Those are the headlines, now the rumors behind the news.
Rand Paul gets his clock cleaned, assailant gets bailed out. What we learned: Paul mows his own lawn. This makes him a better human being than about 99 other senators.
Manafort offers a small fortune to be allowed to escape overseas, where he likely has a large fortune stashed. Not that I’m cynical… OK, I am, but as my unicorn SP likes to say, “Just because you’re cynical doesn’t mean you’re wrong.”
One of the Pirates of the Caribbean seems to have yo-ho-hoed more than just a bottle of rum.
I’m second to no-one in my contempt for Trump, but I have similar contempt for his predecessors. Bad enough that Obama won’t do the decent thing and go away, but jesus fucking christ, the ass-grabbing Cop-A-Feel Bush needs to join him. And his clueless son as well.
More Old Guy music, in this case, a wonderful cover of my favorite Magnetic Fields tune, played by one of the most interesting musicians I’ve ever met.
“George Bush grew up thinking about the greater good. Donald Trump is manifestly narcissistic. It’s part of his brand. And that brand is the antithesis of the Bush brand,” Updegrove added.
I thought the Bush brand was RINO.
All politicians are kind Rino’s, they want to gore you in the ass.
Donkeys want to kick you in the ass. So it’s the difference between being stabbed and beaten.
Unless you are very wealthy, than both parties are quite happy to kiss your ass.
“George H.W. Bush confirmed that he voted for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. George W. Bush told Updegrove he left the top of the ballot blank.”
So not even in name only. Not that Trump is conservative. But neither is starting unnecessary wars and spending money like a drunken sailor.
I figured W And Johnson were goes at same time, he might have voted for him, but guess not.
Govs is a word, autocorrect.
Not if you didn’t train it.
If you start off from the premise our political class has become an aristocracy all on its own, composed of a bunch of credentialed tools that have bought hook, line, and sinker into the collectivist big government shit that says the plebes are too stupid to be trusted with anything and only they are qualified to make any kind of decisions, this move by GWB starts making sense. We have had the most inept and fucking stupid class of credentialed assholes call the shots for going on 24 years, blaming everything that goes wrong because of their lack of leadership and the fact they are more about protecting their power than doing right by the people that elected them on these very people, and they are pissed that the people have dared to rebel against them with of all things this boor Trump’s election over the poster child for their inept class: Hillary.
We are at a pivotal moment in the history of freedom on this planet, and too many idiots are fine trading their freedoms for false promises of security and a better future to a bunch of assholes whose sole accomplishments are credentials from institutions peddling base marxist idiocy as humanity’s salvation, and manipulating a whole bunch of envious people into keeping them in power in return for scraps from their table. We have the worst , most selfish, and downright criminally corrupt political class, not just in this country, but practically across the western world, living large and taking credit for things done by people that actually can do things, while passing blame for their plethora of failures on everyone else.
Fuck them all. And that is why we have Trump today, and why they are all trying their best to sink him, even if it requires them to scorch all earth and fuck everyone over.
Amen! Preach on.
Good response on why DT won and why TDS is of epidemic proportions.
Month before the election Don Bordeaux (hat tip to Cafe Hayek”) stated the one positive of a Trump presidency would be that it remove the POTUS from the demi-god status it had become. That would happen because it would demonstrate that you didn’t have to a credentialed politician and because DT doesn’t hide the fact that he is a mortal human with all too human individual failings.
My take on 2016 is the worst thing that happened was DT won, and the best thing that happened was HRC lost.
William S. Burroughs wrote (in the wonderful Three-Fisted Tales Of Bob anthology) – “Richard Nixon exploded the Presidential image at Watergate. I think he will go down in history as a folk hero.”
Funny thing, but in Manufacturing Consent that is pretty much the case Chomsky makes. Naturally, he ignores his own conclusion and preaches that putting the left in power is actually better – even from the point of view of the masses (possibly because they are then condescended to in a more agreeable manner).
Well, Bush and Hillary are both neocons, so no surprises there.
I remember how excited fiscal conservatives were when his son was elected. $5B more debt and 2 wars that persist to this day. I wouldn’t be too sad if they were both swallowed up by the sea at Kennebunkport. Fucking scum.
Don’t forget that compassionate conservative bullshit that left us with that horrible Medicare Part B money pit as well.
What, NCLB was chopped liver?
Aside from W’s tax cuts, they were essentially as conservative as Lutheran Services.
Sorry, $5T.
+1 x1000
The Greater Good.
That’s synonymous with bigger more intrusive government that expects the drones to just shut up and produce so they can live large and in charge, right?
It’s even more petty then that, which is why Hot Fuzz is an awesome movie.
Ideocracy got it right, even though the people that made that movie pretended the problem was the other side. I still remember the days where team blue screamed about how government was going to rob us all of our freedoms and turn us all into stupid drones. Fast forward, and we are heading in that direction, fast, with the left driving that crazy bus at light speed.
My girlfriend has some hippy products that proclaim their differences from normal brands on the sides* (maybe Burt’s Bees, or similar), one of which says FOR THE GREATER GOOD. I always read it in that voice.
*Most of it, oddly, is what they don’t have, eg “no phthalates”. Rarely what it actually does have or can accomplish.
“The Greater Good” is the good for some hypothetical group of people other than oneself. It’s never any one identifiable person or group of people, just some nameless mass that people are supposed to defer their life, liberty, and happiness toward. As such, its wildly prone to abuse, since it identifies sacrifice as virtue and evades the question of to whom the sacrifice is being made. But, even in those cases where those preaching it are entirely sincere in their beliefs, it’s still a sucker’s game, predicated on the notion that individuals’ welfare is fungible. But, it isn’t. It’s not right to harm the innocent, so long as it sufficiently benefits the wicked. It’s not right to sacrifice one’s values or principles for a good cause. It’s not right to send thousands of American servicemen to their deaths, so that we can have the illusion of Middle Eastern democracy.
interesting archeology article takes a strange plunge down a modern political rabbit hole
The giveaway was the use of Comic Sans.
Why is the lady doing a 60-tweet thread? That’s the sort of thing blog posts are perfect for.
Maybe the blog has fewer readers than the number of her followers.
It appears that in the soft sciences and humanities, one must make the ritual invocation of Teh White Supremacist Threat. Kind of like the jurisdiction statement at the beginning of a lawsuit.
“soft sciences and humanities”
I think the proper scientific term for this discipline is “Bullshit Artistry”….
Did you try to bullshit last week?
Racial genuflection.
Stay Out da Bushes !
I think they both did a decent job of going away. They just answered a few questions from a guy writing a book.
Manafort offers a small fortune to be allowed to escape overseas,
He’s probably no worse than Puigdemont.
Because NYC is stupendously expensive, I’ve recently started a new 2nd 2nd job (overnight stocking of the grocery store shelves). 8 hour shifts of listening to headphones has seen me binge-listening to Firesign Theatre for about 3 weeks now. Thanks for the Papoon reference.
The President of these United States is named “Schicklgruber”.
“I have to go to see another patient.”
“Oh, you mean to Nancy?”
“I’m not mean to Nancy… she likes it that way.”
Isn’t that bridge built YET?
Did you ever see the Firesign Theater TV Ads? Behold a taste.
Another taste.
HA! I think of Jesse every time that comes up in rotation.
Glad to know that there are still a few Fireheads out there!
Follow in your book and repeat after me, as we learn three new words in Turkish.
… Hobbit
I thought that $15/hour in just one job allowed you to live on Park Ave.
But, nobody gets paid $15 an hour, except for millionaires.
I would listen to “Dear Friends” while driving late at night. I miss Firesign Theater, and we’ll never have anything like it again. The culture and counter-culture has shifted and swapped so much that now nothing is funny anymore.
Frigate Matilda
Frigate Matilda
Won’t you come frigate
Matilda, with me
This was posted earlier. While these allegations might be bullshit. My alternate take is if someone has physical evidence of sexual assault, such as being bruised and beaten, then why wouldn’t they report it? It’s not like the police would ignore it. They often arrest men based on nothing more than the accusers word. For decades, feminists have claimed some outrageous number of rapes go unreported. If so, don’t women have at least some of the responsibility for that?
TW: Jezebel
Also, I’m curious as to whether or not the police in modern times ever asked a rape victim what she had been wearing or whether or not she “asked for it”. My hypothesis is that women who were obviously regretting last night’s drunk sex were blown off, and then they went screaming and crying that the police wouldn’t do anything about it.
“I think the rape culture theory was just an outgrowth of this infantilized view of women. The fainting couchers enlarged the meaning of sexual assault to include a lot of activities that most of us don’t think of as sexual assault. They collapsed the distinction between regretted sex and rape. An equity feminist does not assume that all sex under the influence is assault, or that men are automatically to blame. That’s not to say that sexual assault isn’t a real problem on campus.”
To be sure.
It just isn’t as important as the made-up problems.
/Academic politics
“When Donald Trump said, ‘I am my own adviser,’ Bush thought — and this is a quote — ‘Wow, this guy doesn’t know what it means to be president.'”
Be like Bush and listen to you’re Colin.
“You know who would make a great chief of staff? Me.”
Said who?
Full quote… “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
I won’t cheat. I’m thinking Hitler.
Wait I am confused. I thought the left’s talking points were that Dick Cheney was president and Bush was just his muppet? Has the story been revised again? I can never keep up with the edicts from the ministry of truth that rules team blue’s lemmings.
Being a puppet is a virtue now.
Be like Bush and listen to you’re Colin.
Start a youtube channel and say I’m Polyp over and over again?
I will never click on another SugarFree youtube link again. Ever.
I’m Polyp
*fiercely narrows gaze*
But I just got out of my bunk.
I feel like I’ve already had sex with her. Wish she’d pick up her panties and go home.
And you should go see a doctor to make sure shit doesn’t rot off…
Go get yer shots, too.
Sorry about the herpes
She never seemed promiscuous. For most of her adult life she has dated the same guy. They broke up for a while, then got back together again.
Yeah, I’ve always found it strange that she is treated as a slut, despite apparently one long term relationship, while Taylor Swift, who changes boyfriends almost as often as she changes panties, isn’t. I actually think it’s a class thing. Cyrus is viewed as low class and all low class women are sluts/whores. Swift is viewed as upper class and therefore virtuous.
I think it has more to do with her style. I think the only performance i have ever seen of hers, she was dressed up as and acting like a slut. Granted, I have never seen taylor swift perform, i don’t think she performs in that manner.
I think it’s more due to the skimpy outfits, naked photo shoots, stage antics, etc. than class. Her parents were hardly poor, and she started making a huge amounts of money at a young age.
Class is more than money, though.
Class might be more than money, but the U.S. is such a new country. Distinct classes aren’t so well-defined that their differences can’t be largely overcome with money.
I don’t think that’s true. Nouveau riche is a thing in the U.S., too.
Swift is a younger version of Celine Dion.
Christ. Celine Dion has more character and singing ability in her pinky than T Swizzle.
“You’re all correct; I’m ugly and a no-talent hack!” Taylor sobbed before tossing another dumpster of gold coins into her basement.
I hate life
sometimesall the time.Taylor is a goddess and I will not hear a word spoken against her, Tulpa.
Swift is an unattractive stick and an untalented hoe.
Boyfriends yes. But do any of them get past 2nd base before she dumps them and writes a song slamming them “for the laffs”?
Image is powerful.
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. *Scratches balls with SOS pad*
Here is some rubbing alcohol and a lighter… Better play it safe brah.
You have balls?
Yes. Why? You need some?
I’ve always thought she’s a combo between gross and way child-like. Never appealing.
Finest Miley Cyrus interaction @ 0:50 and ending seconds later.
She’s retarded. And don’t forget about the chicken incident.
Not reported regarding the Rand Paul assault – what kind of lawnmower?
Did it have a cup holder, and what beverage was he rocking?
Southern outlaw PX-05 is what I heard.
Excellent point. Was it a riding mower, or a push mower? I see Rand going with a zero turn radius John Deere (depending on the size of his yard).
The World’s Strongest Redneck on lawn care:
“Lawnmower on a stick”
Kentucky senator gets blindsided. Awesome. Oh, FFS. Wrong one.
And the left reports it is a non-story because it doesn’t feed the narrative that the violent ones are the ones that point out the left is a bunch of totalitarian douchebags that would love to send everyone unwilling to kneel at the altar of marx to reeducation/death camps.
Tackling your neighbor from behind while they’re mowing isn’t a crime if you’re resisting. Guy was just resisting.
Is that real?
That stupid seems to be taking over the world? Yes.
wow another scrump reincarnation he gets banned a lot on the twitterz
Some people are too easily offended.
It’s more like some people go through life looking to be offended, because that is the only thing that gives their miserable existences meaning..
It’s like they find more of whatever they’re looking for…
Why blur names? Surely these people stand by their statements and are proud of them.
Al Franken lays into Facebook over Russian ad buys
Crazy Al has a point, though, doesn’t he? Dontcha know that even Donna Brazile, whom rigged at least one presidential debate to favor Team Shillary, was influenced by the Russians to throw Hillary under the bus after Trump “stole” the election? Looks like Donna just came out about how the donkey primaries had been rigged by the most qualified woman president evah, and that has to be her implanted Rooskie mind altering probe being activated and Donna being fed Trumpian nonsense!
That or something, something else…
That’s what Senate committee hearings are for: grandstanding and browbeating people dragooned into appearing before them.
The state is the biggest bully of them all.
“The state is the biggest bully of them all.”
because the state claims legitimacy.
But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful.
The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a “protector,” and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to “protect” those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you. He does not keep “protecting” you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villanies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.
+1 billion
What confuses me about this kind of theater is can’t FB at al. just tell them to fuck off?
For the people that run FB, that would be violence.
Political, and other, ads are currently regulated in other mediums. FB et al. have successfully avoid regulation to this point.
I’m not clear on what law was supposedly broken.
Also, what “other” ads are we talking about? Is there some exception to the First Amendment I’m not aware of?
I’m not implying that a law was broken – only stating that FB and others want to at-least pretend to play nice to avoid regulations.
Advertising is heavily regulated – see FTC/FCC.
Well the government sure is implying that. If so, where are the arrests? These witch trials are pure BS.
To avoid regulation FB and other social media sites should have a disclaimer when you open it….
As far as the Russian ads go, I looked at some of them the other day. they were largely meh as far as fake news goes. I saw way better fake news propagated from domestic sources. The whole thing is a big who gives a shit to me.
So Franken is such a grandstanding, awful bag of dicks.
I would fuck Miley Cyrus. Lindsey Lohan too. Though the laters titties are starting to sag and all that sun isnt good on that freckled skin.
Lohan looks at least 20 years older than she really is.
“Rand Paul gets his clock cleaned, assailant gets bailed out”
Rene Boucher (a.k.a Ken Schulz) was just punching nazis and his actions should be celebrated.
Do you know who else was angered by that vote?
You know, the fact that Rand was operating dangerous machinery when this happened should probably increase the charges a little. There also seems to be little doubt that it was politically motivated.
I read something last night that one of the other neighbors said that the two had an ongoing fued.
Nothing is more libertarian than feuding with your neighbor and defending your honor.
Or Kentuckian
So, is Kentucky Somalia just with hills & rain?
The Somalian Derby is with elephants.
And more guns.
And weed, lots of weed.
Thank you for the beautiful execution on the set-up.
Fuck lol – I guffawed so loudly that my wife at the other end of the house asked what the hell was so funny.
Im thinking unless rand invited him onto his property prior to the assault, then this should be a little more serious matter. If you enter my property with the intent to harm me, I can legally shoot you. I’m not sure which all laws you would be breaking, but misdemeanor assault seems a little light.
Tweet of the year?
Brazile writes she was haunted by murder of DNC Seth Rich, and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds so snipers could not see her ?
People that piss off the Clintons seem to always end up dying in the craziest ways possible. Conspiracy theorists couldn’t make this shit up..
*shoots self in the back of the head twice*
Ouch. Do you need an aspirin?
I wonder what the body count will be between now and Hillary’s nomination in 2020?
Well, she has a good reason for that, now. She’ll have a mysterious accident soon enough.
Who’d complain about that? She looks pretty good if you ask me.
She looks a helluva lot better than the spiteful hag complaining.
No doubt.
I dunno but that took longer to arrive at RAAACIST! than I expected. What, 4 posts?
That is exactly what will be said about me in a few years. I need to get a tuxedo though.
Shit, that was me last night – minus the tux and tie.
Aren’t the antifa supposed to be having an armed uprising today? I just got home from work and and going to sleep soundly knowing those pukes don’t have the stones to pull their shit anywhere near my place.
That was yesterday.
Spoiler alert: Nothing happened and t was all made up.
Was it today? Haven’t seen anything yet. The link disappeared off Drudge. Checked a few other sources, but didn’t find anything yet.
Yes, the revolution happened, we are now under socialist control. Notice the difference?
“Alt-Right White Supremacists Claim Papa John’s As Official Pizza”
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it doesn’t have pineapple.
Mmm, Hawaiian pizza. Yummy.
There you have it folks. If you are white and hold conservative views, (in their eyes, and yes, that includes you icky libertarians) you are a a white supremacist.
They could move to somewhere that has no white people. They won’t find that in the Western hemisphere or Europe. Looks like parts of Asia or Africa is the place for them.
Hey man, Rwanda was #4 for women’s equality according to some pinko NGO.
And Robert Mugabe is the head of the UN human rights committee. Or something like that.
I love those country rankings they put out once in a while for standard of living or happiness. It’s always a few Scandinavian countries at the top of the list. US is always way down the rankings. If we would just socialist harder and transform the country into a small Scandinavian country with about 10 million Scandinavians, we could move up the list.
Sweden, with their fifth column of violent Muslim “refugees”, sure seems like utopia to me.
Rwanda? She sounds thicc.
Zimbabwe seems apt.
Well at least Papa John’s doesn’t do deep-dish.
I’ll be the guy to ask.
Q Continuum – guy who just really loves a great pair of boobs, or a Russian plant looking to infect the computers of deviant libertarians?
We need an answer.
He’s a libertarian, why are you asking if he’s a secret Rusky? Of course he is, as well as a Nazi and literally worse than Hitler.
Also, libertarians – by definition – receive regular checks from the Koch Brothers, Monsanto, and Exxon-Mobil as payment for making pro-capitalist comments on the Internet. This is all part of an elaborate PSYOPS campaign to ensure that these KKKorporations can take over the world.
PS: Does anyone know if our checks are going to be delayed this month because of the bank holiday on Thanksgiving? I texted Charles Koch, but I haven’t heard back yet.
Just wait until we get our claws into Big Marijuana. Bwaaahhaahahhaaaahaa!
Also, just heard from Charles, we’re expected to run down a few extra brown children with our huge gas guzzling pickup trucks this month if we expect a check.
If not, you can always use your key to the treasury all of us white males receive at birth. I’m sending my driver over this afternoon to pu a trunkload of cash, you want me to have him pu extra for you?
And, I mean your local office of White Privilege makes home deliveries, right? We privileged cannot be expected to leave the house to get our next truckload of privilege.
Dood, unless you’re one of (((us))) you don’t even know what you’re missing in the treasury privilege department. Think Scrooge McDuck meets Rocco Sifreddi meets Dexter.
Goddammit, the goyim know now.
I’m gonna have to call Chaim to do some memory wiping.
¿Porque no los dos?
he seems to speak Chinese as well … hmmmm
That’s Mexican.
Is it? I get all them Asians mixed up
or even Spanish….
Orale Vato!
Looks legit.
that meme had much funnier versions
The media seem to be in some sort of coordinated attack on the GOP tax bill. First they were all talking about how they were going to limit 401k contributions. That turned out to be garbage of course. Now they’re into their 3rd or 4th iteration of how the bill will secretly raise taxes on the middle class. Now that story has turned into something about how there is a secret 46% bracket and something something increase taxes on the middle class. And the most ironic thing of all is that Pelosi and Schumer are like ‘OH MUH GAWDS, REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO RAISE TAXES!’. Really? Democrats complaining about raising taxes? Those shitbags have never seen a tax increase they don’t love.
I’m just wondering what motivated some presumably wealthy inventor of a medical device to treat back pain to Jap-tackle a sitting Senator in his front lawn while he was cutting his grass.
I’ll take ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ for 600, Alex.
I just want Jap-tackle to become a thing.
I have never heard that term before, but by god I am going to work it into a conversation tomorrow at work.
*Jap-tackles Brochettaward*
In honor of Guy Fawkes Day, I’m hoping someone gets into the basement of Congress and blows the place up. But do it tomorrow while they’re there.
(I’m going to end up getting this place subpoenaed, aren’t I)
*Preet takes screenshot*
Little known fact: on the seventh day, G-d did not rest, he spend the whole time perfecting boobs. I’d say He did a pretty bang up job.
7, 34, 35 and 23 for obvious reasons.
1, 3, and 11.
And 45.
Also 39, Lord have mercy.
7 35 39 work
Just for you Pie.
Initial link SFW, further exploration NSFW.
I think I found your girl.
nice tits
There isn’t a rabbit alive in the county 19 lives in.
34, 34, 34, and 34
“Thicc alert!!!!!”
I would take that reporter everyday and twice on Sunday.
Oh, she’s fantastic, but I didn’t know you were a thiccianado, Q.
How could any straight man not be? That thicc ass, ample chest, nice skin tone.
There’s been some studies conducted where they have some men hooked up to a monitor to monitor their pulse, heart rate and then have some women with different body types walk by them. In every case, the men will have more of a reaction to curvy women. Now that’s science I can appreciate.
Curvy is not always fat, it is about ratios
Fat and Curvy are two totally different things. A curvy girl could be fat, but so could a woman with little curves.
And the woman in the thicc alert photo is definitely NOT fat.
While I certainly enjoy the top heavy ladies, my tastes can be eclectic.
I’ve seen different body types of women I’ve found attractive. But probably 99% of women I’ve found really attractive are curvy. I don’t care as much about boobs but I sure don’t mind them. It’s what’s from there down though that is most important.
For you and all the ass Glibs.
She has a point. Too bad she probably ruined her life by making it.
Somebody on SNL actually makes a joke that makes people laugh. SJW’s on Twitter not amused.
I’m enthusiastically for anything that makes the NYDN butt-hurt.
Change “Jewish” to “black” or “Muslim” and the SJWs would have no problem with it.
42% of men and 38% of women in the US will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetimes, according to this.
Male privilege strikes again. We need reduce the #GenderCancerGap, its Not OK that males earn victim status from this 10% more than womyn. I propose a blue ribbon commission to study ending cigarette taxes for womyn and instituting a subsidy for them to buy cancer sticks.
Men shouldn’t be allowed to be a bigger drain on the healthcare system for cancer related issues than womyn, who are the real victims when men die from this.
Also, to make up for the new womyn’s cigarette purchasing subsidy, existing cigarette taxes must be doubled. For the children
“The gender pay gap would disappear overnight if women chose to date men who earned less than them.”
Women are the real victims of male cancer. They lose their husbands, brothers, and sons.
Men’s lives only have value as far as they are willing/able to support the strong, independent women in their lives. At least as far as 3rd wave feminism seems to be concerned.
Shit going down in saudi arabia
No one doubted that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was a man in a hurry. But the Saudi royal’s decision to arrest 11 princes, four ministers and dozens of former ministers shows he is a risk-taker on a scale the Middle East has rarely seen.
The fact that the billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns the investment firm Kingdom Holding, was among the wave of late-night arrests (and is thought to be held in the luxurious confines of Riyadh’s Ritz Carlton hotel) suggests MbS, as Salman is known colloquially, is willing to take on the kingdom’s most powerful figuresto implement his reforms and consolidate power.
I heard in passing news they are moving the royal oil company Aramco to public offering as well. WTF is going on there?
Holy shit, I know where I’m gonna be buying.
I’m wondering if maybe they are not sitting on the reserves they claim they have and maybe someone is trying to pull a UAE model. I have nothing to back that up other than my own delusions and contempt for OPEC and Saudi Arabia in general. I would love it if their reserves where all fake and the price of oil went back to over $100 a barrel as god intended so I could go back to work.
The reserve estimates are probably correct. The estimated recovery costs are probably not.
I heard on public radio the other day that the muther fracking frackers in CO are to a point that they can be profitable at $30 a barrel. Holy shitnuggets that is pushing the envelope for profitability. I am sure you are right. The saudis could never do that. Thanks for ruining my delusion.
The detention of Prince al-Waleed is huge. He held a major investor conference only weeks ago that was literally a who’s-who of industry leaders; plus the Saudi Aramco IPO.
Holy crap.
It’s come to this.
Oh that’s rich.
“We live, work, teach, and learn together in a community that is stronger, better, and deeper because of our diversity”
The implication by taking the signs down that it’s not ok to be white then?
The dean forgot to say that diversity is our strength.
The first reply is a pro-Nazi Holocaust denier. That’s… something.
Jesus, it’s an argument about how the Holocaust is “implausible”. Apparently the rate of killings is too high or something. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that it’s impossible to kill that many people that quickly? FFS the Nazis specifically and intentionally sought out the fastest way to kill people. They had trial runs with other means of killing, and found them too slow. They settled on the mechanism of loading people into rail cars, which results in a pretty dense packing when you don’t give a fuck about comfort or sanitation, and then shoved into concentration (key word!) camps before shunting off the better part of them into giant gas chambers. Literally the only factors limiting the rate were the number of SS troops available to liquidate the ghettos, the number of rail cars that could be diverted from the war effort, and the speed with which Zyklon-B could be manufactured.
FUCK what idiocy.
Yeah, Holocaust denial tends to only have that one argument, and autistic screeching about the Nuremberg Trials. I mean, sure Nuremberg was about as ‘victor’s justice’ as you could get, but that doesn’t mean that the camps magically weren’t used for mass murder.
The one that gets me more is the horseshit about how Hitler didn’t start the war.
Hitler didn’t start the war
That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve heard in a long time.
It apparently makes a lot more sense when you actually believe that International Communist Jewry are trying to destroy the white race because then everything becomes ‘defensive’.
Yes beyond the fun and game the hardcore alt right really has their share of shit human beings.
Sargon is pissed,
Well the British male is often drunk.
I wonder if there is a YouTube equivalent of Cliff notes.
Hahaha, they admit their belief of being white is their version of original sin. They admit that Social Justice is a religion.
28% of Americans also think snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
New York Daily News: Don’t “fear” when you hear “Allahu akbar” on an airplane or in a shopping mall
“It is recited by millions of Muslims and Arab Christians every day.”
In daily and regular contact with Arab Christians for sixteen years, I never once heard any one of them ever say “Allahu akbar.” In discussing this with some of them, they said it was because of the use Islamic jihadists made of the phrase. Coptic Christians even avoid using the word “Allah” altogether, because of its close association with the Allah of Islam.
In any case, the establishment media is making an all-out effort to whitewash “Allahu akbar” in the wake of the New York City truck jihad massacre, with articles explaining that it is wonderful in CNN, the New York Times, and elsewhere, including now the New York Daily News. Zainab Chaudry of Hamas-linked CAIR argues that non-Muslims shouldn’t “believe the worst” about “Allahu akbar” because Muslims don’t just scream it while murdering non-Muslims, but use it in a variety of contexts. That is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” while killing infidels because the phrase means “Allah is greater,” not “God is greatest” as she falsely claims here, and is a declaration of the superiority and supremacy of Islam.
Chaudry’s conclusion is chilling: “So the next time you hear Allahu Akbar — whether it’s in a media report, on an airplane, or in a shopping mall, remember that the phrase used by millions of Muslims and Christians daily to praise God regardless of their circumstances, can never be justified for use when harming His creation.”
If you’re hearing it on an airplane or in a shopping mall, you may well be in the midst of a jihad terror attack. But those on that airplane who are conditioned by Zainab Chaudry and the establishment media won’t fight back, and those in that shopping mall won’t run when they hear it, because that would be “Islamophobic.”
And so the casualties will be maximized.
Are the MSM in the pocket of CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood or are they just incredibly stupid?
“I don’t want to live in whatever hellhole is throwing women out of bars for wearing too little”
oh im sure she triggered something
Muslim lawyer: It is a “national duty” to rape girls who wear revealing clothes
Egyptian lawyer Nabih Wahsh caused an uproar in the studio during an Egyptian TV debate on a proposed bill to tighten the anti-prostitution laws in the country when he said: “Are you happy when you see a girl walking down the street with half of her behind showing? … I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her.” Emotions were already running high on the panel, which included MP Shadia Thabet, who had tabled the new bill, human rights activist Abeer Suleiman, and life coach Ashgaan Nabil, who complained that “the university campuses are full of homosexuals and lesbians” as a result of “all those damned liberties and human rights!” The debate aired on Al-Assema TV on October 19.
Nabih Wahsh: “Egypt will remain a civil state with a religious source of authority, whether the officials and the rulers like it or not.”
Abeer Suleiman: “Yeah, yeah, Nabih… We support you…”
Nabih Wahsh: “We are against homosexuals and whores! [Film director] Inas Al-Degheidy says we should license brothels like in the old days… A certain female MP submitted a bill to teach sex at school. I said to her: Do you want to teach the theory or the practice? This is a disgrace! We may teach it from an Islamic point of view, but we won’t teach sex at school like they do in Europe!
“Are you happy when you see a girl walking down the street with half of her behind showing?”
Abeer Suleiman: “Do you think that we don’t care about our girls?”
Nabih Wahsh: “I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her.”
Abeer Suleiman: “No, no, no, no! I totally oppose this kind of talk. This is sexual harassment live on air…”
Nabih Wahsh: “It is a national duty to rape such a girl! What she allows herself to do constitutes depravity.”
“the university campuses are full of homosexuals and lesbians”
Go on…
I bet you can show this to any prog and they’ll say ‘Islamaphobe!’.
Yeah. Been there, done that.
I used to do a radio talk show for a college station. One day, I read all the nasty verses from the Qur’an and added my own commentary. The station manager chewed me out and said that I can’t just make fun of Islam, even though I had done the same thing with Christianity a week earlier.
He ordered me to henceforth begin each show with a disclaimer that the views presented were my own and not that of the station/college. He screwed up though, because I got to write the disclaimer. It usually took the form of : the views presented are my own and in no way reflect the views of Bovine U, WXYZ, or the North American Man Boy Love Association
Neal Boortz did an epic take down of militant Islam on radio:
“Liberal gun lover” oxymoron alert.
I hate those type stories, and there seems to be an abundance of them these days. “I support the 2nd amendment, now let’s have a discussion about common sense gun control”. The old ‘Let’s meet in the middle, isn’t that only fair?’. So then I will only have gotten half what I want, but you will still have half of what you wanted. And after we get there, we can have another discussion and meet in the middle again. Move that goalpost!
Re the lawnmower incident- anyone else just a tiny bit disappointed that Rand wasn’t packing?
Maybe he was?
OMG, the replies to this. How are people this stupid?
It’s about losers trying to get attention and they can’t find any other way. If you haven’t, watch that Netflix movie ‘The Woman who wasn’t there’. That explains it.
“Some of it I spoke of for the first time. Buried it so deep it was a revelation even to myself.”
Perhaps…. You’re….. Making it up?
I want to make a t-shirt with a picture of a guy being beamed up by flying saucer. The caption will read: LISTEN AND BELIEVE
False memory syndrome all over again.
I keep seeing this being retweeted:
Which one of you sick Canadians is that on that thread?
Who is Vicki?
I have no idea. I think she is Canadian.
Vicki Lawrence, of course. Who wouldn’t want to hate-fuck Mama?
Why Is YouTube Punishing People Who Translate and Expose Anti-Semitism on Its Platform?
For years, YouTube has failed to distinguish between those who upload racist material and those who post and translate such content to raise awareness of bigotry and inform
This past month, Tablet published a piece by journalist Eylon Aslan-Levy about a new cartoon music video that had just been released by the terrorist group Hamas. Written in Hebrew in an effort to intimidate Israelis, the animated song featured explicit exhortations to violence against Jewish civilians, and included such iconic images as an ultra-Orthodox Jew “having his head blown off and stuck on a pike, as well as another being shot in the head through crosshairs.” As part of his report, Aslan-Levy posted the video on YouTube with English subtitles, so that non-Hebrew readers could understand Hamas’s threats in it. Two days later, YouTube took down his translated video for “hate speech” and warned him that further offenses could result in the suspension of his account. Essentially, the service was unable to distinguish between journalism that aimed to expose violent incitement and bigotry, and the real thing. Last week, YouTube denied Aslan-Levy’s appeal, in which he explained he was a reporter acting to inform the public.
This decision was all the more curious given that YouTube continues to allow many other Hamas music videos—posted by their sympathizers and garnering hundreds of thousands of views—to remain on the site unmolested. But while the site’s conduct in this instance may seem strange, it was not an isolated incident. For years, YouTube has been taking down videos that translate and expose anti-Semitism and punishing those who post them. Perhaps the most notable victim of this censorship is MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute.
MEMRI translates television and media from across the Middle East, highlighting both bigotry and those activists who seek to fight it. Its work, though sometimes controversial like all things dealing with that fractious region, has earned it bipartisan accolades. As legendary U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke, who served in key roles in the Clinton and Obama Administrations, put it: “MEMRI allows an audience far beyond the Arabic-speaking world to observe the wide variety of Arab voices speaking through the media, schoolbooks, and pulpits to their own people. What one hears is often astonishing, sometimes frightening, and always important. Most importantly, it includes the newly-emerging liberal voices of reform and hope, as well as disturbing echoes of ancient hatreds. Without the valuable research of MEMRI, the non-Arabic speaking world would not have this indispensable window.”
One the most famous showcases of MEMRI’s work came during the 2014 Gaza War, when CNN’s Wolf Blitzer confronted official Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan with a MEMRI-translated clip of Hamdan himself claiming that “the Jews used to slaughter Christians in order to mix their blood in their holy [Passover] matzos.” After being shown the video, Hamdan still refused to denounce the blood libel and instead offered the immortal defense that he had Jewish friends.
“Our YouTube site has been brought down probably four times over the past decade,” said MEMRI CEO Steve Stalinsky. Individual videos have also been removed. Some of this has been due to copyright claims on MEMRI’s translations by outlets like Al Jazeera that don’t want the general public to be aware of the bigotry that they have broadcast in Arabic. But other instances have been due to alleged hate speech violations, much like in Aslan-Levy’s case. This had led MEMRI to be reticent about posting certain videos to YouTube, as opposed to platforms like Facebook, and diminished their ability to reach viewers. And of course, each time their YouTube channel goes down, MEMRI loses all its subscribers and videos.
Well, I guess that answers my question from last night. Reminds me of what the British are doing now.
Tablet ? Sounds alt right to me
Looks like Pie is finally doing the smart thing and immigrating.
oh very droll
“I’m second to no-one in my contempt for Trump”
To be sure?
We’ve got the libertarian analysis on Trump’s biggest flaw!
(TW: Townhall link, so it might go to his bio instead of the actual article I copy and pasted the link from for some reason! Guess we’ll see. (Maybe we can get a preview button, if we aren’t allowed to edit?))
Well, his dream candidate lost and he got triggered. Now he’s been infected with TDS.
‘Member when Chapman was constantly flipping out about how Trump is a warmongering monster while constantly ignoring anything Clinton said in regards to, shall we say, aggressive foreign policy?
He was just being a good little progtard.
Or her actual warmongering that spans her entire career? That’s what pissed me the fuck off about Democrat voters droning on about her “lifetime of public service” – what the fuck did she actually DO during that time? Supported every single war and foreign intervention that was ever proposed? Weren’t the Democrats complaining about warmongering when Bush was in office? What, war is cool now?
When I first began identifying as a libertarian, I was of the belief that we could pull voters from both the Republican and Democrat camps who were tired of their respective party’s bullshit. But seeing Democrat voters religiously support warmongering Obama was the final nail in the coffin for that theory (seeing them turn out for Hillary just confirmed what I already knew).
The “true believers” of the Democrats are a lost cause. The best thing we can do is get the fanatics to drop their masks so that the moderates will get spooked out and leave the party. I think Trump is making this happen right now.
I made a good chunk of change during the election betting on Trump. There were little signs, to be sure. Going to a party and hearing enthusiasm in a couple of union guys talking about Trump. The “high energy” of his young supporters online. What sold me on betting, however, was a mind game. I asked myself “what if Trump isn’t really an idiot?”. All of a sudden, his actions suggested a level of cunning I wouldn’t have noticed. I’m still not sold on Trump being brilliant, but either he is or he exhibits an Inspector Inspector Clouseau level ability to stumble his way into success. Either he’s smart, or he has the devil’s own luck guiding him. No matter, it’s still smarter to bet for him than against him.
If you really oppose Trump (and god knows, there are many good reasons…just not the one articulated by the angry yahoos) it might be a good tactic to stop underestimating his intelligence. Playing the fool worked for Reagan. I suspect Trump took note of that fact back in the eighties. He’s learned how to act the buffoon, create a distraction that the press explodes about, and all the while, in the background, he reduces regulations, shakes the establishment, and gives his opponents enough rope to hang themselves with.
He’s certainly cunning. I mean, he’s not the guy I want to sit down with and have an intellectual conversation, because I don’t think he’s that type of smart. But he plays the Democrats like a fiddle. Remember when he was playing Pelosi and Schumer, acting like he was going to form a team with them and let the Democrats get some of what they want? It was obvious to to me that he was just playing with them to get the GOP to get off their ass and repeal Obamacare, but dumb and dumber completely fell for it. And he’ll do things like say ‘well, doing this is something I can consider’, the media and the Democrats will get all giddy that Trump is going to do their bidding, then the next day he’ll slam the door in their face. I mean he’s actually single handedly made the Democrats into a hysterical parody of themselves. I would rather have Rand as potus, of course, but the Donald is better than anyone else we’ve had in how long? Bush, Clinton, Obama? A hell of a long ways better than any of those. The regulation cutting alone makes that so.
I admire the mans dedication to trolling his neighbors. I mean, I’m pretty pissed at my neighbor for using a lawn blower four times a week (even in summer), but I lack the energy this man did to get revenge.
Umm…. I don’t think it was revenge.
Motive is in the 4th paragraph.
There’s no better erection than a revenge erection.
I would need pictures to make an accurate judgement, but I am not sure I would complain if my neighbor sent hookers to my house.
[sends male hookers to Westernsloper’s house]
I’m cool with that if they are into watching the Broncos lose and they bring beer.
And snacks. The lasagna won’t be done for hours.
Olberman, LOL
Poor poor Olbey-Poo has never recovered. This could be proof that TDS causes irreversible brain damage.
There’s TDS, but Olbermann may actually be insane.
Don’t worry guys, Ahmed has this thing all figured out. It’s all the internet’s fault
Lebanon PM forced by Saudis to resign, says Hezbollah
shit going down.
Netanyahu links to Iran:
Anarchy! Chaos!0
The ability of the federal government to enforce its own land policies in the West will be tested as a trial begins this week of a Nevada rancher accused of leading a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents in a dispute over cattle grazing.
Federal prosecutors in Nevada have twice before failed to win full convictions at trial of men who had guns during the tense confrontation involving hundreds of protesters who stopped government agents from rounding up cattle belonging to Cliven Bundy.
In opening statements Tuesday prosecutors will accuse the 71-year-old Bundy, sons Ryan and Ammon Bundy, and co-defendant Ryan Payne of enlisting a self-styled militia to defy government authority.
“If they don’t convict the Bundys, it will look like the federal government can’t enforce its own land policy,” said Ian Bartrum, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas, law professor following the case closely. “The Bundys and people like the Bundys have been fighting this battle for decades, and always lost.”
Third trial for this bullshit.
AP writer thinks the Vegas Massacre will swing the deal, because guns are scary, in the hands of private citizens. Those poor, poor heavily armed feds were in fear for their lives.
“Mass” shooting at Texas church.