I work in a plant with 500 guys still in high school.
Caput Lupinum
on November 9, 2017 at 9:48 pm
Peak maturity fit most men is 11th grade.
on November 9, 2017 at 9:57 pm
FWIW, I had climb down into that shit hole of an environment today to replace an encoder ano some burned up wiring. It was a shitty job that I was not looking forward to. When I got down to where I needed to be to do my job, I had a giant dick drawn on the wall to laugh at while I did my work.
I took solace in the idea that someone else had done this exact thing before me and kept their humor enough to use a tube of silicone to draw a dick on the wall. It made the job easier.
Caput Lupinum
on November 9, 2017 at 10:02 pm
I’d giggle like a school girl if I was in that situation too.
on November 9, 2017 at 10:27 pm
To expound on that thought. I remember getting my first serious job. I went to work at a factory that manufacturers electric motors. I landed a job as a temporary employee when I was eighteen. My job was to find parts that matched up to a motor and to load them onto a pallet that was on a conveyor line. This job required 60 hours a week out of me at 12 bucks an hour. It was more money than I had ever seen, but was hell on me for the first month or so. I wasn’t used to walking all day on concrete and my feet became blistered up and I started hurting in places that I had never hurt before.
I wanted to quit for awhile, but I didnt. I didn’t because as I came into work each day, I saw about one hundred people leaving work. I knew that all those people I saw walking out of the door were doing exactly what I was trying to do.
My thought was, If those people can do it, there’s no reason that I can’t do it too. Toughen the fuck up Lachowsky. I can do it too.
That I can do it too attitude has stuck with me over the years. I have been steadily advancing in my career mostly because of that attitude. When I see someone who is much better at my job than I am, I look at the person and think, there is no reason that I can’t do that. All I have to do apply myself a bit.
I have done that over and over for the past 12 years amd it has made me a successful person.
.02$ from me, take it for what it’s worth.
Caput Lupinum
on November 9, 2017 at 10:36 pm
I’m one of maybe five millennials that doesn’t’t need that advice, but that doesn’t make it any less sound.
Most of my career advancement has come from someone saying “I’m not sure you can do this”, and my gut reaction being “Get out of my way and watch me.”
on November 9, 2017 at 10:47 pm
We millenials get a bad rep. It’s deserved, in some ways.
I think that there are more millenial like you and I than people realize. Our generation isn’t entirely lost. I think the most idiotic millenials get the most attention. There are a large number of us out there who doing just fine.
The ones who are the most retarded are the most heard. Those of our generation who do well for themselves don’t scream in the media about how life ain’t fair.
Caput Lupinum
on November 9, 2017 at 10:50 pm
Aye, pretty much. I’m too busy making money and raising my daughter to make a stink about vapid nonsense on social media.
on November 9, 2017 at 10:56 pm
Raising a kid is the best. I hope you have as much fun with your daughter as i do my boy.
For perspective, that dick was drawn on a wall silicone paste in a place that one has to climb down 60 feet of stairs into a pit that is flooded with scale and hot water 99% percent of the time in order to access that wall.
on November 9, 2017 at 9:58 pm
There’s nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction you get from a job well done.
Gustave Lytton
on November 9, 2017 at 10:03 pm
Stay safe, Lachowsky! Always enjoy your Tales of the Blast Furnace.
on November 9, 2017 at 10:09 pm
If ya’l really like the stuff, I could do some pretty good stuff on how steel is made. I’m not the best writer, but I can explain technical thing very well. I might be able to cobble together an article that is semi coherent.
Very nice! It’s like a giant sized version of toy sets.
on November 9, 2017 at 9:48 pm
on November 9, 2017 at 9:51 pm
Or maybe you work in the last outpost of traditional Roman culture That appears as a fascinus. Is there a SPQR scrawled nearby?
on November 9, 2017 at 10:04 pm
My plant is a hilarious feed of constantly changing graffiti. It’s a shit enviroment, so we do what we can to give levity to the situation. Dust is everywhere where I work. If one has a whim to write something, it’s as easy as scrawling in the dust. Some of the shit written is funny, some is offensive, some is meh, and some is prescient.
The graffiti is one of the things that makes work entertaining.
on November 10, 2017 at 1:03 am
I used to work at this auto parts plant that had a reputation for making employees disgruntled within a very short timeframe… One time, this guy decided to walk off the job – not an uncommon occurrence – and on his way out, he passed by a rack of subframes that was about to be loaded and shipped to the customer (a major automaker). They had passed all of the inspections and they were just waiting for the forklift to pick them up and put them on the truck. He drew a big cock n’ balls on one of them.
The customer was fucking PISSED about that. They said “this is worse than just sending us bad parts“.
The Elite Elite
on November 9, 2017 at 9:51 pm
Yeah, I like big butts, but that just seems off. Probably fake. Still, she’s pretty cute.
on November 9, 2017 at 9:53 pm
I just don’t get the thicc. Give me a woman who hunts and fishes and I’ll be satisfied.
on November 9, 2017 at 9:55 pm
+ vagina and not gross
on November 9, 2017 at 10:01 pm
in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane
on November 9, 2017 at 10:04 pm
Then she’ll want to go with you. I’m happy my wife doesn’t like my hobbies. Wish the law did, however.
Gustave Lytton
on November 9, 2017 at 9:59 pm
Since the top post is the active one, I’ll drop this here since Skaggs was id’d in the past one merely as the developer:
Skaggs, a longtime Republican activist and a member of the GOP’s state executive committee, described Boucher as a “near-perfect” neighbor, but he said the libertarian-leaning politician is a different story.
Paul “was probably the hardest person to encourage to follow the (home owner’s association regulations) of anyone out here because he has a strong belief in property rights,” said Skaggs, who is the former chairman of the Warren County Republican Party.
What a shock. Establishment RINO thinks whack job loonie is great and shits on property rights.
peachy rex
on November 9, 2017 at 10:19 pm
I really don’t see how they think painting Paul as “not down with petty HOA fascists” is going to make him an *unsympathetic* figure to about 99% of the population.
on November 9, 2017 at 10:22 pm
Christ, what an asshole.
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 1:08 am
Sounds like Skaggs is a fucking company man. Oh noes property rights. Wtf makes a man think like that?
on November 9, 2017 at 10:22 pm
If you’ll all excuse me, I need to get me some of that Brown sugar.
on November 9, 2017 at 10:36 pm
For no reason at all:
A skeleton smoking a pipe and kneeing a lass in the ass:
Yusef drives a Kia
on November 9, 2017 at 11:16 pm
Necrophilia, of course
John Titor
on November 9, 2017 at 11:18 pm
That’s the worst Grateful Dead cover I’ve ever seen.
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 1:10 am
Just be glad they ain’t pooping also.
Yusef drives a Kia
on November 9, 2017 at 11:20 pm
We lost another johnson,
RIP: JOHN HILLERMAN, Johnson from Blazing Saddles, DIES AT 84
Gustave Lytton
on November 10, 2017 at 1:10 am
RIP Higgins.
on November 10, 2017 at 12:01 am
Two posts in one day HM. Did you just come out of hibernation?
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 1:07 am
I don’t care what these mfers say. Want. Would. 1000x.
on November 10, 2017 at 1:48 am
Swiggity swooty, I want dat booty
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 2:21 am
What can I say? I’m vulnerable to the thicc.
Rope Snake
on November 10, 2017 at 1:57 am
RIP r/Incels. It was always entertaining to read.
There’s still e.g. r/AsianMasculinity and r/smalldickproblems, but they just aren’t the same. More sad than weirdly fascinating.
Rope Snake
on November 10, 2017 at 2:01 am
I’ve been watching Project Runway, and Ivanka Trump was a guest judge, and well-respected. That must’ve been just a few years ago. Funny how quickly things can change. (Incidentally, she has a very nice voice, and she’s fetching, even if not thicc.)
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 2:19 am
Excommunication is a quick process.
Mythical Libertarian Woman
on November 10, 2017 at 2:11 am
That butt just got more and more absurd the further I scrolled.
Juan-Baptiste Emmanuel Seguin
on November 10, 2017 at 2:18 am
That’s how you know it’s quality.
John Titor
on November 10, 2017 at 2:36 am
The butt sings to you from the sunken city of R’lyeh. Embrace the butt, love the butt, and the secrets of the universe will be yours forever.
Rope Snake
on November 10, 2017 at 3:11 am
The more absurd the better. Applies to everything.
It is like it is approaching a singularity, and getting warped.
Yusef drives a Kia
on November 10, 2017 at 2:58 am
I decided to get out my R/C planes for the Season, did some sim practice and ready to go.
went to top off my batteries and found one so swollen i barely got it out of the plane,
THEN, I find out my Balancing charger took a shit, so now i have 30 batteries and no way to charge them.
They are safe for now, But another 60$+ to save them all,
/First World problems
Flying Poodle
on November 10, 2017 at 7:00 am
That’s why you continue to flip that cox! Screw electric!
on November 10, 2017 at 6:33 am
Sorry HM. Asses like that dont age well. Besides, I am the whitest white boy on the planet so evolution tweaked me a bit different. I am a sucker for those flat-ass white girls. Ok, flat-ass east asians too.
Nevertheless, keep Thicc Thursday alive. It’s not like I dont look.
“…invest in Glibertarians.com…” – Thanks for the reminder. I think it is about time for me to donate again.
I can’t get over the obviously filtered picture #3. It’s like something from a carni game of mirrors. It will haunt me tonight.
He’s got the batty boy walk
The batty boy smile
The batty boy talk
The batty boy talk style
Hey man, he’s an aunty man!
Hey man, he’s an aunty man!
Hey man, he’s an aunty man!
Hey man, he’s an aunty man!
I don’t like that tune
You a cop?
I think she’s pretty
but I’m a homo
Username checks out.
Rope Snake is definitely a fag
Thicc Thursday is for all.
I.. what? fu…. buh….. *faints*
Those girls butts way too phat for their bodies. There. I said it.
I totally died from boredom.
The last pic looks like she’s about to transform into a centaur.
Horses are sexy.
You can’t argue with logic
Dat azz
I work in a plant with 500 guys still in high school.
Peak maturity fit most men is 11th grade.
FWIW, I had climb down into that shit hole of an environment today to replace an encoder ano some burned up wiring. It was a shitty job that I was not looking forward to. When I got down to where I needed to be to do my job, I had a giant dick drawn on the wall to laugh at while I did my work.
I took solace in the idea that someone else had done this exact thing before me and kept their humor enough to use a tube of silicone to draw a dick on the wall. It made the job easier.
I’d giggle like a school girl if I was in that situation too.
To expound on that thought. I remember getting my first serious job. I went to work at a factory that manufacturers electric motors. I landed a job as a temporary employee when I was eighteen. My job was to find parts that matched up to a motor and to load them onto a pallet that was on a conveyor line. This job required 60 hours a week out of me at 12 bucks an hour. It was more money than I had ever seen, but was hell on me for the first month or so. I wasn’t used to walking all day on concrete and my feet became blistered up and I started hurting in places that I had never hurt before.
I wanted to quit for awhile, but I didnt. I didn’t because as I came into work each day, I saw about one hundred people leaving work. I knew that all those people I saw walking out of the door were doing exactly what I was trying to do.
My thought was, If those people can do it, there’s no reason that I can’t do it too. Toughen the fuck up Lachowsky. I can do it too.
That I can do it too attitude has stuck with me over the years. I have been steadily advancing in my career mostly because of that attitude. When I see someone who is much better at my job than I am, I look at the person and think, there is no reason that I can’t do that. All I have to do apply myself a bit.
I have done that over and over for the past 12 years amd it has made me a successful person.
.02$ from me, take it for what it’s worth.
I’m one of maybe five millennials that doesn’t’t need that advice, but that doesn’t make it any less sound.
Most of my career advancement has come from someone saying “I’m not sure you can do this”, and my gut reaction being “Get out of my way and watch me.”
We millenials get a bad rep. It’s deserved, in some ways.
I think that there are more millenial like you and I than people realize. Our generation isn’t entirely lost. I think the most idiotic millenials get the most attention. There are a large number of us out there who doing just fine.
The ones who are the most retarded are the most heard. Those of our generation who do well for themselves don’t scream in the media about how life ain’t fair.
Aye, pretty much. I’m too busy making money and raising my daughter to make a stink about vapid nonsense on social media.
Raising a kid is the best. I hope you have as much fun with your daughter as i do my boy.
I led Millennials in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are plenty of fine ones out there.
For perspective, that dick was drawn on a wall silicone paste in a place that one has to climb down 60 feet of stairs into a pit that is flooded with scale and hot water 99% percent of the time in order to access that wall.
There’s nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction you get from a job well done.
Stay safe, Lachowsky! Always enjoy your Tales of the Blast Furnace.
If ya’l really like the stuff, I could do some pretty good stuff on how steel is made. I’m not the best writer, but I can explain technical thing very well. I might be able to cobble together an article that is semi coherent.
I always joked after about 200 depositions of steel and glass makers, I could rebuild civilization from scratch…
Very nice! It’s like a giant sized version of toy sets.
Or maybe you work in the last outpost of traditional Roman culture That appears as a fascinus. Is there a SPQR scrawled nearby?
My plant is a hilarious feed of constantly changing graffiti. It’s a shit enviroment, so we do what we can to give levity to the situation. Dust is everywhere where I work. If one has a whim to write something, it’s as easy as scrawling in the dust. Some of the shit written is funny, some is offensive, some is meh, and some is prescient.
The graffiti is one of the things that makes work entertaining.
I used to work at this auto parts plant that had a reputation for making employees disgruntled within a very short timeframe… One time, this guy decided to walk off the job – not an uncommon occurrence – and on his way out, he passed by a rack of subframes that was about to be loaded and shipped to the customer (a major automaker). They had passed all of the inspections and they were just waiting for the forklift to pick them up and put them on the truck. He drew a big cock n’ balls on one of them.
The customer was fucking PISSED about that. They said “this is worse than just sending us bad parts“.
Yeah, I like big butts, but that just seems off. Probably fake. Still, she’s pretty cute.
I just don’t get the thicc. Give me a woman who hunts and fishes and I’ll be satisfied.
+ vagina and not gross
in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane
Then she’ll want to go with you. I’m happy my wife doesn’t like my hobbies. Wish the law did, however.
Since the top post is the active one, I’ll drop this here since Skaggs was id’d in the past one merely as the developer:
What a shock. Establishment RINO thinks whack job loonie is great and shits on property rights.
I really don’t see how they think painting Paul as “not down with petty HOA fascists” is going to make him an *unsympathetic* figure to about 99% of the population.
Christ, what an asshole.
Sounds like Skaggs is a fucking company man. Oh noes property rights. Wtf makes a man think like that?
If you’ll all excuse me, I need to get me some of that Brown sugar.
For no reason at all:
A skeleton smoking a pipe and kneeing a lass in the ass:
What is it with Germans and skulls/skeletons?
Necrophilia, of course
That’s the worst Grateful Dead cover I’ve ever seen.
Just be glad they ain’t pooping also.
We lost another johnson,
RIP: JOHN HILLERMAN, Johnson from Blazing Saddles, DIES AT 84
RIP Higgins.
Two posts in one day HM. Did you just come out of hibernation?
I don’t care what these mfers say. Want. Would. 1000x.
Swiggity swooty, I want dat booty
What can I say? I’m vulnerable to the thicc.
RIP r/Incels. It was always entertaining to read.
There’s still e.g. r/AsianMasculinity and r/smalldickproblems, but they just aren’t the same. More sad than weirdly fascinating.
I’ve been watching Project Runway, and Ivanka Trump was a guest judge, and well-respected. That must’ve been just a few years ago. Funny how quickly things can change. (Incidentally, she has a very nice voice, and she’s fetching, even if not thicc.)
Excommunication is a quick process.
That butt just got more and more absurd the further I scrolled.
That’s how you know it’s quality.
The butt sings to you from the sunken city of R’lyeh. Embrace the butt, love the butt, and the secrets of the universe will be yours forever.
The more absurd the better. Applies to everything.
It is like it is approaching a singularity, and getting warped.
I decided to get out my R/C planes for the Season, did some sim practice and ready to go.
went to top off my batteries and found one so swollen i barely got it out of the plane,
THEN, I find out my Balancing charger took a shit, so now i have 30 batteries and no way to charge them.
They are safe for now, But another 60$+ to save them all,
/First World problems
That’s why you continue to flip that cox! Screw electric!
Sorry HM. Asses like that dont age well. Besides, I am the whitest white boy on the planet so evolution tweaked me a bit different. I am a sucker for those flat-ass white girls. Ok, flat-ass east asians too.
Nevertheless, keep Thicc Thursday alive. It’s not like I dont look.
“…invest in Glibertarians.com…” – Thanks for the reminder. I think it is about time for me to donate again.