*finishes chugging codeine laced cough syrup*
Ah…Links. Right. I guess I should put some up.
Oh! Uh, here are your links! Enjoy…
- After turning the breadbasket of Africa into a starving punchline to a terrible joke…Mugabe “resigns“.
- No word if SEA SMITH is involved.
- Go on…
- DO NOT go on!
- Oh…”Brits”, I thought it said “Glibs”…
Uh. Go ahead and comment. Or whatever.
The New York Times no longer has a mask, part 1 of 2:
An open love letter to Kim Jong Un
At least the second writer admits how Un tortures his citizens. The first one doesn’t really seem to care about that for some reason. And we’ll see why in Part 2 of 2…
Huh. I thought that was your editorial bit. Nope. The actual title is:
“An Open Letter of Love to Kim Jong-un”
Holy shit
What. In. The. Fuck. Was. That. ?
Holy moly these people are mentally off or what?
“David Kyuman Kim is a professor of religious studies and American studies at Connecticut College and the author of “Melancholic Freedom: Agency and the Spirit of Politics.”
George Yancy is a professor of philosophy at Emory University, the author of “Black Bodies, White Gazes” and “On Race: 34 Conversations in a Time of Crisis,” and co-editor of “Pursuing Trayvon Martin” and “Our Black Sons Matter.”
Those book titles sound like jokes from The Simpsons.
Edited by Troy McClure.
Let’s – gulp – waddle through the comments:
“Daisey Love Los Angeles November 13, 2017
This radical, brave essay should be required reading for our president, our joint chief’s of staff, all cabinet members and everyone in congress. Maybe we’ll surprise ourselves and a few brave souls from the above list, will take these words to heart.
Esposito Rome November 13, 2017
It is a message worth delivering to Kim Jong-un. The value or futility of it will be decided not here in the comments section. Kim Jong-un’s response, or lack of one, will be the only indicator. We’ll see.
In the meantime, change the title to An Open Letter of Love to Donald Trump and deliver it to the White House. He needs to hear the same message. Maybe more so, given the power he wields especially over the vulnerable.”
Thankfully, there are some sane voices but there’s more than enough insane blathering for my taste.
I’m wondering if Dr Kim is a deep cover nork agent. My understanding is that pro-norks are about as popular with Korean Americans as are pro-Castro Cuban Americans.
I want these guys to watch this video one of my Korean-American friends shared on Facebook a few months back. They can go fuck themselves.
I got about this far before giving up
“You have reached your limit of free stories this month”
I am not giving you commie cocksuckers a penny so fuck off.
Go to private settings.
I ain’t giving that commie rag half a penny let alone a penny.
i’ll top you both. I wouldn’t give that commie rag a brass farthing.
i’ll top you both
I’m gonna need a Heroic Mulatto gif deployed for this.
It’s hilarious that you have to pay for their paeans to communism.
This is why the Dept. of Education should be immediately dismantled.
I couldn’t get past the second paragraph.
At least there’s no sports links.
Even though I don’t follow sports I enjoy the sportsball links and commentary. Sports writing is one of the last bastions of turgid prose.
You just made Sloopy’s list!
There’s only one way to make Sloopy’s list. I’m going to do this even though (a) I don’t believe in it and (b) I’ll be lucky if I’m not banned for life. Just because.
“Let’s Go Michigan”.

Oh no you di’nt!

Are there any others?
/Golden Rodent Fan (weeping at loss of the Little Brown Jug again)
*waves goodbye to JB*
The Al Franken of dogs.
What the hell is that going to produce?
Ever seen a self-hating person?
Yes. They’re called Progressives.
And what happens if it goes to sleep?
“Soon I will have a miracle hybrid with the loyalty of a cat, and the cleanliness of a dog!”
The New York Times no longer has a mask, part 2 of 2
The climate crisis? It’s capitalism, stupid.
From the same fine person that wrote the first part of the love letter to Kim Jong Un.
The last paragraph….
Communism for Kids? How repugnant is that. Do they talk about the killing fields and the gulags? Probably not. It’s all unicorn farts and rainbows, to be sure. They’re not even watermelons anymore, just blood-drenched Reds.
When I was a young lad I got ahold of The Little Red Book for Schoolchildren. It had some good ideas about challenging teachers and school administrators, but was otherwise disgusting.
Anything in it about turning your parents in to the school political officer for impure thought about the State?
Maybe hoarding neighbors?
If you met my neighbors, you wouldn’t want to hoard them.
It doesn’t sound so friendly when you call it “Nazism for Kids”.
Holy shit. Are these guys willfully ignorant? Or is this just playing to the willfully ignorant?
This one seems not only to be a believer in communism, but a full on tankie, judging from his other writings.
Well, the author’s Ph.D is in Religion, so I’m sure he’s well versed in planned economies and climatology….
Communism is much better at reducing emissions, because economic production decays exponentially, so there is little activity, and people themselves are being killed off right and left. It’s a win-win for Gaia.
Well then, I propose all registered Democrats be put to death. Hey, I’m just putting forth an alternative, no need for me to justify it.
Not to me, anyway!
0 articles remaining this month.
Incognito mode–for all your clandestine browsing.
For several reasons.
OH. Several reasons.
I only hovered over the link and I still want to vomit.
I clicked it, its not that bad.
We must save net neutrality because…ala carte pricing is bad?
Sounds good to me. I’ll take basic access with a bit of video streaming for $25 a month.
A la carte pricing in cable will result in the death of a whole bunch of channels. It never ceases to amaze me the idiots over on the TCM boards who think a la carte pricing is great because TCM is the one channel they watch and a la carte pricing would “save” them a whole bunch of money. If the channel could even keep going.
Of course, they all had a freakout when the TCM boards switched from newest posts first to oldest posts first a month ago.
I’d rather pay $10 per week for Filmstruck than $14 a week for a combination of TCM and TruTV’s utter garbage.
What if I could just rent all the TCM movies I wanted for $8.99/month and I could pass on their programming?
I’d have an issue if the government granted monopoly that connects to my house said “gaming” only allowed connection to Origin and Blizzard servers and I was unable to otherwise connect to something like steam.
Don’t give EA any ideas.
Weird that I’ve been seeing similar “tiered pricing” models shown as examples of what will happen if we don’t get net neutrality RIGHT NOW for about 15 years now, and yet I’ve never heard of any ISP anywhere even coming close to proposing such a thing.
Sorry you’re sick, Switzy, but glad you’re able to get the cough syrup that works.
Thanks! As I said yesterday, First World bitching on my part.
There’s sick, and then there’s sick. I lost 7 lbs in two days.
Black tea, lemon, honey, whiskey.
But enough about a wholesome breakfast.
Swiss is double cupping! Sizzurup!
That Swizz Lean.
Is it just me or did two of those links go to previous Glib pieces?
It’s not just you. Not sure if intentional?
I guess we know who hovers over the links to see where they’re heading.
I assumed it was a codeine joke.
I assumed it was a codeine junkie
oke.not just you. Swiss is on the sauce.
Give him a break, he’s feverish and doped up.
I fixed them….I blame the Purple Drank.
Feel better.
Be strong. Fight off the con crud.
I can’t get past the paywall so unable to determine if satire
What Will Tax Reform Do for Puppies?
Dogs are better than kids in every way.
Dogs are better than politicians, too.
Kids are better than politicians.
That doesn’t look real. It looks like a still from a movie made by the same people who made The Sand Lot 2: Back 2 the Lot or something.
Polio is better than politicians.
I wish Congress were full of polioticians.
Uffda. Think of the parking snafus as 535-some FDR wannabees try to get the 4 handicap spots.
Dogs are not the same a children, stop it.
You’re right. They’re miles better than children.
They don’t grow up and pay taxes, so…NOT CREDIT FOR FIDO!
They don’t live as long, kids do.
preparing for parenthood by taking on a cuddly critter
Yeah, that’s not “preparing”, that’s “doing something totally unrelated”.
Nope. It’s actually good preparation, at least as far as responsibility and basic caregiving.
Uh huh. If you treated an infant like your dog, then your kid would be dead in a couple weeks.
Well this is awkward
*takes leash off infant, puts away kibble*
Doesn’t Adorphan have care units?
Caring for infants makes them weak. Adorphans
capturedrescued at birth are given rigorous survival training from as early as possible. Our best stock c-sectioned their own way out prematurely.I used to put webdominatrix on a leash. I got lots of nasty looks. Well, those people should have been trying to keep track of her 2-year-old self in crowded public places. NOT easy.
(I don’t bother trying to keep track of her anymore.)
Wow, way to read far too much into what I said.
Ok, kb, here’s how that training and preparation thing works. You break the overall task down into sub-tasks and work on the easy parts first. You don’t just hand an infant to an inexperienced person, you start that person with basic sub-tasks: holding an infant properly, changing a diaper, providing regular food, water and care for a pet, etc.
I can see the interpretation you’re going with, but I feel like if you need to start with pets before you have children, you are woefully unequipped to begin with and that won’t change.
Mind you, this is all in the context of someone saying there needs to be a tax credit for adults to prepare them for raising children. Having your 12-year-old take care of a pet probably is a good lesson in responsibility and caregiving. There’s just a bit more to the job of raising children, though, than walking them and putting water and food dishes out once a day.
My guinea pig loves breast milk, and it really helped me bond with him.
My kids got used to shitting in a litter box and sleeping in a crate.
The shock collar does wonders for discipline, too.
*shakes head disgustedly*
This is why the fucking millenials are such pansies. Fucking pampered from the day they were whelped.
A crate? In my day, they threw us out the back door at night and if we wanted any food the next day we had better make sure no marauding critters from the woods came into the yard.
Fun fact: female platypuses secrete milk from their skin in a similar fashion to how humans sweat.
Their “puggles” then just lick it off them. Good stuff.
It all sounds very sexual to me.
P.S. you can milk anything with nipples.
I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?
Rule 34.
I’m pretty sure you don’t want to know the answer.
It’s actually a good article.
As I read it, the editorial is just using this as a general rant against using the tax code for social engineering.
The last quote is:
“It’s almost as if it’d be easier just to eliminate all the exemptions and credits and cut tax rates accordingly.”
(I have a hardcopy of that day’s WSJ)
Remember when Wisconsin removed the minimum age for kids who wanted to go on a mentored hunt? Well the carnage has begun.
6-year-old girl bags a six point buck. Lachowsky, you might want to check in with this family to see what sort of dowry that they may have to marry off the tart to your son. Make sure it is generous though. Letting Wisconsin genes into your family tree is a big sacrifice.
Smart phone on the scope? Really?
I drove through Wisconsin on Sunday. Must have been a great day. There were at least a dozen cars with deer tied to the back. We saw one exceptionally large 10 point.
I’m surprised the locals weren’t still battling over the 10-pointer. They don’t have a good track record.
Like I said, you better get a big dowry, cuz your grandkids will be homely.
I meant to share this yesterday but forgot until too late. Burn the witch!
One of her former fans tweeted “I no longer want her to be the spokesperson for our generation”
I agree with all of that except for the “no longer” part.
I do enjoy watching them eat their own, especially someone as execrable as Lena Dunham.
She strikes me as chewy.
I love it when they turn on their own.
I can’t even go to lunch without a new accusation making headlines.
In this case, John Lasseter from Pixar.
@braidsnglasses · Nov 20
Feeya Retweeted The Cut
Omg yesss! There’s finally a name to describe it “hipster racism” is SUCH a real thing. In hipster racism you’ll hear things such as:
“Well countries India/Pakistan/Bangladesh aren’t actually like Asian ya know?”
“Omg I had Korma last night! How proud are you of me?”
I’m trying to figure out its logical end. All this millennial SJW that is.
A heaping helping double dose of tits today to make up for lost time; two DD cups full.
1, 11, 12, 18.
I am unimpressed with #3’s writing on her lips. Excluded from the orgy.
Thank you Q. I dont usually indulge in your links but the insanity today is over the top so I would rather just look at fake tits.
No problem, clinically proven to improve your health!
6 or 15
Each and every one a virgin.
I have not had sex with them, which is close enough for me.
6 intrigues me.
Go on….to Safari can’t open page.
Do they have “H” keys on French Canadian keyboards?
What’s an ‘H’?
It wobbles.
(sort of NSFW)
What exactly does “sort of” mean to you?
You’ll have to click to find out…
I’m assuming any link from Q is NSFW
I’m surprised the Brits weren’t actively tracking Argentina’s sub. The Falklands has no need to worry about future invasions. Argentina can’t afford a military capable of invading again since the went full-retard with the Peronists.
I’m surprised the sub made it to sea in the first place – the Argentine Navy hasn’t done much maintenance since ’82. Christ, one ship was in such bad shape that it sank at pier side.
We won’t be able to afford a military capable of defending them once we go full-retard with the Corbynistas. Though given that the twat thinks we were in the wrong over the Falklands he’ll probably just try and hand them back.
By back, I mean “back” as they never belonged to Argentina.
So: given that psychopaths are typically very promiscuous and are utterly remorseless in pursuing their goals, whatever they may be (many top business leaders are psychopaths), wouldn’t you think that psychopathy would be a positive evolutionary trait? Why is it relatively rare? Discuss.
Not too long ago, it would also get you killed.
Some forms of sociopathy are positive evolutionary traits for those individuals. But those advantages are offset by the tendency of other individuals to kill sociopaths for self-protection.
Funny how nobody saw anything…
I’m not sure that it’s that uncommon. Perhaps there is a spectrum of psychopathy where a large percentage of people with psychopathic traits are able to control them and not spiral out of control, but don’t harness it to the degree required to achieve massive success, and thus be noticed.
Relatively rare? Relative to what?
I guess you’d think they’d be a larger percentage of the population. No real good way to measure, but it seems like you’d be coming into contact with them on a daily basis.
How do you know you’re not? I’d also say lean towards Psycho Effer’s statement that it’s most likely a spectrum, as most of the personality disorders appear to be.
That very well could be. The documentary I watched said 1% of the general population, but 20% of the prison population and that 20% is responsible for half of all violent crime. Then I wondered how they could possibly measure that in the general population. It’s easy in prison cause you can just require them to take the test.
Well you do come to Glibertarians.com on an almost daily basis.
That’s it, you’re on my list now.
“Trump pardons turkey, jokes about revoking Obama’s previous pardons of turkeys”
Trump: Drumstick here is a great bird. Very great. And we love him folks, right?
(crowd gives modest applause)
Trump: Many have said, he’s the best turkey to ever be pardoned. Unlike the previous loser birds that President Obama pardoned. You got the one turkey that is into drugs, the other one is a rapist….and some, I assume, are fine birds
(crowd nervously applauds)
Should have made a joke about overturning the pardon on a terrorist turkey involved in bombings in Chicago and NYC.
Damn it- I’m not good at this
I skimmed through that ENB discussion in the previous post, and this occurred to me. It’s a combination of poor impulse control and lack of situational awareness (both of which are inexcusable for someone in her position). If a few of us were sitting at an airport bar, conversing in our normal manner, neither knowing nor caring that some listener a couple of barstools away might have voted twice for Obama and once for Hillary, it wouldn’t make any difference.
ENB, who is running a twatter page, or whatever they call it, which is essentially an extension and continuation of her job as a featured voice(!) at a publication which is ostensibly opposed to a large portion of what she says? That person should be actively seeking alternative employment.
She should not be writing for Reason.
Weakest link theory and all that.
A lot of weak links there.
Shikha and Sheldon aren’t weaker links?
Sheldon, as much as i dislike him, is actually a recognized figure in the left-libertarian world.
He’s got a few books under his belt and he has been the editor of libertarian publications and has contributed to a half-dozen others.
i don’t like his steez, but i recognize he has game.
the ‘kids’ (robby, enb) by contrast… i doubt either of them could even competently summarize any of the major contributors to libertarian thinking.
I don’t think Chapman even knows who they are.
ENB is a fake libertarian hypocrite that should just get over herself and start writing for Salon.
You can’t point out her hypocrisy, according to Titor. That makes you tantamount to Alinsky or something. Canadian logic- go figure
Oh Snap! Kicking him while he’s not here!
He’ll see it.
Titor and Just Say’n seek each other out in threads.
He’s probably still arguing on the last thread. He gets way too heated. And here I always thought Canadians were docile and deferential.
Meh. I have gotten into it with Titor a couple of times. Still, I like the guy. I look forward to our next fracas.
I have no problem with anyone. I don’t hold grudges against anonymous shitlords. I’m just saying he gets way too heated sometimes. That’s what happened with him and Eddie
Jesus Christ Just Say’n. WE PLAY HOCKEY.
That’s a fair point. I guess I need to rethink my stereotypes
I always thought Canadians were docile and deferential.
Passive-Aggressive is not the same thing.
Wow, that was a read and a half. I just checked out the ENB bit in the last thread. It definitely looks like JT takes stuff way too personally way too easily. Thing is, I didn’t think his argument was unreasonable, but his delivery pretty much took all the focus. Not the first person on the Internet (or this site, tbh) who could use a little work on tone.
Are goons a Canadian invention? I always assumed they were recruited from the coldest and drunkest corners of the rust belt.
What’s a Canadian logic?
Similar to a wobbly H but involving enemas.
Dean pointed out earlier that it’s not impulse control; the problem is that she has those impulses at all.
I have extremely poor impulse control, but it has never even occurred to me to tweet about punching someone in the face because I disagree with their politics.
the thing that irritates me is that people like she and robby (and her hubby, and most of the other millenial internet journos) fancy themselves ‘political opinionators’… but rather than actually force themselves to say anything witty and insightful, they mostly just echo the sort of lowbrow, commonplace, juvenile consensus-hewing bullshit that dominates on Twitter.
I mean, Burge pumps out 100X more wit in a day then they do in a month. And *its not even his job*.
And they think “hurr durr punch nazis” *isn’t* supposed to make me think they’re idiots who don’t deserve page-space anywhere. And if someone were to tell them that, they still wouldn’t get it. They’d be like, “But this is how its done!?”
Do you think they even recognize that? I doubt it.
To be sure.
Isn’t Burge literally paid to pump his wit out?
I blame sugarfree for making me imagine harvey weinstein in a bathrobe
You can’t rape the willing.
Those who write on Twitter Walls,
Roll their shit in little balls,
Those who read these words of wit,
Eat those little balls of shit!
/My HS restroom.
They paint these walls to hide my pen…
I’m open to the idea that Robby doesn’t really think it through.
ENB obviously does. She WANTS the attention. The question is: does she realize the attention she gets is largely negative when she does shit like she did this week?
I liked the fact that someone from the Mises Institute end of libertariansim took a cheap shot at her.
It’s fair that they hit back after all the smearing that the Koch end of libertarianism has thrown at them since the election
Attention seekers look for attention.
Whether it’s positive or negative.
It reminds me of a certain president that she hates.
She covers the sex industry. I wonder if she’s ever pondered doing a scene.
She should eat a sandwich first.
Or make her costar a sandwich right after.
2 birds, 1 stone?
Making the sammich should be part of setting the scene.
Texas Cage Grudge Fuck.
ENB, Robby and Richman starring in the wobbly sandwich table.
“Industry” implies that there’s a profit motive.
I declare an exception to rule 34.
well, duh. She’s a lady
He was great in Mars Attacks
Gilmore nails it. As usual.
She and Robby are just not that smart, however, they believe themselves to be geniuses. That is a dangerous combination.
You just described 1/4 or more of the population. And yes, it s dangerous.
I think it goes beyond that. I think she’s one of those people who views people who identify as something else on the political spectrum or who don’t seem to agree with her on policy or trigger issues as personal enemies. Like she had no problem doxxing a kid on Twitter who made a silly joke about a sandwich because he’s clearly an anti-feminist and must be destroyed; she has no qualms calling people Nazis in order to justify beating them into silence and only slightly backs down when she’s caught, and then mostly to preserve her place in cosmotarianism. I certainly don’t think ENB would haul off and punch Richard Spencer, but I’m pretty certain she’d have absolutely no problem with it being done on her behalf.
When it comes down to it, she’s not really a libertarian, she’s a Progressive. She shares some ground on a shallow level with libertarians and actual liberals on specific issues that are important to her personally, but she’s not committed in general terms to the principle of individual liberty. She’s a libertine, not a libertarian, sort of like Bill Maher.
Swissy getting robo’ed. Hitting the sizzurp.
Why is it relatively rare? Discuss.
What’s the first rule of Psychopath Club? Do you even have to ask?
Don’t eat the other members?
So the brits aren’t as dumb as I thought.
Yeah, I was surprised at 10:
Pretty sweet car.
Similar to the grand prix which I lived out of for a while. ’77 with T-tops that leaked when it rained. Good times.
T-tops were the dumbest inventions ever. They even leaked when they were new.
And like most dumb inventions they were invented to avoid regulations. In this case roll over safety tests.
Joe Biden hardest hit.
“Yeah, I was surprised at 10:
10 – Grand National
Pretty sweet car.”
Umm….. I think I need a sarcasm meter.
How old are you, Simon?
Muagbe resigns? Way too fucking good for him.
On the other hand, he’s out of office.
Will his replacement be worse or better? Discuss.
His replacement won’t be any less corrupt, but he may be less murderous so that would be an upgrade.
Totally dependent on whether an R or a D is in the White House.
Seriously. That’s one evil motherfucker who needs a machete whacked to the skull.
They call the front-runner the “Crocodile.” …I dunno, you tell me.
Communism for Kids? How repugnant is that. Do they talk about the killing fields and the gulags?
It’s never too soon to gang up on the rich dweeb and take his lunch money.
Judge Roy Moore Jumps to 33 POINT LEAD in PredictIt Market Following Trump Nod! 69-36
Always skeptical of polls – but pretty funny if he wins in a landslide.
Eh. His opponent started talking gun control. In Alabama. Just some “smart gun control laws”
69% to 36%?
*does math*
Something seems a bit off here.
Have you factored in all the dead voters?
Yeah, it’s not Chicago.
It’s not a poll; it’s a prediction market. The part over 100 is the vig.
He’s winning by 33 points? That’s a higher number than the age of the oldest woman he’s ever sexually harassed!
I’ll see myself out
This is a prediction market, not a poll. However, they’re usually way more accurate in modern times about who the likely victor will be than a poll is, because people doing it have money on the line.
Day 2 of Thanksgiving prep work is almost done. The fridge is filled with beer, including a very reasonable priced 4 pack of BA 3Bean. Assuming all goes to plan, I don’t even need to leave the house tomorrow.
I have extremely poor impulse control, but it has never even occurred to me to tweet about punching someone in the face because I disagree with their politics.
Your lack of ideological purity and commitment to The Cause has been duly noted.
From the submarine article:
If the German-built vessel had sunk or was otherwise unable to rise to the surface since it sent its last signal, it would be winding down its seven-day oxygen supply.
The Germans built a defective submarine? Seriously?
I should included the sentence before what I quoted:
The submarine was en route from Ushuaia, the world’s southernmost city, to its base in Mar del Plata and was about 300 miles (480 km) off the coast when it gave its last location on Wednesday, soon after reporting an electrical malfunction.
WWII U-boats hardest hit.
If I were the captain, and I’m not, I’d probably want to surface to deal with the electrical problem.
Depends on what he problem is, but if it’s serious enough for them to report it, it’s likely something critical. I doubt they radio in when the ice cream machine goes on the fritz.
Ah well. We’ll replace the oxygen system next time.
Maybe the electrical problem was “the button that makes us go up doesn’t work”?
[Note: No clue how subs work. I would hope their would be a manual process, if necessary]
I assume some sort of wheel is turned.
And the ballast is blown.
Ballast. Blown.
That seems like a better picture for “flotation devices deployed”
“In the unlikely event of a water landing…”
Oh boy, tits caption contest!
“Airbag unnecessary”
Hmm… might be photoshop. Requires a hands on investigation.
It’s absolutely photo shopped, unless her boobs create a gravity well that bends TVs.
Story I read this morning said they came to the surface to deal with the problem and reported to base. Sometime after that they reported the electrical problem had been fixed to the extent they could continue under their own power underwater. The alarm was raised when they didn’t report in at their next scheduled transmission time. I’m not optimistic.
It’s only 32 years old!
If it wasn’t well maintained, it doesn’t much matter how well it was built.
I was thinking of Clarkson in this clip at about the 2 minute mark where he comments about the trip computer not working. “He’ll be shot at dawn for his mistake.”
Built by Germans, maintained by Argentinians. Frankly I’m surprised they haven’t lost more submarines or soccer teams.
Hey did you all know it was the 30 year anniversary of the Montreal Protocol on the ozone layer? Former PM Mulroney was talking about it and how Canada was so cool and the USA under Reagan were run by idiots because they didn’t sign to it. They were nostalgic about a time when the world was united and would sign onto protocols but no more because….America.
Anyway. I did a half-assed search trying to find papers or articles discussing whether it actually led to results.
The ozone layer is self healing. The more UV radiation, the more ozone.
True and is in part why I was trying to find out if most of the literature regarding ’30’ would be taking credit.
The earth is a giant magnet. Ozone is a polar molecule. Pun intended.
Dupont made a mint as did the GOV, R-22 goes for 100$ lb now, at the time of the protocol it was about 1$ lb. seriously, I know a lot more
/ Glib A/C guy
*Edit Fairy Assists*
Edit Fairie! $ not %
This is code, isn’t it? Like you’re the guy that can get me stuff, right?
Is the edit fairy pregnant? Our maybe she likes beer?
Spoiler: The ozone layer is gone and we’re all dying of skin-cancer right now
(**according to estimates in 1987)
OMG its my new favorite line:
Marital AIDS.
That 10-year guarantee sounds very sciency. Just ask this scientician.
No, you are dying of skin cancer, whitey. All us brown guys went blind.
Hahaha! Oh, you! Looking for results, when we all know the point was to make someone feel good.
Nothing good can come from Montreal except hockey players.
The men of Montreal do not, generally speaking, suffer from the Irish curse.
Has SAD.
*swigs whiskey*
I can think of ways to improve Seasonal Affective Disorder, bacon.
I’ll suffer through.
He’s not worried about your suffering, but it’ll make Jesse feel better.
Some great beer comes out of Montreal and the Montreal area.
The Montreal area also has hot women.
Fin du Monde?
That comes from Costco.
Unibroue is one, they’re in in Chambly, not too far from Montreal.
McAuslan is in Montreal.
I think Dieu de Ciel is from Montreal too.
Unibroue sounds middle eastern or greek.
And Rufus. Rufus is something good that comes out of Montreal.
What does that mean in English? Google Translate didn’t give me anything for: “ru fus”.
Attention seekers look for attention.
Whether it’s positive or negative.
Oscar Wilde smiles wanly from on high.
Did i steal a quote? Sweet!
Utopia update.
I thought nork girls were supposed to be thicc?
They’re just doing Communism wrong.
It’s the capitalist elements of their system.
“A former soldier says life as a woman in the world’s fourth-largest army was so tough that most soon stopped menstruating. ”
I’m pretty sure that’s not the army.
I’d be very surprised if more than half of North Korean women of child bearing age menstruate.
Yeah, they’re all malnutritioned as hell which is where they live.
“It’s like AIDS from the sky,” says Bedrich Magas, an electrical engineer who has waged an aggressive campaign to attract public interest-and research funds.
Panicky screeching from somebody trying to get government research grants?
There’s a first time for everything.
Drunkest cities in the U.S.
Drunkest city: Columbus
I blame tOSU.
Yeah, A lot of these are college towns. So surprise, college kids binge drink.
So we’ve learned that NoDak has the largest penises and is also the drunkest state. Sounds like Jesse should be booking a vacay soon.
NoDak has the largest penises
God damn it, I drove right through there TWICE and I didn’t sample the local wares. Why didn’t y’all tell me ahead of time?
The metro area I live in is listed. My work is paying off.
Even without Rodgers they’re winners!
I had some clients in Fond du Lac, WI. I liked this story about Wisconsin having 10 of the top 20 drunkest cities.
My theory is that Appleton (No. 3), Oshkosh (No. 6), and Fond du Lac (No. 12) were all the result of drunk Packer fans not being able to navigate back to Milwaukee (No. 20) after a game at Green Bay (No. 1). Once the drunken Packer Backers washed up on the shores of Lake Winnebago they said “fuck it” and put down roots.
My clients said the reason that they ranked so high was because it was based on self-reporting and Wisconsinites are too honest.
Well, let’s just not discuss this. I am still traumatized.
*Hands SP a tumbler of paint thinner*
I think the Maryland bit is wrong. At least, I’m pretty sure the Lexington Park area isn’t the wealthiest in the state. That would probably be Montgomery County. I do know that the Patuxent River Naval Air Station is right there, and there’s a lot of drinking in the Navy, apparently.
Drunkest City: Flagstaff
Home of my alma mater. Go Jacks!
My eyes!
“I know I took a picture that offended a lot of people,” Griffin said, “but this wall of crap has never fallen on any woman in the history of America like it has on me.”
Top of the victim hierarchy to be sure
I may have to work Saturday and I have my kids this weekend. I’ll have to find some temporary child labor camp for them.
Did i steal a quote? Sweet!
Not verbatim.
Try harder.
Jeanine F. Pirro, the high-octane host of a Fox News Channel show, was given a summons on Sunday for driving 119 miles per hour in upstate New York, according to the State Police.
Ms. Pirro, known as much for her conservative views as for the rapid-fire way in which she expresses them, has made reference to her tendency to drive quickly. She said in a 2015 interview with The Hill that her biggest pet peeve was people who “drive slow in the passing lane.”
She’s ten bazillion times worser than Al Franken. She’s a menace to life and limb. Nobody ever died when a grab to the ass careened out of control. Where’s Tulpa to explain how dangerous she is?
We are all Tulpa.
My kind of woman.
Plus, she hates people who drive in the passing lane?
I’ll get in line.
I’ve never understood this complaint, unless you are also driving in the passing land the people doing that aren’t in your way. If you are driving in the passing lane then you’re really just complaining that the other guys driving too slowly, someone behind you going faster would have the same bitch about you.
People who know use the left lane for passing only. Signal, pass and then get the fuck back into the left lane.
It’s not difficult.
Tundra speaks the truth.
Except that he fucked up. Get back into the right lane.
Unless you are in Britain.
I was watching some clips of “Top Gear” earlier.
Man, I can lose a lot of time with that show.
Luckiest three dudes in the universe.
In Germany they will flash high beams and honk until you GTFO of the way.
Yeah, around here they’ll get into the left lane, cruise on up next to someone going sufficiently slow, and drop down to pace them, blocking both lanes of traffic. If they do happen to slowly pass that guy, all of a sudden the throttle works again and they can do 80. It’s a miracle! And then they catch up the next guy in the right lane and drop back down to pace them again. It is maddening. It’s not often I want people to die in a fiery car crash, but I want these people and their parents and and their children to all slowly burn to death on the side of the road while the rest of society stands around and applauds.
I call that a Mexican Road Block.
Two cars without spacing in the slow lane. Pass both in one manuever. Extrapolate for N+1 many slow cars, terminate within a mile of exit. Car in passing lane is faster than slow lane but not faster than another car behind it that also wishes to pass slow cars. And that’s how you get frustrated drivers in the fast lane. If you wanted it to actually just be a passing lane it’d be shared between both directions of traffic. Weirdly I almost never see people actually pass on two lane highways any more when they get to the sections where crossing into the on-coming lane are allowed.
I get that, I try and do that, but the people who seem to get all bitchy about don’t do that, I’ll admit that while driving I occasionally zone out and sometimes inadvertently ‘hang out’ in the passing lane, then I notice some ass flying up mine and blinking his lights and I think If he was driving by the rules you guys are (and I assume he would) espouse, he’d be in the right lane and I wouldn’t be in his way, and before I get a bunch of “you’re not suppose to pass on the inside” grief, why does that rule vanish as soon as there are more than two lanes, three or four lanes and it’s passing left and right.
Yeah, the whole point is you’re not supposed to stay in the passing lane. Get in, pass, get out. Or, “keep right except to pass”.
The link from US Magazine
65? Holy crap! Italian don’t crack!
Obviously you’ve never been to Italy. The young women take great pains to look their best when going out in public, and as a group are stunners.
However, too much sun and too much pasta and the ones approaching early middle age get pretty leathery and pretty boxy. There is definitely an early expiration date.
Seems like straight forward reporting of a public figure getting busted for driving really fast.
Except they didn’t say what she was driving.
What’s interesting to me about Trump’s Moore endorsement is that it is another indicator that there finally is real, legitimate opposition to the decade-old Kabuki arrangement between the left and the establishment right. Even disregarding the allegations, I’m a bit skeptical of Moore because he’s such a SoCon, but the political establishment was terrified of him well before he won the Senate runoff two months ago, which makes me suspicious that there was a uniparty hitjob on him under the WaPo cover. Trump is consistently showing that he isn’t the uniparty and actually wants to oppose the left, which surprises me since I used to think that he basically was going to govern like a moderate Democrat.
I used to think that he basically was going to govern like a moderate Democrat.
Hell, he might have, if it wasn’t for the Democrats going insane. I mean, there’s only so many times you can be called by Hitler by somebody before you decide that they aren’t worth working with.
^^^ This
If the Democrats had protested a day or two and then gone back to being normal humans, they could have turned Trump into a Dem-lite administration. Remember when he rolled over for the continuing budget resolution and gave Schumer everything?
Fuck, if they had stroked his ego instead of calling him a nazi all the time, they could have gotten Supreme Court nominees that were squishier than Souter.
Whether someone opposes the left and governs (relatively) conservatively because of pragmatic or ideological reasons, the important thing is that he’s doing so, and that makes me so very happy.
BTW, I don’t think that Schumer actually wants to oppose Trump as much as the other Democrats want him to, but I think he’s getting pushed to by the loony base. Yes, he’s a liberal hack, but he’s also a cynical, corrupt guy much like his buddy Cuomo that will make a deal with anybody if it benefits him.
What is blowing me away is that Trump is a New Yorker.
It may say that on his driver’s license, but we all know he’s a Florida Man.
How would a New Yorker handle public embarrassment by the President during an elite social event?
Continued wars, drug war, sounds like a moderate democrat to me.
Admit it. If you had access to such a vehicle you would use it for short trips too. Marine Corps Chopper Makes Detour to Pick Up Lost Cell Phone, Lands on Local Ball Field
If you had access to such a vehicle you would use it for short trips too.
Beer runs.
Sure, but in a Cobra that might conflict with my no booze with guns rule.
Does it count if you’re the pilot and not the gunner?
What does that mean?
DUI for a pilot. It’s a lot harder to see the swerving in the sky.
Ah. That makes sense.
I had started commenting on Morning links and got interrupted had to make a visit to see a client and just now made it back home. Anyway, there was some commenting going on about the weird giant space rock that entered our solar system and that is obviously a giant penis, because the patriarchy is everywhere.
Anyway, wanted to reply to Suthen, so copied the post here:
Yeah, a meteorite that big is worth some serious bucks. I found one iron/nickel meteorite not nearly that size and sold it for $150 to a guy in 1985. The weird thing is that I also found 3 large chunks of a nickel/cobalt/arsenic ore in close to the very same location. I thought those must be meteorites too, but geology dude who bought the meteorite told me they’re likely glacially deposited from an area in Canada north of where I found them, an area that type ore is commonly found in, which is not a very common ore. They’re cool as hell looking, lot of crystals and bright silver metalic in color with patches of pink and green on them. I let my dad have the coolest one, but I still have the 2nd nicest one, which weighs at least 5 lbs, probably 7, I never checked, but it’s really heavy.
Cool. We never find that kind of stuff here in Louisiana. The soil is all wet, soft and lots of erosion going on. Anything that falls from the sky gets buried pretty quickly. Yeah, I wish I could have gotten that chunk when it was in my reach but…well, it weighed a lot more than 7 pounds. I dont think anyone ever found it or it would be in a museum and well known. It really was a monster. It was as big as your average coffee table. Now that I think about it, what is the largest meteorite known?
66 tons?
I forget how heavy the largest piece was they put on display at the museum, but they were able to recover a total of 30 tons of it. http://meteorcrater.com/
Well, maybe not:
“The Hoba[1] (/ˈhoʊbə/ HOH-bə) or Hoba West meteorite lies on the farm “Hoba West”, not far from Grootfontein, in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. It has been uncovered but, because of its large mass, has never been moved from where it fell. The main mass is estimated at more than 60 tonnes,[1] making it the largest known meteorite (as a single piece)[2] and larger than the 37-tonne fragment of the Campo del Cielo. It is the most massive naturally occurring piece of iron known on Earth’s surface.”
One the size of a coffee table is still really big. An iron/nickel meteor that size would be extremely heavy. Not sure about the math, but I’ll just guess that a chunk of iron the size of a gallon jug of water would weight about 70 lbs.
I tried to pry it out of the bank but it was a no-go. That fucker was heavy.
Of course. If it’s iron/nickel, the specific gravity of iron is about 8, nickel is heavier at close to 9. That’s where I got my gallon of water size chunk guestimate of 70lb. So a cube of it the size of your average coffee table would be thousands of pounds.
Just for comparison, the one I found was about the size of a softball, but must have been an interesting one from how bad the guy wanted it.
Also, talking about not finding stuff like that in Louisiana, I don’t think it’s common where I found mine either. There’s a series of gravel pits in the area, so they obviously unearthed both the meteorite and the ores I found, and no one paid any attention to them.
Students then grew frustrated that they were unable to meet with administrators to discuss their demands and concerns, though Parham responded by noting that there’s an ad in the student newspaper every week inviting them to stop in during his office hours.
“You sit there and listen, but what happens? Nothing comes out of these meetings,” one protester shouted back, continuing to yell at Parham for several minutes.
“You don’t respect her existence! You’re afraid of scrutiny!” others began to shout while Parham again attempted to carry on with the scheduled forum.
“Your forum is a disruption in and of itself, my n—!” one protester shouted back, after which one last activist began ranting for several minutes.
“You’re bastardizing—bastardizing!— the meaning of resistance because you’re saying resistance is within this bullsh*t ass thing that we’re in right now. You’re saying resistance is within this, and it really isn’t,” she shouted in an apparent response to a panelists attempts to applaud their protest efforts.
“Resistance is saying ‘f**k this,’ you know, ‘f**k the police, or whoever the f**k you invited over here and then listen to us, listen to what we’re saying. And we’re not just talking out of our ass, like we’re smart as f**k, you know what I mean? We read books, and we know sh*t; we know statistics,” she continued.
“Stop talking like we stupid up in here, man! I’m not dumb and none of these motherf**ckers up here are dumb, either,” she added while Parham invited the group of protesters to remain for the event, though the video concludes with a crowd of protesters leaving the venue.
Those with heart conditions should not watch the embedded video.
So, who’s fault is it that these people are still toddlers? The parents or the cowardly administrators. The whole lot of them need a good old fashioned ass beating.
So they have run out of actual things to protest and now they are just protesting…stuff? Keep throwing acid on society until it crumbles and then what? That is all they know how to do. I see now why the useful idiots are the first ones up against the wall. They are so toxic that they cant be allowed to exist.
I like to think these people will end up living under bridges but I know they’ll all probably be making six figures working in acedemia or government despite being retarded.
Umm, some of them acting the way they are, I don’t think so. The quiet social signaling ones, ok. But the really disruptive retards yelling fuck you to the faculty and administrators? Living under a bridge is the most likely outcome for them.
They’re just resisting! How can you just go about your life like this Trumpocalypse never happened?! Now he’s threatening to cut people’s taxes!
So part of my new job requires that I read employees email and rat them out if they send company files outside the information system.
I am overwhelmed by the number of people that still have active AOL accounts.
Huh…odd you would see that, my parents are retired.
Narc alert.
Today’s Perv alert
A suicide bomber killed 50 at a mosque in Nigeria today. Meanwhile, in Germany:
Four young Afghans were unhappy with their free housing in the German village of Falkenfels.
The guests from Afghanistan decided to destroy their accommodation with chains and wood laths. They fled when the police arrived and during their attempt they destroyed the windshield of a police car as well.
Inhabitants of the village said they didn’t feel safe anymore and a crisis summit was organised to find a solution for the civil unrest.
The rioters were four youths of 15 and 16 years old from Afghanistan. Several police officers were needed to arrest them in a forest nearby. It was decided that three leaders of the group will not return to the accommodation.
Estimated costs of the repairs are 20,000 euros according to police….
I know the solution if they’d like a little consulting.
Is it a final one?
Depending on what happens to them in their country of origin, if the parachutes work.
Three leaders… of a four-man group?
Prisoners dilemma: betray! Works even better with more people.
The purpose of useful idiots is to gum up the gears of society until it cant function so that you can swoop in and ‘save’ everyone by grabbing total power. The kinds of people who do this have figured out that there is no better tool than a bunch of savages from the middle east. They are ready made useful idiots. You dont have to spend two generations creating them. Merkel learned this in a classroom setting in East Germany.
The bitch should hang for what she has done. Her and the rest of the EU leadership. And Hillary ‘I will bring a million refugees here’ Clinton. And..the list goes on.
I’m really shocked that they haven’t publicly lynched her yet. This is what decades of European style socialism has done to the public, made them dumb compliant sheep.
Entourage – Harvey Weingard
I wonder if it’s based on a real person.
They all knew all about it and never did anything about it. Fuck them. At some point blaming the victim is the reasonable thing to do.
My grandfather – “You dont blame the wolf. He is just being a wolf, but you still have to shoot him.”
You catch more flies with honey than being a fucking cunt.
But being a cunt is all the rage.
Yeah, she’s a special kind of stupid. Like lets have the entire family sleep in the same bed kind of stupid.
Her husband left her. It shall forever remain a mystery.
“Innocent turkeys”
She has obviously never been around turkeys.
today’s derp supplement
Just look at the epidemic of wage theft. A Reddit user recently compiled a striking chart showing just how much is stolen from working people per year via failure to pay minimum wage, withheld overtime pay, and rest break/off-the-clock violations:
We can see from the data that the amount rich people steal from poor people dwarfs the amount poor people steal from rich people. And what’s important is that this is a function of power: if an employee has no recourse when they’re told they must come in and work overtime or lose their job, that’s because disproportionate amounts of power are held by workers relative to employers. If my boss spills his coffee on the floor and then demands I go and clean it up, even though that’s not my job, I am compelled to do it by the fact that he holds my livelihood in his hands.
It’s a goddamn mystery how all these working people never manage to seize the means of production and demonstrate how utterly unnecessary the capitalists are. Maybe we should try that, I’m sure it will work out great.
Worker (who just killed accountant. Randomly points to another worker with his hands in his pockets): ‘You! Yeah you! What’s this?’
/Waves paper income statement.
Worker (shrugs): How should I know? Where’s the button to give us more pay?
Worker (drops income statement sheet): Right. It’s gotta be here somewhere.
If my boss spills his coffee on the floor and then demands I go and clean it up, even though that’s not my job, I am compelled to do it by the fact that he holds my livelihood in his hands.
Sure and if you’re boss does that he is a dick. You don’t have to work there.
Perhaps your boss is a dick, but does it really make that much difference if you’re being paid for cleaning up coffee or being paid for doing ‘your job’?
I’ve had situations in which I’ve asked a person under me to do something like that (not my own mess, but someone else’s) because I was in the middle of something that was time-sensitive. I also said ‘thank you’.
Nov. 21 (UPI) — Sheriff’s deputies responding to a report of an aggressive buck in an Oregon neighborhood ended up rescuing the deer from the wheel well of a patrol vehicle.
Klamath County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded Saturday to reports of an aggressive buck attacking parked cars in a Klamath Falls neighborhood.
The buck turned its attention on the Cpl. Daren Krag’s patrol vehicle when he arrived on scene and charged at the pickup truck, ending up with its head and antlers wedged in the driver’s side wheel well.
Hilarious pic. Reminds me of the old cartoon of a bull charging a freight train. “I admire your courage, but I question your judgement.”
Meanwhile in Socialist Fairyland:
North Korea bans drinking, singing, punishes officials for ‘impure attitude,’ report says
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly banned his citizens from participating in events with drinking, singing or other entertainment.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un keeps his citizens on a tight leash, according to defectors, but the leader has now constricted his control even further by banning North Koreans from drinking and singing, according to a new report.
Citizens have been banned from participating in “any gatherings related to drinking, singing and other entertainment,” Yonhap News Agency reported Monday. The North Korean regime is also “strengthening control of outside information.”
President Trump says the Treasury Department will announce additional sanctions, urges North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambition and cease all support for international terrorism.
The ban is reportedly an effort to stifle “a possible negative impact” of sanctions against North Korea in response to its recent nuclear tests.
The rogue state has also taken action against its military, by “undertaking an inspection of the military politburo” due to an “impure attitude toward the party leadership,” according to Reuters.
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly banned his citizens from participating in events with drinking, singing or other entertainment.”
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
“impure attitude”
Heh, sounds like the heaven progs have been waiting for.
Fan booted from college booster club for defending national anthem
A 74-year-old basketball fan was booted from a community college booster club after he confronted an athlete who was shooting hoops during the national anthem.
Jim Howard, of Garden City, Kansas, had been a member of the Garden City Community College booster club for 32 years.
His ouster is the result of an incident that occurred during the basketball team’s season-opener on Nov. 1.
While the rest of the team was inside the locker room, a player – Rasool Samir – came onto the court and began shooting hoops during the national anthem.
Mr. Howard was furious over the blatant display of disrespect and came out of the stands at the conclusion of the anthem and had words with the athlete.
“I told him if you don’t respect the flag, get out of this gym. Get off the floor and get out of the gym and he proceeded to tell me he didn’t have to,” Mr. Howard told the Todd Starnes Show. “At least respect the people that paid for your scholarship to get you on this campus – like myself and everyone else in that gym.”
A campus police officer separated the pair – ordering Mr. Howard back to his seat and Mr. Samir off the court.
The Garden City Telegram obtained a copy of a letter written by the college’s attorney – noting “a decision may subsequently be made by the appropriate prosecutor whether battery, assault or disorderly conduct charges should be filed” against Mr. Howard.
He says there was no physical contact – just a close-contact, heated conversation.
It’s ironic that a fan who was defending the national anthem could face disorderly conduct charges while the player who disrupted the national anthem does not.
As for 19-year-old Mr. Samir – he’s no longer on the basketball team – and it’s not quite clear whether he was kicked off the team or if he resigned.
Neither the school, its athletic department nor the booster club returned my messages seeking comment.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas has already taken sides – sending a letter to the community college demanding to know why Mr. Samir is no longer on the team.
“Samir was engaged in protected First Amendment activity when he declined to observe the national anthem,” the ACLU wrote in a letter to the school. “Moreover, Samir’s objection was motivated by his religious beliefs and thus, was protected on free speech exercise grounds.’
If that’s the case, why didn’t Mr. Samir simply stay inside the locker room until after the national anthem had concluded? Why didn’t he follow the coach’s directive to stay inside the locker room?
“This was definitely an ‘in your face’ move. He knew exactly what he was doing because he was waiting for it to happen,’ Mr. Howard told me.
As for now, Mr. Howard has not faced any criminal charges for defending the national anthem. However, should he be arrested, I told him I would be honored to post his bail.
Christ, what assholes.
All of them. The player (should’ve stayed in the locker room), the cranky old dude, and Todd Starnes. The question is which one of them is the biggest asshole. Probably Starnes.
I’m going to go with Mr Howard, The kid is a dumb punk, and the Starnes guy is just doing his (stupid) job, Mr Howard should have been the bigger man.
2018 New York City Taxi Drivers Calendar
Not gonna click. Wouldn’t be prudent.
There’s a chick in it, Ted.
Oh. That kind of calendar.
Italian cabbies strike nationwide to protest Uber, other rivals
Nov. 21 (UPI) — Taxi drivers went on strike across Italy Tuesday to protest increasing competition from Uber and other emerging rivals.
The cabbies said proposals from the Italian Ministry of Transport are are “unacceptable”, have unfairly deregulated the market and allow private companies unfair advantages.
Unions in Italy are calling for tighter rules on where taxis and car-hailing services can operate, as traditional taxi drivers can only work in certain licensed areas — whereas Uber drivers face no such restrictions.
“The government proposals deregulate the sector through the liberalization of car rental with driver services which is to the advantage of Uber,” Alessandro Genovese, a member of trade union federation UGL, said.
The protest turnout was high in most major cities, and there were no taxis serving passengers arriving at Rome’s Fiumicino airport Tuesday.
Riccardo Nencini, Italy’s deputy minister of transport, called the strike “unjustified.”
“The government aims to regulate the market so services to citizens are more efficient and better tailored to demand,” Nencini said.
Um, yeah.
Interesting. Typing “Italian taxi drivers calendar” into Google gives you pictures of the 2017 NYC Cab Driver Calendar.
“The government aims to regulate the market so services to citizens are more efficient and better tailored to demand,” Nencini said.”
Am I missing something?
Only the suspension of disbelief.
Jonathan Turley sets fire to whatever shreds of his reputation remain. He was just on Fox News and, referring to the Roy Moore case said, “the standard is not whether the accused denies things, but the standard is for adults to determine if the accusations are credible and these accusations seem credible to me.”
Get that, all you GWU law students? There is no longer any need for evidence.
New law theory: If it feels like evidence then it’s evidence and admissible.
Well, the latter is the standard for whether you not decide “I ain’t votin for no kiddie fucker”, so I guess whether he’s right or wrong is a question of context.
True, but if he’s brought on as a constitutional law professor…
China doesn’t like my polyethylene waste any more. I can’t blame China, my polyethylene waste is huge and soaked in Boron compounds.
You should see Polythene Pam.
She’s the kind of a girl
That makes “The News of the World”
Yes you could say she was attractively built
She sounds cute, but how does she solve my waste management issues?
Americans aged 18-34 most likely to oppose assault weapons ban, poll finds
Resistance to a ban on military-style assault weapons is strongest among millennials, according to a new Quinnipiac poll released this week. It’s a finding that experts said might be driven by the popularity of first-person shooter video games such as Call of Duty and the increasing prominence of military-style guns in the consumer market.
Where’s Tipper when you need her?
So we need more video games about property rights and no government.
I’ve never seen any other group with the unbridled hatred of SJWs as younger gamers. Maybe there is yet hope.
*Aussies come to rescue and spring record setting ban boner*
For those that haven’t already read it, go out and get The True Believer by Eric Hoffer immediately. Selected quotes:
“The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.”
“A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”
“There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless.”
“Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority. They who clamor loudest for freedom are often the ones least likely to be happy in a free society. The frustrated, oppressed by their shortcomings, blame their failure on existing restraints. Actually, their innermost desire is for an end to the “free for all.” They want to eliminate free competition and the ruthless testing to which the individual is continually subjected in a free society. ”
Sounds an awful lot like the progs that plague us today.
Also: “The sick in soul insist that it is humanity that is sick, and they are the surgeons to operate on it.”
A good friend of mine took his final flight into the wild blue yonder. If you share drinks with friends tonight, I ask that you toast Capt “Stuck”. He always had a glass of whiskey, tales of adventure, and words of encouragement for anyone who dropped by.
That’s rough. Will do.
condolences Mustang.
I’m sorry, Mustang.
-1 Shot of Jeremiah Weed
+1 Condolences
Will do, Mustang.
sorry for your loss.
Thanks. We are still under a no-alcohol order here in Japan so I will not be able to toast him until it is lifted.
I just poured a shot of my finest rye for your friend. Godspeed, Stuck.
Sorry to hear it, Mustang. My father was in the Air Force from ’61-’71. He was a SSGT who worked on engines. Today is my birthday. I’ve had a few shots to friends. I’ll have a Powers to your friend.
well, happy birthday LHR!
Thanks, DOOM. It’s my 44th. I met up with friends earlier. Most of them are going to The Triple Rock for the last Dillinger Four show there. (The Triple Rock is a bar/rock club in Minneapolis that is closing its doors soon.) I spent a lot of time there and played a bunch of shows there. I could have gone, but honestly nostalgia just isn’t my thing. I’m 44. I’m gonna have a few bourbons and cook myself a nice dinner.
Happy birthday and thanks!