We have received complaints that this website is being read by some Canadians and thus we are required to provide some broken French rendered in a horrible accent. Likewise, I am compelled to make French toast this morning. And I’ll tell you that when it’s doused in Cognac, that’s a fine start to the day. A Midwestern take on poutine involved Tater Tots and Wisconsin cheese curds. And I’m playing some Leonard Cohen tunes. So I think we’ve managed to clear the de minimus requirements. With that out of the way, let’s look at the non-Canadian news this morning.
Days of Rage in Israel and surrounding shitholes continues to be a flaccid pro-forma response. Death toll so far is claimed to be four, so we’re not even ten percent there compared to a Saturday night in Chicago. Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to do more and we encourage that, okay? You do want to express yourself, don’t you? Or… well, like Sweden, for example, has actual firebombings, okay. And a terrific smile.
Global Warming- is there no end to this??? WE MUST ACT NOW!!!!
This was a difficult situation. Dishonest attention-whore race-baiters civil rights leaders were all prepared to demonstrate against Trump for not being sufficiently attentive to the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. But when he came and gave a speech, all of the signs and slogans had to be changed at the last minute from “Impeach Trump” to… “Impeach Trump.”
Amos C. Brown, a civil rights activist who at 14 years old founded the NAACP’s first youth council, also boycotted Trump’s visit.
“I’m very uncomfortable with his antics and policies on matters of race and justice,” Brown said. “And that’s why people felt, as I do, that his presence cheapened the occasion. It was a mockery for him to be present. He has not been involved at all in the struggle.”
As opposed to his predecessor, who struggled being raised in a white millionaire household and attending the most exclusive private prep school in Hawaii before struggling at the most expensive and exclusive Ivy League universities.
Jerry Brown is being Jerry Brown. Wildfires in California is “the new normal.” Because they’ve never had them before and it’s shocking that the desert is dry. Say… didn’t they just have floods? And snowflakes as well:
At UC Santa Barbara, smoke from the Thomas fire drove Student Body President Hieu Le to write a letter to Chancellor Henry Yang, asking that classes be canceled until the air quality improves.
Lee has received more than 4,000 petition signatures since Thursday, backing him up. Many students wrote that their throats hurt and that they were having trouble breathing and focusing.
“Students and staff should not have to choose between their health and money and/or grades,” one student wrote. “The response from the university has been unacceptable.”
SP fondly remembers her first ride in my van, when I told her we were looking for my lost puppy and gave her some Reese’s. Well, it’s now time for an upgrade.
Obligatory Old Guy music. We were at a terrific concert last night up in Milwaukee. Given the demographic, the mosh pit was a hoot, what with all the walkers, Rascals, oxygen tanks, and flailing canes. Never mind, here’s a delightful piece from one of my favorite Austin bands, whose members are decidedly not old.
They better not identify the ethnicity of those attackers in Sweden, that would be just like the Nazis.
No doubt it’s the natives. Swedes are known for their violent flare upside.
Proof is found on the web. Back in 1974 a hard core Swedish singing group was advocating the violent overthrow of the social order.
They did identify the ethnicity by not doing do.
Snow will never happen in England ever again (2000): https://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/11/12/one-of-the-longest-running-climate-prediction-blunders-has-disappeared-from-the-internet/snowfalls-are-now-just-a-thing-of-the-past-the-independent/
Today: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/snow-continue-falling-uk-temperatures-plummet-minus-double-035500418.html
I weep for all the children who don’t know what snow is anymore.
A kiddie boom boom down.
And Canadian! Well played.
Well global warming in the arctic is causing cold in england. This is why it should be CLIMATE DISRUPTION. Unlike the past when there was no extreme weather, now cold warm rain drought wind tornadoes is caused by CO2. You science e deniers
I wish climate disruption would make my home a place that I don’t have to worry about a tornado destroying every spring.
That’s the thing. All this shit is just Genesis 3 with “statistics”.
^This guy gets it. Extreme weather is caused by global climate change. If there are instances in the past when weather was more extreme, the decrease in extremity is caused by climate change and is disruptive to ecosystems. If there are more or fewer instances of extreme weather, in either case it’s caused by global climate change and is why polar bears are either dying off or experiencing a catastrophic, unsustainable population increase. So drive a Prius, you cishetero shitlords.
Also, it’s because of guns and white privilege.
Letters to the Local Rag: Low Expectations Edition
Rain, snow, and dark of night may not stop them from their appointed rounds, but union rules will.
Don’t rely on poor government workers to deliver your mail. Use someone from the private sector instead so that we can bitch about how they’re horrendously exploiting their workers..
Unfortunately, Amazon switched from UPS to USPS a few years back. Pisses me off to no end. WPP.
This is a change I absolutely love. UPS sucks. Hell, just last week my mother ordered something from another site that uses UPS, and it didn’t get to her until about 3 days late. That’s been a pretty common problem for her whenever her orders have been shipped through UPS. None of us have ever had that kind of issue with packages through USPS, ironically.
My experience has been the opposite.
She should have called Willie the supervisor.
I’ve been doing a lot of internet-shopping over the last 3 months (maybe like a dozen boxes ranging from very large – guitar-case sized – to shoebox), and my experience with all the carriers has been very good, at least in terms of timing/tracking. USPS shipped a few packages that seemed to have been handled rough, but aside from that, they seem to be getting better with package delivery compared to say, a decade ago.
I agree. I’ve gotten probably a dozen packages over the last couple weeks. All of them, Fedex, UPS and USPS have been on time and intact.
I do like that more and more vendors are emailing when the package was delivered, too.
We order things online at least every few days, and I’m not exaggerating. Pretty much everything but perishables comes in a box on our front porch, and it’s typically Jet for staples and Amazon for specific retail items. This has been the case for probably four years now. In that time, I’ve found that UPS and FedEx have switched places in terms of reliability. UPS seems to fuck up either timing or the package more often than FedEx, which is pretty damned reliable now. Also, the UPS guy can’t figure out how to open my front gate and always breaks the handle, which would piss me off more if it wasn’t a simple fix.
Now, Amazon has used USPS for “last mile” shipping for a while, and in my experience they’ve been pretty good. Our local post office is remarkable in that it’s staffed by people who are responsible, friendly, and professional. The tracking is iffy, but if something is heading my way via USPS I can be pretty sure once it’s gotten to 21403 it’ll show up on time and in good condition. Lately, however, Amazon has started using some shitball company called LazerShip or something, apparently the Uber of shipping. Fuck those guys. I’ve had three separate packages either show as delivered when they weren’t or delivered days later from those guys. I get that it’s Amazon cutting costs, but Jet does free shipping on anything over $35, so at this point my Prime membership is basically for free episodes of Dora the Explorer. It’s the main reason I’ve moved away from Amazon, frankly, that and the way they sometimes sneak non-Amazon retailers in on some orders.
Huh, I just got a Amazon order delivered by a UPS guy last Thursday.
I think third party sellers on Amazon can use whatever carrier they want.
Hell, I ordered something from Amazon and it was delivered in by a woman in an unmarked van on a Sunday evening.
Does Amazon do mail-order “brides” now? They really do have everything.
I think you can only get drive-by handies. You have to pay extra if you want to choose the service provider.
Because I hate shopping, we do much purchasing from Amazon. There is a distribution center about 20 miles from our house. The packages are delivered by various carriers: UPS 80%; USPS 15%; Amazon local delivery 5%. Apparently we don’t order things they have in the local warehouse.
A very nicely executed set of links, managing a good balanced coverage of World Derp. The groggy mind wakes up, still not fully prepared, and responds with a gentle combo of “lol holy shit people really behave this way?” and “we’re all doomed.”
Today’s breakfast here: nicely done scrambled eggs and liver pate. Yes, it’s good.
“Long exaggerated bow.”
Your music link needs to be paired with this.
Trump paying homage at the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum is exactly like that time Hitler called for an end to Jewish persecution. It’s a trick. Don’t fall for it.
I really don’t like Trump but the damn prog gives make me defend him. In their eyes he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
Letters to the Local Rag: Hysterical Strawman Edition
Considering how the NRA are cop-suckers, yes they are a threat to our lives.
Future member of Gun Owners of America
If he calls me, I can give him a coupon for when he signs up for membership.
Contrasting with the NRA, I’ve had exactly two pieces of mail from GoA in the last 2 months. One thanking me for joining, and second, a letter explaining what legislation they’re currently dealing with, and why. Printed on stock paper. And that was all. I have a reasonable expectation that GoA is spending my membership fees on something other than glossy mags.
Frankly, even if Larry Pratt was just spending those fees on hookers and blow, I’d consider that a better use of my money than the NRA’s.
Yep, GOA is the way to go.
My problem is that to maintain my certs, I still have to put money in old Wayne’s pocket too.
Leftists always oversimplify their positions into something that sounds very agreeable while leaving out major details of implementation.
I’ve had people tell me, “Look, I just don’t think a felon should be able to buy a gun. Why are you against that?” (kind of like when feminists say that their ideology is nothing more than “the notion that women are people“).
Next time, I’m going to tell them that yes, I do think a felon should be able to buy a gun, in the same way I think that an obviously guilty murderer should not be subject to unreasonable search and seizure or be subject to torture at the hands of the state.
Every right can be used negatively in some way, but it was decided centuries ago that it’s better to have that right be universal and deal with the negatives rather than letting the state pick and choose who gets to exercise that right.
The aplomb with which politicians disrespect the office of the President is a constant source of amazement to me, and sets a depressing precedent for the future, especially when this behavior is justified based on a complaint made of whole cloth.
I’m still trying to find evidence of the racist, white supremacist legislation Trump has signed, aside from a ban, recently upheld, to keep brown people from a specific list of nations out of the country. A piece of legislation not unlike that in force during the Obama Administration.
I know it makes me sound like I’m a National Review subscriber, but I kinda wish Trump would call this kind of behavior out more. It’s not like he’s going to upset these retards any more than they currently are.
National Review is filled with never trump cucks, I think you may mean Breitbart.
Some put Confederate flag stickers over their mouths as a form of silent protest. Others chanted, “No hate in our state.” Others chanted “This is what democracy looks like” and “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go.”
Pity they didn’t have enough stickers to go around.
Actually, I think disrespect for the office of the president is a good thing, and my main bitch is that it’s applied inconsistently- these same assholes likely worshiped the last guy and respected the hell out of the office as long as it was their Team in it. The president is a hired hand, he works for us, not the other way around.
That was the thrust of my “National Review” point – because in principle, I’m completely ‘for’ criticism of the executive.
I just wish that said criticism of the executive was based on substantive issues, taken seriously, rather than the petulant – yes – autistic screeching – of drooling imbeciles. The right has discovered Alinsky now, so when the administration changes, we’re gonna continue to have this stuff, cranked up to 11. Or 12.
I just wish that said criticism of the executive was based on substantive issues, taken seriously, rather than the petulant – yes – autistic screeching – of drooling imbeciles.
IOW, totally different than it’s ever been.
It’s the trajectory that’s depressing me. This is worse than the Obama years, which were worse than the Bush years, etc etc etc.
It’s retards, all the way down, but like Gremlins, they just get stronger on every iteration.
I think disrespect for the office of the president is a good thing, and my main bitch is that it’s applied inconsistently
That was one of my beefs with Goldwater in 1964. LBJ demeaned the presidency no end, yet Goldwater refused to allow the release of a film that portrayed LBJ as an immoral and profane asshole without attacking his policies.
LBJ had no such hangup.
I’m in the same boat. I think this is a good example of the actual thought processes: Trump’s Long History of Racism The arguments seem to come down to:
-Doesn’t disavow Nazis hard enough
-Something about saying Obama was from Kenya
-We all know there are a ton of racist white people in suburbia and Trump doesn’t say he hates them, so he hates black people. QED
-Move to intersectional allies (grabbin’ pussies and making Mexicans build the wall)
“I’m very uncomfortable with his antics and policies on matters of race and justice,” Brown said. “And that’s why people felt, as I do, that his presence cheapened the occasion. It was a mockery for him to be present. He has not been involved at all in the struggle.”
“I just don’t like the guy. Everything he does is wrong. And even if it’s technically not wrong, I don’t like the way he does it.”
How many “people of color” did Obama personally put to work, versus how many have been employed by the Trump organization?
As far as i know, Obama has never put anyone to work with his own money. With my money, I’m sure he’s put a lot of people to work.
And a whole lot more of them out of work.
My wife tortured me with an hour of CNN yesterday morning, and it was all about how Trump is the most racist ever. Mind you, the closest thing anyone actually offered to specific evidence was about housing discrimination in NYC, which he never admitted to and settled out of court. Maybe he’s a vile racist, but he doesn’t seem to be doing racist things so much as things that people who like to call people racist don’t like. I’m kind of ok with that, if we’re being honest.
Photos=> At Army-Navy Game, Cadets Taunted Over Communist West Point Grad
They’ve got a cadet named “Rape-one”?
Short for “Rape-one-in-five”
Nah, pronounced the other way. Like corn pone. Or Marrone like the Jags head coach.
Remember when the whole purpose of our military was to fight communism?
Remember that the service academies are expensive holdovers from the past.
The NRA has no problem with terrorists, escaped convicts or convicted violent felons pulling up to a gun show and loading up a van with weapons and ammo without a background check.
I’ve been going to the wrong gun shows.
As part of VA’s grand compromise to get concealed carry reciprocity restored, state police are now (or were) at all VA gun shows to run 100% voluntary background checks for private transactions. Part of the deal too included immunity for private sellers if the buyer failed the background check, and I think but am not sure that the background checks were even free. Despite that, virtually no one at any shows requested a check, and the troopers were paid (probably overtime) to sit around for hours doing nothing.
It’s funny because this was supposed to be the stepping stone to mandatory background checks. The gov was going to point out to the expected huge popularity of private sellers using these voluntary checks as the foundation in his push to make them mandatory. Instead, they backfired spectacularly. The progs still can’t figure out why everyday Americans have zero desire to voluntarily involve the State in their lives.
I have been to very few gun shows. My experience has typically not been very positive as far as finding deals on anything. Most of the sellers are FFLs that are bringing inventory from their stores and selling at a marked up price. Since they are FFLs, they are required to run BG checks anyway. IMHO, gun shows are good places to go look, not so good to go buy
I’ve had the same experience. I go occasionally to look around, but my local store usually has much better deals on both firearms and ammo.
I have transitioned to only buying guns online. Even with the shipping, it’s so much cheaper; definitely fits with (((my))) sensibilities.
I thought that (((you))) and your fellow (((cabal))) members payed directly in gold.
Sometimes (((we))) don’t have to pay at all. Just a few threats to expose the seller’s darkest secrets and they give it away.
I think that there’s only 1 or 2 gun shows a year within 50 miles of me, and they tend to be full of mediocre C&R sellers and guys and fudds.
What with SAFE in NY and the CT laws, you don’t see much in the line of black guns, and as you say, the dealers that do bring modern stock want top dollar for it. Ammo? I don’t think I saw much – certainly no great deals – and mostly defensive ammo, at list.
#6.2 goes with me and up until last year, he found ’em interesting, but the excitement for him is pretty much played out, now he’s 16.
I have been to this one twice. It’s cool, because it’s huge. I have never bought anything there though. There really wasn’t anything on display that I couldn’t get online or from my LGS for the same or better prices.
Maybe I need to get Southern New England declared a “Gun Desert” and lobby for federal funds to help ameliorate the hardship caused by lack of access to a constitutional right.
I’d rather see your gun shows, being an avid old-gun guy myself. Here in Denver we have the huge 700+ table Tanner Gun Show several times a year, but that’s 698 tables of AR-15s, a table full of old car parts and one guy with two old Ithacas who thinks they are gold-plated.
If you want nice old pre-war Model 12s and the like, Gunbroker is the place to go. Now, if I could just find a nice 97 Winchester Black Diamond trap gun…
Like this?
Guns international and gunauctions have less guns, but seem to have much more *interesting* stuff.
Like that, yes, although that guy’s price is pretty high for a gun that’s as dinged up as that one.
I don’t have a feel for ‘fair price’ when it comes to shotguns, but I’ve seen pistols go on those sites at far more reasonable prices than elsewhere. Gunbroker is usually a shitshow – I often see guns in ‘fair to good’ condition go for MSRP.
I’ve got gunauctions bookmarked and look there from time to time, but haven’t had much luck feeding my own particular preferences. I’ll have to start watching Guns International more, though, I haven’t looked there much for the last few years.
A common problem in all these sites is the number of FFL dealers who wo’t deal with C&R licenses. No idea why they’re such assholes about it, it’s an FFL just like theirs, just limited to 50+ year old guns.
Most of the sellers are FFLs that are bringing inventory from their stores and selling at a marked up price. Since they are FFLs, they are required to run BG checks anyway. IMHO, gun shows are good places to go look, not so good to go buy
In my experience, it’s all about the private sale. I’ve bought a few guns without BG check at gun shows, and only paid a modest markup for the privilege. Just like farmers’ markets, the size of a gun show dictates the types of deals you’ll get. The bigger the better.
True. the only way to get a deal is through the private sale. In my experience, if I want something I can look on arms list and find a local who has what I want and haggle directly with him. That or just ask around the people I know. I don’t really need to go to a gun show to find sellers.
Guns shows and “computer shows”–do they still have those?–seem to be a lot like any festival where you’ve got craftspeople selling stuff. They mark prices up like crazy to pay for the booth and take advantage of impulse buyers, but the pro move is to take one of their cards and find them on the Internet or at their place of business between shows.
It’s funny because this was supposed to be the stepping stone to mandatory background checks. The gov was going to point out to the expected huge popularity of private sellers using these voluntary checks as the foundation in his push to make them mandatory. Instead, they backfired spectacularly.
Feature, not bug.
‘We tried voluntary checks but since most [evil childhating scary] gun buyer/sellers fail to comply, we’ll now make it mandatory. Because it’s commonsense.’
There are gun shows where they give you 20 guns for free just for attending, you just need to find the right ones
You have to be a terrorist, domestic abuser or murderer though. Normies don’t get the free guns.
Have you tried asserting your white privilege?
I hear that works.
But what am I going to do with 20 Moisin Nagants that have obviously fallen off a boat and been retrieved in a lobster trap??
Transport them to L.A. and get the LAPD to give you $60 each in a buyback program.
Would they happen to be located in these inner city areas where, according to Obama, gun dealers are dumping guns onto the streets?
Arkansas played Minnesota at NCAABB last night and beat them pretty badly. It looks like we are going to have a good team thus year.
That and I’m pretty happy with our new head football coach. The more I learn about Chad morris, the more I think he is a great hire for us.
The Golden Rodents have been losing a lot lately. We lost to Nebraska last week too.
Hockey team got swept by tOSU this weekend, too.
I’m glad they spent all that money upgrading the athletic facilities to get those blue-chip recruits…
By the way, Lachowsky, I can’t stand Arkansas basketball because of what the Corliss Williamson/Todd Day teams did to the Memphis State teams while I was going there.
Every year, it seemed like the Tigers were poised to make a big run only to get knocked out by the Razorbacks. Nolan Richardson was too good of a coach for us to overcome. He made his team play defense.
Those were the glory days of arkansas basketball. Nolan was a great coach. We have fallen a long way since the mid nineties.
Mike Anderson (our current coach) was Nolan’s assistant during this days. He is turning our program around. I don’t know if it will ever be like it was 20 years ago, but his teams have been getting better. If you can overcome your hatred for us, watching arkansas play is a lot of fun. Mike has them playing a similar style to what Nolan did. Full court pressure most of the game. Active defense. A lot of transition 3s and dunks.
I finally got my 1625 PSE amp running yesterday… with decidedly weird results. With two output tubes in place the audible distortion and hum shoots up. With only one output tube in place in either socket, minimal hum (no feedback in place yet – pentode yo!) and minimal audible distortion. Separate coupling caps / grid stoppers / load resistors. Also separate fixed bias.
I guess I’ll be busy this afternoon. With that and the snow shoveling.
DC voltages all consistent with one tube versus two? And I wonder if there’s oscillation via unintended coupling? 1625s were made for RF and will gladly remind you of that, given half the chance.
That’s probably the issue… also using a “TV” pentode as a driver, the 12HG7 which is a potential RF beast but seems fine driving one tube. Gain, without the planned Plate-to-Plate feedback, is high.
I’m thinking plate stopper and some additional PS decoupling. (currently shared screen supply).
DC measurements have been… odd. Screen voltage should be ~255VDC but measures in at 205. But the shunt gas tubes are striking/glowing.
Due to time I haven’t dug that deeply into it yet. More later.
Well, maybe
”She is a marketer’s dream,“ Robert Prazmark, a former consultant with the IOC and USOC and now President and CEO of 21 Sports and Entertainment Marketing Group, told Reuters. ”She is a very interesting blend.
”Aside from being extremely successful she has the added benefit of being a tad edgy, in an edgy sport which adds to mystique.
”That is one of the reasons Red Bull likes the association because she is living on the edge.
“Lindsey Vonn is an established star, she’s managed her brand extremely well, she’s stayed out of trouble, she’s got celebrity status, all over social media and she straddles sports and entertainment.”
Maybe she and her handlers think deplorables don’t ski.
After all, Charlie don’t surf.
Well it might have been sky high, but then she dissed Trump and he put a hex on her.
Lindsey Vonn suffers back injury in World Cup race after Trump comments
Personally, I can’t stand her. Mostly because she comes from here and the local press fawns all over her. Which is unfortunate because she never comes across as either smart or warm.
She comes off as a hotshot asshole, which isn’t a good look for somebody trying to manage her brand extremely well, stay out of trouble, and obtain celebrity status
The whole banging Tiger Woods thing didn’t really help her public perception.
Especially because she isn’t dominant in her sport. Yes she has won one gold, but if you want to be a big time endorsement machine, you should be crushing all your opponents.
Maybe that is why her hotshot attitude irks me.
Even if she was a 10 time gold medalist, that type of attitude is shitty. Confidence is a good look, hotshot asshole is not.
Maybe it’s because I’m a shitlord, but I think the hotshot asshole look is even worse on women than on men.
Can’t handle the competition? 🙂
Exactly! Now where’s that gif of me bouncing all my gold medals on my pecs?

I’m with you. She annoys the hell out of me. And while she’s kind of hot for a skier, she doesn’t even crack the top ten on any given day at the gym.
Well, she’s hot. What do you want?
So we had two recent fake news stories and Dave Weigel posting a pic of an empty arena and pretending that was a depiction of the Trump rally turnout that was easily proven false. The media is turning into a total sideshow at this point.
Politifact and Snopes rate Weigel’s picture as mostly true. It wasn’t doctored, was it.
That arena was empty for *days* after Trump’s speech!
Weigel’d again!
Blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit bullshit, automotive revolutionaries
In fact, he seems relaxed about the company’s prospects, even though he admits no recent automotive startup can truly be classed as a success. “If you exclude Tesla, the last really successful startup was Porsche in the 1950s,” he says.
That ius as far as I got. I’m not even going to bother “researching” this ludicrous claim. I suppose you could quibble about the timeline with regard to Honda, but – Subaru? Kia?
Bullshit claim is bullshit. Making every word suspect.
You can definitely exclude Tesla because it’s not successful.
If they can build cars that don’t have to be fixed at a 90 percent rate before they leave the factory (ninety freaking percent, industry avg is 10 percent), they might just manage to do well.
I don’t know, don’t Subaru, Kia, and Hyundai go back to the 40’s/50’s? It could be true that there haven’t been any completely new successful startups since that time period. Obviously there have been huge expansions into large markets, by many companies.
Federal regs make it ridiculously challenging to break into the market. There have been more motorcycle attempts than cars, I believe (E-H, Victory, Indian), but even those are few and far between. Just getting the vehicles Fed-approved takes a massive amount of money.
Tesla might very well be the first in a long time, but they sure as shit haven’t had to follow the same rules as the rest. Using your customers as beta testers would be a major no-no for anyone else.
I would love to see more car and motorcycle startups. But there is no way in hell it can happen until the regs go way down.
Kia, founded June 9, 1944, South Korea
Subaru is a division of Fuji Heavy Industries. They were formed out of part of Nakajima Aircraft. I think Hyundai started in construction in the late 40’s.
McClaren and Koenigsegg are both newer than Lambo, but they hardly produce any vehicles, so I’m not sure any of them count.
I dunno. Does it count that he established it from part of his preexisting tractor concern?
To spite Ferarri. “for the cost of this thing I shouldn’t need to take it back to you every other week, Enzo.”
“You suck, go back to tractors, hilbilly.”
Prorche got a boatload of money when they were going to go under from VW/Audi. Then they tried to buy VW out and failed. so VW bought them to show them who’s boss.
Mergers and Acquisitions agreed that there were synergies to be had, but disagreed as to which leadership team should manage the company going forward.
That’s probably closer to what happened. Porche got uppity and thought the frills company would make more through the slump than the peoples car.
VW also owns labo.
Lambo has been American, Swiss, German, and Spanish.
Also- Tesla is not a “successful” car company. These people are all idjits.
Bioemissions commence.
5, 11, 16, 39, 46, 47, 55, 63, 69…
What do these people identify as? You want me to trust my eyes?
They identify as eye candy
I would kick all these girls out of bed to be honest
Yeah, that looks like a quantity-over-quality photo sequence.
Far less fapworthy than your normal offerings, Q.
Man you guys are picky.
Try this:
It’s not that we’re ungrateful, but you’ve set the bar so high in the past.
#15. Lousy Photoshop.
I preferred the first set. Bottle blondes aren’t my thing.
1, 26
So many tats, duckface, and disembodied torsos.
It’s not the Jews taking over Canada.
Via Wiki-
The first Subaru car was named the Subaru 1500.[11] Only twenty were manufactured owing to multiple supply issues. Subsequently, the company designed and manufactured dozens of vehicles including the 1500 (1954), the tiny air-cooled 360 (1958), the Sambar (1961), and the 1000 (which saw the introduction of the Subaru boxer engine in 1965).
If I had to put money on it, I’d say Subaru will be around long after Tesla’s bones have been picked clean in bankruptcy court.
Not to step on Q’s toes, but here’s a list.
Would… remove my eyes with an ice cream scoop.
I apologize. Let me try again.
Much better.
My eyes!!
What the fuck did I just see?
*runs to sink to rinse eyes*
What did you just see? The top of the intersectionality pyramid.
Peak Freak.
We’ve got a few Ozzies around here, right? Are there…um…pictures of attractive aborigines? I don’t mean to be indelicate or insulting, but it just seems every time some article or show or whatever talks about indigenous Australians they show pictures of dudes in their mid-40s wearing loin cloths who look like dark-skinned versions of the Irish monkey stereotypes from the late 19th century. Which isn’t to say they’re not lovely people, but I’m just sayin’ if you’ve only ever seen pictures of Caucasian Americans from the group of people loitering outside of a rural 7-11, you’d develop a certain mental image, is all.
Do (((ghosts))) have toes?
#4 if I was really drunk. That’s about it.
Holy shit.
Commies, criminals and child molesters. That’s all they have got?
Oh god please nominate Deblasio. That would be fucking epic.
Also via Wiki-
The first production automobile from Honda was the T360 mini pick-up truck, which went on sale in August 1963.[15] Powered by a small 356-cc straight-4 gasoline engine, it was classified under the cheaper Kei car tax bracket.[16] The first production car from Honda was the S500 sports car, which followed the T360 into production in October 1963. Its chain-driven rear wheels pointed to Honda’s motorcycle origins.[17]
I am reminded, suddenly, of the running joke in the early episodes of The One True Star Trek, in which Chekov would make the utterly ahistorical claim that every noteworthy technological breakthrough had been invented by the Russians.
The electric car mob are just a bunch of charlatans and hucksters.
“The electric car mob are just a bunch of charlatans and hucksters.”
No. Shit.
The profit margins on subsidized snake oil are lucrative
I ordered a stand mixer yesterday, to arrive Monday. What should I bake first? I am thinking of making French macaroons.
If you’re a Real American, I’d think brownies. Hardly challenging, I know, but symbolic.
National brownie day was the 8th.
I don’t have a spring form pan and I have been avoiding dairy lately. It gives me a sinus headache.
That’s a valid response to Q, too.
I made up a brownie recipe I call Holy Mole brownies that has cinnamon and cloves and habanero powder. They have a nice kick.
Mmmmm. Chocolatey and spicy.
And where is said recipe?
Pound cake, or meringue.
I have peppermint candies I could crush and add to meringue cookies.
The correct answer is “dark rye bread.”
Hmm, that sounds like a good Saturday project to allow time for rising. Goes to look for a recipe.
I think that this is a good graph to show your fellow leftist friends who is the more hysterical bunch politically. To be fair, though, I would’ve happily joined the anti-Bush mob if I was old enough back then because of the Iraq War, but that’s another thing entirely.
Oops, wrong graph, that was a worldwide comparison. Here’s a map w/ just US searches, but the trend is still about the same.
They’ll just say ‘why would anyone want to impeach Obama?’ to explain the lower activity.
True. Most Lefties will be praising everything about Obama for eternity. It’s really creepy what a cult of personality he has built.
Kegel exercise underwear.
And make my orphans redundant? No way!
i encourage you all to scroll down, and witness the high-$ marketing video they did
Trump is the guy who sued his own HOA because they wouldn’t let blacks buy in the neighborhood, but he cheapens a civil rights hullabaloo by showing up and speaking?
Way to prove yourself a 100% piece of shit.
Morning suthen. I heard ya’ll got some snow a few days ago.
Yes we did. We had a couple of inches accumulate but it was gone by afternoon. I expect we may get more before spring. I put my Franklin stove to good use.
are there pictures with alligators frolicking in the snow?
Snow in Louisiana! Global warming will kill us all!
I have a franklin stove in my shop. That thing can make a ton of heat.
Yep. It is amazingly efficient. 20 degrees outside and I have to open windows even when the thing is turned down to smolder as low as possible. I stuff it full and the damned thing will keep us sweating for 12 hours.
wait 20 degrees is fairly warm. I only start the heating when it gets to like 10 12 outside
20F = -7C
There are countries who use centigrade as a standard for temperature, and there are countries who have been to the moon.
This is Looosiana. Triple digit temps with 90+% humidity is not uncommon. When it gets below 60F people here start shivering. Snow on the ground means my wife is wearing her sheepskin boots, a sweatsuit and wrapped in a blanket. And I have a fire going.
There an underlying political motivation behind this, of course. Many of the recent elections, even ones where the Democrat has won, shows that a growing number of African-Americans are either voting for Republicans or are losing interest in the Democratic Party. The CBC folk and the activist groups have to keep their folks perpetually angry as long as Secret Nazi keeps courting their original support.
Yes. The Dem coalition, in spite of all their bloviating about permanent majorities and how immigrants are going to put them in power indefinitely, is actually very fragile because they rely so heavily on the black vote. When you’re counting on 90+% of the black vote just to tread water in electoral results, the only place you have to go is down. If Repubs peeled off 10-15% of that, the Dems would be in serious trouble.
Wait till the pubsec unions collapse. The Dems will be finished. ??
At which point I can establish the FYCS (Fuck You Cut Spending) Party and make it the new opposition party.
Calling it now the STEVE SMITH/ Zardoz ticket.
” a growing number of African-Americans are …losing interest in the party of Jim Crow”
Imagine that. Fuck you LBJ. 100 years, my ass.
Yes. I was saying this back in Feb/whenever the dems were having their fight about Ellison vs. Perez
the DNC is having 2 simultaneous demographic problems at the same time they’re having major ideological/generational problems
1) they are terrified of being unable to replicate the huge-minority turnout of the Obama election in the future. Obama, despite the votes he got, was a dud for poor blacks/hispanics, and its unclear whether any suitably-brownish candidate will be able to generate any similar enthusiasm. i think the nonstop hysteria about “Nazis” and Trump’s ‘racism’ is really driven by this desperate feeling that the left is losing blacks; the only play they know how to make is “Keep calling the other party racist”, but i think its almost completely lost any credibility. Once you start calling everything racist, no matter how trivial, the result is that lefties end up calling each other that. because its the easiest go-to insult/disqualifier.
2) the progressive-millenial side of the party wants to go leftier at absolutely the worst time; the ActBlue/Soros/ASFCME/SEIU wing of the party, “money democrats” need some clintonian centrist who is more concerned with power than promises of huge entitlement expansions like free healthcare and college, etc. They’re trying to paper over their differences by simply unifying over Trump-Hatred. It won’t last, and isn’t any good for rallying support. They need to start testing out their 2020 campaign themes and they’ve literally got nothing other than ‘fuck wall st’, ‘lets raise taxes’.
there’s probably a 3rd problem … e.g. like there’s a major generational gap in terms of experience; the leadership of the Dems is ancient. the ‘next generation’ is literally 20 years younger and has never had any control. The boomers are dying and need to hand off the party, but there’s no one with any credibility to take over. Who can you see in your mind as being the next Pelosi or Schumer? there’s no one on deck.
GOP has its own problems in many similar areas, but in each case its still ‘far less bad’. And in its favor is the fact that the trump admin is forcing it to change faster.
The left has another, more embarrassing long-term issue to deal with that they never talk about. They’ve successfully corralled my particular generation (Millennials) into the “prog harder” camp, but the generation after mine is considerably more like me and are just reaching voting age right now.
Maybe but it would be another 20 years before they outgrow the default prog positions that almost all youth have.
the default prog positions that almost all youth have.
Our wonderful education system, ladies and gentlemen!
yes, i’ve seen that as well, but i don’t put a huge amount of stock in it.
mainly because…attitude-polling about things when people are teens tend to be ‘unreliable’, to put it mildly.
and the rate of change that occurs in the post-teen years is rapid/dramatic and is often strongly influenced by the one that preceded it. basically, i think there’s quite a bit of mean-reversion, generationally, as kids age, so that most end up aligning along a general trend-line. i don’t think that means that Gen Z (or whatever they’re called) will be *leftier* than millenials – more that they won’t have quite as dramatic a difference w/ their predecessors as might seem the case now.
but who knows.
The GOP could do 2 things that would cement them as the party in power for the next 50 years.
First, provide a semi-permanent solution to the immigration issue. My recommendation is and has always been to offer DACA kids legal permanent residency without a path to citizenship and without welfare benefits in exchange for funding the wall. Then, after the Democrat furor subsides, offer the same exact deal to the illegals (for a limited time… for example, they have 6 months to apply) in exchange for something more grandiose, such as defunding the department of education.
Second, run somebody like Mia Love as VP in place of Pence in 2020. Grab this black political uncertainty by the horns and ride it as hard as you can.
I want Pence to stay as VP; he’s actually been a major driver behind why the policy in the Trump administration is starting to take more of a right turn, particularly domestically. I do, however, suspect that Mia Love will be a prime VP choice in 2024, whether the nominee is Mike Pence or Rand Paul (IMO the two likely favorites).
That is assuming the GOP wants to be in power. Evidence seems to demonstrate otherwise.
adding to this pile of problems for the left is also something else….
the fact that climate change isn’t polling as “the number 1 issue of our time” the way it was 10 (or even 5) years ago.
Tom Steyer has thrown huge sums of money into creating all of this national political activist infrastructure around climate change issues. and in 2012 he was poised to basically give the Dems this huge long term advantage in every venue (or so they thought)
and then he proceeded to lose every state/local election which he threw his ‘nextgen climate action’ committees at.
they’re literally batting zero, AND the polling is showing that the number of people (and more importantly, the *kind* of people) who think Climate Change is the biggest of big deals is now in decline. Blacks in particular don’t find it a compelling argument.
basically, they hooked their wagon to this issue assuming it was going to be a multi-decade winner for them. but its trending the wrong way already.
**fwiw there are polls which contradict this; Gallup did polling back in march which showed spike in the issue to ‘highest levels ever’
…but when they asked similar questions to focus groups *during* the election in 2016 …
(i.e. – when it was being assessed as a reason to *vote* for person x versus person Y)
…it was like #5 or #6 on list of things which people cared about. down from like #1-3 in 2012
as i’ve said in the past – polling is often terrible stuff and should never be treated as single-data-point evidence of anything. whenever you do a poll on a single topic like ‘climate change’ and that’s all you ask people about, they’ll tend to say, “sure i care a lot”. When you put issues in context of “list of things that matter to you”, it forces entirely different kinds of mental processes
The funny part to me is that when you look at the party loyalists pushing this narrative, many of them are African-American, but they’re heavily invested in the social justice movement. So in a sense it’s a perfect example of how the strongest dividing line in this country–and most others, I suspect–is socio-economic rather than racial, because when you look at the, to use their terms, “people of color” who are protesting the most or going onto MSNBC or CNN as “experts” to talk about how racist everything is, you do not see people who are, shall we say, unfamiliar with the many and varied ways one can order a latte at Starbucks. These are well-to-do academics or media professionals (journalist is a bit strong) who are intimately familiar with the intersectionality Olympics but probably struggle to use a drywall anchor. These are people who thrived under Obama and want to keep the wagon rollin’. These are not, generally speaking, people who experience actual racism or certainly not genuine poverty or economic struggle. Those people voted for Trump.
this is a good point.
the BLM / ‘the Root’/ Colin Kaepernick types in black america are actually very few. but the left would have you believe they’re spokespeople / representatives of the entire ‘black community’. Which is nonsense.
its one of the reason i hate the term “[insert anything] community“. its this collectivist assumption of some shared interest where none in fact may exist. the facts of ‘social/economic class’ cut across many/most of these bullshit identity-classes and erase their significance. Most people would laugh if you said, “the white community”, but seem to think that if applied to any other group, it somehow totally makes sense.
Right. The phrase, “the white community” doesn’t even make enough sense to be funny. Nobody would ever imagine that an old-money Yankee Protestant from Massachusetts would have a damned thing in common with a white transgender performance artist from Sacramento or a white oil rig engineer from Shreveport, but they’ve got no question that John Conyers, Colin Powell, my old high school principal, and the group of teenagers who hang out on the porch of the public housing down the street have identical outlooks on life because melanin.
I grew up around a dozen families of Indians (ghandi, not pocahontas) who emigrated to the US in the 1980s.
they came from a country with a literal *caste system*. i recall one of my friend’s dad’s (his son played football w/ me) once saying something about ‘race/class’ in America, and pointing out,
“i am descended from Brahmin, but here i’m no different than a rickshaw driver from Calcutta; and Americans would be utterly confused if i said there were actually more differences between 2 Indians than there was between ANY 2 americans, regardless of wealth or race”
basically, he thought it was hilariously trivial how obsessed with ‘race/class’ Americans were, when in fact we had legal and political equality – something millions of people around the world could only dream of. and in terms of material prosperity, even the ‘poor’ here don’t starve en masse the way they used to in India. He would look at slums (say in 1980s Harlem) and shrug and say, “do you see? most of these neighborhoods are places that used to be wealthy not even very long ago” He saw poverty as a temporary thing in America, something a group might suffer for a generation or two, and nothing at all unexpected. Compared to his country where some people never left the gutter for 100s of years… this was a miraculous improvement.
He basically looked at america and saw something completely different than what was being described to him all the time by the news media. he thought it was hilarious.
SO Australia was right to ban the building of a synagogue cause it would cause violence.
Exhausted drivers for Amazon are being ‘asked to deliver 200 parcels a day while earning less than minimum wage’
Simple solution, don’t work for them!
the British press is in an expose amazon mood. A while ago was about warehouse workers. No one mentions that if the economy was not shit due to shit government this would not fly
Bezos needs to buy up The Guardian and donate to some Labour Party organizations if he wants to get protected, sort of how he’s now a “good billionaire” because he owns WaPo and donates to the Democratic Party.
Wasn’t it two years ago that everyone bitched about how wrong it was that packages were late. People, when it comes to the economy, really want their cake and eat it as well.
Romanians in the news
Seven Romanian nationals have pleaded guilty in federal court in connection with an ATM skimming scheme that operated throughout Massachusetts and several other states.
Way to go, my Tigani brothers!
I don’t want to step on Q’s toes, but…
2 is a good example of less would be more
I am gonna have to go with Pie on this one.
That awesome. Is there a back door?
It’s about time someone shows respect for Canadians around here.
/splashes water at face and misses.
What’s a canadian? Is that one of those things that you use to unclog your sink?
Linking from His Holyness’ awesome website:
“Things I do!
General masturbation
Fake cumshots off camera +$20 (jizzing on me via squeeze bottle held just out of frame)
Cum shots with mr. jizzy +$40 (mr. jizzy will never enter my vagina, he will tear me in half! BJ/HJ only!!)
Oil play: tits $25 / ass $25 / stomach+thighs $25
Non-exclusive: Video will not include your name and will be resold: 10min($130), additional minutes $8/min
Exclusive: You may add your name, this video will be for your eyes only: 10min($175), additional minutes $10/min
Non-penetration / Mild masturbation (some rubbing): $8/min flat, 5 minute minimum +$25 to add name”
Now that’s what I call capitalism!
Here’s an extended THE 1IS GOOD!!! gif. Now with more Zed.
Most excellent!
How about a still of Zardoz just vomiting a stream of 1s?
I thought of that however my process is more like claymation than animation, moving many parts each frame (a bunch of 1’s) would take more time than I’m willing to put in.
Rats. OK!
Surely you have legions of trained orphans to do that for you ….
That’s all mine tomorrow night.
The latest on the Justine Damond shooting.
The prosecutor’s office has had the results of the investigation since early September. This story seems like they are preparing the locals for the news that no charges will be filed. The poor guy was scared and that makes it OK.
Thin blue line.
I’ve said it before, but it’s more like a long, brown skid mark.
I’ve been seeing a lot of those flags recently and it pisses me off.
Do you want a war with Australia? This is the you get a war with Australia.
After those pics about the sista girls, I’m not so worried about that anymore.
“Freeman continues to insist that he will make a decision before the end of the year”
Last time I murdered someone it took the prosecutor months on end to decide not to charge me.
Is it too much to ask that they fire the motherfucker at least?
Someone should put a bullet in that SOB. You make someone quit pushing you by pushing them back.
And no statement from the fuckhead either. I wonder if I could clip someone and then refuse to give a statement.
Also, I never heard why the fuck they searched the victim’s house. This whole case is shit.
Technically you could refuse to talk to the police. But I’m guessing they would have been a bit more “forceful” in demanding that you talk to them before you lawyer showed up than they were with Noor.
In fact, the only thing this guy seems to have done right is to have dummied up and gotten his lawyer involved right away. Color my cynical, but that makes me think that he has been through this process a few times before and learned how to work the system.
We watch a lot of ID, and way too many people cooperate in their own demise. There are only two things you should say to the police if they start asking you questions about anything no matter how guilty or innocent you think you are. First, “Am I free to go?”. If not then second, “I want my/a lawyer”. That’s it. Cops may act pissed when someone lawyer up, but they know it was the smart way to go and there is nothing legally they can do about it.
If if he was inclined, his fellow cops would be telling him to shut and wait for his lawyer as well.
Never call the police.
Is it me or has Trump already surpassed President Potsie in SCOTUS wins?
Obama had a remarkably low batting average in front of the Supremes, and it was almost entirely driven by his abnormally large number of 0-9 decisions. Given all the advantages the Feds have, including the partisan split on the Court, a shutout means their case was a complete turd (and also that no-one involved had the wit to realise that it was a turd.) So to be on the short end of that many shutouts says rather a lot about his administration.
Is it wrong for me to snicker whenever a “Democratic strategist” shows up on my teevee whining about tribalism?
Democrats always feign a desire to “compromise”, “work together”, and “put politics aside”, all of which are defined as “agree with us”.
Jesus Christ. My wife is the gumbo master. Words cant describe how good this is.
Having chicken and sausage gumbo for breakfast.
When I was training at NAS Memphis I had a buddy who was from somewhere in LA. One day his family came to visit. Unfortunately, Croz was on the night rotation so he was at school. A couple buddies and I went down to meet them. We had a nice chat and let them know that their son was at school and when they could meet him. Very nice family. The mom had a big pot of gumbo. She gave it to us and asked if we could pass it along.
Back in our room in the barracks, we decided to just try a bit. Holy shi-ite. I had never seen shrimp that big and it tasted sooooooooooo good. Needless to say we ate it all and told poor Croz he was shit out of luck. He was not happy, but turns out his mom had more with her, so he sort of forgave us.
If you wife can cook like her, Suthen, you are a very lucky guy today.
Yes I am and for more reasons than that. Yeah, she’s that good.
Damn, I wish I had Gumbo for breakfast.
Man, my wife burnt toaster waffles this morning…
*kicks pebble*
Holiday music from K-Mart in 1974
I was hoping for more jazz-funk crossover material
Oh, NO! Chuck Todd says teh white wimmenz is fleeing the Rape-publikkkin Party.
The Thousand Year Reich is doomed.
According to what, exactly?
I would like to welcome them all to the LP. Let me show you all where the kitchen and bedroom are.
+1 barefoot, braless woman in a wifebeater and panties making a sandwich
This evening’s Google porn search selected.
I’m glad when you said it’s time for an “Upgrade”, that you were talking about the van. A different kind of link could have got us all in trouble.
I am opposed to Canadia’s backwards, authoritarian rules being applied to a website that purports to be libertarian. As a conservative, I have a preference for people holding to their professed principles. Don’t let those Canukistanis bully you!
While I officially don’t take pleasure in someone else’s suffering, one would have to have a heart of stone to not find this hilariously ironic.
Doesn’t sound like it would take her out of the olympics, so not the sort of mishap that would warrent an article if not for the commentary earlier.
When your only avenue to monetize your skills is by getting endorsements, I can’t fathom why you would wade into politics. Not bright, but then I think we already knew that.
As a counterpoint look at all the grief Taylor Swift is getting for not being political. People are spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out her basic political position and haranguing her for not being openly political (especially in the right way).
Those people are insane though. The best thing you can do is ignore them.
It’s sad. I remember Leftists decrying Bush for saying “you’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists”.
Now they’re using the same exact rhetoric.
I wouldn’t mind giving her a back injury.
Jus’ sayin’.
Except she’s been with Tiger who’s been with every hotel bar whore on the planet.
“You need to rest your back, so lie on it…”
I went to Canada once for an industrial engineering conference in Montral
God damned fat fingers.
Anyway, I ended up eating Tim Horton’s and poutine for an embarrassingly large proportion of my meals.
Enjoyed the Old Town and getting lost in the underground pedestrian areas. Did not like French.
I hear the strip clubs in Montreal are da bomb.
I was disappointed by Timbits in BC. But I have a Tim Horton’s coffee cup for a pencil holder on my desk now.
I got close enough to glare at Canadia across the border, but the signs told me I shouldn’t enter.
It was kinda funny when we went up to Niagara Falls in summer. I know I mentioned the visit in an earlier thread, but as we drove up toward the car park at the falls, all 4 of us in the car, completely independently were evaluating the field of fire and potential vantage points across the river into the park from those casinos and hotels over above the Niagara Pkwy.
We only realized about 10 mins later when – of all people – Mrs. #6 said “Must be a nightmare for the Secret Service when a politico visits this place.”
Everything that can give you a view of the falls is set up to do so. And on that note – the window on my 8th floor hotel room opened – without any sign of a screen or any such pesky obstructions. My first thought was “what a safety hazard” though now it would have been a boon to a sniper.
Dems slashing superdelegates? Be interesting to see how crazy their primary winner could get.
Commie McStalin is our candidate for 2020!
Lying liar strikes again
Despite his unorthodox decision to replace her, even Mr. Trump has agreed that Ms. Yellen has performed well in the job. In the Rose Garden announcing Mr. Powell’s nomination, the president called Ms. Yellen an “absolutely spectacular person” and said she had “done a terrific job.”
So, why, many women wondered, replace her with a man?
“Janet should’ve been renominated, as every past Fed chair has been renominated for nearly the last 40 years,” Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts said in an interview. “But it’s not the first time and certainly not the last a highly qualified woman is passed over for a job she clearly deserves.”
If Speaker == Elizabeth Warren, Listen(false);
A comma?
I also forgot to quote the string for comparison.
self.listen( speaker !== “Elizabeth Warren” );
I’m comparing type as well as value.
…so many jokes …can’t pick just one.
It’s really important that our public officeholders are chosen based upon their sex and credentials rather than such petty issues as what’s best for the public.
Considering her tenure at the Federal Reserve, economists said that having a woman in that role had brought about a more representative approach to monetary policy, even if Ms. Yellen did not emphasize an agenda intended to advance the interests of women. Several academic studies, for example, show that women economists are more likely to address inequality than their male counterparts.
“The economic profession as a whole has a terrible white male problem,” Ms. Coronado, said. “Are you even going to ask the right questions if you have a lot of privileged people setting the agenda?”
Reality is completely malleable. But don’t worry, we just need to have the right people in charge.
“Women economists are more likely to [create perverse incentives, waste money and inhibit freedom by pointlessly trying] address inequality than their male counterparts”.
I wouldn’t mind giving her a back injury.
Horsey rides for everybody!
A classic fetish!
I don’t know why I clicked that. I was really hoping that would go to a clip from Witcher 3 of Geralt and Yen’s sex scene on the stuffed unicorn. Should’ve known better.
Saints’ Row 3 has everything!
So what’s the deal with the Fox NFL Sunday show doing the entire show in front of a cobbled-together group of Rams fans? NFL must be desperate to make the move work for them this time around.
They’re not going on the road every week like ESPN’s College Game Day?
(I don’t watch pregame shows, so I wouldn’t know.)
And, wow, those people were not bright.
They were paid actors.
I read the article yesterday that Fox put an ad in a local paper for a casting call.
They were worried the Eagles would have another home game crowd in LA.
Is it a bad idea to patch a sidewall that has been gouged but not compromised?
Context – While trying to figure out why the hell my tire pressure monitoring alarm won’t shut up even after I verified the pressure in the tires, I noticed a spot on one of the sidewalls where something had dug into the material, but that tire was holding pressure and there was no sign of leakage through the damage. As it is a weak spot, I was debating between attempting to patch it and simply replacing the tire. One of these costs more than the other.
Most tire shops won’t patch the sidewall. The explanation I’ve been given is that the sidewall is too flexible and too thin to hold a patch securely. I’d say if it’s still holding pressure just start socking some cash away for a replacement and make sure your spare is in good shape.
The car doesn’t have a spare – it has a reinflation system (which does jack shit for a sidewall blowout.) I can afford to replace the tire, I would rather not have to right now.
I never gamble with tires or brakes. That said, how many miles on the tires? What kind are they?
And fuck the beancounter who decided that the re-inflation bullshit is better than a spare.
They came with the car – which is at less than 15,000 miles right now. I think I must have hit a curb or something from the damage profile. I don’t know the exact brand.
I wouldn’t worry then about just replacing one.
A reinflation system sounds really cool until you have a straight-up blowout. It’s not a bad idea to pick up an aftermarket spare if you’ve got somewhere you can stow it. One of the things I like about our Highlander is that it has a full-size spare; really, just a fifth matching rim with a real tire. Barring that, a donut will get you to a service station in a fix.
Yep, had that exact situation with less than 5k miles on my car. Ran over some debris on the highway, and lost pressure in one tire. The air pump and goop didn’t work because the hole was large. Ended up having the car towed.
I’m in the market for a spare.
Replace the tire. Even if you could find a shop willing to patch a sidewall, the flex it experiences in normal running will cause the patch to fail within 20 miles.
If the verified tire pressure is holding steady but the TPMS is alarming, it may just be a bad sensor. Does your car show measured PSI on individual tires or an overall tire pressure low?
It has one light that says “Tire Pressure Low”, and does not even indicate which tire it thinks is low. Though the sidewall damage is more significant, I don’t think the two are related issues. (I just wasn’t looking too closely at the tires until trying to figure out why the alarm won’t go away)
Those fucking sensors are a joke. Sometimes you need to reset the TPMS, though.
You cant patch a sidewall.
Replace the tire. Small price to pay considering it could mean your life.
Replace that tire.
That was the consensus. I’ve already started making the appointment, and the car won’t be leaving the parking spot before then.
Good. We want to keep you around a while.
As it is a weak spot, I was debating between attempting to patch it and simply replacing the tire. One of these costs more than the other.
How deep is the gouge? Can you see the steel mesh, or is it shallow enough to just be rubber? I clipped a curb with my wife’s car, and while it didn’t go deep, the rubber gouged down to the steel mesh. All of the tire was still there, but there was a chunk hanging on by a flap. I got some 5 minute epoxy and covered the exposed steel, as well as attached the rubber back so that the interior of the tire wasn’t exposed to air. After 6 months, we haven’t had any issues with that tire.
Patching doesn’t work on the sidewall, and what I did doesn’t work if the steel mesh has been punctured.
I don’t see steel, but the gouge is narrow and deep, so light doesn’t get down into it too well.
IMO, replace it. If the gouge is around an inch deep, it could’ve impacted the steel. If you can’t see the steel to inspect it and cover it to avoid corrosion, you’re at risk for a catastrophic blowout.
The sidwall is not an inch thick. An inch deep would be a puncture.
Yep, sorry. My brain was elsewhere. My gouge was about 1/8″, and the rubber ripped another 1/8″ to 1/4″ to the steel mesh.
These guys are Canadians. The Nils-River Of Sadness https://youtu.be/6zASecaCtR0
These blokes are from Great Britain. Kagoule — https://youtu.be/gS6SDFHcOGw
You know who else was a 3-piece alt-rock band from Seattle? Night Beats: Sunday Mourning https://youtu.be/OTYTCEZ-mqI
Oooh. That’s good stuff. Cool guitar, too.
“” Cool guitar””
I think its one of the ‘airline’ guitars Sears sold in the early 60s, or one of these reissue jobs
1960 Airline Town & Country – different pickguard, but probably within a year or two
his is probably a different color of the reissue. the OG version of the one he’s playing is a 59 and is very rare, and has a bigsby bridge, which that does not. the PU’s are also inconsistent with the original
of course, if i’d just read the YT comments, i’d have learned that in 2 seconds, but *you should never read the YT comments
I think that Bighorn is going to make it into my collection. Christmas is coming after all…
Returned from a Sunday morning hair cut. The local barbershop is part of chain that started here in Portland. They bill themselves as a ‘rock and roll barbershop’ which mostly means they play rock music and have creative collages all over the walls of attractive models in various stages of disrobing. The girls who cut the hair are always friendly though, and there’s no making appointments so I like it. They also give you a beer. So I got one this morning. It is a Montucky Cold Snack Lager. Quite tasty, a little bit of flavor, low ABV of about 4% so it is basically water. Not something I’d buy, but for free it was a good way to start a Sunday morning.
now that is a sales pitch
I bet some fuckwad will rat them out to regulators at some point tho. unless they have a ‘license’, you can give alcohol away, but i don’t think you can let people drink it in your place of business.
They have like a dozen places all over the city and all of them do it. I’m pretty sure they have an OLCC permit that allows it. They’ve done it for years, and the OLCC is known to be very stringent on enforcing their control around alcohol.
Fuck Wayne Rooney, his cheating teammate, and the bamboozled ref.
Fuck every EPL team.
Is it a bad idea to patch a sidewall that has been gouged but not compromised?
Context – While trying to figure out why the hell my tire pressure monitoring alarm won’t shut up even after I verified the pressure in the tires, I noticed a spot on one of the sidewalls where something had dug into the material, but that tire was holding pressure and there was no sign of leakage through the damage. As it is a weak spot, I was debating between attempting to patch it and simply replacing the tire. One of these costs more than the other.
I’m too late to this party, but- speaking purely for myself, if I thought it was just cosmetic damage (it still holds air, no actual cords in view), I’d put it on the back and run it. That’s just me. YMMV
The gouge looks like it should be leaking, but it isn’t. As I said to my dad, if I thought it was cosmetic, I wouldn’t have bothered mentioning it.
Also- you could test that tire by temporarily overinflating it (~45psi) and mist it with a spray bottle full of soapy water. Bubbles? Yeah, it’s junk.