Back by (surprisingly) popular demand, but probably on an irregular basis!
My boyfriend has been marketed to: a British honey producer—Rowse Honey—asked their advertising firm for something interesting and challenging and someone came up with selling honey with bears…gay bears, three of them…and porridge. Unlike the BF, my preferences do not begin and end with “is a bear,” but the ads contain three hirsute men of varying beefiness preparing oats, doing yoga, and chopping wood and they’re charming as all get-out. Rowse is available on Amazon, but not with Prime shipping (boo!)
Part of the problem with doing Manly Monday is that I start GISing something topical like “scruffy men in aprons” (hey, it’s Thanksgiving week*) and then have a difficult time finishing the task at hand my post. It’s fun how a simple image search can lead one to #bearnakedchef a web series of Adrian De Berardinis cooking in just an apron (often just over his nethers). *Except in Canada where y’all already blew your Thanksgiving wad
The Bear-Naked Chef Is Heating Up The Kitchen Again #bearnakedchef #bearnaked #nakedbear
— The Erotic Male (@theeroticmale) February 13, 2016
Or that there’s a combination photo/cookbook of Italian bears cooking healthy Italian cuisine (one of whom looks suspiciously like a doctor/former chef I work with).
And then you might stumble on scruffy pizza chef, Daniel Gutter who goes by @Pizza_Gutt on Instagram and makes (wait for it) deep dish pizza in Philly, and was harassed online because his username was too close to #Pizzagate (wtf is wrong with people?)
All that said, I need to kill the GIS window, don a full body hair net and get some cooking of my own done.
First, you big gay hairy bear man thing you.
Not gonna lie, that second pic… if I were gay…. #nohomo.
Too many roids. His organs are enlarged. Well, all of the organs except for the one that counts.
Yeah, the stomach area has that odd look that sometimes comes from overwork.
I’d shave that.
You should ask Q how he, uh, handles your problem.
He does seem surprisingly immune to the charms of his efforts.
#pizza #vegan
Ugh like the disgusting beard wasn’t enough of a turn-off.
It’s more than my preference but not bad. I know people with beards that would ruin your week.
Also there are a few more pics of him and he’s not always beardy, or making vegan pizza.
I don’t mind anything from scruff to short bead. I don’t care for clean-shaven either, TBH. That is sign of high-maintenance that I can do without.
But the lumberjack look is played. Enough already.
Vegetables are what food eats.
^^^ YUP
And you didn’t even see a hint of sausage, did you?
I don’t care what you motherfuckers think, that girl from Disney/Pixar’s Brave grew up mad thicc. I’d buss plaid nuts on those tiddies all day.
Tiddy Tuesday is tomorrow. Or whenever Q shows up.
Tiddy Tuesday needs to happen.
I’m gonna have a hard time pulling of Tiddley Tuesday, there just aren’t enough of these
those are an early entry.
Titties like them can spin a mean spinning wheel. Poetry in motion.
Look at those eyes. They say, “I will chop your nuts off the FIRST time you piss me off”
But the roots give her away as not being a real ginger, so you have a fighting chance to reason with her.
/glad the ginger gene skips a generation
Gingers do tend to lurk in the background! It’s a recessive gene so it pops up unexpectedly sometimes.
I was platinum blonde as a kid, then turned auburn (not “light orange” ginger, but red-brown) in the teens. Later I found a picture of my father’s aunt (or great aunt??) in the 1920s. She had my facial structure, had freckles like me, and was said to have red hair (B&W photo). Weird that I looked like my great aunt so much.
Then again, aside from hair color, my niece looks more like a youthful me than she looks like her mom. Genes are funny things.
I’ve seen those eyes before, hair color is irrelevant here. That’s a destructacunt. She will smash your cell phone, kick you in the nuts and then make up with you just so you can get to feeling everything is okay between the two of you. Then it’s all unspeakable horrors before you know it
Ok, maybe carry a big stick (or firearm) when you try reasoning with her.
HM, Thank you, for once you made my night
Just for once?
Yay! Manly Monday!. Thanks Jesse. I am enjoying Bear Naked Chef.
I’ve actually got some french bread in the mixer right now (I know, by hand is better, but lazy).
Weird euphemism.
He’s going to butter your bread.
As long as he doesn’t slice the baguette.
and Jesse you are cute
You know… speaking of honey, I’ve got to believe with all of the eclectic people we have on this site, we’ve got at least one beekeeper. I’ve been trying to find a good source of reasonable priced honey ever since I started making mead. Anyone?
Put pressure on Philips to release this.
I’m in a suburban area, which has a community of beekeepers, but reaching out through their organization got me zero responses. Listen people, I want to give you money in exchange for the honey you’re already collecting. I looked into what it would take for me to keep them in my backyard, but the girlfriend vetoed that idea (did you know if you set up easily accessible sugars, bees will make honey out of it?).
If I could keep bees, I’d be very tempted to take spent grain from brewing (and leftover wort) and see what that honey came out like.
I keep meaning to get some spent grain from the BF to use as a soaker component for bread. I should remind him of that.
I believe Sloopy used to be a rooftop beekeeper, but he doesn’t like to talk about it unless he’s really drunk.
Well then ask him after Ohio State beats Wisconsin for the B1G title and still misses out on the playoff.
I first read that as something about big titties title.
No need to bring that Packers cheerleader into this.
I believe suthen keeps bees. Also,
You want crazy good mead, find Forest Honey (“Wald Honung” in Swedish). That shit is the bomb.
No idea where to get it cheap though.
I want learn how to do Mead
honey, water, yeast, time.
“i didn’t say stop”
This is agent .in.mb calling for backup. We have highly aberrant behavior, someone actually clicked through on a link.
I might not click on all the links here, but I do try to follow most of them!
Sounds kinky, continue…
I approve of cooking those bears. With beer.
ENB allegedly received this today via DM:
How do I put this….. I DON’T BELIEVE YOU
The only thing of note to me was the Orthodox cross.
what if that was just hyperbole?
one was a DM, the other a public tweet. both calls for assault.
Do all bears have the whole barrel chest thing going on?
Common for the build type, but not compulsory.
I figured bigger was the norm. body builders in general fall into it?
Big + hair
And “big” doesn’t have to be muscles.
Now you’re slipping into the subclade of “muscle bears”
Your “standard” bear is going to look a bit like these fellows or maybe these two.
see, I’m learning a lot.
That was the gayest commercial I’ve ever seen. NTTAWWT
I liked it. turns out even gay sex sells.
I did too. It was funny stuff.
Nice to see this back jesse.
I was gonna make a gay joke,
Butt fuck it.
Butt fuck it.
*Narrows gays*
Well probably not, Thanksgiving and all…
*narrows gaze*
Jesses back?hmmm?
I wish somebody had told me I could become a YouTube star by filming my meal prep routine. Sheesh.
Do you have a beardy camp friend and a beardy muscles friend?
I’m not into the vegan stuff whatsoever. I kill animals and eat them. However, that pizza looks good. I have found over the years that I prefer pizza to be topped with vegetables.
Sliced tomato, banana peppers, spinach, mushrooms, onions, jalapeño tastes better to me than any meat combo.
That pizza looks like I threw up a better pizza into it.
I did not expect pizza bro to be so triggering for you.
I’m probably more picky about my pizzas than my men.
A veggie pizza is indeed good, but one meat alone, along with the veg is damn fine. As long as it is Italian sausage. You like your banana peppers and some like hot Italian sausage.
I like a classic pepperoni.
and real crumbled sausage
Vegetable pizza isn’t really a thing. You’ll note that the example given wasn’t pizza, but that Midwestern tomato casserole. The problem with vegetables on pizza is that vegetables contain large amounts of water. Throwing water onto a what is supposed to be an elegantly crispy pizza crust eventually just turns it into a decomposed mess.
Off topic, but Rand Paul’s facebook linked to a RARE.US editorial entitled “”There should be no red or blue when it comes to condemning sex abuse.”
Forgetting I was on FB and not Glibs, I automatically typed in “What about purple? Everyone knows that the difference between purple and pink is just the grip.”
Fortunately I remembered where I was and didn’t complete the post.
Prolly time for bed.
I think you dodged a bullet.
Please save us liberal arts majors! Thank God we have your Superior intellects to lead us out of this dystopian nightmare.
There’s probably some truth there that the author didn’t really intend. It wasn’t the philistinism of the tech elite that created so many of our current problems, but the utter collapse of the humanities. A humanities that has enshrined identity as its highest value has little to complain about when groups it disfavors embrace identity. A humanities that says all truth is relative and reason is nothing more than a tool of the cis-white-Judeo-Christian-hetero-patriarchy shouldn’t be all that surprised when the authority of its preferred sources is leveled with that of InfoWars and Donald Trump’s contradictions are taken in stride.
They complain, a liberal arts major familiar with works like Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, or even the work of ancient Greek historians, might have been able to recognise much sooner the potential for the ‘tyranny of the majority’ or other disconcerting sociological phenomena that are embedded into the very nature of today’s social media platforms.
Well, who decided that Democracy in America and On Liberty were tools of oppression that needed to be replaced by intersectional feminism and “The Revolutionary Impulse in the Collected Works of Beyonce”?
They argue: While seemingly democratic at a superficial level, a system in which the lack of structure means that all voices carry equal weight, and yet popularity, not experience or intelligence, actually drives influence, is clearly in need of more refinement and thought than it was first given.”
Well, who was it who decided that voices of reason and judgement were illegitimate if they were white males? Who was it who told us that we were to put on equal footings Ludwig van Beethoven and Beethoven’s mom? And that the central figures in history were not the inventors, discoverers or achievers but a fat slovenly illiterate “there oughtta be a law” to compensate for the fact that the world didn’t provide manna from heaven.
The Two Cultures thesis is bunk. A humane and lettered man of the West has always been both a man of science and a man of the humanities. The fault lies with the leadership in the humanities that decided to cast aside reason, intellectual consistency, and a foundation in reality in the name of pursuing a short-term advantage to their ideological preferences. The tech elite simply spent their time studying where there was intellectual value. And the Donald Trumps of the world simply step into the void, wandering aimlessly in a world where half of man’s mind has been damned to oblivion.
Good points
Wherein I reply to a reply within Iowahawk’s tweets and don’t realize until later who I’m replying to.
Awwwww yeah. Love the 3 Bears. Not so keen on Pizza Gutt or Bear Naked Chef.
<— Bemused