The Ravens were all like Yay! And then they were all like awwwww. Tough loss, that. Steelers dedicated the win to Ryan Shazier, the former Buckeye great who is showing some improvement, according to reports. Hang in there, big guy.
Army sang second!
Some good hoops action over the weekend. Ohio State contuinues to look decent after their third win in a row. Villanova is really good. Arizona State beat Kansas and appears to be legit. Purdue and Gonzaga also both beat unranked opponents.
In soccer, Liverpool were completely robbed by the officials, and the greed of one of their own players, and were stuck with a draw vs Everton. Man City beat United, and a dustup followed outside the locker rooms when, get this, United players said the City players were disrespecting them for celebrating the win too loudly in their locker room. Jeez, what a bunch of pussies.
On the ice, Chicago beat the Coyotes. Step away from the ledge, Swissy. Toronto blanked Edmonton. The Blues beat the Sabres in OT as did the MINNESODA WIIIIIIIIIILD in their game with the Sharts.
Now, if only the Weigel-Trump dustup counted as a sport, I could report on the score. I guess I’ll have to estimate it: Trump 100-Weigel 25,000*.
*Those scores aren’t what you think. Trump’s 100 represents the percent of the media coverage he deflected from Roy Moore. Weigel’s reflects the number of new twitter followers he garnered after DJT ripped him a new a-hole for falsely reporting on the crowd size in a smarmy, douchy way and then deleting it, also in a smarmy and douchy way, when he was shown to be wrong (deliberately or otherwise). So does 25,000 beat 100? Well, we will find out Tuesday night how good a score the 100 was. Weigel will find out in an ongoing manner how many of those 25k are shitposters that will make his life hell. I’ll have to rely on third-party info to find out about that, however. He still has me blocked after all.
That’s it for all that mess. Now get ready for…the links!
Not satisfied with having a nuke program, Kim decides to take it up a notch. Still think giving them (the Kim nutters) all those concessions and continuing to make concessions every time he used the money we sent him to build weapons was a good idea, Obama, Bush and Clinton? Dumbasses.

Kim Jong Un: mountaineer, weapons expert and nut job.
If you’ve ever wondered what constitutes a “shitshow”, look no farther. I just hope the businessman, whose family has owned the place for over a hundred years, comes out of this in better shape than the prick kids trying to ruin his life for the audacity to try and have thieves who assaulted him punished for their crimes.
Rahm Emmanuel prepares for an easy run to a third term as the city he is in charge of sinks further into insolvency, the police get more out of control and the death toll from violent crime continues to skyrocket. I wish such piss poor performance resulted in that type of job security in my business.
Former Masshole pol says “was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that? Cause, I gotta tell you…” Well, you all know the rest.

Mohammed bin Salman, doing good stuff.
Saudia Arabian crown prince continues his push to bring Saudi Arabia into the 20th century. And yes, I meant 20th Century, not 21st. After all, we were building them in western cities as early as the very late 19th century. But I felt generous and didn’t want to call out a culture who treat women as property and throw gay people off buildings to their death. Because that would be intolerant and bigoted of me. Kudos to bin Salman, though. He’s doing a good job of starting to rid the nation of the cancer called Wahhabism.
And lastly, in case you’re a California lawmaker and are unclear, don’t corner a lobbyist in a bathroom and then proceed to jack it in front of her. Or, according to this guy, don’t be falsely accused of it, because that’ll make you quit as well. That pretty much removes the entire state house representation for the San Fernando Valley in California, as the other local delegate resigned last week for “improprieties”.
Think good thoughts, even if the links are all full of assholes. And have a great day.
Good morning Glibs
Good morning, Tulpa.
Good morning to you too LH
don’t corner… in a bathroom and then proceed to jack it in front of her.OMWC hit hardest
Hey, it didn’t say anything about vans!
Caught in the middle are longtime residents of this town of 8,300 people, many of whom identify themselves as liberals but who have patronized Gibson’s for decades.
Why the “but” in that sentence?
Because a liberal can’t patronize a place even so much as accused of racial profiling. It send the wrong…signal.
I also like this little tidbit.
Excuse me? Protecting your property is not a political bubble.
You can’t even make this shit up.
Oberlin, by all accounts, is ground zero for prog America. I can pretty much believe any craziness that comes out of there.
When reading the article I first read that as Oberlin not Gibson. I also wondered why some kid that created a podcast after this got any interview time.
So no link to the podcast, just a mention that it exists?
Makes me wonder if it confirms the Bakers story but then tries to explain away the behavior of the thiefs
Because that means they were engaging in evil capitalist practices
It was those poor mistreated yutes who were the real heroes. They were just fighting against the entrenched class system that oppressed them and redistributing the wealth to a more racially balanced level
Because you should ignore everything before the but…
The white supremacist orgins of ‘public choice theory,’ the bedrock of contemporary libertarian thought
You know, I wish that when people disagreed with us, they produced actual arguments. As it stands they refuse to understand our point of view, and then use emotional, racially charged rhetoric to try to feel superior.
Whoever wrote this knows the McLean book is a piece of crap, right?
This is why truth and quality don’t matter. Throw shit out there and even if disproven, people will still use it.
Just yesterday on cafe hayek:
That wasn’t impressive. Boing-Boing pulled a boner on that one. Seriously, there wasn’t a single, solid argument in that little specious rant.
Using that McLean book as your source material? Yeah…..that’s not a wise move.
a kind of catch-all theory
That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works!
unregulated capitalism
The nonexistent boogeyman that keeps dumb liberals up at night.
characterizing any kind of redistributive movement as a form of oppressive control
This at least makes some kind of sense; but, you wanna talk about handwaving negative consequences away…
poor people, which, in America, overwhelmingly means racialized people
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
the one percent
Ah, yes. The good ole’ 1%. Who command an insurmountable 1% of the vote. It’s funny that nobody talks about the 20%, even though the 19% at the bottom of that group makes more combined than the 1% at the top of it.
“Hang around libertarians long enough and eventually one of them will start talking about “public choice theory”
Funny, I’ve never heard that term used before. I guess I don’t know any libertarians.
“”On the one hand, i’m claiming i just read a book about Public Choice Theory
on the other hand, i clearly still don’t even know what the fuck it is. Either that means the book is complete shit, I’m an idiot, or some combination of both.””
Hang around libertarians long enough and eventually one of them will start talking about “public choice theory”
I wonder how long the author thinks he has to hang around before we break out the red arm-bands and white hoods?
I apologize if this story about feminist dating has already been posted. I’ve actually been busy for a bit.
The author is from Switzerland, and I think we can all agree on how they can be.
A picture of the author Sorry, but this seems to be one of those trans-race folk. I’ve seen Norwegians who were more darkly complected than this gal.
The Bangs and Make-up can’t hide the bunny boiler.
Ok, now I’m all fucked up. Googled Lara Witt. Some of the pics, maybe 80% of them and she’s a total Wood. Too skinny, drugged up and trashy, but my kind of trashy.
And then every once and a while it’s totally an Indian dude with short hair and bad teeth.
I’m going to eat my pizza. Second in one day! Homemade BBQ chicken and now mozz/basil. Yum. I can at least be sure of SOMEthing.
Yeah I like Trash
Some of the pics, maybe 80% of them and she’s a total Wood.
You might want to rethink that
My google search turned up this tidbit of psychosis.
That is because you are Swiss, not Kenyan or Indian. If you had grown up in one of those places, you would have been Kenyan or Indian. Nationality is NOT genetic, you dim bulb.
These same people who despise and deny biological determinism spend way too much time identifying with ethnic determinism, as in, where your parents are from, or where you have been born, is now baked into your DNA, and you can’t escape it!
They’ve totally rejected MLK in favor of identity politics and victimology. It’s an untenable philosophy that leaves them completely unsatisfied – as this retarded pile of stupidity demonstrates.
In fairness, towards the end of his life MLK looked like he was headed in the identity politics direction with his support of the Poor People’s Campaign, which was basically a demand for socialism (free land, free money, a guaranteed job and income, etc.). King is reported to have said of the campaign: “People ought to come to Washington, sit down if necessary in the middle of the street and say, ‘We are here; we are poor; we don’t have any money; you have made us this way…and we’ve come to stay until you do something about it.” The whole “you have made us this way” part sounds like classic victimhood mentality to me (note, the campaign was not just for black poor people, who at the time would have had a legitimate claim to victimhood, but for all poor people).
Nationality is NOT genetic, you dim bulb.
Kind of. Yeah, it’s not genetic per se, but in countries that adhere to jus sanguinis (like Switzerland), it is inherited.
That’s a lot of words to say, “I hate my parents”.
Yes – I wonder if it’s the parent or grandparents who left third world shitholes, or the successful European one who was willing to look past race when selecting a spouse.
“In person, I can perform whiteness.”
Laurence Olivier hardest hit.
Careful Swiss, you’ll make yourself cross-eyed.
Now tell me how your mother was half squinter/half winker but she brought you up to be a gazer like your daddy. She denied you your heritage!
*readies Swiss Brown Cow butt, feeds cow Beefarinno*
fit for a king and queen-o!
You fed a cow, BEEFarinno? Are you some kind of abomination!?
Swiss Browns are the cannibalistic ghouls of the Bovine world.
When The Tick had to leave The City, he left it’s protection in the capable hooves of Man-Eating Cow
Interesting. I believe I’ll have the pork for lunch.
The author is from Switzerland, and I think we can all agree on how they can be.
*looks at point #5*
Yup, checks out.
Home invaders break into 84-year-old Korean War Vet’s house. Doesn’t work out as they planned.
Ellwood City police have called it a justified shooting and said Lutz is not facing charges.
Can we replicate these cops from Ellwood City and have them staff the entire nations police departments?
I dont think people should be considered hero’s JUST for serving (but it helps), but this dude is a freakin American hero.
Because they are not. If you did something heroic, sure.
Exactly, but some people don’t think the same way.
Yeah…I hear one more commercial talking about “our heroes in uniform”. Gak.
No one played Xbox more heroically in Iraq than I did.
Which raises the question: does actual military training help, hurt, or have no affect on a person’s ability to succeed at the popular combat games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield?
Which raises the question
Don’t make him beg.
I would guess that knowledge and awareness of movement, cover and mutual fields of fire with your teams would be of at least some help
Caution around doors, corners, windows, and open ground kind of helps. But when I try to play according to the stuff I learned in Infantry School, some kid usually jumps in the air and shoots me in the head with a sniper rifle.
I don’t play CoD or any of the real war games anymore.
I feel like a phony.
Caution around doors, corners, windows, and open ground kind of helps. But when I try to play according to the stuff I learned in Infantry School, some kid usually jumps in the air and shoots me in the head with a sniper rifle.
So it’s a wash. That makes sense, as I’ve long thought the characters in the games are too athletic (so much jumping and sprinting), and I’d imagine the games probably take similar liberties with weapons and the like. Personally I’d like things to be slowed down a bit, but that’s probably just ’cause I’m not very good at such games (K/D ~0.7 is standard for me).
If you want less athletic characters, I can recommend the Viet Nam war FPS: Rising Storm 2.
Also takes some listening to your squad leader / commander to prevail.
@Lord Humungus
Thanks for the recommendation. I do like squad gameplay and games that encourage teamwork to gain objectives, so I’ll have to check it out.
You can’t fool me – Everytown has assured me that guns never actually get used for home protection!
he grabbed a gun that was underneath his pillow
No and fuck you
It’s worked so well for sexual assault.
::Catholic church nods vigorously::
Works great for stomping out kiddie diddlers too!
He should just allow “people of color” to steal whatever the fuck they want without consequence, because “fairness”.
Oberlin demanded that a local businessman not exercise his civil rights.
It doesn’t sound quite so innocuous like that, does it?
sounds like it should’ve been a defensive gun use.
Maybe if they had a decent football program…
I never dreamed that the outcome of the “Russian Hacking” witch hunt would be Congress turning against the domestic spying.
1979 was a hell of a year in Saudi Arabia.
Maybe if The House of Saud hadn’t been trying to have everything both ways since oil was found there, they wouldn’t be such a clusterfuck today.
Also, I’m sure that the victims of the largest cholera epidemic in history, taking place next door in Yemen, are overjoyed that the spoiled brats of Saudis elite will be allowed to watch movies.
That book to which you link… a good one.
Warning: creepy
’We never forget these things’: Ellie readers share their #MeToo stories
the ages-old hypocritical culture of protecting perpetrators
I’ll take “Shit that just isn’t true” for $500, Alex.
And if we are also ending the ages-old hypocritical culture of protecting perpetrators,
What, you mean like Oberlin is doing when their students try to shoplift?
What they really mean…
The campaign to save Franken, seems to be growing.
Former GOP Gov from Minnesoda says it would be wrong for him to resign. He should wait until due process is finished and the charges are proven. Claims that the Leann Tweeden charges are bogus.
You non-Minnesodans should know that Arne is beloved in the state because he was a squishy RINO who spent lots of money (especially on the U of MN). He was a “reasonable” Republican. In other words, he gave in on lots of things.
I’m also coming around to the idea that Franken’s “resignation” was just a ploy to buy time. I think that he hopes that by the time the Senate Ethics Commission is finished with their investigation, people will be bored with this shit and he can claim that he was exhonerated and stay in office.
A view into the proggie mind:
If he stayed, with every Donkey womyn calling for him to quit…Intra-Party Civil War!
I think it’s just a bullshit ploy – Franken says he will resign at “some point” in the future, the Dems use this to justify getting the GOPe to go along with dumping Moore, then Franken claims he’s exhonerated and doesn’t resign while the Dems pick up a seat after duping The Stupid Party once again. Also gaining a nice bludgeon to use against future GOP candidates by leveling unverifiable misconduct charges.
I think the stupid party has decided to wait to dump Moore until after he wins, so the R governor can put another R in his place. Which is not quite so stupid.
Moore going along with that? You think he might have said something to that effect….
From the Democratic brain trust
Put in “Moore” for Franken, repost.
Moore won’t even take the first step in healing by admitting to his crimes. Franken did that and now everything can be forgiven.
Except Franken didn’t admit it, he claims he remembers some of these incidents differently and that others are false. The only one he actually admits is the Tweeden photo.
The only one he actually admits is the Tweeden photo.
Well, he’s not a cop. If he was, not even video evidence would be enough.
2. I believe that the Democratic leadership made a shockingly cynical and crass miscalculation by assuming that people who vote Democratic are motivated by the same sorts of unthinking, emotional, venal, tribal urges as their Republican counterparts. How galling and insulting for them to think that all they needed to do was to play the #MeToo card and we’d all just fall in line like good Republicans would. Also implied in this stance is an attitude of where else can you go, so deal with it.
Judging from the response to the Moore accusations, he’s not wrong about the GOPe on this point. Of course, the self-blindness and hypocrisy are almost incomprehensible since the Dems are the spirit incarnate of “unthinking, emotional, venal, tribal urges”.
It’s all projection with the left.
“I include myself among the intelligent, educated, principled and well-informed voters who vote Democratic.”
Claims thing not in existence.
but not among the dumb, uneducated, unprincipled, and uninformed voters who vote Democratic.
” shockingly cynical and crass miscalculation by assuming that people who vote Democratic are motivated by the same sorts of unthinking, emotional, venal, tribal urges as their Republican counterparts”
Psst … you’re two sides of the same coin.
I include myself among the intelligent, educated, principled and well-informed voters who vote Democratic
Sounds like someone is lonely?
Too be fair, you could cut it off at
I include myself among the intelligent, educated, principled and well-informed voters who vote and it would still be a very small set.
BTW: This is Arne’s original musings.
I’ve been out of the loop for a while. Have there been credible stories about Roger Stone coaching the gal up?
Not to get too far in to turn quoque territory, but wouldn’t that make this a mirror image of Moore?
Did Stone doctor the photo of Franken groping Tweeden?
Yes, it was really Trump doing the groping but they Photoshopped Al’s head in there!
There are some funny photoshops of the Franken grope. The ones with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hillary are probably the best.
Link? Sounds funny, but I’d rather not have “Al Franken gropes Hillary Clinton” in my Google search history.
And a bonus with Trigglypuff:
LOL. Those were even better than I was expecting.
Officials Notice Something ‘Weird’ About Woman At TSA Checkpoint, Then Customs Agents See Her Breasts
*narrows gaze*
3rd in a series by Uri Harris at Quilette, on critical theory, Jordan Peterson, and the Social Justice witch-hunts taking place within universities.
A sample regards the abuse heaped on this Lindsay Shepherd woman by the thought police at Laurier –
The only solution to all this is ending the federal support for the higher-ed bubble. Let it pop.
Every day my loathing of those people grows ever deeper.
What is with this? Black bodies, white tears? It’s all brown poo if you ask me.
For some reason I went through the twitter feed of the woman whose anti-Shepherd tweet is quoted at the end of that article. I wish I hadn’t.
Venezuela’s Ruling Socialists Sweep Mayoral Races Amid Opposition Boycott
Venezuela’s Ruling Socialists Sweep Mayoral Races In Completely Legitimate Election’s.
The people have spoken, comrade!
See when people boycott a socialist election: completely valid election, but when people boycott a separatist vote: not a legitimate election (Catalonia)
NOOOO! They are still on the outside, looking in. They barely scrape by the two worst teams in the home, to boot.
*stirs hemlock latte*
Socratic Chai-a-logue.
Are you forgetting about the powerhouse display the Bears put on yesterday?
No need to rub it in, your Most Reverend Eminence. We lost a draft pick place with that blowout!
C’mon, despite them shitting the bed yesterday, you should be jumping on the Viking’s wagon.
If you want to be one of us, you need to have the Vikes rip your heart out a few times.
+ 4 SB losses.
Ya, ya. We are already rooting for the Vikes on behalf ofnour neighbors and friends, since the Bears were obviously done by week 4.
Also, fuck John Fox. If his shit decisions cause injury to Trubisky or Cohen, i will kill him with my bare hands.
Yeah, I can’t see the Vikes legit winning it all. They’ll let you down again.
Damn, i am an idiot. I am traveling and have forgotten my original password but dont want to change it, so i made a new identity for road tripping / mobile device use.
Hayeksplosives here, checking in as RoadSplosives.
I guess that makes me Tulpa now.
/runs behind Swiss to be held back and takes swing.
Stand down, man! She’s one of us, you know…Tulpa!
/Backs off. Adjusts tuque. Takes a shot of hootch.
Put down the knife…it’s ok. I will not try to enslave you under either title.
And sadly, yes, i am working. And next week i have to travel again. Do managers not even Christmas anymore?!?
Good morning TulpaSplosives!
Morning, Trashy!
Took almost an hour to get to the airport due to shitty Minnesota weather, then i got “randomly selected ” at the airport, and they were already boarding when i got to the gate.
So no preflight bloody mary. Poor me.
I like that I did not account for that
Still, a good morning in America.
Never fails that the only time I get upgraded to First Class on Delta is when I’m on my way to a business meeting. So I don’t get to take advantage of the free drinks.
*It is usually also on one of the smaller regional jets where there is virtually no diff between coach and first class.
No difference but the ‘free’ cocktails, Holiness.
I will say the one monster downside of less travel is having to ride in the back.
I always laugh at the first-classers on flights from Columbus to Detroit. Enjoy your 32 minutes of luxury!
It matters when you have a connecting flight with a short layover. Getting on and off first with no one giving you shit about your carry-on is worth a lot when you travel a lot on business.
I don’t blame them. Going into Detroit is like shooting craps with your life. I’d fly first class on the way too, just in case it was the last chance I had st enjoying something.
You were always Tulpa.
We are all simultaneously in a state of existence known as Tupla and non-Tulpa. It’s Schrodinger’s Tupla.
Pizzz off Tulpa!
roadsplosives sounds like a catchy name for Taco Bells along the highway.
Have a Taco Variety Box and a roadsplode!
I’d imagine something on the Daniel Shaver shooting and the not guilty verdict has already been posted here but I don’t recall seeing it.
Here’s very graphic video of the absolute worst police shooting I’ve ever seen. That this trigger happy prick cop didn’t even get manslaughter is a travesty.
I can’t fathom how he beat the charges. The system is broken, that cop should have spent the rest of his life in a cell.
If this doesn’t get an officer convicted then nothing will-if it was you or me who did this we’d get the chair. Yeah, the system is broken.
On a previous thread where somebody linked that, i remarked that i probably would have been just as dead becaue the commands were confusing. Keep your hands behind your back! Crawl! Move and I’ll shoot! The poor guy was terrified and trying to comply, but i dont know what compliance was even supposed to look like.
Cop needs to work at an assembly line, away from humans. And weapons.
The conflicting commands are what struck me as being particularly egregious (other than the shooting of course). Whether by accident or on purpose they set the guy up to be shot. What do you do in a situation like this, lay face down with your hands spread in front of you and act like you passed out or something?
You will get shot for refusing to respond to commands.
The cop needs to be in jail.
^snuff film.
I’m against drone strikes in general, but droning this guy and his clan, and dropping pamphlets explaining why, seems like a rational thing to do, as in Charles Napier’s quote “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.” Maybe these countries start being civilized from fear, and fear alone, if there is massive, violent overreaction to shit like this.
I don’t understand the need for a drone strike. Just offer a reward for the guys eyes being delivered FedEx to her house. I’m sure some enterprising Bangladeshi will take care of the bastard.
The Earth is doing something astonishing
My Melancholy Baby?
Personally, I think Gaia is just bored.
Whale farts.
What the hell did Trump do now to our precious earth?
It’s like the Earth is literally crying-out to resist Trump!
Cthulhu awakes.
And you know the police have seriously fucked up when the National Review starts complaining about bad shoots and poor verdicts regarding those bad shoots
Yup. Even the copsuckers at Powerline have said that the cop was just a thug who got away with murder.
From that one, this quote:
should be on billboards across the country. I’ve been railing about police brutality for years, and yet no one is ever particularly interested except when the victim is black. Whenever I’ve tried to steer conversation about “brutal racist cops” towards just “brutal cops”, the response either is that I’m making an apology for racism or that I’m simply inventing a problem that isn’t real because white people never get murdered by police. It drives me absolutely nuts.
Completely agree Chip.
The problem with PowerLine is that they would bury every cop misconduct story if they could. Both white and black. They aren’t racists, but they are big time conservative statists.
Now that there is a case that is so egregious that they can’t hand wave it away, they are using it to discredit other stories of police misconduct. “See, if it is a white guy they don’t care. So the ones you do hear about are simply race hustling.”
Oh, no doubt. If I’m not mistaken, didn’t the actual Dunphy (not the Reason version) start out writing pieces for them before PJ Media started running him?
Not sure about that. I track them because they are all local guys and have a few interesting takes on Mpls politics.
Their freakout at the possibility of Rand Paul getting the nomination was epic. Even Ken would have told them to tone it down a bit.
On second thought it was NRO. Still, close enough.
I never thought I’d see those two publications call a cop a murderer (or manslaughterer.)
This. And they have the gall to pretend they’re military.
Friends of mine who were infantrymen in Iraq have told me that reservists who were cops in civilian life were almost always the most trigger-happy hotheads they ever saw over there.
And they have the gall to pretend they’re military.
Maybe the public should take them up on their little fantasy. It would put their behavior under the control of the UCMC and justify the immediate liquidation of police unions.
As a queer femme of color, I keep close relationships with people who go beyond allyship; they’re true accomplices in the fight against white supremacy, queerphobia, and misogyny. If you’re not going to support marginalized folks, then we can’t be friends, let alone date. The personal is political.
Don’t fret. You’re in no danger of becoming a member of my social circle.
I wouldn’t mind having access to her social media just so I know how to avoid her.
Instagram account enough for you?
What kind of fucked up parents produce these lunatics?
The kind that don’t like their kids.
Here I am finally just got out of Lincoln tunnel. Port autbority closed so lets see where bus leaves meThese Amish are really starting to piss me off .
Wait, there are Amish Nazis now?
They do speak a German dialect you know. Rumsprigga can really get out of hand.
This euphemism leaves me confused.
There was a pipe bomb that went off in a subway tunnel by the Port Authority terminal. Expect shit to be fucked up for a while.
Half of Midtown is basically closed off and there’s no way in, out, or around it except on foot.
The security theater that’s going to arise from this is going to be off the charts.
This euphemism leaves me confused.
There was a pipe bomb that went off in a subway tunnel
Not helping, WTF.
Looks like the religion of peace, again. Fortunately his pipe bomb detonated prematurely, he was probably looking to explode everything on a crowded train.
Arrived from Bangladesh 7 years ago. The reporters are creaming themselves spitballing various aspects of ramping up the local police state. Neighborhood still more or less on lockdown. I don’t know if recent Amish activities in London and such let to such a shutdown – they probably don’t have thousands of cops sitting around doing nothing the way we do.
When confronted with life’s problems, I find it’s best to contemplate WWTD? What would tits do? Their powers are limitless and if you work everyday to harness that power for yourself, life will make sense.
7, 12, 15, 16, 33 and all Canadians report to #4 immediately.
What would tits do?
jiggle, bounce… sag from the long-term effects of gravity?
Number 4 is the Officer who drew STEVE SMITH into that RV Park Rapefest!
CBS! The preferred drink of STEVE SMITH!
Also, 30 is making my Monday. All day.
Umm, #25 my little breakfast pastry.
Whoa, Guerrilla girl, hard and sweet!
48 wins!
Orgy porgy.
This list needs a little diversity.
She is the answer to life the universe and everything afterall
Women must band together to achieve true equality
And then the glorious dawn will break upon the world… ya harpy.
The penalty was a good call, although a tad light. Considering that is only the 2nd PK Everton has had at Anfield in the last 80 years, they were a bit overdue for a 50/50 call to go their way.
You’re drunk. He literally moved his body to the right to initiate contact and went down as soon as that contact happened. It was a bullshit call and a bullshit result in a game completely dominated by one team.
Of course, Sadio Mane’s selfish play at the end of the first half didn’t help. The game would have been a blowout if he passed it to one of three open people.
I may not have been a fan of the Big Sam hiring, but he played this game the right way. It was only dominating because he didn’t play for possession. Its a crap way to play when teams are equally talented, but it was the right way to play yesterday.
We will see what happens in the repeat for the FA Cup 3rd round.
More important than that, at the moment, is Liverpool drawing Porto in UCL Round of 16. That’s a lot better than Chelsea ended up. And at least on par with ManUre and Man Shitty. Spurs-Juve should be fun.
FAC >>> CL
Tell that to teams that actually qualify for UCL. No offense to Everton, but I think that tune would be different if they were looking at a two-leg match with Barcelona or PSG in the next month.
I was speaking as a fan. I have never gotten into the Euro competitions at all. I like the coolness of the FA Cup and small teams playing big ones.
Round 1 and 2 are, in many ways, way more fun that 3 on.
I totally agree. I tape all the round 1 and 2 matches and watch them – they are a lot of fun. Fox will show like 6 or 7 per round.
As for Europe, I lose interest in the later rounds there too as I don’t like most of the recent big teams not named Bayern.
I also like when one of the big premier teams has to travel to some crappy shithole ground in round 3. Like Everton has to do this year.
Agreed on both counts.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a manager as angry as Klopp was in his post-game press conference.
He should be more mad at 23 shots, 3 on target. And Mane, what the fuck.
Sadly, this. It was kind of shitshow all around.
I didn’t get to see Klopp’s reaction because my stupid time-shifter cut the last ten minutes of the game off.
I have seen people in recent weeks literally jump over the penalty box line and then keel over. It’s getting fucking ridiculous and the nature of the game means there’s nothing you can do about it. This wasn’t as egregious as that but everyone commentating agreed it was not a penalty and that’s good enough for me.
Kicky-Round-Ball is stranger than even Kicky-Pointy-Ball.
American man on the run after escaping Bali prison
5.7 grams? Something is fishy.
“where prisons are overcrowded by people convicted of drug crimes as part of the government’s anti-drugs crusade.”
So, the US?
Chrishan, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
I haven’t, but I do like gladiator movies.
CHS explaining intersectionality and its utter stupidity.
God damn those links we’re depressing.
What is something you all would consider investing in just in case the economy were to take a dive? I’m not in a position to buy property right now and I’m always a little concerned that my savings and retirement may tank due to forces outside my control.
Gold? silver? Ammo? High quality booze? – at least you can drink this no matter what happens.
Laundry soap, toilet paper and chickens.
I’m not kidding either.
I’d add a drinking water well and some land to put it on.
“We’re advising all our clients to invest in shotguns and canned food.”
-Brainy Gremlin
Lots and lots of Bitcoin.
(Just a joke, do NOT do this-Bitcoin’s in a bit of a bubble right now)
That is what they said in 2013.
In 2013, btc went from $13 to $230 on April 9th.
This was obviously a bubble, as on April 16th is was back down to $68.
On November 28th it broke $1000 for the first time. So, ummm, nevermind.
But that was a bubble. It would decline back to below $200 in January of 2015.
And that was the end of bitcoin, it would never rise again.
The fact everyone is talking about getting in on it…yeh I’d say so.
Tulips for everyone!
Turns Out There’s A Scientific Reason Why Couples Give Each Other Weird Nicknames
Awww… everyone here is my beloved snuffy-lumpkins.
Does “bitch” count, or am I doing it wrong?
A couple decided to take a second honeymoon after 25 years of marriage. They went to Niagara Falls.
One morning they were having breakfast in the hotel restaurant and were surrounded by young newlyweds.
“Pass the sugar, Sweetie”
“Pass the honey, Honey”
“Why don’t you ever say anything like that to me anymore?” said the wife.
“Um, OK. Pass the bacon, Pig”
40 years of marriage
Doesn’t reflect my dinner conversations with my wife. And we are coming up on 42 years next spring.
Our most recent conversations have focused on ammunition and holsters.
From the comments:
“They should try anal”
I thought we were your chained-up-at-the-front-of-a-war-wagon slaveykins?
First one… then the other.
I call Banjos “Big Head” and have since soon after we got married. She tried on a hat of mine once and it was too small. And I don’t care if my hat size is 6-7/8 and my head is tiny. She still gets to be Big Head.
She calls me many different names. None of them as flattering as what I call her.
I’m surprised she doesn’t retort that “Big Head” means “Big Brain”. Although maybe the sentiment is relayed more cleverly by the names she gives you…
Admit it she calls you little head in some way doesn’t she
You’re my honeybunch sugarplum pumpy-umpy-umpkin.
I kept waiting for something dark and disturbing, possibly illegal.
I think I’ve spent too much time with you people…
Not ashamed at all to admit that made me feel real good inside.
“my little pumpkinywumpkiny ”
Imprecise language, or egregious lie?
The most visible attack on the financial regulatory system is the administration’s attempt to take down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency that has returned about $12 billion to 29 million people ripped off by the abusive practices of consumer lenders (for example, the bureau fined Wells Fargo $100 million for setting up millions of phony accounts at depositors’ expense).
How do “fines paid to the government” equate with “money returned to customers”? One group of bandits robbing another does nothing for the original “victim”. How much money, if any, was actually refunded to those customers?
Jared Bernstein wants the Top Men to regulate the financial industry. Just a few more rules, and everything will be smooth sailing. If you don’t believe that, you’re a Nazi.
Most of those fines were funneled toward leftist advocacy groups, if I’m not mistaken.
I don’t know if what he’s talking about is the same thing as this – anyone know?
That’s it. That was one of the most egregious scams ever carried out. The Obama admin basically funneled money to the DNC and campaigns. IIRC, the campaign donations of those groups increased almost in direct proportion to the amount “donated” to them as penalties.
CFPB is just the Democratic Party slush fund that we all do together.
Imprecise language, or egregious lie?
while raising costs for everyone else!
regulations are magic and free.
also created by govt meddling in financial markets. the author acts like he could argue in front of bankers that ‘regulations are the cost of stability’ and they’d all just swallow that horseshit with a smile.
The finance-market amnesiacs are not just attacking the prevention side of the Minsky equation. They’re also going after the ability of the government to intervene after the next crisis. The House Financial Services Committee just approved two bills that restrict the Federal Reserve’s ability to provide emergency liquidity in a credit freeze (the Fed would need congressional approval, politicizing what should be an independent judgment by the central bank), and to buy any securities other than Treasury bonds (had this been in place, the Fed would not have been able to provide essential credit to the housing market after that bubble burst).
Yes, because promising to buy up worthless assets at face value, as was done last time, will teach those bad old speculators a lesson they won’t soon forget.
They’re also going after the ability of the government to intervene after the next crisis.
Today’s intervention is tomorrow’s crisis, you dumb galoot.
Oh, they learned a lesson, alright.
I believe the lesson was already covered here.
See ferrous law #1
The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened
The biggest lie yet told by the media was that Journolist was just a social club and that they were all duly chastised by its discovery.
Yep. I remember Ezra Klein’s pathetic explanations for why it was entirely leftist despite his claim that it was non-ideological – oh, I didn’t want everything to become a big flame war!
Honestly, the bias bothers me less than the collusion. It’s not just that they’re leftists, it’s that they are working together to push leftist narratives. They have no interest in the truth, except as it is convenient to the argument. And they get to enjoy the unthinking support of many people. They are professional liars who surround themselves with pretense and vainglory. I think “fourth estate” may be a far more apt name than any of them realize or understand.
I can’t say I agree with Glenn Greenwald on a bunch of things, but he seems to be the only journalist with any integrity at all lately.
This. And they hate him for it. Man do they hate him for it.
Should journalists devote equal time to one Clinton scandal and 40 egregious Trump scandals?
This question, asked by a Journalist, kind of answers itself.
They literally cannot help themselves. Note the tell the “Clinton scandal” does not get an adjective, but the “Trump scandals” are “egregious.
These people are mentally ill.
that is a great article.
it infuriates me that no one else does the sort of obvious-reporting on media failings that greenwald does. and what he gets in return is thousands of lefties accusing him of pandering to the right or working for the russians. WHY YOU NO WRITE ARTICLES ABOUT TRUMP, YOU BIASED!! (he writes articles about trump all the time and is a screaming lefty himself) There are hordes of people who defend the media even though they know they’re lying hacks. They’re *our* lying hacks!
Here’s one for ZARDOZ. Today’s ” Dear Abby” has letter from a women pissed off because she and grown daughter drove one car home from an event and husband drove his car home via another route. She thinks he was un-chivalrous not to follow her and make sure they got home safely. Then she says, “My grown daughters and I are fiercely feminist and independent.”
ZARDOS told me to tell you to CLEANSE THEM ALL!
Meet the last Civil War pensioner alive. (Courtesy of Russ Roberts’ interview this week.)
86 dependents of Spanish-American War veterans still receive benefits, and a scosche under 3000 from WW1.
She might be able to make to the next one.
So, if Ms. Tripplet was born in 1931, her father would’ve had to be, what, 84 years old minimum when she was born?
Apparently yes. He married his 20-something (second) wife in his 70s, and she bore him five children.
Democracy is all well and good, in theory…
Like just about any other institution, a party requires legitimacy to operate. It makes many decisions on behalf of its members and operates the complex caucuses, primaries, conventions and other machinery that boil down dozens of candidates into just one nominee. Similarly, it tries to weigh the many wide-ranging views of its members into a coherent platform. For it to do these things and still get roughly half the votes of the American electorate, people have to have some faith that its actions are done in good faith.
But parties have come under considerable strain in this area in recent years. Americans now see them as the nation’s most corrupt institutions. This is actually dangerous for the nation, as democracies without functional parties are often tumultuous and short-lived.
Part of the problem for parties is our insistence that they be run democratically. That turns out not to be a very realistic concept. Yes, we can hold elections within parties, but party leaders will always have vastly more information about candidates — their strengths and flaws, their ability to govern and work with Congress, their backing among various interest groups and coalitions — than voters and caucusgoers do. That information is useful, even vital, to the task of picking a good nominee. As the political scientist E. E. Schattschneider once said, democracy is to be found between the parties, not within them.
The belief that parties should be internally democratic, which has gained wider acceptance over time and, with the reform commission, is likely accelerating, has altered the way parties balance those two objectives. Candidates who lose the nomination can protest on democratic grounds and gain traction in doing so.
But there’s a real danger in taking this path. It undermines both the nominee and the party, both immediately and in the long run. And it undermines one of the necessary, if difficult, aspects of democracy: conceding gracefully when you lose.
“Of course we want to know what you think. Now shut up, and do as we say.
Yes, we can hold elections within parties, but party leaders will always have vastly more information about candidates — their strengths and flaws, their ability to govern and work with Congress, their backing among various interest groups and coalitions, how they can be manipulated and bought, the promises that they’ve made and benefited from, their foreign and illicit connections, their tendency to support the party over the voters — than voters and caucusgoers do.
Member of the elite says that elites need to pick the candidates. Shocking!
So the Dem Party is finally admitting Obama ruined the country?
Wow, that populist, anti-establishment wave that got Trump elected sure came out of nowhere!
Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump/Russia story and about Russia particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.
Trump is a dire threat to democracy, and must be stopped by any means available.
Look at who he’s destroyed already: Jeb!, Rubio, Cruz, Hillary, The Media, The NFL… He’s the destroyer of worlds.
I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.
Never pictured Shiva with a combover though.
Yes, he’s growing on me, as well.
He left quite the impression when he was here.
Watching a guy in a monster suit smash up intricately crafted models is more enjoyable than the latest CGI incarnations of Godzilla. It’s cheesy, sure, but in the best way possible.
Why I don’t have Facederp.
Sounds like a bunch of nonsense, though.
I will have to watch the talk, but I’m inclined to agree with the guy. I think social media has generally been horrible for people & society. I’m not saying the government should intervene or anything, I’m just giving my opinion. I hope that eventually people will come around to the idea that some of what’s going on is pretty insane.
I have a friend who worked on Santorum’s campaign. He told me social media ruined politics, because it makes everything binary. You either like something or you hate it, and both of those are to the extreme. And you’re in either one camp or another. There is no gray area any more.
I’m strongly in the “Facebook is the Devil” camp and have been telling people that for years. I’ve never had an account and refuse to join.
*thumbs up*
Agree – it’s revolting. I never used it heavily or in the way described, and not at all in recent years.
Okay. I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here. Groups on DerpBook can actually be a fairly valuable resource, in ways that echo the value that the comment section on Glibertarians adds value. You can get feedback on news stories that know an Imperial Fuckton more about the topic and engage in much better analysis than the authors of the stories themselves. I’ll grant that the signal to noise ratio sucks on DerpBook. But, I think it’s better than relying on the news outlets themselves.
Two things being overlooked in the Daniel Shaver shooting:
1. It is perfectly legal to have a rifle or shotgun in Arizona (which the pellet gun was mistaken for, I assume), so the cop had no right to even knock on his door barring compelling evidence that he had brandished the weapon in a menacing manner.
2. The officer had no right to even place him under arrest or demand he leave his room without a warrant.
That shooting is every bit as bad as the Tamir Rice murder, which people seem to have forgotten already.
This is never going to stop until society begins to view cops in the same light as IRS agents.
until society begins to view cops in the same light as IRS agents
Incorruptible public servants, at least when a Democrat is president?
Ages ago, in the dark days of the 90’s, there was the first government shutdown standoff, when grown men cowered in the looming destruction of all things caused by not spending.
I remember the first shutdown very well , because the media outlets were running sob stories about poor government workers not getting their paychecks in the run up to Christmas. Of course, it was never mentioned that they would receive backpay after the shutdown ended.
The one that sticks out to me the clearest was the tragedy of a 17 year IRS veteran, who although he had been steadily employed for 17 years , would not be able to cover the cost of the Christmas presents for his kids. His life was irreparably damaged by the evil Republicans and their stalwart ways.
That was the moment I learned to hate NPR.
I have to wonder whether the people parroting these stories are glib propagandists or authentically dumb as stumps. It’s astonishing that anyone is either such a mouth-breathing chump to believe it or such a shameless cocksucker to repeat it.
Hey, he was living paycheck to your paycheck.
You shoulda lojacked that comment ‘cuz it’s stolen.
I remember some insufferable pud on NPR during that period (Scott Simon maybe) ending the newscast by reading a list of all of the agencies and offices that would be shut down by the evil Newt Gingrich. Monotone. “Office of Keeping Babies Safe. Bureau of Feeding Homeless Puppies…” Etc. This was supposed to invoke horror. I’m sure not one of the agencies mentioned was shuttered.
I haven’t forgotten about Rice. As I said then, the Second Amendment is a dead letter if you can be killed for exercising it.
What I don’t understand are the juries in these cases. Is society at large such a bunch of cop-suckers that they’ll believe the cops account no matter what? They just accept that cops can essentially murder anyone they want with impunity? This seems as clear cut a case of murder as anything I can imagine.
I mean, I guess kudos to the Mesa PD for at least firing the doosh and not giving him a taxpayer-funded vacation. But WTF?
Is union arbitration already over? Now that he was acquitted, and can’t be retried*, that’s probably grounds for wrongful termination under the union agreement. Expect back pay, trauma pay, and reinstatement.
* = Except Federally, but that’s not likely to happen with Sessions as AG.
I’m guessing the DA torpedoed the case, or just gave it a limp effort to help protect the city and the union.
My mom used to work in the city attorneys office for a large city, and she was telling me about how the entire office got to know the police force fairly well from all their interaction. Nobody likes to put their friends (or friendly acquaintances) behind bars.
Murder 2 is usually defined as a crime of intent without premeditation. So, the defense just has to attack the notion that the cop intended to commit murder. That allows them to present arguments about the cop’s “state of mind”. Now they get to trot out all the bullshit that cop “training” presents. Most difficult job ever, constant threat to life and limb, split-second decisions, yadda yadda. “Put yourself in his shoes” and now the average person has reasonable doubt.
Take the badge out of the equation, though, and all of a sudden that doubt vanishes.
Murder 2 is usually defined as a crime of intent without premeditation.
True. As in “you intended to kill him”, usually proved by evidence that, say, you pointed a gun at somebody and pulled the trigger knowing the gun was loaded. Also helps if, shortly before pulling the trigger, you say something threatening.
Most self-defense shootings are intentional killings without premeditation. They aren’t murder 2 or manslaughter because of the affirmative defense of self-defense, that is, a reasonable person would have believed that the person you shot posed an imminent threat of death or serious injury to you or others. That is an “objective” standard – what a reasonable person would have believed. Cops get a “subjective” standard – if they are afraid, regardless of whether a reasonable person would have been afraid, its a good shoot. There is no legal basis for this subjective standard, but it has become the norm. In short, any cop who knows to chant the magic words “I feared for my life” gets off, even if he shoots a toddler waving a lollipop.
There is no way on earth that a reasonable person would have believed Shaver posed an imminent threat. This was murder 2, manslaughter, whatever, with no valid defense under the law.
That’s what gets me. Scorpions will be scorpions, but wtf is wrong with the juries? I’m embarrassed to be a human when I see results like this. I’d like to watch the video with them and ask them what they’re thinking
“So, you would have no problem if this happened every day? Because you just said it wasn’t something that should be punished, right?”
Did I read that the department released the damning video footage after the case was decided? (My brain may be making this part up) I wonder if the jury ever saw the video.
They certainly didn’t get to see he painted “You’re fucked” on his rifle.
Maybe they don’t want to be on the wrong side of people who murder with impunity, although that makes it sort of a chicken-egg problem.
The theory about BLM, and anti police groups in general, purposely ignoring obvious murders by cops in order to polarize us…well. that’s all I have to say about that.
Agreed, I just don’t hear anybody in Mesa bitching about it.
I sure hope UCS is ok. I’m afraid he went out for breakfast and the waitress accidentally put sugar on his plain shredded wheat (in water) and he’s been berating the poor gal for two hours now over the taste being too sweet for his palate.
UCS is America’s Jon Richardson.
I thought he was the Nick Gillespie of government work?
There’s only one Aussie comedian worth linking to.
And here’s a fine Christmas song by the old cunt:
I mean, sure, Jim Jefferies is a right cunt with his obnoxious gun control twaddle, but he has some good lines. Legit was solid.
Crazy thought, but stay with me.
He could be doing what he is paid by the state to do.
That’s some weak sauce you got there.
Vacation for several months?
I went to high school with a guy who subsequently went to Oberlin. Double majored in, no shit, Dance and Computer Science. Got himself into a triumvirate, or a trilogy, or whatever it is when you’re in a relationship with two women who also bang each other. Apparently that, as well as his career in interpretive dance, proved unsustainable. Last I heard he switched to a more sustainable career as a software developer and I think he’s down to one live-in baby momma, but in a granola way, not a Hennessy way. At any rate, the Oberlin reaction to this surprises me not a bit based on my experience with one of it’s alumni.
Woke Conservatives And The Awesome Power Of Not Caring
Indifference to the feeling of people I don’t know is my super-power.
Speaking of which:
Donald J. Trump
Another false story, this time in the Failing @nytimes, that I watch 4-8 hours of television a day – Wrong! Also, I seldom, if ever, watch CNN or MSNBC, both of which I consider Fake News. I never watch Don Lemon, who I once called the “dumbest man on television!” Bad Reporting.
Lol, the man is a fucking genius. I don’t care what anybody else says, he’s literally the only person who has run as a Republican in the last three cycles that could have won. And he’ll probably win again in 2020 for no other reason than comments/responses like that.
Indeed. Apathy is the root of tolerance.
Oh man, that’s a vicious piece. I heartily approve.
You can’t feel sympathy for every injustice in the world. There are 7+ billion people, and each is treated unfairly on some level on a daily basis. At some point, you either have to pick and choose what you care about, or become a very unhappy person.
The vast majority of lefties who claim to “care” about this or that are lying through their teeth. They have no understanding of human nature or think they can overcome it. Failing to do so makes them yep, very unhappy.
Lefties care about the abstract concept of “humanity” or “mankind” but typically hate actual people. A person is just a pawn in their game of utopia engineering and is utterly expendable.
This is one of the things that led to what I said in my post below. I used to have a strong opinion on every issue, which was making me very unhappy. Now, I have my opinions, but I only stay passionate about the ones that I know a fuckton about or directly affect me. Its made a world of difference in my state of mind.
Pretty much where I am. Goes hand-in-hand with ignoring the palace intrigue news that consumes our news cycles.
Did you feel like it made you happier too?
Much happier. What was a source of stress is now a source of amusement. Seeing most of the “news” as, essentially, entertainment reporting on palace intrigue has done wonders.
I’ve noticed it’s been much easier to keep up with the comments here on our very own site since I started treating threads about “rape” accusations or the capitol of Israel or Russian conspiracies with the same amount of interest I usually reserve for Prince Harry’s wedding plans or the NFL.
We just don’t think that we are morally obligated to make it easier for criminals to murder us in order to please a bunch of snooty libs who don’t like us having a last ditch veto over their goal of Venezuelaizing America.
Boom goes the dynamite.
It’s all a lie, a scam calculated to play on our morality and good nature, a grift designed to keep us trying to kick the Lucy Football that is the liberal’s love.
This isn’t particularly wrong. My guess is that if conservatives and libertarians started telling progressives to go fuck themselves, you’d see a rash of progressives calling for “engagement” with conservatives and libertarians. It’s the way bullies work (and progressivism is the ideology of bullies). If you strip them of their moral sanction, they’ve got nothing.
That said, there’s enough of a gulf between libertarians and conservatives like Schlichter to make for an ample political debate.
Schlichter may be wrong about specific issues, but his strategic and tactical advice is typically spot on. Even Gandhi understood that peaceful resistance only worked on opponents that respected your basic humanity. Progs don’t. They have gone full Utopia in which (as I stated above) you are an expendable pawn in their mission. You are subhuman. They may not have the means, but their ideology and their opinion of their opponents is not far off from Nazis v. Jews. You can’t fight an enemy like that with decency, you punch back, 10 times harder. You grind them into dust. That is the only way to defeat them.
Even Gandhi understood that peaceful resistance only worked on opponents that respected your basic humanity.
It also helps, a lot, if their is a violent resistance movement in the wings.
So much this.
I work with a guy who is a legal immigrant from South America. He’s a young guy, who just recently got his citizenship. He’s also gay and has a husband. They just bought their first house. Dude is living the American dream. He’s superstar at his job – hard working and very good with people. We need more like him.
New neighbors just moved in. She and her husband came to the country in 1978 as refugees from Laos. She started a business in 1985 and just sold it and retired. An amazing woman and precisely the kind of person I want around.
Ok, this guy is stealing a play right out of the libertarian playbook. But hey, I’m more than happy to see anyone join us in not giving a rat’s fucking arse about what leftist
thinkfeel.New York bomb suspect in custody after attempted terrorist attack in Manhattan subway
Obviously a Christian Fundamentalist Conservative KKK member.
We may never know his motive.
Thank goodness he wasn’t an economic migrant. /ToS Derp
Maybe he’ll open a cool new restaurant next.
Maybe just a snack bar.
A Hawaiian snack bar?
Hawaiian themed.
Linked by the media to the embassy move to Jerusalem in 3, 2, 1…
He wanted to mass murder panhandlers, homeless people, and other immigrants.
Having a relatable motive should help him at trial.
It seems his pipe bomb explode prematurely, and he was also wearing an explosive device. He was likely planning to detonate the whole shebang inside a crowded subway car, but fortunately his and/or any accomplices bomb-making skills were not the best.
This is a little surprising, because all of the Amish that I’ve known are quite handy with making things.
+1 Oak Furniture Store
The 1600’s era clockwork timer was an obvious point of failure but whatchagonnado.
Gov Cuomo – “low tech device….with the internet now, anyone can go on and download garbage and vileness.”
Net Neutrality now!!!
Thank jeebus these clowns are so incompetent
Best part is the fucker is still alive.
He can’t even win the Darwin award. He makes a bomb, straps it to himself, sets it off, and doesn’t die.
After coming to the conclusion that most people simply aren’t interested in changing their minds about political subjects (even including me on a few subjects), I recently started responding to every political question with “I don’t care” or “I don’t have an opinion.”
Sometimes this is a lie, and I do have an opinion, but its fairly uninformed and only exists at a surface/emotional level, so I don’t think its worth sharing. Sometimes it’s simply true that I don’t have an opinion or that I don’t care because the issue doesn’t affect me or the people I know.
This has brought about some very interesting results- first, I’ve noticed that this infuriates people. People dislike it when you disagree with them on politics. People dislike it even more when you tell them that you don’t have an opinion or don’t care about a subject that they are so passionate about. They hate it with special fury when you tell them that is silly to care so much because they the issue probably doesn’t affect them as much as they think it does.
I had one person flip a fucking shit on me for not caring about elephants being hunted (they stopped talking to me entirely) and another person freak out that I don’t care about the Jerusalem issue. This is fun. I am enjoying this way more than I ever enjoyed unsuccessfully getting people to see things from a libertarian perspective. It may not be good for anyone (except myself) to do this, but have to say that I am a lot happier messing with people.
“Whatever. I don’t really see why I should care how a bunch of mediocrities, crooks, sociopaths, sycophants, and various weak-minded useful idiots fuss among themselves about issues that don’t affect me.”
I had a friend (well, the wife of a friend i met through local politics). He is mostly deaf but very good at lipreading and a little hearing, and she is completely deaf. He is part of the liberty / libertarian movement in the GOP; she is kinda liberal.
Anyhoo, i linked an article about a California college that had put videos of a bunch of lectures for free on the internet. The Deaf college Gaulludet (wrong spelling) sued the CA uni because the vids werent deaf accessible. Judge ruled it was discrimination, so CA college took down all the vids so it was fair.
I commented on what a stupid situation it was, and “friend” publicly unglued on me on my own FB page. I stood my ground and didn’t take the victim bait. She unfriended me.
My brother private messaged me that he advised going back to ignoring the deaf “community”, as it had always worked for him thus far.
I now apply that advice to a great many group grievances.
It is not incumbent on me to give a shit about their whines.
I had exactly the same encounter with deaf activists years ago, over payphones. They wanted a mandate that all payphones be deaf accessible. I pointed out that this would mean the vast majority of payphones would go away entirely, so that the deaf community would have no more access to deaf accessible payphones than they do now, but everyone else would be worse off.
That was fine by them. Deaf activists, like most activists, aren’t trying to improve the day-to-day of their nominal constituents. They are trying to punish everyone else.
Very true. Deaf “culture” as they refer to it themselves is very restrictive and deliberately cut off from the rest of humanity. If a deaf person gets an implant and acquires hearing, he is cut off from his former friends. Big time and with malice. Very difficult for me to understand.
But my brother’s sympathtic and flippant comment did reveal to me that i was susceptible to being guilted into thinking i owed these people something. Now i can recognize the attempted manipulation and thwart it. Thanks, big bro!
Equal sharing of misery. What a freaking life goal.
It’s a version of an existential crisis (coincidentally I’m in the process of writing a piece for exploring some of this). Life has no simple answers and humans have a will to meaning. These identity groups or “communities” have an easy identity and meaning baked in. If someone goes off their reservation, it forces them to reexamine their own state of being and confront the void first hand. The terms “existential angst” and “despair” have been watered down, but that is the original meaning. It’s possibly the worst feeling anyone can experience; the possibility that your life, your dreams, everything you are is nothing. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing. A tale told by an idiot etc. etc. It’s easier to just burn the heretic and go back into your comfortable cocoon.
Funny, but I found it extremely liberating to realized how pointless/meaningless most things are. It was like taking a piano off my back.
A friend worked for a teletype relay center making calls on behalf of deaf and blind people. He said he’d never met anyone as rude and angry as the deaf callers he served. I’m sure it’s not true of everyone, but his callers had a major chip on their shoulders.
Weird, isnt it? All the blind people I know are rather jolly.
Everyone reacts differently to the hand they are dealt, but the deaf culture thing is as insidious as the Native reservation thing in which if a teen wants to move out and build a better life, they are treated as traitors. No wonder the dropout and alcoholism rates there are so damned high.
This is why learning to not give a fuck is the greatest survival skill ever invented. Fire-bombing my field of fucks was the most liberating thing I’ve ever done for myself. The problem that comes with that is freedom can be lonely. Most people do give a fuck, mostly about stupid shit, and they become disappointed and angry with those who don’t.
“The political is the personal” is such a valuable insight. It’s never enough that a thing be misguided, wrongheaded, or inartful–the very thingness of the thing has to be condemned as evil simply because it cuts against the progressive grain. Intention or happenstance aren’t permitted to mitigate the offense, because progressives will crawl into your head and rewire your brain to supply evidence for your guilt. It’s such a tragic way to live life, so paranoid and suspicious of people’s motivations. And, of course, it comes down to projection. Progressives are every bit as malicious and perverse as they ascribe to other people.
You can never get those deaf folks to change their minds. Whatever you say, they are going to stick to their guns.
There is a reason that they say a Deaf Leopard never changes its spots.
Its like the people who show up to rally’s with a blank sign.
They get violence directed towards them that opponents of the rally dont get.
I think that’s perfectly normal for anyone who isn’t part of the unhinged “the political is personal” crowd. Or a politician.
For you, TK.
Haha pretty much where I’m at.
Holy shit this has happened to me twice recently. Just to avoid arguments, I said I didn’t want to talk politics, and both times I got a long winded diatribe by the progs about how this is what’s wrong with the world and that I have to care because the world is bigger than me and I just don’t understand all the suffering…….blah blah.
These people are fucking insane
Same here. Recently told my friend’s wife I don’t talk politics at social occasions. She continued talking about how we simply have to elect Herself because Woman. Hon, I’ve known you for almost 20 years and you still haven’t figured out I don’t wanna hear it?
Had a cousin do that whole shtick back when I was on Facebook. I had posted some video about married couples, mainly to amuse my wife.
My cousin went off on some sort of feminist diatribe, and I responded with a couple of jokes, making light of the situation. This only made her frothing mad, at which point she started calling me all sorts of Tumblr insults. At that point, I posted something along the lines of “I don’t care about whatever personal and political hangups you apparently want to broadcast to the world, but you’re not welcome to use my social media as a sounding board for your grievances. Take your whining elsewhere.”
She hasn’t spoken to me since. Good riddance. Her dad’s a legit commie, her mom sucked her way to the top of her lawfirm, and her brother is a” disappointment ” to her family for starting his own business in high school and making more than his dad.
…her brother is a” disappointment ” to her family for starting his own business in high school and making more than his dad.
That’s sad, but I guess it makes sense for a commie to be upset that their child went the capitalist route and found success.
“her mom sucked her way to the top of her lawfirm,”
Tell me more.
They want moral authority. If you agree with them, you confirm it; if you disagree with them, you validate their outrage and give them a target to berate as inferior to themselves;
if you *don’t care*, their judgments mean nothing and their outrage is impotent. you’re basically saying, “i’m not participating in your silly game”. The entire reason they play the silly game is to feel important.
I can agree with that assessment. The way people react to my response is very telling about who they are and what’s important to them. I wouldn’t go so far to say that all of them do it to make themselves feel more important, but the ones that RAGE about it and flip out are obviously just trying to stroke their own ego.
My go-to these days is pointing out that, whatever one’s concerns, we’d assuredly be better served by a federalist approach than blanket policy. This rarely makes anyone happy. “But don’t you think–” Who cares what I think? I’m not crafting policy. My vote counts as much as anyone else’s, which is to say: it’s worthless. Nobody represents my interests. So why get angry about what I think?
My SIL is aghast that I didn’t vote in 2016. “THIS IS WHY WE GOT TRUMP!” And she’ll brook no explanation that, no, our state went solidly blue, my vote would have changed nothing other than ruining my evening, and I wouldn’t have voted for Hillary anyway.
Federalist approach, like let the South go back to the Jim Crow model? Sounds racist to me.
“Let Californians govern California and Texans govern Texas” is apparently too radical a notion for some people. And they’ll argue that Well no we don’t necessarily want Californians to govern Texas, but of course that’s exactly what they want. It’s like the Whigs never actually left power, they just changed names.
Ask them about how Texas secretly controls the schools through textbook publishing sometime.
I always thought that was hilarious, given how little my teachers seemed to follow the textbook. It was almost like they had their own lesson plan or something.
This works until you have a friend (in this case, my oldest and best friend) that will *not* accept that and will continue talking politics like a broken algorithm no matter how many times I tell him I don’t care. Typically this would be a simple case of “ok, I guess we won’t talk anymore”, but as stated he is my oldest and best friend. He’s slowly transformed from politically apathetic to casual liberal with no strong opinions to TDS!!!!ZOMG!@!!1!!11!!!. This is mostly due to the influence of his succubu…erm….devil woma….ahem… wife. I’m actually quite flummoxed because I don’t want to dump a guy I’ve known for 20 years over something as trivial as politics, but I’m rapidly approaching the point in which the decision is being made for me.
I don’t talk politics with anyone. When people try to engage me, I guess my body language/tone makes it apparent “DONT CARE”.
Dumb and Dumber had it right.
Can’t you talk boobz?
I stumbled on this years ago, but didn’t implement it until recently. I live in Progtopia, Oregon. Most of my social circle is at least nominally leftist, and there’s a high proportion of progtards.
Early this year sometime I was at a friend’s house for a party. There was this one fat, slovenly, gender-confused prog who started in on a diatribe when I mentioned how glad I am there is a Chic-Fil-A about 4 miles from my house so I can eat there regularly and have a taste of home. She’s yammering about homophobia with their management and yada, yada, yada. Until I interrupt and say, “So?”. Which sends her apoplectic and more bleating about bigotry and how i must be a bigot too. To which I responded. “Sure. Okay. Must be the bigotry that makes it taste so good.” She started crying. It was awesome.
It has now become my go to line, when someone starts talking politics, I just say, “Well, I see your point, but it is the bigotry that makes it taste so good. So I don’t care.”
Well done!
“Sure. Okay. Must be the bigotry that makes it taste so good.”
Bravo sir, well done.
Ridicule is a powerful weapon and these people are so brittle with such fragile egos it’s easy to drive them into childish tantrums.
Trigglypuff hardest hit.
Ridicule is a powerful weapon
Indeed it is. This was the point, if you could dig it out, of The Name of the Rose.
I know quite a few lefties who admit that they don’t care because nohomo chicken (and the service) is just that good.
This might be the best “interaction with a prog” story I’ve seen here.
/Monty Burns voice
This has brought about some very interesting results- first, I’ve noticed that this infuriates people. People dislike it when you disagree with them on politics. People dislike it even more when you tell them that you don’t have an opinion or don’t care about a subject that they are so passionate about. They hate it with special fury when you tell them that is silly to care so much because they the issue probably doesn’t affect them as much as they think it does.
“Who gives a shit?” as a wise man and good friend used to say.
From the comments on the Oberlin story:
Germans hardest hit?
The alt-right are basically the same as progressives
they just express their economic retardation and their hatred of out-groups in opposite ways
There is little difference between opposing cultural appropriation and promoting ethnic purity.
Fortunately, I see little to no over SJWing in my life. But if anyone does start babbling about cultural appropriation, I think my response will probably be that I am surprised to hear them supporting ethnic purity. Thanks, Count.