Those are the headlines, now the rumors behind the news.

Rand Paul gets his clock cleaned, assailant gets bailed out. What we learned: Paul mows his own lawn. This makes him a better human being than about 99 other senators.

Manafort offers a small fortune to be allowed to escape overseas, where he likely has a large fortune stashed. Not that I’m cynical… OK, I am, but as my unicorn SP likes to say, “Just because you’re cynical doesn’t mean you’re wrong.”

One of the Pirates of the Caribbean seems to have yo-ho-hoed more than just a bottle of rum.

I’m second to no-one in my contempt for Trump, but I have similar contempt for his predecessors. Bad enough that Obama won’t do the decent thing and go away, but jesus fucking christ, the ass-grabbing Cop-A-Feel Bush needs to join him. And his clueless son as well.

Thicc alert!!!!!

More Old Guy music, in this case, a wonderful cover of my favorite Magnetic Fields tune, played by one of the most interesting musicians I’ve ever met.