Well it’s Saturday night and you ain’t got no body.
It’s Saturday evening and I already have a buzz.
I hurt myself last night by drinking and not eating.
Don’t you put olives in your drinks?
Gotta watch the toothpicks; swallowing those hurts.
I drink beer, and on occasion bourbon, so no olives.
Made a gallon of fresh salsa, Brazilian rum tonight.
Cachaca? Been thinking of picking some up, what brand do you recommend?
Where do you live? I occasionally see some around here, but I’ve never bought it. I get it from my SIL and his friends, who are always buying some type of fine liquor in bulk. I either bring back a couple bottles or have someone else do it for me if they’re visiting Murika. This is what I’m drinking right now.
Pitu Vitoriosa
This is some of the best cachaca I’ve had, outside of bars in Brazil. Smooth as silk. I’m on the last bottle I have right now *sobs like little child*. I’m just gonna ride this pony until it drops over dead.
I live in the South and the local store has two brands of the stuff (can’t remember the names) but they’re way cheaper than that. I don’t want to buy rotgut but I guess I’ll just wing it and see how it goes.
Like I said, I’ve seen a few bottles on the shelf here in MD, but I didn’t pay any attention to it since I get mine from Brazil. Just search for cachaca online in your state and you’ll probably find some. If you can find Pitu, even the low end stuff, which you can pick up for about $25-30, is good. Recommend the amber over the clear. I drink it on ice. But know a lot of folks who drink it neat. First time I was in Brazil, a Brazilian lady I know bought me my first caipirinha. It was literally just pure clear cachaca with lime slices in a glass. I took a drink and I was like ‘holy fucking shit, this is pure rum!’. She said ‘shut up and drink it like a man’. Well, what the fuck can you do?
The life of a gigolo.
Another Saturday night and I ain’t got no body
I got some money because I just got paid.
Those Mosul forces are looking pretty Iwo Jima-ish in that photo.
Mosul itself is looking a little Hiroshima-ish.
“Lebanon’s military has received hundreds of millions in military assistance from the United States and Britain in recent years”
Fuck me
How many “advisors” are on the ground?
They get $, but no bodies.
Charge it
Do you accept IMPAC?
“the Iraqi military was close to announcing a final victory”
Finally it will be the good guys turn to rape and torture with impunity.
No rape or pillage…but there will be retribution. I saw that in 2008 🙁
The NYT is nothing but honest mistakes. I mean it’s not like years have occurred between the incident and now with many articles debunking the claim or anything.
Theme song for the NY Times story.
I would have picked this.
Perhaps, but my nephew plays in the band in my link.
Neat. I like that song a lot.
That’s cool; I like their stuff.
This would be my choice:
I apologize
Mistake yes, honest no.
This is my shocked face.
They, NYT in particular but the legacy media in general, just don’t realize how they’ve been totally pwned and become irrelevant. I finally saw the CNN video. My, they are sensitive – wonder why.
“the world’s biggest atom smasher created for a fraction of a second a baryon particle called Xi cc”
Is Xi it’s preferred pronoun?
[golf clap]
pronounced “thicc” no doubt
Thicc Physics
That’s not thicc. That’s fat right there. God all that cellulite. About as attractive as the girl I linked to this morning.
Listen to the entire song.
The first one in black, yeah fat. Later on in the video though, the one in the yellow shirt and jeans, that’s almost on a line between fat and thicc. Could go either way, she needs to take her clothes off for inspection. Probably would.
Holy cow, it’s THICCZILLA!
He xicc
In industrial computer language, XIC means examine if closed
File under irrelevant knowledge for most people
Please look at me and tell me I’m pretty.
After so many cases, you have to wonder what goes on at Disney studios.
Well, they did hire a child molester to direct one of their movies.
The whole company was started by, and named after, a fascist.
Walt Disney was not a fascist. He was anti-Semitic and hated communists, but he was about as ‘fascist’ as any other Republican from the period.
Dude, you’re harshing my narrative.
I dunno but I feel like I need to be tested for STDs now.
*Rips open envelope* Good news. You’ve got genital warts.
Better than having Warty’s genitals.
I like how she has her coke dealer in some of those pictures.
Raising a stable of narcissistic kids who live in a bubble and influence their generation to be just like them?
If the stories about Disney World mascots are any indicator, a lot of fucking.
Go on..
That’s true of pretty much any troupe of actors.
How Shakespearian of you.
You’re right. Would.
The Post article led me to this. Damn. Call me in 3 years.
Funny, all the whining about “too racy” at 15. Her mom is one of the most famous models of all time, raking in many tens of millions of dollars for taking attractive photos. And how old are the top models? When do they get their big international start? Right around 15. If anyone understands the ramifications of taking racy photos, it would be Cindy Crawford. She got her start modelling in high school and was successful enough that she dropped out of Northwestern University (chemical engineering) in her first year. (so she’s pretty dang smart, too). And with a net worth of around $100 million, I think her kid will be just fine.
Folks are crazy, yo!
And just because it annoyed me, I looked up the top supermodels. Number 10 on the clickbait list will have to do, because I’m not clicking through 10 pages to find out that number one is Tom Brady’s wife. So #10 is MIranda Kerr. According to wikipedia, she got her start as a cover girl at 13. And she’s worth close to $50 million, at age 34.
So I sez, whatever floats yer boat. And leave the parenting to momma, okay? I’m guessing she’s a bit more qualified than some random writer that never met the kid.
Good evening, fellow Glibs.
Spent the day with my boyfriend. Much sweating both outdoors and indoors. Heh.
I’m working on some new fiction for here. The muse is fickle with her affections and leads me down unexpected paths.
Good luck to ZARDOZ with racing endeavors. I’ve spent some fun times at the dragstrip and the dirt track. Figure-8 is cool, very old-timey. I’ve always wanted to try demolition derby. Maybe in retirement.
And speaking of old people things (previous thread, revisited). Everyone hits a wall somewhere in their forties. Like Apocalypse Now, the trick is to never get off the boat. If you exercise, don’t stop. If you don’t exercise, start, even if it’s only walking and stretching. Because once you stop being active you go downhill fast and it becomes harder to reclaim your previous levels of fitness. Spring training is rougher every year and it becomes harder and harder to achieve the same fitness level as the previous year.
I’m working on some new fiction for here.
You mean like spending the day with your boyfriend? :-p
He is a totally real, not made-up person! [runs from room crying]
His name is George Glass, isn’t it?
+1 Haven Monahan
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!
Dude, ‘Marsha’ was a wholesome 100% Murikan girl. You’re spelling it the dirty brown people way.
As long as he isn’t Canadian.
I spent yesterday fixing a leak in a water pipe, in a wall behind/under a bathroom sink/vanity. I could barely move this morning, and I’m in pretty good shape.
Your muse is a chick?
I’m totally confused. That said, i’d be interested in reading more/any fiction from other people. Tho it will be hard to top Florida Man.
(*i do not consider sugarfree “fiction”. Its transdimensional documentary)
Tonio’s ‘boyfriend’ pictured here.
tw: gore
Well now you’re just ruining the fun.
7th! Sat on my stoop drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes all afternoon. Sometimes I hate what a supposedly “hip” neighborhood I live in. Snotty millennial Minnesota cuties walking by in their summer dresses refusing to smile at me. Have fun with the skinny dick-less beta males you’re on your way to meet. Do I sound bitter?
Also, I was 7th when I started that screed.
Hey, you still get the boob show.
I didn’t think you cared for the boob show.
Everyone loves boobs. It’s just not that sexual for me.
You know who else answered questions with another question?
Edward Nigma?
Ken Jennings, in a way?
Don’t you mean “Who is Ken Jennings?”?
Ron Swanson?
No. Jeopardy rules are stupid.
Judge Napolitano?
All of us?
HM: I am bitter. When I moved to Minneapolis 18 years ago I was the new kid in town. For the first five years I pulled record-breaking (for me at least) amounts of leg. The second five-year period I did nearly as well. The third five year period was hit-or-miss. The last three years have been a fucking desert. Basically, since I refuse to fool-around with my friends wives I’ve kinda stalled out. I think it’s time to move.
You might not be wrong. Perhaps a year or two in Costa Rica might do you some good on that front.
Costa Rica here I come!
” I refuse to fool-around with my friends wives I’ve kinda stalled out.”
You are your own worst enemy player…look, wives are like trucks. You just have to wash them after borrowing them, and no other maintenance is required.
Refusing to smile at you is code for wanting to have sex with you.
It’s that withered left arm of yours.
Someone finally gets the reference!
I thought he was just missing a finger.
No, it’s the original Scotty (James Doohan) who was missing his middle finger. Radar had syndactyly, which made his left hand look deformed (fingers were fused at birth and had to be surgically separated out) — but despite this, he was apparently quite a good drummer.
Yeah. Gary Burghoff’s left hand was deformed. In traditional jazz drumming that hand was all snare drum. Which is why it didn’t stop him from being a good drummer. Interestingly enough in a television cast that included Alan Alda, Wayne Rogers and McLean Stevenson apparently the little turd Gary Burghoff was the most troublesome cast member
I always got the reference but have just been waiting for the right time to post “Aaaah, Bach.”
I don’t have anything but aging yuppies in my hood. Do I sound bitter?
No, you sound like you feel quite at home.
Well, most of them look like your avatar, JI, even the women. Wifey and I are the yungins round here.
The only people in my hood are me, my wife and my boy. I am the opposite of bitter.
I have ancient Norwegians, somewhat less ancient Chinese and Italians, a whole mess of Egyptians of every age, and a tiny smattering of middle-aged yuppies. Guess which one I am.
Apropos of nothing… I have been hesitant to ascribe too many symptoms of TDS to the Other Place – until turning to their article on “Impeachment” in the bathroom magazine rack version earlier today. I mean:
The writer is from Cato. Apparently the president’s prime offense is that he says inappriate things.
He needs to learn how to pander and lie like the last guy.
And cater to the members of the establishment elite…
Cause that is what is pissing a ton of these people that used to think they were hot shit off..
Exactly. How dare he not let career bureaucrats run the government?
Yep. It really freaks them out that he doesn’t comport with their notions of what is presidential. They are also scared shitless of what he might do; listen to the fever dreams of the loony left for examples of that. The media, apparently even Cato and TSWSNBN, have succumbed to those fever dreams but they are not yet articulating them.
I think it would be wonderful if Americans (and the rest of the world) would move past this idea that politicians are demi-gods who are not prone to human foibles.
Quit idolizing them, people. Their shit stinks just like everyone else’s.
“Quit idolizing them, people. Their shit stinks just like everyone else’s.”
No it doesn’t stink like everyone else’s: it is far, far worse, but covered with a sheen and veneer of being good..
The Orange One has his problems but he’s in no way uniquely terrible as far as I can see.
Cato’s idea of negligence is not having daily airlifts of refugees into Omaha.
Another quote:
The whole thing is written like this. “May be”. “Who knows”. Not to mention NYT and WaPo citations. Fuck.
As we said many times before and in the immediate aftermath of the election = one of the bonus-prizes of a Trump presidency is the shattering of this bullshit vision of the “royal executive”, where the president is suddenly blessed with supreme wisdom and all-knowingness once they take office. We need to stop pretending that Presidents are special beings…. or even particularly good at anything other than “getting elected” in the first place.
When the public becomes used to the fact that the president is a two-bit bureaucrat who, at best, should be rated on “how little damage they do”, we will be better off as a country.
All of this can be explained in one sentence: Trump is, maybe, or at least in appearance, might be a real threat to the political establishment.
These fucks would rather die than admit that the holy office of President doesn’t come with equipped with The Elder Wand.
Harry Potter references are how the smartest millennials are talking politics.
I think the “Wabbajack” would be more appropriate for modern politics.
+1 arrow to the knee
Like I said yesterday, Trump has been very good at showing how many people care more about social conformity and ‘politeness’ than they do actual morality. Obama murdered children for years but Trump being a boor is somehow worse.
OT. I had to get a copy of my tax return (which I failed to photocopy) so I made an account on the IRS website. The username ‘taxationistheft’ was taken, so I used ‘taxationistheft76’.
I hope that doesn’t get me put on a list or something.
It will…
It’s their money, and you should be kissing their ass they let you keep so much of it..
If you’re commenting here chances are you are already on some sort of list. I just hope it’s not one where you have to tell your neighbors when you move into a new place.
Just an audit list. Start collecting your tax info from the last 7 years.
You know who else had a list?
Underdressed Asian pianists?
That’s some nice Poon
You better cut that out.
This is a halal server.
Confound that hard-of-hearing genie…
St. Peter?
Michael Hihn?
And none of the rest of you stood up for him!
Christian Bale?
Oh, sorry, that’s lisp, not list.
The Edmund Fitzgerald?
Daryl Hall?
If your handle is a woodchipper reference, you’re already on a list.
And by posting that here, you’ve got us put on a list. Oh, wait, we already were. Carry on.
You’ve all done very well!
You just posted here, you’re on the list no matter what else you’ve ever done, or not.
It’s just too fucking funny how the humorless dumbshit left are trolled.
This one here always gets me.
Great video — but are people believing it’s really MSNBC? Pretty obvious parody, but I can see it’s close enough that people are thinking it’s from the real network.
Meta-fake news? My head hurts.
It actually fooled me until I watched again. It sounds exactly like MSNBC.
The whole “the good, the bad, and the trolls” line was a bit too on point.
maybe its not something everyone pays attention to, but there’s always a clear difference between “amateur voice recordings” and Broadcast-quality TV voice recording. The main difference is that the latter is very very smoothly compressed; basically zero volume-difference between words, and there’s no peaking-then-tailing-off to any words… its more of an ‘on/off’ effect, and sometimes, particularly with news voice-over, where they’re blending the narrator with source-video audio, it can have a clipping-effect to speech, where the ends of words sound truncated/cut-off as the volume dips
Gilmore, when I said it ‘sounds’ like MSNBC, I didn’t mean it in a technical way.
I’ll bet Gil is a real hoot at parties, eh?
i know, i was just noting that – aside from the ‘winks’ the video made – you can usually tell the difference between actual TV and a ‘mock up’ version by the way the voice is recorded.
“Snowflake” is code for Black Person
“SJW” is code for ‘stingy jew’
I don’t think so. Almost every time I’ve seen that term used, it was being applied to some ditzy white girl who thought she was being “oppressed” at her university whose tuition is more than the average American’s salary.
Look it up on Urban Dictionary and you’ll find a dozen definitions written by social justice warriors that say it’s a reference to Holocaust ashes or anti-slavery advocates in Missouri in the 1850s.
Or maybe they got it from Fight Club.
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?
Its a joke. the video is pretending to be MSNBC, so they are purposely misinterpreting common internet terms to mock the network’s retarded-normie-ness
not that they’d have to actually fake it. there are plenty of examples of exactly those sorts of things in the media. I think MSNBC came close to saying almost exactly those sorts of things on occasion.
Whoops, I didn’t actually click on the link; I just assumed that some proggie media outlet was actually stupid enough to make the insinuation that “snowflake” is code for a black person. Poe’s Law is in effect.
as i said, you could be forgiven for thinking that.
the SPLC pretty much did exactly what they’re mocking in the video on a few different occasions
“Snowflake is code for black person. SJW is code for stingy Jew.”
Just… wow. I think they’re revealing more about themselves than about “Kekistan”.
And there’s some bonus thiccness in that video if you take time to watch the entire thing.
*Furiously clicks*
Yeah, check out blondie, she’s a hottie.
A video that aged very well indeed
I can’t emphasize enough how much a game changer YouTube is in. This is one of things people overlook: YouTube started in 2005. 2016 was the first time a Democrat lost a Presidential election in the YouTube era. People taped the media’s raw, uncensored, in real time reaction to a Republican winning the presidency. They are quite clearly, openly, undeniably upset, somber, shocked, subdued. They are acting like what they are: Democrat Party partisans watching their team lose. With YouTube, people can share that video, they can show all their apolitical friends exactly how biased the media is. In the past people would forget it, or never see it in the first place. There are dozens of “Top Ten Saddest Media People Election Night 2016” videos that constantly push back against their claim to just be impartial straight shooters.
This one is fucking epic.
Rachael Maddow gets stupid smirk wiped off her face
Never gets old.
I love how she had to specify that a particular polling firm, despite being democrat, was still legit. I wonder how much they’re aware of their honesty-problem.
Over sampling Democrats by 10 points is totally legit. I mean until election day.
I’m revising my opinion. I think they have a problem bigger than an “honesty problem”. It appears they’ve started believing their own bullshit polls and lies.
The funniest thing about them is they actually believe that they’re winning. They’ve never gotten past 2004.
That one cracked me up. Like she studied the methodology.
Rhodes Scholar R Us.
Sheesh, I wonder if people who like her program still find her incoherent?
No, they think she’s the savior of the left. Seriously. I mean her along with Maxine Waters and Lieawatha.
Astonishing. I know that’s a cut-and-paste vid but she just rambles on repetitively so often.
She persisted.
In making a total fool of herself.
You can’t mess with the most special of special snowflakes.
Harris is a ‘star’ of California politics. Something that allows you to be a complete dipshit and fruitcake. On the national level, she will get torn to pieces. People still do not get that NY and CA are not a lot like the rest of the country.
Someone brought up an interesting point regarding CA, their “top two” primary system, and the national popular vote. Basically saying that, even leaving aside voter fraud, that 3 million votes Clinton won the popular vote by heavily dependent on her margins in CA. The dude was theorizing that since CA Republicans know that the Democrat will win the states EC votes, and since the Senate race was between two Democrats, that lots of them just didn’t bother voting.
Look, “mansplaining” is a serious epidemic of systemic oppression of women. Things like child marriage, genital mutilation, and bride burning are just cultural differences you don’t understand, shitlord.
Viking1865 – Indeed, I was the one that brought up that point about the 2 Democrat Senate election. It’s a clue into what the Moderately Dumb Party needs to do in CA next year to hold all of those Orange County House seats: just find candidates for Feinstein’s seat and the Governor’s seat that they can unite behind to get the top 2 primary spots.
Is there a better example of them being out of touch then them thinking SC and GA were in play for Hillary fucking Clinton?
And Utah.
But! Pajama Boy will prove you wr… oh wait…
TL;DW but I caught one “brown people” reference – stay classy ABC.
Duh, they’re called midichlorians.
Large Hadron Collider
That was my nickname in college. Oh, wait, sorry – wrong person, wrong website.
I have a solution to the “Cornwall Problem.” Britain has a surplus of Cornish; France has a surplus of albatross-shit covered rocks in the Indian Ocean. So, do a trade – North Brittany for New Cornwall. Everyone wins.
But what about the Cornish strippers?
Damn you! I don’t care where they’re from, strippers deserve the respect of being properly judged by Glibertarians! False advertisement!
Eventually, once you’ve gotten used to the idea that my erotic links are fake, I’ll put in a real one and nobody will notice.
Here’s Susan Storm naked.
Now I dare you to prove that was false advertising.
Figured it was gonna be another bar band doing some shitty Skynyrd cover.
China’s Xi urges Japan to put aside distractions in relations
“Chinese President Xi Jinping urged Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday to put aside “distractions” that have strained bilateral ties and warned that China was unwilling to compromise on Taiwan, state news agency Xinhua said.”
Japan won’t pretend Taiwan doesn’t exist. The horror.
What’s the penalty for misgendering the leader of China, by calling xir “he” or “she”?
I don’t see why not. They’re all too happy to pretend Taiwanese comfort women never existed.
Never read his books, sounds like a cool dude. Bet he drives a black van.
We should get our own vans and shout libertarian slogans at people.
Our slogans kind of suck. We only promise not to give you free shit.
And of course the most hilarious distraction of all: pretending the Rape of Nanking never happened
Taiwan doesn’t exist because the Japanese deny raping Nanking. This is getting confusing.
♬♬ You act like Taiwan’s not a sovereign nation-state.
You act like Nanking never happened.
Let’s call the whole thing off. ♬♬
And if it did exist, the Chinese totally brought it upon themselves.
So apparently there was some kind of big “working session” of the G20 where all the heads of state get together and pretend to be Top Manning the shit out of world problems.
Trump left in the middle of it and had Ivanka take over the big chair. This is apparently just the latest way he is Assaulting Our Democracy.
Yeah, he should have delegated this important task to someone he trusted, someone who knew how he operated…wait…
Better trolling = Leave Barron to take over.
So they’re saying they’d rather want Trump sitting there than a woman?
OK, to everyone asking from the Morning Links who Dan Bilzerian is:
He’s an instagram “celebrity” known for inheriting 20 skrillion from his corporate raider father, then documenting his “amazing life” of traveling, hanging with sluts and shooting automatic weapons (ok, it does sound pretty amazing). I have done a bit of amateur derpetology in dark corners of the Manosphere and he is treated as the second coming of Christ. Now, horrors, he may or may not have a steady relationship. What are the legions of MGTOW/PUA/Cynical loners going to do when their Messiah has given up the one true lifestyle??!? I’d love to see Derpetologist do a more in depth, professional study of the Manosphere because it’s something I find fascinating from an intellectual angle.
In any case, there’s your explanation; not nearly as interesting or illuminating as the pompous, bloviating post from this morning might suggest, but sometimes you get what you get.
Not-fat, maybe stupid, definitely rich, and surounded by hot sticky strange is in fact the way to go through life son
I think what’s most amazing is the dude is like 5’6″.
At least he knows how to treat a lady
Legal fees and damages are a good way to run through your money if you’re concerned you have too much…
Sounds like a fine human being.
He takes “Negging” to the next level
More like the preceding level, since he threw her down a level. 🙁
well, it was for charity
or at least he threw her in the pool.
Without knowing the details, I’d say from the legal point of view alone, throwing people off roofs isn’t ideal…unless you can show the court that it was a ninja trying to kill you and you got the jump on them.
But the richer I got, the *less* famous I’d want to be. So I’d limit my de-roofings to the rarest occasions.
The guy has all the money in the world and he won’t even spring for a proper helicopter ride. When they’re done right you don’t have to worry about lawsuits.
Bilzarian is one of these odd class of people whose wealth relies on his fame; its the source of it.
I think joe rogan noted as much once; that he’s one of these ‘famous for being famous’ people who has so many twitter/instagram followers that he actually makes a living at it.
That convinces me more than the guy chucking broads off roofs, Gilmore, that the man’s a raging cunt.
me too.
i just thought it was worth noting re: eddies comment about the desired inverse relationship wealth and fame
So the manosphere is guys behaving the way feminists assume all guys behave?
Basically yes.
And how deep down they want them to behave
Well that would explain why I’ve never heard of him.
File under “Fuck off slaver!”
Chicago will withhold HS diplomas unless grads have a job, college acceptance, or join the military.
“Look, everyone knows our phony-baloney degrees are meaningless, so let’s only give them to students who exhibit minimal signs of trying to succeed in life, and then take credit for it!”
And what do they mean have a job *or* join the military?
That’s pretty fucking blatant huh?
2020 Headline: “100% of all graduates of Chicago Public Schools are either working, in college, or serving their country. Public schools are great!!!!”
Something I missed on the first scan: Apparently all Chicago public school grads gain automatic acceptance to area community colleges but it still sets up graduates to lie about their intent. Talk about low standards.
Maybe they could devise a policy by which, in order to get a degree from the Chicago HS system, you have to demonstrate you’ve mastered certain subjects…hold teachers accountable…oops, I think I see the problem…
That’s just crazy talk.
Ah, but they don’t graduate until they are accepted by a college or get a job, so the area CCs can’t accept them automatically because they haven’t officially graduated yet…
Holy steaming shitpile, Batman. A Jezebel article with comments that aren’t totally fucking retarded? What is this world co…
It gets worse. I don’t have the link right now, but there was a NYT article last week where almost every single regular NYT poster agreed with Trump on immigration rules and the SCOTUS decision about his travel ban rule,
Come on, Zardoz, we’re rooting for you, just remember what the dormouse said…
Anyway…neighbors object to proposed Margaret Thatcher statute because it might be vandalized
The heckler’s veto works for statues too?
They haven’t made a final decision.
But at least Thatcher didn’t launch a military coup against Parliament, which is more than can be said of all the people whose statues are near the Parliament buildings
Considering the Brits hated Cromwell so much they executed him two years after he died that’s surprising.
The Irish Protestants always had a soft spot for him, and in the 19th century Carlyle helped spark a Cromwell boom…romantic military hero who Knew How to Get Things Done…that was the sweet spot when the statue seems to have been made, and now apparently they’re stuck with it.
At least the antifa crowd is busy in Hamburg now. If they can get it up now it might stand for a day or two.
The solution is to put up a statute of Lenin standing in a bucket, trying to lift it by the handles. The right won’t vandalize it and neither will the left given they think that works.
Communism is good, shitlords, you just ain’t lurnt.
Capitalism BAD!
This is what you really want, shitlords, get lurnt, get woke!
I don’t have a subscription
Opening paragraph is good for a chuckle: “A riot that raged for hours just a mile from the Group of 20 meeting site left German officials struggling to explain Saturday how protests that had long been predicted spiraled out of control.”
Who could’ve predicted Marxists would be violent?
You might have to clear your cache, not sure if incognito mode will work. But I don’t have a sub and I read all of it.
Doesn’t work for me either and I’m not going to clear my cache just for that.
I probably just got lucky because I haven’t visited WSJ in the last 30 days, or however I avoided their filter.
step 1) Go to
step 2) paste in paywalled article url
step 3) profit
I’m a got religion
Ok, you fuckheads, I’ll be down there on Monday, I’m feelins muh religion.
I think I’m moving from “not as bad as I thought” towards tentively maybe slightly optimistic.
6 months in and no new wars! And isn’t it sad that that fact is considered… I can’t find the word, unexpected? A reason to be optimistic?
“Yay! The new president hasn’t started yet another war in some third world shithole!”
That’s pretty much the most libertarian thing from a politician that I’ve heard in my lifetime. I mean except for libertarian pols like Paul, Amash, or Massie.
Sorry, that’s obviously an old quote. Article was here.
(Did link on my phone,. If it works you all need to act impressed.)
I mean, I’m sorry for posting an old quote without explained why. Here’s the link above. Geesh, you people are…
Give him time. Gonna need some unifying bogeyman once the wheels fall off the economy. Trump is out there claiming credit for the stock market and unemployment numbers so he is going to own the downturn, too. It’s gonna get crazier when it happens and I have no idea how Trump is going to react, but past presidents have bombed the hell out Arabs in less desperate times.
Also even with the ‘no new wars’ they’re still messing around in Yemen.
Venezuela looks like it could use a good invadin’.
I’m reserving judgement until we’re 2 years in.
You’d wait until 1935 to criticize HITLER?!?!?!?!?
That made me lol.
About that baby in England…
I think the main reason the UK bureaucrats refuse to let him receive treatment abroad is the same reason Venezuela’s govt refuses to accept food or medical aid: it would embarrass them.
All those windowlickers would rather let people die that admit they fucked up.
Just plain evil.
Mariella Enoc, president of the Vatican’s Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital, released a statement asking the director of the London hospital, where Charlie is staying, “to verify whether the health conditions exist to possibly transfer Charlie to our hospital.”
“We know that this is a desperate case and, apparently, there is no effective therapy,” Enoc said.
Charlie’s mother, Connie Yates, has been in contact with Enoc, Bambino Gesu’s press office told CNN.
After that interaction, Enoc contacted the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Enoc said the London hospital was very kind and thanked her for her interest, but confirmed that for legal reasons, transferring Charlie to their care would be impossible.
The banality of evil.
Maybe it’s a hopeless case, but I understand the parents have the money for experimental treatments and countries willing to admit them for such treatments in their hospitals.
So the old “saving tax money” argument won’t work. And since these aren’t fly-by-night foreign hospitals, they can’t say they would be objectively worse off than in the British hospital they’re in now.
And suppose the treatment doesn’t work…worst case scenario, they’d have more information about what does and doesn’t work, for use in future cases…
And finally, they’re the parents, not the UK government, and they’re talking about one course of treatment versus another course of (non) treatment, one accredited hospital versus another. If that’s not within the range of parental discretion, what rights to parents have?
None, apparently. It’s really quite shocking & I can’t believe this isn’t bigger news*.
*For me, “bigger news” means “seen anywhere outside of Glibs”.
What they’re doing is absolutely 100% no doubt protectionism of socialized medicine. They realize just how bad it will look for them if they give even one exception to their rules, no matter what the situation. Socialized medicine, like everything else socialism, is about the unquestioned iron rule of the state over the collective. The state is always right, no questions asked. Equality, sheeple, get you some.
Diana Moon Glampers, secretary of health.
Please tell me, you just made that up. I don’t even want to find out that’s real.
Haven’t read that story in a while. I need more Vonnegut in my life.
But really, that does seem to be the dystopia to which we’re headed, much more so than 1984 or Brave New World. Bergeron takes place in what, 2084? We might be there in the next decade or so.
What if the parents were willing to waive all potential legal options against the hospital?
I see none of you WORK.
I’m working right now. Only need one hand to do it, though.
I sort of stopped at 5pm on Friday. is that wrong? I mean I do have a couple of websites that are used worldwide and if one of them goes down, I might get a phone call or an email. Outside of that, hedonism 101 is on.
Not on weekends.
You one percenter!
More FAKE MSNBC. Wait, you’re saying that this isn’t fake?
Pepe is a secret Nazi!
The left just doesn’t get the meme stuff at all.
memes aside, the thing i find absurd about the current consensus worldview is their belief that America somehow has millions of “neo-nazi white supremacists” secretly running around, who are only exposed by their use of a super-secret code-Frog.
Totally makes sense, right?
I think one of the most important arguments made since the election happened was scott alexander’s “You’re still crying wolf” thing, which pretty calmly and dispassionately showed that – at best – there’s like ‘3-5%’ actual racists in the population.
This idea they’ve latched onto, that they’re surrounded by arch-evil super-enemies, is what i find so absurd. It makes them feel like they’re “The good guys”, i get it, but its just so ridiculously implausible. They are inventing dragons in order to pretend-slay them. Popular delusion on that scale can be scary.
from the link
According to Wikipedia on KKK membership:
As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total
The KKK is really small. They could all stay in the same hotel with a bunch of free rooms left over.
It is easier to find flat earthers than genuine KKK guys and neo Nazis.
And yet you still have people as prominent (ok “-ly retarded”) as Chris Hayes pretending that Trump’s reference to “14 words” was code language for the White Supremacist’s Creed
Basically, its being considered “normal” for a news anchor to pretend that the president speaks in racist code language.
Only a secret Nazi would visit and praise Poland and Israel. He’s trying to throw people off the scent.
You know who else had a popular delusion leading to a certain group being labeled “the enemy?”
L Ron Hubbard?
Joseph Smith?
Mr Garrison?
One thing that I think deeply about all of the time, is the origin of religion. It seems like such an obscure and esoteric idea that I still cannot come to grips with how it could have happened if someone had not at some time seen something that they did not understand and it convinced them that there is a god/ gods who created all that they see.
So maybe one day, while at the river side, Gog is cleaning the slime off of himself from the previous day’s kill, and he thinks ‘FUCK, all I have to do is say that there’s this guy, I mean he came from the sky, and he talked to me! Only me, because I’m the chosen one! And now, I mean, he only talks to me and if you don’t do what I say, he’s going to smite thee!
Ok, maybe that’s how it happened.
I have…alternative theories.
Apparently, they’re giving that away for free down at Hopkins now if you can claim to be some type of religion. What the hell was that Rastafarian shit? But I have to tell you, I’ve done some drugs, including the one in question, and not one of them would lead me to the conclusion that there is some magical being who created the universe.
You’re not a Prehistoric Cro-Magnon who fundamentally lacks knowledge of the world around him but still demands answers.
And I seriously challenge the idea that primitive humans could come up with such an obscure idea as sky gods.
It’s really not that big a stretch. And really sun worship is actually pretty damn rational. Big thing in the sky gives you all sorts of benefits, must be looking out for you.
When I asked that question I wasn’t intending for all the atheists to get a hard-on, but I’m glad I made your night.
Not sure where this argument started, but as for myself, I’m not an atheist, but an agnostic.
And as for myself; I sir, am drunk…nearly.
Re scientists. Yeh, but was there a consensus?
97% because I said so. Wait, what science are we talking about?
The one about discovering a subatomic particle Zardoz linked to.
Subatomic particles are racist!
*gives Hyperion grant*
I will probably work this into a post later. Here’s my thoughts for now:
“I don’t care about crime, I just want to get the guns.”
-Howard Metzenbaum, US Senator & Democrat
This quote tells you all you need to know about the gun control movement. It’s not about guns. It’s about control.
The first gun control laws in the US came after the successful slave revolt in Haiti. Many states banned free blacks from having any weapons,
In the Haitian Revolution of the 1790s, the slave population successfully threw off their French masters, but the Revolution degenerated into a race war, aggravating existing fears in the French Louisiana colony, and among whites in the slave states of the United States. When the first U. S. official arrived in New Orleans in 1803 to take charge of this new American possession, the planters sought to have the existing free black militia disarmed, and otherwise exclude “free blacks from positions in which they were required to bear arms,” including such non-military functions as slave-catching crews. The New Orleans city government also stopped whites from teaching fencing to free blacks, and then, when free blacks sought to teach fencing, similarly prohibited their efforts as well. [4]
It is not surprising that the first North American English colonies, then the states of the new republic, remained in dread fear of armed blacks, for slave revolts against slave owners often degenerated into less selective forms of racial warfare. The perception that free blacks were sympathetic to the plight of their enslaved brothers, and the dangerous example that “a Negro could be free” also caused the slave states to pass laws designed to disarm all blacks, both slave and free. Unlike the gun control laws passed after the Civil War, these antebellum statutes were for blacks alone. In Maryland, these prohibitions went so far as to prohibit free blacks from owning dogs without a license, and authorizing any white to kill an unlicensed dog owned by a free black, for fear that blacks would use dogs as weapons. Mississippi went further, and prohibited any ownership of a dog by a black person. [5]
Understandably, restrictions on slave possession of arms go back a very long way. While arms restrictions on free blacks predate it, these restrictions increased dramatically after Nat Turner’s Rebellion in 1831, a revolt that caused the South to become increasingly irrational in its fears. [6] Virginia’s response to Turner’s Rebellion prohibited free blacks “to keep or carry any firelock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead…” The existing laws under which free blacks were occasionally licensed to possess or carry arms was also repealed, making arms possession completely illegal for free blacks. [7] But even before this action by the Virginia Legislature, in the aftermath of Turner’s Rebellion, the discovery that a free black family possessed lead shot for use as scale weights, without powder or weapon in which to fire it, was considered sufficient reason for a frenzied mob to discuss summary execution of the owner. [8] The analogy to the current hysteria where mere possession of ammunition in some states without a firearms license may lead to jail time, should be obvious.
One example of the increasing fear of armed blacks is the 1834 change to the Tennessee Constitution, where Article XI, 26 of the 1796 Tennessee Constitution was revised from: “That the freemen of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence,” [9] to: “That the free white men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence.” [10] [emphasis added] It is not clear what motivated this change, other than Turner’s bloody insurrection. The year before, the Tennessee Supreme Court had recognized the right to bear arms as an individual guarantee, but there is nothing in that decision that touches on the subject of race. [11]
Every single gun law and regulation has its roots in defending slavery.
Now let’s look at some common gun control arguments.
1. “The constitution says only members of a well-regulated militia, like the National Guard, can have arms.”
Bull. First, the phrase “well-regulated” does not mean “government-controlled”. The phrase at that time referred to things or groups which were in good condition or working correctly. Second, the first part of the 2nd amendment does not say WHO may keep and bear arms; it gives the reason WHY people should be allowed to keep and bear arms.
Third, in case the Constitution is not clear enough, most state constitutions explicitly grant the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense:
Connecticut 1818: Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
Kentucky 1792: [T]he right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
Massachusetts 1780: The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence.
North Carolina 1776: [T]he people have a right to bear arms, for the defence of the State; and, as standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
Pennsylvania 1776: That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; And that the military should be kept under strict subordination, to, and governed by, the civil power.
2. “A gun owner is more likely to shoot themselves or a family member than an intruder.”
This figure comes from a guy named Kellerman whose study contained numerous flaws. Among these were that his sample included a large number of criminals who were more likely to be armed and more likely to be victims of homicide.
But suppose for the sake of argument we accept the study’s conclusion. If this is really true, why do politicians, celebrities, & police hire guards and/or arm themselves and keep weapons in their homes?
It’s clear they feel much safer with guns than without them. Makes sense to me. How many times have read about someone trying to mug a uniformed police officer? Or a politician?
3. “Without gun laws, anyone could by a machine gun/rpg/evil-murder-death-assault-rifle-hyper-cannon”
Almost all gun crime is committed with handguns. Criminals like them because they are cheap and easy to hide. So even if machine guns were easy to get, crooks would still be using handguns because you can’t hide a tommy gun in your waistband. The reason criminals don’t use military weapons for crime is the same reason they don’t use catapults and trebuchets.
4. “There’s no point in owning guns to defend against the government because they have all the firepower.”
Oh really? The people who won the war for independence were poorly-trained and lightly-armed. Ditto for the North Vietnamese and mujahideen. It is impossible to tyrannize an armed population. This is why all tyrants seek to disarm the people. The Tokugawa shoguns did it, the Nazis did it, the various Communist regimes did it, and just about every other authoritarian hellhole is trying to do it.
If guns aren’t useful for resisting the government, why do tyrants always try to get rid of them?
Furthermore, of the 30,000 or so gun deaths per year in the US, about half of them are suicides. Suicide is unfortunate, but it is a separate issue from gun ownership. There are many countries, such as Japan, with strict gun laws and much higher suicide rates. The gun homicide rate in the US is much lower than many other countries with strict gun laws such as Mexico. Gun homicide in the US is concentrated in poor neighborhoods in major cities. The gun homicide rate among those terrible white men is lower than any western European country that progs want to imitate.
As a side note, Thomas Jefferson owned a Girandoni air rifle that was capable of firing 20 times without reloading. It was the 18th century equivalent of a machine gun.
Furthermore, it was perfectly legal for citizens to own machine guns in the 19th century. During the 1863 draft riots in NYC:
“At Newspaper Row, across from City Hall, Henry Raymond, owner and editor of The New York Times, averted the rioters with Gatling guns, one of which he manned. The mob, instead, attacked the headquarters of abolitionist Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune until forced to flee by the Brooklyn Police. ”
So there it is. All I have left to say to the gun-grabbing whiners is you lost, go home, you have low testosterone.
It’s hard to see how today’s gun control laws are any different, if you notice where such laws tend to be the most restrictive.
How to make a prog squirm: ask him/her if they’d support tougher gun laws if it meant black people would be imprisoned at higher rates than white people.
Spoiler: they will call you racist and change the subject.
Once again, progs project. Theirs is the legacy of bigotry, racism, and well evil.
“The government has all the firepower” argument, if true, should imply that you need to peel it back before it goes full rogue, right?
Progs see an all-powerful govt as a feature, not a bug.
At least when they control the govt, that is.
But tougher gun laws really work. I’m just going to tell you, as someone who knows what they’re talking about, Brazil has some of the world’s most anti-gun laws on the planet. Here’s the results of that:
When only criminals have guns
Well, what do you say about that progs? Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re all retarded.
Support Gun Control You Child Hating Bigot!!
I’m white knuckled in anticipation of how this EARTH SHATTERING SCOOP OF THE CENTURY will play out.
They’ve never heard of the saying, “Don’t throw good money after bad”?
I’m hammered. Time to clean the skylights and start with the power tools.
Say something racist online.
Can you do a livecast of you on the roof? I mean, are you libertarian, or what?
We will mourn your loss.
random memory
A comedian is telling a story about the time some guy in Wrigleyille is hassling him. The guys says “hey man, whatcha’ wearin’?”
The comedian says “it’s called a suit- you’ll be wearing one at the funeral after one of your frat bros falls off a roof.”
There’s an awful lot of ill wishing here.
There were several new breweries that were visited today, with lunch being grabbed at the Saucy Brew Works. However, I ran across two different cyclists who were clipped by cars on my riding today. First time I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across someone who had been injured while riding. Thankfully, I had my first aid kit in one of my packs.
Wait, I’m still a little bit sober. You’re in Cleveland, right?
“Wait, I’m still a little bit sober.”
Turn. In. Your. Monocle.
You’ll pry my monocle from my dead eye!
The one in Ohio, yes. I’m a Clevelander, born and bred. Grew up on the East side, and live on the West side now.
I’m still at about four breweries shy from hitting all of the Cleveland ones.
Islam explained in a 5 minute song
English lyrics
Faith is belief in Allah and the messengers
The angels and the final day and the holy scriptures
To believe in destiny; that good and bad both come from him
And the resurrection- there is no god but Allah
There is no god but Allah x 3
Mohamed is god’s prophet
Allah is the creator of heaven and earth
Nothing may compare with him
He is the one alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Mohamed- mercy to the worlds
Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind
Jibril [Gabriel] brings the word
The scriptures all by all by Allah sent
Torah, Psalms, and Gospel then
The source of perfect wisdom
The glorious Koran
The reckoning, the final day
when all will see their works
remade in soul and body
to stand before their lord
with patience bearing every grief
with thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny
the will of Allah
…meh. It’s your normal “God is great, and you’re fucked on judgment day if you think otherwise” religious-type song.
+1 They can all go to hell except Cave 76
It’s been seven hours and fifteen days
Since u blew your head away
I go out every night and sleep all day
Since u blew your head away
Since u been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a halal restaurant
But nothing
I said nothing can take away these lulz
`Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares 2 u
It’s been no stonings without u here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these joyful tears from falling
Tell me bloodstain, where did you go “boom”
You can roll your torso inside every ditch I see
But that’d only remind me of you
I went to the Imam and guess what he told me
Guess what he told me
He said, “Girl, you better try to have fun no matter what you do.”
But he’s a Jew
`Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares 2 u
All the IEDs that u planted, Mohammed
In the Levant
All expired when u blew away
I know that living with u baby was sometimes retard
But I’m willing to give you another suicide
Nothing compares
Nothing compares 2 u
Nothing compares
Nothing compares 2 u
Nothing compares
Nothing compares 2 u
I love Samir O’Conner
Not as successful these days as TariqMac above.
*takes slug from bottle of vodka*
Really? You can’t understand why anyone or anything could hate Philly?
I can’t. Why the fuck does Boston get all the luck? Boston’s a hundred times worse than Philly. Fuck Boston.
Well, it’s a lot colder, so yes, it’s worse. I mean this in the only thing that makes Baltimore the best of the mid Atlantic progtard states, climate.
I was just thinking of the sports fans in Philly.
Who cares about basketball?
random memory
When my brother was 9 or 10, he asked my dad how Hitler could be evil if he thought he was doing the right thing. That was the day I first heard the phrase about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
another random memory
A typical day as a process engineer: show up, check to see if parts I ordered came (usually not), walk around the factory floor, some data entry, maybe a meeting, search for more parts to order, read and answer some emails, make a phone call or two, spend 6 hours browsing wikipedia and pretending to be busy. Drive home while remembering the words of the cement mixing pelican from The Flintstones- Eh. It’s a living.
….”unfortunately, it also turned out to be the first day I realized my brother was turning into an ardent neo-nazi….”
I don’t think he’d fit in with his carrot red hair and freckles.
Even Nazis won’t take gingers.
Man, I really needed this. I larfed and larfed.
surprise, surprise, surprise
Military chiefs want 6-month delay on transgender enlistment
Transgender servicemembers have been able to serve openly in the military since last year, when former Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the ban, declaring it the right thing to do. Since Oct. 1, transgender troops have been able to receive medical care and start formally changing their gender identifications in the Pentagon’s personnel system.
Officials said Friday that the chiefs believe the extra half-year would give the four military services time to gauge if currently serving transgender troops are facing problems and what necessary changes the military bases might have to make.
But Carter also gave the services until July 1 to develop policies to allow people already identifying as transgender to newly join the military, if they meet physical, medical and other standards, and have been stable in their identified genders for 18 months. The military chiefs had said they needed time to study the issue and its effects on the readiness of the force before taking that step.
In related news:
US Army Asks Female Soldiers to Accept ‘Transitioning Men’ With Male Genitalia in Their Showers
“Following her transition from male to female (which did not include sex reassignment surgery) and gender marker change in DEERS [the Army’s personnel database], a transgender soldier begins using female barracks, bathroom and shower facilities,” the slide reads.
It adds: “Because she did not undergo a surgical change, the Soldier still has male genitalia.”
The slide also instructs soldiers to “accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive and characterized by little or no privacy” and “use the barracks, bathroom and shower facilities associated with their gender marker in DEERS.”
Another point in the slide reads: “Understand that you may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms and shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.”
It also notes that “transgender soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact they do not ‘match’ other soldiers.”
comment Inception
As a side note, about 3/4 of military age Americans are ineligible for military service for medical and moral (drugs) reasons, but for some reason, it’s very important to recruit and retain a group that makes up way less than 1% of the population.
Well yeah, how else are the people supposed to know that the military is totes woke now
mental meandering
If the good weapons get worn out while fighting poorly armed yahoos, what’s going to happen when the US has to fight a halfway decent military?
That’s an easy one:
Step one: triple the current national debt.
Step two: saddle your grandchildren with paying it off.
Step three: Profit!
Ain’t the endless war grand!?!
It is not who we are fighting that is causing most of the wear, it is how long we are fighting.
Curtis LeMay quotes
There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.
My solution to the problem would be to tell [the North Vietnamese Communists] frankly that they’ve got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression or we’re going to bomb them into the Stone Age. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces.
Killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal…. Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you’re not a good soldier.
I’d like to see a more aggressive attitude on the part of the United States. That doesn’t mean launching an immediate preventive war…
We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, someway or another, and some in South Korea too.… Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure?
If I see that the Russians are amassing their planes for an attack, I’m going to knock the shit out of them before they take off the ground.
We’re at war with Japan. We were attacked by Japan. Do you want to kill Japanese, or would you rather have Americans killed?
As far as casualties were concerned I think there were more casualties in the first attack on Tokyo with incendiaries than there were with the first use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The fact that it’s done instantaneously, maybe that’s more humane than incendiary attacks, if you can call any war act humane. I don’t, particularly, so to me there wasn’t much difference. A weapon is a weapon and it really doesn’t make much difference how you kill a man. If you have to kill him, well, that’s the evil to start with and how you do it becomes pretty secondary. I think your choice should be which weapon is the most efficient and most likely to get the whole mess over with as early as possible.
I’ll tell you what war is about, you’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.
Apply whatever force it is necessary to employ, to stop things quickly. The main thing is stop it. The quicker you stop it, the more lives you save.
Actually I think it’s more immoral to use less force than necessary, than it is to use more. if you use less force, you kill off more of humanity in the long run, because you are merely protracting the struggle.
That’s pretty standard from Clausewitz too. War is just politics by other means and the whole purpose is to get another group to bend to your will. This is probably a huge train why Iraq was a huge fiasco. We took out the one group that was in control. Then when we wanted people bending to our will we had to do it ourselves rather than through Saddam’s regime. It’s not pretty, but it’s reality.
It’s a tad convenient that of all human activities, war is the one where effectiveness supersedes all other considerations and where prompt victory is the only morality.
In Japan’s specific circumstances, when the US had nukes and they didn’t but the Japanese leadership was unhinged with their Samurai suicidal bullshit, it took nukes to get through that shell and make them decide to surrender.
So that’s a clear cut alternative of prompt victory versus worry about civilians.
Almost a laboratory example of practical nuke-wielders versus hand-wringing, Monday-morning quarterbacks.
But the scenarios won’t always be so simple. Sometimes killing civilians (eg, conventional bombing campaign in Europe and Japan) isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, even from the efficiency standpoint.