Various contributors came together to make this submission happen. Thanks, guys!
From R C Dean
Not sure what the name of this one is, but the maple syrup makes it very autumnal.
3 oz. Rye (or bourbon – I prefer rye for just about any cocktail)
3/4 oz. Orange Juice
1/3 oz. Lemon Juice
3/4 oz Dark Maple Syrup
4 – 6 dashes bitters (Angostura works, but I also like Woodford Reserve Bourbon Barrel)
Seltzer (couple ounces)
Orange garnish (optional)
I originally saw this “stirred, not shaken”. In my experience, you may not get the maple syrup to fully dissolve by stirring, so I prefer to make this one in my trusty shaker (also, drinks with citrus are classically shaken). The RC Dean method is to put everything but the seltzer and garnish in a shaker, pour over ice, top with seltzer and garnish. Protip: if you add the seltzer to the shaker, you will get a spectacular mess, so don’t do that.
From Nephilium
So here’s a recipe (modified from an issue of BeerAdvocate) I’ll be doing for a dessert this year:
Pumpkin Imperial Stout Tiramisu
1 pint heavy whipping cream
½ tsp cinnamon
Âź tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp clove
Âź cup Dry Malt Extract
1 cup pumpkin puree
2 cup mascarpone cheese
24 oz Rasputin Imperial Stout (or any other good Russian Imperial Stout)
3 packages ladyfinger cookies
1 cup Simpsons Special Dark Roast Malt, ground to a powder
cinnamon, ground
powdered sugar
Notes: DME and Simpsons Special Dark Roast can be acquired at your local homebrew store. Otherwise you can substitute ovaltine for the DME, and cocoa powder for the Special Dark Roast
In a medium bowl, add cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and DME. Mix this until soft peaks form, then set aside. In a different bowl, mix together the pumpkin and the mascarpone until fully combined. Fold the pumpkin mixture into the spiced whipped cream until blended (some streaks are fine), and then set aside.
Pour the stout into a shallow bowl or a pie plate. Select your serving container (I usually use a 13 x 9 pan, but you can use whatever size you wish). Then you begin the assembly of the tiramisu. Dip ladyfingers into the stout for 10 seconds, then flip them, and let them sit for 10 seconds again. Then place the ladyfingers into your serving container until you have a single layer. Then take a third of the pumpkin cream filling and distribute it over the ladyfingers. Dust with malt powder, then add another layer of soaked ladyfingers. Top the second layer with pumpkin cream and then garnish with malt powder, some cinnamon, and powdered sugar. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.
If you use a smaller container, you can go to three layers of each, or even four. Do what you want, it’s your dessert.
From DblEagle
Dozen egg yolks (reserve the whites for something else)
1 lb sugar
1 pint half and half
1 pint heavy cream
1 pint whole milk
1 cup rum
1 cup cognac
1 cup bourbon
1 teaspoon nutmeg (freshly grated is best)
1/4 teaspoon (((kosher))) salt
-Beat egg yolks, sugar and nutmeg until falls off a whisk in a smooth ribbon
-Combine the dairy, booze and salt in different container
– Slowly beat the booze mixture into the egg mixture
-Store in glass container(s) for 2 weeks to 2 months* in refrigerator
Serve in glasses with nutmeg (fresh is best) garnish
* You can (and I have) drink immediately but the aging time enables the tastes to smoothly combine
How to Roast a Whole Turkey with Playa Manhattan:
Don’t. Â Â White meat is well done at 165F. Â Â Dark meat is well done at 185F. Â Â Whenever possible, roast the crown separately from the legs and thighs, otherwise, part of your turkey is going to be overcooked.
For presentation purposes, if you feel that you must serve the bird whole, there is a workaround:  plumping.   Inject the breasts with enough flavorful liquid to slow down the temperature rise in the white meat.    In addition to a 3 day soak in my brown sugar orange/lemon brine, I inject about 6 ounces into each breast before cooking.  If you like a more natural, plain turkey flavor, I suggest using an injectable called “Make it Meaty”; it’s quite possibly the most perfect plumping solution I’ve ever come across.    As an added bonus, it contains sodium phosphates, which will cause the meat proteins to absorb even more liquid than if you just used a plain salt/sugar brine.   You can find the mix on Amazon here.  There’s nothing worse than dry turkey, so do what needs to be done, even if you consider it cheating.   Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
From Old Man With Candy: What We’ll Be Drinking:
SP and I regard Thanksgiving as an excuse for gluttony. At the same time, we realize that vegetarian gluttony may not suit everyone, but in our defense, “vegetarian” does not mean “healthy” or “low fat” or “devoid of flavor.” In recognition of this, rather than spilling our vegetarian recipes (which will be made by exactly zero people here), we’ll talk about the bottles that can grace the tables and lure you into a delightful sense of drunkenness. These may be a bit of a splurge, but hey, holidays deserve better than Beringer White Zinfandel.
I admit that I’ve never eaten turkey, but I am told that rosĂŠ pairs well. In which case, you owe it to yourself to scarf up a bottle of Francois Cotat Sancerre RosĂŠ, made from Pinot Noir grown in the Loire Valley. Current vintage is 2016, and you can’t go wrong. Unlike most other rosĂŠs, the Cotat is actually ageable, so if you find an older specimen, it will be very much worth buying. For a red, I like to be patriotic and drink domestic on T-day, and one of the very few California wineries that has avoided the blowtorch oak-bomb style of Zinfandel is Dashe. Their “L’Enfant Terrible” series (or variously, Les Enfants Terribles, depending on the bottling), made from various vineyards, is a don’t-miss. Natural winemaking: native yeast, no enzyme or flavoring packages, restrained oaking. Pure essence of fruit and soil. For whites, we can actually go cheap and grab some Seyval Blance from New York’s Finger Lakes- we have some Bully Hill in stock, which is very good, very inexpensive, and very reliable. If you want to get fancy, grab some Riesling from Michigan, like the wonderful Chateau Grand Traverse Block 12. And while you’re buying it, grab a bottle of their Late Harvest Riesling for dessert. Not “with dessert,” mind you, FOR dessert, preferably served with a fine quality Wisconsin cheddar. If you are having a chocolate dessert, run, do not walk, to a good wine shop to snarf a bottle of Dr. Parce Banyuls. You’re welcome.
Wherein SP cheerfully ignores OMWC’s comment above about not sharing our recipes
SP’s Easy Dinner Rolls – Vegan (or Not) – serves 8-12 (or SP & OMWC)
(Use the ingredients in the parentheses for Not Vegan)
2 tbsp white sugar (or honey)
1/2 tsp salt
1 2-1/4 tsp packet rapid-rise yeast
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, give or take – divided
1/2 cup unsweetened plain almond milk (or regular milk)
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp margarine, and a bit more for finishing (or butter)
With a small whisk, combine the sugar, salt, yeast and 1 cup of flour in a small bowl.
In a microwave safe bowl or measuring cup, heat milk, water, and margarine or butter to about 105F (41C). If it’s too hot, let it cool a bit before using.
Place the dry ingredients into the bowl of a food processor or stand mixer. With the machine running, pour in the liquid ingredients. Process or mix for 2 minutes or so. Scrape the bowl sides, add 1/2 cup more flour and beat or process until a soft dough forms, about 2 more minutes. The dough will be sticky, but should loosely hold its shape.
If the dough is too soft, mix in the rest of the flour a tablespoon at a time until the dough is still soft but holds shape. Turn the dough out and let it rest on a floured surface, covered, for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, grease an 8-inch round cake pan. An actual 8-inch pan, not man “8-inches.”
Divide the dough into 8-12 pieces and shape into rounds. (I am a little compulsive, so I weigh the dough to have rolls of the same size at the end.) Place the shaped rolls in the greased cake pan, cover and let rise until doubled, about 45 minutes.
While the rolls are rising, preheat the oven to 375F.
Bake the rolls for 20 minutes or until nicely browned. If you wish, brush the top of the rolls with a little melted margarine or butter. Serve pretty close to immediately.
And you thought you couldn’t bake yeast breads from scratch!
My family found out I wouldn’t be showing up to Thanksgiving with artichoke dip* and fresh baked bread this year and an aunt has dropped her normal provisioning in favor of hanger-management an appetizer. *A chef friend asked me not to share her recipe, this is will get you close enough though. For the past two years I’ve been making extra batches for the BF’s family’s Thanksgiving which I was invited to and it has been strongly hinted that I should continue the tradition and perhaps bring my Aunt Sheryl’s (PBUH) apple pie. I know everyone has their favorite apple pie recipe, but this one is better and I’ll consider disagreement an act of aggression.
Aunt Sheryl’s Dutch Apple Pie
2/3 cup sugar
2Tbsp all purpose flour
žtsp cinnamon
½ fresh lemon
6-8 tart (Granny Smith) apples pared, cored, and sliced (equaling 6 cups)
Combine first three ingredients. Put apples in crust, sprinkle dry mix over apples then squeeze ½ lemon over them (can be left for up to 24 hours in the fridge for more flavor).
Crumb Topping
½ cup flour
Âź cup sugar
Âź cup butter
Combine flour and sugar, cut in butter until crumbly. Sprinkle on top of apples.
Bake at 400 for 45-50 minutes
Why is honey vegan, but not milk?
Whoops, I misread the comment.
But I was still first.
At least I didn’t get cat-butted. đ
Honey comes from plants.
Hope that helps.
But… the bees enact the labor…
Slave bees. An apiary is a plantation economy.
If only we could make bees about the size of a football, stick them in a ring and make them fight each other to the death with spurs on each of their legs.
AI robot killer bees
They might actually be called slave bees. I don’t know; I’m not in charge.
Honey isn’t vegan, according to some tiresome people I know.
An actual 8-inch pan, not man â8-inches.â
How do “man” inches compare to Internet inches, “girl” inches, and Porn inches?
This pan is cold.
“girl inches” < âmanâ inches < "Internet inches" < "Porn inches"
Why are women bad at math? Because all their lives they’ve been told that this (holds fingers 3 inches apart) is 6 inches.
I laughed.
Shh. The metric people will get uppity.
I had to explain internet inches to someone on Grindr once. It’s appalling that kids don’t learn basic real life math in schools these days.
Don’t tell me he was telling the truth?
I have no idea. I’d clarified that I was using ruler inches not internet inches and he was confused. There was discussion of the concept and by the time I’d been talking to him I’d found out that he was timidly testing the waters of homosexuality while presenting himself as a devout Christian really into some prosperity gospel Joel Osteen nonsense and he was looking for someone…less experienced to dabble with.
Fun fact: Being a fan of Joel Osteen is apparently a major turn off for me, so it worked out kinda well.
*heads for the hills*
Ok, I’ll ask. How many mm to the the internet inch?
Everyone on the internet is 18-23cm
Those are really small breast sizes. Oh, never mind.
Whew, dodged that bullet.
Hey, it could happened to anyone . . . With several ounces of booze already onboard.
I didn’t think people needed recipes for most of the Thanksgiving side dishes. Potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and macaroni and cheese are all pretty basic and flexible. Of course, as I type this, I realize that if anyone in my family has gone back to vegetarianism, they’ll have very limited options this year.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with instant mashed potatoes.
Work smarter, not harder.
I boil mine on the stovetop while the turkey is nearly done. Then I drain them and toss the potatoes into the stand mixer with butter, roasted garlic powder, salt, and pepper. While the turkey is resting, the twice baked potatoes, mac and cheese, and stuffing go in to bake.
I can’t even.
Idaho’s Best, Buttery Homestyle.
To that, add chives, minced bacon, and roasted garlic.
You’re welcome.
I used to be with you but after making the real thing a few times I won’t go back. There is no comparison.
If I did a blind taste test for you, I guarantee that you’d bat under .500.
I’ve won this bet 4 times in a row.
I like mine lumpy. Good luck with that.
Idaho’s Best Baby Reds.
There’s something for everybody.
Heh, I’ve had that. Not bad. Instant does have one big plus – sometimes I like them thicker than real can do.
sometimes I like them thicker than real can do.
These euphemisms.
I bet you’re guests were just polite enough not to tell you the potatoes were shit. That’s different from not realizing they are shit.
they fucking rule for easy addons
Mmmm, 5 cheese instant mashed potatoes.
Well! I never…
*hides 6.5 inch pan*
It was… uh…. in the freezer.
Wifey is making a chicken. I don’t know details. Last year we had duck. Neither of us like turkey. So, wifey will be cooking up a chicken and I’ll be a drankin, beer and bourbon, ye shitlords.
“Neither of us like turkey”
Da fuck? Turkey tastes like savory chicken.
This guy gets it.
You two and UnCivilServant should form a supper club.
Meats Ranked
1 Pig
2 Cow
3 Lamb
4 Chicken
5 Sea meat
6 Turkey
Didn’t even get #1 right.
#1 has to be cow. The prime cuts off a cow are the best meat in existence.
Best steak I ever had in my life was elk. Thoughts?
You cray cray
Oh yes Elk is tasty, I should have stipulated common* meats.
And I stand by Pig, yes Cow has some quality cuts, but overall you can’t beat Pig, nevery part is delicious and without peer in the meats world. Turkey is the white people of holiday feast meats, Pig is the exact opposite of that.
No common game animals in that list…
Deer, rabbit, and wild turkey.
Elk, Moose and squirrel.
Pheasant, duck, and quail.
And sea meat is the tofurkey of all meats.
Putting turkey below sea meat on the list means you’ve never had good turkey
Best critter (domestic): Pig.
Best cut: Aged NY strip.
My rule for BBQ places. They should have a smiling caricature of their signature food. If they can’t even do that, then they’re just half assing it.
Wild Turkey
Fluke. Dry-aged ribeye for me.
Yep. Bone in tomahawk.
I have yet to try venison. My cousin used to freeze and barbeque his kills all the time.
OT: This is too fun not to share.
Guess the English musicians:
Answers here.
Great article and good on Punk, the Libertarians of Rock
Huh. 0 for 3. That said, I wasn’t too surprised with a couple of them, as they are both contrarian.
How to roast a turkey: Don’t. Go buy beef or lamb instead.
I’m doing a 5 bone prime rib too. It might be a little much, since my brother and his wife just had their first baby today and won’t be attending.
Prime rib is delicious.
I’ve never done my own turkey but I’ve honestly never had any complaints when my mom or various friends did it.
My mom’s turkey was always dry enough that you didn’t cut it as much as grate pieces of it off. There’s a reason me and my sister both taught ourselves to cook good food once we moved out.
That’s why my advice is not so much a public service as it is the Word of GOD.
My dad doesn’t like lamb.
I’ve had a decade long “hey let’s have a ham at thanksgiving” conversation with my extended family which was mocked, then accepted and then a well defended tradition. Apparently it just required something better than honey baked to win people over.
Mom did it a couple times. It was great.
We’ve probably had ham for thanskgiving about 50% of our 10 year marriage. Turkey once, first year. Wifey is pretty artistic with the ham, it’s always good.
We grill ribs, I wouldn’t change it for the world
I have to work tomorrow night. Me and three others guys are going to be the only people in the plant. We are basically doing a firewatch, making a few rounds around th place every few hours to make sure nothing is burning down and no major lines fail. We are dragging a grill into work tomorrow night and cooking ribs. It should be good.
That and we are going to have an entire steel mill to ourselves. Should be an interesting night.
Sounds great, especially for a work day.
“Everybody dance now!”
The yutes might not get that. We work hard, we play hard!!!!
“We are basically doing a firewatch” plus “We are dragging a grill into work tomorrow night” equals a good story, I hope.
Yeah, right? That sounds better than any recent day at my job.
It will be a good night. 12 hours of very little to do, 3 guys I like, good food, and double time and half for a holiday worked. I can’t complain.
Plus a dance party may break out.
We have always done a ham in my family. It’s more important than the turkey.
I don’t know if it’s a national brand, but a Petit Jean Spiral cut ham is absolutely amazing with little effort from yourself.
My mom does both a ham and a turkey. You can have it all, this is America, dammit.
As long as that spiral cut ham comes from the mall.
I don’t have ham cooking facilities here.
Manhattan Meats?
I’m not made of $100 bills.
If you are roasting a turkey, you MUST brine it.
This is a good one.
Keeps the bird much moister.
Smoking and frying are also delicious answers.
Maximator for tonight.
I’ve decided to make room in the fridge by drinking some of the aged beers that probably shouldn’t be served to people who need to drive home. Next on the docket is Old Horizontal from 2014, of which I picked up a case earlier this year at $5 a bomber.
That looks good.
It’s quite good, and a steal at that price. There are times when I love sales at stores that stock good beer, but don’t have a guy there who knows what will last. FFS, the label on this beer even has a Enjoy By stamp for 2019. The sad thing is when they try to clearance out year old IPA’s…
That Victory company has some great ones, just Finished Santa’s Little Helper I Stout, ohh Fuck
Always something new. Do you have any regulars?
Not so much anymore. It used to be Yuengling products (lager, Black and Tan, porter). I still drink Yuengling occasionally.
My local grocery only carries a few good ones, so… I’m pretty much forced to rotate between Ballast Point, Lagunitas, and Stone.
I’ll only get to a specialty store very occasionally.
Anchor just came out with a good IPA (disclaimer, I tend to like pale ales and not overpowering IPAs) called Liberty IPA. One of my all time favs is the original Anchor Liberty the first modern IPA brewed in America. It really is more like a hoppy pale ale though in comparison to the usual hoperific stuffthat most breweries come out with.
Wow, I figured your local grocery stores would be better. Even the chain stores in my neck of the woods have Bells, Founders, Stone, Great Lakes, Fat Heads, Platform, Brooklyn, Sixpoint, Oskar Blues, Brewdog, Troegs, Southern Tier, Flying Dog, Thirsty Dog, and several others. And that’s not counting the breweries owned by big beer (Elysian, 10 Barrel, Lagunitas, etc.)
Ralph’s/Kroger. There’s better beer a few blocks away, but…. ain’t nobody got time for that.
Suck it up man, Bevmo can’t be more than 10 minutes away, you’re only issue is what to buy when you get there.

What to Buy, Edit Faerie!!!
If Cleveland is anything like Buffalo/Rochester you probably have better supermarkets than 90% of the country.
The chains we have in my area are Giant Eagle (based out of Pittsburgh), Heinen’s (local chain focused on upper scale food/organic), Aldi’s, Earthfare (Whole Food’s clone), and Whole Foods. If I go out of my way, I can get to a couple of Trader Joe’s, Dave’s, or the West Side Market. Depending on the area there are some strange blind spots, there’s two Giant Eagle’s within 10 minutes of my house. One of them does not carry chorizo, and I have no idea why.
I also live about 15 minutes out from actual farm country, so there’s a plethora of road side stands I can partake in if I want produce.
Damn you Danny Wegman, hustle your westward expansion!
Jesse: Wegman’s has to make it through Ohio first. Although, I’d be willing to trade Wegman’s coming here for Russian River distributing to Ohio. They already passed us over, and distribute to Pennsylvania.
We’re getting a Wegman’s in Brooklyn but it’s out of the way.
The big problem in my neighborhood is there’s no big buildings to put a real supermarket in. Even Manhattan has better supermarkets than my part of Brooklyn.
Stater Bros. is that way
I can think of worse offerings
Right now in my fridge, I have the remains of several six packs. That Maximator came from a six pack, and I might have a bottle or two left of it. There are enough bottles of Hacker-Pschor’s Original Oktoberfest for a MaĂ. I have several bottles of Free Will’s and Gaffel’s KĂślsch. And a couple others like them. I’ve taken advantage of the fact that in NH specialty beer shops generally sell singles as well as four or six packs.
I’m probably late to the party but WT%#$@#@F Liverpool? Fuck.
I was wondering if any of our LFC fans are ready to give Klopp the boot.
I was just watching Fox’s six-games-at-once show so there was too much going on to figure out who to pin the blame on especially since I deleted it in disgust at the end. Usually you can blame Lovren but was he even playing?
Fucking Sevilla. They’re just going to go and win the Europa league anyway.
Liverpool? I hear they have the best tape monkeys.
So i use a modification of Gordon Ramsay’s Christmas Turkey recipe.
I make a butter mix out of some chevre and butter, add in some fresh herbs, garlic and rosemary.
I put that on the skin and and between the skin and the meat. I then stuff the cavity with lemons, garlic and onions along with any leftover herbs.
I bake it with a whole package of bacon on top, basting a couple times while it cooks.
Everything is better with bacon. keeps it from getting as dry, and when you carve it you have crispy bacon mixed with crispy turkey skin flavored by bacon.
You ever wonder what a turkey tastes like baked…..with WEED?
I have considered using some weed butter to make one. And I think the flavor might go with it, but the friendsgiving we do, we have a couple of folks who can’t/don’t partake. But to use enough butter, it would probably get you H.A.F. Esp. if you also made some gravy out of the drippins.
Unless you have really awesome relatives, friendsgiving is a much cooler affair.
My family is really cool, actually, but yeah. Someone usually gets tied up like the turkey at friendsgiving.
Go on…
I wouldn’t want to endanger our family friendly rating.
O.T.: Tapper seems like a pretty decent dude with a good head on his shoulders:
“I read the thread. You said âif some innocent men’s reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.â Thatâs immoral. And itâs not a price *you* would be paying, btw. It would be innocent men doing that.”
Don’t any of you do keto?
m y Wife is doing her last Ketamine infusion, is that what you mean?
Is he hung?
Vox accidentally tells the truth.
Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of sexual harassment charges â about 80 percent â come from women, though the data show men experience workplace sexual harassment as well.
The accommodation and food services industry, which includes restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and other hospitality establishments, accounted for 14.2 percent of sexual harassment claims filed to the EEOC from 2005 to 2015. The retail industry accounted for an additional 13.4 percent of claims.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the accommodation and food services industry accounts for about 7.2 percent of the total workforce, and retail about 10.9 percent.
Many of the jobs in both sectors are lower-paying and occupied predominantly by women.
EEOC Claims are not evidence of sexual harassment.
Yep. They’re often evidence that the cost to settle is less than the cost to go to trial.
the best part of the article is the Canadian flag parody
TORONTOâPity Canada. Its citizens watch the stages of U.S. decline and then, a few years later, inflict on themselves the same cruelties. It is as if the snuffing out of democracy across the globe and the rise of authoritarian regimes are a preordained Greek tragedy and all of us, in spite of our yearning for liberty, must ominously play an assigned part.
Canada is currently in the Barack Obama phase of self-immolation. Its prime minister, Justin Trudeau, isâas Obama wasâa fresh face with no real political past or established beliefs, a brand. Trudeau excels, like Obama, French President Emmanuel Macron, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in empty symbolism. These âmoderatesâ spew progressive and inclusive rhetoric while facilitating social inequality, a loss of rights and the degradation of the environment by global corporations. They are actors in skillfully crafted corporate advertisements.
Smug elitist peddling bullshit is smug. Jesus how do you do it.
Because they are better than you, they are self described TOP. MEN.
One of the benefits of of a Harvard Law degree is nobody can out-credential you or play a Top Man card on you. It shuts down anyone who would even try. The best is when they don’t know until too late.
If only I could put Chris Hedges, Thom Hartmann, and James Howard Kunstler in the same room at once. That would surely create Critical Derp.
Heh, I used to like Kunstler way back in the day but I got better.
USDA Grade A Premium Derp
Germany? No mass killings? Sure. Famous pacifists, those Germans.
Going to watch Zardoz for the Second time, wish me luck
Well that took about 2 minutes, as soon as i saw the Flying head, I laughed and closed the movie
I’ve never made it more than halfway through. I should probably start it earlier than 2am or so.
Would being high help? or not?
Problem: not enough banks
Jacobin’s Solution: create a govt banking monopoly in the style of the postal service
Bluff, New Zealand is the southernmost inhabited city in the Eastern Hemisphere. The post office there looks over the Foveaux Strait â if you were to sail south from the harbor, the next landmass youâd encounter would be Antarctica. Fewer than two thousand people live in Bluff, but any one of them can walk into the post office and cash a check or apply for a loan. Residents may be at the edge of the world, but thanks to the state-owned postal banking entity, Kiwibank, they still have access to basic financial services.
Meanwhile, the United States is riddled with what are called banking deserts â inhabited areas, many of them urban, where residents have no access to a bank. The problem got worse in the aftermath of the recession, when traditional banks started closing branches in low-income neighborhoods around the country. Many cash-strapped Americans were forced to turn to âalternative financial servicesâ â that is, predatory payday lending and check-cashing operations, which offer small-dollar loans in a pinch. Known for hidden fees and exorbitant interest rates, these businesses donât provide basic services like checking and savings accounts. Theyâre not banks, theyâre shark tanks.
One in four US households is unbanked or underbanked, meaning theyâre fully or partially boxed out of traditional financial services. Those 68 million people represent a growing market for payday loan sharks, and spend an average of 10 percent of their yearly income on the high interest and fees that go with alternative financial services â roughly the same proportion they spend on food.
Traditional banks show no signs of returning to the areas they abandoned during the recession. But thereâs a collective solution to the banking desert: we could set up a public postal banking system like New Zealandâs. After all, weâve done it before.
If you know anything about money, I do not recommend reading further.
Do you ever “On Topic”, bro?
Maybe a joke about the DFAC or such?
P Brooks doesn’t thread; I don’t stay on topic.
*wanders off*
I just figure Derpetologist is one of those guys wandering on the street corner with the sandwich board sign saying: “The End is Near!”
It’s the only Lovecraftian explanation that keeps him in the realm of mortals.
“The Derp Is Here!”
The author should maybe ask a few people in the “banking deserts” what they think about banks
That piece, and the last time postal banking came up on H&R, leaves me with the same fundamental question: “what is the point?” You can already buy savings bonds from the Treasury.
Video from the last Glibertarians meetup.
Should we start the drinking now, even though I have to go to work tomorrow?
Yeah, they need to see their boss totally hungover. It will give them stories to tell.
Actual menu here for T-day: arugula salad with tomato and fresh mozzarella, celeriac gratin, mushroom crepes (morels and trumpet mushrooms), jesse’s apple pie, SP’s pumpkin pie,
Oh, I forgot- SP is also making ciabatta.
Your illustration has captured the interest of my penis.
Hey! The turkey is here!
Oh I bet this tastes good. I bet parsnips gratin would be tasty as well. What cheese will you be using?
I’m strongly considering adding a [rehydrated] porcini – caramelised shallot – gruyere quiche to my spread since I could make that ahead of time on Wednesday. Might also swap out my plans for maize polenta over a wooden board for chestnut polenta if I can find chestnut flour. It’s more interesting.
Raclette. It melts super well and a nice funky one really plays well with a good wine.
Have you tried garbanzo flour? Super cheap at Indian groceries, has a really nice flavor, and when you make a socca from it, it is a great base for things like the porcini/shallot/gruyere.
No, never, my experience with legume flour is unfortunately very limited…really the only thing that comes to mind is having use idli flour for dosa. Now I’m going to have to make socca soon, it looks really delicious. Thanks!
I think I might make dosa next week on my lefse/injera griddle, to counteract the heaviness of Thanksgiving.
I love making socca- I have a few variations which parallel fritatta, and it’s suitable for the vegan daughter.
Wait, what? No Jewsday?!
Every day is Jewsday in our house.
Preview of the next one: the Maccabees were basically the Taliban.
*Shocked face*
The important question is how would they feel about their brand being conflated with a capella and homosexuality? (but I repeat myself)
Hey, I need to see you up here on the rooftop.
Are…are we base jumping or something?
Ughhhh that is heinous.
Look at the anti-semite over here!
Not today. Next year’s company calendar came out and we’re getting eight (8!) more (((holidays))) than last year.
I’m not sure I get 8 gentile holidays off in a year. This is bullshit!
My Hindu coworker came over today to inform me. He was all smiles.
From time to time, I find a real humdinger of derp. Enjoy:
See, I agree with the guy in some aspects but that’s *me*. I no longer give a shit what other people want.
I didn’t watch it but you don’t make a city, they make themselves. They evolve from a small point outward. If I were designing a city I would have entertainment and parks central instead and have larger businesses around an outerbelt or maybe several outerbelts connected by horizontal, verticle, and diagonal connectors. This seems to me like it would help alleviate traffic and would also make any sort of bus/shuttle service more efficient. These efficiencies (if they really would be, I’m just guessing) would only work once the city reached a fairly large size. Up to that point, it would be rather pointless.
Sometimes, I want to bash these self-appointed central planning experts over the head with hardcover copy of Herbert Spencer’s First Principles until they understand that cities are organic growths, not constructs.
Jesus Christ! In addition to being one of the most pretentious things I have seen an a long while, it enrages me that the narrator speaks of “people” as if we all had universally-shared aesthetic preferences.
Too bad East Germany doesn’t exist any more. They were the perfect country for a while there.
Oh nuts, that was meant for your second link with the same dude narrating.
SP those sound great.
I won’t!
but they do look like something I can do, and my family will like them.
Thanks, Doom. They are truly simple and delicious.
I’m all about the rolls. My oldest daughter is Vegan so we’ll have to give those a shot.
My oldest daughter is also vegan (webdominatrix), and she would eat the entire pan if we didnât insist she share. You can sub a little whole wheat flour with no repercussions, too.
Raston Bot and I would prefer them burned, if it’s not too much trouble.
Sounds good. My daughter loves to cook, so she is all about finding new recipes. I emailed the recipe to my wife. She’s off tomorrow prepping stuff. I think the only thing we might be out of is the Almond Milk.
Hey Nephilium, have you tried that Tiramisu with a Pumking Imperial Ale or a Warlock Imperial Stout or the like?
I have not, but I’m not a fan of most pumpkin beers, and appreciate the contrast of roast/coffee with the spiced pumpkin filling. It’s a really simple base recipe that you can twist and mutate to anything you desire. I would recommend against going with anything over ~10% for the liquid you’ll soak the ladyfingers in though… one of my only desserts that was basically tossed I tried to do a variant on this with tropical fruit puree (mango, papaya, banana) in place of the pumpkin. Following this thought, I figured rum would work well with all of the tropical fruit, and don’t most tropical drinks have rum in them already? The ladyfingers soaked up nearly a full bottle of dark rum, and I wound up with a nearly inedible dessert that each bite tasted like a shot of dark rum.
I like Pumking. I could see how that “coffee” taste would work with that thoough. Well, the fruit version was worth a try:) I love rum.
Might have to try that Rye Whisky cocktail. I had some Bulleit Rye a while back. I wasn’t sure about Rye, I was concerned it would be harsh, but I actually liked it quite a bit.
I’m mixing with Bulleit these days.
I tried to pick one that had ingredients people would likely have. I’ve got cranberry bitters – I’ll have to give that a go.
All these recipes look killer. Iâm going to try them all in the next couple weeks. Thanks, everyone!
I love egg nog. I am definitely mixing up a batch of DblEagleâs Aged Egg Nog. Will be ready just in time for Christmas.
I love egg nog.
SP continues to show off her superlative taste.
My wife bought me a quart from the store. I really need to whip up some homemade though.
One year I made the mistake of getting âhealthierâ lower fat commercial stuff. Undrinkable.
Get outta my head.
I made advocaat this year, the booziness was too harsh (or I didn’t let it cure enough…unsure). I’ve got a friend’s family recipe to try once Thanksgiving is over.
Oh I bet, the fat is what makes it:)
Well, here it is. The bottom of the abyss.
This is by far one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen.
I watched some of it with the sound off, and I just noticed that the aesthetic of that style of animation is irritating.
Regarding the turkeys: I will be doing one on the rotisserie and one on the Weber. An ice bag on the breasts works beautifully to slow down the temp so as to finish the light and dark meat together. I will spatchcock the one on the Weber, keeping the breast meat away from the direct heat.
Both will be dry-brined and naked for the final 24 hours. The skin will be crispy, the meat will be tender and I will be buzzed.
I love Thanksgiving.
Sounds delicious. we’ve never done one on the bbq. We finished the shopping today for some of the sides and extras.
and beer.
It’s nice to keep the oven available for all the other stuff. My Napolean grill has a nice infrared rear burner for the rotisserie so you can control the browning of the skin.
Nice to be home with your people, isn’t it?
last year my roommates and I managed to cook a turkey. it went pretty well, considering.
then we ate a bunch of stuffing. compared to home, it was terrible.
One method I use to keep the breast moist is to put many whole cranberries in the stuffing. As they heat and pop they provide moisture to rise into the breast meat. I also brush the breast area with olive oil several times while cooking which probably contributes as well.
An ice bag on the breasts…
…makes the button pop up.
Q will be by shortly with pics.
Yes, Thanksgiving was the big holiday in my family. We have a huge family and everyone went to my grandmotherâs house. It was perfect. So many from all three generations are gone now. I really miss those days.
Yeah, I’ve kind of taken over since the grandparents are gone. Looks like 33-36 for us!!
Phew… I don’t have seating available for that many people in my house. Thankfully the girlfriend’s family is small, and I’ve just got my parents and a sister (who’s married with three kids).
Our grandmother used to do a whole big thing back in the day, when all of the cousins and such would be dragged out. But as she got older, she couldn’t keep it up, and no one in the extended family wanted to take up that mantle. As one of the younger cousins, I don’t feel it was too big of a loss (how close can you really be to a cousin you see maybe three times a year who’s 20 years older then you?).
Lol. I rent tables and chairs for the occasion. I fully acknowledge it’s kind of stupid, but I know my gramps would dig it and the food is gonna be amazing.
Especially with the iced nipples!
If you enjoy it, it’s always worth it.
Oddly the grandparents weren’t the driving force of the massive thanksgivings my family does, The aunts and uncles all cook better and are fairly close knit. But we do ours potluck style because there are so many people. Most of the aunt/uncle tier adults bring a few major sides or a protein (2-3 turkeys, maybe a roast or ham), the older cousins do most of the rest. Sheryl used to do enough pies that there’d be enough for eating and enough for the major clans (and me, I buttered her up for a decade to get my own pie early) would get a pie to go…I think she was making 16-20 every Christmas and Thanksgiving before she passed.
It was still a lot of work, but not as soul crushing as one person doing the whole shebang for a ton of people.
I do the turkeys and provide the space (and some apps, drinks, etc.) Everyone brings something and it works out great. We are such nerds we used sign-up genius this year.
I would not want to play IT manager for my family to do something like that. There’s usually a group text or email, but a lot of people have stock items they’re expected to bring.
One of my aunts was wringing her hands about me not being there with artichoke dip and apparently mentioned I wasn’t going to be there to my parents without checking to see if I’d gotten around to telling them…oops.
I actually enjoy the cooking. It’s usually just me and the girlfriend, and we don’t entertain that often, so this is the time of year that I actually get to spend time cooking and baking. As I’m only providing for about a dozen people, it’s not terrible (and I’ve been dialing it in over the past couple of years). I’ve also learned through this that I’m apparently the only one in my family group that likes sweet potatoes.
I’ve also learned that these are awesome for getting people to take some leftovers home.
Whoops, forgot those. Thanks, man!
No worries. đ
I’m waiting to hear the same argument between my mom and dad as I’ve heard every year.
–M “No. We couldn’t take anything.”
–D “Right. We don’t need to take any of this home.”
–D “But, I could take a turkey leg to eat in front of the TV later.”
–M “You don’t need it.”
–D “Do you mind if I take a turkey leg?”
–Nephilium “Not at all, take it. Here, take some stuffing and mashed potatoes to go with it.”
–M “Are you sure? We don’t need it.”
–Nephilum “Neither do I, there’s enough leftovers here to feed us for two weeks. Take something.”
-M “Well, are there any of those twice baked potatoes left? And some rolls?”
–Nephilium “Yes. Yes there are, here’s containers for you.” *begins rubbing the bridge of his nose*
When I’m with my family, if you’re not hovering near the kitchen while cleanup is happening you do not get leftovers. Because the BF’s family is from out of town all leftovers will be eaten while they’re there or sent home with him…I think I accidentally volunteered myself to make turkey pot pie if there’s anything left afterward.
Jesse: I’ve been working on getting the cleanup to be less and less every year. The first year I hosted, I had the girlfriend’s mother start complaining that I was using disposable plates to serve people instead of china. She was then quiet when I managed to time all of the sides and mains being ready within 10 minutes of each other, and she was able to eat. Then she noticed that for cleanup, the silverware got loaded into the dishwasher (the only time of year I do this), and the plates just got tossed. Next year she was bragging to her friends about how smart this process was…
In my childhood, the men and older boys would go throughout the house and take all the doors off the hinges and place them over saw horses. The tablecloths were brought by all the women. My grandfather had built very long benches that were kept on a rack in the garage. The tables extended through the length of the house. Same setup used for summer family gatherings out in the backyard worked fabulously well.
We still do Biennial Reunions and use a lot of doors, church chairs, EZups and stuff, it’s a lot of work/fun
It is! Both!
I love that. I should have invited you and OMWC!
We would have come. We are on our own this year, and as great a day as it will be, it is just not the same. Iâm lucky in that everyone in my family gets along, so big gatherings were fun and not the chore or horror they were for some of my friends.
I’ll be there, call it
We tried something last year that we may try again. Cut off the Legs, wings, and thighs browned and then braised in a slow cooker. We then cut the backbone out of the breast, flattened it out and roasted that by itself in the oven. Cooked much faster and course you don’t have the problem with the varying cooking times. Flattening it also allowed us to free up another rack in the oven. Everybody loved it.
This is where we got the idea
Love it. Bookmarked for an experiment.
Here’s one of mine.
I love anything with smoke on it. That sounds great. You still grilling in Minnesota? Good man:)
I grill year ’round. If it’s really brutal, you need to adjust the time, but there is something awesome about grilling while the snow flies.
We usually do popovers, but I will be adding those rolls to the menu.
squash with maple syrup is a constant here. chocolate pie from a family friend, I will try again to get that recipe.
OT- today was busy. My brother got braces, then we traveled to Bloomingdale to bury my grandmother’s ashes. She passed a while back, and we had been waiting for my return to VT. She had a stroke about two years ago, and it sucked to watch the path it took over that time.
Give love to those around.
Yes, a timely message. Happy Thanksgiving, Doom. Enjoy your family. (And now I want popovers.)
I’m like webdominatrix, mom has to tell me to stop or I’ll eat all of them.
Oh shit, I haven’t done popovers in ages. Ah well, I’m full up on bread with 1/3 whole wheat sourdough and a sourdough iteration of Tulip’s Mother’s housekeeper’s French (trying a baguette shape and a backup boule to impress the BF’s family.
fingers crossed!
Yeah, if we don’t get along it’ll be a few hours of driving to escape.
Tell em to fuck off and go get a Burrito, Happy Thanksgiving Jesse
I don’t have a *ton* of experience with longterm relationships, but I’m pretty sure lighting the familial bridges on fire on a first meeting is a no-no.
Use my philosophy. Donât borrow trouble ahead of time, just burn that bridge when you get to it. đ
For the sake of being on topic, I would like to say that while I don’t cook often, I have ordered many pizzas. And while none of them were on Thanksgiving, some of these pizzas were ordered in November, possibly within the same week as Thanksgiving.
I don’t think I have ever cooked anything on Thanksgiving. I once made shell pasta with cheese sauce and brought it to a potluck. That was sometime in the spring of 2007.
I recommend deep-fried turkey. I watched my brother make it one year. He dressed up like a fireman and had the fryer out in the front yard with a fire extinguisher nearby. Peanut oil is the best as it has a higher smoke point. I didn’t cook, but I brought about 20 12 packs of Alaska Amber, which is my brother’s favorite beer. I cleaned out every liquor store in Kenosha.
Now THAT is dedication. There are a LOT of liquor stores in Kenosha.
Next time you are back in Kenosha make sure to hit up Tenuta’s. It is an awesome Italian deli and liquor store. When I was growing up my Italian grandparents would fill an entire suitcase with salami, provolone, Italian candies etc before coming up to visit us in AZ. You could smell the garlic on the baggage carousel. I often spoke lovingly about Tenuta’s to my ex and she did not believe it until I took her there one time. She became a believer as well.
Derp. Make sure to hit up the DFAC on Thanksgiving. The Army goes all out for the holiday, even in combat zones.
Fuuuuck, wheels up kids, the oven is on, let the baking portion of the night commence! Driving to SD tomorrow afternoon, so this is the last time I’ll have a kitchen, Sheryl’s pie is perfect right out of the fridge, and I’ll bake the bread to the light side of done and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes while other stuff is cooking to refresh it while I’m there.
Threading fail.
Good job, Derp! You’ve on-topicced beautifully.
I’ll try to salvage your Gilmore’d thread. We’ve got two loaves of sourdough proofing overnight, and tomorrow all I need to do is the chorizo chipotle cheddar twice baked potatoes, and some pretzel rolls. The real fun comes with timing everything on Thursday.
~~~ đ ~~~
*looks up and sees the wrong your above*
*hangs head in shame*
*goes and gets another beer*
San Diego? or South Dakota?
San Diego. They were in MB for Thanksgiving the past two years and this year they decided to do something different. So of course this is the one I’m finally invited to.
Look at it this way, if it turns to an ordeal. you have a pleasant drive home
/Total sarc, hope it’s fun, make the best!
Fried turkey is the best way to do it. It can just be a little dangerous. Make sure that turkey is fully thawed before immersing it.
David Cassidy has died.
Bummer. I used to watch Partridge Family. I was torn between Shirley Jones and Susan Dey.
i read it as David Casserole,
WTF I was just in the middle of a boss battle and my power flashed off and on. Five years in this place and that has never happened.
Find a flashlight
And buy a UPS.
Yeah, yeah
Since we’re talking about food, I figured I should toss this in here (even though it isn’t holiday related). I’ve recently modified my diet quite a bit. I never used to think about what I ate, and my diet more or less jibed with what the FDA might claim is ideal – that is grains by the truckload with relatively small amounts of everything else. For the past few years I’ve felt downright shitty all the time without ever giving any thought to why this might be. I’m now entering middle age and figured this just came with the territory. For whatever reason this year I decided to change what I eat, and my diet now consists of meat as the foundation (especially red, cooked about medium rare), vegetables, a much higher amount of dairy and then a little bit of bread on occasion. I honestly haven’t felt this good and energetic since around my time in high school. I heal from injury faster, I have very little joint pain and my overall mood has been great. This isn’t based on any fad diet or anything either – I’m just eating what I’ve always enjoyed. I also don’t know what the point of me telling you all this is other than maybe to advise you to listen to what your body is telling you from time to time.
Similar story here, only fatter. Good call.
A lot of whole grains come with boatloads of lectins, which really aren’t that good for you. Cutting back on grains in my diet has made me feel a lot better, too. For the record, I’m 59.
Guilty pleasure: I still love my pasta, but I eat a lot less of it now. I has a sad.
I’m staring down a drug test for my new job (have to do it by Saturday 4pm and I’ve abstained for a few weeks and I failed a “practice” test today), so so far I’ve only made the jello mold. Hopefully I can get the brine on the turkey tomorrow and do the masher taters. FML.
Good luck. I hope it comes out clean. I find collecting peoples urine to be sade and inappropriate, to say the least.
Drink plenty of fluids. Plenty more if you know a dilute counts as a “pass”.
Drinking a crapload of water, have some B12 for color and plan on getting some creatine from GNC. I also am going to keep taking practice tests and if a couple of them come clean in a row, I’ll run down to the test center and do it.
I think it’s ridiculous that something I use as a sleep aid could potentially cost me a job.
Dramamine, perhaps?
turkey will wreck your test you know
Been there. Sucks. Couple weeks abstinence and pounding, pounding water the whole time got me through.
Do you think coffee and alcohol might speed up the cleansing process by making you urinate more and thus increasing the amount of water that you can realistically drink?
I’m cooking the turkey this year and it’s going to be a thawed Butterball roasted in one of those plastic cooking bags. Salt, pepper, whatever I can scavenge fresh (parsley, rosemary and lavender seems to be the only things alive and thriving), dried thyme, sage, maybe marjoram if it’s less than 2 years old , a little MSG and whatever aromatics I have laying around celery tops, onion ends, citrus garlic etc inside the bird w/ more salt and pepper. I like a stuffed bird, but not when I’m cooking it. Butterball and a cooking bag really cuts down on the prep and attention and is totally fail-safe. I like the economy of those $0.49 a lb frozen store specials but they’re labor intensive (require a brine and added fat). I like a fresh bird but they cost more and I feel obligated to do a better job. Never easte your money on a store=bought “organic bird”, they cost too much and require as much or more work as anything. I’ve never done an “heirloom” bird, much less a wild one ’cause they’re out of season.
Cooking bags are great for keeping everything moist.
We’ll be working the traditional holiday pizza. Seriously -from scratch, grilled, real mozzarella. One with dry salami and Italian sausage, the other . .. no meat, probably roasted red peppers. Maybe a salad, too, who cares.
What kind of beer?
Founder’s Dirty Bastard, a local nut brown (I forget which) in the growler. Unnamed cocktail (see above) for later.
That cocktail sounds very intriguing. Thanks for posting it. Will try.
Very good, I hear Bastard enough I wonder if it’s a type like OG or some such,
The Dirty Bastard is Founder’s Scotch Ale, fairly well regarded and the base for their Backwoods Bastard, which is what happens when they stick their Dirty Bastard into a bourbon barrel for a year. It’s a style I’m not a fan of, but they hit the mark dead on. If you like Scotch Ales, and they distribute in your area, definitely give it a shot.
I love Scotch ales, I’ll seek it out, we have more than just Bevmo in these parts if need be,
If you get Founder’s out there, you should be able to find it. I’d also strongly recommend the Founder’s Porter as an exemplary example of the style. If you like stouts, they also do the Breakfast Stout (and rarer variants, both of which are good).
In short… Founder’s makes good beer.
For all you Godless heathens who celebrate Thanksgiving far too late, I give you the awesomeness of the ultimate side dish:
2 lbs. (1 kg) frozen hash brown potatoes
2 cups (500 mL) sour cream
2-10 oz.(284 ml) cans mushroom soup
1/2 cup melted butter
grated onion to taste
salt to taste
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
2 Tbsp. (or more!) Parmesan cheese
Thaw potatoes slightly. Mix potatoes, sour cream, mushroom soup,
butter, onion, salt and cheddar cheese in a 9 x 13âł baking dish. Sprinkle
parmesan on top and bake at 350F for 1 hour.
Stupidly simple and feeds a freakin’ crowd. Think of these as a cross between mashed potatoes, creamed sauteed mushrooms, and mac ‘n cheese (w/o the mac). First time I tasted these, I damn near lost my shit. Also great for brunches.
And of course, I encourage experimentation.
You’re welcome.
Saved, the recipe alone makes me drool.
I just confirmed, I am bringing SCHWARTZIEâS âHASH BROWNSâ to the Thursday function, I can’t resist, thanks,
Itâs my sister in laws birthday tomorrow so we are doing a pre Thanksgiving at the airport Benihana. That place makes me smile and reminds me of the 70âs. Iâve only eaten at one a couple times but had fun and you canât go wrong with steak and shrimp and flying knives and stuff.
Flying knives and dead fish?
I’ll have a Burrito thanks,
Except for invertebrates, fish should always be dead before they are ingested. Flying knives are optional.
Swallowing gold fish in the 1920s?
Agreed on the flying knives
I knew my dog liked peanut butter, but Peanut butter Cookies!
/not fat at all
My smartphone is Dead and I am broke, but when I can, I will shoot video of this ever wondering predator of nature, truly a wonder to behold, even Tommy is proud,
a buddy of mine just told me a story.
His son is a junior in high school. He is going to public school in peabody massassachutes. He has been there about a month. For the previous 15 years of his life, he has lived in small town arkansas. Here we have tornado drills at school. I guess in mass. they have active shooter drills at school. They announced an active shooter drill at my buddy’s son’s school. When they did, my buddy’s son pulled out his phone and played an audio recording of gunfire. Apparently a bunch of high school students freaked out and started crying. He was suspended indefinantly.
My thought, People in Massachusetts must be way different than people here.
My great grandmother lived in Peabody (pee buh dee). I spent a great deal of time there as a kid and can’t tell you a damn thing about the place because it was always just sitting around on her sofa listening to the older folks talk about who died recently.
Derpy’s xtra early links
‘Nonwhite’ student linked to racist graffiti inside school, officials say
School officials in a Missouri community were making plans Tuesday to discipline a ânonwhiteâ student whom they said had confessed to writing a racial slur and the phrase âWhite Lives Matterâ on a mirror inside a girlsâ restroom at a high school.
Parkway schools Superintendent Keith Marty said in a statement Tuesday that the revelation that a nonwhite student was involved was surprising, but it did not âdiminish the hurtâ caused by the incident at Parkway Central High School in Chesterfield.
“The behavior was wrong and the student will be held accountable for this serious act according to our student discipline policy,” said Marty, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
“The behavior was wrong and the student will be held accountable for this serious act according to our student discipline policy.”
– Keith Marty, Parkway schools superintendent
âIt is important to understand why this happened and why we are often quick to assume who is responsible,” he added.
The racial slur was found in a girlsâ restroom on campus last week, prompting the local community to organize and stand against racism.
âI was horrified,â West County anti-racism activist Joy Weese Moll told KTVI last week. âA lot of us in West County have a really hard time saying racism exists here. It makes me sad for the person who wrote it because they have not been taught and not learned how beautiful our society can be.â
Parents who have children going to the school also reacted.
âThis is very much a white person issue that we need to tackle as white people and speak up against,â parent Alexandria Lane-Detwiler said.
Principal Timothy McCarthy reiterated that the student responsible will be punished and such behavior is not welcome at his school.
âThe actions of this student are a violation of our discipline code and the student will be held accountable within the parameters of the districtâs discipline policy,â he wrote in a statement, KTVI reported.
âThe use of the N-word, in the context of the message on the bathroom mirror, provoked feelings of hate, not love. As I stated last week, actions and speech which degrade an individualâs human dignity have no place in school; they have no place at Central High.â
North Korea’s female soldiers often raped, stop menstruating, defector says
Female North Korean soldiers are often raped, and some are forced to reuse sanitary pads while many stop menstruating altogether because of the tough conditions suffered during their army duty, a North Korean defector who dealt with years of hellish service in the regimeâs army revealed Monday.
Lee So Yeon, who defected to South Korea through China, told the BBC about the 10 years she spent in the North Korean army, a period which began when she was 17. She said she served in the army between 1992 and 2001 and was never raped herself, but many of her comrades suffered sexual abuse.
“The company commander would stay in his room at the unit after hours and rape the female soldiers under his command. This would happen over and over without an end,â Lee told the BBC.
Lee, now 41, said she âenjoyed her life in the army,â but the rigorous training schedules and lack of food were hard on womenâs bodies.
“After six months to a year of service, we wouldn’t menstruate anymore because of malnutrition and the stressful environment,” she told the BBC. “The female soldiers were saying that they are glad that they are not having periods. They were saying that they were glad because the situation is so bad if they were having periods too that would have been worse.”
Lee said female soldiers were forced to reuse sanitary pads. Juliette Morillot, author of âNorth Korea in 100 Question,â also told the BBC women still used âtraditional white cotton padsâ that had to be washed when men werenât around. Morillot, who visited North Korea and spoke to female soldiers, said women missed their period for years while in the army.
“One of the girls I spoke with, who was 20, told me she trained so much that she had skipped her periods for two years,” Morillot said.
Lee has recalled being engulfed in the odor from her own sweat because her army bunk was made of rice hull.
“As a woman, one of the toughest things is that we can’t shower properly,” she said, adding there wasnât hot water and frogs and snakes ran through the shower hose â which came from a mountain stream.
Lee voluntarily joined the army in her teens, but under Kim Jong Unâs regime, North Korean women are now required to serve at least seven years in the army, starting at 18 years old, according to the BBC. The mandate, implemented two years ago, is expected to increase the number of women between 18 and 25 in the military. Exceptions are held for âgifted peopleâ who possess special talents, including those who excel in sports and music.
Lee decided to defect in 2008 and made two attempts. She was caught the first time and sent to a prison camp for a year. She successfully escaped the second time by swimming across the Tumen River.
Life in the world’s fourth largest army came under focus after a North Korean soldier defected to South Korea by dashing across the Joint Security Area at the Demilitarized Zone last week. His comrades fired more than 40 rounds at him, striking him at least five times. Itâs still unclear why the soldier defected, but doctors treating him in South Korea said they removed dozens of parasites from his body. Some presumed roundworms were as long as 11 inches.
Choi Min-Ho, a professor at Seoul National University College of Medicine, told Reuters the soldierâs condition wasnât âsurprising at all considering the northâs hygiene and parasite problems.â
âAlthough we do not have solid figures showing health conditions of North Korea, medical experts assume that parasite infection problems and serious health issues have been prevalent in the country,â Choi said.
North Korean farmers reportedly use human feces, called ânight soil,â as fertilizer after a decrease in chemical fertilizer production. North Koreans also view it as the âbest fertilizerâ in the country despite causing parasite and worms problems.
North Korean prison camps stopped reporting deaths under Kim Jong Un, ex-prisoner claims
Kim Jong Un forced officials to stop reporting deaths at North Koreaâs notorious prison camps, according to the claims of a former prisoner, who also detailed the hard labor, bribery and torture inmates endured inside the Hermit Kingdom’s detention centers.
The former prisoner told Daily NK on Friday he saw medical records at Tongrim correctional labor camp illustrated significantly fewer deaths in 2014 compared to 2011, the year Kim Jong Un was named dictator of North Korea after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il.
âOnce when I caught the flu, I was able to contact my family and have them bring medicine. While I was there, I was able to take a peek at a book detailing five years of medical records for the infirmary,â the former prisoner told the news site. âIn 2011, 50 percent of the prisoners succumbed to their illnesses, but for some reason these numbers decreased in 2014, according to the records.â
When asked why he thought there was a significant decrease, he said Kim instructed prison officials to falsify the number of deaths.
âWhen Kim Jong Un came to power, he questioned the officials that oversaw the labor education centers and correctional labor camps about the high death rates,â the prisoner claimed.
He added: âThe result was that prison officials were instructed not to record the deaths of overworked prisoners, so the numbers improved thereafter.â
But conditions at these labor camps remain torturous and barely livable. The man, who spent a year in the labor camp, said inmates were subjected to grueling labor, such as making fake eyelashes that would be exported to China, and were assigned a daily quota. If they didnât meet the demand, their already minuscule meals would be allegedly cut in half. People âoften end up collapsing from overwork or malnutrition,â according to the former prisoner.
âI heard that there was a female guard that beat the female prisoners even more viciously than the male guards,â he said. âThey really did not consider us as humans by the way they beat us so harshly, sometimes to death.â
There was a doctor to treat ill inmates and family members were allowed to bring food to them â but with guidelines. Group leaders would only send people to the doctor if they were seriously ill or injured. Visitors had to bring additional items, such as equipment and camp needs, or theyâll also be punished, according to the former prisoner. People who came from wealthier families were able to bribe their way out of a harsh initiation or to have a better position within the camp.
Disturbing details about Kimâs labor camps have emerged in recent months, since American student Otto Warmbier returned from North Korea to the U.S. earlier this year with severe brain damage. Warmbier, who eventually died, was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for allegedly stealing a political poster from a hotel in Pyongyang.
A report by the U.S. State Department in August also detained how North Korean guards would âinduce starvationâ and inmates appeared as âwalking skeletons, âdwarfs,â and âcripplesâ in rags.â
President Trump announced on Monday the U.S. was designating North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, something he said âshould have happened a long time ago.”
Hey, that’s my egg nog recipe!
And it’s good, too. I’ve got a batch in the fridge now.
Pro tip – you can freeze egg whites. They keep for like a year in the freezer. I never knew this before.