Board games… the very name makes most adults cringe. We’ve seen the family fight over Monopoly (and how so-and-so always cheats), we’ve been bored to tears playing Chutes and Ladders and Candyland with kids, and most of us have dealt with the one lone Risk army that holds off a much larger force all by itself. You’d be forgiven if you weren’t aware that there has been a renaissance of games going back to the late 90’s, and from Germany of all places (you know what else came from Germany?)..
This influx of new games (with a little help from Kickstarter) has brought about the modern board game culture. There are games for all tastes: light party games, games heavy with math, press your luck games, games that test your dexterity, and cooperative games. I’m hoping that by writing this up, I can introduce some new players to some great games, and get more players involved in the hobby.
Inspiration for this comes from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education), who did a write-up on one of my favorite games: Chinatown. Instead of repeating what’s in that article, I’m going to focus on a couple of other games that would work well for different groups of people. I’ll be focusing on games that are available for purchase (at a reasonable price), and here I’m going to focus on some entry level games that play in about an hour.
Game 1: An Auction Game – Modern Art (3-5 players)
This is a game created by Dr. Reiner Knizia, one of the most prolific board game designers of all time. The premise of the game is simple, each player is running a modern art museum. Everyone is dealt a hand of cards, which all feature a different piece of art by a selection of modern artists. There’s also a symbol in the upper right corner of each of the cards indicating how they will be auctioned off. On each player’s turn, they play a card and it is auctioned off as indicated. These auctions can be a fixed price, hidden money, traditional open auction, one around, or a double auction (which allows a second card from the same artist to be played). The player who played the card is the auctioneer, and is also allowed to bid on the card themselves. If the auctioneer wins, they pay the winning bid to the bank, if any other player wins the auction they pay the auctioneer. Then the next player selects a card to play, and this continues until the fifth card of any one artist is played. At that time, the round is over and each player sells their paintings to the bank at a price determined by the popularity of the artist. The artist who ended the round will have all of their paintings be worth 30, the artist who came in second has their works valued at 20, the third place artist has works valued at only 10, and every other artist’s paintings are worthless at the end of the round. Each player gets a couple more cards, and another round begins. This is where things get interesting, as the valuations from earlier rounds add on to the current round as long as the artist is one of the three most popular. If you have paintings from an artist who was the most popular in the first three rounds, but is the fourth most popular in the fourth round, that painting is worthless. The game plays over four rounds, and playtime is around 30-60 minutes.
Game 2: A family take that game – Survive: Escape from Atlantis (2-4 players, up to 6 with an expansion)
This is an old game, and originally was released by Parker Brothers in 1982. If you want a different theme, there is a space version as well, but I much prefer the classic. In this game, there’s an island built up in the middle of hex tiles that are beaches, forests, and mountains. Players then put meeples (little pieces shaped like people) on the island (each of these meeples has a number on the bottom between 1 and 6), and scatter boats around the island. Once the meeples are placed, you are not allowed to look at the numbers again. Each turn, players move their meeples or controlled boats up to three spaces total, then select a portion of the island to sink (beaches sink first, then forests, and finally the mountains). The back of the island tile will either be an instant effect (such as a boat or a shark appearing), or a tile you can hold onto to play on a later turn (such as a dolphin dragging a swimmer up to 3 spaces). Then the part that gets everyone excited, you roll a monster die to see which of various sea creatures you get to control. There’s three, and an equal chance for you to roll any of them. They are:
- The Sea Monster – 5 of these start on the board. There’s no defense against them, they kill any meeple they touch, and destroy any boat they touch. Thankfully, they can only move one space
- The Sharks – None of these start on the board, but will get added as the island tiles get flipped over (which means you get to make people fall into sharks). Sharks kill any meeple they touch, but leave boats alone. They have the ability to move up to two spaces.
- The Whales – These also are absent from the board at the beginning, and get added later. Whales don’t hurt people at all, but they destroy any boat they touch, throwing the people in the boat into the water. They are the fastest of all of the monsters, being able to move three spaces.
Few things cause as much cheering and groaning around the table as a Sea Monster eating a boat full of meeples. The goal is to get your meeples to the safe spaces in the four corners of the board. The game ends when the mountain tile that has the volcano on the back is flipped, so you never know exactly when the game will end. At the end of the game you score points based on the numbers on the bottom of the meeples you rescued. The most points wins, and the game is over in about 45 minutes.
Game 3 – Do we all really need to know the rules? Between Two Cities (1-7 players; best with 5-7)
This one has a bit of a twist, it’s a tile drafting game that is semi-cooperative. Each player is working to build two cities, one with the player on their left, one with the player on their right. For the first round, everyone draws 7 tiles, and keeps two of them. The others will be passed along to the player on their left. Of the two tiles that everyone has drafted, one must go into the city on their left, and the other in the city on their right. At this point, players will negotiate and discuss what works best for all three of the players. Why would you work with both players? Because at the end of the game, you score all of the cities, and each player’s final score is the city they are sitting between with the lowest score. So if the city on your right is worth 78 points, and one on your left is worth 30, your final score is 30. The game will rarely have ties for the winner, but the losing score is always shared between (at least) two players. In the second round of the game is where things get tricky. Each player receives 3 duplex tiles (each duplex tile is the size of two standard tiles, and has two buildings on it), and must select 2 of them (once again, one for the city on their left, and one for the city on their right). These tiles cannot be rotated, some are vertical, others horizontal, and must fit into the final city grid (a 4 x 4 square). After this, there’s a final round of 7 tiles (this time passed to the right), and the cities are scored. The really nice thing about this game is you don’t have to go through strategies or deep plans with new players, just explain the scoring, and make sure they’re sitting between two players who know the game, as it’s in all of their best interests to make sure the new player’s cities do well. Since this is a drafting game, the play time stays steady at 30-45 minutes.
If there’s a good response to this, I have several other groupings of games to talk about. Let me know if you would rather see brief write-ups to steer you towards games, or in-depth reviews about a single game at a time. I own more than enough games to keep this going for a long time, and that’s not even going into the games that I’ve played.
This seems like it would be a favorite with this crowd.
*looks shifty*
I have played that…many times.
It is a good social game. However, if you play with a bunch of savants/engineers, it can get a bit difficult to win.
I just may change my handle…
Im sitting in on my first DnD game tonight. My brother’s been playing up the street for a while.
last time I went over there I played some table top game and got smoked. turns out it takes a few before you get the idea.
Nice. Just have fun with it…don’t let it get too serious.
They are very casual, from what my brother tells me.
I won’t do much but drink and listen in. I’ve never actually been around a game before. they aren’t near the end or beginning of the campaign, so I will be of no use.
good excuse to have some beers though.
good excuse to have some beers though.
Then you have already mastered role playing!
Oh man… You’re going to have so much fun! (Probably! Depending on what the group is like…)
I’m pretty excited! it’s a good group of people. I went to high school with most of them. He bought the house up the street from my parents place. I only met his wife once, but she seems very cool.
I meet up with a DnD group every Friday night. I just started playing last year.
The first time I sat in on a game, the dungeon master had the party walk into a tavern, then he looked and gestured towards me and said “and so you see the barkeep.” I came up with a whole story and character for the barkeep on the spot. Sent the party on a quest to deliver some flowers to my mother (but was secretly an ambush). Then I had to explain why I sent them into an ambush when they came back to the tavern quite angry.
I’ve been hooked ever since.
Why did you send them into an ambush?
I actually sent them to deliver flowers to my mother, since it was mother’s day. The dungeon master decided to make it into an ambush. They went to the house, which was empty with nothing but a cellar door inside. They went into the cellar (because why not) and were confronted by a giant rat.
I just rolled with it and acted like the barkeep had sent them to take care of it because they looked strong and capable and everyone that has come looking for that work has considered the job beneath them. Plus, they knocked over one of my barrels of beer when they came into the tavern, so they owed me.
Well, that makes more sense. You didn’t mention the spilled beer earlier.
They ended up needing something from me (I can’t remember what… this was a year ago), so I also made them replace the barrel of beer by visiting my distributer in the city.
They visited the distributer and discovered that the same barkeep that ran the tavern also (oddly) ran the distributer. When they asked him how he was at the tavern and the distributer at the same time, he claimed to have no knowledge of ever having visited any taverns in that direction. When the mentioned the name of the tavern, he’d rave on about how it was the best tavern in the world and that the guy that ran the tavern was just simply the best. They failed their sense motive checks.
It was a fun session.
Twins, clones, simulacra, Doppelgangers, there are plenty of ways there could be two identical guys in the alcohol distribution business…
That’s good improv. You will do well, young padawan.
hm, maybe I will be involved!
Hopefully! 🙂
I haven’t played any pen and paper RPGs in a long time, but they were a lot of fun with a good crowd. The key is to not think of it in terms of winning or losing, but more in terms of collaborative story-telling. My favorite games were ones where I or someone else was playing a character with a glaring flaw of some kind that was pretty much guaranteed to not survive on stats alone. The most memorable characters are the ones with some quirk or idiosyncrasy that the player and the DM can riff off of to drive the story.
RPGs turned out to be my gateway to writing fiction. I was the only one who was willing to put in the effort to run the game through high school, so I did a lot of worldbuilding and character development. It branched out from there into telling tales solo.
I was lucky in that one group of friends was pretty much like a teenage version of the Stranger Things kids. Lots of theater geeks, metal heads, and computer nerds. Everyone was into the source material and enough of us were confident enough to turn it into an improv session. DM’ing the games consisted mostly of just laying out some setting backstory, running the dice-rolling parts, and periodically throwing an NPC or an event into the mix.
Did you play Champions? Reading your fiction made me think of all the Champions games I played/GMed.
No. My gaming groups never wandered into most of the systems out there.
Key thing to remember…
D&D is not a game you can win
There is no concept of winning and calling it a game is probably not accurate
D&D (and any other tabletop RPG) is best described as a combination of tactical combat simulator, collaborative storytelling, and improvisational acting. Different groups will focus on different combinations of those aspects, occasionally almost completely ignoring one of them (usually improv acting or the combat simulation) but usually all 3 are present at some level
I think they lack on acting, more than anything else.
That is the most common one that gets downplayed for sure.
Few players consistantly stay in character during a game and often when they do every character they play is a carbon copy of each other and an idealized version of themselves
During my all-too-brief RPG times, my group got annoyed with my role playing. One of my characters was Eastern European, so I did my best generic accent throughout. The other character was this small young guy who wouldn’t shut up, a perpetual motion machine. Their annoyance got me annoyed – are we doing characters or not?
Yes, but annoying characters are annoying. If you go out of your way to play annoying characters, you will not be well-liked. If I’m starting with a new group, my first character is going to be a go along to get along type. That will give the group a chance to get to know me, the player, before the come to hate the character I’m playing. Once you have a rapport with the other players, then you can get more interesting with your characterizations.
I moved quite quickly from playing AF&D to GM’ing, but I found that it was far easier playing an RPG-version of me – I know, the idea is to roleplay someone DIFFERENT from you – but the Fighter/Ranger taking point or rearguard, or the Thief-with-sword (common term for ‘Assassin’) was always more my metier.
It wasn’t a new group though – we were a group of friends that had hung out long before we started gaming.
Imagine a whole game universe full of annoying young guys’ voices. An endless sequence of Wesley Crushers. I know that’d get me annoyed.
“You are in a maze of Wesley Crushers, all alike”
D&D (and any other tabletop RPG) is best described as
a combination of tactical combat simulator, collaborative storytelling, and improvisational actingmental masturbation.It helps prevent brain cancer, just like normal masturbation prevents prostate cancer.
Tournament style dungeon grinds ala Tomb of Horrors beg to differ. Granted that’s from D&D’s roots as a set of extra rules applied to mini’s wargaming.
Are we soaking Glibs in varnish now?
Those games sound complicated. I played Clue with my son last night. That’s more my speed.
Apples to Apples is stupid but can be funny.
One of my favorites is “Clue Master Detective”, which was out in the 80’s and I think is out of print now. But I still have my original version. More rooms, more suspects, more weapons.
Gateway drug…er, game. If given a chance, try it. Come on man, everyone is doing it.
Oh yeah, that’s another great one. Plus there are all those expensive expansion packs that you just can’t live without.
Hmmmm….sounds like a game based on the need for lebensraum. Is this a spinoff of the Secret Hitler game?
“You know Who Else..?”™
The game for Glibs.
Survive is an easy one to grasp, and it’s one of the few games with a strong Take That element that I’ve yet to see someone get angry about someone “attacking” them. Usually the ability to chose between multiple boats to eat causes much negotiation and laughter. You can also house rule it that any time a meeple is eaten, you must say “Nom Nom Nom!”.
But if this continues, I can say there are some lighter games in my collection as well.
Try Tsuro. Super easy board game to learn and no complicated scoring rules.
Or try exploding kittens, which is technically a card game, but still fun for all ages.
Kill Dr Lucky
Is better than any version of Clue could ever hope to be
sushi go is easy to learn and plays really fast.
Great game, one of our favorites for when you have just a few minutes to kill.
It is not at all luck based but even our 9 year old can compete and win against the older kids/adults
I love board games, and fortunately my wife’s cousin just opened a game store so he always has new games to try.
Oooh! Lucky.
We’ve got a really great local game store that has a library of over 150 games available to play in the store for free. They also host events on most of the holidays, and there’s a group of gamers that meets there every Monday and Thursday to play.
I have a Game Library at home that has over 190 different board, card, and role playing games in it available to play anytime someone wants to head on over the Md’s Eastern Shore
The last link in the article is to my collection. That doesn’t include the girlfriend’s collection.
Holy crap. Ogre. Haven’t played that this millennium.
It’s the Designer’s Edition as well. The game is massive, 40 lbs of cardboard,
Do they still sell that version? (“Games” sites are blocked from work)
I don’t believe so, it was done through a Kickstarter many years ago, but you could probably find some copies for sale on the board game geek market.
Shockingly we only have like 6 games in common and 2 others where we own different titles in the same series
One of my favorite games has always been Stratego. It was the first “adult” board game that I learned to play.
I like that one. My bothers and I played it often at my grandparents house when we were kids.
I taught my five year old how to play. It’s his favorite board game now. Beats playing Candyland.
Stratego rules
Is it weird that I enjoy playing board games on my Kindle?
Smallworld 2, Carcassonne, Ticket to ride, etc.
Not at all. There are some games that I prefer playing either on Android or through a web browser just because then I don’t have to deal with all of the interactions and fiddly pieces. Suburbia is a prime example for that, it’s far too easy to miss an interaction somewhere.
Nope, a lot of the tabletop board games play better on a mobile device because the computer keeps track of the bookkeeping for you
My wife and I almost always had a game of Ticket to Ride going on our iPhones, when I had one. I just had to be difficult and get a Windows Phone.
I always rather enjoyed Diplomacy more than Risk. Being an old fart, haven’t played a board game in years, but about 6 months ago, I was talked into playing Settlers of Catan, and I have to say, it’s not bad, but not up to the hype. If a board game doesn’t foment murderous rage when someone betrays you, what’s the point?
As a more yuteful me, I used to DM a couple of FRPs – AD&D Edition 1.5 (heavily modified Ed 1), Traveller and latterly Ars Magica. It’s hard to go back to a board game after you’ve successfully created horrible interpersonal relationships between your players by letting them discover that the ‘rogue’ they’ve been adventuring with is a deep-cover assassin using them to gain access to (and cover for) a beloved target.
Diplomacy is a classic, and has a fairly large online community still playing it. Settlers of Catan isn’t bad, but I think it’s been overhyped. It can very easily outstay it’s welcome.
I used to play Risk drunk with friends in college. I can’t image playing sober or with nice people.
Worse than that is playing Mah Jongg with a couple of Hong Kong students when you’ve had a few too many tequila shots and aren’t nearly as good at the game as you thought you were.
Especially when the gambling is with real money.
Painful. Still, ramen are cheap, and the guys were kind enough to leave me with a shirt and a pair of tighty-whiteys,
I played Catan on PC and tablet a couple of times and I can’t really get into it. I imagine it’s different if you’re playing with actual people, but it just doesn’t grab my attention.
I played Diplomacy in a history class once. I wanted to choke out several classmates. Nobody double-crosses me…
I really like Arkham Horror in theory, but in practice I’ve never been able to get a game off the ground. The rules are too complicated for my wife’s patience, and she’s pretty much the only person I have to play with. Plus, with a toddler running around and pets demanding attention or getting into things it’s tough to concentrate. She took one look at Axis and Allies and told me where to put it.
Dominion was a success, on the other hand. It’s the right balance of strategic depth and simple rules.
I have played several games of Arkham Horror.
We completed all of one.
The world ended badly.
In Arkham, it usually does. My demise usually involved tentacles, ichor and gibbering insanity.
So, A Sugar Free story.
When I was younger, I used to call that “Friday Night”.
Arkham is REALLY hard to beat unless the old one you are facing is Yig
Um, I live just across the bridge from you and Arkham is one of my wifes favorite games.
That Said Elder Sign is probably a better game, Same basic idea of Arkham but with a simplified ruleset and smaller number of pieces so setup takes less time.
Anytime you are looking for a game let me know, as I said above, my game library is somewhere just shy of 200 different games at last count
Which bridge? Severn, Bay, or Wilson?
Regardless, if you have a DMV Glibs game meet-up I’d definitely be down. It sounds like anything I’ve got you’ve got, too, but I’m happy to bring what I have, and/or booze.
Bay, I live on Kent Island off the Thompson Creek exit and work over in Naptown on Admiral Cochraine
Oh, wow, that is close. We adopted both our dogs from a foster group we worked with for a number of years on Kent Island. We’re in Eastport ourselves.
ARF? My Daughter volunteers there sometimes
It was a place called Island Puppy Rescue. I can’t find anything about them online anymore, so they might be out of the biz. There’s another place that shows up that’s in Jersey having to do with dogs from the Caribbean, so it might just be that they changed names. The operation was a little slapdash and the woman who ran the show seemed perpetually overwhelmed, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she threw in the towel.
You mean some meeple are more equal than others?
Only when it comes to their value.
Anyone remember Axis & Allies? That was a fun board game!
I’ve never played it – nowhere I’ve lived could spare a room for the months it would take to finish a game.
easily solved, you take a picture of the board and then set it back up the same way when you resume.
That said unless the Axis player is significantly more skilled than the Allies player or you get some funny dice rolls then you should be able to complete a game in 4 – 6 hours (and the allies should win about 90% of games between equally skilled players)
I’m pretty sure our A&A games took more than 6 hours, but then we were dumb kids who started playing it because we were fanatics about WWII history.
I have had them take that long. The longest I can recall was 19.5 hours but in most games things end pretty quickly once America gets up and running
It’s also a bit hard to be precise because 1)we’re talking about 25-30 years ago 2)we’d play those games for 30-60 minutes at a time, spread out over a few weeks.
It takes 4 to 6 hours to agree on which rules you are using for amphibious assaults.
I do!
And it was only one of a veritable raft of excellent Avalon Hill games that were the bridge between traditional wargaming and FRPs for me.
I’d been into Napoleonics and Ancients miniature wargaming and I started to find the ‘large group’ wargaming was starting to get boring. Resolution took too long, and like playing chess, a small difference in competence between the players meant consistent defeat for the lesser player, so I moved onto what was at the time, the more interesting world of ‘skirmish wargaming’, which was squad/platoon level, as a tactical challenge, and while in later years, some really good rulesets came out, a lot of the ones at the time I was involved were pretty clunky, so I moved on from there to Avalon Hill stuff, then someone dropped a copy of Tunnels & Trolls on my table,
Now I’m sad. All my squad leader stuff got destroyed in a house fire.
It’s still in print, although you could step into a holy war asking which version is the best. I preferred Supremacy, which came with little mushroom cloud pieces, and could end in an everyone loses situation.
Supremacy was good but much more cpmplex than Axis and Allies
The Nova Game Design one is the best one of course.
I remember playing that when I was a kid. That game made Monopoly look like a brief affair.
Axis and Allies is great! I picked up a copy last year to get back into it. It’s a hard sell to the wife but I’ve been lying and telling her it’s basically just like a more modern version of Risk.
You sound like someone who would enjoy The Campaign for North Africa
No one enjoys the campaign for north africa.
Rommel had fun for a while… but it didn’t work out in the end.
I almost picked up a copy of that at an auction, but I think I dropped out at $350. Someday.
when we weren’t skateboarding, we were inside playing A&A and its brethren Shogun. we tried Fortress America but it sucked.
Fortress America definitely sucked. The entire outcome of the game boiled down to the locations where partisans popped up. Very little that the players did mattered. If partisans managed to cut the supply lines of the western or southern invader America wins. If not one of them reaches the great lakes and the laser control stations and America loses
There was a little known 4th game in that series that was actually very good however, Conquest of the Empire, based during the late Roman Empire, Ceasar is dead and has no heir, each of the 6 regional governors is vying to capture Rome and name himself Ceasar
did you build roads in that one b/c it rings a bell and i think we may have played it too.
I think so but not sure. The main combat mechanic was if you had artillery (ballista) it not only counted as a powerful unit but also gave a bonus to all other units on your side in the battle
I think I’m going to create a game called Tic-Tac-Thermonuclear war
Great subject. I play a lot of board games with the fam. Not only has Germany led a revival, even “ordinary folks” are often very sharp and strategic BrettSpielerInnen and puzzle fiends.
My son and I play the German version of Ticket To Ride most weekends. We also like Make n Break, a timed building game (and my wife’s fave) and Rivers Roads and Rails, as well as classic Ludo.
Also, I was thinking of getting the kid Settlers of Catan for Xmas–any experience out there?
It’s a solid game, and some of the add-ons look interesting, and the rules are straightforward enough that you can be up and running pretty quickly.
What’s the age of the kid? Does the kid have any gaming preferences? Settlers isn’t bad, but I feel it can take too long for what it is.
I may have convinced the girlfriend that we should go to Spiel one of these years. I just wish there wasn’t always the huge lag time between games being released there, and having them available in the US.
Ticket To Ride I’m neutral on, I generally prefer the more economic games. The girlfriend loves it though. At least when we go to board game meetups we can generally split up and play with other groups.
You actually use the horrid -Innen construction? What kind of cis shitlord are you?
Is there some kind of board game underground? Because I’ve never heard of most of the games you people are talking about. Pretty much the extent of my board game experiences have been with the mundane – Monopoly, Clue, Life, Sorry, Trouble, stuff like that.
It tends to be the same kind of crowd that visits comic/gaming stores (which are often cojoined). At least that’s the set of people I know who play these lesser known titles.
That would explain a lot – I’ve never had any interest in comic books.
Find one, drop in, look at the other corners of the store. There may be something that surprises you, or catches your eye.
Now that I think about, when we first got Apples to Apples many years ago, it wasn’t yet available in regular stores. We had to go to a gaming store to get it, and that was an odd experience. There was a big game going on in the store. Half the players were teenaged kids with braces and acne, the other half were middle aged guys who were carbon copies of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.
The latter group still cast a long (and broad) shadow …
One thing that gets overlooked is that half of them are the fathers of half of the first group. (there are some loners in both sets.)
I’m guessing you don’t remember what they were playing.
Events tend towards that demographic.
Even if you had asked me 5 minutes after we left the store, I couldn’t have told you what they were playing. Part of that was the desire to leave quickly due to the awkwardness of being clearly out of your environment, part of in was my inherent desire to avoid conversation with people I don’t know.
I haven’t been in a brick and mortar bookstore in several years, but I recall seeing a bunch of the “niche” board games in a Barnes and Noble by me. Not an exhaustive collection, and way overpriced, but there nevertheless. I’ve also seen Catan and Ticket to Ride in Target. There seems to be something of a surge in popularity of the “serious” board games, which, if true, is awesome.
Usually, you can find M:TG and some of the more common TSR offerings in B&N.
One store I was in was having a clearance of their Ars Magica stuff – which is probably a good idea. AM is a bit fringe-y, like a lot of Atlas’ Games stuff (cite: Unknown Armies) and they were probably well-rid of it really.
Video games have sucked a lot of the ‘dilettante’ consumers out of the market, and it seemed to me that this has been responsible for a lot of the contraction in variety of new RPGs (although I’d be happy to be wrong). Warhammer40K used to be a huge draw for tabletop product consumers and publishing, and it seems as though most of that is now online.
Wow, Magic. I haven’t played that since the second edition. At one point I had a collection of cards worth something like $400, which is nothing to sneeze at for a sixteen-year-old kid in the 90s. I also had the Rage (based on Werewolf: The Apocalypse) and Vampire: The Masquerade (briefly named Jihad, btw) games. I remember the cards for Rage were really nice, like really high-quality. Nowadays you can’t swing a stick without hitting collectible card games, it seems.
Yeah, it seems like the video game market pushed a lot of the pen and paper RPGs out with multiplayer. Kids that used to play DnD are playing WoW or League of Legends or stuff like that these days, it seems like. Or stuff like CoD. I had hoped that the Neverwinter Nights engine with the live DM feature would bring people into RP’ing that might be put off by distance or dealing with rulesets or that sort of thing, but it seems to have turned more “worst of both worlds” than anything.
I almost did MTG, but ended up only doing Star Wars: Young Jedi, which was the episode 1 collectible card game. I bet those cards are sitting in some drawer in my dad’s house, collecting dust. They’re probably not even worth what I paid for them in 1999/2000
Many of these aren’t really ‘underground’.
Some are quite recent, some are tabletop wargaming-y – a rather niche sector, and a few are RPG/totally weird (like, for example “Snit’s Revenge”)
There’s a large culture of board game geeks. Most don’t get sold in the Target’s, Toys R Us, or Walmarts, so unless you know a game store (or have a friend who plays them), you’re most likely not getting exposed to them. Hence why I included Amazon links on the piece, so if anyone is interested in any of the games, they know exactly where to buy them.
You can actually find a lot of these games in Target these days. However in general you need to be into the gaming scene, generally via miniatures of role playing games to have heard of these kinds of tabletop games because the Warhammer and D&D stores are usually the only ones who carry them.
Also Cons, all the cons have game rooms where you can try out the latest games
Even I’m not crazy enough to attend a con… either that or misanthropy and detestation of crowds.
I will be at BGG CON this week…you will all have to survive without narrowed gazes for a while.
(See if this’ll earn me one more….)
Now I’m sad. No time to arrange to get to Dallas this week, and I missed the Madison convention
last(?) week too. If wargamer folks are up in Madison ever though, I’ve got a decent collection,
room to play, and a distinct lack of opponents.
And on that note, what is it with the Minnesota/Wisconsin/Illinois axis of posters we have
here? It seems like just about everyone is from one of those three states.
We have a large CA, NY set of posters too.
Oh, and ….Canadians.
Chipwooder, I’m the same. Monopoly, Clue, Trivial Pursuit. I like that they are something to do while talking, rather than the point. I hate Diplomacy.
My wife and I got this for christmas a few years ago. With the right group of people and the right drinks, it’s absolutely hilarious.
I’ve heard good (and slightly disturbing) things about this game.
It’s great.
That one has the potential for wildly varying outcomes. Definitely shouldn’t play it with people you don’t know well.
I certainly wouldn’t play it with anyone that doesn’t have a dark sense of humor. Or with anyone with a strong religious conviction.
Depends – some people, like the missus and me, can have a sense of humor about our religious beliefs.
Probably best to eschew inviting Mormons and Pentecostals over for a game, though.
I guess religious conviction would be the wrong word. Should have said, Some one sensitive about their religion.
Those religious people who take themselves too seriously would likely be offended. My wife’s entire family would probably start praying for her salvation if they knew she has played the game. Ooh, I’ve played the game with a pastor before, and he seemed to enjoy it, so YMMV.
‘Professionals’ often seem to have a far better and more balanced view of their faith, or so it always seemed to me, than their flock.
Turns out that when you actually study the Bible and church history, it leads you in a very different direction than the cultural “christianity” of our day.
A childhood friend of mine was a bit of a goody two shoes throughout high school and college, but really loosened up while living in a Catholic monastery. Turns out the friars and priests know how to throw a party!
Makes sense – monks make some damned fine beer.
My wife brings this with her everywhere we go. She even tried to get her family, including her elderly, devoutly Catholic grandmother (as in she goes to Mass every day) to play last Thanksgiving. I like playing it, but she’s pressed about it.
My teenage kids keep begging to be allowed to play this and the 17 year old apparently has, at school none the less (no idea how you could play Cards against Humanity at school and not get expelled)
One of the most overrated games ever in my opinion.
Part of it is likely because in general I HATE party games but the other part is it has very little replay value because once you have played with the same group more than once or twice you tend to start seeing the same jokes and outrages being played over and over again and it is considerably less funny if you are not drunk.
*Introduces Rasilio to the large variety of expansion packs available FOR Cards Against Humanity*
I do agree that the replay value is limited, but it’s not exactly a “daily driver” game.
There’s only so many ways you can go when offered the chance to rape baby harp seals to death.
Ken haz a sad 🙁
Yeah I am familiar with them. they just extend the amount of time before the jokes get stale ad like I said, it is still a party game and I HATE party games.
I’ll play them to be sociable if that is what everyone wants but I am not going to like the game and keep getting told I am screwing up by trying to actually win
I feel the same way about party games. My wife is the opposite, and can’t stand the idea of people sitting around having a few drinks and chatting, which is pretty much all I want to do. In the spring/summer we play it maybe once a month if we’ve got the magic number of about 6 people who know each other pretty well for maybe an hour, and that’s about right. Any longer, or with more or fewer people, or more frequently, and it loses the appeal. And yeah, I agree, the more you play it the more drastically the returns diminish, expansion packs and all.
To my mind, the best party game is the one where you hang out and drink, maybe have some smoked meats. Darts are acceptable, as are similar activities such as corn hole or among a select and responsible group archery or knife-throwing. Rarely–VERY rarely–beer pong is ok. Asshole or similar card games are right out.
There was a brief dark time where at every gathering people kept trying to rope me into playing Codenames. I am not a fan of party games to being with, and really dislike Codenames.
The way I see it is if you are going to play a game make it a GAME where competition and winning and losing matters. If you are going to sit around and just have fun then leave the damn rules out of it
“Crabs Adjust Humidity”
My wife and I were gifted this game many years ago by my SIL. We thoroughly enjoy it with friends after drinks. It continues to entertain with the various expansion packs and by adding new blood to the mix. Having a dark sense of humor, drinking, and the creativity to play to your audience is critical to having fun.
The night we received it we played it with my in-laws and my wife’s in-laws after Christmas dinner. My MIL decided to play the game with the sole intention of making the stuffy in-laws say phrases like taint and BB Dick. I like my mother in law. Surprisingly my father law won the game with a previously unknown sense of humor.
I have a friend who assumes any racist combo is mine.
He is only mostly right.
(pokes head in)
Isn’t that every thread though?
Naked Twister
Spin the bottle – STEVE SMITH EDITION.
now being sold in a store near you.
Monopoly deal is a big part of the reason my wife and I are married. If we didn’t have a way to take frustrations out on each other in a healthy way through card games, we wouldn’t be together.
And you can do it without a ‘safe word’ too.
I like complex games and my wife likes games with a shallow learning curve. We have quite a few games, but find ourselves grabbing Ticket to Ride more often than not. Either that or a deck of playing cards to play gin.
The card game most likely to turn someone into a libertarian. Or at least a conspiracy theorist.
Most of the early SJG titles were pretty good.
O.G.R.E. – I won my first game with no weapons left by running over the command center.
Meh. It wasn’t as fun as the people who were pushing it raved.
whatever you do you do not touch your drink during an illuminati game
I used to love Mille Bornes when I was younger but I haven’t played it in forever.
I loved that game! My wife and I used to love to play.
Funny, I haven’t seen that game mentioned in years. I played that as a kid all the time.
It’s a French, and hence, something of a cheese-eating-surrender-monkey game. And therefore, unmentionable.
Asmodee is supposed to be releasing a mobile version of the game sometime this year. They’ve made a big push into mobile this past year.
There’s a computer version if you’re on a unix box.
Think you can still order it on amazon – classic – my mom (spent time in France in college) is a major convert.
Not similar at all – but also classic cards – Dutch Blitz.
Back in the bad old days, I had (If i remember correctly) “The Battle For Middle Earth” – I think it was a TSR title, a proper hex-layout of Middle Earth where you get to (basically) re-enact the Lord of the Rings trilogy, on your tabletop.
Nice graphics, but to a dedicated Tolkein fan, no replayability. If you elected to try and achieve mission success in just about any way OTHER than following the plot, you’d lose. It was Tolkein’s Way, or the Kobayashi Maru treatment. A real disappointment.
Where’s the fun in that? That story was already told in the book, why would I want to replay it?
Well, in a fit of misplaced optimism, I thought it might have been possible (and the game permitted) sufficient alternative pathways to victory that it would entertain me for a while.
As I noted. The optimism was misplaced.
It was actually two (or maybe three) titles, the only part of the game of any interest was “The Battle For Gondor” which was a 35×70 hex grid with almost no features on it, with standard wargaming chips for the Allied and Mordor forces. There might have been one edge with fortifications. That was it. And that was better than the Main Game.
Back in the bad old days, we were glad of the chance to set Mumakil against uruk Hai in a vast, dusty, flat car-park, next door to Great Anduin.
I preferred the Middle Earth Role-Playing Game (MERP). So awesome!
Avoid it. Avoid it like – well – like the plague.
any Battletech nerds here? i got rid of all of my layouts, mech sheets, narrative books, etc but still have about a regiment of lead mechs.
I’ve never had the chance to play the tabletop version.
maintaining armor and ammo on your mech sheet required lots of scribbling and erasing throughout play. there’s a scifi gun pron element to it.
In a similar situation with Starfleet Battles, we’d use plastic sleeves and overhead transparency markers so we wouldn’t constantly destroy the sheets. A similar solution might work here…
Says a guy to a guy who used to run a pretty well-received Traveller campaign.
It sometimes felt like I was marshalling a fleet worthy of Boskone in an E. E. Doc Smith story.
“Your broadsword-class destroyer squadron just emerged from behind the moon, meeting two units of swarmer drones deployed by the Kzinti “Sephardic” Cruiser. We have to resolve about 300 simultaneous impacts on those 9 vessels. Let’s have a drink and some lunch first”
“Woe to the usurper’s mechs when my Warhammer finds a heat sink.”
“a what?”
“a heat sink”
“a lake. i’m going to stand in a fucking lake so i can blast your guys to shit without overheating and shutting down.”
“Purging Intensifies”
“You sank to the bottom of the lake again, didn’t you?”
Used to play a TON and it is still one of my favorite fictional universes but the utter incompetence when it comes to anything miitary related of the designers eventually drove me away
I loved it, but could never find anyone else who wanted to play.
FYI, there is a Twitch channel where they stream a Battletech game every Friday night. The BattleTech show is called Death From Above. It’s gone downhill recently with the departure of the original GM, but it was pretty good for a while, though they would do some shit that would frustrate me.
I’m going to check that out. Thanks.
Battletech was fun. I played in high school with some folks. The mechs and the battles were cool. Their campaign system
was broken though. I remember having a mech crash into a building. “Lets see [roll] building has a three level basement”
Oops. “Can’t support the mech, you crash through the floor. [rolls] And take the damage all to the head.”
Which wiped out the boxes, killed the pilot, and I had the distinct mental image of a mech stuck head first up to the
feed in a hole in the ground surrounded by the shell of a building. Still amuses me after all these years.
We still play a lot of Scrabble. Getting your ass kicked by a 15 year old girl is humbling, though.
When the kids were younger and not in every goddamn activity under the sun, we would play games most nights. Trouble, Blokus, Sorry and Pass the Pig were very popular. As they got older they liked the tougher games like Cranium and Trivial Pursuit.
I miss those days!
Humbling, but satisfying too if she’s carrying your genetic material. It means you probably did something right.
Books. Lots and lots of books. Also Mrs. Tundra did a brilliant job of managing screen time when they were little. It makes a difference.
Also Mrs. Tundra did a brilliant job of managing screen time when they were little.
We’re already struggling with the screen, and baby trshmnstr is only 6 months old. She’s obsessed with the FireTV screensavers and baby shark. Oh, and football.
I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be in another year or two
Yeah, the NFL’s going to shit!
My daughter is 18 months old now and wakes up asking for Super Why. My wife let her watch it when she was sick or when she needed her to sit still so she can cut her nails, and she’s become obsessed with it. We worked so hard to keep her from screens, and it all flew right out the window once she saw that show.
She also will trick us into leaving out phones unguarded so she can grab them and start poking and swiping at anything she can. I on’t know whether to be upset that she would deceive us at such a young age or proud that she would think to do that by the time she had turned 1.
It’s always a battle! I wouldn’t sweat it too much when they are that little, though.
We always used to read to them before bed – no tv or computer on. As they got older, we set a daily limit and they could choose how to use it.
Once they got smartphones that all went out the window. The good habits were set by then – they still both read a ton for fun.
Wait until she discovers the interminable parade of mindless Kinderegg opening videos on the YouTube.
I used to play a lot of Axis and Allies, and before that Risk. Now it’s Xbox video games mostly.
We didn’t play many games with the kids when they were young. Mostly because I’m an asshole who hates to lose.
You’re the reason video games have “Easy” mode and built in aim-bots.
Don’t ask me how I know that Madden and the old college football video games used an 8-bit score counter.
Don’t ask me how I know the old console-version of Battlezone had a 17-bit counter. or at least, on the ones that Atari sold to Spain.
Bill Walsh College Football ’95!
i’m more of “suicide/survival”-mode type, only i give myself unlimited ammo for my shoulder-fired nuke-launcher
i don’t mind dying all the time, as long as i can take a lot of them with me.
“I come from the year 2017…”
“What happened to the libertarian moment?”
“Tribbles are fuckin hot!”
Now I need to clean tea off my keyboard.
I love Innovation. It has a Civ-style tech tree aspect to it (sorta), but as a quick card game.
I prefer the two player version for serious play, but with 3 or especially 4, you can get chaos.
I used to play a lot of risk. Then I started playing monopoly with my wife’s family as that was more their pace. It’s been years for either one. Settlers of Catan some. My wife and I enjoy playing MTG against each other, but it’s hard to set the cards out with the kids.
My sister did manage to grab me the last SNES classic within a 2 hour drive of Charlotte (at least until another shipment comes in). Not technically a board game, but might as well be compared to modern consoles.
If the powers that be decide to keep this feature going, I’ve got one for 2 player games in the future.
That would be cool. I enjoy playing multi person strategy games, but rarely have the chance.
Still think net neutrality is the great satan?
Court demands that search engines and internet service providers block Sci-Hub
You guys keep telling me that net neutrality is going to allow the government to take over the internet. I’m still trying to figure out how you think they haven’t already done that.
You guys keep telling me that net neutrality is going to make it way easier for the government to take over the internet.
How is a simple one line rule saying ‘you cannot deny traffic to a website based on content’ going to make it easier for the government to take over the internet? That’s like saying the bill of rights makes it easier for the government to infringe on your rights.
How is the 400 page document that actually exists in the real world going to make it easier for the government to take over the internet?
Do I have to say there is a difference between believing in a concept and believing in every word of a giant government document based on that concept? I don’t actually have to say that, right?
And I’m basically being Rodney Dangerfield and pointing out that said concept only exists theoretically and never will in reality.
Because it opens the door for an enforcement bureaucracy to be established. It’s like no knock raids. Sure, they happened before SWAT teams were a part of every police department, but the proliferation of SWAT teams has made it really easy to justify and execute no knock raids.
Well, to play the devil’s advocate here, if the harm alleged in the lawsuit (and by default acknowledged by the defendant’s failure to appear) is that the defendant is providing access to copyrighted material illegally, doesn’t any other company that hosts the defendant’s sites or returns results to users looking for those sites contribute either directly or indirectly to that harm? Not to the same extent, sure, but to some extent, right? I know it’s a fool’s errand to come up with a good analogy for this kind of stuff, but wouldn’t it be something like a local newspaper running ads for a locksmith making copies of someone’s house key? Or calling a cab, asking the driver to take you to a store that’s easy to break into, and the driver dropping you off at a likely place?
In your scenario there would be some culpability, but that’s not what’s happening. To use your example, it would be like a guy getting in your uber and saying ‘take me to this address’. You take him there, he does a drug deal (or some other illegal activity), and then the cops come and arrest you for taking the guy to the house.
Ok, that makes sense, but at the risk of torturing the analogy to death, if I as a driver am the primary means by which a person would be able to arrive at the house and the house has sent out flyers to drivers saying, “Hey, we’ve got a bunch of drugs here! Come buy them!” do I have a responsibility when the passenger asks me if I know of any drug-selling houses (ugh, that’s an awkward turn of phrase) to say, “Nope, can’t say as I do”?
The enforcement of such a requirement is a whole different kettle of fish. I don’t know how in the hell you’d even begin to do that outside of some sort of Great Firewall-type control.
I’m a little confused as to what authority the court has to order that.
Another US court also ruled in 2015 that Sci-Hub breaches copyright law and should be shut down. But the site popped up again using other domains, and that’s likely to happen again, McLaughlin says: “If this injunction is enforced, it remains to be seen how quickly these new domains will be blocked.”
The court’s decision only applies to the United States and “no decision had been made about pursuing similar action outside of the U.S. at this time,” Ruskin says.
If net neutrality referred to “network providers cannot discriminate network traffic basedupon the end points of the traffic”, it wouldn’t be that big of an issue. It would still require a large number of exceptions to be workable with existing law and common sense, but the idea in and of itself isn’t too objectionable. The problem is, you seem to be the only person using that definition to describe net neutrality. Those of us that oppose net neutrality are arguing against the actual proposals put forth by net neutrality advocates, the proposals that are considered by legislatures, and not against the idealized and highly simplified version you seen to be advocating for.
Fair enough. I guess I should clarify that I am in favor of a very narrowly defined and simple law that would prevent ISPs and search engines from blocking or limiting traffic to and from end users based on site content consistent with the intent of the first amendment in the united states constitution. I need to bookmark this comment for the next time I start this fight in here.
It would probably save time. Not sure how the first amendment fits into this, though. Net neutrality fits more in line public accommodation laws than freedom of expression, which come to think of it is probably something else that rubs a lot here the wrong way.
I see it from a first amendment perspective. The internet is an information medium primarily. Any attempt to artificially limit it for the end user is a limit on that user’s ability to obtain information. If I want to look up and read something on Nazis, for example, even something sympathetic towards them, that is within my right. If the company providing me that access says ‘no, I don’t want you reading anything that paints nazis in a positive light’ and restricts me from receiving that information, how is that any different from denying access to a book, a newspaper, or a movie?
mind you that I think it’s very important to note that the ISP is not the creator of the content. They are merely the broker of said information. The creator can limit his content to whichever audience he wishes, but to give that power to a third party, particularly a third party as powerful as an ISP, is detrimental to the availability of information in a free society.
But you can always use a different broker.
As someone else said, its Nazi cakes or Georgetown birth control all over again.
In the specific case listed above, it’s a court order, so no it’s absolutely the government doing it this time.
How is it the government doing it? The entire point of net neutrality is that the government restricts private companies (that have been deemed public utilities) from using a business model that limits or slows access to certain content. I don’t see how the 1st amendment is implicated.
To me, net neutrality seems a lot like mandating that all books cost the same at the local bookstore. It’s none of the governments business if the bookstore wants to charge twice as much for Das Capital and doesn’t carry Mein Kampf.
Read the original link.
Its not a first amendment violation if a private company censors.
Public accommodation laws are the correct analogy, it is basically the same thing. And I oppose them too.
If the company providing me that access says ‘no, I don’t want you reading anything that paints nazis in a positive light’ and restricts me from receiving that information
So I take it this should also apply to publishing companies, since they are restricting access to information by refusing to publish certain pieces of work?
That would back up Caput Lupinum’s claim above that it’s a public accommodation issue instead of a free speech issue. Let’s say the Feminist Bookstore from Portlandia doesn’t want to sell you What Happened. It’s not infringing on your rights in any way, they aren’t denying you access, they just aren’t providing access. If someone wants to start up an internet service that blocks all porn, they should be able to, even if I don’t think it’s a good idea. The real issue here is with government monopolies on internet providers, which is thankfully starting to crumble.
Not providing you access through their privately owned infrastructure isn’t a first amendment issue. Would you sure a bookstore because they didn’t carry a book you want? A movie theater that didn’t show a movie you want? The first amendment gives you the right to express yourself, it doesn’t give you a right to access other people’s expressions. Bookstore owners are free to stock whatever they want, and (theoretically, as far as I know, IANAL) can refuse to order any book if you ask for it if they don’t feel like selling it. You’re asking for the analogous bookstore owner to be forced to get you any book within their power to get, even if they have some objection to doing so, which is a public accommodation issue, not a first amendment issue.
The particular case I linked is an actual court order forbidding isps from facilitating traffic to and from this particular site, which is a completely different kettle of fish and entirely within the first amendment.
It also has zero to do with net neutrality. Net neutrality restricts the ISPs, not the government.
I thought we were discussing the idealized version you represented in this subthread; I was responding on that presumption and to your analogy where you said: If the company providing me that access says ‘no, I don’t want you reading anything that paints nazis in a positive light’ and restricts me from receiving that information, how is that any different from denying access to a book, a newspaper, or a movie?
Your original link is in reference to a court order and deals with copyright issues. Sure, in that light my response is nonsensical, but so is your analogy.
Net neutrality is one of these things that the more i dig into it the more I find to be a lose lose situation. On one hand it is similar to the gay wedding cake in that an isp should be able to choose who they wish to associate with and that if they want to not run a particular site then that’s their right. On the other hand this is extremely different from the gay wedding cake in that it does not affect one particular case or a small group of people, it potentially affects millions, and despite what you say about ‘just get a new isp’ in many places that is unfeasible if not completely impossible. I do understand that the lack of competing isps in America is due to government meddling in the first place but until that has been rectified the truth remains that switching ISPs is only slightly less painful than switching cell phone providers and is not an option for a whole lot of people outside of large population centers.
The particular case I linked is a court order which restricts isps from doing any kind of business with a particular site, even business believed to be in good faith. If they already have that power then what exactly is not having net neutrality preventing them from doing?
Wait, I thought the issue was that the business conducted by the site was inherently “bad faith”. As in the site itself exists solely for the purpose of violating copyright laws. In that regard, and this probably speaks as much to the issues with IP as anything else, an ISP carrying traffic to and from that site can very well be considered to be transporting stolen goods.
If they already have that power then what exactly is not having net neutrality preventing them from doing?
It’s preventing them from forcibly requiring the ISPs to provide access to certain websites at a certain speed and quality.
This case is about forcing ISPs to hide badthink. Net neutrality is about forcing ISPs to show goodthink.
This case is about forcing ISPs to hide badthink. Net neutrality is about forcing ISPs to show goodthink.
Only in fantasy land. NN is about forcing ISPs to treat all network traffic “the same” even if that makes no sense and doesn’t serve the consumer interest.
I should clarify my comment.
Net neutrality, at heart, is not about viewpoint or content discrimination, it is about traffic type discrimination. Can Comcast throttle torrents, or Netflix streaming, or some other type of network traffic that its administrators can identify, whether by protocol type, remote address, packet content, bandwidth patterns, etc.?
Somewhere along the way, somebody decided to shoehorn in censorship as a related issue, but it’s tangential at best. The vast majority of the viewpoint/content discrimination that ISPs have done is government-ordered. Comcast doesn’t care one whit if you’re reading some politically outre material, as long as you pay your bills. If NN was really about viewpoint/content discrimination then it wouldn’t be so concerned with packets.
Even the idealized definition you’re referring to gives me pause from a private property perspective. It’s awfully damn close to the whole Nazi cake issue.
Even that definition is objectionable, because it implies that the network operators don’t own their networks and can’t take steps to improve quality in anything but the most capital-intensive ways. Many network engineering problems are solvable or at least can be reduced in severity by software, i.e. by throttling, prioritizing, or otherwise altering the flow of traffic (in this case, mostly packets) so that quality-of-service guarantees can be met. I don’t give a flying fuck how important you think your torrents are, my 911 VoIP call should get priority especially if the network provider and I have entered into a contract stipulating as much.
Net neutrality is about centrally planning network policy. That’s it. It does not protect free speech. The way to do that is to be vigilant consumers, to oppose government monopolies, and to defang the regulatory and judicial branches.
The FCC imposing centrally planned network policy (net neutrality) has no bearing whatsoever on the courts imposing takedown orders. If you think NN is going to stop copyright enforcement on the web, you’ve got a naive view of how government works.
I’ve sometimes pondered the feasibility of setting up a rostrum-webcam to broadcast an AD&D tabletop session. I wonder if bandwidth would be able to accommodate 4 or 5 inbound webcam/audio sessions from players, or possibly a simpler mechanism like IRC/Discord for player feedback.
of late, the games I’ve been in have used roll20 for dice and either discord or skype for voice. It worked out pretty well.
A hex mat and some spare tabletop are – I find – very useful for visuals for the GM .
Glibs role-playing session?
I wouldn’t rule it out except i’m in “rapacious capitalist” mode at the moment and am a bit challenged when it comes to creating a few hours’ time slot.
I could do an old-school AD&D 1 with a few mods, in a classic lowish-magic D&D milieu. I’d have to dig out my campaign notes after 18 years or so. I wonder if the paper has degraded. Most of the ‘mods’ are in the elimination of daft shit like granting Affirmitive Action benefits to Gnome Illusionists. if you fall off a 30ft curtain wall, I don’t give a shit how many hit points you have, you’re gonna hurt. That high THACO field plate isn’t going to protect you in the least.
I can help with coming up with near unpronouncable names for the setting.
Sounds like my current live game. Between the members of my group we have every first edition AD&D book and module there is.
I believe there were some people doing that with Google Hangouts when that still existed. Or you could always go the Neverwinter Nights/Divinity Original Sin 2 route as well.
Visual feedback from the players is not essential. Voce – far more useful. Even with voice, I think text both directions is useful, plus something like a web whiteboard.
And a GrubHub account.
My live group still uses Google Hangouts as a supplement to our live at the table game. Half the time some of us dial in using the Hangout. The GM has a camera pointing at the playing surface and the the Hangout has the capability to facilitate die rolling. I wouldn’t recommend it if everyone is dialing in for a remote game session though.
There are a number of “virtual tabletop” systems out there that allow the DM to serve a common map that all the clients (players) can connect to, see the tokens on the map move in real time, etc. That plus a voice comm system (I like Mumble) and you’d be set.
I’ve used MapTool before, with mixed success. It’s a little creaky and written in Java and possibly no longer under development, but it has three features that I really like: the map is not limited to an arbitrary size, (optional) individual fog-of-war for each player, and the ability for the DM to place arbitrary objects that block line of sight. The night I had the party running through the woods, with shifting, limited visibility through the trees, and they finally noticed the pack of ogres they were running towards… a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, the vision-blocking is (was, at least) badly implemented and really slows it down.
OMFG the city license inspector is shaking down the lunch truck outside my building today! I can break his legs right?
Don’t know what you’re complaining about, all they’re doing is enforcing a single one line rule in order to protect the consumer.
False equivalence. Defense. Ten yard penalty. Still first down.
The disingenuous behaviour started with framing net neutrality regulation as a ‘simple one line rule’.
See my answer above. I am in favor of the concept of net neutrality, not necessarily the law as it is currently proposed.
*Prepares to cat-ass everyone in sight*
Simmer down now….
Oh, and kick the shakedown artist in the nuts, V.
I would do my best John impersonation right now but I think Poe’s law would come knockin.
I envisioned this, only it shoots cat-asses
We don’t need a ref here Swiss, this is just ‘idealist vs. pragmatist’ headbutting.
You sassin’ him, boy?
I’m beginning to think you have an itchy cat-ass finger, Swissy.
(With all due respect of course)
Could you describe what’s happening?
Right after I ordered a guy with a stack of papers came up, said he was from the city licensing department, and asked the manager to step out of the truck so he could talk to him. I didn’t hear the conversation after that but it’s obviously a ‘papers, please’ situation.
I always have a morbid curiosity about regulatory encounters. Even if the incident is minor, I’m of the opinion that lawyering up and having a guy on speed dial is invaluable.
Not to mention wearing a plate carrier
I was debating either listening in on the convo or just screaming ‘fuck off slaver!’ into his ear before running back into the building, but I fear I am losing my edge in my old age.
Last week some inspector was in the place I was getting my hair cut. I had great fun heckling until my girl told me I wan’t helping.
The dude was a good sport, but I still think it’s silly.
well i hope you faked food poisoning and then Code Browned his shoes.
I don’t think that would have helped out the truck owner very much.
the inspector would’ve fled home to change shoes and clothes. and without someone filing a report with the health dept, your “illness” goes away.
Ken Shultz ( and everyone else. By the way RC Dean, you are my brother ):
I played a game this past weekend called Hit the Spot. I finally managed to get over to my brother’s place in Texas and brought him a Marlin 1894 chambered in 218 Bee that has been wasting away in my safe for 20 years. I am confident he will put it to good use. The rifle came with 500 loaded rounds, reloading dies, 1000 primers, 1 lb of IMR 4227, 1 lb of Winchester 296, 700 jacketed bullets, an RCBS 55 grain die, a .224 sizing die for cast bullets and a 3X Leopold scope.
Saturday morning we mounted and set the scope at 150 yards. Sort of. For two old men with bad eyes and creaky fingers this isnt too bad –
When we shot at 50 – 100 yards it was dead-on.
That’s a sweet little thing – although maybe I shouldn’t say things like that with this Roy Moore stuff going on …
You’ll be fine, Americans verbally assume anything said with a British accent is intelligent and classy.
Here are the loads:
Sadly the hogs that have been tearing up his place must have heard that I was going to be there and they wisely decided to not show up all weekend. Dammit.
We had to make do with inanimate targets. I was curious how those rounds would perform so we tried aluminum cans and plastic bottles of water at 75 yards (approximately the distance from the stand to the hog bait ). Here is where it gets interesting for the people asking about hydrostatic shock.
As you can see the cans just turned into banana peels. You can see the entry hole at about 2 ‘O clock. That can is slightly less than 3 inches in diameter.
The water bottles were even more interesting. For some reason I dont understand the water went up and most of the water turned into a mist that drifted away in the wind. Because of hydrostatic shock the bullets penetrated less than 6 inches before disintegrating and what was left of them was recovered from the unbroken end of the bottles.
The three recovered bullets were left to right, 36.5 grains with jacket, 22 grains separated jacket, 28.2 grains separated jacket.
The faces of the bullets are more interesting. Just a couple of inches into the water bottles the bullets expanded explosively. Notice the faces of the expanded lead. There are ripples in the surface. Inconsistencies in the density of the water? Inconsistencies in the temper of the lead? Most likely those ripples represent a sand dune effect from the flow of water over the lead as it flowed in a plastic state and the size of the ripples are governed by the wavelength of the hydrostatic shock waves. I am not expert enough to do more than guess.
In any case we spent the rest of the weekend banging away, cutting firewood and bbq’ing the fuck out of ribs, roasts and some chicken. Chili lime bbq chicken is pretty awesome. Next trip I think I will fry up a ton of fish. Douse the fish with Tabasco and cajun mustard then sprinkle a small amount of flour over it to make it gooey then bread in cornbread mix, deep fry for five minutes in peanut oil at 375F. Have plenty of tabasco, ketchup, and tartar sauce available.
I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did. It was great.
Is that the bench you built?
No Sir, I am still screwing around with that. The bench in the photo is one I bought. I should not have bought it because it gives me too much excuse to procrastinate on building the other one. I have the laminated top, that is as far as I got and it is still sitting there with glue globs all over it…unsanded. No frame as of yet.
Good. I was going to be really pissed off that you got it done so fast and that it looked so professional.
Glad you had a fun weekend. I’m learning a lot from you and Vhyrus and Sheldan and 6 and all the rest of the gun nerds.
Look at that water bottle and imagine what the brain cavity of a hog would look like. A lightning strike wouldn’t be as efficient.
Lights. Out.
Break out the sausage grinder.
I can’t believe you would shoot a perfectly good sheet of plywood. Have you priced one of those lately?
Neighbor’s shed.
What? What do you think 1/4″ plywood is made for? Sheeez.
I get it. I usually use scrap pieces of corrugated tin. I usually have some laying around the place.
It’s insane. Can’t hardly get anything under $20. I priced out a catwalk for my attic, and it was going to be hundreds of dollars for a 40′ run. Fuck that! ended up halving the width and only doing 2 plywood sheets worth to keep it reasonably priced.
I’m building a deck on my house. I bought 10 sheets of 3/4 last week. It was over 250 bucks.
That is pretty cheap. When the reconstruction of Iraq started it soaked up all of the plywood and the price shot through the roof. If I remember right 3/4″ treated plywood was around $100 per sheet back then. We sold a plot of timber and got around 50% more than usual.
I’ll pay $25 per sheet all day long.
That sounds like a nice sized deck.
It’s 20×14. The plywood is for the roof I’m putting on, so I didn’t have to buy treated.
I took that pic last week. Since then I have finished the deck and framed up the roof. This weekend I plan to get the roof finished and hopefully build a railing. I have about 900 bucks in the 2x6s I layer the deck with.
Nice. I love a wood deck. I have one now 20×60. I love the deck but it is about ten years old and the wood is beginning to crap out. I dont think I am going to replace it with wood. It is going to be around 5K to replace and I easily have 1K in wood stains over the ten year life. Not worth it.
I’m hoping to get a lot more than 10 years out of this. Is yours covered? The deck at my grandparents place is 35+ years old and still in good shape. It’s under roof and has been painted several times though.
Mine is not covered. That makes a hell of a difference.
2×6 decking? don’t they have 5/4 round edge around there? also if those boards are straight from the lumber yard and you’re spacing them now when they dry out you’re going to have wide gaps between boards, and lastly on the third row from the front in appears you have a board that only spans one joist space, try and avoid that, span two joist spaces at a minimum.
I assume you bought the pressure-treated type. If so, you got a terrific deal. I would have expected closer to $400.
That’ll definitely solve your hog problems, and you’ll look classy doin’ it.
I have a friend who has the original Feds and Heads, straight out of Playboy, he laminated the board and all the cards and keeps the tokens, money, and grass in special boxes, he also has a meticulous preserved version of Subway Vigilante. About twice a year he’ll break them out, there pretty fun when half in the bag. He also has some stats heavy football, and baseball table games, powerstat or matic or something, from the 70’s I believe but he had expansion packs so you could play pro and college teams from up to the late 80’s,
Thanks for the post. I haven’t played board games in a very long time, but looking for some holiday options. Between Two Cities sounds intriguing and not fatiguing.
It’s a nice little game that plays well. It plays fast enough that you can usually get a couple of games in without getting tired of it, and it comes with a seat randomization deck if you want to move people around between games.
I just ordered from Amazon along with the Capitals edition.
The Capitals is an expansion. I’ve only gotten it to the table once so far. It adds a different starting layout for each city, a new tile type, and the concept of districts. It ups the complexity a bit, but not too much.
Anyone ever play Grabbin Grasshoppers or Battleship? HOLLA!
Hungry Hungry Hippos!
Hungry Hungry HIPAA’s, can you save the patient before a roving band of bureaucrats shut your practice down for medical records law violations?
Too late. Note: I have not played this game, and offer no statement as to the quality of the game.
I have to say, hospital administration never seemed like so much fun!
this is excellent lunch-reading
“And whenever I read David Friedman, it sounds like “The X’wunda ensure positive-sum intergenerational trade by a market system in which everyone pays the efficient price for continued economic relationships with their spouse’s clan; they demonstrate their honesty with a costly signal of self-mutilation that creates common knowledge of belief in a faith whose priests are able to arbitrate financial disputes.”
Love it – thanks for the link.
Thanks for the write-up. This could be an interesting series.
My wife and I were beginning to get more into board gaming. We’re big fans of Power Grid and Caverna, among others. I also started to get into the X-Wing miniatures game. I have a bunch of figures, but have only played a couple games. Sadly, we don’t do much of anything since the baby came along. We also haven’t made any board game friends since moving to Brooklyn.
Power Grid is about the heaviest game the girlfriend enjoys. Glad you enjoyed the write up, and hope you find a game that might fit into your play time.
Some people play Power Grid with calculators.
My groups don’t, but it probably would cut down on the analysis paralysis a good bit.
The number of times I have lost because I came up 1 dollar (electro…whatever) short to buy the resource I needed to win is, well, probably calculable, but its a bunch.
Brooklyn? We’ve found the prog mole!!!!
Two games I really like (one is really a class of games): Mayfair’s crayon-based rail building games, and Nuclear War/Escalation/Annihilation.
In the Mayfair games (Empire Builder/North American Rails, Eurorails, etc), you design and operate a network of railroads, marking your rails with crayons on the map board. You draw commodity contracts from the deck, and build your rails to deliver the contracts, get paid, draw more contracts, etc. With four people, a game will run ~3 hours.
In Nuclear War, you start the game by drawing a random set of population cards, then play by drawing and deploying warheads, delivery systems and countermissiles. The player with population left at the end is the winner. Thanks to “final retaliation” (a player that has just been nuked out can re-arrange all his available cards to make one last strike) it’s not uncommon for no one to win. This one is best played with 1) booze, and 2) people that don’t take it personally when you drop a 100 megaton MIRV on them.
Yeah, I think boardgamers are about the only group that may like trains more then progressives. 🙂 There are lots of train games between the route based ones, 18XX games, cube layers, and Ticket To Ride. I got a copy of Nuclear War in the latest reprint, but still haven’t broken it out yet. There are some games I’ve picked up just for nostalgia.
Nuke War and Illuminati are my two nostalgia games. I don’t like either as much as I did 25 years ago, but they are fun to break out sometimes.
You know who else liked trains an awful lot?
(Did I do that right? It’s my first time.)
Rebecca Demornay?
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
(c’mon, with the article pic and this description, someone HAD to reply like this)
Goddammit, I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good!
Barry Corbin was only 44 in that movie, four year older than me. Hard to believe.
We used to play Nuclear War back in the college days. It was basically just a background for boozing and ‘smoking’, so it was never that serious. It also helped that we were a vicious bunch who didn’t hold grudges against each other.
When we had a little more time, we used to play an RPG called ‘Paranoia’. It wasn’t the greatest game, but it had the added bonus of a ‘screw thy neighbor’ subplot scattered throughout the campaigns. Our GM used to provide bonuses for people who found an especially creative way to get a fellow player executed (either an extra piece of gear, or experience points, or something). The games inevitably broke down into a massive circular laser-fight firing squad….
Good time.
Paranoia is just whacked. Just count the suicides and executions as a score.
Yeah, Paranoia can be fun but definitely not made for campaign play, it is a pure one off game
Free tip:
With any game that involves cheesy play money, pack it away and use poker chips instead.
The difference in playing, say, Power Grid, with money vs with poker chips is hard to imagine if you haven’t actually done it.
The sad thing is that the deluxe version of Power Grid came with something worse then paper money. Little tiddlywink sized plastic bits that have the value printed on one side. (Not to mention not being compatible with the alternate maps). If you don’t want to spring for poker chips, there’s a couple of companies doing decks of money cards that work as well. That being said, there are a couple of games that paper money works for.
Poker chips don’t work very well at the Mahjong table.
Annnd, it’s time to shut off the news and social media for another week.
yep. should be a good time to just not be anywhere but here online.
Won’t be as bad as you think. The guy was a convicted felon, and no children were killed. This means a) no dead chillunz to stand on and wave the bloody shirt, and b) all the gun control of cali fucking fornia could not stop this from happening.
A convicted felon? Why, there’s a LAW forbidding him from owning firearms! How could such a thing have happened?
the convicted felon loophole?
Huh. A surprising lack of information in that story.
Hey – a topic I know something about! My family plays a TON of boardgames, and my kids, although only 11 and 8, have been playing them long enough that they can hang with grownups on more sophisticated games. I also have played D&D for about 25 years, fairly regularly, from the early days of 2nd Edition AD&D through the current iteration (5E), plus occasional forays into other systems (White Wolf, GURPS, Unknown Armies, etc.)
In general, I find the critical features to a good and replayable boardgame include 1) no player elimination 2) fixed length (either set number of rounds or point limit) 3) mix of strategy and luck 4) multiple paths to victory
Some of our favorites that we have in regular rotation:
Hawaii – resource strategy game with a semi-randomized board, lots of good balancing mechanics. Takes about an hour to play a game, and it has a fixed number of rounds (6, I think)
Viticulture – worker placement game around managing a vineyard. 45 min to an hour, and the game adjusts for number of players significantly (a 2 player game is very different from a 3-4 player game.) Ends when 1 player hits a certain number of points.
Puerto Rico – combination worker placement and resource management game set in colonial era Puerto Rico. Takes about an hour; ends when the pool of potential workers runs out. Also has an interesting card game variant called San Juan that works well for 2 players (and takes <30 min)
Notre Dame – interesting worker placement game with lots of paths to victory. Plus you can get the Black Plague if you don't manage your rat problem. Lasts 9 turns, takes about 45 min
Oh My Goods! – resource management card game, very fast (takes about 15 min to play a game)
Love Letter – deduction/reasoning game, very fast (does violate my rule about player elimination, but since a round lasts about 3 minutes, I can live with it)
Acquire! – old American boardgame but very good – involves mergers, acquisition and stockholder positions in 'hotel chains.' Can take around 90 min, though, so a bit longer than the other games mentioned here
Bohnanza – strange little card game about bean farming. Emphasizes mutually beneficial trading and is a lot of fun with the right people.
Isle of Skye – this is a new one for us, has a weird 'auction for each other's pieces' mechanic that is very unique. Semi-random scoring mechanism creates high replay value. Fast too, a game takes maybe 30 min for 4 players
Agricola – the only boardgame on this list I prefer to play by myself (on the iPad) – playing it with 4 people takes FOREVER and resetting the board between rounds is a pain. I really like the game and its 'play to optimize' mechanics, but can take 2 hrs + for a 4 player game.
KingDomino – recent GOTY winner, very fast and easy to pick up. Good game for smaller kids, but interesting for adults. They just came out with an expansion called Queen Domino that adds buildings, but I haven't played it yet.
SushiGo! and Monopoly Deal! were both mentioned above. Fun, fast card games that are easy enough for little kids to play.
I don't really care for Cards Against Humanity – apart from the shock value, it's not a very good game. Settlers of Catan is OK but has too much randomness with the dice. Ticket to Ride is ok for people who don't really play games, but takes a long time to play out and 'outstays its welcome' as the mechanics are too simple. I like Carcasonne a lot, but my wife hates it because the 'farmer' piece is so hard to plan around. Someone above mentioned Elder Sign, which is an interesting cooperative game, but punishingly difficult, especially if you get a couple of bad monster draws early on.
I've been wanting to try Caverna as I've heard it is a better version of Agricola, but haven't picked it up yet.
Feel free to ask for more details, or if I have experience with a particular game you're interested in. We still have a few games I've bought that we haven't even played yet (!!!)
Note: the little brown tokens that come to Puerto Rico by boat are not “colonists”, no matter how much the rulebook says they are.
When you claim a colonist, you put him to work on a plantation, or in a factory. Unless you don’t have room, then you store him in the ghetto until your next chance to put him to work.
Our house rule requires you to imitate Elvis whenever you put a “colonist” in the ghetto.
Lol nice to see I was not the only one to make that connection.
Also, Settlers of Catan, a German game, if you lay out the city tokens just right they form a Swasticka. I think they are trying to tell us something
What’s wrong with you people? 344 comments and no one mentions “Strip Poker?” Surely some of you have fond memories of it?