Boring Torah sedrah this week. Nothing remarkable in the Middle East (other than Palestinians driving like elderly Florida Jews). No prominent Member of the Tribe doing something stupid on a newsworthy level. My brain is fried from work and trying to get an actual paying article finished. SP vetoed my idea about Best Christian Baby recipes. So… I got nothin’.

If you want something serious, Eddie wrote a mini-book in Afternoon Links. Me, all I wanna do is have some fun. So before I start pounding alcoholic beverages with the estimable SP, I have some assorted pix to toss out, all stolen from various spots on the Web. Feel free to caption any of them if it strikes your fancy.

I would have thought this tasteless, but my dog actually has one of these outfits, a Hanukkah present from Grand Moff Serious Man.

Jeremiah Wright, call for you on Line 3.

This was a scene from my last visit out to see jesse, Playa, Los Doyers, and Mad Scientist. And once I was there…

This is seriously how SP envisioned me when we first met. Joke’s on her, I guess:

And this made my day:

But my motives are clearly ulterior: