
So I shouldn’t talk about Barenpark soon?
So I go from jaundiced to my standard skin tone… sounds about right.
I can’t believe it took Germans to come up with this. SMDH
The German love of board games is… strange. I haven’t even touched on the difference in gaming cultures (AmeriTrash vs. JASE’s). I was just entertained that Barenpark had to put this disclaimer in the manual: “No, koalas aren’t bears but they’re so cute, we couldn’t leave them out of this game!”.
On reflection STEVE is way to smooth, More Hairy, More Scary edition
For the Rockettes wouldn’t it be lesbian bear porn?
Go on…
Just out of curiosity, what is bear porn? Is that two hairy guys having sex?
Can give us a ruling?
Passing across the middle in the end zone late in the game against the Pats. WFT. Did Tomlin hire Pete Carroll to call plays?
“the accuser said: ‘It wasn’t against my will or anything.'”
Now I don’t believe her.
A hat tip for the COA would be nice!
The last time I asked for a hat-tip, I got a cat-butt instead.
A cat butt I can deal with. I just don’t want a rape.
By definition, if you wanted it, it wouldn’t be a rape.
That’s not what the chic in the story said.
She wanted to be raped and then filed rape charges against the guy when he didnt rape her.
The moral to the story is DON’T STICK IT IN CRAZY.
Also, don’t bet your fantasy playoff hopes on Antonio Brown’s toe.
40,000 texts about some guy is totally not crazy.
I was trying to find the clip from the movie Choke dealing with this. Don’t try to search for the rape fantasy scene from the movie Choke. There are no good search phrases for this.
“Police sources pointed out that no investigation is carried out by one officer alone, ‘and this case, like all investigations, was overseen by the officer’s line managers’.”
“It wasn’t just one of us being a scumbag, we all suck.” Doesn’t sound like a wise defense.
If you haven’t done it already, remember to vote for the best rack of 2017!
Polls close at 7:00 MST (the only time zone that matters). Top 5 will be then put into a runoff.
Runoff is a good idea. I didn’t vote because as a chick, I can’t help but look at the faced too, so I feel unqualified to judge on pure racket. But good luck with your survey.
It’s not pure rackage. It’s never pure rackage.
The answer is the girl in the white dress.
Thanks for figuring out that I meant pure rackage. I am going to turn the damned autocorrect off this new phone.
Just go with your personal preference, whatever you think you’d want if you were gonna go that way (same for Rhywun/Jesse/anyone else).
The girl in the white dress, as far as we know, has not denied that she used to be a dude and tortured kittens in her/his youth.
The only correct vote is for the hot asian chic in the pool.
*This ad was paid for by the American Council Supporting Hot Asian Girls (ACSHAG’s)
OK, I finally clicked. They’re all squashed. The pics, too.
C’mon, even Old Man Yusef can Auto correct for Photoshop
I made it to Fredericksburg, VA! Took some good advice to stay at the Marriott in the historic district instead of slumming it right outside where I am working the next two days. Very charming area.
I think I will go try to catch some football and a meal before everything closes.
Happy New week, Glibs!
A quick search shows a brewery nearby that offers Crowlers, as well as non-alcoholic drinks (root beer, and coffee). Just in case you want to bring a gift back to Mr. Splosive. At least three of the beers on tap look interesting to me…
I’ll make a note of It! I hope to have spare time Tuesday. We will see.
Just in case you were unaware, Crowlers are 32 ounce cans that are filled from a tap, and sealed at the brewery. They’re generally good for up to a week after being sealed, with the caveat that you need to finish it all once you crack it. They pack well, and have much less breakage then a growler or bottles.
From what I know, the technology for them was developed by Oskar Blues, and licensed to other breweries and bars. To me, it’s one of the best bar/brewery innovations in the past two decades.
back in my day, we wore an onion on our belt, and they called them “Growlers”. “2 Growlers for 10 bees” we’d say.
A Growler is a 64 oz (or 2 liter) jug. There’s also an option called a Howler (which I originally thought was a typo) which is a 32 oz jug.
yeah, i thought your “c” thing was a typo.
its all a little silly. It makes me feel like ordering a “venti” at starbucks. “GIMME THE BIG ONE”
I’ll say as a cyclist, I’m much more friendly to carrying two or three 32 oz cans vs. one or two 64 oz bottles. And the fact that a crowler is generally considered good for 6-12 days versus a growler being good for 2-3 days.
I’ll say, as a heavy drinker, that 1-2 growlers are probably better than 2 or 3 crowlers.
I’ve never used their stupid language the few times I’ve been there.
Number.6, the 32 oz cans store longer then a 64 oz jug. While I have no issue killing a growler in a night, I am much more willing to settle down with the challenge of killing a 32 oz can in a night. There’s also several local (to me) bars that offer crowlers of anything they have on tap, generally at a lower price then getting the same sized container filled at the brewery.
amen brother.
when i was in nashville, i used to pine for proper deli food, which was hard to find in the south. one day, a sandwich chain opened up near campus, and to my joy they served *pastrami on rye* (swoon).
i can’t remember how shitty the pastrami was, but i didn’t really care, it was still something i yearned for. So i go to the place when they open… and they’re one of these places that gives their sandwiches *silly names*
The pastrami thing was called “The Presidential Pardon”. Why? I have no fucking idea. It doesn’t even make sense. Its like, would you call a PB+J something other than that? Why? there’s no point. Its *what it is*. I can understand brand-naming shit if its some semi-complex thing and you’ve got some proprietary combination of stuff that make your sandwich the bomb (see: The Monte Cristo,or the Caesar Salad )… but this was some low-grade pastrami on rye (w/cole slaw and russian, i think was the combo, which was still nothing outside the norm).
so i get to the counter and go, “I’ll have the pastrami”. Lady is like, “say the name”, and i’m steadfast, “i think you know which one i mean. There’s only 1”.
She instantly sees where i’m coming from, but, because she’s bored, she’s like: “SAY THE NAME”.
And being the NY’r in Nashville, i’m making a stand on principle on an issue that matters to me: “listen, i’m paying you money, please don’t make me feel like i’m ordering some dessert with sparklers in it at a kids birthday party. all i want is a sandwich, and i would really love it if i could have one without humiliating myself in the process”
…by this point we’re both actually laughing. Meanwhile, the guy next to me is like some 60yr old truck driver from Alabama, and he’s like, “I’ll have me one of them Super Duper Shoe Shines”
And she arches her eyebrows and is like, “See? he has no problem with it? why do you have to go undermining a perfectly good system?”
It went on like this for a few minutes. I eventually got my sandwich, and it was so blah and disappointing i never went back. But i still never forgot that moment. There are some times when you say: please don’t make me play your silly name-games. I still do that @ starbucks. I refuse to call their shit “grande/venti” or whatever.
You have to say the number!
LOL – I’ve never seen the whole movie and I have it on DVD. Oh well maybe next weekend
i sometimes have mixed feelings about Gilliams talent, but that movie is a complete slam dunk/home run/masterpiece.
its pretty much perfect in every way. its so good, it undermines his entire repertoire that came after it. you keep wondering, “why is this so half-assed compared to *that* (brazil)”
*googles furiously*
I loved 12 Monkeys, hated Fear and Loathing, dunno or indifferent about the rest.
this is actually the very normal and to-be-expected reaction to Gilliam’s work, much of which is overdone.
(ignoring all monty python stuff)
Brazil, 12 monkeys, time bandits: excellent, and in some cases bordering on genius.
The Fisher King, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen : great, but not things you’ll go back to
everything else: dogshit, pretty much
A “Growler” is also a nickname for a really hearty dump.
I can see old, well-loved institutions getting away with that crap. Not a new restaurant. And not Starbucks because nobody loves Starbucks.
I buy the 32 oz cans when I am elk hunting and take them home with me. I have never had them last longer than a month or two and none hasever turned bad or skunky on me. You can buy them in local stores or they will fill them for you right in the brewery.
I will use this opportunity to put in a plug for an outstanding small brewery in Cathlamet, Washington. If you are exploring the lower Columbia River do buy River Mile 38 beer (aka RM38). All the beers I have tried have been outstanding, even if I did not care for the style. I drank a crowler of their Hard Over Hefeweizen while watching the Steelers screw to the Pats (spit). I enjoyed the beer much more than the final score.
While you are there, take a walk up on the Sunken Road about 10pm. A hundred and fifty five years ago on Dec. 13th, the Union Army took thousands of casualties right in front of the road.
Spooky as hell, especially if no one else is around (hope STEVE SMITH occupied elsewhere). If it’s cold and clear, look to see if the Northern Lights are flickering in the sky.
THAT is a definite will do! Not this time necessarily, but I will be back!
If you have an hour you can also run the short distance down to Chancellorsville and see where Stonewall Jackson was shot by his own troops. The Battle of the Wilderness was fought over the immediately adjacent ground. That entire area is fascinating.
Another spooky site is the Mule Shoe at Spottsylvania. I visited it the first time a day after the anniversary of that assault and was there by myself as a thunderstorm approached. It raised the hairs on my neck and arms.
Cool. Lots of history here. I have indulged in Maryland sites a few times when I am stuck in Aberdeen, but never checked out VA.
In other news, the Job Offeror from last week emailed and happens to be coming to this town in a couple of days too, with his group that I know. He mentioned a brewery he couldn’t remember the name of, so I emailed back the Red Dragon? And also mentioned a friend had said a visit to the Sunken Road was worth it. In a very few minutes, I got this back:
Head hurts again…
Missed your post but if you’re in the area a few more days – check out Park Lane Tavern by the mall (also across from Paragon theaters) – excellent selection of beers, lots of whiskey options (I have yet to test flights or anything else with them) and generally excellent food. This time of year, I expect their bread pudding would be even better.
I was a weekly regular there when I worked at Dahlgren – still try and make it back there every couple of months but unless I can mesh it with another errand (ie. Total Wine), a little out of the way from Cville.
Cool. Might not make it this time because of the tight sched and needing to get back home for holidays. But Dahlgren is why I am here and that will continue to be the case into next year, so I will be back.
Hmm so Anti-Slavery Republicans helped bring about Communism:
Kinda messes up the notion of Welch and Gillespie that the anti-slavery Republicans were all proto-libertarians while Slaver Democrats were proto-commies with their anti-industrialist views.
One of the interesting things about Trump is how the traditional (i.e. since the 1970s) libertarian view of the two party system is falling apart. I am speaking of the “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” term which is based on the assumption that libertarianism is a combination of Democratic Social Policies and Republican Fiscal Policies. However as we have seen Republicans aren’t particularly fiscally conservative while “social liberals” actually do want the government to intervene in social issues. Modern leftists don’t seem too supportive of free speech, freedom of association or opposed to war or the surveillance state. Hell the LP isn’t supportive of these much either.
Part of it is simply romanticising the 1960s-1970s. Republicans had been big spenders since Eisenhower and many of those “socially liberal” Democrats were gun-grabbing and supportive of communism. Not to mention is the welfare state really “getting out” of social issues?
Another part is a misunderstanding of the socons. The modern socons grew out of Southern Baptists and Catholics. Two groups that were traditional Democrats. Northern Mainline Protestants were traditionally Republican and were quite interventionist on social issues. Also modern Progressivism grow out of this movement as well so the notion that socon/solib dichotomy wasn’t nearly as simple as libertarians assumed.
Eddie himself liked to point that the anti-Catholic anti-immigrant Know-Nothings were in many ways precursors to the modern progressives. Or how prohibition, regarded as the ne plus ultra of bible belters, were supported by many progressives and suffragettes.
Not to mention that a lot of this anti-Catholicism was the belief that Catholics were all a bunch of reactionaries. Hence the need for public schools of course,
I’m kind of feeling like “the friend” needs a little talking to here as well. basically, “other people knew it was bunk”, but they kept mum?
Are the SJWs proving that “there is such thing as bad publicity”? Artists have some time been told that they should be transgressive and only humorless prudes would dare disapprove so you ignore them. However they are bringing back the notion that art must have some moral or didactic purpose. And you better not do anything that offends people who shouldn’t be offended.
Completely unrelated to any links, can I just say that I’ve really enjoyed Halt and Catch Fire? I’m finally catching up on the final season on Netflix.
What does STEVE SMITH think of The Red Green Show?
as i was pointing out the other night (hope that works)… the only way the police can respond to the massive spike in ‘rape reporting’ is to pretend they’re all legitimate even when they know they are not.
in short: there’s massive institutional pressure on cops and prosecutors to *get more rape convictions*, whether they’re real or not.
the link from 2008 showed how the only response govt is capable of is, “prosecute harder”.
You think anyone in govt going to admit, “we get 3X as many rape claims than we did 10 years ago, when crime is declining everywhere; most of these reports aren’t ‘rape’ at all.”?
the pressure is on the legal system to make rape convictions easier. you think these low-level cops “fucked up”? no, they did what they were told to do. they aid the prosecutors.
I enjoyed your rant the other night. I agree with you.
Rack poll closed!
New poll with runoff for top 5 coming in a few minutes.
My team is giving yours a shot in the arm.
You’re welcome.
I thought figure skating was only during the olympics.
Who’s team is tour’s and who is his ?
Are you talking about glibs fantasy ?
Hawks just smoked the Wild.
Cripple fight, really.
I just finished watching The Last Jedi about an hour ago and already can recall barely a thing from it. It’s really that memorable.
I was hoping there’d be a Half in the Bag for it tonight. I gave up going to see them in theaters.
Terrible. So many plot holes (huge plot holes, not nit picks), inconsistent characters, Ray is still a Mary Sue and already a better Jedi than Luke, and terrible 5th grade humor. The good news is people seem to be over Star wars and are calling it out. Only a 50 on Rotten Tomatoes.
The news is that bad reviews are fake news.
They fucking love science!
I’m not going to post spoilers, but my friends and I made a list of things that objective don’t make sense. Plot holes, coincidences, completely out of character things. It was long. The humor is subjective, but I found it dumb. HAHA look at Luke milk the nipple of an ugly CGI alien. So funny (since Luke has always been the funny character). It’s funny how whenever anything negative is said, it must be trolling and can’t be because people legitimately don’t like it. I’m having flash backs to the Ghostbusters remake.
Oh and I don’t want to be that guy…I really really don’t, but I have to because it’s so in your face. LITERALLY EVERY bad guy is a white male (except whatever Snoak is) and LITERALLY EVERY person in power of the resistance is a woman, and every other person with a line is a minority (except the established Luke Skywalker). I wouldn’t care if I didn’t know Disney pulled that shit all the time, but you can’t not notice it and it is intentional.
IMDb completely fucked up their reviews too, in that you can no longer sort them. And apparently people who wrote hundreds (or even thousands) of reviews can’t access them from the site.
Of course one guinea pig turned into 2.
At least I have beer.
You can fit two on the rotisserie.
Ladies, he’s single!
Mr T is a Muslim?
Could be…..
The Future of America is…Pain.
/ hat tip
You aren’t mentioned here, are you?
Fuck I hope not.
Good video though. Yes, the governmemt is nothing but a crime syndicate.
Fine… I missed the first one.
Done. And it was an easy choice for me.
Awesome. How long should we leave it open? I’m thinking Tuesday.
No idea, dude.
Sigh! Bump it in the morning thread, and make the cutoff noon tomorrow….must I think of everything for you aimless mammals?!?!!?
OK, I do have some input here.
Some of us can’t glib at work so it should last at least until Tue.
OK, Tuesday it is for non-work Glibbers.
So you never did figure out how to not get the images all stretched out, did you?
If by figure out, you mean didn’t bother to look, then yes.
My minxy made it!
So did mine. I am glad I earned my “I Voted” sticker in the primaries.
All of them.
None of the Asians made it ?
So much lacistism.
Deplorable , the lot of you.
I know this while site is infested with programmers amd IT professionals. Along those lines, do any of you programmers have any experience with industrial computer programming. Specifically Allen Bradley PLC5 software. More generally building and tuning PID or ePID loops. I have been learning the former and studying on the latter. I can write programs well in PLC500 and PLC5000 and am am able to usually make existing PID loops run, I would like to be able to build them from scratch.
Sorry, I do insurance business stuff.
The insurance business would be a great place for a PID loop.
Process variable = customer
P gain = how risky the customer is
I gain = how often you can forsee the customer making claims
D gain = how much you think the risk of the customer will change in future.
Output=what to charge customer.
You probably have no idea what I’m talking about, and that’s okay.
no, what you’re describing is an entire profession called “actuaries”
although other areas of finance are becoming more automated, like trading and some aspects of dumb-advisory-stuff (like, plug in your assets/age/income/objectives, and it spits out formulaic portfolios)
Yeah, this. Quite familiar with the stuff 🙂
Gilmore, I’m shooting from the hip here. I know nothing about insurance. I do know how to make a motor run at exactly the speed you want it to or make a gas valve open and close at a rate that maintains a desired temperature inside a furnace. I was just being glib. I’m sure that my area of knowledge of how to control stuff would be worth nothing in the insurance industry.
“I was just being glib”
You’re in the right place.
i wasn’t even busting your balls Lach. just pointing out your correct observation that “x demand should have y systemic possible solution” is the purview of an entire category of employee, who build complex risk-models to do exactly that.
Don’t worry dude. I don’t know anything about your work either. Specialization FTW.
Dude, if you didn’t do what you do. many people wouldn’t have the basics of life, no shit, I couldn’t do my job without you guys,
insurance is….. tough? i’m sure it is.
I supported a company that did that back in the day. Currently, of those who may reply I believe that’s actually Warty’s specialty.
My boy stayed with his grandpa today. He completed his first wood shop project today. He made a deer blind, because that’s what he wanted to make.
I always enjoy the photos of your son – thanks for sharing.
That sounds weird….
You know, I thought that after posting. Disclaimer – I am female and have sons old enough to bear grandchildren.
Not helping.
A freak! Libertarian Woman! AAAAGGHHHH!!!!
I’m expecting 7 Grandkids, the candy flows….
I don’t think it’s wierd. It’s probably more wierd that I post pics of my boy on this site.
The way I think of it though is-
I am raising a boy that I love to death and is great. I also raise him in a manner that is somewhat consistent with glibertarian principles. I teach him how to do things, give him freedom when warranted, expect things from him, do cool shit wit him, and then do some more teaching.
He’s a great kid and I think he’s even better because of how my wife and I treat him. He’s going to be six in March and he already knows how to do stuff that some 18 years old couldn’t manage.
Sir, I enjoy the pics we put up, it was the comment by RAH that sounded odd, i replied in jest, that is all
I think you’re a great dad based upon the pics you post.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks, I try.
I’m a millenial. Someone in my generation has to raise independent, stong minded, liberty friendly kids.
He’s a good looking kid. Seems my son was that age just a few days ago, but he’ll be 16 in March. Everything everyone tells you about them growing up fast is the truth. It seems like the days can last forever, especially when they won’t go to sleep! But the years go by like you’re on fast forward.
Thanks. this is a family friendly website after all
that’s cute as hell. what’s all over his face?
Spaghetti sauce. We just ate dinner. He’s currently in the ole bath tub.
Next He’ll be making Swords and shields and various Spears like someones Son,
/ i know that guy
I burned up a half dozen Sawzall blades this month cutting through a shingle roof on my house. Every one of those blades he picked up and taped to the end of a stick to make a spear.
I had one of those, they are shit tons of fun
Hope you had some quality time with the missus.
I was working yesterday when she had her company christmas party. She got home about an hour after I did. She was lit up like a Christmas tree. I absolutely took advantage of her between the hours of 9-12pm last night. =:)
Good thing you’re not in college. 🙂
There’s something to being married. It’s good and it’s bad. it has ups and downs and challenges and success. On the whole, I enjoy being married more than I enjoyed being a single guy (and I really enjoyed being a single guy)
You have a happy family.
I’m happy. And I’m pretty sue they are. That’s good enough for me..
What’s he got against deer that can see ?
Rack runoff will close at 7:00 MST (the only time zone that matters) on Tuesday.
All hail, the Master of Boobies!
/respect, and Bobies
Just got around to checking the Bills-Dolphins score.
I do remember the Dolphins being our most hated rival when I lived in Buffalo
On my drive home.from work this evening, I heard that the owner of the Carolina panther is eloping his franchise after SI ran a #metoo article about him. I will be curious to see if the valuation of an NFL franchise is down because of the protests and whatnot.
I dunno whether to take that as an admission of guilt or just fuckit I’m old and I don’t want to deal with this shit.
I would guess it’s a bit of both.
OTOH really rich guys didn’t get really rich by selling when the market is going up.
He’s probably guilty (in that they have evidence of payoffs and all), and doesn’t want to deal with the press fallout and the NFL “investigations”. So it’s easier to take a ~$2.5-$3 billion payday and walk off into the sunset.
Someone on here posted the other day that there won’t be an NFL in 25 years. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that happen in the slightest.
Between the concussions and the way the game is played these days (when did it become so boring?) I just see pro ball continuing to decline.
College football is so much more fun in so many ways — in fact, my wife and I are off to Nashville next week to see our alma mater in a bowl game there. But the college game probably won’t survive either, at least not at its present level, without the draw of the pros for players after graduation.
Yet who knows? Maybe the college game would go back to being played with actual students on the teams, perhaps even maintaining its same level of fun and ‘rah! rah! school!’ without the need for the superstar talent and all the crap that goes along with that ($8 million a year coaches, recruiting scandals, etc.)
No bowl game for me this year!
“Formula One’s ‘outdated’ use of grid girls under ‘strong review'”
Posted to a track group I follow, it caused one helluva dust-up. I nearly won Buzzword Bingo by the number of people being called bigots and sexists. They even threw in abortion for good measure! Most of the female followers huffed about how horrible it is to participate in a male-dominated industry, half the males white-knighted, half the males beat their chests, and the few grid girls in the group basically told everyone to stop telling them how to make their money. It was great.
Also, fuck these people. Keep your PC horseshit out of my favorite hobby.
It is curious I haven’t seen that come up a LOT sooner – along with Racequeens (or is that just the Japanese term?) (we’ve already seen Booth Babes disappear in most US conventions from what I hear). Is it that the audiences really don’t intersect?