Looking out the window at work, I see some @#$%ing Hate Birds, the Birds That Hate stopping by to crap on our sidewalks and foul the pond out by the main entrance. SCREW YOU HATE BIRDS! And then there is all this work I have (yes, Rufus, I WORK! …sometimes) where I am waiting for other people to get back to me before I can finish the year out. And did I mention the ache in my right shoulder? Let me tell you…
*slaps self across face*
OK, I am fine…really. So, I guess you are here for some links, eh? OK, some of you are here for links. Because, lets face it, most of you are here to snark, and look at Q’s posts in the comments. Wait… or is that just me? Anyway, here are some links for you:
- Oh look! Illinois scum petitioning on behalf of an imprisoned member of the political class. Shocking, eh? I am sure this has no bearing on their own conduct… “Instead, they wrote that the nation’s highest court should hear his appeal to ‘distinguish the lawful solicitation and donation of campaign contributions from criminal violations of federal extortion, bribery, and fraud laws.’ ” Man, I hate Illinois
Nazispoliticians. - Citizen – you are too expensive for the State to maintain….report to the nearest disintegration chamber in your sector! This is what the Berniebots want to bring to the US.
- Cis-hetero White Male Privilege! BELIEVEHER# … of course, it looks like certain colleagues do believe her…and he looks to be toast.
- Tsar Vladimir I, right?
Enjoy the links…or not. Say, I wonder if I can pop outside, find a rock or two and fling them at those Hate Birds, The Birds That Hate?
Hey, I saw that plaque posted yesterday. I hope some day I get a memorial like that to me
Hear Lies Just Say’n, He Hated Reason Magazine and Everyone That Worked There, Especially ENB
Apparently, you haven’t read what other people post. I just do the ‘Nick Gillespie’ bit.
Also, your comment was the Nick Gillespie of memorial statements
Just Say’n is the Mike Rowe of haters of Nick Gillespie. Support my “Make Mike Rowe a Compliment Again” campaign.
Mike Rowe is the Nick Gillespie of white people?
Nick Gillespie is the Mike Rowe of putdowns.
Do you think ENB would bring a 40 oz and a sandwich to the memorial?
“Because, lets face it, most of you are here to snark, and look at Q’s posts in the comments”
It’s so true. I really should have reserved the top comment spot for Q
It’s ok, I was typing my novel about polypropylene implants.
Since I’m at work, I only look at Q’s comments when I’m in the bathroom. *looks around nervously*
“Here lies Just Say’n, the Nick Gillespie of people”?
Ah, I see you managed to escape your way from the Firewall Trap?
Get back to work!
Local Man Died Doing What He Hated.
This is real life
Why would you put this atop your Christmas tree?
I posted that yesterday and got no response. Damn anti-semitic libertarians.
All I saw was “Celebrate this year with these badass women on top.”
Yeah, it’s really deceptive. You wouldn’t want these women on top or bottom. HIIII-HOOOOO!
Why would you put this atop your Christmas tree?
You hate your family and the holidays?
You hate yourself and the holidays?
You’re a Fucking Hate Bird, the Bird that Hates™ everyone and especially the holidays?
I’d love to put a Hate Bird (TM) on our tree. Guaranteed to break the ice at parties.
Because with some modification, it will look like they were impaled by Imperial decree?
Great! Now everyone in the office is demanding why I’m coughing up inhaled tea while giggling!
If I end up in hell when I die, I have no doubt that the being welcoming me to the infernal reaches will look exactly like that Hillary figurine.
Snow white polyester pantsuit and all.
Perfect office Christmas party gift. Thanks
Wait until March 2018. Buy a case of the Hillary figurines for penny on the dollar. Bring them to the range and sell them for $5 each. Watch your buddies scatter their fragments across the backstop. take your profits and buy beer and ammo.
I would like to invest in your business venture!
That’s just silly. They should have gotten one of Serena hunched over threatening to “ram a ball down your fucking throat” to a linesman.
I would not, but I admire any form of hucksteristic entrepreneurism.
You’re mentally disturbed? We have a star with a bunch of LEDs in it. Looks purty, no politics, awesome.
OK, Hillary with wings is worse than Trumpy Bear.
“Cis-hetero White Male Privilege! BELIEVEHER# … of course, it looks like certain colleagues do believe her…and he looks to be toast.”
He’s expected to make a statement soon.
“I choose to live my life as a straight man”?
“In this… the Al Franken Decade?”
And you can take Dr. Frankenputz.
Please let his statement t be “Fuck you harridans, I ain’t goin nowhere.”
The shit show that’d follow would be epic.
NSFW https://twitter.com/DougStanhope/status/938295501786681344 NSFW
Are you trying to say that is NSFW?
Hey everyone, it’s not safe to look at while at work! (which we know no one is except Rufus anyway)
Oh, many of us are at work…..
The comments are great.
The largest breasts ever (achieved through medical assistance) belong to those few women who got polypropylene string implants in the late ’90s. These implants were available only for a very short time before being taken off the market in 2001. The implants themselves causes an inflammation/irritation reaction from the body that would then continually excrete plasma into the implants which would then absorb it and expand. This allowed breasts of cartoonish proportions (too much even for me, yes it is possible). These were very rare outside of fetish models and porn stars.
5, 11, 24, 32, 35.
Not Chives’s a list.
The warcraft chick was at least funny…does everyone playing warcraft have tits like that?
Yes, but not all of them are women.
For you:
Probably unfair, but first thing I thought when I saw that one was “Gentlemen, to evil! *clink*”
After the group this morning, I’m just gonna step aside and let y’all have these.
Oh, we don’t say this enough, but your kind are totally forgiven for this.
I’m seriously enjoying Al Franken being thrown under the bus.
Yes, it couldn’t happen to a more self-aggrandizing, boastful asshole.
Hey Al! Why don’t you put all this in the Harvard alumni news? (He so rarely has failed to mention he went to Harvard. It would be so great if they revoked his diploma and erased any record of his attendance there over this, I”m sure that would hurt him more than losing his Senate seat.)
“Because, lets face it, most of you are here to snark, and look at Q’s posts in the comments”
I look at the links!
*says brownnoser*
The proper way to brown nose is to mention something everyone already knows: SP is the greatest admin in history, and also the most beautiful.
Aw, thanks, Mad Scientist. That’s why you’re my favorite.
And the system works!
*Bumps into Mad Scientist as he walks by, obviously on purpose*
It’s the puppy, you dope.
Chick. Magnet.
She is a sucker for puppies… Let’s try a control experiment. YOU compliment her and see if works!
No good. I’m a Vikings fan.
Puppy is finally asleep. My toes are safe for the next hour. PARTY!
Dreamer. Better get some distracting toys out STAT!
I’ve been going through the box of the previous dog’s chew toys. Just found a big hit today with one of those doughnuts wrapped in tennis ball material. He’s also a big fan of cow hooves.
Get him a Kong. Hours of fun when you put a treat inside!
The kongs are great, they make them in different sizes and you can stuff them with biscuits and stuff to drive the puppy nuts.
Both my GSD and PON loved them as puppies. Being smart dogs, as they got older they just sneered at me when I tried to distract them with the old Kong/treat trick!
Good idea. We have one of those toys you can drop and dog food comes out. I’ll try it on him, and see if he and the other dog get into a fight over it.
With the fluffiest puppy ever. And delicious cookies.
Aw, Bacon, you *do* care! (Or at least liked the cookies.)
Don’t forget that she’s a great mother.
Yes, that’s true. Thank you, Mike!
Illinois politicians? The worst of those are the legacy politicians. Madigan, Lipinski, Stroger, Daley etc. What was that about patents of nobility?
Just wait until the Obama girls starting running for office
Ugh, I didn’t even think about that. Looks for bridge to throw myself from.
All Democrats.
The biggest proof that Democrats are all scum of the earth is the fact that apparently groping a woman is more heinous a crime to them now than manslaughter ever was.
The Bush’s are the only GOPers I can think of. Hell, the Kennedys had one alkie or more in office basically forever until very recently. I’m pretty sure they’ll have someone else occupying their family seat again soon.
…@#$%ing Hate Birds, the Birds That Hate…
I used to hunt those fucking things. It was fine when I could give them away – but when people realized they taste fucking horrible the jig was up.
And no, hillbillies, cream-of-mushroom soup in a crockpot is not a solution.
Don’t tell me what I can’t do with an Instant Pot.
Your stomach, dude.
Dog food?
But I like my dog, and he’s one of the few things that likes me.
OK, cat food then.
That’ll work. Cats hate you regardless of what you feed them.
I give up – what kind of bird?
These assholes.
Oh, that’s too bad – we have so many of the bastards around here, I doubt there’s any bag limit.
Still federally protected (of course).
Looks like New Zealand figured it out, though!
And no, hillbillies, cream-of-mushroom soup in a crockpot is not a solution.
No shit. It’s a mixture.
… and a gastronomic crime.
…and still can’t mask the taste of Hate Bird.
“She refused to do a porn scene with a man who does gay scenes and warned the woman who replaced her… so the left pounced on her and everyone who hires her.”
“Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn’t want to do scenes with men who’ve done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself. Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.”
I’m guessing she wasn’t terribly mentally healthy to begin with, but wow.
In porn?
Seems unlikely.
Neither are the the people who attacked her online.
Are we doing half chubs in her honor?
No, seriously this is weird and messed up
More like rub one out in her honor.
I’m not gonna lie – I’ll be looking her up later.
Would (have).
Eh…..kind of a manly looking face
Dicks out for August. The actress, not the month. I don’t want to get sunburned there.
Trying to shame them for the consequences of their incessant hectoring is a fruitless endeavor. You can’t shame someone with no sense of decency, even less so if it’s a mob of people with no decency. All they’ll say is, “Good, serves her right.”
SJWs are miserable excuses for human beings.
Or, “What are you talking about, she never apologized!!!!!”
An entire generation has been brought up to think that moderating their response to an ever growing number of things is unnecessary. They’ve also been taught that, if anyone does try and introduce a sense of proportion, the appropriate thing is to fixate on why that person is not qualified to give an opinion by virtue of their identity.
Civil society relies on a degree of compromise. Another thing the critical theorists have systematically trashed.
Is that really what the story is? I was sad because I am a big fan, but that sadness is slowly turning into anger.
Apparently so. If you go on Twitter, there are a bunch of porn people really angry at a bunch of other porn people for driving her into suicide
That’s a flimsy plot device, even for porn.
I’m generally against doxxing. But, I wouldn’t bat an eye if every member of the mob got doxxed. Think about it, for years now we’ve had celebrities and politicians decrying the evils of cyber-bullying. Do you think any of them will say a word about this? I’m willing to bet 10-1 that the majority of the members of the mob pat themselves on the back every day about how committed they are to fighting cyber-bullying and won’t see a hint of irony in it.
I don’t know who that is but that’s fucked
Suuure you don’t. *looks around nervously* *paws at invisible string*
Lol nope can’t say I do
but that’s fucked
Did she do anal?
*research project for after work*
According to the linked quiz in that Daily Fail article, I would be a net boon of £3654.23 to the NHS if I was a subject of the crown. That’s $4893.18 in actual money. I think that would be enough to cover about one and a half chavs.
You must be the life of parties.
#I looked it up too
Looks like Al Franken…
/dons crooked monocle….
wasn’t good enough and people don’t like him….anymore.
Wow they’re really cheeky about the NHS in England. You can tell by the comments a majority actually don’t like it that much.
I thought socialized medicine is free…
“Goolag Archipelago: Google Sends Powerful Migrant Crisis Video by POLISH GOVERNMENT to ‘YouTube Jail’
YouTube has ‘quarantined’ a hard-hitting video on Europe’s migrant crisis released by Poland’s conservative government, as part the platform’s crackdown on “hate speech and violent extremism”.
The Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration’s video has been placed in a controversial state designed by YouTube to limit access to videos it says contain “supremacist” or “extremist” content, but which don’t break any of the platform’s rules.
Opening with dramatic scenes of migrants swarming into Europe, the video highlights EU leaders’ insistence that the newcomers be spread throughout the continent, and forced even on unwilling nations through compulsory quotas.
But YouTube has now placed the powerful video in “limited state” — a condition designed to severely reduce the potential audience for “borderline” content. Videos placed under this system are unsearchable, impossible to embed on other sites, and removed from users’ recommended videos lists.”
TW: Breitbart
“Google’s Grip Tightens Around the Neck of Conservative Views
YouTube, the video streaming service owned by Google, has announced plans to hire more than 10,000 people in 2018 with the goal of “working to address content that might violate our policies.”
Market opportunity!!
Maybe, but even the dumbest Conservative Biblethumper/Alt-Right Nazi/Rothbardian Shitlord can think of better ways to burn 2-3 billion a year…
Then it’s time those people who will be thwarted by youtube migrate elsewhere. I would follow.
Didn’t they already try that?
Vid.me is out. It already had a lot of German uploaders since youtube is censored heavily in Germany and other Euro spots (I had the “region-coding” they do for music videos, etc. Absolutely stupid.
I think dailymotion or Vimeo is also based in Europe…but I have never seen them used for much except high quality or long uploads (ie. short films, etc).
I’m sure they’ll hive off a good section to be the enforcement arm for the Chicoms.
It’s the advertisers that are driving it. They’re terrified of the SJW boycotts and anything ‘Nazi’. Give the progs credit where it’s due, they have effectively weaponized the Nazi slur to their advantage.
They’re also realizing that online ads are pretty useless, even on YouTube. Why the same realization seems to elude TV ad buyers is a mystery I can’t solve. Is there some TV mystique? Are studios/networks/affiliates better at supplying beer and whores and rentboys to marketing depts?
No. It’s that TV watchers need cars, viagra, and may know someone who has mesothelioma.
We should be applying for these jobs, part-time.
Goolag indeed.
Google Archipelago
In my lifetime Poland has gone from being a country that severely restricted people from leaving to one that’s working to find ways to restrict people from coming in. Economically I’d say this is a very positive development.
The dude’s last name drew me to the story.
But seriously, How is this even debatable? They’re fucking vermin and one of the little fuckers came at me on the golf course the other day when I was extremely inebriated. If I had been sober, I’d have pulled out the pistol I keep in my golf bag and shot him dead.
On a side note, I shot a 75 that day before getting tanked. I proceeded to play another 18 holes in my descent into a stupor. I saw the coon afterward when Banjos came to get me and I took her out to play a few holes. Jesus, in retrospect, I shouldn’t have been driving the golf cart. I was blitzed.
Maybe it identifies as a panda.
Then it would have just acted retarded, not been hissing and charging at me.
Round ’em all up and air drop ’em into the forest fires.
⬆️⬆️Mad Scientist gets it⬆️⬆️
Something like this, yeah?
::runs from room screaming, terrified::
That’s rabies territory.
I saw the coon
His name is Tiger Woods, and I don’t think he’d appreciate being called that.
The rodent equivalent to the goose is the beaver. They breed like rodents and will turn anywhere with flowing water into a swamp.
When I was a Masshole a neighboring town in NH had a beaver problem they were flooding the town common. An old townie said he’d trap them for free. “Live traps” insisted the town potentates. “Of course!” said the old townie. They later learned he meant ” If live trapping means taking them to my barn, skinning them and selling the pelts, then yes.”
You can never have too much beaver.
Therr is a 4 foot culvert that goes under the dirt road I live on. My property drains through that culvert. This is where the beavers like to build their damns.
The county is supposed to keep the culvert cleared, but they do a piss poor job and my property floods every spring if I don’t clean it out myself, so I do.
After cleaning the damn out and getting the water flowing, I usually wait until about midnight amd then return. The beavers will be back at work rebuilding.
A spot light and #4 12 gauge shells is quite effective. I have killed a dozen of those fuckers in a single night. The county also pays a 5 bounty on beaver tails.
(yes, Rufus, I WORK! …sometimes)
This year it is.
As Giants fan, can I demand reparations?
At least McAdoo and Reese are gone.
I was never a fan of McAdoo even when he was offensive coordinator.
McCarthy hasn’t has a very good coaching tree, has he?
McAdoo and Philbin, and Capers is toxic waste.
If McCarthy were a half-decent coach he would have won more than one Super Bowl. You have Aaron Rodgers, FFS!
Eh….the hybrid Coughlin-McAdoo offense was pretty damned effective in 2015. If the defense hadn’t been terrible, that team could have done something. I have no idea why McAdoo didn’t just keep running that scheme. Instead, he puts them in the same formation 90% of the time and runs 4 yard patterns.
I’m scared at the names I’m seeing as potential replacements – Gruden, McDaniels, John fucking Fox.
I figured Swiss would post something like this (should be safe for work).
Does anyone know if a study has ever been made connecting government red tape and how it impacts growth (GDP)?
I believe Coase did some. Here is an interview with him from 2013 on the subject.
Ugh, That was an excerpt from a 1997 interview from TOS.
Doesn’t Stossel post a story every so often to those kinds of studies? Pretty sure CATO calculates that from time to time.
Jesus. Liverpool might want to save a few of these goals for later.
We were all still worried at 3-0, so they had to make it a little bit more clear.
Now it’s 7! Good lord.
Was horribly disappointed that the ref didn’t allow for injury time. I wanted an 8th.
Should have called that penalty near the end and it would have been.
Just watched it, or actually, the “multi match” – I missed the 7th. Holy cow.
Now watch them lose to… *googles*… oh hell, Everton this weekend.
In regards to the soccer brought up in the previous thread, MLS is a joke for playing through the international break.
And the Irsays left Baltimore in the middle of the night because the state was threatening to take the team via eminent domain. The politicians woke up the next morning to find there was nothing for them to take.
The MLS season is too long and too many teams make the playoffs. Shorten the season so it goes from April to September (early October at most) and only take the top two teams from each conference for home and away elimination series.
At this point, there’s so many teams and so many more coming … I really wish they’d consider a MLS1 and MLS2 with relegation and promotion. You don’t have to include the lower divisions in it. It’d just make things better.
You think they’ll doom some teams to less revenue through relegation?
From what I can gather promotion and regulation was created by accident when the Football League merged with the Football Alliance. It was too big for the Round Robin so they formed two divisions with the Alliance teams (mostly) in the former. Teams could be promoted to the first division to make it look like it was a merger of equals.
The Football leagues bottom teams were required to be re-elected each year which was usually a formality until 1980s when promotion and regulation to the Conference was added.
Canadian leagues never had promotion and regulation.
The big problems seems to be travel costs. Moving teams across the country is expensive so the leagues want teams to stay put…
I think they’re running the risk of over-expanding. I actually really like Garber, but I think he needs to cool it on the expansion for a few years.
“I actually really like Garber”
Dickface Asshat?
Columbus SC Fan.
The Hunts agreed to the deal – with the Austin clause. They also got more from the rich brat than from any other offers.
John Henry’s happy tonight.
England: Nation of pussies.
I believe the sun has set on that once-great empire. For good.
From “wooden ships and iron men” to “plastic deer and pussy males”.
“Yes, I kilt it. With my bare, bloody hands. Twisted its neck until it’s head just popped right off! And I’ll twist yours, too, you trivial little bastard if you don’t stop your bellyaching and get back in line!”
Look like Emmy Rossum for $1136.98
Also, it looks like Olivia Munn isn’t aging well, or something.
Damn. She looks like a dude there. The other two are yummy.
That link is like the opposite of what Q posts.
I only made 1/2 down the page, but I didn’t see any flattering pictures there.
And yeah, Olivia Munn is looking like a tranny.
Agreed, that is not Q worthy.
Maybe she’s trying to woo Aaron Rodgers back.
Scrolling down….jesus, who is picking Isla Fisher’s clothes????
That is awful.
Was it Look Like Shit in Hollywood Day or something? Yikes!
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to prop up Angelina Jolie’s corpse onto the stage?
Holy fuck!
Alright people: since everyone seems dissatisfied with the link above, there will be a one-time-only redhead mulligan.
Don’t say I don’t look after you!
14 is gorgeous
Yes she is. Me likey 6, 10 and 35 also.
Agreed on 35. She and 14 are the cream of the crop.
That you, Mr. Moore?
Wow. That’s quite a group.
But 35… damn.
Dear #38,
Babies. Lots. ASAP. Me.
Pan, that’s definitely Roy Moore material.
I work at a university, I see waaaay more Moorian every day.
Although what with all the hormones and chemicals today who can eve tell?!
(Alex Jones. Alex can tell.)
I don’t envy you, dude. It’s bad enough at the gym.
(Alex Jones. Alex can tell.)
Only about amphibians, though.
But aren’t we all?
Except Mr Lizard’s people, of course. But don’t speak of them – they’ll hear…
I remember my old boss telling me about how miserable he was for the summer. He lived on Ono Island, a very exclusive little beach enclave on the Alabama Gulf Coast and had a fantastic house. The house was so great, his daughter, who was a student at UA at the time, invited a bunch of her sorority sisters to visit. Which meant for weeks on end he had hot Alabama sorority girls overrunning his house and pool, wearing bikinis pretty much 24/7.
Sadly, he never did invite me over.
A good friend would just stop by with beer.
Ah, the old torture of Tantalus method of punishment…
1, 19, and 32’s ass. Yowza.
Danke for the redheads.
#4 reminds me of an ex-girlfriend.
Rich Lowry is capable of a decent wisecrack – who knew?
Straightforward from here:
1. Franken resigns
2. Governor appoints someone from House as replacement Senator
3. Governor appoints Hillary to House
4. Hillary becomes Speaker
5. Impeach Trump and Pence
6. President Hillary!
7. ?
8. Profit!
9. Civil War
Mediocre movie, better comic series.
I’ve never understood the need by some to have superheroes fight each other rather than the bad guys. I want to cheer for the good guys, not have to choose between them.
You know what would make a much better superhero team movie? The Avengers fly me around the world so I can watch as they beat the crap out of everyone who’s ever wronged me. And we hear the lamentations of their women.
This can only end with President Bobcat, Sally.
I’ll sign up for a Goldthwait Administration RIGHT NOW!
So Trump’s acknowledging the reality of the Israeli capital and moving embassy under a law passed 22 years ago (who was in the White House again and refused to veto the bill?)? Let the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments commence!
Office Prog was beside himself. Nonpolitical Coworker goes “Wait, what will actually happen because of this?” I managed to strike first with “Well now the Palestinians will fire missiles at Israel, commit suicide bombings, and just generally be barbaric savages, ending the decades of peaceful tolerance. Curse you Trump! ”
Office Prog was not amused by my flippancy on this Very Serious Bad Thing That Drumpf Did.
His reply?
Well, this will shock you, but he just rolled his eyes and alluded to some vague consensus of experts who agreed that it was a Very Bad Thing.
You are correct. I’m shocked.
BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42259443
The sub-lead accuses him of “tearing up convention.” Because, you know, convention is always correct.
I thought tearing up convention was a goal of progressives. Is Donald progressive now?
I’m afraid the Palestinians are gonna hate us now. And we used to be such pals.
This pretty much sums up my take on the issue. The Palis have done essentially nothing to earn anyone’s goodwill (other than vicariously satisfying the Europeans’ desire to stick a thumb in the eye of Israel and, by proxy, the U.S.). At this point, I’m not sure that “tearing up the convention” of letting them think we feel any need to be on their good side is such a bad thing.
“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Mr. Trump’s announcement “deplorable”, saying the US could no longer be a peace broker.”
Sorry, Mahmoud, that word is taken.
That changes things how, exactly?
The Palestinians are gonna be mad at us now?
Oh noes.
This is what happens when you turn it up to 11 right of the gate, people stop hearing you.
“Just evacuated my house. It’s like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire. Literally and figuratively. Stay safe everyone. Dark times.”
Christ, what an asshole.
She is anthropomorphic herpes.
So she’s the Just Say’n of comediennes?
Without the charm.
I hope the fire cleanses the festering pit of venerial disease she left behind. Because if it survives, it’ll come back stronger than ever.
There are few things sadder than a middle aged attention whore desperately trying to maintain relevance.
Uggh, I did it again, I kept reading her tweets.
Meanwhile, you can check out the Twitter reaction to Rupert Murdoch’s house being threatened by the fire.
Maybe we can blame everything bad that ever happens on the boogey man, and everything good that ever happens on Obama.
Climate change AND global warming?
Remember the drought in California? The one that was supposed to last forever because of global warming? We were assured of that as late as last summer.
Then the rainy season ended up being far rainier/snowier than normal, eliminating the drought in one fell swoop.
All that water caused a lot of growth in the forest areas.
All that growth naturally dried out in the dry season.
And then you had a worse than normal fire season, which was predicted last Spring by anyone who was paying attention.
But I guess when you can say that any possible weather condition is due to “climate change”, you’ve got it made.
You just described California Climate, every Year, like tornadoes in the Midwest, watch, when it rains We’ll have mud slides,
Is that real?
One does not simply walk in to
MordorBel Air.Gotta love the people complaining that the highway in his joke is fictional – “There’s no I-12 – that’s the 405!”
Favorite response: “Hope your 35 cats stay safe.”
This lady is next level.
This is what the left actually believes.
I had no idea Hollywood was full of Republicans.
I wish the Republican Party would give us a Chelsea Handler Silencer.
They’re fucking vermin and one of the little fuckers came at me on the golf course the other day when I was extremely inebriated. If I had been sober, I’d have pulled out the pistol I keep in my golf bag and shot him dead.
I used to trap raccoons (they’d come in the window I left open for the cats and be in my house, gobbling down the cats’ food) at my house in Indy. I’d take them to a guy I knew, who was in a coon hunting club or league or something. He’d use them to train the dogs. I dropped one off one day, and he grabs this giant welding glove and picks up the trap. “Watch this.” There were a couple of dogs out behind the shop, chained to a couple of trees. the ground was bare and smooth inside the radius of the chain. He takes the raccoon in the trap out there, and starts shaking the trap and whistling. The dogs go totally apeshit and come flying out to the end of their tethers. It looked like a Tex Avery cartoon. Meanwhile, the raccoon puffs up to about ten times its regular size, and starts snarling and clacking his jaws like a goddam alligator. Quite an exhibition.
*A good coon dog is absurdly expensive. He bred and sold them.
“coon dog”
Yeah. I was squealing like a piglet when he came at me the first time. A Shiner Bock in one hand, running behind the cart to hide. Little fucker was I-n-s-a-n-e.
If this was daytime there’s a very good chance it was rabid.
There is also no longer a need to comply with other game hunting regulations when hunting or killing geese – such as having to shoot the birds with a shotgun while the bird is in flight. Geese can be killed by any humane means, including when they are flightless during their annual moult.
Are Gatling Guns legal in Kiwi land?
Are Gatling Guns legal in Kiwi land?
Another market opportunity! How fun would it be unloading on a flock of those evil fucks!
How about exploding goose-seeking drones?
I like the way you think, kid!
Green shit and feathers everywhere.
Florida prisoner killed by correctional officers for … basically nothing, but you know how correctional officers like to do.
Miami Herald finds their way into a closed Facebook group for correctional officers.
You totally won’t be able to guess what they found
You totally won’t be able to guess what they found
Power-hungry madmen that hate everything, everyone and take it out on 10-15s?
*checks link*
I’m close, yet so horrifyingly far.
“If he wasn’t acting like an ass, he probably wouldn’t have been gassed…”
Shocked, I am.
Here you go potheads. Looks like there will be an ETF on Legal Marijuana later this month.
Now if there was only a way to invest in ass sex, and Mexicans…
Is this line in the PUA handbook?
“The British accent has been named the sexiest in the world.”
Actually, I have the sexiest voice now that I identify as White.
Shirley Manson has the sexiest voice.
Well, Brown University said that anyone can identify as White. So I decided to identify as Barry White. For the ladies.
Singing voice or speaking voice? Because my two nominees for sexiest singing voice are Corinne Drewery and Jane Monheit
Actually, I meant speaking. I love listening to her talk!
I prefer Aussie.
I’m still in love with an Italian woman, at least partially due to her accent.
Is she in that Fiat commercial?
If it’s the one I’m thinking of, she’s actually Romanian, though speaking Italian in the ad
Yeah, OK, “for men to have”, I can see that.
Nothing on French for the ladies, though.
Pan, I see that you, too, are a man of distinction and taste.
“Female police captain in Indiana suspended after ‘white male privilege’ remark”
‘white male privilege’
I wonder when this stupid phrase is gonna go the way of Greg the Bunny.
Holy crap, a Greg the Bunny reference. Haven’t seen one of those in like, a decade.
“How Can Literature Resist Islamophobia? One Writer Answers: Gay Muslim Furry Romance.”
That’s your answer to everything!
1. Gay Muslim Furry Romance
2. ?
3. President Hillary!
So how long until they get shot up?
La Fontaine for the 21st century!
Emphasis mine, for obvious reasons.
I surrender. The article is either a brilliant satire or an unintended comedy, but if the book is even remotely as hilarious, I’m in.
And so he resolved to learn more. He turned first to Wikipedia, then forums and Tumblr pages.
Was there going to be some example of learning in there, or what?
I laughed out loud at that phrase, and last remaining shreds of my sanity insist that the author put it in as both a joke and a signal that, yes, he finds the whole thing as ridiculous as the reader, but screw it, Slate is a sweet gig, comparatively.
It’s not like there’s anything in the Koran.
Speaking of, I stumbled upon the most amazing/disturbing Twitter thread ever today, thanks to a friend re-tweeting it. I may have to reconsider this friendship..
OK, the comic was way less terrible than I hoped for.
This, though. The Word of Truth Itself:
I’m sure the answer has something to do with fomenting Whiteyphobia, Hebrewphobia, and Christopobia.
Gay Muslim Furry Romance sounds like just the thing to deprogram your uncle who was tricked into becoming a Nazi by Russian ads on Facebook.
… by mixing espresso, steamed/foamed milk, and sugar according to the specifications marked on the cup?
How fun would it be unloading on a flock of those evil fucks!
“The air was filled with feathers, and black powder smoke. It was glorious.”
JB to the white courtesy telephone.
Also from the article:
“A recent Gallup poll found that nearly 40 percent of adults fear ‘being a victim of a mass shooting,'”
The MSM’s anti-gun propaganda is having the desired effect.
Chicago giggles.
I’m a little surprised, but not really. Thing about this area is you know exactly where the bad areas are. Start about at Florida’s turnpike, go east until you hit US-1. Avoid that area. If you do, you’re fine in terms of crime rate. Everything in that area is a giant shithole. Luckily I’m a rich (I wish), privileged white male who lives in a gated community with a bunch of other white people far from all that riffraff.
And we’ve got hurricanes. But apparently what got us the worst is traffic fatalities, which isn’t surprising, because half the people down here come from countries where traffic laws are mere suggestions (racist?), and turning on your turn signal is an invitation to the driver in the lane next to you to hug the bumper of the car in front of him so you can’t merge. And then the Quebecois come during the winter and it gets even worse.
And also things are pretty bad if you normalize for salaries and cost of living. This isn’t like San Francisco where they just refuse to build… we’re out of room to build anything, more or less. Except for downtown condos.
What’s surprising to me is that FLL is somehow considered more dangerous than Miami.
*lived in South Miami for 2 years*
Yeah, that surprises me too. I feel a lot safer in downtown Fort Lauderdale than I did when I worked in downtown Miami. Drivers were worse down there as well.
(used to live in the suburbs south of Miami)
We are getting a huge influx of Chinese Nationals here in SoCal, add that to the Central Americans and Watch your ass,
/Third World Problems
Watch your ass? Is the influx from Hebei province?
Several major U.S. cities will be looking to tighten up their public safety in 2018 after finishing in the bottom third of WalletHub’s rankings
“A recent Gallup poll found that nearly 40 percent of adults fear ‘being a victim of a mass shooting,’”
I guess that means the world has been made safe from face-eating zombies. That’s good to know.
So. When will the idiot SJW shout, ‘autopsies are racist’?
Reality is racist.
Michael Buble is a doosh. That’s all.
That’s unfair. You just haven’t met him yet.
Good voice though
Via Facebook…
This person then links to this article…
pack of imbeciles
Flynn looks pretty svelte to me, I don’t think he qualifies as a pack.
iswas your administration, Republicans.For a whopping 24 days, until he got caught and resigned.
So hearsay from an anonymous source? Duly noted.
Philadelphia wants to ban bulletproof glass barriers in convenience stores, because racism
Alternative headline: Philly doesn’t want any convenience stores, because racism.
More or less.
This all comes out of Pennsylvania’s completely fucked up laws on selling beer. From another article on the subject. I must commend Mr. Perri for his incredible attempt at a justification for the proposed law:
I’m continually amazed that Camden is a bigger cesspool than Philadelphia, but Philadelphia desperately wants to catch up.
PA has way better gun laws. Therefore Camden will always be worse than Philly.
Because it’s totes not racism to ban something that is protecting said minorities. These people are fucking retarded.
I won’t provide a link, but there’s this thing about McCain being 74 followers short of 3 million on twitter. He twits that out and 60,000 people stop following him.
The reporting on this says it is because of his “yes vote on Trump’s tax bill.”
The bill is probably a stinking pile of shit for all I know, but I do know one thing: it isn’t fucking CLOSE to what Trump proposed. It’s the GOPe’s tax bill, and they might as well call it McCain’s tax bill.
An embarrassment of riches on TV tonight.
Mr. Robot, Peaky Blinders, Vikings . . .
And that new show following Vikings about the Knights Templar?
Golden age of TV, I tellz ya.
Can I just play Assassins Creed and kill people instead?
And that new show following Vikings about the Knights Templar?
Ah, yes, it came up on my feed after clicking on HM link…
That was… Cool?
I think that’s a different show.
Tomorrow night the Psych movie airs…
The guy from VW got 7 years today.
Give people what they ask for, go to jail
/Fuck off Slavers
I’d say he got off easy for raping Gaia.
Gaia is a slut
She was asking for it.
*peels out*
Did you see what she was wearing?!
“Citizen – you are too expensive for the State to maintain….report to the nearest disintegration chamber in your sector! This is what the Berniebots want to bring to the US.”
We could start with throwing Bernie in first, he’s old as dirt!
Impeachment vote
LOL, these guys sure love to embarrass themselves. Dummies.
good news everyone
House approves concealed-carry reciprocity, gun bill faces challenge in Senate
House Republicans on Wednesday voted in favor of making concealed-carry permits valid across state lines, scoring a major victory for gun-rights supporters.
But similar Senate legislation still faces an uncertain future, with top Democrats and other gun-control advocates rallying in opposition on Capitol Hill.
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed 231-198 in the GOP-controlled House, with six Democrats voting in support.
“For the millions of law-abiding citizens who lawfully carry concealed to protect themselves, for conservatives who want to strengthen our Second Amendment rights, and for the overwhelming majority of Americans who support concealed carry reciprocity, Christmas came early,” Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., the bill’s sponsor, reacted.
Hudson had tried unsuccessfully for years to pass such legislation, which he says simply attempts to clarify the patchwork of state laws that confuse citizens who might unwittingly be arrested while going from state to state.
who in the senate would ruin it?
Well, I’ve been told here that Rand Paul always wrecks stuff, so…?
Kulaks, hoarders, wreckers, and one of them Pauls. That’s who’s ruinin this utopia!
I still ain’t cracking this Glenlivet 20 quite yet.
I really dont think we want CC reciprocity to be federal law. Just give it time and the federal law will be as strict as new jerseys carry permit laws. I think gun guys are making a big mistake by supporting this.
Reciprocity is in the Constitution*. This law shouldn’t be necessary.
*”The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.”
I agree. That’s part of why I think this law is a bad idea. If we enforced the laws already on the books, then this wouldn’t be necessary.
Well, the devil is in the details, but I agree, that unless carefully legislated, federal law will inevitably default to the most restrictive, rather than least restrictive pole.
I’m sure that it will be passed amd then handed over to a regulatory body to enforce. Probably the ATF. The ATF will do what beurocrats do and build up the regulatory framework. Over time new rules will be added to what constitutes a valid state carry license. Then we will be forced to take training classes designed by God knows who, pay exorbitant license fees, take mental health screening, etc ad infinitum.
So, basically, we’ll ALL live in Connecticut.
Yes. Look at what’s going on with driver’s licenses. Feds are setting the standards now with REAL ID and punishing states that don’t issue compliant licenses. Just like they did with drinking ages and speed limits.
Reciprocity is a good thing. Federally mandated and overseen reciprocity isn’t.
A popular donut shop in Portland, Maine was forced to apologize to the community after they offended customers by working with the Salvation Army to provide Christmas to a needy family.
The Holy Donut had asked customers to help them with a gift drive for a local family with five children. Those customers who participated received free donuts.
The donut shop reached out to the Salvation Army to find the family in need, the Press-Herald reports.
Instead of saluting the donut shop for doing a good deed – an online mob stormed their Facebook page. Many accused the Salvation Army of being anti-gay and discriminating against the LGBT community.
It was all untrue, of course – but the truth doesn’t really matter these days.
“They proselytize to the people in their programs, they reject LGBT people from their shelters,” one outraged customer wrote. “They have tried to scrub their image, but still discriminate.”
For the record, the Salvation Army is a well-respected Christian ministry that provides shelter for the homeless, addiction programs and of course the iconic red kettles at Christmas time.
Nevertheless, some freedom-loving, donut eaters defended the popular mom-and-pop establishment.
“Going after a donut shop because they don’t like their politics is exactly why people voted for Trump,” one observer wrote online.
They proselytize to the people in their programs
*collapses into fainting couch*
You’re telling me that a Christian charity uses their program as an opportunity to present their faith to the secular world??!?!?!?
*passes out again*
Maybe queers really like donuts.
Fuck. How many of these assholes actually raise money/ collect food/ volunteer to help the people they claim to support? I mean, for fucks sake start your own damn charity that provides food and shelter to homeless gay guys or whatever you want but Jesus Christ stop punishing people who are actually taking the time and effort to do something useful.
A lot of them are offended by the very idea of private charities, since in their world it’s the government’s job to provide all these things.
I’m convinced they want it to be the government’s job because a) they want it to be someone else’s job and, more importantly, b) because they want to punish people who disagree with them. A private charity handling the problem voluntarily provides no avenue for punishment.
Unless it’s a charity with its own enforcers, like The Vatican.
Maybe, but I’m thinking more of the utopian types who are more actively hostile towards private charities – they think that private charities reflect poorly on us all because it means “society” (i.e. government, the thing we all do together) is failing to take care of people, that it’s an affront to people’s dignity force them to beg for assistance from a private charity, and/or that private charities are a libertarian conspiracy to try to “prove” to people that we don’t need government to fund these things.
They’re practicing Kratotheists. Most of the repellent assholes falsely labeled atheists are kratotheists.
For the first time ever, I agree with a Todd Starnes article. It’s a damn Christmas miracle.
Well, someone has to post stuff at the bottom of the thread, so I mean if I have to do the hard stuff, I will.
Today has been one long fucking day. Got up this morning, drove wifey to the train station. I don’t know why, she could have driven herself, it’s about 15 minutes. Anyway since she goes in at 6am for her new job, I feel I need to get up too. I’m not really a morning person. So I’m sort of in adjustment mode. So got home, logged in to puter and worked, fixed my windshield washers at lunch, had to replace both nozzles. Not sure what happened there, but when I took them off, the connector part of the nozzles just crumbled into little pieces. Then continued work until 3pm, then went to train station to get wifey. Now I can just relax and drink a beer, right? Wrong. My vehicle emission check was due today. First time I’ve had to do it, it’s every 2 years, since I’ve lived here. The damn VEIP station is in the middle of fucking nowhere, WTF? So I’m thinking, man I’m lost, this can’t be right, but Google tells me it’s right, so I continued and finally got there. About 1 and a half hours later, I’m finally home. Decided to cook for wifey because I know she’s so tired from 8 hours at work, 2 hours commuting, and she’s not used to it yet having just lounged around the house for the past 2 years. I’m just such a nice guy. I think I need to go beat a few orphans now.
You made that up. You stole my diary and just copied entries from 5 years ago, didn’t you?
Sounds familiar huh? This entire week has been fucked up. Yesterday I was in the city visiting clients and was leaving about the time wife gets off and I was maybe 15 minutes away from her, so I called and said ‘hey I’ll just stop over there and get you, I’m out of here anyway’. Everything is fine until we’re heading back and I’m like ‘why the fuck is the traffic so bad at 3PM?’. Accident of course. So we finally get back to our hood and I stopped to grab some beer and decided I needed to go into the market and get something. Their credit card system when down when I was in line and I had no cash. But it’s all good, things have to go better soon. Friday I have to drive to fucking Dulles to pick up family at 8pm. I’m like ‘I live in MD not VA you know, guys’. But it’s the only flight that worked out for them. Ye gads, this is the week from hell.
I’m glad I’m old, that’s too much work
I’m old too, it’s just what it is.
I won’t trouble you with by B.S. but you are right, gotta deal with it
I am old. The kids are all finally moved out and the wife and I are both retired. We live just far enough out that no one wants to drive out here but close enough to make a trip or so to town for supplies. Peace and quiet. Turns out that is a pretty good life but man was it a lot of work getting here.
I’m jealous. Wish wife and I were both retired. She actually is, but she’s bored. I’m probably looking at another 10 years if I don’t win the lottery or something.
I got in to work early today (5AM) and corporate or somebody decided to fuck with the application we use to connect to the servers so that we couldn’t access the work. Got to sit around on our asses for an hour and a half. And then the bosses claim it’s our fault that we’re falling behind.
I may be poor but at least I don’t have to dick with Corporate anymore
I was working Roof tops today in the I.E. which means 60-70 MPH winds and my extension ladder, good times. My first roof was fine but the second ladder set…… about ten minutes after getting on the roof, BANG! down goes my ladder. fortunately I could use the Emergency hatch to get down. I have a view of the entire SoCal area, and it was Beautiful, clear as a bell, except for the Volcano in the West, I thought it was fog at first. I’m 50-60 miles from the fires, but that can change in a heartbeat. On the other hand, My sidewalk is clear of Cedar leaves I don’t have to pick up,
Don’t you usually use the hatch, anyway?
Too much hassle on these buildings, fire risers right in the way, stuff like that
And I don’t mind too much, if you can’t deal with crap, HVAC is the wrong trade for you, and my customers keep me alive, in a way
Wait, you just said you’re old. Get off my lawn!
Around here I may be, i’m 54 ya Punk kid!
Well I’ve met Tundra and Pope Jimbo. They seemed pretty old, too.
Tundra sounds old like me, Suthen is close, don’t know about OMWC or the Pope, I’m still a Child in my mind
50. I think is Holiness is close.
Suthen is ageless. Prick.
I’m only half a decade behind you. Old man.
So I am The Old Man eh?
Mike, get of my desert plant front yard!
If you can catch me!
*starts running around Yusef’s yard, makes it 15 feet, sprains ankle*
50? Punk.
Just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.
OMWC is actually an old man. Older than anyone else here, I am pretty sure.
He is certainly the most venerable of the Founders. By a lot.
I am a mere child by comparison. (Probably not a surprise!)
OMWC will be the oldest around here until Hihn shows up. Hihn is 147 years old.
Fuck you!
*breaks hip*
I’m sitting here giggling like a school girl. Yousef’s comment above put a little extra smile on my face.
And where is His Holiness? I’ve insulted him few times on here lately and he doesn’t even have the goddamn common courtesy to
give me a reach-aroundinsult me in return?!That onion hanging from your belt looks like a reproduction. Goddamn poser kids.
57, snapper! Bow to your sensei!
Ohhh Hype! Your a Fucking Old Man!
/Bows Respectfully
Yeah, OK, you
winlose. Only by a few months though.ITIKWYM
/tips tophat
Yeah, I’ll be 58 this month. Let’s just call it a draw.
Nah. you
winlose by 11 months.Not sure if that makes anything better, but at least I know i’m not Surrounded by Millenials
You geezers have me beat by a decade. But you’ll NEVER be as old as OMWC!
But the good news is you’ll never die as long as you live!
Shit. I’m just happy to be here.
I’m just happy to be able to make it thru’ the day in the same pair of Depends.
I just got a Prescription for Nitroglycerine, the old ” left my pills in the roundhouse” thing, in case my heart stops, not cool at all.
I’m still running on only natural ingredients with no pharma added.
You smell like ointment and pee!
Same here. They gave me meds for high blood pressure, but I threw them away, lost weight and got it down on my own. Fuck drugs. You know, except for the ones that make you feel good.
Well yeah, I’m in need of reducing my natural ingredient intake, but at least I’m not forced into it yet.
I’ll play hockey twice in the next two days. Against a bunch of DoomCos.
Full speed until they plant you, right?
Damn straight, old man.
Nah, Tundra. As you get older, your body learns how to heal even faster!
Old Man Strength FTW!
62 here. Respect your elder!
Most of you are old!
Somebody card this guy!
No! you’re a Towel!
Get off our lawn!
I don’t have lawn, You’re a Towel!
So how old are ya youngster?
26 a few months ago.
“Finally, a real adult!”-Obamacare
And already out of your mum’s basement. *Vows to appoint DOOM Czar of millennial basement re-education, after I’m elected Supreme overlord*
26!? I have race cars older than you!
I have superglue older than that!
My car is almost twice my age!
I have guitars older than you!
I have unpaid parking tickets older than that!
I have underwear older than that!
You should probably get underwear.
Now you sound like my wife.
“Now you sound like my wife.”
Yeah, see what nags these millennials are!
Seriously, good on you. You are doing things I wish my 25 year old would do, Good Luck in all your endevours
Doom gives me hope for the youngsters. Even if if there is only one of him, we win!
I still feel like I’ve fucked up enough in my 8 years of adulthood.
You’re still alive.
And that’s what counts.
Just being able to recognize that you’ve fucked up says a lot about you
Feeel the Love Doom!
You all like me! even SP, though she loathes my food choices.
I’m with SP on that, kid
Dude, I’ll buy the pineapple pizza.
OK, man. That does it. Pineapple?
You’re dead to me now, y’hear?
*punches Mike, winces and goes for the ibuprofen*
Come back to Colorado Doom, we need you!
Maybe someday, Q.
*Swings at Tundra, slips on piece of pineapple, falls down*
It really is pitiful though. Mrs. #6 works for a small firm and as they’ve grown, they haven’t been very smart about recruiting.
They brought a guy on, and then his 26 year old son, who still lives with the guy’s ex-wife. The guy picks his son up every day, ferries him into work, they do their day, and then reverses the process.
The son isn’t dumb, but he’s not much good at the job, and really, his morale is diving. He’s young enough and stupid enough to want to get a real job, maybe with the FBI (SMDH), so in a spirit of charity, I told him, via my wife to call me, come over, we can go to the range and I can get him conversant with firearms, and he can meet some of the guys there who – to be delicate – have been involved in alphabet agencies so they can just shoot the shit.
You’re 26, you want to become Eliot Ness, and you’re too fucking triggered to step away from the keyboard and burn some powder and play with cool toys for free.
I know, NAMALT, but it’s dispiriting when your 20 year old daughter has a more developed sense of empowerment and more drive.
Sad, but I see too many young Men that lack any initiative, and do the bare minimums to keep their job(I fire them)
I have fired my Son a half a Dozen times, just this year, and He’s good at my trade, he’s just a scared flake, like the other Millenials
This guy has the smarts to work an analyst job in Langley. No way he’s field material – it’s certainly not my job to tell him either – but he’s pretty much vegetating.
I blame the parents really, but then I’m a harsh SOB who is quite prepared to kick my own kids out of the nest once they’re able to fend for themselves, but still leave them a safety net. LSD looks like she’s gonna become s Texan, #6.2 – a bit early to tell, but he’d be OK.
At the moment, it’s easy to be smug and condescending about other people’s failings. It’d be nice to think it’ll stay that way.
I’ve moved home before. It wasn’t my proudest hour. I hate when I needed money from my parents, even before I had moved out. When I did, I always lied and went short.
Sometimes, you have to swallow your pride, and get help when tightening your belt just isn’t enough. Life can be tough.
That’s qualitatively and quantitatively different from texting mom to ask if she can pay your 12GB data plan this month and maybe next month because …..
I’d get just enough to pay rent, and I’d find a way to eat.
This reminds me of something a wise man said years ago:
You’re 26, you want to become Eliot Ness, and you’re too fucking triggered to step away from the keyboard and burn some powder and play with cool toys for free.
You’re talking about somebody who has probably only interacted with firearms in Call of Duty. Millennials have been raised in sterilized, hemmed in existences. Shoot a gun? They couldn’t even play football at recess. They don’t even know how to change the oil in their car (assuming they own one in the first place).
The skills, activities, and challenges that have facilitated the growth of confidence and drive in young men (and women) have been de-emphasized to the point where most Millennials are scared, confused 13 year olds in adult bodies.
They have low T, 100% guarantee it. They need to stop drinking soy and stop being emasculated pussies.
Soy ain’t the problem. It’s their mindset.
In associated news, I think that LSD *has* been reading that Heinlein quote:
I’ve moved home before. It wasn’t my proudest hour. I hate when I needed money from my parents, even before I had moved out. When I did, I always lied and went short.
I think there’s a core difference between relying on family in hard times and being a perpetual child suckling at your parents’ teats.
I know people who have never moved out from home, except for a couple years in college, and they’re 29-30 years old. I know some at that age who have never held a job that wasn’t geared toward high school students. I know many whose parents wholly manage their finances, from paying bills to doing taxes. Even my wife and her sisters fell into some of those traps, if not to the full extent.
There’s a social disease that has infected the Millennial generation, and it’s a disease caused by shit parenting.
Everyone should hunt their own food at least once in their life. The first time I killed an antelope I was 13 and I cried like a baby. The Shame of Cain syndrome, first one’s like a brother. But, I cherished that antelope as I ate the meat over the next few months for providing me nourishment and completing a cycle of life. Through the killing and the dying, something is reborn, we are all sinners and we are all forgiven.
My first ‘kill’ was a brace of hedgehogs. Not my finest moment, but when you need food, you need food.
Same age as my son, or as everyone who knows him calls him, Captain America.
And, I do like you, Doom. You’re like an irresistible puppy!
you wouldn’t tease me if you didn’t!
It’s the rule in my family. Started like 4 generations back, at least.
I just turned 41 but you guys are making me feel youthful
48. We’re basically an LP convention here.
2013 vintage of Samichlaus. I liked the 2012 vintage better, but this is OK.
Look interesting. I would give it a try.
Samichlaus is coming to town!
Nice selection!
Old Man says Thanks!
Hype, I’m in great shape all things considered. I have a very physical job, I’m light at 140 lb. the only real issue is Smoking and a bit of the arthereetus, so Old to me just means i’m smarter than those punk kids, and they can’t keep up with me, to this day
Holy fuck.
The NRA want to sell me a car.
No, you mendacious shitweasels. Do what I pay my dues for. Support the 2A properly, don’t fuck your membership over, and – oh yeah – stop being lying shitweasels.
And stop getting on your knees and blowing cop unions on demand.
Made a donation to the local Pink Pistols group this year. But I’ve already made clear my distaste for the NRA here, so I’m not going to through it again.
I’m totally supportive of the NRA’s Training Branch’s mission.
The NRA-ILS part? Total waste. In fact, they’re of negative utility. Old Wayne can go suck a bag of hairy, withered dicks; oh – he does – when he’s in DC.
The *only* good bit about the advocacy group is Colion Noir and Dana Loesch.
I know he’s a yuppie lawyer, and she’s got a nasty case of christfag claptrap, but I’d still buy him a drink and give her a good seeing to if given the chance. Their videos are well-made and no doubt help people from specific demographics become more 2A-allied. It’s a shame that once they pay their dues, the new members are so ill-served by the organization as a whole.
She is a pure cop-fellatrix. hock-ptui
So, I have to wear a uniform?
Have you ever donated to JPFO? You should, they rock.
… I’m not attending my own bris, dude. :p
Maimonides tells me that those with foreskins will drive women into lustful frenzies and away from G-d so for their sake, get snipped.
Actually, some of their publications look useful.
One thing that bothers me about a lot of gun guys. Most of then see the evil of the federal police forces, yet at the same time bend over backwards to excuse local and state police. I don’t see how they can’t pUT two and two together and get it.
My experience with gun guys is almost exclusively the gun club I’m a member of, along with a few guys I know who are regulars or staff at local stores.
Many but not all are deferential – they fall into two groups, regardless of whether they’re former- or current- LE personnel. The older guys still think the cops are like Andy Griffith. The younger guys (including 1 who is a recent retiree cop and one who is actually a current LEO in another town) are considerably more realistic. The current cop – we don’t go near the issue but I get the feeling we could.
The recent cop is under no illusions about where enforcement is going and while he’s somewhat of an apologist for individual cops acting like dicks (and I appreciate most of the points he makes, although I remain critical), he’s very up-front and critical of cops who lack professionalism and shitty leadership, which is about as good as I could hope for.
The transition in age from one group to the other is currently early 50’s, so by age, I should be one of the old farts with Andy Griffith syndrome, but I’m with the younger (and currently minority) group, but unlike here, I don’t feel motivated to be confrontational about the whole thing.
The other problem we have in CT is that the ‘hunter’ 2A guys really aren’t that interested in the well-regulated militia 2A guys rights, as long as they can still keep their 700’s and old Garands. Club members are fine, but some of the fudds I know will willingly admit that they don’t think the public should own black guns, and that personal protection is a Model 37 and a handful of hollow points. Nobody needs more than 10 rounds, and nobody’s looking to defend Chosin.
The best demonstration to them of the seriousness of the assault on the 2A was when the Ammo Permit was introduced here in 2013. You have guys who maybe fire 50 rounds a year, get to hunting season, grab a hunting permit and find they couldn’t hunt because they couldn’t buy ammo.
The Fudds really don’t get. They would sacrifice my AR or FAL for their model 700 thinking they are safe. They don’t realize that if my MSRs go, that their 700 is going to labeled a sniper rifle and will be the next to go. I have tried to explain this, but it doesn’t seem to sink in.
I’m thinking that Trump is better on the 2A than the NRA. Does that make me racist?
Racist and a gun-nut? Hmmm. We need an anti-woke intersectionality chart
OT: Thanks for the Surly Todd the Axeman rec this weekend – purchased for our anniversary and husband enjoyed with fried oysters.
That’s great, I’m glad he liked it!
And a belated Happy Anniversary!
Probably, but to be honest – do you care?
That’s a low bar and I’m not sure Trump will clear it given his past.
You’re a white-cis-hetero male. Automatically racist.
I thought we all are
The NRA wants to sell you.
How has no one talked about the NFL paying Goodell 200 mil for his extension?
A fool and his money x 32.
I wonder, if like player contracts, only a portion of that is guaranteed, and they can cut him (without having to pay off the contract) when the downturn can’t be denied?
Did he get the private jet for life he was angling for?
I can’t find it either way.
200 mil over 5 years.
Christ, what an asshole.
Meh. It just speed the bankruptcy along.
That’s true. The assholes are the owners that voted for it.
Out of curiosity, what’s an average ticket going for these days?
A lot of average tickets aren’t going at all. Drudge has pics of half empty stadiums every Monday. I’ve noticed the TV coverage of crappy teams is very careful to avoid crowd shots now. Contrast with college football coverage.
Could we be witnessing a bubble bursting? I’m pretty convinced the money is out of whack, and not just in football.
Face value on our tickets for Packers/Ravens at Lambeau was $129. 50 yard line, 10 rows up from the visitors’ bench.
But that’s Green Bay.
Guessing on the low end? Still triple what I’ve paid for the best seats in the house at a NYC foosball match.
I’m guessing much less than elsewhere. It’s an old stadium and the team is theoretically owned by a local consortium, so no one billionaire owner. Concessions were not very expensive, either.
OT for you Doom; do you have any knowledge or opinion of this guy? He has various on-line training courses.
I’ve seen some of his stuff. no real opinion yet, let me take a look.
BTW, just tell me to fuck off if I bug you too much about locksmithing.
That said, more questions; are you a member of either ALOA or SOPL? Do you think the benefits or membership are worth it? SOPL membership comes with a free online training course.
I am trying to catch up. The ‘I am an old man’ conversation cracked me up.
Let me put it this way. We bought 67 acres adjoined to 3 – 40s and a 38 acre plot we already owned. We clear-cut the timber on it. I have spent the intervening years planting acorns, hickory nuts, walnuts, yellow poplar, pine and black cherry. Seed at first because the ground was bare…clear as a ball field and the seeds could germinate. Then a few years with machete to keep down the weeds (sweet gum, elderberry, ironwood etc.). Then graduated to chainsaw. We now have the most beautiful stand of hardwood/pine mix up to 65 feet tall with straight saw-log trunks you have ever seen. That plot was my pet project for most o fmy life. I tended those trees like most people tend a garden for 32 years…well, because it is a garden.
That’s how old I am.
Note: I was married and had children when we bought it.
I was 24 when my new wife and I bought our house and 20 acres. I have been slowly remodeling my house and improving my land ever since. I paid the house off this March amd the land off 2 years ago. I have the land cleared of anything that cows won’t eat and the whole place is fenced, with a welded drill stem lot built next to my barn. I run 15 momma cows and one bull. I eventually plan to buy more land, but I’m not there yet. I’m hoping to be in your situation in another 20 years suthen.
Walnut does pretty well up there in your part of the country, doesnt it? Black walnut timber appreciates at an incredible rate. Unfortunately it takes time. You would probably not see it, but your kids will. You would be amazed what you can get for five or ten acres of that. Persimmon used to be that way but unfortunately the demand for that died completely.
If you plan on planting valuable wood like that you should grow it on land near your house. Theft can be a real problem.
We lost a lot of cedar and red oak to theft.
As I mentioned earlier today real estate holds it value very well, better than money in the bank. You were wise, oh Polish one.
I don’t know if I would want to plant timber since I’m using the land for cattle right now and that has a lot faster ROI.
Black walnut grows very well here. I have one in my yard that is probably 28 inches around, straight as an arrow, and around 40 feet tall. I figure if I ever get in a pinch financially, I’ll cut it down and run it through my father’s sawmill.
You’re right about land, and I can get it fairly cheap where I live. I bought mine (which is good flat fertile land) for less than 1000 an acre. That’s not worth a lot, but I don’t think it will ever be worth less. I want more and I will eventually get it. There is 80 that borders my place that will come up for sale in the next 5 years or so. I fully intend on buying it.
I also have this gem of a pine on my place. It’s not a state record or anything, buts it’s the biggest one around here.
We’ve got a maple in our front yard with a bole of that size. Currently healthy, but we’ve spent a fair amount over the years removing the canopy that gets above the house.
That is a nice saw log on par with what I was talking about before. I dont see scars or hollows. That could be some primo quarter-sawn high end furniture grade. If you cut in the spring and keep it soaked for a weed or two before quarter sawing the grain will come out like a work of art.
That could me crafted into one fine piece of furniture
Red maple? Silver? Japanese?
Sugar. Common species up here, but an impressive specimen.
That’s beautiful!
I would love to follow in your footsteps. My great grandfather did something similar with around 25 acres. I had the privilege of helping my grandfather in the chainsaw stage. I have quite the emotional connection with that plot of land and another one down the road. It’s too bad that I live 400 miles away now.
My brother and I are very fortunate in that our great grand parents had the vision to keep the land in the family and each generation has added to it. Our grandfather busted his ass all of his life to acquire as much as he could of the family land and add more to it. I guess we have a fair chunk now. I dont see myself as the owner, but the caretaker. My brother and I are caretakers. We tend it, add to it and pass it on to the next generation. That is how wealth is built, one generation at a time.
You are a Fortunate Man, I applaud you,
Speaking as a man of Roma heritage, doing such a thing would be anathema to me.
However, if you could direct me to where your livestock is grazing, I will pursue my personal ambition, conditioned by my cultural heritage.
Don’t do it Suthen, he’ll gyp you!
“However, if you could direct me to where your livestock is grazing, I will pursue my personal ambition, conditioned by my cultural heritage.”
You’re Pakistani?
(It’s a joke.)
Also, phrasing.
He’s obviously just as swarthy, which is not how I pictured 6.
I always thought more this.
I’m actually painfully aryan.
I’m a living, walking insult to my horse stealing, church-roof stripping, bare-knuckle fighting heritage.
De ye like dags?
I am enamored of trees and forests.
Brushy Bayou. BTW that is pronounced ‘Bursley’. Don’t ask because I dont know. The Brushy cuts that 185 acre tract in half, north to south, catercorner. I know most of the trees there on a first name basis but one really stands out. Right on the bayou on the southwest 40 is a magnolia tree well over 100 feet tall. At its base it is over ten feet in diameter. It looks like something out of a Tolkien illustration. It has gotten that way because we dont cut that close to the bayou, we usually stay 100 feet or so back. Up and down the banks there are trees like that. White oaks, hickory, red oaks etc that have been there since the civil war. After that magnolia my favorites are the beeches.
i can come up with those. I am heading over there soon. I will make a point to shoot the good ones. The mosquitoes and chiggers have died down a good bit.
Coincidentally, I’ve got wood.
Including the rust.
It’s not really coincidental, is it?
SP brings it out in me. Unfortunately, she’s due to hit puberty soon, at which point the attraction will be gone.
*rolling eyes*
Oh you Kids…
Maple, red oak, douglas fir, hemlock, pignut hickory and ash.
That’s Cool Suthen
Totally unrelated to anything else in this thread, has anyone used roll20.net to run a tabletop FRPG? If so, verdict?
So the winds took my High Christmas lights down, and i have to get out the Extension ladder again, Damn first World Problems!
You can’t reach them by standing on the hood of your Kia? That’s how I’d do it.
No, sadly My roof is over 20 feet tall, I could use our Basket lift, but what a hassle.
BTW, nice work in a tough trade
I have done a ton of work in my life out of a basket lift. I’m not necessarily scared of heights, but when extending one of those things out near the limits of its capabilities, I have never been comfortable. We have a 125 footer where I work now and I occasionally have to use it to get to the bridge lights on our cranes. That’s about 110 feet up. I do the job, but damn it still scares me every time. I can’t get comfortable.
I’ve done that a few times, not fun, once you get out and things start bouncing,every step can be your last, but That’s why We are Badasses!
*high fives yusef*
*snickers because there was grease all over my hand*
I know I have told you this story before: 18 yo and buying my chainsaw. (24″ Stihl with a truck motor on it) had fair experience with them but knew people who had suffered terrible injury from them. Chainsaw salesman was an old veteran so I asked him
“What is the number one way people get hurt with this? What do I look out for?”
His reply: “Don’t worry son, you aint gonna get hurt. The only people that get hurt are the professionals”
“Why is that?”
Him; “They aint scared of it nomore. They think they know what they are doing.”
Complacence for the…Lose
He told you not to worry because only people who don’t worry get hurt. That’s a conundrum.
That is very true. I have been shocked several times, never very badly. But every time I have gotten shocked it’s because I was doing something I had done 100 times before and was being careless at the time.
Sometimes I have to remind myself, Hey dumbass. This shit is dangerous. Pay attention.
When I worked in equipment rental, we had this Cajun mechanic who was nuts. He used to take the boomlifts up to their max (110 for the JLGs, 126 for the Snorkels) and drive them around the yard. I would get terrified just from the basket swaying in the breeze at that height.
To hell with that. When I have one of those things stretched all the way out, I drive so slow that you can barely tell I’m moving.
And I already did it once this week
+Christmas and Beer!
Is Ed Driscoll an Idiot? does he write worse than I? is that possible? The Exact same bylines every time, new Media isn’t always better, FFS
One trick pony. Tiresome culture warrior. Loves his slogans.
He’s Fucking up Insty IMO
He’s certainly diluting the product.
I can understand the Blogfather wanting to smell the roses and have a life, but I’d rather he did it by simply posting more selectively. I keep watching the bylines to see when ENB starts posting there.
And I leave you with this From SoCal to you, with love,
Namahage. Tradition where they scare the hell out of very small children.
Krampusnacht was yesterday.
Needs a link. Or a gif.
I’ll just post a self-portrait of OMWC instead:

Latest tempest in a teapot: Republican state legislator in Penna. is chairing a hearing and the Dem next to him keeps putting his hand on Rep’s arm. Finally, the Rep says the touching is unwelcome, he’s hetero and happily married, implies the Dem might like men, and tells him to stop. Next thing, all the usual suspects are demanding the Rep resign because “homophobia.”
Dem calls the Rep’s rather calm remarks, a “rant.” Want to bet that had a male politician been touching a female politician, her telling him to stop would have been the highest order of #metoo courage and the male toucher would have been asked to resign because “sexual harassment?”
Someone just needs to say, FUCK OFF! enough BS
Trump already did.
That is a little odd. Pretty sure I have never physically touched anyone at work, ever* – including some I’ve worked with for 15+ years.
*excepting a couple who became close friends
Dem claimed he wanted to get his attention in order to interrupt and make some comments of his own. From the Rep’s comments, it seemed to be an annoying trait that the toucher had done many times before in other settings.
I’m married to the last co worker I physically touched.
Ha, I was attracted to both of them…
God i love EDM,
You need more Future Funk in your life then.
Been there, done that, catch up! You Da Man!
Almost misread that as EBM.
i dont think people even used the term “edm” when this was the best example.
im not really a fan of the term really. the difference between ‘deadmau5’ and ‘skrillex’ is on one level sort of meaningless; they’re both ‘commercial, club jawns’
on another level, they’re actually doing structurally different stuff, musically. i don’t really think its a particularly good ‘umbrella term’
i used to be pretty close to wes pentz (diplo). he had an epiphany in like 1998-9 that dirty south beats could be made palatable to white people via mashup with pop melody. and that was sort of the launchpad of his career. His first (‘never scared’) hollertronix mixtape is, in my mind, still one of the most groundbreaking bits of music of the last 20 years.
since then he’s done interesting things. but not many. i feel sort of unimpressed with the whole “edm” thing. No one is scary or weird or challenging. In the 1990s you had people like Aphex Twin/Squarepusher/Kid 606/uZiq/everything on Warp records/ DJ Shadow, everything on Mo-Wax, …. etc. etc.
Now it seems everything is mild variations on the same basic programmed-theme. I don’t hear anyone doing anything very ‘broken’/out of the mold. its all so formulaic that you can’t even be bothered to note who did it.
this guy is bananas.
now that’s *something*
as they say, you need to know where you come from before you can go anywhere
On a quieter note, I’m digging these guys – and I only found them by searching for the name of the German town I lived in via Bandcamp.
would play…. but 140 bpm is sort of a weird space
i never really figured out the whole ‘garage’ or ‘grime’ UK scenes. i suspect that stuff would mix in really well w;/ that.
FWIW it’s not like anything else I listen to. But it has a ‘mood’ that I dig.
its very “clean”, “smooth”
very *german*
like Neu, with synths
Oh god I love that album – Krautrock FTW
Now it seems everything is mild variations on the same basic programmed-theme. I don’t hear anyone doing anything very ‘broken’/out of the mold. its all so formulaic that you can’t even be bothered to note who did i
Have you considered that maybe there’s no more frontier left to explore? That breaking out of the last break-out wouldn’t lead to anything listenable? Just food for thought.
On a not-even-kind-of-tangentially related note, you gave me some leads on New Retro Wave a year or two ago that turned out to be really, really good. SO thanks for that.
no, because no one ever seemed to take the great ideas of the late 1990s and really extend from there.
its like a 20-year rut.
i mean, even the 1980s turned 1970s disco into ‘house’. the 1990s turned hiphop into a dozen offshoots. those things have yet to blossom anything interesting.
yeah, the ‘retro 80s’ neo-retro stuff that some people have done is really really good. better than the originals even. Im not really a fan of Giorgio Moroder, but all the stuff that he’s inspired is 10X better than his own shit.
Huh, I’m a fan of Giorgio Moroder. What’s 10x better??
Ugh bedtime but fun discussion.
most of the electo of the 1980s was born of his basic ideas.
i enjoy the scarface soundtrack, for example. but this is what happened
it was basically him and kraftwerk that made the whole NYC electro thing
I remember liking Aphex Twin back in the day, if a little too bleep-bloop for my taste.
lol I used to say exactly that.
i was a kid who loved the organic sound of ‘real drums’ – even when programmed. Whenever i heard this avant garde electronica stuff, i’d be like
“dude, enough of the bleep-bloop”
That sounds familiar. I played the drum set and even though I appreciated pop it took me until my 30’s to really dig the electronica. Rock, jazz, funk, blues, classical, soul, electronic, it’s all music. Different moods call for different sounds. It’s good to be alive in the era of easily available everything.
people will always like the sounds of real drums and real drum dynamics
you can’t fake it. Macolm Catto (brit drummer) used to do a lot of live drum stuff for sample based musicians. His music is pretty cool by itself. He’s one of the dudes i’m growing old with. Here’s a little vid
here’s a track he did in ~1999
Rock the fuck out. Nice track there.
i confess to long term mo-wax withdrawal sympoms
it was sort of the thing in which much hope was invested
This is my fave aphex twin track
its 50% the technical craziness of it. its 30% the sound. its 20% the potential it unlocks…because every jackass who heard it went, “HOW DO YOU DO THAT”
here’s maybe an interesting example
Psychonauts (who were on mowax) BBC mix
it was non-genre related. it was just ‘do interesting stuff’. and it covered a lot of ground. and it involved live input that reminded you that some dude was making all this crazy sound happen. (wicky wicky wicky)
Finally, a win for freedom.
Oh no! get those lights and Candles up cause,
Santa Claus is coming, RUUUUUN!
There’s a website called shit my students write. Quote: ‘The rebel and onion armies showed grose negligence by having many of their battles right inside national parks, like Gettysburg.’
My bother just text me that. I figure it’s derp worthy enough to post here.
I’ll send LSD there. It’s a tumblr blog.
She’s derp-proof enough to explore the dankness.
Hey Evan,
I set up an email that is my handle at gmail. Feel free to email about colitis or if you need some clarification of your med charts
Don’t start imaging the worst
I am praying this is something minor
Gentlemen, gentlemen, I can assure you all that sometimes this website feels like I’ve been sent to the nursing home to hear the old people rant about random shit.
“Krampus” is definitely on my new Christmas traditions movie playlist, but FYI (since while I may be able to check morning links later – I’m in a class this week and next week outside my normal job) – Check out the temporary theatrical re-release of “Gremlins” – theater link in that link.
And nuts…the one I might be able to catch in C’ville on Saturday the 9th is a midnight screening. Screw that. Always a mismatch. oh well.