Hi, its me. I’m back again. Swiss, Sloopy, and OMWC are travelling, you’ve made SP feel like her links aren’t welcome, Playa Manhattan must be on a bender, and SugarFree is wrestling with demons. What I’m saying is, you’ll get more of my links and you’ll like it!

If you didn’t hate government enough, you’ll be spitting-blood angry to find out that the US House of Representatives has paid out over $1M/year in sexual harassment settlements. ($15M over 10-15 years). I think the time has come to lock legislators in small cages and let them participate via web meetings.

I poke fun at Alabamans, but if Jeff Sessions or Roy Moore are your “only choices”, just move. But if you move don’t vote the way you always have. Nobody else wants those choices. **glares at California expats**

I’ve got a crazy idea to solve Texas’s prison guard shortage… put fewer people in prison! Start with simple possession charges.

Willie nice

Wow, who could have guessed that adding Aquaman to the Affleck Batman/Superman shitshow couldn’t save the series? More screentime in less clothes by Gat Gadot is about their only hope.


Throwback Willie Nelson. Why not?