Donna Brazile brings up the Seth Rich death as a reason why she didn’t stand up to the Clintons? Steve Smith wants him some of that!
Guess Steve Smith of the Sea has more luck with rape than this lady.
McKinnon literally the only reason to watch SNL. Even with her shitty piano playing homages.
Little known fact: Paul Watson is actually SEA SMITH’s bastard, bursting fully bearded from his unfortunate mother.
No link on the Texas church shooting?
I blame the Kingsman organization.
The Redskins have no business being this close, this late in the game.
They have three guys playing on the offensive line who were just signed this week.
Not only are we missing as many starters on defense, we’re missing two of our best receivers.
No way we win this.
Man, I miss the good ole days of the late 80s and early 90s.. Being a redskins fan these days is painful..
We’re ahead now!
It was unbelievable.
No reason why we should be ahead.
Born and raised just outside of Washington DC.
Folks moved to San Diego while I was in boarding school in Virginia.
I eventually migrated north to LA from San Diego.
Now I split time between LA, San Diego, and Vegas.
So why not the Chargers?
I like the Chargers at one point. During the Fouts ear, with Chuck Muncie, John Jerfferson, Charlie Joiner and Kellen Winslow. Those were the days.
We lived for a year in San Diego when I was in late elementary school. And then the Chargers offensive coordinator became the coach of the Redskins.
Gibbs ran the same offense in DC with Theisman. Those were the days.
We’ve never really recovered from the imposition of the salary cap–and neither did the rest of the NFC east.
For a long time there, in the 80s, the winner of the superbowl was almost always either the 49ers or the winner of the NFC East.
It used to be all about whether an AFC QB could beat an NFC running game and defense, and the answer was almost always “no”. After the Aikman sissy rules and the salary cap, we all became AFC teams that way.
Oh well. there’s still hockey.
Just checking my memory:
From ’82 through ’96–there are two aberrations,–the Redskins losing to the Raiders that one time, and the year the Bears were so good.
Other than that, the team that won the Superbowl was always either the 49ers or the winner of the NFC east. Monster defenses.
Every team in the NFC east had their monsters, too. LT, Reggie White, Dexter Manley, et. al. Defense was as or more exciting than offense.
Concussions. Those days are gone forever, but that’s when the NFL was fun to watch.
Chuck “Oops” Muncie.
True fact: Nelson Munsey was his brother.
I also attended boarding school in Virginia. Where did you go?
Shenandoah Valley Academy.
Cool. I went to VES.
That’s an awesome school.
I had so much fun in boarding school it’s almost embarrassing. People think it’s crazy these days to send their kids away at such a young age, but I loved every minute.
VES? No kidding….I went to St. Christopher’s. We used to play you guys in football.
P.S. Let’s go Caps!
*points, laughs*
The thing that really pisses me off now is that there’s probably no way we’re going to be able to sing Cousins now, and we’ve been looking for a franchise quarterback since the Mark Rypien era.
It’s amazing how they screwed that up.
Why would Cousins settle for anything less than $35 million to play next year–for one year–for the Redskins? To get that, all he has to do is not sign with the Redskins. Then they’ll have to pay him that–for one year–to keep him for another year.
If they don’t tag him, then he’s a free agent, and he can get a hell of a lot more on the open market.
It’s AMAZING that the Redskins put themselves in this position.
Yeah, they cocked up the Cousins situation about as badly as they could. Is Snyder still being a sorehead over the Griffin situation?
I think it’s his GM.
Cousins was a Shanahan pick.
The present GM doesn’t get any credit for picks he didn’t make.
It works that way in business, too.
Managers want credit for what THEY do. Not for something someone did before them.
If you were hired by the old boss, that’s already one strike against you.
Snyder is a fucking asshole.
Cousins won’t get that much as a free agent. First of all, no other quarterback has come close to that salary. Secondly he isn’t that good a quarterback. He is at best a second tier quarterback, better than Andy Dalton but not as good as Dak Prescott.
The only way he gets that kind of money is if he is franchised again by the Redskins.
I didn’t mean to suggest he would get $35 million his first year as a free agent.
I meant he’ll make more money on the open market as a free agent than he will by negotiating a contract with the Redskins. Why wouldn’t he make more money with more than one bidder?
The $35 million is what he gets if the Redskins tag him again. They can’t offer him something better than he can get by refusing to sign any of their offers. To sign with the Redskins, they’d need to offer him more than $35 million his first year. And there’s no way they’re going to do that.
I’m finding it really, really difficult not to get excited about the Eagles.
I expect that when Wentz goes home tonight he’ll trip over a rug and fall and break his arm. I’m full on Negadelphia right now, as excited as I am.
They managed to get the over on the Broncos even without any Broncos points. Mebbe Denver should look to its GM.
I’m a Broncos fan, and we suck. Outside of fellating Peyton Manning, Elway has been a crap GM.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
ten second run off motherfuckers!
That looks like a mermaid wearing a fur squirrel suit.
Sea Otters are rapists. Don’t believe me; look it up.
Sea Otters hold hand with their mates while they sleep.
They’re fucking precious.
Have you ever been to the Long Beach Aquarium when they have to suddenly have to shut down the otter exhibit? I have.
One or more of the otters starts furiously masturbating, and it goes on for over an hour. Great elementary school field trip material.
Now that is toxic masculinity.
Don’t believe FAKE NEWS!
In all seriousness, seals are really protective of their young. There aren’t that many sea otters in southern California, and if we’re talking about what sea otters in captivity do, we could be talking about all kinds of neurotic behavior. I haven’t seen your sources. I don’t know what you’re talking about. But the suggestion that sea otters rape baby seals to death sounds like political campaign propaganda, you know?
Progressive: “Mitt Romney drove halfway across the country with the family dog strapped to the roof of his car!”
Republican: “Oh yeah, well Barack Obama ate dog when he was in Indonesia!”
Ken Shultz: “I like sea otters.”
Manhattan Beach: “Oh yeah, so you approve of the baby seal raping menace?!”
You still eat those Korean fusion tacos? You know what else Korean people eat?
Well DO YA?!
Dunno man, I kind of like kimchi, but de gustibus and all that.
raped baby seal?
They’re precious.
They mate for life.
When they moved those endangered sea otters out of the “Sea Otter protection zone” and sent ’em out to the Channel Islands (to protect the local uni industry), about half of them died swimming back across the open ocean to get back to their mates.
The other thing is that sea otters absolutely recondition the environments they inhabit. By eating all those urchins, they bring back the kelp forests like nothing else can. They’re adorable. They recreate ruined environments. Can bring back whole kelp forests–and they do not rape. They hold hands with their mates while they sleep so they don’t get separated by the tides.
Sea Otters are the koalas of the deep–only much more fun. They’re precious, precious, adorable, precious, and everything you’re heard about them is lies spread by the sushi/uni industry who have been using the government to keep them North of Santa Barbara since forever.
Puts fingers in hears *La la la la la la la*
P.S. Excellent article showing what a fucking disgrace the government is at conservation.
In all fairness, have you seen some of those harbor seal pups? I’m not condoning this sort of behavior, but… they sleekly flop around in a state of perpetual roly-poly deshabille, and while their feeble cries say “No” their outsized come-hither eyes say “Yes, Yes, Yes.” There’s only so much restraint you can expect of a green-blooded seasquatch.
The sad thing is that when I report to work tomorrow and people ask me how my weekend was I’m going to have to say “I can’t really tell you, but I suppose the safest thing for work is that I engaged in a discussion around whether or not raping baby seals to death is OK. I argued the rapey side. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you about the rest of my weekend, because NSFW.”
Poor Jesse.
Otters, not Bears!
I dunno, if Steve Smith of Sea dresses up as Hamburger of the Sea, he’s likely to get ate.
That’s what he wants you to think.
Does Steve Smith rape under a flag of convenience?
Does that amount to having fun with flags?
In a manner of speaking, absolutely yes.
its a link to a McCutchen paystub he lost a few years back. It got published.
He had over 300k in federal withholding for a 15 day period.
One bright light regarding the debate between TOS and Jacobin Magazine…
*Edit Ferry Fail*
pahing edit fairy…
C’mon, Gilmore…
I need the link to fix it.
What are the chances Gillespie wins the debate? Who is the audience?
The Jacobin is trying to be intellectual about their idiocy whereas Gillespie is all “Rockefeller didn’t have an Iphone ergo libertarian moment”.
This is what I get for trying to post a link before walking away:
Too late. You killed the ferry.
I’m just trying to stave off the fairy overpopulation crisis.
Pretty sweet video of transparent suppressors on a .308 rifle.
Steve Smith (intentionally lower case) doesn’t answer Brochettaward’s questions about woodland creatures. That makes Brochettaward very angry.
So it was private citizens who killed the shooter. Good for them.
And then they waited for first responders to arrive.
Oh weird. ABC News interviewed a retired ATF chimp that intimated an LEO made the apprehension.
Nice hair.
I wasn’t going to say anything.
OK, it reminds me of growing up in upstate NY 30 years ago.
Is he wearing acid-washed jeans too?
That and a Cheap Trick T-shirt three sizes too small.
I thought you liked guys in tight T-shirts.
I liked this comment:
Making good people helpless won’t make bad people harmless.
Texas church shooting leaves at least 26 dead
From Texas, originally. This makes me feel sick.
“Mr Martin described the suspect as a young white male in his early 20s, dressed in all black and wearing a ballistic vest as well as tactical-type gear. He was armed with an assault-style rifle. ”
Guy fled when armed citizen returned fire though. Thank God somebody there was carrying or this could have been much worse.
But the armed citizen only had a plain ole rifle according to the report.
How could he possibly stand up to someone with an assault rifle ?
It could have been a high powered sniper rifle , like a remington 700
Demo ought to be happy about Texas shooting.
Chris Murphy is all over it.
Exhibit ZZ for why the health/life insurance actuarial racket does not get any respect from me.
This isn’t a business – it’s politics.
I want to say that this is just a temporary situation because pot users going legit with their health and life insurance is new and new means risk. But, I don’t know for sure, and since these regulated markets are never let to fix themselves I don’t think I’ll ever know.
No, it’s business.
Actuaries know what they’re doing, and in this case, they do it because of a lack of data. They’re not saying that pot smokers are 5 times more likely to die in a 20 year window. It just tells you that their confidence intervals aren’t very narrow due to lack of data, and so they do what actuaries are paid to do.
Don’t blame actuaries; blame prohibition. Ok…. so… it is politics to some extent. Most likely. OK, definitely.
They’re pulling the same shit with vaping, where the existing data also doesn’t justify this.
+1 Mother of Actuarial Science major.
“Science” my butt.
So, math is not science?
If they’re pulling figures out of their ass, no, it’s not.
I agree with your comments re: vaping – which isn’t based on anything other than politics. I was responding to Playa’s point.
It’s not out of their ass. It’s operating within a confidence interval that prevents loss to the insurer.
I’ll tell you what:
You go apply for a 7 figure policy, and give them as little information as possible.
Tell me what rates they offer you.
I’m all good, because I have the heart of a small child. I keep it on my mantel.
I work in insurance, with products that are priced based on actual data that can be measured rather than made up. Saying that smoking pot or vaping is exactly as dangerous as smoking cigarettes is making shit up.
If you look at the products with lower face values, the risk premium is much smaller; probably even negligible.
The article specifically said 20 year $1 million. There’s a lot of uncertainty there.
I’ve had various life insurance policies. When you get into the 7 figures, it gets a lot less lenient. My most recent life insurance physical was more rigorous than any other I’ve ever had in my life. The more good data you give them, the cheaper the premiums are.
Vaping is highly correlated with smoking though. There aren’t a lot of vapers who weren’t smokers, and more vapers than will admit it still smoke. I’m inclined to think that vaping itself is pretty harmless (though there are some questions around diketones in flavorings) but vapers tend to be less healthy than the general population. It’s not just the history of smoking,- it’s that a lot of vapers took it up as a substitute for smoking because health problems associated with smoking had started to present.
So, while I don’t think that vaping is very harmful, from an actuarial point of view vapers are likely to have higher mortality, and higher rates of chronic illness than the population as a whole.
And it will be interesting to see what the data shows when it comes to people who smoke pot into adulthood. Correlation might not be causation, but to an actuary it’s often good enough. A lot of actuarial science is about using correlative factors to (often unfairly in specific cases) tease out hidden behavioral patterns you can’t demand people tell you about.
I’m genuinely not sure where the pot-smokers will fall. I’m inclined to think that 30-year old pot-smokers will have higher mortality rates than the general population, if you don’t control for other factors, but that’s mainly because my impression is that pot-smokers are slightly more likely to be smokers, and perhaps more likely to be heavy drinkers, and those factors are pretty dominant. Controlling for those factors I’d guess that they’d have slightly lower mortality for much the same reasons that moderate drinkers do (and I’d actually expect the effect to be stronger, if I had to hazard a guess.) But I don’t think we know yet, and it will be interesting to see what the data says as people become more forthcoming about their use under relaxed legal regimes.
It will be difficult to really measure though- I expect a lot of people will continue to lie about it, and I expect that the incidence of lying about it will not be uniform among pot-smokers, and might actually correlate to some degree with mortality.
So new Trek episode on tonight. I must admit I find the complaints about the new show being too SJW rather hypocrital. Star Trek has always been heavy-handed leftist moralizing. Discovery if anything is not as heavy handed as TNG. I mean that show had blatant pro-communist, anti-capitalist (Ferengi being compared to capitalists) or all the anti-Cold War “can’t we get along with The Soviets?” sentiment.
“CBS All Access”? Pass.
Well in Canada you cam watch it on Space.
Looked it up; you’re right. The rest of the world has to stream it. Fuck that.
So new Trek episode on tonight. I must admit I find the complaints about the new show being too SJW rather hypocrital.
There’s a difference between dealing with Roddenberry’s dumb views on economics and “DUR HUR KLINGONS ARE TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND RACISTS”.
The Ferengi were explicitly compared to capitalists and in one episode Picard stated that human used to fight over economic systems.
Yet to see a “closest comparisons we can make to the Klingons is the early 21th century American politician named Donald Trump.”
We did the Elon Musk name dropping though…
But then there’s an entire series where the Ferengi get to tell the humans to go fuck themselves, multiple times.
The difference is that social justice politics are antithetical to even Roddenberry’s left-wing idiocy. It’s explicitly stated that the Federation charter makes it entirely illegal to blame any racial, cultural or religious group ‘for the crimes of their ancestors’.
Yeah, that was a great scene/episode but that didn’t stop them from constantly portraying Quark as the heartless corporate slave driver at odds with his power-to-the-people partner at the bar.
his power-to-the-people partner at the bar
Well I wouldn’t consider Rom a solid leftist talking point either, considering he’s portrayed as borderline retarded 90% of the time. Nog’s the guy they used to try to push the ‘pro-Federation’ viewpoint.
I had in mind the episode where Rom started a labor movement at Quark’s.
Given the way Nog interacts with women on the show, I have no problem with him being their standard-bearer.
We’re arguing at cross purposes. I’m arguing that TNG (especially at first) was far more heavy-handed with its commentary on contemporary America than Discovery.
As for Roddenberry not being a modern SJW that is true. He did have a very old-school leftist fondness for individuality along with his inane “everyone will agree on everything” utopian communism. And the pre-multicultural “everyone will adopt similar Western values of their own free will”
TOS was idealized Cold War liberalism where blacks, Japanese and whites (among others) would create the ideal state. TNG was him raging at Nixon and Reagan for not having that come to pass.
Roddenberry didn’t work on TNG all that much actually, he was only really hands-on when it came to the first season. He did write the Series Bible, but the writers dropped a lot of his ideas because they were terrible. TNG is more Berman and later Braga’s baby than Roddenberry’s.
He was coked up a lot of the time then apparently. Explains how the ferengi were supposed to have huge dicks and many sexual positions despite being the embodient of the evils of capitalism.
Yikes, I must have missed that episode.
Anyway TNG was supposed to be this utopia yet they have a shrink next to their captain and Tasha Yar came from a planet of Rape Gangs?
Над Ташей Яром памятников нет.
I’ll give you the shrink but I suppose the rape gangs could be explained away if Tasha’s planet was not a member of the Federation.
According to Memory Alpha they’re independent. DS9 also seems to try to qualify the ‘utopia’ thing by pointing out that Earth is a paradise, but the colonies not so much.
Apparently they are a non-federation world though that was established later. Originally she was from a ” “failed” [italics his] Earth colony of renegades and other undesirables”. Point is saying that the Federation is the only thing keeping humans from savagery is not utopia.
STEVE SMITH may disagree with your notion of utopia if it doesn’t involve rape planets.
info on shooter
By Victor Morton – The Washington Times – Sunday, November 5, 2017
The gunman in Sunday’s Texas church shooting has been identified as Devin P. Kelley, according to multiple news outlets.
CBS News and the New York Times reported Kelley committed the mass shooting at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, which killed at least 25 people.
Kelley is a 26-year-old Air Force veteran from nearby New Braunfels, Texas, according to a LinkedIn account tied to his name and several news outlets.
According to CBS News, he was court-martialed and dishonorably discharged in May 2014.
His social-media outlets are being scrubbed, according to ABC News, but on Facebook, he recently posted a picture of an assault-style weapon. Eyewitnesses said the gunman entered the church in the small Texas town in full combat gear.
There was no immediate word on motive.
So he’s one of our heroes who served the state.
Yep – DD = not a legal gun owner (although apparently he had been posting pics of the same AR on facebook).
Didn’t know that. DD means you can’t own guns?
Section 922(g) of the GCA prohibits certain persons from shipping or transporting any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce, or receiving any firearm which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, or possessing any firearm in or Section 922(g) of the GCA prohibits certain persons from shipping or transporting any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce, or receiving any firearm which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, or possessing any firearm in or affecting commerce. These prohibitions apply to any person who–
(1) Has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
(2) Is a fugitive from justice;
(3) Is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance;
(4) Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution;
(5) Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States;
(6) Has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
(7) Having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced U.S. citizenship;
(8) Is subject to a court order that restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such intimate partner; or
(9) Has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Thanks, L.
I’m here to enact your labor, moocher.
I thought you were white. My bad.
Depends on the state. Many states view a dishonorable discharge as being the equivalent of a felony.
Huh, the guns he already owned did not evaporate when his papers were signed. Imagine that.
“he was court-martialed and dishonorably discharged in May 2014”
So, another fucking loser. A can’t get right who blames the world for his problems. Fuck him.
Intersting. Every piece of firearms related paperwork I’ve ever filled out asks about DDs.
Spoiler alert: It’s a disqualifier.
To boldly go where everyone has gone before…
“Star Trek: Discovery” creators: Our Klingons are secretly Trumpsters
The producers behind “Star Trek: Discovery” explain how the Klingon battle cry is basically “MAGA”
The co-executive producer of the new series “Star Trek: Discovery” has told Rolling Stone that President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was “front and center in our minds” as they developed it — so much so that the rallying cry of the show’s villains is specifically patterned after the Trumpster credo “Make America Great Again”
“We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what’s going on in the United States,” Aaron Harberts told Rolling Stone, noting that the series’ primary villains — an extremist Klingon sect — scream “Remain Klingon,” something deliberately reminiscent of “Make America Great Again.”
As Harberts put it, “It’s a call to isolationism. It’s about racial purity, and it’s about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it’s about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn’t necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories.”
“Discovery” star Jason Isaacs added “We’re living in monstrous times, let’s not dance around it. Hideous, divisive times, when all sorts of stuff we thought was long buried is coming to the surface, and being encouraged by the most powerful people on the planet. We’re living in disgusting times.”
He continued, “I don’t think science fiction can solve any of these things. But we are holding up an optimistic vision of what the world could be – a better vision of ourselves.”
It’s actually fairly common for “Star Trek” properties to tackle their subjects with distinctly progressive stances. Ever since the original series took to the airwaves in 1966, the series has been notable for presenting an optimistic view of the future, one that emphasizes economic equality, racial diversity and an overall ethos that values science and mutual respect over superstition and intolerance.
I suggest renaming the show to “Voyage to the Bottom of the Ratings”.
Geez and I thought Titor was joking up above.
Funny thing is… I never cared for all the shallow tuff-gai Klingon Krap in TNG. It wasn’t until DS9 they got interesting. This… sounds like a step backwards.
I only watched the first two episodes because Jesus Christ this show is terrible, and it’s not just the stupid political commentary. There’s a scene where an albino Klingon offers to try to take out the Federation ship and the Trumpons say that he can do it to redeem himself because of his skin colour (and its clearly meant to be a jab at non-whites who support Trump).
I just loathe the fact that there’s some hack writers somewhere patting themselves on the back because “we inverted the race colours so it’s the white guy being discriminated against, god we’re brilliant!”
“I’m white on the right side, but he’s white on the left side”
Star Trek is stupid science fiction but it was fun universe when the writers weren’t trying to beat the viewer over the head with a moral
“Star Trek: Discovery” creators: Our Klingons are secretly Trumpsters
‘Secretly’ as in ‘hammer to your face with our lack of subtlety’.
Also, who the fuck doesn’t want the Klingons to be isolationist? They’re a bunch of murderous thugs and raiders who enslave whole planets. Them going isolationist would actually massively improve the galaxy.
They have some epic recruitment videos.
Sci-fi allegories always have the problem of either being too close that it becomes silly or too far and not really making a whole lot of sense.
I used to be annoyed with the media coverage of Discovery because I thought it was pushing Star Trek into a political realm (like everything else), but this just shows that it actually is there and I shouldn’t even bother
As a fan who grew up with TNG, DS9 and VOY, I don’t mind saying “Fuck Star Trek”
Did you even see The Last Outpost?
Season 1 was a throwaway season, everyone knows this.
Point taken, though: Star Trek has always been political… I guess all I cared about were the characters and the universe and later seasons of TNG and DS9 gave me that. Anyway, fuck it, it’s going the way of Marvel and DC at this point.
Trust me, there’s a lot of other shit in Discovery. Even if they removed all the stupid social justice stuff there’s so many problems it’s not worth it. A lot of the Marvel comic writers are the same way, even if you strip away the politics they’re just fundamentally awful writers.
Have you watched it?
I watched the first two episodes and they were pretty hard to get through, no interest in continuing. They basically came off like someone’s terrible Star Trek fan fiction.
The third episode is where the actual story really starts (and that of the people who took over from Fuller?).
Odd decision that.
Make no mistake I have issues with it I just am annoyed at how people think heavy handed leftist moralizing in Trek is new
Star Trek has always been political.
I’ve always understood the Klingons to be imperialists. Now they’re isolationists?
And this happy horseshit with Trumpers being racial purists. Total hogwash. They want the borders secured and they want illegals punished. Take that where you like, but if you take it for racial supremacy, bub, pack up your motivated reasoning and go the fuck home.
Klingons where supposed to Russians then Vikings and now Trumpets. Diverse bunch.
Two indisputable STAR TREK things: 1) DS9 was the best of the post-TOS Treks. 2) Jolene Blalock’s tits made Enterprise worth watching.
You’re batting .500.
Not even Blalock’s girls couldn’t save Enterprise.
Still, Enterprise was at least better than Voyager.
Yes, when it jumps out of the water. Sandpaper paws.
Anyone listen regularly to Josh Zepps? I’m listening to the lastest Fifth Column and I’m still finding him really condescending and patronizing (maybe it’s the accent), and he tends to use condescension to make and back up his arguments. But, am I not giving him enough of a chance? I tried his own podcast after the first time I heard him on the Fifth, but he kept yammering on about ‘climate chaos’ and saying things like ‘whats wrong with being a coastal elite?’ and I ran out of fucks.
Oh, God. I enjoy the podcast, but that smarmy douche ruined that episode. I wish I’d written down all the instances in which he remonstrates Kmele for being unreasonable or confused, then goes on himself to make confused, muddled statements. And every time he asks, facetiously, “And where does that get us?” You’re the one shutting down avenues of conversation when they turn inconvenient, and waxing schizophrenic when you’re given the chance to extemporize! He’s too accustomed to being the interviewer to make for worthwhile guest, and I hope that’s the last time he’s featured.
Who is Josh Zepps?
You know it’s a trap, but…
They read the fucking message on the air. SMDH.
Tulsi Gabbard’s Swami-Guru-Spiritual adviser on how social acceptance of homosexuality leads to dog-fucking:
“increasing”???? That sounds like a lot!!!!
The CDC’s always hiring
here we go again
For anyone monitoring America’s far-right, it was only a matter of time before Devin Patrick Kelley, the man identified as the Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooter, became “antifa.”
Antifa, a leftist protest movement with no organizational hierarchy whatsoever, was blamed for the mass shooting in Las Vegas by Alex Jones’ conspiracy website Info Wars. They were responsible for allegedly plotting a civil war involving supersoldiers Saturday—one that utterly failed to manifest. And on Sunday, after a man murdered at least 26 people in a Texas church, the right’s conspiracy peddlers waited only a matter of hours to try to blame the violence on leftists.
Police did not immediately announce Kelley’s motive in the mass shooting. But Mike Cernovich, a self-described “American nationalist,” posted about the motive shortly after news of it broke. “Mass shooting at The First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, which has a largely white denomination,” Cernovich wrote. “Antifa terrorist attack?”
Cernovich pushed the same idea further Sunday evening, citing only “photos.” “Photos of Texas shooter is consistent with profile of Antifa member,” Cernovich posted. “This is looking more and more like Antifa terror.”
Alex Jones, who devoted his entire Saturday to doing live coverage on his web-show Info Wars on a second American civil war that absolutely never happened, also pushed the idea that the shooter could somehow be an antifa activist. “Was this part of the Antifa revolution against Christians and conservatives or a Isis op? [sic],” Jones tweeted Sunday afternoon to promote his show. “Live from the church.”
Jack Posobiec, a pro-Trump figure with a large following on social media, who has a reputation for creating and pushing fake news stories about leftists, posted a screen shot of something that looked like a direct message conversation on Twitter. The conversation was between a man named Dave Pollack and It’s Going Down (IGD), a self-described “digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements” frequently associated with “antifa” protests.
The Dave Pollack figure says in the screenshot: “Go after the heart of the far-right: conservative churches.” A spokesperson for Its Going Down, who asked not to be named, told Newsweek through a direct message that the screenshot was entirely fabricated, but noted that many people on social media have seized onto the picture and shared it anyway. On ZeroHedge, a libertarian blog, one of the commenters on a post about the mass shooting summed it up this way: “ He’s Antifa, but you’ll never see that confirmed because the FBI is a bunch of leftist commie sympathizing traitors,” a user named Gaius Frakkin’ wrote.
“Today we learned that Jack Posobiec was sharing a manufactured and fictitious conversation that was created to look like our account speaking with several others,” the spokesperson for IGD wrote to Newsweek. “The conversation implied that anarchists and antifa organizers are somehow supportive of church shootings. Nothing could be further from the truth, and our hearts go out to people across the U.S. who have lost, and continue lose loved ones in these horrific mass shootings.”
The spokesperson accused Posobiec and others of using the “pain and misery of working-class people” for profit.
“Posobiec wants to attack social movements to further his own reactionary political ends while growing his fame and career along the way,” the spokesperson wrote. “For the sake of not only the truth but people’s lives, it’s imperative that people recognize these phonies for what they are and denounce them.”
We won’t truly be part of the conversation until our comment section gets quoted.
By God, I hope so.
We’re just not trying hard enough.
Playa of, a ne’er do well group of midgets, writes: “The shooter is trying to turn us gay!”.
“Extremist alt-right group threatens minority with woodchipper”
Far right blames tragedy on far left. Left blames tragedy on American freedom. Right blames tragedy on Texas prohibition of CC in places of worship.
Film at 11.
I blame TSTSNBN for lowering the bat
“lowering the bar”
some more info from CNN
Devin Kelley served in logistics readiness at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico from 2010 until his discharge, she said.
The Air Force did not provide a date or condition of the discharge.
The gunman entered the small church in the rural town east of San Antonio, firing with an assault weapon at the congregation attending the morning service.
A man who lives next to the church grabbed his own rifle and engaged the gunman, said Freeman Martin, the regional director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
“The suspect dropped his rifle, which was a Ruger AR assault-type rifle and fled from the church,” Martin said.
The man then chased the gunman, Martin said.
When police spotted the suspect’s vehicle a short time later at the county line, they found the gunman inside — dead of a bullet wound.
“At this time, we don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by the local resident,” Martin said.
That must’ve pained CNN to report that.
Tigers lawyers now scrambling
Wtf stupid phone tigers= Rugers
Jeebus, I started wondering what Tiger Woods had to do with this?!?!?!
It looked like a Del-Ton to me. Same cheap fore grip.
But the bad guy had an assault rifle and the good guy just had a plain ole rifle.
How could the good guy possibly win ?
Given the media’s “expertise” with firearms, I’d expect this to turn out to be a revolver.
Right now, on standard cable, I can watch Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor, The Green Hornet, Hell Boy, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, or Harry Potter and the Jockstrap of Shannara.
It seems like all of these movies run on a continuous loop. I thin they’re all on all the time, along with Guardians of the Galaxy, now, Lord of the Rings (whatever) . . .
I still thin the bets LOTR movie was the Battle of Five Armies. I’ll stop and watch that leader of the Dwarf Army call that prissy Elf King out as a sissy every time. It’s like the car chase in Bullitt.
If Marvel seems to ber repeating itself, it may be because there are so many reruns on. It’s like when Seinfeld had to compete with itself in syndication.
Marvel always has a new movie out or coming out so I think that’s part of it.
Peter Jackson unzipped and took an expensive and protracted piss all over my childhood. The best thing I can say about any of his Tolkien movies is that at least I learned that New Zealand is more beautiful than I knew.
You’re wrong about the best movie though, I think. Comparing Jackson’s movies to each other is like asking which dumpster fire smells best, but if pressed I’d say that the Fellowship is the best of them, Moria and Galadriel’s epileptic fit notwithstanding.
Still treating Rankin/Bass as canon, eh?
Another thing annoys me about Trek is complaining that it violates Roddenberry’s vision. Problem is he changed his vision many times and the closest is early TNG which quite a few Trekked don’t like.
Anyway from I can gather his vision was some athiest free love nudist vegetarian subterranean communist utopia where everyone agreed on everything, “accepted death” and did whatever they wanted.
I thought a few people would like the athiest free love nudism…
I’m all about the atheist free love nudism (not really- I find clothing practical, and in some cases aesthetically pleasing) but not if I have to live in a society that makes Jean-Luc Picard captain of a spaceship. I watched a bit of TNG because back in the day, because I had to to fuck one particular girl, and my general impression was that as far as brickably smug faces go Stewart turned in a command performance.
So this?
Ilike ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
Similar to Iain Bank’s “Culture” – but at least there’s a pretty broad streak of anarcho-terrorism and general weirdness there. I could deal with that world. ST: TNG just appears tediously boring as a society.
Millions of Leaked Files Shine Light on Where the Elite Hide Their Money
How dare the “hide” their money, don’t they know that’s collectively ours. By collectively I mean the government’s.
Um… why?
Somebody may get a bomb in their car
Sen. Durbin after Texas church shooting: “America is in the grips of a gun violence crisis. Congress must act.”
That was fast.
What makes it a crisis? Because phrasing itthat way will get us gun control.
Wasn’t there that article at Reason bemoaning how he was passed over from Dem Senate Leader.
Eat a log of shit, Sen. Durbin.
I’m convinced they have these statement already written up amd break them out and fill in a few minor details every time the opportunity to exploit a tragedy comes about.
Are we back to it being ok to politicize these things?
24+ dead is a busy Chicago or Baltimore weekend. I think the important question to ask is why do people like Durbin only make an issue of gun violence when it is white people being killed? Do they just not care about black people?
Yes, this $375 ‘antifa’ jacket from Barneys is actually real
Those who identify with the antifa movement are against fascism and, usually, capitalism. So, naturally, Barneys is selling an ‘anarchy jacket’ for $375. The military-style field jacket is adorned with an anarchist symbol and various on-brand statements. The front says “REVOLUTION” across the chest with a couple of backwards letters to evoke just the right amount of edge, and the back says “Seek Truth” and “The Devil Made Me Do it,” complete with a small illustration of a devil’s tail. The jacket looks like something that teens have been making themselves for years with sharpies and patches.
After photos of the jacket surfaced online, people began ridiculing it on Twitter.
Alpha Industries, the manufacturer of the jacket, started off as a contractor for the U.S. military and has a long history of making field jackets and bomber jackets. Angelyn Fernandez, VP of Product at Alpha Industries, said in an e-mailed statement to the Daily Dot said that the inspiration behind the jacket is “self-expression.”
“We have seen resistance to power and authority become a trend in our current pop culture and society, often expressed through fashion,” she said. “Since 1965 the M65 field jackets have been a favored method to graphically express one’s opinion. We developed the Barneys M65 anarchy jacket to encompass the artistic and graphic expressions of individuality.”
If they can make a buck off those idiots, more power to them.
I’m not sure if I should cry or applaud. Perhaps both sentiments are appropriate.
It reminds me a bit of my very brief sojourn with Murray Bookchin’s little cadre, the Burlington Youth Greens. There was this very cute blonde revolutionary I kind of had a hankering for (Meghan, maybe?) who showed up one day in a brand new and clearly very expensive leather jacket. She was stylish, for a revolutionary. A certain amount of shade was thrown at her until she explained “I liberated it.” Then all was good in revolutionary land… a little later the leader of the group asked what time it was and not a single one of us knew, or had anything that could tell us. After a moment he sententiously declared “this is what’s so great about us.”
That girl was cute though.
“That girl was cute though.”
The only acceptable excuse for being a revolutionary.
There’s a reason I set that sentence off from the rest 😉
In the 6th grade during the Vietnam war I had similar looking jacket.
It was army surplus and I used a major marker to write PEACE and LOVE in what we called then , physadellic lettering.
It was cool.
“We have seen resistance to power and authority become a trend in our current pop culture and society, often expressed through fashion,”
Calling for expansion of authority is resistance.
This happened at the next town over yesterday
Details are lacking, but I’m sure the officer couldn’t have deescalated and that he feared for his life. Also, I’m sure, procedures were followed.
Pulled over immediately, jumped out of the car and brandished a knife. Suicide by cop or BS story.
So if the guy jumped out immediately with a knife, the cop could have remained inside his stab proof car??
Im a bit torn about stories like this. The cop probably could have, and likely should have de-escalated. But a guy charging you with a knife is kind of scary.
Charging? sure shoot to kill, Brandishing? deescalate/wait for back up/tase/bean bag gun to the gut. Determining the difference between brandishing and charging, and taking some risk in making that decision are why cops get paid the big bucks.
It’s a fine line. I do agree with you- cops have body armor, and shouldn’t be on a hair-trigger. There’s a distinction that I think should be made between someone who draws a knife because they’re losing their shit and someone who draws one as a weapon with intent to use it immediately. Shoot the latter and I have no real qualms about it, but the former is probably more common, and I think in cases like that the cops should work harder to chill things down.
I led a somewhat adventurous youth, and I’ve had knives pulled on me a few times. Scary, but for the most part the people pulling them were as scared of me as I was of them, and I was generally able to walk away without anyone getting cut. But there was that guy who really tried to stab me… well, that’s why we have ribs, and I have a nice little scar on my left side from that. And a couple on my hands, because once you’re grappling with someone with a knife everyone tends to get cut.
I’m not saying that the cops should shoot people just because they brandish a knife. They should be better at handling situations than they seem to be. But I am saying that it’s a very bad idea to pull a knife on a cop, and I’d kind of expect to get shot if I did. Then again, I wouldn’t pull a weapon out unless I were willing to use it. I can’t imagine circumstances where I’d pull a knife on a cop, but if I did it would be at close quarters because I meant to kill him. I wouldn’t blame him for shooting me if he could.
The question is- how do you tell who’s serious? I’ve known some cops, and at least the town cops tend to be the slightly slow guys you picked on in high school. Asking them to figure out what’s going on when someone pulls a knife is probably asking more of them than they’re capable of.
I’d like a bit more info before making a judgement. Considering that cops have been known to shoot people reaching for their wallets, it’s not exactly unreasonable to suspect that the guy had a Swiss army knife on a keychain, or was driving a beater and had to use a screwdriver to roll down the window, and a cop shot him over that.
Or it might just have been a 56 year old Korean hopped out of his car when pulled over, whipped out a machete, and started screaming, “I’m gonna slice all you fucking pigs!,” and rushed a cop. But I kind of doubt that is what happened.
Sure- but I’d still advise not pulling even a toenail clipper on a cop, unless you’re a trained spy and plan to kill him with it.
I think the de-escalation part is often overlooked in many cases. I don’t know if not applies to this case or not, because there is very little information available. There are a lot of instances where police harm people (not just shoot, but harm in other ways as well) when the situation could have been resolved much easier if the police would behave differently. Police are taught to be arrogant authoritarian assholes whose command is the law. A lot of people don’t respond to that type of treatment very kindly.
There is also the issue of why citizens and police interact in the first place. Should someone with a license plate light not functioning be pulled over in the first place? I don’t think so. What about a guy driving around without his seatbelt? There are dozens of different ways that one can suddenly be faced with an armed agent of the state. I would like to see these ways reduced.
Police are taught to be arrogant authoritarian assholes
Are they taught that or do arrogant authoritarian assholes gravitate towards law enforcement?
Probably both. The arrogant authoritarian asshole recruits are actively encouraged by the arrogant authoritarian asshole veterans to remain arrogant authoritarian assholes. It’s a vicious cycle.
Here,Psycho music for Psycho people,
Has anyone seem this trailer? More 1% propaganda?
At least back in the day the war between rich and poor was mainly waged between the rich and poor. I can understand that, at least.
Now the war seems to be waged by the rich against the merely well-off. It’s probably worth noting that no poor people were involved in making this film.
The heartland and the plains states aren’t usually the same thing (don’t know where this is supposed to take place, but it looks like it was shot on the canadian plains) The plains states are usually considered more western than midwest and the midwest is usually the heartland.
I’m laughing at this more than I should
Starbucks cups and tears.
Paul Ryan on Fox. He’s SHOCKED that the dems would rig their primaries. Asshole.
Other than that, Queen Gertrude, how did you enjoy the play?
South of HWY 29 is like a different state I tells ya!
So, I wrote 2 more chapters in the Harvey Weinstein story that will be published at the discretion of the overlords; but for future reference, the Donna Brazile story hadn’t come out yet.
I feel like there’s a real story here- maybe Harvey cowering in a bathroom as Brazile yells “Get the fuck out here and service me Harvey or you’ll never host a fundraiser in this town again!”
the reference has more to do with her drapes than her carpet.
Man, I don’t even want to think about Donna’s beef curtains, thank you very much. But go for it if you feel so inclined, I guess.
The report that the murderer may have been killed by an alert citizen is intriguing.
Just reading the tea leaves like everyone else, but I don’t know how often planned, murder-suicides involve running from the police.
My bet is that the citizen who shot at the murderer actually hit him and he bled out as the cops were chasing him.
In other details, the dude sounds like an all-around loser:
I imagine being in military prison must be like “Hell Week” in basic training–except instead of it lasting for a week (or until the end of boot camp), it would last for a whole fucking year. I had a friend who went through boot camp at Camp Pendleton, just north of Oceanside. He said it was so bad, he was looking to escape. He would have tried to escape and tried to find me in San Diego to help him leave the country, but he could never find a way out. That was only after a week.
I sure hope the dude suffered in a military prison. I doubt the other inmates are any more sympathetic to child abusers in military prisons than they are anywhere else.
This does open up questions about how he passed his background check to buy his weapon.
On the one hand, it says he bought the weapon he used in 2016 after passing a background check.
On the other hand, it says he did a year for assaulting his wife and child?
He did a year. Regardless of whether there’s time off for good behavior, isn’t that the definition of a felony? How did he pass the background check?
Has it been reported that he passed a background check when he bought the rifle? I hadn’t seen that. There are a lot of ways of obtaining a rifle that don’t involve background checks.
The dishonorable discharge alone disqualifies one from being able to pass a background check. That is something that shows up on when you are run through the NICS system. If he did pass a background check, I’ll give a guess as to how.
Sometimes when a background check is run, the system doesn’t immediately report back a pass or fail. When this happens, the FBI (or maybe ATF I don’t remember right now) has three business days to respond. If they don’t respond within that three days, then you pass and are allowed to take posession of the firearm. I believe that a beurocratic mistake that delayed the check for more than 3 days is why Dylan roof was able to purchase the pistol he used from an FFL.
There are a number of possibilities, I suppose.
Maybe being dishonorably discharged after serving a year in prison for assault against your wife and child isn’t a disqualifying felony.
The other strong possibility is that maybe the information we’re getting isn’t correct.
Section 922(g) of the GCA prohibits certain persons from shipping or transporting any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce, or receiving any firearm which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, or possessing any firearm in or affecting commerce. These prohibitions apply to any person who–
(1) Has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
(2) Is a fugitive from justice;
(3) Is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance;
(4) Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution;
(5) Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States;
(6) Has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
(7) Having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced U.S. citizenship;
(8) Is subject to a court order that restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such intimate partner; or
(9) Has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Seems like#1, #6, and #9 should all have prevented him passing a background check. I will agree that there is a strong possibility that the information is not correct. Usually the first information that comes out of one of these situations is the worst.
Just spitballing here, but he could have bought the gun before his dishonorable discharge. He could have stolen them like with the Sandy Hook shooter. Or he could have found a straw purchaser. (For some odd reason, the previous administration was somewhat lax in its prosecution of straw purchasers, especially in Texas.)
But it is still a good idea to wait 48 hours for details to emerge, and best not to engage in speculation. Unless the details start getting weird like they did with the Vegas shooter, then speculate away.
I’ve studiously avoided being in the military, despite a longstanding family tradition, but a lot of my friends are ex-military. My understanding is that you really have to fuck up to get a dishonorable discharge.
Beating your child and spouse will do it…This fucker was stationed at my base…albeit, years after I left. What a scumbag.
Well I feel like if you beat your spouse _and_ your child that’s almost certainly on you. If you beat your wife, but not your kid, maybe your wife is just really annoying. And vice-versa. But if you beat them both I kind of feel like you either have very bad taste in genetics or an anger problem.
Yes, you do. The majority of negative discharges, such as for failing a drug test, are general under other than honorable conditions, referred to as an OTH. These are generally for relatively minor offenses, usually an accumulation of them, demonstrating a lack of discipline and integrity. If you’re a good boy for a while after getting an OTH, you can apply to get that changed to a general under honorable.
There’s the big chicken dinner, the Bad Conduct Discharge, and the dishonorable. Both of them are bad, both require a court martial (as opposed to the OTH which can be given administratively) but the DD is reserved for serious crimes.