Rick and Morty are great to watch when you’re trimming weed.
That’s… Not a euphemism.
Give me a few minuites.
How timely, ZARDOZ.
What an Islamophobe.
Sometimes the mask slips.
More like the shemagh slips.
re: Lena Dunham and rape-apologism
If they didn’t have double-standards… why, they wouldn’t be *progressives*
ZARDOZ, we appreciate the gift of THE GUN. But this Brutal Patchett should get the ….. HATCHET
3/5 of Howard?
Some Cambridge, MA proglodytes tried lecturing me on how privileged I am because my parents sent me to Catholic schools. When I responded with what jobs my parents worked (factory jobs and secretarial/record-keeping work) and our money problems (my old high school threatened to kick me out because we had trouble keeping up with tuition), they had no response and promptly changed the topic.
Some of the smarter lefties in my world will acknowledge the class/finance side of the equation. I’ve finally beaten it into a few of them that the privilege concept is mostly used as a cudgel to beat up on people in arguments, and has very little weight in reality.
I’ve tried explaining the “privilege” response is an ad hominem, and also usually wrong. I must talk with dumber proglodytes than you, because they think “privilege” is a winning argument.
The progs I’m rolling with are
pretty sincereheavily invested in the ideas of class and “the rich ruining everything” so they will allow for poor and working class white folks to be exempt from the cudgel. But only to a point.A guy I know was sent to a Catholic high school, but his parents made him work to pay for it.
For a significant portion of the time I was in high school, I had a job but my dad didn’t. One of those periods was when my old high school threatened to kick me out over unpaid tuition.
I remember talking with my mom on the phone to let her know that my school would kick me out over unpaid tuition. I told her how much we owed. At the time I was employed, my dad was employed, and my mom worked two jobs. Most of the time during that period, if I talked to my mom it was on the phone because she was working. Seeing her was a rare thing during the time.
Anyways, when I talked to her on the phone about the unpaid tuition, she said she didn’t have that much. I told her I don’t have that much either. She said something along the lines of, “Well, we’re figure it out.”. A day or two later, during one of the rare times I saw her, she handed me a check for the amount we were behind. She told me to give it to my old high school to pay off the unpaid tuition.
I don’t know where the money came from. I didn’t have it, my parents didn’t ask for it from me, and I know my parents didn’t have it. I suspect it came from one of my grandparents (now all dead so I can’t ask them). I’m surprised my parents never asked me to help pay for my schooling while I was in high school.
My old high school offered need-based assistance, but when we sent in the paperwork, it was too late. They never had a lot of money for anything, let alone assistance to broke folks. The little money they had dried up quickly.
See, this is why I appreciate differences between “nation-states”. These people look at a country like Germany where private schools play a much smaller role and think “gee why not here”. Well, there are reasons for that, dum-dums.
Eat a dick Patchett.
Someone, I can’t remember who, said something about certain proglodytes hating the suburbs because Mom & Dad “made” them live in the suburbs. I know a few proglodytes like that, and now knowing that Patchett went to private school, I wonder if Patchett is a variation on that theme.
And by dick, you mean HATCHET. /Cleanser
So, I expect that homeschoolers like us will fly under the radar.
Otherwise, we just go over with our children what they learned during the day, and correct any errors.
Homeschoolers will always be pariah for these fucks. They are often bible thumpers, often excel on a much smaller resource pool, and worst of all: only on the fringe of being under the thumb of the public bureaucracy.
I wish I had the time to homeschool my boy. He’s only in kindergarten. I don’t think he’s being indoctrinated yet, but I’m sure its coming. There aren’t many good options for private where I live. I may be able to work myself into a better work schedule situation in the coming years. If I can, I will teach my boy better than any public school can.
I was a Barnes & Noble earlier today. Apparently Wesley Sniped wrote a sci-fi book.
His back cover glamour shot rules.
I don’t know what that means but I have to marvel at the fact that the idea of turning America into a Communist state is being brought to us by the man who gave us the Amazon juggernaut.
I take it you haven’t watched Rick and Morty.
You should, Rick is one of us.
Nope. Seems I’m late to that party.
I am, too. Only saw my first episode about 3 weeks ago.
Somehow I watched all of season one, skipped to three, and just started two today.
It’s one of the smarter cartoons around, possibly even moreso than South Park, and way better than Family Guy.
There’s plenty of philosophy and expounding on theoretical physics, and Rick is an asshole to everybody while basically telling the cold hard truth to all of the other characters faces. There is plenty of shooting on the part of Rick, as well as dissing the public school system to Morty and the rest of the family.
Not possible!
I maintain that Rick is an older version of Morty.
That when Morties get old, then grow into Ricks.
Otherwise, why is there a Simple Rick sitting in Morty school?
You should, Rick is one of us.
A drunk, cynical asshole?
Maybe I should speak only for myself, but I do feel strangely comfortable here.
I don’t know. Have another drink.
Ching ching!
He’s an anarchist.
For sure.
He won’t even submit to rule of Ricks!
And the authorities hate him for it. They’re after him, Squanchy, and that bastard, Birdman.
Even the POTUS wants him dead.
If Rick ever obeys a law, it’s only a coincidence.
There’s an episode in season one where what I can only imagine is supposed to be Zardoz makes a cameo, delivering the gift of sexbots
“Show me what you got!”
I also maintain that all the best episodes are written by that dude Ryan Ridley.
He seems to have been elevated to more of a show runner role in Season 3–they should get his ass back to writing instead.
If you only made a Rick and Morty reel of the shows Ridley has written, it would be all the best episodes and not include a single bum show.
To whatever extent Season 3 was a disappointment, I suspect it was because Ridley didn’t write as much.
Guns are good, but I want a remote control helicopter for in the house.
It should have a speaker attached, a camera, and a water pistol.
. . . so I can terrorize the dog, attack any unwanted friends or family of the Girlfriend Unit, or just to express my opinion on things, remotely from the home office or wherever.
Helicopter Speaker: “That show sucks”.
G.U.: “It’s my favorite show”.
Helicopter Speaker: “Your favorite show sucks”.
G.U. “You suck”.
Helicopter Speaker: “How ’bout a neck rub?”
G.U. “Okay. Come give me a neck rub”
Helicopter Speaker: “No. You give ME a neck rub”.
G.U. “How ’bout I come ring your neck instead?”
Ken at Controls: *squirt gun activated*
She’ll probably just buy me a fucking jacket or something shitty.
NSFW ’cause of weirdness–not sex stuff:
Be honest. You really want to use it to terrorize Rand Paul.
Or to shepherd sea otters…
FWIW, I am more likely to get a remote control helicopter from the G.U. than we are to get a vote from Rand Paul to cut Medicaid, that’s for sure.
Ken’s remote control helicopter has a “death to the paulistas” sticker on it.
what an age we live in
*cheers and applause*
while i’m not the biggest fan of fox news (or any of the news media, really), this idea that the lefty types have that ‘their version’ is so super-bright and high-information ? you’d think that would be erased by all of 5 mins of browsing Slate/Salon/former-Gawker/PostEverything, etc.
Its like they never noticed that National Review, Weekly Standard, American Conservative, etc…. write like grownups about grown-up topics….
….while all the progressive magazines are written by millenials who routinely resort to childish teen-girl gab, petty insults, vugarities, etc…. shit like, ‘extended ruminations on whether gun-owners have small penises’, confronting the structural racism embedded in Simpson’s characters, or tweeting cartoon-“explainers” of intersectionality at people
i don’t mean this as some great congratulation to conservative media…. its just that the left is so unbelievably juvenile that their pretense of being intellectually superior… is like watching a 5yr old clomping around in grandpa’s wing tips. cute, but the gag gets old extremely quick.
The only program I take seriously is Tucker’s. At least he asks the right questions. Hannity, Anderson Cooper, O’Donnell, That Curvy couch show on Fox etc are all flat out partisan hackery.
“That Curvy Couch Show”? You mean “Outnumbered”? It’s become a bit less curvy since Andrea Tantaros left. Meghan McCain doesn’t quite make up for Tantaros leaving.
Outnumbered? That morning show with Kilmead(?) and that dorky white guy. I heard that Ailes would turn off the sound and watch his female anchors on TV when he had to decide whether or not to keep them.
“Outnumbered” is on at noon Eastern. When the property manager who owns the building where I worked had Fox on the caf TVs, I enjoyed perving the women. Fox has four news babes and one guy talking about current events. Kennedy sometimes makes an appearance.
Does she let anybody else speak?
I know this sounds crazy, but for the episodes I saw, she did.
most of the time i can’t stand his show. its retard-baiting. he brings on people and then he throws questions at them that they’re incapable of answering, and so they ignore him and say dumb shit, and then he points out how that’s dumb, and then they yell at one another.
its like someone waving a laser-pointer at a cat and the cat keeps running into a wall trying to catch it. at a certain point you tire of both the stupidity of the cat, and the petty cruelty of the person antagonizing it.
every now and then he has some choice moments, to be fair. he’s a decent guy who should probably be doing something smarter.
I know you’re not a huge fan of his, but the question is: Compared to what? I just rewatched David Friedman and Bob Murphy’s debate at Porcfest. I’d love for those type of discussions to be on TV. That isn’t gonna happen in my lifetime.
I think that’s a fair observation. I should maybe clarify the last news/current events shows on TV that i watched with any regularity were The News Hour (when Jim Leher was still the host) and Charlie Rose. And that stopped ~ 2007. I just don’t watch proper TV much anymore, and hold most of it in pretty low regard.
I’d far rather spend 20-30 mins watching someone being interviewed on The Rubin Report or maybe a Sam Harris podcast, or something similar, than set time aside to watch Fox. If and when i do hear those shows, its usually on the background while i’m doing something else.
Did you see the Blair/Candace “debate” on Rubin? Even that was better and more substantial than MSM programs. There is no excuse for people that get their news from the MSM.
It’s particularly silly for the Left to boast about their erudition because they’re the ones who are trying to stamp out literature and philosophy that hurts their little feelings.
They want to jettison Shakespeare from ENGLISH literature curricula because he’s a white male.
They would scoff at including Hayek or Mises in a political philosophy lesson plans in the grounds that their ideas were just invented to promote white supremacy (an odd thing for some Jewish guys to do, but whatever).
They probably fantasize about burning every Coleridge volume and replacing it with the nonsensical free verse ramblings of a communist gender-queer trans-racial brown body.
Enjoying next to the fire watching the snow come down. Wife having a bourbon which i will be moving to next.
That looks delicious.
Mmmmmm, looks great.
No pics of wifey? Eh? /private unspoken thoughts of The Glibertariat
How’d you know? :O
Next? The wife or the bourbon?
The correct answer on condition of photographic evidence.
Oddside just started distributing to Ohio. I’ve had a couple of their items in the past, all of them have been interesting. I just cracked a bottle of this that I’ve been sitting on since last year.
Zardoz, you got my hopes up with the Gun Holiday Gift Guide.
I’ve been looking for a source of GP90 for my Schmidt-Rubin M1889. I saw the description of Buffalo Arms: “If you’re having a tough time finding ammunition for your western-style, hunting-style, or old military-type firearm, there’s a good chance that Buffalo Arms has it.” Damn, they don’t have it. They have GP11 along with Hornady’s and Prvi Partisan’s equivalent, but not GP90 that I can find.
Been awhile but try
Green Day music video rips off “They Live” to bash Trump
The punk rock band exposes POTUS as a monster in the official clip for the previously unheard “Back in the USA,” which the group shared online Thursday,
Frontman Billie Joe Armstrong initially sees everything in black and white in the video, set in the 1950s and reportedly inspired by John Carpenter’s 1988 sci-fi classic “They Live.”
That’s until Armstrong buys some sunglasses, which give him a full technicolor view of the world. Newspaper headlines, television commercials and posters suddenly take on a sinister new meaning.
After sharing his discovery with bandmates Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool, Armstrong enacts a plan to lift the wool from others citizens’ eyes.
It comes with some scary consequences for viewers as they realize that the American Dream is just a fantasy.
Real deep stuff, that is.
Chortle. Hmmkay, yeah, not for a good while, and even when they were, they sucked. But they did help save Darfur.
I enjoyed the dookie album when it came out. I was about 10 years old though, so there is that.
I did too, and I was in college. There are some good pop songs on there. Never had any interest in later stuff, though.
Dookie was alright. Kerplunk was good. American Idiot is just a worse version of the Descendent’s ‘Merican, and I’m going to guess that this song is just a bad version of Back in the U.S.S.A..
People here are weird. I love KMFDM.
Hell yeah. Didn’t recognize the link as I stopped paying attention to them a couple decades ago. Good track.
I think the Symbols album will forever remain my favorite.
Saw them live maybe 10 years ago, and again maybe 5 years ago, the show 10 years ago was significantly better.
KMFDM is a great band to see. I caught them live a couple years back and it was great. I’d lean towards either WWIII or Angst as my favorite albums.
That is also after my time.
A Drug Against War is my favorite. The video still makes me grin stupidly.
@Nephilium I could never really enjoy WWIII, but Angst is definitely up there.
Rhywun, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that video. Their cover art is always so enthralling, to see it animated was a treat.
Rhywun, not sure if you ever saw this. But there was an Anime Street Fighter 2 movie back in the day that used Ultra as the music. Chun Li vs. Vega.
Not into anime at all, so nope!
They’re much better as the Foxboro Hut Tubs.
About the Progressives’ suggestions to save America article:
Domingo Martinez, a Texas novelist, portrays “gun addiction” as a national “demon” and advocates forcing gun owners to buy insurance (presumably at prohibitive rates) to deter firearm ownership.
Was it Tulpa or Bo from ToS that wanted to mandate gun owners purchase insurance?
“nobody wants to take your guns away”
– fucking lie of the century
I’m still going with “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”.
For last century, I’m going with 1913 and “Income tax will only effect the top 1~2%”.
Not sure, but that sounds like Bo logic.
Eat a dick, Martinez.
A non-Anime theme tonight, HM?
Let’s not be hasty.
*slows way the fuck down*
Sounds 100% like Bo
Tulpa wanted some kind of ludicrous public armory system where you had to go check out your own guns and aren’t allowed to take them home.
That insurance idea has been blowing around for a long time.
It seems to have really taken flight after the ObamaCare insurance mandate SC case.
It isn’t really insurance–it’s a gun penaltax!
my homeowners insurance protects my guns. I think that is good enough.
Oh you silly goose, you need to be held liable if your guns were stolen. It was your fault they weren’t locked up more securely.
Can I get car insurance that will cover if I decide to pull an aloha snackbar move and start mowing down people in the street? There is no such thing. These people are fucking idiots.
Deep thoughts from Amanda Marcotte
Al Franken must go: It’s the right way to help women and protect Democrats
Republicans are eager to claim liberal hypocrisy and a double standard. To defeat them, Franken needs to quit
Every day Franken remains in the Senate as a visible symbol of liberal hypocrisy, Republicans get a free pass to grope, harass and abuse women. Any effort by journalists or Democrats to hold them accountable will be met with, “What about him?” Even misogynist legislation, which Republicans love more than dogs love their owners, will prosper under the Al Franken shield. If Sen. Kristen Gillibrand tries to pass more anti-rape legislation, too bad! Why? Al Franken!
Republicans have been desperately hoping for a Democrat they could point to who has engaged in non-consensual sexual conduct. They’ve been dining out on Bill Clinton for two decades now, even though his actual transgression — not the ones from the fever swamps of right-wing conspiracy theories, but the one for which there is credible evidence — was a consensual affair with an adult woman who, to this day, refuses to play along with right-wing nonsense. It’s thin gruel indeed, but the Franken matter offers them something with a little meat.
The grim fact of the matter is conservatives can’t defend their own values, especially around gender, on the merits. So they’re forced to rely on allegations of liberal hypocrisy as their main rhetorical weapon. That’s why, as Justin Peters recently pointed out on Trumpcast, a large proportion of Fox News programming is based on stories of liberals supposedly failing to live up to their own values. The narrative can be summed up as, “Sure, equality and fairness and justice sound nice and all, but no one can actually live that way.”
If Franken apologizes for his misdeeds and resigns from the Senate, on the other hand, that sends a message that liberals actually do live up to those values — and that other people can, as well. The most immediate effect would be to redirect attention back to Roy Moore’s long and troubling record of sexual misbehavior. The long-term political benefits would be considerable, in that liberals would maintain the moral authority to denounce every Republican, including Trump, who is accused doing something similar.
Still defending Bill in an article about reclaiming the high ground. Idiot.
We should thank Derpetologist. There’s no way I’m going to Salon, much less to read Marcotte.
I would have never heard of marcotte or salon if it weren’t for Mr. Derpy. I don’t know if I should thank him or not.
Franken must look like some quality road pizza, given all of the buses he’s been thrown under.
“C’mon Al, take one for the Team.”
Straight out of the playbook.
“Even misogynist legislation, which Republicans love more than dogs love their owners”
I’m gonna assume this means “voting against legislation that grants gender-based entitlements to women that must be financed with men’s taxes”.
And that isn’t “misogynist legislation” anyway. I honestly have no clue WTF she’s talking about. She really is breathtakingly mendacious.
Behold the glory of confirmation bias:
Against the backdrop of the sexual-abuse scandal that threatens to drive Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore—accused of kissing or groping nine teenage girls—out of the race, I have to recognize a huge double standard in my reactions. I believed Moore’s accusers right away—especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses. I confess: I spent at least 30 minutes looking for proof that Franken didn’t do what he’s accused of. (Then he essentially admitted he did.)
Oh, Joan, honey.
Tweeden describes herself as a “fiscal conservative”, thus she is an unhuman and we need not spare any sympathy for her. Franken’s actions are morally equivalent to groping a table’s leg or dry humping a tree.
At least she’s not an unperson.
Translation: I #believeher when a Republican is accused without evidence, but when the accused is a Democrat and there’s photographic evidence I scour (by millennial standards) the internet for anything to indicate this is one of those cases where she made it up.
At least she admitted her bias here.
Bias disclosure – I wrote the above assuming the author was female without opening the article. Turns out I was right, but my take was still biased in the direction that only a female Democrat feminist could hold such contradictory views.
accused of kissing or groping nine teenage girls
I think it is the conflation of the stories that is so maddening.
From what I can tell, Moore was looking for a mate, not a date. Of the original 4 women, only one accused him of improper behavior/assault. Bit the stories are all, “Moore molested four, no wait, five–no, wait, NINE! He molested Nine Whole Women!”
So, I wonder how these people who claim they would have punched him in the mouth if he had asked their teen daughters for a date would have reacted to another teenager who asked the same daughter for a date? “It’s creepy, because he is so much older than she is!” Dude, he is an already established career man looking for a girl to marry, not some horny teen who wants to pump and dump your daughter.
There’s no upside to believing the guy.
Why take a politician’s word for anything?
I don’t even vote in that state.
Even if he’s telling the truth, why does it matter?
Is it because we want to prove that all men aren’t rapists?
Because we want to prove that not all Republicans are child fondlers?
What’s any of this controversy got to do with me?
Am I supposed to vote for or against Trump in the next election because of this?
It’s like the implications of Roy Moore, either way, are supposed to be obvious, and I don’t see them anywhere.
The precedent of “prove you’re really innocent, you pedophile” is being set in stone.
Indeed. Also, stumbled across this tweet by Dinesh D’Souza that was, interesting.
It’s fucking AMAZING that Trump was elected despite all the allegations against him.
I thought that would lay a lot of this stuff to rest.
Anyone fly R/C? I’m taking my Zivko Edge540 out Tomorrow early, to get some XP. I haven’t flown this year at all, which is sad, but Shit happens. I have a nice fleet of 3d aircraft, that I fly, 3d because everything else is boring. I do own a twin B-25 at a 5 foot WS, but honestly. i’m afraid of wrecking it, but She is ready to go, wish me luck. I need to use the “official” field for my Big planes, which also means I have to fly “official” Lines and in a certain direction, not good for 3D flying, but whatever.
I used to, but never really got off the ground (pun intended). The electronics and engine are sitting in my basement awaiting me having more free time. I had a particularly devastating crash on takeoff when my elevator input flipped, and I haven’t had the time or the inclination to fly since. I’d probably go with an electric next time, at least until I can fly it without smacking into the ground.
i learned for real, on a sim, flying a model of a plane i owned, so when I flew it, it was heaven, and gave me a lot of confidence, critical f you want to fly.
Sounds like you may have developed a Fear of Flying
Are you a Western Flyer?
No, Even though i am a Musician, My flying is actually hard
And fly like this,
And there it is: Boston Globe editorial writer floats idea of seizing weapons from law-abiding citizens
The clear myth behind just about every “common sense” gun control proposal is that no one wants to take away law-abiding citizens guns. Of course, they’d love to take away all the guns if they could, but the best chance they have is to chip away incrementally, whether it be by regulating magazine sizes or keeping it difficult for people to buy suppressors.
David Scharfenberg, editorial writer for the Boston Globe, finally gets around all that in his opinion piece, “Hand over your weapons.”
David Scharfenberg @dscharfGlobe
With no end in sight for America’s gun epidemic, it may be time to consider a radical approach: seizing millions of weapons from law abiding citizens.
Molon Labe Motherfucker.
It’s amazing how 2,000 years later you really can’t improve upon that line. It’s the appropriate response to every tyrant from the first to the last who demands you disarm. It never goes out of style.
“hand over your weapons”
If you want American civil war version 2.0, try it motherfucker. Maybe in your little bubble people don’t care too much about their guns. Come on down south of the Mason-Dixon line. People are a bit different here.
South? Come up here to NH, especially during deer season, and we’ll give you what for.
ok, there are select new England states that value their 2nd amendment rights. The bulk of the states and populations that surround NH have given them up.
Vermont is just as good as NH. Maine and Connecticut are pretty good too. Rhode Island is a quasi-shall issue state, but thank the Mafia for that.
Of course, Mass is the 9th Circle of Hell, but we already knew that.
Damn your nimble fingers.
RE: Rhode Island: I remember back before my shooting hiatus a discussion on a gun board about carry permits. A guy from somewhere in the South commented about restrictions on carry in the Northeast. A guy from Rhode Island commented that if he could get the permit (easier said than done), he could carry anywhere unless the property owner said “No”. Schools, bars, state government buildings. The guy from Rhode Island asked the guy from the South if that was true in his state. The response? “No.”
Also, if we want to get pedantic, last I heard, D.C., home of the worst gun laws outside of Japan, was in the South.
Mass, new York, new jersey. Connecticut is not good, they passed an AWB and magazine limit restrictions after sandy hook.
As I said, “pretty good”. As you probably already know, both DC and Maryland have an assault weapon ban as well.
It’s also stretching it to claim NY and NJ “surround” NH. If we’re doing that, we might as well throw in California too!
point taken. I will rephrase. The major population centers in new England for the most part suck WRT guns more than the major population centers further south. That’s probably the most fair way to say it.
Also, as a southerner, I’m personally ashamed that Maryland and DC are considered part of the south.
Then you know how we feel about Mass.
It’s an urban/rural cultural thing. You can’t generalize based on entire states except in that they vote (D) which is for all sorts of reasons not necessarily related to guns.
Vermont and Maine would like you to visit. You’ve heard of Vermont carry?
Hell, even upstate NY.
Once you get outside the suburbs of the large cities, gun culture is pretty universal. The county-by-county map of the presidential election paints a picture of how well mass disarmament would work.
I grew up in urban Rochester, NY and my (eventual) step-father was a hunter, as was his entire side of the family. Although the gun cabinet didn’t make an appearance until I went to college and they moved to the country just outside Rochester. It wasn’t part of my upbringing but I never internalized the relentless propaganda against it either thank goodness.
But yeah. These types have *no* understanding of the country outside their bubble.
I will just mention that hunters aren’t necessarily the most ardent 2nd amendment supporters. A lot of hunters care about their guns, not so much yours. A lot of hunters would get on board with magazine restrictions, assault weapon bans, carry restriction, etc, as long at the government left their preferred rifles alone.
Interesting point. I never asked him TBH, having no interest in the subject at the time.
I will just mention that hunters aren’t necessarily the most ardent 2nd amendment supporters.
Those types used to be called “Elmer Fudds”.
It is naive how they think people won’t eventually come for theirs too, but you can definitely see the appeal of prog incrementalism as a strategy of rule.
Its enough to make you think Ken Shultz is right about Rand.
My standard argument with Fudds is, After the assault rifles are banned, how long before your scoped .308 is labeled a sniper rifle and banned as well?
It’s better to phrase it as a statement rather than a question. The .308, along with .223, are “high power” calibers. They will never stop with anything having more kinetic energy than a God damn .17 air gun. Don’t. Give. These. Slime. An. Inch.
Version 2.0 will be very different from the original.
hypothetically speaking, I would expect it to be a rural vs. urban affair. That’s where the big political divides currently exist in this country. How it would turn out, I don’t know other than that it would be very bad for all involved.
If you had a literal urban/rural split war, everyone in the cities would die of starvation.
True. That’s how Mao won.
*begins hoarding packets of Ramen*
Uhhh…many areas well north of the Mason-Dixon line will be a little trouble, too.
That won’t end well but is typical of the thinking of Boston area proglodytes.
There will be no end to the piles of dead bodies or blood in the streets.
It always amuses me that Progs believe soldiers and police are mindless Golems who will unquestioningly follow the orders of the urban bureaucrat class. How far does your head need to be up your ass for you to not realize that the people you’re counting on to disarm the yokels are the ones who, in all likelihood, are in uniform because they were the ones who didn’t go on to a 4-year degree after high school. You think Sgt. Joe Schmo is going to side with your ass over his cousins, brothers, and father?
If you liked the War on Drugs you will love the War on Guns!
I think more cops would be okay with it than you think. They have pensions to protect. Soldiers are another story.
That would be true, at first. But when push comes to shove, I think even shitbags in blue aren’t going to side with their paymasters if mass disarmament was attempted.
They are cowards and mass confiscation would be extraordinarily dangerous.
Motherfucker, secede. Create your gun-free police state, I really don’t give a fuck. But the thing about creeps like this is that even if they did create their utopia, they will never be satisfied until the cross-border boogeyman is put down.
That’s the point. It’s not about safety, it’s about control.
Should I have another beer or should I be responsible and stop drinking? Why am I asking this question?
4 pints of beer consumed over 2 hours or so gets me feeling pretty groovy. If I drink more than that, I usually don’t feel so great the next day.
Should I have another sip? Nah, skip it
In the back of the ride and bust with the whippet
DRINK! and Whippetts, and Good Indica, GO!
You should be responsible and have another beer.
You’re right. Kölsch!.
You should have a pint (or four!).
I am drinking many beers, smoking weed, and watching Zardoz for the first time.
May he bestow upon you the gift of the gun.
Damn bro. Have fun with Zardoz.
Have fun with Zardoz. Fun Have fun with Zardoz. Fun with Have zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.with Have zardoz. With With fun Zardoz have.Have zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.Have fHave fun with Zardoz. Fun with Have fun with Zardoz. Fun with Have zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.With fun Zardoz have.Have zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.Have fHave zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.Have fun with Zardoz. Fun with Have zardoz. Have fun with Zardoz. Fun with Have zardoz. With fun Zardoz have.With fun Zardoz Zardoz have.
Nebulous Imperial Ale, so far so good,
sweet but dark, like dark chocolate candy, but not, a Golden color, but it drinks darker
+1 Bob scale
semi OT
I looked at the BeerAdvocate list of the top 250 rated beers and almost all of them were imperial stouts, double IPAs, or porters.
Not sure why no pilsners, lagers, brown ales, or amber made the list.
Because even though they are Good Beers they have a low ABV, so some great beer get missed, IMO
Yusef. Its forced air. The radiator is in my plenum, about 2 feet past my A coil. There is a thermocouple in the water reservoir of the woodburning unit The thermocouple controls a fan and a louvre. when the water temp drops below 170 degrees, the fan kicks on and the louvers open to suppy air to my fire. The mercury switch thermostat I have in my house controls a relay. when my house temp falls below setpoint, a pump kicks to supply hot water from the reservoir to the radiator and turns on the blower for my central HVAC system. It works very well
All of the styles you mention are difficult to judge. If you get an in your face Imperial Stout or IIPA, you can easily tell if you like it. It takes a lot of tasting and having flawed beers to really be able to appreciate a well made subtle beer.
Laws are made by consensus (usually). In that case, popular things will remain legal and unpopular things will be banned, even if they are harmless. Is there a better way? I don’t know what it is.
Cream’s “White Room” came up on Pandora while I poured my latest beer.
My band in college used to cover White Room. We wore yellow fake fur loin cloths, and before we’d go on, we’d have the stage lights turned off. Then we would sneak on stage and hide behind our amps/speakers/drum set. Then our guitar player (The Nooj!) would start the riff; the stage lights would come up, and we’d leap out onto the stage and start playing a very punk rock version of the tune.
Opened our shows for about a year that way. Then switched to the Loco-Motion (including hiding and loin cloths).
Good dumb fun.
Last day in India. Getting stoked for the 15.5 hour Delhi to Newark leg. Pity me while you look at tits.
Can you cut the air with a knife?
YES. Pollution is just crazy, think pea soup thick fog but it’s all toxic sludge. Smells like a combo of burning sewage and car exhaust.
I went on a guided tour of Chinese cities and our guide in Xi’an tried to pass it off as “fog”. We weren’t buying it.
Thats funny.
They say the same thing in India, though I think some people there really don’t understand the difference.
The people and pollution are much nicer in Mumbai. When I was in Delhi it was noticeably worse than elsewhere, but sounds like I got off easy.
It is interesting to walk around a bit, especially outside the nicer parts near the government. Our hotel was on a bit of a back alley (nice place actually). The street was almost clogged with garbage, and there were a few westerners who had stayed too long and looked to be seriously into drugs. But I had the best breakfast… roadside guy made me some parathas that were so oily, but in a good way. Also, really delicious breakfast sandwiches made on a roadside wok.
I think 16 cast a spell on me, definitely the best of the bunch.
I was wondering if you were going to post, so I got ready to pick up the slack for you. I’m going to post what I found anyways. Women in bikinis and guns.
Look at the bright side Q. 15 hour flights give the opportunity to get drunk three times from point A to point B. That was always my strategy.
And 4
I don’t think I’ve ever been so drunk as I got during a train ride from Chicago to NYC. Mostly played cards and shot the shit with strangers in the dining car, until I returned to my seat to pass out somewhere around Syracuse.
ome of the only times I took a Xanax bar and didn’t regret it was on a flight from honolulu to dallas. I took a bar, zonked out and then woke up about 20 minutes before we landed.
Paired a chocolate cake slice with a Left Hand Imperial Coffee Stout, and I have to say, it was delicious.
I think I’ll have another.