Today I present some simple-yet-tasty spice mixes that make great gifts. For an extra pretty presentation, layer the ingredients in a decorative container without mixing. Make sure you include instructions to mix thoroughly before using!
But, wait, there’s more! Scroll down for a special bonus chai spice mix from Webdominatrix.
These look interesting. Thanks!
I am making a Linzertorte for a work Christmas potluck.
I could eat that!
We’ll see if I have leftovers. It’s in the oven now.
Take a photo!
I guess I’d have to sign up for imgur to share it?
Or, email it to me at sp@ this domain and I’ll post it for you.
Whoa… great timing. I heard the oven buzzer go off. Picture soon.
If you get a picture of a guy without pants, it’s not me.
E-mail sent.
I’m dying here!
Corvina tacos
Thanks for the spice mixes SP. I’m really big on those.
You’re welcome.
I like the Creole, looks tasty
Fess up, SP. Have you always wanted to be known as a Spice Girl?
Um, no? But can I have the money?
UCS hardest hit.
Substitute cornstarch for all ingredients
LOL why is my moutghhffthggh
I can’t wait to try Web’trix’s Chai mix. That sounds very good! We have everything here except vanilla powder. I’ve never looked for it, but I also don’t remember seeing it. Is that a common find in the spice aisle?
You have to go to the rainforests of Costa Rica and harvest it by hand.
Do I scrape it off the back of vanilla tree frogs?
For the really good stuff, go to a U-Pick vanilla bean farm on one of the French Polynesian islands.
Mmm, good sniffins.
As I was driving down VDM the other day, the Air Tahiti Nui A340 passed directly overhead.
I thought “Man, those people are having a better day than I am!”
It was snowing on my drive this morning. Tomorrow is probably going to be chains. I’ll take some of that SoCal weather you’re having…
75 again by Sunday.
Oh…. you mean the fires….
Amazon has it if nobody does in the frozen wasteland in which you reside.
I’d like to say something witty, but it’s currently 5 above headed for a low of -4. So, yeah…you pretty much called it.
temperature neutrality now?
wait, that’ll make it -4 everywhere…
Damn, I’m cold at 53 going to 39 and rain
My taco seasoning nearly identical, but with masa and cornstarch as thickeners.
If you want the authentic Taco Bell experience, you have to add thickeners and water.
I -like all sane people- prefer Chipotle. Do you have a recipe for their taco seasoning?
I shouldn’t be telling you this because most of my research is proprietary, but the secret ingredient is in the second paragraph of this article.
Sigh. I really doubt Chipotle is any better or worse than any other restaurant on this stuff but people do like to pile on.
You know how many people have died eating McDonalds? None.
Chipotle has a choice to make. Organic locally sourced non-GMO, or high volume. Pick one.
I’d still be betting against them, but honestly, I didn’t think it was going to get this bad.
OK, I’ll eat my words *if* it is provably worse.
I still think there’s a pile-on effect here. A couple employees get sick and the stock tumbles? Come on. Every time a person stubs their toe in the vicinity of a Chipotle, it makes the news.
PS. I do think the organic non-GMO stuff is a scam.
Is that Sinaloan slang for diarrhea?
I originally developed it for a diabetic friend, so kept the carbs to a minimum. But, yes, to thickeners!
Masa for the win, awesome for Chili mixes
You can buy Taco Bell brand seasoning at the supermarket.
bookmarked forever.
this is tops.
If you suck up any harder, you’ll leave a mark.
Right!? Very sad!
BTW, could you please let SP know that I think her spice recipes are the bomb?
I don’t go to fancy cooking sites! i need that stuff here!
I hear some people like hickeys.
/teenage girl
Here is my general purpose BBQ rub for pork and chicken. I also cut the sugar level and increase the black pepper for beef.
1/2 cup paprika (Hungarian or smoked for more kick)
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons mustard powder
1/4 cup chile powder
1/4 cup ground cumin
2 tablespoons ground black pepper
1/4 cup granulated garlic
2 tablespoons cayenne (or less to taste)
Combine ingredients in a container and mix thoroughly.
That looks great! Now I just need a non (((vegetarian))) husband.
Go on…
Dude, she’s EIGHT. Have some decency!
I use it on veg ( grilled corn) and bean dishes as well. I also sprinkle on Mrs Time’s tempeh when indirect grilling.
Yeah, but you got me craving pork chops. *sigh*
SP’’s taco seasoning is very close to my own, but I add 1 tbs of flour to thicken. Brown protein, remove grease, add enough water or beer to cover protein, add spice mix, stir, reduce liquid over a simmer until thick.
That sounds delicious. Good thing it’s dinner time here!
You lost me at “remove grease”
The remove grease step is closer to minimize the grease. Otherwise with ground pork or chorizo your going to have to eat the taco like a cheesesteak ( with arms out to the sides with your back hunched over to keep the grease off the shirt and sleeves).
If you’re talking about REAL chorizo (those $.99 logs of ground cow lymph nodes and salivary glands seasoned with paprika), then yes, I absolutely agree. Those are probably north of 40% fat. Delicious, but you have to drain it.
Standard 80/20 ground beef, I leave it as is. I made it for dinner last night, actually. I gave the kids firsts and seconds, and then I made things interesting with jalapeño powder.
The real deal chorizo in the liver worst tube. It makes great egg tacos as well. I don’t drain when making with eggs however.
That’s the stuff. It took me a minute to remember the brand name here: Cacique.

Yeah, eggs fried in chorizo fat is…. very very good. I drain AFTER the eggs are fried.
Back when I didn’t know better and used to overcook the shit out of ground beef, I had to drain a ton of grease. Now I know you’re right, if you cook it right, there isn’t a whole lot.
If you thicken with cornstarch or flour, the fat magically disappears!
Saved that one, maybe Saturday
It makes al lot of rub, I store mine in old atlas tomato sauce jars.
SP, I submitted a short piece just now, it’s kind of timely, take a look please,
Received. While I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s funny. I’ll post it up after dinner. 🙂
I am glad you got it, and I thank you
Sorry to go OT, but I think I’ve been hacked. Weird shit keeps happening on my PC (not to mention my elec grid). Anyone who deals in PC security have any advice?
Is that why we haven’t had a Secret Nazi President for a while? Sad!
Effing Ruskies!
Do you have a panic room…?
Sorry. Unfortunately, I can’t help. I used to work on firewalls, but I’m a bit far removed from that work and I never was a PC security guy.
Format your HD.
Wear 3X as much Axe body spray as you think is tolerable. Trust me, if your eyes aren’t watering, its not working.
Note: Axe actually works for the above 40 crowd, the old Biddies don’t recognize it, and think it’s another flavor or Drakkar Noir
Above 50 crowd, sorry yunguns
Go on…
To be honest I’m not 100% sure what exactly it smells like. I just know when my eyes start watering and I’m surrounded by chavs, it’s probably Axe.
Um… Tell me more about the electric grid.
Electric connections keep going out. Slowly, but constantly. There’s one room in the house where there aren’t any lights at this point.
That’s probably not hacking.
You might need a visit from your local utility and/or electrician.
If your electricity is spiking it can make your computer go hinky. Is it plugged into a surge protector?
Here’s DEG’s linzertorte. Lucky coworkers!
Looks reealy yummy, recipe?
?joking, can i come over?
Hier is the Linzertorte recipe I used. As you can see, mine doesn’t look as good as theirs, but this is not the first time I’ve followed this recipe. Regardless of looks, I know it produces an excellent tasting Linzertorte.
Before I leave for work tomorrow, I will sprinkle it with powdered sugar.
I took two short cuts. Instead of making raspberry preserves like the recipe calls for, I bought a jar of preserves which didn’t include high fructose corn syrup. I couldn’t find whole hazelnuts, unlike the last time I made this recipe, but I could find hazelnut flour. I used the flour instead.
Cool ,thanks I’m onna try it. Wifey and i are inspired by all the cooking that goes on here and are going to do some recipes,
Thanks to all you guys!
You’re welcome! Let us know how it comes out.
OH! Traditionally Linzertorte uses red currant. I couldn’t find red currant preserves. I found red currant preserves the last time I made a Linzertorte, but it used high fructose corn syrup. I wanted to avoid high fructose corn syrup because European cooking doesn’t use high fructose corn syrup. From what I’ve read, if they need a sugar syrup, they make up a simple syrup type concoction.
I also didn’t line the edge with slivered almonds because I didn’t have any. After having to go to the store a second time because I forgot to buy some ingredients, I wasn’t going to head to the store a third time for another forgotten ingredient which is optional.
That Pie, I say ,that pie is more off center than a one legged wide out.
That looks really good
Well, you shitlords know how it is. It’s the holidays, and yet there are oppressors who are trying to keep us from doing what holidays are meant for doing. Which is drankin, amitire?
So, I’m sad today, there is not time for doing what privileged shitlords are supposed to be doing. there is stuff that needs drankin and it ain’t being dranked. Can we get a law?
Haz a sad
Why for you no Drank? It looks like nice assortment…
I have to go see clients tomorrow morning and arrive at 7am.
I don’t do mornings, and certainly not morning meetings with clients. If they need my services badly enough, they adjust to my schedule.
What do you think of the Angel’s Envy?
Pretty nice. Look at the level of the bottle. My son-in-law drank that on Saturday night, along with lots of beer of course. Very smooth.
Seriously, the Pitu Vitoriosa is better. I have two bottles and am struggling with the idea of giving the other one to a friend knowing there is no way for him to get a bottle and me not being able to either if I don’t go to Brazil to get it, unless someone visits again before then.
I google it and only get sites in Spanish. What is Pitu Vitoriosa and why do I need to find a Brazil connection to get some?
Premium cachasa, iow, Brazilian sugarcane rum. I don’t know why you are getting Spanish sites. I just googled it and this is the first link I got:
I say “Google,” but I actually mean “Duck Duck Go.” I guess they have vastly different search algorithms.
Thanks for the link. I’m not a big rum drinker. Sailor Jerry’s is the closest to top shelf I get with rum. But if I am ever looking for a truly top shelf rum I will keep that in mind. Thanks!
I did notice the level, but wasn’t sure if that was because it was that good or if it was a situation where an in-law came over and got jacked up on free booze.
It’s very good and smooth like a nice scotch blend. Not Blanton’s good if you’re looking for complexity, but good. Top shelf worthy no doubt.
I’ve seen it on the shelf at my local liquor store before, but haven’t pulled the trigger. I think I will now. Thanks for the recommendation.
I learned of it here, recommended by several of our fellow glibs. I think I paid just over $50 for that bottle, but the store I bought it at is a little over priced. Might be $40 something if the price is right, not sure.
I find it sort of unique, like I do most bourbons. First glass, I’m thinking it has a bit of bite for a 43% liquor. And that hit me fist, instead of after swallowing like most bourbons do with me. By about the 3rd glass, I was like, wow, this is silky smooth. How did that happen? But my drinking partner agreed, so wasn’t just me.
My mouth is starting to water.
*realizes I haven’t bought a Christmas gift for MikeS yet*
Nice collection. I’m also sad that it isn’t getting drank.
Dude, if you’re willing to go rogue and drive to MD tonight, I will gladly share with you and try to rid this shelf of these pesky concoctions. I’m making excuses right now… there was an earthquake, did you feel that? The train derailed. There was a tidal wave and the ship went down. There was a 92 care pile up on 95… I’m just getting started.
Heh. I am staying in New England for the holidays. After losing weekends to customer problems, driving to visit my relatives in the Philly area and North Carolina is not something I want to do. Otherwise, I’d join you.
Alton Brown created a very serviceable taco mix seasoning which he called Taco Potion #19. I have *ahem* improved it somewhat so that it no longer creates a taco that’s quite so bog-standard:
● 2 to 4 tablespoons commercial chili powder
● 1 tablespoon ground roasted cumin
● 2 to 4 teaspoons cornstarch
● 2 teaspoons kosher salt (if adding salted chicken stock later, reduce or eliminate this); alternatively, smoked salt (such as Maldon, a favourite of mine)
● 1.5 teaspoons hot smoked paprika, or same amount of a ground chile pepper of your choice
● 1 teaspoon ground coriander (roasted if possible)
● 0.5 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or another pepper with more flavour such as Aleppo pepper
● 1 packet low-sodium chicken broth powder mix, or enough loose to make the equivalent of 2/3 cup stock when added to water; alternatively, leave this ingredient out of the mix and simply add liquid chicken stock to your simmering meat proteins, to taste
Mix all dry ingredients well, and store in an airtight container. Keeps for months. The above should season 2 to 4 lbs. (approx. 1 to 2 kg) of crumbled, sautéed proteinaceous foodstuff of your choice.
Wouldn’t the chili powder already have cumin in it?
Other than that, you’re pretty close to my top secret recipe.
It does, and I wanted more. Plus I’m really into roasted cumin, roasted coriander, roasted (and smoked) paprika, etc. Yumptious.
BTW, the quality of the chili powder mix matters a LOT here; I’ve used some that were great, and others that were garbage-worthy. Try the stuff by itself first, unless you’ve already got a favourite. I don’t understand why some spice purveyors make chili powder that’s retch-inducing, but I guess there’s a market for everything.
I make my own, usually. If I’m cooking for the whole family, I start with ancho. If it’s just me, I start with guajillo.
The toasting is a must, but I trust McCormick when they say it’s toasted.
I get most of my stuff off of the ‘Net from the Silk Road Spice Merchant, but the McCormick’s stuff is good for their roasted spices. Plus Superstore here in Canada has long carried a brand called “Suraj,” which is the go-to for the Indian/Pakistani folks; it’s good quality, and stupid cheap. Dunno how they do it, but I’m not complaining.
It does? I didn’t know that. I put a LOT of cumin in chili and also add some chili powder. I’m sure that the chili powder I use can’t be more than a fraction of the cumin I use… I’m going to look… yep, it does have cumin. Can’t be nearly enough.
Powdered Chili= ground up dried chiles.
Chili powder = seasoning mix with things other than chiles, including spices and possibly masa.
Did OMWC send you any of our fabulous smoked red savina powder? If not, I’ll package some up for you and send it out.
Please. I would appreciate it.
Is this the one where I need to take video the day of, or the day after?
That looks good. I make my own broth powders and do soup jars with those and spice mixtures. I am going to try this. Thanks!
No worries. AB did most of the heavy lifting . . .
What’s an Aleppo pepper?
Gay-jay? Is that you?
Nice avatar.
I want to make a lemon meringue pie but never made pie before. Got anything for that?
The lemon filling’s easy, and the crust can be purchased frozen and blind-baked. I’ve always found meringue to be a bit of a PITA, although others in my family can assemble one like it’s childs’ play, so there’s that.
Or you can buy a can of pre-made lemon filling and spoon it out of the can and into your mouth. I’m nothing if not a problem-solver. 😉
(TW: I’ve done this before with mincemeat, accompanied by a look of horror on my wife’s face when she walked into the kitchen and saw what I was doing. I kept eating.)
Did you… did you just suggest a frozen pie crust? And canned filling?
I am shocked.
TBF, apart from bar food, that’s about my level.
ANYONE can make a lemon meringue pie. Even a non-baker like OMWC couldn’t mess it up.
please tell me, I’m like straff, but worse, I buy frozen
Baking is simple. Follow the recipe to the letter, get decent food. Then, once you get a feel for it, you can ad lib.
Hey, sometimes sh!t happens and you don’t have the time to do stuff from scratch. And the quality of the canned offerings varies wildly from the various brands — you can get some very good stuff. You can also get stuff that’s both a dessert topping and a floor polish, á la the old, much-more-tolerable Saturday Night Live of my youth.
As in computers, backups, backups, backups.
Yes. I have a no-fail pie crust recipe and a kickass lemon filling. I’ll dig it out. Not sure I have it in electronic format, so if not, I’ll post it in comments someplace tomorrow evening.
Thanks. In metric measurements? 😉
Yes, I can do that.
Here is a fun video by Bill Burr making a great pie crust. It’s a good recipe as well as funny.
I’d add some refinements to his process, but not bad!
My wife’s crust is better as well, but bill does a decent job.
I especially appreciate his attitude that anyone can do it, so just jump in. I bet many people have tried it who never would have before viewing that.
Metric? *Scratches Straffin off Christmas card list*
for those still awake
The Case For Giving Free Massages to the Homeless
Many of us are taking an alternative route to deal with this toxic stress. We run to Whole Foods to get the organic kale, we take a yoga or meditation class, get on a massage table, or receive acupuncture or reiki. We can relieve stress by going to a tai chi or a qi gong class, or we do the latest thing and take a “forest bath” by going for a walk in the woods. We see how these things change not only the quality of our lives, but also our health, as measured by blood pressure, stress hormones, immune response and number of doctor visits.
So, are these things luxuries for the middle class or are they life-changing and money-saving medical interventions? It may sound comical in an age where the battle lines are being drawn around whether low income people should receive healthcare at all, to suggest that they should be getting acupuncture or a free massage, but why not?
My wife? yes, Q’s winner yesterday? Hell yes! Homeless anyone? I’d rather wash strangers Feet
This Visionary Sci-Fi Author Sees the Destruction of Human Civilization: Predatory Capitalism
For Musk, the real threat is not a malevolent computer program rising up against its creator like Skynet in the Terminator films as much as AI destroying humanity by accident. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Musk imagines a mechanized strawberry picker wiping out the species simply as a means of maximizing its production.
“This scenario sounds absurd to most people, yet there are a surprising number of technologists who think it illustrates a real danger. Why?” Chiang wonders. “Perhaps it’s because they’re already accustomed to entities that operate this way: Silicon Valley tech companies.”
In Musk’s hypothetical, the destruction of human civilization follows the logic of the free market.
“Consider: Who pursues their goals with monomaniacal focus, oblivious to the possibility of negative consequences?
Politicians and bureaucrats? I get the feeling that’s not the answer he wants.
“We are already surrounded by machines that demonstrate a complete lack of insight, we just call them corporations,” Chiang continues. “Corporations don’t operate autonomously, of course, and the humans in charge of them are presumably capable of insight, but capitalism doesn’t reward them for using it. On the contrary, capitalism actively erodes this capacity in people by demanding that they replace their own judgment of what ‘good’ means with ‘whatever the market decides.'”
For Chiang, the operative word is insight. Our capacity for self-reflection, or the “recognition of one’s own condition,” is what separates humans from the Googles, Facebooks and Amazons. And it is this deficiency that makes these monopolies so uniquely dangerous.
Can any of those companies legally take my property, freedom, or life? If not, I have other concerns.
I got distracted by the Sally Yates call to #resist article in the sidebar and died laughing.
I see you typing out Sally Yates but in my mind I see Joan of Arc. So noble and brave is she!!!
When the conditions are just right, sometimes it gets hot enough to melt the globes off the light fixtures.
Zoinks! That’s uh … that’s pretty hot, eh?
I haven’t acquired the video of this happening yet, but I will in the next couple days. It pretty badass.
Another North Korean just defected through the DMZ.
How many bullets?
None by the North, apparently. The south fired a few to warn the north search party to turn around.
It happened tomorrow, at 8 am. Maybe the North sleeps in?
Merry Christmas! I wish the rest of the Norks, minus fat bastard, could also enjoy the gift of freedom this season.
^this. I wish the Nork population would rise up and kill that fat bastard.
I love to cook but I like to improvise – I generally use recipes as starting points rather than exact directions (which is why I don’t do baking, that requires precision). One exception that I do follow pretty closely is my dry rub for ribs.
2 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp VERY finely ground coffee…. a lighter roast, dark roasts tend to overpower
1tbsp chili powder
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dry mustard
This was born from a similar rub I got from a cooking show, but I made a few adjustments of my own.
That looks great!
Have you and OMWC ever been to Tenuta’s Deli in Kenosha? That place is amazing. I grew up there, and any time I get close I make sure to stop in and grab a couple hundred bucks worth of food. If I remember correctly you live in that neck of the woods / nape of the way.
I keep hearing about this. We are frequently in Kenosha… in fact, I have to be there right after the new year. I’ll make a point of stopping in. Thanks!
If you like Italian food or spirits, you won’t be disappointed. You can get damn near anything Italian there, from spices and ingredients to prepared foods and a huge wine and spirits section. Paielli’s bakery is another great place to stop. Some of their breads are so good I would just have that for a snack sometimes. Ron’s Place is right across the street from Tenuta’s if you need a drink or meal after shopping. They have really good food too.
Awesome! Thank you!
We are always looking for some good Italian wine and foodstuffs.
Some of the things I always get when I stop there are frozen lasagna, gnocci, eggplant parmesan, cheese shells, ravioli, and various sauces. I also always pick up some of their giardiniera and pepperoncini ($5 for a gallon!). I also love their kalamata olives and aged provolones in the deli. My absolute favorite though is the meatballs in the deli (30 pack). They are like crack to me. I don’t even cook them most of the time. Just eat em like a snack from the fridge. I can’t wait to stop now over Christmas thinking about it.
If you’re around with some free time over the holidays and feel so inclined, drop OMWC and me a note at sp@ this domain and maybe we can meet for a drink or something.
Thanks for the invite! I’ll mostly be in Mequon at my sister’s, but plan to stop in K-town to grab some food and see a few old friends. If I have extra time, I’ll be sure to get in touch. I’m guessing this trip will be pretty busy, but I plan on being down that way again for a few days this winter and maybe get together at that time. I’m tentatively gonna be down that way in late January to see Tedeschi Trucks Band.
I’m a big live music fan like you guys. If you are ever gonna be up in the La Crosse, WI area, let me know. There is a terrific live music scene around here and lots of cool places to go. The quality of musicians here and bands that stop through is quite unique for a smallish city. They have the Great River Folk Fest here in the summer. Another really popular festival is the Boats and Bluegrass Festival. I went to college in Madison and still occasionally go there for shows. I’d definitely like to meet up some time. You guys seem like fun people. I don’t post often because I’m usually reading later at night, but I frequent the site most days.
I was shocked at how active the Wisconsin music scene is- one of my major trepidations about moving here from Austin was giving that up. I think we see shows in Chicago maybe twice a year, but we go up to WI every two weeks or so for concerts. Any city that has Paul Cebar and Willy Porter is A-OK with me.
Your description of Tenuta’s is making me thirsty for some Taurasi and Vin Santo. We go weekly to K-Town (Woodman’s is our main grocery source) so that’s a no-brainer stop.
Just Say’n
UNC lost at home to Wofford, and I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.
Hi Glibs. Hope you don’t mind a little self-pity. I promise I won’t do this very much at all, and indeed will soon go back to making football picks and trying to be funny.
Fifteen years ago, I got as close as I ever have to being in like with a woman; she ended up marrying my best friend. Fast forward through years of dreaming about them and basically doing a MGTOW thing before it was a thing (basically, I’m a MGTOW hipster) up to tonight at the Star Wars movie. Before the previews, they run a bunch of local commercials…one of which was for a bank in which they put up the names and faces of their personnel. One of those faces was hers, with her married name below the face. (Either they’re still together or they’re not and she just kept the name out of laziness)
That triggered me like a son of a bitch. I know the dreams are probably going to start up again and all that shit. As meh as the movie was, it was actually a nice distraction for a while.
Fuck me running.
No longer your best friend now?
Oh no. That friendship ended swiftly.
Some things take a lifetime to get past. I would wager we all have something that haunts us.
Hope it gets better fast for you this time around.
Thank you.