OK, Glibs. Here is a nice open post for you to paste all your links (maybe save them instead of dumping them in the Morning Links?) and snark and such. I am going to toss in a couple of bonus links on the Texas Church shooting.
First the Good.
Then the Bad.
And the Ugly.
Have at it, Glibs. The space is yours.
Damn. We’re on a roll this morning, apparently.
Also fuck that fuckheaded fuck who decided to go shoot up a church. The yawning maw of Hades is still better than he deserves.
Militant Athiest… Okay, that’s not what I expected.
I don’t understand says he was an atheist but other reports say he taught Sunday school.
Lots of teachers don’t believe their subject matter.
Or lots of people become disillusioned with their religion when their lives turn to shit.
In fact I would say a lot of the more vocal “athiests” aren’t really athiests but are pissed off Christians rebelling against a god they hate for destroying their lives. That is why they actually hate religion and believers so much, it is far more personal for them than someone who just doesn’t believe and wants to be left alone about it.
So antitheists.
Fuck Matthew Dessem as well.
Wow that Slate article is just fucking terrible. (not that i’m surprised). They just blatantly refer to the firearm used as “the shooter”.
“The shooter was a Ruger AR-556, which is, in the words of its instruction manual, “a gas impingement driven, box magazine fed, autoloading rifle.”
uhhh, no. The shooter was an insane mentally ill person who USED A TOOL. A tool he illegally obtained by committing a felony and lying on his background check form.
“a gas impingement driven, box magazine fed, autoloading rifle”
So… a semiautomatic rifle? Honestly: I don’t know if this is meant to mean anything other than obliquely describing how modern firearms work.
They’re trying to mask the fact that it’s not terribly exotic, so they can push to ban it.
The agenda is to disarm law abiding citizen, so these people can flaunt the law all they want.
Yeah, that’s exactly what it is, because saying “semiautomatic rifle” is too simple. They use scary language most people don’t recognize to describe “”the shooter””. Kind of like the whole Dihydrogen Monoxide hoax.
I like how they use the term “autoloading” what is this, 1916?
You mean it’s not a machine for refilling cartidge cases on the fly?
A rifle system designed in the 50’s that fires an intermediate round not powerful enough for game bigger than a coyote.
It means shit where eats.
“if it ain’t got a piston, it ain’t worth a damn, son”
They read the manual. I have to admit I never read the manual for any gun I purchased.
I read the manuals.
Mostly for the humor value, as it never seems to address that which is relevent.
Just wanted to add to my own comment here and mention that saying “The Shooter was a Ruger AR-556” is the same as saying that “The Driver was a Dodge Challenger” in Charlottesville.
Was the Charger black? Did it have a thing that went up?
A spoiler?
And racing stripes and a number which makes it a race car and nobody needs a race car.
We need common sense cylinder control. No one needs more than 4 cylinders
Or any, really.
I heard it had a thirty magazine clip with automatic bullets
Challenger, not Charger! I’m sickened by your Chargerphobia
You know who else had a charger and lived near Charlottesville?
I hope this “shooter” nonsense doesn’t catch on with the unhinged left, but I have a bad feeling it just might. It enrages me when groups purposely change the definition of a word for political reasons.
I’m OK with this. I can just do a quick search of an article and if I see ‘shooter’ misused I know that I don’t need to waste anymore time on it.
Wow. That’s so bad that I missed it completely.
I thought the model of the gun was called “The Shooter”.
This is far dumber. He’s really trying his dumbest.
You know I made a joke after the new york attack about a gun taking a man hostage but I didn’t actually think they would run with it.
Well done, Slate. You have impressed even me with your baseness.
It worked for Sheriff Bart.
“maybe save them instead of dumping them in the Morning Links?”
How about “no”. You can’t tell me what to do.
I CAN tell you what to do…
Doesn’t mean you will do it.
I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?
Allow me to say what everyone is thinking, but not saying about the recent assault on Rand Paul.
This is the second time Rand has been caught unarmed. He wasn’t packing when that shooting at the baseball practice happened (who doesn’t have a gun when you’re up at bat?) and now he didn’t have a gun on him when he was doing yard work and was assaulted. He’s lost some libertarian street cred that no amount of Rush song references can earn back.
Now go light a candle for Rand’s speedy recovery at your Ron Paul alter at home.
Not for nothing, but even if an objective read of the events went something like, “Senator suffers five broken ribs before defending self with pistol,” the reporting about a Republican senator murdering a neighbor would have been breathless. Recall how quickly the narrative of a former Bernie staffer going after Republican congressmen with AR-15 was subverted into “Heroic first-responders save Republicans who hate them.”
Wasn’t the baseball shooting a modified SKS?
Shooty-thing with scary black accessories.
AKA The Louisville Shooter
Yeah, I think it was a Norinco SKS, which is just an SKS made by a Chinese company that’ll take AK mags.
I know. I mainly meant this in jest.
The Rand 911 call, after NBC got ahold of it: “He was [inaudible] man, he was [inaudible]black [inaudible] looked suspicious.”
CNN chryon: Rand Paul Stood In the Way of Anti-Racist Activist, Gets Injured
Rand Paul was operating a riding lawn mower while wearing ear protection. He never saw the attack coming. If had been armed, the attacker could have easily taken the gun and shot Paul.
I usually begin my prayers at the Ron Paul alter with the sign of the cross. “In the name of the Mises, the Rothbard, and the gold standard. Amen”
I usually start by looking at porn
And that’s usually as far as I get.
Rather than “Amen” should it not be “Audit the Fed”?
It’s a fucking ALTAR.
This is why I only use a reel mower bimonthly and let the lawn be as God wills it.
Flamethrower, once a year.
I don’t have a real lawn. Grass doesn’t grow properly in our rocky soil.
You don’t need rocky soil to not grow grass. Just ask jesse.in.mb.
These euphemisms are really obtuse.
That’s not exactly what I’ve been thinking. If this attack was indeed politically motivated and Paul has to actually miss weeks or months at his job, which is to serve his electorate, then I think some far more serious changes had better be brought against his attacker. It’s already clearly a felony because of his injuries. Would you let this guy go anyway near you or a family member in a medical setting after this? I sure as hell wouldn’t, the guy needs banned from any type of medical practice.
I would expect his license to be suspended after felony charges are filed (and come on, they have charge him with a felony for breaking five ribs). I would be shocked if he’s not stripped of his license on conviction.
I was joking.
I know. The other thing I’m thinking is that they let this guy out on bail and he’s even more of a danger now to Paul. He’s obviously already unhinged to do something like that. The next time he might have a weapon. If this had been a Democrat Senator, the media would be going crazy right now.
For sure
It’s a lot to read and would probably be better in a live blog, but this guy has been live tweeting the first trial in the Waco “biker shootout”. Tl;dr: Massive, massive prosecutorial misconduct that the judge isn’t doing a damn thing about. The defense attorney is getting progressively angrier. This in regard to the prosecutors continually avoiding giving over evidence until they finally “find” it at the last possible second.
Damn, that whole trial sounds like a right proper shit show.
As was the shootout which was caused by the cops.
Looking like church targeted for domestic reasons
If he was gunning for his mother in law, why do it in such a public place?
I’m guessing she was the reason he picked that particular location but he was obviously looking to kill many more.
there’s gotta be a better can-only-kill-motherinlaw-on-holy-ground joke in there.
Saw this video the other day before this happened and thought it interesting. Reminded me of this Mindhunters show my wife and I just started watching on Netflix.
Also looks like gunshot self inflicted and federal firearms check missed the earlier charges. Not surprising because they rely on that stuff being sent to them and a lot of places still have pretty manual systems in place because you know they’re the government.
How can a Dishonorable Discharge with domestic abuse conviction be missed in the NICS?
Either the FBI database is fucked up or the Air Force fucked up by not properly recording this shitbag’s record.
Depends on a whole bunch of issues. Remember, when NICS is backlogged (probably due to system failures and incompetence), they have 3 days to put a halt on your purchase. If they snooze, they lose, and the purchaser wins.
Secondly – I have no idea how it works in TX – but in CT, a purchaser is given the OK via the CT DESPP, who run the NICS check via their systems. Someone who was plausibly in a position to know once told me that when the DESPP connection to NICS is unavailable, the state runs its check via some cached data and their own records, and makes a determination based on those – which of course makes you wonder just how current their data is.
So, in CT, I could imagine a relatively “recent” felon still being able to luck out and get a confirmation on their eligibility to purchase. Of course, he’s adding a felony to his rap sheet in doing so, but we all know about how criminals are world-renowned for their observance of laws.
In NJ, they say the NICS says will probably take 30 minutes. They do the state paperwork while it’s running, but you aren’t walking out with a gun until it’s done. Seen guys start it and go to lunch instead of waiting.
Texas Gov. Abbot: Gunman was denied gun permit. “The gunman in Sunday’s mass shooting at a church in rural Texas was not legally eligible to buy firearms and had been denied a state gun permit, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Monday.”
I’m shocked.
Felon commits more felonies. News and an appearance at a morgue near you, at 10.
Wait he was denied and still had guns? What are you going to tell me next, huh? that even if guns were illegal evil fooks would get them or use other means to kill people?
I saw that this morning – he was denied a carry permit if I understood correctly.
That would have to be it. Texas doesn’t have gun permits as such.
It might be a mix of wanted to get revenge on ex MIL, plus kill a few religious people.
Dude leaf blowing next door has this blower where the engine is on a backpack. Sounds like there’s a fucking bulldozer sitting on my roof. Is that necessary just to blow leaves.
Need’s got nothing to do with it.
Go tackle him and break 5 ribs
Then I’d have to get off the couch. I took the day off so I didn’t have to do that.
Can also be used for self defense if you’re near rocks or attacked by someone wearing parachute pants.
Some fucking guy on my street busts out this military-grade leafblower that must be fitted with a loudening device. It ruins every goddamn afternoon nap I try to take in the summer months. He uses it for grass clippings on the sidewalk. I don’t fucking get it: he’ll lug this 25-pound machine around for half an hour, but he can’t take a 2-pound broom and move it back and forth. Or, ya know, just wait until the wind blows or it rains.
I remain a libertarian, and I BEGRUDGINGLY recognize his right to use that thing… But goddamn, loud noise is the one thing that puts a strain on my allegiance.
Look, the guy probably spent a bundle on it, and has to justify the expense.
You guys should have been here a few months ago when they were using jackhammers to tear up the sidewalk and street on the other side of the street. This literally went on for a month. When clients would call me, and I had all the doors and windows shut, I literally had a hard time hearing them. They would be like ‘Where are you, it sounds like you’re in the airport’. It was fucking horrible.
Oh yea, they’re replacing the gas lines in my town right now. I work second shift, and I’ve been woken up countless times by backhoes cracking through the sidewalk like a diner cracks through the shell of a creme brulee. It’s so loud I can feel it as I’m laying there in bed.
Stop trying to nap in the afternoon.
It’s probably a messican landscaper getting some revenge on whitey for voting from Trump.
We have a little electric powered Toro and even that thing is really loud. Wife uses it to terrorize squirrels and the neighbors.
We need to have a national conversation on the fact that two different people tried to kill Rand Paul within a year. Seriously, this is messed up. Five broken ribs is no simple assault.
UFC fighters consistently leave the octagon with their ribs in tact. Their face on the other hand….
Paul needs to turn this into a campaign slogan.
Socialists want this man dead!
This one weird trick to flip on their revolutionary violence switch
i blame Big Drone for taking out Rand.
What kind of asshat attacks a guy mowing his grass?
I mean, be a man about it and confront him face-to-face.
What else would you expect of a guy who has a woman’s name?
I finally picked up my new pistol over the weekend. Went down to the range and remembered I am the worst pistol shooter ever. I’m pretty good with a rifle since the Marines rammed the techniques into my head with blunt force. As my pistol shooting starts to suck, I try to shoot it more like a rifle and end up shooting even worse.
I really have to work on pulling that trigger without jerking the gun all over the place.
Get an “arm brace”
Get a “rifle”.
I did long ago – got damn good with it to. The state of NJ was nice enough to ban it by name so I haven’t shot my old pal in over a decade.
I do have a .22 Savage bolt action. My son and I can shoot the lights out with that thing, At 10 yards we compete with quarter sized groups.
“I really have to work on pulling that trigger without jerking the gun all over the place.”
That’s what she said.
I’ll see myself out of the grown-up conversation
I always liked that about her…
/Sitting in the corner with Just Say’n
Instead thinking about it as pulling think of it as pushing the trigger straight back while keeping the gun as still as possible.
practice the ‘dime-washer’ drill with your pistol. Also, shooting a revolver with some empty chambers is a good practice to observe jerking.
Do you shoot at Shongum?
If you really are having trigger jerking problems, dry fire a lot… and perhaps down-size to .22 for a while to get back in the groove.
What sort of trigger is it?…. Striker actions are more of a sweeping action than a Single action, squeeze-bang.
I do shoot at Shongum. It’s DA/SA (CZ P07) – a very clean breaking trigger. I do have a .22 pistol not that I’m great with that either.
What little military training I had with a pistol was the old Weaver stance. Jerry nails it at 5:35 – I missed everything to the left. I literally shot a nice curved line across the left outer rim of the target several times.
Sweet purchase. It’s definitely you.
It’s not my fault. The fucking weapon is fucked up!
Well, his excuse is valid. It’s a fuckin’ M-16. Man should have an M-14.
Are you shooting them all SA? .. Down and left is classic “clenching”. well with the dry firing you will see that you are pulling all the shots in that direction. The trigger pull needs to be directly back, and less “grabby”. Perhaps you aren’t using just the pad of the finger?
You might try the classic old school one hand target stance to re-enforce that the hands shouldn’t be pushing each other left and right, only front and back.
Well, practice and only shoot a couple of shots, take breaks, you don’t need to dump entire mags if you aren’t holding the center.
Snap caps & dry fire practice.
If the top of the slide is flat enough, stand an empty piece of brass on the top, and practice dry firing and watch the brass. Once you can consistently do it for centerfire brass, move onto .22, and then finally, a live .22 round (center of gravity is higher).
If you’re more serious about diagnosing your problems (because *just* jerking the trigger is unlikely to be the sum of your sins, take a look at a Mantis X trainer. Best $120 I ever spent, given that my first reaction to shooting like shit is to get a price quote on a trigger job and new sights (it’s never fixed with a trigger job and new sights)
Just keep doing mag dumps as fast as you can. You’ll get it.
I knew somebody was going to have the right answer!
I’ve been to the range three times now. Yesterday, my wife and I shot Kimber Pro Carry II, M&P 9 Mod.2, XD-9 Mod.2, and Glock 19. So far, I can say with confidence that I hate Glock. The misses was quite fond of the M&P 9 and XD-9. Anyone have experience with these pistols?
We are shooting at 5 yards, since we are both beginners. I had 72 of 75 in the ten ring using 4 different pistols. Not too shabby.
But how can you hate perfection?
Is your wife interested-in a pistol for leisure shooting or concealed carry/self-defense? I like the XD-9 for the range, but prefer SR22 for defense. My hands are relatively small, and as I age the grips/weight make a big difference. If you haven’t already visited, perhaps a visit to Brownells in Grinnell – a great place to try a lot of options.
I have His and Hers XD-9s. My wife did not care for the .45.
Definitely home defense and probably concealed carry. I expect we will both have two pistols — one compact (4 in barrel) for range shooting and home defense (loaded in a quick access safe) and one sub-compact for concealed carry.
You’re absolutely doing the right thing, doing this testing. One of the huge demotivators for a new shooter is having a gun that after you get used to it, feels like shit, particularly if your relationship with the gun involves regular practice.
The M&P and the XDs in general are fine. They’re functional, and reliable, and they’re not picky with defensive rounds if you intend to own it for ‘real use’. My experience with the M&P goes back to what I guess you’d call V1.0a, and the guy who owned that gun had one problem with the frame of the gun developing a crack, but S&W replaced it with no excuses and more than a few apologies. I shoot with couple of guys who shoot nothing but XDs, and while the grips don’t work for me, they go bang every time the trigger is squeezed.
So far, I have shot: Sig M11A1, Glock 17 Gen 4, Glock 17 Gen 5, Glock 19 Gen 4, Springfield 1911-A1 (9MM), Springfield XD-9 Mod.2, Springfield XD-S, Kimber 1911 TLE (9MM), Kimber 1911 Pro Carry II (9MM), and SW M&P 9 Mod.2.
In general, I love the crisp trigger of the 1911s, but I am getting use to the striker-fired pistols. I found the M&P 9 and XD-9 pretty comfortable and easy to shoot.
Next week is Kimber 1911 Ultra Carry II, M&P Shield (9MM), the Glock 43 (just to prove I really hate Glock), and one more to be determined (Sig P938 probably).
Of the few I’ve shot, my favourite was the Glock 30 – compact .45. Fit my hand perfectly, nice recoil.
Couple of notable omissions there – CZ-P07, SiG P320, something like a Walther PPQ/PPS.
As noted upthread, if this is primarily a tool that you’re planning to get good at, your criteria will be different than if it’s a tool you’re going to get good at AND have fun with at the range. I’m no Glock fan, but if I had sufficient reason to carry, I’d consider a Glock 43, purely because I’d fire it enough to stay good with it, and ignore it when I rent to the range for fun – even though the grip does’t really work for me. It also wouldn’t upset me for the gun to be indefinitely impounded by the cops if I ever had to use it. It’d be like having my least-favorite orphan impounded.
The range is supposed to have the P320 in the rental cabinet. But I looked yesterday and couldn’t see it. I assume they pulled it because it hasn’t been updated for the drop-problem.
The range does not have the other available.
If they have a P250, the frame/grip ‘feel’ is quite similar, but I was very impressed with the P320 when it first came out. very nice trigger too. It’ll be interesting to see just how much the new trigger group changes the feel. If they get it back in time, try to try it out.
CZ aren’t commonly available for rental. If gun ergonomics are REALLY important to you, it might be worth trying to see if you can get to play with one,
The Walther models I cite are nice. They certainly have their fans, but if you can’t get to shoot ’em, you can’t get to shoot ’em.
Now, it’s not really that much fun as a carry idea, and I understand you’re probably looking to keep your manual of arms as simple as possible, but did you try out a Beretta 92? The compact shoots almost the same as the full sized Beretta, so you could try either one.
Being all metal, you have the option to use it to break 5 ribs and puncture a lung with it when some guy breaks into your garden.
I love my P320 with the night sights.
I like the G27 with the little pinky finger mag extension. It fits the hand and shoots just like the full size G22 (with a bit more recoil of course) same trigger feel. I have an IWB with a spare mag holder, and it will take all of the abuse you want to throw at it.
the trigger on the PPQ makes that M&P9 feel like a gun you found on a dead hobo at the beach.
“the trigger on the PPQ makes that M&P9 feel like
a gun you found ona dead hobo at the beach.”FTFY
Its funny either way because its true.
One of the things I was doing while away from Glibs was attending a course, where – to put it very bluntly – I found that in a number of very realistic DGU situations, I was blissfully unaware of the trigger, the number of rounds I had fired, where I had fired them, how fast I had fired them, who I had aimed at and in one simulation, where I had put the gun at completion.
I wouldn’t have cared if it was a dead hobo’s gat, as long as it was loaded with hollow points and it fired reliably.
Coda: turns out that typically I had emptied two 17 round mags, I aimed at the right targets and on average managed to get 3/4 of the rounds on target. This was considerably better than the three cops on the course, but still depressingly low in absolute terms.
I’ve never taken one of those dynamic defensive courses. Looks like a helluva lot of fun. I hear you on the trigger banter when reliability and accuracy are much more critical when it really counts.. but when most of us will only ever fire in rec or training, then something smooth and crisp is preferable to the grainy insides of a beach hobo’s sphincter.
Sure. Nobody wants a “gritty sphincter” on the last 1/4 in of take-up, and the G17 they gave issued me with was pretty good, but nowhere near as nice as (even) my almost-stock-standard CZ PCR.
I’ve heard CZ puts out some good pistols. PCR is steal frame?
PCR is the CZ Compact (which is steel frame) but with an alloy frame. So-named because it was the issue pistol to the Czech Police. All the goodness, a couple ounces lighter.
CZ’s standard models are good, if unimaginative. Solid, reliable, with a pretty good fit and finish. Don’t be tempted to clean the gun in an ultrasonic bath (don’t ask), but reliable and accurate.
CZ only brought out their first polymer guns a year or so ago (with the exception of the Phantom, which was about 10 years ago) – so most of CZs reputation is from their all-metal guns, but seemingly, Drake’s very satisfied with his plastic P07.
And the Ugly.
Shit. You aren’t kidding.
*hates everything and everyone again*
“Again”? When did you stop?
Then again, maybe it would be healthier for me if I stopped being so constantly angry at everyone and everything.
Apathy can be equally destructive.
That’s not true…fuck it, do what you want…
Yeah? Not that I care…
Recently we were suggesting books to each other. Here’s short article based on one of my favorite books. It talks about the concept of “social proof” meaning that humans are wired to go along with something if we see that other people are doing it, especially in an uncertain or unfamiliar situation. It’s why they drank the Kool-Aid in Africa, and why there’s a noticeable uptick in suicides and one-person car crashes after a suicide is highly publicized.
So based on this concept, it’s not surprising that a month after the Vegas shooting, we’ve had another massacre. Subconsciously (or consciously?) this guy might have been on the edge, and when he saw the Vegas shooter plastered all over the news he got the idea that shooting a lot of people was ok.
I really think this is the angle we should be pursuing, instead of reflexively talking about gun control. The problem is that limit the coverage of such events is censorship, and besides that it’s going to be nearly impossible to keep quiet on social media. What does everyone else think?
here is the article
You used to see a similar phenomena with beer selection at bars back when selection was limited to a few domestics. People would usually order whatever most of the people at the bar were drinking. I never noticed it until I saw an article about it but it was true.
Two factors – conflict avoidance and information assymetry. They don’t want to make waves, and they’re uncertain which of the products supplied is of the highest quality, so the crowd is used as a substitute.
Erm, South America? Or another incident I’m missing?
You are correct, typed that without looking it up.
You have proved to be unreliable, Kevin. Your opinions are no longer valid. Show yourself to the door please.
*shame, shame*
The other door
Is that the door with the wood-chipper on the other side?
The Kool Aid incident in Africa was similar to when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, and when Joan of Arc built the ark.
Jonestown, Capetown – pre-law, pre-med – what’s the difference?
Think it’s more Guyana versus Guinea.
I feel the same way about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor, and Joan of Ark building the Ark.
Ouch double post too. Stupid Internet *kicks rock*.
It also wasn’t Kool-Aid, it was Flavor Aid.
Thanks robc. I’m glad someone read the morning links.
It was both. Or it probably was both.
Forget it, he’s rolling.
Fun article if you feel like taking a break from horrible news to stroke your schadenboner for a bit.
That mythical voter at the end of the article sounds a lot like my wife.
Yeah? What do you think, is she the prime demo for messages about how evil white people are, or how you’ve got her locked in a patriarchal prison?
Not that it didn’t hurt to see mass shootings in the news before. But when you have a kid it adds a whole new element to seeing these killings in the news. Can’t imagine what I would do to someone if they ever harmed my daughter.
I can’t imagine the crushing listlessness in knowing that the coward had already offed himself. Where do you apply your anger? It’s understandable that you’d become a spokesperson for gun control. Lefty activists and the media give you a ready-made target for your righteous ire. I can forgive families of the victims taking up the cause. It’s the opportunistic vultures I despise.
The pastor and his wife at an airport trying to get home, knowing that their daughter was murdered…I don’t even know how I’d begin to process that kind of grief. There just aren’t words.
Gah, you people have to warn me when you put up pictures of Bob Chipman on the main page.
Why didn’t you warn yourself? Time travel much?
As I keep explaining, time travel does not work that way.
Aw, now you got me wanting to watch this anime even though every time I do watch an anime I end up disappointed and feeling stupid
I just want to point out that the gun used was the entry level model of the Ruger SR-556, which is in millions of police cars across the country.
Why aren’t they calling it a “patrol rifle”?
You mean a rifle designed for hunting minorities?
“Dark game rifle”
What guns aren’t?
I wanna find a PD that hasn’t upgraded yet so I get a chance at buying a Ruger PC9 at anything other than a ruinous price.
Be fair, he mall ninja’d the shit out of it.
When your rifle looks like a broken Transformer…
The mouse traps seem to have had a totemic effect.
No mice have been caught, but the moment they got put out, all signs of mice vanished…
Cats have a totemic effect too, and they’re also soft and snug- oh, wait, it’s UnCiv, never mind.
Between two cats and two pits the only animal in my house who has caught a mouse is the pudgy AmStaff. He doesn’t like walking on wet grass or sleeping with his feet out from under the covers, but, by God, if there’s a mouse within one mile he will have that thing lying broken-necked in a puddle of drool within the hour.
What he really wants though, is rats.
What does he do to rabbits?
How can I put this? My wife called me home from work to Windex the blood and fur off the storm door glass from where he’d bumped it with his nose asking to be let back in. She waited for me to let him in because she was afraid that if she saw a piece of fur in his mouth she’d scream and throw up.
And yeah, he’d wreck a rat, that’s his wheelhouse. My other dog is more of a hound; good with rabbits and mourning doves, believe it or not, but too big and lanky for mice.
Before I was born, my family lived closer in to East London, and there were a number of areas that were either undeveloped after the Luftwaffe finished with them, or were being redeveloped by the London County Council by total ( but slapdash) demolition and then rebuilding brutalist school apartment blocks.
My brother, 10 years older than me, used to spend summers out and about with school friends and some of my extended family (the Romany side) with a variety of terriers and baseball bats on these sites, “ratting”. I remember as a little kid seeing a harvest of dozens, just before my uncle Sam told all the kids to build a bonfire and burn ’em all before the “georgios” (non-gypsies) saw the carnage and called the police.
I doubt you even get to see that in the countryside nowadays.
I live on the third floor of a house with three cats and a boxer mix. Over the years, I have seen mice in every room of the basement, first floor and second floor… but never on the third.
My mom had a cat that went out and caught live mice to bring home to ugly little poodle-rat terrier mix that she thought was her mother.
The dog would then tear up the entire house, hunting and killing its prey. Like hunting deer in one of those Texas Preserves.
My male pit* hates getting his feet wet, but loves getting in the pond in their yard. Well, I didn’t hire him for his brains . . . .
His sister pretty much doesn’t give a crap about anything. Definitely including anything I want her to do.
*technically, a British Staffordshire Terrier
When I took our dogs down to my father-in-law’s in Texas, the Rhodie/hound/pit mix jumped into the catfish pond to bark at the fish, and the AmStaff kept trying to drag her out by her collar. He hates water, but he’s also convinced that neither dogs nor people belong in water and believes it’s his job to get them back to dry land whether they want to go or not. But take him camping and he’ll sit next to the car and whine because there’s too much “outside”. Go figure.
My first pit would go swimming, but I think it was mostly because his big buddy the Newfie loved to swim. The funny part was that the pit would start to just sink unless he had a pretty good rate of speed underway. More than once I thought I would have to go in after him.
That’s funny, I’ve often considered my staffy and thought that there really isn’t too much difference between him and a pot-bellied pig: pudgy, smart in a “How-can-I-eat-the-cat-food-and-take-a-nap” way, no undercoat, and at first glance not given to athletic endeavor. We got him a life vest with a handle.
I have a pit/lab mix so it’s 50/50 on water. He hates baths but LOVES sitting out in the rain.
We have 2 pit mixes that cannot swim at all. We have had to rescue both of them from pools because they sink like rocks straight to the bottom.
My rat poison works like that, as it disappears, so do the mice.
Paradise Papers – a new witch hunt brought to you by global anti-capitalists who stole data from Appleby. The Wilbur Ross stuff is particularly absurd – he owns shares (which he disclosed in appropriate forms, but apprently not clear enough for the hearings) in a firm that had a “Russian oligarch” investor, and also had oblique ties to another firm with a Putin relative investor.
Bono just got own-goaled.
I hadn’t seen that – too busy trying to figure out who/what the heck “Mrs Brown’s Boys stars” is…
I haven’t seen it in writing yet, but on the radio, it was something about him using a shell corp in Malta to buy a shopping mall in Eastern Europe. Malta, of course, is a tax haven.
Well, the whole band’s “hypocrisy” has been pretty well publicized for years, but I’m kinda lovin’ all this stuff.
I get to sit in my office, and outraged cow orkers come and visit me asking me what I think about these revelations, and I remind them that unlike them, I’m not in thrall to the Cult of Fellating our Betters, and that like a fool, I came to the US hoping to escape the retarded class-obsequiousness I’d been marinated in back in the Septic Isle.
Saying “I told you so” never sounded so sweet.
You tried to escape class consciousness by moving to Connecticut? Didn’t do a lot of research before the move, did you?
Thanks for the kanban recommendation from a couple weeks ago! Actually feel like I’m staying on top of tasks much better than I was, along with a bit more satisfaction in visually seeing that things are done and not just erased off a list.
You’re welcome.
Personally, I like seeing all those cards I processed during the week sitting in the archive zone. Even if I achieved nothing, it feels like I did. It’s a very simple methodology, and I find that running a kanban takes so little time, I have no excuse to NOT do it.
Pomodoro though – hmmm – snake oil.
I got a BBC alert informing me that Apple had “secretly” set up incorporation on Jersey to escape taxes. What the fuck are they supposed to do: hold a press conference every time they make an accounting decision?
They’re supposed to kneel and pay their pound of flesh to the tax man at every whim of the socialists.
Apple did what?! Why was I not informed?!
Oh noes!
Also, thank you Apple for doing that because otherwise, I would be paying those taxes.
Happy Monday. Apparently the millenials at my company need their own employee support group, along with the usual vets and minority employee groups. Tell me again how they’re just like previous generations.
I would, but the rest of my generations continued idiocy at work is part of my long term employment strategy. Being one of the handful of generation snowflake that is actually productive has served me very well.
Bill Weld says he’s sticking with the Libertarian Party after giving a speech to the Students for (State Approved) Liberty (the commie version of Young Americans for Liberty). The commentators defending Weld is disturbing. Under what justification can anyone defend having Weld in the Libertarian Party?
Stupid Reform Party
None. I’ve been down on the state LP here after they decided to be the enforcers against Republicans that voted for a tax hike (but not against Democrats who did the same) and the endless revolving door between the LP and the local Republican Party with whatever freedom & liberty they were espousing get tossed. Clearly don’t believe in any sort of personal freedom and are just using the LP to gain visibility and jumpstart their statist politician careers. Similar to the staff writers at reason.
Under what justification can anyone defend having Weld in the Libertarian Party?
Organizations desperate for relevancy throw away their principles at the first shot at some kind of attention?
It’s why groups like the LP or Reason are never going to be the forefront of the libertarian fight. They’re incentivized to undermine their own supposed goals in order to increase their influence within their peer groups.
Quick question:
Which is worse: Bill Weld or anal cancer?
And yes, there is a difference between the two
Depends on how highly you value motive and free will. Anal cancer’s just doing what it was made to do, it can’t to do anything else, while Weld at least has a choice to be less of a shitbag.
Also, who thinks that perhaps Weld is interested in following Johnson’s footsteps when it comes to corruption?
Johnson is corrupt? Was someone bribing him with some dank weed?
I would think he burned that bridge when he endorsed Hillary. If the national party has him anywhere near the nomination for the next presidential run, I may actually vote Trump.
Poll: Do you want Bill Weld in the LP?
I appreciate that the graph the poll results makes currently resembles a middle finger.
That Johnson (2016 version; the 2012 version was much better)/Weld wasn’t the worst LP Presidential ticket of the last decade shows how much the party needs to be remade.
Weld is by far the worst person to ever appear on the Libertarian Party presidential ticket. He literally had no policy advocacy to justify him being called a ‘libertarian’. Even Bob Barr sorta-kinda opposed the Iraq War before he ran on the ticket
Also, I would say Johnson was worse in 2012. Have you ever read his interview at the Weekly Standard and the Daily Caller? He advocated in favor of humanitarian wars; endorsed the notion of a permanent military base in Afghanistan, and supported the notion of sending troops to Niger. At least in 2016 he shut-up about his utter and complete ignorance of foreign policy. *Thinks* Well…never mind
I still consider Root to be the worst person to ever appear on an LP ticket, just because of his sheer insanity.
Well, I got a great email from HR today. Two items.
1. “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away” – so they’re going to provide free fruit to us in the office, one day a month.
I have to wonder how much they really care for us – I mean, is one serving of fruit a month sufficient to fend off scurvy and rickets? I guess only time will tell. I’ll monitor my hemorraging gums during the next project meeting and see if I might not have to augment my intake by asking for the company to have “Cabbage Thursdays” to increase our ascorbic acid intake. If I disappear again from the channel for a while, it’s OK, I’m just taking a walk, I won’t be gone for long.
2. “If you need a doctor, grab your smartphone”
So, now, there’s a new service available, If I feel sick, gaseous, or suffer from any really easily identified maladies such as pink-eye, sinusitis or a cold, I can call a doctor service administered directly by my insurance provider, and get to talk to them instead of seeing my normal doctor (or in my case, a really cute milf-y nurse practitioner). The co-pay is the same, but they can’t actually write me a scrip. So, if I’m actually ill, and not a hypochondriac, they’re just an additional cost. Yay.
Plus, I expect that the insurance company will collect primary data from these guys, who have no intrinsic motive to consider my privacy.
“a really cute milf-y nurse practitioner”… How are you not a hypochondriac already?
I’m pretty healthy, but she does all my checkups. I haven’t seen my real doctor in about 6 years, ever since he put me on beta blockers (long story, boring, but a nasty misdiagnosis) – but I digress from the point.
She did *that* inspection about 5 years ago and I told her I felt violated. No flowers, no candles or dinner, no nothing. 2 years ago, I turn up, she had a vase with some flowers, pointed at ’em and told me to assume the position. There’s way too little humor in medicine, so I appreciate it when I get humor, good treatment and the an NP that looks like Jane Seymour did in about 1980.
Milf-y *and* a sense of humour? Lucky bastard. (Although I had a cute shrink once upon a time… Kinda regretted getting better.)
I’m a year away from a finger in the keister myself. I’ll be shopping around for someone in her late 30s, mostly respectable but maybe just a hint of a misspent youth. Dark brunette, but I’m willing to consider the right redhead. The words “busty” and “curvy” should apply, possibly even “buxom”.
If I’m still stuck with a portly Indian in his 40s I’ll just take the cancer, thanks.
Oh god… That reminds me of going to the doctor’s office for the physical exam for my work permit when I was 14 (can’t have people getting jobs without the state’s permission). Some super sexy 20-something nurse was doing most of the examinations, and I was kind of looking forward to the part where she fondles my balls and tells me to cough. When she said it was time for the hernia check, I got all excited… But she shouted into the hall, “John, can you come in here and do this?” In walks some bald man with a full Dad outfit on (flannel shirt, jeans, and socks with sandals if I remember right). He puts his hands on his hips and says, “alright sonny, why don’cha drop yer shorts for me??”
To this day, I’m not even sure if that guy was an actual doctor.
Did they ask you to address him as *Uncle* John? That would be the real tell.
Mom was a serious cheap-ass, so she waited until we were visiting a friend of hers in Texas and had me see the friend’s 80-something y/o father for my physical. Now, I could be mistaken, but to this day I’m pretty sure the guy ran his clinic from a room in the back of his house.
Nobody had told me about the hernia check. I was a little miffed.
Last summer I had a bout of epididymitis that actually brought tears to my eyes, so I went to a local PatientFirst rather than get my regular GP to look at it. After about a half-hour of waiting in a room with just a gown, in comes this doctor, a rather attractive woman in her 40s. Mind you, all the staff is female and several of the nurses are easily 7s if not 8s. I’m married and faithful, but, I mean, I’d like the opportunity to say “no”, you know what I mean? Anyway, thank God I’d used the good soap, because in she goes to inspect the undercarriage.
At first all I can think is, “My God, I’ve seen this movie countless times…” Before I even have the chance to consider whether or not I’m about to be in a live-action porn, I feel what can best be described as lightning shoot through my right testicle straight into my brain. She’d tapped it.
I left with antibiotics and some of my pride.
There’s way too little humor in medicine
Oh, I dunno. Black humor is pretty de rigueur in the hospital biz. When we go through our weekly incident reports, you’d think we were a bunch of stand-up comedians (the jokes about high-speed balloon catheter removal are the best, because the men are all sitting there with their legs crossed protectively, while the nurses are crying with laughter).
True, but that’s between the professionals. When it comes to interacting with the cattle, it’s po-faced professionalism all the way.
Which I guess isn’t a bad *default*, when you’re dealing with the public, but dear bog, it makes a visit to the doctor’s office a miserable prospect most of the time.
My doctor used to have a giant bowl of apples in the waiting room. One of my kids walked over to get one while I was filling out paperwork, and I yelled “DON’T TOUCH THOSE!” My doctor peeked his head around the corner, smirked, and nodded.
The next time I went, no more apples.
The apples at my dermatologist are the worst they always give me sores on my lips.
Who’d have thought that cough and sneeze apples could be so dirty?
No word on the rum, sodomy and the lash?
I haz a sad 🙁
That’s what the cannibalism is for.
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple has pretty much the same nutritional value as a small candy bar. About the only real difference is a negligible amount of some vitamins, and a decent hit of vitamin C.
It’s the fiber that counts.
Don’t forget the fiber to keep regular.
2. “If you need a doctor, grab your smartphone”
I have this and love it. It’s revolutionary for any kind of regular PCP stuff.
– Copay is one third of an in office visit. I think mine is like 10 bucks.
– I set my appointment and am seen exactly at that time. No taking time off work, driving to the dr.’s office along with my two kids, and spending an hour sitting around in a waiting room filled with decrepit, pathogen-filled
walking deadpatients.– I can get a prescription for anything but pain killers electronically sent to my pharmacy.
My son’s orthodontic assistant is hawt.
If you watch Weather Channel, you’ll have seen this guy Carl Parker. I’m not 100% convinced he’s not a robot. I’ve never seen him express anything resembling a human facial expression or emotion whatsoever.
Then I saw him doing commentary on a clip show, and he laughed. And it was the abyss, looking into me.
It’s nearly impossible to defend her. She works for a federal contractor.
If I worked for a corn syrup company and got caught on camera chasing the CEO of Coca Cola to flip him off, I wouldn’t even go in to work on Monday. She did.
I’m waiting for the fallout over all the US embassies who won’t hang Trump’s portrait on their premises.
Have you ever seen the official photo? They did their best to make sure he looked like an ogre.
I was always under the impression that Trump’s staff were the ones who got final approval on all that stuff..?
Same guy who did the Moochelle portrait then.
“Ogre-in-Chief” doesn’t sound too bad if you’re heading a country that wants respect. Certainly better than being “Cheeto-Man”
* i think that was sort of a fake-news fluff piece. it was more to do with the fact that the state dept didn’t send out ‘authorized’ new portraits, or some dumb shit. Its not like ambassadors were purposely throwing them in a drawer. besides, more ambassadors are political appointees anyway, so it should be expected that the Obama-diplomats would be sour-grapes and intransigent while waiting to get shitcanned.
The first time I went to the Army Research Lab visitor badging office at Aberdeen PG after the inauguration, I glanced at the side wall where they keep 8×10 photos of the base commander, sec defense, etc etc, and of course, the first photo is always the Commander in Chief.
I had cringed every time I saw that smug Obama mug up there for 8 years, and had been dreading seeing Herself in that position. I’m not a Trumpette, but I saw the Donald up there, turned around in line to my colleague (a conservative who hates Hildog more than he dislikes Trump), and we just smiled quietly.
Yeah, I can’t help but think, “Well, dumbass, you’re a fed contractor who just flicked off the President’s motorcade in northern Virginia. Wish fucking granted.”
Once upon a day, people could have a bad day without becoming social pariahs. I blame the internet.
True. But this was more egregious/stupid: her company has a policy against obscene images on social media. She put the ‘photo on her FB page.
Who had Vin Scully in the “Guess what you’re a racist now” pool?
You’re a funny guy Scully, and that’s why I’m going to kill you last.
*narrows gaze*
I still don’t buy that the anthem protests are the sole or even the main reason that NFL ratings are down. It’s probably a factor, but I think the biggest issue is that the game sucks. The refereeing is excessive and the NY office review bit is just retarded, all the star QBs are either gone or dropping off, a lot of the rules put there for safety just make the game boring, and the combination of fewer practices and more games (including the stupid London game) is creating an environment where players aren’t in playing shape when the season starts and then wind up playing two games across the country within three or four days. The NFL product is crap. It doesn’t help that there are players making silly statements in an environment where people expect to find a refuge from politics, but that’s not the thing that’s driving people away.
They do the instant replay reviews in New York, but they still manage to fuck it up! I can’t stand watching a goddamn review that stops the game for minutes at a time and still ends up with the wrong result.
I was never in the anti-replay camp until the NY review business. They’re going to fuck calls up anyway, just fuck them up and let the game keep going, already!
I don’t think the Fail Mary was done from New York.
I think the anthem protests have had an impact and that impact goes in both directions as there are at least close to as many people boycotting the NFL because Kapernick doesn’t have a job as there are boycotting because of the protests themselves but the decline in viewership and attendance goes back beyond Kapernick’s protests.
I think the factors in order of importance are…
1) The play on the field sucks. I get safety but the fact of the matter is you need more practice time because even “good” teams are sloppy as hell. NFL fans can be just as happy watching a 10 – 7 defensive slugfest as a 48-42 shootout as long as both teams look at least minimally competent out there on the field. Problem is today your average DB makes Deon Sanders look like a good tackler and no one in the league can actually cover in man coverage, on the flip side yeah all the receivers are 6’5″ and run a 4.3 40 but they can’t run a route and for the most part can’t catch the ball. Running backs are basically an afterthought to the modern game as most team throw on 65% of downs but outside of a couple of 35+ year olds there aren’t even any good QB’s in the league with exactly 1 QB drafted in the last 8 years looking like he is becoming a true superstar (Wentz) an a couple of others guys still in the maybe category (Mariotta, Winston, Prescott, Carr). Finally even the line play is for shit. Overall in the last 5 years the quality of play on the field has steadily declined and the only possible explanation for it is Colleges are doing an even worse job preparing players for the NFL and the players do not get enough actual practice time any more.
2) The league office and Commissioner simply cannot stop looking like complete morons. They pick a fight with the preeminent team in the league that anyone who has taken a high school science class should have known was complete BS and slap ridiculous sanctions on said team/QB when just a season earlier another team had been caught doing essentially the exact same thing and got a $25k equipment violation fine. While this is going on one of the bigger stars in the game is in a domestic violence case, one in which there is REALLY bad looking video so they decide to step in and give him a slap on the wrist then when the video is leaked have to walk it back and make up a new punishment. So now the next guy in a DV case comes along and they slap him with a ridiculously huge punishment without even bothering to investigate whether the charges are credible meanwhile a guy who unequivocally did far worse than any of these serves a suspension and gets a big money contract to play and not only shows no remorse becomes a total team cancer and the first guy does everything right and can’t get a job back in the league because of the optics of that video. Basically the league office has screwed up every single issue that has come before them for the last decade and utterly destroyed any credibility they had and to make matters worse the completely destroyed the relationship the league had with the Players Union and odds are there will be another work stoppage of some sort soon
3) The Protests. This one feeds back into #2 above because if Goodell had handled Kapernick properly to begin with and actually fined/suspended Kapernick under the commissioners discretionary powers and then basically told his broadcast partners that if any of them brought up any kind of player protest again they would be locked out of all league media events the issue would have quietly gone away but instead they allowed it to become a story and not just a story but a proxy for the culture war and the biggest problem isn’t even people who are pissed over players disrespecting the troops or people pissed at the league for not fighting for equal rights it is people pissed that they can’t turn on a goddamned football game and just enjoy it for the mindless entertainment it is supposed to be without having the political pissing matches our lives have become being the biggest story of the game
Even Al Michaels said on last night’s broadcast “The NFL hates the protests. They’re such a distraction. Hates them.”
Whoops. He told the inconvenient truth.
“The play on the field sucks. I get safety but the fact of the matter is you need more practice time because even “good” teams are sloppy as hell.”
This. Many games are unwatchable.
I would suggest a # 4) Coverage before, during, and after the games is increasingly geared toward what they think women want to see. So they have tight-dressed women interviewing past and current players, sometimes one woman interviewing another woman analyst (neither of whom have ever played football) to get her opinion, with more and more emphasis on real-life drama instead of football play.
I for one am both sick of this type of coverage, and find it insulting that they think women will find football more relatable if women do the coverage and it’s all centered on off-the field drama.
I got news for you, NFL marketers: The women who love football already were watching it, and trying to turn it into Real Housewives is not going to attract more female viewers; it’s just going to drive many current viewers, male and female.
So who wants to bet on the next ‘Secret’ Hollywood Rapist? If he wasn’t so D-list I’d totally go for Will Wheaton, because that guy virtue signals so much he’s got to be hiding something.
I would have said Andy Dick, except I’m behind the news cycle. I think I’d die laughing if it was Clooney or Hanks. I think Bruce Willis is probably at risk, in part because of his politics.
One thing seems to be that at the moment, the primary targets are Americans. At some point, we’ll have some solid attacks on Gerard Butler, Liam Neeson and that Australian who was in Gladiator.
Australian who was in Gladiator.
Russell Crowe
He’s a Kiwi.
I was wrong, but he’s still the
Australianguy from Gladiator.Is that different?
It’s kind of like Americans & Canadians. Ask an Australian if he’s a Kiwi and he’ll laugh and correct. Reverse that and the Kiwi may hit you.
There’s rumours floating around that Spielberg might have some skeletons, but given the amount of idiots on the internet trying to blame (((them))) I take it with a grain of salt.
Well, he did marry the chick he cast in Temple of Doom.
Wheaton definitely has skeletons in his closet. Possibly real ones.
That Wheaton’s skeletons weren’t outed back when his ex-wife opened up that closet in July suggests he might not have much more to hide. I’d have thought that any victims would have come out saying, “No, as a matter of fact, he wasn’t just ‘seducing’ us behind his wife’s back, he groped me on the set of Firefly and–” etc.
I fully expect Wheaton traded sex for roles, though. Maybe that will soon be reinterpreted as sexual assault rather than opportunistic and transactional.
You’re referring to Whedon, not Wheaton.
Oops, you’re right. Got my scumbag d-listers confused.
Will, not Joss. Joss is just a sad little man, Will is formerly TNG’s ‘Shut up Wesley’. He also constantly virtue signals his left-wing social justice points and is generally just an asshole, while telling everyone else not to be an asshole.
I could absolutely see Will papering over a long history of abuse. He is an angry, desperate man.
I can’t.
He was essentially a nobody for a good 15+ years. He had literally just become another fan who used to be famous and had a gig writing for a computer magazine until his blog started to become popular and Felicia Day resuscitated his career on the Guild.
He went from being a pretty cool guy who was famous when he was a kid and humbled by the experience to raging douche bag and arrogant prick in about 3 years.
Before like 2012 Wheaton wouldn’t have had the chance to get away with anything because he was a largely hated former celebrity. Since then however, yeah I’d be shocked if his arrogance hadn’t lead him to going over the line with more than a few fangirls.
In all seriousness, that dude seems to be misogynistic as all hell. Some nasty dirt coming out on him wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
I’m going to guess Gary Busey just because I can’t imagine any woman willingly sleeping with him.
We already know Sean Penn is an abusive piece of shit.
Bob Saget. He’s always struck me as a creeper.
Saget’s a fucking weirdo, but he’s a pretty open weirdo. His standup had a ton of jokes about how he wants to fuck his teenage daughter’s friends. I don’t think he’d be broadcasting stuff like that if he had a lot of skeletons.
Then again, he did rape and murder a girl in 1990.
Being introduced to Saget the stand up comedian was the strangest thing after only knowing him from Full House and America’s Funniest Home Videos.
His schtick gets old after about 30 seconds or so.
His standup is pretty brutal. Its just making fun of himself for playing such a wholesome character for a decade.
“Most likely to mass-shoot” seems not-implausible. he has a very Emo-Columbine haircut+brood
He looks more like a jihadist in the more recent photo. Is there anyway we can bring guys like this back to life so that we can kill them again? Like 1000 times?
we can certainly choose to memorialize their faces into public toilets so everyone can shit in their cowardly mouths.
My 17 year old’s nickname in school is Columbine.
I wouldn’t necessarily base in on what he looks like
So the shooting was anti-religion motivated. Imagine the media outrage machine today if he had shot up a mosque instead of a Christian church. But the only thing they can manage is ‘gunz control, oh muh gawd’.
Has his motive been confirmed?
The fedora was a dead giveaway.
How dare you slander classic headgear.
He was a Doctor Who fan?
He has anti-religion rhetoric all over his social media accounts apparently. That might only be part of it though because I think maybe his ex wife or girlfriend is a member of the church or at least her family are. So it might be a little of both an attack on the ex and her family and their religion.
The word I am getting is that his mother in law regularly attended that church and that he sent her threatening texts before the shooting. Why she didn’t alert anyone to the situation is anyone’s guess at this point.
Why she didn’t alert anyone to the situation is anyone’s guess at this point.
She might have told the police – its still early in the “news” “investigations”.
I couldn’t blame her for not saying anything at church – I mean, unless he said he was coming to kill her RIGHT FUCKING NOW, I could see her not thinking he would actually mass murder a congregation in a church.
Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I would expect to fall under “don’t air your dirty laundry in public”, unfortunately. Besides, she already knows her son-in-law is violent with her daughter, the daughter is still there (maybe she was talking about leaving him?)…there’s a legitimate fear that anything she does that the guy finds out about gets taken out on her daughter.
It’s Texas. The correct response would have been to upgrade her carry caliber.
If Rand Paul isn’t able to return to the Senate and vote for the tax cut (due to his injuries), will Ken still blame Rand for the legislation’s eventual failure?
Do we know where Ken was when all this went down? Are we 100% sure they didn’t arrest a patsy?
/kidding, obviously
I think we have ample proof here that Ken is the real perp. He’s been afflicted with PDS.
Ken was too busy defending the reputation of sea otters.
Heh. You are in for a treat.
Here you go:
Thanks:). I liked Amashi’s response the best.
*grabs popcorn, refreshes page*
It is odd that Ken hasn’t been on here all day.
Too busy jerking it?
He’s on a date with a baby harbor seal.
Just read the SEA SMITH post. Hilarious.
Coincidence? Hmm…
Looks like that shooter was motivated by religious animosity. #NotAllAtheists
The man broke his own infant child’s skull. Why was he not fed into a woodchipper feet first?
Or dropped from a helicopter…. into a woodchipper.
Holy shit. Yes.
“he was convicted of assaulting his wife and breaking his infant stepson’s skull.”
What in the fuck??? Why didn’t he serve at least 10 years????
In a just society, family members would have beat the crap out of him. There would be no need for state intervention. Just a severe beating and a warning that if he tried that again he’d be dead, a la Sonny from the Godfather
There’s a difference between strangers punching each other and a family keeping its members in line
You’re not winning any arguments by telling the guy surrounded by abusive families for the first two decades of his life about ‘keeping its members in line’.
Fair point. I retract
I meant no offense
I’m not offended, I more just recognize the slippery slope of ‘families can take care of this’ and ‘hey, I remember when Dave’s dad kicked the shit out of him for being a faggot’. If it’s just a one on one fistfight that both agree upon that’s different, but mob justice works about as well in families as it does in general society.
I imagine a Canadian fistfight to involve a lot of apologizing
No, but there’s a handshake at the end.
In some other countries, that actually happens. Some guy my wife’s niece was dating a few years ago, got mad and slapped her around a little in a cab. Afterwards, he got a visit from her 3 brothers and wound up in the hospital.
Depending on the family structure and stability, I think this type of attitude is sometimes helpful.
Other? I’ve known Bent Nose Squads to be assembled for messy public break ups, let alone for raising a hand.
One of the best Soprano scenes.
Which means the media is going to hush it up quickly. There goes there beloved gun control again.
He worked as a security guard for a water park over the summer. Water park season is over so I’m guessing he’s recently unemployed as well. He was on psychiatric drugs as a teen. So sounds like a host of factors.
If this guy managed to get married, TWICE, there’s hope for everyone.
Given his military history and his working as a security guard and psyc meds and all that, wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of those loonie Dunphy bullshitter types who regailes women with stories of being a seal team six member who advised the president on national security matters. Looking at him, you wouldn’t think he could pull that off but some chicks really are that naive.
hope…. that they’ll stay single?
I have 4 very close friends. 3 of them have been married twice. I went to all their weddings. at the third “round 2” wedding, i was asked to speak. I said, “my 4 best friends keep bugging me to get married. I understand what they mean. I’ve yet to do it once, and they’ve already done it seven times”
(dead silence, glare of pure hatred from bride’s mother)
then i was like, “Hey hey, its open bar!! whoo hoo”.
Oh boy, can’t wait for the victim whining of the New Atheists (and probably a lot of gun control arguments). And I thought Dawkins couldn’t be more of a cunt.
From the NYT article: “It is unclear whether his conviction would have barred him from purchasing a gun.”
Isn’t there a federal law that already bans people with domestic abuse convictions from owning a gun? Is the NYT just playing stupid now?
Yeah, someone mentioned it in the earlier thread. I don’t recall the details but if it isn’t an outright ban it’s at least a much higher hurdle to purchase.
Lautenberg Amendment
Atheist (well, more or less) checking in here.
As more stuff comes out this guy looks like a standard model loser. Probably bright but not too bright, lazy in school, went into the Air Force because he thought he’d get an easy job and run around with guns and then was shocked to find that they expected him to do things that were boring just because someone told him to. Married young because it’s rural Texas. Somewhat spoiled, so probably lacked a sense of responsibility to his wife and kid while expecting her to pretty much wait on him hand and foot. Typical man-child who wants the head of household authority without any of the duties that come with it. Ashamed because he’s broke, has no marketable skills, and is probably in debt to family, probably the mother-in-law, but lacks the hustle or ambition to find a way to get by.
9/10 times this guy grows out of it, or gets his ass set straight by family or friends, or winds up divorced and alone, or becomes a fat, middle-aged drunk who makes his family miserable until he dies. I wonder if there was something else going on that pushed him over the edge, like maybe the daughter was getting ready to leave him and move back in with the mother or something.
I meant the #NotAllAtheists remark as a joke about the #NotAllMuslims stupid hashtag that goes around after every single terrorist attack. But, I agree, the guy just seems like an out and out loser
Meh, I mention it mostly because I like to think I’m not an asshole, and most people who are known as atheists are absolutely insufferable. I like to think I’m of the “I don’t want to say I believe something when I don’t because that insults people who do” school of atheism. But I think your joke works on a number of different levels given the various reactions of some noted leftist atheists, Michael McKean I’m looking at you and hoping you suffer irreparable spinal damage a la Johnny Got His Gun.
Yeah my 15 year old son is an Atheist and likes to argue.
I am constantly having to reel him in and reminding him of the “Don’t be a dick” rule. If a believer seeks you out and tries to convert you then it is fine to refute his points with any and all valid arguments at your disposal no matter how harsh they seem. But the minute you go out and putting down peoples beliefs you crossed over into asshole territory and need to stop that shit.
I also had to warn him about the human cesspit that online Athiest forums are
libertarianism helped me realize how to be a better athiest, although i don’t think i’d actually call myself one
Since none of you lazy fuckers deigned to answer in the Morning Lynx, I’m going to repost:
Pretty far off topic, has anyone tried CBD edibles for sleep and/or pain and/or anxiety? This is more of a general question because I’m not looking to treat any specific ailment right at the moment, but I’m curious. My mom used CBD cream on her arthritic hands and said it helped quite a bit, I’m wondering about the more systemic effect from ingesting it.
My gf is supposed to get MM card this week. I will let you know what she tries and how it goes.
How convenient. So, you still appear as drug-free when you have to run a 4473, you sly dog you!
Cue Dr Evil pinky smile.
Technically CBD, extracted from its source, is unscheduled and legal in all 50 states. You can buy CBD oil online.
Yeah a lot of vape shops started carrying cbd. I don’t know what to tell you I prefer mine with thc in it.
Bacon, I read that as thic at first. What has become of me?
They go together…thicc and thc is like peanut butter and jelly.
Why would it be used for pain if there are no active ingredients in it?
It is active, just not psychoactive. THC is the psychoactive, “gets you high” part of marijuana, whereas CBD is the stuff that supposedly decreases anxiety, kills pain and makes you sleepy. That’s the stuff people have been using for their kids’ seizures.
I see.
I suffer from a pretty serious anxiety disorder. I’ve been very much considering going off the benzos I take for anxiety and trying CBD. Just worried about dosing and such.
JB, if you go pure cbd, you might get a little tiny bit drowsy if you OD.
indica has more cbd than sativa, it’s generally what makes you get that couch-lock or sleepiness.
Don’t know where or how’d you be getting it, but in a liquid tincture, I used a dropper, maybe a few mils.
I wouldn’t know where to start, which is my issue. There’s a place I know about that I’ve driven by in the past https://www.holistichopefl.com/products, but I wouldn’t know what to buy/how to dose/etc.
I prefer the tincture or pill to candy.
I had something like this and would use one dropper.
we have the Open cartridge out here, filled with thc ones and cbd’s. I’ve used the CBD vape too, It helped, but it was a lot harder to keep track of usage or dose size.
I’d just go in and ask the people if I were you. They have probably seen lots of people with various anxiety disorders and they might be able to offer recommendations about starting doses and how you can experiment. AFAICT, CBD is very safe even in high overdose so I don’t think you’d hurt yourself either way. You could give it a try but keep your benzos close by in case it doesn’t work/your anxiety starts spiking.
The recent argument is that CBD is an active, but non-narcotic component.
One of the differences between sativa and indica is the CBD content.
Might be something to this, as marinol (synthetic THC) seems to be a lot less effective for things like chemo?
Sounds convenient.
Have you talked to your gf about the potential for her 2nd amendment rights to be violated due to MM?
Since she does not technically own any of the guns in our house, and since we are not married, no.
Once again, cue Dr Evil pinky smile.
I don’t know anything about cannabis, but I could make something up if it makes you feel better.
I haven’t, personally, but I have heard anecdotally that they are good for chronic pain/anxiety. Pretty much in line with your mother’s experience with the cream.
Sure! You just want to get high! Where do you think you are, buddy!? /JK
I just drink beer.
Works. If it doesn’t, drink whiskey.
Which reminds me, I’m out of beer. And my car is in the shop. Hopefully they get it done here soon before I have to order for delivery again. That gets a little expensive, which is why I try to keep it to only days on which I’m really lazy.
I very rarely drink at home. I’ve had one beer out of 12 in the fridge I bought 2 months ago. I go out maybe 4 to 6 times a month on average though.
I’m old and married. So I drink at home. The problem with drinking out, which I do occasionally, is calling Uber so I don’t have to drive. I mean the wife can drive, but she doesn’t much like driving at night and neither do I too much anymore.
I’m old and married too:) I have several places I can go within less than a mile. It’s a pretty good set up.
I have a couple of places. Well, actually 1.1 and 1.2 miles. The thing is, the walk back, buzzed, is all uphill. I still do it occasionally, but I’d just as soon sit here with my wife and computer anymore.
Now I think we need a poll to see how many drink at home. I could be labeled a drunk if it’s a minority. I had a young college student I once worked with tell me that people said he’s an alcoholic because he drinks alone. I thought that was odd because I do it all of the time. Then one morning at work he told me ‘I drank one of those Heineken keg cans last night’. I thought he meant one of those 12oz cans shaped like a little keg they were making back then. So I said ‘did you like it’? I thought he was telling me that he’d just tried one for the first time. But no, the kid drank one of those mini keg cans, which is like 15 beers, on a weeknight, lol.
This is actually pretty well done. The guy at the end is definitely in a place I would not want to be.
I’m old and married.
Up until September, I used to drop in at a bar on the way home for a pint or two maybe twice a week, and I drink at home – usually spirits, but often wine or beer with a meal. That’s on hold at the moment, but I’ll probably start back up in Feb or Mar when my life resets.
So, until Sept, I guess about 80-100 oz of beer of varying ABV a week, and probably 20oz of spirits.
So by contemporary American standards, I’m a lush. So sue me.
But anyone who can down a mini keg of Heiney-of-Ken deserves my grudging respect, if only for their ability to hold it down.
Nothing wrong with drinking alone. I’m fact even when I go out there’s times I just want to sit at the end of the bar and be left to my own thoughts. I mostly don’t drink at home because I know how I am and that could easily turn into excessive drinking for me because I’m a binge drinker. I do not stop once I start. Going out forces me to stop before I get too stupid (usually:))
Re: poll.
Me. The wife and I usually have a snort or several, depending, at least a few times a week. On the weekends either we’ll go out together or at least one of us will go somewhere. Now, sometimes somewhere is a friend’s porch, but still. We don’t leave town, though, not anymore. If we go out to drink we’re still within a five to ten minute drive of home nearly all the time, unless we’re heading up to one of her aunts’ or uncles’ places for a family thing.
I’d say it’s the money, but it’s more that we’ve both kind of gotten to a place where the thing we want in our spare time is less, rather than more, excitement. Especially with a kid. Even when she spends the night at her grandmother’s, we’re back home by midnight at the latest and watching a movie drinking vodka and flavored seltzer water. The days of $200 bar tabs or closing down night clubs have long passed me by.
Plus, I like being able to choose my company, and most bars around here make that pretty impossible after around 6:00 PM or so.
Feel free to assume that 99.99% of homebrewers drink at home. Otherwise, why would we spend the time making it?
Dude those Keg cans are excellent. Stop with the Heineken hate already! I ‘could’ drink one of them, but I wouldn’t, especially on a week night. And I’d be fairly hungover on that amount. I certainly wouldn’t be getting up and going to work. But the kid seemed unphazed. Which is probably trouble. It’s not good to have that high of a tolerance.
“So, until Sept, I guess about 80-100 oz of beer of varying ABV a week”
That’s like 6-8 12oz beers beers a week. Seriously, that is not even a lush according to NHS hysteria standards. So 20oz of 40 proof is about 20 more units. Let’s see, 4 units a day times x 7 = 28. You’re not over the recommended amount for a guy. You’re right at it, but not over. And I think the standards are mostly bullshit.
Old and married as well. I spent ’95 – ’05 as a bartender in the French Quarter and was, consequently, a heavy drinker but, being in the industry, never had to pay for drinks. I rarely drank at home but spent the better part of the day buzzed while roaming far and wide on my pedal-bike. Upon arriving in NYC in ’05 I was astounded to learn that regular bar prices are what one would pay at a strip club in New Orleans so I pretty near became a teetotaler (a beer once or twice per year and a bottle of Maker’s Mark that lasted 7 years). I started drinking again this past summer, when the hottie bartenders at Riis Park kept plying me with Bourbon while I worked my ice cream cart on the boardwalk. Now I have frequent shopper card at my local package store and am working my way through their whiskys. Wifey likes wine and I like to have it handy for cooking. I’ve been trying some of y’all’s beer recommendations (thanks). i rarely drink anywhere other than home.
Yes. Sleep works. pain is different. it helps, but if you are in a place you need oxy, cbd isn’t going to help much. I tried the balm on my knee and liked it, but it did not work for my back when that gets worse.
No psychoactive effects though right?
Not that I could sense. It keeps my knee much happier for longer while skiing.
My roommate used it, along with a lot of thc, to ween off the pain pills after he broke his leg.
Even the knowledge that breasts are specialized sweat glands does nothing to change how great they are.
3, 6, 10 and 14.
4 & 29
That’s as far as I could get.
22 with “Hunter in Training”
17 screams future stalker and rabbit boiler.
I’m beginning to think you have a fetish.
Don’t remember who posted this girl originally, but she is *by far* the hottest ASMR chick online.
I watched five seconds of that on mute and I’m already sold.
The eyes are clearly a significant factor.
Gorgeous smile.
Eyes? They had eyes?
Well, I guess it’s apparent that I didn’t actually click the link. I just assumed it’s more boobies.
Oh yeah, wrong thread, the boobies is the next one up.
A man can’t survive on boobies alone! Well, 99.999% of the time we can survive on boobies, but sometimes we’re forced to look a the woman’s face.
Or bottoms. Master Luo is back at the beach!
I’m not gonna lie. That’s more than a little weird.
You’re weird.
*heads to bunk with youtube clip of hottie even though I can’t see the rest of her*
At least close the curtains.
He likes you to watch.
*Helicopters bacon bits*
The whole ASMR phenomenon is a bit weird, because it’s not exactly ‘deep’ psychology.
Whispering is intimate, and it’s sexy when the person doing it seems attractive (find an audio-only ASMR being done by someone of the gender you’re attracted to who, and then find their unattractive picture), and when you live in a hyper-loud, unsubtle environment, it’s novel too.
People get off on that? I couldn’t take more than 20 seconds or so.
I don’t think the objective is to ‘get off’ really.
Well in that case it’s not weird, it’s fucking goofy.
*insert Disneyland divorce court joke here.*
I think it’s funny how the chicks that do that can barely keep from cracking up laughing.
“i get paid cam girl money and don’t need to masturbate!” is my assumption for the crackups
If only it were a 2-way chat.
I think there would be a market for that, even though being able to provide feedback to the vendor wold inevitably undermine the rationale for the service.
I think it’d have the potential to turn far freakier, far faster than a ‘normal’ cam girl session.
I find myself wondering how she would look and sound the first time I really pissed her off. Judging by my history, that wouldn’t take long and could be dramatic.
I’m confused, but she’s hot.
Probably a better representation of the genre but the mouth throat noise thing is popular as well.
The only thing that gives me ASMR (and this is totally weird) is when other people touch something belonging to me (commence jokes.)
She’s also a model/actress.
Update: The shooter’s target was the in laws. Grandmother in law was one of the victims in church.
Speaking of shootings by crazy people at a church, or some animals are more equal than others.
I typically only watch movies at home when it’s too shitty and rainy to go out, so this weekend I had a chance to check out 13 Hours. It packs exactly all of the nuance and sophistication that you’d expect from Michael Bay. Despite an occasionally disjointed story line, the performances are solid and the overall movie watching experience is a good one. It didn’t seem to be overtly political and did a pretty good job telling the story of the contractors tasked with the seemingly impossible. It’s long overdue that those guys got the recognition they deserve, and this flick payed it respectably well. I recommend it to any fellow Glibs that haven’t seen it yet.
^^ What Michael said, though perhaps my positive reaction came from rather low expectations.
Thanks for the recommendation – I don’t know that I would have considered given the subject matter.
I was on the fence for a while. Didn’t think it’d be good.
It’s no war documentary, but it is a good film.
Anyone gone through the effort of getting TOS to stop sending emails? I had just been ignoring them since they ended up in the Promotions box, but the latest one asks if “Extremer Vetting wouldve prevent the attack in Manhattan”.
Extremer. That can’t be a word, can it? Firefox isn’t complaining but I trust its spellchecker about as far as I could throw its emphemeral ass…..
I still get emails. I’ve asked them to stop. I also can’t figure out how to delete my account. I just changed the name and logged out.
Change account to a fake email.
owe you a beer.
The fact that you didn’t use a fake one to begin with is a serious demerit in it’s own right, son.
Extremer. That can’t be a word, can it?
It is, actually, if only because “extremest” (not to be confused with “extremist”) is a word.
However, it doesn’t make any sense to do so. Extreme means the furthest, highest, greatest, etc. of something. Thus, extreme(ly strict) vetting is the strictest vetting you can do; the strictness of the vetting can’t be “more extreme”, and if it could be, then that would imply it wasn’t extreme to begin with.
That having been said, in common parlance, “extreme” seems to mean “more than I’d like”.