And Dawn had better get here with that crack pretty shortly, these kids are getting impatient.
Remember yesterday, when the coyote (WaPo) finally had that pesky Roadrunner (Hat ‘n’ Hair) dead to rights and the Trump presidency was really, truly over, then it wasn’t? I posted the “oops” tweet, but here’s the recoil. And hilariously, this isn’t even the first major fuckup from that “reporter.” Why does he even still have a job? Anyway, well, today, they REALLY TRULY have that damn Roadrunner. THIS TIME FOR SURE! I mean, they even went to the trouble of having an analysis from a former Obama official, and you can’t get more definitive and objective than that! Man, at this rate, there’s going to be a national popcorn shortage.
And the soi-disant “tax reform bill” continues to be nailing Jello to the wall. Team Red, you had one job, and what you give us is a dog’s breakfast. Anyway, the story is the usual conflation of “tax rate cuts” with “tax cuts,” as well as “tax rate increase” with “tax increase.” That’s just plain sloppy thinking, and though I expect it from economically illiterate reporters and political hacks, I know that OUR commentariat knows the difference. Right? The bill ends us up with a tax code just as complex, vague, arbitrary, and incomprehensible as the one it replaces, just with some pieces moved around. Well done, Team Red. How about the OMWC plan: Fuck you, cut spending. Tax form to 1/2 a page maximum and taking far, far less money, and only for functions constitutionally delegated to the federal government. And then I woke up from that lovely dream…
Here’s the appropriate aria: another (((one))) bites the dust. If anyone ever gets a hint of the extraordinary amount of vagina plowed by Mike Rowe in his opera days, we’ll lose a real icon. Or maybe not, since he has the… fortitude to tell everyone to fuck off and not play the faux-apology-grovel game.
OK, Old Guy Music, this time from one of the greatest ensembles ever on one stage, all Mingus alumni back for a reunion. I make no secret of my idolization of Roland Kirk, and he sure delivers here, blowing away every other sax player on that stage- and those are some insanely great sax players. I particularly liked his parody of George Adams’s outside playing, which he casually slips into at a pace triple that of Adams’s. It’s a long jam, but every minute packs a punch.
Mike Rowe in his opera days
Its a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
He made no secret of how much play he got as a straight man in the theater biz.
Rowe – opera singer.
Fuck off slaver. 😉
The sleep is still in my eyes The dream is still in my head I heave a sigh and sadly smile And lie a while in bed I wish that it might come to pass Not fade like all my dreams
‘Ross’ incorrect report prompted a dramatic reaction in the financial markets, and the Dow fell more than 350 points. Stocks largely recovered later in the day.’
If his four week suspension includes a fine of the total amount of money lost on the market I’d feel more satisfaction.
To be fair, Trump does stupid shit like that all the time.
Fuck anyone who sold off based on the 35th fucking ZOMG WE GOT THEM WITH THE COLLUSION ZOMG RUSSIANS story of the past year. Any intelligent investor, IMO, should be sending that reporter a fruit basket. That’s a great way to snap up some shares at a discount while the herd stampedes.
It just indicates the market is on shaky ground.
Sadly, as I age, I find that
becomes truer day by day.
I am no expert, but it seems to be that the herd went OH NO SELL SELL SELL and then like an hour later people went “Wait, this is another fucking stupid ROOOOSSSSSIIYYYYAYAYAYA story” and went back to buying.
Russian Trolls Linked Clinton To ‘Satanic Ritual’ In Fake News Campaign Push: Report
SugarFree writes non-fiction.
One of the more grotesque “story lines” propagated by the trolls included fake posts that Clinton and campaign manager John Podesta participated in a satanic ritual and supported a devil-worshipping “priestess.”
No worse than how Martha Coakley tried to advance her career. Or Janet Reno.
What is weird is that I saw a lot of memes about this, but no one ever denying. I guess they were worried about the Streisand effect, or part of the bargain with Satan is that Hillary can’t deny her pact with Him.
I find it silly and all but here y’all go. Yeah, totally not Satanic (which is partially true but not quite):
Interesting if you haven’t seen it.
Uh, no, that was /pol/. Unless /pol/ is just a bunch of Russian trolls now.
It was in the wikileaks emails for Christ’s sake.
most of those quotation marks make no sense.
I like how they’re twisting this statement from Trump as a directive to the Republicans to raise the corporate tax rate to 22%, rather than saying there is some flexibility and a chance for the rate to go higher if they needed to for various reasons (to buy other constituencies off).
Operatic Rowe- I learn something every day. Every other day, anyway.
I learn something every day, it’s just that most days what I learn makes me unhappy. This doesn’t.
Stick structures stump Santa Fe forest officials
Looks like the work of boy scouts, nothing unusual about it at all.
Agree on the Boy Scouts idea, but the oddity is the USFS does not know who is doing it on that large a scale. On national forest land people are not allowed to cut trees without a permit (just like a logger, they need to pay for the wood since it is a public resource). In this case, it is highly likely the USFS would not want anybody cutting aspen since it is a declining resource (in part, ironically, due to lack of disturbance like fire or cutting) and they ‘protect’ the aspen they have from harvest. Usually, organizations like the Boy Scouts work pretty closely with the USFS on camping rules and regs but they are known to skirt or disregard them on occasion.
On a side note, the fire hazard thing is ridiculous. The forests surrounding the structures are far more flammable, and lack of proper management has allowed them to become overgrown
Damn you. Damn you to Hell.
Wall Street has for years prided itself on being a “meritocracy,” arguing that its performance-based culture drives capital to the best trading ideas and the best deals. Despite research showing that companies with more diversity, and particularly more women in leadership, offer higher returns on capital, lower risk and greater innovation than firms without such leadership, Wall Street has been, and is, predominantly male at the top. Its trading floors are 90 percent men. This ignores studies indicating that members of homogeneous groups tend to trust one another too much, leading to potential market mispricings.
Homogeneity has led Wall Street firms to travel in packs, going after the same opportunities at the same time: junk bonds in the 1980s, tech stocks in the late 1990s and subprime lending in the run-up to the crash 10 years ago. In particular, when the subprime bet proved wrong, the big banks went essentially bankrupt and were bailed out by the United States government because officials worried that the economic cost of their failure would have been catastrophic.
Thus one can draw a line from the gender discrimination on Wall Street through to the lack of women — and lack of diversity of thought — in the industry to increased risk and to the financial crisis.
Uh-huh. “Research shows.” All we need is more vaginas, and this will be the land of milk and honey.
Upon due consideration, I say we give it a shot.
I thought I was going to have the most tortured logic article this morning, but noooooooo….. Brooks has to go and ruin it.
Lack of diversity of thought on college campuses, however, that’s totally OK.
That’s the right kind of diversity.
“Homogeneity has led Wall Street firms to travel in packs, going after the same opportunities at the same time: junk bonds in the 1980s, tech stocks in the late 1990s and subprime lending in the run-up to the crash 10 years ago. In particular, when the subprime bet proved wrong, the big banks went essentially bankrupt and were bailed out by the United States government ”
And it was all because a lack of diversity, not because the government had pumped up the market over and over again.
This is one of those jordan peterson examples of how the left adopts biological-essentialism whenever convenient
suddenly, women ‘think differently’ than men. merely being a women means you somehow have some quality that’s absent from a male dominated environment
when it comes to introducing them to the military, why, its “there’s no difference at all”. Research shows.
They pull the same nonsense with race. Like that story from yesterday saying our military is hampered by the lack of differently-wired non-white brains.
What a bunch of dumbasses! They should replace all those men with women and save 25% on payroll costs due to the totally existent wage gap!
Same ole Detroit. The implosion of the silverdome is screwed up. Explosives went off and nothing happened.
I would be surprised if no one was recording the actual (attempted) demolition.
Wheres the earth shattering kaboom?
+1 illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator.
I remember when the Silverdome was sold in the ’90s for $583K. A bunch of us young guys at work were pissed because if we had known about the deal we could all have chipped in and bought it.
Especially if when you see they tried to sell it back to Detroit for $30M.
Get to fuck around in your own arena for ten years or so (think of the pickup lines you could use) then unload it and rake in money? Who wouldn’t do that deal. It would be like being a poor man’s NFL owner.
The back taxes were th problem, not the sales price
That was the most Detroit thing that ever Detroited.
Meet ‘Supergirl,’ the World’s Strongest Teenager
Warty and OMWC enter the Octagon for her hand.
Too old for OMWC.
I mean, christ, she probably already has body hair.
Was it wrong that I assumed it was going to be a story about a ‘girl’?
Feels bad man.
361 is a stupid number for lifting. Who has 1/2 plates?
In two more years, would. And she’s one of (((us))) so obviously she’s calling on her reptilian power to do these feats.
Sounds awfully like “Putin”.
This article just annoys me. She’s not the strongest teenager. She’s the strongest female teenager. Unless they’re going for something like pound for pound, which is never specified. The NYT’s is relying on the effeminacy of its readers. Every high school football team in the country has stronger lifters. And it’s not particularly close.
Of course that’s what they meant. The male awards don’t matter anymore, so they don’t bother with distinctions. Don’t you even, bro?
But that argument doesn’t hold up. Investors in venture capital funds would have been as well off simply investing in the stock market over the past five to 15 years. That’s what I see in reviewing the data from the research firm Cambridge Associates: Investors in the high-risk, high-reward world of start-ups essentially did no better than they could have opening an account at their neighborhood brokerage. What might help those venture capitalists? First Round Capital reports that its investments in companies with a female founder have posted 63 percent better returns than men-only firms.
Maybe there’s just too much dumb money out there.
Probably because they receive more scrutiny. Sometimes risk-aversion is a good thing.
If there were such an obvious advantage to investing with female-run firms, why wouldn’t these venture capitalists be doing that already? Gee, it almost makes you think that maybe that statistic is bullshit.
Letters to the Local Rag: Unfortunate Comment Placement Edition
They all want cake
“Where’s the bride-to-be?” a vendor asked as I stared at his tower of orchids. I replied, “Well, there isn’t one.”
A lighting designer asked, “Are you making decisions for the lucky lady?” I cocked my head. “I am the lucky lady,” I said.
I had expected to be showered with attention and, more important, complimentary carbohydrates. Despite my “I’m getting married!” sticker, I found myself ignored.
If a straight person wrote this as satire, he’d get crucified.
The death toll must have been horrendous.
Let’s not argue about ‘oo killed ‘oo, this is meant to be an ‘appy occasion!
Good thing the author is gay, or he’d be getting chased by Pitchfork Nation right now for being an uncle tom.
I’m guessing this is the author.
In the original story he said:
So this guy is so sure he’s going to marry a white guy (OK, or Mexican or Asian) that he is focused on only interracial cake toppers? How bad is that on the SJW scale? I know the gayz have been slipping (now rank below muslims) lately due to their acceptance by the mainstream, but it should still be enough to paper over this faux pax.
Good lord.
A little too gay for your tastes?
Yes, “walking cliché” is not my type.
Letters to the Local Rag: It’s Always Trump’s Fault… Always….
If that was the case wouldn’t the same also hold true for his conviction? I don’t agree but maybe those handing down the sentence thought he’d suffered enough being a captive of the Taliban for however long it was along with the fact that the guy is apparently mentally ill.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (his DX) is pretty out there. How the hell did they miss that during the enlistment processing? He would have been DQ’ed right?
Presidents should be taught that in cases of military trials, they need to shutup.
I don’t disagree. I think they should shut up most of the time, but that horse left the barn a while ago it seems.
“I don’t know what happened, but it’s clear the police acted stupidly.”
The same does not hold true when the sitting president voices his opinions on FBI investigations of his former Secretary of States who also happen to be their political party’s presidential nominee, however.
Boob fact: The most sensitive part of a breast is not the nipple, but about one finger width about the top of the areola.
17, 25, 39 and best for last 48. 6 is kind of a butterface but Lordy what a rack.
4 7 12 and 32. maybe also 18 I would say
#48 is Ewa Sonnet. She’s mine.
12 wins. I’ll be back after she cleans out my bank account and leaves me broken, but happy, man.
When I noticed her veil, I wondered if she had just been to a funeral.
The second link about Flynn is the same as the first one.
I plead “Four AM.”
Do you know what I do to my orphans when they don’t dice my onions in perfect equal parts let alone make a mistake like that?
Turn them over to me for a struggle session?
/recoils in horror.
“Stop struggling!”
Cops Steal Innocent Musician’s Entire Life Savings, Claiming He Gave It To Them
There will be no justice until every single one of the thieves involved is strung up in the public square. Cops, DAs, judges, etc…
I’m not really joking.
Note to Wyoming DAs: I’m not planning any trips to Wyoming to put you on the gallows. Just observing the structural injustice of the system as designed and where it will inevitably lead to if it continues.
At least IJ is on this. Someone’s fighting the good fight.
It’s messed up but that guy handled that incredibly poorly. But he shouldn’t loose his money over it. When they ask you if you have drugs, cash, etc. The correct answer is “I have nothing illegal”
Didn’t a judge order they give it back?
Asset forfeiture = turning cops into thuggish thieves no different than mobsters who shake down people.
That’s the truth, the incentives are just terrible.
That’s blatantly untrue,…. my mob actually provides protection in exchange for their extortion money.
Err the mob not mine, *quietly puts Tommy gun back into violin case *
So… $25?
Anyone have a website builder service they recommend? Preferably one that is very user friendly, it looks like there’s a million of them out there
Purpose of the website?
Selling fireplace mantles and maybe some furniture.
For a small ecommerce website I would recommend using one of the SAAS platforms like shopify, bigcommerce, etc…
It’s not worth the effort to set up your own server and the security headaches are quite large.
I don’t want to set up my own server and all that goes with that. My bathroom closet isn’t nearly big enough for that anyway.
The platforms SC notes do all that for you, but do some research on how you want your payments process to work, if you want to have them handle credit cards etc.
Don’t get suckered into ‘standard’ systems that have a ‘shopping cart’ component; they’re usually not really geared for commerce.
What’s the main issue with shopping carts?
Some are good, some are bad. Often, they’re just a module built by a third party that “kinda works” with a standard site, and in these days of increased violations of security and identity theft, “kinda works” isn’t good.
Proper commerce sites tend to be built with payment processing as a central, integral component and it usually shows.
I’ll make a note of that. Thanks. Any recommendations?
I’m out of date on this stuff – most of my experience in researching this stuff dates back over 5 years – but I’ve seen Shopify recommended in places other than just here.
I use WordPress for my personal site, and SP used it for this one. No squirrels and even morons like me can make it work.
WordPress specialises in blogs more or less don’t they? Would I run into issues strictly doing commerce? I want to narrow down to two or three good options and then research them more thoroughly.
Now we’re in, “Uhhh, gotta ask SP and webdominatrix” territory. They set those kinds of sites up for people as part of their professional services. I’ll give SP a “heads up” when she comes downstairs for the noon football game so she can weigh in.
website builder cost good web developer jobs. Don’t be that guy
I had a web developer, he died three weeks ago. I don’t know any others, and frankly I don’t like dealing with any more people than I absolutely have to.
well this took quite a turn… sorry to hear that though …
Lol, yeah it happens. He was a hedonist, your body can only take so much methadone and Xanax. We had an arrangement, I was trading my skilled labor for his skilled web building service. Was a win win.
“your body can only take so much methadone and Xanax”
I’m gonna need to test this assumption.
It was a warning, not a challenge.
You don’t have to test it, thousands have already proven this point. But on second thought, have fun.
I set up e commerce sites for many different kinds of vendors. Feel free to email me at sp@ this website domain and I can talk to you (gratis) about the various considerations and solutions.
Ya know I am startlin’ to warm up to this Donald feller and his twittering
I had a year of lead up where I accepted the inevitability of Trump. Man, this was going to be great. After eight long years I could join in with everyone else in my social circles of making fun of the buffoon in office. Best case scenario, I could even move the needle on some of my friends views, making them more skeptical of the danger of creeping executive power.
Last two idiots in the office were terrible, but I liked them on some level. They were better than the alternative (President Gore? President Kerry? President McCain? President Romney? Holy fuck, what terrible alternatives) and they were people I wouldn’t mind having a neighbor. I disagreed with everything they believed in, but at least there was the sense that they were fundamentally decent people. Trump? Not in the least.
I enjoyed the tears on election day. I laughed at how easily the Washington critters and the press were trolled by the man and his supporters. I enjoyed the chaos Trump was producing. You can’t make changes if the foundation is rotten, and Trump was like a sledgehammer tearing it down.
I still hated the man as a person, and despised his policies, but he ripped the masks off of many deranged people.
As the year went on? Fuck. I find myself pulling for the guy. I admire the way he gets things done under the cover of smoke he lays down with his twitter approach. He’s been good on regulation. Good on taxes, and I’m sure we’re in less wars than we would have been under Clinton. Hell, he might even get us out of a decade and a half of wars. At least it looks like he’s putting our enemies on the ropes.
He’s not Rand Paul, but I’ll never get a President Paul.
Fuck it. I’m warmed to him. I’ll probably vote for him.
Not getting one of those stupid MAGA hats, though.
“Not getting one of those stupid MAGA hats, though.” How about a Trumpy Bear then? (this is actually a real thing)
I’m dating an ultra-liberal lawyer. I’m now thinking of getting one to send to her at her office as a gift. Send it with flowers, a small flag, and perhaps a card saying “I love you. Make Lawywering Great Again!” The reaction of her coworkers should well be worth the 40 bucks for the stupid thing.
I think there’s a reason she doesn’t take me to her office parties.
Well, that, and my tendency to drink too much and get in arguments.
Hey, at least you’ve got an exit plan if you ever wanna break up with her!
Make Attorneying Great Again. Fits the acronym.
I’d wear it.
Related: A local skate shop (I know the owners, who Trump supporters) have “Make America Skate Again,” hats, on officially licensed CCM gear. The owner’s afraid they’ll get sued by CCM.
Hell, he might even get us out of a decade and a half of wars.
Yemen, Somalia, Niger, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and god knows how many others, would like to have a word.
It’s gonna be tricky with that. Not having any military experience whatsoever, and being the kind of old fashioned guy he is, he’s gonna be trusting the generals and the old Pentagon critters who tell him “We cannot allow a vacuum in Yemen/Niger/Somalia/Iraq.” You’ve got all the traitors at State who have cushy jobs lined up with Saudi oil money constantly whispering about how important the House of Saud is.
The bipartisan consensus of US foreign policy is so completely pervasive in that town, it’s the hardest tide to swim against. If you presented a libertarian foreign policy and military transition act to the Congress, you would get maybe 50 votes in the House, and under 10 in the Senate. It’s just completely outside the Overton Window of American politics.
I mean, with Ron Paul out of the House, is there a single elected federal official making any kind of libertarian case on war and foreign policy?
It is ‘tricky’ enough, and blatantly so, such that believing Trump will do anything about it makes one look foolish.
Rule proving exception.
I’m thinking of getting one of the MAGA caps just so I can wear it around Silicon Valley, and watch people react as though I had just pissed in their gluten-free organic corn flakes.
That’s worth doing.
It’s not a libertarian tax plan, but I do find the wailing hilarious.
Women; they get an idea in their heads, and they just cannot let it go
A pervasive theme of all of these men’s coverage of Mrs. Clinton was that she was dishonest and unlikable. These recent harassment allegations suggest that perhaps the problem wasn’t that Mrs. Clinton was untruthful or inherently hard to connect with, but that these particular men hold deep biases against women who seek power instead of sticking to acquiescent sex-object status.
A month ago, Rebecca Traister wrote in New York magazine that with the flood of sexual harassment charges, “we see that the men who have had the power to abuse women’s bodies and psyches throughout their careers are in many cases also the ones in charge of our political and cultural stories.” With the Lauer accusations, this observation has come into sharper focus on one particular picture: the media sexism that contributed to Hillary Clinton’s loss.
The 2016 presidential race was so close that any of a half-dozen factors surely influenced the outcome: James Comey, racial politics, Clinton family baggage, the contentious Democratic primary, third-party spoilers, Russian interference, fake news. But when one of the best-qualified candidates for the presidency in American history and the first woman to get close to the Oval Office loses to an opponent who had not dedicated a nanosecond of his life to public service and ran a blatantly misogynist campaign, it’s hard to conclude that gender didn’t play a role.
Men be keeping ’em down. Self-reflection is for chumps.
I swear. Hillary can skin a live baby seal, drink its blood, and then rip its heart out while mocking the Inuit on live TV and there’d still people idiots who would defend her.
Whats not to defend? Assuming that it is her baby seal.
That’s pretty much what I thought of Obama while he was in office. He could kill and eat a baby on live TV and he’d have apologists lining up to defend him and call anyone who objected to infant cannibalism a racist.
“What Obama really meant when he did this” by the Vox Editorial staff
“ran a blatantly misogynist campaign”
Run by Kellyanne Conway.
‘Cause Obama’s 2008 primary campaign totally wasn’t misogynistic against Clinton (remember PUMAs) and his presidential campaign against McCain/Palin had no misogyny either.
they’ve been polling favorability ratings of hillary clinton since the 1990s.
she’s never been lower. and she was plumbing depths in the period up to the election. if there’s one fact you can’t deny, it is that people simply do not like her. and that’s compared to *other politicians*, who no one likes to begin with. and she’s lower than any of them.
Um, I’m pretty sure not one male in the country (her husband included) is thinking of her as a sex object.
Well it looks like Webb Hubbell thought of Hillary as a sex object once upon a time.
I’ve seen photos of 1960’s era Hillary that leave me… conflicted?
World’s deepest fish found 7,966 meters down
were going to need a longer line
Yeah, but how many feet is that.
Leagues or GTFO
Fathoms bitch.
1.65 leagues.
Feet? Landlubber. That’s 4,356 fathoms.
so no anchovies is what you are saying
Worlds deepest fish: Dude have you ever just looked at your fin? there could be millions of oceans in one of those scales, man.
Cloaca gazing.
I’ve always wondered how creatures can live that far down in such a pressurized environment. The linked article said it’s like having the weight of an elephant pressed on you. What are these fish made of that let’s them survive?
living things are mostly water and water is in-compressible.
The Chinese public give their verdict on Justin Trudeau
The theme running through nearly all of the complaints is a man in a position of power who saw the women around him not as competent colleagues or as even sovereign human beings, but as sexual objects he could either proposition to boost his ego or humiliate to feed a desire for domination.
It’s funny how these people utterly dismiss the notion of women as independent actors, with their own sexual needs, desires and agency. I guess “enthusiastic consent” is just a myth perpetrated by the patriarchy to cover up the fact that every single penetration of a vagina by a penis is not merely rape, but a crime against humanity.
Sperm chronicles episode 4 – better living through chemistry edition:
The final installment of the sperm facts chronicle will outline various pharmacological interventions you can try to enhance your ejaculation experience! Ones with an asterisk I have personally tried and can vouch for the description, though YMMV. This does not constitute medical advice blah blah blah, is off the hook. Also I will stay away from illegal drugs since I’m sure you bunch of degenerates already know all about those.
Yohimbine* – Probably the best bang for your buck (pun intended). Primarily an alpha2 adrenergic antagonist, this has a dual action of relaxing soft muscle tissue and upping your nitric oxide and noradrenaline. Was the original drug prescribed for erectile dysfunction before PDE5 inhibitors came on the market. It has the added benefit of increasing desire and actually acting as an aphrodisiac in both genders. No longer prescription, you can buy it over the counter now, but be careful; many vendors sell “proprietary formulations” or “yohimbe”. Yohimbine is the chemical extracted from the yohimbe plant, but you don’t know what you’re getting if you get that stuff. My recommendation is PrimaForce brand, always had good luck with that. Cons: can and will make you jittery if you take too much. Experiment with low doses until you find something you’re comfortable with. Once you find a dose you can tolerate, this will turn the event up to 11.
PDE5 Inhibitors* – Viagra, Cialis et. al. The famous little blue pill was originally designed as a blood pressure medication since it relaxes blood vessels, thus lowering overall pressure in the circulatory system. During clinical trials it was found that it increased pressure elsewhere IYKWIM. Pfizer quickly abandoned stupid heart conditions (who needs that?) and proceeded to make zillions of dollars selling penis pills. These work as advertised. They will give you a huge erection when you need it; possibly enough of one that you can continue going for round two without stopping. They do not help with desire or orgasm like Yohimbine however, so if you feel like punishing your partner with your penis for unspecified crimes against humanity, combine the two.
Cabergoline* – As stated in a previous sperm chronicle, the male refractory period is due to a surge of prolactin from the pituitary; prolactin is profoundly anti-sex and hyperprolactinaemia is a potential cause of overall dysfunction in both genders. This drug (nominally a Parkinson’s drug) will, over the course of a week or two, reduce prolactin essentially to zero. So, if your partner says come again? (and again, and again, and again….) this is the drug for you. Personal experience, it works; but I found the side-effects intolerable. It made me very irritable and gave me headaches. I also didn’t want to risk DAWS, so I swore it off. If it agrees with you though, it sure is fun.
Clomid* – Typically prescribed to sub-fertile women trying to get pregnant. Something about the mechanism of action causes an increase in testosterone in such a way that it *drastically* increases semen volume. I noticed no change in overall function/desire, just a transformation from the Rio Grande to the Amazon at the end. So, if you or your partner are into the whole getting massively hosed down thing, this is for you.
Wellburtin – Noradrenaline/dopamine reuptake inhibitor that’s usually used as an atypical antidepressant. Not FDA approved, but sometimes prescribed off-label for low sexual desire in women. I’ve heard anecdotal reports of multiple ejaculatory capability in men, similar to Cabergoline.
Melanotan II – Off-market investigational drug that is supposed to be the holy-grail of aphrodisiac drugs; though I remain skeptical. Reports I’ve read say it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread for both men and women and will immediately turn Ward and June Cleaver into Peter North and Jenna Jameson. Not sure of how to get a hold of it, though if you have connections at chemical supply companies you might be able to get it for “research purposes, not human consumption”.
L-Dopa – Dopamine enhancer and the prototypical Parkinson’s drug. This is strong stuff I’d recommend against. Laden with side effects (some potentially permanent), if you’re this desperate to get off you might consider heading to Casa de Weinstein treatment facility cause you have a problem.
Add your own comments below this wall of text that I’m sure no one read!
You forgot to include the old standby treatment, injecting cocaine into your penis.
The guy waited for three days? What an idiot.
The patient’s penis fell off by itself.
Always an attention getter.
Yohimbe works for a lot of people but be careful taking the stuff if you have high blood pressure or heart problems. Getting laid is a blast and all but it ain’t worth stroking out or having a coronary.
I’d also recommend caution in those with preexisting anxiety problems since, as a stimulant, it can definitely ramp that up in vulnerable individuals.
Also, good warning on the LDopa too, like autoerotic asphyxiation the payoff isn’t really worth the risk-that shit’s dangerous and definitely not worth the risk unless you have Parkinsons.
This made me laugh Q
I aim to please.
If you know what I mean…
congrats to sloopy? I hope the committee puts ucf in at #4 over OSU or Bama.
OSU got in last year without winning the division let alone the league championship – same exact situation as Bama. I think the precedent was set then. Though I agree that UCF is deserving (at least amongst the Div1- teams).
It’s not about who’s the most deserving, it’s about who’s the best four teams. UCF would get smoked by Clemson, Georgia, Oklahoma, Bama, and tOSU. If they get in the playoff, you’re giving one of Clemson, Georgia, Oklahoma a bye week.
It truly sucks that there’s no clear cut 4th team this year, and that one of Bama and tOSU is gonna get in with a weak resume, but the mandate of the CFP is the best four teams, and it’s ludicrous IMO to think that UCF is one of the four best teams in the country.
Like Bama smoked Utah and Oklahoma smoked Boise St?
This UCF team is nowhere near the caliber of those teams.
08 Utah had 8 future NFL players on defense, plus a couple on offense. That was a very talented football team. UCF has maybe one or two draftable guys, depending on if an NFL team is willing to draft Griffin.
BSU needed 3 trick plays to go their way to pull that off, which shows the value of exceptional coaching and willingness to take risks, but I don’t think it demonstrates any wider lessons in terms of G5 competitiveness. Upsets happen, that doesn’t mean anything other than upsets happening.
I don’t think you could find anyone willing to wager straight up on UCF in the CFP against any of the three locks. You might get some sharp money if the spread is big enough, but there’s no way in hell a Georgia, Clemson, or Oklahoma loses outright in a playoff game to UCF. Baker Mayfield would probably set an NCAA passing record against UCF, they just got lit up by Riley Ferguson (although Anthony Miller is in fact the truth, so there’s that). The Clemson DL might literally kill that 170 pound QB of theirs, that’s four guys who will all play Sundays in 2018. Chubb and Michel would be racing each other to 300 yards and 3 TDs.
those 3, no. But they arent the competetion for the 4th spot. OSU, maybe. UCF has no defense, but they would score against OSU.
Yeah I think Hubbard, Bosa, and Jones by themselves could collapse the pocket pretty consistently on the UCF OL.
I thought the precedent was “Ohio State gets in, no matter what”. I suppose we’ll find out, but I expect OSU in there.
Yes that is the precedent for a certain subset of the population – intelligent overall save for one glaring defect.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is an external intelligence service of the United States federal government specializing in defense and military intelligence.
So how many intelligence agencies does the US have?
None really
The US Intelligence Community (and isn’t that an Orwellian fucking name?) is 16 government agencies, and an unknown number of private contractors. Around half the budget goes to private contractors, and around a third of the workforce is private contractors.
Land of the Free, right?
Some of the very intrusive stuff is actually farmed out to private contractors, for obvious reasons. Most notably, because some of those private contractors actually know what they’re doing.
We might have a new mascot.
The problem is that they’re dumber than a box of retarded rocks. Not a good mascot.
The LP has a good one – we could appropriate theirs.
h/t Doom.
it drank bourbon, not that dumb.
Florida possum?
I have a motion light in my back yard in the hope that I can keep the hordes of deer out from feasting on my apples. A couple nights ago, it went on and I went out with my bb gun to shoot any deer I could see in the ass. Instead I saw a possum scuttling under the deck.
I wish I had my mutt back. When he was still with me, he was terror on possums. I don’t know what smelled different, but he could tell if one was faking death or really dead. If it was faking, he would grab it and shake it by the head and break its neck. Then he would toss it around a few times as a game. His favorite was if you would pretend that you were going to go pick it up. Then he’d toss it again. Good times.
If he was still around, no way I’d have to worry about the possums and rabbits in the back yard. The deer would probably go unmolested because he was taught at a young age that running deer was a big no-no.
Those Amish are at it again.
Obvious British solution – ban acids.
… well duh, of course.
That’s the dumbass thing about these attacks. It’s like everything they (you know, those perfidious amish) know about chemistry comes from “The Phantom of the Opera”. Or maybe 7th century cultures that sanction barbaric mutilation can’t figure out what an alkali is, which, given its name, is rather odd.
Uh, just spitballin’ here, but maybe it’s because of decisions like this:
Good luck, Britain.
If they touch this third rail and actually do something about it, I will eat my hat.
Don’t eat condoms, Q.
My employer loves to have Get Well contests. You can sign up online to track how many steps you take for a month or how much sleep you are getting. Some of the challenges come with pretty good prizes (Fitbits, etc.). When a challenge starts up, you can sign up as an individual or as a team.
A couple challenges ago, I created a team called Jimmy and the Hats. I work with lots of foreigners who had never heard the slang “jimmy hat” before, so I talked them into joining my team. My boss was sure I was going to get in trouble at some point when the name of the team was finally detected.
Never did get in trouble and managed to teach a lot of Spaniards, Indians, and Mexicans a new American slang word.
It’s both a Scottish hat (from “See you Jimmy hat”) and that other thing, isn’t it?
“We’ve had a year of record-low volatility, strong returns and strong macroeconomic indicators,” said Michael O’Sullivan, chief investment officer for international wealth management at Credit Suisse. “But politically — we’re in a political recession. People have difficulty squaring the two.”
The firm’s global wealth report, released in November, showed that the world had grown wealthier in the last 12 months and not just at the top of the economic pyramid.
“The markets are focused very much on the business cycle, which is picking up,” Mr. O’Sullivan said. “That’s been a positive surprise, given how badly many people would have said the economy would have fared.”
In other words, the stock market is rising not because of Mr. Trump but in spite of him.
I have no idea why the market is so good, but it’s not Trump. It can’t be. That’s just silly.
“not just at the top of the economic pyramid”
But, but, trickle down economics is a LIE.
trickle down economics i is a lie given that no one seriously supports trickle down economics and it is basically a slur used by the left
No economist ever used the phrase
What the fuck does that even mean?
You know exactly what it means!
political growth has been negative for 2 quarters.
As a matter of fact, no, Trump has no effect.
We like to think that we have left behind such ancient notions as divinely sanctioned kingship and rule by chieftains who propitiate the gods and therefore make the fields fertile and the livestock fecund — or else displease the gods and bring upon us drought and plague. But we haven’t.
Survey results on Meet the Press:
Men say they are rethinking their behavior toward women in the workplace.
No shit.
“After the break, we’ll talk about the new discovery that fire is hot”.
Doris Kearns Goodman is quoting Bobby Kennedy to prove sexual misbehavior is bad. No quotes from his brothers.
LBJ’s Lewinsky out there shilling.
Given DKG’s record, someone should check her sources.
Need a strong dark cup of derp to wake you up this morning? Read the comments for this tweet. I can’t believe there are people as disconnected from reality as this.
Sheesh. I thought this one was the winner:
“23 million uninsured people gained health insurance, pre-existing conditions as a disqualifier was banned, an economy-saving stimulus package was passed, investment in green energy increased, etc etc. “Not doing everything” “Not doing shit.””
But then I read this: “In 2008 you charge Bush admin for war crimes and CEOs for destroying the economy, just as a start.” Part 1 is up for debate but what does part 2 even mean?
Sub 3% growth is not fucking American normal. America booms. We boom big. People invest, people create, people make fucking money. That’s how we roll. Giant Cadillacs with big fins. Giant screen TVs. Boom boxes. Expensive suits. Steaks that cover the plate.
This isn’t fucking Europe you whining fuck. We want prosperity, we want economic growth. Obama was a fucking Lost Decade with his active hostility to the creation of wealth, to success. Fuck him, I built that, it’s mine.
Grasping parasites.
Worse than that. The stimulus didn’t go into effect until late 2009 but which time there were signs of a recovery which the stimulus & ACA stunted.
The economy was picking up in 2009 because your average citizen knew Obama was President and they knew that an intelligent, knowledgeable black man was in charge and would fix things and punish those responsible for the economic crisis.
The economy is picking up now because the corporate fat cats realize that Trump is in charge and they can start lying, cheating, and stealing again because Trump won’t punish them.
One of my favorites
OMG, the comments.
It’s hard to pick a winner. The further in you read, the more stupidity you find.
I like the “C Jam Blues”.
we’re in a political recession
What the fuck does that even mean?
Electoral pilferage.
Earlier, Doris was lamenting the loss of reverence for politicians, in this day and age. Sad.
Shorter Doris: Get off my lawn!
It really is a shame that Doris and David Brooks never had a kid together. Think of what a little bootlicker that fucker would have been.
Who knew Pat Sajak was a deplorable?
I’ll never be able to watch Wheel of Fortune the same way ever again.
Funniest part were the people in blue states whining about losing their ability to deduct their state taxes.
Funny response:
It can’t be theft because you don’t know how else to pay for those SERVICES!
I remember many talking heads saying the same thing to Warren Buffet a few years back when he was complaining that he wasn’t being taxed enough.
No one is stopping you, retards, the toilet is right over there. Flush away.
I own a few shares in Berkshire so I get invited to the annual meeting. I’ve never gone but one of my fantasies is to go with one of those “extra tax” forms filled out with Buffet’s name and address. Then in the question time, I would go to the mic, hold it up and challenge him to sign it and write a number on it then and there.
Sigh. Never gonna happen, but it’s a nice fantasy.
A or B?
B. Even if I had the cash to buy A, I doubt I’d drop that much on shares in one company.
I was watching Wheel of Fortune several years back on President’s Day. Vanna innocently asks Sajak who his favorite president was. He answers without hesitation William Henry Harrison. Vanna gets a really confused look on her face and asks who and why. You could see it on Sajak’s face that he really wanted to yell out “because the fucker died,” but he contained himself and mumbled something about speeches before wrapping up the show.
Best Wheel moment.
He’s been a known shitlord for a very long time.
he has a great Hoover Institute interview on youtube about his political views vs ‘the rest of hollywood’. Game show hosts (looking at you, chuck woolery) seem to trend libertarian. Shocker.
i have doubts about alex trebec.
Trebec is a typical Canoodiun. Keeps his head down and mustache trimmed. Solid feller.
I like the tax reform bill. Until we get a libertarian congress or do away with representative democracy, the tax code will reflect the attempts of various interests to game the system. I wish it were simpler and less complicated, too. Let’s just scrap the income tax!
Short of that, one simple reform that might improve the situation is changing when taxes are due. How ’bout a constitutional amendment that requires taxes to be due on election day? You can pay your taxes and vote in the same place at the same time! People vote while the memory of figuring out and paying their taxes is still fresh in their minds. I suspect the tax system would quickly become much less confusing, and income tax rates would probably drop quickly as well.
Cutting the corporate tax rate was a good, smart thing to do. It’s amazing that we didn’t do that during the recession–if you don’t consider that we had a Central Planner in Chief.
I’m also fond of the provision that eliminates the deduction for state taxes. In the short run, that will increase my taxes, but in the long run, that necessarily means there will be lower taxes and/or lower spending in California than there would have been otherwise. There are more negative consequences for legislators for spending and taxes than there were before.
Besides If Federal taxes are higher than they would be otherwise to make up for lost tax revenue because Sacramento raised state taxes to build a bullet train, then how is that fair? Why should the the people of Texas pay higher federal taxes because California builds a bullet train? That’s just one example of the effect I’m talking about, but you get the point.
But the worst part of the deduction for state taxes was the moral hazard that it created for Sacramento. If one of the reasons that California is a one party, progressive state is because the federal tax code helps shield the Democrats from the wrath of voters over high taxation, then, for goodness’ sake, take their fig leaf away. If one of the reasons Sacramento can spend so much money is because the federal tax code helps shield California’s taxpayers from the negative consequences of Sacramento’s own misbehavior, then that needed to stop before Sacramento’s behavior could start to improve.
It’s a new day in Sacramento. Not like yesterday at all. Suddenly, legislators will need to answer questions asked much louder than before. Questions like, “Who’s gonna pay for this?”
I have never thought it was a coincidence that Tax Day was pretty damn close to six months away from Election Day. Move Tax Day to the first Monday in November, I think there would be some movement on the tax needle.
I searched through this entire post, and not a single mention of Paul. I feel cheated.
I like the tax reform bill.
That just says it all about you Ken.
Questions like, “Who’s gonna pay for this?”
Same answer as now “somebody with more money than you”. Politicians play voters for suckers because that is what they are.
What’s not to like about cutting corporate taxes?
If taxation is theft, corporate taxation is double theft.
If communism is when corporate taxes are 100%, then lowering corporate taxes is moving away from communism.
If you don’t like making the private share of our GDP bigger at the expense of the government’s share because Ken Shultz is in favor of it, then that says a lot about you, Juris Imprudent.
I like Williamson’s description – a dog’s breakfast of tax reform.
And the “private share” of GDP isn’t about the tax side, it is the spending side.
Ultimately this will prove a grossly inadequate effort at fixing our tax system. And that idiot partisans jump up and down with joy, or even smile serenely, says all that ever needs to be said about them.
“The ‘private share’ of GDP isn’t about the tax side, it is the spending side.”
Either this is patently absurd, or you’re playing word games.
The question is whether those profits are spent by government or private businesses and their owners.
The answer is that the more those decisions are made by owners and businesses and the less how that money is spent is decided by government, the better and more capitalist the economy.
The idea that cutting corporate taxes more than 40% (from 35 to 20) is somehow insignificant of a big mess from a capitalist or libertarian perspective is also patently absurd.
Cutting the tax on corporate profits by 40% is not a dog’s breakfast–no matter how you like to describe it.
Let me ask you Ken – in cutting the corporate tax rate, did they also remove all manner of carve-outs (such that currently, corporations don’t pay anywhere near the nominal rate)? Or did they leave in all the special-pleadings that very big money lobbyists secure for their patrons? And as I recall, and perhaps I am wrong on this, is not all of this stamped with an expiration date (vice being permanent)?
Let us say you are CEO of a corporation about to make a sizable investment – do you rely on the provisions of this over a timetable of more than 10 years? Or do you expect that within the next election cycle or two, absent consistent lobbying to your company’s benefit, that the monkeys will be fucking the football again?
So no, I’m not impressed with the Republicans and their apologists patting themselves on the back.
That might backfire. We already have soft robbing peter to pay paul going on. How do you think things will go for people who on tax day get rebate? Many of them treat it as free money instead of money they were supposed to have been paid and instead loaned to the government interest free.
Opossum in Florida gets drunk after breaking in to liquor store
A Florida opossum has recovered after having one too many sips of bourbon while celebrating Thanksgiving.
Employees at Cash’s Liquor Store in Fort Walton Beach went back to work the day after Thanksgiving and discovered a strange sight: an opossum next to a broken and empty bottle of bourbon.
“A worker there found the opossum up on a shelf next to a cracked open bottle of liquor with nothing in it,” Pettis told the newspaper. “Assuming the opossum drank it all, he brought her to us, and we looked over her and she definitely wasn’t fully acting normal.”
The staff pumped the marsupial with fluids to flush out the alcohol in her system. She sobered up in a few days and was released on Thursday unharmed.
The refuge center posted on its Facebook page Friday a photo of the opossum with the caption: “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: a drunk opossum in a box! This sly, and currently slurred, opossum snuck its way into a liquor store and discovered some holiday cheer of its own. A police officer brought the animal to us for medical treatment and is expected to be released soon.”
*nudges Derpy* #28 up above.
As the Japanese proverb says, even monkeys fall out of trees.
Q beat you to it.
OT: Had a random pseudo-flashback to elementary school today…
I remember reading a paragraph in a “social studies” textbook that said something to the effect of this: “The United Nations brings nations together to work out their problems peacefully instead of fighting. For example, [country A] and [country B] had been fighting, but after talking it over, they agreed to stop the war and be friends again.”
This is why the government has no place in schooling.
“Children! Do you want to be like the real UN? Or do you just want to squabble and waste time?”
Nothing yet about how one of the lead investigators for Mueller is a big Trump hater (and Hillary lover)?
Not only that but the the investigator, Peter Strzok, got caught because he was sending texts to a top FBI lawyer that he was having an affair with.
The real outrage is that the FBI stonewalled Congress about all of this. Congress had heard rumors of something going on and asked for a briefing. The FBI denied anything was going on.
Any ex-FBI (or intelligence agency) folks on here? I know we have a bunch of people who have been in the military. I know when I was in, they made a big deal about the fact that the military reported to the civilians. If Congress said do something, we would do it because that was how it was.
Do the intelligence agencies not believe that? Look at James Clapper lying to Congress and not getting into any trouble. Also, the FBI has been stonewalling all sorts of Congressional requests.
I’d love for Trump to use this witch hunt to go clean house. Take Clapper’s pension away from him at a minimum. Reduce the FBI’s headcount by at least half.
the investigator, Peter Strzok, got caught because he was sending texts to a top FBI lawyer that he was having an affair with.
And the punchline is that his reassignment after getting caught, was… HR.
People mock the whole “Deep State” thing as some kind of Trumpkin conspiracy theory, but this is reality. The bureaucrats have an extraordinary amount of power, and in terms of oversight there is very little because when push comes to shove, they cry “We are unbiased, nonpolitical civil servants, and this politician is attempting to use politics to be political and that’s bad.” Which is, of course, a lie.
I think the agencies also get a break when the Pres and Congress are held by different parties. Like you said, it gives them the cover of claiming it is all politics.
Maybe there is hope though. Contempt of Congress charges are being prepared.
I hope they go for it.
I’m reminded of something tarran wrote during the election about what the new president needs to be able to do: Stare down the bureaucrats and win.
The entrenched bureaucracy is currently the most powerful branch. It is full of “WeeBee’s” as in “we be here before you got here and we be here after you are gone.” I spent way to much time and energy fighting that attitude and nobody has beat it. Even Bob Gates complained he could not beat it when he was the SecDef.
That civil service protection act really bit us on the ass. Thanks, Chester A. Arthur.
Bring back the spoils system!
I think the Pendleton Act on its own wasn’t enough. It took other elements, like the ability of Federal employees to unionize, the shift in focus from administration to policymaking, and the courts giving deference to executive agencies on questions of law, to really establish the Federal bureaucracy as the unaccountable fourth branch it is today.
Using a $5,000 grant from Planned Parenthood, a pro-abortion student group at Brandeis University is preparing to install a vending machine on campus that will dispense abortifacient drugs free of charge.
Brandeis already offers Plan B to female students at its Health Center, but administrators have expressed strong support for the vending machine as a way of making the drug even easier to obtain.
Can I have an alcohol, tobacco, and firearms vending machine?
Wouldn’t it be better to have a vending machine for birth control instead?
Unlike abortion, at least one of those items is constitutionally guaranteed, without a need for any penumbrae or emanations.
Not sure I’d by something from a vending machine if it emanated anything ….
Thanks to the efforts of three George Washington University student groups, tampons and pads will now be available for free in all main campus buildings.
The “People for Periods” project, put together by the Feminist Student Union, Student Association, and The Store, also claims it will help students “be comfortable in class” and “start conversations on campus to destigmatize having a period.”
According to The Hatchet, the groups noted the project will “especially help” lower income students who have difficulty paying for the feminine hygiene products. That is, if you consider $9 per box of 36 tampons and $15 per box of 48 pads “pricey.”
Feminist Student Union president Lauren Courtney contended that it’s “not fair access to education” if you’re “bleeding in the middle of class and […] can’t pay attention.”
And have no fear — the gratis products will also be available in men’s and gender neutral restrooms as “some people who have periods do not identify as female or use the women’s bathroom.”
I’m sure the money for all of this comes from private donations, right?
The new avatar just makes me think of this for some reason.
So, tuition rate of $50k/year but can’t afford basics.
OTOH: private university so I care less.
Keep it up everyone. I enjoy how you’re delegitimizing universities and Leftism in general one delusion at a time.
Unfortunately there is no one in charge with any common sense who can stop the bleeding.
“Hillary Clinton campaigned against Trump with the claim that at least half of his supporters could be put in what she called a “basket of deplorables.” Now, she’s admitted that her 50-percent estimate was overstated by about 49.5 percent.”
During the blitz on London, psychologists researched the effects on the population. They found there were basically 3 groups.
The ones who narrowly escaped death or saw people get killed or wounded were the most demoralized.
The ones who only witnessed minor destruction were unaffected.
The ones who were close enough to hear the explosions but far enough away not to be affected had increased morale.
They concluded that small amounts of fear provide a morale boost.
The desire for revenge is powerful, especially when the cause of your outrage is somewhat abstract.
So Alabama makes it in over Ohio State. I hope Sloopy can be contained during his mental break and not hurt anyone or himself. The committee says the total body of work of Alabama was better than OSU’s and the Iowa loss was too great to overcome. I think they got it right, but I’m not sure it matters. One team can lose to Clemson just as well as the other.
If Ohio State had destroyed Wisconsin (like they did a couple of years ago) they would have had a good chance. The big loss to Iowa was just too much.
One reason I don’t watch football is because CBS thinks it knows which game I want to watch better than I do. Well, they’re wrong.
The NFL can immediately increase viewership by coming into the 21st century and offering a la carte games. So many people don’t live in the cities of the teams they root for.
OK, weird. Just cleaning out the workshop, and I find some NiCad ‘C’ Cells. I bought them on 2/1/2000 – I label all my rechargeables – an uncharacteristically OCD habit.
I presume there’s no point even slapping these suckers in a charger – all they’re good for is throwing into the landfill so they pollute Gaia, I guess.
Why not at least try?
They’ll probably take a charge, but I can’t expect ’em to hold it very long. But you’re right. Better to go forward with hope, than hang back in misery.
Heh. How quickly we forget how far tech has advanced.
‘C’ cell NiCad, ‘Premium Grade’, 1.2V, 1200 mAh.
OK, got my answer. One’s getting distinctly hot, the others are dead as doornails.
Shame they’re out of warranty.
I had to replace my car battery last month. The old one had a three-year warranty, and lasted three years, six weeks.
Maybe you have a 20-year-old flashlight sitting around somewhere that takes C cells.
I have an emergency radio that has a built-in dynamo, and that’s about it.
I guess I could just drop ’em in a sock and use ’em for personal defense.
I thought rechargeable batteries were much lighter than traditional batteries.
I’ll use the same logic as I’ve used on courses. “OK, if the 22 is a weak-ass pitiful defensive round, go over there and I’ll shoot at you with a few”
I’m not starting my job tomorrow. The sub contractor that is hiring me is waiting for “final approval” from the corporate HQ of the prime that owns the contract. This prime contractor is an Immense Bureaucratic Megalith.
*The* Immense Bureaucratic Megalith?
Hope they sort all that crap out soon, KK. Still, means you’ll be here entertaining us from about 10 Eastern.
My Pa worked for *The* Immense Bureaucratic Megalith for 25 years. I called him and asked if he ever embezzled any money or sexually harassed anyone when he was there, because seriously – WTF is the holdup?
Forget it Kristen, it’s IBM.
“WTF is the holdup?”
Did I ever tell the story about the time I tried to get a job for the post office? I tried to get a job as a temporary mail carrier during one summer.
My application and interview went fine. The problem was the state office. They thought I was applying in a town with a similar name. They kept calling that post office and the people there said they received no application. Of course, I did not find this out until much later.
I waited 3 weeks for a reply before I went to go work on a loading dock.
So long story short, I didn’t get the job because the *post office* made an address mistake.
Immense Bureaucratic Megalith.
Debut album good, but subsequent releases have failed to live up to expectations.
I guess I could just drop ’em in a sock and use ’em for personal defense.
Innovative solutions are what made this country great.
“Mr. Simpson, how do you respond to the charges that petty vandalism such as graffiti is down eighty percent, while heavy sack beatings are up a shocking nine hundred percent?”
Not my innovation, it was standard when I was a kid in bad areas of town.
A sock full of english pennies (about 5/4in in diameter) or anything else you could plausibly be carrying around as a kid made a very serviceable blackjack if you needed it. If stopped by the rozzers, just make sure the sock disappears or at least isn’t holding the stuff.
Don’t knock it, a half brick in a sock has saved Discworld more than once.
8 oz. – 12 oz. torpedo sinkers for us. If you were nice, you’d pound in the eyelets on the ends, but then it looked like a weapon; leave the eyelets alone and it’s just a heavy fishing weight that just happens to fit in a hand just like a roll of quarters with pointy parts on either end.
Apology in advance for the “Load More” button, but it’s worth reading for the sheer insanity.
From a NYT article about teh Roosky collusionz
“The Kremlin believes that the only possibility of a true reset in this relationship would be with a new Republican White House,” Mr. Erickson wrote to Mr. Dearborn, adding, “Ever since Hillary compared Putin to Hitler, all senior Russian leaders consider her beyond redemption.”
Golly, what a surprising- nay, astounding!- revelation.
The main thrust of the article is about some guy who claimed to have enough pull with the Russians to get Trump and Putin in a room together.
How do we know this?
A May 2016 email to the campaign adviser, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line “Kremlin Connection.” In it, the N.R.A. member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn’s longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders.
Russia, he wrote, was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would attempt to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., to make “‘first contact.’” The email, which was among a trove of campaign-related documents turned over to investigators on Capitol Hill, was described in detail to The New York Times.
A little birdy told them.
democrat operatives ‘reaching out’ to the Trump campaign is cited as ‘evidence’
I missed it, if this follow up has already been noted here.
A hunter accused of fatally shooting his neighbor after mistaking her for a deer was arraigned on a charge of second-degree manslaughter on Thursday in a western New York court.
The hunter, Thomas B. Jadlowski, 34, was also charged with hunting after legal hours in the Nov. 22 death of Rosemary Billquist. Ms. Billquist, 43, had been walking her dogs in a field near her home when she was struck in the hip by a bullet fired by Mr. Jadlowski, officials said.
In announcing the charges, which carry a potential prison sentence of five to 15 years, the authorities in Chautauqua County — about 65 miles southwest of Buffalo — reiterated that they had no reason to believe that Mr. Jadlowski had intended to harm Ms. Billquist.
Sometimes the consequences of stupidity are harsh.
I’m not a hunter, but having shot guns for several years it strikes me as pretty much gun safety 101 that you don’t shoot at something you kinda think is probably a deer, know what I’m sayin’?
Know your target. Not only gun safety 101, but hunting 101 as well. You accept full responsibility for any consequences that occur after you pull that trigger.
There’s so much fail to that. Apparently poaching, on land known to be used regularly by other members of the public, in poor lighting.
I’m no hunter, but I’d think a long gun would have made more sense in that scenario, along with, y’know, not being a goddamn idiot.