hilton and he says to me, “Kid, I’ve got a plan. It involves planes.” “Planes!” I think, “we’d barely gotten away with using couple of trucks in East Djibouti” But Khalid knew i was in no position to say no. 2 weeks later i was halfway up a mountain in Afghansitan and making satellite calls to dreamy engineering students in Berlin.”
This is what I get for drunkposting.
What’s the title? Need a new book to impress people in the guest bathroom.
This article got my dander up and I wanted to cross check with glibs about some things that seemed pretty wrong.
They think it’s strange that one carrier group is on station in the Pacific, one is in the Pacific as it travels from the Indian Ocean to the US West Coast for repairs, and another is also in the Pacific as it travels from the US West Coast to the Indian Ocean to take over in that region? The article spends zero time addressing why it’s hard to take seriously and kind of ignores the whole notion that there’s a big damn ocean in-between the US West Coast and the Indian Ocean that you kind of have to travel through. And it’s not like the rotation is news either, I found an article from 2015 talking about the Nimitz preparing for maintenance in fiscal year 2018 (which starts October 2017). I think most people don’t actually understand that it’s a ratio of 1:3 to 1:4.5 carriers active:training/maintenance/overhaul/transit.
A pull quote from the article
Completely ignores that F-22 squadrons have been rotating into Kadena on six month deployments (which this one also is) for years. Also ignores that there are USMC F-35Bs at Iwakuni on the Japanese main land.
The meat of the article is motivated mind reading of the White House and sympathetic rationalizing of North Korean responses to this hypothetical massing of US military power. But it all seems based on a pretty bad misreading of how the military actually operates. Plus sprinkling with quotes from totally not reflexively antitrump, not seeking reelection Republicans like Bob Corker or Jeff Flake makes it more believable.
Is it possible I’m misreading the deployments or does The Nation have no clue how military deployments work?
The Nation has no clue how the world outside of a faculty lounge works.
They still think that Communism works in practice because they came up with such a beautiful implementation of it in a preprint article. Everything they say can be safely ignored.
The Nation has no clue, period. It’s a political rag with an enormous axe to grind.
As far as naval maneuvers go, I think Fish is probably your go to guy for those questions.
My guess is it’s more like “So we have to do this stuff anyway, but let’s do it in a way that will allow us to best utilize our resources if the Norks decide to get squirrely.”
Isn’t The Nation pretty conserotard, as in maybe some neocon mixed in there? It’s amazing how much news rags love to speculate on things like this. Remember the one a few weeks back about how the Norks were going to kill 90% of Americans with an EMP. It was like Y2K all over again.
I’m sure the USA want to scare the funny looking fat dude, but I wouldn’t read much more into it. I wonder if we had anything to do with that nuclear accident they had? That’s plausible.
You’re thinking National Review. The Nation is a vanguard of the revolution mag.
Oh, yes, you’re correct. I can’t keep up with all this…
A former Navy buddy finds it odd that the Nimitz left the Indian Ocean before the T.R. arrived. He says practice back in the 1980s was to keep a group on station until the relief group had arrived within a two or three day sail.
It did seem a bit weird. Apparently the TR put in at Guam on Oct 31 according to Stripes. Meanwhile the Nimitz arrived at Sri Lanka on Oct 28 also Stripes. USNI (US Naval Institute) News has this snippet
So not completely out right but it does seem more like taking advantage of routine scheduling than planned aggression.
Trump’s visiting Asia. Obviously to kick off WWIII.
You know who else believed in conspiracies?
Mel Gibson, both as a character and in real life?
Osama bin Laden?
The gay frogs?
Pirate Truther?
My MSgt. Who I lost a tiny bit of respect for when he said, ” you’re a smart guy Mex, maybe you should look this one up.”
The Latest: Police say shoppers drew guns after shooting
What’s that? A bunch of concealed carriers were present at a shooting and a) didn’t shoot each other, b) didn’t get shot by the cops, c) didn’t shoot the wrong person, and d) didn’t impede or confuse the police response?
Say it with me now: Check. Mate.
I’ve been low-key following this since it broke last night. That part of town is definitely somewhere you’d want to be carrying regardless. That probably explains why it took them 4-5 hours to issue a press statement after the event.
Thank you.
Time to press 50 state carry right fucking now.
Check mate!
Aw, I always fuck up the timing
None of this would have sheen happened if we had an Australia style gun ban. Check. Mate.
Thornton: A bit of sanity in the Denver area.
Thornton was a shithole last time I was in Denver.
You may find that shitholes are often the most aquainted with reality.
I don’t know what to think of this. Are they wrong for the right reasons? Are they right for the wrong reasons? Are they potential allies? They sound kind of like classical liberals but then they throw in the identity politics and muck it all up.
Huh? The right has said the same thing about race in gun control.
Some of you puny mammals cling to the religion of pragmatism harder than progmatism
“Your precious armory, gratefully accepted. We will need it.”
Check out the assholes at the Advocate tap-dancing on why they redacted Kevin Spacey’s name in an article when Rapp disclosed he had been propositioned by Spacey at age 14.
Of course, that’s horseshit. A story about a major actor molesting boys would be a bombshell anytime. The Advocate points to their policy at the time of not “outing” closeted people, but that’s a thing reed, given that this wasn’t a story about outing someone, this was a story about molesting teenagers. And these people are actually saying that they didn’t feel like they needed to do anything about someone committing a pretty major felony.
The reason they didn’t publish the name, of course (IMO), is because of the Narrative at the time – they were trying to normalize gays, and refused to publish an article that would work against that. Its shows the power that the Narrative has over journalists – they literally will not publish actual facts that would be of great interest to the general public if it doesn’t advance the Narrative.
Read the story about how the media torqued the Mattew Shepard story
That was interesting. I only half payed attention even back when it happened but, man, does that contradict the narrative. I didn’t know he was actually just a methamphetamine addict who got murdered by another addict.
i think there’s more detail here
basically, everyone in the news media saw that the details of the story weren’t nearly as popular as the narrative that was quickly gaining steam – that it was a ‘gay bashing’ murder by homophobic yokels… and that they basically chose to pump the bullshit story and bury the facts.
When you see the lengths to which the media AND the legal system went to ignore/silence the police and anyone else who knew the truth…. it gets pretty fucking creepy. Its one of those “Gell Mann Amnesia” sartorial moments where you realize how far they’re willing to to simply for click-bait and to please their political masters.
Topics included, as the description of the published article notes, “their full-on dedication to their music, being out, and whether Flashdance is better than Manilow.”
Then fists flew across the bar.
20 minutes to go….. you can do it V…. just focus.
Donald Trump’s twitter account ‘accidentally’ deactivated earlier today
Dry run? Overly Enthusiastic prog? Prank?
If and when it does happen it’ll be great. The press will have lost their primary outrage engine catalyst, The President will declare war on Twitter on television with the same gravitas as W did when he announced the Iraq offensive after 9/11, and after a brief Carnage we will have gotten rid of an entirely useless time waste and sink of capital.
20USD on overly enthusiastic prog with plausible deniability.
What do you think would happen to Twitter if the President suddenly switched to Gab or something else? Would their traffic drop by 50%+ ? Everyone’s still gonna want to hear what he says, etc.
If Roger Stone’s eyes were any closer together, he’d be a cyclops.
Weird shaped head too.
And worst back tattoo ever.
I see.
Red Dragon tattoo >> Nixon face
Encourage people who have gone to fight on ISIS’s behalf to come back…
The dumbest woman in the world.
Chelsea Handler, please call your office.
Never seen her content, but those eyes are definitely dead.
She needs to stop talking and go back to eating Hagen-Das
More hilarious VA Governor’s news: Democracy for America, a major progressive PAC founded by Howard Dean, just completely cut off their endorsement of Ralph Northam because he flip-flopped under pressure on those “racist” anti-sanctuary cities bills:
::sad trombone::
I do think that the people on this board were correct about why the head people in the Democratic Party are trying so hard to push a #resist message after last year. They’re really having a difficult time uniting the Bernie coalition, the Hillary establishment coalition, and the Obama intersectional coalition on strategies and ideas (besides single-payer), so they think that by making Trump a distraction of sorts, they can avoid trying to cobble a winning message for 2018. It’s made him unpopular in polls (perhaps), but I don’t think it’s actually helping them win elections except when the races are super-low turnout.
For more detail: this PAC looks like an epicenter for the intersectional/identity politics/Obama coalition section of the Democratic Party. Here’s a rather golden tweet from them today about the new Federal Reserve chair nominee:
#ThisWhiteSupremacy: Trump replacing 1st woman Fed Chair w/ old, white guy w/ Wall Street ties who will pursue the same monetary policies – @DFAaction
I need to look up my local polling place for next Tuesday – esp since I need to swing by before work.
I’m off until Tuesday so for me it really is Friday:)
Today was my last day at work this week. Unfortunately, the new week begins at 7pm tomorrow night. WooHoo24 hours off work for Lachowksy.
It takes exactly one month…
Stupid is as stupid does
Guys, she’s single!
We have a new mental gymnastics champion.
What’s a Tamania?
Study: AC/DC’s ‘Highway To Hell’ More Theologically Accurate Than 96% Of Modern Worship Songs
I larfed.
“While modern worship songs tend to contain little theology, an anemic view of sin, and a poor understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit, ‘Highway to Hell’ has a very biblical view of the doctrine of hell,” a CCLI rep said. “Lead singer Bon Scott had a clear understanding of man’s natural inclination toward sin and the inevitable judgment of God that follows.”
“Just take a look at some of those lyrics in that hard-hitting first verse,” the head CCLI researcher told reporters. “‘Don’t need reason, don’t need rhyme, Ain’t nothing I would rather do / Going down, party time, My friends are gonna be there too.’”
“Bon Scott’s understanding of mankind’s depravity clearly rivaled anything Paul wrote in the third chapter of Romans,” he added. “It’s better than that song that keeps inviting the Holy Spirit in like He’s some kind of coy puppy dog.”
I larfed again.
Ozzy, Lemmy, and Bon Scott equal the Trinity? I’m on board.
No stop signs. Speed limits. Nobody’s gonna slow me down!
Preach it brotha!
It’s better to burn out, then fade away.
Northam campaign tied to that foul ad with kids getting run down. New shocker at 11.
Dems can’t run a campaign for shit. Hillary must have really made an…impression on the DNC.
Called it. There’s no way that ad gets on TV without the Dem candidate’s approval.
What a piece of shit. He’ll probably won’t though.
Probably win though. God I hate my phone.
The erratic behavior from him and his campaign this late kind of says otherwise IMO. There must be something truly awful in the internals to both release that insane ad and flip-flop on sanctuary cities. Cautiously optimistic, however.
My only question at this point is by how much does Gillespie have to win by to overcome the trunks of dead people ballots in Fairfax County?
I must admit- this Bible thumper did his homework.
Psalms 55:23, “But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.”
While these rockers gave their lives for Rock-N-Roll, they also fulfilled the passage in Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is DEATH…” You’ll notice the list has 28 “Rockers” who committed suicide and 39 who died of alcohol and drug abuse. Furthermore, only one person died of “old age” while the rest died “before their time” (Ecclesiastes 7:17).
Average Age at Death of Included Rock Stars (1) 36.9 Years
Average Age at Death of Americans (2) 75.8 Years
Premature Death of Rock and Country* Stars
*An independent university study in Arkansas showed that whites who listened to more Country music were more likely to commit suicide.
I saw a YouTube video of a recent AC/DC concert. Brian Johnson leads the audience, tens-of-thousands of fans, to sing in unison… “I’m on a highway to Hell.” There are giant movie screens on stage behind the band, showing flames on both sides, mocking the Bible. The band and many fans are wearing hats with devil’s horns. The guitarist, Angus Young, sticks his guitar between Brian Johnson’s legs, near his crotch, making it look like an erect penis. It is shameful and evil. It is hard to actually witness tens-of-thousands of people all gleefully singing that they’re going to Hell. It is tearful if you believe the Bible and love the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you care that the souls of billions of lost sinners are headed straight for the Lake of Fire.
Here are the very sad lyrics to HIGHWAY TO HELL by ACDC…
I larfed and I’m not sorry.
Has this guy seen the official Let There Be Rock video? Cause it might give him a heart attack.
He should check out Nirvana.
Sounds about right.
There’s not a more demonic band than ACDC. For decades now the group has held together, leading fans unanimously in praise of Satan and joyful glee that they’re all on a HIGHWAY TO HELL.
Tragically, that’s where they’re all going to spend eternity. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”
ACDC has destroyed the lives of tens-of-millions of young people, leading them into spiritual decadence, sexual immorality, rebellion against God, substance abuse and the lake of Fire. God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). God said what He meant, and meant what He said in the Scriptures.
Jesus proclaimed in John 10:35 that the Scripture cannot be broken. All Christ-rejecters will be cast into the lake of Fire to be tormented day and night for ever (Revelation 20:11-15).
I would prescribe that he read the entire Bible, cover to cover. That should cure him.
I think he has:
Oh, how Satan is a beautiful liar! Do you think you’ll meet all your friends in Hell and have a big party? That’s not what the Bible teaches. You’ll be screaming in the torments of molten sulfur (brimstone, Revelation 21:8). The only promise that the wicked have is that God will punish them in flaming fire for all eternity (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:15; 21:8). If your friends are in Hell when you get there—you won’t be partying together, holding hands and singing campfire songs. You’ll be tormented day-and-night forever!
You will have company in Hell, but it will be beyond your worst nightmare (Revelation 9:1-11). The Bible says that these horrific scorpion-like creatures will come out of the bottomless pit during the Great Tribulation (i.e., the last 3 1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation), from whence comes the smoke as of a burning furnace (Revelation 21:8). God will cast each and every unbeliever into the Lake of Fire as 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9 and Revelation 20:11-15 warns! God will not be mocked by evil men and women. If you die in your sins (John 8:24), God the Father will be your Judge in eternity (Revelation 20:11-15).
Won’t you repent toward God and trust upon Jesus’ precious name for the forgiveness of your sins? Thank God, He has made a narrow road which leads to eternal life and Heaven for those who come by faith, as guilty sinners to be washed in the precious blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; BUT WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1st Peter 1:18,19).
There are many frightening aspects of dying a Second Death in the Lake of Fire that should scare you if you’re an unbeliever; but one particular phrase in Revelation 14:11 below jumps out at me as being the most frightening for those who go to Hell… “no rest day nor night.” If you are a Christ-rejecting unbeliever, the Bible teaches that you WILL go straight to Hell when you die. You will be tormented in flaming fire, for ever and ever. And the Bible teaches that you will have NO REST, neither day nor night, for all eternity. Are you willing to take that chance with your soul? I’m not.
Pascal’s wager for the win.
Still cherry picking. If you can read the entire thing cover to cover, and rationalize everything in it as the literal Word of an omniscience, omnipotent being, then I’m not sure you have a functional brain.
This fellow certainly looks like he is on the highway to Hell.
My favourite tune from them.
And yet Mick Jagger is immortal.
18 millions dollars. I was under the impression that the fees for my hunting/fishing license were all earmarked for wildlife management.
Those politically connected relatives need lifelong jobs with lucrative pensions too.
Any government program, no matter how well intentioned, always grows and grows until it is an entity that no longer resembles its charter and is nothing but a jobs program for the politically connected.
“It is the natural tendency for government to grow and for liberty to yield.”
-some fucking white male
Working at the state capitol I once saw a bill pass that was essentially: we already let the cities and counties use their cut of the gas tax for bike paths, hiking trails and parks instead of road maintenance, might as well do it for the state too.
Can you kill things at the Nature Center?
You can
Not sure of the consequences, but you certainly can.
How can you manage wildlife without a wildlife management center, huh?
I know right?
With a gun.
Some good friends of mine culturally appropriated the same opening as the Vapors. Their song is a little…..different.
These guys used to put on some very unique and entertaining shows with almost all original songs. They were like a circus freak show with really talented musicians dressed in all kinds of crazy costumes. They once did a live show in La Crosse where they played their songs to the movie Freaks! with TV monitors set up around the bar.
cultural appropriation is hilarious
Wait… on both knees? *shudder*
That’s not bad. A little too screechy for my taste, but clean.
I’m watching a little tv tonight. The Sum of all Fears is on one of my movie channels. I really enjoyed the book. I read it when I was a teenager.
In the movie, the guys who set off the bomb in Baltimore are nazi sympethiszers. It was Muslim terrorists in the book.
This movie is from like 2002. I’m surprised that the Muslim terrorism angle was discarded at that time. wierd.
Noooo! *Jumps in slow motion to stop Lach from watching that shitpile. *
it’s not very good. I read all the Clancy Books about jack Ryan when I was a teenager. They were good. I liked the film adaption of red october. I can’t think of another one I have seen that is very good.
I liked the Harrison Ford ones. But I never read the books. My dad didn’t ‘read’ the books either, but he listened to the books on tape (he was a truck driver, lots of time for that) and liked those. But the one’s they’ve made since, besides continuity problems, have just been plain boring.
+1 Harrison Ford versions although not exactly faithful.
The one good thing about that movie (as opposed to the awesome book) – is the TU-22 attack on the aircraft carrier. We used that clip for some discussions at the last schoolhouse I worked in.
*Cocks head like a confused dog*
Jeezus Christ. It’s like watching the Cultural Revolution. Put a couple of the ring leaders in boats at the reflecting pool at Westmoreland. Pour encourager les autres.
Alternative to boats for dealing with the larping Maoists
My response would be “fuck off” but that’s why I’m not a college administrator.
“Black Lives must be Repreggie”?
The establishment of a paid staff position to participate in the maintenance and organization of the Black Student Union..
So in these enlightened days there is a black student union and a white student union, how progressive.
These are more enlightened days.
I can hear the marking of the shoes as they run the clothes down the floor. Again please.
(What is the kanji at the top? First one looks like zhōng (middle or center or Chinese something) if it was in Chinese – middle school?)
Exactly. Junior high (中学) classroom (教室) cleaning (掃除).
Thank you! Much appreciated.
The NFL on-field product is barf-tastic.
Went from watching 3 or 4 games a week as a young man to watching one or two in my 30’s to checking to the box scores only in my early 40’s to not giving a fuck at all today.
So many teams are plain awful. I’m watching the Jets! dismantle a 5-2 Bills team that looks 0-7. Nothing but mistakes, drops, and shitty playcalling.
Why are you watching it?
Fantasy. I have Tyrod Taylor and Jameis Winston (drafted Luck late hoping he’d get back, but … ) I started Taylor.
And it’s just on while I’m doing other crap.
I get paid to watch games, and I have always been a big fan; but damn the game sucks these days.
was that you that has worked as a screenwriter? With all these posts it gets hard to keep track of everyone’s jobs.
I’m in advertising, but I am working on scripts on the side.
Ok. Working on scripts just for kicks, or a paid gig?
Not paid yet. I’ve put my own writing on the back burner a bit to work with a colleague (at MGM) on an entertainment-based startup and hybrid scripted/unscripted show idea that they (MGM) are interested in,
How about you?
Never got paid for writing. But I work as an editor/producer/cameraman, it makes me some money on the side. My problem is I’m an idea guy, not a coordinating guy.
Just saw S03E07 of Rick+Morty
“Put it in your blog” is my new favorite-diss
Chinese girl from Sichaun culturally appropriates JPop group GARNiDELiA’s song which itself culturally appropriates Chinese dress and dance style. Shameless.
are ages of consent subject to exchange rates?
For nanny staters; this is what is known as a ‘joke’.
1. a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
We live our day to day lives and suffer our frustrations, sadness, disappointments, and human stupidity. One thing that libertarians understand that it seems is much more rare with other outlooks is that we are unbelievably well off as compared to just a short while ago in history and even presently. The average American lives a life of absolute total luxury compared to the rest of the world and to time. It seems to me that very few people appreciate that fact. Progressives routinely ignore it.
I’m 34. I help my oldest aunt by doing her shopping and driving her around. Once a month she has a lunch with her classmates that are still local and alive. I hear so much shit (pun intended) about how they didn’t have indoor plumbing when they were young. One generation from no indoor plumbing and here I sit typing words on the internet. Again, I’m 34, not a doddering old man.
I am just a few years older than you and I remember going to visit my cousins in the early 80s in the west of Ireland. They still had an outhouse. They had one pipe of cold water coming into their house and took a bath in a big steel bucket with warm water from the peat stove. I can’t believe it. I was just there this summer and it is now vastly richer. My younger cousins live in really nice houses, by American standards. By historical standards we are in the absolute top percent of a percent. It’s funny to me that many people still think we are in terrible times.
I think it’s the victim cred. Everyone wants the victim cred now.
We won the Earth Lottery
We have more gadgets and conveniences, but the American middle class family in the 50’s owned their own homes, often without huge mortgages. They weren’t being spied on to the massive degree people are today. Both parents didn’t need to work to have a comfortable life. Cronyism in government is no longer even being fought. Maybe humanity itself is regressing towards some kind of regression to the mean. Whatever technological progress we make to have easier lives is accompanied by another aspect of our lives that get worse.
A lot of that “need” for two incomes has to do with the fact that today we are mostly choosing to buy bigger and more than in the 50s.
Some important things to remember about that American middle class family from the 50s.
They generally lived in houses a bit less than half the size of the average new house built in the last 25 years. Double the house size, at least double the cost (probably closer to triple actually).
They tended to have a single vehicle, though they would likely want to replace it in as little as 6 or 7 years since they frequently didn’t last much longer than that. Nowadays two vehicles that we drive many more miles is typically the norm(though they last 2-3 times longer, they cost 20-40% more), and if you have driving teenagers maybe even a third car.
They also didn’t subscribe to any expensive monthly services except telephone service which I can’t seem to find a price on for local service, but I suspect it was probably no more than 100 a year unless you made a lot of long distance calls which was about 2% of median income. Nowadays half of people still have landlines(or VOIP through internet provider), multiple lines of cellphone(frequently replacing the expensive cell phones every couple years), internet, and (while the number is decreasing) the majority also subscribe to a pay television service. Those modern services combined run about 5-7% of the median household income.
While the commonly found home appliances, gadgets, and electric gizmos (TVs and whatnot) are considerably less expensive these days, today we buy more of those gadgets, electric gizmos and appliances which now also include additional items like central air conditioners (window units were what people in the 50s used if they used AC at all), DVD/BluRay players(and the movies to go along with them),game consoles (and games), computers, and of course TVs(almost 3 per home on average vs probably only 1 in the 50s).
In the 50s, 25% of food cost was for eating out…50% today.
OT but not, I have a chance to go visit an old friend who lives in Rosarito beach, Mexico.
I have never been away from the U.S. what do I need to know, other than don’t bring drugs etc.
Don’t take the KIA?
Are you serious? I thought you lived in SoCal. If you haven’t been to Mexico you very much need to get on down there. The border on the way back if going by car is a slog. It used to be much easier.
The border on the way back if going by car is a slog.
Doubt you’d have any problems. Lots of hookers outside the hotels last time I was in Cancun. Don’t even talk to them.
Then how do you even negotiate?
Knock yourself out, BP. I’d rather rub on out.
Good idea. Don’t give them the easy one. Make them work for it.
Park somewhere in SD, take the trolley to the border, walk across, and grab a cab to Rosarito.
You’ll need a passport.
I like almost any pizza. I eat one once a week and I don’t care if it’s from Pizza Hut or gourmet artisanal whatever. I’ve only ever rejected one pizza and it was made by a bunch of organic hipster douchebags and included some incredibly bad organic sausage with no preservatives (I think, it was a weird gray color) and a whole host of other tasteless cardboard crap. The crust was just…awful…and there was no sauce I could identify, not even artisanal homegrown tomatoes that any millennial who’s worth their knit cap could grow.
I enjoy hotdish (I had to look up what it was). I love green bean casserole with fake mushroom canned crap and french fries onion whatevers.
I’ve only found one IPA I can drink, Sam Adams Rebel IPA, and people look at me cross-eyed and point me to old British ales when I describe what I like in beer.
Just so you all know who you’re dealing with.
How do you feel about yoga, champagne, health food and getting caught in the rain?
I may not be the love that you’re looking for.
I got halfway through the comments and got really interested in the deep dish and hotdish argument. It seems to cause more consternation than abortion amongst glibertarians so I just wanted to social signal.
I’m also 99.5% sure that we will take no overt action against North Korea unless they go first.
Night everyone. Start the hamster wheel all over again in a couple of hours.