By Mythical Libertarian Woman
Lesbian: ladies who want to bang and/or be romantically involved with other ladies
Gay: dudes who want to bang and/or be romantically involved with other dudes
Bi: anyone who wants to bang and/or be romantically involved with either gender
There’s a controversy raging in the LGBTABCDEFG community about whether “bi” is a sufficiently woke term anymore, due to the Gender Is A Spectrum crowd (see below). Technically speaking, “bi” means two, which means that being “bisexual” or “biromantic” (give me a sec, we’re getting there) is automatically cisnormative (you cis shitlords all know what cis means, right?). So:
– Some people use “bi” to mean “I like everyone and I don’t care about their bits”
– Some people take “bi” to LITERALLY mean “two” and they will use this in very interesting ways, such as “I am only attracted to cisgender women and demigirls, WHICH IS A REAL AND VALID GENDER (see below) and those are my two”
– Some people really only like dudes and ladies and aren’t interested in made-up genders and they’re cisnormative scum
Pan: Many who are of the first “bi” definition of “I like everyone and don’t care about their bits” have decided to abandon the term “bi” and are now using “pansexual” (or “panromantic” – we’re getting there, I swear). The pans and the bis get into angry flame wars on Tumblr for being the same thing as each other but not using each other’s preferred semantics. The pans have managed to convince the alphabet soup gods to add a P onto the acronym for them. Polyamorous people think it belongs to them. Further war ensues.
Bisexual has a pretty pink-purple-blue flag, while pansexual has an ugly pink-yellow-blue flag! (YES, EVERY SINGLE THING ON THIS LIST HAS ITS OWN COLORS AND FLAG. It’s like the Panhellenic Council of identity politics.)
Polysexual/polyromantic: This is not polyamorous. It’s actually yet another division of bisexuality. See, “bi” means “two” and “pan” means “all,” but what if you’re attracted to every gender except cis male scum? Then you are poly, which means “some but not all.”
Multisexual: One more word for the same thing. This one is the umbrella ☂️™ term for all the orientations that are attracted to more than one gender. You know, bisexuality.
Polyamorous: Wants to have more than one sexual or romantic partner. I guess this is an orientation? I don’t know if otherwise straight people who are polyamorous really want to be lumped in with the LGBTQQIAPPP2++ crowd, though.
Asexual (called “ace” for short): Does not experience sexual attraction. This is really straightforward but the ace community is determined to make it about as mind-searingly complicated as the gender crowd. I’m not even sure I can define all these terms in a linear way the way I can for all the rest of them, so just try and stick with me here.
Romantic vs. sexual attraction: Some asexuals are also aromantic*, which means they don’t want to have sex or date. This is also pretty straightforward. You know your spinster great-aunt who never had any beaux (and no female “roommates,” either) and didn’t seem to give a shit? She was probably aromantic asexual. I highly suspect St. Paul was, too, which is how he managed to be so “wtf is wrong with all you sluts, just be celibate like me” in his letters. There just didn’t use to be a word for it because in Biblical times people didn’t care about this crap.
*Also, #NotAllAros are asexual. Some people are aromantic but not asexual. So I guess they want to have sex with people but not be in relationships? They get pissy with you if you say that makes them sound like dicks. #NotARobot
Some asexual people experience romantic attraction without sexual attraction. This probably seems really weird but I think it’s actually not if you think about it? Picture how a lot of couples get when they’re older and don’t feel like banging anymore, except they’ve always been that way and neither partner cares. Their idea of a happy relationship is like snuggling on the couch and being June and Ward Cleaver or something. IMO, I don’t think asexual/non-asexual (called “allosexual” or just “allo” in the ace community) relationships can work unless the allo partner is not all that interested in sex to begin with. Or if they’re polyamorous maybe. Or I guess if the ace doesn’t mind having sex, even if they’re not into it.
>Anyway, this is how we get all the -romantic suffixes on the orientations. Biromantic, panromantic, polyromantic, yadda yadda. That’s for ace people, since they aren’t sexual but they do have romantic feelings for people. Technically straight or gay is “heteroromantic” and “homoromantic” but most people just say straight or gay.
With me so far? Because up to now the ace stuff mostly makes sense, but it’s about to get really ridiculous.
Possibly because asexuality is the trendy new identity for those who don’t want to commit to changing their genders, there are several subcategories that fall under the Asexual Umbrella ☂️™.
Demisexual: People who don’t experience sexual attraction unless they have an emotional bond with someone first. This seems to be Normal to me, but I’m told it’s Not, so it’s an identity now. (This is not the same thing as “demiboy”/”demigirl”/etc! For that, see below.)
Demiromantic: Doesn’t experience romantic attraction unless there’s an emotional bond I guess? But like…that’s just…what happens when you date someone, I think. Like, when you first meet someone you don’t immediately go HELL YEAH ONE TRUE LOVE. Even Disney movies don’t do that anymore. BUT IT’S AN IDENTITY NOW OKAY ☂️™
Gray-A/Grace: Okay this is the one that really gets me. It is:
sometimes experiences sexual attraction
but not always.
There’s not even a specific set of parameters the way there is for demisexual. It’s literally an orientation for I AM NOT HUGH HEFNER. Don’t get an erection every time you see a girl walking down the street? Congrats, you’re gray-A, you can pick up your Marginalized Identity card at your local GSA office.
*”And aromantic!” scream the aros**
**”And agender!” scream the snowflakes who aren’t happy with the 47 other gender options intersectional feminism has provided them
Moving on from sexual orientation to gender:
Transgender: You all know what it is. The term is generally just used for MTF (male-to-female) and FTM (female-to-male), but some of the gender non-conformists want the T in addition to some extra alphabet soup letters because they heard whoever has the most letters wins the gold medal in the oppression Olympics.
Transsexual: The term for people who have actually had gender reassignment surgery. I think this is kind of being phased out, though, and people are just using transgender regardless of surgery status.
Trans*: Someone on Tumblr started using this a while ago because the * made it inclusive of both transgender and transsexual. It was really popular for like a year and then the meme became that “trans*” was oppressive for reasons. (Supposedly whoever invented it was actually a secret Nazi spreading anti-trans propaganda or something. Or maybe a pedophile. I don’t remember.) Now if you use “trans*” you’re a shitlord, prepare to be roasted.
Nonbinary: Someone who identifies as neither male nor female. Can use a variety of pronouns, from the relatively easy to parse “singular they” to the made-up but at least somewhat well-known “xe/xir” to a whole host of invented pronouns, such as those found here.
Note that this is not a finite list! You can also make up your own brand new ones and expect everyone to use them (I know people who have!) under penalty of law. Go nuts!
Genderqueer: Nonbinary
Gender non-conforming: Nonbinary
Enby: Nonbinary
Agender: Nonbinary
Two-Spirit: Nonbinary with a Native American flair (NOT TO BE USED BY WHITE PEOPLE YOU CULTURALLY APPROPRIATIVE SCUM )
All these things are the same but they each get their own letter on the acronym! BECAUSE THEY ARE IMPORTANT AND VALID.
Bigender: One person. Two genders. At the same time. In practice, this can get a little Me, Myself & Irene. I think “genderfluid” might also fall under this, but sometimes people use “genderfluid” to mean “nonbinary” so your guess is as good as mine.
Intersex: Previously known as hermaphrodite. They have a medical condition, I’m not sure what they’re doing here.
+: Make sure to include the + at the end of the acronym to include any letters you might have missed! No matter how many letters you include, you will always have missed some. I’m sure I missed some on this glossary! People will still be mad at you for forgetting their letter, of course, and they will likely start a hashtag movement against you, but at least you’ll have the defense of having sort of included them with the +.
Other terms of note:
Queer: All of us ️ Even the straight gray-As. It’s a beautiful term we reclaimed. YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO USE IT.
TWOC: Trans Women of Color. The most holy of identities, trumps all other letter combinations.
AFAB: Assigned female at birth (now sometimes called “CAFAB: coercively assigned female at birth” to reiterate what shitlords parents and doctors are for indicating biological sex on birth certificates).
AMAB: Assigned male at birth; see above for CAMAB.
MOGAI: Some people are saying we should use this as a catch-all instead of adding letters to the acronym. It stands for “Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Identities” (I think). But someone on Tumblr said it was invented by a shitlord (like the “trans*” person). Then someone else said no, that’s “MOGII.” Then the #discourse devolved into a flame war.
Folx: Colloquial use of the word “folks” jumped 8000% after Obama entered office! But “ks” is such a heteronormative letter combination. “Folx” is so much more inclusive!
Queer-platonic partnership/QPP: Sometimes people who say they’re aro-ace want to date each other but don’t want to call it dating because they’d have to give up one of their letters. So they date each other anyway but call it a “queer-platonic partnership.” Aces who use this term for a m/f relationship get sternly admonished by the Rainbow Police, and then there’s an epic flame war over whether straight aces should even be allowed to sit with us.
Sometimes QPPs are called zucchinis. Make of that what you will.
No, Just No.
I will never not be amazed with people who are so obsessed with what people do behind closed doors.
“Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does”
All of this used to be so easy. If you had a friend or acquaintance who was guy, maybe one day the right conversation might trigger that person so say ‘Well, I’m gay you know’ and you’d say, ‘oh ok, I’m straight’ and that topic would never be brought up again by either of you. I mean, seriously, do these people actually sit around and obsess and talk about this all fucking day long every day? I couldn’t stand to be around anyone like that, because all it really is, is ‘look at me, I’m important, pay attention to me, it’s all about me, me me me me me!’. Fuck that shit.
I think the media are blowing it all out of proportion. For the most part everything is still the way you describe it.
Maybe except on some parts of some campuses. Certainly the media are over covering it or anything else they imagine might help the left be portrayed as having the moral high ground or irritating the religious right.
Tumblr is a petri dish for cultivating the worst forms of mind virus which is where most of this nonsense comes from. If twitter only had retweet and quote reply (which showed the entire chain as a pyramid) options.
Certainly the brain power wasted on the subject could be better spent on solving real problems.
Makes you wonder if anyone wasting their time on this actually cares about solving anything. Like any other bureaucratic endeavor the money is guaranteed to flow as long as nothing actually gets accomplished.
Certainly the brain power wasted on the subject could be better spent on solving real problems.
But wouldn’t be. Period.
Be grateful, this effort is wasted on mostly self-destructive behavior.
Rywun, I wish that were true. At my job I am not only expected to learn “all-of-the-above” but embrace it. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that if I fuck up and mis-gender a coworker I’ll be in HR in a second– and potentially fired. There is an individual who used to be male but now identifies as female. There was a long bulletin from HR about how supportive we are supposed to be and what can happen to us if we don’t use the person’s preferred pronouns. Congratulations, HR! As a result I won’t go within 20 feet of the fucker now.
What about a chocolate fetish?
So that is what it takes to get suspended!
It appears that there is nothing that the NYPD cannot ruin.
“He said the floor was covered with “blood and chocolate.””
If somebody has a better idea of how I should be spending my Friday nights, I’d love to hear it.
Blood and Chocolate would be a good name for a girl-band
snagglepuss is a victim of stereotyping
not every fashionable and theatrical pink cat is…. well, alright. but its still stereotyping.
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
“It stands for “Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Identities” (I think).”
Practicing Roman Catholics?
How much practice does that take, anyway?
Someone at the NYT just read Oedipus Rex and they’re taking it way too seriously.
Also, they missed the point of the Greek tragedy.
There’s that word “We” again.
You would be surprised how many people carry a frog in their pocket.
No, they’re against men who seek power, attention, and fame, specifically in industries that reward attention seeking behavior instead of merit.
have forced men to confront what they hate to think about most: the nature of men in general.
Believe it or not, men actually think about that quite a bit, and always have, even without being hectored by mentally ill women. Concepts like duty, honor, etc. all come from male introspection about their purpose and role in society and the universe.
But, when you have marinated in the extraordinarily narrow mental precincts of modern-day elitists, and have been mentally crippled by an obsession with social media, most of the breadth and depth of human experience is completely lost on you.
Actually, no, they are all in either politics or entertainment. Because those “industries” are full of narcissists who believe, based on experience, that they can act with impunity and not be held accountable. Because they have the correct political opinions.
This is why I never ask my kids what they want for dinner.
You’ll eat what you’re served and like it.
“Son, you’ll sleep with what is being offered at college. Don’t ask questions. Just be grateful.”
Just get naked, climb into the pile, and go with the flow.
“But, dad, everyone feels sticky”
“Do you want to be the only virgin in college? Now, get to it”
“Check to make sure your brother isn’t in the pile first”
You and your reactionary standards.
Crimson Tide hit hardest.
Pretty handy guide there MLW. Now I can finally understand all the new Marvel comics superheroes!
All the new ones fail immediately; that seems to be why they’ve been fucking up all the old ones.
Take a bow!
You shitlord, discriminating against otherkin.
And Genderfucks. They always leave out the Genderfucks.
I grow those out in the back lot, but this year, I had a very poor crop, and thus, I am currently reduced to the sorry state of being totally devoid of genderfucks.
I am, in a word, genderfuckless.
Medically, hermaphrodites are intersex, but not all intersex people are hermaphrodites. A hermaphrodite is someone with both ovarian and testicular tissue, a true hermaphrodite is someone that can produce both eggs and sperm. There hasn’t been a verified case of true hermaphroditism in humans, but it is theoretically possible.
An intersex person is someone that has malformed, ambiguous, or in some other way indeterminate sexual characteristics, or someone that has one or more sexual characteristics that don’t line up with their other ones, due to congenital issues. So a man that develops gynecomastia later in life wouldn’t be considered intersex despite having a sexual characteristic of women, but a woman with Swyer syndrome would be, as despite being outwardly female she would have an XY chromosome makeup and wouldn’t have functional ovaries; she may even be a hermaphrodite.
The medical terms may actually be just a confusing, come to think of it.
I did not know this. Good to know! I still don’t understand why they’re considered LGBTETC when they have a medical condition.
Transsexual is a medical condition — it’s treated with surgery and hormones. Homosexuality used to be considered a medical condition. So if you include psychiatry, what behavior is considered a medical condition isn’t so clear or objective. For example, some people consider addiction a disease and others don’t.
*throws gang signs, yells “Peoples! Fuck Folx” and begins blazing away with a 9mm pistol, not hitting anyone*
‘Folks’ is the Nick Gillespie of gang affiliations
I thought it was short for indeterminate “folo” or “fola”.
/needs more education
*calls Minister of Re-Education, reports Rhywun*
I don’t think Latin Kings would be shooting at Gangsters Disciples yelling about Folos or Folas….so I stuck with at least a phonetic joke!
Latin King 1: “Homes, likes smoke this punk”
Latin King 2: “There he is- do it”
Latin King 1: “Woah, man. That’s not cool”
Latin King 2: “Whatchyou talking about- he’s right there homes. Smoke em”
Latin King 1: “The vato identifies as non-binary, homes. It’s not cool to use biased gender pronouns against him”
Latin King 2: “What?”
Latin King 1: “I don’t think I can roll with you no more”
Latin King 2: “He’s getting away. Shoot him, man!”
Latin King 1: “I already warned you once. Get out of the car. That’s not cool, man”
It’s complicated because “bi” is mostly a figment of its claimants’ imaginations. Every person I have known who claimed to be “bi” was nothing of the sort. I lump it with the rest of the questionable categories myself.
What about all of those suburban high school girls? Next your going to tell me that their ghetto accents are made up as well.
How bou dah? Cash me outside.
Has somebody set up one of those countdown clocks for her 18th birthday?
I don’t think so, probably because the odds of her making it to 18 seem pretty low.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists seem to have something going.
Why would that be a special day? I’m pretty sure she’s done gone and done all the stuff only adults are meant to do, apart from being sentenced as an adult for a felony, and I might even be wrong about that.
The clock isn’t for her.
Don’t you remember the one for the Olsen twins?
I try and forget the Olsen Twins. “Gamine Skeletal” has never been my bag, man.
One drop theory, eh?
I know a couple of people who identify as bi, and have been in relationships with both males and females. They may have had a preference, but they did go both ways.
That hair bow would be hard to resist. No homo.
I like girls. Girls who are heterosexual, and sane. I have spent a large part of my life alone.
By the time you read and understand these terms, they’ll already be obsolete.
And you’ll be worse than Hitler for using those terms instead of the new made up ones.
At the very least, a hate crime.
I am dying for some Alpha-Bits now.
Ken is ‘Ed Morrisey’ at Hot Air
The beginning of this article is so beyond stupid, it’s illegible. Murkowski, Collins, and McCain ended Obamacare repeal on all occasions (McCain voted for it the first time). That was enough to sink the bill and yet, the myth continues that Rand Paul ended Obamacare repeal (even though he voted for more repeal efforts than Murkowski and Collins).
So, now that Rand Paul is lecturing his caucus to get on board with tax reform, conservatives are attacking him for hypocrisy. “Well, he didn’t vote for every Obamacare repeal bill, so how dare he tell everyone else to vote for tax reform”. The Wall Street Journal, of course, has been beating the drum blaming Paul for not having Obamacare repealed since the summer.
What is this really all about? Why isn’t anyone blaming McCain for failing to repeal Obamacare? This is about foreign policy. McCain gets a pass, because he likes killing people overseas. Paul gets attacked, because he doesn’t want to engage in never ending wars. Fuck these people
Shultz summoning beacon activated.
+1 legalized heroin
Paul voted for straight out repeal like EVERY.SINGLE.FUCKING GOP candidate promised. I can’t state this often enough. Paul was absolutely right in not supporting the GOP’s effort to make sure both that Obamacare sticks around forever and that the GOP own it. Dumbasses. Thanks, Sen Paul, you’re one of the few worthy of that title. McCain can’t go away soon enough.
He’s supporting the tax bill because it’s a clear improvement over what we currently have. He didn’t support the quasi-repeal of ObamaCare because it wasn’t, and would replace Obamcare with something nearly as bad, and probably harder to eventually get rid of. It’s that simple.
I would have thought “omnisexual” would be a category. Pffft. I’m an an antediluvian square.
My parents owned multiple Dodge Omnis. I can assure you they are non-sexual. Anti-sexual even.
Aggresively so.
The backseat was surprisingly roomy for such a small car.
Try to get it on in a Mini Cooper. Footprints everywhere.
That category describes Warty Hugeman perfectly.
They’re in the +, obviously
There just didn’t use to be a word for it because in Biblical times people didn’t care about this crap.
Sure there was; “loser”.
+ pillar of salt
I blame the Internet for enabling all of this.
Don’t forget wealth.
Yes, wealth, which enables people to spend all day fretting over who uses what set of letters instead of doing something productive.
You forgot right wing women. My own new Poppy.
And stop calling her a Mee mee.
the comments are gold
Send her a box of Kleenex please. Maybe some Sudafed.
She really should close her mouth fully in between words.
It’s absurd that this is useful, but it is useful none the less. Thanks for putting it together MLW. I learned a lot. Honestly.
Also, the colors/flags thing is crazy.
A.) who assigns the colors?
B.) is there a Wiki or something for all the different flags?
The color code used to be so much simpler.
I was expecting this color code.
This could lead to a never ending source of amusement for some of the people here.
There are certain color codes I’m willing to search for at work, and there are those that I’m not going to search for.
Be glad there are no accompanying pictures.
I still remember the ditty we learned for the color code on resistors: Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly – black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray white.
I’m guessing they don’t use that one in the military anymore.
… don’t give ’em ideas.
OTOH, I doubt resistors are in much use nowadays. Pretty much digital, and I suspect drop-in modules. if you can identify a 4.7k pull-down resistior, you’re good to go.
Fair point. We only needed to know them for the TPN-22, which I’m pretty sure has gone bye-bye now. There probably is no more component level repair in USMC radars – everything was just plug and play in our other system, the TPS-73. I imagine the system that replaced those two is the same way – no circuit board repairs.
I think it depends on the level of repair.
I worked on the design of the 73’s replacement replacement. It’s all remove and replace. Can’t have the goobers screwing things up.☺️
There probably is one but I don’t know where it is. I did find this, which had some IDs I didn’t even know about (THEY’RE IN THE + OKAY!?!). Autosexual? Does that… does that mean you’re into yourself? /is scared to Google
Yes, thank you MLW. Now I just want to expunge what I took in.
First world problems are totally out of control. When does the comet arrive, because it’s overdue.
“I already came by – why didn’t you all jump on?”
“We tried!”
/Heavens Gate
I lived in San Diego when that happened. The coroner’s office was down the street from where I worked. It was a zoo to say the least.
True story, one poor dude sold all of the Nikes to the cult leader the day before the “event”. He hand delivered them to their house. He was a little disturbed afterwards.
“We tried!”
/that cult
They passed out this apple juice, but I don’t like apple juice and I suppose that made me miss the comet.
Wait, what if you are sexually attracted to dragons, do not want a relationship, not currently in a sexual relationship and a gender normative person of color?
Asking for a friend.
You must complete the required form and submit to the High Council of First World Problems. If you check all the right boxes, you may be granted admission and must wait for the SUPREME.GENDERQUEER to give you your assigned letter. Until then, go sit in the back and remain silent, CIS shitlord!
Those forms are available online at the SUPREME.GENDERQUEER website right?
oooooooooooh! Fancy!
Watched Rogue One last night. I thought it was decent. I wasn’t really a fan of Force Awakens. Hard to believe Felicity Jones is 34. Looks a lot younger. Must be the freckles. Most definitely would.
As someone who enjoyed the original Star Wars movies as a kid, I found The Force Awakens to be painful. Somehow Lucas has managed to ruin the dialogue of every movie in the franchise, even when he doesn’t participate.
I thought Rogue One was entertaining. There was no need for them to fill that particular plot hole but at least they did it well.
Ditto. A little too heavy with the original trilogy references at times but I liked that it expanded a part of the first movie.
Yeah I thought it was a nice blend of original content and odes to IV.
IV? Grrr…
Hey, I didn’t name it that.
I really wanted to jettison CGI Leia into space.
but enjoyed Rogue One otherwise. felt more like an adult movie than all the others. i know it was panned by screenwriters for being disjointed and extraneous but fuck them. it was entertaining.
Rogue One was great until it turned back into a “Star Wars” movie in the finale. At least they killed off the protagonists so they couldn’t corrupt them in a future movie.
Are you referring to the space battle or the Vader scene or both? My inner-child lost his shit for that Vader scene.
Somehow, knowing their fates made it more enjoyable.
The space battle
Agreed, the running battle around the gate against an insurmountable number of Imperial fighters was tiresome.
Vader scene was the best. And Carrie Fisher had just died when I saw the movie, so that last scene (which I did not know about ahead of time) was kind of a gut punch.
My recurring concern was why they’d put an electronic lock right up there, exposed to the elements, and so hard to guard. I tell you, if I’d pulled guard duty up there, I’d have been pissed too.
The only thing that would make less sense would be designing a vulnerable thermal exhaust port with a direct line-of-sight approach on the outslde of an unfeasibly-large deep-space-capable battleship.
I liked rogue one. I didn’t mind awakens, but it was a little obvious through the whole thing.
the only thing I really hate about star wars is that 1-3 had better technology than 4-6. not better looking, just fucking better.
the rebels should have had breaking down stuff from 2/3-4. It didn’t make any sense, and seemed pretty obvious. It was 30 years earlier or so. I understand CGI got a whole lot better.
I hated The Force Awakens. Rogue One was good but I don’t think I would watch it again because it was depressing and Life Is Depressing Enough. But I will give them points for, you know, coming up with an original story that enhances the universe, rather than the garbage nonsense rehashing that was TFA.
In my experience “queer” = “political gay”.
I think that word used to be considered a derogatory term to gays. Not sure what happened there. It’s sort of like colored people was derogatory but then people of color was embraced. First world problems, I’m telling you.
I think it’s similar to the way black people reclaimed “nigga”. But unlike that word which seems to be used by everyone without any political overtones, in practice “queer” is really only used by “activist” types. I don’t know anyone who uses it, because I don’t hang out with those types.
Yeah, you’re right.
They took it back.
This is true, hence the game “smear the queer” that we played all the time when I was a kid in the ’80s.
As in a Whig?
The wigs do look pretty gay.
Daniel Webster hardest hit.
“Why, I never”
Sure ya haven’t, Ace.
According to the article, “Ace” would suggest he hasn’t.
Yes, it would.
Mythical Libertarian Woman, I love you to death and always read your posts, but this is…I just cant even….something. None of it makes sense to me. I am the malest male imaginable who loves women. I know everyone is not like me and that is fine. I am not qualified to tell other people what they like and I am fine with that too.
*hangs head in shame over threading fail*
My reaction to these people.
I like avocados.
*grits teeth, turns red in the face, clenches fist…then hands Scruffy a nice, ripe avocado*
No way! Suthen can lay avocados!
Apropos in more than one way.
I think that’s omni-sexual.
Second. Furthermore, as pointed out above, it is under constant flux – new terms are added and changed all the time. The only point of which seems to be shaming the unwoke who use a term deemed hate two days earlier.
We need more Jordan Petersons.
Note to Ted S.: he’s also written books.
This is purely about self-indulgence and social maneuvering. The cultural Marxists have created an entire system where you can define yourself into a position of power solely based on your self-definition. By eliminating merit and introducing victimhood as a moral virtue, they’ve created an entire generation of navel-gazing egomaniacs that do nothing but try to think up to new ways to gain the moral high ground over their peers.
And cant understand why people like us dismiss them.
The end result would be a sort of Idiocracy. When humanity decides to reward identity (and this is pretty much the ultimate form of racism) instead of merit, then that society is on a downward slide. But this is exactly what they are attempting to do. They straight out admit it. It’s no longer about equality in any regard whatsoever.
Probably a result of the activities of Queer Nation. IIRC, they were one of the first and most vocal (to the point of obnoxious) gay rights organizations.
You know, reading that list of terms that people want to identify with… can we all just split back into small warring tribes now? Evolution is over, it failed. When the last of the MOGAI takes xers last breath, the final chapter of homo sapiens will have closed, forever.
Not as such. Silly cisheteronormative breederss will still be having children. You end up with a world of Mormons, observant Catholics, Evangelicals and Muslims.
Oh, and Hindus, Orthodox (Christian and Jew).
Then the #discourse devolved into a flame war.
You don’t say.
MLW, great article on how the West is in perpetual decline!
I thought the MOGAI had to be kept dry, out of sunlight, and not fed after midnight.
*golf clap*
in practice “queer” is really only used by “activist” types.
There was some sort of idiotic kerfluffle at my alma mater some time back, having to do somehow or other with “queernesss”. My impression was it had something to do with it being reserved fur use by/for the most aggressively and ostentatiously gay students (and faculty).
That certainly describes the one guy I knew in college who used it non-ironically.
The first I’ve seen anything like this is in college in the early 90’s. There was a student there named Toni, who was I guess “nonbinary” because Toni looked both male and female, and got pissed if you used the words “he” or “she” in reference to Toni. Even if you just met Toni, you were supposed to magically know about the use of pronouns. Maybe Toni was a great person, I wouldn’t know because I avoided Toni like fucking poison.
Were you supposed to do the the Bob Dole or Isiah Thomas thing and always use the name? Did Toni refer to Toni by name?
You avoided Cherry Pie. Good call.
Fortunately I never got close enough to find out.
Which pronoun is use for Toné?
One that has no loot, I imagine
It was the early ’90s. Did people start calling him/her Pat?
I’d like to modestly propose that this ever-expanding and ever-complicating system of gender identity be replaced with a simple three-axis system.
The first would be sex. It would be comprised of male, female, and deformed. It’s determined by your chromosomes. Yes, there may be some people who have conditions in which they don’t have a simple XX or XY chromosomal pattern. And they’re generally incapable of naturally reproducing. That means they have a genetic deformity. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means they have an unfortunate genetic condition.
The second would be sexual preference. It would be comprised of heterosexual, gay and bisexual. It is determined by your genetic make-up and that of people you’re attracted to. Again, no problem or moral judgement about what your preference is.
The third axis doesn’t really have a categorization in our socially conscious discussions around gender. But, I’ll call it mindset. It’s comprised of normal and mentally ill. Normal means you realize what you are and go about your life in accordance with physical reality. You’re mentally ill if you don’t or are unable to. And, yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Again, being mentally ill doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. It means you have a problem. I’m sure many of us know people who suffer from such problems and are able to go about their lives making whatever accommodations they have to (e.g. cross-dressing). I would say it only makes you a terrible person if you demand other people cater to your inabiltiy to accept reality.
That sounds more complicated than the political compass. They’ll be able to argue over it forever. I like it.
More complicated than the political compass, but less complicated than this ever-shifting mess of self-imposed insanity.
The left’s non-stop campaign to divide people up into smaller and smaller identity groups and pit them against each other but also keep them in the pocket of the left is 100% the cause of this. People are being used, they just don’t know it. For some of them, this could lead them to never be able to live a normal life because they are so isolating themselves from society in general and wind up being constantly angry and perceiving that they’ve been slighted by society so badly, that they have to be anti-social as a defense. When the truth is that a large majority of people don’t care about any of this at all. I mean how many people a day do you meet and talk to, that the first thing you think is ‘I have to know what this person identifies as, are they AFAB, AMAB, MOGAI, I have to know, it makes all the difference!’. But here you have people convinced that when they meet or interact with another human that this is THE single most important thing, period. A person who thinks like that cannot function normally in society, they’re manically obsessed and will wind up completely deranged.
When the truth is that a large majority of people don’t care about any of this at all.
Well, that’s because most people aren’t aggressively mentally ill. Hell, even most mentally ill people aren’t aggressively mentally ill. They do what they need to to live their lives to the fullest, like the rest of humanity. It’s the kind of people who use AFAB, AMAB, or MOGAI in their mindset who elevate any of this to any importance.
It’s a seriously worrisome trend, because if it ever gets widespread enough, people will be so fearful of each other that society will cease to function at most levels. Truly frightening vision of the future. Yet the left want to go down that road because they think it will give them total control. I don’t believe they really care what it is they have control of, only that they have control.
“I don’t believe they really care what it is they have control of, only that they have control.”
Where is The Hyperbole? He needs to read that. Brother, you hit that nail right on the head.
He needs to read that.
I understand that. I also think it’s a remarkably small portion of the population with a wildly outsized megaphone pushing this nonsense. And, for all their screeching about the rest of our lack of tolerance, it’s precisely our ample tolerance that they rely upon.
Well, for example, this shit has already whipped up a bunch of racial tensions, which we have not seen the likes of in decades. This is very bad for society and Democrats seem to love it anyway only because they think it will somehow give them the moral high ground. This is very flawed and dangerous thinking. So while I think they are not necessarily looking for bad results, they would prefer bad results over good results where they are not in power.
Well, for example, this shit has already whipped up a bunch of racial tensions, which we have not seen the likes of in decades.
And maybe I’m just woefully misguided, but my impression is that these racial tensions are confined to a very loud, very visible element of society. Outside of the internet and campus radical society, are young white kids, young hispanic kids, and young black kids sitting in utter hatred of one another? Or are they getting along better than they ever have? Remember Trump got a larger share of the black vote than McCain or Romney. He also fared better with Hispanics than Romney. The left has whipped up an impression of racial tension. The key is to ensure that that impression doesn’t become real. And the key to that is identifying the left’s bullshit for what it is.
Outside of the internet and campus radical society, are young white kids, young hispanic kids, and young black kids sitting in utter hatred of one another?
Inner city schools (as it ever has been).
Also, I suspect, some less disadvantaged schools that have been taken over by woke morons, and the kids have figured out they can not only get away with giving in to their baser impulses, they will be rewarded for it.
Gender is a social construct, nothing to do with genetics or biology. It’s a tool of the patriarchy. We freaking love science, you denier!
I propose a different 2-step system for resolving these issues:
Repeal all of the public accommodation laws so that I have no reason whatsoever to give a single fuck about any of this anymore.
Everyone factionalize into an infinite number of mostly-online communities and count the angels on the head of the pin at the center of your navel until the heat death of the universe.
How about I just call everyone Fag? Like in hey fags, your threads (mostly Zardoz) are all gay and shit.
And they’re generally incapable of naturally reproducing.
Klinefelter syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, occurring in 1:500 to 1:1,000 live male births.
Affected males are often infertile, or may have reduced fertility. Advanced reproductive assistance is sometimes possible.
The condition occurs in about 1 in 1,000 male births.
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition in which a male has an extra Y chromosome. The person is generally otherwise normal, including normal fertility.
Given 2M live male births each year, being abnormal is not that abnormal.
oops, Klinefelter syndrome is XXY
Advanced reproductive assistance is sometimes possible.
And that’s precisely why I said naturally reproducing. We do all sorts of things allow people to overcome genetic defects. Almost to the point of the miraculous. And we should. That doesn’t change the fact that their status absent our intervention isn’t a deformity.
And you ignored the second condition where: The person is generally otherwise normal, including normal fertility.
But what are the defining characteristic of this individual as compared to someone who doesn’t have the extra chromosome?
you could just follow the links
Triple X syndrome, also known as trisomy X and 47,XXX, is characterized by the presence of an extra X chromosome in each cell of a female. Those affected are often taller than average. Usually there are no other physical differences and normal fertility. Occasionally there are learning difficulties, decreased muscle tone, seizures, or kidney problems.
Treatment may include speech therapy, physical therapy, and counseling. It occurs in about one in every 1,000 female births. It is estimated that 90% of those affected are not diagnosed as they either have no or only few symptoms.
::Formatting edit/assist from SP::
fuck. italics, not strike through. I is incompetent.
‘I am’ /pedant
So it’s one of those genetic things that is mostly inert. It doesn’t actually change the gender of the person, they are still distinctly either male or female, right?
The same article discusses how studies suggest lower IQs and a greater likelihood of learning disabilities. That certainly suggests a genetic problem. But, I generally have to side with Hyperion here. If they’re otherwise indistinguishable from other males, we’re not talking about a unique gender, but simply a genetic deformity. No one is screaming “Unclean! Purge the leper!” and they shouldn’t. But, let’s not kid ourselves, this isn’t a normal, functioning part of human biology. Even your link cites it as a syndrome.
My quibble was with this statement “And they’re generally incapable of naturally reproducing“.
There are many different types of chromosome defects; they are not uncommon; and many of the defects have little to no impact on fertility.
Yes, they are uncommon. 0.1% is not common. Neither is 0.2%. And many of the sexual genetic defects you cite do effect fertility.
How about this. Let’s agree that, quibbles aside, it’s insane to try to define sex by genetic disorders. It’s roughly equivalent to trying to discuss the normal workings of the human body so as to include cancer.
How about we just ignore chromosomes when trying to call out progressive bullshit as being progressive bullshit.
“As a sarcomic-American, I find your attitudes troubling.”
I disagree, we should make it all about how the chromosomes you have, but only to the extent of whether you have any Y chromosomes or not.
It would eliminate all the current bullshit and re-establish a simple binary categorization that closely resembles the status quo.
As a fair approximation, people with no Y chromosomes will, to the average member of the public, approximate a woman, regardless of the clothes they’re wearing or the elective procedures they have undertaken.
How about we just ignore chromosomes when trying to call out progressive bullshit as being progressive bullshit.
Better yet, how about we agree that there are two sexes. And the fact that a trivial number of people are “assigned” a sex at birth (and are heavily infertile) doesn’t fundamentally change that fact. This isn’t some sort of difficult thing. There isn’t a third or fourth or fifth sex. The progressive bullshit lies precisely in trying to force people to pretend otherwise.
Sometimes genetic mutations are inert, sometimes they’re actually advantageous, sometimes they cause problems. This one sounds like it doesn’t produce any desirable results in any cases that we know of. Thus, it should be treated as a genetic problem in the cases where it has effect, as you’re suggesting.
Outside of the chromosome oddity, what other effects does it have? I mean are they still males, both, or unsure? Which box do they check?
Sex chromosome disorders belong to a group of genetic conditions that are caused or affected by the loss, damage or addition of sex chromosomes (gonosomes).
In humans this may refer to:
45, X, also known as Turner syndrome
45,X/46,XY mosaicism
46, XX/XY
47, XXX, also known as Triple X syndrome and trisomy X
47, XXY, also known as Klinefelter syndrome
47, XYY, has normal phenotype
48, XXXX
48, XXXY
48, XXYY
XX gonadal dysgenesis
XY gonadal dysgenesis
XX male syndrome
Chromosome defects are not uncommon and some of them have few apparent consequences.
Biologically, they are male. Chromosomes, when they function normally, determine biological sex in the sense that they cause the body to develop primary sexual characteristics. If you have testicles, you’re male, if you have ovaries, you’re female, both, you’re a hermaphrodite, neither and you don’t have a sex. Secondary sexual characteristics may or may not like up with these, in which case you’re intersex. Men with XYY are men, full stop, from a scientific perspective.
Isn’t that an extremely rare condition which would also cause complete infertility? I’m not well versed on these sexual genetic abnormalities.
If I get around to building a really successful business, I intend to direct the personnel department to not collect any information on the gender of staff. The only record other than state mandated information they will collect will be whether the employee’s genetic profile comprises 0,1 or 2 Y chromosomes.
Bathrooms will be labeled accordingly, and ALL personal pronouns, regardless of gender, sex, insanity or malign preference will be “our comrade”, except on Thursdays, when the approved term will be “my learned friend”.
I’m not your friend, guy!
You are trying to make sense out of this W. You miss the point of it all.
Definitely not. I’ll kindly thank those wackaloons to leave me out of their bullshit.
Up next in the Daily Kos insane asylum: Chuck Todd shows “sexist disrespect” for Nancy Pelosi and “deference” to GOP(e) Senator, and leftists eat their own kind
#wimmenz #mansplaining #misogyny
“Wait this was all politics? None of this ever had to do with combating sexual assault? Democrats don’t care about women if they’re accusing one of their own?”
– Guy who slept through the 90’s
“Well all of this malarkey is just about sex, which is nothing to get worked up over in politics.”
– Guy very much awake in the 90’s who defended Clinton during the impeachment process and naively assumed that this was a universal standard
May I introduce you to the curious case of Jack Ryan, the Republican senatorial nominee that was pushed off the ticket after the media reported on the fact that he once tried to get his wife to come with him to a swinger club. His removal from the ballot ensured President Obama won that Senate seat, as the Ryan was polling ahead of Obama before the scandal broke.
I asked a far left woman once, during the scandal, “how is this any different than the Clinton scandal? Shouldn’t consenting adults be allowed to do what they want?”. She blew a gasket insisting that it was definitely different. I never took some from the Left at their word again
He’d already lost the Trekkie vote by that point, so it was over/
“the sex harassment scandal gripping the nation”
I HATE the media. How can anyone not hate them?
It helps if you more or less ignore them,
I do, but you people keep repeating them!
More or less ignore you people.
CNN is now reporting that Hyperion is literally Hitler!
*Lights WaPo paper on fire and hurls at CNN offices*
disclaimer: Not really, this is a joke.
Anyway, if CNN would actually do that, I would go around beaming with pride. I would make t-shirts. And hats, especially hats. Hell I might be president next term if they do that. It could work.
All you need to be president is to have a snappy catchphrase that sums up your campaign. How about “Make Nick Gillespie An Insult Again”?
You’d have my vote
I’ll just vow to exile all the cosmos to Canada.
Ha, joke’s on you, not even Zoolander wants them, as if he’d ever let whitey into the country.
Dalmia maybe, but this would be torture for her because she’d REEEEE about our immigration program and no one would listen to her/give a shit.
Just like everything you do is racist, everything you do is sexist. The only real solution is giving the government more power.
The Republican tax cut scam is coming to a head probably sooner than later.
Elections have consequences, asshole.
I just like *girls, *women, and *females.
*of a legal age.
SO you like girls based on the country and/or state in which you are in?
OK, given that the legal age in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Western Australia is likely to be as near to zero as you’ll get, we need to ‘out’ LH this very moment, and throw him to the wolves.
Or, we can get him an airline ticket to LAX and he can join his natural allies.
Kinnath- how goes the holster hunt?
Awkward moment(tm) story from my friend:
So he’s hanging out with his friend Mark, who he has know for over a decade and assumed, based on his number of girlfriends, that he was straight. Both of ’em like to party. Mark is plying him with booze, weed, and other “party favors”. And then out of the blue, Mark blurts out, “So do you want me to suck your dick?”
My friend says, “uh, no”. And then things get a little stilted, conversation-wise.
Things would have been okay, but Mark asks again later on… At this point my friend, who is buzzed as hell, decides it’s time to drive home.
Hmm, that sounds problematic. Let’s get to the bottom of it. Is Mark a Republican? We have to ask the important questions.
“Let’s get to the bottom of it.”
These euphemisms are running amok.
“time to drive home”
You aren’t kidding.
I can see how things could get a bit awkward there.
Yeah. I have had guys ask me if I’m gay before. I don’t really know why, maybe it’s my good taste in home decor? But after I said no, at least no one asked to suck my dick. I mean isn’t the appropriate thing to first maybe say ‘are you gay or bi’, before going straight to the dick sucking question? Definite breach of etiquette here in my opine.
It’s probably something to do with the cut of your jib …
Do I sound gay? Cause you definitely talk like a fag and sound like a prog!
By “good taste in home decor”, you mean pink flamingos and lawn gnomes, right?
I think it was the framed Joan Crawford portrait on the night-stand, the heavy velvet drapes and the Mapplethorpe Alcove.
Next thing I know, you’ll be putting down my poker dog rugs tacked to the paneling. You uppity glib elites!
Hey, I haven’t had pink flamingos on my lawn since 1982! And those aren’t gnomes… they’re … ok, they’re gnomes, but they are very stylish gnomes!
The best gnomes. Classy!
very stylish gnomes
Nope, not gay at all.
As long as you don’t have Lawn Jockeys you should be safe.
I understand dick sucking is practically a handshake, and as such, it will come up before any intrusive questions into someone’s sexual orientation.
It’s just like grabbing pussy, practically like breathing, no thought even required!
His stance? You knew him well – was it … wide?
But getting your dick sucked by a dude is not gay is it? And if you are drunk it is definitely not gay.
I think you’re meant to resist – at least a little bit – and then report it as rape 12 years later.
Facts not in evidence. We still don’t know if Mark is a Republican or the letter statuses of the friend, or Mark, or Pie. We have to collect this data and throw it in the political Identity sexuendo cis/queer binary numerical statistical enumerator machine. Only then can we learn the truth.
An oldie but a goodie
Looks like The Hyperbole beat me to the punch. Damn.
Wish I’d thought of that.
IIRC, in ancient Rome, it was only the catcher who was gay, not the pitcher.
It was true domestically as recently as the early ’60s. The current definitions are largely a result of a shift toward an orientation rather than behavior based view of homosexuality.
Also obligatory.
Some of my friends from undergraduate were roommates with this guy, let’s call him Pat, for years. They were close with him and roommates in student housing with him for years. Then one day he comes out as a homosexual, and his friends decided to dissociate with him, ostensibly because he wasn’t open about it much earlier, not due to the gayness.
I kinda don’t buy their explanation though: the guys that did the disowning, they were all supposedly political “liberals” and natives to New England, but the only company I’ve ever kept that referred to black people during sporting events in private as “niggers” on a few occasions.\\
/end meandering anecdote with no direct point to make
During sports and while singing rap you can use that word I have heard
Not if you have a pallid, northern European complexion you can’t. I don’t think Eminem can even get away with it.
Perhaps he should ply himself with a layer of brown shoe polish, and test this theory.
Louis CK could.
I use that word on occasion and not just when referring to people with a dark complexion. I probably use it more referring to people of a northern European complexion.
Look em’ in the eye and just call it what it is. I wont apologize for it.
It’s not really terminology I heard while I was raised.
I prefer “cunt” over almost anything else. Such as the cunt in the BMW this morning that tried to split a lane with me when I had leader’s merge prerogative. The BMW cunt didn’t like being in second place and having to be forced to comply.
Ken Shultz signal activated!
He reclaimed the word.
I think the word you’re looking for is “hipster homophobia”, and while I have been greatly encouraged by all the recent news with the hard left eating its own, I was ecstatic when Lena Dunham’s inner circle turned on her. None of them are safe, and there’s no apparent statute of limitations on their speech.
“hipster homophobia”
That’s a new one. Probably has a lot to do with self-loathing. If I were a hipster, I know I’d hate myself.
It’s simply the parallel to Dunham’s “Hipster Racism”.
Both exist; I see it all the time. But it’s excused as “being ironic” and somehow doubly ‘acceptable’ if the speaker travels to work from Williamsburg (no, not YOUR Williamsburg) or DumBo. These woke dudes are too cool to be , yah know, raciss for real.
We had a couple of people come out in our fraternity, one to me personally before going public. I responded with a shrug and “OK”. Then we continued drinking.
I have had three people come out to me before going public. Two guys, one female. Same response to all three.
“Yeah, I know. So what?”
They seemed genuinely puzzled as to how I knew before they told me and why I treated them like normal human beings all along. That puzzled me.
One of the interactions that will stick with me forever is the jaw dropping disbelief that the girl displayed when she came out to me and I responded with “So what? That doesnt make you less of a woman.” She acted like she had been waiting all of her life for someone to say that to her.
Meaning she was a lunatic no matter what she did with her bits.
I’ve had a similar experience a couple of times. In one case, I just had already assumed. In the other, I had no idea.
In neither case did I care.
“Apathy is the seed of tolerance.”
“Apathy is the seed of tolerance”
Exactly. Unless it involves my genitals, I don’t care, and would honestly prefer to remain ignorant of, what other people do with theirs.
You know that was a come-on, right?
So come on, big guy, tell us what happened next!
I’ve known people where everyone around them knew, but they didn’t seem to realize that everyone knew but no one cared. Yet when they finally came out acted like they were persecuted.
This is something that deeply annoys me about the current crop of triggered snowflakes. Worrying about what other people will think is wholly on the person doing the worrying. When you do that, you’re allowing other people to control you, and then getting upset because they’re not controlling you they way you’d like. Grow the fuck up. If you’re especially relieved when it turns out that some people don’t care about your dark secrets, you have way bigger problems than dark secrets. All of these “look at me” idiots are perpetuating exactly the sort of bullshit they claim they want to stop.
You sound like a fag.
hey hey hey the preferred word is talk. You talk like a fag
I guess my shit’s all retarded too.
Just because I was listening to some Jello Biafra this morning.
So all these genders….. I still dont know where to put Sugarfree.
He’s a Politesexual
he masturbates constantly, but has great manners about it.
Is he weird about or anything, does he tie himself up first?
+David Carradine
does he tie himself up first
Yes, much like the conscientious werewolf before the full moon.
My particular preferred designation is not on this list. I am triggered. This is literally violence. Hate speeech I demand glibertarians fire this writer.
The only just solution is do shut down the website, with the owners paying reparations to all those othered by this list.
There’s something about flying around at night and sucking people’s blood, right?
yes let’s call it blood
For no reason at all;
I stepped out on the front porch last night to smoke a cigarette. I have a cat that lives on the front porch, her name is Front Porch Cat and I keep a food bowl full for her. I notice that just outside the circle of light from the porch light there are a number of pairs of eyes so I stand really still. After a few minutes a bunch of critters creep up to eat from Front Porch Cat’s bowl. Two cats, a possum and a raccoon. The possum gets skiddish and runs off when I move. The two cats do the same but come back. The raccoon pays me no attention even when I stroke her back. She even leaned into me when I scratched her ears.
Let’s do another million dollar study on how humans managed to tame wild critters.
You can get that grant money, Suthen, you just have to know how to name your study. Any variation of:
‘The domestication of animals by humans and it’s effect on climate change’
You’ll be good to go.
“The domestication of animals in the non-cis-binary husbandry collectives of the Upper Umpqua of Cow Creek” might get better funding.
I am in Louisiana. The Rigolette goes across my property
*pronounced ‘row-gulley’ said as one word*
The row gulley is where the homeless guys near the abandoned row homes are found face down in the row gulley.
Also the capital of grant parish is apparently pronounced Cal Fucks
What gender is Cal and who did he fuck?
Here at glibs, we continue to ask the tough questions.
khowl-facks. You have to say that with a suthen aksent.
Or English-english.
Bloody peasants,
Worse than peasants, French peasants.
You’d better not leave out climate change. How about.
“The domestication of animals in the non-cis-binary husbandry collectives of the Upper Umpqua of Cow Creek and it’s impact on climate change”
Long study names seem to be in vogue these days anyway, makes them sound more profound in importance I guess. We just coordinated to get Suthen more funding, he’s going to owe us when that cash starts rolling in. I think I need to be made a co-investigator and get some non-disclosed conflict of interest money heading my way. Also, for my participation in the study, I will be located in Tahiti for the entirety. I’ll explain later why that’s relevant.
I thought I’d kinda nailed it. I shoe-horned ethnic, political and sexual wokeness in there. I totally sperged out on the climate though.
And I think I just triggered all the Asperger-Americans.
AKA: Does a raccoon care what gender it’s fucking as long as it gets its rocks off?
There needs to be a study…, we could be rolling in cash for decades. How about
Raccoon gender preference and effects on orgasm and climate change?
I think we have another winner here, just needs a little more wokeness.
.. and someone who is actually prepared to actually do the experimental work …
When you see that continuous flow of money rolling in, you’ll be having those raccoons fucking everything in site!
Also, we have to save the planet!
“Accelerating habituation of non-domesticated animals due to anthropogenic climate instability in the Upper Umqua of Cow Creek”
Oooh, he’s good.
Must be on a grant-writing committee.
“Accelerating habituation of non-domesticated
animalsnative fauna due to anthropogenic climate instability in the Upper Umqua of Cow Creek”Even better.
I’m not sure why we’re hanging around here at Glibs when it’s apparent we could be getting tenure in top tier research institutions and practically writing our own checks. What a waste, we could get paid for fucking off and probably making beer in our labs, forever. Next, we just need the right title and volunteers for the pussy grabbing study.
We propose to determine whether the common North American raccoon (Procyon lotor) habituation is accelerated when incentivized by various fermented, malted barley formulae.
I am disappointed. Classy people have verandas or porticoes. Porch why I never.
This is Grant Parish.
the Red River is not red at all. Grant Parish is full of lies
You haven’t seen the Red, have you? It’s red from the clay here. Ok, you are right about Grant being full of lies but the name of the river isnt one of them.
It’s also a big bitch, probably on the list of the top ten biggest bitches.
I Wikipediaed it and the first picture was this
*Googles. It doesnt make the list*
Ok, top twenty. A mile wide in places. Aligators, catfish bigger than people and the occasional bull shark. Mud bubbles big enough to swallow any ship. Trust me, it’s a red bitch.
Deck is the new porch.
I believe that raccoon is…
*checks up thread*
a transspecies demisexual.
Penthouse letter to follow…
You’re lucky you’re not sitting in an ER bed with a dead raccoon in a shoebox and a set of syringes in your arm right now.
Rabid is not the preferred nomenclature, Rabies-American please.
Vhyrus, channelling the undead eloquence of Hunter S. Thompson.
I had a pet raccoon my junior year of college. They’re really, really, really smart.
Someone described them to me as ‘enthusiastic cats with working thumbs’, and ‘furry 2 year olds’.
I’d have one. They seem fun and anything Coolidge did is worth doing.
Grace Coolidge blushes at the unexpected attention after all these years …
She’s been blushing at the Coolidge Effect for a long time.
“”I have a cat that lives on the front porch, her name is Front Porch Cat “”
(nods knowingly)
I still don’t understand why the cats weren’t killing the shit (or at least trying to) out of the possum and coon. in my limited experience, when cats have a choice between ‘easy food’ and ‘food you can violently murder first’, they often prefer the latter.
“I’d rather have two twenty year olds that one forty year old.”
*females, exclusively
Q: You know what the best thing about twenty nine year olds is?
A: There’s 20 of them.
This brings up the question: Are you wired for 220?
Unfortunately in Romania there is a severe dearth of Piesexuals
Go forth and propagate with your Pieseed.
Who cares as long as there are plenty of pies?
There is a method to this, a sinister one at that. Many people here have hinted that the permanent revolution/struggle of class in traditional Marxism has been supplanted by the pomo, cultural Marxism of various identity groups in permanent revolution. This song and dance is designed to create an ever increasing and impossibly complex list of new identities to engage in said revolution. It’s also designed to make living so unbearably complicated that people just throw their hands in the air and give up. It is a literal assault on reality.
That was the main difference between Obama and Bernie Sanders. Sanders is traditional class-based, and Obama is identity based.
And I’m sure we can all name someone else whose political leanings were totalitarian, socialist and based upon ethnic segregation…
Fortunately for you Americans you have a secret weapon. Rednecks with guns. Europe not so much.
.. but more than you’d think.
… here …
The limitation upon the Brits and the continentals is more likely to be ammo itself, rather than functioning firearms. It’s not like here where I can go to Wal Mart and pick up a couple thousand rounds with ease, even in the DPRoCT.
Hell, I just order online and have it sent to my front door for free.
I like Freedom Munitions when possible. Competitive pricing and good quality, plus I like the idea that I’m buying freshly-loaded ammo for some reason.
We actually have a good firm here in CT. I have to pay tax, which irks me as much as you might expect, but they’ll ship 1000+ rounds for free, and they’re always competitively priced.
The good thing about Walmart here is that I can always get Federal 9mm at about 18-20 cents a round if I need it, and the batches are all manufactured in the last 6 months.
The ages old divide and conquer is definitely still there.
Man, I’d be really excited about Cyber Monday if I didn’t already have a full set of All-Clad cookware.
bought a vacuum cleaner. My old one was 20 years old, sort of inheritance. This one is pretty and class A whatever the fuck that means. Also the vvuuummm sound is less intense.
I saw a vacuum for $150 off the regular price, but I don’t like to vacuum.
Got a set of T-Fal Hard Anodized for the wife. She can’t use my stainless without everything sticking, she scratches Teflon off within three uses, and she seems to be trying everything she can think of to destroy my cast iron. She only uses cooking spray because she thinks a teaspoon of olive oil magically becomes a pound of fat upon ingestion and she thinks preheating is something professional chefs do to be pretentious. I’d get her an Easy Bake Oven if I didn’t think she’d hit me with it.
What does she use as a spatula? A cold chisel and a framing hammer?
As God is my witness, I’ve seen her mash potatoes in a nonstick pot with a metal masher. She doesn’t like cooking, so she doesn’t bother to not fuck it up. She’s got that thing that some people have where she subconsciously behaves stupidly about things that don’t interest her or that bore her, while performing tasks that interest her or that she enjoys with absolute mastery. We wind up with stuff like lovely hand-drawn birthday cards and clean clothes shoved into drawers willy-nilly.
“Got a set of T-Fal Hard Anodized for the wife”
At least buy her dinner first.
The best experience I’ve had with non-stick so far is the Costco house brand. Just the plain old Kirkland frying pan.
Cheap, and it took my wife a full year to scratch the teflon off. Everything else, no matter how expensive, starts falling apart after a month of regular use.
Get that Red Copper stuff from the obnoxious infomercial. That shit is amazing.
Can I find it in the “As Seen On TV” aisle in Target, right next to the Sham-Wow and the Cat’s Meow?
She basically needs something that she can plop a pile of frozen chicken nuggets/veggie burger/turkey burger and forget about until she smells the smoke, so that might do the trick. For some reason this year she got a bee in her bonnet about our not having a full set of pots and pans, which I found ironic as I’m the one who does any actual cooking, but what the hell?
A cast wok with a cover,
Just season it first, by putting some 20W50 in it and burining the oil off in the back garden.
A full set of cookware is like fine china; it’s just there to look pretty.
I have my All-Clads buffed to a high sheen with Barkeeper’s Friend. All they do is sit there.
That’s not even a euphemism.
Got a set of T-Fal Hard Anodized for the wife.
Having a very euphemistic Christmas, are we?
A competing brand of T-Fal’s is called Fagor. That would have been perfect.
We don’t own any kind of non-stick cookware and never have.
A properly seasoned and maintained cast iron frying pan is pretty much non-stick, and it cooks better.
Mrs. Dean also likes her enameled Le Creuset pots, and we’ve got some stainless steel pots and pans. Properly heated (and oiled, when its called for), good pots don’t generally have a sticking problem, in her experience.
If you’re going to do an omelette the right way, a non-stick pan is a must. Other than that, yeah, cast iron is great if you take care of it.
Mrs. Dean uses a small slope-sided stainless steel pan for omelettes. Works fine.
I think a big part of the trick to not having food stick to your pans is getting the pan hot enough first. When omelettes were invented, it wasn’t in a non-stick pan.
^This. I never understood why anyone would use stainless until I realized that you need to let it heat thoroughly before anything goes in it, including oil. Now it’s my favorite thing to sautee with.
Mrs. Dean was unhappy with the cooktop we had when we moved in to Hacienda Dean. It was a bog-standard home cooktop, but she just could not get the cookware hot enough with it. The better cooktops really do put out a lot more heat.
So, we got a new cooktop.
Only it was bigger (a six-burner). So now I have three or four new cabinets, a new exhaust hood, new countertops, new backsplash, new microwave, new oven, and a new refrigerator.
This is the second time a new cooktop has snowballed into a new kitchen. At least this time we stopped there, rather than gutting the rest of the house as well.
I’m in the process right now. The new range is probably going to be twice as wide as the 6 burner I have now.
Damn, Playa. I didn’t even know they made 12-burner tops.
Grill and griddle.
Oh, and how could I forget:
At some point in the remodel, we also acquired a fireplace just off the kitchen.
As long as you’re running a gas line, why not?
Almost word for word what Mrs. Dean said.
It wasn’t until two days later I remembered we already had a gas line to the kitchen, and discovered we had to put in another one for the fireplace.
Julia Child style omelettes are great, but I prefer them champagne brunch style, which is much lower heat.
Oh, and I forgot to shake my cane and tell you whippersnappers to get your fancy non-stick cookware off my lawn.
Cookware is also kryptonite to my wife. Especially the glass kind. I’d say she averages dropping 12 glass kitchen items per year. Fortunately, that stuff is cheap.. unless it’s a full jar of honey which was $10 but at least the shrapnel stuck in the honey.
I point-out the All-Clad deal out to the spouse – he reminds me that we already have All-Clad. Narrative repeats.
There’s one or two that I don’t have, but they never sell them as singles. Not on sale, anyway.
Same here – and that’s why I need the set!
That actually crossed my mind.
The only thing stopping me is that I don’t have room.
And yet they still refuse to include the noble furry into their ranks. Bigots.
The frolicsome, gambolling noble furry ?
Well, that might invite mockery, you know. Can’t have that.
Congratulations, MLW! You have now won the role of Derpetologist of LGBTQWERTY. You will now study that cesspool so that the rest of us don’t have to. This is a very valuable role, and I hope you can sustain it for a long while before insanity sets in.
To the extent that it’s important to know about stuff like this, I’m glad there’s someone willing to take that bullet and that it isn’t me.
Utterly off-topic:
I am finally looking at getting into reloading. I have avoided it out of sheer laziness and the fact that I didn’t mind shelling out bucks for ammo online. I am rethinking that stance since I have $150 worth of Bass Pro gift cards burning a hole in my pocket and I feel I should use it to invest in learning to fish rather than in more fish. I am looking at a Hornady Progressive Reloader because, as stated, I am lazy and would like to churn out as many rounds as possible. I have watched some youtube videos on its operation and it seems pretty easy once you get set up (which appears to be the hard part). Does this sound like a decent plan to Glibs in the know?
I’m thinking about getting into this myself. Why are you going with Hornady over, say, Dillon?
Bass Pro doesn’t carry Dillon that I could see. That’s the only reason.
I vacillate pretty much 24/7 on this. Now the kids are older, I can at least consider having all the components in the house, and setting up in the basement. I think it’d be great relaxation therapy, but it’s hard to get excited about the prospect of reloading 9mm. Given that I’m not a target shooter, while the idea of making a couple hundred rounds of match grade ammo would be satisfying, my guns and ammo already shoot better than I do.
Now, 308 is where the sweet spot WOULD be, but shooting longer range than 75 yards requires a day of my time and a 100 mile drive each way, and even then, the 200 yard range means I can still get pretty good groups with this large supply of Lake City ammo I bought a few years ago for $0.40 a round.
It’s a technology I really want, but I can’t even justify.
It’s a technology I really want, but I can’t even justify.
Also known as a “hobby”.
My wife has a long list of approved hobbies that I must enjoy first.
Tell her you can only see Hamilton so many times.
That is one of her virtues. I don’t get dragged along to “cultural events” in an attempt to “civilize” me.
No, I just have to man up and renovate the house so we can sell it off and move once #6.2 goes to college.
Even “Hamilton” sounds like a good deal.
You’re doing it wrong. Try this: “All the money I save reloading my own ammunition will more than pay for my fuel to get the 200 yard range.”
If your wife is anything like mine, she won’t much care why you’re gone all day, as long as you are gone all day. Apparently, a day without R C is its own reward.
The secret to a successful and happy marriage is giving yourselves the chance to miss each other from time to time.
…and prostitutes.
“I’m going to Moe’s”.
If you’re really lucky and you practice you can get her after that tactical reload.
I brew (too much)
I do woodworking (occasionally)
I have a mantra . . . no new hobbies . . . no new hobbies . . . no new hobbies . . .
I pick up the new pistols in 10 days. I will not reload . . . I will not reload . . . I will not reload . . . but maybe . . .
Brewing, history, equipment donated to neighbors and friends.
Woodworking and cabinetmaking, history, although I have a workshop i want to decommission.
Pistols. Rifles. Oh yeah, got them.
Reloading. DO NOT WANT. NOOOO!
kinnath – you might want to check out Urban Carry for your holster.
Thanks, I’ve looked at Alien Gear and Crossbreed plus several custom leather guys. One more to check out.
I went with blackarch, but that looks interesting. I’ll have to check it out.
I’d go with a Dillon progressive over a Hornady, but the basic idea is sound.
Since we’re doing random stories:
I flew home from thanksgiving this morning. My gf straight up cussed out the airport traffic cop getting into the uber. Literally told him ‘fuck you’. She apparently thought he was a security guard. I thought it was going to get ugly for a second but luckily he decided she was meaner than he was.
Channeling your response to Suthen above:
You’re lucky you’re not sitting in the waiting room of a mortuary preparing to make her final arrangements right now.
Don’t take this the wrong way, O Armed One, but I like your girlfriend.
H. Weinstein
They’re all spunky when he’s done with them.
Potted plants hardest hit.
The airport police departments in CA basically ARE security guards. They’re not even 832PC (peace officer powers in CA). If I get into a fender bender at LAX, they have to call LAPD to come take the report.
This guy was a legit cop and he was giving out tickets. You should have seen his face when my gf started screaming at him. I’m pretty sure that was the first time he had ever been cussed out.
this is amazing.
you know what’s really coercive? putting people in cages for not playing along and keeping up.
If there is a such thing as the opposite of refactoring, this would be it.
Wouldn’t the opposite of “refactoring” be “defactoring”?
Guess who forgot about her own article going live today? That would be me.
Don’t worry. We won’t spoil the ending for you.
Ixnay on the pronounxe?
We have decided that you will be the official derp watchdog on all things sexually insane. You’re welcome.
It’s a lifetime appointment. Again, congrats.
I never asked for this, but I accept it as my duty. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them, or whatever.
I need to bookmark your article, MLW. It’s the most useful summary I’ve seen! Thank you. (Working in the arts, I’m expected to know all about this stuff.)
I’m glad it’s helpful! 😀
Time to short Tesla. The curtain is starting to get pulled back.
Tesla: Management Is Paid To Burn Cash
*Sends resume to Tesla, with cover letter pitching “I’ll burn twice the cash for half the salary!”*
*Realizes “half the salary” misses the “burn the cash” point*
*Withdraws application*
Not if more than 2 of us applies for executive jobs!
Twice the cash for four times the salary?
Related: Try to read this without puking. I dare you.
A sample:
Welcome to the cultic-industrial complex.
“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure,”
Classic consultant gobbledygook. Quantifiable targets require something that can be measured; there are no targets without measures. Measures, but definition, are not targets, and targets, though they require measures, are not measures.
You can safely disregard everything else this clown says.
So the author would agree that the parent company of “” should prioritize other things besides making money?
Somebody needs to introduce this halfwit to the fiscal mantra of the non-profit world:
“No margin, no mission”.
I think the shareholders might disagree.
The author is basically saying that the share and bond-holders can go fuck themselves and all the rest of us will benefit from the work that Tesla is doing, regardless of how the company does. Basically turning Capitalism into Socialism via financial fraud.
If Musk wanted to tell everyone that he was starting up a company to prototype various green technologies that would never make money, and investors are essentially donating their money for that purpose, more power to him – that’s just GoFundMe on steroids. He didn’t do that. He told people that the purpose of Tesla was to make shitloads of money in the process of doing all those things, and that is bullshit.
We *tend* to assume?
I heard all this stupidity during the tech bubble. Where new paradigms and shit like that polluted people’s minds.
From the first line it’s a logical fallacy: “You know everybody loves Tesla-the-company.”
They do?
I used to get in arguments with John at TOS trying to explain why Telsa would never achieve a family vehicle. You can hide a lot of cost in a high-performance sports car, but that fucking electric drive and battery system is never going to be cost effective in a grocery-getter in the $30K range.
I’m sure Elon Musk would like to do this while turning a sweet profit. Which is of course also, technically, his fiduciary duty. But if he fails to do so, is that really so tragic? For those of us who aren’t shareholders or bondholders, I mean. (Don’t you worry about Elon, he won’t be missing any meals.)
urge to kill rising
He doesn’t give a shit about shareholders who lose out huh. Then he’s going to go and pen an article about paying people their fair share because that’s what a compassionate society does.
Well that’s a new twist on spending OPM.
And how are they supposed to “pioneer fleets of smart mass-market electric cars, and the infrastructure to support them, and battery technology” when they don;t have any money to do it with? The employees aren’t going to donate their time.
depends on who wins in 2020 and if they have control of Congress. think Solyndra + State Stabilization Bailout.
It’s all Greek-Chinese sex to me.
Nice use of Hanna-Barbera characters and that Canada’s Wonderland pic was splendid.
Thank you for compiling this. Sadly I’m aware of the basic LBGTQWERTY+ rulebook and also have to deal with the kink expansion set which makes the headache even worse. I tried to get out but they keep pulling back in from multiple directions at once. There was a time a man could be a perverted degenerate and not have to deal with others trying to attach politics to it.
“There was a time a man could be a perverted degenerate and not have to deal with others trying to attach politics to it.”
Those were the halcyon days, my friend.
MLW that was a hell of an article. I don’t know how you keep track of it all.
I appreciate the work MLW has done here, but I only have so many IQ points to lose before I’d be institutionalized. In other words, TD,DR (Too derpy, Didn’t read).