- SPEAKING OF BRUTAL ENFORCERS….THIS ONE, NOT SO LUCKY. OH, WAIT…YES HE WAS. HE WAS TREATED MUCH BETTER THAN A BRUTAL WOULD HAVE BEEN…“If he doesn’t retire, he’s probably going to get fired,” a police source said. “He’s an embarrassment to the Police Department and to the profession itself.” If Balatoni resigns on good terms, he can receive a letter that allows him to get a gun license.
I wish I would have been a cop….
“I don’t know. All I know is, I finally got enough
moneyimmunity…that I canbuyBS my way out of anything. I can do anything I want when I get mymoneybadge later. And I won! Finally BigErnSwiss is above the law! Its a great feeling.”Eyes the above very swisspiciously.
I very much doubt this Essaibi-George character truly wants to have a “very honest conversation” about the Boston Public School system. I’m not familiar with this system, but I’d imagine the honest conversation would be the same as for virtually every other public school system… fire all employees, burn the structures down, and salt the earth afterwards. If we must finance schooling, then give out vouchers. The good public schools employees will then find employment in the private sector.
Can we sell the structures to the highest bidder and issue refund checks to the taxpayers instead?
No, that’s not how it works. You sell the structure to a crony for $1000.
Ugh, I’ll never government right.
You’re going to have to step up your game if you want to be better than everyone else.
No, I’ve got that part down (I AM a libertarian after all), but that also precludes me from governing. I’d have to be WORSE than everyone else. Duh.
Fair point, if they can actually be sold. My county is full of abandoned factories because the cost of making them EPA compliant is more than the buildings are worth (or so I’ve heard). These are well constructed though a little dated, and surrounded by a skilled workforce begging for jobs. Yet all still abandoned.
I wonder what it would cost to make a typical public school building competitive in the free market. Shouldn’t be too expensive to convert them to private prisons (kidding, well maybe just partially based on my high school).
My old elementary school was turned into apartments. But it was built in the 1880s so it didn’t look much like a prison.
I very much doubt this Essaibi-George character truly wants to have a “very honest conversation” about the Boston Public School system.
It all depends on how you define “very honest conversation”.
Busy train tonight. No seats available so some landwhale brutal decided to flip his fat ass next to mine. I get it. We all have to sit.
What pisses me off is that three stops later, where there are now plenty of empty seats, he refuses to move.
So now I have to take the time to get around his mound of blubber to take one of those seats. Or to get to the drink car.
Exterminate then all, indeed.
Go to the drink car!
Drink car!
Why were you not in the drink car to begin with?
^valid question
He has a flask?
Why are you taking the train?
I think we know what ZARDOZ would command.
Internecine warfare
What scholars hope is that this dispute leads to a broader reckoning with what America means for black people and how to achieve equality. Is there a path forward for black people within the existing political structure through the anti-capitalist populism that Dr. West promotes? Or are there solutions — like reparations — that could dismantle the legacy of white supremacy that Mr. Coates often writes about? “I certainly think that those conversations feel especially urgent in this moment, in the Trump era,” Dr. Cooper, of Rutgers, said.
But many have found it distressing that in an age of renewed white supremacist rallies and unrest over police killings, an academic difference between two black male intellectuals who are solidly on the left is taking up so much oxygen. And they also lament that the frenzy surrounding these two men is overshadowing the critical work and insight of black women, who have been at the fore of the Black Lives Matter movement and other contemporary efforts to fight racism.
The “path forward” obviously requires an obsessive fixation on the past. And- whatever you do, don’t acknowledge the existence of opportunities which are everywhere. Just sit in your bastion of privilege and whine about how oppressed you are.
Why can’t it be both?!
anti-capitalist populism
Hey, there’s a great opportunity for these intellectuals to see Marxism and all their other theories already in action, and even better, in countries where there’s no worries about white supremacy, because 99% of the population is black! In fact, there’s a lot of these countries. In Africa, you know, that continent that is the origin of the first part of African-American?
But for some reason, the vast majority of people there live in these countries on less than a dollar a day (less for a whole year, in fact, than the daily cost of the hotel room that’s been covered for your next speech, by the way), and would do anything to get to America and its ‘capitalist’ bounty and standard of living, despite all the horrors of there being a couple of poorly-attended white supremacy parades yearly which represented, oh, about 0.00001 of our population, despite the efforts of our media to convince us otherwise. Where they’d have to live with the indignity of being considered ‘impoverished’ for making $20,000 a year, more money than anyone they’ve ever known has made, and be ‘subjected’ to the USA’s lowest standards, that being secure and solid housing with regular electricity, plumbing, heat, air conditioning, HDTV, internet coming through the wall, and so on.
I can never figure out why these guys always hype about how wonderful it would be if we changed everything to Marxism and completely overthrew the US, when they’ve got multiple choices for such paradises, where they’d be the dominant race, already available. But to go there and report back on it critically would be intellectually honest.
When Muhammad’s Ali returned to the United States after the fight against Foreman in Zaire, he was asked by a reporter, “Champ, what did you think of Africa?” Ali replied, “Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat!”
Dang autocorrect, why’d it add a possessive?
Because FYTW.
There is no future for those who slander the prophet of Islam?
A former coworker is a Kenyan emigrant. He still has family there and owns a big chunk of land there. He says while Kenya has some advantages, he much prefers the United States. Kenya is more laid-back than the United States, which at times is nice, but when you need to get something done, good luck.
I have never set foot on the African continent, but will definitely check out a few countries there someday. I did spend over three years in South America and I can imagine that like SA the vast majority of Africans would likely crawl through raw sewage to get a chance to come to the quasi-capitalist hellhole that is the United States.
The only part of South America I’ve been to is Ecuador. A cousin of mine and her husband lived there for a while. I visited them there two years ago. The place is cheap, and lots of European and American expats are heading to Ecuador. I got the impression from my few interactions with the locals that the middle class in Ecuador admires the United States and either wants to move there or make Ecuador like the United States.
My cousin and her husband are back in the United States. It was too hard to get certain things done in Ecuador.
I’ve never been to Africa but I would like to go someday.
I’ve worked and traveled through a small portion of Africa. Kenya, S Sudan, Ethiopia (airport), Cameroon, and Nigeria. I don’t ever care to go back. Some nice people here and there, but……. No thanks.
I had places like South Africa and Namibia in mind.
Cameroon is fucked. Have you ever read “The Shackled Continent”? There is a bit in there where the author hitches a ride on a Cameroonian beer truck. The Ecnomist ran that bit. Basically, police roadblocks all over the place which greatly increased the length of the trip.
Most of my time there was in Brazil which I loved. It’s a great country to be in as a single guy. I spent two months in Ecuador, also a fun place to travel. Such a small county with a big variety of eco systems. Chile is the most civilized. I had a great experience there with a Chilean couple that I met on the all smoking flight from Costa Rica. Colombia is pretty awesome, but definitely felt a bit sketchy, at least in 1998 it did. Great people, and incredibly hot women.
I had a great experience there with a Chilean couple that I met on the all smoking flight from Costa Rica.
This sounds like the beginning of a porno.
Chile is on my list of places to visit, and currently higher than any other place in South America.
Well, I’ve started work on the kitbash article. I’m writing it as I work, and as the pieces dry/cure/frustrate. I technically could submit part 1, but I’m debating having the whole thing down first.
I started watching Dark. Not to be racist, but all these characters look the same.
I have the same problem watching movies from the 50s. Everyone is wearing the same suit and hat, and I can’t tell any of them apart.
I’ve never had that problem.
Hm… disgrace, or a sweet pension and a license to
killcarry? Decisions, decisions…Now that I am a local gubmint employed maggot I occasionally interact with the local enforcers. One was bragging awhile back about how he had carry reciprocity across this great land. All I could think was rules for me, and rules for thee. Shit heels do make rules for themselves don’t they?
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Especially if his office ever has “take your dog to work day”
Or “take your kid”.
I have that license, exercise my right to use it, and advocate (and vote for) the same for everyone else too. So…sorry? I guess?
and advocate (and vote for) the same for everyone else
That makes you a non shit heel. The guy I was talking to was quite proud of his extra rights granted to him above the unwashed which made me kind of roll my eyes.
Yeah, I hear that a lot. I think it’s a bit different at my end because my miliary jurisdiction has a very specific ruleset. I have had to explain to a commander about posse comitatus, which was not fun. I had to call in the lawyers to get him to listen.
It’s sad, because it’s not even a very complex concept.
Yes, well, government. Turning simple situations into complex ones since forever.
$173k a year and the turd is a”driver for a high ranking Nypd official.”. WTF?!
And you know all that “overtime” is just the guy sitting in his car while His Nibs goes about his business.
“And you know all that “overtime” is just the guy sitting in his car while His Nibs goes about
his businessboffing some chippie in a cheap hotel room.”FTFY.
I was trying to stay family-friendly but I had exactly that in mind.
Maybe the NYPD should hire a High Ranking Official who knows how to operate a motor vehicle.
The whole point of being a High Ranking Official is so you don’t have a lift a finger anymore.
“What’s the N stand for? And the numbers? What’s the numbers mean?”
Should’ve posted this on the beer thread, but I just stumbled across this in my bookmarks — anyways for all’s yers future reference…
Pineapple beer? Who knew.
Goes with pineapple pizza.
Pineapple deep-dish pizza.
I understand the inventor died this year. It is my hope he took the recipe with him.
I had to miss the beer thread, as I was on the other side of town watching the Last Jedi with the girlfriend, and the girlfriend’s relatives. But now that I’m home, I pulled a beer from a couple years back and moved it to the drinking fridge. I’ve heard that some of these bottles had an infection issue (and GLBC pulled one of the releases from the shelf due to infection that year), so here’s hoping that mine’s clean.
here’s hoping that mine’s clean.
An apt prayer for beer as well as hookers, dishes, and meth purchases.
And while there is some tartness, in the beer, I think it’s more from notes picked up in the barrel aging instead of a wild infection. It adds an interesting dark fruit note to the porter (which works), although the spices have mostly fallen out.
From the site: “Dear Stouts and Stilettos, ask us anything!”
Yeah, I’ve actually met one of them at a beer dinner at my local brewery. I wouldn’t press my luck if I were you.
Worse than Cambridge, MA Proglodytes?
I assumed this was a site for fat women in heels.
ZARDOZ has been celebrating Christmas longer than the Christians?
Zardoz speaks from the future, bruh.
I wonder if the 4077th party had a MASH theme?
They’re already looking forward to the 8-Oh-63rd.
No, YOU smell like ointment and pee!
Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you and Lady Scientist.
Thanks, man! Merry Christmas to you too!
So I was searching for this Christmas classic:
to post and wish you all a very Glib Christmas. Then I spotted this song in the search results:
And now I’m entranced, watching it for the third time in a row.
Not a Christmas song, but it’s from Christmas of my senior year in high school.
This, however, is a Christmas song.
Great song! I suppose it’s almost time for another Dr Who Christmas special. I hope it doesn’t suck.
Originally a Christmas song, but we know the non-Christmas version better.
Huh. Didn’t know about the original Christmas version. Thanks!
Heh. One of my very first vinyl purchases was “Slade Alive”. Yes, I am that old.
? ?❤️?❤️?
Watching it a third time? I did not make it through one. That has to be the worst video ever made.
Exactly! But also great. A sort of self-aware embracing or indulging in a style that’s quite ridiculous but also a lot of fun.
The costumes. The dancing and posing. The pants! How can you not smile?!
Also: Fifth time. 😛
The one girl has a really nice ass. I will give it that.
I wouldn’t mind waking up to find her under my tree.
I stopped by the local Tilted Kilt for some Founders Porter”, a burger, and some women to oggle. Now I’m at home drinking a New Belgium Pilsener.
Alone ?
So sad. Maybe you should have stayed at the Tilted Kilt a little longer.
Just in case some lady decided to tilt her kilt towards you.
Stilted Klit
If you go there looking for a phone number or companionship for the night, you went to the wrong place.
I needed to get some work done around the house. They’re close, they have good beer, and decent burgers. The eye candy is a bonus.
Zardoz, what can you toss from your mouth to cure a mild hangover? Wild Turkey shots and beer. Surprised it’s not worse.
Ask him to cough up a couple Advil. Usually works for me.
Mmmm…Wild Turkey 101. That’s what I’m drinking tonight.
Whenever I see someone write Mmmm… it reminds me of the old National Lampoon newspaper parody, where the classifieds had a listings of divorces, including the reasons for the divorce. The listed grounds for one divorce was “Husband farts and says to wife, Mmmm…. kiss me again.”
He married the wrong woman. Rule 34.
Wild Turkey in the coffee and a beer.
Sounds downward spirally. I’d go with the Advil if could find it.
It’s only downward spirally if you let it be. It is all in the mind. Drink past down points and turn them into high points.
^^^ This Man. This Man is a Man with a Plan!
Vitamin B complex and codeine.
Festus wants to sneak into the supply room with 1970 era Charlotte Rampling and a sprig of mistletoe.
How about 1970’s Helen Mirren and a can of mace?
Anita Ekberg in her prime for me.
These answers are all correct but I do question the “can o mace”. Is it ribbed for my pleasure?
At the moment the kids are making gingerbread cookies with the wife and I just put a New York strip roast into the oven in a cast iron. I rubbed it all over with an herbed anchovy compound butter. It’s gonna be fricking delicious. Got all the Xmas food shopping done today. I’m cooking Xmas Eve dinner. I have a dozen Kuushi oysters for eating raw, a dozen Beau Soleil for broiling with garlic butter and Parmesan. I have a pound of langostino, pound of cod, pound of wild shrimp, half pound of calamari rings and scallops for an awesome cioppino. I plan on putting on at least five lbs this weekend.
Best part of the New York strip roast was that it was 5.88 a pound. God bless America.
Beef is still crazy expensive by me. No change from the huge spikes a couple years ago.
Here it is usually pretty reasonable and every once in a while it goes crazy low. I am pissed that somehow one of my favorite cuts, skirt steak, went from being really cheap to pretty damn pricey. Don’t know what that happened.
It got popular as a cheap cut. Same problem happened to hanger steaks and flat iron steaks. One of our local organic chains should have whole beef tenderloin on sale next week (grass fed) for $10 a pound.
Yeah, I noticed those as well got expensive. I am in need of a trip to Costco. They always have prime boneless short rib for 9.99 a lb. I never cooked that cut till I started Costcoing a couple years back.
It’s just me and the girlfriend, so the bulk stores (when I tried them) didn’t really work out for us. I picked up a vacuum sealer for breaking down bags of hop pellets (cheaper by the pound then the ounce), and I’ve used it more for meats then I have for hops. Any time there’s a decent sale, we load up and vacuum up a large portion for the freezer.
That is what I do. I love my sealer. Buy twenty or thirty pounds or more of meat and vacuum seal it. We have three hungry boys here so it goes pretty quickly.
Costco has their regular short ribs, and then their secret short ribs. (this is limited to my personal experience at 3 Costcos: Hawthorne, Torrance, and Palm Desert).
Their regular short ribs are portioned out onto the styrofoam trays. Maybe an inch wide; variable thickness. Cut from the bottom of the chuck, IIRC.
Then they have the cryovac short ribs in the back. I’ve seen them out in the cases maybe twice in the last 5 years. I ALWAYS have to ask for them.
Each rib is about 3 lbs. Restaurant quality.
Ohhh. Thanks Playa. I’m going to ask about that next time I hit the SFO airport Costco. I love that place.
Skirt and flank went way way up about 15 years ago (at least in border states). Right around the time that Tex-Mex chains were popping up everywhere.
I noticed it on sale this week. Same price as the rib roast, but I have much less experience cooking strip.
This is my first one, I’ve done some rib roasts and your pic inspired me to take a trip past the meat counter this afternoon. Cheers!
Enjoy. And, hopefully, do another one this week. ’tis the season…… for beef.
herbed anchovy compound butter
Whoa there with the sorcery Mr wizard.
I just put a batch of SP’s spicy pecan praline bits in the oven. I have never heard of a silicone sheet though and my oven only holds half baking sheets. Parchment paper is all there is in this house.
I’m going to do the cashew one that she posted. Looks damn good.
I just stirred them, tasted the fork, burnt my tongue and flicked molten brown sugar on the end of my nose when I yanked it out of my mouth. Damn.
Welcome to the fun of kitchen napalm.
Seriously, melted sugar can be damned dangerous in the kitchen.
/hides scars
You can get half-sized silicone sheets. They’re great except that they don’t transmit heat like metal, so if you have something large and flat, the underside is somewhat cooler than the top. For cookies and lumpy things, it’s not a problem. They clean up easy, roll up for storage.
That sounds amazing. I’m peanut butter and jealous.
Btw, enjoyed your work explosion video. Fun stuff.
That was one of the better booms I have ever seen. Glad I was able to share it.
This version of “Midnight Hour” just came up on Pandora.
one of my favorite (pair of) records in the world is this collection
by which i mean, there’s 2 volumes
Lancaster Milk Stout. It’s been in my fridge for a while. It might be going bad, but I’m going to drink it anyway.
DEG was a good man, a kind man, who will be sorely missed. He died doing what he loved – drinking beer that had been the fridge too long. [moment of respectful silence]
Did he finish the whole bottle?
Asking for a friend.
Still working on it.
I finished the bottle. We’ll see if I wake up tomorrow. I’ll be sure to issue a report tomorrow morning.
[copy, paste] Number.6 was a good man, a kind man, etc etc etc…
Oh I’m quite sure that 99% of the Glibertariat would fit the mould.
Thank god for ctrl+v…
Thankfully, the only thing that old beer will do is taste bad (and possibly look bad). Even the standard infections won’t make people sick, there’s a reason beer was safer to drink then water back in the day.
It is still safer than water in many parts of the world. I believe the State Dept even claims as much on their travel tips.
My entire childhood, every drop of water 10 months of the year had to be boiled and filtered…
Have you ever watched How Beer Saved the World? If I remember correctly, at one point in that movie they made beer from the water of a filthy duck pond and verified it was safe to drink after the brewing process.
I havn’t. I will search that out. Thanks.
testIt didn’t go through. Probably because the FCC killed the Internet a few days back.
White Christmas https://youtu.be/gM-G6Y8i6K4
egould mined in Moria but he delved too deep!
Christmas with The Vandals
Sacrilege! How about this more traditional Christmas song, ala The Who?
Christmas at Ground Zero
As a person peripherally involved in the nuclear weapons industry I approve.
Ken Russell is the only person in the universe that could have brought life to that overwrought, histrionic piece of Pete Townsend’s id. It is laughably bad and yet you cannot look away. Ann-Margaret Olsen in her prime was a solid “wood”.
Yeah, Ann wasn’t half bad in her day.
She had already aged out of sex kitten roles by 1975. She was what us time travelers would refer to as a “milf”.
Ah, Oi! To the World is a classic
I had to correct my girlfriend this week… she claimed No Doubt originated that song.
It’s not as bad as when I had to explain to someone that Marilyn Manson did not create Sweet Dreams.
I like Marilyn Manson. She’s a good singer.
How young is your girlfriend?
“A Boy Named Sue” just came up on Pandora.
Johnny Cash is the greatest American artist of any type, in the history of this country. There really can’t be any debate on that subject.
https://youtu.be/cweJMAA3ggs He reminds me of some of the smoke pit philosophers that I knew in high school but Styx is alright. Not too long and he mostly gets to the pointy-end of his argument.
Leather jackets + political opinions make me nervous.
But what about leather jackets + pasty white skin + negligible chest hair + political opinions? You stand corrected, Sir!
Despite his appearance he’s one of the most reasonable and articulate people on YouTube (or in the media as a whole really).
I watch his shows the same way that oldsters watched Carson. He’s kinda out there in a few areas but I can let that slough away. He’s mostly okay and I’ll happily take that.