All nations have various saying and proverbs as part of their culture. Romania is a nation. Logic would dictate that Romania has proverbs. And this is one of those few cases where logic would be right. And I am sure the Glibertariat are dying to learn some of these fabulous sayings. Pie, the comments clamor, how about a post on proverbs. Well, I aim to please, so here it is.

Old man. Very wise.
Proverbs… Are these ancient nuggets of wisdom that survived the ages to provide valuable advice, or some trait affectation, nonsense spouted by senile elders in the past? Maybe a bit of both? Now some think one may learn something about a people by their proverbs. I doubt this myself but to each their own. The problem with such an endeavor as mine is that proverbs do not always translate perfectly. The general solution for this could be to find equivalents in English, but this loses part of the specificity and local flavor. You can go the road of word by word translation, mot a mot as we say in Romanian, which is what I, after which I will explain, in my words, the meaning of the proverb. I leave it to the commentariat to find equivalent proverbs if they are so inclined.
For the sake of brevity, I did not use all proverbs in the Romanian language. Also for the sake of keeping it interesting, I will not use proverbs with to direct equivalent. In Romanian, we say “Calul de dar nu se cauta la dinti” which has a literal translation of you don’t look at a gift horse’s teeth. This seems to me similar to some English proverb I heard once, so it is omitted.
So let’s get on to it. The pattern is: proverb in original Romanian, word by word translation, and finally explanation. I will sometimes skip the diacritical marking cause I am too lazy to do them.
Buturuga mica rastoarna carul mare –The small stump can overturn the big wagon- This is basically a warning to care when driving on the bad roads of Romania, as you may run into a tree stump and have an accident.
This second one is also about infrastructure “Fă-te frate cu dracul până treci puntea.” -Become brother to the devil until you cross the bridge- This confuses even me. I would say safety in numbers, but I do not see how increasing the number of people on a rickety bridge would help.
Cine sapa groapa altuia cade singur in ea –Who digs a grave for someone else might fall themselves in it– So gravedigging is a dangerous profession and should be better payed. Also, mind the gap.
Cine se trezeste dimineata departa ajunge –He who wakes early goes far– Jogging is good for you early in the morning.
Strica orzul pe gaste –Wasting the barley on geese- Geese can eat other stuff so make beer.
Calul moare de drum lung si prostul de grija altuia. –The horse dies off to much distance and the fool dies of caring for other’s business– This tells people to take care of their horse.
Ai apucat pisica de coadă, învârteşte-o să nu te zgârie. –If you grabbed the cat by the tail, spin it or it will scratch you– I will not comment on this as I do not condone animal cruelty. In a similar vein is A fi prins cu cioara vopsită –to be caught selling crows painted over- Do not apply paint to live crows please.
La placinte inainte la razboi inapoi –First when it comes to pie, last when it comes to war- Basically good food better than violence.
Dupa razboi multi vieji se arata –after the war is over, a lot of brave people show up- Basically just because you had something else to do during when fighting was going on and could not participate does not make you less brave then the ones who did.
Dracul când a îmbătrânit atunci s-a călugărit. –When the devil became old he became a monk– It is never too late to settle down.
Cine fura azi un ou, maine va fura un bou. -Who steals an egg today, will steal an ox tomorrow- It is important to plan your career ahead and try to make progress.

Young man. Less wise
Lupu schimba parul dar naravul ba –the wolf sheds his hair but not his character– basicalluy some elements of behavior are genetically determined.
Cand pisica nu-i acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa –when the cat is away the mice dance on the table– All creature need enjoyment and recreation.
De bani se plang toti, dar de minte niciunul –everyone complains of insufficient money, but no one of insufficient wisdom- This says intelligence does not always lead to high income.
Cine s-a fript cu ciorba, sufla si-n iaurt. -Who gets burned eating soup blows over yogurt– You never know when yogurt may be hot so be careful.
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine. –Self-praise smells bad- Take a shower before telling people how great you are.
Frate ca frate, da’ branza-i pe bani. –We may be brothers, but cheese costs money- This speaks of the greed of cheese mongers in Romania.
Faci și din țânțar armăsar. –Make a stallion out of a mosquito – GMO is okay
A face umbră pământului degeaba. –Making a shadow on the earth for no reason– Just get a parasol if sun is an issues
Un prost aruncă o piatră in apa și zece înțelepți se chinuie s-o scoată –a fool throws a stone in the water and 10 wise men struggle to get it out- This means it is a waste of time to look for specific stones, all stones look alike anyway so just grab one.
Apa trece, pietrele raman –water flows but stone remains- I assume this is the same stone as the previous saying and no one could find it, but it didn’t damn the river so it does not create major environmental issues.
Bătrânețe – haina grea –Old age is a heavy coat– In Romania, like most societies, the elderly no longer care so much about fashion.
Țara arde și/iar baba se piaptănă. –The country is burning and the old woman is combing her hair– This is similar to the previous ones and encourages grooming among the elderly even if they may not have much hair left.
Bunul gospodar își face vara sanie și iarna car –the good farmer works on his sled in the summer and his wagon in the winter– This means it is important to have some hobby

Famous Romanian Sage
Capra sare masa, iada sare casa. –The goat jumps over the table, the kid jumps over the house-This is a warning that goat enclosures need higher fences than sheep
Cine seamana vant culege furtuna. -Who sows wind reaps a storm- This is about the perils of global warming and I think there may be a similar saying in English.
Brânză buna in burduf de caine. – good cheese wrapped in dog’s stomach- A reference to a type of cheese that is aged in a cleaned sheep’s stomach. The point of the saying is do not give your dog cheese, you will not be able to recover it after aging.
Domnia si prostia se platesc. –Luxury and stupidity cost money- This does not make much sense because stupidity is not a marketable good, but I put it here anyway.
Nu e dracul (chiar) așa de negru. -The devil is not that black- Do not take the Bible to literally, it can be interpreted in different ways.
Nu este pădure fără uscături. -There is no forest without deadwood- Basically, you can make fire even if you do not have an ax to chop a tree down, just collect fallen branches.
Nu face ce face popa, fă ce zice popa. –Don’t do what the priest does, do what the priest says to do – So do not start preaching to random people.
Numai în pomul care nu face roade nu dă nimeni cu pietre. -No one throws stones at the tree without fruit– This is just common sense, you won’t knock fruit down if there aren’t any.
Sârguința e mama norocului. –persistence is the mother of luck – I guess this refers to some people named like that that lived sometime in the past, but I don’t know who they are.
A bate apa-n piuă -grinding water in a mortar and pestle- Basically, do not try an electric grinder for water as it may short circuit.
So this is it, fellow glibs, I hope a bit of useful wisdom will help you from now on.
Many of those proverbs are highly … problematic.
Bûm gall unwaith – hynny oedd, llefain pan ym ganed.
Translated from Welsh: I was wise once –
when I was born I cried.
If you were born a Welshman, you’d cry too.
Better the sheep than you is the motto
And better a ewe than a British woman.
Not seeing the connection between the comment and the GIF….but I’m not gonna complain, that’s for sure.
Edit fairy is obviously a shitlord .. and not the goody-two-shoes she tries to pretend she is.
Just as a heads up i dont wanna hear about vampires
I’ve come to….
I’m so glad you brought this up.
Guys, see this movie if you haven’t already.
But I already wrote so much material!
Way to suck the life out of the conversation Pie.
*stands to applaud*
You might have taken the grave digging one a little too literally.
I dont think so… can you think of an alternative meaning?
Oh, I get it now.
That is good advice, regardless.
It means one thing in London, and another when you’re reading The Chive.
Good advice no matter where you are.
They’ve started using the warning on the MTA here in NY. It’s maddening.
That’s for the guy bending over to tie his shoes.
“Sir, you’ve been tying your shoes for three trains, now.”
I had always assumed that was some promotional phrase for The Gap Band
i must have been minding the wrong gaps all these years.
Some of the best Soul Train lines were to the Gap Band.
How about make beer, and then strangle the #$%&ing Hate Birds, the Birds That Hate and cooking them to go along with the beer?
Here in Romania we apreciate the noblee goose. Usually roasted in the oven on a bed of cabbage
He’s hung like a mosquito.
*prolonged applause*
You forgot Cheeki Breeki… or is that one Russian? I can never tell you people apart.
We are not slav scum. We are.true born dacians. manz viezure varza barza strunga
Oh, you Europeans with your childish obsession with genetic purity.
you know who else was obsessed with genetic purity?
Gregor Mendel?
Pakistani immigrants in England?
Tariq Nasheed?
Jurassic Park?…
The American Kennel Club?
Elizabeth Warren?
The chubby intern with a load of Bill Clinton’s DNA on her dress?
Makes me feel like a setter on a volleyball team, passing the ball for a spike.
This is what google translate gave me.
Badger foal Stork cabbage strunga
Um… okay?
Couldn’t translate strunga?
I did not use diacritics to be fair
Well strungă translates a gorge, while Google informs me that strunga is the name of a town.
Anyway those are some random Romanian words with dacian origin
Needs more Romanian womenz
And strunga can mean either a narrow pass in the mountains or for a large sheep enclousure there is sort of a narrowing passage where only one sheep can fit at the time where sheep were separayed to be milked sheered. At the other end was another enclouser for sheepe that were procesed
Milked sheered…
Heckuva euphemism, Brownie.
If you grabbed the cat by the tail, spin it or it will scratch you
That is fantastic. Sounds like something Jack Donaghy would tell Liz about ambition.
after the war is over, a lot of brave people show up
Reminds me of stories of post-Vichy France. Suddenly everyone had been in the Resistance.
I belive them
Bullshit. People don’t call the french cheese-eating surrender monkeys for the hell of it…
Adjust your sarcasm detector.
I got it.. I was doubling down.
Local Militia.
The best avocadoes are from.estonia. optimal.climate and soil.
Now you’re just making shit up.
That’s an obscure one. What are avocadoes supposed to represent?
An enigma, wrapped in a conundrum?
In Romania only party boss can afford avocado from Mexico. Regular workers buy avocado from Estonia. Which are not your typical avocado, but rock painted green. Is lovely
While they are probably slightly less healthy the green painted rocks probably taste better than the green slime known as an avocado
This guy gets it.
You just made the list, Rasilio!
Are we back on Florida Avocados?
That’s like saying the best parasite are from North Korea.
best avocados
Did someone say avocados?
*grabs chips*
I pity the fool that can’t enjoy a good avocado..
My favorite proverb: “candil en e la calle, oscuridad en la casa”
Literally: Light in the street, darkness in the house.
Charity starts at home.
One of my great-aunts, who always emitted this Miss Marple vibe and lived in what seemed at the time to be a ridiculously ‘posh’ area for a street urchin like me, had two memorable sayings she never indulged in when kids were around.
“Fur coat, no knickers” and the somewhat similar “Curtains around the dustbins”, when describing her less-reputable neighbors.
Sounds like an endorsement to me.
She was old-school. When she said someone was ‘awfully clever’ it carried the same freight as a southerner saying ‘bless your heart’.
If you read some H.H. Munro (Saki), the dowager countess’ in some of the stories could have been modeled on her. In a slightly different historical arc, I fancied myself a sort of discount-basement Clovis Sangrail.
“Romania is a nation.”
Woah- if true
Nadia still lookin’ good
The head of FEE said that Venezuela needs a Pinochet. Well, that’s just unacceptable and is clearly more offensive than the state sponsored starvation of that country by its socialist government. Don’t worry- liberaltarians are on the case! No jokes for you!
Fuck Brink Lindsey and the entire Niskanen crew and the horses they rode in on.
Remember that time when Brink Lindsey was gun-ho on the Iraq War? Yeah, he’s a disgraceful man
I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t on board that bus as well at the time, but then no one is showering me with money for my opinions.
Free market reforms to stave off socialist disaster are bad yo.
There is no bad socialism, only the wrong implementation or top men.. If we had the right people and right implementation that shtiz would totes work!
I told my brother that the other day about Mugabe. He complained that the new ruling party would be a military junta, implying that the US had engineered the coup. Like, even if true, Mugabe gets a pass for expropriating his country’s west and reducing his people to subsistence-farming peasants?
westwealthRepeat after me:
Not to mention purging white farmers and attempting to install his wife as second president in the no-doubt perpetual Mugabe dynasty. Yeah, poor guy, I’m so upset he’s been ousted and arrested.
Anyone fronting for an organization with Tom Nichols, Evan McMullin, J. Bradford DeLong (Does anyone in the universe have a more pretentious fucking name?) and David Frum on the Board of Advisors should probably shut the hell up about anyone’s libertarian credibility.
Delong is on the advisory board? Yeah, fuck that. He shits on the idea of personal liberty on a daily basis.
LOL, Delong is retweeting Krugabe.
Wait, wait – EGG MCMUFFIN is on their board?? Christ, I didn’t think I could possibly have a lower opinion of that outfit than I already did, but that takes the cake.
Egg McMuffin is a fucking nonentity, a former spook turned Bill Kristol hand puppet. Even among the merry band of shitbirds they have on their board like Frum and Nichols and DeLong, McMuffin stands out. If he hadn’t been Kristol’s 50th choice for a NeverTrump candidate, absolutely no one would have ever heard of that clown.
And yet the Niskanen Center proudly lists him on the board of advisors. That’s fucking swell.
Will Willy Wilkinson is the VP of Policy, ’nuff said.
Which is its own kind of ridiculous, but at least Wilkinson at one time claimed to be libertarian. McMuffin can’t even say that (nor Frum nor Nichols, for that matter). He’s one of those Weekly Standard “National Greatness” Teddy Roosevelt worshippers. And, again, he’s an utterly irrelevant individual anyway.
Looks like National Reciprocity might be getting some movement. Lets see how far it goes before the next mass shooting.
while this is great, I can see problems in places like my old/new state of VT, where there isn’t a permit.
maybe VT would just add CCP’s on the back of licenses?
I also still have my CO one. I suppose I could use that for a time.
Kind of like the age of consent laws, its different in a few states. I’m sure its something that can be searched by ordinary johnny law types.
That and I really don’t want to go to the MVD again to get a new license. That’s kind of the perk of having an AZ license, its practically valid until you die.
What are your thoughts on the Supreme Court refusing to hear the assault weapons ban challenge?
It was summarized pretty succinctly in the morning linx, but I’ll reiterate with a video:
Well Tanks fer nuttin!!!
I could see suppressors having the stronger argument and greatest chance of advancing as part of the Sportsmen’s Act.
It’s definitely the fight I want them to take, but again, stupid party.
I’ll take a stab at it: i’d guess its about ‘rationalizing conditional ethics’ and recommending pragmatism over piety in times of great risk
A similar phrase comes to mind about “not making a martyr of one’s self”: you do no good for yourself or others by being both pious and oblivious to obvious consequences. Those who visibly adhere to rigid piety often do so for show – and often forsake more-important goals for the sake of flaunting their own moral purity. Wiser people know when to become friendly with the Devil: when it serves the larger purpose, aka “crossing the bridge”.
Im pretty sure it would have said that more explicitly if that were the case
i now realize no one was actually confused.
(goes back to working)
It happened to me too.
This is the last time I take Pie seriously.
Eastern-European dry-wit is like regular dry-wit, but covered in margarita salt and jock-itch powder.
WTF is that called?
Oh, and in re the conversation yesterday:
21 courses, invitation only.
If the name of the chef sounds familiar, that’s because it is. He was the one who got caught serving whale meat at the place in Santa Monica, so you know his supply chain is off the hook.
yeah, i get it. it sounds pretty hot.
my general feeling re: highest-end sushi – the difference in price you pay for ‘good’ and ‘very good’ is generally worth it.
The difference between ‘very good’ and ‘OMG THE MOST SUPER-EXCLUSIVE” is generally… well, if someone else is paying, sure, why not. But my feeling is if you’re going to spend $10+-per-bite of a meal, you might actually want to have someone cook it first.
something overlooked my little disquisition on “other possible ways to run restaurants” was that i was mostly thinking about ‘average, affordable’ meals, and not haute cuisine. tho, yes, most of the places that do already use ‘chef’s choice’ sorts of models are generally high-end joints.
I would like to see more of what you described too.
Also, more family-style.
Yes, but…. A5 Wagyu.
I still wouldn’t eat it raw
I never ‘got’ sushi or other raw meat things myself. Yuck.
I like a bit of tartar on occasion. Beef tuna salmon …
eI find sashimi delicious and i would eat it every day if i could. its one of the few foods which leaves me feeling ‘energized*’ rather than ‘stuffed and sleepy’ after a big meal.
(*i suspect that’s something to do with high-levels of heavy metals in raw fish, but that’s just speculation)
but i can also understand why some people might never get into it. the texture can be off-putting
i don’t like the way some people get precious about it, tho, and act like its some status accomplishment to appreciate some of the finer differences between types of fish, or as though there’s some hugely-obvious difference between ‘good’ and ‘slightly better’ raw-tuna that justifies spending mammoth amounts of money.
they remind me of the way rich-suburban-hippies never shut up about certain exclusive strains of weed. whatever cameron, stoned is stoned.
I ordered beef tartare by mistake once and wanted to cry. I was too embarrassed to send it back. I kept down a few bites and spend the rest of the meal eating off the BF’s plate.
Some higher end grocery stores screen their fish for metals. If it’s excessive, they reject the shipment.
The OB/GYN specifically gave my wife permission to eat tuna from Bristol Farms while she was pregnant.
Perhaps a controlled experiment is in order.
Hold a magnet over the fish?
I know y’all joking about the magnet, but magnetic metals with only a few exceptions, aren’t the ones to worry about.
i think its mostly mercury, which can potentially reach dangerous levels in certain fish (tuna, swordfish, other)
i’m not really talking about that; more just the fact that raw food (fish especially) just has more trace-levels of random stuff in it that your body doesn’t normally get; i’ve always had the feeling that it produces some stimulating effect on the metabolism… but it could be purely placebo/in my head. in any case, raw fish certainly produces a *different* digestive experience than, say, a giant porterhouse swimming in butter.
It’s a machine that shines a laser through a thin slice of the fish, and somehow that measures the metal content.
It’s all very sciencey.
What makes for quality sushi/sashimi isn’t the fish but the rice, yo.
In Bucharest there is a huge difference between cheep sushi and good sushi and a noticeable difference but not as big between good and very good. But sometime I splurge for the pricier stuff, but I don’t eat a lot. Especially since I like nigiri not rolls or maki and that is usually pricier, I generally go for 4 5 pieces of nigiri and a few pieces of sashimi. Also I feel a noticeable difference between wild and farmed salmon
i would definitely eat sushi in Bucharest before doing so in South Dakota
there are a few informal rules, like “more than 1000 miles from the ocean”, and “if the food is prepared in a back room by mexicans” that make it a less-attractive option.
One of my assignments in undergrad invertebrate zoology was to find parasites in meat. In the grocery store. I was able to find chicken, beef, pork and fish with various round worms, flatworms etc.
That class changed my life. If it aint cooked well done I aint eatin’ it. You can keep your sushi.
OK, oysters. I will make that exception, but only that one.
meh i just don’t like steak if it is above med rare. And I like the occasional steak
I think he’s trolling you.
That’s why fish is deep frozen before it’s served as sushi.
That fresh sashimi? Yeah, it was flash frozen on the boat to kill Anisakis.
That’s why when you go to a store and order Sushi Grade tuna, it is, by definition, frozen. The moment it’s thawed, it can’t be sold as Sushi Grade.
IIRC it’s not *just* flash frozen, it has to be held at something like 4F for 7 days or really cold freezing and being held for a shorter period of time to ensure the destruction of parasites.
Per FDA regs.
“You today, me tomorrow.”
No QB named Carson will ever win a Super Bowl.
It has better odds than a game ending at 4-4.
* Sobs uncontrollably *
Its true. /Cardinals fan.
TOS: KMW, Nick, & Matt doing “ask us anything” online. Any takers?
If we are not all IP blocked already we will be by tomorrow.
I’d rather not dox myself for asking why some of their employees are terrible on and off their site.
“Are you happy with the commentariat you have now compared with, say…January?”
I suspect their answer would actually be yes.
To ask the question is to know the answer, if one is honest.
If they were honest they would tell you that they despise us. They are more Cosmo than is believable. The reason Trump is hated? Because he doesnt hesitate to call people (fauxcahontas) out on their bullshit. He just calls it what it is. That is boorish and unforgivable. That is exactly the same reason the Cosmos hate us. The Reason commentariat was largely made of people who were smart, honest, and didn’t mind calling people out on their bullshit. No tip-toeing around and couching everything is palatable terms and code language.
So, ebullient, unlikable sociopaths?
“This question is for Nick. Nick, do you consider yourself to be the Nick Gillespie of libertarianism, in the dictionary definition of the term?”
Oh my god please do this. I will start a gofundme for you if you do.
I don’t do Facebook.
He said please.
Can anyone get Elizabeth Nolan Brown to make me a sandwich?
“Ms. Brown: do you use white or wheat bread when making sandwiches for your man? Do you serve him in your bra and panties, or T-shirt and panties? And does Asawin eat his leftovers out of a bowl on the floor?”
*Für eine verdienstvollen Aushang*

You shall be rewarded for that.
“Is it OK to punch people I disagree with?”
Do we have to explain this again? You can only punch people if they’re Nazis.
What if they are not Nazi, but smug?
like a really smug jewish man who gets death threats for saying things he thinks and trying to debate people on those ideas.
Oh him? He’s one of the rarest type of Nazis, the Orthodox ((Nazi)). Look, I don’t think you follow this argument. I believe in freedom for everyone, the freedom from want, the freedom from scarcity, the freedom from choice. If you don’t believe in that, you’re obviously a Nazi.
/brain hurt now.
That must be one of those noble goals of social justice I’ve been told of.
Should young men who tweet “make me a sandwich” merely have their job prospects destroyed, or should they be imprisoned? What’s the proper libertarian take?
i must’ve missed this when it happened back in September but when Amazon announced it was expanding HQ somewhere other than Seattle post-Fight for $15, a council member said:
we need to unionize, and to take these behemoths into democratic public ownership, so that they are run not for profit for a few, but in the interests of the majority of working people and of society.
+1 Anti-dog-eat-dog rule
I suggest the stock market as a starting point.
“OK, we’ll confiscate the stock market!!! Now what?!”
1)Confiscate the stock market
3)Endless abundance for all!
Dontcha know that if you take the loot the undeserving have stolen and give it to the needy the world will be a better place? At least for a week or so before the usual impulse driven people that want others to shoulder the consequences of their bad choices demand we do it all over again because they have nothing left…
In response to criticism that a $15 an hour minimum wage could hurt the economy, she said, “If making sure that workers get out of poverty would severely impact the economy, then maybe we don’t need this economy.”
Peak derp may be a myth but I’m giving this a nomination for peak economic derp.
That is impressive.
this lady is insane:
She called this “economic terrorism” and said in several speeches that if Boeing moved jobs out of state, the workers should take over Boeing facilities and bring them into public ownership. She has said they could be converted into multiple uses, such as production for mass transit.[56][57] Sawant maintains that a socialist economy cannot exist in a single country and must be a global system just as capitalism today is a global system.
The victory for $15/hour in Seattle has inspired workers across the country and around the world. Let’s keep this momentum going as we fight for future victories around affordable housing, progressive taxation and climate justice
Climate “justice” alrighty then. You’re right she is insane and a full on socialist. But I repeat myself.
The difference, of course, is that capitalism is an organic solution derived from the mutual benefit of the trading of goods and services and arose naturally in all parts of the world without any government intervention, while socialism is literally foisted upon unwilling participants at gunpoint. A subtle difference, to be sure.
Capitalism is the the exploitation of the common worker whose labor is insufficiently compensated for the work they do by their monied overseers who own the means of production, thereby leaving millions impoverished who would otherwise live a life of ease themselves.
/ communist
Did I get that about right?
Well, it’s certainly evocative of The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropist, so pretty close.
needs more Labor Theory of Value
Only government should be allowed to choose winners and losers. Ask that the successful rent seekers.
Even more insane are the voters that keep reelecting that batshit crazy POS.
I’m assuming 53% her voting District’s constituents (the % that voted for her) consist entirely of the homeless and really really stupid poor people.
Nope, it’s college educated Portlandia extras that romanticize Nordic socialism and think top men were the problem with Russia.
She has been spewing that same commie gibberish for years. She’s still on about forcibly seizing the Boeing factory and using it to make buses instead of airplanes?
Could be worse. She might have been proposing tanks.
To be fair, tooling down Broadway at 600 MPH might be kind of fun.
that she’s of Indian-immigrant descent and a proponent of rent control proves that you can beat someone over the head with overwhelming evidence of a causal relationship and still not make them understand.
Steal them.
Overheard at Reason offices:
KMW: Alright, the Kochs want us to try and support ourselves with a telethon or something. We need volunteers to participate. Who’s in?
Robby: What time is it?
KMW: 1pm
Robby: I have a hair appointment at 1pm
ENB: I have a previous engagement at 1pm. I’m suppose to say something stupid on Twitter at that time
Nick: Libertarian Moment!
(everyone is silent for a moment)
KMW: What?
Matt: Alright, I’ll do it
Nick: Can we talk about how telethons are the last gasps of the Baby Boomer generation?
Matt: That doesn’t make any sense
Nick: You’ve changed, Matt. You’ve let the success of ‘The Declaration of Independents’ go to your head
Matt: Nobody even read that book. I should have never worked with you on that project
KMW: Alright- enough. Seriously, if we don’t do this the Kochs have threatened to got back on that sweet sweet cash.
Nick: Well we can’t let them do that, I just ordered my fall season leather jackets
KMW: Ok- so, it’s me, Nick and Matt
From the begathon post on TOS
Your gift of $1,000 gets you a private lunch in Washington, D.C., with a Reason editor
I’d consider it. I really would. But, only if the lunch is with ENB and she makes the sammiches.
Eh, past-its-prime roast beef isn’t that appealing. And the sandwich probably wouldn’t be any good, either.
Week-old tuna?
Okay, but what’s in the sammiches?
Well played brah.
i laughed
Matt: Where’s Sheldon? Wasn’t he invited to this meeting?
KMW: He hasn’t finished sweeping his office for Mossad bugs yet.
Norks fire ICBM (and I thought things had calmed down):
Whoops, scratch the IC part (I hope).
Just a BM, then?
*opera applause*
That was the shortest and most bereft of detail news report I have read since the internet.
News consumers hardest hit
It is lacking in detail a little bit isn’t it?
They’re kinda screwed.
They’re going to be reliant on the SK Govt’s press office for just about all meaningful details, but woe betide them if they didn’t report the launch quickly enough.
It’s probably full of hepatitis and tapeworms too.
Nearly every culture has the same proverbs but it is very entertaining seeing how the same point can be illustrated in different ways. Some, not so different.
My Grandfather used to say “Hell is having your dreams come true.”. Recently someone told me that an old chinese curse is “May you get everything you wish for”. And then of course there is the Genie in the lamp.
Yeah, but Barbara Eden was pretty cute back then.
The genie in the lamp is definitely some sort of masturbation reference in Romania.
Masturbation was only introduced in Romania in 1986. We are still figuring it out
One word: fleshlight. The evolutionary leap in masturbation technology the world has been waiting for.
Jackie Treehorn – The new technology permits us to do very exciting things in erotic interactive software. It’s the wave of the future, Dude – one hundred percent electronic!
The Dude – Huh….well, I still jerk off manually.
My favorite Chinese curse is “May you have an interesting life”.
I thought it was ‘live in interesting times’
Just left the hospital. Had to say goodbye to a good friend. Heroin claims yet another one.
This is the 6th person I’ve known that has died of heroin/fentanyl overdose. This is the second that I would say I have considered a good friend.
Our daughters are best friends. Our wives are best friends.
He was a bright guy. A lawyer. He’d been clean for long stretches at a time, but about every 4-5 months, he’d break down and use again. Addiction is a hell of a disease.
Feels bad man.
That is terrible, AFWM.
my condolences.
Ugh. Sorry to hear that.
I’m sorry for your loss. That sucks.
Nasty. Sorry for him and his family.
ah shit… sorry, man.
Recently had an old-time punk scenester die of H overdose. And he wasn’t the first.
The sad thing is that pharmaceutical grade heroin is reasonably safe and addicts do a pretty good job at dosing themselves.
It is the black market that kills people.
And for many people, this is the whole point of keeping recreational drugs illegal.
That’s what Keith Richards gives as the reason why he’s still alive.
The handful of European cities that experimented with tolerance found that “junkies” were able to live pretty much normal healthy lives while getting free, high-quality heroin. And most eventually stopped using on their own under their own terms.
It can’t be repeated enough: Laudanum was OTC until 70 years ago and overdoses were extremely rare and usually intentional.
What, pharmaceutical grade?
I had to more or less disown a good friend and his GF because of their shit getting out of control. I got tired of the endless drama and asking for money. There was nothing else I could do.
Yes. He said he’s only ever bought from a few people he knows can supply him with the purest stuff money can buy and would never trust heroin from anyone else.
He’s a smart cookie.
My condolences
That sucks, sorry to hear it.
That’s terrible. So sorry
My condolences.
My condolences.
Ouch. I am sorry to hear that. That is really tough.
Kinda on the edge of my chair myself. My father is in the hospital now. We suspect a stroke and this isnt his first episode like this.
For what it’s worth, my condolences. That really sucks for his family and yours.
That’s horrible. I’m sorry to hear that.
So true. A friend of mine has been battling with meth addiction. It’s sad to see much hardship people put on themselves and their family while chasing that high.
Went onto Reason because I heard their donation season was on, first thing I get is a pop up saying:
“TIRED OF DISHONEST MEDIA? DONATE TO HELP REASON ETC.” with the ‘no’ option being “No, the world would be a better place without Reason.”
Self-awareness does not seem to be their strong suit.
And I smiled when I clicked “No, the world would be a better place without Reason.”
Go there and say that so commented Hugh Akston can be mean to you. Then again I may be biased as even as a reason lurker I though Hugh was a little bitch
Look, I could write a lengthy, detailed comment pointing out the general decline in intellectual and editorial standards brought on by people like Soave, Dalmia and Gillespie. Or highlight them casting off libertarian values whenever it suits them (hell, my biggest break with Reason had nothing to do with Trump, it had to do with them constantly backing Gawker in that lawsuit despite having to reject major libertarian principles in order to do so) and Hugh would still scream ‘YOU JUST HATE REASON BECAUSE YOU LOVE DRUMPF’.
The Gawker thing was a breaking point for me, too. They pretty much admitting that it was nothing more than protect-the-guild, with zero relevance to the 1A, but damn if they didn’t fight hard for those scumbags.
Yeah, Hugh was a dick to me once and I had no idea what his reply had to do with my comment. I just ignored him.
I dont get drawn into fights anymore. No trolls around here makes for a lot more peace.
The Reasonoids couldn’t resist the all-you-can-drink Press Bar Gawker laid on every Friday during the case.
You can’t imagine how many resumes were shared around during those bacchinalian, heroic orgies of journalistic egotism.
As far as I remember I was also on Gawkers side in that
Why? Hogan’s sex tape was stolen property and they were posting it without his permission. No one was saying that they couldn’t report on the sex tape itself, just that they couldn’t post the tape itself. It’s pretty cut and clear for libertarianism.
Well if they didn’t make it or stole it fair game. If I get a tape doped in my mailbox I can publish it. I don’t see images as stolen property
Copyright infringement.
But that’s a different libertarian can of worms.
Someone copyrighted their sex tape?
Under current law, anyone who creates a video automatically owns the copyright.
I’m sure one of our lawyers here will correct me if I’m wrong, but in the US copyrights are granted automatically once something is created. The registration is only an easier way of proving when an item was created, but is not a necessary component of protection.
/dodges issue of IP as a concept.
Including monkeys, right?
I didn’t think Hulk made the video, or was aware it was being made.
i honestly thought he was a parody account, and his name was a phonetic play on “huge ass”
He’s an actual person, I’ve seen him IRL. Of course, it’s not his real name.
Which one was that? The brunch in Long Beach?
No, the Hawaiian place in El Segundo.
Huh. I don’t remember. That’s weird.
Binary decisions are problematic, to be sure.
the number of comments on that facebook page goes down every now and then. not keeping up on it, I can’t tell if they are deleting comments or people are deleting shit they put typo’s in.
I recall the facebook comments on Reason articles used to be rife with more mainstream Republicans shitting on them a couple years ago. I’ve got money on it being alt-righters//pol/ trolls complaining about immigrants or (((them))).
It’s a lot of John vs Tony slap fights. Usually a waste of time going over there.
In the Reason comments, sure, but they don’t delete those, even the racist ones, and I don’t think Tony Whatshisname and John Kluge (fuck you this isn’t doxxing we all know its him already) are hashing it out in the Facebook comments.
Pretty sure they’re still chock full of mainstream Republicans and Trump fanboys.
Yeah, I almost spit coffee all over my workstation when I saw that.
Go to the reviews on their facebook page. It’s quite satisfying.
Pages and pages of 1 star reviews because of what ENB did.
I’m still a little more than pissed that they never said anything about those things. not even the standard PR “we’re looking into it, sorry.”
“Make a stallion out of a mosquito”
The desire of many a young lass.
Lol going through the open enrollment meeting at my company today.
Health care premiums went up 35% for us this year
Go Go Obamacare
Shockingly enough, this year my companies premiums (at least for single adults) stayed stable. I think the only thing that went up was the tobacco use surcharge (up from $50 per paycheck to $55 per paycheck).
Same here. I think even the smoking punishment remains the same.
I’ve always wondered – how do they know if you actually use tobacco? I guess smoking could be detected, but I use Swedish snus.
You have to get a doctor’s note. I guess if you have the right doctor you can get away without whatever test they use.
About 3 months ago I was disqualified by a prospective employer over tobacco use. When I asked how they would know otherwise, they said they have a physician run a small battery of tests to determine the validity of my claims. I am guessing its mostly a test for lung capacity, V02 and the like.
I’d be curious how they tell the difference between a non-smoking couch potato versus a smoking marathon runner.
When they asked about the frequency of my tobacco use I told them I smoked a cigar earlier this year, I may want to smoke another one but I don’t fell like it right now. It will only catch a chain smoker in a lie.
With a blood test, pretty easily, absent that, say from lung function, it’s a good question.
“You can take this job and shove it”
Nicotine in your cells I think.
Even if you declare non nicotine use and get by with it if you ever file a big claim they can detect it and refuse to pay.
I think that’s it.
Mine is just honor system apparently.
We have to sign a pledge that we have not used tobacco in the past 12 months, if the company finds out you lied, you can either be terminated or be assessed the full tobacco penalty for the previous year at once. At that point you’re stuck on it until you test clean for nicotine usage (which I guess is a thing, one job I recently applied to at a hospital had no less then four times I had to digitally sign that I do not use tobacco).
Yeah for us rather that sock us with the massive rate increase it is a small rate increase but if our Spouse is offered health coverage by their employer we cannot put them on ours.
This is going to screw us over because my wife is works remote and basically can’t find any doctors who are in network for her employer
Emphasizing just how useless the GOP is.
my co is still in negotiations. i’m thinking we’re fucked.
Holy shit, going back to TOS reminds me of why I have no interest being there, even without the comments. First thing I see in recent articles is Bailey’s billionth midlife crisis article about eternal life because he’s scared of dying and needs his Atheist Heaven. Jesus Christ man get a therapist or something, this obsession is just sad.
Bailey upset me when he tried the old “we don’t need to eliminate regulation on coal, because the free market is killing coal, so the regulations are meaningless, therefore, no need to eliminate them”. It was the ultimate “I’m going to sell out hard on my supposed principles here, but I’m going to pretend like it doesn’t matter because free markets”.
It was the Nick Gillespie of all his articles
No, the Nick Gillespie of his articles was the one about holding anti-vaxxers to the standard that they were legally responsible if their actions if they made anyone else sick. Of course, Bailey will not hold normies who do get vaccinated to the same standard and make them legally responsible for say, anything from bringing a cold to work to accidentally giving people HIV because it doesn’t fit in to his actual goal, social engineering (that and if you actually apply his argument consistently you realize how utterly insane it is).
Oh yeah, I forgot about that article. Reason betrayed a ton of principle in order to justify Johnson/Weld’s utter nonsense. I remember he wrote that article to defend Johnson’s position that people be forced to receive vaccines. Then Johnson walked it back, but Bailey’s article of stupidity was still out there with only the disclaimer that Johnson has walked back his nonsense
Bailey’s always been an open technocrat wrapping himself in quasi-libertarian credentials. Sure, he’s fine with the oil industry and what-not, because technocratically it works, but he’ll gladly come up with any justification to invade your personal life and impose his demands on you in order to get closer to his shitty futurist vision.
I can’t stand Bailey on voter fraud, and every time he wrote an article on the subject, the commentariat just blew him out of the water.
No, the Nick Gillespie of his articles was the one about holding anti-vaxxers to the standard that they were legally responsible
if their actions if they made anyone else sickfor a strict liability offense.The penalty was not predicated on any actual harm. Summed up, Bailey’s argument was, not getting vaccinated was harmful unto itself.
My mistake, that’s worse.
I remember that and it was stupid. If they are meaningless it is simply less hassle to have them removed. I would apply this to any law. Keeping and enforcing a meaningless law is a waste and creates needless complexity in the codes
Thanks, Pie. That was my take on it too.
Years ago a friend of mine got into a legal bind in Catahoula parish. I went down to the courthouse and asked to see the parish ordinances. They took me to a dusty closet where the spider webs covered what appeared to be an extensive law library. I dug around in that shit all day and found a way to get my buddy out of hot water. There were ordinances going back to Reconstruction. Everything conceivable was covered by various conflicting ordinances.
The next year they passed a new ordinance: All ordinances passed prior to 1988 are nullified. Now their ordinances are in only one book.
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
This is genius. Now we need to do this in reverse at the federal level. All legislation enacted after 1790 is nullified (not including Constitutional Amendments).
That genius was a gentleman by the name of John Reeves. He was the walking, talking stereotype of the southern gentleman lawyer. At that time he was one of the few people up there that was worth the meat they were made out of. The rest of them? Not so much. Sadly he is no longer with us but his son is now Judge in the 7th district.
It was his idea.
Oh, and John Reeves taught me something important. If you try to write a complex will you will outsmart yourself every time. His kids got shafted when he died and sweet young thing new wifey with the perky tits got most of it. If anyone could do it John would be that guy but even he fucked it up.
Also, you people and your parishes
What do you mean… “you people”?
It’s only Louisiana that has parishes, and for that I blame the French.
I think he meant Papists, but Suthenboy’s an atheist as far as I know.
My observation is that if you can keep from getting hit by a bus long enough when it comes time to go, you are ready.
Not two weeks ago I said to an old man who snarked about dying “When you do go it will be too soon in my opinion” He mumbled under his breath “Sometimes I think it wont be soon enough.”
Yeah, Bailey needs to get over it.
I have to admit I rather disappointed about the state of libertarian media. They either have little principle, little consistency, or are just not persuasive when they are right. I saw so many libertarians talking to non libertarian things of YouTube and cringed every time at how bad their arguments are for someone who is not already thinking like them. Seriously they have no idea how to communicate. I may write a post on this …
Also I still believe idea should have 2 e in =there. I always write it as ideea before spellcheck anyway
If it’s libertarian youtube commentators, yeah they’re kind of shit most of the time. Pretty much the case for every politically commentating youtuber though. Least we don’t have Cenk Uygur embarrassing us monthly.
But also reason and and many others. Some are just tone deaf some just write as if quoting from Austrian economic textbooks. I find little persuasive stuff
Outside of the circle here I dont see a lot in the way of solid belief in individual liberty or self-ownership. A lot of people claim to be but when you get them to talk details in no time they start talking about how people should be made, required, disallowed etc.
Humans really are herd animals and every member of the herd wants to police all of the other members.
I suggest Glibs have an end of the year awards article, ala The McLaughlin Group (for the ill informed: . Categories could include: “The Nick Gillespie Award for Being Awful”……that’s about all I got so far, but it seems promising
I’ll throw money at this site if you do a fundraiser and one of the goals is ‘Send Just Say’n a Nick Gillespie body pillow’.
It has to be wrapped in an authentic replica of The Jacket.
Thing is I cannot remember all the articles I read. This should be announced at the beginning of next year and given at the end so we can keep lists throughout
The Krugman Award for Economic Ignorance?
The Soave Waffling Award?
The Q Continuum Glorious Twins Award?
See, it’s all coming together.
Swiss, make a note of this, please
Hmmm. Might be a good “end of year” thing to consider.
Look Q in Romania besides proverbs we also have tits
Do you have a guest room?
as a matter of fact I do
Alright, next Glibs meetup at Pie’s place!
You can have the guest room…I will stay in her room!
And the hepatitis alphabet, obviously.
Well that didn’t come off.
Soave WafflingFruit Sushi Waffle Award?The Dalmia Memorial Prize for Making Nick Gillespie Look Good in Comparison
The Dalmia Memorial Prize is the Nick Gillespie of prizes.
No Narrowed Gaze award?
Narrowed Gays.
The ENB Noble Goals of Social Justice Award?
Gotta be the ENB Sandwich of the Year.
Do you listen to Dave Smith (the comic)’s podcast ‘Part of the Problem’? He tore ENB and Reason a new one after the most recent incident with remark regarding Ben Shapiro.
i missed that. bummer.
Just download the episode. That’s the beauty of podcasts
This was Dave Smith responding to a question in response to his podcast about Reason and ENB
The Welch Glasses of Blind Optimism
The Soave award for best use of unnecessary equivocation
And this is one of those few cases where logic would be right.
Unintentionally hilarious or subtle satire of our times?
Unintentional? I try really hard to include jokes in my posts, thanks for noticing.
I also include alt text not that anyone notices
Oh trust me…if you had NOT…you would have heard all about it!
Alt text -along with criticism when it’s missing- seems like it is becoming passe. And it gives me a sad.