It’s that time of year where people are running around in a panic wondering what the fuck to get for that one person on their gift list who just goes out and buys whatever they want.
The answer can be found at a unique startup:
Edible Anus.
They will make a chocolate replica of your anus that you can gift to that one asshole who has everything.
But the process, as demonstrated here, looks a little uncomfortable.
If sitting in a fucked up yoga position to get your anus immortalised in chocolate isn’t your thing, you can buy an assortment of anuses ensuring you still give the gift of, “wtf?”
Learn more at:
The most off-putting thing of all of this is the #fucking #hash #tag #soup.
Right?! The whole thing confuses me. Ass-play I get. I’m not into it, but I can see where it’s proponents are coming from.
But the hashtag nonsense…makes no sense. It’s so gay.
If by “gay” you mean “revolting cutesiness”.
I have a former classmate who does it, quite annoying
An example:
Pastor Riley remixed “Gucci Gang” ??♂️? #SMH
#Lol #TeamCOUZ #JesusGang
I was trying to be humorously ironic…or something like that. Whether or not I succeeded is certainly open for debate.
Hey HM!
You’re on notice. You better up your game.
Sadly, yes.
I think I’ll stick to socks.
Alright, Tulpa…
Not anus related, but not long after my wife and I got married, she bought a “clone a willy” We made a mold of my erect penis (details about hiw this happened upon request) and used that mold to make a dido that was an exact clone of my member. When we want to get a little nutty, that’s usually the one we use.
I’ve looked at those kits. Turned out well?
yes actually. It made a pretty high quality toy.
“make a dido.
And Lachowsky was made an Aeneas.
Not anus related
[scrolls on down]
Something something Brown Eyed girl?
Holy shit. I saw the article description and assumed Webdominatrix was one upping HM’s from earlier today. How wrong I was.
Either the guy creating the mold of the an us has the worst job in the world or he’s the type that just loves strangers’ assholes and is in heaven.
What a world we live in….yea free market, I guess?
Oh come on, we’ve been conducting anal probes for 50 years. And all we’ve learned is that 1 in 10 don’t seem to mind.
Hehe. I just started watching Brain Candy, and then you link Kids in the Hall.
Brain Candy is an excellent movie. ::taps VHS copy::
Ha! A classic!
Thanks, i member KITH
Yeah, I don’t understand how all of the great skit shows fade away and somehow SNL survives.
I was out being crippled when Hard Hard pt3 was finally posted. So I’ll say here, God Bless SugarFree. Each time he writes a story, an Old One gets his wings.
Hat Hard! Hard Hard was what I watched before my shower today…
Trumpy the Snowman
Trumpy the snowman,
was a pussy grabbing soul.
With corn cob pipe and a dildo nose
and a twitter made for a troll.
Trumpy the snowman
is a Russian mole they say
He was made of dough
But AntiFa know
How he came to life that day.
There must have been some MAGA
in that Alt Right hat they found
for when they placed it on his head
he began to fash around.
Oh, Trumpy the snowman
was a Hitler prodigy
and the AntiFa say
he could gas and slay
same as 40’s Germany
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Look at Trumpy grope.
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Over the shills and ho’s.
Oh, Trumpy the snowman knew
he’d not get caught that day.
So he said, “I’ll run and I’ll tweet some fun
and win Super Tuesday.”
Down to the village
with a doomstick in his hand
spewing here and there
even in her hair
sayin’, “Sue me if you can.”
He led Hill down
the streets of town
right to the Comey Cop
and only paused a moment
when he heard him holler, “Stop!”
For Trumpy the snowman
Had to hurry on his way,
but he waved goodbye sayin’
“Fuckin’ FBI,
I’ll be elected again someday.”
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Look at Trumpy grope.
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Trumpety, Trump, Trump
Over the shills and hoooooo’s.
Is there anyone better at being Trump than Trump? I don’t think so. He’s the Trumpiest.
We might need to get a call from Rick-C137. We might be living in the universe where we have the Trumpiest Trump. I haven’t been Cronenburged, so maybe nobody messed with our reality.
Didn’t think anyone was still up. Get some sleep, AJB.
“Finally Johnson points to FBI agent Peter Strzok’s involvement in revising the draft saying, “This effort, seen in light of the personal animus toward then-candidate Trump by senior FBI agents leading the Clinton investigation and their apparent desire to create an ‘insurance policy’ against Mr. Trump’s election, raise profound questions about the FBI’s role and possible interference in the 2016 presidential election….”
Election 2016. FBI vs KGB.
Rosenstein refused to say to congress if it was that agent that made the changes. Refuse to answer to your overseer and see where that gets you.
Do they come with fillings? You know…nuts, coconut, nougat, chocolate mousse…that sort of thing.
Asking for a friend.
More Christmas music.
Your mom and I humbly request that this not be our present from you this year.
*falls out of cheer, stumbles around, stands up applauding, falls over again*
Chair, dammit.
Dear Edible Anus, so you charge more for anus molds that have severe hemorrhoids?
This and a Clone-a-dick or whatever.
Clone-A-Dick is funny. Actually copping to using the product and giving it the “ole thumbs up” is funnier still! This is my place and these are my people.
Huh. I’ve never eye-balled an asshole that closely. Always assumed (giggle) that it was more of a roundth (think bottom feeder fish like a an algae eater) rather than a snapper. I love Glibertarians and hate myself just a little more for loving you.