A discussion in the Comments this week gave me a flashback to my elementary school days. My parents had moved me from an Orthodox Jewish private school to the local public school in our working-class suburb of Baltimore. The student population was probably 2/3 Jewish, the teaching staff was about zero Jewish; this was contingent, since the suburb had long been a white Christian semi-rural town, as was most of the county, and the housing developments that had recently sprung up were at the vanguard of flight from an increasingly dangerous city, with the Jews being the pioneers of the northwest direction. The old timers were, um, grudging in their acceptance of change. But the reality was, the Jewish kids, almost all 2nd and 3rd generation Americans, were pretty much indistinguishable from the other kids- we watched the same TV shows, played Little League, joined the Boy Scouts, played War, went to the chop suey restaurant once a month…
Nonetheless, the teachers (as proto-progressives) thought that it was important that when we studied American history, some contribution from Jews had to be worked in to make it somehow “relevant” to the kids. The reality was, there weren’t many of (((us))) around during the Founding, and for that matter, before the 20th century. So it was a reach- and every year, when we’d talk about the revolution, there would be a day or two dedicated to… Haym Salomon, who creatively sold financial instruments to raise money for George Washington.
This dive into “relevance” no doubt made our teachers feel better, but I think most of the students were a bit uncomfortable. Way to hit a stereotype, and sound a bit desperate. For the black kids, I’m sure that the teachers trotted out Crispus Attucks, who basically distinguished himself by getting killed as a bystander. At least, unlike the Jew stereotype, they didn’t praise Attucks for being a great dancer.
But “relevance”? Really? What’s relevant wasn’t the ethnicity or gender of the Founders, it was the power of their ideas. The fact that they were Christians and of Western European descent was irrelevant to us- we all knew people with numbers tattooed on their arms, heard stories of family slaughtered, and yet, there we were, in a working-class suburb, seeing our families and friends going about their lives. Sure, there was prejudice, neighborhoods Jews couldn’t live in, clubs we couldn’t join, beaches we couldn’t go to, but we were living in a culture that Jews had shaped. That their influence didn’t start rising until the great immigration waves of 1900-1927 was irrelevant to us.
So seriously, fuck Salomon. And whatever Jewish cowboy token someone could dig up (the case of Wyatt Earp is interesting, though). What we had was a country into which we had all assimilated, while contributing our unique flavors, a country based on universal ideals. Thomas Paine was important, a banker, much less so. We thought ourselves as one with Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Lincoln, and didn’t think of ourselves as somehow being outsiders or “different.”
And here we are today, July 4, 2017, where the biggest problem facing American Jewry is not threats from people on the Right or people on the Left. Those people are marginal at best, a tiny minority of losers who need to invoke bigotry to assure themselves of their own relevance. We have no fear or them or worry that they might actually influence people. Most people, the vast majority, don’t really give a shit whether you’re a (fill in the ethnic blank). This is our home, America, the best and safest place for Jews on the planet. Our actual biggest threat? Being married out of existence.
That kind of problem we can live with.
Thank you, Founding Fathers, and thank you America- the country, not the government- for making us part of you.
For the black kids, I’m sure that the teachers trotted out Crispus Attucks, who basically distinguished himself by getting killed as a bystander.
We got Sojourner Truth, because she was born in our neck of the woods.
This was also before the Martin Luther King Holiday, so we had a “Sojourner Truth Day” school holiday every year, floating around for whenever the district needed to schedule a day off. The rationale for it being floating was that (I shit you not) as a slave, Sojourner Truth’s actual date of birth was not known. It wasn’t until later that I figured the day was likely put on the schedule to appease black complainers.
We got Frederick Douglass, due to his long association with my hometown, but I had no idea how bad-ass he really was until much later.
Interesting, FD is one I am interested-in investigating – the story doesn’t ring true (much like the Helen Keller fraud).
If movies had been a thing back then, Old Frederick would have been great in the original “Shaft” series.
With Harriet Tubman as Foxy Cleopatra.
My kids got Ethan Allen, because of the furniture factory, and Benedict Arnold ‘cos he actually fought on the right team in a battle in this town.
Paul Lawrence Dunbar was the local African-American hero in my school district since we’re about half an hour north of Dayton, Ohio.
Hi, Neighbor! Ditto on Dunbar – I’m just north of the city and am a survivor of the Dayton Public Schools.
But isn’t NBA draft day after school gets out?
I’ve watched a lot of Godzilla movies today, and noticed a distinct lack of Jewish actors across the series.
Rubbed-off anti-semiticism from their former allies, or additional evidence of the great Jewish plot?
Would it help if I said Godzilla itself is a metaphor for the (((world-wide conspiracy))) destroying muh nation-states?
(((They))) were probably all behind the camera.
Godzilla eats them first?
I guess this new thread is why I have no idea which channel has the Godzilla marathon.
It’s on El Rey.
OK, thanks, I asked in the other thread. Anyway, I don’t think I get that on my cable. But I can no longer feel my left shoulder. So maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Seriously, you may need to go to an emergency room. If you’re still feeling pain in you’re arm, and can’t feel your shoulder, go to a doctor.
If you need some kind of consensus, I’ll add my agreement to the sentiment. Go get that looked at.
I have a Hx of shoulder problems. I also used to get paralyzing headaches. In comparison, this is a paper cut. So don’t worry, I’ll be fine. But maybe I’ll get a shot of medrol if it persists, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a pulled muscle.
Do you get cluster-headaches?
I’ve heard horror stories. If so, I know two people who get them and they swear that eating a cap or two of psychedelic shrooms really helps with that being stabbed at multiple angles in the head simultaneously feeling.
I don’t. Although I appreciate the response. As far as anyone could diagnose, I had “paralyzing headaches”. Which differ from cluster headaches in etiology. They are a combination of a migraine and a tension headache, with a side order of fuck. In my experience, one problem is that it very difficult describe or remember the details of what happens when in white-out pain. Another is that severe headaches don’t sort into neat categories.
Also, the FDA has refused to approve or removed from market a number of tryptamines because they’re stupid assholes.
Fun fact: Germany supported China against the Japanese for years until just before WWII.
Fun Trivia, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a bestseller in Japan in the 1940s. The Germans told the Japanese that it told the world how the Jews were controlling the world, and the Japanese thought it was some kind of Machiavelli/Sun-Tzu type how-to guide, and were rather disappointed about what they actually read.
I had to go to a Shabbat for school recently and the pastor joked about how the tolerance in America (the lack of anti-Semitism compared to Europe) might be the greatest threat to the continuation of Judaism because the lack of unifying ostracization.
Of course, I’ve also heard that unifying ostracization was a primary factor behind the end of Japanese culture in the US, but their culture was slightly different, and there was that little thing called internment camps, too.
Austin Petersen just announced a 2018 Senate run against Cockroach Claire a few minutes ago. Should Glibertarians start making some Senate endorsements to raise our cred as competitors to Reason?
Livestream on his FB Page
Good. Figured he’d do this, nice to see it confirmed. For any (if any) Glibs living in Missouri, what do you think about his chances?
Not from Missouri, but I think he has the head start advantage by announcing this early on. None of the names mentioned in GOPe places like the Examiner have announced runs yet, and one establishment fave decided that she will defend her House seat instead.
Is he running for the GOP nomination as a libertarian Republican, or is he running third-party?
His post about Why he’s running as a Republican for US Senate answers that question.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t answer the question of why he’s running as a Republican (implied: wants to win the seat).
I couldn’t find that in the links on his site.
Ah, H&R has a note for Petersen explaining why.
He’s doing the right thing. Ron Paul was right. We need more libertarians getting elected as Republicans.
The problem with the Republican Party is its entrenched leadership hierarchy. Republicans in general have a lot of folks in it that would vote for libertarian shit with the right leadership guiding it (like the entire Freedom Caucus). The solution to it is more libertarian voices and some good old-fashioned primary ousters.
More powerr to him. I hope he wins.
Me too. Senator Claire is a real trouser stain of a human being. (my family lives just over the Missouri line in Arkansas, so she’s constantly grandstanding on their televisions when I visit).
Not to mention, I like Petersen; I think he’d be a pretty good senator.
Wow, I may have to move back to Missouri just to be able to vote for him. Despite their many failings, I firmly believe that R is closer to L than is D (as Rand Paul, Justin Amash and company also seem to believe).
I totally understand his decision to hitch his horse to the R wagon. My wife tried running as an independent locally and was crushed, even though she was fairly well-known. After two failed attempts, she went with a party and won.
Things like this always puts me in a tricky situation. Should I be happy that someone with liberty-minded ideals is winning political office, or should I fall into a pit of despair that ideas are significantly less important to the voting public than party…
Getting principled people to vote with the partisan people is one more reason to be a principled candidate. It’s not sad, it’s smart.
Sure, but partisans obviously outnumber principled voters, hence the need to combine for electoral victory. So, with that reality being firmly entrenched, what hope is there for said “liberty-minded politician” to actually get their agenda through, when it was the smallest portion of the reason they were elected?
This dive into “relevance” no doubt made our teachers feel better, but I think most of the students were a bit uncomfortable. Way to hit a stereotype, and sound a bit desperate. For the black kids, I’m sure that the teachers trotted out Crispus Attucks, who basically distinguished himself by getting killed as a bystander. At least, unlike the Jew stereotype, they didn’t praise Attucks for being a great dancer.
When white people help minorities.
You know you’re Canadian when you make a freaking Reboot reference.
I’m American and Reboot is the shit.
Made in BC. Just sayin’…
So was Black Lagoon dub.
Nice, I still need to watch black lagoon, but I grew up on reboot and even have the series on dvd
Here you go, US distributor is kind enough to put it up on YouTube for your enjoyment! 😀
Sweet, thanks good sir. ??
I wish I knew how to do the ‘answering brofist’ emoji ?
I’m also posting from a mobile
Wasn’t Crispus Attucks last weeks Thicc Thursday?
I thought every day was thicc day.
Not for me, but whatever you’re into…
“What’s relevant wasn’t the ethnicity or gender of the Founders, it was the power of their ideas.”
I second that. Right on.
I think I get the notion, too, about . . .
Some people on the left seem to think that MLK represents somebody else’s heritage–not mine because I’m white. I don’t see him as someone else’s heritage at all.
Milton Friedman, too.
OMWC and Ken get it exactly right. There is no better place to be of the (((tribe))) than in America because your group does not define America. It is the power of the ideals expressed by the founders that made America what it is. My (((family))) was tossed from Spain by Ferdinard and Isabella and left Italy when Mussolini started consolidating power for America (2d attempt). When asked why they did not go to Argentina like many people from Magna Graecia, their response was that America is where everybody could be free, and Argentina wasn’t. Part of my wife’s (((family))) left Germany when the National Socialists came to power, the rest are remembered with “stumble blocks.”
The left absolutely hates the ideal of E Pluribus Unum since that will not bring them power. BBQ brisket is American, so are summer rolls, tacos, scungili con aglio, bagels, hummus, and just about any food (except deep dish “pizza”). All music is American, as all languages. All America asks is for newcomers is to embrace American values to be part of us. We don’t care about your blood, your ancestry, all your yesterdays. Leave your tired old fights and prejudices where you came from. Remember your past if you want (or not) and join us in our quest for individual liberty and freedom.
Now to finish my second bier and jump in the pool.
Preach it. Well said.
Leave your tired old fights and prejudices where you came from.
+1 Palestinian Chicken
scungili con aglio
I had to look that up, but nicely done.
LOL. I know knew what it meant, but duckduckgo shows this page as the second result.
dbleagle, feel free to request a drink at my cost if we ever meet.
On the smaller side, consider this an enthusiastic +1 or thumbs up to your post.
Damn. That was the best thing I’ve read all day.
Went to see Mandy Patinkin on stage. An engaging show the theme was him rediscovering his Jewishnes. He said his father always said that it was America that was the promised Land. Never had Jews lived in such peace, safety and prosperity.
Toward the end of the show he sang “Take Me Out to the Ball game” and “I’m Dreaming of a While Christmas” both in Yiddish. Choked the whole place up.
I still miss Dead Like Me.
Don’t watch the continuation movie. There were only two seasons of the show, and they were good.
I didn’t know there was a movie, so… no problem there.
I liked Patinkin in that and Homeland too. Possibly the best part of the regular ongoing cast.
Mandy Patinkin is a proggy snowflake.
In 2011 for Holocaust Memorial month we had a couple who were some of the last Children’s Lift (((kids))) to escape Germany before 1939 speak to the Soldiers and community. They still had their passports with the large “J” imprinted and their names were recorded as Jacob and Sarah. Of course those weren’t those names but the NSDAP took all “their” names and reduced them to Jacob or Sarah. I swear I could still feel the menace in those documents when I held them.
After the war both immigrated from the UK and met in Iowa. When I was eating with them they still swore that the US was the best place for (((us)) and one of the reasons was because everybody who embraced American values could be an American “with no hyphens.” To this day they believe that putting your religion in a passport is a gateway to evil.
so not woke
This is our home, America, the best and safest place for Jews on the planet. Our actual biggest threat? Being married out of existence.
That kind of problem we can live with.
I am told by the alt-right that is actually a form of GENOCIDE.
Yet, I’m pretty sure I’m alive.
Hear, hear!
*raises a glass*
Got that civic nationalism running through my
veinshead.Just speaking for myself
A family friend of ours left Haiti during the 1970’s when the island was ruled by Jean Claude Duvalier. Even though her family were relatively well off, she still felt that America was a better option for her. Despite having to leave everyone and everything she knew behind, she was willing to risk it all just to be an American.
She’s now semi-retired, drives a nice BMW, and has clothes brimming from her closet. Whenever someone criticizes America, in her heavy Haitian-French accent, she refers to America as the land of milk and honey.
The Left hates these sorts of stories because the individuals who risked it all to come here are able to resist their bullshit propaganda and refuse to be viewed as victims. These immigrants came with nothing except for the clothes on their backs and had to deal with situations that would have broken most of us, but yet they believed in the American dream of individuality and economic freedom and felt that it was worth sacrificing everything for.
Back in the mid-90’s, there was a girl I worked with at a fast food job. She was a Jamaican-American, and was proud of it. Any time someone called her African-American she called them out on it. It was a beautiful thing.
Dude goes to crappy commercial American restaurant, is super happy about it. I think he and his friends should hang out with me for a night. They have no idea.
Fucking rubes.
Nobody listens to John Denver. He’s getting play at a commercial restaurant because it’s inoffensive.
Ugh, John Denver
Heh I like him. Not as much as my 10th grade math teacher though.
How much do you like your math teacher?
Let me guess – if Rhywun were 17, we’d see him in Daily Mail?
Not as much as my 10th grade math teacher *did*. I left out a word, it seems.
Nice post OMWC
What better way to celebrate American Independence by laughing at Canada?
Being as insecure as vapid Canadian nationalists ain’t no way to live life son.
Also, it’s British Columbia. I don’t blame you knuckleheads for every retarded thing California does.
Meh, it’s an interesting change from the usual fireworks and parades that happen every year.
Also, I’m still a bit peeved that I can’t get Crave in America and it’s forcing me to take to streaming sites for the new season of Letterkenny.
Get a VPN you {{{cheapskate}}}.
I’ve got one, except that signing up for Crave requires a Canadian debit card and address. I went ahead and got some help from some RePo Sailors.
Maybe it’s the BS bud.
um, BC.
It’s the same problem as the U.S., out of touch coastal urban weirdos.
At least our East Coast is slightly better.
Point there.
Are all your rednecks in the North?
Our rednecks are everywhere outside of major urban centers. That happens when you’re the second largest country in the world and you have the population less than most European countries. You can start on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and drive any direction for an hour or two and you hit redneck, be they Eastern Ontario, Ottawa valley or Quebecois pretty quickly. Letterkenny’s hicks are the product of southern Ontario Scot-Irish rural populations, and they’re only a couple hours out from the largest city in the country.
Then you get to places like northern Ontario and Manitoba and you see what the edge of bloody civilization really looks like.
I only know (((Dick Manitoba)))
Sounds pretty great to me. Thinking about taking a road trip up to Northern Ontario sometime in the next few years, if I can scrape together the time.
I remember the summer we went on vacation for a week in Canada and went from Montreal to Ottawa. Thurso was interesting.
Redeeming virtue of BC compared to California is our total political and cultural irrelevance and lack of influence on the rest of the country.
And pot. And ass sex. I think he we have some Mexicans now too, if any Spanish speaker can be redefined to “Mexican”…
our total political and cultural irrelevance and lack of influence on the rest of the country.
Ontario and Quebec at least did one thing right, gerrymander the fuck out of the electoral process.
I’d like to point out, also, that for all our faults, we have failed to produce PM Zoolander, who is human form of what Ottawa would be in hypothetical Canadian version of Hetalia.
No, instead you produce people who tell newspapers about how they don’t want to gender their baby and have lawyers that don’t capitalize their names. If Quebec’s Russian Roulette with four rounds British Columbia’s a Beretta.
And nothing will happen from this! When this shit starts affecting rest of the country, it’ll come from Toronto!
You’re not helping your case here, the argument basically comes down to “thank god we’re powerless or we’d be the worst thing to happen to this country”.
But see, because everyone hates Toronto, it actually has less of a chance of being successful. I mean, it probably still will be, unless Zoolander’s reign gets us to MACA.
*MCGA (doesn’t work as well).
I’ve always found Toronto rather pleasant. Then again I live in NYC so I guess I can understand why you bunch think it’s evil incarnate or something.
Until I see PM Heddy* Fry or somesuch, I ain’t listening to how Ontario did nuffin rong!
*that’s Hedley!
I will never say anything about Ontario doing nothing wrong, if it were up to me Wynne would be facing a noose after an entirely fair trial. But we’ve got nothing on B.C., the 2nd worst province in the country (it’s really, really hard to beat Quebec).
I’ve always found Toronto rather pleasant.
Well you’re wrong.
OK, I’ll take a Scottish drunk who catches fish over the NYT.
Canada was built by a Scottish drunk! You have made a correct choice!
Awesome! Through my (((Russian ancestors, I can hack elections before I was born.
I hate everything.
Don’t worry Pan, when the Cascadia earthquake finally causes the entire West Coast to sink into the ocean as a divine sign of hubris like Atlantis of old, I’ll…start a charity in your name or something?
MAMA (Make Anime Manly Again) Foundation would be a worthy legacy, I think.
Change it to “Make Anime Mecha Again” and I will put down a grand tonight.
But…but…that would exclude stuff inspired by Fist of the North Star or Black Lagoon, unless you give a super-relaxed definition of Mecha (titular torpedo boat)!
I mean look at this shit. It gets me going “fuck yeah, ANIME!”, I look it up on wikipedia and
Sure, it’s better than some Moe jerkfest, but come on!
That movie’s actually pretty terrible. It starts off pretty strong when you think it’s either going to be an anime documentary on the Second World War or a weirdo paranormal warfare thing, but it falls on its face pretty fast.
It’s kind of like that War of the Worlds movie that has Teddy Roosevelt fighting aliens with an energy cannon on top of giant mecha. It’s such a brilliantly dumb idea wrapped in a ton of poor ideas.
Sounds like a Wolfenstein game with Russians.
God, I would pre-order Russian Wolfenstein as soon as it was announced! And I don’t preorder (unless it’s CD Projekt RED).
Isn’t Russian Wolfenstein just The Red Star?
Well there’s Mortyr, but it was pretty shit from what I heard. And Polish.
I believe mecha is included in that. I can’t speak for Pan, but I believe the general goal of MAMA is something along the lines of:
1. Burn the moe.
2. Bring back things like the ridiculous fights, the harder scifi concepts, manly protagonists, badass chicks with guns, etc.
3. Give a blank cheque to make an actually good Berserk anime.
Ok. 500 dollars and a special Mecha interest group.
Replace point 3 with “give Mamoru Oshii $10 million to make whatever the fuck he wants, as long as it’s got mecha” but yes.
Lady protagonists are fine, but they need to do shit like this.
500 dollars and a special Mecha interest group.
Are we back onto grand if I say that MIG first lobbying position will be for Patlabor revival?
3. Give a blank cheque [sic] to make an actually good Berserk anime.
Anime Joan Crawford for the win.
maybe. but it sure as fuck will tell you some basic biological facts
i’m having a flashback to some story a few years ago… in the guardian i think… from a transwoman who was furious that an NHS doctor checked off her biological sex on a form without her ‘consent’. the doctor ended up sputtering about how it was actually entirely necessary to know someone’s biological sex both for bureaucratic processes as well as screenings for medical-treatment/diagnosis …. a whole range of things. The writer just screamed how this was systematic oppression and proof that the NHS was living in the stone age. the editoral ended up being shared widely as proof of the opposite = that trans people were fucking batshit and in denial about reality
i think this was the person/the series
the purpose of the story was to express a sense of outrage
Sex and gender are two different things. Clearly, sex is more relevant to physiology.
That’s what so insane – even most radical transvocates so far have been firm on difference between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ and yet this person swaps the two mid-argument!
I know why we can’t have Twitch emotes here, but I need this to communicate at this point.
this is not news to me.
it IS confused in the linked story – hence my comment
e.g. “”Parent Kori Doty – a non-binary transgender person who identifies as neither male nor female – aims to allow the child to discover their own gender.
The health card has been issued with a “U” in the space for “sex”, which could be for “undetermined” or “unassigned”.””
Her desire for the kid to ‘discover their own gender’ really has nothing to do with what doctors put on her birth certificate.
I agree. It’s dumb. Although I’ve had disagreements with my fellow glibs, that sex is biological, and gender is a social construct. And I think I understand their disagreement as being provoked by individuals trying to claim a gender with which no society would agree.
Anyway, if you didn’t see it, that video of of the Ohio Players on Midnight Special is incredible.
that disagreement still have little/nothing to do with my point, as far as i can tell.
my point is that – [woman who believes she’s a genderless being]’s opinions aside – when doctors visually examine a baby, they’re not interested in social constructs. they’re registering what batch of chromosomes said sprog has been blessed with.
I agree, it doesn’t. My point is that either extreme is wrong. So I don’t think we disagree here.
Macy’s fireworks “spectacular” – I have never heard of any of the musical acts or any of the hosts. Yay, I’m old!
When I heard Judas Preist’s Breaking the Law as elevator music, I knew I was ancient.
Here you go:
*huge grin*
Are their fans aware of what most of JP’s lyrics are thinly-veiled odes to?
I had no clue back in high school but seems hard to miss now:)
You mean songs like Grinder?
Lol. That was great. The should have done Green Manalishi:)
Most folks don’t know that Green Manalisha is an old Fleetwood Mac song (earlier iteration prior to the Stevie Nicks era, when they were still all guys).
I’ve watch a grown man have his day ruined when he found out Motley Crue was on the “classic rock” station.
That’d do it, but you know what takes away the pain? When your 18-year old daughter asks if you have “Back in Black” and “Appetite for Destruction” in mp3 format for her phone.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Not easy to do, my friend, but she mellowed a bit after that and got seriously into Yes
<fx: wipes away tear of nostalgia >
Well, Bruford was awesome.
Oh c’mon, you don’t know who Jennifer Lopez is at least?
I’ve heard of three of them. I guess that makes me an out-of-touch yokel.
She is not listed on the synopsis – I only just now tuned in, just in time for the fireworks and I didn’t see her, either.
Huh, saw her on a news post. Guess it was wrong again.
She’s multi-talented. She can’t sing, she can’t dance, and she can’t act.
+ 1 Out of Sight
They didn’t have Leslie Uggams like they trot out at the Thanksgiving parade every year?
OT: My oldest son needed a haircut. I have a set of clippers that I used to give myself a fade back when I had to have my hair within regs, and I have become fairly compotent with on my sons. So I ask him how he wants it and he says, “a mohawk.”
So I explain to him the hairdo was popular with the Mowhawk Indians because they were looking to taunt the white settlers who were paid for the scalps, but not all of the Mohicans were killed prior to being scalped….
“Dad, are YOU going to scalp me?”
“Nope.” I’m so happy that little shitlord didn’t care.
High and tight with Bic’d white walls for the little sharpshooter?
It’s tight, and it’s pretty damn high. You might even call it a Mohawk.
Their school has a restrictive dress code for a public school so I like to think my kids can have a personality during the summer months. My daughter for instance, happens to have blue hair. She’ll regret her decision in a few weeks when we cut it off.
CNN doxxes someone over a meme.
“The apology has since been taken down by the moderators of /The_Donald subreddit.”
How magnanimous and munificent of them!
The fact that that an ostensibly reputable news org used “HanA**holeSolo” in a long, serious news post gives me hope for the future, I’m not gonna lie.
Nice blackmail, too! I totally do not see why some people hate you and wish you ill!
That’s interesting because until this I have only seen it printed as “Han*******Solo”. Guess they decided to take it up a notch.
I now live for the moment CNN breaks the Ass Ceiling.
Blackmail is right. If what they are saying isn’t complete bullshit.
“Why does everyone hate the media and consider us trustworthy?” They say as they hold a guy’s identity hostage so he can comply with their demands. What utter scum.
shootdoxxing!On what planet does CNN think this doesn’t make them look like petty assholes?
So far up their own asses they’re using their appendix as Bluetooth?
Planet Prog. It’ A Woke Place ™
None that I know. In comparison, Dr. Zaius was highly principled.
I’m guessing that’s not what they told him when they showed up on his lawn and demanded answers to stupid questions.
I didn’t even see that the first time around.
holy fuck. basically, they’re pointing a gun at this guy and saying, “DENOUNCE THE DONALD, YOU TROLL”
Congratulations to CNN for making a raging asshole look sympathetic.
A raging assholeSolo, to be clear.
Speaking of assholes, someone is suing Encyclopedia Dramatica. Both the sued and the sue-ee are assholes, FWIW. But ED can at least make the defense of serving some sort of public interest.
Milton Friedman was a Jew ??
Here’s a patriotic link for all the old-timers . How many of those celebrities do you recognize ?
I thought I saw the Skipper near the beginning… Ah Lucy… love ya but you can’t sing.
The In’jun ? That was Dan Blocker…Hoss from Bonanza
It’s a consensus. It’s settled!
Are you thinking the guy in the very un-woke indian outfit? I’m thinking that’s Dan Blocker…but I couldn’t swear to it.
Yep, that’s the one. And I think y’all are right.
This child of the 80s got probably a little over half of them right.
Sounds like Lucy didn’t just shill for those Chesterfield cigarettes.
LOL I saw her in latter-day interviews and it was like Patty or Selma “It’s like smoking ten cigarettes at once!”
Damn near every one of them. I couldn’t name every one, but almost all look familiar from movies and TV shows.
I’m not even a septic, and I recognized maybe 70% of ’em.
Cockney Rhyming Slang.
Septic tank = Yank
How Cockney Rhyming Slang Works
Person A: [something incomprehensible]
Person B: Wot m8?
Person A: [condescending sigh: explains that they used word that made no sense in context, but that it rhymes with some more-complex phrase that does]
Person B: [Stares silently and thinks this of person A]
Um, OK. I was talking to a woman from London about this once, and I didn’t quite get how saying “dog and bone” was easier than just saying “phone”. Although it might explain the present holiday.
Supposedly it was initially designed specifically to be incomprehensible unless you’re in the know. That way criminals could converse and not worry too much about being overheard.
So it’s like a thieves’ cant for chavs?
I think it was a specific variant on thieves’ cant developed in London in…late 19th century? So pre-chav. Just regular cockney criminals.
Wikipedia says 1840s.
Most ‘real’ cockney users would just call it ‘the dog’; as you note, there’s no utility in using the longer (and more obvious) version. It’s one of the ways you can spot fake cockneys. There are a lot of them.
“Took trouble down to the Lord Napier for a vera for ‘er and a salmon for me. She left early but I couldn’t give a kate even if she went ‘ome for a sherman, ‘cos she’s got the ‘ump with me an’ we ain’t had no posh in donkeys”
Took the trouble[and strife] {wife} down to the Lord Napier for a Vera[lynn]{gin} and a a salmon[and trout]{stout} for me. She left early, I couldn’t give a kate[Moss]{toss} if she went home for a sherman[tank]{wank} ‘cos she’s got the hump with me an’ we ain’t had any posh[an’ becks]{sex} in donkeys[ears]{years}.
That *kind* of thing. The problem is that the rhymes age and are abandoned pretty quickly – I’m not convinced all of those would have existed in the same timeframe.
But PZ’s basically correct. It was a low-life thieve’s cant to keep the rozzers nose out of yer beez[knees]{business}
I think some of the clearest examples are “Long Good Friday” and more recently “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”. Both of them are pretty clear and fairly understandable without subtitles.
What a find. Even Deano plus Rowan and Martin joined in. But Lucy and the Duke would make dogs howl with their singing.
Yo! Happy Xplody Day!
“A discussion in the Comments this week gave me a flashback to my elementary school days.”
Uh-oh, I seem to recall introducing the subject of Haym Salomon.
“So seriously, fuck Salomon.”
Well, excuse the heck out of me. I never had Salomon in school, even though there were plenty of (((kids))). I got George Washington Carver and his peanuts.
(I wonder if they teach him today, what with the peanut-allergy concerns and all the more militant, less nerdy black guys they could celebrate instead.)
I know that having a subject shoved down your throat in school is like being inoculated against the subject being interesting forever after.
That certainly happened to me with John Steinbeck – and would have happened with Dostoyevsky if I’d actually read the assignments.
I happened to hear about Salomon from, I think, some gentile guy in the Sons of the American Revolution who had him as an ancestor.
So the subject came to me fresh, untainted with the associations of institutionalized schooling.
And awkward as it may seem, he *was* a financier and used his financial skills to help the revolution.
(Also Raisin in the Sun – a dramatic reading in an all-white class. I was the neighborhood association president (ie., white bad guy).
You got George Washington Carver’s penis?
No, he invented a special new kind of peanuts.
Oh, peanuts.
Seriously? You had a chance to link this, and didn’t?
I immigrated (kind of unintentionally) from a place known as “the lucky country” and I would still say there is more opportunity in the US than back home. There are still degrees of freedom in the US unknown in even most western democracies. When I was 35 I reinvented myself by going to grad school and then into academia. I can’t imagine doing that back home where you were pretty much locked in by the time you were 18 – although I think that’s changing.
One of the more emotional moments in my life was coming back from my first overseas trip on my US passport when the immigration guy said – welcome home.
This one?
And this one:
I didn’t know that was a “thing”. Or that the originator of the phrase said this without irony:
Yeah, just luck I guess.
The way I’d always heard it was the natural resources and climate was what made it lucky. Along with geography and isolation from world problems.
I can only say – start at the bottom of p. 32 of this book and read the letter by Salomon under the pseudonym “a Jew Broker,” and see if he wouldn’t fit right in at glibertarians.
Beautiful night in Baltimore for 4th of July fireworks. Watched a riot from the upper deck or Tir Na Nog where we were getting happily intoxicated. Not sure who the instigators were, but they seemed to all be wearing white shirts and the cops were there in force in less than 2 minutes. Probably due to the incident 3 years ago when some gang members beat, robbed, and stabbed a guy and left him for dead at the 4th of July celebration.
Any way, where’s that bottle of rum…
My Brooklyn neighbors are outdoing themselves this year. I’m wondering if I will actually be able to sleep later.
We’re back out in the sticks now, thanks to Uber. Nothing but silence out here in this alternate universe, formerly known as ‘the sticks’.
It’s quiet now. Knock on wood.
And I located my vintage bottle of rum, yummy…
yo ho ho
OT: A moral question here…
Do you think there’s anything morally wrong with this scenario: Someone writes poetry that they know is bullshit. It’s just gibberish that they make up and somewhat imitate the style of most modern poetry. They regularly submit these poems to poetry magazines, claiming that they are inspired by deep realizations of the human condition. This author regularly collects payment for these bullshit poems.
ANSWER: Don’t mock his poetry, or he’ll demolish the Earth to make a thruway.
+1 Hitchhiker’s Guide
“No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.”
Seems absolutely fair to me. The deep realization of human condition in question is “there are markets in everything and every demand will eventually find a supply”.
As far as ‘artistic intent’, the motivation is less important than the result. Hell, the writer in question clearly knows how to at least write within given form, or their poems would not be regularly published, as I assume there is more supply than demand in the genre.
I never realized Vox was a poetry mag.
I guess if the money isn’t stolen, but legitimately harvested from a population of credulous subscribers, the only moral issue is one the poet should be fighting with himself.
See: every artist statement ever.
(Disclosure: I’m a professional artist.)
If some dipshit will give them money for it, it would be immoral *not* to take it.
Rule 34 suggests that your bullshit poetry is porn for someone.
I’m loving all of the radical leftists bombarding me on Twitter at the strike of midnight (I’m @CHLoving23, for anyone that wants to follow me).
This is exactly why that I have waged a non-stop campaign for the last 10+ years on the intertoobz to stop people from calling leftists, liberals. Ok, leftist fuckheads, call yourself communists, socialists, progressives, what.the.fuck.ever. But you are NOT liberals. There are no liberals except for classical liberals, who are best described as libertarians.
I even chafe at the term “progressive”. There’s nothing “progressive” about reverting back to a state of total government despotism under which humans lived for most of history. There’s no “progress” in going back to a condition where the government dictated every single aspect of your life.
The only way that term fits is if it’s used in the medical sense, e.g. something that will kill you in a very slow and agonizing way if you don’t find a cure right fucking now.
If you associate progressivism with eugenics, like I do, then it starts making more sense to attach them to that term. Have the progs forgotten about that little misendeavor?
I was just mentioning to someone the other day about the connection between the Progressives and the progressives in regards to eugenics and prohibition. When you see the lefty fringes scream about how there are too many people it’s a pretty straight line back to when their antecedents were talking about getting rid of the undesirables.
You’re going to love this tweet, Hyp:
set it on fire.
I’m giving him the brain exercise of his life right now, by tying progressives and neocons together. I’m sure they’ll never understand how they and Bill Kristol could be so alike.
Progressives also share much in common with social conservatives. Although their precise bugaboos are often different, the base impulse of wanting to stop the choices that other people make is much the same. The fact that somewhere, someone has gone against the Obvious Right Way causes a not small number of people much distress.
Prog foot-soldier just went all Cenk Uygur-incoherent on me, hehe:
Incidentally, I’ve never been the biggest fan of the “melting pot” metaphor – it can mutate into a totalitarian vision where all intermediate associations between the individual and the state, including the groups of which the individual is a member – family, neighborhood associations, and, yes, ethnic organizations – are destroyed, leaving nothing but a naked individual confronting the full might of the state.
Your *political* allegiance should be to your government, to the exclusion of other earthly governments or foreign guerrilla/terror groups. Politically, Americans need to be monogamists.
But that doesn’t preclude having loyalties to things other than governments. And the fact is that until the government crowded them out, ethnic associations provided valuable help to Americans, teaching English, providing networking, furnishing medical and burial insurance, etc. These ethnic associations did not conflict with American patriotism, but formed, as it were, transmission belts by which people from particular areas could learn from people of similar origins the duties and responsibilities – and rights – of American citizenship.
Some of these ethnic associations were dodgy, of course, but the best of them operated on the trampoline-not-hammock principle – getting their members assimilated, not vegetating in a cultural ghetto.
The ethnic food festivals, folk dances, etc., are ways of putting one’s best foot forward, introducing themselves to their fellow Americans, with the end goal of becoming *more* American, not less. And yes, they scoured American history for examples of their group doing patriotic, American, heroic things.
All this sounds divisive because we’ve deteriorated to the point of utter cultural relativism with the goal being to tear down Americanism, not build it up.
I bet you’d find more flag-waving American patriotism at a meeting of the Sons of Italy or AHEPA (Greek-Americans) than in some granola-crunching, group-hugging, rainbow commune.
I think MLK used the metaphor of a stew where all the different flavors and ingredients could be seen but it was still one dish.
Yes, or a salad, which is the way I heard it.
It’s hard to believe there ever was a dominant WASP culture in America, and that there was even a WASP-y narrative about Northern European “Aryans” being the superior “race” – better than effete Southern Europeans or crafty “Lithuanians” (the euphemism of choice, at a time when there actually were lots of Jews in Lithuania), or shifty “Orientals,” and of course the blacks were…you know…
Contradicting the WASP-y narrative took some time. In order to show that America was founded on ideals, it was necessary to show that the WASPS were a temporary vessel for Americanism, and other groups could carry on those principles too. Not only that, but many WASPs could be as unfaithful to Americanism as anyone. Then Hitler came and did his mass-murder thing, and suddenly yammering about Aryan master races sounded kind of…dare I say it…un-American.
Today is so totally the opposite that it’s the WASPs, or even whites in general, who are denounced by people who, ironically, accept the old racist premise that white=western civilization. It’s using “guilt by association” (because white=guilt) to denounce Western civilization and American values based on it.
To sum up – yes, we’re at the point where intelligent (((kids))) can roll their eyes as their teacher rhapsodises about Haym Salomon, Sandy Koufax, etc., but that’s because the assimilationist battle was so successful and kids no longer need to be persuaded that Their People were part of the American story. Now the problem is teaching that the American story is overall a good thing and not just a chronicle of oppression.
Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax…You’re goddamn right I’m living in the fucking past!
That’s what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps.
I recognize the Three Stooges and Milton Friedman. Who are the other Members of the Tribe pictured above?
Julian Simon and Richard Feynman
Not gonna be around for links, so…
CNN Blackmails Reddit User Over Trump Wrestling Video, Threatens To Expose Identity.
+1 Streisand Effect