While sloopy is playing golf confined to his sickbed, I’ll jump in for some quick links before getting back to real work.
I spend a lot of time ridiculing empty symbolism, but this one might be the emptiest. I had to laugh and immediately felt guilty about that.
The Net Neutrality pants-shitting continues; showboating AGs hardest hit. I like the way the “reporter” didn’t even pretend to his own neutrality.
Texan beaten by armed masked men. Police chief defends perps.
There really was no other choice for music this morning.
92) Why I hate people now, reason #5348:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Is Your Latest Problematic Fave
hating people is problematic
It’s the kind of problem that’s nice to have, though.
That’s why they ca; this shit first world problems…
Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn’t send these snowflakes to live in the third world for a year or so. If they survive they can come back with a bit of perspective and be less of a bunch of douchebags.
Have you ever met a Peace Corps veteran?
In this survival test, they’re not allowed to bring any supplies or get them shipped in.
Have you ever met a Peace Corps veteran?
You might be surprised. Two of my cousins did the Peace Corps…thing. Both hard core lefties. One of them though got married to an ((actuary)) in the pro sports industry. A real asshole, but she’s toned a lot of that stuff down.
The other was sent to China. After that the stupidest thing she’s said or done since then is wear one of those fake mustaches as a social experiment and post a Krugabe article..
Mexican beat me to it. I know some Peace Corpsers, and quite a few of them started of proggie nuts and stayed proggie nuts despite their experiences. Hearing them explain away some of the most horrible and evil shit so they can stay beholden to their dogma makes for a lot of sadness.
What can I say? I’m a martyr to it, but I try to make the best of things.
Oh goddammit.
Twitter users have pointed out that male reindeer lose their antlers just before winter, while females keep theirs until spring. Since Rudolph and his contemporaries are almost always illustrated with antlers, they may be women whose labor is erased by the 1964 film, which has all the lady reindeer watching in awe as their men pull Santa’s sleigh. (Others have suggested that Rudolph still identifies as male and is transgender.
What the fuck.
Food blogger Angela Davis recently likened Rudolph to black women voters who reliably turn out Democratic victories across the country, even as prominent liberals and party bigwigs push a swing away from “identity politics” and toward a renewed focus on the “white working class.” That is, the analogy suggests, Santa and the black-nosed reindeer are content to belittle Rudolph’s protests for fair treatment until they need him to save their end-of-year project.
Ok, I kinda like that one.
Food blogger?
Professional Fatty.
I’m starting to feel like anything starting with “We need to talk” deserves an immediate punch in the face
My ad blocker is one of two things allowing me to browse the internet in peace – the other is the script blocker.
Now if you sold something I would be willing to pay for, I might give you money. I do not want adverts in my face, and do not see them as an acceptable means of financing.
Meh. I have made somewhat similar points, myself. I’ve always comforted myself with the notion that Rudolph responded with a sufficiently exploitive counter-offer. Something to the effect of “Guide you sleigh, eh? Hmmm…..I guess insults and games aside, my red nose is pretty valuable. I mean it would really suck if you weren’t able to deliver all the toys to all the good little boys and girls this year. It would make you look like a real schmuck. So, yeah, I’ll guide your sleigh tonight. And every Christmas night. For the next ten years. I want an exclusive contract. And I get full staffing control over the rest of the team. And over the life of the contract, I want a staff of elves assigned as my gophers…..”
Oh man I wanted to be first 🙁
*pats T&T on the shoulder* There, there.
If he pats you on both shoulders, you should start to worry.
You coulda been somebody!
If you would have commented on a story, you could have argued for it.
Due to the end of NN, I can’t read the links
…Wait, there are links?!
Yeah. Down in the comments area there’s a bunch of ’em.
Yessss we made it Friday
You wait for fridays to fornicate?
To each their own, I guess.
No, Friday is not Hump Day
*narrows gaze*
Six of one, half a dozen of STEVE SMITH
according to my girlfriend, on the other hand
Yat Friday! Only 5 more days til the weekend.
Yat Friday? Is that some sort of Yiddish holiday term?
Mazel Tov!
wow already… it’s only Tuesday in Romania.
Last tuesday, or next tuesday?
next. If you want a stock tip…
Go back to then!
We can’t, we missed it.
I saw that movie… it doesn’t end well.
I remember liking this one
Liked Primer as well. Hated Looper
Haven’t seen that one, I’ll need to throw it into the queue. I didn’t mind Looper, but I don’t think I’ve rewatched it once.
Here is a nice simple chart showing the plot of Primer:
Wait… if you can get out of North Korea, why on earth would you go to Gaza?
Still an improvement? Then again, being stranded on a raft in the Pacific would be an improvement.
Speaking of rafts in the pacific..
Does anyone remember the story about the two ladies that claimed to have spent several months at sea after their vessel was damaged by a storm? Media was all over this touting girrll power and such. But as the story unraveled and we found out that they were found plump and well fed, because they had packed enough food for two people to eat for a couple of years on a whim, and the storm they claimed to have hit didn’t happen when they claimed to have hit it, things looked bad for these examples of female power. Last I heard/saw the US NAVY had pointed out there were other some major gaps in their claims in an article I can no longer locate,. Of course these gals threw hissy fits about being called out, and immediately blamed the patriarchy. Then the story went away.
Yeah, the last thing I remember reading about them was something about the wholes in the story.
Funny column by a dude who sails.
As someone that is intimately familiar with the ocean, sailing and boating and all that my reaction was the same as what this guy had. In fact, I heard it from people I trust that the sailors from the NAVY ship that picked them up immediately called bull on the story, but they were ignored by the people that wanted to write that girl power piece.
My point is that I am tired of these bullshit stories that get touted by people with an agenda that feel when the truth comes out that it is better to bury it than admit these cunts delegitimized their whole narrative. I guess when the majority of people are stupid enough to believe anything these propagandists and their movements peddle, fact checking, even when the story smells, or worse yet, not wondering why a story like this just went away, you actually can think doing this shit is better than admit you were had by some fakers.
Narrtive uber alles, as they say.
But, Alex, you don’t understand. They identified as having survived at sea. The actual physical facts are just patriarchy!
Still an improvement?
Except, given that they are no where near each other, the only way a North Korean could get to Gaza would be by deliberate choice. Which, I think, would be indicative of underlying mental issues.
To guarantee that if there were any North Korean in Gaza they would come and smash his door and never eat there.
To get shwarma at a refugee camp, clearly.
That’s a good reason. Shwarma is awesome.
Compared to North Korea–Cuba is an improvement. Better weather at the very least.
That’s the best Who song ever. I don’t know why it never gets played on the radio, or hardly anybody knows about it.
“I look pretty tall but my heels are high
the simple things in life are all complicated
I look pretty young but I’m just back-dated”
That particular video looks like a hostage situation. I don’t know, it’s something about Daltry’s not moving around at all.
He was very shy and had stage fright when he was young.
My question is why is Keith Moon playing cross without a hi-hat?
Because he was a goofball and in all those videos, and tv appearances he was clowning around. Spend a Saturday afternoon on YouTube watching old Who videos. Pretty hilarious.
One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands.
It was actually a controversial song back in the day with the line about looking white but my dad is black.
Also, not the best song from them.
Mom made millions monthly on pot-growing operation
I thought they legalized weed in California.
Yeah, but she was making money from it.
And the state wasn’t getting their cut.
Somebody wasn’t getting their cut.
“you didn’t grow that!”
The grow was probably the most economic activity San Bernardino has seen in years
I thought that was a TV show?
Agrestic is definitely not in San Bernardino.
I look pretty young, but I’m just back-dated…
Makes no sense.
Not bland enough?
I look all white, but my dad was black
I was born with plastic spoon in my mouth
I was born a poor black child.
The Net Neutrality pants-shitting continues; showboating AGs hardest hit. I like the way the “reporter” didn’t even pretend to his own neutrality.
The Usistan interwebz are all aflutter these day with that there net neutrality. I am pleased to see that not only America is not yet turned into a wasteland, but that some of my fellow glibs still, somehow, have access to the internet. Truly it is a wonder. Say a little prair of thanks to the blessed Saint Gore.
I as well, as a lowly Romanian, do not have the blessing of net neutrality, but, somehow, against all odds, it seems there still is a bit of internet left in Bucharest so I too can continue posting.
.– . / …. .- …- . / -… . . -. / .-. . -.. ..- -.-. . -.. / – — / — — .-. … . / -.-. — -.. . / — …- . .-. / – . .-.. . –. .-. .- .–. …. … .-.-.- / .. -. – . .-. -. . – / -. — / .-.. — -. –. . .-. / .- …- .- .. .-.. .- -… .-.. . .-.-.-
*sends out St. Bernard with barrel of brandy*
Now THAT is help!
.. – .-. .. . -.. – — – .-. .- -. … .-.. .- – . .. – -… ..- – -.-. — ..- .-.. -.. -. .—-. – .-.-.- .– …. .- – -.. .. -.. -.– — ..- … .- -.– ..–..
My Internet has been down since the FCC vote yesterday. These posts are being hand delivered bit by bit by my orphans.
My internet is working – but I’m .gov IT
Now I know you are kidding me. The US government is still the biggest operator of Windows Millennium and old NT boxes, and they are still using Netscape for their dial-in, and that stuff all dies when there is no social ineternets justice.
We’re preparing to upgrade to Windows 10, and a significant number of our legacy systems are unable to operate under it.
The effort to repair/prepare or even acknowledge the problem is almost invisible.
Heh, I work for a very large corporation these days, and they are suffering of the same problem Bobarian. When we moved from XP to Win7, they hacked Windows 7 to keep some legacy crap working. They are now freaking out because they are not going to be ale to do the same for 10, and they either will have to support a dual system or actually put time in figuring out why they need this old junk to stay around (and rewrite it if they really did need it)..
Never forget that your average American cannot explain how their electrical outlet works. And yet they have opinions on the inner workings of network traffic prioritization for the internet.
They have no idea. While I was in the Air Force, we had these things called a Secondary Distribution Center (figure 4.8). Others were constantly asking me to bring power to their pet projects. I kept having to explain that there are no distribution lines in the area I can tap into to do that. Their response?
Can’t you just put in one of those electric boxes? As if the SDC magically created electricity.
Yeah, that’s the part that always gets me when they say ‘an overwhelming majority of the country supports net neutrality”. No, an overwhelming majority has no idea what it is, but supports what they heard on Facebook that they are supposed to think.
I can’t decide if pants shitting over NN is worse than the shitstorms for gun control after shootings.
Like a kidney stone, this too will pass.
NN isnt as bad as 3 year old Trump Jr. telling you to go fuck yourself, I’ll tell you that.
It ruins my daily crawl through reddit for a few days and then everything will go back to normal once reddit finds something else to be retarded about.
Worse, by far. The gun control crowd are at least responding to carnage. The Net Neutrality suckers, even if they can explain what precisely they think the FCC would achieve, can’t point to a single example of content censorship by an ISP. They’re arguing FOR censorship by government. Once the FCC gets its roving mandate legitimized by Congress, either explicitly or implicitly through inaction, it would never. stop. regulating.
NN is the biggest clustercuss of ignorance wedded to rabid anticapitalism.
It’s like if they argued that the government needs to regulate shipping businesses because otherwise, UPS and FedEx might stop you from receiving products that they don’t want you to have (other than things that are dangerous and/or illegal to ship, like explosives).
no more priority mail! all packages matter.
I guarantee you if you made that argument over at DU, you’d get an avalanche of bitchy gotcha posts exclaiming that THEY ARE REGULATED and THE ROADS ARE GOVERNMENT SERVICES SO THE INTERNET SHOULD BE TOO.
Last I checked the roads had HOV lanes, passing lanes, tolls, etc…
I’ve had some success translating NN into road neutrality.
no passing. no two lanes, we all go as fast as the grandma in front.
They recently put an HOV lane in the expressway that runs through Brooklyn down to my neighborhood which cuts the express bus commute – should I choose to pay extra for it – down to like 10 minutes from a half-hour. Road neutrality fucking sucks.
Worst Caddyshack sequel ever
Did you even see the other sequel?
But Sir, if we rape all the golfers…
Unusual ‘Blob’ of Hot Rock Found Beneath New England
So eventually Vermont and New Hampshire may get a volcano?
Yes, as will everywhere else.
I was really hoping NYC and the DC metro area would by cleansed in fire.
Even Gaia hates the Patriots.
Super Volcano Foxboro!
great, now the colts are going to complain about lavagate.
More clear evidence of climate change.
Blob was signed by the Patriots and went on to catch 9 passes for 129 yards at 2 TDs vs. the Ravens.
Too late, RACIST.
And –
So these chaps had a visit from STEVE SMITH?
First Warty’s Doomcock gives him space aids then Steve Smith, poor guy, we should cut him some slack
What percentage of the US public would you say has a very basic understanding of net neutrality, what exactly it entailed, about FTC and FCC and what each does, and how these regulations actually worked? is one third optimistic?
1/5th might be optimistic.
I’m gonna say that’s wild optomistic. Judging from my FB feed yesterday, nobody has a clue.
I’ve been asking people to explain title 1 vs title 2, and if it takes more than a few minutes, I know they had to look it up.
or “who’s regulating it under title one?” works well.
I saw a post yesterday that read, “I’m thoroughly disgusted with the FCC”
I couldn’t help myself. Maybe i spent too much time here. I commented-
“#metoo. We should scrap the whole agency.”
Waaaay too optimistic. 1-2% tops.
so, libertarians?
And a handful of the tech savvy.
Yes. I couldn’t help myself and put up a “wow I can still reach FB” post. The guy who works for one of the big tech companies in CA did a little laugh emoticon. Credentialed people not credentialed in IT ranted. Its a total political thing.The best the lefty lawyer I’m friends with could come up with was, “well the dissenting commissioner thought it was a bad idea”. Great. Two judges on the Supreme Court found a way to vote against the travel ban, too. It doesn’t make any of those people right.
The fundamental problem is that most of these asshats are not old enough to remember Ma Bell and how the POTs system was (and remains) a regulatory nightmare. There’s a reason you can get better, more efficient service when dealing with cell phone problems than when your copper POTs line goes down.
Actually some of the least informed and most daft supporters of this shit tend to be tech savvy idiots that only see it from the point of view that forcing their ISP provider to allow them to stream terabytes of data and clog up the channels while paying for the cheap plan, is socially just.
I think this is more realistic. And of the people reporting on it, I’d go even lower.
Maybe 1%. My son said all his friends were upset. I told him they were idiots and passed along the links that some of you posted yesterday explaining the stupid thing.
There’s only one diner by my work that’s open at 5 in the morning. Not great food, or even good food, but the old guys at the counter are all friendly, the owner knows me by name, and it’s a good start to my morning. Today was the talk about NN.
“I hear they’re going to charge you extra to use Facebook” said one. Other guys all nodded. “I don’t care. I hate Facebook” said another.
That’s about the level of understanding. They were genuinely surprised when I told them that all it does is put the internet where it was just two years ago.
Fuck. The campaign for NN worked. Not a single dissenting voice gets to be heard. Apparently sometimes if you shriek loud enough, and shout down those who oppose you, you can manage to frame the debate in your favor.
Best thing would be to ask these folks a year from now….”So, what changed?”
I usually start with “what’s changed in two years?”
I’m just going to post on FB every Thursday: “Unfortunately, my provider has still not put all of your dumbass opinions behind a paywall”
Unfortunately, they don’t have opinions. They have someone else’s opinions.
Admitting error when confronted with incorrect predictions made in the past is not a specialty of the American Left.
*cough* climate change *cough*
It puts the internet where it was two years ago, and presumably back on track to higher levels of investment than under the onus of NN.
The campaign for NN worked.
Propaganda works. That’s why so many leftists shout people down: when they submit to debates, they more often than not lose. When people are only hearing from one side, they’ll generally assume that side’s opinion to be correct.
See: “income inequality”.
Golly my co-workers went off on this. We had talked about it before, what I mentioned that NN in this case just goes back to 2015. They were taking about how we needed NN to protect the internet, not because the internet was bad in 15 but to keep it from going bad. They also started talking about how your is a utility and that isps need to stop playing around with the internet and just provide it. They literally argued that they don’t want innovation. The one that finally got me was “they don’t own the internet” I had to step in and point out that they indeed own the infrastructure required to run the internet. To which they respond, “but we pay for it”. Yes but some people use more than what they pay for.
this is the latest argument.
And the worst.
my mom used it the other day. my response was calling her delusional and paranoid. wait until something happens first.
Net Neutrality is the perfect Trojan horse for government intrusion into the market, It’s sounds good, it appeals to a sense of fairness among the greater populace, and it also appeals to a very specific subset of tech minded people who are functionally retarded in the ways of government.
“name another piece of legislation that wasn’t the exact opposite of the title”
The “Fuck You, We’re Taking Your Rights and Your Money Act of 2021”
What, we’ll still have rights and money till 2021!? Wowhoo!
I rage when I hear the regulate it like a utility bullshit. I then ask them who has better customer service, their utilities or their internet provider.
/stamps feet
Yeah… too bad your city government granted them a monopoly in the area, huh?
It’s much easier to ignorantly talk about Ajit Pai and the FCC than it is to find out what your local regulations are, how they came to be, and what can be done to change them.
Note that the primary reason that Comcast tech support sucks is because they’re completely unionized.
I can get high speed internet, TV and phone service through either COMCAST or my local phone utility.
There pricing for their services are very comparable.
I’d pay $100 more for COMCAST before I’d let those public utilities fucks back into anywhere I live.
Got a source for that? Most of Comcast’s cable business and the MSO industry generally is nonunionized. The big outlier is certain NYC stuff (I think that was Cablevision now owneded by Charter or Altice).
I’ll have to look. It was something I heard about years ago. Which probably means I shouldn’t be spouting it as gospel, but hey, it’s the internet.
The scariest thing about the regulatory impulse in this country–and yes, dammit, it’s a Progressive thing–is that the more popular a thing becomes, the more people of a certain mindset come to believe that it’s not just a really great thing that is available to them but that it’s something they have a right to have. Twenty years ago the Internet was kind of neat, but certainly not ubiquitous, and the idea that it would be a human right as it’s treated in Europe would have been absurd.
“we needed NN to protect the internet, not because the internet was bad in 15 but to keep it from going bad.”
Why would the internet suddenly go bad after all these years of working just fine?
*insert Picard facepalm pic here*

The only informed supporters of net neutrality I ever met where people that either wanted the ability to push/pull terabytes of data and make other idiots pay for it, or people that hoped that team blue could use these regulations to stop icky shit like Drudge report, Fox News, talks shows like Limbaugh’s streaming, or any and all bloggers that didn’t peddle the left’s dogma.
And that latter is exactly where things will go eventually. I’m surprised you found anyone honest enough to admit it.
Why would the internet suddenly go bad after all these years of working just fine?
Because CORPORATIONS!!!111!!1!!1!!!
I don’t have a basic understanding of net neutrality. Nor do I need one to be against it. Because I know free markets are generally sufficient. Every time I’ve examined something that “needed to be regulated” it turned out the problem was that were distortions and externalities caused by caused by government in the first place. And whenever things are regulated, the biggest players get the regulations to suit them.
“The government is in bed with big companies! We need to give more power to the government!”
That seems to be the reaction we always get. What galls me the most however are the politicians that demand they be given the ability to provide the fix, for the people of course. That is why when Franks and Dodd, the two assholes most responsible for the the lending shit show that led to the housing market and lending market collapse in 2007/2008, demanded they be allowed to fix it, and all the idiots began cheering them on, I nearly had an aneurysm. Showing them exactly what Dodd and Franks had done to help the banks and lenders get us where they did didn’t dissuade the true believers either. They didn’t want a fix to the giant shit sammich government stuck us with: they wanted to punish people they hated because those people were inner circle elites and better off than them. Then Dodd and Franks give us that shit deal that basically left the basic nonsense that caused the problem in the first place in place, funneled about a trillion dollars to the people that went along with the crap that caused the collapse, and retired after some major pay-offs for the favor.
But the evil in all of this isn’t the people that helped make this shit not just legal but the expectation. No, it is the fucking people trying to make a profit in a shitty system legislating stupidity! I swear that these idiots want everyone else, but themselves of course, to work for free or at a minimum as a non-profit. That’s their idea if something socially just..
It’s like if you caught your hired bodyguard letting burglars into your house, so you handed him a bigger gun and said, “you need to work harder to keep these burglars out in the future!“
I keep telling my friend’s mom, who has a very limited understanding of Net Neutrality, that she’d be far better off supporting local municipal broadband or municipally owned fiber build outs rather than Net Neutrality, because if the ISPs have to start competing more like the Prepaid Cell phone market (with all the MVNOs), the prices will start to drop. Net Neutrality benefits the biggest companies first, even if they don’t want it, because they have the easiest path to compliance.
Who has more history of blocking sites they disagree with, ISPs or the Chinese government? our government?
That’s a good one. I might post that to Facebook. I haven’t checked but I’m sure there’ll be some pantshitting later today by people about “ZOMG, EVIL TRUMP PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN AWAY OUR FREE AND OPEN INTERNET!”
please do. then share the all caps shit you get thrown at you.
Oh, I’ll probably get no responses of any kind. I never have whenever I’ve posted political stuff in the past. Hell, I bet none of my Facebook friends will even read such a post. They’ll just skim past it and then share the latest Democrat Underground post. Probably about how evil the Trump admin is for destroying the internet.
me too.
I could get unfriended by a director of software development at Apple right now if I wanted to. But I don’t post on Facebook and I don’t really see this as a reason to start.
Holy shit. It was free and open until the NN rules under the Obama administration. Trump’s a jerk for making it free and open again!
Does the Chinese government do it? Or is it Chinese ISPs on behalf of the Chinese government? Just like NN would be.
The Mossad on Twitter.
There is no blue check-mark. I call shenanigans
Still funny.
Alt right confirmed
Alt right CONFUSED because, Jooz!
shots fired
On the child porn lawyer
A high-flying City lawyer, accused of keeping a stash of child porn, said a “devastating” HIV diagnosis led him into host drug-fuelled sex parties at his luxury flat.
Tim Varchmin, 44, a former senior lawyer at Barclays and a string of other institutions, told an Old Bailey jury he adopted “a more aggressive sexual life” after he had been told by doctors he had a rare form of HIV. – this seems pertucularly assholish unless there was full disclosure
You know who else adopted a more aggressive sexual life?
Eva Braun?
According to Eva, Dolf was a terrible lay.
Bill Clinton?
Guys in prison?
Catherine the Great ? low hanging but I got nothing else
Neigh, you did not say that!
Too early for this horsing around.
Of course someone had to trot out this old slander.
Rein this shit in.
Roy Moore?
I don’t think he actually adopted any of them.
Mother Teresa?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
Trump’s Strange Love for Putin Has Become a National Security Nightmare
The president’s continued refusal to find fault with Russia has left the U.S. vulnerable to future threats.
PANIC: Reds under our beds!
“a former senior U.S. intelligence official said. Another official described a policy ”
In other words “We made this shit up.”
Anyone who’s still pushing this nonsense can be safely ignored. They’re either ignorant, stupid, or lying.
Officials are the white people of experts.
Also in the made up shit
Trump’s fear that addressing the Russia issue will delegitimize his election victory
Yeah, Trump confessed this along with other sins to the writer.
Vanity Fair is where I always go for my reasoned analysis of foreign policy, and Hollywood gossip.
I’ve always wondered if the name of the magazine was a brilliant troll. In no other context is the reference to “Vanity Fair” a positive one.
Aren’t these the same people who laughed at Sen. McCarthy?
Why is Vanity Fair publishing articles about national security?
The 1980s called. They want their foreign policy back.
I’m too lazy to go digging, but I am almost certain that you could someone from Vanity Fair snickering over what a sick burn that was from Obama.
What is the point of antagonizing the guy we’re supposed to be working with in Syria, and possibly to help contain Iran? And have these people forgotten the abortive Russian Reset under Clinton? Or her boss, Mr. “I’ll Have More Flexibility After the Election”? Trump is supposed to throw the country’s foreign policy overboard because Russians may have hacked Clinton’s stupidly insecure email account, and spent a trifling amount on Facebook ads? These partisans for Obama really want to get into a tiff with Putin due to sniping shenanigans identical to what Obama pulled on Netanyahu? I thought Net Neutrality would have the dumbest takes this week, but the gasping Russia collusion narrative is creeping up.
History was already rewritten, and the only bad people are the non-team blue people.
A laser-driven technique for creating fusion that dispenses with the need for radioactive fuel elements and leaves no toxic radioactive waste is now within reach, say researchers.
Dramatic advances in powerful, high-intensity lasers are making it viable for scientists to pursue what was once thought impossible: creating fusion energy based on hydrogen-boron reactions. And an Australian physicist is in the lead, armed with a patented design and working with international collaborators on the remaining scientific challenges.
Rather than heat fuel to the temperature of the Sun using massive, high-strength magnets to control superhot plasmas inside a doughnut-shaped toroidal chamber (as in NIF and ITER), hydrogen-boron fusion is achieved using two powerful lasers in rapid bursts, which apply precise non-linear forces to compress the nuclei together.
Hydrogen-boron fusion produces no neutrons and, therefore, no radioactivity in its primary reaction. And unlike most other sources of power production — like coal, gas and nuclear, which rely on heating liquids like water to drive turbines — the energy generated by hydrogen-boron fusion converts directly into electricity. But the downside has always been that this needs much higher temperatures and densities — almost 3 billion degrees Celsius, or 200 times hotter than the core of the Sun.
However, dramatic advances in laser technology are close to making the two-laser approach feasible, and a spate of recent experiments around the world indicate that an ‘avalanche’ fusion reaction could be triggered in the trillionth-of-a-second blast from a petawatt-scale laser pulse, whose fleeting bursts pack a quadrillion watts of power. If scientists could exploit this avalanche, Hora said, a breakthrough in proton-boron fusion was imminent.
Together with 10 colleagues in six nations — including from Israel’s Soreq Nuclear Research Centre and the University of California, Berkeley — Hora describes a roadmap for the development of hydrogen-boron fusion based on his design, bringing together recent breakthroughs and detailing what further research is needed to make the reactor a reality.
An Australian spin-off company, HB11 Energy, holds the patents for Hora’s process. “If the next few years of research don’t uncover any major engineering hurdles, we could have prototype reactor within a decade,” said Warren McKenzie, managing director of HB11.
All you people who say fusion is always 20 years away may look silly if this time it is in fact 20 years away
Until you get more energy out than you put in, keep it to yourself.
^This. I won’t claim to know how the science is done, so maybe I’m just ignorant, but I bet all this stuff takes a whole lot of energy to make happen.
the energy generated by hydrogen-boron fusion converts directly into electricity.
That made my BS meter scream. 5 hydrogen atoms are fused into 1 boron atom and the by-product is electricity? Not heat?
The greenies would lose their shit. This would be the evilest thing ever.
I mean honestly if it worked and was cheap I wouln’d care bout the greenies, though I would so enjoy solar panel/ windmill industries going bankrupt. But think of the benefits. A clean non radioactive no lots of water / steam turbine needed electricity. It would be amazing. And could replace natural gas for house heating which would make things much easier (no gas pipes gas sensors risk of explosion etc). It is much easier to get electricity to an relatively isolated place than to get gas pipes.
Electric heating is still shit, as are electric stoves. My electric heater at the apartment – turn it on, wait a few hours go “is this thing even running?” My gas furnace at the house – turn it on, whoosh, hot air starts coming from the vents and raising the ambient temperature.
Well I dun’t know the usual heating in USistan, but here in Romania most heating is with something the heats water and circulates it into radiators, and there are electric things that work just as well as gas, just more expensive due to the cost of electricity. I prefer gas stoves, although I prefer electric ovens, but I would not get gas into my house just for a stove. I would get a gas grill outside from a canister for my flame needs
Some older buildings here have radiator systems based on a hot water loop. Some newer installs put the hot water loop into the floor and turn the whole floor into the radiator.
I’ve never experienced the latter, but the first kind was also very slow to warm up.
The floor heaters are slow too but once they get the floor warm they create the most comfortable heat. Walk around barefoot toasty and warm without having your sinuses dried out.
Underfloor heating is great, my mothers house has it. It was not cheap though.
underfloor is great until it breaks, too. I like it a lot though.
It also sucks when you try to bolt a safe into a house with it.
Several years ago I put an outdoor wood burning furnace in at my place. The fire heats a tank of water. The heated water is pumped through a radiator that I installed in my duct work. My HVAC blower blows air over the radiator and then through my vents into my house. It’s the best heating system I have ever used. I can set the thermostat to whatever I want and my house immediately warms up.
I think underfloor would be better fully electric though
Lachowsky wait you did all that yourself? Didn’t that cost a job of a qualified heating professional?
Pie, of course I did it myself. Only chumps use professionals for things they can do themselves.
I’d kill for heated floors. Our place is a teeny Cape Cod with an old floor furnace. For the uninitiated, there’s a 2′ x 3′ hole in the floor with a gas furnace (made by Coleman, incidentally) that kicks on when the thermostat trips. It’s like an enclosed gas oven in the floor. The first winter a person experiences with a floor furnace typically winds up in “waffle feet”: grill marks on your bare feet because you stood on top of the grating too long. It actually does a decent job of heating the house because it’s a small space and it’s close to the stairs, which lets a lot of the hot air filter up. We still use plug-in electric radiators for some rooms, but gas is way cheaper than electric so it’s easy on the bills.
@Lachowsky: Pellets?
most heating is with something the heats water and circulates it into radiators
Wow. We just tore that system out of my brother’s house. It hadn’t been used in probably 30 years.
@Naptown. http://imgur.com/v5Ut3qm
Nice. I’ve got woodpile envy. We “supplement” with our fireplace, which of course makes the immediate area warm and cheery and the rest of the house cold as hell thanks to convection. A good friend of mine got an insert for his fireplace and he can fill that sucker up in the morning and the first floor of his house is cozy for the whole day.
I have an insert in my fireplace
Before I put in the outdoor heater, that’s what I used. It did a fair job, but the middle of my house would be around eighty amd the back rooms would be about 60. That was okay, but outdoor system works way better.
I have electric baseboard heating in my basement – works just fine and relatively quickly.
My electric heater at the apartment – turn it on, wait a few hours go “is this thing even running?”
Most electric systems have two forms of heating, a heat pump (basically, an air conditioner run in reverse) and a resistive heater (basically, an electric stove inside your furnace). The former is much cheaper to run but pumps out air that is not very warm. The latter, while much more expensive, will put out air just as hot as the best gas furnace. In normal use, the resistive heater will only turn on if the heat pump isn’t able to keep up (on really cold days). But, you can usually force the system to use it instead of the heat pump; the option is sometimes called “EHEAT” or “Emergency Heat”.
The damn thing only had one knob – and it was labelled wrong.
Ah. I was assuming you had central air.
Not in either place. The natgas furance has holes (taped over) to install it, but no good spot for the compresser.
The apartment had baseboard electric heat. and a window AC set into the wall (don’t ask, I don’t know)
“I would so enjoy solar panel/ windmill industries going bankrupt”
Silly rabbit. We’d just have to subsidize them more. Can’t have all those poor workers lose their jobs.
I remember the retarded brag that it takes more workes to produce the same energy on some pro green stuff. Let’s get back to dinging everything with shovels. Or spoons.
That green movement has never been about efficiency, effectiveness, cheap or clean energy, logic or reason, and certainly not about saving anyone from any calamity. Reality is that the green movement has been nothing but a bunch of communists and profiteers peddling marxism as the solution to a problem of their own making. They are aptly labeled as watermelons because as soon as you scratch the surface of that greeny, you find deep red (communism) is the real motivation.
Their mask would fall off altogether. They don’t want clean energy, they want a return to feudalism.
Feudalism wouldn’t be as evil or bad as what they really want to return to.
It’s going to take a lot of pedaling orphans to power the laser.
Go long on gruel futures!
A friend recently turned me on to a blog I hadn’t seen before, and it has a couple of gems within.
How to deal with a progressive bully is a good little essay about the behaviours of the online Social Justice Turds. Unfortunately the title is a bit misleading, as guns are not mentioned as one of the solutions.
Some selections –
Huh, never heard of ‘Kafkatrapping’ before –
Surprise, surprise –
Have a look around this authors content. Some good shit in there.
ZARDOZ does not approve of those solutions.
I do take issue with this – Why is this a gendered thing? I’ve had several women do this to me. It’s called being an ignorant, rude asshole- not “man”splaining or even “fem”splaining.
People who go on and on about a subject they know very little about to a person who knows a lot about the subject… not a trait unique to men. I work in telecom and banking and I’ve had people try to tell me how both of those industries work even right after I just told them that this is what I do 5 days a week all year.
Why is this a gendered thing?
Because it has to be. If it wasn’t, then things would be much more complicated. Nuance and pragmatism are the enemies of the narrative.
Well said TK. This has nothing to do with mansplaining. This is an example of prog assholery.
Actresses to acknowledge #MeToo movement by wearing black gowns
It’s like the whole world has gone insane… well insaner.
Does the red carpet match the drapes?
Huh, so we really are going back to Victorian era values. How fun.
We’re going back to Victorian era values? *Starts polishing wife beating stick.
Be sure that it holds to the Rule of Thumb
*shows thumb*
Well, can’t do much damage with that then, can we? Perhaps it should have been a rule of wrist?
I knew you assholes would give me trouble.
*swings fist at Nephilium*
+1 Serial Crusher
But where does Taylor Swift stand on this?
She refuses to take a stance, which obviously makes her a Nazi.
Don’t they always wear black gowns? How about neon yellow or something that really stands out? Or are they more worried about how they actually look than making a statement?
Good point. Go with a burlap sack and no make up if you want to make a statement.
How about skipping the event?
Inconceivable, how would they be able to attention whore if they didn’t show up?
I wasn’t invited, but I didn’t really wanna go anyways. *Mopes around*
Sackcloth and ashes, like a true old school mourner. I approve.
“Don’t they always wear black gowns?”
Some do, but it’s not even mostly black gowns.
I wonder if they’ll pick out sexy black gowns to wear.
I like the backless ones with a little ass crack showing on the ladies. Classy and sexy.
It’s the mullet of gowns.
Class in the front, ass in the back.
That look that says, “yes, I’m hot and make millions of dollars acting, but I could just as easily earn a living as a plumber if I wanted”
Do they…do they not know their audience? The people who watch these shows strike me (yes, I’m generalizing here) as being the type of people who are most interested in the ‘who they’re wearing’ question and not so much questions of substance. Is the entertainment media trying to follow the example of the NFL?
Black gowns make me horny. Maybe a burka would be a better form of protest.
No good. Burkas make me horny.
You’ve been reading Teen Vogue?
My wife watches every one of these awards shows. It’s been fun seeing the group therapy/collective meltdown over the last year. But now to watch them pontificate about #resist and call Trump a rapist while thanking Harvey Weinstein for their latest award makes the whole situation even funnier.
By the way – Is there a good Youtube compilation of the #meetooers thanking Weinstein at awards shows?
So bring awareness to something by doing exactly what you were doing before? Genius.
Can’t wait for someone to wear a pearl necklace with their black dress just like they did to get the job.
Minnesoda prosecutor: I don’t have any evidence to charge Officer Noor in the Justine Damond shooting and it isn’t my fault.
Better call Scooby Doo to figure out who did the shooting. A real puzzler.
Its a real mystery
Shorter Freeman – “I still have my finger in the wind”
Well, it’s not like we didn’t already know that cops have a license to get away with murder.
Chris Dorners got revoked.
Targeted the wrong folks.
Noor targeted the wrong woman. Freeman is just being a pussy.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMED will need to send out memo about proper end of year observances.
Holy shit. I think they need to throw that manual out if that’s true (and it is not…)
Justine Damond and her white privilege needed to be brought down a peg or two anyway.
Our department secretary here at work had her house broken into yesterday. When her 12 year old got home from school, he found their door kicked in, house ransacked, and most of their valuables stolen. Electronics, guns, jewelry, pretty much anything of value.
Stuff like this pisses me off. I really really can’t stand a thief. I hope she figures out who did this.
that really sucks. I hope they catch em.
Motherfuckers, and a week before Christmas, too.
A friend of mine once had her gifts that she had just paid for seconds earlier lifted from her inside the store. She turned her back for a second to finish up the transaction when two women whisked by and grabbed the bagged items and zipped out the door. When she realized what had happened she chased them into the parking lot and demanded her merchandise returned. Since she had already seen their license plate and their faces they did so but were very resentful.
“You are stealing from me right at christmas? How dare you! Those are for my children!”
Them – “We deserve Christmas too!”
Calling some people pieces of shit is too kind.
Never knew Christmas was about taking shit from others, but I see some people feel that way about life. I would not be surprised this world view was created by the politics people that think stealing shit from people that actually earned it – even if the perp stealing is government and not just condones it but makes like it is a noble thing – is all cool, since it benefits them.
+1 Obamaphone
I would not be surprised this world view was created by the politics…
It’s the other way around. People have been stealing and plundering since time immemorial. Representative government merely allows the weak, lazy, and cowardly to get in on the theft.
Society used to not tolerate this sort of shit, it wasn’t until government legitimized it that it became trendy and cool. Then again, you do have a point, because the entire ideological basis for people that peddle and believe in this shit was created out of the need to justify the envious need to fuck over those better of than the envious people that would buy into this ideology’s teachings.
I think affluence has also had a big impact on toleration of thievery.
One of the reasons that people didn’t tolerate this shit before was that times were tough. Getting things meant you had to work hard and save up for them. Also you got things like new clothes or other sensible shit.
Now we are wealthy beyond belief as a society. Things are so easy to get and everyone pretty much has all the necessities. So when a thief takes your shit, people don’t see it as such an evil thing because it was just a material object that can be replaced.
I don’t agree with that. If you steal shit you are an asshole. I’m just suggesting that when you have your basic needs taken care of already, you don’t see thieves as much of a menace as you would if they were stealing your food.
Great points there Jimbo.
Wealth has made us soft and tolerant of a lot of behaviors that would otherwise never have been allowed when things were different. Maybe the proggie movement’s attempt to take us back to living in caves isn’t such a bad idea then..
Just kidding about that last part man.
I think affluence has also had a big impact on toleration of thievery.
Yeah. The person I know who thinks taking off a hand — literally — is probably too good for thieves grew up poor enough that if he got something nice and it was stolen, he would not be able to buy another one.
There are actual people who think having their shit stolen isn’t that bad and might actually be a positive thing for the world.
There was a young guy who was beaten near to death in DC while pushing his infant child in a stroller a few years ago by a bunch of teenage thugs who wanted his iPhone. He was a lawyer at the time; now he’s got permanent brain damage and is in speech therapy learning how to talk again. He was the sole breadwinner, so now his family’s in tight straits. But the WaPo commentariat, and some of DC’s more disgusting locals, actually implied (or straight came out and said in so many words) that because he was a white man “flaunting” his wealth in front of poor black teenagers who couldn’t afford iPhones of their own, he basically compelled them to rob him and beat him within an inch of his life. This was right when “white privilege” started to be a thing idiots talked about. I remember thinking, “Wow. A significant number of people in this area believe that if you’re white and have something a black person wants, that black person has a right to demand it of you, and if you don’t give it up they have a right to take it by force. That’s fucking insane.”
I was going to suggest that that’s how you get Trump, but that’s more how you get Richard Spencer.
“Calling some people pieces of shit is too kind.”
Calling them Democrats is the best insult.
“My gift to you this year is to not have you rot in jail during the holidays. You’re welcome.”
I’d have sent em to jail for good measure.
My thoughts exactly. I forgot to mention. They stole all the Christmas presents too. Fucking assholes.
Don’t you whypipple understand YOU OWE THEM?
Let me guess: Cops arrive and are more interested in searching the house for drugs than in the theft.
You can always say the thief planted the drugs though
“anyone in the house have any warrants we should know about?”
And cash. Don’t forget about any cash in the house.
Not my $110 Trillion ZMB!
shootin’s too good for him. To be honest there is a bit of grey area on shooting an intruder in your house if he is not attacking you / directly a threat… I find that one should be able to feel safe in ones home so catching a burglar and just shooting can be somewhat excusable, especially with a household with small children.
“I feared for my life. I am calling my lawyer.”
I do think that whatever junk might be around the house is not more valuable than a person’s life. However, a person who comes in your house while you are there probably has more in mind than just taking stuff. I have seen a lot of cases where some psychopath obviously committed a theft as a pretense for killing someone. Ex. – forcing someone at gunpoint to an ATM (max withdrawal 500 bucks) and then killing the victim in some particularly sadistic way, in this case tying them up and tossing them into a lake.
Unless they’re here to take the trash, I value literally anything on my property more than the life of someone who would try to steal it from me. It’s the violation, honestly. At a minimum, I need to know that there is a space that belongs to my family and I where we can expect to be private and safe.
To your point, though, I work with a guy who lives on a decent-sized farm. He and his wife were out when someone broke into their house and stole some antique rifles. The dude got caught by the police at another house. Turns out he’d been working his way south from Jersey, and had killed two people who were home when he broke in. Big ol’ meth addict lookin’ for stuff to pawn. Scary shit, and scarier because these folks live well away from any neighbors. He’s a vegan who donates money to PETA, if that gives you a picture, and even he was like, “I bought a shotgun the next day and have been going to a local range.”
I know of at least half a dozen people that got guns after this and this incident happened around these parts. The proposal that some people have of making it mandatory to wait a period of days for a background check to clear on an arms purchase is fucking disgusting.
Oddly enough, I have one Jewish acquiantence that used to be a hardcore anti-gun guy until he got freaked out by the Unite the Right imagery with the tiki torches. Hey man, whatever gets you there.
For sure, if a bunch of limousine liberals in my neck of the woods decide they need to arm themselves against a possible redneck invasion, God bless ’em. The higher you raise the risks of a home invasion in a given neighborhood or area the less likely they are to happen. Sure, genuine nutcases and the truly desperate are gonna do it anyway, but it’s the rational actors you want to dissuade.
I am with you on this Bill. Sure as an individualist and someone that values freedom, I feel all life is sacred. But when you decide to commit a crime against me, even one as low as theft or destruction of property, I feel you have basically shown me you don’t much value either the freedom or rights of me or mine, and I am not going to feel bad for reciprocating the feeling.
For me it’s a practical thing, too. I don’t have a security staff like some of the Congress-critters who vote against gun rights or the celebrities who rally against gun ownership while their armed security detail escorts them to Starbucks. I have to sleep, I have to leave the house for work or to run errands, etc. I need the local nogoodniks to understand that I’m not a mark. Plus, a few of my neighbors are old ladies living by themselves. It doesn’t hurt them any to know there are a few pipe-hitters in the neighborhood who aren’t willing to tolerate bullshit and won’t wait for the police.
“ I don’t have a security staff like some of the Congress-critters who vote against gun rights or the celebrities who rally against gun ownership while their armed security detail escorts them to Starbucks. ”
Mention this to your usual anti-gun idiot, and they have a brain malfunction and need to be sent back to the shop for a mental colon cleaning.
I always say if you’re in favor of armed police or private security you’re not against gun ownership you’re just in favor of hiring someone else to carry and shoot it for you.
Seems like it’s almost always someone from the neighborhood.
usually. or maybe a town over.
It’s one of those Shelbyville people!
We had a case where it turned out to be the homeowner himself that did it. Upstanding guy and a great member of the community that had a serious and well hidden drug addiction, and decided to run an insurance scam for money. He got caught. Lost his job, lost his family, home, and all other manner of shit. Turns out he was also the one that had been robbing his neighbors in the past to keep the habit, but since most people had beefed up security and were armed, he figured it was safer to do this at his own place. The ironic thing is that the guy sold insurance, and had sold most of these people their homeowners insurance.
Maybe. It’s a very rural area. I just found out a little bit ago, apparently her closest neighbor’s house house was robbed too.
Yep. Figure out what neighborhood high school kid with a drug/gambling/needs money problem wasn’t at school during lunch hour. Probably a friend or acquaintance of the 12 year old, actually.
I hate thieves too. I hope they get caught.
Yeah after it happens, it makes you fucking rage that some cretin invaded your castle for a week of meth money.
We were burglarised in August 2016 and my favourite guns (including my first gun, a Mini-14) were stolen. The Mini-14 theft in particular angers me, but what pisses me off the most is how these losers stole my wife’s outdated laptop and made off with a ton of her photos.
Home invaders should have to be enslaved by the victim party for a time if they are caught.
I was burglarized back in 1992 or thereabouts. Among the things they targeted that still poses me off is they took my FM2 Nikon camera which is considered a classic today. It was a handsome machine. I hope they got raped by Kevin Spacey’s relentless cock.
band name
Have no doubt, the proceeds from the theft on that camera were probably spent on something retarded, like crack.
So, last night my wife and I got back and the random street people my wife had asked to rake our yard–don’t ask, she’s like Lucille Ball but without the ability to recognize when she’s wrong–let us know that they chased off a bunch of teenagers who were rifling through packages on our front porch. Maybe they were lying, but the box was definitely open and it’s happened in our neighborhood before. A neighbor called the cops, they said, and the kids just sat waiting on the sidewalk until the cruiser actually showed up and then they took off. Luckily, they weren’t interested in 5 lbs. of chocolate MetRx whey protein or 12 rolls of paper towels.
Today, I’m working from home. My wife has the car. I have a loaded pistol and an empty Amazon box taped up and sitting on the porch. Sometimes it’s important to let the locals know that at any given time a very, very unpleasant person may be inside the house you’re trying to burglarize.
Do you have a GoPro you could wear when opening the door?
No, but I could probably rig up a webcam to point in the direction, not that it would do much good. We live two blocks away from a huge public housing complex that’s plonked right in the middle of $300k-$600k houses–welcome to Annapolis–and shootings are not uncommon. One kid was shot by another a month ago maybe three blocks from our place in this area that’s kind of infamous for shootings and it’s still unsolved. I mention this to say that if the absolute worst were to happen, local police would be pretty sympathetic to a homeowner defending himself from a bunch of armed thugs. I’d lose the pistol for sure, and there’d be legal stuff to deal with, but at the end of the day I’d be alright.
Honestly, I’m counting on the dissuasive powers of two 80-pound pit bulls and a big guy with a beard and a pistol yelling angrily. On work-from-home days I tend to look a little like the Unabomber if he were a psychotic, homeless cannibal, and that seems to go pretty far when trying to influence the calculus of whether or not a person should get off of my lawn.
It would be even more terrifying if you could work it so that you have a raging trouser tent whilst you’re yelling angrily. STEVE SMITH GOING TO STEAL SOMETHING FROM YOU.
BRILLIANT! I’ve got a Maglite and some duct tape. God help the next Mormon who comes to my door!
So much this 🙂
Lopping off a hand for this doesn’t seem outlandish.
Bigfoot Air Freshener Doesn’t Actually Smell Like Sasquatch
“old cheese”
Of course. The Rapiest Scent.
Just got my new passport in the mail today. One week. A little surprised, but one of the visa pages has a quote by Thomas Jefferson printed on it:
The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.
There may still be hope for America.
I noticed the changes in the US passport when I renewed. Given the quotes on a few pages, I wondered if someone at the State Department must be trolling Progressives or other assorted enemies of freedom.
There’s actually a Reagan quote on it, too. Someone is having fun at the State Department.
I believe this is what our British cousins call “taking the piss”.
I am sure their interpretation of what is being said in this quote is different than yours..
Colorado goes back into the drug war business. Of course, I suspect the problem could have been solved just by having less regulations, and make the regulations that exist less difficult to adhere to, but what the hell. Those Denver SWAT teams had less to do in the post legalization world. Gotta play with them shiny toys.
yay! thank CO for protecting us!
You don’t need to make any more money. This is enough.
yeah – no shit?
Medicare Fails To Recover Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Lab Overcharges
Nobody can piss away money like government.
Give me the money and I’ll accept that challenge!
Johnny Depp?
That is how bankruptcy works – when your debts exceed your ability to repay.
A lot more small labs are going to end up shut down or sold to the big players as PAMA rates get cut over the next few years.
My erstwhile GP did this shit. Every single time I’d go in he’d order a blood test. Once he ordered two re-tests with no explanation. I only found out because the lab fucked up the billing code and my insurance company declined payment, so I got the bill.
I’m guessing it was going to a lab he owned or was getting kickbacks from. There are some very shady practices in that industry.
Absolutely. A high school friend, who is now a pediatrician, now has a paper she has to fill out to justify blood tests, because her former supervisor at the hospital she worked at (who was a health care professional, not a doctor) got kickbacks for having a certain number of billed tests. Luckily that lady was fired, but now to make sure the doctors aren’t doing the same thing, they have to e-mail their charts to the new supervisor (who is a doctor) as well as the one page form.
There was an interesting bit in one of the pieces on net neutrality linked the other day. It said, in effect, it’s easy to see the direct positive outcomes of enacting a new rule/regulation, but it’s hard to see the negative higher-order consequences. Most of the time, what is actually called for in response to an abuse is vigilance. But it’s easier to create a rule/regulation (or pass a new law) than it is to be watchful. Plus, it acts like a get out of jail free card to bureaucrats. “Oh, you enacted a rule! Well, that’s settled, then.”
+1 Bastiat
Of course, the only way a doctor can be controlled this way is because she’s a hospital employee and they are forcing their docs to only use the hospital lab. It’s next to impossible to control an independent physician practice that way (labs and health plans have tried).
It’s because the practice she currently works for is tied to the hospital, and has a contract to do the bureaucratic crap the hospital does (since she’s $100K in student debt for now, her 5 year plan is to get out of debt, and she and Surgeon Hubby open a private practice).
While this sounds hinky Bill, I can also see that your GP is one of these guys frightened to death that if he isn’t ultra cautious, someone will sue the shit out of him for missing something. My GP used to double and triple check stuff too, at great cost to myself and the insurance company who quickly wanted to pass it off to me, until I told him if he needed me to sign something saying I was OK with a single test result for my family members (the people going in were the wife and kid) and wouldn’t try to sue him into riches if somehow not retesting caused him to miss something.
26-year-olds face challenges as they fall off parents’ health insurance
Marguerite Moniot felt frustrated and flummoxed. Despite the many hours she had spent in front of the computer this year reading consumer reviews of health insurance plans offered on the individual market in Virginia, she still did not know what plan was right for her.
HAHA i have free healthcare (as long as I don’t need any). But seriously, at 26 you should eb able to make such decisions, and also vote for politicians who do not over-complicate shit with stupid regulations.
Waaaa I’ve been an adult for 8 years. Pay for my health care waaaaa. *Sent from my iPhone X.
At 26 I was moved out and employed.
What are these losers doing?
At 26 I’ve moved out, employed, married, have two kids and expecting a third. Yeah you can be an adult by 26.
So, a Small Mormon family?
Yep – I had earned by BA, fought in a war, was living with my fiance and working on my Master’s degree.
Had an MS in EE (BS EE/AE), had served my time so Uncle Sam would feel OK they paid for that education, working, had just gotten married, was on my first private sector job doing AE/EE modeling with a security clearance, managed to collect 5 patents to my name, and was making a ton of money as a software architect/developer consultant. I had been dying to leave the home since I was 15, and my parents were great parents willing to do anything to help the kids.
Most kids today are afraid of their own shadow and have been conditioned to be dependents from their first day of school.
At 26 I already had my MD, was in my residency, which I’d moved 2,000 miles away from home to take on (and I still live in the same area over 30 years later). But residents are poorly paid, so I lived in a modest apartment with a roommate. Still had plenty of money to go out on the town almost every free night (I can’t believe, in retrospect, how much energy you have in your 20s!) I had many friends who were married with good jobs, and others who had just finished law school, dental or medical school. I didn’t know anyone living in Mom’s basement. Many of my friends from college already had kids and owned houses.
How in just 30 years did we go from that world to a point that someone 26 is considered too young to take off their parents’ health insurance?
I would posit that we are here by design. The education system was rigged to produce these snowflakes that think communism is a good thing and that they are owed for having been born. The entertainment world seems to spit out junk directed at turning kids into permanent dependents, and so many parents are fine going along with this shit because it makes them woke.
If I had a dime for every idiot at work that has told me how me their snowflake can’t get up in the morning to make it to work on time at what now amounts to their umpteenth new job as their barista or such similar job, and they are worried the loan they cosigned for junior’s 5 or more year stint to earn a bachelors in some obscure and totally unemployable, or worse, over-saturated discipline where you have 20 applicants for every open position, I would be a loaded. And you would be surprised how many of these people tell you they wish they had had the same opportunity to mooch of their parents. It is not accidental that these parents are all proggies and that too often, right after complaining about their kids and the troubles around that, double down on policies, ideas, and things that promote more of this dependency cycle and the belief that they are owed something merely for being born. Somehow they are unable to see the cause and effect of their own stupid beliefs.
Playing their helicopter parents for the fools that they are.
I have high school classmates (I’m 29) who are still utterly reliant on mommy and daddy for subsistence.
Meanwhile, my autistic 26 year old family friend has his own place, a steady job, and only requires minimal financial assistance from his parents.
Definitely. Definitely not my house. Definitely.
At 26 I had moved out 3 times and back in twice. But I never moved back in again.
17-19- out of the house.
19- a brief stay back home.
19-20- locksmith school
20- a brief stay back home.
20-26- out of the house.
currently back home, for a brief stay. Should be back out by spring.
There’s no shame in living with family if needs must, that’s not unusual at all. But the key is whether or not you’re a.) contributing to the household, and b.) working on a plan to move forward. Or, of course, c.) doing it to care for people who aren’t able to do for themselves anymore.
I may be living with the parents for a while next year, so that I can have some flexibility to move when I find a better job (no need to break a lease). They will be charging me nominal rent (to help pay property taxes), for food, and I take care of utilities for their guest cabin (where I will stay). It’s going to seriously suck, especially because a lot of my free time will likely be spent taking care of their community’s needs (my dad is one of the youngest men living there, at 61, and one of the most handy, and also chair of the roads committee, YAY Gravel!)
this sounds a lot like my situation. I like splitting wood and plowing the road in winter though, so it’s not so bad.
I don’t mind the work, as long as the reward is I get home cooked meals…. and most of the leftovers.
“Coming out … and saying prices are going up, choice is going down and this law is a mess doesn’t really get at the young adult population.”
The threat a government gun carries more weight.
“The ACA made coverage more affordable and accessible.”
Umm wat?
It is infuriating how false this is, and at the same time, how willing ACA proponents are to whitewash over insane premium hikes under ACA and then moan about the removal of the individual mandate.
I’d imagine the subsidies make it pretty affordable to a load of people, just so long as you don’t actually have to use it. Congratulations, you’re paying for an insurance card. Just don’t try to call any of the numbers on it.
“the many hours she had spent in front of the computer this year reading consumer reviews of health insurance plans offered on the individual market in Virginia”
A 26-year-old did this? I hope they found a good plan, because this is not healthy behavior for a young person.
Really? They are going to make an emotional appeal for single payer by playing violins for 26 yo babies in diapers?
Here is the world’s tiniest violin…
Reading reviews of what? Most regions have only one provider. She must be in the DC alternate reality plane.
Detroit election clerk so bad that recount in her own race can’t be completed.
spoiled. like rotten fruit?
You don’t send the your votes in on produce?
You just chad to go there.
I should hang you for that pun.
No evidence of election fraud can be found anywhere. Nothing to see here folks.
Seriously, if this isn’t election fraud by every member of in oversight writ large then nothing is.
For the car nuts: The best Nürburgring fails of the year
heh. always fun
Everyone thinks they can drive…
Too STEVE SMITH. Mix in some lowercase.
Speaking of cars, Grand Tour is out on Prime. 1st episode was fun, 2nd comes out tonight.
Manley said the convenience store’s security camera captured the full incident. Manley said the department will not release the video while the investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Ahh… the old “we need to get our story straight” gambit.
Interesting how those thugs posing as cops lured him into the corner like that. Makes me wonder.
Then they wonder why public confidence is eroding and criticism on the rise. They can’t seem to grasp that when their actions go unpunished, people notice and it will manifest itself in all sorts of ways because the bosses who are supposed to dole out punishment aren’t doing it. There’s no way in hell citizens are going to tolerate loved ones be beaten up or killed for stupid reasons like, say, shoplifting.
“All female actresses attending the Globes are protesting by just wearing black gowns,” a source told PEOPLE in response to rumours that female stars were planning to challenge the current status quo.
Short ones, I hope. Really, really short black dresses, with plunging necklines; open in the back, all the way down to the curve of their taut, firm buttocks.
That’ll show me.
If they really want to teach us a lesson, they should protest by not wearing anything, to show us that they’re not just there to be ogled at with sexy outfits. By parading around nude, they’ll indicate that they own their own sexuality.
Then they should all oil wrestle. I’m not sure how to frame it as a protest against men making sexual comments, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
1. Wrestling is traditionally dominated by males, and the use of oil when wrestling goes back to the ancient world – glass ceiling shattered.
2. The act of wrestling itself is symbolic of the struggle of women against the patriarchy, and how sometimes it’s other women that prevent each other from being able to advance in a male dominated world.
I am hoping it is something like this and causes their careers that they traded their pussies for to tank.
The thing is, they probably will. As if men gave a shit about the color of the dresses. It ain’t about the color of the dress, ladies.
That’ll show me
Jokes on you. Odds are Merril Streep will participate due to Albert Brooks groping her on the set of Defend Your Life and she isn’t what she was in 80’s…
Ancient Greenland Shark Dated to 512: Here Are the World’s Other Oldest Creatures
Fake news. OMWC didn’t make the list.
How come Hob Gadling’s not on the list?
He keeps it on the DL in case Death changes her mind
I think we may be the only people on the planet reading NEWSWEEK articles.
I will admit that I am a sucker for fluff articles like this. It’s a nice break from the usual bullshit.
Just like how it it weren’t for derpatoligist, many Lefty sites would be out of business.
They should have named the tortoise STEVE SMITH
If it was dated to the year 512 then I’d be impressed.
Yesterday, I saw a Montana-issued Gadsden Flag license plate. Rattlesnake on the left, “Don’t tread on me” at the bottom. Those people at the DMV will do anything for money, I guess.
I can get one here with a Lady Slipper on it…
Your fetishes are your own business…
That stikes me as inappropriate for a government-issued tag.
You’ve probably seen this one around. I don’t think these people know what the Gadsen Flag stands for.
Setting a new low in intellectual discourse every day is reddit’s business goal.
Yeah, notice the guy that got downvoted:
To be honest the net neutrality was created by Obama. This allows sites to govern and censor only their political,spiritual, feel good of the day views. It keeps google as a main ideology to get knowledge. Even though google doesn’t pull from all sources and display them. As they should. Ending this will stop this. They will have no choice but to gather all items on a subject and display them as they should.
No words
I always preferred the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag.
Virginia has a Gadsden flag plate, too.
I paid the $10 for that plate. It cancels out the fact that I drive a hybrid.
Thugs in uniforms detain family in their own home, require the family to forfeit their assets
Hey, I wonder why dressing like a cop and shaking people down is so effective?
Just like real cops.
Yesterday I finished watching the first season of Stranger Things.
WTF happened to Winona Ryder? I used to want to do bad, bad things to her – back in the late 80s/early 90s. Then I looked her up and she’s only a year younger than me. *feels bad*
Damn time flies.
Doesn’t matter. Still want.
Yeah man. Y’all bust on those of us who appreciate chicks with a bit of meat on their bones, but I’m just sayin’, when your thigh-gap skeleton girls get older, they look like they’re in the process of being mummified. I’m not saying that the obese age well either, but a smidge of baby fat makes a person look younger.
+1 garden maze scene in Dracula
I don’t really have a strong opinion about Paul Ryan, but Jimmy Kimmel (probably the most ignorant man to ever opine on politics in the history of this country) is fucking un-hinged.
When did everyone start hating Paul Ryan? This reminds me of something that a co-worker told me recently- “The Democrats would be declaring this presidency illegitimate even if it were John Kasich as president. Hysteria is their bread and butter.” I think that’s right.
FYI- Our moral compass, Jimmy Kimmel, abandoned his first wife and two kids once he became famous
Unpossible, he cried about his baby in TV. ON TV!
Don’t forget his continuous use of his kid as a political prop.
They’ve been told over and over and over for decades that conservatives/libertarians/anyone right of Lenin is subhuman. I hate to Godwin things right off the bat, but it’s a solid tactic to whip your followers into a fanatical frenzy. The Dem overlords understand that the more emotional their base is, and they less they think, the better they do. No better way to do it than convince the base that their political opponents are simultaneously Evil Overlords and Vermin to be exterminated.
The Dem overlords understand that the more emotional their base is, and they less they think, the better they do.
There is a limit to this, in the sense that once the frenzy reaches a certain point, it will eat everyone and everything without regard to party affiliation. Do it “right” and you get LBJ. Do it wrong and you get Robespierre.
I’m thinking we’re getting more French Revolution, less American Revolution in the current wave, too.
Isn’t Jimmy Kimmel trying to be some kind of super-woke SJW now?
I seem to recall a little program called The Man Show way back in the day…
It’s funny that Kimmel’s shift seems to be correlated with getting married and having kids. It’s just a new form of puritan moral crusading.
(NSFW) Jimmy Kimmel in 2 years
He’s still mad about Ryan pushing granny off a cliff.
Assisted suicide, so really Ryan is Avant guard.
To protect her from the terrible secret of politics?
::makes whiny plea to audience about political issue with a fake tremble::
Of course they would. They turned Mitt Romney, a squishy centrist who was arguably the most mild-mannered, milquetoast presidential candidate in living memory, into some kind of crazed far-right caricature with blood dripping from his fangs. They actually made a national news story out of a teenaged Mittens forcibly cutting some kid’s hair in 1965. That’s how fucking deranged these people are.
Let’s hope these ladies never have to forfeit their assets.
1, 4, 5, 7, 29, 35
They’re all mine. Sorry guys.
Welcome to the cult.
You’ve out done yourself Q. This is fine work
#1 is Francoise Boufhal. #18 is Scarlett Johansson. #24 is Penelope Cruz.
#5 has the right idea for the gowns actresses should wear for whatever awards ceremony is mentioned up above.
#2 reminds me of a woman I asked out and got shot down by (in other words, she proved she has good taste in men).
Wonder what #2 looks like 12 years later. Inquiring minds and all…
Each and every one of them a Virgin. If you don’t believe me, ask OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED.
Almost didn’t make it past #1, but #8 made the struggle worthwhile.
7 and 35 are both winners!
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be getting married on May 19. I think matching his ‘n’ hers STEVE SMITH SAYS RELAX would be a lovely gift. Who wants to come in with me?
“Who wants to come in with me?”
You can’t fool me STEVE SMITH.
Welfare queens
I’d like to offer my congratulations to those ultrarich government money leaches.
I’m in.
Naw, get them a one-way trip to R’lyeh for their honeymoon.
Rethuglitards hate you, and want you to die penniless in a gutter of an easily curable disease
So there you have it. In 27 years, Republicans have passed one popular conservative law and spent most of that time voting against things that clear majorities of Americans wanted. If they weren’t serving Americans, whom were they serving? And how have they gotten away with it?
The answers to both questions, alas, are depressingly familiar. They are serving their megarich donors and the most extreme elements of their base. And they get away with it because of the way they’ve gerrymandered House districts, because of an ideological right-wing media that obfuscates facts and because the one thing they’ve done astonishingly well is to make a big chunk of the country hate liberals.
When will we get our instantaneous-democracy-by phone-poll? Fire the Congress and Senate, and have Richard Dawson host a call-in show to create laws and set economic policy.
Why do Republikkkins hate fairness?
That is one of the signs of someone to ignore.
*spits coffee across keyboard*
“And they get away with it because of the way they’ve gerrymandered House districts, because of an ideological right-wing media that obfuscates facts and because the one thing they’ve done astonishingly well is to make a big chunk of the country hate liberals”
Wow there is just so much:
1 gerrymandering: yes it’s BS, both sides do it, but you cannot gerrymander a presidential election (except Maine and Nebraska.)
2. Right wing media: seek help, please.
3. “astonishingly well is to make a big chunk of the country hate liberals”:
You give them to much credit and not enough to yourself.
The one change to the electoral college that I favor is making every state adopt the ME-NE plan.
I hadnt thought about the gerrymandering aspect, but I still don’t care, I favor that.
You still get the two Senate votes, so there is a small counter balance.
Trump won 230 congressional districts and 30 states.
Clinton won 205 and 20.
By that plan, Trump would have won 290-245 instead of 304-227-7 as under the current system.
Final results for anyone who didnt follow it:
Trump 304
Clinton 227
Colin Powell 3
Faith Spotted Eagle 1
John Kasich 1
Ron Paul 1
Bernie Sanders 1
I can’t believe Ron Paul lost that shit
It’s happening!
“The answers to both questions, alas, are depressingly familiar. They are serving their megarich donors and the most extreme elements of their base.”
Why are the five richest counties in this country staunchly Democratic?
Those are the good rich people. The ones who got rich via public service.
“Rethuglitards hate you, and want you to die penniless in a gutter of an easily curable disease”
They left out “tomorrow”.
So just to be clear, these donors and extreme elements of their base are not Americans?
Can we talk about how Jesus appropriated human culture?
I mean he was the Son if an all knowing God, what would he know of pain and suffering. /ignores all of Christan theology.
I cant decide if that is parody or not.
That is a humor site.
The Babylon Bee is one of the best parody sites out there.
or satire, whatever. Either way, go read some.
When did everyone start hating Paul Ryan?
Krugabe never misses a chance to accuse Ryan of being the Devil incarnate. Because he (Dr K) is fruitier than a nutcake.
“Oh my God, Paul Ryan makes his staff read ‘Atlas Shrugged’! Literally Hitler!”
– Former Enron adviser (not a joke), Paul Krugman
The smartest guy in the room.
Seriously, if Gary Becker or the now maligned James Buchanan or any free-market economist had been an adviser to Enron we would never hear the end of it.
The free market supporter, Robert Bradly Jr, who now runs The Master Resource Blog, was Enron’s chief scientist for a time.
He fought against the accounting scam and tried to persuade Ken Lay to stop basing his business on regulatory capture and instead re-purpose the business towards pleasing customers. Consequently he was sidelined and asked to resign.
Nonetheless, whenever he makes too much noise, they smear him for his association with Enron. As if he supported the very swindles he opposed. As if he supported the regulatory environment that enabled and encouraged the swindles instead of opposing it. As if that regulatory environment isn’t the very one they support and want to foist upon us in all areas of commerce.
‘I don’t regret shooting myself’: Depressed woman left horribly disfigured after she blasted herself in the face with a revolver says she is glad she did because she has now found love
Tinder, bitch, Tinder
That’s a self-loathing dude that snapped her up.
Won’t have to worry about her cheating.
As a gun-shot survivor, I don’t think that it’s ethical to print a story like that. #triggered.
something, something, something about crazy? What is was that saying?
Poor lady.
Damn, her appearance reminds me of Gary Oldman’s depiction of Mason Verger character from the film adaptation of Hannibal.
Note to self: don’t commit suicide with a revolver, because Preet needs a pretty corpse to rape at the morgue.
I knew a guy who did that with a rifle. Put the gun under his chin and tilted his head too far back. Blew his jaw off, missed anything vital.
I say, I say, god DAMN!
Holy shit. I mean, all’s well and so forth, but Christ almighty. Whenever you think it’s time to check out, maybe give it ten, fifteen minutes and see if you can’t come up with a plan B.
God damn, I am so happy that OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED has legs. Literally and metaphorically, may the Prophet (PBUH) be praised.
Our cultural betters in Europe. “Eugenics is so chic. It’s all the rage in Europe”
When they said socialists take care of those that can’t take care of themselves, I didn’t think they meant like this.
When Dad said that he’d take care of that litter of puppies when you were seven?
Yes, the ones that he took to the farm.
OT – Webdom’s Anus Candy post got nowhere near enough love. It was excellent and had plenty of wormholes to deaden your day if you’re a working cocksucker.
The Joy Reid ho-ttake on Net Neutrality
She…literally just made an argument…against net neutrality.
“…you realize that repealing Net Neutrality makes what you’re describing no longer possible, right?”
That’s a big ol’ can of stupid that got opened. Too bad it’s not unique or a one-off.
Yes, you have to give her credit for being consistently stupid.
But the Republican party controls all the KKKorporashuns!
Can Domino’s new ‘brain food’ pizza really enhance your mind?
But not all nutritionists are convinced by the claims
I am going to go with no
All this Kale chowing for no good reason. Full disclosure, it’s grown in my garden but I eat it the same way that I shave my whiskers, under protest and without exuberance. Eat ground up green army men for health, shave to not look like Steve Bannon. The “Hobo” is not a good look for a man that drinks as heavily as I like to do.
Kale is plate decoration, not food.
You’re just wrong.
*munches on artisanal kale oatmeal wheatberry cookie*
*shits brick suitable for a concrete block wall*
IPA’s make for a good insulator! and you can use the recycled glass to make lamps!
I like kale, but just because I like it. We grow it in the yard. If you take a bunch of kale and tear it into medium-sized pieces, toss it in olive oil and a little sea salt, then stick it in a low oven for a few minutes it crisps up like seaweed-flavored potato chips if you’re into that sort of thing.
I would eat the shit out of this pizza, preferably not made by Domino’s. But hell, I’ll even eat trash pizza when push comes to shove.
So, anyway-
This song comes on, yesterday, as I’m driving. I sort of remember it, it’s kind of a pop-y song but I have no idea who sings it, or what the actual lyrics are.
In my head, I was hearing the refrain as, “I’m not here to argue / I just want to fuck”.
Reminded me of my last (final) visit to the ex-girlfriend’s house.
Farewell sex is almost as good as reunion sex.
err, says you. Last time I had farewell sex I had to fake the orgasm
I knew it!
One Last Kiss
Best. Excuse. Ever.
It would be a fair excuse in different circumstances, but when the accusation is that you had porn of black children on your computer the part you should really focus your denial on is “I don’t find children attractive” not “I don’t find black people attractive”. That he went with the excuse he went with really should raise some red flags.
How many corporations can you count spending money on advertising / lobbying against net neutrality?
How many proggies are “Joining the Cause!”
How many proggies were against Citizens United again?
ooh, that’s a good one!
i might have to post that as well, see if I can shed a few “friends”
Yep. It’s the usual suspects that are rheeeing out. I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other because ignorance but if it pisses the right people off, I’m sanguine.
“Religious liberty is a black hole”
– Cosmotarian Party presidential candidate, Gay Jay
That’s awesome. Force the fuckers to see exactly how stupid “hate crime” is and exactly where it will lead.
Will they learn?
“Free Speech” Observation 1: If the government isn’t involved in the internet, then the internet isn’t “free”.
“Free Speech” Observation 2: If people are getting paid to speak, then the government has a legitimate role in policing what people say.
“Free Speech” Observation 3: More or less, fewer government regulators of speech means less “freedom”.
—Link to Follow
“Free Speech” Observations 1 + 2 + 3 = Free Speech is something the government gives us.
We have a pervasive problem with people not understanding the true definition of free speech, which is about the absence of government interference, and the problem goes all the way up to and through the press.
I blame people like Robby.
When people say “freedom of speech” anymore, it’s hard to understand what they’re talking about.
“Freedom of Speech” battles seem to boil down to my freedom to shut down your speech that I don’t like. I don’t want corporations or the gubmint stepping on that right so that’s why I can’t take a side on this issue.
“it’s hard to understand what they’re talking about.”
No, its not. Not at all.
In a nutshell the government is punishing people. What is punishment? A means of controlling behavior, in this case speech.
Remember the but rule. Robby’s arguments have more ‘to be sure’s than a stray dog has fleas.
Also, should Trump slap the FTC down the same celebrities that benefit from it will still be screaming “Secret Nazi President!”
“The government office that responds to such issues as sexual harassment and racial discrimination is losing significant numbers of employees”
It’s a Christmas Miracle!
Speaking of election meddling:
Soros is like a real life Bond villain.
If Soros ever showed his face in Hungary, Macedonia, or one of the other Slavic countries fighting migration, he might not survive the experience.
I forgot today was the stupid mandatory holiday party in the office. Looks like I’ll be going home for lunch and working from home the rest of the day to avoid that bullshit.
Merry Christmas Ebeneezer Fuck-Stick.
I’m always suspicious of the person who volunteers to put together the office Christmas party.
That’s someone who doesn’t have enough to do.
Memo to Personnel:
Please collect Ms. Tunt’s performance reviews, with an exit date targeted for after the New Year*.
Ken Shultz
Management Guru
*Well I’m not made of stone.
I got roped into it this year. My boss got voluntold to head up the group putting the party on, and he took me down with him.
“Tum again?”
It’s the middle of the month so accounting has nothing to do right now.
I went through the mandatory holiday party with bluetooth earbuds in my ears (barely visible unless you know they’re there), grabbed food and drink and then busted out at the first opportunity.
You’re not going to stick around and sexually harass some women?
We have ours today – but its cool. Bring in food, then boss heads to local watering hole where he will buy first round for any that want to tag along….then he says he expects 0 people to return to office.
That’s pretty cool, time to get shitfaced on the company dime!
I have a bit of a drive home…so I will limit it to two.
Every year my boss and coworker ask me if I’m coming to the holiday party. Every year I say “I see you fuckers 5 days a week every single year. I’m not coming in on a Saturday.”
At least you get to harass yourself.
I cannot keep up with all this stuff. Are the Net Neutrality free-speechers aware in any way of the incompatibility of their righteous attempts to shut down anybody who says things they don’t like with a “free and open” internet? At some point the liberal whirling disease has to prove fatal.
my mother, about ten minutes apart.
“without NN, some sites will be blocked! or at least you’ll be charged more for!”
“I wouldn’t mind some right wing hate speech to be shut down and blocked online.”
Inter-Office Memo
Haha, great minds think alike!I think you’ll enjoy my long form inter office memo when it gets posted in the next few days!
We desperately need a “Debbie” spinoff series.
OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED ordered new ergonomic chairs today. They have built in suicide vests.
Official anthem of #metoo.
Likely posted already, but I’m too lazy to look. Razorfist on NN.
how dare you, Q. I posted that late last night!
nah. it’s a good one.
I got DOOMed.
Where do you guys think this FBI/Russiagate thing is going? I don’t see them uncovering anything big against Trump, but the congressional investigations are now finding serious partisanship in the FBI, and now they found that Comey’s statement was changed from Clinton being “grossly negligent” (which indicates criminal activity) to “oopsie! my bad!” They already have evidence of real Russian collusion, only it’s the Dems trying to get dirt on Trump via Russians.
Can/will these congressional panels do anything about this? Or will it be yet another disappointment? I’d love to see some shady partisans in power go down for this.
The irony of the people who tried to meddle in an election investigating election meddling is starting to make it into the mainstream.
That takes some major balls, to assume nobody will find out about it. Although, if Hillary had one, nobody would know about it.
Everything I’m reading about this is coming from the right. Is the MSM ignoring this, or spinning it in some way?
They were counting on winning the election and then their illegal activities would be inconsequential as they swept it all under the rug. When Trump won, they had to put a push on to misdirect attention away and/or try to pin it on Trump. I think it was a desperate gamble to try to avoid getting nailed for their misdeeds. In reality, it was just the same arrogance they displayed during the election and will come back to bite them in the ass.
God, I hope it will bite them in the ass.
I’m certain Trump will preempt any bombshell revealing Putin-DNC collusion with some absurd tweet, probably poorly worded and easily misinterpreted as racist against blacks.
Can/will these congressional panels do anything about this?
The House will likely go after it like a rabid dog, but without the support of the Senate, they won’t get much done.
I agree. The Senate is too divided to do anything even if the political will existed. The House will raise hell, but what can they really do? There isn’t a scenario where any big DNC player winds up doing time. Best-case scenario, I think maybe various reports are released and the Clinton machine is forever dismantled, which isn’t a bad ending, really.
As far as it relates to Trump, I think the dems have figured out that it won’t affect him in any meaningful way. That’s why they’re shifting the #metoo movement to focus on him. If that doesn’t work, they’ll pick some other way to target him.
What I don’t understand is why the presumption that the Russians needed to collude with anyone to try to affect the election. They could have hacked the DNC e-mails and delivered them to Wikileaks on their own. They put up the Facebook ads on their own. This is assuming they hacked into the e-mails which I’m still not %100 convinced they did.
The “collusion” was necessary to justify spying on the Trump campaign by the Obama administration/FBI/DOJ. Due to NSA snooping it is easy for the government to get access to the records of foreign nationals but there are some protections in place for US citizens. But if there’s a “link” between US citizens (Trump people) and foreigners (Russians) then the federal government can spy on domestic political opponents and claim that it’s technically not violating the law.
I predict the thing fizzles out when it becomes clear that Obama will be implicated in connection with the unmasking and so they will claim Flynn’s scalp as some sort of minor victory.
See also, Libby, Scooter.
If low wages are indeed inhibiting productivity, what can we do about it? A large corporate tax cut is unlikely to help. In an economy in which large firms enjoy market power while workers have none, such cuts will raise stock prices and dividends rather than wages and investment. Big increases in the minimum wage would certainly give companies an incentive to automate, but at the cost of jobs for the most vulnerable workers.
A better strategy would be to shift power from companies to workers, to allow workers to bargain for a bigger share of the gains from growth. Keeping companies from getting too big and too dominant would make a difference by increasing the number of companies competing for workers and the competitive pressure they face to maximize worker output.
Making it easier for workers to unionize would improve productivity, too. A strong labor movement, were one magically to appear, could bargain for higher pay, potentially pushing firms to invest in workers and new technology.
He threw me a curve ball; when he started talking about raising labor costs to encourage efficient use of labor, I thought he was going to plug the $15 minimum wage, but he veered off into “NEEDZ MOAR UNIONZ” land.
What a dope. Also, increased productivity can’t fix utterly unfulfillable pension commitments, when demographics are killing the goose who lays the golden eggs.
Ryan Avent is a senior editor at The Economist and the author of “The Wealth of Humans.”
The Economist has been completely overrun by idjits.
How about NO on that. We can stop there.
low wagesunskilled low value laborers are indeed inhibiting productivityFixed it for him.
When I think “highly productive”, I think unions. Absolutely.
Look, just because they gutted Detroit and crippled the American automotive industry for decades doesn’t mean they aren’t productive! Why, they’re almost as productive as a plague of locusts.
If low wages are indeed inhibiting productivity
What? Some of the greatest feats of engineering were constructed on wages that would be seen as unjust pittances in modern terms, adjusted for inflation. The only connection between wages and productivity is that, ideally, more productive employees get paid more than less productive ones, within an endeavor. Money doesn’t magically create productivity.
Exactly, wages follow productivity, not the other way around.
It’s amazing how much of modern “economics” is just statistical cargo culting.
This is just some labor theory of value shit put in a blender and regurgitated as something different. Lefties haven’t had any original ideas since the 20s.
“In an economy in which large firms enjoy market power while workers have none,”
What did you do with my gig economy!!!????!
Isnt this the same old marxist horseshit we have been hearing for 150 years? Every field has its perpetual motion machine.
the congressional investigations are now finding serious partisanship in the FBI
You misspelled PATRIOTISM!
Those FBI guys regret they have but one career to give to their Party.
Princeton’s tuition is $47,140/year.
Johns Hopkins is $54k. That’s 4x what it was 25 years ago.
Is it bad that my first thought was “that’s it?”
At that rate, classes should be one on one.
Also, what is the deal with “sex week”, “sexuality workshops” etc.? When I was in college I didn’t need an instruction manual on how to have sex…
People stuck in academia are even more juvenile than their students.
Something, something, phony baloney jobs, something, sweet sweet lucre.
Universities are mini-models of totalitarian communist states. All evil thoughts must be purged.
Have you read Brave New World?
I keep thinking of those endowments. These big universities are sitting on billions of dollars. They could afford to give everyone free tuition. Instead they are bitching about how the tax bill is going to hurt them. What a racket.
They could afford to give everyone free tuition.
Some of them do have endowments for this purpose, but large portions of most universities’ endowments don’t work like that. They’re often held in trusts outside the direct control of the university’s administration, they can only spend investment gains and not the principal (and in lean years they may have to reinvest some or all of their gains to meet growth targets), and their expenditures must be for specific purposes (research, athletics, facilities, etc.).
Does that include the leather outfits?
Eh. As long as there are more people than seats, it will continue to go up. This does not mean that the quality of the brand will improve.
Farewell sex is almost as good as reunion sex.
Unfortunately, no sex was had. Just deceit and manipulation.
So, just a BJ?
The only connection between wages and productivity is that, ideally, more productive employees get paid more than less productive ones, within an endeavor. Money doesn’t magically create productivity.
The shop steward would like a word with you.
Cut out commission and see what happens to your sales.
So, just a BJ?
Just blue balls and a headache from the lecture.
Paint spilled?
(as an aside, there is a bronze statue of a tiger on the capus where I went to college. It is anatomically correct, and the most common vandalism is people painting its nethers blue)
Ever fly into DIA?
Its genitals are about as big as a person. Beyond the terrifying glowing eyes, it (no shit) killed its creator.
I’ve not been west of the Mississipi yet.
Well c’mon out, we’ll have a hootenanny!
Lol. And you weren’t even married to her.
Well, you *are* a man so it was your fault. #hertoo
Unpossible. Women cannot sexually harass men, there must be some mistake.
The only woman to ever come close to sexually harassing me was the ugly fat one that told me she would let me do whatever I wanted to her because she was desperate for some man other than the usual yokels that used her a s a plat thing to pay attention to her for some reason. Guys are wired different than women when it comes to this. One thing to remember is that the innate solipsism that permeates the vast majority of women’s minds will allow them to take something they actually could have encouraged from a man years in the past, or even recently, and turn it into something bad, if they figure it will help them get something out of it. And not saying only women do this, but women seem to be real good at doing this when it comes to interaction between the sexes.
Wow, what a plot twist!
I had a very attractive woman sort-of come on to me at my previous place of work. Some thigh touching in meetings, handsy stuff. Once, on a biz trip, I got off the elevator on her floor accidentally, and she told me “I could come hang out with her.”
I demurred, because she was married to a cop.
Also forgot the client that called me “Cutie” in a meeting (and made other remarks) and that I reminded her of an ex-boyfriend. She was a large African-American woman.
I’m might’ve taken one for the team for some Big O cash, but alas, it was not her.
Tyler Perry?
When I was in college I didn’t need an instruction manual on how to have sex…
Nowadays, you need a team of observers, and a second, as if you intend a duel to the death.
Don’t forget that you need some contract, in triplicate, saying it was consensual. Be careful with a video version of that, because she can claim it was involuntary, and then these people will throw your ass under the bus for daring to fuck with their agenda.
It’s amazing how much of modern “economics” is just statistical cargo culting.
And a complete reversal of cause and effect.
How much of that is because common sense and basic economics seem so lacking these days in most people?
Nutpunch Friday
A Middletown, Ohio mother of nine died of a heroin overdose, and police want to give her young children a better Christmas.
Police were called to a house on Yankee Road on Wednesday and found Jimeta Sanders, 31, unresponsive on the kitchen floor.
Authorities said she was shooting heroin with her “supposed ‘friends,’ who then in turn left her to die in front of her nine kids.”
Police said the “friends” – described as two males — then stole her money and left the home, telling the children they were leaving to buy a 2-liter of soda.
Police believe they were a father-son duo.
God damn, nine kids. Never let it be said the woman wasn’t productive.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
Oh, man, you weren’t lying about the nutpunch, that was a tough one to get through. Good on those cops for trying to help.
So, they mention a “hard-working” father. Where’s he in all this? Unmarried, or divorced and lost custody?
He was at work.
OT: Just out of curiosity, is there a way to become another person, government identity-wise?
I’m not talking about changing your name; I mean “disappearing” yourself and resurfacing as another person with all your identity papers in order (no forgeries or fakes) and no accessible paper trail back to your former identity.
I remember reading that the French Foreign Legion (which takes foreigners) allows you to enlist under whatever name you want, and you can get French citizenship under that name by either serving 5 years or being injured in combat.
If someone served in the FFL, became a French citizen, could they then immigrate to the United States as a new person (in a legal sense) with no connection to their former identity?
Dude, just tell her you don’t want to see her anymore.
I would ask Jason Bourne. He keeps doing that sort of shit.
Pretty sure that one of the things that USCIS likes to see original proof of birth.
Doesn’t a person’s mere existence serve as proof that they were born?
I don’t think you could do that legally. It would probably be easiest to fake your own death, then apply for a new Social Security Card, Passport, etc. under a new name. Of course that would require a fake birth certificate so that kind of undercuts your no forgeries or fakes rule (on top of faking your own death being illegal). You could try your FFL thing if you want I guess. Let us know how it works out.
It’s a bit murky, but from a couple of searches I did, it seems like you have to be serving under your real name to get French citizenship, although becoming français par le sang versé (French by spilled blood) is supposedly “instantaneous”. In any case, the Foreign Legion itself will know your true identity, and the U.S. or any other country will likely be able to find out that you served in the Foreign Legion, so they may demand to know your real identity before letting you obtain local residency/citizenship.
Or, what Pomp said.
Also, it seems like getting French citizenship without injury is not easy. You can *apply* for citizenship after 3 years of service but you may not get it for a few years, if at all. Moreover, they seem to take self-inflicted injuries very seriously (their motto is “honor and fidelity” after all) and you’ll probably end up permanently barred from French citizenship if you try that route.
The only way to do this legally is to enter the federal witness protection program, which I assume isn’t an option.
Since 9/11, the government has become hyper-vigilant about this sort of thing. If you get caught, you’re toast.
From what I’ve read, the best way is to find someone born about the same time as you who died young, preferably in childhood (avoid anyone who died in the military). Get a copy of that person’s birth certificate and use that to slowly build an identity. But they are wise this and keep a watch for that.
Good luck with whatever situation makes you need to pursue this.
Thanks for the interesting replies, y’all.
I will stress that I’m not thinking of doing this; I was just wondering if such a thing is possible, and I may use it as a plot device in one of the stories that I sometimes attempt to write.
Depending on the place in time of your story, it would be possible.
Battlestar Galactica Sex Cult
Hollywood is full of people with very weak sense of self, it’s no wonder they so easily fall into cults.
And have no doubt this shit is all cultish.
They had some woman on GMA this morning talking about she was aghast when she found out that the brand she had gotten as part of the initiation ritual included the initials of the cult founder. She thought it was all on the up and up prior to that.
There are people out there who don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
That’s not a jumpsuit.
Better Alison Brie. Merry Christmas!
“Cops Catfish Obese Gay College Student Then Arrest Him for Multiple Felonies”
TW: TOS, but I couldn’t resist quoting that headline.
1. Obese and gay have nothing to do with it.
2. If a 15 year old propositions you on the internet, you should fucking know better.
3. ENB, I should have known.
We can argue about the justness of the law separately and whether a 15 year old can legally consent, but the law is well established in this arena.
There was no child here, so there should be no crime.
Especially the way these catfishing schemes usually go, which is to claim the “child” is of age until very late in the process.
How is this not entrapment?
I’m willing to entertain that the cops have better things to do and that the punishment far outstrips the crime, if it were actually committed. Yes, this is entrapment. That said, solicitation of a minor probably isn’t going away anytime soon. TOS wouldn’t be discussing it if the accused were 40 year old man chasing a 15 year old girl. It hits all the “victimhood” buttons, which are irrelevant.
ENB probably would, tbh.
This is entrapment, and it’s a bullshit non-“crime”. But it’s easier than going after actual criminals, and it let the cops make fun of the poor dude on social media.
I can’t remember, did they run stories about female teachers and young students?
Yeah, wtf does being fat have to do with anything?
Never mind that the fake kid was originally portrayed as of age and then the fake kid was retconned to be underage after the emotional hooks had been set in.
“Youngstown State Student Arrested For Trying To Trade Chicken Alfredo For Sex”
Tony|12.14.17 @ 10:58AM|#
How the fuck is it a crime to not have sex with someone who doesn’t exist?
Is someone catfishing as Tony?
Well, it’s a crime to not pay taxes on health insurance you don’t have.
Shit, I won’t even meet with supposed 18 year olds on tinder. If you can’t legally buy a drink with me, I ain’t interested. Its simply not worth the trouble.
But then again I’m not obese or gay so maybe that’s why… oh wait that has nothing to do with it.
I’m not talking about changing your name; I mean “disappearing” yourself and resurfacing as another person with all your identity papers in order (no forgeries or fakes) and no accessible paper trail back to your former identity.
I think it’s a lot harder now, but the (theoretical) technique used to be to find a child who died at birth, or shortly after Wander around a cemetery looking for extremely short birth-to-death spans, and apply for a duplicate birth certificate, and go from there. I still don’t know how you go to the DMV as an adult and apply for a learners permit and claim to never have had a drivers license before.
Interspecies Erotica
So long as the deer signed the consent forms…
Presidential hopeful wants Finland out of EU, says nationalists will bounce back
What is it with Finnish genetics? My wife is half-Finnish and looks like this woman’s sister.
Finland is the only country where people on the street regularly assumed I was a native. I wasn’t even drunk.
Family trees are more like flagpoles.
Sarcasm is apparently a dead art, or people are dumber than I thought they were.
Ummm… if you knew you were the jealous type, why were you dating a stripper?
The pics are priceless. The stock pole dancing pic particularly.
People are freaks.
How is that fugly mook with that gorgeous stripper? Gotta be low self-esteem.
Doubly funny because JB’s was the name of a long-gone chain of buffet places here.
TD’s is still around though.
This is true.
The only strip club I’ve enjoyed was Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. Quality ass there, and my girlfriend was invited to touch.
Quality ass there, and my girlfriend was invited to touch.
Do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?
“The FBI assessed last year that it was “reasonably likely” that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had been infiltrated by hostile foreign actors.
But that assessment was watered down in remarks prepared last year for then-FBI Director James Comey. It was replaced with softer language stating that it was “possible” that hostile actors had gained access to Clinton’s server, which contained thousands of classified documents.”
The more of this shit comes out, the more it looks like the whole “Trump stole the election with help from Russia” circus is nothing but a way to delay the inevitable that would have to happen if justice was to prevail when facts about how the Obama crime syndicate thought it would rig things and then hand the reigns of power to the Clinton crime syndicate so it could be business as usual.
We no longer have a nation of laws, and we do have a political swamp.
Well, they appear to be tripping over their own dick. #MeToo seems to be knocking a hole in the levee.
Signs point to yes.
Did anyone notice Glibs got name-checked in a link from TOS during their donation drive?
Yeah, someone posted their mention here and it generated quite a bit of, um, spirited debate, as to what exactly Welch meant and whether it was sincere.
Nice. I see no reason to assume that it isn’t sincere. I could see if it were someone else, but Matt always seemed to be willing to play in the mud without getting butthurt.
“This ENTIRE Family Is Transgender
A local news station in Arizona ran a glowing piece on a family that is in transition — as in, the entire family, including the two young children, are all transgender.
Daniel Harrot, the “father” of the family, is a 41-year-old biological female who identifies as a man.”
No, those children are not transgender. Their parents are assholes.
Well, those kids are fucked.
Boob news.
I have two takeaways. One, shocker, even when you pump them full of estrogen, men’s bodies aren’t meant to look like women’s bodies. Two, if this whole marriage thing doesn’t work out, I’m moving to Russia or one of the nordic countries.
That isn’t the least bit surprising.
Methodology does not correct for fatties.
Why did you link that Q? I now need to scrub my fucking brain…
You know, I saw these people on television yesterday. The first thing I thought was “power couple.”
I’ve never watched this show before. Who could find this appealing as even background noise? Fuck.
A follow-on from my scotch review last night: the hangover is very mild, despite draining nearly half the bottle. Yes, I am a lush.
Yes, I am a
Who am I supposed to hate here? Everyone?
Well, not June. She’s adorable!
I can’t make sense of any of that, nor do I want to try.
Here is a decent response:
“Idiots: “Trans women shouldn’t be allowed in the womens’ bathroom because it will lead to molestation and rape”
Also idiots: *pulls down a child’s pants in the bathroom*
(as if that’s a thing that really happened and isn’t another “then everybody slow clapped” internet story)”
This will help you make sense of all that
This is hilarious:
Oh yeah, I saw that one. The chick that “teaches” on the kids channel is creepy as fuck.
Is shoe0nhead libertarian? I can’t really see where she stands on these issues.
No. She considers herself center-left or even firmly left. But she is anti-progressive SJW crap.
She isn’t a libertarian. As far as I can tell, she’s politically moderate, often left of center, but against the identity politics and insanity of the far left.
These anti-sjw youtubers slightly perplex me. I enjoy watching them mock and take down the SJWs… and a lot of them have very “libertarianish” views. It just doesn’t seem consistent for them to not apply some of that same reasoning to other political topics. ex: Blair White on NN is kinda disappointing.
FAO Kristen, if you’re lurking around, the Honorable Justice Don Willett of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has reappeared on Twitter.
Fun fact: FDR proclaimed today Bill of Rights Day.
The one day of the year you can exercise your rights?
Sweet nothings.
I’m sure he meant the second bill of rights. Not that useless thing by those dead white guys.
He wanted to upend the entire constitution over a phrase that was added as an afterthought to keep from having to use the word ‘property’. Fuck that guy.
Justice Willett is currently on the supreme court of Texas. He has been nominated to a judgeship on the federal 5th circuit, but not yet confirmed.
He apparently defeated Steve Smith (no relation to our Sasquatch) in an election.
He was confirmed this week, on a party line 50-47 vote.
party line vote? fucking give me a break. did the AMA rate him unqualified too?
What’s this now?
D senators lied their asses off to impune Willet’s character and judicial record to give themselves kleenex cover for their foregone opposition votes against Trumphitler.
The Republican-dominated Congress has been evaluating and confirming nominees at a comparatively bracing pace after years of partisan delay tactics under the Barack Obama administration.
Wasn’t the media complaining a few months ago that the Trump administration wasn’t filling vacancies fast enough?
If The Hat and The Hair is late again today, I say we riot! Who is with me? *Lights molotov cocktail, realizes that’s a waste of liquor and extinguishes flame*
I wouldn’t notice if it were late – or absent
*flips keyboard*
*lights TK’s keyboard on fire*
*blasts keyboard with a plasma rifle*
Too much?…
Damn you Ajit Pai!
No, those children are not transgender. Their parents are
assholescrazy.Por que no los dos?
Can anyone with an interest in college football explain to me why all these high profile players are sitting their teams bowl games out? Is it just a matter of them not wanting to hurt themselves, and since their team isn’t in a playoff they don’t care, or something else?
One bad injury hurts draft stock. for a game that doesn’t really matter. you can lose millions if you break yourself in that game your senior year.
Can anyone with an interest in college football explain to me why all these high profile players are sitting their teams bowl games out?
I suspect it’s because they don’t want to risk an injury which would adversely affect their earning power. Maybe they just want to study for finals.
If you are going high in the NFL draft, why take the chance?
Its just a Meaningless Exhibition Game (MEG).
It’s not just the high draft guys. I saw one player indicate that he’s hoping for late second/early third but if he gets hurt is worried he’ll go undrafted.
That’s pretty much it. No need to risk the injury. Jake Butt played last year, got injured, and probably dropped 3 rounds in the process.
I want to move to Finland.
Fin Land
whyever for?
Remember: Compulsory military service
Do any of you Glibs know anything about cricut vinyl cutting machines. My wife wants one for christmas. I don’t know the first thing about them. There’s several models and I don’t know the difference between them
My wife has the expensive one. It really depends on what you want to do with it. There are a bunch of features that you can get as you move up the chain, some more useful than others.
I’m thinking mostly vinyl iron on type stuff, but who knows if she really gets into it.
If it is as simple as that, I don’t foresee you needing anything too fancy, I think any of those cricuts will work.
Yeah, that expensive one could even be used for a skin suit. I mean, you know, in theory.
BTW, love that avatar.
Their website does a pretty good idea of breaking down the models and their capabilities. The main difference seems to be range of materials.
I’ll light the SP signal when she gets back later. I gave her one last year, and she’s quite expert at the product line and uses.
That would be great OMWC. Thanks.
whyever for?
Thoroughbred blondes.
Sexually liberated blondes.
Head down to ASU if that is all you are looking for.
^^^This guy most certainly gets it.
know anything about cricut vinyl cutting machines.
Like decal cutters? I personally don’t but I had a couple of friends who did custom decals. The machines are slick, no doubt about it.
Yeah. That’s what she wants to do.