This is my review of Southern Tier Choklat Oranj.
Southern Tier brewery…. from Lakeside, NY? Odd. I like to think we have come full circle with the whole Stout thing. There’s too many things one can do with it. As it turns out, this is one of the simplest styles of beer to make. The flavors that go into it can range from subtle to intense, so realistically you can add almost anything to it and come out with a palatable product—except Sriracha. For example, after four years of studying chemistry and STILL not learning how to make VX nerve gas, I took this up:
This is probably my third attempt at recreating something wonderful. Back in Colorado, I threw together a now unknown mixture of chocolate malts, Champaign yeast, English hops, Rainer cherries and sprigs of vanilla. It was amazing. I gave it to a friend of mine who said it was amazing but he still preferred whisky and that he was keeping the bottle because the bottle was a convenient place to put excess screws and nails.
Why is it now unknown? I left the ingredient list on a fruit based mobile device. That fruit based mobile device was dropped on a tile floor by a child—my child. I tried to restart it, I tried shaking it, and even pressed both buttons at the same time. Nothing. I took that device to the fruit based store and was told that I could purchase a refurbished fruit based mobile device, or a new one. It was done and I was slightly poorer, but at least I still had my tunes.
This one is rich, and has a nice milk chocolatey aroma to it. There is certainly a nice citrus aftertaste to it. It does indeed taste like a chocolate orange at first. The reason I like it is because at 10% ABV, it tastes like something I made in my closet by accident. This is best reserved for a cold winter’s night, which means I need to go outside and put my feet into my 55-degree pool to simulate a cold winter’s night. I found this one at Total Wine. Southern Tier Chocolate Orange: 3.9/5
Another thing brewers add is peanut butter. Don’t let the name of this one fool you, you’re probably going to like it. Even if you don’t care for the information in that fun map I left at the bottom. This beer, being from California, reminded me of the podcast my wife played on a road trip. I was driving, so normally I wouldn’t care, but given the subject was excise taxes, I grudgingly listened in.
Never mind the moral issues they said. The argument they focused on was that excise taxes altered the behavior of the people taxed and thus were effective at achieving the ends of the state. One of the examples they used was a tax on soda in Berkeley which did reduce the sales of soda—in Berkeley. They even conceded residents could still get cheap soda somewhere else. Which is a bit of a no-brainer, and really didn’t get into the ill effects of excise taxes. One of the ones they did mention was the taxes artificially reduced the supply of the taxed goods by pushing out smaller producers who cannot profit from the inflated price nor justify their product at the new price by reducing supply. The price after all, is determined by supply and demand. Because a producer cannot reasonably control demand, the consideration for the new market price + tax must come from a decrease in supply. I would guess this assumes the product is not something like insulin. It is outlined at this link here and honestly, I did not previously consider the angle presented. I like the moral argument against excise taxes better–mostly because it’s easier for me to explain and it’s also more convincing.
I probably shouldn’t pick beer based on its ability to irritate me. Whatever you think of excise taxes and I think I know what you think of them, the beer is good. Mother Earth Brew Co. Sin Tax Peanut Butter Imperial Stout 3.7/5

Living in sin!!!
Sin taxes are still theft!!
I expect that the chart underestimates how much states make off of sin by only measuring tax revenues and not the gross money from state run lottery and liquor stores (in states that have them).
Still, I’m not surprised that New York is near the top even per-capita.
That map looks like total taxes. Impossible to tell what per-capita is.
Not if you know roughly what state populations are. (Think the size of their House delegation.)
Pff. Then I have to do math.
That map looks like total taxes
I believe its total revenue but to be honest it came up in an image search for “Sin Tax Peanut Butter Stout.”
Syntaxes are also theft.
Dr Syn: Alias the Scarecrow
It isn’t a sin tax, Tundra. It is a health impact fee.
Thank doG that T-Paw is gone.
I guess pubsec pensions “impact health” now.
Yeah, because we’ve upgraded so much!
I love Southern Tier but most of their sweet stout bombers are pretty gross. Their Creme Brulee Stout is disgusting. Much better to just drink their regular beers.
I rarely drink stouts these days, but if I do it will likely be a Left Hand Milk Stout.
mmmmm beer. Damn. have to go lift before I can start drinking today.
Oh yeah I forgot about the stouts I miss from back home in TX. Southern Star Buried Hatchet used to be a go to, but I can’t get that here in FL. They also bourbon barrel age Buried Hatchet and release it once a year as Black Crack. Holy shit that stuff is good. I’m generally not a big fan of bourbon barrel beers as I would rather drink beer when I want beer and bourbon when I want bourbon but Black Crack is fucking mind blowing.
Also Independence Convict Hill is a very nice Oatmeal Stout from Austin. I used to use that beer in my chili all the time.
Finally someone else who agrees that the Creme Brulee is not good. I thought it tasted like butterscotch syrup, and it was a struggle to make it through the whole bomber. I don’t mind the Choklat or Mokah, because those have the coffee bitterness to balance it out.
In Left Hand news, they are suing White Labs, blaming contaminated yeast supplied by White Labs for causing a $2 million recall.
Creme burle flavored beer sounds… odd.
Not odd….BAD.
Hmmm. Neither of those would have tempted me before, but I believe those are the highest scores I’ve seen on this fantastic feature.
Will try.
At least the peanut butter one. I might run to Kroger to get another one for football later.
Bummer. I’d have to fly to Idaho to get one!
Drive over to Dangerous Man and get a Peanut Butter Porter. Amazeballs
Perhaps you could make friends on the internet with someone who lives very near to Idaho, who could then ship you some beer?
Seems far fetched…
The first one is darn tasty. I had it at a visit to OMWC and SP….so it was up against formidable wine choices.
That is odd. I had to look that up even though it’s like 20 miles from where I grew up. I think that is not an actual place. More like a 4 corners.
Because I believe the city Southern Tier is based out of is Lakewood, NY; although they also have a tap room in Pittsburgh, PA as well.
Oh. Yeah, Lakewood IS in the Southern Tier. Never mind.
I dont know about you but where I come from NY isnt exactly southern
LA Times is publicly question Mueller.
Also funny:
Gee, that’s funny… And I kept hearing that Obama was so generous to whistleblowers who expose government wrongdoing. I guess all that kind sentiment goes out the window when HE’S the one being embarrassed.
*looks behind panel, notices no leads are actually connected to the reset button, carefully replaces cover and walks away quietly*
I am getting ‘Obama wanted to reset Russia/America relations for PR purposes so demanded something from Russia’ just like he wanted a ‘compromise’ with Republicans and unlike the Republicans the Ruskies told him to go fuck himself. How bad does an American president have to be to get me to side with the Ruskies?
One thing is that Putin has zero respect for Obama. I think the red line thing convinced Putin that Obama is a spineless doofus.
I had the Southern Tier at our last party. Swiss and I approved. I think he had a few more than one.
2….and some of the fantastic wine too. But I did have to drive home.
If you are able to drive home from a party you have let the party down by lack of proper partying. I hope you at least broke something before you left in your sober state.
He broke bacon magic.
*nods solemnly*
I was just flipping through the TV about to get ready to go to my wife’s grandfather’s funeral and decided to watch a little Ohio state Michigan. Sloopy has a sad.
I have some Southern Tier Pumpking in the fridge. Their Old Man Winter is pretty decent as well.
The State sure does love us Cigarette smokers I see
Just wait until they get the vapers too! That is the future.
I know they’re giving me the vapors!
*narrows gaze….but also slow claps*
My state is already on that. It is now illegal to vape anywhere smoking is illegal.
Insurance companies already treat it exactly like smoking.
I’d say the future is now.
MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ caught airing pre-taped post-Thanksgiving show
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” tried to fool viewers into thinking Friday’s pre-taped show was live and host Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski even discussed their Thanksgiving meals – even though the holiday hadn’t occurred yet when they taped the show.
The move, which TV insiders consider disrespectful to viewers, specifically because the network tried to create a deceit that high-paid morning show stars would come to work in the early morning hours following a national holiday. The Washington Post reported that the show was taped on Wednesday.
An MSNBC spokesperson declined comment when reached by Fox News.
The Washington Post noticed the deception when a regular “Morning Joe” viewer contacted the paper, reportedly asking if MSNBC was airing “fake news.” The Post said the viewer was shocked to see Scarborough and Brzezinski appearing in studio on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
This isn’t the first time a mainstream media program has been caught deceiving viewers. Back in 1994, ABC News correspondent Cokie Roberts was reprimanded by the network for faking a shot and NBC’s Michelle Kosinkski tried to fool viewers by reporting from a flood zone via canoe – but her cover was blown when pedestrians walked through the live shot and revealed the water was only inches high.
That last one made my day.
video of the 1994 incident:
But remember- journalists never lie.
Category Comedy
Another very enjoyable installment, MS! I just wish some of the beers you review were available up here on the edge of the earth.
Where are you located? I need a challenge.
NE North Dakota. There is a pretty decent liquor store in Grand Forks. Maybe I need to look a little harder. I’ll check for these two. Especially the Sin Tax. That sounds really good.
In that case. Next week I review Molson!
Haha! I have a friend in Colorado who says I live in Southern Canada.
Belching Beaver Peanut Butter stout is great. I know it is available in SoCal, not sure where else. Sweet Baby Jesus is also a good peanut butter stout. That one is available in the Baltimore area.
Available in AZ, with fewer excise taxes atrached!
Sweet Baby Jesus is intense. I enjoy it, but rarely like to drink a full sixer by itself.
Children Under 8 Spending Almost an Hour a Day on Smartphones
As Christmas shopping season approaches, many young kids will wish for smartphones, and new research shows small children are spending more and more time glued to the screen.
Children 0 to 8 years old now spend close to an hour, 48 minutes per day on a mobile device, according to an October study by Common Sense Media.
The kids’ screen time is up from only 15 minutes a day in 2013.
Smartphones have been linked to depression and attention-deficit disorder in children and teenagers.
“They should just play,” said child and adolescent family therapist Darby Fox, who said kids do not learn how to entertain themselves if they are connected to a device all the time.
The number of teens who experienced at least one major depressive incident shot by 60 percent between 2010 and 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services found.
Psychotherapist Tom Kersting said parents should provide kids with internet-connected smartphones when they are comfortable with their children having access to pornographic material.
The average age a child gets his first smartphone is 10 years old, said a 2016 study by Influence Central.
I like the good doctor’s take on it.
never? always“Smartphones have been linked to depression and attention-deficit disorder in children and teenagers.”
Actually I give that statement at least a 5 out of 10. At least they said “is linked to” rather than “causes”. And correlation is indisputable — however whether smartphone usage leads to depression, or depressed people turn to smartphones, or both, is what is much harder to know.
correlation is indisputable
That’s a bit strong. Correlation is (much) easier to show than causation, but it’s inductive reasoning with imperfect confidence to extend from a description of a sample group to a prediction about a population.
But remember – millions of children are in poverty and income inequality is ruining the country.
Some children don’t have the latest iPhone and that’s the same as slavery.
Children 0 to 8 years old now spend close to an hour, 48 minutes per day on a mobile device, according to an October study by Common Sense Media.
The kids’ screen time is up from only 15 minutes a day in 2013.
I bet it’s up from 0 minutes a day in 2003.
Also, where’s that perennial bugaboo, tv watching? I’ll go double or nothing and bet that it’s down over the same period.
I’ll be the one to say it – Meghan Markle is a traitor to her people. Revoke her citizenship.
Giving up acting? Say it ain’t so.
The only way to make this OSU-Michigan game interesting is by making a drinking game out of every time Harbaugh looks near aneurysm over a call on the field.
It would be a lot more interesting without all of the commercial breaks. Ridiculous.
every time Harbaugh looks near aneurysm
Call an ambulance now. By the time they arrive they’ll be needed.
Man, I hate that guy.
Not a fan.
Well perhaps if the Ohio corners quit hanging on like spider monkeys with no calls…
You expect any significant calls to go against some Ohio State? How quaint.
True, history shows that small time programs like Michigan are often discriminated against in their home stadiums…
You know I always stay home to watch big games so I can watch the replays. So does Fox give me replays? No, they’re too busy playing 5 minutes worth of commercials for every 1 minute of football. Way to ruin the mood. That’s not to mention the bias announcing. BS.
Come to the dark side of real football/Fußball.
So, rugby union then.
I never know if I’m watching union or league. But I dig it. I like Aussie rules better, though.
Good article Sharpie. Makes me wish I liked beer.
Sorry I can’t do whiskey. My mother drinks whiskey.
If you don’t like beer, you have good taste.
You have incomplete taste.
Thank God for the 4th Estate.
They’re going apeshit over that at DU, seriously. It’s apparently a very serious issue and just more proof that Trump is Hitler.
Such pathetic losers.
I would like to see her pie. She be thicc.
Post that at DU.
Heh, I don’t post at DU, I just read their drivel and laugh at them. Those people are dumb as shit, if you posted that I really don’t even know what the reaction would be, I just know it would be stupid.
“Post a picture that proves you are allowed to use the word thicc.”
So their latest thing, besides the pecan pie freak out, is they now believe that the Democrats are going to take over the house and senate in 2018 and then impeach every judge that Trump appointed. They really believe shit like that. I mean you read it and you cannot really believe that anyone is that stupid, but they are. They really bought into Jill Steins recall scam, all of them were donating money to it, lol.
believe that the Democrats are going to take over the house and senate in 2018 and then impeach every judge that Trump appointed.
Possible, likely, and not gonna happen, in that order.
Man’s house becomes infested with Black Widow spiders from stuff he orders online. After the exterminators failed, he reaches out. A well-wisher mails him something to take care the problem. That something turns out to be scorpions. After the scorpions fail, the man films fights between spiders and various insects people mail to him and posts the videos on youtube.
Wow PA. Way to out douchebag everyone.
For Many Native Americans, Fall Is The Least Wonderful Time Of The Year
“Fall is the annual middle finger this country gives Native Americans,” says Simon Moya-Smith, a journalist from the Oglala Lakota Nation who lives in New York City.
At the very least, it’s a disorienting time to be Indigenous. Images of Native people are everywhere: greeting cards, football helmets and elementary school pageants with paper-bag vests and historical imprecision.
Adrienne Keene, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation who writes a blog about appropriations of Indigenous cultures and experiences, agrees.
“There’s kind of a running joke among folks who deal with representation that fall is the absolute worst,” she says. Web traffic on her blog picks up in the fall. Each year, she says, so does a flood of hostility into the comments section and her Twitter mentions.
To her, the link is obvious: “So when we’re fighting about mascots and Halloween costumes, it’s really a fight to be seen as human.”
All I can think of is the guy who says he’s 1/32 Cherokee from South Park. Cartman’s reply is “does that mean we only have to pay 1/32 as much attention to you?”
The move, which TV insiders consider disrespectful to viewers, specifically because the network tried to create a deceit that high-paid morning show stars would come to work in the early morning hours following a national holiday.
Morning Joke is disrespectful to viewers because they pay a bunch of jabbering imbeciles to whine about Trump for ninety minutes.
They really are a one trick pony these days.
I bought the Anchor Coffee Porter to try. I like their other stuff I’ve tried in the past. I was actually looking for a stout but then I saw this one. Haven’t popped one yet.
After the scorpions fail, the man films fights between spiders and various insects people mail to him and posts the videos on youtube.
Nice. I assume he lives in a tent in the back yard, now.
I’m beginning to think OSU is doomed. How does a guy get to be considered a “great” coach if the offense is almost completely dependent on a single player?
That was a pretty impressive catch, though.
There not doomed by a long shot. Just look at the record.
Harbaugh losing to a freshman QB would be one of the more Harbaugh-y ways to lose. It’s going to happen.
Haskins has game. There are more than a few people in Columbus that don’t mind seeing him in at QB given Fichigans focus on the run.
Adrienne Keene, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation who writes a blog about appropriations of Indigenous cultures and experiences, agrees.
Remember the Seinfeld episode with the wooden Indian? Comedy used to be funny. Now we have Samantha Bee. How far we have fallen.
I remember an old rant from the 1800s from an Indian who claimed he would never ‘accept the white man’s ways’ while the picture was of him riding a horse and holding a gun. Now you have Cherokees absorbing white man’s ideology and regurgitating it.
It reminds of an idiotic point that cropped up in Asian Marxism about how any ideology from the West was used to benefit it and undermine the culture it was introduced to. Well it’s a good thing Marx wasn’t a German writing in England or anything.
Not-invented-here syndrome
Many newly independent countries insisted on making their own soap and matches, despite being more expensive and inferior in quality.
West is the white people of Asian directions.
Another great submission MS. I had a Vanilla Stout last week from Breckenridge Brewery I believe. It was good. I find that we are missing out on a bunch of good beers here with your reviews. I have not seen one you reviewed yet. Such is the life in bumfuck.
I’ve had that one and its pretty damn good. My sentiment is the opposite though since I have been missing out on the CO beers since I moved back home.
The Breckenridge Vanilla Porter is delicious. I also really like the Empyrean Long Route (peanut butter porter)
Colorado is a veritable paradise of breweries.
Illinois ain’t bad…but I would trade.
3 hours for 3 quarters. Ridiculous.
I don’t know how people sit through that.
I meant at home. But yeah, there too.
California leftists look at that sin tax map and panic, “ZOMGZ, we must up our game and pass some booze and soda taxes ASAP!”
Weekly f don’t we run the same play on every first down
So predictable
The Anchor Coffee Porter is pretty good. I’ve had better porters but this one is nice. My wife said ‘ecka’, which is sort of like yuck in Portugeuse, I guess. Well, I guess it’s all mine!
Essa cerveja gosta de mijo!
It’s a little dark for piss and nao esta stupidemente jalado. I typically like beer stupid ice cold, but this stuff is sort of good not very cold. In fact, I think I can drink this piss warm.
Damn, my spelling is bad, ‘gelado’, lol!
I pretty much switched to cider. Which definitely has to be stupid cold to drink.
Also, I live in Florida, where it’s usually a better idea to drink cold things.
I really like the JK Scrumpy’s cider. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.
Beers, lagers or pilsners as they typically are in Brazil, need to be stupidemente gelado. If you server someone there a beer that is not ice cold, they’ll seriously get mad and refuse to pay for it. It’s just a known thing. Of course it is HOT as hell there all year long in the north.
Oops. ‘Essa cerveja gosta semelhante a xixi’.
Google translate fail.
I understood what you were saying the first time. My grammar in Portuguese is not top notch, but people understand me. There are too many verbs in Portuguese.
Well, shitty end to a shitty game.
I’m so glad that I’ve finally given up on sportzball. The NFL was my final sportzball habit and the kneeling stooges ruined it for me. It’s not some patriotic thing with me, I could care less if they lay on the damn ground, it’s just that these overpaid fuckheads are supposed to be entertaining me and I’m sick of everything being political.
Fuck yes! Fuck you, Michigan.
So so sweet:) Harbaugh, lol
I wish he’d just take a swing on Meyer at midfield.
He’s a bitch. 0-3, punk. And Urban is 6-0. Go piss up a rope, ❌ichigan. Our backup, ala Cardale, brought us home.
If not for Harbaugh, I wouldn’t give two shits about this game. Suck it Harbaugh!
Just curious: what’s the beef with Harbaugh? I really don’t follow college (or even the NFL that much). Last I’d heard of him, he was a Bears QB.
No beef with him. He’s our bitch.
On field antics mostly,and is a bit of a sore loser. Complains about the refs, complains about the fans, the opposite team, etc. When he lost the Super Bowl to his brother John he didn’t talk to him for over a year. The guys a punk.
Which is odd considering when he played QB for the Colts in the 90s he was rather popular. They called him “Captain Comeback” back then.
We can call him Captain First-TTUN-coach-ever-to-blow-a-14-pt-lead-to-tOSU” now.
He’s a giant baby. I can’t stand the guy.
With the way Haskins played I wonder if we have a Cardele Jones situation on our hands.
I’m hoping so. Poor J.T.
Well, shitty end to a shitty game.
Am I getting the tape delay version?
OSU finally stopped trying to run the ball between the guards. Made a difference.
You mean the finally ran it between the tackles and imposed their will.
Fuck yes!
OT: Foundation Problems – The Saga Continues
I fixed the gutters about a week ago so that all of the water is draining well away from the house. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to have stopped the seepage at all. Worse yet, I noticed that there is in fact a big PVC pipe going into the wall right above where the leak is.
On the other side of this wall is a 2′ crawlspace that is currently inaccessible. It’s looking like I might have to cut a hole somewhere in the floor to get down there.
Are PVC pipes usually water mains or drainage lines?
You should follow the pipe to it’s end to see what it is. I have to have a sump pump in my basement floor or it will flood, no amount of drainage away from the house will fix that. I had it all graded to slope away, gutters are all good, but that pump is the only thing saving my basement from an imminent flood.
Can’t you just tunnel in from the outside to get to the crawl space? I mean it must have an outside wall to it.
I could do that… Would it cause foundation problems to make a hole in the stone wall like that? (it’s a house built in 1920)
And what would I have to do when the job is finished? Would I have to replace the stones and re-mortar them together?
Ok, I’m a little confused. If there’s a crawl space, then how deep is that wall? I mean if it’s not a basement, it can’t be that deep. I guess depending on what part of the country you are in. I’m surprised there in no space to access the crawl space. I had a house built in 1865 and I could get into the crawl space from the little partial basement. Surely there was running water and electric in a house built in 1920? The only thing I’m thinking is that I’d be really hesitant to cut a hole in my floor to access the crawl space.
The crawl space looks to be about two or three feet deep. The partial basement is about seven feet.
I’m also surprised and frustrated that there’s no apparent way to get down in the crawl space. People have modified this home extensively over the decades, and for all I know, there could be one under the carpet somewhere.
I have no idea how or why they would run utilities into the basement with no way to access them.
OK. If I were you, I’d get into the crawl space from the partial basement. You could just take out enough of the wall in a corner maybe to get into there and then seal it back up, or maybe just put some sort of access door there so you can get back in as needed?
That’s sort of what I did. The access was already there, but the dummies who lived there before at some point, had just taken out a section of bricks to get into there. I built a little door there so I could keep it closed up, but get back in if needed.
If you need to cut the floor, try for a closet, easier to conceal, ya know?
PVCs are usually unpressurized, so drains.
PVC pipes can be either.
How big of diameter is the PVC pipe? If it’s bigger than 1″ it’s almost certainly a drain pipe.
Yeah, unless it’s from the dryer or furnace.
Very true. If either of those appliances are gas, then their vent pipes will be approx. 2″
That reminds me of the time I got more pissed off at a contractor than ever. I had some guys put in a new furnace in my old house. The stupid fuckwits wanted to put the vent pipe through my basement window. In fact, it’s a good thing I arrived when I did, because they were going to drill a fucking hole through the frame of the window. I would have went ballistic on their asses. I was like ‘Are you fucking serious! Put the damn pipe through the fucking wall where it goes!’ Then they guy goes ‘That’s brick, there are 2 layers of brick!’. I was just incredulous. I said ‘See that 4″ dryer vent going through that brick wall? I did that. You guys are professionals? Do you know what a masonry drill bit looks like?’. Last time those shitheads ever did anything for me.
That’s straight up lazy. Good thing you caught the dumb fucks before they wrecked the window.
I meant the burner vent. Could be the regular dryer vent as Hyperion mentioned below. The only thing is that all of these vent should rise from the appliances they are connected to. It sounds like this pipe would be below them…? If so, it is highly unlikely. However, when it comes to what previous owners have done in houses, always be prepared for “it shouldn’t be that way.”
Yeah, the important thing in solving this mystery is following that thing to it’s source. It’s obviously nothing coming in, so it has a source in the house.
It’s four or five inches.
Sounds like the house’s main sewage pipe. The one going out to the city sewer or septic tank
Oh lovely, so I’ll be belly-crawling through a puddle of shit-water if I ever get down there…
I think my next house will have to be on a slab. This whole “space under the house” just brings so many damn problems with it.
Hah! Our house is on a slab. Grass is not greener (guess what happens when those drain lines fail underneath the house, plus it’s colder in the winter time), just different.
Water drain if it’s not a dryer vent line is my guess.
Or a conduit for sticking stuff through too, depending on who did it.
I went to Bevmo just now and saw Sin Tax, right in front of me!
I bought the Old Rasputin Imperial Stout right next to it, I’ll Review it with dinner later on, Cheers!
Go, go, gophers.
I saw a great shirt in the stands before the game. It was an outline of the state of Minnesoda, and inside was: “WORST STATE EVER”
Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Opened a Pumking. Gonna have one here, go get some cash, and head to the bar for an evening of beer, football, celebration, flirting with bar maidens, and talking about The Game:)
Report: North Korean generals love anti-Trump MSNBC show ‘Morning Joe,’ watch it daily
NBC News foreign correspondent Keir Simmons reported Thursday that a North Korean lieutenant colonel he spoke to watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and believes President Donald Trump is “mentally ill.”
Simmons landed a rare interview with the colonel and found out that military officials in North Korea watch “Morning Joe,” specifically for reports and discussions about their country, the Hill reported.
Reporting from the border between North and South Korea, Simmons spoke to MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough on “Morning Joe.” He recounted that the North Korean colonel said he believes Trump is “mentally ill” and that his country could win a war with the U.S.
“He quite plainly said he believes President Trump is mentally ill,” Simmons said. “And he was unequivocal in saying that he believes North Korea could win a war with America.”
“Be it no doubt that the senior officials here pay attention to what is being said in the U.S. One telling me that he watches ‘Morning Joe’ every day, specifically for the segments about North Korea,” Simmons added.
Simmons said that he asked the North Korean official, who has a small child, whether he is scared for his family with what they are seeing in America right now.
Holy shit, there’s a video.
“North Korean generals love anti-Trump MSNBC show ‘Morning Joe”
Well I mean, same political ideology, not surprising.
Whenever you people post articles from TOS I feel like some guy who hid in a fallout shelter in a nuclear war only to come out and find his old neighbourhood destroyed and full of screaming mutants and raping mohawk barbarians. And I’ve only been in the comments for a couple years.
What’s a neighbourhood?
Really, Sloopy, how much of OSU’s ranking is deserved and how much is just reputation? Seriously, they got creamed on the road by 31 points to unranked Iowa and
lost at home by 15 to ranked Okla. Meanwhile, PSU loses two road games to ranked opponents by a total of 4 frigging points. Still, OSU gets ranked higher than PSU.
Frankly, neither should be in the championship rounds, but OSU seems to get a real boost from some of its awesome teams in the past.
Compare to Wisconsin, who could go undefeated and be out of the playoffs if Auburn hold on to beat Alabama.
“He quite plainly said he believes President Trump is mentally ill,” Simmons said. “And he was unequivocal in saying that he believes North Korea could win a war with America.”
Okay, then.