Hey, guys. Sounds like somebody has a case of the “Mondays”! **finger guns** Me, I have to get on a plane tonight and be out in the world for a couple of days for work. Which sucks. I actually have to groom. Apparently, my work-from-home look is a little too close to “why is there a bum in our lobby?”. Also, let us all wish the Sloopster good luck in his auction tomorrow. May his crowd be full of people who are flush with money and bad at value.
Florida Woman sentenced to five years in prison for tax fraud. Based on some family experience, I can say that this is about the going rate in FL.
FBI gives the ATF list of 4000 people who should not own guns because of mental instability, violent criminal offenses, tells them “good luck and please go get those guns back. Hopefully not one bullet at time, brass separate.”
I take exception to Sen. Grassley’s characterization that money spent on alcohol or in the company of a certain type of woman is “blown”. Also, if I’ve spent $5M on booze and the type of woman who will hang out with me for money, I’m probably going to die pretty horribly of cirrhosis.

This is about enough money to buy a pack of gum. If there were any gum.
This is my favorite take on the Venezuelan crypto-currency: Government-Run Digital Currencies Could Disrupt U.S. Dominance. Just like Venezuela has created millionaires by debasing their paper currency.
You know who else was a finalist for Time’s Person of the Year?
Name the missing item in the links.
Relevant to the previous post; tits do in fact have rights separate from their owner and proportionate to their size. It’s the sliding scale of boob rights.
11, 14, 23, 39 but I think I might be in love with 30.
30 is the clear winner.
Have you been saving that gif for me?
We might have…we might have.
2 and 28.
Good luck with your auction, Sloops!
2 Months After The Las Vegas Shooting And Still Virtually Nothing Is Known
And apparently the survivors are now dying like the Final Destination – particularly those claiming multiple shooters. And no surveillance video has been released. And what is this stuff about people running out of Hooters at the same time?
Thank YHWH Q won’t let that happen to us.
We would have run IN!
Heroes run toward the tits.
I dunno, have you ever been to that hotel? While they have a restaurant the rest of it is like everything else on the strip–including a table for a scantily clad dancer in the pits.
I got a sunburn in Ireland. No way in Hell I’m stepping foot in a desert, even for Las Vegas.
That’s impressive. Are you an albino?
… more likely a ginger, with all that implies.
My hair is brown, sir. Only my beard is red. I have, at worst, half a soul.
more likely a ginger, with all that implies.
He’s a bleeder?
No, my body is capable of producing melanin. It just prefers not to.
The neon lights are too bright?
Probably. I’m not taking any chances.
*Dons tinfoil hat*
It was another lefty like James Hodgkinson. The country is so divided right now they cant afford to have too many of those so close together so they are trying to sweep it under the rug.
And there was probably more than one shooter.
I’m leaning towards the alleged shooter being kidnapped and held hostage in his room and then executed. I don’t think the guy was involved at all in this. Makes more sense all of the time that the entire thing was carried out to get gun control, which of course failed again.
Then wouldn’t have made more sense to do it in a blue state?
Nevada is not a blue state?
It isn’t. Nevada has permissive gun laws.
My conspiracy is he was some sort of informant or contractor for an intelligence agency. Maybe he was even forced into it. Something went sideways in the dealings he was up to, maybe they even lost track of him for a few days and this went down.
I’m thinking something like they had him set up as a dealer for some sort of gun deal for ISIS sympathizers.
Once that happened the involved parties wanted nobody finding out they helped cause this mess and buried all connections and pushed the “lone wolf” scenario.
Nothing weird about a Mercedes crashing into a gate and bursting into flames. Happens allllll the time.
Yeah, I’d like to know more about that hit and run too.
The only other time I remember it happening was when that kid in DC that the feds had been harassing, had the exact same thing happen. I can’t remember his name right off, anyone else remember that? It was very suspicious and I think the guy had been communicating with Edward Snowden or maybe Julian Assange. This shit is starting to get really creepy. I don’t know why, but I smell some Clintons.
Carl Benjamin posted a load of the alleged simultaneous footage about a day after.
‘scuse me,I just have to go and place a bet ….
This really is odd. I don’t think it would terribly difficult to figure out the guys motives. The fact that nothing has been released stinks to high heaven of a cover.
A cover up of what, I’m sure I don’t know.
I’m guessing he had no motives because he didn’t do any of the shooting.
The real shooter was Ted cruz’s father.
Weren’t there about 20,000 “survivors?” Some deaths in a group that big probably isn’t unusual.
We actually ran some rough numbers when the first stories started coming out. The reported deaths from traffic accidents of survivors was way above what you would expect. Don’t recall the details, but in the course of a month, you might get one survivor killed in a car wreck, and there were several.
*Note: no statisticians were injured, or even consulted, in the course of those comments.
So, for argument’s sake, if you approach it from the other direction can the numbers be explained? In other words, can you say that maybe there’s a higher rate of traffic-related deaths in the survivors because their cognitive functions are impaired as a result of stress, loss of sleep, PTSD, “survivor’s guilt”, stuff like that?
Also these aren’t just random survivors, they were at a redneck concert and redneck culture is rife with tragedy.
I like how you call anyone who listens to pop country a redneck.
I fucked up and my Jerry Jeff Walker/Ray Wiley Hubbard joke/reference got disappeared/Clintoned.
Depending on the circumstances. Mercedes bursting into flames? Umm, that’s not usual.
“Final Destination”
I love that movie.
The dead survivors. Did you read what happened to one of them? Their car crashed on burst into flames. Remember the young man in DC what was being harassed by the feds and the same thing happened to him? I mean cars just crashing and bursting into flames is not a really common occurrence. The Vegas shooting is truly one of the creepiest things I have ever seen. No one saw the shooter there, no video surveillance of him being there. Something is wrong.
I’m sure that’ll go fine.
*Checks list for own name, continues polishing bolt carrier*
“I spent most of my money on booze, women, and fast cars. The rest I just wasted.”
Sometimes it can be blown, depending on how you want to spend it with a certain type of woman.
I see what you did there….
Got insurance statements from my kidney stone adventure last month. Between the ER and the surgical center, it was about $35k of bills. That takes care of even my Obamacare-inflated deductible. Too bad it’s already December.
35K for a kidney stone?
ER, urologist, and surgery (since it was too large to pass on its own)
Wow even I am floored at that number man…
Must be some Obamacare billing logic that allows for that kind of money to be charged. Then again, my experience with this is through my mom and after her kidney transplant she has not done this sort of thing for over a decade.
Thanks, chargemaster!
Does anyone know how a charge master works. RC Dean maybe? I did some looking into it a few years ago and best I can tell is that the charge master is a random numbers generator.
Chargemasters are just master lists of charges for hospital services. They are a relic of the days when hospitals were regulated like utilities, and had to have their rates approved by a commission. The only use they have these days is for people who have no insurance at all – nearly every insurance contract is written as a percentage of Medicare (“we’ll pay 110% of Medicare rates for this service”).
You should never pay the chargemaster price. IF you are insured, it should never come up. If you aren’t, the hospital should do a payment plan to let you pay the bill over time, and heavily discounted – like, maybe 50%. Hospitals are also required to disclose their average managed care price (a little foggy on this, its been a few years since I had to deal with it), so you should be able to get that from them.
Thanks. I remember reading an article 5 or 6 years ago who went to several hundred different hospitals around the country trying to get a price from each for an appendectomy. If I remember right the prices he was quoted all came from the charge master and varied from a few 1000 to 25 plus thousand.
About 5 years ago I spent three nights in the hospital – no surgery*, and the bill was a little over $50k. I have good insurance through work. I paid a $50 copay for the ambulance ride.
*it was ICU though.
My wife was in the hospital for 10 days a couple of years ago, 2 minor surgeries. $38,000.
The Elite NK Soldier who defected – was sick as hell. Could they even field an army?
Mmmm….feces water!
Organic fair trade.
“An army marches on its stomach” – Napoleon, maybe.
If the conflict does heat up, we could probably win by moving our mess tents to the front lines with big banners saying “Defectors get all they can eat.”
The Golden Corral Gambit.
“Defectors get all they can eat.”
To which they’d wonder what all the gibberish in English was supposed to mean. At least until a few got the dinner experience.
Giant smokers. The smell of BBQ wafting over the front lines …
“It was gross to see intestinal worms actually coming out of people’s mouths after we took the syrup.”
Is their powder dry? Do all those arty shells sitting there still work? It is all old Equipment too AFAIK
Based on the numbers of delivery systems they have, primitive as they may be most of the time, even if 10% of their crap works, and it manages to last long enough to survive the return fire, and volleys off several rounds, they are going to be able to cause enough death and mayhem to dissuade anyone in today’s pussified world from wanting this scenario to happen.
Kim wants the nukes for 2 very important reasons: the crap his military can field can do a lot of damage if he starts a conventional war and lobs tons of rounds out at Seoul, but in the end, there is no way for his forces to win and he loses, and loses fast, because practically all their equipment is old crap, and he needs the nukes so if he does do that he can use that to hold back the retaliatory strikes. That, and he saw what the US did to Qaddafi after they made him give up his WMDs and WMD programs, and he wants to keep banging those skinny parasite infested hos.
Wow. To call those conditions Medieval would be an insult to the Medieval peasants.
Hey but they all have free healthcare, education, and no fucking evil korporashuns making profits!
And some of this might lead one to wonder how eager S. Korea is going to prove for reunification. I mean, imagine having to absorb a country where huge portions of even your elite are this badly cared for.
Neither South Korea nor China want to deal with the inevitable collapse. The South Koreans saw how West Germany took it in the ass after the reunification, and how badly it set them back, and North Korea would disgust the deprived and primitive East Germans because of how backwards they are. Just take a look at a night satellite image from space about that part of the world. Look at Japan, South Korea, and even the Chinese and Russian population centers and the light. That dark spot right above South Korea bordering China and Russia with what appears to be just a little bit of lighting? That’s the North Korean communist paradise the left tells us they can avoid if we but let them do it this time the right way with the right people.
Germany now controls Europe, so reunification wasn’t all bad for them.
That avatar is hilarious.
As the article notes, he was one of the country’s elite.
Imagine how bad it is for regular peasants.
I’m sure they really appreciated the open letter the New York Times published a few weeks ago.
Little Rocket Man could launch some rockets. If they were attacked by the USA, the would fold like a house of cards. In fact, I think if they just put a bullet in Kim’s skull, it’s all over.
“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley told the newspaper, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”
Chuckles has never been a particularly smooth talker. But I am pretty sure he is attacking the view held by the lower classes that rich people live as though they were in one of those fucking etrade commercials.
It’s kind of not even that. The people the estate tax hits are the ones who don’t even know they’re rich. They’re business owners, farmers and ranchers.
Exactly. When the value is tied up in hard assets, it can be difficult if not impossible to raise the cash necessary to satisfy the bloodsuckers.
Noticably, this is where Warren Buffett would stop in with either life insurance prior to or offering to buy out the company after the fact.
Your grandfather bought a corner bar in the ghetto 40 years ago with the money he got when a taxicab ran over his foot, fixed it up, joined the civic association, organized a neighborhood watch, lobbied the city government for more police patrols, leading to gentrification, leading to rising property values. He’s owned that bar for 40 years, he’s a pillar of the community, literally thousands of people came to his funeral.
Granpa was semi retired for the last 10 years, and the bar is in the good hands of a long time employee, who’s a surrogate brother to you. It’s a hard fucking conversation, to tell him that because of inheritance taxes, you’re gonna have to sell the bar, and that he needs to set up a meeting with all the staff to let them know they need to go find jobs. A year from now, it will be a Buffalo Wild Wings, and all the local progs who loved their local bar will bemoan the evil corporations who ruin small family businesses.
Fuck inheritance tax. It’s just another tactic of the left to ensure that everything actually belongs to the government to redistribute as they see fit.
Twitter troll in chief.
Damn it Q. I don’t beat you while trying to post links about boobs!
He has expanded his linking skillz!
The boobs are my guide.


¿Por qué no los dos?
Me gusta tu idea hombre!
“President Trump has offended pretty much the entirety of Britain’s political and media establishment up to and including the Prime Minister, the Mayor of London and the Archbishop of Canterbury.”
I’m failing to find a problem here.
I dunno. I found it a relief to be back at work on Monday. I’m hundreds of miles from “home” and in a place where I can do this and then drink all night without anybody telling me of the things I should be doing instead. I think I like being a hermit in Utica. Point is, this mother fucker is never going get a case of the Mondays again.
In other news, I can’t think of anything I want a President to actually do besides make some speeches and troll other countries on twitter. I would have loved Obama if he used his time like that, instead of trying to craft policy.
See Comment 9.
Have a steamed ham.
I know people hate VDare – but this is a well-cited article.
City’s Own Report Confirms Charlottesville Police, Politicians Conspired To Suppress Unite The Right Rally
I hate it because it’s a race baiting website. Even the name is derived from the first white person born in the ‘New World’. There are other articles discussing this same thing and they don’t appear on VDare.
I go there to read Derb.
I’m not trying to judge you off the websites you view. We’re all on this website
My dad is a big fan of derb. I used to listen to it with him some years ago. I don’t recall all that well, but from what I remember he was extremely anti immigrant. What is he good on?
“Charlottesville Police, Politicians Conspired To Suppress Unite The Right Rally”
No shit.
Yeah, its perfectly clear now (as we suspected) that the Charlottesville PD desperately wanted to shut down the alt-righters, but could only do so with an “unlawful assembly”, which they only get if there was violence. So they sat back and let the riot roll. IOW, antifa and the PD had exactly the same plan and goal : to use violence to shut down the protest.
There should be a whopping civil case in there somewhere.
Assuming there’s a law firm with the stones to defend them in court.
Re: avoiding the death tax, I don’t see why more people don’t start 501c3
family foundations and donate all their assets to it until they personally have nothing valued above the taxable threshold.
From my past experience working with wealthy families this is what most of them seem to do to preserve intergenerational wealth. Everything runs through the family non profit which effectively owns everything, with a board made up of all that family’s membership so no one person can make all the disbursement decisions.
You cannot form a 501(c)(3) to just support yourself or your family: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exemption-requirements-section-501c3-organizations.
“The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3) organization’s net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.”
You can set up a trust, to avoid the death tax.
Unless your last name is…
-10 game points
Hotblack Desiato? (showing my age)
He only spent a year dead…for tax purposes.
Isn’t that the best reason to be temporarily dead?
Also…avoid alimony?
It could be argued that alimony is…
Oh, nevermind.
Global Initiative?
Same as this guy?
Just put your family on the payroll.
See, Foundation, Clinton.
You know who else didn’t scroll up?
You cannot form a 501(c)(3) to just support yourself or your family:
No, but there are ways to use them as, essentially, a tax-deductible/tax-exempt savings account.
It gets quite complicated, and involves whole life insurance, but once it is set up you can deduct up to half your income every year (if you donate that much to the 501(c)(3)), and the punch line is that when you take money out of the 501(c)(3) after you retire, it is as a loan, which is not taxable income to you. So, tax deductible going in, tax exempt coming out. The loan, BTW, is secured by the life insurance, so when you die, the loan is paid off and any surplus goes to charity. Downside: what goes into this tax shelter can’t be passed on to your heirs.
Isn’t there some evidence that the Kennedys do this using off shore trusts and loans secured by the trust assets?
I believe the Kennedys do have a similar trust thing set up. Vaguely recall that the Merchandise Mart in Chicago was a Kennedy asset placed in trust, and the heirs could get loans against the value of the Mart.
Now I understand why those CATO studies always conflate ‘illegal immigrants’ with ‘legal immigrants’ when they analyze crimes committed.
From the opinion piece:
“According to an article earlier this year at TheHill, “a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation.””
Makes this “FBI gives the ATF list of 4000 people who should not own guns because of mental instability, violent criminal offenses, tells them “good luck and please go get those guns back. Hopefully not one bullet at time, brass separate.” all the more absurd.
I guess ‘let sleeping dogs lie’ isn’t a wise dictum with law enforcement. They’re going to look for trouble.
I saw similar data for the number of violent felony convictions in Texas. A wildly disproportionate number of them are illegals.
Peak stupid?
Matel: Hijab Barbie, because #RESIST! We make toys
Everyone: My God this is so stupid. I think it’s peak moron
Pediatrician: Hold my beer. I’ll show you how it’s done, Matel
*Edit Fairy embed links…too big!*

Wow- ‘would’ the edit fairy
She looks like Jennifer Tilly when she was young.
She’s my favorite….
You know, I keep having a recurring thought when I read things like that – why should the vast majority of normal children be forced into accommodation for the very small number of gender confused children?
…forced into accommodation for the very small number of
gender confusedchildren with really fucked up parents?/fixed
Because if you can destabilize something as fundamental as one’s gender, you can destabilize reality itself and make the population that much easier to conquer.
Gender is now a functionally meaningless term.
I like how these people think that normal people are going to ascribe to made-up nonsense created in some college gender studies department.
Doctor: Congratulations- it’s a boy!
Mother: How do you know?
Doctor: It has a penis?
Mother: That’s some heteronormative bullshit
Doctor: Ok, it’s an amorphous child
Mother: That’s better
Gender is now a functionally meaningless term.
It is for a relatively small segment of the population.
A significantly larger segment of the population virtue signals its support for this while hypocritically acknowledging their children’s gender.
A significantly larger segment of the population still has no inkling this is even a thing.
So is sex. They say they are different until you segregate something by sex then they’ve are the same.
why should the vast majority of normal children be forced into accommodation for the very small number of gender confused children
To teach them (a) who their masters are, and (b) that their masters are in charge of everything. Its great indoctrination for a totalitarian state.
Slate mocking Friedman throughout this whole interview.
love this part:
[Editor’s note: Calling the government “democratically elected” is a stretch. The president of Yemen had stepped aside in 2011 amid protests, and a transitional, Gulf state–backed president was installed. The 2012 presidential election included only one candidate.]
May his crowd be full of people who are flush with money and bad at value.
Competitive bidders, who’ll pay triple the value of an item to keep that other bastard from *beating* them.
Supremes smack down activist federal judges.
I’m sure that stupid, futile gesture in judicial overreach was totally worth it #RESIST
This never should have made it to the Supreme Court. It never was a legitimate question whether he had the authority to do it or not. And it wasn’t a close decision here at 7-2. Should have be unanimous.
It’s nice to see the branches adversarial to the executive, though.
The dissenters are not surprising. I would love to know their reasoning though.
wo wo wo feelings?
Did the two dissents cite international law?
If only they’d be that way with non-Trump chief executives.
I am guessing Ginsburg and Sotomayor.
*clicks* Well, look at that.
They actually ruled against a president issuing an order specifically spelled out and granted to him by the constitution. Nice.
I’m kinda surprised they could get Ginsberg to wake up for the vote.
Hey, if dead Democrats can vote in an election, why can’t a sleeping one vote on a court case?
I’m not completely convinced that Ginsberg is still alive.
They actually ruled against a president issuing an order specifically spelled out and granted to him by the
constitutionstatute.Functionally irrelevant, since in either case it was spelled out. But, strictly speaking, it is Congress, and not the President, that sets immigration policy. The law enacted by Congress is what grants the President the authority to suspend the issuance of visas.
FBI gives the ATF list of 4000 people who should not own guns because of mental instability, violent criminal offenses,
Wouldn’t it have been simpler to give them a list of every cop in the country?
I was considering writing an article for this site called “Colin Kaepernick is an Asshole”, but, would it really be news to anybody?
As an asshole, I take offense to such a statement
No, but it might show up in a google auto fill and pique somebody’s interest.
The Clemson blog I read has a weekly feature during football season about all of the reasons to hate whoever that weeks opponent is. You could do something like that.
Playa’s 2-minutes of hate
I’d need more minutes than that.
Not according to Winston’s mom.
Pass the aloe, baby!
Will you leave Winston’s mom and what she says out of this please?
When does Winston’s Mom ever have time to speak?
*drops gloves and applauds*
So a series of guest posts on reasons to hate tOSU?
That actually sounds funny, which is not my intention here.
Asshole of the Week would be a fun feature. Challenging to narrow it down, though.
How does one get nominated?
Asking for a friend.
We *know* everyone who posts here is an asshole, so we’re all ineligible.
*kicks pebble*
pebblepuppy*Get it right and you might have a chance.
*kicks milk from Ted’s hand which falls on Playa’s floor. Ucs goes to clean up before the mice get to it but I treated towels with beeswax*
You could subdivide into sports, politics, international.
Asshole of the Week would be a fun feature
Should be titled “Christ, What an Asshole (Vol. __)”
Love this idea
Colin Kaepernick is the Nick Gillespie of mulattoes.
You just gave Just Say’n an orgasm.
Thank you for joining my effort to “Make Nick Gillespie An Insult Again!”
The white people of mulattoes?
The dissenters are not surprising. I would love to know their reasoning though.
This isn’t how statistics work, Judd. This isn’t how any of this works (on the tax bill’s repeal of the individual mandate):
So, forcing people to buy insurance against their will saved lives?
Also, seat belt laws totally save lives, because reasons
Seatbelt laws are the worst.
They’re just making shit up now. Why not? Nobody calls them out on it.
Umm…. how is the bill “causing” 13 million people to lose insurance? Are they not allowed to buy it anymore?
They’re not forced to buy it anymore.
If you don’t hear from me after the bill becomes law…
…just assume you went on a bender and will wind up in a story with the alt text, so which one of you was this?
I think we would all be better off if every single person in the country no longer had insurance and never got any ever again.
What studies is this clown referring to?
They made it a tax, it’s on them anyway.
Lies, damned lies, and bullshit statistics.
When Oregon created a Medicaid lottery (before the ACA), they had to really strain to show any benefit whatsoever, and could only come up with “people report being slightly happier and get diagnosed with diabetes at a higher rate”. Now, it saves lives? Give me a fucking break.
FBI gives the ATF list of
mass murderers, domestic terrorists, serial killers, anti-government dissidents.
aka, Glibertarians.com commentariat.
The definition of a serial killer is that you have to have killed 3 people with a rest period in between each. It’s not compatible with the first two!
It’s not compatible with the first two!
The first two Glibs?
Is that Sloopy and Swiss?
Ah, I understand, no rest.
*narrows gaze*
…and Methodists!
We are the white people of Christians.
“Could you repeat that, sir?”
Senate bill costs 13 million people to lose insurance = 15,600 deaths
That’s some damn fine ratiocination, Lou.
how is the bill “causing” 13 million people to lose insurance? Are they not allowed to buy it anymore?
Gronk gets a one game suspension for his late hit, which will probably be reduced to zero on appeal because it always is. Patriots fans will continue to somehow claim that the league is conspiring against them.
That was the most flagrant late hit that I’ve seen in a while. Also, his little stutter step before he plowed into the guy was effeminate. Yeah, I said what everyone was thinking
More flagrant than actual punches?
I’m a pats fan and I don’t think it was good.
That was a dirty hit, and Gronk should be out for a game, but the NFL’s egregious inconsistencies regarding how they punish these hits is ridiculous. Kiko Alonzo took a similar shot on Joe FLacco and was fined a bit over 9 grand, with no suspension.
They really need to have a more uniform policy on things like this. You concuss a player on any kind of play that merits a penalty in-game, you sit for a week minimum.
The NFLs policy is to react to what makes the outrage news. Patriots do that because they are the evil robber barons of football.
You can get into a fistfight on the field and nobody will care unless it’s on sports center getting hot takes from skip bayless.
They had to punish him with something, lest it somehow be controversial in pointing out the Gronk is a white guy.
Pamela Anderson refuses to apologize for sane comments. Still would. Yeah, I know.
Hep C, dude
Hep C is not easily sexually transmitted. She got it from sharing a tattoo needle with the Tommy Lee. Not from his dong. Go ahead and ditch the condom for your imaginary Pamela romp.
There’s a cure for that now
She was adorable back in the day.
She should really be paying more attention to that drill. That looks dangerous
Recommended: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barb_Wire_%28film%29#/media/File:Barbwireposter.jpg
I agree with you. Would, and damn the consequences.
Buzzfeed goin down!
I bid $2.
At this rate, LSD and I will be explaining Economics 101 to one of our relatives at Xmas dinner, trying to show that the reason she has to keep finding a new job is that she keeps joining internet ventures that have negative revenue projections and an untenable business model.
I took LSD once and tried to have a talk about economics. My points no longer made sense when I sobered up. YMMV
You just fucking bought it, along with the monstrous debt.
That was the most flagrant late hit that I’ve seen in a while.
If you’re going to do that, you might as well just kick him in the head while he’s lying on the turf.
Compared to Gronknooski, tht guy from KC who tossed the ref’s flag into the stands is a goddam role model.
Considering, at that point, the refs gave the Jets 12 tries at the end-zone from inside the 5.
Not a Libertarian Moment?
Time to evict those fuckers once and for all. Let someone else host and fund their bullshit.
Amen, brutha and The Rescuers be damned.
“Would” Nikki Haley.
Yes. Nikki Haley, Tulsi Gabbard threeway would be my preferred way of screwing the government.
I like how you think.
Your jib, the cut of which I like.
Newsletter? Subscribe to it, I would.
Think deep
If these aliens could travel here, they probably wouldn’t think much more of us than we think of termites: “These humans sure are interesting. They build [the equivalent of] complex living spaces (mounds) with only rudimentary instructions (constitutional governments, oligarchies, technocracies).”
But that would be about it. After all, we seem to be in the midst of making our home world unlivable for billions of our own kind, let alone the dozens of species in danger of extinction. If we got a signal from out there, would it change our attitudes?
Yes, Bill, we’re busy making the planet uninhabitable. Why don’t you jump off?
“If we got a signal from out there, would it change our attitudes?”
If the signal said the only way for a species to survive was to get rid of all governments, would you change your attitude Bill?
“I take exception to Sen. Grassley’s characterization that money spent on alcohol or in the company of a certain type of woman is “blown”. Also, if I’ve spent $5M on booze and the type of woman who will hang out with me for money, I’m probably going to die pretty horribly of cirrhosis.”
So, I actually read the linked article (I know). Apparently the Washington Post is now doing intentional comedy bits. It went about as well as expected.
Also, let us all wish the Sloopster good luck in his auction tomorrow. May his crowd be full of people who are flush with money and bad at value.
I’m pretty much off of auctions since going to a high-dollar horse auction with Pater Dean and some of his high-roller buddies. First, there were the stories (many, many stories) about how they have scammed, grifted, and gamed people out of large sums of money at horse auctions, which are probably unusually prone to trickery and fraud.
That wasn’t what really did it, though. It was when one of them commented that “The only problem with buying at auctions is, if you are the high bidder, that means you are the only person in the building who thinks it is worth that much.”
Makes me feel MUCH better about my recent auction purchase.
… which should be at my FFL’s place tomorrow!
The last time I tried to buy a gun on guns international the bid kept getting kicked up every time I would bid. It had to be the guy selling the thing. I set a limit, he didn’t. He didn’t sell his gun.
I’d believe it. What gun?
As soon as the bidding got within $50 of the “Buy Now” price, I just bought it. It was a still a pretty good price, but not a great price.
But given that I’ve been looking unsuccessfully for one at a great price for the last 18 months, I thought I might as well pull the handle and snap it up.
‘Horse trader’ didn’t get to be a derogatory term for no reason.
Looks like we are going to be having sever thunderstorms tonight at my place. I guess I’ll find out how good of a job I did building the roof over my porch this saturday.
get ready to do it all over again!
(I hope it’s fine)
The last few years visiting home involved replacing the roofing with metal. It’s slippery.
Dad finally got the weird hallway thing between the house and the garage done this year.
eh, maybe?
the garage was built after the house, the garage was in the downstairs below the master bedroom. The new garage is about 4 feet higher than the first floor (it’s hilly here) so it’s an elevated, non insulated, 2 windows, slightly wide hallway with some closets. I’d almost call it a mud room, but there’s no heat.
When I inevitably have to re roof my whole house, I am going to put metal on it. I really don’t see the downside. Should last forever and I don’t mind the look.
That’s why we did it. It’s brown, which goes decently with the green color the house is.
The snow just falls off it now, not that you need that. it’ll take a whole lot more wind before it gets fucked.
it does make an interesting noise when it rains now. I like it, but I can see it being annoying if you get lots of heavy rain.
When I was a kid, I used to stay the night at my uncles house sometimes. His place had a metal roof. I have slept to the sound of rain on a metal roof. It’s pleasant to me.
I have a walnut tree in my back yard that has a branch that grows over my shop. When the walnuts fall off and hit that metal roof, the sound is considerably less pleasant. When one falls from a high enough altitude, I can hear it in the house and it sounds unnervingly like a gunshot.
You must have a fairly steep pitch. Ours is only 2/12 if I recall, so snow doesn’t slide off quickly. The bottom inch or so turns to ice and S-L-O-W-L-Y slides down making potentially large curls of snow/ice that eventually fall if not dealt with. I need to install some of those ice stoppers that attach to the roof to keep the snow from sliding or get a decent roof shovel to remove it right away.
You know, I’m not sure what it is. I’ll look tomorrow. It’s decently steep. The wood stove and no attic helps. some parts do get that ice build up, but it’s a usually a day of buildup and then it all falls.
danger underneath.
Only real downside I have experienced is the sliding snow (response to DOOMco below) which is likely only an issue in certain instances and can be mitigated and the much higher initial cost compared to other typical roofing. I guess I should add they are slippery as hell, even at 2/12 pitch.
4x4s and 2x10s. Looks pretty decent. It’ll hold up.
*I hate plumbing and roofing work. Anything else I am fine with.
I think it will be fine. I hate plumbing and roofing too. My knees, thighs, and ass have been sore for 2 days from laying those shingles.
I wish.
Shoulda spent that time building an Ark.
It’s hard to really downplay the corruption on display from the FBI, DOJ and Mueller team over the last two years. The FBI agent who was kicked off the Russia investigation was married to a pro-Clinton donor. He was the one who conducted the interview with her. He was also responsible for editing Comey’s rough draft exonerating her (written before the investigation was complete). It’s possible that he was a big part of the reason the investigation was started in the first place. We may have an answer to that question of the FBI and Mueller hadn’t stonewalled for months and conveniently decided to give in only after the story leaked.
The entire basis for recording Flynn and interviewing him was the Logan Act. That news finally answered my question of what the fuck the FBI was doing investigating and listening in to Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador in the first place. It served as the entire basis for everything that’s happened since January despite no one ever being prosecuted for it. Sally Yates and Obama officials were gravely concerned it was violated…yet knew full well they’d never be able to prosecute anyone with it. They started investigations against a political opponent based on a law that they knew they would never prosecute. They leaked classified material to the press. This from the same group who gave us the weak as argument about “intent” and precedent when it came to Hillary.
Mueller obviously can’t indict Trump. But he can set the stage for any potential Democratic majority in Congress to try and impeach by claiming Trump obstructed a bullshit investigation that shouldn’t even have existed in the first place. Despite the fact that Trump, as the President, could have simply ended the investigation at any time with a simple order or pardon. The entire argument for obstruction comes from Comey. A guy who is a proven liar and who sat on the obstruction allegation, by his own narrative, for months and then claimed uncertainty as the reason. Yes, the head of the FBI and former federal prosecutor claimed he just wasn’t sure whether what Trump did constituted obstruction or not. And there’s Mueller running with it.
Even if a lot of Republicans hate Trump, there is no way in hell they’re going to look at impeachment with all this. The mainstream media can beat the drum they want.
The punch line is that the Obama administration consented to the Trump transition team, including Flynn, talking to the Russians and others, because this is a normal part of every transition. Remember, Flynn was busted for lying about talking to the Russians after the election, during the transition. So, it looks like they consented to a normal activity and then set up an investigation of it as a potential crime.
Everybody involved, from Obama on down, should be jailed for this. Its the worse assault on our political system and the legitimacy of our government since the Civil War. I don’t think I am exaggerating.
I am not sure what these fucknuts think is going to happen if they pull off a coup, but I dont think they will like it very much.
This is another one of those things that keeps bothering me. People keep painting Trump camps talking to Russians as undermining Obama’s foreign policy. First off, most presidents tend to refrain from making large diplomatic moves right before leaving office. What that piece of shit did was far closer to being unprecedented and unseemly as he tried to reverse decades old foreign policy positions in his waning days (Israel UN vote) and to box his predecessor in with Russia. Second, it’s entirely natural for a transition team to begin to establish those contacts and relationships. There’s nothing unusual or underhanded about what was done. But a number of prominent names have suggested it was somehow unprecedented. We only have one president at a time!
Logan Act talk by Dems started when Trump first asked Russia to release Hillary’s deleted emails. The statement itself in no way set Trump up as acting as a representative of the American government. And Hillary’s emails are not a matter of the US’s interests. The Dems were basically arguing that Hillary, as a candidate for the Democratic party, had special protections. No. She deleted those emails by claiming that they were all personal in nature.
Meanwhile, Obama *still* continues to meet with foreign leaders as if he’s a representative of some kind.
It’s mendacity all the way down.
Wouldn’t John Kerry’s negotiations with the North Vietnamese government also be a violation of the Logan Act? Is there a statute of limitations on the act? If what Flynn did is a violation, perhaps we should start enforcing the law more vigorously until it is repealed.
There is an uncanny amount of overlap of people Trump sees and who Obama visits shortly thereafter, thinking specifically of Trump’s Asia trip.
Some enterprising journalist could probably find a violation of The Jones Act in Obama’s post presidency meetings if they cared to look.
I thought he was busted for lying about talking to Turkey.
That was the potential charge that drove him to his plea bargain, IMO.
I think it’s basically on the same level as what Nixon did, so the precedent is much more recent. But, and this is the important part, everybody (except for some die-hard Nixon apologists) knew what he did was wrong. The political establishment, for all its faults, forced him out, punished his associates, and then enacted laws to curtail these and other political abuses of the government. The very same laws, in fact, that the Obama administration and its lackeys flouted repeatedly.
Our problem is not that the powers of government were abused. That is to be expected; the government is full of human beings. The problem is that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ultimately failed. And it may well be that those responsible for violating it will not be held accountable and no significant changes will be made to prevent this from happening again. Let us not forget, that like so many other things, these abuses were almost certainly enabled by people with “good intentions”. The Bush administration, and the Congresses which have convened since 9/11, set this situation up to fight terrorism. They expanded the powers of the IC, they granted intelligence services with importance not seen since before the Church Committee, and they normalized the idea that the elected and appointed officials of the United States Government enjoy the benefit of the doubt when directing the intelligence apparatus.
We are basically one step removed from COINTELPRO II; the only missing piece is agents provacateurs, and that may just be obscured rather than missing.
What’s somewhat scary about all this is that many of the people who were critical of the Bush administration’s ramping up of the surveillance state have turned a blind eye to, or become apologists for, the Obama administration’s (ab-)use of it. Thanks to principals before principles, we’re kinda fucked.
I think the establishment RINOs (like McCain’s dingleberry over the weekend) think they can use this (maybe even the threat of impeachment) to neuter Trump and get him to bend his knee and suck their cock. They identify more closely with the Democrats and the rest of the permanent state than they do with an non-pol outside like Trump.
Yes, they are completely blind as to why Trump got elected in the first place. Trump isnt their problem, he is just a symptom. The American people are fed up with their corruption and incompetence. I have been saying for years that this self-appointed elite class needs to go. I never thought I would see this.
The election results in DC were startling, something like 90% Hillary.
It’s with all the politicians and bureaucrats is so far removed from the country it might as well be the forbidden city.
My objection to auctions is I’m too goddam impatient to hang around all day waiting for “my” item to come up. Watching a couple of other idiots blast through the value ceiling I placed on it is just icing on the cake. I have been known to go purely for the entertainment value.
OT: What are the full list of the Iron Laws? I know #1 is “ME TODAY. YOU TOMORROW”. But, isn’t there a full list?
<a href="http://colorado-libertarian.com/2010/03/22/rcs-iron-laws/"RC Dean's Iron Laws. May have been updated or revised since then.
I really wish there were an html tab for this keyboard app.
Until the edit hottie gets here.
Thanks. Perfect.
Its under FAQs/Resources in the top banner. As noted, hauling the Iron Laws cross-country from TOS to Glibs cost me a lot of orphans, so I’d appreciate it if you used the official version posted here.
The note at the end of the Colorado libertarian site took me back. The page is down, but I may have started the Iron Laws when I was a commenter at Samizdata. Several were added after then, though.
That’s a SAMIZDAT group in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, described (so far, anyway) as conspiracy theory nuts. Related?
Nah. Samizdata was (is? haven’t been following) a bunch of Brits who are anarcho-libertarian types.
I really should put that site back in my rotation.
Ah… shoulda figured it for something involving the USSR.
Still going, regulars are cycling in and out. Evil Hippo Perry is still running the show.
Ah, so you are the same RC Dean that was there. I used to wonder, back when I read Samizdata (and TOS).
it’s linked on the home page
Even if a lot of Republicans hate Trump, there is no way in hell they’re going to look at impeachment with all this. The mainstream media can beat the drum they want.
I don’t care what they print in the Washington Post. I think a lot of Congresspplz are looking at what’s happening in Alabama and elsewhere and getting the message, loud and clear, that they had better have their bags packed and on the curb if they allow impeachment proceedings to get to the floor. It’ll be a bloodbath when the midterms roll around.
“New Yorkers call for removal of Met painting that ‘sexualizes’ girl
New Yorkers launched a petition demanding that the Metropolitan Museum of Art remove a 1938 painting of a young woman with her underwear exposed due to the “current climate around sexual assault” — but the Met refused Sunday. The piece, “Thérèse Dreaming” by the French artist Balthus, “sexualizes” the girl by depicting her lounging in a skirt with her knee up on a chair, according to the petition, which was posted on the website Care 2. “The artist of this painting, Balthus, had a noted infatuation with pubescent girls and this painting is undeniably romanticizing the sexualization of a child,” writes Mia Merrill, 30, a New York City entrepreneur who started the petition.
“Given the current climate around sexual assault … The Met is romanticizing voyeurism and the objectification of children.””
OMWC hardest hit?
So I guess we hold a book burning for “Lolita” now?
No, this is OMWC hit hardest.
(Larger, perhaps the original version, is currently hanging in the NC Museum of Art. SLD, but I always enjoy going to NCMA when I’m in Raleigh.)
Just for you, a link to Chinese Red Guard/Police/Army bondage fetish roleplay pics:
Never forget that Heroic Mulatto loves you and wishes to see you happy.
OK, definitely the most confused boner of my life.
Pls post more for research purposes.
Sadly, the confusion in my pants still rages. That middle pic especially. Bottom one throws the case to “not” but the fact that no one can keep a straight face in top one cancels it.
Well, I did that on purpose.
Any idea what the signs say? Why were they executed?
thanks for putting out there HM, people need to see this shit
Um….that’s, ummmmm….odd
These people are going to flip their lids when they discover Peter Paul Rubens. Or any depiction of Lucretia. Or Hephaestus’ Weinstein moment with Athena. Or…
“Giants fire Ben McAdoo and Jerry Reese
In a sweeping strike, Giants ownership fired general manager Jerry Reese and head coach Ben McAdoo, a Monday massacre that will forever change the history of a franchise that has lost its way. In a swift and stunning fall from grace, McAdoo’s brief and turbulent stay as head coach of the Giants came to an end, as he was fired after only two seasons in the wake of a groundswell of losing and his mishandling of the Eli Manning demotion that prompted a near-revolt by the fans. McAdoo reported to the team facility in the morning and was quickly informed he was gone.”
“The artist of this painting, Balthus, had a noted infatuation with pubescent girls and this painting is undeniably romanticizing the sexualization of a child,” writes Mia Merrill, 30, a New York City entrepreneur who started the petition.
The nagging suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun.
The tidal wave of masturbation continues.
Ficus hit hardest.
“remember: we still don’t know for sure that donald trump doesnt want to fuck his own daughter.”
The blue check mark means he’s sooper-ultra competent n’ shit.
Christ. What a fucking asshole. The best thing Trump has done is bankrupt mask manufacturers.
In a swift and stunning fall from grace, McAdoo’s brief and turbulent stay as head coach of the Giants came to an end
Is that the guy who was saying, yesterday, “I’ll be here coaching this team as long as my key card still works”?
Yes. And now it’s stopped working.
I’m starting to think that it’s not intermittent hypoglycemia from my shitty diet or DTs from my shitty lifestyle or Parkinson’s from my shitty genetics, but essential tremors. It seems textbook: general trembling in digits, but not the characteristic thumb/forefinger motion of Parkinson’s. Sometimes tremulous voice. Difficulty holding drinking glasses without spilling. Gets worse with caffeine, anxiety, temporarily better with alcohol. And if I’ve gone without either and I’m fed and rested, it abates but never fully goes away.
It’s treated with beta blockers, and wouldn’t you know it, I’ve still got a bottle of propranolol. I’m going to try that for a bit, and weaning myself off everything else. It’s gotten pretty noticeable recently.
Have you seen a doctor?
I get all my medical advice from the hotshot team at Web MD.
You actually need to see a doctor and get some bloodwork done.
Aye. I’m going to get an appointment made.
I am sorry to hear that CS. Getting old is a bitch.
Dude, first thing, stop the shitty diet. I did around 3 months ago and my hypoglycemia is completely under control now, I’ve lost 26 lbs., no more ankle swelling, and high blood pressure much better. See a doctor now, but just set your mind to fix your diet, as a lifestyle, not a fad. When you’re better, start adding exercise, at least walking more.
What is wrong with your diet? Why can’t you correct it?
Not trying to be weird, but if you think it’s bad, why wouldn’t you change it?
“CONTROVERSIAL right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos has slammed protesters who stormed his Melbourne event as “petulant babies”.
A heavy police presence was called in to keep attendees and protesters separate at the Flemington venue where the conservative celebrity was scheduled to speak.
Hundreds of protesters from left-aligned group Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and the right-wing True Blue Crew rallied outside the event.
Chants of “f**k off Nazis” were yelled by anti-fascist groups. Pepper spray was used after a fight broke out between two protesters and rocks were thrown at a police van.
Speaking about the event in a radio interview on Tuesday morning, Yiannopoulos denied right-wing groups were involved in the protest, and said it was “only the left, showing us who they’re really are”.
Yiannopoulos said the protests indicated that Australia has “a serious problem with free speech”.
“It suggests something about a deeper malaise in the state. It doesn’t speak highly of the country,” he told 2GB.”
“The world is relying on a flawed psychological test to fight racism”
They’re not fighting racism.
Wut? I mean racism and capitalism are the same thing, right?
I knew it was IAT before I even followed the link. IAT is basically at the level of phrenology.
Ah yes, I got to take that one in undergrad. What a load of bullshit.
Imagine a test the measures your implicit bias against chocolate ice cream. You say you really like it, but the test deep down you actually don’t.
It seems to me the only way to have a valid test would be to somehow measure whether people who the test says don’t like ice cream actuall do. But for that you would need the ability to read minds.
How do they know the test measures what they claim?
“FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey’s description of Clinton to ‘extremely careless’
Washington (CNN)A former top counterintelligence expert at the FBI, now at the center of a political uproar for exchanging private messages that appeared to mock President Donald Trump, changed a key phrase in former FBI Director James Comey’s description of how former secretary of state Hillary Clinton handled classified information, according to US officials familiar with the matter.
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey’s earlier draft language describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” the source said. ”
TW: CNN, Autoplay
If you are going to make a public statement exonerating someone, you probably shouldn’t use the exact language from the statute they violated to describe their behavior. That’s perhaps the most humorous aspect of Comey’s rough draft. These people just aren’t smart.
This guy didn’t get dismissed just for some text messages to his mistress mocking Trump. Mockery of Trump is probably pretty common by the Mueller team. The real reasons why are just going to trickle out, and Mueller and the FBI were trying to hide this for months.
They still have the hubris to call it an “investigation”, while admitting that the people running it were mainly concerned with covering her tracks.
So… my sister turns 18 soon and asked me for a knife since she will be attending college. Don’t worry its the same college I attended and she’s studying to be a physical therapist, so she may turn out okay. Plus this is meant as a tool for opening mail, packaging other co-eds–you know a knife. I prefer fixed blades and typically have one of these on hand since a fixed blade is quicker, slimmer and usually stronger in design than a folder (assuming steel is equivalent). That and I can hide it under professional attire.
She asked for a folder, any suggestions? I like Esse so I am leaning towards the Avispa.
Link to the Avispa
Don’t spend a lot of money. She will either lose it or it will be stolen in a month.
I carry a three bladed Old Timer with a 1.5″ blade. Old Timer is good steel. They are ten bucks when I need a replacement. Maybe for her one with a fixed blade so she doesnt close it on her finger trying to open one of those cussed fucking plastic armored safes they tend to package all retail items in these days. A sheep’s foot is best.
This one’s been in my cart for a while, but I don’t have a carry knife yet
I have a swiss army one that stays in my pocket on most days.
From the description:
Fucking really, CA?
Same designer, if I am not mistaken. Lock up is identical to the Esse. The shape might be a better suited for stabbing rather than bushcraft–thank you!
There’s a Prop 65 disclosure brochure at the front desk of one of the SFO Hiltons. Because the hotel may contain chemicals known blah blah blah…
My wife carries a folding karambit.
Thank you. I’m going to have to pass since I know the cops in that town all too well.
What about collapsing batons? Honest question, and maybe naive. I think I’d rather that than a knife for defense.
While a collapsing baton can break bone if used right, why would you bring a stick to a knife fight?
I like the idea of having some range on my attacker, but then, like I said, maybe that’s naive. There’s no swinging room when you’re locked up in a bear hug and thrown to the ground.
I’m also really leery about breaking skin. Pummeling and breaking bones, sure, especially if I’m not busting my knuckles in the process. But stabbing someone, that’s disquieting. Again, I’m being naive.
That said, whatever a young woman decides to do to protect herself, I’m all about it. All’s fair in love and putting the perpetrator down.
Because he rolled up a Cleric, of course.
True. But we all don’t have Cure Light Wounds to save our asses.
Or a knife to a gun fight?
Likely legal, but a knife you can pass off as a “tool” with campus rent-a-cops.
I couldn’t convince the ones at my alma mater that I was allowed to walk around barefoot outside.
Good luck to her.
What’s wrong with a classic?:
Meh. Go all out. I have one of these:
Only mine is an original. My great uncle used it. Oddly the blade keeps rusting and I cant seem to make it stop.
*my uncle claimed he killed three krauts with it.
Well, she is a bit of a hipster…
My EDC carry, in the sheepsfoot blade. Mostly I use it for cutting open boxes. Benchmade makes good knives, imo, and they offer a pretty cheap mail-in sharpening service, along with replacing the pocket clip (stock painted ones suck, Benchmade will replace it with a black oxide one on request or when you send it in for sharpening). They’ve also replaced the blade for a reasonable price when I snapped the tip off using it as a screwdriver on an immoveable screwhead.
Oddly enough, I’ve had bad luck with Benchmade as a utility knife. I wasn’t even that hard on it.
“Plus this is meant as a tool for opening mail, packaging other co-eds–”
She’s using it to open other co-eds? When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way, I guess. I carry one of these:
Figure of speech. Its likely going to be a weapon.
Absolutely a folder – she’ll carry it more, and is less likely to get hassled.
Are there any blade length regulations where she is going?
A nice package deal would be a few training sessions for her in how to use the damn thing to cut somebody, up if they need cutting. Knife fighting is not intuitive.
Mrs Dean carries a machete in her car, in the pocket behind the passenger seat. She tells me she’s reached for it a couple times, but never had to actually pull it. I will not be surprised if she calls one day and asks me if any of the holes I’ve dug in the desert are still available.
Mrs. Lachowsky carries a baseball bat in the Jeep. I have a couple machetes. Maybe I should put one back there too.
I keep a tire thumper accesible under the seat of my work truck. For checking tire pressure only, of course.
Blade length? Unless Flagstaff went full-on Boulder the laws of the great state of AZ apply. So…no.
Also, I know a pretty good martial arts instructor up there. So she’ll be okay on the training front
What’s wrong with y’all? Machete? Baseball bat?
My wife carries this: https://www.smith-wesson.com/firearms/performance-center-model-642-enhanced-action
She is pretty handy with it too.
My wife is not comfortable carrying a piece. Why? I can’t figure it out. She can shoot. she hunts with me. She just doesn’t want to carry. Her choice I reckon. I can’t talk her into it.
I need to have a talk with your wife.
I had a British enfield bayonet under the dashboard in my ’64 1/2 Mustang. Double asshole: I sold the convertible for only $400 and was so excited to get rid of it (for a ’70 Malibu convertible) that I forgot to take the bayonet with me.
Maybe a ballistic knife? Something Spetsnaz-approved, with endless potential for hilarity.
Yikes. I’m going to lean more towards the Griptillian.
this little number. Or a Swiss Army knife, if I feel I’m gonna need a small crop of tools.
For some weird reason, the first part of my above post got truncated. ???
Kershaw Blur. It’s an assisted opening folder.
Multiple styles of blades, metals, colors. There is something for everyone, plus it’s affordable.
“Brown University will allow students to “self-identify” as persons of color, even if they are white, and provide them with equal treatment and benefits.”
IOW they expect “students of color” to police their policy.
Well, it is Brown University.
Jus’ sayin’
*narrows gaze*
Gives new meaning to “You can become anything when you grow up.”
Was there ever any penalty for falsely identifying yourself before? Besides social approbation, that is.
“This sexy Santa outfit truly is the stuff of nightmares”
All I have are nightmares. None of them ever looked like that.
Related, repost from dead ZSEL
Huma Abedin is looking pretty good these days.
Well she likes Weiner
If you happen to see her, you could probably lead her into your yard with a carrot and sugar cube.
Honest question guys. What in the fuck is a Left Libertarian? I’m not trying to be sarcastic but just searching for answer. In my eyes, it’s sort of an oxymoron because a lot of the Left Libertarians advocate for the same stuff that socialists want but oddly enough sort of understand the crushing power of government. I have to wonder how they aren’t able to reconcile these two opposing thought processes.
social leftists, but without the totalitarian fetish. See Reason.com, Cato, etc.
The only difference between them and progs is the means for achieving the ends.
They’d balk at Maxims over open pits, unlike actual socialists.
Sounds like a small thing, but it really isn’t, especially vis-a-vis one’s position relative to the Maxim…
What does “social leftist” mean in this scenario?
My view on social issues is “I don’t care what you do, so long as you don’t hurt anyone who isn’t consenting (or is incapable of consenting) to whatever it is that you’re doing”. Does that count as being socially left? Because it sure as hell ain’t socially conservative.
IMO, there’s a difference between “live and let live” and accepting the SJW claptrap lock, stock and barrel. I see a core fundamental incompatibility between “wokeness” and liberty. Social conservatives and social leftists are inherently more authoritarian than those of us in the “pure” libertarian camp.
They believe more aggression is necessary at times to lessen overall aggression. Shit like minimum basic income. If one group is oppressed, they think all groups should be oppressed in the same manner so that everybody will then fight the oppression together. Or something like that.
“What in the fuck is a Left Libertarian?”
A prog blogger who wants to eventually write for a mainstream publication but has to start out somewhere so they’re holding their nose while they slum with shitlords.
I’d call it someone who wants the social policies of the left, a little bit of a welfare state, but understands economics enough to know that the government needs to be doing way less interference in the economy. A left libertarian wants redistribution, but not regulation. They want social justice through public shaming and blacklisting but not through law.
I used to think it was people that were more in line with the social liberalism. Pot should be legal, gay marriage, that kind of stuff.
But I’m not sure anymore. I am a fan of all of that, but once I got the economics (I came from the left, probably), I realized that’s all from there.
At this point, I think it’s the “light hand of government can be good.” like forced gay marriage cakes, and welfare/saftey net stuff being a role that government can and should have. Maybe rolled back.
I do think they are libertarians for the most part.
some might be cultural, too. “none of that guns or nascar stuff for me, thanks.” I’m grouping people at that point, which I don’t like to do. #notallliberaltarians
Here’s an interesting self-description: http://liberalaw.blogspot.com/2008/12/framing-left-libertarianism-first-pass.html
The left libertarian “can point out that market anarchism does not, cannot, mean maintaining the current system of property relations, untouched, in the absence of state power–not only because of disagreements about property rules (as between Lockeans and mutualists) but also because of the injustice that vitiates so many existing property titles (as to the latifundia of Latin America). And she can stress, as to the right libertarian, that adhering to Leonard Read’s dictum to limit one’s actions to “anything that’s peaceful” need not mean abandoning the right to subject the behavior of those who use their property in morally objectionable ways to incisive critique or the capacity to exert significant influence on that behavior.”
I find the argument about injustice in many existing property claims to be insightful
*Disclaimer, I’m not a LL.
I think we have the real answer right here.
Clap-trap. In reality that would look just like the old USSR.
Somewhat different take: http://bleedingheartlibertarians.com/2012/11/the-distinctiveness-of-left-libertarianism/
On the economic side, from what I’ve read, most left libertarians argue that existing capital/wealth distribution stems from illegitimate use of the state and therefore wealth distribution can be justified. The first link I posted argued that such distribution should be forced by shaming, shunning, etc. The second was a little more vague but seemed to hint at state power. So the second interpretation would seem to argue for capture of the state to extract justice before minimizing the state. IOW, the first link is more distinctive (IMO).
The author lists 16 points on which the supposed left-libertarian has common cause with leftists and four on which he shares common cause with libertarians. I think that’s provides a pretty accurate picture of where their priorities lie.
I’ve known a few left libertarians, besides what is mentioned here, there are some legitimately consistent ones, whose goals is equality without coercion, basically voluntary communism and the like.
A consistent LL will reject state authority but also be skeptical about capital, they’re in my experience the hippies of old in that regard. While I think these days a lot of progs are trying to skin libertarian thought and use the LL title to do so, there are some older ones who aren’t so bad (doesn’t mean I don’t mock them but they can have common ground with us)
There’s no such thing as voluntary socialism. Unless you are talking about at the family level. Anything above that level involves force. These people are fucking delusional.
Voluntary socialism has a different name… capitalism.
I mean, I’m not defending them, just passing along my personal experience. The older LLs are generally as suspicious of gov’t as we are, it the new breed bernie bro, danketarians who are progs in gadsen clothing.
I can accept that there are some of those and just assume they’re libertarians who are economically illiterate. Danketarians, however, are full on Marxists.
I will never tire of linking this
LOL, I remember this now.
Wut? – Oh, I get it!
yeah, fuck the dankys, they’re just trots and tankies fighting for the corpse of the USSRs rep
When they aren’t fighting each other, anyway. Watching the Stalinists and Trotskyites go after each can be fun. From a distance, anyway.
You can scale above the family level, but only so far. Think “communal farms” and the like. You get up to a few dozen, or couple hundred, people, and it starts to get difficult to keep the group together. Voluntary communes rely on social rewards and punishments rather than the heavy(-er) hand of the state. At the end of the day, everybody is free to leave* and they only stay because they want, or feel compelled by social pressure, to.
* = Excluding certain noteworthy exceptions, like Jonestown
At the end of the day, everybody is free to leave* and they only stay because they want, or feel compelled by social pressure, to.
Or have no viable alternatives, like at Plymouth Colony.
If you ever have 25 minutes to spare, I’d recommend this. Lefevre goes over all the communes attempts of the last couple hundred years and lists why they failed.
If mEmory serves me correctly, there is one communes that still functions that has long history. That communes is extremely religious though.
This seems spot on.
“voluntary communism”
That genuinely made me laugh. Of course it is voluntary. You can volunteer or choose to be shot in the head. See? Voluntary.
“Honest question guys. What in the fuck is a Left Libertarian?”
A confused prog. There’s nothing else to know.
I have known old-school liberals who are as skeptical of the government as they are big businesses (and sometimes, big unions–they like the small ones). But old-school isn’t just meant to evoke a throwback mentality; they are also generally on the older side. The younger generation are more Chomsky than hippie.
“What in the fuck is a Left Libertarian?”
Someone who doesnt believe in self ownership, i.e. not a libertarian. Assholes who wont admit they are assholes.
socialists who think there’s such a thing as socialism w/o the iron fist of authority
i don’t deny there are plenty of examples purely-voluntary, self-sustaining ‘communities’ (communes basically) that could be described as successful examples of a left-libertarian model. its just that one you present them with the point that *not everyone will choose that*, their ideas fall apart more or less.
I just posted this at Kbolino, but it was before I read your comment. Highly recommended if you have 20 minutes to spare sometime. Lefevre does a hell of job explaining communal programs and why they failed. He also talks about one or two successful ones. If I recollection right, the only ones that were successful were highly religious.
The Twin Oaks commune has been in operation for …. a while. But it is probably closer to a co-op / HOA at this point than “commune”.
In the theme of Hollywood sexual predator panic, and MNF, Joe Namath: Predator or not?
No, because that led to the Kissing Suzy Kolber blog, which was awesome (and featured Drew Magary before he went to Deadspin and became an unrelenting asshole)
Magary’s Fun With Peter King at KSK was fantastic. Hard to remember now that he used to be really funny.
Some derp for y’all
Remember John Anderson? He died yesterday at 95.
Got a higher % of the popular vote than a certain, recent Libertarian Party candidate.
Well I hear we’re all going to die once that tax plan goes through.
So, most people I hear about dying now are in their 90s. My parents are in their 80s. People are living longer today, but I’m not sure there’s been much quality added in the later years. So of course there is actually a staggering cost for keeping people alive this long. We have the wrong approach to medicine. The only moral approach is to change the focus to treating aging instead of treating aging related diseases. The key is to keep people healthy as long as possible. Our country does not use that approach. Maybe not enough money to be made, and of course the luddites and Malthusians are always among us.
This is the focus on preventive medicine and we can bend the cost curve canard. There were studies from Europe (single payer) that have tried. It doesn’t save money – dying slowly is more expensive than dying fast. Now, there are other reasons to focus on prevention – quality of life, but saving money isn’t a reason.
Invitation to the holiday orgy?
This is the only Christmas card I’ve gotten so far and it does not bode well.
Heh me too.
Did you at least send an “IA IA” in response?
I’m horrified by that thumb, too.
Ted doesn’t like women.
I just got home and that same card was waiting for me as well.
I thought I was special. 🙁
The last time I donated I included a note that said “Don’t send me a bunch of shit in the mail. Send it to someone else.”
I am pretty sure they took me off of the mailing list. I dont think they liked me very much. Just breaks my heart.
I really need to do that. Probably 2/3 of my mail is junk from their mailing list. Prolly way too late.
I got that too (I think; I tossed it without opening).
OT – a skiff of snow and I am listening to sirens for the fucking sixth time today. I live 1/2 a mile from the highway. It’s central BC, people. You can’t treat the thoroughfare like it’s a goddamned video game. Christ, what a bunch of assholes…
We had fog today that never lifted. It looked all day as if it were snowing but it wasn’t.
It’s weird around here for the fog not to burn off in the morning.
We’re in a river valley and sometimes get inversions that last for weeks. Mirkwood.
You don’t live in Maine, do you? If so, it’s time to start worrying.
Supermarket seems a safe bet.
And don’t overdo it with the ammunition if you’re carrying.
Catskill Mountains.
America’s tropical outpost is at our high for the day-81 with an expected low of 71. Tomorrow my coworkers will be complaining about the cold.
My former home in Wyoming is 16 with a low of 5 expected tonight. I sometimes miss the bracing winter temps, but then I go for a swim.
It’s remained pretty mild here so far. A couple of days ago, it was near 75. Yesterday was mid/upper 50s but felt much warmer with all the sun and no wind. Today was 50s also, but frosty this morning and felt a little more chilly. I suspect that from here on out rest of winter, it’s not going to be quite that warm. I hate winter.
I don’t mind winter, as long as we get snow instead of sleet and freezing rain.
And there’s no controlling that stuff once the temp gets below 40 F. Fuck winter, I hate it, I hate it double worse when I have to drive in it.
Some nostalgia. Brings back memories of nitrous.
I liked them. There, I’ve said it again….
I like STP
Snoozin’ time… Have to work tonight but another set of sirens has set my anger-meter to the red. Seven accidents in five hours. I swear if someone runs into me tonight I will fuck them up.
CNN is back pushing the Trump is a sexual assaulter angle based on the reporter who said he forcibly attempted to kiss her.
It’s like They coordinated with Billy Bush and the NYT. Imagine that and, yes, they’re going to push the sexual assault angle once again apparently.
How is it possible these people have any credibility at all? I see CNN and the word ‘liar’ immediately pops in my head.
They don’t among sane people.
There are large swaths of people out there that are conditioned to thoughtlessly accept the agenda, priorities, and conclusions that are force fed to them through the boob tube. Issues only matter if they were on the Today show or on 60 minutes. The “right” solution is the one suggested by the guest on the nightly news. Functional idiots with no critical thinking skills and no sense of shame in being idiots.
They also believe that agreeing with all their brainless sheep facebook friends must somehow make them right. Maybe someday they will see the light and realize that agreeing with other clueless idiots does not make one right. Nah, not happening.
I’m making lunch for the rest of the week. I sliced up some andouille sausage and browned it in a skillet adding creole seasoning. I added some sliced zucchini and cooked a couple more minutes. I then added a jar of Trader Joes three cheese marina sauce and a sliced up reaper pepper. Now simmering for 30 minutes.
Gonna be some spicy goodness.
Excuse me for a minute, I need to mop the drool off my keyboard before it hurts the computer.
(it’s a shame I can’t have all the salt; andouille is one of the few things I really miss)
I went on a camping trip when I was a teenager. On the trip to the site the boat tipped and we lost our ice chest full of food. the only thing we managed to save was some zucchini. For three days all I had to eat was zucchini with sugar on it.
It sounds pretty good, unless you’re me.
Oh, and we got desperate and tried black clams. Trust me when I tell you that there is absolutely no way to make those things palatable. I told a coonass friend about that years later and he laughed his ass off.
“Don’t you think if those were edible we would be eating them? Everyone knows you cant eat that shit.”
That sounds horrible to me.
We had beer. Lots of beer.
Ah. Carry on.
One fishing trip when I was a young feller involved the food cooler being left in the driveway and nobody realizing until hours and two hundred clicks of gravel road later. We had youth, beer, whiskey, weed,lotsa smokes and cocaine and ate nothing but trout for three days. We all looked pretty haggard by the time we made it back to town. I wouldn’t want to repeat the experience but I can look back on it fondly.
I remember once when I was 10 and I went to conservation camp, for a week. The old guy driving the bus was drunk as fuck and driving about 90 mph over hills and curvy roads. When some of the kids started getting worried and speaking up, he threatened to pull the bus over and kill all of us. No, I’m not making that up. It was terrifying. Nothing happened to the guy as far as I know, lol. But I managed to call my parents after ( there were no cell phones then) and after staying out my week, they came and picked me up, about 60 miles away.
I just took it off the stove top. I added some fresh grated parmesan cheese to thicken the sauce. You wouldn’t even taste the zucchini. It’s spicy and full of sausage.
We make spaghetti out of zucchini and just add the usual marinara, etc.
You might have me convinced. That does sound good.
Plain marinara and you’ve got something good.
Fucking hell I just went to Github (major host of programming source code) and they’re pushing Net Neutrality hard. Goddammit.
Politics uber alles
A significant percentage of doctors and almost all professional medical organizations lobbied hard for the ACA. I don’t see why tech would be exempt from the same effect
Tech doesn’t have a lefty bias in my experience but tech organizations… yeah I can see that. I can only surmise that they’re counting on the masses being entirely ignorant of what NN actually means.
My interactions with programmers suggests that the majority of them are in favor of NN, even if they are otherwise individualistic.
I’d bet $1000 dollars right now that if you ask 100 programmers about NN, at least 90 of them will not even know what it is. That’s an improvement of about 10% over the general population.
I’ve worked in tech for 21 years. Tech people are overwhelmingly conservative or libertarian. There are a few I’ve met, very few who are progs. The reason is obviously that tech people are very logical oriented in their thinking. There’s no room for feelz.
IME, there’s a huge disconnect between silicon valley tech (you can toss in Seattle, too) and the rest of the country. Tech around the country is very conservative/libertarian. Tech in SV is all aboard the prog train.
Of course.
To put that in perspective, all my clients right now are in MD. A very blue state. But almost every tech person I know here, and I know a lot, are Republican with a light smattering of libertarians or independents who are anti-tax, free trade, etc. There are the few signalers, but none that actually believe their own bullshit.
Yeah, even here in NYC I see more libertarian than prog tendencies among my colleagues.
It’s a shame how successful the NN obfuscation-campaign has been.
AP: SCOTUS – Trump wins travel ban case
Tee hee. Those 9th circuit guys are loons.
My husband read the headline to me as I was in the shower, and that only two Supremes dissented. I said “Ginsburg and Sotomayer?” Yup. So predictable.
And Ginsburg is due to keel over any minute now, sure of it. Dream scenario, that happens and Kennedy retires. All this winning is getting old, NOT!
United States Supreme Court Justice Willett has a good ring to it.
Damn straight. And I think the Trump can make it happen.
Not a waste of money at all, I can’t see what could possibly go wrong.
Remember the promise of freedom that these platforms were gonna bring? Arab Spring! Masses demanding freedom in China!
Ah, simpler times.
The advertisers are driving this, not the government, even if the politicians would try to make you think otherwise.
So the death of the You Tube. It was nice while it lasted.
Someone else will fill the niche.
It does occur to me that the porn people have existing infrastructure to step right in when YouTube dies and there is money to be made.
“We wrote magical lines of code that will just figure this shit out on its own”
“Also, we’re going to assign massive numbers of staff to deal with it”.
“No one should reflect on the contradiction inherent in those 2 claims”
“Also, when you discover that in the future, despite our 10,000 live person’s assigned to ‘managing content’, that you can’t get a human being to actually explain why your shit got banned? don’t feel bad: we really just invented the “machine learning” thing as something to use as an excuse for censoring whatever the fuck we want for any reason, and sending you form-letters”
I hope the alt-right doesn’t turn to cute kittens as a propaganda tool.
The reaction to the decision to reduce the size of the federal land grabs is predictable and funny. I can’t copy them on my tablet but check them out for yourselves. It’s the end of the world.
I’m not sure if I’m quite into “Trump 2020” territory yet, but goddamnit, I’m being nudged hard in that direction just by the hyperventilation of the big government lefties who I hate so much.
Good lord man, what would it take?
I took a photo of my upper left corner of my absentee ballot where the prez candidates were listed, with a glass of whiskey next to it.
I took a swig, ticked the Trump box, and have enjoyed sweet leftist tears ever since. The first time was tough, but I am willing to double down if things continue this way.
This isnt even the 25th of December. Every day is like Christmas with this guy. That is long overdue.
I’m not clicking that.
Why? Because i don’t like the sound of “Trump bears ears”. Also, NYT. That can’t be anything good.
Question for you sports dudes:
I am putting a gift under the tree at work for Toys for Tots. I know they have the most trouble finding gifts for teenage boys. I happen to have a brand new fancy tactical backpack and wanted to stuff it with some school supplies but also a football for sure.
Now, footballs come in many sizes. What is the right size for fun for a typical teenager, one who probably isn’t a huge pro-bound player? Youth? Official (I hear they are pretty hard to control for avg guys), or Junior?
Or should I go basketball? Or baseball glove and ball? I am willing to hear any ideas from you dads and former teens out there!
What is the right size for fun for a typical teenager, one who probably isn’t a huge pro-bound player? Youth? Official (I hear they are pretty hard to control for avg guys), or Junior?
Official college size. Smaller than an NFL ball, but something you can “grow into.”
Thanks. I will check Dick’s Sporting Equipment. I think they have everything on the shelves.
I’d say look for a kid in the store to judge it against, but with the way America is today I don’t want you in prison.
“Hey kid, can you model something for me? Here, grab my balls and tuck them in your armpits.”
That…is funny but a little too plausible a scenario.
Also, I love your newish avatar, trashy.
A football is great, but don’t buy it from dicks. Dicks pissed me off after sandyhook. The pulled all their MSRs off the shelf to appease the gun grabbers. You may not care about this, but I do. I haven’t stepped foot inside a dicks since.
What did you expect with a name like that?
You could corrupt him with soccer ball, sheesh.
Or a hockey puck.
“soccer ball”
Thought of that. Probably good for the hispanic and Somali families here, and doesn’t require much of a special field or equipment.
But it’s freaking SOCCER. The commie game of commies.
At least marker it on the outside with “America Fuck Yeah!” so some commie/introvert kid doesn’t get stuck with a football.
Ya know, I am now inclined to get a soccer ball and put it plain under the tree for the Marines to distribute as needed (Nominally anyway the Marines are the Toys for Tots org), and then stuff the college-size football into the backpack.
The people who know the target gift receivers can redistribute as they see fit; I will never know.
Any other stuff teen boys want? Watches, snow hats (Minnesota here, and it is snowing today)…?
I am probably not the right person to ask about that, unless you want your target teen curled in a corner reading a book.
“But it’s freaking SOCCER. The commie game of commies.”
*standing ovation*
Can we compromise with a rugby ball?
The problem there would be getting others who know what rugby is!
I have long fingers, but even as a younger teen my group used the Youth. Before I could throw it that well, I just played receiver.
Not an answer for you, but I like to search for the hot toy of the year and just get several of those for toys for tots or giving tree or whatever. Whatever all the kids want, I’m sure those kids want too. I am typically an off-brand shopper except for these gifts – then it is always name brand, always what’s hot.
Good idea!
I worked a friend’s mom’s funeral at church Saturday and unexpectedly received $50 for my efforts. It would be rude to refuse and return to the givers, so I am going to pass it on in gifts to the kids.
I’ll probably head to Walmart or Target and try to maximize my cash, plus what i already budgeted. My stepkids are grown and gone, so now random kids get the largesse!
Help needed from ZARDOZ.
Dafuq?? Please tell me this is satire.
It would almost make more sense for her to say “the food was delicious, you just don’t even notice the salmonella; can’t wait to eat there again”.
Idiotic stuff like this makes me want to do a “Trashy’s advice” column alongside ZARDOZ’s weekly call to cleanse all brutals.
Ugh. I pretty much had a therapy session last night like this over FB messenger of all things. One of my young female friends (30 ish) who recently finalized her divorce from an abusive alcoholic husband, now has a sweet respectful neighbor interested in her, but an ex-boyfriend (also a mutual friend and church member to me and my husband, just to maximize the awkwardness) keeps persuading her back into bed. No plans for a future, but it’s a real habit for them now.
She knows she should turn the (also irresponsible drinker) ex boyfriend away and move on, but says she “has feelings” for him. I had to explain to her that, duh, that’s how humans (and some other critters) are programmed–The more often you mate and share the endorphins and emotions and fun, the more bonded you become whether you planned to or not. I told her that the main reason why God says to keep sex within marriage is to keep people from screwing up their lives and bonding to the wrong people; that should be saved for the life mate. She had never heard that perspective, just assumed God didn’t want us to have any fun.
You non believers (whom I love BTW!) can make fun of me, but I have my place as the church Libertarian. I do get people confessing to me and seeking advice that won’t go to anyone else. I will bear the burden happily.
I proposed a home bible study called “Matthew and Margaritas” but got shot down. Sigh.
I proposed a home bible study called “Matthew and Margaritas” but got shot down. Sigh.
Similarly, my “Booze and ‘Brews” got shot down.
(Not really, my Bible study group has been known to meet at local breweries)
What you describe is an all-too-common pattern. The man is fully satisfied with the situation, and the woman wants desperately to break from the cycle that she started from a position of hurt.
I like this. I’m not religious, but this is what I want to see from the religious. I’m glad they have someone to go to who isn’t going to think anything of the more questionable actions.
I am very frank about my own screw-ups, which helps break the ice. Plus I guess they see that my husband and I are pretty non-judgy about personal stuff in general.
I also have the pastor’s permission to have my Glock strapped to my leg in my home-made calf holster as I sit at the back running the sound board. Pretty much the best strategic position in the joint.
“my Glock strapped to my leg in my home-made calf holster ”
Stop that. Just stop that right now. I mean it. I am a married man and you are a married woman.
*squirms and adjusts …well you know*
There is fair and then there is not fair. Thats not fair.
LOL, I knew that would snag someone.
Hah! I just saw that.
Becalm yourself, good man. We can all admire good stuff without necessarily touching.
Antidote: I am a crazy cat lady, and I have red hair. That is God’s warning color in Nature.
You’re doing God’s work in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America.
Matthew and Margaritas – I love it.
I’m not even religious, and I think one of the worst consequences of feminism has been encouraging women to engage in a sexual free-for-all whether they’re married or not (not that men are totally blameless, but feminism mostly recognizes male sexuality as an evil thing). I know that this view can be taken too far (e.g. adultery laws) but in general, some degree of social reprobation of sex outside a committed relationship is perfectly reasonable. It’s something that can cause harm to both the participant and society in general (STDs and the creation of unwanted children).
Sex is like rich food, liquor, or anything else enjoyable: it’s an urge that you have to keep under control, or else it will have very bad consequences.
The nuclear family is a benefit to society. I’m atheist or maybe agnostic, but I recognize this.
My main problem with the government when it comes to families comes from the welfare aspect. Unwed mothers are encouraged by our government. There are all kinds of benefits to being an unwed mother. Free school, subsidized housing, subsidized daycare, and more I can’t think of right now.
I see it all the time where I live. I’d almost bet that of the women I graduated high school with, more are single mothers sucking government tit than married or independent women.
Some people would argue that the nuclear family destroyed society, considering that for 99.99997% of human history the extended family was the norm.
Some people would be misrepresenting what I believe the nuclear family is– A mother and a father raising their children.
Outside help is fine. My father in law spends a lot of time with my boy. He puts him on the bus to school most morning because my wife and I both leave for work before 6am. I have help from my sister and from my mom from time to time. This may constitute a little bit of the village raising the child, but the primary caretakers and the people who have the most influence on my boys life are my wife and I. I believe that is how it should be.
I am hearing your words, Lach. I don’t think Nuclear fam means unconnected to other networks; it means you have the key ingredients of protons, neutrons, and electrons on which all else is built.
Spot on.
Family connections – whether “nuclear” or extended – are a good thing, save for the cases where a family is abusive or extremely dysfunctional. If you have a family, you have people to lean on. You have career connections. You have people who will help you if you fall on hard times. You have people who will probably raise your kids if you and your spouse die instead of the kids going into foster care.
It’s not good that “family values” are frequently written off as arcane rules made up by stodgy old religious fanatics who want to prevent people from having fun.
You’re right Akira. Family is the basic foundation upon which society is built. I have a large family that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Without my family, I would be half the man I am today. Strong families make strong people. I believe this l.
What church, if you don’t mind my asking?
My family is from the midwest, so I was Lutheran, obviously.
Covenant Church, a Swedish immigrant thing in the midwest. I am from Oklahoma (Southern Baptist) and my hubs is from Chicago (Catholic, but in name only. He is a relatively recent ~10 years~ convert to Christianity after many late night debates over coffee with me, lolz). We joined the Covenant Church because our neighborhood one is so nice and small and intimate–really family like, frank and flawed. But scripture based, which is what I care about.
Haven’t heard of it, but I’m probably a little out of date.
Grandparents are children of Norwegian immigrants; Madelia, Minnesota, and Stanhope, Iowa. In my experience, even the Lutheran churches in Southern California were mostly Scandinavian. Maybe a few Germans too, but we don’t talk about that.
There are probably more Lutheran churches and schools in my immediate neighborhood than anywhere else in NYC. Yep, it was all Norwegians about a hundred years ago.
It was initially called “Mission Friends” in the 1800s. Very focused on serving and reaching people who hadn’t heard the gospel. If you ever want to look it up, it’s officially the Evangelical Covenant Church. Some are huge mega-churches, like http://www.Life.church in Edmond oklahoma, and some are little tiny things. It’s a pretty fast-growing denomination, and fairly confederated–I think some are all RAH RAH social justice, some are very immigrant oriented, and some are just plain ol’ traditional Love Your Neighbor.
It’s cute to me, as a person who went to Sweden for grad school, how very Scandahoovian they are without knowing it. Names in the directory (although much more diverse now). Even our little local church building (we have about 150 people) looks exactly like a Viking ship overturned. Beautiful wooden beams sweeping up to create the “keel”. If you ripped it off the foundation and tarred it, it would float.
My favorite community outreach that my church does: Manna Market. Every Tuesday, volunteers from single digit year youth to 90 year olds get together and present 1 week from expiring fresh bread, produce, and meats that we gather up the previous weekend from local Targets and grocery stores and a truck from Second Harvest Heartland to needy local families.
In fact, any family can come get free groceries; they have to put their income on a form, but they can come get food no matter what. They get a ticket when they come in at 5:30pm, then wait with snacks and coffee while we draw out of a lotto cage the other half of the ticket so they can get in line and go “shop” for free goodies. A church volunteer must carry their big box, and other volunteers behind the food tables tell them the day’s ration (up to 4 onions, all the bananas you want, two loaves of bread, etc depending on supply).
Lots of wonderful stories of friendship, many new church members, and life reboots have come out of this ministry. The grocers love it because they don’t have to pay the penalties of throwing away the perishables, and the “customers” love it because it is fresh, not the usual dry good food shelf stuff.
We go to a Lutheran church because my wife is almost violently anti-Catholic and I find the Lutheran service to be close enough to Catholic Mass that I don’t get the weird feeling I’ve gotten from more evangelical-type Protestants. Still, almost everyone else has Scandi or Germanic last names – without them knowing anything about my background, I’m pretty sure they implicitly known that I’m not actually one of them because of the Italian name.
Fun fact: Germans call Lutheran church evangelisch.
“If you ripped it off the foundation and tarred it, it would float.”
Don’t tempt us, please – everyone knows libertarians are natural pirates. (I mean, Somalia, right?)
Interesting history. Scandinavians are all about the stone and glass now.
See: St Olaf.
How could something called Matthew and Margaritas get shot down? This does not compute.
I guess it’s because there are an awful lot of people who have royally screwed up their lives and their loved ones by being alcoholic, then quit alcohol and found God at the same time. So the church is left with the dilemma of fostering fellowship with moderate drinking, vs wanting to make sure not to tempt or torture the recovering alcoholics.
“Do not cause your brother to stumble.”
So I don’t do any official announcements of drinking/God-talk socials at my house, but people who know us well know that we will offer them one if they want. The church band members & AV team (Mr ‘Splosives is the Bass player) often hang out for hours with us enjoying tasty beverages.
I have fond memories of getting sloshed on home-made mulled wine with my exchange brother’s church youth group – at church! – in Germany when I was around 16. I was pretty firmly atheist at the time so it was all a little weird for me… but I like to think it was a positive experience. I’m still not a believer but I gave up the atheist schitck long ago. He is now a priest, or whatever Lutherans call it.
Hah! Sounds like fun.
Glad you’re not an adamant atheist anymore. I would think that “whatever” is a far more relaxing position than feeling like you have to be On a Rampage all the time. Like turning from Greenpeace to simply being a responsible non-littering person.
I agree with hayek explosives, Being a non believer without being militant about it is a virtue.
It’s only a matter of time before you all accept the (((truth))).
The (((truth))) sounds like a lot of work.
Only 613 mitzvot!
Let’s not get carried away, now.
If I ever do accept the (((truth))) at least I won’t need a bris
Q, I thought you guys don’t want converts?
You will, but it’s ritual.
But there will be a dude near your dick.
We’ll take converts but only if they show it’s something they really want. The whole thing about discouraging converts is that being a Joo is ostensibly a burden. You have additional responsibilities to be a good person that a Gentile doesn’t.
Maybe “Deuteronomy and Daiquiris” would be better received?
Gin and Genesis.
80 Proof Proverbs
Leviticus and Laphroaig.
Ruth and Rye
Noice! I don’t know that I have much to say about Genesis that would help people now without relating it through the centuries to the New Testament completion of things though.
Starting on Genesis is tough for some people.
Gin and Genesis might be “part 2” some day…
It would take a good bit of Laphroaig to get through Leviticus.
But I could do it…
Good for an outdoor autumn bonfire chat where it’s already smokey anyway.
Revelation and Rumple Minze.
Because after a night of doing shots, you’ll wish the world was ending
Romans and Rum?
I like it!
I especially like the Matthew theme because it is a good book, but also because Matthew himself freely admitted what a heel he was before he met Christ, so it’s very relatable.
I wish I lived closer to you. I could get into a bible study like that. I consider myself a Christian, but I find most other practicing Christians to be…not much fun.
Can’t think of a good substitute! A chat forum usually goes way wrong way fast, and a telecon lacks all body language / facial communication.
Until we figure something good out, we can say hi here, and when you visit MSP, and maybe connect on FB. (My incognito email is my handle @ protonmail.com)
Try the catholics mike. I have 2 priests and a deacon in my immediate family. I’m an atheist or something like that and u have have many many fun nights drinking and discussing theology with them.
Thanks ‘splosives. Yeah, for something like bible study, I would think in person is the best way to do it.
Lach, I’ve often thought I’d love to spend a few hours talking religion with a Catholic priest and a bottle of whiskey. But, I’m not sure how to go about initiating that.
If you want some really great conversation, find a rabbi.
Mike, come see me. I can make it happen. I have done it dozens of times in my life. It’s interesting. Father Clem has a lot of good points, he just can’t convince me. I think his overall message is great, I just don’t belive the foundation upon which it stands.
I saw that episode of Seinfeld.
Oh god, I kept reading…
Oh sure, because women NEVER talk to other women about their relationships. It’s not like the “open office” that I work in is full of women gossiping and sharing intimate details about their boyfriends where the entire office can hear them.
basically, ‘he should never talk to anyone but me’. which totally makes sense and you’re really not some crazy lady with completely contradictory and illogical emotional demands.
If it were a man saying that, Everyone would recognize abuser- isolate from all friends etc. Run man, run.
Yeah, that’s crazy. Whenever I meet a SO’s friends I just assume they’re spending all their time talking about me when I’m not around. *shrug*
“Oh sure, because women NEVER talk to other women about their relationships.”
Somewhat related.
When I first started fixing machines for a living, I worked in an electric motor manufacturing facility. There was a department in the plant that was staffed by mostly middle aged women. I was 19 years old and was a damn fine looking young man.
Those middle aged woman all working in close proximity to one another were the most dirty mouthed sexual harassed one could possibly imagine.
And did you get some MILF tail?
Come on man, do you really have to ask that? What do you think?
You are in a safe space here. It’s okay to talk about the horrible abuse that you suffered by these predatory older women.
Did I just hear someone unzip?
Which decade was this? Just out of curiosity.
He’s still pretty young.
I was born in 1987. This would have been around 2006
Oh god, a baby. Every decade after the 90s is the same to me.
Ya’ll kill me. It is assumed that all millenials are flaming progs. There are some sane people in my generation.
I actually know a lot of good people your age. The whole thing is the “my generation is the last good generation” thing. When I was young, Gen X was supposed to become the ruin of America
Doom seems like a real good guy too, except for pineapple and crunchy.
Except we were all like, whatever, man.
ALOL Yes we were!
I don’t think I ever actually sided on the peanut butter debacle of the fall.
When the hyroglyphs were first interpreted by modern era europeans, the first thing they found on the walls of Ramses the second’s tomb was the written word. The written word said, “my country will never survive my son’s generation.”
My mistake, Doom. I thought you came down on the obviously incorrect side of crunchy.
I love crunchy pineapple deep thin pizza!
Just in case you were wondering, I still consider myself a https://youtu.be/grt_iG8kzrs albeit married with children and unavailable
I can relate a bit to that. Back when I was a youngster, Time-Life books had their headquarters near here. I took a summer job there once where they hired a bunch of college kids and had you work a bit in a bunch of different roles. For several weeks I was in the payment processing section doing data entry, a big room with a whole lot of terminals in it. No dividers between the terminals at all, so there was a lot of chatter all day long to break up the monotony of a very dull job. It was 20 or so years ago, so maybe my memory is a bit off , but I’m pretty sure the entire staff in there was female. Mostly 40ish working class redneck women. By FAR the most common subject of their workplace conversations was sex, and more particularly the various men they lusted after. The construction workers one of them passed on her way to work, the guy who came to do some work on another one’s sink and how he was so muscled up and sweaty and hot, and how much they wanted to tear their clothes and fuck like rabbits, and so on and so forth. It was mostly hilarious, but weird in that I had definitely never been around a bunch of women old enough to be my mother who had basically the same conversations about men that high school locker rooms have about girls.
LOL, I remember when I was little overhearing my (single) mom and another forty-something neighbor doing exactly this when they thought I wasn’t around.
And then?
Late 30’s to early 40’s women are absolutely great for a young man. It’s a good change of pace from dealing with 20 somethings. It’s a good match up. Fond memories of an Italian and a couple Brazilian women.
And then I got moved to a different section.
Which was fine by me because none of those women were what I’d call a milf. They were the kind of women who looked kind of worn-out by life. Older than their years – the kind of women who have raspy southern accents and chain smoke Virginia Slims. Their hairstyles and clothes were all still very ’80s though this was 1997 or so.
I thought Gronks hit was bad, but that one by Juju might be a close second.
That Gronk thing came way too late to justify in any way. One freaking game suspension is stupidly light.
I mean, if he had tackled a US Senator like that, he’d be criminally charged.
Oh, wait…
Gronks was really stupid. even if he was dealing with PI all day. At least the first thing he did was apologize after the game.
People are going to justify tonights because it was on Burfict, who probably does deserve a lifetime of late hits and knee injuries (I still hate him for breaking Gronkowski a few years ago). But this seems like the “look what she was wearing” of arguments.
All Juju had to do was block. Instead he went for helmet to helmet, then stood over him. In a game where earlier someone was probably paralyzed from halfway down his back while trying to tackle.
Clean hit.
I have to be at work at like 9am tomorrow, this is like total slave labor/ millenial
I don’t have to go in until 3:30 PM… So if I’m hung over, it’s really no matter because I can get rid of it by the time I have to go to work. Second shift has its advantages.
Although it does suck getting off at midnight and missing out on everything that happens in the evenings.
I worked second shift for about 9 months when I was in my teens. I hated it.
For the past 8 years I have been working a 4 on 4 off schedule of 12 hour shifts. I love the hours. Even when I have to wore a few extra days in a week, I still get a couple days off per week.
Before I started this schedule, I was working 6 ten hour shifts a week on nights. I felt like I didn’t have a life.
I think some people have different sleep and activity patterns, and mine are most aligned with a second shift lifestyle. I was never comfortable getting up at the crack of dawn, nor with trying to bust ass and get shit done in the middle of the morning. For some reason, I get most active late in the evening, which means that I’m tearing ass for most of my shift while everyone else is dozing off at their desks and going for coffee breaks.
oh fuck off. I can’t sleep right now and I have to be up for work at 5 30
Fight for 15! Something something worker exploration! Something something!
fun fact. I work in a large manufacturing facility in a right to work state. I’m a union me because I thought it was the right thing to do. I benefit from it, so I feel like I should pay for it. I’ve been there 4 years.
My coworkers not only nominated me, but elected me to be one of the three men who negotiate our next contract. I’m really not looking forward to this
WTF did I just sign?
My God, what have I done?
Same as it ever was
I’ll have some of whatever you’re smoking.
Menthol Virginia Slims. *Here ya go, baby.
Heh. Yeah, I thought that was good.
And fuck Christmas Muzak. Trying to read on my break and I’ve got Oh Come All Ye Faithful swirling in my head with images STEVE SMITH.
Ok, here you go