UPDATE! The answers are:

A. Playa Manhattan
B. jesse.in.mb
C. Riven
D. Mad Scientist
E. Swiss Servator
F. Webdominatrix
I. Banjos
J. Sloopy
K. SugarFree

We have a three-way tie for first place! Tundra (who spookily got my entire family correct); egould310; and Doom (whose last minute entry and strategy worked).

However, I have consolation prizes for everyone who had a serious entry, so the following people should all email your shipping address to sp@ this here domain, if you’d like a prize:

IB McGinty
The Other Kevin
Trials & Trippelations
RA Heinlein

Thanks for playing everyone! Enjoy your weekend.

Want to win a prize?

Match the babies below with their Glib identities. The Glibster with the most correct answers will win (as-yet-undetermined-but-assuredly-awesome) swag from our new CafePress store.

Now, because I’m the nice one at this here website, I’m going to help you out and give you a list of names of community members who contributed baby photos…and a couple who didn’t. Your task is to sort out who is who.

Answers accepted on this post until 2000 Central tonight. Check back then for the secret identities to be revealed!

Ready? Go!

Names: Sloopy; OMWC; Riven; Warty; Swiss; SugarFree; STEVE SMITH; webdominatrix; jesse.in.mb; Playa Manhattan; Banjos; Mad Scientist; SP; Brett L.