It is a scientific fact that Caddyshack is the best movie of the 1980’s. Not only does the movie accurately depict the summer of my junior year in college spent as a ranger on a golf course, it also showcases some of the best comedic talent of the era. Chevy Chase as Ty Webb, a simple-minded millionaire playboy with a natural gift for golf. Bill Murray as Carl Spackler, a dim-witted groundskeeper who engages in an ever-escalating war with a gopher that’s burrowing holes throughout the course. And Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervick, a boorish millionaire whose gaudy lifestyle and off-color remarks draws the ire of the club’s blue-blood establishment, as best personified by Ted Knight’s character, Judge Smails.
Throughout the movie, our hero, caddy Danny Noonan (whose last name will forever be remembered by golfers who have heard it whispered to them mid-stroke as they putted) tries to impress the stodgy Judge Smails in order to win a caddy scholarship while also trying not to betray his true self. It is a coming-of-age morality tale interwoven between campy sexual references (“Hey everybody, we’re all getting laid tonight!”), silly, but effective, turn-of-phrases (“Thank you very little”), drug references (“Cannonball!”), and pure Bill Murray (“So I got that going for me. Which is nice”). But, the movie also highlights a clash between the nouveau riche, as embodied by Dangerfield’s character, and the established upper class, as embodied by Judge Smails. A conflict that is being played out in our national politics.
Dangerfield’s character is rude and uncouth, much like our orange-tinted president whose tastes defy gaudy and uncultured, along with his public persona being impolite and offensive. But, at the same time, the caddies and other staff on the golf course don’t seem to detest Dangerfield’s character nearly as much as they do Judge Smails. His gruff remarks convey a degree of honesty. Though he is no less a liar than Judge Smails, his lies are so clearly transparent that no one feels deceived. And his unwillingness to be polite hides no ulterior motives. Everyone knows what Dangerfield’s character thinks because he declares it for everyone to hear, much like our president via Twitter.
They were also in Tron.
In contrast to Dangerfield’s character, Judge Smails is presented as part of a self-important and corrupt establishment that cares little about people not of their class. Much like the public views the president’s enemies as dismissive of those beneath them. Smails is well polished and presents himself as someone who upholds the rules of respectable society, but in actuality, everyone knows he cheats. In much the same way that the American public at large believes that their betters are liars and cheats.
At the movie’s climax, the protagonist, Danny Noonan, is presented with an option: either help Dangerfield win a golf bet against Judge Smails and lose his college scholarship or fall in line with an established order that he detests for his own personal gain. Judge Smails advises him against helping Dangerfield, but Noonan ignores his advice, much like voters in 2016 rebuked the advice of the ruling class.
In the final scenes of the movie, the two sides of the golf bet are even. Noonan needs to sink his final putt in order for Dangerfield to win the bet. After a comically long moment of anticipation, Noonan’s putt wins the golf bet for Dangerfield and the workers at the golf course are ecstatic. Everyone from Noonan’s love interest to a fellow caddy who he has sparred with throughout the film crowd around him in a raucous celebration. The victory is actually Dangerfield’s, who was the principle of the bet against Judge Smails, but he is seemingly ignored. Dangerfield, much like our President, served as only the vehicle for these workers to register their frustrations with the golf course’s blue-blood establishment. The workers gained nothing from Judge Smails losing his bet: Noonan will not be able to afford college without the caddy scholarship that he’s forsaken and the rest of them will go back to the same jobs the next day. Their celebration is surely fleeting, but for a moment they take enjoyment in besting their betters.
Holy shit. This is perfect.
You hear that, everyone? We finally have the perfect article. Time to shut it down and end on a high note 😛
*packs up narrowed gazes, waves to ZARDOZ and STEVE SMITH*
No! Where will I waste my time at work now?
Ooh. Good point. Me too.
*Unpacks, asks Tabernacle to return ZARDOZ, sets out hapless looking hiker to lure STEVE SMITH back.*
It has tits too. Something for everyone.
Much appreciated.
I must agree. Great article. Whoever has to follow this article has it rough
This is fantastic. Great job.
And there was the delightfully cute but quickly (and sadly) forgotten Sarah Holcomb doing a remarkably bad accent. But she was perky…
She was just stressed out from being late.
+1 “Oh God! Dats all I need!”
Your comment got me wondering whatever happened to her. Drug use was blamed for wrecking her career, but it turns out she had schizophrenia, undiagnosed at the time the movie was made. Presumably she’s living under managed care somewhere, probably using a different name. The movie Stateside is based on her life.
But what about the night putting? Have the perpetrators been bought to justice?
Mmmm, perky…
I really like this. It is truly inspired writing.
Oh, I shoulda said two!”
Terrific article. And I do think the Caddyshack analogy is an apt one. I think the only place it falls short is that the 2016 Trump voter didn’t have a Caddy Scholarship on offer. Our Judge Smails make no bones about the fact that their worldview doesn’t entail our Dannies from ever being able to ascend the ladder. He’d be provided for, perhaps with Bill Murray’s job at some point in the future, but his life would be one of diminished expectations. In contrast, America’s Al Czervick was suggesting to our Dannies that he might be able to line them up with a job hustling office suites (Making America Great Again). Yeah, he was probably full of shit. But, it was the closest thing to an offer our Dannies might value on the table.
“The world needs ditch-diggers too.”
Is Joe Biden the groundskeeper?
I think libertarians are the groundskeeper. Speakers of truth, yet eccentric and odd and nobody really pays attention to us.
Also we have home made explosives…I mean, I don’t…that’s the ticket…
I was doing some “science experiments” with the kids last month. Things almost went horribly wrong.
I should have used a fuse, but I used a blowtorch instead.
I was about to make some suggestions, but I’m pretty sure the ATF has at least one agent dedicated to me…
*dives into closest bush*
The ATF doesn’t really care about “hobby chemistry”.
I’ve talked to a few agents, and they think it’s funny.
Don’t worry. it is known that FM has explosives, it’s as common as alligators or something…….
Explosives. Weed. Loner. Friends with millionaires. General destructive nature.
It checks out.
Don’t forget the Baby Ruth in the pool. I think the Baby Ruth represents libertarians.
Nope, Kevin was right. We’re the guys eating the Baby Ruth.
Short version of the last paragraph: “Hey everybody! We’re all gonna get laid!”
I miss Rodney.
Who is “Just Sayin’”?
Should read “Just Say’n”
You’ll get nothing and you’ll like it.
Move along! Nothing to see here! 😉
Danny do you do drugs?
Good, so what’s the problem?
Awesome article, awesome flick. I worked at a posh private golf course as a caddy and range driver when i was a teen. I got fired because a Judge Smails like character there falsely accused me of flipping him off when I had given him a wave.
Does the explosion symbolize the end of big government?
I could really go for a happy ending.
You’ll get nothing and you’ll like it.
Love this movie – watch it at least 2x a year.
I’m also a big fan of Used Cars – all the Jimmy Carter slams.
Jeff: For Christ’s sake, we’re fuckin’ with the President of the United States.
Rudy: He fucks with us, doesn’t he?
Luke Fuchs: $10,000. Is that all it takes to be elected senator these days.
Rudy: Well, that’s more like a down payment. After I’m elected its 50-50 on all the graft I take.
“That’s too fucking high!”
“What the Hell are you using here, Manuel? Water-based paint?”
“Suuure! We don’t get much rain around here.”
I loved “Tron” as a kid.
*runs around room with broom between legs pretending it’s a light-cycle*
Rand Paul got hurt pretty bad, worse than it seemed
I saw that article in the RCP feed and read it this morn. Is that socialist asshole still only being charged with 4th degree assault?! That is fricking unbelievable.
I really do hope Rand takes all his stuff in the lawsuit.
I hear they’re building a case between state and feds to drop on the guy from orbit.
Great read JS, but where’s the perky Girl, she was my favorite
I just re-watched this last week and this is spot on. Thanks for writing it.
Anyways, this “Just Sayin” guy is boring.
If this article is true, the Russia dossier was the biggest hoax concocted by the government since the moon landing
How much you want to bet that at least one of those “reporters” works for CNN?
I think the odds of that are somewhere around 100%
I’m inclined to believe we landed on the moon. Otherwise, why would Buzz Aldrin punch a conspiracy theorist in the face?
I was joking about the whole ‘moon landing thing’. I obviously believe we landed on the moon.
But, Bush did 9/11
By “moon”, you mean soundstage in Burbank?
That’s stupid. Everyone knows we went to the moon, we just can’t go back because of the deadly moon spiders.
Spiders? I thought it was the Nazis.
Anyways, this “Just Sayin” guy is boring.
Oh, people don’t say that about you as far as you know.
But, I do know. So jokes on you.
Just Say’n: 1 MikeS: 0
Don’t sell yourself short, Judge, you’re a tremendous slouch.
See q right there are a pair.of nice tits. No need for.more size
It’s not about ‘need’ my Romanian brother.
I have to admit I am.not a fan of the boorish nuveau rich. I apreciate a little class and sofistication. I think I would make a.great multimilionaire of I.could figure out the making of the money. The spending I got figured
How you doin’?
I am a fan of honesty. No amount of class, knowledge or sophistication can make up for that. I will take an honest boor any day.
Pie prefers a nobility that has lived for at least several hundred years and has picked up all the skills necessary to pick up/abduct peasant women without sexual harassment complaints.
The secret is to dump them in a river, then go sleep off your bender at a buddy’s house.
Oswald got the wrong brother. (Not that John was much better.)
For all we know, Pie could be a 1000 year old vampire. He might be hanging upside down right now in his lair while posting on Glibs. How could anyone know?, no one’s actually ever met anyone from Romania before.
Maybe he’s Rasalom
I saw caddyshack on Romanian tv when i was kinda young. Dont remember much. the romanian thing and.bittorrent it
In Romanian Caddyshack, Danny Noonan is villain who tries to undo worker paradise instituted by revolutionary elites
With vampires and gymnasts.
I would
watchpirate that movie.Good write up JS.
This is some funny stoner art:
I think Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has been horribly misinterpreted.
The real story?
A hard working entrepreneur has an immoral, lazy-ass, pathetic excuse for an employee. Scrooge has done everything to keep the guy on the payroll–when the insufferable bastard should be out in the streets with the hungry masses. The jackass even has a sick child at home, but does he feel any sense of responsibility for his sick child? No! Scrooge is staying up late to work himself, but his ingrate of an employee starts whining, “I want to go home”, Christmas, fa-la-la-la-la”.
The sheer ingratitude of his employee drives Scrooge out of his fucking mind. He starts hearing voices, starts seeing ghosts until, by the end of the book, poor Scrooge has gone so completely insane that he’s literally throwing money out the window. You think that street urchin ever comes back? Hell no. The kid spends it all on hookers and blow. Scrooge then runs over to his employee’s house lavishing gifts on the unwashed fucktard that “works” for him like there’s a profit in it or something.
The book is a tragedy about a brave, hard-working, entrepreneur reduced to the status of an hysterical, free spending, cackling idiot by the gross ingratitude of his lazy employee. It’s a cautionary tale. Interact with your employees when necessary, but, for goodness’ sake, never fall under their influence or take them to heart–or you could end up going mad, like poor Mr. Scrooge.
Heart warming
Never thought of it that way, but it does fit.
Turn it into a movie. Add some gratuitous nudity and a couple good explosions and I’d watch it.
Can we do it with Muppets?
This is absolutely correct. Fuck Scrooge. In the end, he got soft.
100% he went bankrupt within by the following X-Mas.
Don’t get me started on The Grinch. If he hated the Whos so much, why didn’t he incite an avalanche from Mr. Krumpet? That would’ve solved that infernal singing, and been much less resource intensive.
A Christmas carol was based on a true story. Dickens just changed the ending. In real live the Scrooge guy was hoarding money and hiding it behind the walls. He died alone.
Fantastic article, JS!
*hands Just Say’n a nice hybrid of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia*
The grass that inspired the article
Cure for Terrrorism
We’ve finally found the cure for terrorism, and it’s… Zoolander!
The idea that there’s such a thing as “returning ISIS fighters” is offensive to all 5 senses. What the fuck is wrong with Canada?
Britain supposedly, knowingly, has some 8000 of them, and they don’t see this as an issue. It’s all about diversity.
offensive to all 5 senses
You can even taste his stupidity?
Yeah. I thought everyone could.
Is this one of those things that I should have kept to myself?
Yes. You need to stop licking Trudeau.
*The fuck is wrong with Zoolander and his gaggle of idiots.
Note the Tories shitting all of him for this, considering that a lot of population is already pissed off for the Omar Khadr payoff.
Trudeau replied. “We have launched the Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence, which helps to ensure that resources are in place to facilitate disengagement from violent ideologies. In particular, children who return from conflict zones require tailored—”
Sound like a sub division of the Ministry of Peace to me
Does the treatment look something like this?
Typing is hard.
I could really go for a happy ending.
So say we all.
I see a BSG ism there,
So say We All
This is not that kind of massage parlor.
Brilliant analysis! Love the article. More please.
Great article. “It’s in the hole!”
That’s what she said
“Sexual assault is wrong….well…sometimes. It depends on which party is being accused and the ‘common good’ or something. But, rape is definitely wrong….well…sometimes. Wait- I got it- I’m just a hack”
What’s so hard about saying that Moore shouldn’t be a senator and neither should Bob Menedez and Al Franken?
It’s not ‘real’ sex assault if you’re a democrat, I mean you would only have the best intentions. And you would apologize and maybe go off to a treatment spa for a week. Big difference.
If you’re a Democrat, she had it coming/she was asking for it/she’s gold digging white trash so her claims can and should be ignored.
This morning someone on DU made a post declaring that Trump is a child molester because he was once friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a guy who Bill Clinton was known to often hand out with. No sense of irony there at all.
‘hang’ out, although there might be something useful there.
Is Epstien still living? He must have tapes. I’d bet money on it.
Yes, in the Virgin Islands, no less.
“Your actions don’t matter as long as you believe what I believe”
^ This. Additionally, the alignment has to be in the category that is most important to you. If being pro-abortion is your primary motivation and sexual assault is second to that, they will accept the sexual assault as long as the principal will deliver on abortion. In the reverse, they will eat their own if there is non-alignment on the primary.
I know I’ve been hyping it a lot on here lately, but read The True Believer. It encapsulates the thought process of the Progressive so perfectly, it should be required reading. Also points out how miserable, sad and venal these people are.
Eric Hoffer is the philosopher that best explains our times. Also, his writing is very easily understood and not just confined to philosophy students who would rather engage in mental masturbation than attempting to understand concrete problems.
I’ve always found it amusing or annoying, depending on what mood I’m in, at how feminists always put down women who want to be in the traditional role of wife caring for the home and children, instead of striving to be a high powered executive somewhere or whatever mode shunning the traditional stereotype takes. I just keep wondering if they’ve found the secret to happiness, why are most of them so bitter and angry all of the time? Doesn’t really make sense.
If a man has no vices, he’s in great danger of making vices out of his virtues, and there’s a spectacle. We’ve all seen them: men who were monsters of philanthropy and women who were dragons of purity. … No, no – nurse one vice in your bosom. Give it the attention it deserves and let your virtues spring up modestly around it.
That’s basically the defense of Clinton from the 1990s.
Should be “who an NOT care less”
Should be “can”, btw.
What if I agree (not that I do) but I think Moore does more for the common good than Franken?
Speaking of politics…
The comments are just delightful.
Yeah, I don’t recommend reading the comments. I mean we already know what shitbags leftists are, no need to wallow in their depravity.
*Looks up thread. Notices addition of comments. Shrugs*
Looks upthread at identical link,
“Don’t you people have homes?!?”
Great article by the way.
I read this article in the voice of Inspector Clouseau.
A 62-year-old man died while taking part in a hunt in the Paris area on Monday after being charged by a deer that fatally gored him, police said.
The incident occurred around 10 am in the Compiegne national park, about 53 miles northeast of Paris.
The man, identified by local media as Regis Levasseur, was acting as a beater when he was struck. He “was charged and pierced by a deer which stabbed him with his antlers,” a police spokesman said.
The hunter, who was not carrying a rifle, died of internal bleeding before emergency services could arrive. Police said this type of death was “uncommon”.
“Normally the animal would flee, but this time he decided to charge,” Guy Harlé, president of the local hunters’ federation told The Local. “It came after him.
“The antlers of the stag are like many knives piercing you, there is nothing you can do. This tragic accident reminds us that we do not play with a wild animal. There is an inherent risk with hunting.”
Mr Levasseur was reportedly due to get married in the coming months.
“For him, hunting was more than a hobby, it was his life,” Mr Harlé said.
Stag and deer hunting with hounds is flourishing in France, where – unlike in the UK – the tradition has until now faced little challenge from politicians or animal-rights activists.
The attack comes shortly after hunters caused outrage by tracking a stag with their hounds to the garden of a private house and shot it at close range.
It prompted France’s environment minister, Nicolas Hulot, to slam hunting with hounds as “a practice from another century” that “prolongs the agony” of the animal.
Hunting without a rifle? That’s a paddlin’.
Deer hunting: sometimes, the deer wins.
Now THIS is a metaphor for our politics.
Medium spicy derp
The University of Florida’s student newspaper has some advice for students on dealing with questions from their metaphorical “conservative uncle” over Thanksgiving.
In addition to the normal questions about schoolwork and life on campus, The Independent Florida Alligator predicts family members will also ask those who have been away at college whether the “liberal Kool-Aid” has “brainwashed you into committing moral suicide yet.”
“Explain to them the myth of the gender binary, then you explain the different types of sexuality and how they can manifest.” Tweet This
When such topics come up, the paper advises that students simply deflect them with a non sequitur, such as accusing Rasputin of sexual assault.
“You know your family is going to bring up the recent sexual allegations against literally every man who has ever breathed air,” the editorial notes. “If they try to defend any of those men—like Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, or Kevin Spacey—remind them Rasputin probably groped a nun or something, too.”
The editorial also suggests that students “explain to your conservative uncle exactly how dire seuxal [sic] assault is and how prevalent it is on college campuses” if the uncle attempts to stick up for those prominent liberals, reminding them that “every awkward conversation can become a teaching moment.”
The editors also anticipate that family members are “without a doubt going to ask about Richard Spencer,” the white supremacist agitator who recently generated national controversy by delivering a speech on UF’s campus, where he was met by protesters and opposed by student organizations such as the Alligator.
When asked why students are “giving him all this attention” rather than “just leave him alone and let him speak to no one,” as the school’s president advised, the editors urge students to recite a “brief dialogue” they concocted to defuse the conversation.
When asked why they didn’t simply ignore Spencer, students are instructed to respond that “Rasputin may or may not have groped a nun.” If family members press the matter further, the editorial suggests telling them that “More recent historians argue Rasputin’s allegations are blown out of proportion, that many of them are rumors propagated by contemporary Russian nobles. But he still probably maybe groped that nun that one time.”
Answering the question of whether they “have a boyfriend/ girlfriend yet” is much easier, the editorial maintains, saying students have only to explain why the very question betrays an uninformed perspective.
“First, you explain to them the myth of the gender binary, then you explain the different types of sexuality and how they can manifest,” the paper explains. “Let them know not everyone is looking for a healthy relationship all the time and cite, for example, the chances are good that Rasputin groped a nun at some point during his time in the Russian court.”
When it comes to their opinions on President Trump, however, the Alligator advises students to resist the temptation to “rattle off every single thing wrong with his presidency and his face,” saying it is better to keep discussion of that topic as brief as possible.
“It’s not worth the debate, and if you dig yourself a hole you’re not getting out,” the editorial warns. “Just state the facts—that it’s speculated that Rasputin more likely than not groped a nun—and move on.”
“Explain to them the myth of the gender binary, then you explain the different types of sexuality and how they can manifest.”
Yes, that totally is going to work. There’s nothing that leftists will not try to ruin, even a family holiday.
I think this could be a good advice. Basically it’s saying if you have some socon uncle that likes to start shit, deflect it and enjoy your holiday.
I mean, that dude does look totally woke, no?
It was a quid pro quo. Rasputin’s had a bitchin beard and tired of the nuns stroking it.
See, I can make inane, non-sequitur arguments too. Why is it this time of year that I only see articles advising progressives on how to argue and never the other way around?
Because everyone else just wants to eat turkey and avoid aunt Edna’s sloppy kisses.
What the fuck did I just read?
University telling useful idiots what to say because they cant think for themselves. Beautiful. And what is that gibberish about Rasputin?
I’m telling you. Bitchin. Beard.
Here’s an idea. For one day, stop making everything about politics, shrug it off, and allow everyone to enjoy themselves.
Without politics, progressives have nothing. They chose to make the personal part of the political and there’s nothing left in their pathetic, empty lives.
“If they try to defend any of those men—like Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, or Kevin Spacey—remind them Rasputin probably groped a nun or something, too.”
Why would a conservative uncle defend any of those guys? And why Rasputin? Do they think conservative uncles think Rasputin was a great dude? This is just bizarre.
Whoa there, mister. I’m not offended by this statement, as I also have an undying love for Caddyshack, but the science is most definitely not settled on this one.
^ Caddyshack denier
Tango & Cash was better…
Oh, you SOB. Them’s fighting words
I’m generally willing to accept idiocy from you, given that you’re a fellow Floridian, but this is just too much. We’re going to have to exile you to Alabama.
I’m Just clowning. Maximum Overdrive was the best movie of the 80’s…
Maximum Overdrive was the best movie soundtrack of the 80’s…
Denier! I’ll show you a science paper on it!
It’s not even the best movie of 1980.
I hope that’s ‘hyperbole’
It’s not bad or anything, in fact I’d say it’s a strong third place.
OK, Nick Gillespie
Hyperbole is the Nick Gillespie of something.
Empire Strikes Back and The Shining are tough to beat.
You’re not going to respond to this, because you’re upset about the ENB argument, but:
Empire Strikes Back- best movie of 1980 if you were a nerd
The Shining- good movie, better book
Caddyshack wins
The Shining- good movie, better book
Nope. Book jumps the shark with the dumb foliage monsters. Kubrick is a genius, King is a coked out madman.
Fun fact: My cousin took me to see Empire screened with subtitles in a run down theater in Poland during the communist era. In hindsight, I am amazed it was even allowed considering the overall theme of the film.
*googles films of 1980*
I was assuming it was the best comedy of 1980, but wow. Some heavy hitters were released that year. Some other comedies you may have heard of released in 1980:
Stir Crazy
Used Cars
9 to 5
The Blues Brothers
Herbie Goes Bananas
I love Caddyshack, but there’s no contest with the Blues Brothers. Caddyshack loses.
Are you all insane?
If you come to believe that everyone around you is insane, you should consider the possibility that the insane one is you.
You do claim to be a ‘mad scientist’ (sonavabitch) so this sounds like false advertising.
Suggesting that Blues Brothers is better than Caddyshack is a Nick Gillespie-type statement.
The Blues Brothers isn’t even a funny movie. It’s one of those ‘oh, that was humorous’ kind of movies. I grew-up in Chicago and I’d still pick Caddyshack over Blues Brothers any day of the week and twice on Sunday
I can’t even. This makes no sense what so ever. Is this written in English?
This is 100% accurate. No contest
It’s obviously a 3-way tie between Caddyshack, Blues Brothers and Airplane!
Switch the order and you are correct sir.
I guess. I’d still go: Caddyshack and then a tie for second with Airplane and Blues Brothers
I grew-up in Chicago
Well that’s your problem not ours.
I’d respond with a clever retort about some Canadian city, but I think the only town in Canada is Toronto
You forgot Mon-tree-al.
I thought you don’t consider Quebec as part of Canada?
That sounds like separatist propaganda to me.
Oops. Missed this gem:
The Private Eyes
I remember seeing that in the movie theater with my parents. Good pick.
I watched that movie so much growing up I can still pretty much recite the script from memory today. My father, sister, and I still reference lines from that movie.
You guys are all so wrong, the greatest movie of all time is Peewee’s Big Adventure.
Oh, one of them Caddyshack deniers, are you?
No, I’m more of a rational Caddyshack skepti…
*stumbles as bike lock makes contact with forehead*
Caddyshack is great, but Cannonball Run is the best.
I enjoy Caddyshack as much as the next totally sane person, but Ghostbusters was the perfect comedy. It’s by far the better movie. Plus, as a movie about a friendly group of entrepreneurs struggling to start an maintain a business under the heavy hand of the state, I’m surprised it’s not more beloved by libertarians.
But it was a great article and very pertinent.
Why Rasputin? Why not Clinton? Mugabe?
Rasputin is far enough back in time that people forget what a monster he was and he can be sainted now by the pinkos. They cant saint Chavez …yet.
Nuh-uh, Idiocracy is clearly the real movie about modern politics, by which I mean everyone I disagree with is stupid.
Idiocracy does explain our society. Kid Rock was seriously being considered as a senatorial candidate and he said the Democrats were “shatt’n their pantaloons”. That is equally hilarious and moronic. We live in stupid times.
Virginia: Islamic conference decries US as “land of infidels,” says Americans should be “forced” to accept Qur’an
Pakistan born Islamic cleric Rafiq Khan defined America as “The land of Infidels” at a fundraiser for his Islamic charity this Saturday. The event which was held at a Holiday Inn in Springfield, Virginia attracted over 100 participants. Speakers included an Islamist from Pakistan as well as radical Imams from the states of Maryland, Virginia, and Texas. The conference revolved around the topics of Jihad, Infidels and what can the American Muslim community do to counter conspiracies against Islam.
The registration desk which was manned by teenagers displayed flyers and posters denouncing the founder of the moderate Ahmadiyya Islamic sect. An exhibition stall lined with posters urged Muslim voters to not vote for “non-Muslim candidates”. The event particularly targeted the Ahmadis who are considered heretic by the majority of mainstream Muslims as they believe in another Prophet after Prophet Muhammad and have a different understanding of Jihad. Many of the conference speakers accused the Ahmadis of being ‘Infidels’ and criticized them for having ‘abolished Jihad’.
Ludhianavi, who is also the principal of the Islamic seminary Dar-ul-Uloom located in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad claimed that ‘ignorant Infidels’ need to be dealt with force, He said:
“They are ignorant and there is no need for dialogue with them, God has given them two options, one is the holy book and one is the stick [Force] and if one does not accept the holy book they have to be forced”
He also urged American Muslim Lawyers to use the American Justice system to restrict the religious freedom of Ahmadis:
“Have all Muslim lawyers died, why cant they learn and understand U.S. laws and then go present their case in front of the judge and explain that Qadianis [Ahmadis] are disrespecting Islam……..Islam is our faith and they [Ahmadis] are portraying their religious beliefs as Islamic beliefs ……. it should be made criminal for them to do so”
Commenting on the dangers faced by Islam, Ludhianvi said:
“The biggest threat that Islam is facing today is the disruption of the family system, for which they [west] are urging women to go out of their homes”
Last year in his magazine, Ludhainvi issued a Fatwa (decree) stating that “The use of cellphone by women in public places was against Islam” and so was wearing “High heel shoes”
Last year in his magazine, Ludhainvi issued a Fatwa (decree) stating that “The use of cellphone by women in public places was against Islam” and so was wearing “High heel shoes”
I want to see the universe where the Middle East doesn’t have rampant inbreeding and whether their religious fanatics are any less retarded. I’m guessing yes.
Look, Mohammed specifically said that women are not to use cell phones. It’s a historical fact. And wearing high heels in loose sand is just dumb.
I at least get radical Islamic complaints against high heels because they’re designed for sexualization and the general theme of Islamic views towards sexuality is “men rape everything so women exposing themselves sexually in any way whatsoever means they had it coming”, but the cellphone thing just comes off as ‘old man yells at cloud’.
Look, they should be making sammiches instead of yammering with their facebook friends on that damned phone. At least the Islamists get some stuff right.
Muhammad forbade the creation of sandwiches according to the hadiths, because meat and bread going together was unnatural and the meat should be stoned to death as a result. Also somehow he knew about sandwiches about a thousand years before they were invented.
“he knew about sandwiches about a thousand years before they were invented.”
That explains why he was a prophet.
“if one does not accept the holy book they have to be forced”
Well, by force, it doesn’t mean what you think it does. In this case, force means love. They just want to love you into believing what they do, just like our very own loving progressives. You just can’t see that because of your Islamaphobia.
Clinton was going to bring one million of these fuckers to the country in her first year in a deliberate attempt to destroy our society. These are the new useful idiots.
Read what these guys are saying and my question is, how do you tell the difference between them and progressives? The things they are saying are different of course, but exactly the same in effect. Think like we do, or else.
a deliberate attempt to destroy our society
Why would she do that? It is our(and her) society that has enriched her and her family is going to enjoy it for generations as long as things stay relatively the same.
That’s not why they do it. They have good intentions. You see, native born Murikans are a particularly cantankerous and hard to rule over bunch, especially the white male devils. Some of them even think that socialism is not the right path to go down. What’s wrong with them? It’s too difficult to govern. Obviously we need to refresh the herd with some more compliant sheeple. That’s all it’s about. Also, leftists, do not, never have, never will think about unintended consequences. That why you see they’ve turned college students into little monsters that are now turning on their creators and making a mess of things. The same thing would happen when their Muslim imports comprise a sizable enough portion of the population. They will get entitle, start making demands, and when those demands are not met, there will be violence. The left didn’t see it coming, of course.
Right, so calling it a deliberate attempt to destroy society is just hyperbolic nonsense, if not outright and deliberately misleading. I expect better of the good folks here. Well not better when discussing boobs and movies and whatnot, but better on serious issues.
They do intend to destroy western culture, the traditional family, and capitalism. Of course that is not intentional destruction because they truly believe that doing those things will lead to some sort of utopia where everyone is equal and happy. They’re just stupid, that’s all.
They have ZERO desire for everyone to be equal and happy. They want to be in charge, and your or my or anyone’s equality and/or happiness isn’t even part of their equation.
Again, I get that, but Hillary, as bad as her presidency would have been and as shortsighted and stupid her policies might be does not want to stand on the smoking wreckage of society. What is the possible upside of that for her? I’m not arguing that progs don’t have a thin grasp of reality and thus propose dangerous solutions to problems that only exist in their tiny little minds. My gripe and it’s a small nit to be sure, is with the unnecessary demonization of a demon. Call her out for her actual flaws that should be plenty.
“does not want to stand on the smoking wreckage of society”
You can’t be serious.
Look at Detroit, Chicago, or even some of their suburbs. Central planners – aka Democrats – are HAPPY to stand on ruined communities if it provides them a continuous power base. All they have to do is blame the wreckage on the party not in power, and lie about how bad things really are.
For example, Democrats NEVER take the blame for Chicago’s murder rate. NEVER. They also NEVER propose anything that would actually be a change in policy – like ending prohibition – that could reverse the trend because (as an investor would say) the trend in their friend. God forbid drugs be legalized and a whole industry of counselors and attorneys be left fighting for whatever scraps the free market sends their way.
Until the ruined communities stop supporting the people who purposely ruined their communities, there is no reason for a candidate’s strategy to change.
The purpose Hyperbole is to gum up the gears of society until it cant function and crisis arises. Then you step in to save everyone and in the process get total power. Yes, it is a deliberate attempt to put blood in the streets because that is when money is made and power is grabbed. It is why useful idiots are created and in this case dysfunctional, uncivilized people imported. It is right out of their playbook. See: Europe.
Do you think the conditions for the story from the Netherlands where the girl is being prosecuted for fighting off her attempted rapist happens by accident? Those conditions came about by design. It is deliberate.
Power Hyperbole. Power. It is right out of their playbook, page for page.
1 Destroy Society
2 ?????
3 Power!!
I guess it’s the 2 part that loses me.
He’s right that they’re trying to destroy society in a way, they want to replace the one we have with a socialist totalitarian one, which they think of as utopia, for our own good. You can’t get utopia by keeping what we have now, too many wreckers and hoarders.
So they don’t think of it as destroying society, but as replacing this society with a better one. The next effect would still be destruction.
I hardly know what to say. My god man, history is chock full of examples. Do you remember the phrase “What Germany needs now is a strong man!” ?
And by the way, the reason number 2 escapes you is because you are not a deranged power monger who seeks control at any or all cost. Decent people dont think like that. I’ll be just fine with you not understanding.
Fair enough, I suppose that I was taking the ‘Deliberate destruction of society’ too literally, In my mind the destruction of society isn’t going to leave the elites any better off than us lowlifes. Probably quite the opposite, truth be told, and that’s why the idea that the people already benefiting hugely from the system want to knock it down usually has me scratching my head.
As I said, you dont think like they do
“Islamic conference decries US as “land of infidels,” says Americans should be “forced” to accept Qur’an”
I believe this is where the phrase ‘you and what army?’ comes in handy.
See, you just confirmed the point that we need common sense gun control. /progtard
That is exactly right. Herself said it best when she said “If congress wont act on sensible gun control, I will take executive action. Second Amendment rights are subject to regulation just like ALL OF OUR RIGHTS ARE SUBJECT TO REGULATION.”
Make no mistake, that bitch is an aspiring dictator.
Matthew Dowd on Twitter should be nominated for stupidest tweet of the week, no small feat:
He’s being rightfully skewered too.
“File photo”
It was discussed above. I still have no idea who that guy is, though.
ABC news analyst, former chief strategist for 2004 Bush campaign. IOW a blithering idiot has been.
He’s just repeating exactly what every leftist news outlet have been saying for the past several days, in so many words.
Really? since i’ve noticed the guy, he’s been all #never-trump and DNC cheerleader
He’s a typical neocon scumbag. Now that the left has given up their opposition to war he’ll find a fine home there.
From the thread:
So that guy couldn’t be a Democrat today. I can’t actually remember the time when all Democrats weren’t communists, but I guess there must have been a time.
Sounds like old Johnny wasn’t sufficiently woke.
It is no accident that Oswald and Sirhan were both commies.
I have a friend who is a Democrat office-holder (but a relatively reasonable one). I always tweak him with the statement that JFK was the first Neo-Con. It pisses him off because he knows I’m right.
Progs should like Nixon much more than Kennedy. Well, I mean if they cared about facts they would.
Also, this guy
has apparently been sending out nudie pics or dick pics or whatever for some reason. For god’s sake, no one wants to see that.
*pulls phone from pants*
Huh. Messi on the bench vs. Juventus.
I did not see any references to ENB.
She’s the gopher.
So Just Say’n is Spackler?
So who’s the bastard that’s responsible for starving the gopher?
I hear they’re building a case between state and feds to drop on the guy from orbit.
With any luck, Rand’s neighbor will end up being dragged out of the discovery deposition (if that’s what they call it) in a straitjacket.
After having unfortunately read some of the comments at CNN, I think the lefties need to change their:
‘talk to your conservative family members over the holidays and progsplain things to them’
‘Go to thanksgiving and Jap-tackle your family member’s, those broken ribs will be their fault because wrong think’.
Stay away from CNN comments, they’re as bad as YouTube’s.
As would have been obvious to anyone in the 1980s, it was also commenting on stereotypes between Catholic, urban up-and-comers, versus their Protestant forebears, who saw themselves the gatekeepers of ‘who got to run America’.
Jews and Catholics were basically barred from most of the most prestigious country clubs in America for many years. in the 1970s and 80s, this barrier started to break down, and the movie was commenting on this widely-understood reality
my dad belonged to Winged Foot GC in westchester in the 1980s; i don’t know the history of the place, but my impression is that it was a decidedly Catholic-dominated club, and it had formed specifically because of the bigotry prevelent in prestigeous clubs of the early-mid-20th century. it in turn basically refused entry to Jews, who formed Quaker Ridge GC just down the road. Every major fancy-schmancy club had its own biases and who they catered to; and it was widely understood by anyone who occasionally arrived as a guest what the deal was. I think that sort of ‘common knowledge’ is mostly gone now.
here’s an article from the NYT in 1997 which basically says that ‘things were changing’. If you’d tried running that same story in the early-mid-1980s, it would have been a very different story.
Nailed it.
Great article!
What does the Baby Ruth candy bar represent?
Being polite. Everyone freaks the fuck out when it’s suggested, but it’s actually no big deal.
the Baby Ruth was obviously Blackness, and white fear of it infecting the supremacist-culture
Racism, obviously racism. It’s common knowledge that the Mayans invented base ball 10,000 years ago and Babe Ruth isn’t even the greatest because a black guy broke his record.
The swimming pool is a metaphor for a punch bowl. The turd in the bowl is Rodney Dangerfield’s character, ruining the good character of the club. The caddies in the same bowl represent the hoards of uncouth newcomers who will be invading the club once they have to let in Jews and Catholics and blacks etc.
I regularly tell people to not read comments, but I can’t follow my own advice.
Gah, I made the mistakes of reading the comments on a zerohedge article.
Go do DU and read comments for a while. That should cure you for about a month.
When I have time I really need to figure out why complaining about (((them))) has suddenly became so much more prevalent in internet discourse as of the past couple years. I mean, I always saw that shit on /pol/, but was it just a thing always lurking in the dark corners of the internet that’s come to light or did something drive it to be more popularized?
Presenting, the Trumpchi!
How much should buffalo wings cost at a non-hipster to-go place?
7 bucks
You don’t have to say “non-hipster.” We know you’re at Hooters.
80¢ each
7-11 has a sign that says “5 for 3”
I might investigate
Nice article.
The Mr Hayeksplosives and I recently learned that his 20-something year old son has not yet seen Caddyshack, so we are planning a home viewing soon. It will be fun to see a millennial react to it.
I sent the Mr to the store Sunday to bring back a “18-20 lb” turkey. He brought me a 24 lb pterodactyl. I increased the brine ingredients to accommodate it and managed to fit it into my biggest stockpot to brine overnight. That sucker’s price tag was $40, but the lady at the register whipped out a coupon for us and it came down to $21!! Not bad at all.
Giblets are simmering with bayleaf, carrot, celery, and onion (which get strained out later) and will be cooled off and set aside (with the stock) for giblet gravy tomorrow when I get some roasted turkey drippings to add.
Ground cranberries are soaking in sugar for the cranberry salad tomorrow (crans, banana, grapes, walnuts, & sour cream–yum!), and I am about to make the 24 hour layered veggie salad. Then I get to relax until tomorrow and just roast the turkey and make the gravy then.
Pretty nice to have a small, casual Thanksgiving now and then. I prefer to visit the relatives on random spring days when nobody is under pressure to “host.”
Frozen turkeys are cheap today for some reason.
I guess they figure it’s now or never.
I’m just surprised they had slashed it already on Sunday. They were out of everything between 14lb and 24lb, which is why we got such a big ‘un. Probably should have gotten an extra for Christmas or New Year. (Nah, I’ll probably buy brisket from Firebox Deli for New Year.)
Usually I have to force myself to finish reading the entire article even when it’s something I wrote. Not this time. Perfect. There are only seven basic stories according to Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch:
man against man
man against nature
man against himself
man against God
man against society
man caught in the middle
man and woman
Caddyshack and Trump have managed to nail all of them in one.
BTW, Quiller-Couch is the best name in history.
*googles “Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch.”*
Huh. He’s a real person. I was sure straff made it up.