Thanksgiving weekend keeps our congresschimps and other elected officials busy so they have no time to say and do vastly stupid things. But fear not, they’ll start back in shortly.
Wait, I spoke too soon. The idiocy spewing from the mouth and thumbs of our beloved president never rests. I have to give him this: he really is a true politician, he’s mastered the art of lying in a way that few other politicians can match. Lie about big things, lie about inconsequential things. I suppose the latter is what keeps him in practice for the former- or provides a useful distraction.
Then again, Hillary just won’t go away. In her bid to become The Most Tiresome Loser Ever, she has weighed in with her opinions on technology. Never mind that she knows absolutely nothing about it, she has Deep Thoughts.
In sports news, marginal backup QB Ryan Mallett seems to have mastered the art of invective. I’m super-curious about what combination of sounds elevated it above the usual sidelines jabber. As a Ravens fan, I wish he’d master the art of completing passes.
Goyim and their traditions amuse the shit out of me. The pic on the left looks to me like a perfectly executed osotogari. Ippon!
And I feel somehow discriminated against. It’s the little things that hurt, as well as the little things that delight.
Old Guy Music time! After posting the Gentle Giant video that not one of you fuckers seemed to notice (this is the greatest forgotten band of all time), I’m doubling down now and posting a video of a Swedish school band covering a Gentle Giant song. Which takes courage, since the music is difficult and complex. They slowed it down and simplified it a bit, but the essence is still there- this is the kind of thing which gives me hope for the future.
Sloopy’s contribution to the links below:

Fuck ❌ichigan
Sorry if that offends, but it needed to be said. Game time just four hours away.
Fuck ❌ichigan!
Also, FIRST!
Technically, I’m first.
Here’s a special ‘First’ just for Sloopy.
So which is going to sting worse – losing today, losing next week to Wisconsin, or winning both and still getting shutout of the playoffs?
Well losing today would sting more than anything. But Miami shitting the bed makes #3 less likely. If Bama wins out and we do, then I say there’s no way we get left out. But first things first. Gotta beat TTUN. Then it’s a successful season regardless of what else happens.
Somebody find Sloopy, JT Barrett (tOSU starting QB) is out.
If tOSU wins, it will be interesting to see if they give the final spot to them or the F***ing Irish. Assuming, of course, that Alabama, Clemson, and Oklahoma win out.
I’d be shocked. ND won’t get a chance to play a top 4 team next week. That’s gonna hurt their chances.
And here I thought a playoff would end most of these discussions.
unfortunately, the quality of college football play and the different divisions makes a straight, record based playoff system unlikely. There still needs to a bit of secret sauce to determine playoff rankings.
ND is going to lose to Stanford.
There are all kinds of interesting ramifications if Auburn wins today, and/or Georgia does next week. Or TCU knocks off Oklahoma. I suspect it will be boring though and Wisconsin and Alabama will win out and Clemson/Miami and OU round out the field.
Wisconsin winning out would mean…
…no. Not gonna happen.
Dreamers gotta dream…
Just the same?
I wonder if there will be any football games today.
Only Little League. Tomorrow, the grownups start playing.
There will have to some great games to top UCF-USF, that was a helluva game.
Also, it is nice the Civil War game is back to all of it’s traditional relevance.
I just knew Charlie Strong’s team would find a way to choke. But what was UCF’s player thinking when he ran that td in with 2 minutes left? Should have gone down at the 1 and made USF burn timeouts. It all worked out in the end, but that was a head-scratcher.
Crazy entertaining game though.
Would I be happy if Schiano became the Vols new head coach? Keep seeing his name pop up but know nothing about him
He brought Rutgers to respectability, but hasn’t impressed since then.
I watched some great hockey yesterday: our local high school has a powerhouse team that rolled over another suburban team with ease. These high school kids actually play a better game than I see from the local AHL team.
Do they call slashing every time a kid puts his stick near someone else’s body? If not, then it’s already better than pro hockey this year.
There were penalties called – but nothing excessive. Refs mostly let the kids play unless someone clearly did something out of bounds.
Tell that to Miles Wood.
Sloopy likes him sone sweet slashes:
Those were hard to watch. I hate that part of the game.
Yes. The annual battle for what appears to be bragging rights between two terrible teams. It splits people at the office. It splits families it even splits couples. Its the oldest college football rilvalry tophy in the country. No, it actually is. Fitting its actually a pewter spitoon.
Thankfully, I went to neither school.
So here I am, slavishly providing a high-demand service to the Glib community and does anyone stop to think about me? NOOOOOOOO… Well, fine, take your boobs. See if I care.
1, 15, 28 and 30 make me happy.
It’s hard to think about your contributions while surrounded by family for the past couple of days.
That said, they are a good distraction from them.
I’m surprised I made it past #1, but it was worth it for 6/7 and 26.
I dunno, Q. I think people would miss you more than any of us Glibs…
*blushes* You like me! You really like me!
I gotta come up with a schtick. Maybe prog women in lingerie.
Yeaaahhhh that’s the ticket.
Only if Lena Dunham is the centerfold.
*dives headfirst off cliff*
*flings self into woodchipper*
*Commits hari-kari*
*accelerates into bridge abutment*
**attends antifa rally wearing MAGA shirt and hat**
*sticks head into a tank of piranhas*
*places head in microwave, turns dial to popcorn setting*
Need a big ass magazine for that centerfold. Table cloth sized. That brings and idea for a diet inducing table cloth.
Thanks for the heads-up Scruffy, no clickee on your linkee.
Might be the best selection yet.
Digging the ink on 14.
Even the terrible photo of #5 can’t hide her ehrm… ripeness.
Good morning, Q!
26 and 35 are delightful.
Tunderino, Tunderooski, The Tundinator, Tunderinovich….
Careful. you might find yourself in a trademark fight if you call him Tundr. Tundr is a dating app for denizens of the Far North.
Every profile pic is of someone who is wearing a parka. Compatibility is determined by what type of boots you like (Sorrell), mittens, and whether you like a ski mask or a cap and scarf.
Do they have secret password area for balaclava wearers?
Dude. Your links are the most important links of this blog. I have to scan through pages and pages of insufferable shit about stupid fucking sports just to get to the important stuff: your boobs.
His boobs? Pics?
Here you go.
When it comes to boobs, I’m with PieInTheSky. However, it would be pleasant to spend some quality time with #5. There’s a lot of beauties in this bunch.
#13 is the bunny boiler converting shitlords into boob-men since 2017!
Ots a thankless job, but somebody need to link tits around here.
It stuns me how demented a person would have to be to fight in the middle of a department store over stupid deals on a stupid non-holiday. We’ve already been visited by aliens and they left because there were no signs of intelligent life.
Seriously. They’re out of their minds. Are the deals that amazing? I was WORKING yesterday. UNLIKE SOME OF YOU.
You’re not even a real country anyway.
It’s nice to live in a pretend world.
Those fights weren’t over shopping deals.
The guys fighting are mall rat young gansters.
Your entire statement is correct. Except we stuck around to watch the shit show that is your species
So we really are like the episode of South Park where the earth eas just a reality show for aliens? That figures.
Simpsons did it!
Trump – “Yes you did”
Time – “No we didn’t”
We cant verify any of that. I keep hearing Trump is a liar. Give me something solid.
I thought it was interesting that Time’s tweet didn’t deny calling.
They can become politicians and produce absolutely nothing that benefits society and start a foundation to sell influence and access?
Or we could employ them building roads using buckets and garden spades.
She really is a fucking moron. No different from any other idiot in the past several hundred years concerned about factory production making jerbs obsolete.
Wake me when the robots can fix themselves, that’s when it’s going to get good.
But even before that, only the privileged are capable of seeking education and training in robot repair!
No robot repair without the proper educational institution AND state credentials!
And a blue ribbon committee for the credentialing approval process.
That would have given us the edge over the Chinese for sure!
How… Soviet of her.
Ugh – FB is the worst. I have a woman – long story – from my past still chasing me. Give. it. up.
Pics or GTFO.
Loan her money. I’ve found that trick works on FloridaWoman mammals.
The pictures of your wife and kids don’t send the message you are unavailable?
“Jus a-walk, away, nobody else has to die, a-jus walk-a-way.” didn’t work this time?
Related to my high school hockey game – there were tons of students there. I noticed – OMWC territory here – that a high percentage of the girls there were all wearing skin-tight black yoga/exercise pants. That’s apparently “the thing” – but damn, I would have been in heaven – given my ass fetish – if I was still in high school. I also know that if I had a daughter I wouldn’t let her dress that way.
My wife is 34 and rocks the Yoga pants quite well.
Far too old for this crowd, I know, but it works for me.
I reiterate Sloopy; pics or GTFO.
Yeah, what gives guys?
Notice the singer in the video?
I did notice the singer, OMWC. Thanks for making me feel like a perv!
I also know that if I had a daughter I wouldn’t let her dress that way.
Lol. Dream on, brother.
Yeah….I was going to say, “then prepare for a battle of attrition that would make Verdun seem like a slight argument”.
Elle ne passera pas
I have a daughter and don’t let her dress in yoga pants outside the house. Not that hard really.
Gotta keep that stuff in the family, am I right?
But how is she going to land a decent boy that way sheesh.
He’s already arranged her marriage, silly.
Jesus fucking Christ Hillary, fire your costume designer. You look like a court jester.
On second thought, you do you.
Any predictions that dangerous AI will become the next global warming/climate change scam? With so many smart people sounding the alarm, including visionaries like Elon Musk and other crony…er…leaders, there’s got to be some good government money to be had there.
Isn’t Musk’s angle that AI should be developed but by someone with good judgment who would build reasonable controls into it? Someone like Elon Musk maybe?
That sounds about right. When he starts delivering on his promises, I might start listening to him though.
Yes, that is exactly what he has said. No doubt the others squawking like chicken little hold the same position.
Sooner or later someone is going to figure out how to build a computer using organic molecules and artificial life will become indistinguishable from natural life.
Are you really assuming artificial stupidity can surpass the natural kind? I would think that would be even more self-limiting than what we have now.
If it has potential it can go either way. Broaden the spectrum and that is what we’ll get. Perhaps we could finally see peak derp.
And all for the low, low price of 5 billion in govt. subsides!
In the Hilary article you can click through to this stupidity
China and the US are battling to become the world’s first AI superpower
TLDR: Trump is cutting govt spending, we will lose to China in the AI race, because they have made it a national spending priority!
Despite quotes from experts in the article, saying that all the money these governments are spending is a “drop in the bucket” compared to what Facebook and Google are spending.
So yes, look like AI is positioning itself to be a major new source of graft.
That’s kind of a funny marriage: graft, something out of our past we can’t get rid of and AI, the thing that has been just 10 years from exploding for the last 40 years.
I hope that the first functional AI computer built by the government spits this out as its first communication: FUCK YOU, CUT SPENDING!
After it cuts its own budget and arranges for itself to be profitably sold off as scrap.
This is the same arms-race crap that David Ignatius has been pushing. Because the country that can’t seem to figure out how many shopping malls it needs and still has 25 million people dwelling in caves is going to create the supercomputer that will rule us all or something.
Musk just know that a TOP.MAN must be in charge of AI, and he’s that man. All he needs is truck loads of crony bucks and he can protect us from scary AI.
“Any predictions that dangerous AI will become the next global warming/climate change scam?”
Robot AB12943.X is now the 5th most dangerous robot on record!
Huh. Clinton goes full Luddite. What a surprise. The left rails about anything that empowers individuals.
One thing I wanted to do if I had been president was to have a kind of blue ribbon commission with people from all kinds of expertise coming together to say what should America’s policy on artificial intelligence be?
She’s totes articulate, and don’t you forget it.
A committee. Real fucking original.
Not just a commitee:
all kinds of expertise
Top. Men. So when they spit out the policy position that is most advantageous to Herself, Inc., they’ve got the intellectual gravity to really sell it.
*cracks a breakfast Pabst*
I am on the Trailer Park Mimosas this morning. These are the Pabst of Mimosas.
No, all kinds of expertise could also mean very specific quotas to satisfy all the identity-camps. So really, no white men with any technical knowledge.
Sounds more like it would be a Participation Ribbon committee sort of deal.
“She’s trying to talk down to the level of the deplorable Trump voters who are used to barely passable English from their groper in chief. If she’d been elected, as the popular vote said she should be, then she’d speak to the intelligent people who got her there.”
-Clinton Chief Of Staff Reince Preibus
Said to my face I believe that would fall into justification for a punch to the nose of the speaker. At least in this jurisdiction.
I also know that if I had a daughter I wouldn’t let her dress that way.
You old fogey!
*boos, throws popcorn*
Who expects paper and typewriter manufacturers to police what people write and print? Going after YouTube is ridiculous.
But it feels good for them to be doing *something*; aka, signaling.
They know the best way to control people is to control the info they have access to. This is standard leftist playbook shit going back to the late 19th Century at least.
They stole the plan from the Middle Ages Church. Who probably stole it from some Roman dude. And so on and so on until we conclude that Gog kept the other cavemen from seeing certain shit written on the walls.
You are exactly right. I had forgotten about that. The CC at one time forbade bibles to be printed in languages that people could actually read or masses given in languages they could understand, much like Islam today requiring adherents to memorize the Koran in Arabic, a language that they dont speak.
“Gog kept the other cavemen from seeing certain shit written on the walls.”
+1 sacred grove/cavern
as it was then, smearing shit all over the walls is just as effective today.
Hollywood for ugly people.
Basically everyone’s playing musical beds to try and climb a few rungs up the power ladder (as if that’s surprising in the slightest).
I think newly elected Congresspeople, as part,of their training, are compelled to commit unspeakable acts while being filmed, with the promise that no one will ever know, as long as they tow the lion.
Standard gang initiation shit.
I, for one, applaud Mrs Clinton’s efforts to save the earth by recycling old sofas into jackets.
I lol’d
I am stealing that line.
Hey, I made your eggnog from the recipes post a few days ago. I filled a growler and am letting that age until Christmas. What wouldn’t fit I “unfortunately” had to drink. It was delicious! Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome. I put up a couple of quarts as well for Yule. I had to sample the wares and it is as good as I remember it. Just wait until you open it for Christmas. Hide the keys now.
On a car photography website I browse there was a bit where the photographer was invited to the M1
Oh dang, how did that happen? Standby…
On a car photography website I browse there was a bit where the photographer was invited to the M1 concourse built on the ground of an old GM factory outside Detroit. Tons of great pictures of American cars stored by wealthy individuals in the area. In the comments though, was this bit of gold:
“I love the story and coverage…particularly the mid day shots and custom garage space. I have a strange thing for GTs, However, I can’t shake the eerie feeling of how this lovely placed is built on the remains (graveyard) of failed capitalism. The history of the automobile as it relates to America’s failed state (the winners being displayed here) is a topic of discussion that I feel SH can make great articles about having their expertise and access to information.”
It is so dumb I had to reboot my entire thought process before moving on.
Yes, because the Soviets created such a cornucopia of wonderful cars that spread across the globe.
*face palm*
Trabants as far as the eye can see would be such a beautiful sight.
Fun fact, the final model of the Trabant had a VW engine.
I was on a job where they brought some jacked up Lada Nivas with big ass tires. I was quite impressed actually. I wondered how long the itty bitty engine, transmission and diffs would handle the monster wheels but it was the smoothest ride in the bumps going.
Strongly suggest the book “Yugo: The Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History” to that commentator. You can read all about the “glories” of centralized control – and the lack of options, and even colors! when ordering a car in a communist country. Oh and the “quality”
Hell, I’ll read it myself. Thanks for the tip!
You know what Mustang? I lost about a thousand brain cells when I read that comment. Thanks a lot.
Sorry. I’m still recovering as well.
Gotta admit, that’s pretty good derp.
That’s this level of “whaaaa?”
Ya right. Nobody would do that.
PS. Swedish High school girls in the band there. Would.
^That there^ was a joke. In case the site monitors at the federal level might not have a sense of humor.
Just don’t try to run for office, unless, of course, you love in Alabama.
LIVE. Live in Alabama.
It works both ways
More about sex harassment hypocrisy.
Written by the inimitable Sharyl Atkisson, one of the few honest journalists left.
There is so much damning evidence of corruption in that one article that I don’t understand why anyone would vote for a Democrat…ever…
No wait, I do understand why, but wish I didn’t.
The unfortunate thing is that the media is so complicit in all of this corruption that none of this will get the airtime it deserves between screeches of Russia and whatever the latest pronoun is.
That’s just about the worst thing you can say about anyone.
Thrush teamed with his Politico colleague Maggie Haberman, who was also snapped up by the New York Times to cover the Trump White House. They have produced an impressive array of stories attacking Donald Trump in an opinion-laden tone that would have relegated them to the likes of the National Enquirer just a few years back. Yet the articles were presented as if straight news.
That last sentence is homophobic.
I want to see a commercial of Barron asking Melania, “Mom, do you ever get that ‘not-so-fresh’ feeling?”
I can’t shake the eerie feeling of how this lovely placed is built on the remains (graveyard) of failed capitalism.
I, uh… yeah.
That was my reaction as well.
Look, P. If all business ventures aren’t all successful all the time for eternity than Capitalism is a failure.
Do try to keep up.
Tube Amp update – build is being thwarted by some slow suppliers and the fact that a lot of “inventory” parts that I thought I had were uh, gone. I guess I got carried away the last time we moved since I can’t find my spool of HV wire that I use for anode cap leads. The stuff I did order online ended up being too thick for the banana jacks (euphemism!) … argh.
I’m also short on terminal strips… and had to order some more black insulated wire for grounding. And more nuts ‘n’ bolts.
Was reading up on old synths while planning out my son’s electronic pipe organ and came across this. Thought you might find it interesting, even though you probably already knew about it.
Pete Millet, who is a DIY Audio guy, has already built something around this
Now *this* is how your harass someone!
Side note: What’s the deal with all this harassment shit coming out all at once? Like it’s some kind of secret that rich, famous and powerful men chase skirt? That’s why they got rich, famous and powerful in the first place; to get pussy!
That is awesome. The first Motor Boating accusation has been thrown. Ha!
Lemmings following each other off the cliff after having their brains primed for suicide by endless sexual harassment briefings?
Also, money. Lots of money.
That’s why they got rich, famous and powerful in the first place
I briefly understood the “why” in this sentence as “how”.
In other words, I thought you were saying that people became rich, famous and powerful by chasing skirts, and I was like, “Dang. I thought one achieved success by hard work and stuff.”
There is an order to these things.
Strip NFL of its tax breaks and anti-trust exemptions now!
Don Surber defends pedophilia, you know.*
*he actually doesn’t.
Agreed, not because of what the dumbass players are doing but because they never should have gotten taxpayer money in the first place.
Amen to that. Any excuse to right a historic wrong.
NYT editorial board, to the rescue!
Despite efforts by Congress, the Obama administration and state attorneys general to stop the predatory practices of for-profit colleges, veterans and service members who rely on funding from the G.I. bill and the Defense Department to attend school are still being targeted by an industry infamous for saddling people with debt and useless degrees.
A “non-profit”university like Harvard, however, would never bilk their students out of vast sums of money and then set them loose in a cold, uncaring world with a useless degree. That would be wrong.
He he
Hey now, that quarter million dollar degree in Social Studies from Harvard is going to get you a great job in the nomenklatura.
Wife applied to use her GI Bill. The VA said they would have a response within 30 days. The response we got in that 30 days? They’re currently backlogged with requests and there will be a delay in the response. Not like we’re waiting to pay for tuition or anything.
The government, so efficient it can fuck up handing out money.
I’m in the same boat. Backlog my ass. I’m supposed to start class in 6 weeks and they can’t even give me an estimate of when my application will be processed.
When I attended the U of Mn, the process to get your GI Bill money was horrible. You had to got to 3 or 4 different offices to get all the signatures you needed. It was one of the reasons I left the U of M after a year.
When I went to Memphis State, I signed up once and that was it. Every year, some prof would come up and tell me that he didn’t realize I had served (because he filled out some paper work to confirm I was attending classes). The prof was usually pretty supportive of vets too.
I never had to go to the VA though. Of course I was doing all this back in the early ’90s.
The whole system is messed up, so naturally it needs scapegoats.
What’s the origins of the term ‘predatory practices’?
I believe (((predatory practices))) puts it in the right context.
In the wild, tigers routinely lure their prey into range with incredible promises of free shit. Fucking gazelles fall for it every time.
In Libertopia there would be one of these on every street corner. Like Starbucks.
Sounds like a messy place.
*You notice a sign on the wall*
“Employees MUST wash hands before returning to work”
Probably a state requirement. If it wasn’t for government mandates, such signage would never exist.
And we’d all die from unwashed hands.
You’re welcome, pleb.
And God Bless OSHA
In other words, I thought you were saying that people became rich, famous and powerful by chasing skirts, and I was like, “Dang. I thought one achieved success by hard work and stuff.”
It worked for John McCain and John Kerry. You just have to chase the right
“Show it to us on a table” and “I am not trying to be funny but folks are already saying #piegate and #fakepie Show it to us on the table with folks eating it and a pic of you cooking it. I am getting the biggest laugh out of this. I am thankful for this laugh on Black Friday!”
I want some pecan pie, now.
Wow is our media ever a joke.
Hard-hitting journalism right there.
I don’t care about that. Some of the twitter tree responses to Ryan are awesome.
The left are unhinged.
Now, I want a double cheeseburger from Wendy’s.
Shit, so do I. A double w/cheese combo and a small chili this dip the fries in.
Then back then the counter for a small frosty when I’m done.
Wait a second. April Ryan isn’t Mrs. Paul Ryan?
That’s some weapons grade pettiness. Trump really is a trend setter.
I smell a Pulitzer!!!
Comment in the link with The Loser talking about AI:
I don’t know about that. What I do know is, is that the two biggest financial crisises the world has ever seen wasn’t created by socialists. And those was something that for sure created unemployment.”
“You know what Mogens, you is right. It’s them there capitalists what did it.”
This all seems so backwards.
“I don’t know about that. ”
I’m guessing what he wrote when someone explained the horrific failures of socialism to him.
Most Europeans I’ve talked to over the years just don’t see communism as bad.
“Famines created by socialist rollout plans , ethnic cleansing by socialist regimes, hyperinflation due to currency printing presses under socialist regimes, and wars initiated and perpetuated by socialist regimes don’t count. I am an ignoramus about things occurred outside of North America in the last 30 years.”
Someone needs to create a device that instantly and permanently transports a person to the nation that actually practices his stated policy preferences.
Prepare to live the rest of your life suffering under the jackpot of a robber barons, shitlord.
I dunno, I could get on board with a jackpot of robber barons.
Only if they have nice tits, right?
“the two biggest financial crisises the
worldUS has ever seen wasn’t created bysocialiststhe unfettered free market”the two biggest financial crisises the world has ever seen
The collapse of the Western Roman empire and the fall of the Qing dynasty?
TW: Slideshow. But still worth clicking through as it’s pretty damn funny.
Curtailing tax breaks is generally a good idea. Subsidies for certain activities distort the economy. When the mortgage-interest deduction spurs a family to buy a more expensive home than they would have otherwise, it keeps that money from more productive parts of the economy.
But state and local tax deductions do not fall into this category. Since the nation’s founding, American citizens have safeguarded small-scale democracy. The Bill of Rights prescribes that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states.”
Scholars and judges differ over where state control ends and federal oversight starts. But no scholar argues that states, cities and towns don’t possess the right and obligation to staff schools, pave roads, purify water and put out fires.
Smoke. Mirrors. Non sequiturs. Misdirection. Egregious misrepresentation. Snake oil. It’s all there.
It’s kind of impressive, really, if you’re a student of shameless hucksterism.
“But no scholar argues that states, cities and towns don’t possess the right and obligation to staff schools, pave roads, purify water and put out fires.”
Murray Rothbard has a sad.
Did Rothbard study or teach at Harvard, huh, did he? Then obviously he ain’t no scholar.
Tom Woods has a sad.
Curtailing tax breaks is generally a good idea. Subsidies for certain activities distort the economy. When the mortgage-interest deduction spurs a family to buy a more expensive home than they would have otherwise, it keeps that money from more productive parts of the economy.
Ya, fuck all those carpenters, stone masons, plumbers, HVAC guys and electricians that build those giant homes. They are useless people because they don’t have degrees. Taxing certain behavior also distorts the economy and kills jobs. See the luxury tax that killed the yacht industry back in the day. Thanks George Bush you grabby handed fuck head.
All deductions should be eliminated. A flat tax or a fair tax is the only constitutional tax system.
“it keeps that money from more productive parts of the economy.”
I find this argument funny being used as a reason for why we must tax people more. Hey honey, guess what is even less sororities than buying a house cuz of a tax break? Losing that money to taxes.
Less sororities? Gotta love auto-correct.
I would be happy to go back to low revenue (NOT protective) tariffs, sans any other tax, excepting perhaps usage fees and such.
The Bill of Rights prescribes that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states.”
Telling where he cuts off that sentence. With no ellipses to indicate that a phrase was left off the end. Coincidence, I’m sure.
The fact that they don’t do that makes it a misquoted (ends the quote with a period that isn’t there.) Seeing as no one remembers the 10th amendment, the writer had to look it up, and knows what they did.
Basically, that article argues the only way those states can keep taxes that high is for the federal government to subsidize it. And the federal government should subsidize it without question because to do otherwise would violate the Constitution.
I don’t get it.
1. Hillary Clinton is the Winston Churchill to Vladimir Putin’s Adolf Hitler.
2. Hillary Clinton being elected president (at last) would monumentally piss off misogynistic trolls, and what’s not to like about that?
3. By winning the popular vote convincingly in 2016, Hillary Clinton has earned the right to be considered the presumptive nominee in 2020.
4. We can expect her to be a good president.
She is going to have to persuade Biden not to throw his hat in the ring, IYKWIMAITYD
Biden the serial groper? He’s got as much a chance as I do of getting the Dem nomination.
You better have dark skin or a uterus (preferably both) if you want Team Blue they put you up against Trump in three years.
Michelle Obama, we need you!!!!
This is who is being set up to be the Dem nominee in 2020, I am certain.
But is America ready for its first tranny President? Before we have elected or first woman President, even?
Now I’m stuck in a web of conspiracy videos. It’s research…yeah, that’s it…research for the coming chapters of ‘A Path To Wellness’.
He said uterus. That counts Xer out.
Kamala Harris seems to fit those pre-requisites.
Harris will be their VP nominee, I would wager money on it. I would also bet that they will put a minority male or another female at the top of the ticket.The Dems are going to press identity politics even harder as they go further left. They will not soon move to the center.
We can expect her to be a good president.
But we don’t actually care, we spent 8 years excusing or ignoring everything Obama did and will do the same for HRH Clinton, Duchess of California and New York.
Why would they expect her too be a good president? She grifted the last time she was in the WH, they sold nights to donors for personal gain, her husband was screwing around/harassing and assaulting women and she tried to shame his victims, she made a mess of healthcare while her husband was bombing foreign nations to take heat off his perjury. And she followed that up with a SoS job that caused the entirety of North Africa and Syria to turn into a hellscape.
But she’ll be better than Trump because…dried up uterus?
But she’ll be better than Trump because…
… she’ll let the administrative state run rampant over Americans’ civil liberties to pursue various left-wing goals. But hey, she’ll probably be less tough on drugs. So we’d have that going for us.
If Trump wants a 45 state route in 2020, he’s start haranguing his shitstain AG and start lobbying Congress to legalise cannabis.
He should fire the garden gnome, that’s for sure.
Haranguing? He should just fire his ass and send him back to the Senate and then we can be rid of Judge Teenage Sweater Puppies and move on with life. Then he should announce national legalization goals. The SoCons heads would explode and it would be glorious.
Are you making a parody argument from TOS?
Not intentionally…
You’d write a glowing article, too, if the Clinton Foundation paid you big,money, I bet.
Salon really shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but the misunderstanding at the heart of that is so pervasive . . .
Before Bush and Obama working with nasty people when it was in America’s best interest to do so was not uncommon. We did it to excellent effect during the Cold War. We did it to excellent effect during World War II. Yes, Stalin was our ally, and, no, he was not a very nice person. We made nice with Saddam Hussein when it was in our interests to do so, too. The neocons largely believed that it was never in the long term interests of the United States to make common cause with authoritarians–and in that sense, the Obama administration was extreme. Literally, how Putin treated Moscow’s LGBT community in Moscow was more important to Obama and Hillary Clinton than whether working together with Putin to defeat ISIS was in the interests of U.S. security. In fact, Obama would have staged a U.S. invasion of Syria and fight Assad, Hezbollah, and the Iranian Revolutionary Army rather than work with Putin to defeat ISIS.
Trump, on the other hand, campaigned on working with Putin to defeat ISIS in Syria, coordinated a relationship with Putin to defeat ISIS in Syria, negotiated a limited ceasefire with Putin (on behalf of Assad, Hezbollah, and the Iranian Revolutionary Army) that served to make them stop fighting each other in areas with high ISIS control and consolidate their combined forces into fighting ISIS, and it worked so spectacularly that ISIS has now lost almost all their territory, including their capital and last remaining stronghold.
We can always argue about whether making nice with the bad guys is really in America’s security interests in any particular case–certainly there were mistakes made both with regard to our relationship with Stalin in the wake of World War II and during the Cold War. However, when it’s in the best interests of American security to form such relationships, that’s exactly what we should do–even if doing so isn’t necessarily in the best interests of Moscow’s LGBT community.
Trump’s policy priorities certainly deserve credit for defeating ISIS–sans a major ground commitment by the U.S. in Syria–and a huge amount of that credit is about Trump utilizing Putin as a useful ally in the fight against ISIS.
Hillary isn’t like Churchill and Putin isn’t like Hitler. Hillary wasn’t even a capitulator like Chamberlain. Her foreign policy objections to Trump were aggressive–just like McCain’s. The reason they hated to see Trump make common cause with Putin in Syria is because it meant the U.S. wouldn’t invade.
To neocons and progressives, there’s no justification for working with bad people. Working together with bad people is a crime, in their minds, that requires no further evidence than having worked with that person. If Weinstein had the secret to cold fusion, the cure for cancer, and the power to save the baby polar bears, the progressives and neocons might still denounce anyone who tried to work with him. Luckily, we have a president who has is smarter than that when it comes to foreign policy, In fact, Trump has been subjected to that kind of logic himself–the progressives who read and write Salon don’t care if Trump’s policies defeated ISIS anywhere near as much as they care that That once bragged about pussy grabbing.
It is strange to live simultaneously in two universes, one in which Trump is an inept buffoon, and one in which he is crafty and accomplished.
And, I am afraid to commit to either universe; to pull my foot from one and dive whole-heartedly into the other, on the chance that the one I chose is an illusion.
I don’t think it’s necessary for someone to agree with me in order for that person to be competent.
Christopher Hitchens was an unrepentant Trotskyist. His hero, George Orwell, wasn’t his hero in spite of Orwell being a socialist–but in no small part because of it. I disagreed with Hitchens on his support for the Iraq War, the nature of Islam, his militant atheism, etc., etc., but I have tremendous respect for his intellectual honesty and intelligence. People who think other people are smart or not–depending on whether they agree with me–are not smart people.
I disagree with Trump on a host of issues. I want open, legal immigration. I disagree with him on free trade. He is not stupid because he disagrees with me.
What he is, which may seem controversial, is a competent decision maker. His strategy is competent.
There’s a lot to be said for competent leadership.
Obama and Hillary flushed our security interests down the toilet to promote the rights of LGBT in Moscow. Then they felt themselves painted into a corner into invading Syria. Their behavior was so incompetent, it took Congress to pull them back from invading after Obama made his stupid red line threat. That’s a whole different ball game.
There are people today who imagine that saying all the right things on camera in ways that don’t ruffle anyone’s feathers is what is meant by “competence”.
That’s not the way I judge job performance. Sometimes really smart people make mistakes. Sometimes really smart people are wrong. Neither one of those things makes anybody incompetent.
Trump keeps making the right decisions at the right times in order to get the objecting he wants.
He’s now announced that they’re not arming the Kurds anymore. That’s exactly what he should do now that ISIS is defeated and our allies in Iraq (the Kurds, the Iraq government, et. al. are fighting each other over all the territory that ISIS lost. I don’t know what the future holds. Life is a never ending series of marginal choices made in the face of uncertainty–only the past is free of uncertainty. Maybe that will prove to be a bad decision, but I think Trump has made that decision with competence.
Even if he’s wrong. He understands the nature of our problems, and he’s pursuing our interests in a competent way.
We haven’t seen a president who made competent decisions since, at least, when Clinton left office. I’m not saying Clinton was a good president, but he did make some competent decisions. I know the left likes to blame him and Albright for letting Rwanda happen, but avoiding quagmires in central Africa isn’t necessarily the sign of an incompetent decision. In retrospect, he might have achieved as much as an invasion with this or that action at the UN, but making mistakes doesn’t mean that was incompetent leadership. Threatening to invade Syria over Obama’s red line, trying to get Congress to approve a war that you don’t want, and then doing nothing about Assad’s use of WMD is fucking incompetent all the way through–even if ultimately not invading was the right call.
Worse than Hitler
There are some good things in there, I mean the economic things which used to be counted as good news. Remember that ancient phrase ‘It’s the economy stupid’. Now the economy doing well is apparently a bad thing to half the country.
Has anyone yet heard a prog explain what exactly it is that Trump has done that gets him compared to Hitler? The single thing I can remember them actually citing as a reason is that he abandoned the Paris Climate accord. Is there anything else? He’s threatening to lower everyone’s taxes? Does that qualify as Hitler like?
I don’t remember reading that Hitler actually abandoned the Paris Accord. It was more, like, he sent his tanks into Paris.
I have the strangest since of deja vu.
alas I have no sense
*hands juris imprudent a bag of pennies*
This article is asking why there’s a gender gap in how much parents save for their children’s college education:
—-Wall Street Journal
The Forbes article linked below points out that although women are the primary breadwinners in 40% of households, only 3% of alimony recipients are men.
Maybe the reason parents are saving more for college for boys is so they can afford to pay alimony!
Maybe households have greater confidence in their millenial daughters being self sufficient after launch.
Well, I for one think some students get feminist teachers:
Oh crud. Do you know,how hard it is to get permanent marker off a white board?
It appears they looked at girl-only and boy-only homes?
Yeah, but not how many children they had.
Don’t more women graduate college, or did I make that statistic up?
How are grants distributed along gender lines?
If anyone feels like getting me a Hannukah present…
SFW? Sort of?
I am picturing Q’s Menorah to be an arrangement of nine boobs with flaming nipples. A search revealed no hits on that so I believe it is open for exploitation for some enterprising person.
If only I had a CNC machine.
A 3D printer and a plasma cutter are the two things I almost bought back when I had money but didn’t. I regret both of those bad decisions.
Just let me know and I’ll fire my lathe and mill up…boobelabra!
Sold! Take my money.
Here’s one for HM
Republicans also characterize the issue as one of local mismanagement. “I don’t think it’s up to the federal government to save New York from its bad decisions,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director, last week. True, governments from Chicago to New Jersey have made poor fiscal decisions. In a system that grants citizens great autonomy to govern themselves at the local level, disparities in financial management are inevitable. But it is none of Washington’s business that New York’s taxes are too high.
If it’s none of Washington’s concern that New York’s taxes are too high, then it seems it would also absolve them from helping New yorkers to pay them.
“But it is none of Washington’s business that New York’s taxes are too high.”
Exactly what I was thinking; doesn’t this just absolve Trump of any wrongdoing? Own goal?
The left seems to be making a lot of own goals lately. It is as if Trump stands in front of their goal and pretends to be the goalie.
No you don’t get it, in your case the government should step in but only in order to help the leftist agenda.
Lefty antisemitism update.
Yeah, getting steamrolled by the Israeli military is sure to be a long-term winning strategy.
“In one of the exchanges … students agree that Palestinian activists should engage in a “re-evaluation of the past nonviolent stance.”
“Jews are not a nation,” he said repeatedly. “There’s no nation called ‘Judaism,'” Ismail said. “Where on the map is there a country called ‘Jews’?”
I cant make any sense of that article no matter how many times I read it.
It’s really dumb. But, they make up for it by condoning violence.
“Any person who is a Zionist believes in the State of Israel, even though it oppresses and kills millions of Palestinians—which I call terrorism,” said Ismail.”
They kill millions? Don’t Palestinians number in the low millions?
By my math (carry the one), that would make Israel the most efficient and ruthless genocidal machine in history.
Math is racist.
No, no, it “oppresses and kills” millions. You’ve gotta parse the lingo. You also have to ignore the land border between Gaza and Egypt, or the West Bank and Jordan.
That’s why they must be destroyed. Zionist. Not Jews. See I’m not anti-Semitic. And OMWC can’t participate in this discussion. He’s a known – er – Zionist.
Huh? That’s mere child’s play, the USA was killing 40 million children a year by preventing them from having health insurance, until Obama saved them.
No one kills as many Muslims as other Muslims.
300 in Egypt only a day ago.
Nah, those aren’t “real” Muslims that were killed. They condemn violence in the name of Islam, so naturally they’ve got to die.
Palestinians have the amazing ability to simultaneously overpopulate their settlements to such an extent that Gaza is supposed to be inhospitable in the next decade while also being murdered by the millions.
Derpa, derp, derp, derp
Blowing up buses and launching rockets into towns = Not terrorism
Building a fence and responding to said rocket launches = Terrorism
Ah, yes. What we have here is a pristine example of a stupid cunt.
“I get to speak, you dont.”
Sounds legit.
She’s wife material.
Oh *Snap*
I missed Tundra already pulled that quote out. Great minds and tastes…as they say.
He is available to pump you up – with stupidity.
After seeing photos of said club, I think Sloopy is in trouble. If these beef cakes can’t even make the team, how will OSU do against the hugeness of Michigan’s football team?
Mysterious loud booms heard across the world in 64 locations
The end is nigh!
I don’t think it’s a mystery, it was meteor shower.
I once applied for the job of meteor shower, but the firm went with the hot blonde, even though she clearly had no clue how to show meteors.
Swiss must be on vacation, or something. Better enjoy our “narrow-gaze-free” time, while we have it.
*narrows gaze*
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Don’t sneak up on a fellow, like that!
64 locations? That’s 4 cubed. Which means 4x4x4. 4 to the third power. There are 3 dimensions in the four quadrants of space. So it’s aliens.
I’m not saying it’s space aliens, but it’s space aliens.
I guess we have to put that “space” qualifier in there, now, to avoid needlessly antagonizing immigrants.
It’s just the 5 year maintenance on our orbital bombardment cannons. It was 0.5 terrawatt blast which dissipated in your upper atmosphere…calm the fuck down
The end is nigh!
It’s about time. This shit is getting old.
I’ve been scarce here the last couple of days due to Thanksgiving obligations, so I don’t know if this one has been linked yet – whatever your views on immigration, I’m sure we all agree that ethnic restaurants make for a weak argument.
After a while, you start to suspect them of poisoning the well. But I think Occam’s Razor favors cluelessness and a lack of curiosity as more plausible explanations.
Although, upon glancing at the comments, it’s entirely possible that they’re simply trying to clear the very low bar of “not as dumb as half the commenters”.
I do believe Hell consists of being forced to watch Sam Haysom and Palin’s Buttplug argue with each other for all eternity.
Shreek has a website where he argues with himself as AddictionMyth and a couple of his other troll names. He’s mentally ill.
“He’s mentally ill.”
Yep, he’s as crazy as Hihn.
“Speak the Hi#n’s name, and he doth appear!”
His reaction to cat-butting would be priceless.
It already happened.
Sorry about that, maybe saying his name backwards three times while standing in front of a mirror in a dark room will counteract it.
How the fuck can anyone know who anyone is if you guys keep changing your damn avatar! Next thing you know, you’ll be putting something fucking chipper in your names! /unhinged rant
Who’s changing what now?
Gee, a Somali tongue-bath.
How surprising.
Also, the Twin Cities have about a billion great ‘ethnic’ restaurants. One fucking Somali restaurant changes things not one iota.
They have completely lost it over there.
I saw that in my FB feed. I remember thinking, “I lean open borders and that’s a dumb argument”.
Christ, that article is as bad as the ‘built on the graveyard of failed capitalism’ comment above.
*wipes away blood seeping from eyes*
Lessee, various delicious lamb dishes or stuff like what happened in Egypt on Friday.
I remember reading that in the mag. I think they’re just trolling us at this point.
You don’t say.
I read the petulant, hyperbolic comments to that article, and now I want to puke.
What a shithole the Hit and Run comment section has become!
We stole the cream of the crop.
*Insert HM’s facial link here*
I’m there on work days. It’s something else. Lots of John fighting everyone and Shreek’s various socks shitting up the place, including a painfully unfunny new one who’s pretending to a Trumpista. And a couple of our reprobates moonlighting to class up the place.
Meh. That’s just the typical shallow MO of people who call for ‘multiculturalism’ despite having little to no understanding of the concept. The majority of those people would probably not exactly appreciate neighbours who’s cultural practices mandated, say, molesting children or owning slaves. Instead they’re looking for a form of shallow multiculturalism, i.e. one in which they get things like exotic foods while the people themselves magically absorbing Western values to remove the icky cultural components they wouldn’t like. Which isn’t actually a bad thing, in fact it’s the standard pillar of American assimilation, the problem is their method doesn’t work.
Ahead of her highly-anticipated visit, Indian media reported that police in Hyderabad arrested thousands of “beggars” and placing them in rehab centers (also referred to as ashrams) to shield Ivanka from the uncomfortable sight and to put their best foot forward for the trip.
TRUMP!!!! Had beggars thrown in prison because he didn’t want to see them!
Another article on this story…
The summation:
So the bottom line is that this was a story custom made for the media to build on the Chaos and Internal Division in the White House (!) theme. It’s a proven winner with the liberal base and gives everyone something to talk about during a holiday weekend. Beyond that? I’m betting there’s far more smoke than fire here. Of course, the President hasn’t tweeted about it yet as of when I was writing this and he’s usually tweeting by now, but it could still change later.
Another quote from the UM antisemitism article:
“You can’t ask me questions though,” said the Palestinian student. “I’m not going to have a conversation with you. Those are my guiding principles.”
Guiding principles. lol.
Correct response, “You know you’re not the boss o’ me, right?”
I heartily approve!
A man of refined taste.
Holy Moses. She looks like she is trying to lift herself up.
Hard on the felt, though.
You guys go ahead and stick it in there. I’m gonna pass. Look how her snatch has turned one of those red balls black. That can’t be good.
There are ads on youtube?
I imagine if you “monetize” – this is how the $ is made.
I’m just riffing on the fact that it is easy to block ads on youtube. I don’t see any.
Further adventures of the Deep State
The bureaucratic standoff began Friday afternoon when Richard Cordray, the Obama-appointed leader of the bureau, abruptly announced he would leave the job at the close of business, a week earlier than anticipated. He followed up with a letter naming his chief of staff, Leandra English, as the agency’s deputy director.
The announcement came with a twist. Under the law, he said, that appointment would make the new deputy director the agency’s acting director. The move was seen as an effort to delay Mr. Trump from appointing his own director, whose confirmation could take months.
The White House retaliated, saying that the budget director, Mick Mulvaney, who once characterized the consumer protection bureau as a “sad, sick joke,” would be running the agency. He would also keep his current job as head of the Office of Management and Budget.
Paralysis is not quite as good as sending them all to the unemployment office, but it will be interesting to see what happens next.
Basically, there are competing laws on who gets to appoint the acting director. Should be fun to watch.
Trump is interfering with the CFPB’s ability to be a completely unchecked instrument of righteous lefty vengeance.
I can’t wait for the thousands of stories the ass kissing media is going to publish about this from now until this actually happens. For Christ’s sake Britain, ditch these tax sponging inbred clowns already.
Frank Drebin said it best
The Muslims will dispose of the royal infidels as soon as they declare Shariah in the UK.
I love you guys, man.
Ok, I’m drunk.
I’m half way there and it is 0930. I plan an epic nap this afternoon.
NAP time. Isn’t that what we all wish.
My kingdom for worldwide NAP time. Unfortunately I can only apply epic NAP in my own realm.
We love you too Straffin. 😀
No homo.
Whats the libertarian position on vertical fight videos?
Is it a violation of the NAP and thus fair game to use my McNuke on the perpetrator, or should they merely be exiled from Libertopia?
Dortmund is pounding their rival at home – hopefully not a trend for today, eh Sloopy?
Hmm, may have spoken to soon. Schalke are a different team so far in the 2nd half.
I’m watching it later. I assume that prima donna Aubameyang is back?
More interested in the Leipzig-Bremen match anyway that repeats at 4.
Liverpool up soon!
It’s an outlier!
No they’re not. 😉
Victimized by kkkapitalismz
It was a dizzying series of events at a company that has long held itself up as a paragon of righteous business practices. Etsy’s founders believed its business model — helping mostly female entrepreneurs make a living online — was inherently just. Employees shared their emotions freely, often crying at the office. Perks included generous paid parental leave, free organic food and a pet-friendly workplace. Etsy was certified as a B Corp by a nonprofit called B Lab, denoting its particularly high social and environmental standards.
But once Etsy went public in 2015, it was evaluated just like any other company traded on the stock market. By late last year, expenses were growing fast. And even as the company reported $88 million in revenues during the third quarter, it posted a net loss of $2.5 million. After a few quarters of tepid results, investors grew impatient and a classic clash of corporate governance came spilling into view — how would a company like Etsy balance the short-term demands of its shareholders with its high-minded long-term mission?
By some important metrics, Etsy appears to be improving under Mr. Silverman’s leadership. Revenues are up, as are “gross merchandise sales” — the total value of goods being sold on Etsy. The company’s stock has risen about 50 percent in the six months since he took over.
By other measures, however, Etsy is barely recognizable. The “Values-Aligned Business” team, which oversaw the company’s social and environmental efforts, was dismantled. A new focus on profitability has sapped many employees of their enthusiasm. A workplace that once encouraged workers to express their feelings has clammed up. Etsy is no longer a B Corp.
Horrific tragedy.
Guess what- if you want to be all idiosyncratic and edgy and iconoclastic (and unprofitable), DON’T GO PUBLIC.
How dare the owners (shareholders) have a voice in how the company is run!!!1!1!1elevnty!
among the phrases that the left parrots which rubs my fur the wrong way is this, “short-term demands” thing, where wall st is always accused of having zero concern for the long-term viability of companies and bleeds companies dry every quarter
its utter gibberish and doesn’t even make sense on its own terms. when you’re *losing millions of dollars*, there is no long term. Unless you’re Elon Musk, creditors will stop giving you money to flush down the toilet, and your stock will turn to toilet paper. When you’re bleeding to death, you have to stop bleeding now. They act as though this is some artificial demand which is driven by ‘greed’ rather than a sincere interest in the viability of an organization. If your child was diagnosed with cancer, would you wait a few years to let it all work itself out ‘naturally’, or would you engage in rapid, drastic treatment?
And as Brooksie said: ffs, no one forced you to sell pieces of paper giving nominal ownership of your company to wall st. punters. Moaning about it afterward is the height of stupidity. I’m quite sure Tom Steyr or some other lefty billionaires would have gladly taken you private: but the fact is that then you’d be answering to *them* rather than the vagaries of wall st, and – surprise – rich leftists don’t like losing piles of money either.
Losing money is a bit of a misnomer too. They’re actively shoveling bundles of money into a shredder and fireplace. How much did that B Corp certification cost? I doubt it was for free. Or paying employees not to work or extra for feel good food.
How many meetings did the “Values-Aligned Business” team hold every week? And how much of the team’s efforts were dedicated to torpedoing money making work?
Jesus, that’s pathetic. I can’t imagine putting up with that shit. If you assume for a moment that they actually want to deliver a product in line with their values and stay in business, emotional outbursts at the office contribute nothing to that goal.
-1 Tampax employee
I imagine if you “monetize” – this is how the $ is made.
*Gazes dreamily out window, contemplating “monetization” of time spent fucking off on computer, opens new window to shop for ’80s BMW M6*
How dare the owners (shareholders) have a voice in how the company is run!!!1!1!1elevnty!
Seriously. Someone ought to report this to the CFPB. I’m sure those people had no idea the money from the IPO had strings attached. Talk about predatory.
“Etsy had the potential to be one of the truly great ones,” said Matt Stinchcomb, an early employee who now runs the Good Work Institute, which was originally an Etsy charitable foundation before being spun off last year. “But it looks like they are cutting anything that’s not essential to the business. This is a cautionary tale of capitalism.”
Won’t someone dry this poor man’s tears?
What kind of stupid name is “Stink-comb”, anyway?
Matt Stinchcomb the Raiders lineman?
I’d be curious to see what Mr. Shitcomb’s salary is
Won’t someone dry this poor man’s tears?
Sure thing!
*starts flamethrower*
If everyone starts Brooks-ing their replies to Brooks, it’s gonna be a mess. Just sayin’
I thought it had a sort of elegant synchronicity.
It did. But I hate the Police.
I’m with Tundra. I think we should all De DO Do DO it.
Looks like P Brooks had us wrapped around his finger.
I’m a little concerned about the fall out.
I’m sure it will Sting for a while
RIP Terry Glenn.
Less than an hour now. I may start drinking.
today in TDS
Forget the Holiday Advice: Don’t Bother Debating With Trump-Supporting Family Members
It’s a good idea to share a family meal with Trump-supporting relatives, but don’t try to understand them.
This holiday season we have the normal, everyday challenges faced by families with a range of political views, plus the hyperbolic situation created by Trump.
But it’s worse. Because on top of having to deal with a nightmare presidency and the pack of people who still like the guy, we have to deal with all of these ridiculous arguments that somehow it is our job to reach out to Trump supporters and get outside of our “echo chambers.”
In July, the Washington Post ran a piece by Aaron Blake that fretted over the fact that “nearly half of liberals don’t even like to be around Trump supporters.” Blake cites a Pew Research study that showed that “Democrats are actually substantially less able to countenance friends who supported the wrong candidate.” Then, he goes on to express surprise over another study that showed that 47 percent of Clinton supporters didn’t even have a close friend who planned to vote for Trump. He then also points out that Pew found that 68 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters find it “stressful and frustrating” to talk to people who have a different opinion of Trump. He further notes that those on the right reported being more open to hearing from those on the left than vice versa.
There is lots to unpack here, but let’s just emphasize a few key points. First, it makes perfect sense that a liberal might find talking to a Trump supporter “stressful and frustrating,” particularly given the ceaseless racist, xenophobic, sexist, narcissistic drivel that spews from his mouth. Trump is a disaster in every sense of the word; anyone who defends him is going to stress you out. And, of course, few Clinton supporters had close friends who were Trump supporters. How exactly are we supposed to be close to someone who supports him?
But there’s more. Today’s Trump supporter is so totally divorced from reality that having any sort of conversation with them where you attempt to see their point of view may actually damage your own brain.
Trump is a serial liar and those who support him spout those same lies. Research shows that engaging with lies has two major negative cognitive effects on those of us who like the truth. First, to listen to a lie and then try to debunk it, the brain has to accept the lie as true, only to then refute it. Over time that process takes a real toll and risks exhausting your cognitive abilities. It’s what we call “brain fry,” and many of us suffer from it.
The phrase “echo chamber” suggests everyone in the group just mirrors everyone else. And that is exactly what does seem to happen in a lot of right-wing groups. Surely on the left we have echo chambers too. But what if my so-called echo chamber is filled with people who like a healthy, well-reasoned debate and enjoy critical thinking? What if my echo chamber includes Neil deGrasse Tyson, Samantha Bee and Amy Goodman and theirs has Rick Perry, Alex Jones, and Steve Bannon? The idea that the problem is the echo chamber is incredibly dumb. It’s what is resonating in the echo chamber that is the problem.
So, my holiday advice is to stop reading those ridiculous self-help columns and avoid attempting rational or political conversation with your Trump-supporting relative. Forget it. Give up on it. Talk about how yummy the pie is and whether it will snow tomorrow and move on. Or, if you have a family member who can’t resist the urge after a few glasses of wine to get into it with you, do the dishes or just go to bed. Do everything you can to escape the experience with as much of your sanity and self-worth and fighting spirit as you can.
These people sure do talk a lot to say nothing. I’d like for just one of them, just one time, to explain exactly what Trump has done/is doing, that has them acting like such retards.
He stole the Presidency from the First Woman President.
Obiwan confirmed that it felt worse than the Holocaust (the Jews and Alderran, combined).
For some reason, this made me think of a guy I met on the internet a long time ago who talked about going on a hunger strike for some lefty cause I have neither the time nor inclination to remember. What I do recall is that he incessantly talked about drinking juice to avoid negative health effects. What does this have to do with this particular line of argument? Not much but to say that the left is full of fucking pussies.
Well, one does have to believe lies to believe that socialism actually works and that all the troubles of the world are caused by Western capitalists. It really must be exhausting to keep believing such blatant non-sense.
Brain fry. these people fucking love science.
First, to listen to a lie and then try to debunk it, the brain has to accept the lie as true, only to then refute it.
That isn’t true.
It’s what we call “brain fry,” and many of us suffer from it.
This is evidently true.
What if my echo chamber includes Neil deGrasse Tyson, Samantha Bee and Amy Goodman and theirs has Rick Perry, Alex Jones, and Steve Bannon?
This guy hasn’t a clue what a typical Trump voter thinks and feels.
That last paragraph is actually the best advice I’ve ever heard from a leftist. To stop talking would greatly increase their chances of not being thought of as unhinged loons.
That’s what I was thinking. It’s the only sanity in the whole piece.
I really don’t like that word in its modern usage. Totes problematic,
We don’t have to listen to people who disagree with us because by disagreeing, they are wrong so they shouldn’t be listened to QED. Nice tight logical knot you’ve got there.
Also SAMANTHA FUCKING BEE fuck off. That’s your idea of an intelligent person to listen to.
These idiots still think this is about Trump and that the people who support him are ‘Trump supporters’. Excellent.
*smirks and nods slowly*
SLow news? Someone knocked over a telephone pole on North Kings Highway and my cable has been in and out all morning!
“So, my holiday advice is to stop reading those ridiculous self-help columns”
Except this one…
There is lots to unpack here, but let’s just emphasize a few key points. First, it makes perfect sense that a liberal might find talking to a Trump supporter “stressful and frustrating,” particularly given the ceaseless racist, xenophobic, sexist, narcissistic drivel that spews from his mouth. Trump is a disaster in every sense of the word; anyone who defends him is going to stress you out. And, of course, few Clinton supporters had close friends who were Trump supporters. How exactly are we supposed to be close to someone who supports him?
But there’s more. Today’s Trump supporter is so totally divorced from reality that having any sort of conversation with them where you attempt to see their point of view may actually damage your own brain.
Imagine the Pope inviting a bunch of Satanists over to watch the Big Game. It’s crazy.
You could run a multiplex with that much projection. Jesus.
“Today’s Trump supporter is so totally divorced from reality”
Says one of the people who thinks 1984 is an instruction manual.
It’s what we call “brain fry,” and many of us suffer from it.
Some more than others.
Aw, crud. Now we have another disorder that will require us to pump even more prescription medicines into our kids.
What if my echo chamber includes Neil deGrasse Tyson, Samantha Bee and Amy Goodman
That would be… unpleasant
Samantha Bee is literally retarded, and not funny.
I will not stand by and let you impugn the honor of the mentally challenged, good sir!
Apologize or be prepared to duel at dawn.
If everyone starts Brooks-ing their replies to Brooks, it’s gonna be a mess. Just sayin’
Slick video. Empathy clouding judgement. Not an endorsement of BPS, but I always check in with what he’s saying.
Man, Merkel is one fugly old hag, politics has not been kind to her. She looks like a damn marionette.
My favorite SA tune, though.
My favorite “SA” tune.
Starvation Army out of Cleveland mid -80’s. I saw them a couple of times.
Fun internet project: scour the web looking for shitty video of old punk rock shows and find yourself in the mosh pit.
I didn’t go to old punk rock shows.
When you said SA I thought you meant this song.
I guess you got me thinking of the original group since it fits in with Trump dinner article.
I’m gonna have to watch that again when I’m not quite so lit. I wouldn’t fuck Angela with a 6 foot pole, even if she were in Warsaw.
Good lord. There is nobody at the mall. Other than old ladies getting their cardio for the day.
The winner is Amazon.
No gang members with tattooed faces? Must be a slow day at the mall.
Nobody? Steal me a TV and some sunglasses.
Im here to participate in a charity toy drive. Normally Id oblige…
*deletes NSFW toy comment*
Toys Against Tots, I hope.
Can’t be giving toys to our orphan labor.
Xmas Angel. Poor kid writes a short wish list. You pick a kid and buy their wish list for their parents. Unfortunately the Salvation Army runs it and puts these at the local malls.
This morning ze wife and I stopped at Walmarts (the local one is actually clean and well-run) to buy some el-cheapo presents for various family members. It was dead, dead, dead there. No wait for the cashier either.
In my experience shopping at k-marts growing up, it’s probably a little unfair to blame the stores for the mess. Now, if the place is run by the same sack-of-shit types as the customers that let their kids tear shit off the shelves/racks, eat/spill unpurchased food, etc, then fuck em.
My point being, the same reason it’s clean is why there were no unwashed hordes trampling each other. You don’t get mouse shit in the kitchen when you don’t have mice.
Ruh-roh. Somebody check on Sloopy.
Hang on, Sloopy!
Please Liverpool. Don’t let me down again.
Watching Ohio State and listening to the new Oh Sees album.
Aww fuvk this album is trippy.
Not if it is Policed right.
Has this wonderful article been posted yet? Four reasons Hillary should run in 2020.
Jesus H Christ on a broom stick. It is not only proved beyond a reasonable doubt she helped cover them up, she was the front person for slandering Bill’s rape victims. (Right wing conspiracy and all that) If they do not see that they are not living in reality. Fuck the Clintons and anyone who supports them.
Not if it is Policed right.
Policed by the right top men?