I don’t make the parade for the Astros on Friday because I was working. But I hear 1.6 million people had a good time with zero rioting. Well done “most diverse city in America”. You made me proud. Which is more than I can say about my Buckeyes, who laid a gigantic, stinking egg against Iowa. Everybody else that was supposed to win did (except Penn State). Seriously, what the fucking fuck?
Soccer in Europe went mostly according to script with the exception of ManU(re) losing at Chelski. Man City are about to run away with the EPL and we’re not even to Thanksgiving yet. In my opinion, everybody else is already playing for second place. College basketball started with some exhibition games over the weekend. The real season is just around the corner. The NBA still won’t exist to me until the spring. And in hockey news, Detroit won, the Islanders topped the Avs, The Canadiens blanked the Blackhawks, and the Flames took down the Devils in a shootout.

Gimme me some of that…yow…big payback. Confederacy ain’t gonna…lemme tell ya!…keep me down, Huh!
I know y’all want to talk about real news instead of sports, so let’s jump right into…the links!
I know a lot of you hate twitter, but I’m still gonna start the links with a little levity from there.
Prominent Democrat Party operative goes off her meds. Party circles wagons, sharpens knives.
Man described by acquaintances as a socialist went all WWF Hulk Hogan on Sen Rand Paul over the weekend. The physical assault broke five of the Senator’s ribs and left him pretty scuffed up. The left rejoiced in the humor of it for a good day or so until…
…a wife- and child-beating piece of shit opened fire on a Texas church, killing 26 and seriously injuring 20 others until a good guy with a gun chased him away and then chased him down. He was dead when the cops got there, and they’re not sure if he killed himself or if his good guy with a gun pursuer wasted him. I guess we’ll find out that soon enough. But either way, this is just sickening. I hope that asshole is burning in hell now and for all of eternity.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the efficiency and customer service of the United States Postal Service. Seems to me their position can be summed up as the following: “we’ll get it done when we get it done.”

A metaphor for something. I’ll figure out what in the comments.
There’s really no good news coming out of the Hollywood sexual assault and harassment scandal that is enveloping the entire media industry. I mean, if there was a silver lining, this might be it. But still, the bad so far outweighs the schadenfreude that I can barely elicit a chuckle at that sexist, homophobic child-berating buffoon disappearing from the tweets for a while.
I know personal responsibility is out of fashion and collectivizing guilt in en vogue right now. But this is getting fucking ridiculous. Suicide being blamed on a school? How about “no, that’s a frivolous case and you can fuck off.”
While the baseball fans were enjoying the parade, A bunch of bikers descended on Galveston. Some of them wearing scanty clothes. Some of them should not have been.
There will be horns in the musical selections this week.
Hope you get the week off on the right foot.
“Prominent Democrat Party operative goes off her meds. Party circles wagons, sharpens knives.” – no one likes a rat
She was right to be concerned for her safety after the Seth Rich
assassinationmurder. I guess she figures enough publicity will protect her, along with the Clinton’s waning influence.Donna Brazile: Leading DNC duringClinton run was worse than Hurricane Katrina.Fixed this for ya! Run-DNC
So how hard is it to get a dishonorable discharge? I wasn’t aware you lost your right to own guns with one
God damn it I was aiming for top 5 comments
You’ll have to get up pretty early in the morning to do that Pilgrim
I think it’s pretty hard, TBH. You can get one by being court martialed and convicted for a serious (read: felony in the civilian world) crime. Apparently this dude was convicted of physical abuse against his wife and daughter. How nobody pointed that out on FB when he was posting photos of all his guns is a bit of a surprise. I have to wonder how he got his weapons then, whether he went through private sales and didn’t disclose his disqualification for gun ownership, which is another felony, or if someone bought them and gave them to him to circumvent the law. Ifnits the former, look to see that “loophole” end, causing financial hardship on people whose family members give them weapons. If it’s the latter, that person is going to prison for life.
I’m wondering if there are a number of things that will get you a DD that wouldn’t be a crime in the civilian world.
Like this for instance. Seems like he could become a good cop with a history like that
Yeah. Quitting your job without notice (as you go walkabout in Afghanistan). It won’t get you jail time, apparently, but it’ll get you a DD.
On the walkabout, to find out, what it’s all about.
At first thought, it doesn’t seem right to take someones right to own guns because they pussed out in a scary situation.
A DD is really hard to get. Sometimes even Serious criminal behavior ‘only’ results in a BCD, and a BCD is normally only after jail time.
People who have been dishonorably discharged may be shunned by military personnel, and they typically lose their entitlement to any military benefits for which they would otherwise have been eligible. Moreover, they may find it difficult to obtain employment and they will be ineligible for unemployment benefits. Some will be barred from owning a gun, holding public office and voting. Successfully appealing the dishonorable discharge may restore some of these benefits and entitlements, but the process is difficult and frequently futile
It’s pretty fucking hard.
Being convicted of beating his wife and kid, even if it didn’t result in a DD, would land him in violation of the Lautenberg Amendment I think. That should have been enough to prevent his purchase of a gun.
To clarify, owning a gun after a being convicted of the equivalent of a felony for of beating your wife and kid would be in violation of the Lautenberg Amendment.
I just bought a gun – definitely a question they asked on the state and FBI forms. I assume that would pop up on the FBI system they run on you if that thing works at all.
Alyssa Milano says you are all wrong.
So how hard is it to get a dishonorable discharge?
I knew a guy that went to prison for a legitimate sexual assault charge, and his release from Miramar received a general discharge.
^upon his relaease
Did he get dishonorable or bad conduct? I’ve seen both. BCD seems more likely – you have to do some serious crime to get a DD.
The buzz I was hearing was he got a BCD.
Man described by acquaintances as a socialist went all WWF Hulk Hogan on Sen Rand Paul over the weekend. – now you see the violence inherent in the system
From the article:
I agree. I say we give the liberals their own safe space in Venezuela.
“I say we give the liberals their own safe space in Venezuela.”
There’s a cause I’ll donate to. I’m not even sure why they all haven’t already left for there, utopia awaits!
The last large migration from the U.S. to South America with the goal of setting up a socialist utopia didn’t go that great, just ask Jim Jones.
So when all the leftists get there, who’s providing the kool-aid?
Unclear, perhaps that’s another cause that will require donations.
I will not allow this slander of Kool Aid to stand. Jim Jones used the vastly inferior Flavor Aid.
**Ok, really it may have been both, but when have facts gotten in the way of a good argument.**
“Physically removed, so to speak”
In a sane world, the common reaction to this would be something along the lines of, “I think it was unfortunate that such a raving psychopath like Boucher lived in the neighborhood.”
I’m imagining the ad on TV, a la Save The Children. “Most of these poor socialists never received an education, even after spending 16 years in public schools. But now there’s hope. For just the cost of a cup of coffee, you can help send the Aidens and Taylors and Dylans of the first world to real third world shitholes where they will finally learn what socialism is really about.”
For just the cost of a cup of coffee, you can help buy a one-way ticket to send the Aidens and Taylors and Dylans of the first world to real third world shitholes where they will finally learn what socialism is really about.”
Sign me up.
I’m all in.
Don’t forget this is the second time this year that Rand Paul has been attacked.
I said it in chat, I’ll say it here. Rand, dude, you’re a libertarian. Strap up!
“I hope that asshole is burning in hell now and for all of eternity.” – if there is such a thing he probably is
Also gun control.
“While the baseball fans were enjoying the parade, A bunch of bikers descended on Galveston. Some of them wearing scanty clothes. Some of them should not have been.” – Q our on scene reporter has more
Damn, somebody’s a morning person
He’s Romanian. Which means he’s a vampire. Which means he should be asleep during the day.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Look at Sloppy trying to make sense of the world. Good luck with that….
He’s certainly making a mess of things
He probably owns sunglasses and sunscreen like those guys in Blade.
Hillary’s loss has galvanised a clueless generation
So wait is Hillary became presided it mean sexual assault would have been hidden? So maybe it is a good thing Hilary lost for victims everywhere. She truly is a hero, even in loss.
Seriously, the stupidity and lack of self-awareness is astounding. There’s just all this collective shock and awe at Trump’s victory over a woman married to a serial abuser of women. A woman who led the charge to discredit and smear his victims publicly?
Oh really? I thought that it was one media outlet finally standing up and not succumbing to the Hollywood elites when the authors said they’d self-publish and shame them (NYT) and force them into explaining why they say on these stories for decades.
And once the dam was broken, all hell was gonna break loose. And as we can see, the most likely reason a lot of these people didn’t tell these stories sooner is because they, or people they knew in the media biz, were engaged in similar behavior.
Why are leftist institutions such cesspits of perversion, pedophilia, and rape?
The same reason prisons are.
This is how leftists imagine the world working. They think you can just turn people on and off, like with a remote control. They do not in any way understand the complexity of human nature and human interaction. They love terms like ‘galvanised into action’ because it gives them an illusion of their army of little brown shirts in their jackboots marching into battle to bring about the utopia. Totally delusional horseshit. People have jobs, family, and lots of other things that take precedence over joining the great commie cause like a programmed robot. You can get a lot of people to signal, signaling is easy. They’ll go on FB and post some non-sense to signal, but getting them to march in the streets for the revolution is not so easy. Look at the results of the call to revolution on Saturday, the left imagined up millions in revolutionary glory, 3 people showed up in DC.
She’s now a martyr.
A senior Saudi prince and seven other officials have been killed in a helicopter crash near the country’s border with Yemen, state media report.
Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, the deputy governor of Asir province, was returning from an inspection tour when his aircraft came down near Abha late on Sunday, the interior ministry said.
I thought the arrests were significant but we already to helicopter action. The Saudi crown prince read to make hoppean snake memes
I’m checking to see if any libertarianish people consulted with the Saudi’s on economic issues. This really hurt us the last time it happened.
I’m not the first asshole to observe that mass murderers get wall to wall media coverage. It’s impossible to prevent, but if I’m looking at the factor that seems to lead to more and deadlier attacks from these types…it’s that.
Nice avatar BTW.
If Rand has 5 broken ribs, how the hell can the charge be a class A misdemeanor?
The perpetrator is wealthy? That’s how it works for so many other things
But if you get into that line of thinking, you also have to say that Rand is special because Senator. So attacking him is more serious of a crime.
I’m just going to have to say that attacking someone and it resulting in serious injury like that, the charges are going to increase.
Yeah, but Rand is not a leftist senator, so he’s not one of the good ones.
Not saying it’s right. Just saying that’s how it is. Wander down to the courthouse and see who’s lined up for court on any given morning. The bulk of the people look like they don’t own a bucket to pee in
Not a lawyer, but that does sound like a felony.
Yeah, something about causing grave bodily harm, or something like that.
Every story I’ve read says they will consider additional charges once they see the severity of the injuries. I’d expect those to increase today.
The guy is looking like your typical leftist loser. Invented some back pain device, sold a little then turned into a dud. Divorced and living alone, quit his former job because of a neck injury, posts leftist and anti-Trump stuff on social media, wants socialized medicine and probably blames people like Paul for all his problems. Just guessing, but…
According to Ken Schultz, this guy should be giving Rand hugs daily for not getting rid of Obama Care
I wonder if it’s also Rand’s fault that heroin is legal.
Everything is Rand’s fault. /Ken
The grand jury meets on Wednesday. That’s my guess on when we hear about more charges
The charges can be changed – they might not have known he had broken ribs at initial arrest. Local DA will have to decide what to go with….in IL that would be felony aggravated battery (great bodily harm).
Has Rand indicated that he wants to have charges pressed. I know that I’m crimes the state claims to be the victim, but doesn’t the victim still have some control on how harsh the charges are?
Nope. Charging authority decides that.
In Michigan I think that would qualify as “aggravated assault,” which is a one-year misdemeanor. And/or possibly “intent to cause grievous bodily harm,” which is a felony. With Agg assault the prosecutor can argue for a maximum sentence at trial.
Here’s the part that irks me: can anyone here imagine the shitstorm we’d be hearing if some right-winger attacked say Warren or Franken? Yet when Paul gets attaked, it’s either a non-story or a joke. The media really is pointing itself out as pro-political violence.
wdalasio, why do you want violence against Native Americans (even fake ones)? Hasn’t this country hurt them enough!
“It’s okay to bash a facist!”
That’s just it. Paul is about as far from a fascist as anyone you can get. Hell, he’s worked with people on the left on civil liberties issues. This isn’t the sort of thing where you can make the (bullshit) claim that you’re talking about extremism so bad as to be a provocation. This is a normal, sensible, decent, Senator mowing his lawn getting attacked for his political beliefs.
Of course the left these days considers anyone to the right of Mao to be a fascist.
If you are not a virtue signaling team blue douche, you are a fascist!
But that did just happen: a militant neo-Nazi right-winger shot up a bunch of parishioners in a church in the south. You can tell he’s a right-winger because he used an AR-15, which stands for Assault Rifle Fifteen (rounds), the signature weapon of right-wing terrorists everywhere. That anti-government militia guy who shot at Congressmen training for a bipartisan baseball match, he used an AR-15. That’s how you know he’s a right-wing terrorist.
It actually stands for Alt-Right ’15, the year they came to power. Please check your facts first.
Nice! Wish I’d thought of that.
I did actually have to look it up.
Alien BOMBSHELL: Watch ‘leaked’ US Navy footage of ‘UFO that DEFIED PHYSICS’
“mysterious Area 51”
Hmm, top secret area because they want to keep our military secrets hidden from foreign governments. That is really mysterious, I wonder if we’ll ever get to the bottom of it.
Everyone keeps talking about Area 51, but no one pays attention to where the real shit is going down at Area 52.
(Terrible idea I had for a movie.)
“Area 52” could be a great TBS or CW style sitcom
“They’re in charge of the area that is next to the area that contains our nation’s ultimate secret…”
Basically another Office.
Was it a comedy with Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd?
Comedy but not with those washed up chumps.
A fake alien invasion to spark the economy. Or keep useful idiots occupied. That seems to be what the limeys are up to.
Don’t Limey aliens usually travel about in Police Boxes?
Never too soon
When Republican leaders have responded to past killings, their response was to block sensible, useful gun control. They should not be allowed to delay effective legislation any longer. Too many days have passed, from one tragedy to the next. This is the time.
To Republicans in Congress who might feel uneasy about responding to this tragedy with laws that might prevent the next one, we offer this grim reference. Rather than responding to Sutherland Springs, act as though the legislation was responding to the mass shootings in Las Vegas, Dallas, Orlando, San Bernardino, Colorado Springs, Roseburg, Chattanooga, Charleston, Marysville, Isla Vista, Fort Hood, Santa Monica, or Sandy Hook Elementary School, to name a few.
If it is too soon to respond to Sutherland Springs, is it too soon to respond to these?
When will we cast the magic spell which will free us from the tyranny of the NRA? When will we cast the magic spell which will banish the gunz that roam our land killing us indiscriminately? Why have we waited so long? It’s easy. If only we had the will.
Go ahead and keep it up, shitheels. It’s not like the TX carry law was a response to a cafeteria massacre or anything.
Oh, snap
I like that this article leaves out the whole bit where a gun-carrying civilian chased this guy off and then chased after him down the road… it just says “he was shot after a car chase with police” …uh huh… all about the narrative…
sensible, useful gun control
Assumes facts not in evidence.
“They should not be allowed”
I love how they use terms like this. As if saying something like that actually gives them the authority.
The shooting of innocents was stopped by a neighbor with a gun.
“laws that might prevent the next one”
and those would be…what? Be specific. The shooter was ineligible to own guns. He was already breaking the law just by possessing a gun.
Laws that would make it more difficult for a law-abiding neighbor to get a gun, of course. It’s just sensible!
Seems pretty obvious to me what they want. Any gun law they put in place would be designed to fail just like O’care, creating a cycle of crack downs until you get confiscation. That’s all they care about, it’s their white whale.
Look, rocks and bottles of urine aren’t effective against citizens armed with guns. Do you want the revolution to win or not?
Not to mention the literal figurative white whale, punishing their political enemies: gun-owning white men. Why is it, as Williamson continues pointing out, lefties are so little interested in prosecuting gun laws already on the books to punish straw buyers? Is it perhaps because they’d be brought against citizens in progressive strongholds? Well, that won’t do: you’ll not get digs in at the Bubbas in Texas or Missouri that way. You won’t punish law-abiding Montanans that way.
That’s it on the nose. The problem with pointing out that he was already breaking the law, as with pointing out when a shooter has stayed within the law, is that it just proves to gun grabbers that there’s no law sufficient to prevent gun violence so long as it is possible for an American citizen to buy a gun.
They suspiciously forgot to mention Alexandria, VA. Gee, I wonder why…
Why, did something happen in Alexandria with guns or something?
The strangest of his settlements to me. He allegedly raped her, but she only managed to milk him for $100k?
And probably a few nice movie roles.
That sort of sounds more like a business transaction to me.
Right, so I’ve heard rumors about scummy Hollywood people for years. Kirk Douglass raped Natalie Woods. Ryan O’Neil got Drew Barrymore pregnant when she was 13 (and made her get an abortion). At some point, I think, you make a choice to work in Hollywood, you know what you’re getting into. I feel bad for the kids whose parents push them into the business, but other than that…
An actual settlement is a fact, not a rumor. If there was supposed to be some zipped-lip agreement about the settlement, seems that McGowan didn’t keep her end of the bargain.
There would never be a casting couch if everyone followed the never-stick-it-in-crazy rule.
Can weird behavior equal harassment in the workplace?
Translation: Can anything I don’t like be considered sexual harassment so I can have someone else stop it for me?
It sounds like the guy is just trying to make conversation and is just a little awkward.
A: Nut up and tell him, “Hey you weird me out! Go find someone else to bother.”
Male-dominated industry in an urban center with a socially-awkward dude stuck to this chick’s desk like white on rice? I’m gonna guess IT.
What’s that you say, I can domicile a business in Massachusetts? What’s not to like?
Is the guy attractive?
Next she’ll be complaining that her boss doesn’t take the time to get to know her and see how talented she is, or wonder why the company doesn’t take care of her better. Not like those things are connected at all.
The onus is on her to report the incident to HR and let them determine if he is deliberately harassing her. Once they determine what is happening and the motive of each person, they will create a policy for that situation and if harassment is, in fact, taking place, they can stop it.
I’m not sure she actually wants him to stop bothering her. All she has to do is start typing an email that she’s intensely focused on, or just call someone. In just about every office I’ve ever worked in, there is someone who doesn’t seem to have anything to do and will drive you nuts if you let them.
Aspies hardest hit
This actually concerns me because my son is on the ASD and very much struggles with social interaction. I could absolutely see him ending up on the wrong end of something like this.
Oh for fucks sake.
Just say “Hey (coworker), I know you’re just trying to be friendly, but I would appreciate if we could keep our conversations to things work-related. I think you get my drift.”
9 times out of 10, the guy will react this way: “Say no more. I understand.”
And there you go. No embarrassing HR involvement for either party.
Fucking hell. I thought women were supposed to be strong and empowered these days. Can’t even tell a guy to piss off in a polite manner anymore.
side note: as I typed this, my wife reminded me that almost this exact situation happened to her. It went even further though. She was getting texts after work from the coworker. She told the guy “I don’t know if you know this, but I am married and I love my husband very much and would appreciate if we just kept things professional and all conversations work related”. The guy never bugged her again.
Strong and empowered victims.
It is the type of harassment that has to be declined once before it becomes harassment. “I don’t talk about my private life with acquaintances, I’ve had to deal with some creeps.” is a perfectly fine way of drawing the line. Then, as Sloopy says, report the next incident. And keep reporting.
Yeah, but if she does that, how can she get to be a member of the cool and trendy #MeToo?
Why don’t you try fucking talking to the moron instead of writing the local news?
Because he oozes with patriarchal power you shitlord. She’s just a poor woman, incapable of standing up to him.
*awkwardly stands behind LH as he types*
*speaks very quietly*
*stares at own feet*
*waits too long before speaking again*
“So..what ya doin?”
*grabs trinket off LH’s desk and fiddles with it*
Try rubbing your junk against the back of his neck, then he’ll notice.
Man gets prison time for illegally harvesting Virginia eels
For some reason I read that as vaginal eels, this place is rubbing off on me.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one
this place is rubbing off on me
Hey, pal…watch the phrasing!
something pickle something party
Something prickle??
Oh, you said “pickle”…
*goes to get hovercraft*
This story is shocking.
That pun made me squirm
I hate eels. Morays creep me out. I saw a spotted one at Three Tables when I was a kid, and it freaked me out way more than the Sea Urchins (my mom has a degree in Marine Biochemistry, did her PhD at Scripp’s Institute of Oceanography, and hates morays, a friend of hers spent a year in a hospital recovering from an infection from an eel bite).
The extraordinary UFO is said to have outmanoeuvred several F-18 pilots during the terrifying encounter
The UFO is probably cheaper to operate.
/standing ovation.
Although the dream of the first female president of the United States remains unrealised, a generation has suddenly been galvanised into action.
“Inchoate shrieking” not same as “action”.
Well, shrieking technically is an “action” – just not an effective one, for what they want to accomplish.
The revolution is nigh
Oh yeah, tomorrow is scream helplessly at the sky day.
They just can’t stop campaigning for Trump’s reelection.
There are many qualities I consider important for a person to qualify as president. Having a pussy aint one of ’em.
Well of course. I mean a man like the President doesn’t need a pussy, and if he did he could always just go out and grab one.
The TEA Party galvanized folks on the right-ish side of the aisle, and people got primaried. I’ve not seen much of that on the Left yet, but it is an off cycle year.
I feel like Democrats generally have a terminal case of the cognitive dissonance affecting voters generally: it’s nevertheir representatives who are the problem, it’s everyone else’s. So I expect lefties will continue shrieking epithets at the people least likely to listen, Republican congressmen, and refuse to do anything about their own self-interested nest-feathering narcissists.
Otoh the Berniebro contingent seems to be getting it, somewhat. We’ll see how the Brazile thing works out: if she manages to court herself into the hearts of nascent socialists, you’ll know nothing has changed and they’ll take any old swamp creature crook as long as she strokes their miserable egos.
If anything happens with the Dems it’s going to be the Bernie contingent that does it. Bernie is an elderly con artist, but his supporters are more motivated than the usual rank-and-file and they are utterly disgusted with the status quo. As awful as the ideology is, I think it might not be a terrible thing to have principled socialists as the opposition group.
If it’s Bernie in 2020, Trump will win in a real landslide, including the popular vote this time. But it won’t be, it will be Hillary or Bernie will wind up swimming with the fishes.
I left the misogynist film industry after I was raped
Winnie M Li
I’m not the only woman whose career has been thwarted. But with so few women in the industry, we’re missing important female-led narratives
I mean I am not saying it was not very bad but :
I’d like to be clear: my rape did not take place within the context of the film industry.
But the day after it happened, in post-traumatic shock, I dragged myself to Leicester Square, to the red carpet premiere of a film I’d worked on as associate producer. I used concealer to cover my bruises, hoping no one would notice them beneath the gown I’d been lent by a designer.
I found myself drinking themed cocktails, making small talk with the big-name cast and other producers – and nowhere in all this high-gloss celebration could I tell anyone about the truth of what had just happened to me. That my life as I knew it had been destroyed.
In many ways, that premiere exemplified my experience of the film industry as a woman: you must hide your injuries beneath a veneer of glamour and confidence, pretending that everything’s fine
I mean it is not the fault of the industry.
In many ways, that premiere exemplified my experience of the film industry as a woman: you must hide your injuries beneath a veneer of glamour and confidence, pretending that everything’s fine
Is this supposed to be controversial? Don’t bring your personal baggage into the office is basic business 101. It should exemplify the experience of anyone, male or female, who has an ounce of professional integrity.
Exactly. What kind of person thinks that it would be OK to attend a work party (which is what a film premier essentially is) and make everybody miserable by wallowing in tragedy? That’s just bad manners. Putting on a brave face was the right thing to do, and if that was too much after an emotionally traumatic event then the proper response would have been not to go to the party, not go and expect people to commiserate at what is supposed to be a celebration.
I’m confused. She was an associate producer, not an actress. People would be judging her based on her resume and how previous projects performed, not on whether she could pass for Jennifer Anniston’s cousin in the Friends Movie.
I can’t tell you how fucking sick I am of all these women who post rape stories that don’t include any attempt to go to the police and get evidence on record. Then they whine that nobody will do anything about “rape culture”. Well guess what? You had a chance to do something about it – getting the perp sent to prison for a little taste of his own medicine – but you passed it up!
I know the excuse will be that the women were “too scared” to report it. I’ve heard that line before; I remember reading an article advocating the criminalization of “catcalling” that said that women are so traumatized by pervy men shouting “hey baby” that they have to take different routes when walking through the city. It seems like feminists are always portraying women as these fragile, infantile beings who need constant protection. Are they as strong and resilient as men or not? If women are truly as weak as feminists say, doesn’t that undermine the whole idea that they deserve equal (or extra) rights?
Of course, I believe that women are capable of being tough, sensible people, but the feminist establishment doesn’t agree with me, apparently.
“Man blows $1M on cars, strippers and cocaine after bank glitch”
The rest he just squandered.
Should have come to Romania would have lasted longer
Georgie Best, FTW!
Damn Monopoly, teaching you that a bank glitch only works in your favor.
Who will put a brake on this Sexual Inquisition?
The prudish purging of political life is a sinister menace to democracy.
Any 80’s romantic comedy can now be used as a demonstration of sexual assault.
“How a feminist event on anal sex challenged me to give it a try ”
A feminist position we can all get behind?
*narrows gaze*
What an asshole.
I think she is expanding her support ring…
She’s just talking out her ass.
That’s so absurd, I thought it was the plot to a South Park episode.
Ummmm…. a woman describing her activities as “topping”? WTF? We need a ruling from Jesse if that’s appropriation or something.
We need a ruling from Jesse if that’s appropriation or something.
Such a noob. Everybody knows you don’t wait for a member of a minority group to give a ruling before you cry “appropriation”; just do it. The flimsier the accusation, the better. If you don’t have the confidence of a white guy shaming someone for appropriating something from black female culture, then leave the accusations to the pros.
So I just want to say this: I quite like Reel Big Fish. They have two albums that are pretty damn good. They’re good enough musicians, they don’t take themselves too seriously and they have fun. And that cover kicks ass, I don’t care what anyone says.
It also helps that my older brother’s first bands were all ska and they had practice in our basement. Ska is the soundtrack of my life from age 10-16 or so when my brother moved away for college. It’ll always have a fond place in my heart, even though I don’t really listen to it anymore.
So there! Haters!
Scratches Evan off of the Cool Kids List.
Hahahahah! You cannot scratch off my name of this metaphorical list!
What a puny plan!!
It’s a real cool club on the other side of town, where the real cool kids go to sit around and talk bad about the other kids.
I spent most of my late teens/early twenties at local ska shows. We had a decent scene here in Cleveland, and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Cleveland Ska aka Polka.
Did your brother end up playing in Johnny Socko at any point? 😉
Hahahahahah! He didn’t play in JS but they definitely played shows with them. I was too young to go but I saw concert flyers. His band in high school was called One Dollar Smoothie. His last band was called Broken Stone and they recorded an album but I’m not sure how much they really performed. He doesn’t have time to play now with two kids/wife and his up-an-coming business.
We both went to IU and the rest of the family is all up in Indy now.
My most recent band just played a set last weekend for Halloween. Just me on drums and a classical pianist—we churn out very eclectic music with a distinct classical/funk style. No singer and it’s the hardest, most challenging gig that I’ve been involved in, but it’s also maybe the most rewarding, if not the most fun.
Great. Now I’ve got this stuck in my head.
Those guys were my homies when I lived in Bloomington.
I guess they still are. At least Josh and Dylan I still hang with if I go back to Indy or Chicago. And if they come out here, we usually hook up. I’ve known those dudes for a looong time. I’m old.
Dude. That’s the beautiful thing about music. There’s something for everyone.
That said these guys are more my speed.
Metal Machine Music begs to differ.
And, can’t we just bless the lord that we still have Lou Reed? He’s such a trooper, dadgammit.
My appreciation of ska begins and ends with Desmond Dekker and his contemporaries. From the late eighties onward it just became a clown show.
I mean, after all…
You may want to look at some of the later bands… off the top of my head, the Specials, Hepcat, and King Django should all be in your wheelhouse.
No, I do dig all of those. Bands like the Bosstones are where ska kind of goes off the rails for me.
All Ska bands go to hell when they die / Cause we all suck and no one even stops to wonder why
So it shouldn’t come as any big surprise/ Ska is Dead
Q – How many rudeboys does it take to change a light bulb?
A – 13, the first one drops it and the other twelve stand around chanting “Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!“
I appreciate that.
Also, my Spotify playlist “Jangle Noise” now has 102 songs and has passed the 6 hour threshold. Six hours of guitar based rock n roll lurching from jangly sweet to noisy bitter. Follow here https://open.spotify.com/user/egould310/playlist/20QahoaMym4xptW1UNzNpk?si=tzF1CaEDQyuLSGAezOTKDQ
Apparently there are a lot of people completely unaware of the cottage industry which has existed for nearly a century devoted to covering up the misbehavior, great and small, of people in the film industry.
They would never have gotten caught if Ray Donovan was on his game.
Bigfoot and the change coming to East Glacier: Are they real?
Come on lets have just one with no STEVE SMITH jokes
“There are probably some things that the average person doesn’t know about the creature called Bigfoot.”
Because it doesn’t exist?
Sex without consent is not sex
Zoe Williams
“The worst faith is from those who seek to amplify the trivial, before generously waving it away. The journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer is the Boudicca of this manoeuvre, recalling Fallon’s hand on her knee and how little it affected her – adding, illogically, that had it happened again, she would have punched him. The message here is that proper women can take care of themselves; harassment is just a clumsy pass gone wrong; that the territory is so ambiguous it may throw up as many male victims as it has, historically, amassed female ones.” – well yes it can be ambiguous and recently I heard many things like a clumsy pass or a joke claimed as harassment. In order to tackle actual harassment on should be clear what it is and not water it down.
And also
“In this bilious overstatement the argument reveals itself: women who object to sexual harassment, women who want to go about their working lives – no, wait, their entire lives – unmolested, treated as professionals and equals, are against sex itself.” – no one claims that about women in general, just some feminists who scream harassment until no one takes them seriously.
“The caricature of the empowered woman is that she despises sex, will consent to it for practical purposes – but lies in wait to catch men out in their desires, before she cries rape or assault or harassment.” I have never heard such a caricature. And what exactly is an empowered woman ?
If we want equality, in parliament or anywhere else – if we want a world in which women are not relentlessly undermined by colleagues who would reduce them to their physical attributes – the job of work is not to censure a few rats, and cast out the ones who really pushed it. It is to forge a proper understanding of what sex is. Sex without consent is not sex. Sex under duress is not sex. Only a feminist could have sex. – goddamn it I can never have sex!
I’m shocked that Rand Paul and that many people in a Texas church were all unarmed last weekend. Would have lost that bet.
Luckily this dude was around.
I believe it’s illegal in TX to carry concealed in a church. Not sure.
That would surprise me. If so, I bet they fix it this week.
If I understand correctly, it used to be. Then they changed it to only if the church posts the 30.06 sign.
30.06 signs needs to go away. Property owner can bar anyone they want and refusing to leave is a crime, but carrying in violation of a property owner’s sign shouldn’t be a crime, and certainly not automatically.
.30-06 signs on the other hand, are welcome.
I was very surprised that Rand Paul wasn’t armed and doesn’t have at least a one-man security detail. I’m not shocked about the church. I don’t know what Texas law is, but in VA carrying in a place of worship is a risky prospect depending on the religious leader and the party of the AG based on how the law is written.
90% of that congregation probably has guns at home, who knows maybe 10 or 20% concealed carry, but would be surprised if any carry to church unless specifically invited by the pastor in a tiny town of 500.
Then again, how would they know? I’ve never seen a church frisk people at the door.
They likely wouldn’t, which is why I always still carry as a guest going to place of worship for a wedding.
I’m assuming most congregants though are voluntarily going there on a weekly basis and look to their religious leader for guidance, at least within church matters. If they are willing to disrespect their pastor’s wishes on firearm carry, even if know one else would know, what’s the point of attending that particular place of worship as a regular member?
*first know should be no. Not sure how that one slipped by.
My neighbor is an usher at his church. Most of them are armed at the request of the pastor.
I am pretty sure my pastor is carrying.
And about 1/2 the women in my church.
That’s awesome and sounds like a wise pastor.
Paul lives in a gated community (it’s nice too, I have never been inside but I have looked at it on google maps [I was land shopping in the area, before we bought in a different part of town]) — I didn’t know Paul lived there until this weekend, but it doesn’t surprise me.
So, he had a security detail of a type, it just doesn’t protect you from your neighbor.
KY specifically changed their concealed carry to allow carry in churches at the request of a bunch of pastors.
I suspect that given the size of the church, and that its quite likely most of the congregation is related in some fashion to another member, even those who might have carried elsewhere might not do so simply because they wouldn’t feel it necessary.
Why do they keep putting hero in scare quotes?
Because if he doesn’t have a badge and uniform, he’s not an official hero.
Why I hate hate hate the term “first responders”.
“Man with lack of urgency finds peace as ‘Second Responder.'”
Fake (satire) news story I’m working on.
James Brown was heard to say just before the raid
“These men are all talk. What we need is action—action! Now get up offa that thing.”
“Shut up, Wesley”
Mr. Worf, please take Mr. Wesley to your quarters and “engage”.
“Wesley, do you know the difference between the Prime Directive and your mom? I’ve never violated the Prime Directive.”
Not one to get too worked up over people’s tweets, but seriously, fuck that kid with a photon torpedo. What a piece of shit.
That was fast.
It’s always OK to punch a Wesley.
Leaving aside that the people inside the church probably weren’t sitting there praying for the shooting to be stopped as they were most likely trying to run or take cover, one can simply alter Wheaton’s thought this way –
– and utterly shut down his stupid ass argument.
I will be disappointed with Twitter if no one responded with: Don’t Be a Dick.
The proper response is “Shut up, Wesley”
So there! Haters!
I have been listening to a bunch of ska, lately. Don’t call me a hater, hater.
Also- good choice, Sloop. Sorry about the Buckeyes.
My initial reaction to that game was: Well, maybe we can convince some more people in a swing state to hate ethanol subsidies. Unfortunately, that egg has been laid too.
Now that we’re back on standard time (really a misnomer since we only spend about 40% of the year on it), time for a bitch-out session on how much I hate the time shifting (multiple links).
1. It’s completely pointless. The primary argument in favor of DST is that it somehow “saves energy” since evenings are longer. This is false as show here:
http://www.nber.org/papers/w14429 TL;DR, the link actually shows that energy use *increased* when Indiana adopted DST. Even the name is pointless, you can’t save daylight or make more sunlight, you’re just playing a shell game shifting it around; you don’t get “longer days” or some such nonsense. AFAICT, DST has no discernible benefit.
2. It’s dangerous. Throwing off the circadian rhythm causes all kinds of health problems including increased chance of heart attack, workplace injuries, car accidents, miscarriages and suicide. Here’s one link, but I have links for all of it: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140329175108.htm.
3. It’s one more petty way in which government fucks with our life and tells us what to do, even when we don’t want it. A Rasmussen poll showed that only a third of the population saw any point to DST, yet our betters still force us to participate. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/march_2014/just_33_see_the_purpose_of_daylight_saving_time
So in summary, the government forces us to participate in something that’s all cost with no benefit for no reason. Sounds about par for the course. I fucking hate it. I know I’m going to get bitching on here about wanting more daylight in the evening so DST is awesome. Fine. Keep everything on permanent DST if that’s the key. But fuck the pointless clock changing; pick a lane and stay in it.
I woke up Sunday morning, wondering what time it was. 4:45AM? WTF!?! I thought, wondering if I could get back to sleep. It took me a while to remember the time zone change.
And then I go through the rest of the day saying stuff like: “Well it’s really 11PM, old time”
Way to out yourself as someone who just pays attention to faux news.
It’s even more retarded because not all states and counties follow the same thing. I remember doing business with two companies in Indiana, that were an hour different from each other.
Ignoring the DST thing, Indiana is split legitimately. The counties around Chicago want to be on Chicago time. The counties around Louisville/Cincy want to be on L/C time.
So those counties were on CDT and EDT respectively. The “problem” was the rest of the state was on EST, so they bounced back and forth. But they werent the problem, they were the ones doing it right.
There is nothing wrong with a state being split. Eastern KY is Eastern and Western KY is Central and it is fine.
“There is nothing wrong with a state being split.”
Yes, there is. It’s confusing and unnecessarily complicated.
Neither is true. And when a state straddles the line, especially states like KY and TN that run east to west, it is necessary.
Indiana, I admit, could easily be just one. But KY and TN would be stupid to be on same time state-wide.
Texas is split way out west and it works out fine.
The NW was on Chicago time, the rest of the state was EST….except for fucking Evansville. Was really fucking annoying. In December the sun would set at 4:15-430. I got off school at 3:15 and if I had any errand at all to run, the entire daylight was wasted indoors.
My friend in South Bend actually lived in EST and went to school in CST (or the other way around). He always joked that he was always late or early, fucking up the timing of meetings and get-togethers, which was the reason that he wasn’t involved in any sports or groups.
South/southeast counties were EDT to be on Louisville/Cincinnati time.
I am used to DST but find it stupid and wish it would go away. Although I dunno if Romania can unilateral drop it or it is a EU thing. Not that such a thing is imminent, never heard of anyone even talk about it, for most it is just how it has always been.
I love it.
I love the fact that in summer the sunset comes AFTER 8PM. Feel like I can get some serious outdoor fun time in during the week.
I also like that the summer sun is not streaming into my bedroom until sometime between 5 and 6AM. (where it would be between 4 and 5AM w/o DST…no thank you)
I think most of the perceived “problem” with DST is that the cost (changing the clocks) comes in February and November, while the benefits are most keenly felt in the summer.
I am with you D. Not seeing the big deal.
There’s a place where they say daylight savings doesn’t exists. They call it…Arizona…
The four years I lived there were a joy for many reasons, lack of DST being chief among them.
I didn’t even know everyone fell back if not for my cell phone being synched with Pacific Time rather than “Arizona.”
I lived in Indiana for about a decade when there was no DST. Then, of course, some shit politician gets a shit idea and ruins it all.
The funny thing is, Arizona is one place where it would actually make sense. It is brutally hot in Southern AZ in the summer, and many outdoor jobs wrap it up at 2:00ish in the afternoon, after starting at 5:00 am in the fucking morning (basically, first light). DST would at least mean the workday started at 6:00 am rather than 5:00 am.
Unless it was explained to me incorrectly in school, the reason AZ doesn’t do DST is because of elevation in some parts of the state (Phoenix ~1100’/Tucson ~2500’/Flagstaff >7000′), the sun goes down a little bit later than other areas at the same latitude. Also the decision was made in the time before time began (Air Conditioning) and an extra hour of daylight was the last thing people here wanted.
…or AZ just wanted to tell the Feds to fuck off. I’m willing to believe its a little of both.
I hate it also. But do you not know that once upon a time all people had to get up to feed the chickens? You cain’t feed the chickens in the dark, duh, someone had to do something!
“Only the government could cut a foot off one end of the blanket, sow it onto the other end, and say they’ve made more blanket.”
Never fear, they will reap what they sow.
My solution is to move the clocks back 1/2 an hour and fuck moving them forward ever again.
So I always wondered if the existential comics guy is trolling right wingers on twitter but I think that he is in fact an abject moron commie.
He’s a fucking philosopher. How many of those are to the right of Stalin these days?
I refute Ben Franklin; tits, not beer are proof that G-d exists and wants us to be happy.
11, 20, 32, 33 hummuna hummuna hummuna
You know breast men have serious mommy issues. /not really serious
I find all this pictures of tits offensive. This amounts to sexual harassment. I will sue. Glibertarians must provide a safe space for me. I demand it.
Also 19 obviously
“Your winnings, sir.”
1 won.
I couldn’t scroll past #1. Wowser.
A good number of these ladies would be prettier with 50-60 % of the current level of tits.
*hides crowbar behind back*
Hey, Pie, can you come over here real quick? Just wanna talk to you about something.
1,9,12,43… Christ there are some good ones in that group!
12 wins, though.
9 is the clear winner and what is wrong with everyone here? Dem eyes. Dem collar bones. Dat jawline. Dem tittays. She also looks like she could hold her own in a conversation. Piercing demeanor. Yuuum.
39 is stunning I want to coke off of those grooves in her abs. That is usually a true statement.
16 is a Cubs fan. Definite plus and looks fun.
38 plz.
Anybody else watching “Ozark”?
I’m enjoying the extremely dark comedy aspect of it. It’s hard not to let out uncomfortable laughs while watching it.
I saw it. Interesting show- and I agree. Completely dark comedic sense.
I can only watch one episode at a time. It’s too depressing.
My time available to watch anything is about 1 hour a day anyways, so it ended up working out like that, but I guess I didn’t realize it at the time.
I binge-watched it. I liked it a lot.
I thought it was solid and Bateman in particularly was very good. Too directive of Breaking Bad overall, but good enough to check back in for Season 2.
I finished watching it a couple weeks ago.
Despite the complaints below I’ll watch Season 2 when it comes.
They take a dump on rural people, but you expect that from a bunch of leftist writers.
That said, they didn’t make all the locals out to be a bunch of morons. Quite a few see through Martin’s BS.
The writers definitely don’t have a clue about how firearms are sold.
I never watched breaking bad, so I don’t feel any need to compare the two. I suppose that may be fortunate.
“To the extent that you heighten every resident assistant’s sensitivity to the risk of suicidality, with the threat of liability hanging over them, they are far more likely to over predict, over intervene, see it where it’s not,” Appelbaum said.”
‘”The Nguyen family attorney and their supporters — including the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys — say the schools’ concerns are baseless.
Beeler, in his filing, said he merely wants the court to affirm that the duty to provide reasonable care “extends to the ivory tower as it does every other civilized corner of the Commonwealth.”
Beeler wants exactly what Appelbaum is cautioning again. Pay me my money bitch.
This morning, I woke up at about 3:30 for some reason. I could not get back to sleep, so I turned on the teevee. I had not watched any network news in a very long time. Gaaaah! NBC won the retard sweepstakes by repeating, over and over and over, the claim, “This is the largest mass killing inside a house of worship.” Yeah, okay.
WORST EVAR! is something which needs to go away.
Mainstream news is now modeled after sports commentary statistic recitations.
Maybe a bit short of that mark unless you make it U.S. only.
Pakistan obviously needs sensible gun control.
It is also the worst mass shooting in Sutherland, Tx in all of history.
4:30 am for me, finally got back to sleep for maybe an hour around 6:30. Got up with alarm thinking it was 8 and damnit it was 7 am! Fuck DST.
Also, in the interview with the driver who was chasing the murderer, he said he was going about 95mnph trying to catch the guy. He did not say if the other guy was shooting out the window. We cannot allow this sort of depraved vigilantism to go unchecked. What if a child had been riding her tricycle on that road?
Demand for wives in China endangers women who live on its borders
HUONG was only 15 when she went out to meet a friend in Lao Cai, a city in northern Vietnam on the Chinese border (see map). She thought she would be gone a few hours, but it was three years before she managed to return home. Her friend had brought with her two acquaintances—young men with motorcycles. They squired the girls around town and took them to a karaoke bar, where their drinks were spiked.
When the girls grew drowsy they were hoisted back onto the bikes, each sandwiched between two male riders. They were driven into the hills and across the Chinese border to a remote house in the countryside. There they were told they would be sold. The girls screamed and cried but were subdued by two men, one of them wielding a stick.
They are all survivors of trafficking networks that smuggle girls across the Vietnam-China border, sometimes to be sold as prostitutes but more often as brides.
Sex trafficking going on I get, as sad as it may be, bu who the fuck want a wife who was kidnapped and does not want to be there? You cannot build a family based on that.
Fairly certain that’s not what they’re interested in.
Sex trafficking going on I get, as sad as it may be, but who the fuck want a wife who was kidnapped and does not want to be there? You cannot build a family based on that.
It’s more common than you’d think. And, of course, it has a long pedigree (the rape of the Sabine Women being the most famous example).
Stupid Democrat congressman falls for the Sam Hyde meme, drops name while being interviewed by CNN.
Prof: ‘meritocracy’ is a ‘whiteness ideology’
Now this is a standard outrage article on campus reform. But I wanted to ask: what percentage of libertarians say the belive in / support meritocracy?
I find that if you support liberty, meritocracy has no bearing on it. So i do not support meritocracy whatever that is myself. But there are several self identified libertarians who do.
That being said, it probably is white ideology. The term was first coined by white people.
Meritocracy is an outgrowth of liberty. It’s not an end unto itself.
In my mind a meritocracy is a system where you are rewarded and promoted on merit of achievements and ability. That nay but be what is meant. But that’s what I mean and I don’t see how it can be controversial.
I don’t see how it can be controversial.
Because getting ahead based on hard work and ability is acting white.
Well, I have to believe that this meritocracy has some merit. You wouldn’t put a guy with an IQ of 70 who knows nothing about rockets in charge of your rocket program, would you? I mean, you could, and these people can go invent their own society where they can do that, but I have this feeling it’s not going to turn out well.
People should be given positions based on ethnicity and gender, not merit. This is what the left actually believes.
That being said, it probably is white ideology. The term was first coined by white people.
That assumes the current term is coterminous with the idea, which is manifestly not the case here (and with many other ideas as well). The civil service examination of Imperial China is probably the oldest well known instance of the idea of meritocracy, and that started over 2,000 years ago.
Looks like I butchered that link. Supposed to go here.
Meritocracy is cultural appropriation, then. Duh.
This story has been corrected to show that John Brown, not James Brown, led the raid on Harper’s Ferry
Well, that’s obvious. Everyone knows James Brown wouldn’t need to raid Harper’s Ferry. He’d just use his soul power.
Gender Equality?
Meh I think that was unnecessary use of violence by the cop no need to knock her out for a weak slap
I think so too. Yet with these videos we never see what happened before, like when the cops first showed up.
Yeah, for all we know, and based on the number of cops, she could have been hitting, clawing, biting, kicking, etc. for a while before they swarmed her and subdued her, and that slap was just the last straw for that cop. Not that it makes it okay, but it does make it more understandable.
Disagree. If he does nothing she has no reason to not continue hitting him. He ended her resistance with one hit after she had struck him. If he’d hammered her in the head a dozen times like I’ve seen other cops do I’d call it excessive.
I think she got him pretty good on that last slap. I seriously doubt it hurt him, but it was enough to piss someone off. I don’t agree with him hitting her that hard, but I can’t say she didn’t have it coming.
Whether it hurt him or not seems irrelevant to me in regards to whether he has the right to stop her from hitting him. If she’s hitting him as hard as she can, him doing the same in return is fine by me so long as he doesn’t continue after she lost the ability to keep hitting him. One solid hit without using a weapon, she’s gets knocked out, he goes on with the business of removing her. Seems like a pretty controlled response to me.
File under “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” A cop has exactly the same self-defense rights you do. If somebody slaps you, as far as I am concerned you are entitled to deck them as hard as you can. If one is concerned about “proportionality”, well, neither one used a weapon. I wouldn’t want any of you to get in trouble for that, so I’ll extend the same to the cop this time.
Here is the latest tube amp picture – just a fit of all the big parts on top of the chassis. I still have to break out the soldering iron and get to work. Also waiting on one or two minor parts to finish.
Kooky. I’ve always been a fan of Nixie tubes and have wanted to build some oddball things with them.
Push-pull monoblock with dual rectifiers?
Now that’s a euphemism!
Parallel single ended with gas tube shunt regulation for the driver and output tube screens.
Thanks, I was trying to figure out why three different transformers.
Hollywood is completely rigged and fixed. I never believed for one minute the job went to the best actors or actresses. Success and power is all derived from the distribution houses and producers as we’ve seen. It doesn’t take a genius to have figured out why some actors are so popular despite their lack of talent. It’s just like politics. There are just so many jobs so people will do what they have to do to get the job. I will do ANYTHING! as it were.
Even those idiotic award ceremonies are useless and fixed.
“I never believed for one minute the job went to the best actors or actresses” depends what you mean best. I think often roles go to one of many people equally qualified – young hot charismatic and able to deliver a line.
You know who else was
young hotcharismatic and able to deliver a line…Ron Burgandy?
Pablo Escobar?
Babe Winkelman?
Nice…both of you, very nice.
Beat me to it.
“young hot charismatics and able to deliver a line….and take it in the ass and face.’
To be fair, many more can take it in the ass and face
Of course. For years people have been noting the almost complete uniformity of Hollywood political opinions – despite all evidence to the contrary in the lifestyles. How many people with talent didn’t suck that dick or spew that political nonsense?
Yup… And the real reason all of this is coming out now – aside from there being no Clinton Cartel to protect them – is because Hollywood is losing their grip on the entertainment industry. They no longer control it. I can get just as good production value from an AMC or Netflix original as I can from a Hollywood movie. They no longer control the production and distribution of the best content. Actors and actresses are no longer afraid to speak out, because they have options now. They don’t have to do the casting couch routine with the Weinsteins of the world.
I wonder if movie stars migrating to TV was a sign of that. I always found that interesting.
I assumed it was the money of steady work.
Uffda, Rufus.
Don’t you understand that acting is a very exacting art? To do it correctly takes incredible skills. Many of those skills are the result of rare genetic traits and are passed on from one generation to the next. At least I’m assuming that is the case because how else do you explain Ben Stiller, Drew Barrymore, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Gwyneth Paltrow and the Baldwin brothers?
The only other explanation for why Hollywood has so many children of famous actors following in their parents’ steps is blatant cronyism, and I am not going to sit here and let you Canucks malign our wonderful Hollywood!
To do it correctly takes incredible skills.
Suppression of the gag reflex?
From my research on the web, that seems to be a common skill anymore.
Canadians control television movies and series production.
It is known.
Next up should be the Modeling industry. My ex’s cousin was a model in NYC for a short time. Want to make the Macy’s catalog or some perfume ad? The good looking chicks are a dime a dozen (see Q-C’s daily gallery) so to get ahead you gotta give head.
Colleges Should Protect Speech—or Lose Funds
Withhold federal research dollars from institutions that practice viewpoint discrimination.
I mean why not stop at “Withhold federal research dollars from institutions”
Perhaps they should start with the aspects of federal meddling that limit free speech on universities first.
They’re properly referred to as the Scum, thank you very much.
Liverpool looked good against WHU (and got their manager sacked). The Eagles pulverized one of the best defenses in the NFL. Too bad the Cowboys won.
And Washington. Thanks for nothing KC and Seattle. I really think the NFC is totally open for the Eagles. For once, they have some stars aligning for them. They need a little luck.
Montreal has a kid in nets named Lindgren who can possibly take over and make the Habs giving Price $10.5 over eight years a yyyyuuuuggeeee mistake. I couldn’t believe they did that. They’re going to regret it. Price is over rated. He had ONE dominant season and a couple of solid ones. He’s no hall of famer. You know it’s a stretch when his fans keep talking about his success with Team Canada. You can put Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys in goal and Canada would still win with that defensive corps they have.
That must be the most boring script ever written.
“The Eagles pulverized one of the best defenses in the NFL. ”
That defense gave up because they were tired of holding up a pathetic offense for so long. I hope the Broncos tank to 3-13.
George Clooney:
“We are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. We were the ones who talked about AIDS when it was being whispered. We talked about civil rights when it wasn’t really popular. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I’m proud to be part of this Academy. I’m proud to be part of this community. I’m proud to be out of touch.”
Oh shut up.
The man’s a saint!!!
He’s proud to be part of one of the largest groups of virtue-signaling hypocrites in the world.
He’s making us aware of global warming while commuting from his Italian villa on a private jet.
Hattie McDaniel was sitting in the back of the room at the Academy Awards because it was held in a segregated venue.
So very much this. Also, these same hypocritical assholes are perfectly content to disregard decades of McDaniel’s oeuvre (and that of other talented folk like Ernestine Wade, Amanda Randolph, Johnny Lee, Nick Stewart, etc.) and relegate it to history’s dustbin simply because the franchise creators are out of favor. I say – BURN HOLLYWOOD, BURN!
We are a little bit out of touch – a bit to in touch surely
Hollywood is also a little out of touch with the rest of the nation on the issue of pressuring women for sex when you are in a position of power over them.
Very interesting story about the drastic moose population decline in Minnesoda.
Turns out that a brain worm that deer can tolerate is killing a lot of moose. As deer populations have increased so have the brain worms and this has almost wiped moose out of Minnesoda.
Moose cronies want to increase deer harvests to wipe out the whitetail population in NE Minnesoda to help the moose. Not so fast say the white tail cronies. We pay shit tons of taxes (both for licenses and for property tax on land bought just to hunt on).
The best angle is that some DNR guys say that it is all moot anyhow because global warming will kill any moose that don’t migrate northwards.
What a cluster fuck. I can say that when my mother won a licence in the moose lottery in 1982 or so, that farmers were buying her and my father drinks during their scouting trips because they wanted them to kill a moose on their land. The farmers were tired of the damage that moose caused to their farms (lots of broken fences) and crops. So maybe keeping the herd intact in a populated area isn’t such a good goal?
I can’t even imagine trying to manage wildlife. I’m glad the DNR is staffed by such deep thinkers, though.
I am trying to do a pun with this but without much luck
Maybe channel southpark and say
Wir moosen die deer ausrotten! ?
Neah don’t work.
Hmmm. I’ll keep thinking
Watch me pull a pun out of my hat.
That trick never works!
Wrong hat!
White-tailed deer are a scourge. We’re covered up with them in Virginia and they’re obviously malnourished from overpopulation. I’d start killing them in my backyard if I could.
Northwest New Jersey is lousy with them. Now that my big dog is gone, they think they own my yard.
Hoofed mammals have cronies? I had no idea!
Any glibs have any experience with passport expediters and if so, any recommendations on a specific company? I’m ten days out from a trip to Spain and just found out the expiration date on my passport is too close to my departure date. Very frustrating that the expiration date is essentially meaningless, but I suppose it’s better I’m finding this out now than at the airport in ten days.
Paging Q!
I got mine expedited and I admit that I don’t remember the exact details. But I know I started the expedited process with a couple of days of getting back to the States. My current passport was issued exactly 4 weeks after returned.
I was also having a two-year long skin crisis. Fuck you Singapore. And the meds I was on made me all puffy and bloated. So that’s the picture on my passport for the next 10 years. I am not happy about that.
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I’m not sure if you can get it within 10 days. Go in person to wherever you locale has their passport services. Good luck!
If possible, apply in-person at a Passport Agency – see link to list of agencies below. Further upstream you can set-up an appointment and review eligibility criteria.
Do the in person option. I did it a year ago here in Atlanta and it was super easy. I was beyond shocked at how easy it was. They have this machine when you leave that allows you to hit a green/yellow/red button to rate your experience and I wanted to hit the green button a hundred times.
And yes, they will get it to you in time. Hell, I think they can make it on site if necessary.
And as for the expedited thing through a company I don’t even think that is possible anymore. It has to be you that does it. A friend of mine got his passport caught in some kind of limbo a couple of years ago using an expediter. Had to get his congressman involved and even got a friendly visit from a a Federal Marshall.
More information on an expedited passport
Not sure where you are located but for those of us in NYC, the fastest option is to make the drive up to Stamford, CT to the Passport Office. The in-office experience was quick, pleasant, and very efficient. We had a great lunch, looked at some cool boats and were home in no time at all. Passports arrived in the mail in about 5 days but they offer same-day expedited service if you meet certain conditions.
Thanks for the responses, all.
I went in person to the airport post office. They next-day-aired the application to New Hampshire, and I got the passport in less than 3 business days.
Disclaimer: it’s going to cost you.
Four Viral Claims Spread by Journalists on Twitter in the Last Week Alone That are False
TW the intercept
so much intra-party backstabbing.
I don’t normally link to hot take twitter but this is funny
That feed is comedy gold.
Yeah, its Breitbart. But the article appears to be mostly factual. Honestly, how childish and juvenile are the mainstream media?
That kind of hatchet job only works on exclusives.
And even if it were true, it’s about feeding fish.
Teen Vogue is now Guns & Ammo?
They need some remedial spelling lessons as well.
Yet those same colleges are totes cool with those same untrained employees being tasked to stop rape
Say what you will about ENB, but at least she isn’t Joy Reid.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Joy Reid just exposed herself. She needs to stop talking or else she’ll reveal herself for what she really is: a know-nothing who rode the affirmative action elevator to get ahead of you, me, and everyone else.
God Bless America.
Jeff Flake haz a sad
I can say that reading these letters has been one of the most humbling experiences of my public life. To be clear: I don’t find them humbling because the people who wrote to me liked the speech. Indeed, some didn’t. I am humbled because until now I didn’t fully grasp the level of anxiety and real pain that exists across the country due to the state of our national leadership.
These writers despair not just for the chaos emanating from the White House, but for the moral vandalism that has been set loose in our culture, as well as the seeming disregard for the institutions of American democracy. The damage to our democracy seems to come daily now, most recently with the president’s venting late last week that if he had his way, he would hijack the American justice system to conduct political prosecutions — a practice that only happens in the very worst places on earth. And as this behavior continues, it is not just our politics being disfigured, but the American sense of well-being and time-honored notions of the common good.
Every president has made poor decisions and every president has at some time or other been judged to be taking us down the wrong path. But such judgments have always been accompanied by a sense that better choices and more appropriate behavior would be forthcoming. I wish I could say that is the case here. But if we are honest with ourselves, we all know that things will not improve.
Pontificate away, Jeff. Strut and preen your feathers and bemoan the sorry state of democracy. Wish for a better class of voter.
“if he had his way, he would hijack the American justice system to conduct political prosecutions — a practice that only happens in the very worst places on earth.”
Pay very close attention to that line, and others like it. I have heard things like this a few times in the last two weeks. Adam Schiff accused the president of lifting the gag order on the Uranium One FBI informant in order to “advance a case against a political opponent”.
This narrative of Trump acting like a Third-world Banana Republic dictator engaging in politically motivated prosecutions means that a person or persons are likely to go to jail and this is their absolute last card to play. I predicted this a long time ago.
“…hijack the American justice system to conduct political prosecutions…”
Why are they still talking about Obama? He isnt president anymore.
You know Jeff, why don’t you be all principled and retire now. That way you don’t have to worry about being honest with yourself anymore and I get to have a slightly better senator.
So his mea culpa for the speech is a humblebrag about how he got it right, just didn’t know until afterward how right he’d gotten it?
The people of AZ need to do some serious self reflection on who they’re sending to the Senate.
I’m hearing rumors Martha McSally is going to run for Flake’s seat. She’s no minarchist and as an ex-Warthog pilot is probably a little shootier than I might like on foreign affairs, but she’s a reasonably solid human being. Perhaps a step up from Flake, anyway.
I’ve seen some people say things (elsewhere) about the fact that God didn’t save this minister’s daughter, as if to suggest that bad things happening to good people somehow disproves the whole Christian God hypothesis. Pet peeve triggered!
People at Glib are a hell of a lot smarter than the average bear, but the point can’t be be emphasized enough anyway–that the entirety of Christianity is predicated on an omnipotent God having stood by and done nothing while his own son was scourged and crucified.
Christians are already aware that bad things happen to good people, and while such events can and do challenge people’s faith on an emotional level, the Christianity that emerged in the New Testament after the four gospels is largely a reconciliation of how there can be both an omnipotent and loving God, on the one hand, but one who lets bad things happen to someone perfectly innocent like Jesus, on the other.
All this is to say, Christians are perfectly aware that bad things happen to good people.
And people who suggest that bad things happening to innocent people of faith somehow exposes an inherent contradiction within Christianity, literally, do not know the first thing about Christianity. Christianity is the reconciliation of injustice with an omnipotent, loving God, a reconciliation which formed in the wake of the murder of a perfectly innocent man.
Piling on a minister after his daughter was murdered is unbecoming anyway, but even apart from that–be an atheist if you want to be, but for goodness’ sake, don’t make a raca of yourself. It’s very much like some idiotic Christians blaming the San Francisco earthquake of 1989 or hurricane Katrina on the sins of the inhabitants of those cities. “Don’t you know that bad things also happen to good people?”, I would remind them (Matthew 5:45). If you want to be smarter than the idiots among the Christians, be smarter than the idiots.
Well-articulated, Ken. I’m an atheist, but couldn’t agree more.
Spot on, Ken. I have been an atheist my entire life; my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were also atheists and free-thinkers. However, over the last couple three years I’ve grown increasingly embarrassed to cop to that fact. The behavior of other atheists, particularly the vitriol they harbor for those who believe, is very, very off-putting and likely counter-productive to the (claimed) goal of advancing atheism and rationality.
We should have some theologian investigate why bad things happen to good people. It could provide some much needed Jobs.
Good one Ken.
Nice commentary, Ken.
“I’ve seen some people say things (elsewhere) about the fact that God didn’t save this minister’s daughter”
Something Free Will. That is all.
People REALLY have a hard time with that concept for some reason. I guess they’d feel better if God were some kind of puppetmaster, constantly pulling everyone’s strings.
Leftists want a puppet master, to totally run their life and make sure there is never a bad outcome. They can accept that type of god, but not a god who would just leave you alone.
I’m an atheist, and I say, amen to this! Well put, Ken.
“No, Twitter Did Not Just Ban Porn, Sex Workers, or Pictures of Lingerie”
Idiot on /r/legaladvice asks about suing the NRA under racketerring statutes, gets rekt by actual lawyers (bonus: the idiot seems to be a cop)
Guy needs to find another line of work.
Look like an asshole for $710
“Nothing says ‘Anarchist Revolutionary’ like a $375 jacket from Barneys”
oh my. it is a guilty pleasure, watching these old hacks try and out-lie one another while trying to protect their reputations. Its not so much ‘save their careers’, since most are old and soon to be shipped off to retirement and irrelevancy, but they are desperate that their most-recent lies not be remembered, so are rushing to pump out fresh ones to distract the public.
1) was the second ‘russians’ really necessary? Somehow i feel the original version had it 3 or 4 times, and someone in the room said, “for god’s sake, you can’t just say “Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia ” and it expect to make sense. ALSO: “fuck! all they’re talking about in the media is Hillary selling uranium? Is it even a GOOD lie??” So they compromised, and edited it down to 2 “Russias”
(stuffing popcorn in mouth)
lol. I also like how Brian Stelter is listed as tho he’s an official mouthpiece of the DNC. Its close to the truth.
also, all of their denials and expressions of ‘concern’ aren’t even remotely close to saying, “She’s lying”, or claiming anything said wasn’t factual.
The DNC was taken over by the Clintons when they were in the White House–and they never gave up control. The DNC was in the middle of the Clinton fundraising mess back when they funneled money from the Chinese government into the Bill Clinton campaign.
For anyone who needs a refresher, this stuff has been going on at the DNC for 20 years.
This stuff was all exposed 20 years ago–and nothing changed, which is why I have little faith that anything significant will happen today.
Hillary Clinton could rob a bank and rape a baby seal to death in broad daylight, and she would probably never be held accountable.
Poor baby seal
But Ken still likes otters.
Who doesn’t
Baby seals, apparently.
What does she think she is? A sea otter?
She has Ken’s vote.
You know, I think I see the solution to Ken’s vexation with Rand… when he comes out of surgery, he can say that his brush with mortality has persuaded him to accept that he’s actually otherkin – Sen Rand Paul (R-Kelpfields).
The Clinton’s still own the Democrats. Sure, a lot of Democrats are now regretting that, but not enough who want to have a mysterious accident. Hillary WILL be nominated in 2020 or for a lot of people, it will be ELSE. I’m expecting Donna Brazile to die in her sleep pretty soon.
Wisconsin arms toddlers?
We sort of hit on this last week. My son and I had to listen to local sports ball guy rant about this as we were driving up north to go deer hunting. My son was actually pretty bent out of shape by the guy’s rant.
Basically the guy said that a) he knows nothing about guns or hunting and b) how can the pols be so stupid and c) why even let people have this freedom. At one point, he even conceded that this won’t lead to any injuries, but still ranted about why anyone would allow this.
The guy completely missed the point that anyone under 12 still has to hunt with a mentor and 34 other states currently have no minimum age either.
My son looked at me and said, “that is a guy who is completely afraid of guns.” I laughed and told him he was right.
p.s. We filled 3 of the 4 tags with nice deer. I’m sure my father will fill the 4th tag this week. Weather totally sucked. It had been snowing but warmed up to 34 so instead of snow, it was a cold drizzle.
No high-profile Silicon Valley execs tagging along to see what you flyover plebs are like in real-life?
I got my first rifle at 10. That was typical back then. I don’t remember anyone giving rifles to 3 year olds, for obvious reasons.
Indeed. It is well known firearms are too unwieldy for children to operate safely and effectively.
I hear you can buy rocket launchers out of vending machines there.
So one day we’re bombarded with articles about how Millennials aren’t having as much sex as previous generations, then we get articles like this one saying they’re just a bunch of sex crazed deviants. Which is it?
Whichever gets more clicks?
They’ll always be whores. Thank God.
Err, most of the people in that article ain’t millenials and a few of them ain’t even Gen X.
That said the two claims are not necessarily mutually exclusive. If you have someone using dating apps to have a string of hookups that never form relationships they are likely to have far more partners but fewer overall sexual encounters than someone who dates in a more traditional style where they meet and form a relationship that lasts for several months before breaking up, going through a period of being single and then forming a new relationship
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems when you are having communication with more than a few women at a time, at least a couple of the ones who you are not really interested in for dating, will designate you as their best GF. And call you like 10x a day asking advice on dating, etc, etc. Or with me, since I’m a geek, I also get at least one selecting me to be their IT guy. Then you get to fix their computer, a lot. I’t hilarious listening to them talk to their friends, they’re like ‘Well, my IT guy, blah blah’. It’s like slavery amirite? That they think they own you as their personal IT guy. If one of them finds out that someone else is sharing ‘their’ IT guy, there will be a cat fight. Where’s the outrage?
Yeah see this is what you call the Friendzone.
Contrary to what feminists like to claim it does in fact exist.
It is when a woman knows that a man is sexually/romantically interested in her and takes advantage of that fact to get him to do things for her. True, as feminists claim such women do not owe those men sex or a relationship or anything else however what they DO owe those men is honesty and respect.
The woman in this case will claim that they are just friends, problem is she is quite clearly taking advantage of the “friendship” because she returns nothing back and if she actually valued him as a friend she would specifically NOT allow him to do those things for her because she knows he’s doing it because he wants a romantic relationship with her and she knows it is never going to happen
Meh. It shouldn’t take guys (or gals) that long to get the hint that she/he/xe isn’t interested. If it does, that’s on them.
If the disinterested party is actively leading the other person on, purposefully implying that there is interest when there really isn’t, that’s different. But I think that’s very rare.
Sure, but if you are the persons FRIEND, it kinda falls on you to actively discourage those impulses and refrain from taking advantage of them so if you know or even suspect they are fixing your car because they are silently pining away for you you owe it to them as a friend to put a stop to it and refuse to allow them to fix your car.
Now sure you don’t have to do that, you are free to continue to string them along and take advantage of them, it certainly isn’t illegal and it is not even a violation of the NAP but it is still immoral and makes you a manipulative asshole for taking advantage of someone like that.
REPENT! The end is nigh
Since the dawn of the industrial age, humans have been pumping increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning coal, oil and gas. Researchers at the Mauna Loa Observatory, perched on the side of a volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island, have measured atmospheric levels of this greenhouse gas since 1958. That first year, carbon dioxide averaged 316 parts per million. In May, it reached 410 p.p.m. — an amount never before experienced in the history of our species. This atmospheric carbon dioxide — as well as other heat-trapping gases and other air pollutants emitted by humans — is affecting our planet profoundly.
We helped write the “Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume I,” released on Friday by the United States Global Change Research Program. This comprehensive report — the most up-to-date climate science report in the world — is an outstanding example of federal science in action, and is especially noteworthy given the current political climate.
an outstanding example of federal science in action, they said unironically.
Also, if the historical records are not comprehensive, how do we know it has never been higher?
It has been higher in the past. Much higher. Also, no profound effect has been observed. Statistically everything is normal.
It’s gone up from 0.000316 to 0.000410! Armageddon!
Global sea level has risen by about 7 to 8 inches since 1900, with nearly half this rise occurring since 1993.
Somebody needs to explain to me how it is possible to definitively establish “sea level” since it is constantly changing based on tides and other influences.
I’m sure there’s a wiki on it
It isnt just the sea level that isnt constant, the land level isnt constant either. Land is rising and sinking everywhere. They are totally full of shit. Additionally the sea level has been rising fairly steadily since the peak of the last ice age. There doesnt seem to be any change in the rate that it is rising or at least not one we can measure accurately.
To stabilize global temperature, net carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced to zero. The window of time is rapidly closing to reduce emissions and limit warming to no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, the goal set in the Paris climate accord. The further we push the climate system beyond historical conditions, the greater the risks of potentially unforeseen and even catastrophic changes to the climate — so every reduction in emissions helps.
Good grief.
Because all of the CO2 in the atmosphere is because of us.
I thought the supposed point of no return had already been reached or did they revise it backwards because there’s not much money in that?
WTF? What a bunch of complete idiots. Show me a country that does not have capitalism and has a decent standard of living. And please, you fuckwits, don’t even say Norway or Denmark. Shut public school the fuck down, NOW!
Uh huh.
I’d like for this dunce to explain just what the fuck that even means. But I’m sure that would be too triggering for the poor snowflake.
Apparently his siblings had difficulty finding jobs out of college because they graduated after the last crash. Trying to sort that one out with him would be a waste of time.
Or maybe they’re just dummies like him and no one will hire them.
Look, his professors explained to him how the world works in his first semester. How can you argue with someone that educated and informed.
Yeah… Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, heavily regulated and restricted ratings agencies, artificially low interest rates… totes capitalist.
Capitalism is when someone else has more money than me. It’s not fair. /millennial
Failings like the fact that your ass isn’t working from sun up to sundown in menial labor? Fuck you and the retards that named you. Two generations of imbeciles is enough.
No shit. I worked summers in construction starting when I was 13, worked up to 60 hours a week in labor jobs while attending college and paid for it all myself. Did something every single day related to job seeking until someone finally hired me as a computer tech. Life is a struggle, but almost anyone can succeed to some extent if they put the effort in. For those who are unable, we have a safety net. Too bad it’s so over stressed by lazy assholes gaming the system. I blame the parents and public school for these overly entitled lazy millennials. Send them to the fucking salt mines! Not really, but…
And here all this time I’ve thought humans trading with one another to mutual advantage was just something humans did when left to their own devices. Now he tells me it is something that must be applied, presumably by leaders or betters. Now I feel like a chump.
I’m late to the links and don’t have a lot of time this morning. I just wanted to say one thing. There is discussion at the beginning of the threads about how the murderer in Texas acquired his guns. How he passed a back ground check with his DVD from the army and his conviction of a domestic violence offence. I want to put something on this board that I think is good food for for thought when it comes to depriving people of their 2nd amendment rights.
“If you concede that the government, what the Second Amendment was intended to allow you to protect yourself from, should it turn to tyranny, has the authority to create, maintain and enforce lists of persons (NICS) who may not, in the opinion of that same government, exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, how do you propose keeping your name off of those lists?”
The goal is to get everyone on those lists. They can’t do it through legislation, so they’ll do it through regulatory schemes. Every bit of it unconstitutional.
The new push is for eliminating the background check “loopholes”. It’s not so much that they care about the so called loopholes as it is that the only way to enforce it is via a national gun registry which is the real reason for that push.
Anything that allows a lawful sale of a firearm is a loophole. Whatever “commonsense” exception to today’s legislation is tomorrow’s loophole.
What loophole? They talk about it all of the time but they never say exactly what it is.
What Gustave just said ‘Anything that allows a lawful sale of a firearm’. I mean really, outside of that, those words have no meaning. The left just makes shit up.
Transfer of firearms without a background check ie family members, friends, neighbors, etc. They call it the gun show loophole dispute the fact that only a miniscule percentage of those sales so not go through background checks.
In saw a debate about this on Bill Maher (yeah I know). Cory Booker was on. Interestingly Booker admited that it would do nothing since that is not how criminals get their guns, they use stolen guns. He even went so far as to say that NJ did a study and that was their findings. However he still thought it should be a law because fytw.
“If congress wont act on guns I will take executive action.” – Hillary Clinton
That is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The shit that woman said is pretty scary. I cannot stress enough how big of a bullet we dodged when Trump won.
“I cannot stress enough how big of a bullet we dodged when Trump won.”
You don’t have to with me. I’m 100% with you. The stuff of nightmares is what we narrowly avoided. And I still cannot get anyone to tell me what Trump has done that is so bad. Eye rolling or just silence is the best reply I’ve gotten from anyone. I mean he hired Jeff Sessions, that’s the worst thing he’s done so far. And Sessions has been pretty quiet, so far.
Sessions needs to make some noise about the corruption and criminality in our ruling class, IMO.
And by noise, I mean indictments.
Hillary should be first.
Agreed. You could fill a prison with the ones who deserve to be there, but I am hesitant. I am afraid it would turn into weaponizing the government against political opponents banana republic style. If not this bunch then the next ones would use it as a precedent. I absolutely do not trust them as far as I can pick them up and throw them. Obama already did it, that fuckin’ tin pot POS, but the more they do it the more brazen they will get. The Russia investigation now is exactly that, digging into people’s past sans evidence of criminality for the express purpose of ruining that person because of political affiliation.
That’s the argument for being wary.
OTOH, if you give these people de facto immunity, they will act like it and break the law with impunity. As we have seen play out in front of our very eyes.
There’s no good answer. You can rest assured, though, that the Deep State is already weaponized against anyone not Of The Party. And that won’t change unless and until people Of The Party start going to jail when they commit crimes. Frankly, I wonder if Mueller etc. aren’t actually guilty themselves of obstruction of justice – at some point, the exercise of prosecutorial discretion to let criminals walk becomes a crime.
I have a running theory RD Dean, and I think it’s correct. The people in Washington can’t start prosecuting each other because every single one of them is guilty. If they begin to turn on another, then the whole house of cards falls apart. I want Trump to prosecute Hillary. I want him to because, Can you imagine the corruption and criminality of thousands of D.C. lifers that would come out in discovery. It would be epic. It may very well change our nation.
Trump is pushing the opiod epidemic bullshit. Trump is continuing the wars in the middle east. That’s about it. The rest of my complaints about him have to do with his lack of doing things I wish he had done. Overall I give him a C- as a president. That’s a lot better grade than I give the last three.
I’d say that’s pretty fair. I might upgrade to a C because of all the regulation he’s cutting.
I’d go C+ due to the high entertainment factor he brings to the table with his twitter wars.
Yeah, that’s reasonable. It’s just that when I judge him against the last 3 guys, he’s more a B, B-.
I give him the C- mostly on the drug war bullshit amd session. I don’t do drugs. At all. IMHO, the drug war is the largest infringement on individual that we face in this country. It’s immoral and counterproductive. It needs to go. Fuck drug warriors.
Yeah, we really have to grade him on a curve. He has definitely done more good than harm so far. I hope he keeps it up.
I don’t do drugs either, well not true, I drank some beer just yesterday. But drug laws are maybe the most anti-liberty laws we have today. If you can tell a person what they can or cannot put into their own body, then what’s the limit on violating liberty?, because seems to be, there is no limit.
I’m giving him a B just for being Trump. The way he plays and triggers the left is nothing less than glorious. He’s making them a completely unhinged mess. Then there’s the regulation killing. If like Vhyrus said, we were grading him on a curve with the last 3, then he’s an A with 5 gold stars.
Due process.
If a person is found guilty in a court of law he/she can be deprived of natural rights for a reasonable period of time. This is the basis of the criminal justice system. As long as the system operates on fairness and transparency it can be considered a just arbiter.
You left out the third word. Law. “Due process of law.” Law is whatever government says it is. With that in mind, I ask you again,
“If you concede that the government the Second Amendment was intended to allow you to protect yourself from, should it turn to tyranny, has the authority to create, maintain and enforce lists of persons (NICS) who may not, in the opinion of that same government, exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, how do you propose keeping your name off of those lists?”
It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing. This is the reason we have a constitution, to give us a framework to determine what is considered a just and enforceable law. If the constitution becomes eroded to the point that it is moot then we may indeed have to start shooting before they round everyone up.
Law is whatever government says it is.
It includes the Constitution. If we truly had rule of law, there would be no NICS, background check, or any of the other gun control nonsense as they are patently infringements on the RKBA. Its a package deal; either you live under the rule of law or you don’t. We don’t.
Stripping 2A rights after conviction of a violent felony would strike me as Constitutional. But how would we prevent a felon from buying a gun, you ask? Dunno, but you can’t do it with mandatory background checks, which I think are an infringement on my rights as a non-felon.
How about a ray of hope? My 15yo daughter just emailed a draft of a paper she is working on entitled “Cannabis and The Constitution”. She is exploring current conflicts between the states and fedgov.
She refers to it as “weed” throughout the paper. Cracks me up.
Good for her.
Good. I just hope you don’t get your door broken down at 4 am. Or are you in a legal state?
I’m waiting for the call from the school 😉
She did include something of a disclaimer: The question isn’t whether or not to make weed legal- it’s who gets to make the decision.
If they do call, the first thing you should say is “are you calling about her paper, it’s awesome isn’t it, I’m fine with you giving her an award and yes I would like to be there for the award ceremony.”
Reminds me of a song…
Definitely not this one
Slashdo…err…Ars Technica reports on an 84-year-old rural doctor losing her license because she is unable to comply with digital record keeping requirements. The knock-on effect is that a town of ~4,000 people is now with one less doctor.
If you value keeping your stress levels under control on this Monday morning, please be sure to avoid the festering cesspit of leftist retardation that is the sum of the comments to that article.
Eggs, omelette, all that. Besides, that’s a job a recent med school graduate with $200,000+ in student loan debt could take on. So it’s a win for everyone. Except the egg.
This is always one of the goals of cronyism. You send an army of lobbyists to DC to write regulations that crush your smaller competition because they cannot afford compliance.
Maybe the local Free State libertarian computer geeks could help her out with the computer work and garner some great publicity at the same time? Unless and until local libertarians start getting some good publicity, the libertarian political movement will go nowhere.
The bigger question at hand is why should she need to comply with this in the first place? Her practice serves a tiny rural town, and according to other reports is an affordable cash only operation…
Nevermind. I think I just answered my own question.
Pickup truck = racism. Here’s your Dem party folks.
Of course, Trump didn’t call the Texas murderer an animal like he’d done the Manhattan driver, so you know who’s the real bigot.
Yeah, I saw that ad. Has to be one of the most vile political ads I’ve ever seen.
I find it hard to read Perez’s comments as anything other than an endorsement of the ad. Even after their candidate crashed in the polls after the ad was released, he still can’t disavow it. The ad shows what they really believe. If it had been purely tactical, something to throw at the wall to see if it stuck, they would disavow it (easy to do since its supposed to be an independent ad they had nothing to do with). Instead, they stand behind it.
The only bad thing about Gillespie winning would be that Perez would probably get canned. He’s the gift that keeps giving.
But then we’d get Ellison!
Might be a political calculation: in his mind, rednecks who drive pickup trucks are never going to vote D. But if he trashes the ad, he fears losing Latino voters.
He does realize Hispanics/Latinos/Chicanos et al drive pickups?
Probably not, these people are completely clueless.
Perez is a full on commie nutbag.
I’m watching John Sculley (infamous former Apple CEO) on Squawk right now – he has the audacity to resurrect the legacy of Steve Jobs in-support of his new healthcare venture.
“I’ve seen the failings of modern-day capitalism,” said Grayson SussmanSquires, an 18-year-old student at Wesleyan University
“They make me to PAY to go to college. If that doesn’t prove capitalism has failed, I don’t know what would.”
“I’ve seen the failings of modern-day capitalism,”
– Sent from my iPhone
I’m watching John Sculley (infamous former Apple CEO) on Squawk right now – he has the audacity to resurrect the legacy of Steve Jobs in-support of his new healthcare venture.
You mean *that* John Sculley, who very nearly turned Apple into a footnote of technological history? I don’t see how that worthless piece of shit can walk down the street without being spit on by everyone who sees him.
That’s the one.
Make of this headline what you will:
This is what happens when you allow those NRA nuts to run around carrying machine guns.
Hey, Dick Wolf has like 4 Law and Order shows going, they gotta get those ‘inspired by’ stories from somewhere. Chicago is only doing their part to keep those shows going.
I blame Indiana. It’s Indiana that’s to blame, right? Can’t remember for sure.
Of course, those NRA tea nuts from Indiana going up there with their machine guns to kill poor brown people. In their Nazi pickup trucks.
Our Free Guns to Gangbangers program is working just as expected.
So how hard is the media going to work to ignore the antifa connections / sympathies of the Texas shooter?
Look, he was a right winger, otherwise he would have never had a gun!
It won’t take them much effort. They ignore things all the time.
Ha. But one Dodge Charger into a crowd and watch out!
+ horn playing Dixie
I’m going to wait for some confirmation on that. Wouldn’t be surprised, but photoshopping people’s Facebook pages has happened before.
That is true
Devy Dawg? What a retarded little bitch name.
I believe that’s fake, from the sound of it the psychos ex wife and in-laws went to that church. I’m guessing he was initially targeting her or her family.
Chicago close to recording 600th homicide for only second time since 2003
Go, team, go!
Seems like we had a similar problem back in the Al Capone days during alcohol prohibition. But there’s certainly nothing we can learn from that.
So here’s the thing about gun control. It won’t work. Just look at Brazil. And they’ve had several mass shooting over the last few months. It doesn’t only happen here, it just does not get reported here. If Europe had the same gun laws we have, there would be zero difference there in gun violence. It’s because of culture, not gun laws, that we have more gun violence in the USA. Culture wise, the USA is closer to Brazil than Europe. And their gun violence is similar to ours even though they have some of the most strict gun laws on the planet. It’s nearly impossible to legally own a gun there for the average person. But there are plenty of guns, almost all owned only by criminals and criminal gangs. When leftists think that guns will suddenly disappear when made illegal, that’s beyond laughable. They’ll disappear just like drugs did when we made them illegal. That’s to say, not at all.
Guns are tools of liberty. Slaver fucking hate that.
And there it is in a nutshell. Thank you Tundra. You win comment of the day.
So here’s the thing about gun control. It won’t work.
Not for some values of “work”. For others, I think it might.
It won’t work for the reasons they say they want it to work. It will work perfectly for their hidden agenda, getting to go on to the next stage of destroying the Constitution.
Is that like jailbait?
Just say no
Even if asked
OMWC signal lit.
The problems there aren’t legal; they’re medical.
Why not just send them to prison instead of school?
Why can’t we just get some religious police who go around with some sticks and wack any transgressors? The left can get an idea on how that works from their most specialists of all special snowflakes.
That Oregon, soooo liberal, lol.
When leftists think that guns will suddenly disappear when made illegal, that’s beyond laughable.
Laws are magic. If you make something illegal, nobody does it.
Guns are even more magical than laws: they force people to murder, rob, and rape, despite those things being illegal. So you ban the guns, you ban the crimes.
I own numerous guns and I haven’t murdered anybody yet… Do you think they’re defective? Should I take them back to the store?
Good and evil are properties of people, whereas “defective” is a property of an object which a person could then fix. Leftists don’t see people other than themselves as people, but as objects. Call it learned sociopathy.
I think that since it’s too complicated to come up with a set of laws to cover every instance in which a gun may be used to injure or kill someone we should just make it illegal to shoot people. And since you might be able to kill someone with a gun by hitting them with it repeatedly, let’s just make killing people illegal.
Gun grabbers shot in the dick: Episode 539,234,192
Calls for gun control results in increasingly armed public.
Just listened to the local radio show on the way to the store. Host Moon Griffon says he wont attend a church where no one is armed. A hundred people called in saying the same thing. One church has a gun training program, one has a deacon with a shotgun behind his podium, a dozen callers said they also wont attend an unarmed church etc. etc. I bet there isnt a church in this state without a gun in the congregation now.
You may not be a man of God, but surely you’re a man of peace.
The shooter’s motive was at least in part anti-religious. Arming themselves in Church is actually a very wise idea. Jews should probably do the same. Listen at the damn rhetoric coming from the left right now. If that’s not a call to arms, I don’t know what is. I’m not religious, but I sure will defend anyone’s right to be.
A few months back I can’t recall the subject of the sermon (I want to say it was about division within culture), but our pastor mentioned hearing of a pastor who kept a gun at the podium and how he was surprised anyone, particularly a pastor, would feel they need to bring a gun to church. IIRC he grew up in LA so that would explain his discomfort despite living in our rural area for many years now.
Considering how many Iowan adults have a permit to carry (1 out of 8 if I did the math right), I kinda wondered just how many people besides myself were carrying that day. Out of 500ish people I certainly couldn’t have been the only one.
I don’t know if it’s a function of my perspective or if it really is a thing, but it seems like maybe twenty years ago you would’ve heard people calling for gun control following a shooting like Texas and there would be a fair number of people debating the shape of it but not arguing against the general proposition. Now, it seems like in the aftermath of an event like that you’ve got a lot of people arguing in favor of increased ownership and more liberal carry laws.
What’s this I’m hearing about Trump and a Koi Pond?
CNN selectively edited a video of Donnie Two Scoops and Abe feeding fish to make it look like Two Scoops is a buffoon when all he was doing was following Abe’s lead. Hard hitting journalism.
CNN lied. Again. Shocking, I know.
Thanks. I’ve not clicked on CNN in a very long while.
Thanks. Yeah, it was on the radio this morning when I was dropping the kids off at school.
I was wondering if I even want to know.
This is all fine by me. The media has shredded their credibility, they’re now in the process of dousing it in gasoline and flicking a Zippo. The more they reveal themselves as low-IQ, incompetent, partisan liars the better it is for the country. They really are the enemy of the people, as Trump said.
Well, I put in a solid 3 hours at the office today. I’d say that’s plenty.
That’s apparently some overtime when compared to most Glibs.
I say that’s too much. I spent the first couple hours of my day on the phone with my bank and printing out a shipping label.
You trying to make us all look bad, Mr. Tryhard?
The shipping label was for a firearm. Do I at least get a point for fuckery?
My former boss said they sent my resume to the contract company with the strong suggestion they make me a top candidate. Fingers crossed!
And you say you’re not a people-person. You schmooze with the best.
It’s a matter of people who “get” me, and people who don’t. Most of my colleagues from the State Dept were the former. It was a great place to work up until the last few years of the frat-house dudebro Obama Admin.
Good luck. ?????
Does IBM do “legacy” hiring, like colleges? (j/k – I would hope they don’t, but my Pa worked there for 25 years)
I’d bang my head against the wall for a while, but maybe if I did that I’d understand this kind of thinking. Or the level of being able to misunderstand the first headline.
Considering the first headline was a blatant lie, there’s nothing even to misunderstand.
Ready your nuts, men.
It is now confirmed the youngest victim of the church shooting is an 18 month old infant.
Attempted legislation will soon me named after this kid.
So I got my shipping label to send my Taurus PT140 back to the manufacturer under the Taurus vs. Carter class action lawsuit. I selected the cash option. What are the odds I will get back the full $200 for my gun that may or may not go off when I drop it?
I didn’t hear about this. Details?
In other news, I am getting my Sig P320 back on wednesday. I zink I vill haf sumzink for zee fiyahauhmz friday hafter hall….
Know anything about the Sig p938? Your thoughts on it? I’m in a 10 spot raffle for one…if I win I don’t know if I should keep or get a .45. Not a fan of 9mm anymore. Too snappy of a recoil, the 45’s I’ve shot seem to work better for me.
Btw it’s the “we the people” version. Looks pretty cool and all ‘murica pimped out.
I have one. excellent carry gun. I highly recommend it. The only drawback is that the extra mags are pricey.
You are the first and only person I have ever heard say that 45 has less recoil than 9mm. Is bacon physics that drastically different from normal earth physics?
Not less…different.
9 has snappy recoil, 45 pushes back in straight line.
Yes 45 has more recoil but the push feels better to me when shooting.
Taurus vs. Carter Settlement
Basically the spring on the drop safety is a hair too light and several pistols went off unexpectedly when dropped at a certain angle. There are a few stories of this happening to a few Brazilian cops who shot themselves in the leg…If I am not mistaken, the fire control system is in their entire 24/7 line.
It kind of sucks because the only reason I still have it anymore is that it was the gun I purchased on my 21st birthday. I was a college student at the time and it was the best new gun I could afford for <$300.
Let me dig up the video…
Here’s the video. At 9 seconds you can see the trigger “bounce” all the way back and the muzzle flash. I figure I’d get $50 tops if I traded it in and wouldn’t get more than $100 if I did a private sale. Plus it would likely get used by a crackhead.
I feel like that old geezer in various movies that goes around packing a black powder pistol while the whippersnappers are all carrying those newfangled smokeless powder contraptions.
2nd day of the cleaning slog: J frames
UN: Paris Climate Accord doomed humanity to its Venusian fate, where mitigation efforts might have worked. Well, not quite. But they did admit in their new annual report that, even had total compliance been maintained through 2030, temperature reductions would not have met the target laid out in the treaty. But not to worry! They have a new, even more ambitious plan for industrialized nations to shirk:
Lest you think it’s only industrialized nations shouldering these future failed commitments, the paper also recommends mothballing all coal-fired plants–every one, globally–immediately. This, they call an “indispensable condition” for meeting climate targets. Only, there’s one problem: developing nations aren’t likely to go along with beggaring their citizens.
The article closes with a punchline I’ll leave to the author to reveal. As for me, I’ll trust UN strategists talking up their next 5-year plan about as much as I trust Kaepernick extolling his comeback performance.
Well, you can mothball coal generators, or you can have 15% electric cars, but not both, at least not “immediately”. Pick one, swampy.
You are forgetting all about the magical component. Now, pay up.
The details were a little different but MIT already went through some of this shit with the Elizabeth Shin lawsuit, no? It was during a period where I was pissed at my alma mater so I wasn’t following it that closely but there was certainly an attempt to “blame” them for the suicide, albeit for what appears to be different reasons.
When I was out in NYC a couple years ago, the friend I was visiting showed me around NYU and told me about the prevention methods–tall embankments of plexiglass–they put up around upper mezzanines of the library, to prevent jumpers. Apparently they’d had a number over the years.
Pretty far off topic, has anyone tried CBD edibles for sleep and/or pain and/or anxiety? This is more of a general question because I’m not looking to treat any specific ailment right at the moment, but I’m curious. My mom used CBD cream on her arthritic hands and said it helped quite a bit, I’m wondering about the more systemic effect from ingesting it.
send my Taurus PT140 back to the manufacturer under the Taurus vs. Carter class action lawsuit.
That reminds me; I should check to see if there’s some sort of class action suit against Sig for the
cheappiece of shit Mosquitos with cracked or broken slides. The assholes wouldn’t warranty it because I did not buy it new. They offered to replace the slide (at the factory) for more than I paid for the stupid thing.I’ll never buy a new gun from them.
First I have heard of this. How in hell do you crack a slide? On a 22 no less.
This is the most accurate astrology thing I’ve ever run across (P.S. I’m Aries)
Netflix and chill: scorpio, pisces, libra, virgo, taurus, gemini
Netflix and passively aggressively pause the movie every time someone talks: aquarius, leo, sagittarius, aries, cancer, capricorn
I’m an Aries too. That makes us just like HITLER!
I’m a taurus and a talknazi when watching a movie.
my wife appreciates when i pause the show to give her comments and questions the full attention they deserve.
Leo here, and yes. Sometimes with a stern look. If needed, accompanied by squinting and tilting an ear towards the television while saying, “Huh? Wha?”
One of the most annoying things the girlfriend does is to try to talk over something I’m trying to watch instead of just tapping me on the shoulder. For as great as Netflix is, I wish they had better controls for short time period rewinding.
I hate–HATE–interrupting the flow of a story. If it’s Survivor or something like that, fine, but if it’s a movie or a show or something, I want to see the full thing in exactly the amount of time intended, at the pace envisioned by the director, with no interruptions. If I need to go to the bathroom or something I have to frantically tell my wife not to pause the movie. I’d rather miss part of a scene than mess with the pace.
That’s funny.
Does the same astrological distribution curve apply to:
– people who recite the best lines from the movie as it’s playing and
– uptight control freaks who aren’t down with that?
I am an aquarius and I think I do the very worst thing: pause the movie and inject my own commentary on the scene every 2.3 minutes. How my gf hasn’t murdered me in my sleep is a mystery.
No jury in the world would convict her.
As a libra, there is perhaps room for both types of people in the world.
Michael McKean being a scumbag Hollywood elitist (along with all the other ones, but this was particularly scummy).
Shut up,
WesleyLennyPeople’s responses to stuff like this are a good way to get the sense of how casually awful some people are. I mean, really, if your response to the families of the people who were murdered in a church is to say that they “had the prayer shot right out of them” you’re a bad person. And that you say it over Twitter as opposed to going down and saying it at the scene means you’re either a coward or it’s a matter of such little import to you that you just toss nasty little remarks about it in passing. That somehow makes it more despicable.
It also reveals their complete disregard that anyone who doesn’t agree with them might actually have legitimate reasons to disagree. In their minds, the only reason not to be down with complete gun bans is because you just don’t care about other people getting killed, so when it happens to “you” then you got what you deserved, ha ha. The fact that their proposals for “fixing” the problems can’t even stand up to 30 seconds of logical refutation, let alone demonstrate success in implementation, is completely immaterial to them. It doesn’t even enter their moral calculus.
How in hell do you crack a slide? On a 22 no less.
Use shitty pot metal for the slide, hard contact against the frame at full recoil. I tried to use a small rubber o-ring as a shock absorber and it started stovepiping everything. Poor design.
that unhinged fucker in Texas passed a background check to buy his Ruger AR556.
We must close the government incompetence loophole!
BATFE obviously needs more money and agents.
But see, if we had universal background checks than none of this would have ohwaittheregoesmuhnarrativebrb….
Hmm, unconstitutional law fails to stop unhinged shooter from getting gun and shooting people. Who could have imagined.