“Inside Barbie’s Fight To Stay Relevant
Today’s Barbie is fighting for gay rights, body inclusivity, and open borders. But is she woke enough for millennial parents?”
Christ, Swiss, has it been that long? Remember how Soave would have the afternoon links late? Remember the dark day, May 15, 2016 (I think that was it) when the afternoon links never arrived?
“We are #ReclaimingOurVoices AND we can walk, talk, knit pussy hats, make dinner, love our children, go to work, march for our rights,walk the dogs, call our representatives, demand you, @realDonaldTrump , step down ALL AT THE SAME TIME because we can MULTI TASK!”
Christ, what an asshole. Get a life.
Bobarian LMD
on December 12, 2017 at 3:27 pm
Can you make a sammich?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:28 pm
I notice that “go to work” is not much of a priority.
And from whom exactly are you reclaiming your voices? Have you been voiceless up to now? Because if there’s one word I wouldn’t use to describe the third-wave feminist movement, it is certainly not “voiceless”.
Bobarian LMD
on December 12, 2017 at 3:44 pm
How about ‘screeching at a frequency too high for my ears to detect’?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:19 pm
mmm liberal tears. I’m hoping to get a small harvest from alabama this evening.
Remember, because it’s the first night, one nipple is the shamash and has to be stimulated first before it helps stimulate the other. Hey, I don’t make the rules.
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss has gotten better looking as she’s gotten older. The only woman I’ve ever seen that happen to. She either has an amazing plastic surgeon or amazing genes
on December 12, 2017 at 3:38 pm
Better hair helps. When people think of the young Julia Louis-Dreyfus, they think of Elaine Benes.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:52 pm
She was also underrated as a comedian
Pan Zagloba
on December 12, 2017 at 3:32 pm
I’m in favor!
on December 12, 2017 at 3:38 pm
I’ll just take #16 tonight.
Negroni Please
on December 12, 2017 at 3:16 pm
So I just accepted an adjunct gig at the local community college for next semester. I’ll be teaching early US history (colonization through reconstruction).
I’ve just started looking over the textbook for the class and of course it’s filled with commie liberal garbage.
This should be an interesting semester….
Either I will slowly subvert the wills of my “students” and create a cadre of libertarian thralls or else I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get fired.
Just my commie conspiracy theory but I swear Stalin had paid off some textbook writers to insert “alternative facts” into the textbooks. Since most of the later editions are just copy and paste these materials keep getting retaught.
/take off tinfoil hat
on December 12, 2017 at 3:26 pm
Let me guess – they want you to use the Zinn book, don’t they?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:43 pm
Teach the history as it actually happened without the lefty slant. You might actually wake a few kids up.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:46 pm
So then they’ll be woke?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:51 pm
That’s what my history teachers did (caveat: high school, not college). It made the class far more interesting.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm
I never got that. I had to read books away from school to learn anything.
Mad Scientist
on December 12, 2017 at 4:04 pm
This times 1000. The various public schools I attended were an active detriment to getting an education.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 4:12 pm
“Class, today we will be learning about the pre-Revolutionary period by refuting the version put forth in the textbook.”
on December 12, 2017 at 4:41 pm
Don’t forget the 1848 quote from Abe Lincoln where he absolutely endorsed the right of secession.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:09 pm
Congratulations! Subvert!
on December 12, 2017 at 5:47 pm
Lesson one – On the value of subsidized research – “Everyone, take your textbook… and throw it in the garbage. Now, one of you who doesn’t vape set the pile aflame. You will now learn how to determine for yourselves whether events are of importance as opposed to being told what an apparatus which has just forced you to buy a textbook thinks is important.”
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:07 pm
I hope you get fired, it means you did it right
/you’ll get another job
Juvenile Bluster
on December 12, 2017 at 3:17 pm
Tesla’s stock went up by a little more than $12 today, or about $1.7 billion in market cap, on the news that Pepsi will be buying 100 of their “trucks”.
Assuming those trucks are ever built, of course.
The trucks apparently sell for $180,000 apiece, so this would be $18 million dollars coming in for the company. Let’s say $10 million in profit (probably way less than that).
So, Tesla’s stock went up by $1.7 billion on news of a possible future profit of $10 million.
As much as I don’t understand what drives the price of bitcoin, I *really* don’t understand what drives the price of Tesla’s stock.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:10 pm
This, what you did, I saw it
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 3:29 pm
CalPERS et al getting out of not-approved-by-the-liberal-agenda companies.
Rufus the Monocled
on December 12, 2017 at 3:20 pm
“Former longtime server Trish Nelson said Friedman once grabbed her head as she was kneeling down behind the bar to get some glasses, told her “while you’re down there,” and pulled it toward his crotch — all in front of actress Amy Poehler — in 2007, according to the Times.”
At least we got something out of those tax dollars
But Enough About Me
on December 12, 2017 at 6:22 pm
We can only hope.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:27 pm
Former longtime server Trish Nelson said Friedman once grabbed her head as she was kneeling down behind the bar to get some glasses, told her “while you’re down there,” and pulled it toward his crotch — all in front of actress Amy Poehler — in 2007, according to the Times.
“Aside from hanging my head in painful humiliation, I did nothing,” Nelson wrote on Facebook in October. “I can’t even retell this story now without getting teary.”
Pohler told the Times through a rep, “I have no recollection of this, but it’s horrible.”
A few years later, Nelson said, Friedman invited her to his car to smoke pot.
Then he lunged at her and stuck his tongue in her mouth, she said.
“I couldn’t believe it,” she told the Times. “I had worked for him for six years.”
So the guy publicly humiliates you in a sexually degrading way and then later on you think it is a good idea to get into his car and smoke pot with him?
You’re gonna have to forgive me for failing to find your story of the first incident at all believable. That the event happened? Sure I can buy that. But that it happened and humiliated you so deeply that you were even the slightest bit bothered by it at the time? Sorry I don’t buy it
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 3:32 pm
“Pohler told the Times through a rep, “I have no recollection of this, but it’s horrible.”
The funny thing is they felt this was a publish-worthy quote.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:36 pm
I wonder if by “rep” they mean “attorney” who told them to print it because she wants no part of this story?
Another vagueness/slippery slope dilemma. In libertopia, neighbors would (hopefully) find out if parents were horrifically abusing their children and take matters into their own hands. As a practical matter, it’s a tough question though I’m tempted to say it has to be repeated suspicious ER visits that have been well documented.
Mad Scientist
on December 12, 2017 at 4:14 pm
The neighbors may never know. My brother came home from work one day to find a bunch of cop cars in the parking lot of his building. The cops knocked on his door and asked him if he had ever heard any strange noises from the apartment directly above him. It turned out the people upstairs had a 12-year-old kid who hadn’t been allowed out of the hall closet for several YEARS. My brother never heard anything out of the ordinary, and even talked to the guy, and his younger daughter, in the parking lot on occasion. The jig was only up when daughter mentioned her brother in class, and that he lived in the closet, as if it was perfectly normal.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:53 pm
Was his name Potter?
on December 12, 2017 at 4:17 pm
I’m going to go with no the State cannot but anyone can step up as a voice for a child and take that parent to court to have the parents rights stripped away.
Thing is the parents rights/responsibilities are stripped and given to the person making the claim.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:45 pm
I think this is probably the correct answer. I know (personally) of only one case of a child being taken from a parent that led to a happy ending for all involved.
The case was a mother who was strung out and not taking care of her 6 year old daughter. The woman’s brother took her to court and was awarded temporary custody. The brother kept the child for 2 years while the woman got her shit together. After 2 years, the child was returned to the woman. The child is now 13 and a well adjusted young girl who lives with her mother and stepfather. I think part of the reason that the young girl is still ok is that she was never removed too far from her family. She never spent any time in any kind of state run foster service or group home.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:17 pm
A good idea but, who’s got the money or time? and are you sure you want those kind of busybodies able to do such a thing?
/ Neg consequences
on December 12, 2017 at 7:06 pm
That sounds like kicking the can down the road. The state is still deciding except now someone can claim I haven’t sufficiently indoctrinatedmy child with climate change or something so the state has to decide who is better.
Maybe it’s all just story time stuff, but a lot of old books have kids with abusive/drunken/deadbeat parents who are ‘adopted’ by neighbors or relatives, no government involved. It’s common enough that i gotta believe it had some basis in reality.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:25 pm
I raised two girls just like that. Not my kids but were in super fucked up situations. Mom agreed they would be better off with me. We took them in just like our own and raised them. They are grown and gone now, kids of their own. I would say I would do it again but I am getting too old for that.
“President Trump ignores question from @Acosta on what the president meant when he tweeted that Sen. Gillibrand would do anything for a campaign contribution,” CNN Allie Malloy tweeted.
I don’t know, I’m willing to bet Trump knows first hand what she’ll do for a campaign contribution.
God this is fucking great. I love it. I am not getting tired for a single second, of this combative Press Secretary shit. It’s like watching WWE and is completely harmless.
mexican sharpshooter
on December 12, 2017 at 3:50 pm
The only improvement would be to hire Bill Belichick.
Acosta: “Can you tell me what the president meant when he tweeted that Sen. Gillibrand would do anything for a campaign contribution?”
Belichick: ———————————–
Acosta: “I’m not sure you heard me.”
Belichick: “No I heard you.”
Acosta: “Oh, well….Can you tell me what the president meant?”
Belichick: ———————————–
I was wondering what the link had to do with Bernie Sanders.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 3:49 pm
“Kirsten Gillibrand. Campaigned with Bill Clinton years after rape claims against him were known. Took money 6 times from Weinstein when everyone in Hollywood knew he was a predator. …Demands Trump resign for dubious sex assault claims against him.”
What do I mean by do anything? I mean, that she’ll, you know, take any position.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 3:39 pm
“The Nazi-Puncher’s Dilemma
Anti-facism is a loose-knit, decentralized movement containing numerous organizations and ideologies that even insiders struggle to explain. For starters, not all people who identify as anti-fascists describe themselves as antifa. Most antifa are anarchists, but there are also socialists and communists, who divide further into Maoists, Marxists, Trotskyists and Stalinist “tankies.”
What unites them is a belief that dangerous elements of the far right must be driven from the public square, even if by force. And for two decades, beginning in the mid-1980s, that’s what antifa attempted to do, almost entirely out of the public eye. They put neo-Nazis and other white supremacists on their heels in cities and suburbs around the country, forcing many of them underground or into retreat. (Other contributing factors: litigation by civil rights organizations, the demise of key white supremacist leaders and law enforcement roundups.)
Over the past year, as fascists and racists have reemerged, emboldened by the rise of Trump, many old-school antifa have laced up their boots again. But now they find themselves facing a new enemy. The current crop of neo-Nazis and white nationalists prefers tattersall to tattoos and come off more like Young Republicans than Hammerskins. They are proficient in social media and online messaging, which presents a challenge for antifa used to fighting in the shadows.”
Wait, are they saying all that it takes to defeat socialists and communists is meme warfare? How are we only now figuring this out?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:45 pm
It’s almost like the people they are tarring as fascists and racists today have almost nothing in common with actual fascists and racists……
on December 12, 2017 at 3:49 pm
(Other contributing factors: litigation by civil rights organizations, the demise of key white supremacist leaders and law enforcement roundups.)
It’s usually best to leave out the footnotes that undermine your entire premise.
Bobarian LMD
on December 12, 2017 at 4:02 pm
Wait, there was a premise?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:51 pm
These Nazis, for some reason they “come off more like Young Republicans.” They’ve adapted! Regardless of how different they are from actual Nazis, I’m absolutely sure that the Nazi is in there somewhere, if I just punch it hard enough I’m sure people will agree with me! This is baffling!
Um… maybe because you’ve watered down the definition of “Nazi” to mean anything to the right to Stalin? Has it occurred to you punks that maybe you’re just attacking ordinary peaceful people that disagree with you?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:53 pm
If they are actually Stalinists, then there is no such thing as “ordinary peaceful people that disagree with [them]”. There are only fellow Stalinists, and enemies.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on December 12, 2017 at 3:57 pm
Yeah, if it was their call they’d Trotsky every single person to the right of Bernie and maybe him too.
Bobarian LMD
on December 12, 2017 at 4:05 pm
I believe that, in this equation, Bernie is Trotsky.
A useful tool to be disposed of when no longer useful.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:04 pm
Their notoriety may be new, but antifa have a long, complicated history of militant community activism
“Community activism”….lulz
on December 12, 2017 at 4:05 pm
Oh, it gets better!
They told me about pitched battles in the street with Nazis from another era, about raiding Klan rallies under cover of darkness, about cops in cahoots with white supremacists, and about Nazis torching the homes of activists and killing antifa in the desert. I heard about duffel bags filled with barbells and knives and a legendary anti-fascist who was attacked by a brass-knuckle-wielding Nazi and responded by breaking the fascist’s teeth with a Maglite flashlight. These exploits sounded fantastical, but when I looked into them, they were true.
In the words of Bill Parcells, I’m gonna have to see some visual evidence.
These Bolshevik LARPers weren’t even alive during the heyday (or even the sunset years) of the Klan and they certainly don’t have the chops to take on actual white supremacists. There’s a reason that the Aryan Brotherhood is almost universally feared in prisons in spite of their relatively miniscule numbers. Actual, hardened skinheads and Neo-Nazis would turn antifa into grease stains.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:08 pm
So they’re like the French Resistance?
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:24 pm
So much this
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 4:25 pm
Oh, they’re true, huh? Might be a Pulitzer in a story about “raiding Klan rallies under cover of darkness” or “Nazis torching the homes of activists and killing antifa in the desert”. I’m sure more elaboration on this shit that didn’t happen is forthcoming.
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 5:22 pm
These people are delusional and think they’re in Fight Club.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:25 pm
and when it comes to a fight, I think even I will take a few down
/old Man
on December 12, 2017 at 5:40 pm
Most antifa are anarchists, but there are also socialists and communists, who divide further into Maoists, Marxists, Trotskyists and Stalinist “tankies.”
*rolls eyes*
Yes, I have known some of those “anarchists”. They gravitate to places like Portland and Seattle.
Heroic Mulatto
on December 12, 2017 at 5:59 pm
What unites them is a belief that dangerous elements of the far right must be driven from the public square, even if by force.
How did that work out in the Weimar Republic?
Pan Zagloba
on December 12, 2017 at 6:37 pm
They needed to use more force, of course!
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:22 pm
I’ve never watched an episode. Good show? This stuck out in the story.
The show banked on Hillary Clinton winning in 2016 while making season 6, then recalibrated a bit midway through after Donald Trump won. Keene was originally presented as a liberal and sympathetic figure until the season’s climactic assassination attempt, after which she went on an authoritarian warpath, which is where this alternate D.C. universe finds itself now.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:45 pm
First two seasons were good, but it kind of lost its purpose at that point. I stopped watching in season 4.
Sour Kraut
on December 12, 2017 at 3:55 pm
This. Season 2 ended with a whimper and I was gone. Season 1 was great though. Couldn’t get enough of Claire Danes.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:56 pm
Claire Danes perpetually looks like she is on the verge of tears.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:27 pm
She’s got Crazy Eyes. If I’m in the CIA, there’s no way in hell I hire those eyes.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:46 pm
Democrat = good
rethuglikkkan = bad
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 3:52 pm
Meh. There’s plenty of stuff worth watching that doesn’t already attempt to cater to the hideously oversaturated TDS market. Especially by people who apparently were With Her.
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 4:01 pm
I never watch any show about government employees unless more than a dozen glibs recommend it. I wouldn’t even watch Breaking Bad – because it was about a public school teacher – until glibs recommended it.
Old Man With Candy
on December 12, 2017 at 5:34 pm
There are not enough titties in the world to make up for that.
/starts GIS for horrific cat butts
on December 12, 2017 at 4:20 pm
I’ve never watched the show.
*lobs rotten veggies at Q anyway*
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 4:48 pm
You should. It’s awesome.
mexican sharpshooter
on December 12, 2017 at 4:22 pm
Breaking Bad was a shitty, overrated show with boring plot lines, shallow characters and dismal pacing
No. Yes. No. Yes, but how much depth do you need from Tuco? Yes.
mexican sharpshooter
on December 12, 2017 at 4:26 pm
I think this is a pretty good theory on why Breaking Bad is as popular as it is.
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 5:16 pm
No. No. No – although AMC probably made them drag it out 8 episodes longer than necessary. Yes and No. No – outside of AMC dragging it out longer than necessary the complete change in cinematography and pacing set up some terrific dark humor that may have only been surpassed by the first few seasons of Homicide.
Old Man With Candy
on December 12, 2017 at 5:37 pm
the first few seasons of Homicide.
The cut of your jib, I like it. The scene in the rooming house lobby where they did The Producers “I’m not a madam, I’m the concierge” bit was sheer brilliance. Giardello ranting about the jelly donut. John Waters as the attentive bartender. Holy fuck. It’s a pity what they did to that show after that.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:28 pm
Perfect Review
on December 12, 2017 at 4:22 pm
I watched a couple episodes and clicked over to the hockey game.
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 4:29 pm
Breaking Bad was alright, I definitely wouldn’t call it shitty. The series creator getting harassed by harridans into not letting Skyler get her just desserts sucked though.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 4:40 pm
I watched and enjoyed the first 3(?) seasons. Then I noticed that I hated every single person on the screen, and stopped watching.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:57 pm
Started out compelling, but turned sour when there was literally zero characters to give fucks about, save a bit for Jesse.
mexican sharpshooter
on December 12, 2017 at 4:03 pm
Season 1 is good. I met the end of my suspension of disbelief too quickly when Brady picked Claire Danes of Morena Baccarin.
mexican sharpshooter
on December 12, 2017 at 4:03 pm
*over. Not “of.”
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:30 pm
What Travesty is this? I pity the fool that made that choice
Ken Shultz
on December 12, 2017 at 3:43 pm
So, I’m reading that this famous singer was arrested for “sexual assault”. Seems he was in the Monkey House at the Zoo in New York City. A policeman claims to have witnessed him pinch a girl’s ass. Thing is, the SJWs seem to have rallied around the singer, saying he was just the victim of racial profiling. A crowd of them rallied at the Monkey House to protest racial profiling and racism. The crowd got rowdy and apparently spooked the victim, too–because she failed to show up to testify at the trial. It’s interesting to see feminists and a minority split the SJWs down the middle that way on what’s clearly a he said/she said case–if not for the cop’s testimony. What do SJWs do when #metoo goes head to head with anti-racists ?
But then with the New York City police department already under fire for profiling minorities, . . .
I suppose this is all run of the mill stuff these days.
Except the jury went ahead and convicted the guy without the victim’s testimony. I’m not sure that’s unreasonable–considering the defendant’s version of the story. He said the woman’s ass was pinched, but he wasn’t the one who pinched her. He says he saw who did it, and it was one of the monkeys. He said the monkey reached through a hole in the barrier and grabbed the woman’s ass! Now I guess the animal rights people will get involved?
I believe Harambe!
Anyway, I thought it was reassuring to read about a case of injustice like that, SJWs going over the top, sexual assault, racial profiling, the lack of credibility of the NYPD, etc., especially in this case–because the case happened in 1906.
Maybe this crap will all blow over soon. Maybe the shit storm never gets any better or worse–it just keeps going on and on but people pay more attention to it when celebrities get involved. I don’t know. I just want to cut entitlement spending and taxes.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 3:55 pm
“After three days of testimony, defense and prosecution rested and the magistrate delivered a judgment: he found Caruso guilty and fined him $10, the maximum amount allowed by law. Immediately, the defense began an appeal on legal and procedural grounds, but by this time tangential social issues raised by the incident had taken center stage. By coincidence, zoos had recently been in the news in New York, when, two months earlier, the Bronx Zoo had “exhibited” a twenty-five-year-old pygmy man from the Congo named Ota Benga. Controversy erupted; crowds rushed to see him.”
“The first world leader to officially and systematically ban human zoos were the Nazis, under Adolf Hitler’s orders.”
The Last American Hero
on December 12, 2017 at 4:20 pm
This shit storm will end, as they all do, when The Right Sort of People ™ get accused. So has it been since the days of Salem.
Dr. Fronkensteen
on December 12, 2017 at 4:32 pm
Keep your government hands off of Social Security. I paid into that for years. It is not a ponzi scheme.
/pretty much every elderly person I know.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:55 pm
I have this talk quite frequently with guys I work with who are close to retirement age. They paid in and they deserve their money back. They are right about that. However when reminded that at some point the money is going to quit flowing and some generation (probably mine) is going to get screwed, the best I can get out of them is that the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare. I can’t convince them the whole system needs to be scrapped.
They paid in but that money is gone, They got took, I shouldn’t have to pay the bill on that. Also I love when they claim that ‘the government’ wasted/mismanaged that money and it’s not their fault, but they also love to claim how ‘We’ went to the moon or ‘We’ beat communism …etc.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:11 pm
the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare
If only we didn’t spend so much on welfare, we could spend more on welfare.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:20 pm
Yeah. It’s a pretty non convincing arguement to me. A lot of guys hi know think the gov could totally pay them their social security that they deserve if the government would quit giving money to others who don’t deserve it. Most can give examples of people gaming the disability system or something similar. I asked a guy the other day, “If you don’t think the government should be giving money to a guy who is faking a disability to get a check, Why do you think that you, a guy who been working steadily for 40 years, should get to retire and draw a check just because you retire?
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 5:36 pm
The difference is the people on disability didn’t pay into the system to get their checks.
Whatever bullshit argument the old guys at your job are offering doesn’t come close to the towering mass of bullshit government employees spew when expecting to get every last dime of their pensions. This is what the old guys at your job are combating – they don’t want to see themselves get fucked while their counterparts get full recompense.
I never expected to get a goddamned cent of social security money back, that is why I opened a retirement account and a separate investment account. And the fucking thieves are gonna go after those, too.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 5:45 pm
The difference is the people on disability didn’t pay into the system to get their checks.
I think they did. Disability is a Social Security program. As such, I think its funded by the payroll tax or, if not, bu income taxes.
on December 12, 2017 at 7:54 pm
I want SS abolished – particularly as I pay both sides as a business and am unlikely to receive more than a small portion of my legitimate payments. However, those who have paid are entitled to “precisely” what they have paid.
OTH, Medicare is running a >$340K per person deficit, and there is no legitimate “I paid and deserve argument.”
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 5:44 pm
I can get out of them is that the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare.
“You realize that the biggest welfare programs in the history of mankind are Social Security and Medicare, right?”
Ken Shultz
on December 12, 2017 at 5:48 pm
I’d throw public schools in for good measure.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:33 pm
I have known for almost 30 years that I would never see a dime of SS and took some steps to get around GOV Retirement, but it’s not easy, still better than SS
Ken Shultz
on December 12, 2017 at 4:54 pm
In addition to all that other stuff, I found this interesting:
Meanwhile, foreign reaction to the incident highlighted how curiously American the incident was. In London, people believed the American police were corrupt and therefore that Caruso was innocent. In France, newspapers found the affair insignificant and typical of Americans’ puritanical sexuality. In Germany, the Berlin Post lauded the Americans for trying to make public places safer for women. And back in the United States, a letter-writer to the New York Times argued that the case could teach the French and Italians something of the importance of women’s rights.
All that sounds just like today. The British think we’re barbarians, the French think we’re puritans, the Germans care about order, and Americans imagine that we’re an heroic example to the rest of the world.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 5:43 pm
In Germany, the Berlin Post lauded the Americans for trying to make public places safer for women
Given the German denial that their “refugees” are a problem for women’s safety and their refusal to do anything about it, I find this . . . ironic.
Ken Shultz
on December 12, 2017 at 5:53 pm
12.5 % of Germans voted to send an anti-immigration party to their legislature–screwing things up so bad that Merkel is having trouble forming a government.
That’s huge–especially in a country so hyper sensitive to charges of xenophobia and racism.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:44 pm
The FBI can apparently blow off appointments with Congress whenever they are inconvenient or they need time to get ahead of their own exploding scandals.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on December 12, 2017 at 3:50 pm
Yet another good reason to fire the shit out of Sessions the Ineffective.
on December 12, 2017 at 3:52 pm
Sheesh, Drake, the po-po always get extra time to get their story straight before testifying. Why should an FBI agent be treated differently than a local cop?
on December 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm
Rand Paul’s tweet would have been clearer if he had just wrote: “No, fuck you, cut spending.”
Not full-throated enough. Must be a crypto anti-capitalist.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 3:57 pm
Many thanks to whoever put us onto the Austin Powers Shaguar ringtone. Just got a new biz phone, and that’s its new ring. Nothing like having that go off in a finance committee meeting.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:00 pm
*shakes head in disgust*
But Enough About Me
on December 13, 2017 at 12:34 am
Weird story, but good Lord was it horribly written. MAKE SURE YOUR PRONOUNS HAVE AN ANTECEDENT JAGOFFS.
on December 12, 2017 at 7:05 pm
Good to see the old hometown represent. Chicago’s got nuthin’ on us for scumbaggery; there are just more people in Chicago.
The Late P Brooks
on December 12, 2017 at 4:04 pm
By coincidence, zoos had recently been in the news in New York, when, two months earlier, the Bronx Zoo had “exhibited” a twenty-five-year-old pygmy man from the Congo named Ota Benga. Controversy erupted; crowds rushed to see him.”
“This way to see the Grand Egress. Only five dollars.”
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 4:04 pm
“Russian Propagandists Are Pushing for Roy Moore to Win
Kremlin-linked trolls have also joined Trump and Fox News in targeting the FBI.”
To date, they have already spent $49.62 on Facebook ads!
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 4:39 pm
I like how you won’t get into the right cocktail parties if you don’t think that a tiny handful of homoerotic Bernie Sanders and BLM ads on Facebook are the obvious and indisputable reason why Hillary lost. Really gives you some perspective on things.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:13 pm
“Russian Propagandists Are Pushing for _________
Kremlin-linked trolls have also joined Trump and Fox News in ________.”
Still, the evidence underscores a not-insignificant weakness in the Republicans’ longstanding economic platform: Tax cuts are not the secret sauce to power the American economy. They have, in fact, very little power to affect economic growth. However strenuously Republicans may argue that tax reform is about increasing economic efficiency, encouraging investment or promoting competitiveness, tax cuts are always primarily about redistribution.
That’s because the main effect of tax cuts is in changing how the fruits of economic growth are distributed. This means that for policymakers interested in improving the welfare of the American people, the first and most important item to consider is whose welfare is most worth improving.
A decade ago or so, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center and the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimated that making the Bush tax cuts permanent — rather than letting them expire in 2010 — would increase the after-tax income of people earning $1 million or more up to 7 percent, an order of magnitude more than it would increase the size of the economy in the long term. The bottom 80 percent of American families, by contrast, would actually be worse off because they would bear the brunt of paying for the cuts.
You didn’t earn that. That’s society’s money, and don’t you forget it.
Mad Scientist
on December 12, 2017 at 4:16 pm
Not giving is taking!
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 4:43 pm
They have, in fact, very little power to affect economic growth.
You know, I’m not sure that’s actually a fact. And you know, he immediately says that, yes, tax cuts do lead to growth:
increase the after-tax income of people earning $1 million or more up to 7 percent, an order of magnitude more than it would increase the size of the economy in the long term
But, this kind of totalitarian gibberish is what you get when you think taxes are for social engineering, not raising funds for government operations.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:57 pm
the fruits of economic growth
Where do they think economic growth comes from? It’s just appears magically?
Pan Zagloba
on December 12, 2017 at 6:05 pm
No, it comes from the government.
Does he have to hire a series of public employees to form a committee to draw you a picture? Because he will!
on December 12, 2017 at 6:00 pm
What is the unemployment rate now ? How is the stock market doing?
tax cuts are always primarily about redistribution.
The projection is strong with this one. Almost like they think that tax increases are also primarily about redistribution rather than anything economic…
Mad Scientist
on December 12, 2017 at 7:36 pm
It’s true. The tax increases were about redistribution. Undoing those increases is about unredistribution.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 4:18 pm
“Bonfire of the academies: Two professors on how leftist intolerance is killing higher education”
Long article about what happen at Evergreen State College.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:26 pm
He’s a lefty, but I still have respect for Weinstein. He’s the one who stood up to SJW students who demanded he leave campus (for the day) because of his skin color.
invisible finger
on December 12, 2017 at 5:04 pm
“The Evergreen State College is a public liberal arts college in Olympia, Wash.. Being public means it has a socioeconomically diverse student body,”
In other words, stupid people come from all income backgrounds.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:00 pm
As if private schools don’t fall over each other to reach the holy grail of diversity or anything.
The Late P Brooks
on December 12, 2017 at 4:20 pm
And this presents an immediate ethical problem. Students of the history of economic thought learn early on that taking money from the poor and the middle class to give to the rich tends to reduce overall welfare for the simple reason that an extra dollar provides much more to those who have few of them than to those already rolling in money. Most conventional proposals to increase general welfare support redistributing in the other direction.
Top notch analysis. He’s blown my mind.
It’s time to start drinking heavily.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:32 pm
You read this sort of thing and they paint a picture of the ancien régime where the serfs, laborers, and merchants were paying the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they funded let the nobility and the clergy fritter it away with no obligations. But this picture has no connection whatsoever to the reality of the United States today. The households at the upper end of the income spectrum pay the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they fund spends it on social welfare programs and defense. The redistribution already flows in the direction it’s “supposed” to.
The problem that they refuse to own up to, and the reason why they keep living in upside-down land, is that redistribution in the “correct” direction doesn’t work. It doesn’t take poor people who have bad habits and teach them good habits. It doesn’t make better schools, or better communities, or better lives. It just throws money at people until they shut up.
R C Dean
on December 12, 2017 at 4:45 pm
taking money from the poor and the middle class to give to the rich
I’m going to need someone to explain two things to me:
(1) How does a tax cut take money from anyone?
(2) How does a tax cut give money to anyone?
on December 12, 2017 at 4:55 pm
It’s all the government’s money. We’re lucky to keep any of it.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 4:25 pm
“fuck white america. fuck white supremacy. fuck white people. fuck an inability to see beyond our own noses. and fuck the faux concern for tragedies in the past while allowing them to continue in the present.”
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:44 pm
God Damn it! i clicked! I know Better!
on December 12, 2017 at 4:25 pm
It’s time to start drinking heavily.
Oh, were we supposed to stop?
on December 12, 2017 at 4:47 pm
on December 12, 2017 at 5:00 pm
i gotta wait 2 more hours to start. tick tock, tick tock.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 4:29 pm
I’m thinking Shannon Watts might be “both vapid and sexually available”. She certainly didn’t get her cushy AstroTurf job based on having extensive gun knowledge.
Boo hoo, everyone is an alt-right Nazi. Please accept me into your social circles, for I will die without cocktails. Pfft. I already said my piece there. Also, Twitter delenda est.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:27 pm
I knew she was a bit lefty, but I was unaware she was full blown SJW.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:44 pm
Excuse me but I just remembered that I had somewhere I needed to be.
“Well, this has been . . . interesting, but I am afraid I need to go now. I’m sure that as an empowered, independent woman, you won’t have any problem picking up the check for drinks and appetizers. I’ll tell them on my way out to cancel my entree. I’m sure you are used to dining alone anyway.”
on December 12, 2017 at 5:25 pm
I’d put down enough cash to make it Dutch, but I’m sure the thought of excusing myself to go to the bathroom and then “climbing out the window” would have occurred.
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:28 pm
Why cancel your entree? She’s got to bring something home to feed her cats.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:48 pm
Unreadable after 6 words. New record. Congrats.
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 4:54 pm
I don’t think I have to worry; she might not date my kind anyways. Even if I did date self-loathing bigots who listed their preferred pronouns.
I have only one counter question. If I answer in the way you want, are you going to sleep with me?
The Late P Brooks
on December 12, 2017 at 4:47 pm
You read this sort of thing and they paint a picture of the ancien régime where the serfs, laborers, and merchants were paying the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they funded let the nobility and the clergy fritter it away with no obligations.
I initially read it more as the typical lefty gibberish where they characterize an exchange of value in which rich people and business interests provide goods and services in exchange for money are “stealing” from the poor because they (lefty “economics” writers) willfully ignore the value of the goods and services in question.
on December 12, 2017 at 4:50 pm
Various Internet entities are throwing another series of temper tantrums:
Let’s suspend disbelief and assume for a moment that their doom saying hysterics are correct. Do they think that the average voting-aged American will give a fuck about any of it? Do they seriously believe that unencumbered delivery of PornHub content is a winning issue with people that have watched their wages stagnate and their savings dwindle for the past decade? They certainly are making this seem like the battle of the century.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:15 pm
“The pro-net neutrality message on Reddit’s technology subreddit was impossible to miss”
When you’re in the cave, it’s hard to miss the echo.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:12 pm
It’s more enraging on Github, which does not already present itself as a lefty echo-chamber.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:52 pm
if net neutrality is really that important to consumers, then its a profit making opportunity. Start an isp that is net neutral.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on December 12, 2017 at 6:12 pm
That doesn’t fly in the face of government imposed monopolies on ISPs. I’m not in favor of Net Neutrality. I also do not think ISPs should be allowed to alter the flow against any sites if they constrain any competitors with gov imposed monopolies. So Hughes Satellite feel free to offer what ever kind of internet service you want. Comcast should not be able to do this without first tearing up their exclusivity contracts with local governments.
I don’t understand why this should be possible anyway for those with contracted monopolies. I pay extra for increased bandwidth and internet speed. I expect to have full use of that wherever and however I choose, That’s why I pay for that tier. For Comcast to slow my speed for Netflix, would be like Whirlpool buying out my electric company and slowing speeds to Samsung appliances. Buying my own generator is not a substitute for the power plant with a government imposed monopoly.
*Not an endorsement of Net Neutrality. Is an endorsement of not allowing oligarchies to use the government to fuck their customers and keep out competitors.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:14 pm
Whirlpool buying out my electric company and slowing speeds to Samsung appliances.
I get your point amd it’s a good one. I just wanted to let you know that electricity does not work like that.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on December 12, 2017 at 6:16 pm
I know, but just pretend if they could.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on December 12, 2017 at 6:21 pm
Maybe downgrading your service to 50 amps if there’s a non-Whirlpool appliance in the residence, but you still have to pay for 200 amp service. Doesn’t work as well, but kind of still gets there.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:30 pm
The best solutions to address the “using monopolistic power to stifle competition” problem are:
1. Break the monopolies, or failing that,
2. Only grant monopolies to operators divested of conflicting interests.
Although, at the end of the day, there is no easy answer here. Net neutrality is a dumb policy (cue Monty Python, “every sperm packet is sacred”) even if you take out the central planning/FCC/government takeover aspect of it. Netflix, and other streaming services, are massive drivers of network traffic. The hardware to deliver high definition content on demand to millions of people ain’t free, and not everybody would want to have their own rates increased to pay for it if they had the choice.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on December 12, 2017 at 6:43 pm
I’m with you on steps 1 and 2. Net neutrality also did stupid things like prevent cell phone companies from customizing plans.
Netflix, and other streaming services, are massive drivers of network traffic. The hardware to deliver high definition content on demand to millions of people ain’t free, and not everybody would want to have their own rates increased to pay for it if they had the choice.
I’ve tried to understand this argument before, but I’m not seeing how Comcast slowing Netflix to drive customers onto their own video platform has anything to do with high data use. Comcast has already addressed the high data problem by initiating data caps (just like some cell phone companies) on users in some of their areas. If you use more, you pay more, and there’s nothing wrong with this.
on December 12, 2017 at 8:49 pm
Comcast slowing Netflix to drive customers onto their own video platform
There is not always malicious intent behind slow speeds. Every home user watching a different show* via streaming simultaneously may not saturate any of their individual connections to their ISPs, but may very well saturate the connections from their ISPs to the streaming service’s regional data center. Just because you paid for 50 Mbps, or what have you, to your home, does not mean you have a dedicated 50 Mbps connection to every other site on the Internet.
(* = this includes watching the same show at different places within the show, as you both need different data, the same as if you were watching two different shows)
Comcast has already addressed the high data problem by initiating data caps (just like some cell phone companies) on users in some of their areas.
This penalizes total usage, but the issue is one of rates and priorities. Even if you pay for a 50 Mbps connection and your neighbor is only paying for a 10 Mbps connection, you will both get content from the same provider at the same speed under a net neutral policy (up to your respective speed limits). Data caps are not really optimal for dealing with most of the problems (not that they don’t make sense ever, just that they don’t make sense for these problems).
on December 12, 2017 at 8:55 pm
I’d also like to take a moment to shit on the major content providers, because they created this clusterfuck but generally get to take no blame for it whatsoever. There are many, many ways to make this situation a lot better, but they’ve forbidden a good many of them because OMG TEH PIRACIEZ. They crippled the distribution of their own content, and placed a substantial burden on network operators, but because of high demand for their content, everybody has jumped through their hoops.
Hanrahan recounts a harrowing tale from early last school year:
During Orientation Week in August of 2016, I was out late drinking in Harvard Square with two classmates. The topic switched to the women in our class. Over the drunken hum of the bar’s collective conversation, one guy proposed the “hottest” girls in our class. The other did the same. They both then asked me to rank the girls in our cohort in the order I wanted to get with. My alarmed heart bolted blood to my cheeks. I crossed my arms, unable to speak. “Are we making you uncomfortable?” one asked me. I cannot remember my exact response. But it was not: “Yes. Objectifying women, even though it seems harmless to you, demeans them and creates an environment that makes sexual assault more likely.” Instead, I uncrossed my arms, I shook my head, and yes, I discussed which girls were hot.
Hanrahan is up-front about his moral failure to say something to his friends that night: “At the time, it was easy for me to discard my act of cowardice as inconsequential. The desire to be included made the risk of speaking up too great. During many similar ‘inconsequential’ comments at the pub and locker rooms throughout my life, I know I’ve taken the easy way out.”
“My silence lies on a continuum of complicity,” Hanrahan writes, “complicity that allows sexual assault to occur.”
on December 12, 2017 at 5:20 pm
“Are we making you uncomfortable?
My bullshit meter went haywire.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:26 pm
Girls in elementary school make written lists of the cutest boys in their class. I need a confession and apology from every girl in Mrs. Ford’s 6th grade class of 1998.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:46 pm
How about your high school’s “most likely to succeed”? Was it a white male?
on December 12, 2017 at 6:12 pm
I don’t remember, but probably. My high school was not very woke.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:50 pm
A close relative of mine has been drinking diet coke everyday for 35 years. Her health is not great, but that’s not because of the coke.
Somalian Road Corporation
on December 12, 2017 at 5:29 pm
Oh, good, another one of these stories. The response I usually see is shrieking about how Fox News spent a few man-hours talking about dijon and arugula with Obama, so thousands of man-hours about KFC with a knife and fork, McDonald’s, Oreos, two scoops, well-done steak with ketchup, french fries, diet Coke… Jesus Christ, I can’t even keep track of it all anymore.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:51 pm
sounds like a well balanced diet to me
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:31 pm
I’m not a medical doctor, but I would say more than the distance running Bush did that the press ignored and less than the smoking Obama did that the the press also ignored.
Old Man With Candy
on December 12, 2017 at 5:41 pm
Voice of experience: “linked to” is grant-seeking talk for “no actual evidence connecting them but we need another grant.”
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:53 pm
My favorite “linked to”
For decades, spanking has been “known” to be “linked to” all sorts of bad outcomes later in life. Kids who get spanked are more likely to grow up dropping out of school, doing drugs, spending time in prison, rooting for the Patriots, abusing family members, etc.
This is pediatrician orthodoxy for a generation. Books are written. Knowing men in white lab coats shame women for traditional parenting techniques that didn’t prevent the knowing men from attending Top Schools and becoming Top Men. Educators file the occasional mandatory reporting report and send the occasional parent to prison.
Until this one crazy mother fucker controls for how often the spanked kids misbehave as kids. That is, perhaps, maybe, just maybe, there’s some underlying personality feature that causes a person to both get spanked and be a fuck up as an adult. If you control for antisocial personality type and impulse control, the spanking effect…. doesn’t just go away. It because negative. That is, if a kid’s a dickhead, spanking punishments have a positive (incredibly small but real) impact on their adult outcomes. (physical abuse is a different story)
Guess what all the knowing men in lab coats and educators are still pushing. JK. You know what the answer is.
Old Man With Candy
on December 12, 2017 at 5:58 pm
The answer is always, “These results suggest more study is needed.”
Pan Zagloba
on December 12, 2017 at 6:11 pm
Who are you, that is so wise in the ways of science?
Certified Public Asshat
on December 12, 2017 at 6:45 pm
Do not listen to OMWC’s thoughts on child spanking.
Count Potato
on December 12, 2017 at 5:22 pm
“Merriam-Webster Just Announced Their Word Of The Year”
looks like a ham-fisted parable for net neutrality
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:33 pm
The book was, somehow, worse than a ham-fisted parable for net neutrality.
Juvenile Bluster
on December 12, 2017 at 5:49 pm
I loved the book. Yes I know it was terrible. I loved it still.
The movie looks nothing like the book.
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:56 pm
I enjoyed the cyberpunk interlude in the middle a bit. But part of my overall disgust for it was based on the author’s firm encapsulation in the brain-dead, NPR-listening, everyone-I-know-agrees-with-me progressive worldview.
Also, audiobook was read by Will Wheaton, who is the walking avatar of that class of folk.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:08 pm
Armada was also read by Wheaton. There was much cursing and wishing of death upon Wesley by the time that one wrapped up.
It’s been a while since I read the book, but I don’t recall much of what’s in that trailer. Mostly what I recall is a crapload of ’80s pop culture references.
Also, the author’s second book, Armada, is a super-stinker.
All because they saw “a woman abruptly leave a parked car as they approached an apartment complex.” Fucking. Assholes. If this guy get’s even a half decent lawyer, he should get off because the cops had no probable cause.
I know. A very big, and Pollyannish, should.
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:35 pm
Maybe its sexism, but maybe the left just really hates the name “Sarah”.
I am about ready to fake my own death in order to get out of this meeting.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:48 pm
Heading in to work now. If you come up with a good way, let me know.
on December 12, 2017 at 5:54 pm
The real trick would be how to continue collecting a paycheck afterwards.
And i am out on the West coast For this one, so its going to cut inton my hockey time.
And my Low Gin light just turned on.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:17 pm
Do you want me to call you? I could pretend to be President Trump about to declare war on the Norks, but need your thoughts on railgun deployment.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:23 pm
Considering that the room is filled with a dozen Navy railgun program managers and engineers, that would probably be heavily questioned.
But it would be lively.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:25 pm
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 5:58 pm
Why fake your own death when you can actuate someone else’s? You don’t sound like a problems solver. We need problem solvers on this team. Are you a problem solver?
on December 12, 2017 at 6:01 pm
Man, if somebody starts that type of management speak, it just might happen.
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 6:02 pm
A Leap at the Wheel
on December 12, 2017 at 6:14 pm
PS – I have never complemented you on your cromulent use of the highest form of humor in your name. Well done.
Heroic Mulatto
on December 12, 2017 at 6:22 pm
By “highest”, you mean “lowest”, of course.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:24 pm
Why, thank you, Leap!
I like yours as well.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:54 pm
Just Fart loudly, turn red and walk out, no one will wonder
on December 12, 2017 at 8:21 pm
Thanks for the, er, sound advice, Yusef.
I survived the meeting, went back to the hotel to freshen up, grabbed my trusty flask from my luggage and made a strong Rum and Coke Zero to steel myself for the working dinner with these yahoos. Waiting in the lobby for my ride.
on December 12, 2017 at 6:14 pm
i read “tardy” as an adjective meaning, “having the superficial qualities of being retarded, but without the biological causes”
it makes things like, “i am tardy with my taxes” have multiple meanings.
Yusef drives a Kia
on December 12, 2017 at 6:59 pm
Feast or famine, I’m all of a sudden Swamped with work, unfortunately I’m also swamped with bills, but at least I can pay em.
I Got my Steve Smith sticker today, just don’t know where to stick it,
“One of rigor’s purposes is, to put it bluntly, a thinly veiled assertion of white male (hetero)sexuality,” she writes, explaining that rigor “has a historical lineage of being about hardness, stiffness, and erectness; its sexual connotations—and links to masculinity in particular—are undeniable.”
on December 12, 2017 at 10:10 pm
I’m not crossing any bridge or entering any building built by her or her students.
OT: The polar bears are STAAARVING! Oh wait, maybe you’re being bullshitted by a hysterical.
Climate Barbie hardest hit
I’d hit Climate Barbie.
With what?
Presumably a club, like those he would on seals, by which I mean Q’s knurled and uncircumcised member.
Uncircumcised!? Sir you insult me!
Bonus points for *knurled*
Speaking of Barbie:
“Inside Barbie’s Fight To Stay Relevant
Today’s Barbie is fighting for gay rights, body inclusivity, and open borders. But is she woke enough for millennial parents?”
That article makes me blisteringly angry.
You mean warmistas are mendacious, opportunistic shitstains? Say it ain’t so!
“Even Catherine McKenna, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, wrote in a tweet: “THIS is what climate change looks like.”
And then she lifted her skirt and flashed her vagina.
The ravages of strip mining?
::beatnik snapping applause::
Is that a Canadian inside joke? Why would she flash everyone?
Increased humidity?
Are you suggesting that Polar Bears die regardless of the weather? Do you even science, bro?
Everyone knows polar bears are immortal in a pristine state of nature.
They are the Daemons of the Kool Kidz Klub. Go sit at another table, shit-stain (raucus laughter, food pelting, etc.)
WTF, Robby? I am dissapoint.
Christ, Swiss, has it been that long? Remember how Soave would have the afternoon links late? Remember the dark day, May 15, 2016 (I think that was it) when the afternoon links never arrived?
*balls up fists for being conflated with Soave*
*blinks out tears of rage*
*silently opens a box containing a brace of dueling pistols*
Oooh, goodie. I am an excellent shot, with previous combat experience!
*remembers previous combat experience*
*curls up in ball on floor*
Soave was the Nick Gillespie of writers at TOS
How about Froot Sooshi?
*readies cat butt, cow butt, thermo-nuclear weapons*
Just go straight to the nukes. It’s the only way to be sure.
Thinking more, I was deeply offensive to you, and I apologize.
To be fair, your white privilege certainly should leave you less offended than a person of color. However…
*squints suspiciously*
Swissy…it’s OK. You may post links like Robby, but your hair is no where near as good as his.
Feel better now, hon?
There was a day Robby was late with the Lynx over on the other site. I don’t recall the excuse.
Hair care emergency.
The Soave ran out of Suave™.
He is alluding to that time Robby was late (forgot?) with PM links.
It would be a dark day indeed, if we went totally without.
“Robby was late”
He *told* Gillespie to use a condom! Must have been stealthed!
+ 1 rawdog
Could someone post a link to Injun’s video from that terrible day?
I miss you, Injun, wherever you are.
I’m late, but hier is the link to Hitler’s opinion on Robby’s lynx:
OMG – saving for posterity
Comedy Gold, Jerry, Comedy Gold!
That’s the first I’ve seen this. Brilliant!
This may have been posted already, but it’s worth a round two:
The replies are hilarious.
“We are #ReclaimingOurVoices AND we can walk, talk, knit pussy hats, make dinner, love our children, go to work, march for our rights,walk the dogs, call our representatives, demand you, @realDonaldTrump , step down ALL AT THE SAME TIME because we can MULTI TASK!”
Christ, what an asshole. Get a life.
Can you make a sammich?
I notice that “go to work” is not much of a priority.
Just so we’re clear, “go to work” is three down from “make pussy hats”, but two more important than walking the poor dogs.
And from whom exactly are you reclaiming your voices? Have you been voiceless up to now? Because if there’s one word I wouldn’t use to describe the third-wave feminist movement, it is certainly not “voiceless”.
How about ‘screeching at a frequency too high for my ears to detect’?
mmm liberal tears. I’m hoping to get a small harvest from alabama this evening.
Everyone knows Kristie sucks dick for votes.
I wouldn’t mind the BJ, but I still wouldn’t vote for her.
What happens in the voting booth, stays in the voting booth.
“Sez you”
/Chicago ward boss
Happy Hanukkah you drunken. cretinous human detritus! Have some tits!
12, 15, 19, 21, 22
Remember, because it’s the first night, one nipple is the shamash and has to be stimulated first before it helps stimulate the other. Hey, I don’t make the rules.
Jewish women edition?
Hebrew hotties.
TW: Slideshow
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss has gotten better looking as she’s gotten older. The only woman I’ve ever seen that happen to. She either has an amazing plastic surgeon or amazing genes
Better hair helps. When people think of the young Julia Louis-Dreyfus, they think of Elaine Benes.
She was also underrated as a comedian
I’m in favor!
I’ll just take #16 tonight.
So I just accepted an adjunct gig at the local community college for next semester. I’ll be teaching early US history (colonization through reconstruction).
I’ve just started looking over the textbook for the class and of course it’s filled with commie liberal garbage.
This should be an interesting semester….
Either I will slowly subvert the wills of my “students” and create a cadre of libertarian thralls or else I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get fired.
I don’t understand. Wouldn’t it be easier to simply CLEANSE his students?
Hey, we are scarce enough out here!
This Zardoz guy is confusing, and he never tells me what to do with the Brutals once they’ve been cleansed. I’m running out of space in my shed.
He said they were commies. Easiest way to cleanse them is to encourage that braincancer and let state capitalism work its magic.
Why is Civil War still the midpoint of US History. Shouldnt the split be slowing advancing forward?
Then again, maybe it is, if you are teaching thru reconstruction. I think we ended at the end of the war back in my day.
I’ve taught adjunct many times. Even in physical science, textbooks are useless (CLIMATE CHANGE ERMUHGERD!); just teach outside of the textbook.
“I’ll be teaching early US history”
I hated those 3am classes!
*narrows gaze*
Why not both?
Just my commie conspiracy theory but I swear Stalin had paid off some textbook writers to insert “alternative facts” into the textbooks. Since most of the later editions are just copy and paste these materials keep getting retaught.
/take off tinfoil hat
Let me guess – they want you to use the Zinn book, don’t they?
Teach the history as it actually happened without the lefty slant. You might actually wake a few kids up.
So then they’ll be woke?
That’s what my history teachers did (caveat: high school, not college). It made the class far more interesting.
I never got that. I had to read books away from school to learn anything.
This times 1000. The various public schools I attended were an active detriment to getting an education.
“Class, today we will be learning about the pre-Revolutionary period by refuting the version put forth in the textbook.”
Don’t forget the 1848 quote from Abe Lincoln where he absolutely endorsed the right of secession.
Congratulations! Subvert!
Lesson one – On the value of subsidized research – “Everyone, take your textbook… and throw it in the garbage. Now, one of you who doesn’t vape set the pile aflame. You will now learn how to determine for yourselves whether events are of importance as opposed to being told what an apparatus which has just forced you to buy a textbook thinks is important.”
I hope you get fired, it means you did it right
/you’ll get another job
Tesla’s stock went up by a little more than $12 today, or about $1.7 billion in market cap, on the news that Pepsi will be buying 100 of their “trucks”.
Assuming those trucks are ever built, of course.
The trucks apparently sell for $180,000 apiece, so this would be $18 million dollars coming in for the company. Let’s say $10 million in profit (probably way less than that).
So, Tesla’s stock went up by $1.7 billion on news of a possible future profit of $10 million.
As much as I don’t understand what drives the price of bitcoin, I *really* don’t understand what drives the price of Tesla’s stock.
irrational exuberance
Utter economic idiocy?
Good intentions
Chortle, a $18mm revenue deal. Short Tesla.
This, what you did, I saw it
CalPERS et al getting out of not-approved-by-the-liberal-agenda companies.
“Former longtime server Trish Nelson said Friedman once grabbed her head as she was kneeling down behind the bar to get some glasses, told her “while you’re down there,” and pulled it toward his crotch — all in front of actress Amy Poehler — in 2007, according to the Times.”
Another liberal actress who said nothing huh.

Rufus takes a long enough break from work to get a legitimate first. News. of. the. day.
Rufus works?
/wipes crumbs from Chips Ahoy! off his lips.
What? Did someone say sum-ting?
Did you bring enough to share with everyone?
“While you’re down there” was a standard waiter meme when I was in the business… in 1993. some jokes must never die.
It is truly an old joke, people say it on construction sites FFs
1982 in my first restaurant gig. Last time was 1989 in my last healthcare gig (co-worker, don’t be gross).
“Ferguson had concluded that the menu program aldermen treasure was underfunded by $122.9 million a year,”
Apparently Ferguson has never heard that the Chicago is billions in debt.
Too soon?
It’s never too soon.
I miss the days when I could click a link and not read the word “grope”
Sometimes you pick the grope life and sometimes the grope life picks you.
In Rick and Morty news…
Man who gained fame for crude ‘Rick and Morty’ courtroom exchange gets life
The one time his link works.
I know, right?
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTWdP5DMdsM
Here’s the court transcript:
I didn’t read it all, but the judge may have been a bit out of line at parts.
Elected judges can get away with all kinds of shit. Principally, because they’ve got a court of appeals to clean it up.
Et tu, SugarFree?
*collapses, full of OT link wounds*
Some news cannot wait until morning, bruh.
Can’t stop LOLing.
“Man who gained fame for crude ‘Rick and Morty’ courtroom exchange gets life”
Advantage: SF.
“no wait, innocent but mentally ill! No, wait, Chicken but mentally ill! Fuck it, you get the idea judge”
“BENEFIT CHEAT GLOBETROTTER Benefits cheat, 27, pocketed £244,000 taxpayers’ cash and spent it on luxury holidays, designer clothes and handbags”
Also boobs.
Are there any benefit cheat Washington Generals?
**Throws bucket of confetti at Ted**
Why hello Rip Taylor, where ya been?
At least we got something out of those tax dollars
We can only hope.
So the guy publicly humiliates you in a sexually degrading way and then later on you think it is a good idea to get into his car and smoke pot with him?
You’re gonna have to forgive me for failing to find your story of the first incident at all believable. That the event happened? Sure I can buy that. But that it happened and humiliated you so deeply that you were even the slightest bit bothered by it at the time? Sorry I don’t buy it
“Pohler told the Times through a rep, “I have no recollection of this, but it’s horrible.”
The funny thing is they felt this was a publish-worthy quote.
I wonder if by “rep” they mean “attorney” who told them to print it because she wants no part of this story?
And that it needed to be delivered via a rep.
“I don’t remember this. It didn’t happen. Don’t look at me. It was terrible. I can’t recall. No further comment.”
But she has “the right to be believed”, Rasilio… you disgusting misogynist.
Ah, who could have predicted that enshrining “listen and believe” as a central tenet of faith could have consequences?
I guess I can up thenumber of times I’ve been harassed by a dozen or so from that joke.
Should the state have the power to remove children from their parents?
I think the answer is a theoretical yes, but the way it is done now is so wrong that I would be okay if the state was stripped of the power entirely.
Another vagueness/slippery slope dilemma. In libertopia, neighbors would (hopefully) find out if parents were horrifically abusing their children and take matters into their own hands. As a practical matter, it’s a tough question though I’m tempted to say it has to be repeated suspicious ER visits that have been well documented.
The neighbors may never know. My brother came home from work one day to find a bunch of cop cars in the parking lot of his building. The cops knocked on his door and asked him if he had ever heard any strange noises from the apartment directly above him. It turned out the people upstairs had a 12-year-old kid who hadn’t been allowed out of the hall closet for several YEARS. My brother never heard anything out of the ordinary, and even talked to the guy, and his younger daughter, in the parking lot on occasion. The jig was only up when daughter mentioned her brother in class, and that he lived in the closet, as if it was perfectly normal.
Was his name Potter?
I’m going to go with no the State cannot but anyone can step up as a voice for a child and take that parent to court to have the parents rights stripped away.
Thing is the parents rights/responsibilities are stripped and given to the person making the claim.
I think this is probably the correct answer. I know (personally) of only one case of a child being taken from a parent that led to a happy ending for all involved.
The case was a mother who was strung out and not taking care of her 6 year old daughter. The woman’s brother took her to court and was awarded temporary custody. The brother kept the child for 2 years while the woman got her shit together. After 2 years, the child was returned to the woman. The child is now 13 and a well adjusted young girl who lives with her mother and stepfather. I think part of the reason that the young girl is still ok is that she was never removed too far from her family. She never spent any time in any kind of state run foster service or group home.
A good idea but, who’s got the money or time? and are you sure you want those kind of busybodies able to do such a thing?
/ Neg consequences
That sounds like kicking the can down the road. The state is still deciding except now someone can claim I haven’t sufficiently indoctrinatedmy child with climate change or something so the state has to decide who is better.
It would be better to have an objective standard.
Maybe it’s all just story time stuff, but a lot of old books have kids with abusive/drunken/deadbeat parents who are ‘adopted’ by neighbors or relatives, no government involved. It’s common enough that i gotta believe it had some basis in reality.
I raised two girls just like that. Not my kids but were in super fucked up situations. Mom agreed they would be better off with me. We took them in just like our own and raised them. They are grown and gone now, kids of their own. I would say I would do it again but I am getting too old for that.
I am tired and I want another vodka.
Good on ya.
Good Man
I have three “extra” Grandkids from my son’s Ex, and I treat them just like my own, it’s natural to me
CNN’s Acosta accuses Sanders of intimidation, threats
Did the chubby girl make you sad, Jim? This gets better though.
I don’t know, I’m willing to bet Trump knows first hand what she’ll do for a campaign contribution.
You think Gillibrand will be the next #metoo?
Nah, she’d have done it already. Though I am not certain of the applicability of Gillebrand’s oldest profession and the #metoo campaign.
Was pussy grabbing involved?
God this is fucking great. I love it. I am not getting tired for a single second, of this combative Press Secretary shit. It’s like watching WWE and is completely harmless.
The only improvement would be to hire Bill Belichick.
Acosta: “Can you tell me what the president meant when he tweeted that Sen. Gillibrand would do anything for a campaign contribution?”
Belichick: ———————————–
Acosta: “I’m not sure you heard me.”
Belichick: “No I heard you.”
Acosta: “Oh, well….Can you tell me what the president meant?”
Belichick: ———————————–
I would pay $5 to see that kind of exchange. A fiver!
Ted Thompson is the same way.
So’s Fred Thompson
Marshawn Lynch would be even better.
Yo boss, I’m just here to get paid. No comment.
I was wondering what the link had to do with Bernie Sanders.
“Kirsten Gillibrand. Campaigned with Bill Clinton years after rape claims against him were known. Took money 6 times from Weinstein when everyone in Hollywood knew he was a predator. …Demands Trump resign for dubious sex assault claims against him.”
What do I mean by do anything? I mean, that she’ll, you know, take any position.
“The Nazi-Puncher’s Dilemma
Anti-facism is a loose-knit, decentralized movement containing numerous organizations and ideologies that even insiders struggle to explain. For starters, not all people who identify as anti-fascists describe themselves as antifa. Most antifa are anarchists, but there are also socialists and communists, who divide further into Maoists, Marxists, Trotskyists and Stalinist “tankies.”
What unites them is a belief that dangerous elements of the far right must be driven from the public square, even if by force. And for two decades, beginning in the mid-1980s, that’s what antifa attempted to do, almost entirely out of the public eye. They put neo-Nazis and other white supremacists on their heels in cities and suburbs around the country, forcing many of them underground or into retreat. (Other contributing factors: litigation by civil rights organizations, the demise of key white supremacist leaders and law enforcement roundups.)
Over the past year, as fascists and racists have reemerged, emboldened by the rise of Trump, many old-school antifa have laced up their boots again. But now they find themselves facing a new enemy. The current crop of neo-Nazis and white nationalists prefers tattersall to tattoos and come off more like Young Republicans than Hammerskins. They are proficient in social media and online messaging, which presents a challenge for antifa used to fighting in the shadows.”
TW: Huffpo
Over the past year, as fascists and racists have reemerged…
*citation needed*
Over the last year, our definition of fascist has changed. This has led to a resurgence in fascists.
That would explain why there are so many of them, yet they can’t organize a decent sized rally.
Wait, are they saying all that it takes to defeat socialists and communists is meme warfare? How are we only now figuring this out?
It’s almost like the people they are tarring as fascists and racists today have almost nothing in common with actual fascists and racists……
(Other contributing factors: litigation by civil rights organizations, the demise of key white supremacist leaders and law enforcement roundups.)
It’s usually best to leave out the footnotes that undermine your entire premise.
Wait, there was a premise?
These Nazis, for some reason they “come off more like Young Republicans.” They’ve adapted! Regardless of how different they are from actual Nazis, I’m absolutely sure that the Nazi is in there somewhere, if I just punch it hard enough I’m sure people will agree with me! This is baffling!
Um… maybe because you’ve watered down the definition of “Nazi” to mean anything to the right to Stalin? Has it occurred to you punks that maybe you’re just attacking ordinary peaceful people that disagree with you?
If they are actually Stalinists, then there is no such thing as “ordinary peaceful people that disagree with [them]”. There are only fellow Stalinists, and enemies.
Yeah, if it was their call they’d Trotsky every single person to the right of Bernie and maybe him too.
I believe that, in this equation, Bernie is Trotsky.
A useful tool to be disposed of when no longer useful.
“Community activism”….lulz
Oh, it gets better!
In the words of Bill Parcells, I’m gonna have to see some visual evidence.
/things that never happened
These Bolshevik LARPers weren’t even alive during the heyday (or even the sunset years) of the Klan and they certainly don’t have the chops to take on actual white supremacists. There’s a reason that the Aryan Brotherhood is almost universally feared in prisons in spite of their relatively miniscule numbers. Actual, hardened skinheads and Neo-Nazis would turn antifa into grease stains.
So they’re like the French Resistance?
So much this
Oh, they’re true, huh? Might be a Pulitzer in a story about “raiding Klan rallies under cover of darkness” or “Nazis torching the homes of activists and killing antifa in the desert”. I’m sure more elaboration on this shit that didn’t happen is forthcoming.
These people are delusional and think they’re in Fight Club.
and when it comes to a fight, I think even I will take a few down
/old Man
*rolls eyes*
Yes, I have known some of those “anarchists”. They gravitate to places like Portland and Seattle.
How did that work out in the Weimar Republic?
They needed to use more force, of course!
Bring it, big Boy
Somebody should get a kick out of this story. .
Was it a left foot? I hope the owner is all right
Man it’s incredible how that velcro shoe and sock are in perfect condition.
A severed foot makes the ultimate stocking stuffer-
Those are some Sunday shoes that didn’t get kicked off.
“there is no reason to believe the feet are all connected.”
And every reason to believe they are not.
Human Centipede?
Homeland season 7.
I’ve never watched an episode. Good show? This stuck out in the story.
First two seasons were good, but it kind of lost its purpose at that point. I stopped watching in season 4.
This. Season 2 ended with a whimper and I was gone. Season 1 was great though. Couldn’t get enough of Claire Danes.
Claire Danes perpetually looks like she is on the verge of tears.
Thicc, not in a good way
She’s got Crazy Eyes. If I’m in the CIA, there’s no way in hell I hire those eyes.
Democrat = good
rethuglikkkan = bad
Meh. There’s plenty of stuff worth watching that doesn’t already attempt to cater to the hideously oversaturated TDS market. Especially by people who apparently were With Her.
I never watch any show about government employees unless more than a dozen glibs recommend it. I wouldn’t even watch Breaking Bad – because it was about a public school teacher – until glibs recommended it.
*readys self to run away from avalanche of rotten vegetables*
Breaking Bad was a shitty, overrated show with boring plot lines, shallow characters and dismal pacing. Fuck that show.
Oh, you motherfucker! You know how many titties you’re going to have to post to make up for that?
Starting now:
“Better wear a rubber, dude.”
Hope that gets us part of the way back.
Aw, I can’t stay mad at you, Q!
One more just for you.
Not bad.
There are not enough titties in the world to make up for that.
/starts GIS for horrific cat butts
I’ve never watched the show.
*lobs rotten veggies at Q anyway*
You should. It’s awesome.
No. Yes. No. Yes, but how much depth do you need from Tuco? Yes.
I think this is a pretty good theory on why Breaking Bad is as popular as it is.
No. No. No – although AMC probably made them drag it out 8 episodes longer than necessary. Yes and No. No – outside of AMC dragging it out longer than necessary the complete change in cinematography and pacing set up some terrific dark humor that may have only been surpassed by the first few seasons of Homicide.
the first few seasons of Homicide.
The cut of your jib, I like it. The scene in the rooming house lobby where they did The Producers “I’m not a madam, I’m the concierge” bit was sheer brilliance. Giardello ranting about the jelly donut. John Waters as the attentive bartender. Holy fuck. It’s a pity what they did to that show after that.
Perfect Review
I watched a couple episodes and clicked over to the hockey game.
Breaking Bad was alright, I definitely wouldn’t call it shitty. The series creator getting harassed by harridans into not letting Skyler get her just desserts sucked though.
I watched and enjoyed the first 3(?) seasons. Then I noticed that I hated every single person on the screen, and stopped watching.
It was alright, but it ain’t the Wire.
Started out compelling, but turned sour when there was literally zero characters to give fucks about, save a bit for Jesse.
Season 1 is good. I met the end of my suspension of disbelief too quickly when Brady picked Claire Danes of Morena Baccarin.
*over. Not “of.”
What Travesty is this? I pity the fool that made that choice
So, I’m reading that this famous singer was arrested for “sexual assault”. Seems he was in the Monkey House at the Zoo in New York City. A policeman claims to have witnessed him pinch a girl’s ass. Thing is, the SJWs seem to have rallied around the singer, saying he was just the victim of racial profiling. A crowd of them rallied at the Monkey House to protest racial profiling and racism. The crowd got rowdy and apparently spooked the victim, too–because she failed to show up to testify at the trial. It’s interesting to see feminists and a minority split the SJWs down the middle that way on what’s clearly a he said/she said case–if not for the cop’s testimony. What do SJWs do when #metoo goes head to head with anti-racists ?
But then with the New York City police department already under fire for profiling minorities, . . .
I suppose this is all run of the mill stuff these days.
Except the jury went ahead and convicted the guy without the victim’s testimony. I’m not sure that’s unreasonable–considering the defendant’s version of the story. He said the woman’s ass was pinched, but he wasn’t the one who pinched her. He says he saw who did it, and it was one of the monkeys. He said the monkey reached through a hole in the barrier and grabbed the woman’s ass! Now I guess the animal rights people will get involved?
I believe Harambe!
Anyway, I thought it was reassuring to read about a case of injustice like that, SJWs going over the top, sexual assault, racial profiling, the lack of credibility of the NYPD, etc., especially in this case–because the case happened in 1906.
Maybe this crap will all blow over soon. Maybe the shit storm never gets any better or worse–it just keeps going on and on but people pay more attention to it when celebrities get involved. I don’t know. I just want to cut entitlement spending and taxes.
“After three days of testimony, defense and prosecution rested and the magistrate delivered a judgment: he found Caruso guilty and fined him $10, the maximum amount allowed by law. Immediately, the defense began an appeal on legal and procedural grounds, but by this time tangential social issues raised by the incident had taken center stage. By coincidence, zoos had recently been in the news in New York, when, two months earlier, the Bronx Zoo had “exhibited” a twenty-five-year-old pygmy man from the Congo named Ota Benga. Controversy erupted; crowds rushed to see him.”
Yeah, that’s . . . um . . . insensitive.
Human zoos used to be a thing. It also used to be considered “science”.
“The first world leader to officially and systematically ban human zoos were the Nazis, under Adolf Hitler’s orders.”
This shit storm will end, as they all do, when The Right Sort of People ™ get accused. So has it been since the days of Salem.
Keep your government hands off of Social Security. I paid into that for years. It is not a ponzi scheme.
/pretty much every elderly person I know.
I have this talk quite frequently with guys I work with who are close to retirement age. They paid in and they deserve their money back. They are right about that. However when reminded that at some point the money is going to quit flowing and some generation (probably mine) is going to get screwed, the best I can get out of them is that the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare. I can’t convince them the whole system needs to be scrapped.
They paid in but that money is gone, They got took, I shouldn’t have to pay the bill on that. Also I love when they claim that ‘the government’ wasted/mismanaged that money and it’s not their fault, but they also love to claim how ‘We’ went to the moon or ‘We’ beat communism …etc.
the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare
If only we didn’t spend so much on welfare, we could spend more on welfare.
Yeah. It’s a pretty non convincing arguement to me. A lot of guys hi know think the gov could totally pay them their social security that they deserve if the government would quit giving money to others who don’t deserve it. Most can give examples of people gaming the disability system or something similar. I asked a guy the other day, “If you don’t think the government should be giving money to a guy who is faking a disability to get a check, Why do you think that you, a guy who been working steadily for 40 years, should get to retire and draw a check just because you retire?
The difference is the people on disability didn’t pay into the system to get their checks.
Whatever bullshit argument the old guys at your job are offering doesn’t come close to the towering mass of bullshit government employees spew when expecting to get every last dime of their pensions. This is what the old guys at your job are combating – they don’t want to see themselves get fucked while their counterparts get full recompense.
I never expected to get a goddamned cent of social security money back, that is why I opened a retirement account and a separate investment account. And the fucking thieves are gonna go after those, too.
The difference is the people on disability didn’t pay into the system to get their checks.
I think they did. Disability is a Social Security program. As such, I think its funded by the payroll tax or, if not, bu income taxes.
I want SS abolished – particularly as I pay both sides as a business and am unlikely to receive more than a small portion of my legitimate payments. However, those who have paid are entitled to “precisely” what they have paid.
OTH, Medicare is running a >$340K per person deficit, and there is no legitimate “I paid and deserve argument.”
I can get out of them is that the gov just needs to cut waste and cut welfare.
“You realize that the biggest welfare programs in the history of mankind are Social Security and Medicare, right?”
I’d throw public schools in for good measure.
I have known for almost 30 years that I would never see a dime of SS and took some steps to get around GOV Retirement, but it’s not easy, still better than SS
In addition to all that other stuff, I found this interesting:
All that sounds just like today. The British think we’re barbarians, the French think we’re puritans, the Germans care about order, and Americans imagine that we’re an heroic example to the rest of the world.
In Germany, the Berlin Post lauded the Americans for trying to make public places safer for women
Given the German denial that their “refugees” are a problem for women’s safety and their refusal to do anything about it, I find this . . . ironic.
12.5 % of Germans voted to send an anti-immigration party to their legislature–screwing things up so bad that Merkel is having trouble forming a government.
That’s huge–especially in a country so hyper sensitive to charges of xenophobia and racism.
The FBI can apparently blow off appointments with Congress whenever they are inconvenient or they need time to get ahead of their own exploding scandals.
Yet another good reason to fire the shit out of Sessions the Ineffective.
Sheesh, Drake, the po-po always get extra time to get their story straight before testifying. Why should an FBI agent be treated differently than a local cop?
Rand Paul’s tweet would have been clearer if he had just wrote: “No, fuck you, cut spending.”
Not full-throated enough. Must be a crypto anti-capitalist.
Many thanks to whoever put us onto the Austin Powers Shaguar ringtone. Just got a new biz phone, and that’s its new ring. Nothing like having that go off in a finance committee meeting.
*shakes head in disgust*
You’re welcome.
I’m sorry, but … what the fuck?
Martinez locked himself in a child’s bedroom. He was later found dead on the cement sidewalk. Two of the other men pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
My reading comprehension sucks or…
Man shot 22 times for being noisy.
I clicked figuring it was the cop the answered the complaint. Upon reading the story, I realize that could’ve been me.
Rand Paul isn’t that loud.
Weird story, but good Lord was it horribly written. MAKE SURE YOUR PRONOUNS HAVE AN ANTECEDENT JAGOFFS.
Good to see the old hometown represent. Chicago’s got nuthin’ on us for scumbaggery; there are just more people in Chicago.
By coincidence, zoos had recently been in the news in New York, when, two months earlier, the Bronx Zoo had “exhibited” a twenty-five-year-old pygmy man from the Congo named Ota Benga. Controversy erupted; crowds rushed to see him.”
“This way to see the Grand Egress. Only five dollars.”
“Russian Propagandists Are Pushing for Roy Moore to Win
Kremlin-linked trolls have also joined Trump and Fox News in targeting the FBI.”
To date, they have already spent $49.62 on Facebook ads!
I like how you won’t get into the right cocktail parties if you don’t think that a tiny handful of homoerotic Bernie Sanders and BLM ads on Facebook are the obvious and indisputable reason why Hillary lost. Really gives you some perspective on things.
“Russian Propagandists Are Pushing for _________
Kremlin-linked trolls have also joined Trump and Fox News in ________.”
TDS mad libs
“Man shot for being noisy”
I hope whoever did it used a silencer.
*silently narrows gaze*
All your money are belong to us
Still, the evidence underscores a not-insignificant weakness in the Republicans’ longstanding economic platform: Tax cuts are not the secret sauce to power the American economy. They have, in fact, very little power to affect economic growth. However strenuously Republicans may argue that tax reform is about increasing economic efficiency, encouraging investment or promoting competitiveness, tax cuts are always primarily about redistribution.
That’s because the main effect of tax cuts is in changing how the fruits of economic growth are distributed. This means that for policymakers interested in improving the welfare of the American people, the first and most important item to consider is whose welfare is most worth improving.
A decade ago or so, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center and the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimated that making the Bush tax cuts permanent — rather than letting them expire in 2010 — would increase the after-tax income of people earning $1 million or more up to 7 percent, an order of magnitude more than it would increase the size of the economy in the long term. The bottom 80 percent of American families, by contrast, would actually be worse off because they would bear the brunt of paying for the cuts.
You didn’t earn that. That’s society’s money, and don’t you forget it.
Not giving is taking!
They have, in fact, very little power to affect economic growth.
You know, I’m not sure that’s actually a fact. And you know, he immediately says that, yes, tax cuts do lead to growth:
increase the after-tax income of people earning $1 million or more up to 7 percent, an order of magnitude more than it would increase the size of the economy in the long term
But, this kind of totalitarian gibberish is what you get when you think taxes are for social engineering, not raising funds for government operations.
Where do they think economic growth comes from? It’s just appears magically?
No, it comes from the government.
Does he have to hire a series of public employees to form a committee to draw you a picture? Because he will!
What is the unemployment rate now ? How is the stock market doing?
The projection is strong with this one. Almost like they think that tax increases are also primarily about redistribution rather than anything economic…
It’s true. The tax increases were about redistribution. Undoing those increases is about unredistribution.
“Bonfire of the academies: Two professors on how leftist intolerance is killing higher education”
Long article about what happen at Evergreen State College.
He’s a lefty, but I still have respect for Weinstein. He’s the one who stood up to SJW students who demanded he leave campus (for the day) because of his skin color.
“The Evergreen State College is a public liberal arts college in Olympia, Wash.. Being public means it has a socioeconomically diverse student body,”
In other words, stupid people come from all income backgrounds.
As if private schools don’t fall over each other to reach the holy grail of diversity or anything.
And this presents an immediate ethical problem. Students of the history of economic thought learn early on that taking money from the poor and the middle class to give to the rich tends to reduce overall welfare for the simple reason that an extra dollar provides much more to those who have few of them than to those already rolling in money. Most conventional proposals to increase general welfare support redistributing in the other direction.
Top notch analysis. He’s blown my mind.
It’s time to start drinking heavily.
You read this sort of thing and they paint a picture of the ancien régime where the serfs, laborers, and merchants were paying the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they funded let the nobility and the clergy fritter it away with no obligations. But this picture has no connection whatsoever to the reality of the United States today. The households at the upper end of the income spectrum pay the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they fund spends it on social welfare programs and defense. The redistribution already flows in the direction it’s “supposed” to.
The problem that they refuse to own up to, and the reason why they keep living in upside-down land, is that redistribution in the “correct” direction doesn’t work. It doesn’t take poor people who have bad habits and teach them good habits. It doesn’t make better schools, or better communities, or better lives. It just throws money at people until they shut up.
taking money from the poor and the middle class to give to the rich
I’m going to need someone to explain two things to me:
(1) How does a tax cut take money from anyone?
(2) How does a tax cut give money to anyone?
It’s all the government’s money. We’re lucky to keep any of it.
“fuck white america. fuck white supremacy. fuck white people. fuck an inability to see beyond our own noses. and fuck the faux concern for tragedies in the past while allowing them to continue in the present.”
This guy has been teaching a college course called “Politicizing Beyoncé”. He’s also white.
“He’s also white”
I assumed. Only white people hate white people that much.
Fuck you.
Only if they’re thicc.
Oh, why didn’t I hover this time.
God Damn it! i clicked! I know Better!
It’s time to start drinking heavily.
Oh, were we supposed to stop?
i gotta wait 2 more hours to start. tick tock, tick tock.
I’m thinking Shannon Watts might be “both vapid and sexually available”. She certainly didn’t get her cushy AstroTurf job based on having extensive gun knowledge.
She’s a Mom Who Demands Action so of course she’s sexually available. Would, as long as she has a ball gag in her mouth. Strictly anal.
I still get TOS’s magazine (I got a long subscription a few years back, and I didn’t cancel, because they’re not returning my money).
This month, they actually had a story by Lucy S.
Are we allowed to talk about Lucy here?
What’s there to say about another mushy fake professional libertarian?
Boo hoo, everyone is an alt-right Nazi. Please accept me into your social circles, for I will die without cocktails. Pfft. I already said my piece there. Also, Twitter delenda est.
I knew she was a bit lefty, but I was unaware she was full blown SJW.
Excuse me but I just remembered that I had somewhere I needed to be.
“Well, this has been . . . interesting, but I am afraid I need to go now. I’m sure that as an empowered, independent woman, you won’t have any problem picking up the check for drinks and appetizers. I’ll tell them on my way out to cancel my entree. I’m sure you are used to dining alone anyway.”
I’d put down enough cash to make it Dutch, but I’m sure the thought of excusing myself to go to the bathroom and then “climbing out the window” would have occurred.
Why cancel your entree? She’s got to bring something home to feed her cats.
Unreadable after 6 words. New record. Congrats.
I don’t think I have to worry; she might not date my kind anyways. Even if I did date self-loathing bigots who listed their preferred pronouns.
“Also white people are evil. Whiteness is evil.”
I have only one counter question. If I answer in the way you want, are you going to sleep with me?
You read this sort of thing and they paint a picture of the ancien régime where the serfs, laborers, and merchants were paying the lion’s share of the taxes, and the government that they funded let the nobility and the clergy fritter it away with no obligations.
I initially read it more as the typical lefty gibberish where they characterize an exchange of value in which rich people and business interests provide goods and services in exchange for money are “stealing” from the poor because they (lefty “economics” writers) willfully ignore the value of the goods and services in question.
Various Internet entities are throwing another series of temper tantrums:
Let’s suspend disbelief and assume for a moment that their doom saying hysterics are correct. Do they think that the average voting-aged American will give a fuck about any of it? Do they seriously believe that unencumbered delivery of PornHub content is a winning issue with people that have watched their wages stagnate and their savings dwindle for the past decade? They certainly are making this seem like the battle of the century.
“The pro-net neutrality message on Reddit’s technology subreddit was impossible to miss”
When you’re in the cave, it’s hard to miss the echo.
It’s more enraging on Github, which does not already present itself as a lefty echo-chamber.
if net neutrality is really that important to consumers, then its a profit making opportunity. Start an isp that is net neutral.
That doesn’t fly in the face of government imposed monopolies on ISPs. I’m not in favor of Net Neutrality. I also do not think ISPs should be allowed to alter the flow against any sites if they constrain any competitors with gov imposed monopolies. So Hughes Satellite feel free to offer what ever kind of internet service you want. Comcast should not be able to do this without first tearing up their exclusivity contracts with local governments.
I don’t understand why this should be possible anyway for those with contracted monopolies. I pay extra for increased bandwidth and internet speed. I expect to have full use of that wherever and however I choose, That’s why I pay for that tier. For Comcast to slow my speed for Netflix, would be like Whirlpool buying out my electric company and slowing speeds to Samsung appliances. Buying my own generator is not a substitute for the power plant with a government imposed monopoly.
*Not an endorsement of Net Neutrality. Is an endorsement of not allowing oligarchies to use the government to fuck their customers and keep out competitors.
Whirlpool buying out my electric company and slowing speeds to Samsung appliances.
I get your point amd it’s a good one. I just wanted to let you know that electricity does not work like that.
I know, but just pretend if they could.
Maybe downgrading your service to 50 amps if there’s a non-Whirlpool appliance in the residence, but you still have to pay for 200 amp service. Doesn’t work as well, but kind of still gets there.
The best solutions to address the “using monopolistic power to stifle competition” problem are:
1. Break the monopolies, or failing that,
2. Only grant monopolies to operators divested of conflicting interests.
Although, at the end of the day, there is no easy answer here. Net neutrality is a dumb policy (cue Monty Python, “every
spermpacket is sacred”) even if you take out the central planning/FCC/government takeover aspect of it. Netflix, and other streaming services, are massive drivers of network traffic. The hardware to deliver high definition content on demand to millions of people ain’t free, and not everybody would want to have their own rates increased to pay for it if they had the choice.I’m with you on steps 1 and 2. Net neutrality also did stupid things like prevent cell phone companies from customizing plans.
Netflix, and other streaming services, are massive drivers of network traffic. The hardware to deliver high definition content on demand to millions of people ain’t free, and not everybody would want to have their own rates increased to pay for it if they had the choice.
I’ve tried to understand this argument before, but I’m not seeing how Comcast slowing Netflix to drive customers onto their own video platform has anything to do with high data use. Comcast has already addressed the high data problem by initiating data caps (just like some cell phone companies) on users in some of their areas. If you use more, you pay more, and there’s nothing wrong with this.
Comcast slowing Netflix to drive customers onto their own video platform
There is not always malicious intent behind slow speeds. Every home user watching a different show* via streaming simultaneously may not saturate any of their individual connections to their ISPs, but may very well saturate the connections from their ISPs to the streaming service’s regional data center. Just because you paid for 50 Mbps, or what have you, to your home, does not mean you have a dedicated 50 Mbps connection to every other site on the Internet.
(* = this includes watching the same show at different places within the show, as you both need different data, the same as if you were watching two different shows)
Comcast has already addressed the high data problem by initiating data caps (just like some cell phone companies) on users in some of their areas.
This penalizes total usage, but the issue is one of rates and priorities. Even if you pay for a 50 Mbps connection and your neighbor is only paying for a 10 Mbps connection, you will both get content from the same provider at the same speed under a net neutral policy (up to your respective speed limits). Data caps are not really optimal for dealing with most of the problems (not that they don’t make sense ever, just that they don’t make sense for these problems).
I’d also like to take a moment to shit on the major content providers, because they created this clusterfuck but generally get to take no blame for it whatsoever. There are many, many ways to make this situation a lot better, but they’ve forbidden a good many of them because OMG TEH PIRACIEZ. They crippled the distribution of their own content, and placed a substantial burden on network operators, but because of high demand for their content, everybody has jumped through their hoops.
has this made the rounds yet?
Op-ed: Harvard student publicly confesses to discussing attractiveness of women
Hanrahan recounts a harrowing tale from early last school year:
During Orientation Week in August of 2016, I was out late drinking in Harvard Square with two classmates. The topic switched to the women in our class. Over the drunken hum of the bar’s collective conversation, one guy proposed the “hottest” girls in our class. The other did the same. They both then asked me to rank the girls in our cohort in the order I wanted to get with. My alarmed heart bolted blood to my cheeks. I crossed my arms, unable to speak. “Are we making you uncomfortable?” one asked me. I cannot remember my exact response. But it was not: “Yes. Objectifying women, even though it seems harmless to you, demeans them and creates an environment that makes sexual assault more likely.” Instead, I uncrossed my arms, I shook my head, and yes, I discussed which girls were hot.
Hanrahan is up-front about his moral failure to say something to his friends that night: “At the time, it was easy for me to discard my act of cowardice as inconsequential. The desire to be included made the risk of speaking up too great. During many similar ‘inconsequential’ comments at the pub and locker rooms throughout my life, I know I’ve taken the easy way out.”
“My silence lies on a continuum of complicity,” Hanrahan writes, “complicity that allows sexual assault to occur.”
“Are we making you uncomfortable?
My bullshit meter went haywire.
Girls in elementary school make written lists of the cutest boys in their class. I need a confession and apology from every girl in Mrs. Ford’s 6th grade class of 1998.
How about your high school’s “most likely to succeed”? Was it a white male?
I don’t remember, but probably. My high school was not very woke.
of 1975 for that matter
today in pearl-clutching
What Kind of Damage Is Trump’s Diet Coke Habit Doing to His Health?
Diets sodas have been linked to a host of ailments including weight gain and dementia.
A close relative of mine has been drinking diet coke everyday for 35 years. Her health is not great, but that’s not because of the coke.
Oh, good, another one of these stories. The response I usually see is shrieking about how Fox News spent a few man-hours talking about dijon and arugula with Obama, so thousands of man-hours about KFC with a knife and fork, McDonald’s, Oreos, two scoops, well-done steak with ketchup, french fries, diet Coke… Jesus Christ, I can’t even keep track of it all anymore.
sounds like a well balanced diet to me
I’m not a medical doctor, but I would say more than the distance running Bush did that the press ignored and less than the smoking Obama did that the the press also ignored.
Voice of experience: “linked to” is grant-seeking talk for “no actual evidence connecting them but we need another grant.”
My favorite “linked to”
For decades, spanking has been “known” to be “linked to” all sorts of bad outcomes later in life. Kids who get spanked are more likely to grow up dropping out of school, doing drugs, spending time in prison, rooting for the Patriots, abusing family members, etc.
This is pediatrician orthodoxy for a generation. Books are written. Knowing men in white lab coats shame women for traditional parenting techniques that didn’t prevent the knowing men from attending Top Schools and becoming Top Men. Educators file the occasional mandatory reporting report and send the occasional parent to prison.
Until this one crazy mother fucker controls for how often the spanked kids misbehave as kids. That is, perhaps, maybe, just maybe, there’s some underlying personality feature that causes a person to both get spanked and be a fuck up as an adult. If you control for antisocial personality type and impulse control, the spanking effect…. doesn’t just go away. It because negative. That is, if a kid’s a dickhead, spanking punishments have a positive (incredibly small but real) impact on their adult outcomes. (physical abuse is a different story)
Guess what all the knowing men in lab coats and educators are still pushing. JK. You know what the answer is.
The answer is always, “These results suggest more study is needed.”
Who are you, that is so wise in the ways of science?
Do not listen to OMWC’s thoughts on child spanking.
“Merriam-Webster Just Announced Their Word Of The Year”
Merriam, suck my cock. Webster, make me a sammich.
the next big cgi schlockfest
looks like a ham-fisted parable for net neutrality
The book was, somehow, worse than a ham-fisted parable for net neutrality.
I loved the book. Yes I know it was terrible. I loved it still.
The movie looks nothing like the book.
I enjoyed the cyberpunk interlude in the middle a bit. But part of my overall disgust for it was based on the author’s firm encapsulation in the brain-dead, NPR-listening, everyone-I-know-agrees-with-me progressive worldview.
Also, audiobook was read by Will Wheaton, who is the walking avatar of that class of folk.
Armada was also read by Wheaton. There was much cursing and wishing of death upon Wesley by the time that one wrapped up.
“Shut up, Wesley!”
Frankly, the movie looks better.
It’s been a while since I read the book, but I don’t recall much of what’s in that trailer. Mostly what I recall is a crapload of ’80s pop culture references.
Also, the author’s second book, Armada, is a super-stinker.
The book is garbage. Nostalgic garbage.
It can’t be better than Ugandan CGI:
I love that.
All because they saw “a woman abruptly leave a parked car as they approached an apartment complex.” Fucking. Assholes. If this guy get’s even a half decent lawyer, he should get off because the cops had no probable cause.
I know. A very big, and Pollyannish, should.
Maybe its sexism, but maybe the left just really hates the name “Sarah”.
JK. Its sexism.
I am about ready to fake my own death in order to get out of this meeting.
Heading in to work now. If you come up with a good way, let me know.
The real trick would be how to continue collecting a paycheck afterwards.
And i am out on the West coast For this one, so its going to cut inton my hockey time.
And my Low Gin light just turned on.
Do you want me to call you? I could pretend to be President Trump about to declare war on the Norks, but need your thoughts on railgun deployment.
Considering that the room is filled with a dozen Navy railgun program managers and engineers, that would probably be heavily questioned.
But it would be lively.
Why fake your own death when you can actuate someone else’s? You don’t sound like a problems solver. We need problem solvers on this team. Are you a problem solver?
Man, if somebody starts that type of management speak, it just might happen.
PS – I have never complemented you on your cromulent use of the highest form of humor in your name. Well done.
By “highest”, you mean “lowest”, of course.
Why, thank you, Leap!
I like yours as well.
Just Fart loudly, turn red and walk out, no one will wonder
Thanks for the, er, sound advice, Yusef.
I survived the meeting, went back to the hotel to freshen up, grabbed my trusty flask from my luggage and made a strong Rum and Coke Zero to steel myself for the working dinner with these yahoos. Waiting in the lobby for my ride.
i read “tardy” as an adjective meaning, “having the superficial qualities of being retarded, but without the biological causes”
it makes things like, “i am tardy with my taxes” have multiple meanings.
Van Halen: “I don’t feel tardy!”
Good advise for a hard time of year..
This is rapidly becoming my default response to every bit of news.
Y’all are clearly in need of reeducation, please report to the nearest Progressive Love center.
I’m ignoring it, I’m Libertarian
Almost nothing about the shit on the news networks is news. They may as well be MTV.
I’m still going with “parody”.
I wish, they are pretty nuts, but I feel like they are pretty sincere
I don’t know if I want to live in a world where that isn’t parody.
John hardest hit?
Feast or famine, I’m all of a sudden Swamped with work, unfortunately I’m also swamped with bills, but at least I can pay em.
I Got my Steve Smith sticker today, just don’t know where to stick it,
Where the sun don’t shine?
“just don’t know where to stick it,”
Too easy…
Oh, i think you know where it’s going to get stuck…
And I knew that was coming,
On the truck. Keep those good vibes going.
And congrats on the uptick. May it continue indefinitely!
I’m thinking the Van right above my name, Keep em guessing, i’ll take a pic when I get it done
Too many posts! TY for that, I work hard, when there’s work
Progressives aren’t satisfied with only ruining social ‘sciences’
Prof: Academic rigor reinforces ‘power and privilege’
“One of rigor’s purposes is, to put it bluntly, a thinly veiled assertion of white male (hetero)sexuality,” she writes, explaining that rigor “has a historical lineage of being about hardness, stiffness, and erectness; its sexual connotations—and links to masculinity in particular—are undeniable.”
I’m not crossing any bridge or entering any building built by her or her students.