Greetings, all. I am back from a number of family obligations, one involving prison, but none involving meth, reptiles, or guns. Its a reallly strange state of affairs where a string of visits to some infirm/imprisoned family members without the kids was a “great weekend” for my wife and I. Big thanks to those who picked up the slack while I was out.
FCC votes to no longer regulate Internet Service Providers as public utilities. As I understand it from Commissioner Ajit Pai’s outreach to several news outlets, all internet companies (ISPs and content providers) will now fall under the same regulating authority, administered by the Federal Trade Commission. Although I do wish the ISPs would put boing-boing and Gawker’s zombie sites behind an additional paywall nobody will use.
I am shocked. Shocked! To find out that there is arms smuggling in the US arms acquisition pipeline.
Guys, let’s just go. Its far away and we probably won’t make it, but… Kepler-90 is far enough away to keep the regulators from finding us.
And a rare commenter, but supporter sends along this cute article.
Joy Division? Whats so joyful about this one?
Q: What is the origin of the word “Boob”?
A: The “B” is the aerial view, the “oo” is the front view, the “b” is the side view.
3, 6, 9, 20, 25.
Etymology of Boobs:
Has the OMWC seal of approval.
I would have figured if she’s old enough to have ’em, she’s too old for him.
That was a good dad joke. I’ll have to save it for awkward moments.
Hello, 25. By the way Glibs, remind yourselves to pick up shares in a wheelbarrow company in 35 to 35 years – the demand looks to be really high.
Botox and plastic surgeons laugh at you.
Charlottesville, VA: Antifa punksrefuseto cooperate with federal grand jury.
I don’t think they’re gonna like how this goes for them…
“I will not be bullied”
Yes, you will be, bully.
“Bully, I say!”
Hihn? Is that you?
Nah, not enough all-caps.
And no bolding
And it sounds a lot like they don’t want anyone to know what they were doing or maybe how they participated in the escalation of violence.
Umm… welcome to the American Justice system.
Hundred bucks says every single one of them approves of using special prosecutors against Trump.
Hundred bucks says every single one of them approves of using special prosecutors against Trump.
Of course they do. Just like every last one of them would howl bloody murder if their lack of cooperation wound up allowing Fields or any of the Unite the Right crowd to walk. These guys are totalitarians, plain and simple. They want to be exempt from the very law they’d use to crush others with,
Fields is up for second degree murder in state court.
And my money is on him being convicted of a much lesser crime, if any. With the help of these anonymous douche-bags.
Very much so. They are terrified of being identified.
That Star Peterson woman quoted in the article described in an interview how the first thing her fellow protesters did once she was hit was to cover her with a tarp to prevent her from being photographed, as opposed to rendering actual medical assistance.
But they totally care about her!
Grand juries are an awesome thing if you value Liberty. The way they have been hamstrung by decades of lobbying by prosecutors is not.
I wonder how they felt about the BLM protestors standing up to the white supremicist government?
So to be clear, you can’t have council during a grand jury? If I had to go without a lawyer, I’d just sit there silently.
Eddie? Are you lurking? We need an answer. Swissie promises not to prosecute you (I think).
DId Ed have some issue with Grand Jury’s?
It’s his Aspie obsession.
Oh. I wasn’t aware you can’t have a lawyer until I read the article. Yes, I read the articles. Mock me if you must.
I miss eddie
That’s a nasty habit. Get some range time in and get tighter groups, then wait for him to stand still for a while. That should solve the problem.
Just don’t lead him so much.
Rogered that blue leader
Counsel. And no, you don’t get to bring your lawyer.
Thanks. I considered looking up council vs counsel, but decided to gamble.
Count sail.
Get the fuck off your phone.
I can only come here on my phone. Sorry.
Have you spoke to your Doctor? there may be help…..
This girl maybe reading her statement off a phone but might just be giving an interview while texting her BFF Jill.
~Dylann Roof
FFS these people talk like they’re living in South Africa in the 1980s.
“Sometimes, there’s no way to avoid driving by the street where a Nazi tried to kill me or by the statue where some of the people I love most in the world were surrounded by a torch-bearing mob,”
It’s tough avoiding places you intentionally don’t avoid.
Weren’t the torches out the night before, not at the statue?
Don’t let the truth get in the way of the story.
It sounds like maybe the defense for the attacker might think, “if we get some of these antifa idiots in here to testify, people will realize how awful they are”?
That’s a whole lotta crazy
So antifa is refusing to testify in front of the grand jury that is looking at the guy who rammed their protest with a car?
I could maybe understand it if there was a grand jury looking at indicting antifa (and why isn’t there, BTW?). But they won’t even cooperate with a grand jury looking to put the Nazi behind bars?
Fuck da po-leese?
“Kepler-90 is far enough away to keep the regulators from finding us.”
I discovered a Kuiper Belt Object. No shit. 2001 QX322.
Any time you want to go stake a claim and mine it….
That’s totally cool, Q.
That has to have gotten you laid a few times, eh?
It was not totally ineffective.
So is this Q?
I’m down for a space trip.
You know who else used a Mauser rifle.
The asshole who stole the one my grandfather brought back from the Pacific Theater?
Who had them in the Pacific? Serious question.
He was at Kiska and Attu, so it had to have been a Jap. Not sure where he would have gotten it unless there was a back channel between the Nazis and the Japanese. Or could have just ended up there by chance. He’s not around anymore to ask him and the gun’s gone so I guess I’ll never know.
According to Wikipedia, the IJA imported 40,000 K98s from Germany in the late ’30s.
Wow: I mindlessly assumed there was no one from Japan who could stand up to a K98; I’m favorably impressed.
Not all Japanese are skinny little effeminate boys. I have met some Japanese ‘marines’. They were rock-solid badasses.
And there you have it. I love this commentariat.
I have a 6.5mm Arisaka. A very robust but slightly shittier knock-off of a Mauser.
The ammo is a bit of a pain to source. But that lovely flower stamped on the receiver is worth it.
I need to have our heirloom A.38 checked out before i can fire it.
Yes, by all means. Almost all of the Arisakas do not have matching bolts and the headspace is off. Mine blows primers nearly all the way ouot and a large bulge develops at the base of the case.
It’s a wall hanger.
Probably DEG. He seems to have every cool rifle ever made.
The Finnish Army in 1939?
Mossin was standard issue for them, even before they captured Red Army stocks!
Poles, on the other hand, used Mausers against Germans in ’39…
True, but I’m pretty sure they had Mausers as well.
I can’t speak to the date, but there was a bunch of Finnish Mausers on the milsurp market several years back. So they did exist.
If iron sights on a Mosin were good enough for the White Death… well he’s a better man than me.
Ernest Hemmingway?
I’m only here because I paid $24.99 to remove Comcast’s block on Glibs due to the repeal of net neutrality rules. DAMN YOU AJIT PAI!
Somehow, people seem to be able to get through to FB and make breathless hot-takes.
You’re lucky you’re still even alive. We’re using the dead bodies as sandbags to protect from the tidal wave here.
*waves for help with stacked up corpses and tarps*
/lowers rear gate, floors it in reverse, slams breaks. “Here ya go, Swiss.” /drives off whistling.
Sorry to add to the pile.
*shakes fist at departing Teamster*
I was the 1st casualty.
I’m using Morse Code to post comments. And my Internet is so slow, this comment was meant for the morning links.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMED is making me tap reports against a concrete wall in binary to be deciphered and translated to arabic
I really hope OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED becomes a thing.
Work at home & no sicks days & no time off, if OM MOHAMMED won’t come to the office, the office comes to OM MOHAMMED.
Luxury! I’m using wet string.
Maybe the edit fairy likes to be tied up.
It would have been clever if I had linked it correctly.
My internet’s gone totally gone totally dark. I can hear you all, but can’t tell where your voices are coming from.
packets Are my in the arriving order wrong? tell I can’t.
I’ve put the orphans to work transfering my data packets.
I should pull them out of the bitcoin mine for this work.
Systems check. Is anyone receiving? Over.
Nope, can’t hear you!
*sigh* I knew I should have gotten into Ham Radio.
It’d certainly keep the channel clearer of (((those))) people.
Say again your last, over.
Splash, over.
Splash out!
Roger, over.
Tinder found a solution!
Lima Charlie
It’s like we’ve rolled back the clock to the dark, dark days of late 2014, before the government saved us from the greedy ISPs.
Now that I no longer have the internet, I’m forced to have my packets hand delivered by orphans. It’s very expensive.
The internet will operate under the same rules as before 2015. We need it to be classified under the rules of Bell to prevent a monopoly.
The propaganda campaign is out of control. The last five years I keep hearing how people like the way the internet is so we need to change it to keep it.
Whats so joyful about this one?
Just the fact that it exists is pretty damn joyful. Nice choice.
I love that song. NIN’s cover may be even better.
Millennials have it tough, I’m hearing.
I can’t say I agree, but if you have an engineering degree and show up by 8 every morning, I’m willing to give you a listen.
Present. But not a millenial.
I can’t speak for most, but my cousin went to business school with his focus on entrepreneurship. The lesson he learned is “don’t bother, the regulations will smother your business in the cradle”.
There’s something to that; ironic: those regs were installed to protect the future!
But there’s nothing stopping anyone from learning refrigeration repair working for someone a few years before buying his own tools and van. Guys whining on the web while their classmates are at work don’t impress me.
They’re all going to be app designers. Nobody’s got time for plumbing, and it’s icky anyway.
The money ain’t icky, and they make Soap
My cousin went into insurance and works from home now. His dream of owning his own business, shit canned.
Pfft. I work in a fondue mine….I could have been something!!!
Don’t be be so hard on yourself. You couldn’t.
In Business School I learned that most entrepreneurs were crazy people who usually went from dirt poor to incredibly and back again on a regular basis
Net Neutrality would have prevented losing the word in that sentence.
No doubt.
I don’t know about formal entrepreneurs, but I noticed that small proprietors are often asocial. Even though customer relations is vital, they seem to have more than their share of crazy, hand-written signs behind the counter warning me about their rights, my behavior, refuse service to anyone yada yada. I favor their right to property and safe behavior and however they want to stink up their shops, but who wants to trade with an a-hole? I support their right to be jerks, but I don’t want to pay to wade around in it.
Its other jerks like me that keep em in business. I love buying stuff from cranks with lots of silly ass signs.
We have several millennials here. A couple exhibit all the text book negative traits associated with them. A couple are model employees and have strong work ethics.
So, pretty much like any other phony-assed collective.
Well, like most stereotypes, there is a solid foundation of it being true. Personally, I’ve seen more of the annoying ones than I have of the respectable ones.
That still fits pretty much every group I’ve ever worked with 😉
I’m here but I should be working.
No doubt…just to be clear: I wasn’t attacking millennials (I raised a great one who kicks ass by any standard); I was attacking the idea that millennials don’t have a chance.
And I’m saying, that for many of them, it’s their own fault.
I’m reading you the right way now…thanks.
By “here”, I mean where I work at.
Well, North Korean millennials and Venezualan millennials certainly have it quite tough
What a horrible web site, Built by and for Millenials I guess….
When I went to it, I couldn’t see a thing without enabling script. Closed the tab.
if you have an engineering degree and show up by 8 every morning, I’m willing to give you a listen.
I have an engineering degree but I only show up by 9 every morning.
*has a sad*
Same. And don’t get me started on the dress code. If you show up wearing slacks and a button down everyone assumes you’re interviewing somewhere else.
No engineering degree, but if I showed up in my work wearing dress pants, they’d assume I had either a funeral or an interview somewhere.
I miss those days. Almost got laughed out of a Failure Review Board meeting for showing up in a jacket.
“Failure Review Board”
Sounds like my last date.
Sounds like every date I ever had except my last date. (That one got me married.)
That is the most annoying article I have ever clicked on. Thankfully the end of Net Neutrality will make anything faster than a 14.4k dial up connection prohibitively expensive so all the millennials will bring back walls of ASCII.
8=====D (_I_)
8=====D ~ ~ ~ ( . ( . )
Looks like I set a record right off the bat? Sorry ’bout that.
I bailed when it started going sideways.
This for me as well, I’m thinking, this is Modren? Blech
/spelling is off but I like it
What kind of engineering?
Millennial, industrial engineering degree, can show up at 8, and looking for a job.
I usually work with mechanicals: designing/sizing equipment is hard for normal people. However, IE are the only engineers who seem to understand money. Truth is I want to make all the decisions and have the minions draw it up and manage the suppliers
I saw ‘millennial’ and then assumed your handle was Barrista.
Nope, just the name of a Spartan general whose failed amphibious assault on an Athenian outpost led to the surrender of a significant portion of the full citizens of Sparta.
Clearly, he had insufficient naval fires.
“What do you mean the USS Iowa is in mothballs?!”
He miscalculated. Too much naval gazing.
*raises a Swiss flag*
The Swiss don’t have a navy.
So I skimmed the article.
To their credit, they identified zoning as a problem. Good job.
Then they turn around and advocate more socialism as the solution to their problems. Problems caused by socialism. Maybe if we’re a little, just a LITTLE more like Venezuela, then millennials like myself will finally be able to get by. Genius.
By the way, I bought a house after working about a year post university. It’s really not as hard as they want you to think.
When I bought my first house, the mortgage payment was lower than my rent.
How the fuck does that have anything to do with financial insecurity? If anything, getting married is an excellent way to start stabilizing financially.
I didn’t propose until I had enough money for a nice ring and a honeymoon, but I’m kind of old fashioned about being the provider.
Toxic masculinity.
Gotta move out Mom’s basement first.
I didn’t read the whole thing but if there was any complaining about having to shack up with a roommate like young people have been doing forever I’ll blow a gasket.
Don’t you know roommates who aren’t chosen family are bad for you mental health? It’s also unjust being forced to live in some suburb or exurb where the rents are cheaper but have to commute rather than living down town.
They are entitled to the mythical ginormous Manhattan apartment on Friends for 750 bucks a month.
Even the Friends had roomies.
The rent controlled one where that girl never told the landlord that her grandmother moved out (to keep the original rental price) while also subletting (illegal in New York) to various friends? That apartment?
did a Millennial design the layout of that piece? i understand why they’re all losers.
Debt is the issue and trust is fundamental problem. People, generally, trust in authority. Kids trust their parents and to a lesser extent their teachers. Parents trust their parents and the social gestalt. Two generations, in the aggregate repeating ‘college is the surefire path to the future and to success’ and, trusting in that, my generation loaded up on debt. Yes, there is all the rest of the mess of taxes and depression but that anchor of debt is the biggest problem. My generation feels betrayed, and rightly so.
Yes, people shouldn’t trust authority – but most people won’t and really, absent extraordinary circumstances, can’t learn that by themselves. People need to be taught to distrust authority, and nobody in education has any incentive or even interest in teaching a distrust of authority.
I’d throw in unrealistic expectations. You guys grew up during the dot com boom and all thought you were gonna be the next web zillionaire by age 25. Instead you got a degree in Grievance Studies and twice the debt of a Gen-X grad, and graduated during the Great Recession.
Maybe, but nobody I grew up with thought that really. My generation produced few engineers as far as I can tell, and those few it did were EE or Software. More to the point, unrealistic expectations are a second order or a third order problem. If you trust authority and authority says “your acts will have the following result” it is not subjectively unrealistic to think that you can live on a degree in Grievance Studies. Literally everyone is saying that you can find a job in government or in education or wherever and ‘you can make a difference™.’ Even people who might otherwise be naturally skeptical of that get shouted into conformity because they haven’t got any anti-conformity training. When subjective reality conflicts with objective reality it is only natural as a defense mechanism to avoid the objective truth – especially so when the truth is painful. The entire apparatus is set up to insulate people from that kind of confrontation and actively encourages the worst ways of reacting to it.
That’s the kind of thing you figure out on your own, or you become a statist shitheel.
Generally, yes. But it shouldn’t be that way and it doesn’t need to be that way. People can, in fact, be taught better – in an aggregate.
I’m a Millennial (1988). I’m married, have two kids, make almost $70,000 in a low-cost state, and am in the process of buying my first house.
My oldest brother (1980) is a Marine Corps Major stationed in San Diego (which in Spanish means “a whale’s vagina”). My second oldest brother (1982) is a financial analyst at Coca Cola in Atlanta. My third oldest brother (1986) is a urologist in Denver. All three are married and own their own homes, and the latter has three kids.
Opportunities are out there. Even for Millennials.
Opportunities are out there. Even for Millennials.
Yup. We’re the same age. I’ve told my story here many times. My middle brother (1995) is a public school teacher with no debt and a long-term gf that he’s probably gonna marry soon. My youngest brother (1996) has one more year of engineering school and runs a side hustle picking up cheap cars on Craigslist and turning them for a profit. He has some internship experience and should have no problem finding a job.
Turns out having a hardass dad made us all too afraid to get stuck moving back home, so we all worked hard enough to fly from the nest when the time came.
I do believe we Millennials got the shit end of the stick regarding tuition inflation and the cost of housing. But government policy is a significant, if not the primary, cause. And our proggy peers want to double down on that policy. Idiots.
This seems fair. Shit is fucked in a lot of ways for people my age. But it isn’t insurmountable, and most of it is shit they want to double down on.
the shit end of the stick regarding tuition inflation and the cost of housing
Yeah, tuition is a fucking mess. The bubble is gonna pop and plunge the economy into a depression at some point.
Regarding housing, it suffers from the same issues as a lot of other goods… real wages feel like they’re declining. I don’t know what the official inflation rate is, but the “trshmnstr feel index” says that the real inflation rate is in the 8-9% range.
I got in on the tail end of the housing recovery. I bought in ’13 and sold the house for a $70k profit in ’16. Some of that was local market variation (North suburbs of Dallas were and are really hot), but some was riding the wave back up after the painfully slow recovery from ’08.
What are Boing-Boing and Gawker zombie sites?
Some of us are not literate you know.
Gawker is the suite of sites that Hulk Hogan and Peter Thiel sued into nothingness (Gawker, io9, Jalopnik, etc). Boing-boing is a “tech” site run by Cory Doctorow that has the wokest takes on everything tech. I particularly dislike him because he’s a vocal member of the FEE who is supposedly for internet freedom but pro NN. Basically, a statist who wants the state to let him be free where he feels comfortable.
Oh. I thought you meant there were sites that operate within their universe. I agree about Gawker; don’t know enough about Boing-Boing/Jalopnik having read stuff from time to time there. I know they’re very popular.
Doctorow is a fraud who knows nothing.
He’s another one that used to be decent on a lot of subjects but fell hard left. Except he did it during the Obama admin, not because of TDS.
Down and out in the magic kingdom is an interesting read though.
I’ve enjoyed some of his books.
Sorry, not FEE, as pointed out below, they are good on this topic. The other one. EFF. Dyslexia is a bitch.
13% Funded!
I love that some have donated to just tell backers what a shit site Gawker was, then pulled their donations.
How do you know they did that?
Worth the dollar.
Today’s peak derp candidate
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.
On the other hand, holding a grudge for thirty-six years against a 3-year-old kid suggests that Donald Junior was right and her friend Anna was, in fact, a bitch.
That’s what I took from it
I’m not sure which is more pathetic: the alleged “victim”, or the alleged journalist who says “This one’s for you!”
Can we Don Jr. to post here? I like the cut of his bib.
Yeah, she totally didn’t make that up. I wish he would say it now.
They don’t list Pluto’s escape velocity.
It’s not a planet, Ted!
A cold, cold, celestial dwarf.
What about Uranus’s escape velocity?
Depends on how many kegels.
Work your way up until you’re shooting over her head. Then you’re ready.
Achievable with pneumatic propulsion.
Joy Division? Whats so joyful about this one?
I’ve got some joy for you.
Old People’s Joy
Not quite so old people’s Joy.
Always had a thing for her.
I think OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED needs to have a column every now and again.
*glances up at Leads/Submissions button*
*glances at list of half finished articles*
*starts writing OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED article instead*
If I don’t get there first
*looks over at trshmnstr and Yusef*
Tosses a knife between them.
*walks away whistling*
We could a Comedy Duo, “Abbot and Costello meet
Well… if you’re happy with second billing.
*picks up knife, nonchalantly drops it behind him as he walks away again*
His Idea, I’m rolling with it, so many plotlines
Why the fuck do I have this compulsion to try to explain logic to “progressive” friends of mine on … anything? Especially on net neutrality right now.
I tried with this link from FEE, but he didn’t like the source so he didn’t read it.
I tried this article a few weeks ago:
It doesn’t feel right, so it must be wrong.
That is definitely one of the more interesting and thoughtful takes on the issue I’ve seen. It also seems to get at one of the key problems: net neutrality means different things to different people.
This is a generally good article but framing like this is more than a bit dishonest.
If you sell more bandwidth than your network can actually handle and someone has the gall to utilize their paid for access as much as possible the problem is not the user. (Side note: don’t offer unlimited King Crab legs at an all you can eat buffet either.)
We need the government to *force* companies to sell only the amount of approved bandwidth.
their paid for access
Hardly. A dedicated optical line is thousands of dollars a month. A shared home line is $50-150 a month. There’s a reason for that difference.
Shit that never happened: “Man, I bought an OC-1 line to run my torrents, and they keep throttling me!”
I feel like this comes off as an attack and that’s not really what I meant. I do think consumers should be able to hold ISPs to standards*, it’s just that “full use of bandwidth at all times” is not a realistic standard, and if that is the sort of thing you as a consumer want, you need to be looking at a different product.
* = As spelled out in a contractual agreement
You’re saying they didn’t pay for access that had no punishment clauses for using max bandwidth 24/7? There are now clauses that say you can’t run web servers on home connections but that wasn’t true at the time either. For the same sorts of reasons. Analytics said most people only use X amount of bandwidth during peak hours and some tiny amount during non-peak. Anyone saturating their pipe got nastygrams and degraded service in the early 2000s. Bittorrent made it easier, especially with earlier clients that were sloppy about closing TCP streams. If they want decent customer support, service level guarantees and dedicated connections pay for them. But there is nothing wrong per se with taking full advantage of a consumer contract. Put restrictions in the contract then enforce with tech, not the other way around.
Put restrictions in the contract then enforce with tech, not the other way around.
Contracts go both ways. If you’re entitled to do everything that isn’t expressly forbidden in the contract, then why isn’t the other party so entitled? A contract is, after all, a formalization of a relationship.
The reality is more complicated, though, due to the monopoly granted to one party. I am in agreement that the limitations to the consumer should be spelled out upfront to avoid conflict, but it still has to be recognized that both parties have rights.
especially with earlier clients that were sloppy about closing TCP streams
This has nothing to do with the larger discussion, but I don’t understand how this is relevant. An inactive but unclosed TCP connection doesn’t consume any bandwidth. There’d be stale entries in stateful routing tables, but was that really a problem?
You’re right, I remember dealing with that headache but it wasn’t a bandwidth issue. It was notorious for knocking over home routers and causing other trouble even at the industrial (or more often College network admin) level. If a routing table was fixed sized and opted to not open new connections instead culling stale connections while using the default TCP timeout of 3600 seconds, it wasn’t that difficult to fill the entire table.
I could definitely see how that would be a problem for a large NATed network like a university or municipality.
Because you see that they are obviously using a rationalization to justify a position they hold based on the feelz and it bugs you. Accept that people do that and do your chants every morning.
10 Minutes Hate, more like.
Damn autocorrect, 2 minutes hate as per Orwell.
“he didn’t like the source so he didn’t read it”
That’s certainly a good way to learn things!
You wouldn’t try to explain logic to a bible-thumper, why would you try explaining it to a prog? They’re cut from the exact same cloth.
Explain how road neutrality has done wonders by eliminating bike lanes, HOV lanes, and those dope pub crawl multi-bikes.
Net Neutrality means the Daily Stormer gets the same traffic prioritization as the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Nobody likes that arrangement.
I’m tapping as fast as I can but OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED, Keeps knocking the rock from my hand saying FASTER INFIDEL
I keep trying to get these TPS reports out for the big meeting with HQ but OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED is always on his knees….praying.
It looks like The Mouse is going to acquire 21st Century Fox — and hopefully not destroy FS1.
FS1 and FS2 aren’t in the deal. The regional networks are, though.
21st Century FOX is keeping the network and its stations, FS1, FS2, the Big 10 Network, and Fox News/Fox Business. Everything else was sold.
Ah, so the Mouse now owns basically all movies made in the 20th Century.
Copyright reform incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2… never
Oh, it’ll be reformed. The new copyright term will be life of the author plus half the years remaining until the heat death of the universe.
The ones that Time/Warner (MGM/RKO/WB) doesn’t own. Or Universal, which owns the Paramount talkie up to 1950.
Look for Avengers vs. Xmen in 5-10 years.
So literally their most lucrative assets.
FX, NatGeo, Fox Searchlight, the RSNs, Fox TV group, and the 20th Century Fox movie and TV studios, are part of 21st Century Fox, and are what’s being acquired by Disney. In a town hall meeting in the big screening room on the lot, 21st CF CEO Peter Rice joked that he’s only been CEO for a few months, and now the company he’s CEO of won’t exist much longer.
Deportes, Fox Sports, Fox Broadcasting Company, FS1, FS2, Fox Business Network, the BIg Ten Network, 28 local TV stations, and Fox News will be part of an as yet unnamed new corporate entity when the deal closes in 12 – 18 months.
FWIW, I work at Fox Sports on the west LA studio lot. The lot is also not part of the Disney sale.
How could Disney possibly mess up a sports network.
I’m blaming them for ESPN. True or not, who cares?–a-hack-the-ugly-truth.jpg
Courtesy of Nephilium’s link about Stone brewing in the last thread, I ran across this – Dilly, Dilly. Bud sends medieval C&D letter to Minnesota brewery.
Pretty funny.
Nice of them to not send thugs to break the shit up and pour it down the drain.
Yeah, I give them props for taking the high road on this one.
That was surprisingly cool. And will probably sell a shit-ton more beer for Modist.
…and good PR for InBev. Win-Win.
Yeah, that is the way to handle those situations.
I don’t usually have anything good to say about Inbev, but kudos to them.
2 Super Bowl tickets too?? that’s class.
Really? I linked that in response to WTF saying Dilly Dilly…
/is sad now
Um… OK.
Finally InBev produces something in good taste.
Rubio a ‘no’ on tax reform unless child tax credit expanded
“I can’t in good conscience support it unless we are able to increase the refundable portion of it, and there’s way to do it, and we’ll be very reasonable,” Rubio (R-Fla.) told reporters on Thursday.
Refundability allows people to get a tax refund if the amount of the credit exceeds what they owe in taxes.
Free shit for people who don’t pay taxes but have lots of kids…. Principled Conservatism!
Passionate conservatism.
He’s a peach ain’t he?
Not getting is taking.
After we give money for doing nothing but having kids, we are going to tackle welfare! Yeah right.
This guy could sure save a lot of money.
I can’t even.
Someone needs to make a documentary about that guy.
Rubio is a Republican right? Therefore he hates poor and colored people right? So what is his “real” reason for wanting the poor and minorities to get paid to breed more?
He’s Catholic?
For fuck sake lil marco, let it go.
Remember when Rubio was the Tea Party darling?
Me neither. I can’t believe I was a campaign volunteer for that guy back in my GOP days.
Ah, another abuse of English we’ve come to expect in politics. That is not a “refund”; it’s a fucking subsidy. *This* is the government-spending-via-the-tax-code that progs won’t acknowledge.
Nice. “See that patch of grass over there? Go make me a sammich.”
I’m being asked to draw a coat of arms that represents my values as part of a job interview process. I really want to email back and say I don’t think I’m going to be a cultural fit for the role, but I need a job.
Death From Above?
Tell them you’re an engineer, not an artist. Then draw a parka with 4 arms.
That’s a new one.
How about one of you lighting your farts on fire and being the life of the party like Lloyd Christmas?
The Glibs icon, STEVE SMITH silhouette, boobs, and a AR15 should be fine right?
And yes I do have that on a shirt and yes I do occasionally wear it to the grocery store just for the ugly scowls.
You sir, are my new hero.
Weed, mexicans and ass-sex?
And deep dish.
I got you.
I’m gonna make that my new tramp stamp.
You’re applying for a job in 4th grade?
Are you applying to work at a Renaissance Fair?
Is that how its spelled? Screw it, I’m going to see if my building has a pube.
There. n online game where I named my store:
Ye Olde Towne Pube
I wish. Manufacturing facility in Alabama.
In that case, it should have teenage girls kneeling before the cross.
And by cross you mean…
sable Honey Badger Rampant on field gules.
Oh I want to see that. Lol
My logo was a grinning skull wearing mouse ears above crossed slide-rule and calipers.
You could just plot out some incredibly capable process control chart:
if they don’t get it, you don’t want to work for them anyway.
Maybe that’s what they want you to say!
Hyland software asks people to write poetry as part of their job interview process. But for a coat of arms, you could use this.
poem = function(words, rhymes, n’ shit) {
The bitch wants a poem, she said
Give me a chance, I need the bread
Five minutes later
I shat out a greater
Verse than she had ever read
return: dollah, dollah bills, yo
Seriously. Hired.
I’m better with haiku than poetry.
Enthused candidate
Stifled at the gates of Hell:
Human Resources
Draw a big circle.
Inside draw a dollar sign, martini glass, and a set of tits.
Make money, fuck bitches.
Disregard women, acquire currency.
So I assume you need 4 symbols.
Hammer & Nail (work)
Whut da fuck kinda job would result in this being part of the process?
Are you applying to be a piss-boy, and they want to see just how much shit you’ll put up with?
Materials Planning.
From talking with the recruiter, it came directly from the CEO, so I think it was a test to see if anyone would call the CEO out on shit.
If I think about it, as stupid as it is, since it is standardized, that puts it in the top 5% of hiring processes I’ve gone through.
I’d rather just write an essay.
A shield divided per pall, each part with different charge: an ass, a blunt, and a sombrero. Above the shield a top hat and monocle stand in for the helm and crown. The shield is supported on each side by a porcupine, standing on a pile of money. Beneath the shield the motto reads “Libertatem aut mori”.
Task complete.
picture of a snowflake being presented a with a visage of a middle finger?
Graphics aren’t my thing. But the motto should be Latin for “No Better Friend”. Sounds nice, but it’s only the first half of the full motto, which ends ” No Worse Enemy”.
Differences between America and the rest of the world: Part 1
That’s strange because Tired and Emotional are the nicknames for my moobs.
“This person reeks of alcohol.”
I wonder if that would be safe enough, since it is a direct observation and not an assumption based on other observations.
So, we need a new euphemism then since “tired and emotional” has ridden the euphemistic treadmill; how about “horny and dyspeptic”?
“Erect and acerbic”?
“Pornographic and flummoxed”
“obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant”
Googling Hentai?
It’s a shock to Americans to find out that in other democratic countries, they could actually get in trouble for something they wrote or said, or simply repeated.
Like Preet did at ToS?
Tried to do. By the way, I wonder what is he up to these days?
Crying into a warm beer, I hope.
Eating his own shit, if there was any justice.
I have said it before: America is the only country based on ideas. Every other country is based on some manifestation of tribalism.
In this example the idea of freedom of speech is one that either escapes them or one that they have open disdain for.
Either that or someone forgot to carry the zero.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED doesn’t want net neutrality, he wants net halality.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED wants to be a jihadi, I asked ir I could trade 72 Virgins for a couple of MILFS and some porn actresses, OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED is looking into it.
OK, what is this OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED thing? I must have missed it.
I get that, but where did it come from?
One of us,not me, made a funny and thought it a fun idea, Try your luck!
I think trsh started it.
Just Say’n?
Maybe, I dunno. I like it though.
It was inspired by the fake Teen Vogue cover from yesterday.
Must be a thing for people with office work background, never having worked in an officespace/business/cubicle/thing I don’t get it either.
I don’t work in an office, I’m on rooftops, but it’s a play on Islamic law and office politics, I get that
Allow me to just curse the engineers of Cisco for their approach of using duct tape and bailing wire to strap things onto UCCE, it’s a non-engineered, bloated, piece of fucking shit.
/Currently at 75 minutes on a conference call with TAC
Still on the call… current mood:
I’m going to change my title to Cassandra, speaker of truths no one wants to hear. Just finished up the gods damned call, and the problem was what I predicted was the problem 2 fscking months ago. And I’m willing to bet that the change to fix this broke a bunch of other shit that will be failing tomorrow.
Job security?
if I could trade
a pickle for a bicycle?
He who would pick a pun…..
The trains going to Auschwitz were less crowded
Your Commute?
More tentacles than normal on the train this morning, I presume.
But were they OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED approved tentacles?
Delays during morning rush are not a treat.
I was right! Bummer straffin, I Hate commuting for anything L.A. traffic sucks, Gordilocks told me why
/Good Article GL
I’ve read that around 10% of people on the packed morning trains are there by choice. IOW they are lonely and crave human contact.
+1 million Hikikomori
I’d prefer JKs.
What a society Japan has become, is it the Demogrphic changes or what? I’m curious straff
Lots of old people, Yusef. When society is aging faster than you are, it feels like you never get old.
*Googles Japanese train porn*
Holy shit, look at that.
The idea of young attractive women jammed up against you sounds great in theory. I found the reality to be more unpleasant as it approaches crush density.
“Why do they keep calling me a Chicken?”
thanks Straff, you could write an article on life there, it would be cool
I’ve done a couple already.
*Kicks pebble…*
And fine ones too. MOAR!
Maybe Venezuela should try socialism instead of the state capitalism that seems to be destroying it.
They just need new leaders and they’ll get it right this time.
“..deaths from malnutrition increase…”
Do they have gulags yet? Mass graves? If not, it’s coming.
Amazon to Resume Selling Apple TV and Chromecast
I’m sure there’s a net neutrality angle to this.
There may be… since Google was blocking some Amazon devices from accessing YouTube as retaliation to Amazon no longer selling the Google streaming devices. If Amazon would get off their asses and let me stream Amazon prime through my Chromecasts, I may actually pony up for it at some point.
I’d switch my TV’s to Fire TV if they would add VUDU or Fandango support, or at least support Ultraviolet themselves. Pretty idiotic that I can buy disks with digital copies from Amazon, that can’t be used on Amazon devices.
Ultra Violet is the Pantone 2018 Color of the Year.
/random artist info
as in, you can’t see it? sounds about right for the times we live in
Color Visible Only To Bees came in 2nd.
This reads like two four-year-olds fighting over crayons.
WTF? I’m glad I don’t deal with any of that shit.
It reads like two companies solving a problem and the consumer winning.
Two assholes zipping up after a dick measuring contest.
We all win when that happens.
Joe Biden on Anita Hill’s sexual-harassment testimony: I owe her an apology
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED would have stoned her.
No, OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED: Janitor, grab your mop and follow me
Janitor: is there a spill?
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED: there will be soon enough
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED too busy watching Long Dong Jihadi.
Many of today’s woke teens will be of voting age by 2020.
Oh boy, I’d love to be lectured about appropriate behavior by Creepy Uncle McHandsy.
He’s apologizing for the actions of others? This is dumber than blowing your jaw off before getting the guillotine.
Does he also give tips on back rubs?
“18 Ways to Please Your Creepy Old Uncle”
(H/T kb)
Except Biden was right in “aggressively” questioning her. Hill’s story had some pretty glaring inconsistencies in it. The more you look, the more you realize #believewomen means believing women, even in contrast to logic, evidence or rationality. Biden pandering to a failed-magazine-turned-website for doing one of the few things he should have done should, in any sane world, be a career-ender.
In order to create a more perfect union we must discard the logic and reason that brought us to this inherently unjust culture. If we allow them to apply skepticism to our claims, the rapists win.
Joe has made a career out of evading career-ending moves of his own making.
No, “believe her” means “believe her when it helps the progressive agenda.” Some women’s stories are more equal than others.
If there’s an award for stupidest statement of the day, this has got to be in the running.
“I bought all this cool shit with your credit card and all you can do is complain. Ingrate.”
What else can they say? They’re scared shitless at the prospect of an economic boom.
Which Fucking blows me away, doesn’t money buy Freedom? as in guns, lawyers, personal property?
People will use that money THE WRONG WAY! Then they will vote AGAINST their own interests! It will be a fucking catastrophe!!!
Devils advocate here, I’ve seen charts showing the stock market rising and unemployment falling for the last six to eight years, Trump’s numbers are just following this trend. Are the charts wrong? Also I seem to remember that all those numbers were supposedly being cooked to make Obama look better, have they changed back to an uncooked methodology?
They only get away with cooking the most recent numbers (which they then have to revise after the news cycle has moved on). The historical data uses a (mostly) consistent methodology.
Having said that, I think your analysis is correct. This trend was already in place. There have been some small upticks in some areas, though.
FWIW, I don’t think economic activity in the large is attributable to Presidents or Congresses. There are (thankfully!) many other factors involved. Only hard turns towards or away from communism have deep and immediate impacts on the economy, as far as political-economic connections go.
Tax cuts my boy, people like to keep their money, it makes them happy enough to invest and hire people, simple huh
A decent tax cut can do a lot, but it has to pass first.
If I remember correctly the bright new improved unemployment numbers under Obama were nearly all quietly revised a month or two after their initial announcement. That doesnt mean the trend wasn’t there, just that Obama and Co were liars.
I also remember something about massaging the data by tightening what counted as “unemployed” beyond the usual work force participation numbers.
I am watching my 401K take off for the past year. It didn’t happen under Obama. I’m not going off gov numbers.
It didn’t happen under Obama.
My 401k did really well in 2013. Not that Obama had anything to do with it.
Admittedly I’m just schlub (or is it schmuck) who’s going to die penniless in one of my relatives basements and has no clue what makes a 401K take off, but why would the market under Trump cause it if the market under Obama didn’t when they are both following (roughly) the same upward trend?
I’m not a stockologist but my understanding is since prices are generally based of projections. The simple matter of having a president who isn’t hostile to business, and who isn’t threatening regulation, taxes, and chaos is all that needs to happen.
The economy will grow if the government can stop tinkering with it. It’s not that Trump did anything. He just hasn’t tinkered as much.
I don’t know what others are doing but mine has been growing at 19% the past year.
My companies went up 18% over the last calendar year. The meeting at work was fun, Office Progs were very confused as to why all the economy was doing well. One particularly stupid Office Prog was grilling the investment advisor.
“I’ve worked here ten years and I have never seen the 401k do this well. What have you changed?”
Me thinking, but not saying “Bitch, this is what MAGA means.”,
There is a clear rationale, but I never, ever, offer evidence to someone who claims to be playing “Devil’s Advocate” as this is a losing proposition (aka waste of energy).
Right, nothing says ‘I know the answer’ like refusing to say it because you don’t like the way the question was asked. You’ve been very helpful.
Just having a President who isn’t actively hostile to wealth creation creates a powerful incentive to grow.
Obama, in a memoir, referred to the single ~12 month period he worked in the productive sector of the economy as “being in enemy territory”.
Trump on the other hand, is a rapacious capitalist who believes in, understands, and is comfortable in people making money.
If he could actually sign some actual tax cuts or sign an Obamacare repeal, you could see explosive growth. The current strong growth is the product of the market knowing that nothing bad for them will happen under Trump. If h’es able to actually sign some Rand Paul written economic legislation, you could see a big time boom.
That was more predictable than the sunrise.
One might assume this is the purpose of the whole song and dance.
What is she going on about? The distrust between classes, races, parties, etc. has been going on since Glog bonked Glee in a cave somewhere.
Communalist conservatives are big on some utopia of societal trust that existed in days of yore. Kind of like Rousseau’s noble savages, but usually with a dose of “Merry Olde England”-type pastoralism.
Commies don’t like the family structure. They think all the worlds problems can be solved by voting them away. For instance the reason we don’t have free healthcare or housing is because we didn’t vote for it.
Therefore they think the existing structures of society have prevented this utopia. They need but to tear down those concepts in order to wake people up to the progressive ways.
In this case they believe women are a permanently oppressed class because there are differences between men and women. The manifestation of these differences in societal and sexual roles is therefore an arbitrary choice, and a malevolent one.
I don’t know what a communal conservative is- sounds like a meaningless term, but what a generally sane person might think is that the worldview of the perpetually oppressed woman is wrong. That having well funded departments in most universities devoted to perpetuating that myth and attacking the “patriarchy” and therefore men is a bad idea. One that seeks to create distrust artificially.
You are correct in your description of Marxist criticism of family structure. What the early Marxists were reacting against was traditionalist communitarianism, in which the family (nuclear or extended) is seen as a microcosm of the state. There are quite a few flavors of conservative communitarianism, from European-style “Christian Democracy” to the Kirk-ian “family values” wing of the late 80’s to early 00’s Republican Party.
Porn actress:
“I didn’t know I’d been raped until the check bounced! #metoo”
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED:It’s nice to have a channel to the Editors, Allah will provide them with Virgins, Except the Women who will be stoned
…while anally pleasured by Mexicans.
With rocks not Weed you Glib you, 🙂
I thought I already mentioned Crack.
SF needs to give us more Christmas stories. I’m thinking something like Frosty The MAGA Snowman. “There must have been some magic in that Alt Red hat he found…”
The Hat and the Hair sing all your favorite Christmas tunes!
I’ll write some lyrics and sing em
Chicken Wing prices falling off
TW: Zero Hedge
TL;DR some poultry supplies are complaining that the price/lb of wings are going down and say that hot wing restaurants are blaming the NFL issue.
It’s a shame the guy had to spend 2 years in jail, but the guy was freed today. I hope he etc a fat check in recompense.
Also, fuck the drug war for causing this in the first place. And no knock warrants should be outlawed.
Thanks Nixon!
December 15, 2016
It looks like he was freed a year ago?
Aw shit, you’re right. I don’t know why I just saw this today. Oh well. My feelings remain unchanged.
And nothing else happened.
I’m happy for the guy and amazed that he’s still breathing. Not too many people shoot cops in the heat of a raid and live to tell the tale.
So my son asked he could have a friend over after school. My girlfriend wasn’t supposed to be there all night, since she was supposed to join me in Utica. I said “sure”. Kid is 17. Great kid. Polite, well behaved, a little quiet, doesn’t drink….in short, the complete opposite of me.
My gal got wrapped up her casework and couldn’t make it out here. Imagine her surprise when my son walked in he door with a girlfriend.
A girlfriend!!! Like, as in, a human girl. Honestly, I thought he might be a reclusive shut in his whole life.
Nope. Punk rock chick just like I used to date.
I have to make sure the house is empty for him more often!!!
Raising him right, Dad! Congratulations!
Chicks for Sons! Cool Dad
Did he specifically introduce her as his girlfriend?
My girlfriend and ex wife took them both out to dinner. They held hands (although disappointed with not having the house to themselves, I’m sure)
Perhaps he’ll wind up taking advantage of where I keep condoms.
“My girlfriend and ex wife took them both out to dinner”
Say what?
They get along well. My gal thinks she’s batshit crazy, and I won’t disagree.
..Are they friends?
Or is your ex-wife your gf?
You made me vomit a bit in my mouth at the thought.
Naw. Ex and I get along well enough. She’s still at every family gathering and such.
Ya my oldest is a either a way better liar than I was, or she is way more of a straight arrow. Funny how that shit works out.
I’d love to say it’s from my awesome parenting. But I think it’s really just dumb luck.
I think I was a decent liar. Now I just tell good stories to my parents and Dad laughs. Mom chuckles then gets concerned and asks “Wait, when was that?”
I was a terrible liar. I got away with a few things, but for the most part if I did something stupid or wrong I got caught.
Some people learn not to touch to stove because their parents tell them that it’s hot. Some people learn by watching other people touch it. I had to re-check that sombitch like 5 or 6 times.
I think kids turn out who they are despite their parents. My Dad was studying to be a priest when he met my mom. I was a rebellious jerk despite wonderful
Parents. My son is a good kid despite his degenerate Dad. It’s a crap shoot, being a parent!
From my observations, I’d have to agree with that. I used to be scared my kids would be too much like me. Now I’m way more scared my grand kids will be too much like me and my poor kids are going to have now clue at how to deal with such assholes.
Congratulations to you and your son.
Punk rock girl!
So, I’m the only one in the house who is glad NN is ending.
your’e the only one who reads the articles huh?
I try!
My Dad said this way before Yoda “do it or don’t but if you try you will fail”
Trying sets you up for failure, Homework, prep, execution sets you up for success, never try
It’s hard to just keep doing.
I’m young, but even I need a break sometimes.
I agree, Life is tough, but stick to your guns, You’ll be fine
/burnt out from the week
Sorry I’ve been AWOL of late. busy, then had an emergency trip to the dentist.
Now I’m back, half able to talk, and swollen.
No, i meant you actually learned what NN is, as opposed to your Housemates, tell them
I got to trying to explain packets, and the eyes went blank and they started saying they didn’t want some sites to be blocked.
until a few minutes later, when it’d be totally the best thing ever if some evil right wingers got blocked from sharing hate.
Maybe you could try telling them that with a President Trump in control of the FCC, it would be sites like HuffPo and the SPLC that would get blocked, not the ‘evil right-wingers’.
I figured it was a girl.
I’m a little disappointed.
A girl took me to the dentist…
You could fucking lie, kid.
I could, but why lie when the truth is more fun!
Some of us old people enjoy the antics of you youngsters.
My wife has a bad case of TDS and its lurching her towards popular-internet-prog-left thinking.
It’s depressing.
I dropped my Best friend over TDS, he wouldn’t leave it alone, Good Luck with the Wife, I couldn’t put up with it
I just keep asking for any example of the internet being what they worry about from 2010-2014. which they can’t do. then it’s a “regulation because the future could be my dystopian nightmare.”
to which i call them paranoid tin foil hatters, and say I’ll be in favor if it ever happens.
as they Deregulate the internet, I’m sorry you have such limited choices of friends
/Not being a Dick
I get some points across sometimes. I still think people can be friendly even if they disagree on things. It’s important to say that we agree on the goal, people should be able to access what they want online.
RE: My friend, I dropped him because He DID get it, I opened the Glib window, He saw Reality and chose the free shit option,
Don’t waste your time on Progs, but always talk to anyone who will listen, again, Good on ya DOOM
Dude…that’s depressing.
It is. Not the end of the world though. Shit happens. Just have to keep my mouth shut for a year and point out that the internet I pay for still works, and our growth in concentration camps is minimal.
I went lurking at ToS and it’s a wasteland, a few of us are stirring shit up, and some people don’t know we even exist FWIW.
We should find out how much the judge wants per article, and pool up some cash to make it happen. I’ll wager some True Libertarians would love to write for
OTOH, there are some damn good writers right here, exploring all kinds of topics, and sharing true expertise in our articles and inviting spirited Conversation, I love this place.
/OCD Bob
Also, Thicc Thursday.
when it come to Thicc, I am the new John, You do good work HM, scary, but good
Glibs don’t have Koch money, sadly.
For P Brooks and Password from their Horrorpops discussion earlier. A few weeks I posted a few video links – but there are some other really good “pscho-billy” bands out there. Current favorites – “The Creepshow” and “Kitty in a Casket” – plenty of vids of them on youtube. Highly recommended.
pscho-billy? explain please
I think he’s know to freak out from time to time.
First real example I can think of is Hasil Adkins who was…eclectic, to say the least. He grew up thinking that records were all made by a single person, and if he wanted to make music he would have to learn to play all the instruments at once…so he did.
The Cramps would discover his music and run with it.
From there, psycho-billy would remain a fairly robust style of music.
I posted a Hasil Adkins video a few months ago in one of my weekend links posts and got zero comments about it. The guy was brilliant, I’m glad there’s at least one other fan here.
Sorry I didn’t see it. This guy is hilarious. – rockabilly/punk but with lots of horror themes. Aka. (Creepshow) or (Kitty in a Casket)
ah. i would not have guessed that.
sounds self-evident. psychadelic rockabilly.
i heard some pretty wacky rockabilly + surf rock spinoffs back in the 1990s. i can’t remember any of it. i was high at the time.
More goth/horror (but the retro kind of horror – ie. My boyfriend turned into a zombie so I had to rip out his heart…or “Johnny is a Necrophiliac”.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED catch you stealing paperclips from supply closet! OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED cut off right hand!
(Am i doing this right?)
Yes, Yes you are
A little less STEVE SMITH and a little more AKHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST.
I have 2 short pieces already submitted, and AHKMED’s theme is there but i have a few different ones to like as well,
We need to hookup and collaborate, I’m @ R my last name at (check my profile for last name)
I’ll send you what I have
I’m gonna let you take it in the direction you want. I wrote up an office memo where he starts by complaining about some small office issue and by the end of each complaint, he’s raging about the glory of jihad.
I picked up from your direction, it has so much potential, I’ll keep going if you don’t mind, I’m doing small Office issues that go awry,
Please submit what you have, it fits my take very well IMO, let’s tag team
Sounds great!
Is that Jack T. Ripper in your avatar? want some distilled water?
Yusef, that or pure grain alcohol. I chose the avatar months ago when I migrated here from TOS. I picked the handle ’cause at the moment I was watching an episode of M*A*S*H– and remembered that Gary Burghoff has a deformed left hand. On later reflection I realized that a better handle would have been something classy like “Genital Ripper.” Life is full of regrets.
LOL thanks
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED make you tow real lion.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED: We Work for the Glory of ALLaH, success means not putting the printer paper in upside down!
Janitor: clean up in cubicle 2?
Try TOWing this Line Mohammed!
Such excitement.
Office Linebacker
SFed the link bro
Cool link, bro.
Or maybe he does
Literally LOLed (at both the Tweet text and video)
That is fucking awesome.
Wait, they’re literally in an Ikea?
They are. I’ve never set foot in one, but I’m thinking about making the trip.
meatballs, yo.
Not weed and beer?
You can get that at your local pizza place.
Sure, but can you get a dresser there?
If you can it’d be worth the price!
also, i still think the Jerker desk* is the shit. I regret throwing my first one away. now i need another one.
(*modular computer/workstation desk which had features w/ particular utility to music production stuff)
apparently there’s a small underground cult of people who worship the jerker desk. “Jerkobites”? “Jerkalots” “jerkertarians”?
that’s fine as long as you realize the pronunciation is, “yerks”
I finished The Forever War today. I found it was best read as a comedy.
Take the best and brightest of the human race. Then give them extremely expensive and dangerous equipment. Then pay them obscenely to be sent off to die on lifeless rocks billions of miles from earth.
For a thousand years.
Somehow, there is govt on earth so powerful that it can convince all of humanity that this is a good idea, despite the presence of widespread unemployment and food rationing.
Entertaining, but the politics of it are absurd.
Sounds like Haven and the Sauron Supermen
The whole mandatory homosexuality angle was a little weird too. I never figured out the economics of that world.
I really wanted more Sauron Supermen stories from Niven, but I’ve only seen a couple short stories that reference it as well as the intro to “Mote in God’s Eye”.
I prefer Sunshine Supeman.
There are more, I’ll find them for you, Fascinating take on Humanity
Razorfist on NN
His videos are always good. His way with words is enviable.
Well exactly. I keep hearing all these horror stories about how ISPs are going to engage in anti-competitive behavior without NN. Does anyone remember how much Microsoft got screwed out of by governments around the world for giving IE preference over NetScape and for forcing anti-competitive contracts on computer manufacturers? I’m sure the ISPs remember.
1 million dollar fine per day, Gates said, whatevs and won
He said Analogies instead of analogues to describe telephones, that indicates a script, and for the first time, he blew it
/not bitching
It’s kinda hard to summarize the weirdness of the pee dossier, but there’s this. What woman, presumably in her sixties, gets a HAM operator’s license? I’ve known one HAM operator. He was my buddy’s dad, in his seventies. This does not seem like a hobby this woman would take up spontaneously for fun.
It would be relatively simple to communicate encrypted data on some of the digital bands. No records kept like on the Internet.
/dusts off Ham license
I’ve thought about getting one for my FJ40. mostly emergency stuff. but with the right license (SLD) and equipment you can use them for maps.
I don’t know, I’ve thought about doing it. Disclaimer: I am not a Russian spy.
There is not a universe where this sentence makes sense.
If you assume that intelligence agencies are lazy and incompetent, maybe?
Long ago my platoon was doing site security for a signals intercept activity (army/marine/local military) in the desert. A couple of the guys had Motorola Talkabouts (unlicensed unencrypted FRS band) to chat back & forth, including commenting on some of the MI chicks. A couple weeks into this, one of the chicks made an offhand remark about her nickname in the chow line or such. Surprise surprise surprise, folks doing intercepts picked up the Talkabouts and heard quite a bit.
my first thought
In other news, standing naked on a busy street corner while shouting into a megaphone is a great way to remain inconspicuous.
HAM radio is apparently a sort of weird cult-hobby thing.
a cool, quasi-libertarianish dude i used to follow on YT did a bunch of vids on it (which i never watched). He also was into pipe-smoking, metal detectors, and ….. other things. Trap shooting. as i said, ‘quasi libertarian’, by virtue of relative dorkishness.
My dad is big into it. He enjoys the electrical engineering parts of it, and I think it makes him feel young. He’s about 15 years younger than the average HAM.
Fighting the Forever War the Sane(r) Way
First off, forget the infantry and the manned spacecraft- way too expensive.
Build drones armed with radar-guided, heat-seeking missiles. Park them near the jump gates. Anything that gets within range that doesn’t squawk the IFF code gets blasted (we don’t want the drones blowing each other up).
That’s the defensive side.
For offense, send out groups of drones. When one gets shot at, the rest trace back the trajectory and return fire. Program the drones to return when they have just enough power to reach earth.
The returning drones and the numbers of missiles they have left would give a rough indication of enemy activity. If large numbers of drones begin returning with no missiles fired, it is likely the enemy has either retreated or been destroyed.
The drones need a high degree of autonomy because they can’t be controlled from earth and may be gone for centuries before returning. Ideally, the drone factory should be on the moon or in orbit to reduce launch costs.
Alternatively, if you were dead set on colonization, the presence of a fully-armed drone would indicate a safe sector.
Sauron Supermen had drones for recce, but preferred slaughtering Cattle by hand,
Cattle being normal Humans, kind of appropriate
I can understand how infantry combat makes for a more interesting story. Infantry battles on other planets require so much hand-waving that it’s hard for me to enjoy.
It would be like Honduras going to war with Micronesia in Antarctica. Why the hell would either of them want to be there let alone fight over it?
from a favorite article of mine
The moon is about 1.3 light seconds away. If we want to go panning the (metaphorical) rivers for gold, we’d do better to send teleoperator-controlled robots; it’s close enough that we can control them directly, and far enough away that the cost of transporting food and creature comforts for human explorers is astronomical. There probably are niches for human workers on a moon base, but only until our robot technologies are somewhat more mature than they are today; Mission Control would be a lot happier with a pair of hands and a high-def camera that doesn’t talk back and doesn’t need to go to the toilet or take naps.
When we look at the rest of the solar system, the picture is even bleaker. Mars is … well, the phrase “tourist resort” springs to mind, and is promptly filed in the same corner as “Gobi desert”. As Bruce Sterling has puts it: “I’ll believe in people settling Mars at about the same time I see people settling the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is about a thousand times as hospitable as Mars and five hundred times cheaper and easier to reach. Nobody ever writes “Gobi Desert Opera” because, well, it’s just kind of plonkingly obvious that there’s no good reason to go there and live. It’s ugly, it’s inhospitable and there’s no way to make it pay. Mars is just the same, really. We just romanticize it because it’s so hard to reach.” In other words, going there to explore is fine and dandy — our robots are all over it already. But as a desirable residential neighbourhood it has some shortcomings, starting with the slight lack of breathable air and the sub-Antarctic nighttime temperatures and the Mach 0.5 dust storms, and working down from there.
This this this. The original moon program was a dick-swinging contest with the USSR. We don’t have that excuse any more. I don’t want any of my money going into that kind of sinkhole.
On the other hand, there were some significant technological advances that came out of it. I have no issue incentivizing private enterprise to make the push – but I would put a serious upper limit on taxpayer dollars.
God, my facederp is all ALL CAPS NN shit.
I can’t post link to the same articles on all of them, so I’ll just give up. Why are people retarded?
mundis vult decipi, ergo deciapatur
the world wishes to be deceived, therefore it is deceived
Exhibit A
best comment: “can he do that with my pennis?”
I dunno. “Hey, horsefucker, go back to your farm and pray for those missing teeth to grow back.”