So we’ve already talked about the board game renaissance, but you don’t want to drop $50 and spend an hour each time you want to play them. There’s a solution to that, today we’ll talk about lightweight games. Lightweight games are games that generally take less than 10 minutes to explain, and under half an hour to play. Once again, I’ll be sticking to games that are in print, and generally available.
Game 1: Press Your Luck – Incan Gold (3-8 players)
This game has a theme about raiding ancient temples, and attempting to retrieve treasure. Each player has a small tent, an explore card, and an escape card. There are five rounds, with each round lasting until either everyone retreats from an expedition, or disaster strikes. The way the game is played is simple. There’s a deck with treasure cards, artifact cards, and danger cards. Each turn is played by flipping over the top card of the deck. If the card is a treasure card, it will have a number of gems on it, these gems are evenly divided amongst the players still exploring the temple with any remainders being put on the card. If it’s an artifact the card is simply placed down in the temple. Any danger cards are also placed into the temple, there are 5 different hazards and 3 copies of each in the deck. A single danger card doesn’t do any harm, but if the danger card matches one already in the temple, anyone still exploring is trapped in the dungeon (disaster strikes), and one of the copies of that hazard is removed from the deck. As for the artifacts and gems placed on cards, those sit there for the players who decide to escape the dungeon. If only one player decides to escape, they get to pick up any artifacts on their way out, as well as any gems sitting on the cards. If multiple players decide to escape, they leave the artifacts where they are and divvy up any gems on their way out. Once the players have escaped, they get to place any gems they’ve picked up into their tent, where they will count for end game scoring. Deciding to continue can be advantageous if you’re the only one exploring, as a single card can provide as many as 15 gems. Depending on the players, this game can be played in 15-40 minutes.
Game 2: Drafting Dominoes – Kingdomino (2-4 players)
If you’re familiar with dominoes, this game is a breeze to explain. There are 48 tiles in the game with numbers on the back from 1 to 48. Each player starts with a single tile, a little 3-d castle, and a meeple (or two for the two player version) of their player color. To start with, you randomly pull out 4 tiles, and place them in order based on their number. You then randomize the selection process for the first round. After that, you pull out the next four tiles, sort them by the numbers, flip them over, and each player gets to select one in order of the numbers of the tiles they were already on. So, if the first four tiles were 4, 10, 17, and 25 the player who selected 4 gets their first pick of the next batch of tiles, the player assigned 10 gets the second pick and so on. If the second batch of tiles were 1, 14, 30, and 45 and the player who picked 4 in the first round selected tile 45, this means that they’ll be picking last in the next round. When placing tiles, there are 6 different types of territory: desert, forest, water, wasteland, grassland, and mines. Each tile you place must match at least one territory that you place it adjacent to. The beginning tile (with the little castle on it) is considered wild. Some of the territory squares have a number of crowns on them, ranging from one to three. At the end of the game, scoring is done by scoring each type of contiguous (next to each other) territory by counting the number of squares, and multiplying them by the number of crowns in the area. So if you have a 7 square water territory that has 3 crowns total in it, that would score you 21 points. There are also advanced rules that provide bonus points for a 5 x 5 grid at the end, as well as one for having your castle in the middle of the kingdom. For a lightweight game, there’s a nice bit of strategy in this one, and it still plays a game in about 15 minutes.
Game 3: Cute Modular Drafting – Sushi Go Party! (2-8 players)
This game is a new version of an older game, Sushi Go. This version adds more variety, a scoreboard, and some minor tweaks in the rules, while allowing more variable player counts. In this game, you’re drafting cards over a number of rounds to score the best meal. During the setup, everyone agrees on a menu for the game (or you can use one of the pre-built menus included in the manual). This menu will have appetizers, main courses, special items, and dessert. Cards are dealt out to all of the players, with each player then drafting a card and passing the remaining cards to the player on their left. All of the selected cards are revealed, special powers may trigger, and then you pick up the cards the player to your right handed you and repeat. Once all of the cards have been selected, you score the round. Scoring is variable based on the cards selected, some give you a set number of points, others are worth no points unless you have 2 of them, others are worth points unless you have more than 3 of them, etc. After scoring the round, all of the selected cards (with the exception of desserts, which score at the end of the game) are shuffled with the deck and a set number of additional dessert cards are added. The scoreboard helpfully includes slots for tiles that illustrate how each item will score in the round, making it easy to keep track of what the options are. Like most drafting games, play time will be about the same regardless of players, in this case about 30 minutes.
Game 4: Everyone Has the Same Options – Karuba (2-4 players)
This game is a hidden gem. The theme is explorers trying to find their way to temples, while picking up gems along the path. To set up the game, all of the players take a player board, a set of four temples (each a different color), a set of four explorers (same colors as the temples), and then a stack of numbered jungle tiles. All of the players but one then sorts all of their jungle tiles by the number on them. A player then selects a location for either a temple or an explorer (with the caveat that temples and explorers of the same color must be a certain distance apart from each other as a minimum), and all of the other players place the same temple/explorer on the same numbered space. This continues until all 8 of the temples and explorers are placed. Now, we’re ready to start the game. The player who did not sort his jungle tiles now mixes them up, and selects one. They then announce the number and the other players all pick up that same tile. All of the players now have an option, they either place the tile somewhere on their play board, or discard it for movement points for their explorers. The number of path entrances on the tile will determine the amount of movement points the tile provides (so a tile with just a single path going straight across gives 2 movement points, while a crossroads provides 4). When placing a tile in the jungle, if the tile has a picture of a diamond or a gold nugget, you place the appropriate stone on the tile, these can be picked up if an explorer stops on the tile. Explorers cannot move through each other, or share a space. As players get their explorers to the temples, they acquire a scoring tile (the points awarded is determined by player count). The game ends when all of the jungle tiles have been used. At this point, players add up their points from diamonds, gold nuggets, and temple score tiles. The high score wins. What’s really nice about the game is that everyone is given exactly the same options, with the same starting positions, so it is completely fair. You can also see what tiles remain, so you have some idea as to what’s going to be coming up. This game will take about 45 minutes to complete.
Hopefully these lighter games may help ease you into the hobby, or for those with stacks of cardboard and meeples, work as a nice filler on a game day. Feel free to point out other lightweight games that I missed in the comments. Next time, I’m planning on going over some of the 2 player games that are on the market.
Colonel Mustard died from getting food poisoning from Sushi he ate at an Incan temple in The Yucatan?
But he picked up some damned fine jewels on the way!
Poisoned by Professor Plum, who was his main rival for Miss Scarlett’s sexy ass
Miss Scarlett’s Sexy Ass
Definitely worth a murder or two
I was expecting Vivien Leigh, but that’s very nice.
“That’ll do, sexist pig”
Thanks, I’ll have to check some of these out.
Just want to say I’ve enjoyed these board game-themed articles and have bookmarked a few of the games as possible family activities over the holidays.
Inspired by the previous article, I purchased both Arkham Horror and Eldritch Horror. I expect they’re both kind of complex but I’ve got a college aged daughter who discovered D&D this year and who loves HP Lovecraft so I know she’ll weather through at least a couple of games. She’ll also dig the co-op aspect of both of them.
Had anyone by chance played either of these? Any recommendations on which will be easier to start with?
i kind of liked Arkham Horror – but I am a sucker for anything Lovecraft, and I like cooperatives.
Eldritch Horror is a simpler game – might be a better starter.
Thanks for the recommendation, much appreciated!
Glad you’ve enjoyed them. I picked up two of the ones on this list (Kingdomino and Incan Gold) as gifts for my nephews this year.
I’ve not played Eldritch Horror but Arkham Horror is one of my wife’s favorites.
Yes, Arkham is complex, worse than just complex it is also ranges from Hard to effectively impossible depending on which Great Old One you are fighting. The game is a fully Co-Op one, that means all of the players win or all of the players lose, personally I am not a fan of Co-Op games but YMMV. The only real complaint I have with Arkham is that with the number of types of tokens and cards that it can often take as much as 30 – 45 minutes just to set up the board and 20 minutes to put it all back away. For whatever flaws it has It is objectively a very good game, good enough that it is the only pure Co-Op game I would ever look forward to playing.
That said if you want the Arkham experience without the complexity and set up time get Elder Sign. It is essentially the same game with a slimmed down ruleset and fewer pieces made by the same company. In fact I would recommend owning both, you play Elder Sign when you are constrained by time and when time allows you can pull out the full version of Arkham
Awesome, thanks for the recommendation on Elder Sign, it’s now in my amazon cart.
If she likes D&D and H.P. Lovecraft, try Call of Cthulhu.
Just don’t fail your sanity check
And ^that there^ is the kind of stuff she loves
*shakes head sadly…rolled a “4”*
Hey, start with a simple Antarctic adventure, I mean, what could go wrong?
Her D&D group is at college, which all things considered is probably good. At home it’s just the two of us who are willing to play, so I’ve got to have something the works well with only two players. Chtulhu RPG does look awesome, bookmarked for future reference. Probably make a great gift in a year or two, she will read and enjoy the books whether or not she actually gets around to playing. Thanks!
FYI solo RPG Campaigns (takes 2 people, a GM and a Player) are a thing and Call of Cthulhu is one of the games where they work best.
Sounds like a sweet father – daughter bonding experience as you slowly drive her insane with exposure to a collection of eldritch horrors 🙂
Oh and in honor of the subject matter we should all be playing this for our musical selection…
Hey There Cthulhu
I really like this feature! Thanks, Nephilium!
My addition to your already strong list.
Just got the original Pigmania game that had been at my folks house for 25+ years. My kids love it.
Great recommendation especially for an age mix that includes adults and (even very young) children. Perfectly family event type of game.
I have played a peculiar version of sheephead with my family since I was a kid. It’s a four hand rotation card game that only uses the cards from 7 up in the deck. I have heard of other people playing it, but I have never heard of anyone playing it the way my family and one other family in my area plays it. I’ve always found this curious. I don’t know where the rules we played it by came from. I’m assuming they evolved organically over time, but I don’t know.
I learned it from my grandfather (born in 1919) and from what I understand he learned it from his dad. How far back it goes, I don’t know. I just know that the game as presented to me from others outside my family circle (and one other family that my family has multiple marriages into) is not played anywhere near the same as we play it.
Colonel Mustard died from getting food poisoning from Sushi he ate at an Incan temple in The Yucatan?
That actually sounds more like something from
damnit, SF’ed the link
We own that one! Only played a few times on a family vacation, but it was good morbid fun.
Bored games, amiright? No I keed I keed.
Boring? No way, comrade!
I would be more than happy for her to take my rook
Just imagine what it would be like if every AM glibertarians article lead off with 4 paragraphs of links and news from the World Boardgames Federation, the National Boardgames League, the Collegiate Boardgames Association, and the That’s Not Enough For Us So We Also Created A Pretend Boardgame League League.
Dear readers,
We do family board game once a week. It turns my 9 year old son into a jerk, especially when he’s losing.
That should I do?
Make sure to never lose to him.
Send him back to the coal mine until he alters his behaviour?
I eagerly await the ZARDOZ reply.
I feel so…. chosen.
Taser should take care of it.
Teach him how to play Diplomacy.
Bring betting into the game. Be sure to get all his allowance back every week.
His allowance is contingent on him doing his chores on time. I haven’t paid out in over a year.
When you do pay out, you tax it before allowing him to have it right? Or do you make him pay his taxes at the end of the year?
The big civics lesson is Halloween. He does 100% of the work, and I take 90% of the loot.
Distribute all of the in game currency equal and tell him everyone wins. -Bernie Sanders
This is the best answer.
Boarding school
Why does he think he’s losing? Does he think the other players are ganging up on him? Does he think it’s bad luck? Does he just suck at the games you’re playing?
Do you mock and ridicule him when you win?
“In your face!”
“Why’s your lip sticking out like that? Is him gonna cry?”
/Big Brother rules
I thought the whole point of board games was to torture your siblings.
He does, to some extent, feel like other players are ganging up.
When we play monopoly, I DO have to help my 3 year old out a little bit. He’s horrible at calculating ROI on land ownership.
Damn kids, they don’t learn anything anymore.
“God damn it, you need to calculate the net profit of the property divided by the amount of money invested. You’re using your gross profits!”
“No- I will not explain sunken costs to you again. Sell Park Avenue already, damn it!”
“I like the yellow ones and the Choo-choos”
“Why would you put a hotel on Oriental Avenue? You already have two properties there. You’ve gentrified the shit out of Oriental Avenue- move on to another place. Mother….” (clenches fist) “Do you know how much you just paid for that hotel. Do you understand anything about buying low?”
(flips game board)
“Go to your room and read ‘A Random Walk Down Wall Street’ again.”
– This is what I imagine Monopoly will be like for me when my kids are old enough to play-
In all seriousness, I play board games with my 5 year old fairly often. If he starts to get pussy because he’s losing or throws a fit or whatever I just pack the game up and tell him to go to his room. I have done this a few times but I don’t think I have had to in the past year or so.
It’s not every time. 1 out of 4, maybe. It’s just a phase, but it’s fucking up board game night.
My boys are 6-years apart – playing games together was a challenge (the oldest responded similarly to your son). That’s a tough age gap – I don’t have any good advice.
3 boys. 9, 6, and 3.
I know why he does it. He can beat on them when they’re playing soccer, tag, or any other sports. But he has to follow the rules with board games, and I’m there to level the playing field.
Still, it’s a little unsettling that beating a 6 year old or a 3 year old is THAT important to him.
They’re not just any 6 and 3 year-olds. They’re competing for that sweet, sweet monocle-polishing gig.
If he starts to get pussy because he’s losing or throws a fit or whatever
That never got me any. Damn millennial beta-males.
He was born in 2012. I don’t know what generation that is, but I think he missed the window to be a millenial.
Yeah, he’s a ‘whatever comes after millennials’.
I got laid thanks to D&D in high school. I don’t know if that’s impressive or sad.
In America it would be considered ‘sad’, but I know things are different in Canada. Maybe the kids that play D&D are cool there. I don’t know. I don’t care
It certainly doesn’t sound like I’d ever want to see pictures.
Look, you got to find some way to get into the goth girl’s pants, and I’m not dying my hair.
“Look, you got to find some way to get into the goth girl’s pants, and I’m not dying my hair.”
The love of anime isn’t weird enough?
That happened after high school. During I only ever got laid by goth chicks or girls from the Catholic high school.
So girls with daddy issues.
“girls from the Catholic high school.
So girls with daddy issues.”
Canadians being passive aggressive.
** adopts thousand-yard stare **
If you’re trying to suggest that Catholic school girls don’t have daddy issues I have a bridge to sell you.
I’ll have to get the LSD to verify or refute your claim.
The old dude at the comic store offered to give you a discount on Temple of Elemental Evil – for a price?
Inconcievable is the word you were looking for I think
If you’re looking for a serious answer, then you could look at picking up a Co-op game. Those feature everyone working together against the game itself.
Yeah, that’s called communism, buddy.
Then, at the end, I get to stab everyone in the back and win, right?
Yes, there are co-ops like that too.
Or go for a game with little to no player interaction. Then there’s no way people can be ganging up on him, he’ll just have to suffer through his own poor choices.
*Points out Karuba above*
Hidden Traitor games do exist, and can be fun, if you’re looking for a simple one, you could look at Saboteur. However that can cause everyone to be working against your kid.
Thanks. Bookmarked. It says “good for travel” too. We do a lot more games on the road, and it will come with.
Then play Risk so that you actually CAN gang up on him.
Screw that, you wanna teach the kid about the real world, get Diplomacy.
*points up thread*
So… if you let me move my fleet into the English Channel, I can convoy your armies right into Germany.
“That sounds like an excellent idea, then we can divide up …. yerrk … what’s that stiletto doing in my back?
Make him play Italy…
I’d take Italy over Austria. I managed a solo with Italy once. To this day I’m not quite sure how I managed to convince some of the other players to go along with me for some parts of the game.
Err, maybe you should try and avoid Monopoly in that case.
The key point to the hatred of Monopoly is that it very early on becomes obvious who is going to eventually win only it then takes 1 – 3 hours for them to finish that win off and there is very little the other players can do to reverse the situation.
A game like the aforementioned Sushi Go where it is not immediately obvious who is scoring what until the round is over might be a better choice for him.
Totally agree. Monopoly is fun for an hour or less, then it’s just a slog.
I think there’s probably a zillion monopoly rule variations, one that lets you just end the game an hour or so in would be a requirement for me to want to play.
Stop cheating so he has a fair chance
Life is not fair.
You should totally buy SuperMario Monopoly Junior. If he doesn’t tire of the endless transactions, then you will.
Is that actually a thing?
Excuse me. It’s Monopoly Gamer.
My oldest got a gift card and bought it.
Print out a copy of the rules that includes a hidden gem saying “Any player who gets all whiny and thinks life isn’t fair forfeits their next 5 turns to another player of their choice. Failure to choose another player causes total loss of the game so they can go cry in their room like the big, blubbery baby they are.”
^ I like this option ^
Consider games that (a) reward cooperation and (b) allow more than one player to win.
I’d strongly recommend old-school roleplaying games.
Oh, and (c) consider games where what constitutes a ‘win’ is unconventional.
Might I miller the game thread a bit? No? Too bad, I do what I want!! Fascinating piece by Dave Kopel at Volokh’s little outpost of sanity in the asylum known as WaPo: The American Indian foundation of American gun culture.
great article. thanks.
Chief Warren begs to differ. She say- white man come, bring guns- ruins mythical land of perpetual peace and solidarity. Why lie, pale face?
On a serious note, I love that Kopel includes this. It’s a point I make myself to the kind of people who scream their heads off about Columbus Day:
Violent conquest was very common to the North American continent before a single European ever set foot on this soil. They didn’t import the concept, they were just more successful at it in the end.
Who says so? Russell Means told me that all this was white man lies, that Sioux and other tribes were peaceful until incited by French and British colonizers.
Every historian ever. There is a reason there were natives in south america. They got pushed that far south by the new invaders from the north.
The fact that there was an Iroquois Confereracy proves, indisputably that all the tribes back then cooperated and had implemented an efficient Social Democratic model of governance, you nazi shitlords.
This is a really informative article. Everything about how this country was colonized in the early days is critical to informing why our culture is so different from that of Europe. I think this paragraph summarizes it well:
“The American colonists of the 17th century moved away from the European model that civic virtue in use of firearms meant standing in line, blindly obeying your social superiors and shooting with minimal skill a gun you didn’t even own. The American model was responsible individual initiative, widespread personal ownership of high-quality arms and proficient accuracy. The divergence between English and American arms ideals was a cause and an effect of similar divergences in social and political life, including a broader electoral franchise and less rigid class distinctions in America compared with England.”
Numerous British soldiers from the 4th quarter of the 18th Century would nod in agreement except they’re a bit busy comparing the small neat holes in the back of their red jackets and the large, irregular exit wounds decorating their chests.
very nice
Would all of these be fun for kids? They all looked easy enough. Thinking about getting something for my daughter’s family. Granddaughter is 8.
My nephews are about the same age. It’ll of course depend on the kid, but if there’s one that looks like something they would like thematically, I would say go for it. All of these games are recommended for 8 and up, with Incan Gold being the simplest, and Sushi Go Party probably the most complicated (drafting and passing hands of cards, and playing over multiple rounds).
For reference my 9 year old daughter plays the original Sushi Go on a roughly equal level with the rest of the family (ages 15 and up ) and it is hardly rare that she will outright win the game
Cool thanks!
Thanks, Nephilium. We purchased Between Two Cities based-on previous column recommendations. A lot of fun over Thanksgiving although I have been subjected to a number of “test-questions” to prove I’m not an alien impersonator.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Battleline and Raptor are the only games my wife and I have a chance of playing since our son was born.
OT: It looks like the tax reform bill still lives. The Senate GOP claims to have the votes. From the summary descriptions I’ve read, it still looks like it will be a decent bill. Hopefully it can be reconciled between the two houses and enter into law.
Mitch McConnell looks like a
frogturtle in that picture. What if David Icke was right, but he was wrong about the type of reptile?I WANT TO BELIEVE!
Pepe’s Daddy.
He looks more like a turtle though.
Damn it- I meant turtle.
Edit fairy, if you would
*Edit Fairy do minimum*
Turtle, frog, at this point, what difference does it make?
He made it to South Park recently, The Turtle I mean
That’s the tooth fairy not the edit fairy
From the article:
“Today may be the first day of a new Republican Party: one that raises taxes on the middle class,” warned Senator Charles Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.
Yeah, that’s the job of Democrats. Stop horning in on our action!
Mitch McConnel looks like a frog
in that picture.The GOP can’t pass tax reform! Flynn just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, which means Trump will be impeached, Hillary will be the president, and the Republicans in Congress will all be put in camps SO ANYTHING THE GOP DOES IS ILLEGAL!!!!!11!ELEVENTYONE!!!!
Check your e-mail for a job offer. /NYT editorial board
I have to agree with earlier posters. This, and the previous associated postings have been engaging and informative. Thanks Nephilium and all the subsequent posters.
I wonder if they know what that means?
It means Nick Gillespie doesn’t hang out around here. Which is fine, because he would be the Nick Gillespie of commenters.
As I mentioned the other day, I suspect Welch lurks here and is tugging on The Jacket with that tweet.
In that case let test this out:
Welch is cool
Understood. I am trying to confirm the lurking.
I absolutely think Welch lurks here. There’ve been multiple Zardoz references on his twitter since we moved.
Wild conspiracy theory time: Welch is Zardoz (the commenter).
** Puts on “Ted” Theodore Logan costume **
Damn. They must be hurting for donations.
You’ve set the bar high.
Don’t let me down later in the week.
I should really get some work done.
It’s Friday. And my wife brought me home a 64oz growler of unfiltered Sculpin from Ballast Point last night.
It’s safe to say that my week is over.
Use that growler to make a beer float. That’s what my D&D gaming group does when we get together.
I’m very interested, but I don’t know what a beer float is. I should know, but I don’t.
Add ice cream. Mind-blowing.
*narrows gaze*
Don’t do anything to that beer other than drink and savor it. They just released a bourbon barrel aged Victory at Sea at their brewpubs. Yell at the Mrs. for not grabbing that for you.
I didn’t know about it. I asked specifically for unfiltered Sculpin or plain Dorado.
Is the new Victory only at the pubs? I’m stopping at Whole Foods on the way home to investigate….
Yeah. Pub only. Unfiltered Sculpin is great. One of my favorites, but we can’t get it brewery fresh here in MI.
They have a pop up begging for donations. To close the pop up, you click something like “no thanks, the world will be fine without reason”
First Wikipedia, then theGrauniad, then Reason.
We are literally in Hitler’s bunker.
Welcome to the party, bitches.
*stands to applaud*
Are they being funny, or do they truly not grasp that the phrase is meant as an insult? Man, I hope it’s the latter because that would be hysterical.
Eh I might donate. They are still 10x better than your average news source.
Jokes are still funny, though
I’m taking a year off at a minimum.
I like several of the writers and staff, and they’re great people.
But, to get any more of my money, they’re going to need to come out strongly on this issue: Free Speech is absolute. No ifs, ands, or buts. And, given this past year, that’s probably going to require some staffing changes.
This year, their share of my charitable donations are going to IJ and Special Olympics.
“Free Speech is absolute. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
That’s my main criticism of them too. The TDS articles were somewhat annoying, but didn’t bother me so much. But their wishy-washy stance on free speech and their capitulation of religious liberty when Gay Jay was running made me cancel my subscription (in fairness, I haven’t donated in two years, though).
The TDS didn’t bother me that much, but it was a little tacky. The two most unpopular candidates in history ran in that election, but we only heard about one from Reason. *shrug*
On the policy side, this is an ostensibly libertarian organization, so it’s simply unacceptable for them to take the stance that they did on free speech. And yes, they are responsible for what their employees say, even if it is on twitter.
If I found out that LEAP had drug warriors on their payroll, I’d stop donating to them too.
FIRE and IJ are both solid choices for your reason-funds.
In fairness to Reason, a good alternative to spending much time on either Trump or Hillary would have been to devote the lion’s share of their election coverage to the Libertarian ticket. Problem was, Gary was at his gaffe-prone worst in this cycle for whatever reason, and his running mate was a total asshole. So, since they couldn’t fake any enthusiasm for the L-ticket, they just went and sang along with the rest of DC press corps.
Also, the blatant slander (Gillespie inferring libertarianism is rampant with anti-Semitism, the attacks on Rothbardians for being/influencing Nazis, etc.) needs to end.
Yeah that pissed me off too. And the only people to come to the defense of libertarians were conservative publications like National Review that rejected the notion that there was a pipeline from Rothbard to the alt-right. This is the same National Review that despised Murray Rothbard (Buckley’s obituary on him was scathing), but they did a better job of defending that brand of libertarianism than the Koch libertarians who were more than happy to throw them under the bus. That’s some bullshit
Overheard at Reason offices
KMW: This comment says “This is the Nick Gillespie of fundraising pitches”
Nick: Well, that’s the only mention of me in the comments without an insult attached. I think we Tweet that one
Matt: I think they’re trolling us
Nick: How so?
Matt: I think they mean that as an insult
KMW: I could see that
Nick: No- fuck both of you. How is my name an insult? I wrote the damn article
Matt: Dude, you know they all mock you
Robby: Nick is the most libertarian-y person I know. How is this insulting?
KMW: (thinks for a minute) Yeah, it’s an insult
Nick: Ok- fuck everyone. We’re Tweeting this
If The Jacket actually sent that tweet it proves that he’s the Nick Gillespie of Tweeting.
They’re going to be calling him Muppet legs for a couple of months.
Did someone here write that comment over there, or is this proof that one of the Reason writers is a lurker here?
It’s probably Just Say’n, isn’t it? He cross-pollinated the insult over there to ensure its spread.
“cross-pollinated” implies some sort of precision. Just Say’n’s method is more akin to a hippopotamus taking a salad spinner shit.
Just Say’n.
It’s effective
That is a more apt description. Although when I think of pollen, I always think of situations like this, since I once lived in an area with trees that every year just coated everything in pollen. A good way to gross people out in such situations is reminding them that pollen is basically tree jizz.
That’s definitely the work of Just Say’n.
This is how we get memes.
Played a 6 player game of the new Twilight Imperium last weekend.
How did it compare to the previous version? I have a friend who’s all in on that version, and we’ve gotten a chance to play it a couple of times.
Yeah, what is different?
Improved trade and diplomacy (imo), better imperial card, and some streamlined rules.
Mostly the same game.
It actually includes the expansion races from edition 3 too.
+1 compare. Especially given investment in expansions
It includes some of the more popular expansion stuff in the base rules now as well as the expansion races. There are a few more I bet will be added though in a later expansion.
It’s hard to imagine any game with “twilight’ in the name being unafflicted with sparkly things, and moody people.
No sparkly vampires….just warring over a fallen galactic empire.
So, “moody”, right?
The game franchise actually predates the shitty vampire books by a decade.
Let me introduce you to Twilight Struggle . There is nothing more fun than crushing your commie opponent after 2 or 3 hours of complex game play that simulates the cold war and rubbing their noses in the superiority of Capitalism, Freedom, and America! (Fuck Yeah).
I can’t second this suggest sufficiently.
It’s rare to find such solid game mechanics that implement the theme so, so well. And the game has a very dry, understated sense of humor (Five Year Plan – US card to fuck over USSR. Flower Power – reverse).
So, good news for libertarians: pro-NSA and pro-surveillance Tom Cotton will not be CIA Director. Donald Trump has called the alleged Tillerson exit fake news on Twitter, and he wants him to stay long-term. A lot of mainstream conservative pundits are angry about this, but I think that he’s done a good job as Sec. of State.
In college coaching news:
1. Phil Fulmer appointed as new Tennessee Athletic Director. $20 says he appoints himself as head coach within the week.
2. Knoxville, TN sports radio is the greatest thing in the world.
3. Jimbo Fisher leaves Florida State for a shitload of Texas A&M booster cash (10 years/$75-$80 million), becoming the first coach to leave the ACC for the SEC since Spurrier went from Duke to Florida. Florida State’s going to poach Willie Taggart from Oregon.