Merry Christmas to the entire Glib community. I am glad to be a member of this hive of villiany.
^^^^ ditto
I fourthen that emotion.
Merry Christmas to all of you knuckleheads. What a great group of people to chat and debate with you all are!
You’re all brilliant, witty, clever and hilarious.
Have a wonderful 2018 too.
A fifth of that here.
Jeez you’re making my monocle fog up.
Sevstnethst here.
Likewise Enjoy your holiday. You Mr eagle still get the #jealous award.
I am glad to be a member of this hive of villiany.
Yes. I’m killing a little time between events. Nothing like you people to my head right for church.
Merry Christmas!
to my head right for church.
Bong hits. Or if it is an evangelical event, smoke a rock. That is what Jesus would do.
I don’t go very often, but I really dig Christmas Eve. Amazing music, chill people and candlelight.
Bong hits for Jesus would really make it perfect.
Jesus rides beside me
Never buys any smokes
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
I’ve had enough of this stuff…
Merry Christmas, Tundra!
Ashtray floors, dirty clothes and filthy jokes!
Awww. You shouldn’t have!
Thanks, EDG! I hope you and the missus have a Merry Christmas!
One for you.
It turns out my county is a big no on the rec pot sales. (I checked the other day) I never cared before because I was always in a job that did regular random testing. That is now not the case. My New years resolution is to drive to the next county with money in my pocket. It is what Jesus would do.
Recreational mj in Ca is legal on Jan 1. I don’t smoke (running/jogging). But I am definitely going to get into edibles.
Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the Glibs!
Glad I found you rat bastards.
Hope for joy to all, and let us not forget the meaning of the season…watching the look on the orphans face as they get extra gruel before heading to the slave mines.
No roads to all in 2018!
Merry Rapemas STEVE. May all of your Christmas hikers be slow footed.
Fucken’ Cowboys. Feh.
I love watching Dez Bryant melt down. That was awesome.
Punch that ball out. Seeing his face on the bench was sweeter than a candy-cane.
Unless something screwy happens Dallas is out of the playoffs. It is a Festivus miracle!
I loved it when he yelled at one of the coaches. This is why Talib fucks with him so bad. (which is also hilarious) He has the mental stability of a prom queen.
That’s an insult to prom queens.
Now obligatory.
I watched that the whole way through and I am not sure if I should hate you or applaud you.
At least it wasn’t a Heroic Mulatto link.
No links tonight, just well wishes to my favorite group of online degenerates.
Merry Christmas to all. I’m off to go drink cider from the kegerator my dad built out of a 1940’s Frigidaire, and then I’m going to follow that up with either beer or whisky. Gotta do Wisconsin proud, tonight of all nights.
I’m off to go drink cider from the kegerator my dad built out of a 1940’s Frigidaire,
That. Is. Awesome. I only to think of building cooking appliances and never drinking appliances. Enjoy.
fucked up the em tag. Oops.
It’s one of the more spectacular parts of the bar he’s built in the basement. Between that and the incredibly large collection of beer glasses from all over Europe, it’s a great place to spend time catching up and watching sports.
I thought you guys drank brandy on special occasions.
I would if we had any brandy in the house. Basically I’m just trying to run damage control here, to prevent too much dishonor being brought to my adoptive state.
No Applejack? I’ve got a small bottle left from the single batch I made.
Tragically no, but if you’re taking orders for the next batch…
If you’ve got hard cider, and a freezer (or access to temperatures that get to around 0 F), you’ve got all the ingredients necessary to make it. Freeze concentration (not distilling) is easy, and legal.
Yeah open links!!! https://glibertarians.com/2017/12/steve-smith-christmas-eve-links/
Open links, eh? Got my guitar tweaked on the bridge and the neck. Also got chromed out jack plate, humbucker covers and rings. ? https://twitter.com/egould310/status/945098448927199232
Wow. That’s fucking gorgeous.
Only a few more hours before my little girl opens her new bass. I’ve never been more excited about a guitar!
Got you daughter a bass? Best dad ever. A thousand punker dudes hearts swoooon!
Went with a bass instead of a trout?
Good decision.
Oh, brother!
*rolls eyes*
Just be happy I prevented a whole subthread about being “all about that bass”
At least he didn’t get her a crappy guitar.
Or is it Crappie?
More fight.
She’s been working her ass off. Now she’ll have beautiful Fender Jazz in Arctic White to show for it!
Fuck yeah!
I didn’t say that. Ok, maybe I did.
Here is a link. I wonder what the tax breaks for buying a Tesla are in Norway.
Actually, I thought they were ending in Norway.
Ford sold more than 72,000 F-150s last month here in the States. Why are we giving a fuck about a boutique brand, again?
Because of how much they’re getting in tax subsidies?
Oh, yeah.
Saving the planet, though, Ted.
Denmark killed their Tesla subsidies and sales tanked
It is indeed a boutique brand, but come on. As far as a crony business model there is no other that compares. It is just hate linking. At least I did not link everydayfeminism.
I know. My BIL is a True Believer. I love to ask him why sales tank after the subsidies dry up. Funny, he never actually addresses the question…
One of my ex-BIL’s is a true believer too. My son fills me in on all the pre-orders the dude makes on whatever Tesla pulls out of their ass. He has enough money to do that. Former Fed employee so he made connections and did well for himself. He is all about the cronyism.
I wonder how well Teslas handle winter in Norway.
Why is it called “links” when there only seems to be one link?
Merry Christmas, you magnificent bastards!
You read our book?!
If a man does his best, what else is there?
Merry christmas.
I’ve been working on the kitbash article. I’m now waiting for some pieces I ordered. I have exhaused the work I can reasonably do on what I have in my hands. Sadly, the pieces I’m waiting on are the most dramatic components.
If you’re wondering why it’s painted, it’s because I’ve decided to make it modular. I can swap it between tabletop eligable and the display kitbash.
*in the actual article I am making a point of not mentioning companies and products by trademark.
I have no idea why, but I’m looking forward to that article.
I’ve found that this project is letting me at least mention a lot of different techniques and it’s turned into “from parts to diarama” chronicle. I may have to go back and see if I can’t add some more jokes to what is an overly informative piece.
“from parts to diarama”
If you’re looking for really easy jokes, it’s amazing how easily you can change ‘diorama’ into ‘diarrhea’.
Seems like a hobby an evil genius would have. If you do include a lot of inside baseball stuff, make sure you explain it so non fans like myself can get it.
I am aiming for general audiences. I may not make it, but I don’t want to shut anyone out.
“Seems like a hobby an evil genius would have.”
Skip ahead to 2:05 https://youtu.be/Zv5cEmDMrd8
Thank me later
Drinkin egg nog
Over out
There you go. BTW, click share and then the time stamp to load to the time you want. HM trick I learned.
I’m drinking nog spiked with vodka.
dioramas are tough, once you think you got it, some new info comes up and you have to change the whole thing
*raises hand
WTF is a sprue?
When you make a plastic item via injection molding that has more than one component in the same mold, the waste material linking the components is a sprue. It is also a shorthand for a set of comonents that has not been removed from the sprue yet.
Same is true in metal casting. The hole you pour the metal in is called a riser. The solidified metal that subsequently has to be removed – also a sprue.
Plastics probably inherited the term from metalcasting.
Finished off a 6 pack pack of EnJoy By 12.25.17 at dinner. Built a toddler bed and took apart a crib this afternoon.
Tonight is Bourbon and building a toy kitchen.
building a toy kitchen.
I hope you wash them first.
I did a toy Babies room for the G Daughter today, She was happy
Reading the paper at the coffee shop and saw this in the display. Caption contest?
What are those?
Montblanc and some cheesecake thingy.
Everyday for 10 years. It’s to keep my language skills up.
Now I get that. *sigh*
“The Rasta Muffins had to close one eye to stop seeing four breasts and then only saw one.”
Be hard to beat the title in the link.
“The largest boob made in Japan.”
I just finished watching this terrible (in a good way) Christmas horror film. Who doesn’t want to watch a movie where Santa is actually the antichrist who has been forced to deliver presents for 1,000 years due to losing a curling match?
Alright, reprobates. The real question that needs answering about Santa …
Souls are much easier to keep then elves. I mean, elves need food, and shelter. Souls are just there to be enslaved, right?
Added to the queue. Thanks. Merry Christmas!
Dickies: Silent Night https://youtu.be/sWWMp7G2tqc
Both that and the Stiff Little Fingers were added to my home Christmas music channel… much to the confusion of my girlfriend. As a classic tradition now, I’m watching the Community holiday episodes.
We’re watching Santa’s Slay now. Really enjoying it. Granted, lots of egg nog.
Oh, it’s so terrible in the right ways. I would not attempt to watch it sober or seriously.
But, as a present to everyone here… REGIONALS!
I’m saving my Xmas song til tomorrow,
until then,
I like the ’74 Black Christmas.
Merry Christmas, chuckleheads. Having some two hearted until the kids head to bed. Wife and i will put out presents, then when she goes to bed i pour a bourbon and wrap her gifts.
Similar plan here, except the wife fell asleep early, the kids are unexpectedly still awake, and I’m already hours into my bourbon.
Merry Christmas to all the wonderful Glibs, and your families!
This site has brought me great fun, laughs and joy, thanks to all the cool Glibs.
Now, get back to your orphans and make sure they polish the monocles to an extra shine tonight!
[embed width="123" height="456"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBaCHull47I[/embed]
Snuggling up to the keyboard with a big glass of Herman Marshal Texas Bourbon Whisky, reviewing documentation for Python. What a life I have.
Merry Xmas, all!
Good on you! God bless and Merry Christmas!
I’m currently drinking a wonderfully named beer, and probably moving on to bourbon next. The presents are all wrapped, the girlfriend has already opened her meads, and I have nothing to do until around noon tomorrow.
Here is someone else that got in front of a keyboard at Christmas
Yo, Xmas! Happy, Happy!
Fuck Vanguard. They delivered a letter to me (at Xmas Friday) threatening to flip my retirement fund to the state because the USPS couldn’t deliver a letter to the address where I have resided for the past 15 years. Some customer service peon’s audible universe is going to very loud and extremely angrified on the 26th.
It could always be worse. As someone who supports call centers, I’d just like to ask you to be forceful but not mean. Most of the peons in the call center are decent people, with limited abilities to make changes.
Save your ire and rage for the supervisors.
“Save your ire and rage for the supervisors.”
Oh, I will.
I worked a call center for a few weeks, I know what hell it can be.
But the most reputable company in private retirement finance is about to give away my fund because of a clerical error at the post office. I’m going to be pissed, and I am going to leave a long trail of people knowing how fucking pissed I am. Especially if you tell me this stupidity at Xmastime.
I’m still not sure how that even works – why does it go to the state?
Shouldn’t it go to a lost funds thing first?
“Your account is now considered unclaimed property according to state law.”
Typically that means it gets held by the state until claimed – they don’t get to spend it on you. But it won’t be accumulating any interest or dividends.
The problem will be whether the IRS consider it to be a taxable event.
That would be abominable.
Very difficult to appeal, and horribly costly to fight.
This isn’t legal or financial advice, per se, but your initial reaction might be to communicate with the state concerning this mistake, if the assets are transferred, if only to expedite the process.
Get proper advice – and be prepared to pay a little for the advice – but I suspect that you’d be better served directing (and forcing if necessary) Vanguard to remediate the issue on their own. The mistake was theirs, and their responsibility to fix it. Try and find a financial consumer affairs lawyer if you need one. This kind of bullshit isn’t rare.
The trigger here is presumably that there is some reason that Vanguard need to act to get your assets somewhere else before the end of the tax year, so you *should* have a couple of days to get a resolution.
Thank you for the thoughtful legal advice. I will just yell at people instead.
Permission to go ape shit granted.
I can’t wait for Tuesday, I have some asses to kick, and people to shut up,
Oh wow Purple Totatos. I wondered when these would show up in the market.
*potatoes, dammit, I’m not drunk
I figured it was a cross between potatoes and tomatoes.
You don’t have access to those year round?
This is the first time I’ve seen them in the local grocery store, period.
Maybe they were always in the grocery store comma…what no rim-shot?! *kicks over drum set, storms off stage*
Well, I just threw the lot
of purple potatoes into a pot.
I don’t appear to have any stock
What a load of crock.
I did throw them into a crock pot with some diced onion and some sausages.
There are advantages to living in flyover country. I can get those at most any grocery store around me, as well as several varieties of sweet potato. And few things are as good as fresh corn off the stalk.
Living in flyover country sucks when it’s Nork missiles flying over.
Could be worse. They could still be operating their vacation tours. One afternoon you’re walking home in Niigata, next day you’re spending the rest of your life in Pyongyang.
I hope the dead Kims and their apparatchiks are burning in hell.
What kind of country-ass backwater do you live in? If there’s not at least 24 varieties of Peruvian potato for sale at the local Korean supermarket I’m in a fuckin’ food desert.
The “Oriental Grocery”* doesn’t carry potatoes. I got these at the regular grocery store, and from the look of them they’re a US made crossbreed.
*actual name
Best of the Yule to y’all. I wrapped all the gifts ahead of time, so I don’t even know what to do with myself tonight.
You could try masturbating.
I like the way you think. I can’t think of a more appropriate night to pull a Weinstein…so to speak.
I’m told the response is, Yule Tidings to You Sir.
Merry Christmas!
I’m trying to stream a pirated movie, but it keeps buffering! Fuck you Ajit Raghead! And my dog died because my Amazon delivery was late. Trumpf literally killed my dog #netneutrality #millennial #resistance #peaceandlove #tolerance
you’re dog died? that sucks…
No, the post was in jest…well my dog did die 7 years ago, but I’m kinda over that now..sniff..I just have allergies…
Ahh, not funny IMO, too many good dogs lost………
/no offence
My dog died 15 years ago and I am pretty sure Trump killed him too.
I lost my Dubs 2 years ago, Only Bella has brought me out of Depression, Dogs are Hard!
Our cat is still hanging in there. As long as he’s eating and pooping and not in pain, we celebrate each new day of his 20th year.
Awesome! my kittah is 18
God Bless the kitties
Twas the Night before Christmas and all in the House,
All the Glibs were sleeping, even HM
Merry Christmas Glibs!
Pimps don’t sleep; they rest.
Putting up stockings (minimal Christmas decorations here – the house hasn’t recovered from Harvey), wrapping a few gifts for the kids, and drinking Rodeo Star cider from Duo. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
Merry Christmas, you fool!
/hangs out here?
Enjoying D’Usse cognac tonight. (And pre-sampled my aged egg nog for tomorrow.)
As much as I wanted to Bah Humbug my way through another Xmas the spirit of the season got to me and I made this special GIF just for you reprobates. May all your days be Glibtaculous.
i want one!
Fake news, not Hat and Hair.
The Hat & The Hair are your and Sugarfrees’ baby (so to speak) I’d happily make an H&H themed First GIF, I just don’t want to step on any toes, especially toes that Sugarfree might have had anything to do with.
I say if you wanna do it, go for it. And if your animation skills go beyond gifs, we need a confab. I see it as an Aquateen Hungerforce style animation.
I’ve been dabbling in animation on and off for most of my life, It’s always been a hobby and limited mostly by the time and the technology I could afford to put into it. I know the basics – walk cycles, anticipation, squishing and stretching. haven’t gotten into audio so no voice syncing but I’m familiar with the principles involved.You can contact me at “light beer aint beer” (no spaces) (at sign) gmail.com
Merry Christmas to all the reprobates on here. I’m going to sleep before Santa gets here and burglarizes my living room.
I wondered where he sourced his material.
I have seen material sourced by others, I wonder who got them and why?
There Ain’t No Sanity Clause
Merry Christmas you reprobates…also don’t any of you work???
Not tomorrow.
/pours more bourbon
I work tomorrow. *cracks another beer*
Not until the 2nd!
YARG! the 26th, 2 compressors at once, at least I make bank,
back on 27th, 3 day week, then another, as i take a vacation day on 5th for daughters 2nd birthday.
Drinking Josephbrau Plznr. Red and green label so it’s appropriate right? Nice drinking beer for a lightweight like me.
Nothing wrong with that, Trader Joe’s contracts out some good beers, and Pilsners are a solid beer choice for something light.
Run Run Rudolph
Bottom of the bottle of Evan Williams white label “bottled in bond” 100 proof 4+ yr aged. Good stuff for $14 a 5th. It had a nice 3 day run but its all Heineken from here on out unless I want to go to a Muslim liquor store tomorrow. The secular Koreans are probably open too. God Bless Diversity…
Tis the end times! ‘Lo and the seventh seal is broken, and a SIV will praise diversity. And the horn shall blast. The seventh seal shall will break and Gillespie will be let loose on the world’ Second Just Say’n 4:32
evan williams single barrel is the best value/price ratio in the bourbon world.
Not proud, but watching this.
It’s 2017. If you are aroused by scrawny men rolling around you can admit. And probably even be considered straight.
“My anus is loosening up”.
I think I saw that film strip in health class.
Well, people brought up politics at Christmas.
Somehow, the subject came to Trump, and people started ranting about how much they hate him. I was trying not to worry about it, but they just kept going, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. My step-brother’s girlfriend (let’s call her Jane) said, “Trump is sociopathic narcissist who cares about nothing except himself and his money!” I blurted out, “you’re describing EVERY president!” Of course, she retorted, “Not Obama! He was such a great speaker!” And someone else chimed in with “Yea, and he actually spoke FACTS!” I replied, “What about the time he said that a woman makes 75 cents for every dollar a man makes? That’s demonstrably NOT a fact, yet he said it.” What followed is a short debate between my mother and I about whether or not the wage gap exists. At one point, she said, “do you think that sex discrimination doesn’t exist?” I said I’m sure it does exist, but that doesn’t explain the entire gap; most of that is explained by job choice, hours worked, and willingness to negotiate for higher salary. I added that what sex discrimination exists does not justify having a huge bureaucracy to oversee male and female pay rates. Someone said that such a thing was never proposed, and I pointed out that such things do exist already, and there are always more being proposed. The subject changed there.
Other than that, it was a great Christmas.
I just say “I’ve proven over my entire life that I am not wrong. So make up your decision.” Then I sip my martini…….well I actually it’s “Them UFOs acomin, lemme see them tittes b’fore Xenu!” Then I shotgun a beer.
Do they ever mention the suicide gap between the sexes? The homelessness gap? The sentencing gap? Ask them why not. Feminists are great at spreading cherry picked data points.
I could have also brought up the fact that women report higher job satisfaction rates… Kind of throws a wrench into the whole “oppressed women” narrative.
And can we talk about how disturbing it is that people are still getting misty-eyed about what a “great speaker” Obama was? I think we must be thinking of two different Obamas because I ever time I heard that dunderhead open his cakehole, all I heard was, “Well, uh, this policy is, um, ya know, it’s pretty good for these folks who are, ya know, having trouble making ends meet!“
I always ask, “Can you quote some of his memorable lines?”
The thing that gets me when they talk about the ‘wage gap’ is that it is aggregate data about what men vs women make in general, not in job vs job.
IOW, they’re comparing a male engineer to a woman who’s a clerk at a boutique, NOT people in the same jobs with the same experience and the same credentials — those usually come out about 98% to each other, and often have HIGHER wages for the women.
100% wage equivalence will come about with Marxism, if that’s what you’re after.
Otherwise, compare apples to apples, and you have nothing to complain about.
In fact, if you wait a few years, women will surpass men due to their higher credentials on average — will you be throwing a fit then? I’m guessing not, of course you need to have a few years in the drivers’ seat to balance out past wrongs, correct? Thanks for your consistency.
Am I to understand that Q is distributing presents to us? Presents wearing stockings and very little else? Perhaps I heard wrong…could be the 27 year old Tignanello I’m drinking.
Merry Festivus, Kwaanza, Christmas, Solistice, or whatever gets all you Glibs through the night.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kick Ass Kwanzaa, Super Solstice, Fun Festivus, and if I didn’t name your holiday of choice… enjoy the hell out of it.
Marry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Crazy Kwanzaa, a Tip-Top Tet, and a Solemn, Dignified Ramadan.
fuck that noise. Chistmas isn’t marriage material, too needy. We cut off Tet’s tab at the bar, so he’d better not be tipsy. Ramadan got arrested by the Feds, and we haven’t seen Hanukkah in weeks.
I watched that episode tonight!
It’s naked pictures of all glibs, procured through our webcams thanks to the spyware installed on the glib site.
Joke’s on him, I’m paranoid and have an EFF sticker over the camera.
This is why I don’t have cameras on my computers.
Jokes on him – he now has naked pictures of me.
As black adder would say: “A fate worse than a fate worse than death? That’s pretty bad.”
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Just finishing getting everything wrapped (well the presents from the wife and I; no clue what the in-laws got the kid, those were under the tree when we got here). First year with no Santa.
Does anyone else who hears ‘May the Force be with you’ feel compelled to say ‘And also with you’? Or is that just Catholic guilt?
It’s just you.
I do as well, but it probably doesn’t help that I was raised Catholic.
As someone who was born again in a southern Baptist church and now attends a non-denominational church with a former assemblies of god pastor, no.
kitchen done, working of second glass of old forrester.
*Lutheran meekly raises hand*
Merry Christmas all. I love the (almost) free market. I got for Christmas an Atari Gold console that has 120+ Atari games from the early 80s all in one small package with two controllers. My 40 year old brother, and my 65+ year old parents and I have spent the evening playing those old games and remembering playing them when we were kids. Now it is time for the annual viewing of Die Hard.
I meant to say that how would such a wonder as a compact compilation of games from 30 years ago be available without the wonders of a free market. I may have also had some bourbon in some of my beverages.
In the socialist market, those would still be the AAA titles of today.
Not that anyone could afford the system or would have time to play vidya games. In socialist countries they are too busy playing exciting games like ‘Stand in line for bread and toilet paper’. And ‘Not saying bad things about the dictator so I don’t get disappeared’.
We’d still be on the waiting list for a Dendy.
Some people might bemoan the “commercialism” of Christmas, but I think of it as an unheard-of blessing that I live in an era where we can afford to take time off work and buy each other toys and trinkets.
100% agree.
Oh man, a reboot from my youth that I’d forgotten about.
As someone who is an actual editor, who didn’t care for the Star Wars prequels and hasn’t cared for any of the new movies (but who also has a life size R2-D2) I’ll say the difference between the prequels and the new movies is that with the right editing the prequels can be some what in line with the original 3 movies, however all the the problems inherent in the new films are too integral to the bad story to be able to cut.
For those with families, like them or not, here is a reminder of the joys of family.
Finished A Blckadder Christmas Carol and Home Alone before that. Almost time for bedtime tonight.
Except for the Christmas future bit the Black Adder Xmas Carol is pretty great.
Not a fan of Balderick’s posing pouch? Don’t blame you a bit.
Not that…it was the kinda overwrought wacky stuff that grated on me in that particular scene. Possibly the dialogue style.
I like dialogue style, uh huh uh huh
Merry Christmas, all you beautiful bastards! I love you guys, each and every one of you, especially the two or three who aren’t guys at all.
Happy holidays to those who disbelieve in holy days, happy Hanukkah to (((those))) to whom it applies, and qwerty Kwanzaa to our fellow citizens and humans on the left!
On this, the birthday of our unicorn, may we all just get along.