People are riding bikes in the Alps today. And there was a crash, but everybody looks ok and the others got a nice respite before the first climb. That’s the kind of up-to-the-minute breaking news you can expect at places. Actually, it just popped up in the first story in my search. So don’t expect it here, really. And those of you that weren’t expecting it and are pissed about the spoiler: sorry about that. Elsewhere, The Open is less than a day away, thank God. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the winner will be a first-time major winner again in an incredible finish that people will be talking about for quite some time (except UCS, who will not talk about it at all). And don’t forget that the USA takes on El Salvador tonight in soccer’s CONCACAF Gold Cup knockout rounds. Let’s hope they don’t play like they have so far.
In the baseball world, the Yankees and White Sox made a trade: Yankees got the better of it. The D-backs made a trade and look to be pushing for a playoff spot. The aforementioned pinstripes beat the Twins (sorry, Minnesodan contingent) and the Astros took out Monday night’s loss on the Mariners with style. Rubber match tonight.
Well there’s a lot going on elsewhere, so lets unpack it in…the links!
I’m gonna explain with this first link why the American public doesn’t trust or respect the media. Here is the lede from the NYT: Trump and Putin Held a Second, Undisclosed, Private Conversation. That’s their words, verbatim. Now the first paragraph:
WASHINGTON — Hours into a dinner with world leaders who had gathered for the Group of 20 summit meeting, President Trump left his chair at the sprawling banquet table and headed to where President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was seated.
Now, by “undisclosed” and “private”, they mean at a massive table with probably a hundred people around, many with cameras. And by “undisclosed”, they mean in public and announced as a formal dinner with other heads of state. And furthermore, by “left his chair…headed to Putin”, they mean he swapped seats with his wife.
Why the hell would I trust the gray lady after this completely disingenuous headline and intro to a story? Why would I trust the parrots at CNN or MSNBC or NPR or everywhere else that breathlessly reported a very public and informal conversation as something nefarious? I ask you, what credibility do these people have left?

Suck it, peons!
::catches breath::
How do you get booed worse than the Mets? Catch a foul ball, apparently. Well, catch a foul ball while being a horribly unpopular asshole.
Whatever a “Reddit AMA” is, Chris Cillizza has one. And people are airing their grievances. And its not even Festivus yet. But he’s apparently a good sport. (TW: Slate, although they don’t go full retard here. Instead, they gloss over the real criticism he’s getting hammered with by people showing his lack of integrity and objectiveness over and over and over and over and over again)
Looks like there was another person at the Trump Jr meeting. This one linked to “money laundering” according to reports. That link is an interview he gave in 2000 about how shell companies are used to open businesses in Delaware. You know, just like a shitload of companies do every year.
Court dates are not optional. And don’t punch horses!
A city council acts responsible with taxpayer money. Chamber of Commerce is outraged.

One of San Francisco’s newest residents.
San Francisco has gone to the (wild) dogs. You know, without their retarded gun control laws this wouldn’t have happened.
And lastly, Welcome to Italy! Italians hardest hit.
That’s all for me, friends. Have a great day!
War? Nahhh
Not a fun First, gotta go to work extra early, Good Day All!
We could just airdrop crates of food into towns with “You’re welcome! -America” written on them. And then crates of toilet paper to follow. They’d ask to become a territory in about a week.
Or sell it On the black market like they do in Africa, Food I mean
“Black market”
We could just crop-dust Venezuela with Liberator pistols – or something cheaper like Hi-Points – and let them sort it out.
I’ve got a couple Hi-Point pistols. (9mm and .45)
They’re really a good value for the money.
I have the .40 carbine – it works. It’s kind of embarrassing, but it throws lead.
It does look like a 3rd grade craft project, but it does indeed work.
I hope that’s because they were free…. I can’t imagine a rich libertarian shitlord actually paying money for one of those zinc monstrosities. Unless it’s a drop gun. Ahhhhhh ok yeah it’s a drop gun. Totally worth it then. We won’t say anything.
Listen, when you pull that .45 out of the center console and start leveling it at a prospective carjacker, it’s gonna make him shot his pants.
Sometimes it’s good to have a weapon that’s unnecessarily large.
Also you won’t want to hang yourself in the shower if your car gun Hi-Point gets stolen.
There is also the probability of the police confiscating the weapon used as “evidence” after a justified use of force. They’re supposed to return it, but good luck getting it back.
Sometimes its good to have a weapons that will only set you back $150 rather than a $1500 Wilson Combat
Yep – was just talking to my cousin. His dad had some guns the cops were holding on to after an “incident”. Now that he’s passed away, the guns are nowhere to be found and some cop has a really sweet $1,200 Dan Wesson revolver.
the guns are nowhere to be found and some cop has a really sweet $1,200 Dan Wesson revolver.
And they don’t have to compensate him and that totally doesn’t violate the 5th amendment because reasons.
Yeah, if I ever end up in a reality where it makes sense to carry, I’ll be carrying a plastic, consumer-grade gun like a bog-standard, stock G43 or a P320.
When you run out of ammo, you can beat your offender to death with the brick.
Sloopy got hatted! Looks good on you, Sloopy!
I actually hatted myself. That’s my Bollman I’ve had for 5 years.
I just felt the strong libertarian urge to fit in with the crowd.
I have thought about having my beer hatted and monocled, but not sure how silly that would look.
Then again, it already has a nice foamy hat on it.
How’d that work in Somalia?
Jesus just leave them collapse in peace, on their own, I don’t need another 50 years of socialist telling me Venezuela would have totally worked in the end without evil sanctions. In fact it was just starting to boom one day before sanctioned hit, probably.
44) An article in the Washington Post about a non-profit in DC that helps low-income residents make the down payment so they can own their own homes. Great! But the article included this quote from an African-American couple:
“We wanted a neighborhood where we would feel at home, that would be like the D.C. that we know,”… “They look like us,” Leon Waddy said of his neighbors.
Now I don’t have any problem with this. People should live where they want to live, based on whatever reasons they wish. But isn’t this really racist by your standards, Washington Post? These people want a neighborhood where the neighbors “look like us.” I mean, I had to read it a couple times to make sure it really said what I thought it did.
Can you imagine the Post using a quote like that by a white family, except maybe in an article on the rising tide of the KKK or the alt-right, or whatever? One might almost think that allowing such quotes without challenge by one ethnic group and not another may actually contribute to the rise of a consciousness of those in that other group as having a distinct ethnic identity.
But Blacks can’t be racist! you Racist!
Democracy dies in darkness, shitlord. And don’t you forget it.
I see, What you did, there
It’s been shown that people only have to have a slight preference for living in neighborhoods where people look like themselves to get segregated districts. Of course the central planers didn’t like that because it means there isn’t some nefarious plot in the background.
the central planers
Don’t blame them. They were just trying to level the playing field.
Yes, they want to smooth things over.
Um, no. Please read “The Color of Law.” It describes in gory detail how the gubbamint for the past 150 years has aided and abetted segregation. The worst offenders were probably during the ’30s when the FHA and other agencies were created and given marching orders to create all-white and all-black housing projects. But, don’t worry, local and state gubbamints have been just as guilty, so our hate of gubbamint at ALL LEVELS is fully justified.
The Nonreciprocity Principle. Science.
I want to live in a neighborhood where no-one looks like me, where all my neighbors are hot young women.
Who wash their cars all the time. In bikinis.
No. Topless.
“…the D.C. that we know…” and such is code for “urban black neighborhood”. It’s a big thing in the DMV. This area has been in a cold race war since I can remember, and it’s worse the closer to DC that you get. It’s also really common to hear that only white people can be racist, that it’s racist for white people to want to live next to white people (which it is, but who cares?) but when black people want to live in “black neighborhoods” it’s community solidarity, or giving back, or lifting up the black community. There’s a huge, huge double-standard, and the WaPo’s usual stance on the matter is just the expression of the readership’s position.
You, sir, are lovably naive.
Morning, Glibs!,
When did cartel members start dressing like extras from a Bruce Lee movie? I think that’s been photoshopped.
Steve Bannon in trouble for his perfect description of Paul Ryan. A ‘Limp D*** Motherf***er’
Who is he “in trouble” with?
The American Academy of Eradicating Erectile Dysfunction Stigma?
Other motherfuckers?
That is kind of a contradiction in terms.
GOPe needz moar limp dickz!
No matter what you think of Bannon, Ryan, and Heritage, that’s an excellent line. Mad props if true.
It’s pretty clever for a homeless drunk that Trump lets crash in the White House garden shed.
There’s a big difference between being a multimillionaire that chooses to look like a homeless drunk and live in a shed, and an actual homeless drunk that lives in a shed.
Yes, most homeless drunks actually have no shed.
The Millennials call them Tiny Homes, not sheds.
They need to call Arthur Jackson! I hear tell he has an extry!
“How do you get booed worse than the Mets? Catch a foul ball, apparently. Well, catch a foul ball while being a horribly unpopular asshole.”
I have a cousin who lives in NY and goes to 20-30 Yankees games a year. He brings a glove to every game but has never caught a foul ball. He took his mother-in-law to one game, the first baseball game she’d been to in decades and, yep, she caught a foul ball. Wouldn’t give it to him either.
Anyway, some principle. How many Mets games does Chris Christie go to? And he just happens to catch a foul ball? Dude lives a charmed fuckin’ life.
SAME principle
Good for her, she caught it, she keeps it.
he cheats. he exerts an enormous gravitational pull on small objects.
Chris Christie is so fat his belt is actually the equator.
More like the prime meridian. Because fat people are always laying down being lazy.
OK, too far, that was just Greenwich mean.
Lighten up. We have a lot of latitude when it comes to puns.
Lighten up
I am tired of your fatphobic humor.
“Lighten up.”
Now you’ve crossed the line.
We don’t have much latitude for puns here.
That’s solid, right there.
Oh, Krispy Kreme is MORE than solid.
He signed the ball and gave it to a kid.
Still, I wish he’d stroke out already.
Isn’t that like going to a theater and signing a playbill for some random person?
The kid should’ve thrown it back like a home run.
Well, that’s his mistake, right there. Doesn’t he believe in superstition????
He might have had some good luck here and there, but I wouldn’t trade places with the fat bastard.
It seems like it’s hip right now to hate on Christie right now. And he is pretty hatable. But he’s by far the best NJ Governor I’ve seen since moving here (which is a very low hurdle). Or, you could say he’s the least-worst governor in recent history.
This is how stockholm syndrome starts Drake. Get out. Get help. Get better.
Oh I’m planning my escape. But honestly, he’s so much less shitty than McGreevey, Corzine, and even Whitman it isn’t even close.
I’d rather he were a really good Democrat governor than a terrible Republican governor.
Our next one will be a really terrible Democrat governor.
Yup, Murphy, that fucking assnugget.
And THAT is what stops me from moving back to Princeton now the nest is empty.
I give Trump kudos for dropping like a hot potato. A giant, fat, greasy, sweaty hot potato.
Omitted: Christie like a
For me it’s Whatever a Chris Cillizza it has a “Reddit AMA” .
I actually read some decent Reddit AMAs
What’s a Reddit?
I didn’t bother reading any of it. Did anyone ask them if he knew their home address?
Remember, kids:
Linda Sarsour calling for jihad: Great! It doesn’t mean what she says!
Disagreeing with Linda Sarsour: ALT RIGHT! ALT RIGHT! ALT RIGHT!
Wikileaks reminds us that Hillary bragged about killing the story in the media about her and Bill’s big Russian bribe.
It’s cute when they do it.
This video shows that monkeys don’t like unequal pay.
Were they doing equal work? Was one monkey female? Did they have the same education and experience? Was one monkey doing more overtime? So many questions.
So women are monkeys?
How about that second secret undisclosed meeting between just trump and Putin?
Oh wait it was during the dinner with a bunch of others in the room. Melania was sitting next to Putin and trump went over to talk to vlad personally
In the banquet room with 80 other people
The press are idiots and horrible liars
Finally catching on that these cunts are just dnc operatives with bylines?
Community outraged after feds move in Romanian ‘gypsies’ — defecating in streets, trash in yards
Finally the humble Romanians make the news in great country of America.
You can have them back.
These middle-American shitlords don’t respect the Gypsies ancient traditions. (And they haven’t even gotten around to robbing everyone in the neighborhood yet)
They don’t rob, they borrow without returning.
Ancient traditions? What, like paving your driveway with grindings and fly ash that lasts a week? Or painting your house with water and food coloring?
It’s called cultural enrichment Whitey!
I thought they played the overage game, quote $500 and say oh it actually comes to $2500?
“children and men defecating in public streets, and immigrants cutting off the heads of chickens in public areas,”
Classy. I always like to announce myself in a new place be decapitating animals.
Geese are superior to chicken for this purpose.
That’s only because geese deserve to be obliterated from the earth.
I’ve been tempted to buy a samurai sword just for geese confrontations.
I’ve been tempted to buy a samurai sword just for geese confrontations.
You need to use a middle-distance iron.
Funnily enough, our location for processing chickens is somewhat secluded but still in view of the road and neighbors. And we started soon after moving in. Of course, we also gifted the neighbors with fresh chicken so maybe that’s where the gypsies failed.
Could be worse, they could be decapitating people, like some other people.
I never saw any street-shitting on My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding!
no, nor do you in Gypsy Sisters, but you DO see one of the grooms run a paving scam on the show in one of the MBFAGW episodes!
Now THAT’S a believable reality show.
Yep – he was raising money for his daughter’s birthday party!
No explanation on how they got here in the first place.
You know who else tried to resettle gypsies?
*A few years ago I read about some town in Romania that burned their gypsies out. They act the same way everywhere they go and they are treated the same. Persecuted my ass.
You know who else tried to resettle gypsies?
Brick Top?
USA Network?
Whole lotta fuckin’ gypsy hatred goin’ on heah!
You bastards better lock up your horses and put a webcam on any lead roofs you don’t want disappearin’.
And have the webcams get stolen too?
UCS, your a good straight man to this lunacy going on here.
What’s a Chris Clitzilla?
Modifying a name is one of the lower form of humor and it is rarely funny.
That’s not true! I learned the finest of comedy craft from Mike M.
That’s crazy talk. Ask Mike M.
DieInTheSky can suck it with Block Insane Yommama!
you shut up, leonhashiv!
He is the CLIT Commander.
So last night I called to activate my replacement credit card. When I finished the typical enter your card and last 4 of your SSN. The automated message went on saying in order to abide by federal laws we have one additional question. Are you a US citizen? Unfortunately none of your god damn business wasn’t allowed. What law requires this and how can we get rid of it?
Are you a US Citizen?
I hope so, otherwise I lied.
Actually I’m left wonder “Why bother asking?” No one who’s here illegally with a stolen SSN is going to answer honestly. So Citizens will say yes, Illegals will say yes, lawful permanant residents will say no. But the question has no value.
Unless it feeds into a BSA/AML database that discriminates against non citizens.
Click yes if you are over 18 to enter this website
Oddly enough that’s the question a lot of people answer shortly after activating their credit card. Especially the credit card that their wife does not have access to.
Only thing I can think of is FATCA. In which case, you’d have been better off saying you weren’t.
Was this posted? Perfect sign o’ times so I’ll post anyway.
$200K? I’m sorry, but unless any of that work had already been sold I’m going to flatly say that it is worth exactly $0 at time of the incident.
Also, that video is hilarious.
Was that security camera footage? Might be missing a few screws on the mount, or they are on a boat.
Yeah, I think SP had it in her links a few days ago.
WTF were they thinking setting that up like that? It was a certainty that was going to happen. Set up dominoes in public and expect…what exactly?
Fuck those dumbasses.
Allowing the public to walk right up to, without any kind of rope barrier, and not be secured to the floor? Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe are standing by to help anyone injured in this unfortunate event!
As shown beautifully by the hack Colbert, nearly
nobody on the left actually opposes Sessions. Only those radical, kooky libertarians do.
That is a heapin’ helpin’ of mendacity right there. Who watches that guy? He’s not even funny anymore.
Fuck, I’m in trouble if I’m ever associated with anyone famous. I’ve organized two of those this month!
I’ve worked for several companies that were “headquartered” in Delaware.
I’m the co-founder of one in Los Angeles!
If you want any investment money, you kinda have to go organize a Delaware Corp.
For small businesses, the hot ticket these days is Wyoming.
You can probably go for Nevada nowadays if you want, but yeah, if you want that sweet sweet investment cash you’re organizing in Delaware.
Most of the companies I’ve worked with that went IPO were corporations in their own state originally. Before the IPO they’ll form a Delaware corp and merge the home state corp. into the Delaware corp. Investment banks want it that way.
You mean (((investment banks))), amirite?
It’s always a special moment at closing when (((they))) pull out their satchels of gold coins to pay for the shares.
ADA Comes for UBER
While Uber offers wheelchair-accessible cars through its UberWAV service, the lawsuit claims that these special cars, which typically have lifts and ramps for mobility devices, account for a tiny fraction of the 58,000 for-hire cars dispatched by Uber in New York City’s five boroughs. Moreover, this already limited pool of cars can be used for other riders, and vehicles may be unavailable when needed by those with disabilities, the lawsuit said.
The result is that “even when an UberWAV vehicle is technically available, because so few exist, there are typically frequent and lengthy delays,” the lawsuit suit. It added, “As such, people who use wheelchairs and use UberWAV must contend with missed appointments, being late for events and other stress and inconvenience.”
Proof that the ADA needs to die.
The answer to “A handful of handicapped people have trouble finding vehicles to carry them places” is NOT “Penalize everyone else to make them as miserable as this tiny minority”
Or penalize a Corp that is trying, bet ‘not doing good enough’
I would take more time to comment on this story, but I am too busy filing an ADA complaint against my local trampoline park for their lack of wheelchair accessible trampolines.
ADA = Scumbag Lawyers’ Full Employment Act.
Fuck Bush for signing that one into law.
Well said.
How many taxis are there in NYC, and how many of them have lifts and ramps for mobility devices?
I saw one once.
This was my reaction – I have been in a few cabs in my time. Not a ton, but some. I’ve never been in or seen one that was handicapped accessible.
They’re all handicap accessible. You just need two people to chuck the cripple in there like they did
that sack of potatoesHillary when she got “pneumonia” and suffered from “exhaustion” on that day in the low 80s when Tens of thousands of people had no reaction.Fun Fact – NYC already has a robust, taxpayer subsidized, transportation system for handicapped folk. It is called Access-A-Ride and it is the same fare as the subway/bus system ($2.50) but it’s better because they will take you anywhere in the 5 boroughs you want to go. There are also quite a few wheelchair accessible Yellow Cabs (usually Sprinter vans with lift-gates) and if you look around Brooklyn and Queens, you will see drivers and other passengers of our ubiquitous Dollar Vans all piling out to help manhandle a wheelchair bound customer into and out of their rides.
Uber is probably going to need to change it’s business model slightly to survive.
A “Ride Sharing Service” is too close to a “Transportation service” an is always going to be challenged by these laws . If they can change things up to be more clearly a clearinghouse that matches up people who want rides with those willing to provide them for a fee they could probably avoid these issues.
The key change is probably that they need to drop the standardized pricing model and allow each drive to set his rates (which on the back end they can even offer as an add on service to the driver suggested rates based on current supply and demand in a geographical area) . This makes it clear that the transportation contract is between the drive and the customer, Uber is just acting as a middle man connecting the two and processing the payment.
There will eventually be a distributed network app that does this without a centralized company behind it. It will have to run on something like bitcoin to work.
But they don’t want to do that, since their end goal is to own all the (driverless) cars that provide the rides through their service. The ride-sharing is just a transitional step in their business plan.
Then they will likely fail for just this reason. As disruptive of a company as they are there are way too many regulatory ways to attack them and fleets of driverless cars are still far enough in the future that the won’t last long enough to make it there
The key change is probably that they need to drop the standardized pricing model and allow each drive to set his rates (which on the back end they can even offer as an add on service to the driver suggested rates based on current supply and demand in a geographical area) .
The only problem would be that drivers would lowball their rate on the app like mad, and then get cash under the table that Uber is unable to account for (and more importantly, receives no cut from).
Maybe, but if the passenger agrees to pay $5 for a ride and the driver then demands an additional $5 once he is in the car that driver is getting a 0 star rating and pretty good odds reporting the extortion to Uber.
The way it would work is the driver would set a rate sheet and that is what the cost of a particular trip with that driver would be based on until he changes it, the customer would have no knowledge of the rate sheets, they would only see a list of demographic information about the driver/car, their rating, and approximate pick up time combined with the price. The passenger picks a price and then the clearinghouse sends the order to the driver. The driver could then accept or decline the job.
It would be difficult for the driver to then come back and demand cash under the table.
As far as the driver taking work from outside of Uber while he is driving, that actually helps Uber prove they are truly independent contractors
Honestly, when I hear stories like this, as much as I like using Uber, I wish they’d pull out of the City and doxx the lawyer behind it to every Uber driver and every Uber customer.
If we can now sue companies for providing a service I wouldn’t otherwise have access too, but “not well enough for my liking”, the court system is going to be packed for the next 200 years.
Also, if that is the case, my ISP and I are going to have a long chat.
I’ll sue you!
I’ll sue ya!
I like the cut of this guy’s jib.
Local dustup about the route for a new bike lane in Minneapolis. Bikers and their advocates rammed through a plan for a busy street which would eliminate a lot of on street parking for local businesses and town home owners. Locals are very much against it because they want their parking. Bike advocates deftly used the process to ignore their concerns.
The guy above wrote a screed about how the bike folk (the minority) got to decide the issue. He has this wonderful gem:
Bikers not amused in the comments by being compared to nazis.
If the embarrassingly tight outfit fits…
Townhouse owners should set up cameras and count how many bikers actually use that lane. Not that it would change any city planners’ minds, but might make for a nice media piece and some egg on face moments.
They wouldn’t give a shit. Our downtown is full of empty bike lanes, but the cyclists always demand more.
Even in boulder I’d say they are underused.
It’s because bicycling sucks when it’s hot. Or cold. Or humid. Or you have to stop for groceries…
Indeed. That bike lane I posted a picture of the other day that has taken over a full lane on the road I take to work almost never has anyone using it.
Biking greenways and rails to trails is far superior to dodging traffic. Better scenery too
I use those bike lanes. Unless some construction vehicle is parked in them. Or a police car. Or they’ve just blocked them off in order to work on some project or another.
In Bucharest people just park on the bike lanes. Simple, elegant solution
Perhaps if they behaved less like authoritarians, the comparisons would not come so naturally.
What is it with bikers? Every story I read about them has them acting like solid gold pricks. Hopefully someone will start seeding their bike lanes with tacks.
Bikers are like Apple fan bois. You can like the same thing they do (a lot even) but it kills you to be associated with them.
I have no idea why the bikers have the clout they do in this town. When I used to work downtown, I enjoyed commuting to work on my bike. But like Tundra says, I was sure to do it when it was going to be a nice day. If the weather didn’t cooperate, I bailed. I also took back roads to work. I tried to stay off the main roads because I didn’t want to mess with cars. Our bikers feel like they are entirely privileged to drive down the center of a car lane on important roads. Then they wonder why people don’t like them.
There’s a definite contingent of holier than thou cyclists in Mpls. The reason cyclists have so much clout here is because building bicycle infrastructure seems like something that a progressive Scandinavian city might do. “America’s number one bicycling city” is the new “we have more theater seats per capita than any other city.” Just some pretentious thing that people think makes the city ‘World Class’.
I like the analogy. The Red Star runs how many articles each year breathlessly telling us that we are falling behind Portland as the most bike friendly city in the US?
More than an analogy my globe trotting prog friends gush about Amsterdam’s bike focus, bike friendliness, bike bike bike
How in holy hell could Minneapolis ever be the most bike friendly city? Doesn’t that bitch mother nature make the place unfriendly to biking nine months a year?
You are making the mistake there is any link between being bike friendly and the actual use of those resources. Like Tundra says, they are largely empty because the weather sucks. But at least the hipsters can brag on the fact that we are more bike friendly because we built a giant boondoggle of a bridge over a busy road.
The Greenway and that giant bridge actually get used. It’s when they take high throughput roads and turn an entire lane into a cycling lane that it makes no sense. I take Park/Portland everyday, but why is fully 1/3 of those roads dedicated to bike lanes when the bike lanes easily could have been put in a block over? Makes no goddamned sense.
I’ve noticed a lot of screws thrown into the bike lanes lately. I think people should just let people be. I do probably 90% of my transportation by bicycle (I live in a city with an excellent network of bike paths) and for the most part most of the cyclists I encounter just want to get where they’re going safely.
There is also a segment of the drivers who are just as dickish as the bikers. They don’t give bikers any margin (even when there are no other cars).
Go figure. There are dicks everywhere.
That’s why I gave up the whole bike commute thing. I tried to stay out of the way as much as possible, but bitchy mcHumanResourcesDirector on a conference call in her suburban would invariably cut me off when cutting in line to the toll road.
Don’t stay out of the way. Go down the middle of the right hand lane. People act much nicer when you make it obvious they will need to change lanes to pass. Plus you are much more visible to everyone.
Assholes will be assholes wherever you ride, but the 99.99% of people you encounter can be encouraged to treat you better if you ride further out in the lane.
And fuck bike lanes.
By out of the way, I meant getting in the proper lane for the intersection (second from the right instead of rightmost). I learned the “own your lane” trick very early on.
These were assholes trying to come up in the third from right lane and cut across my lane to the rightmost lane at the last second to make their turn. It happened 3x in a month and it wasnt an intersection I could avoid, so I hung up the bike.
good to see ya!
When I used to commute via bike, I always claimed my lane as a proper vehicle. So I used the left hand wheel track.
I also mostly kept up with traffic, being a city commute. And I never did the “pass everyone between the lanes when they are stopped at the light” move.
But that was long ago in a city far, far away. I wouldn’t dare commute via bike in south florida. Too many old folks and too many immigrants with no knowledge of the rules of the road. Certain death would follow.
Hi DOOMco! I’m glad to have the chance to pop in for a few hours while procrastinating at work! Life with an infant and rapidly growing job responsibilities has left little time for internetting.
I figured. Life gets busy in a hurry.
I almost asked the other night if anyone had heard from ya.
digging the top hat avatar.
Every story I read about them has them acting like solid gold pricks.
It’s the “virtue effect”. The biker contingent get routinely lauded about how virtuous they are for riding their bicycles, they get the impression that the rest of the known universe has to cater to them. I think I’ve read the same effect happens with drivers of electric cars.
Oddly enough, both constituencies are massive sources of pollutants.
Why would anyone write a story about a biker who gets where they’re going without causing any problems? As someone who bikes semi-frequently I avoid obstructing lanes and move out of the way when waiting at lights so folks can turn. That hasn’t stopped drivers from going straight through right turn lanes into a bike lane I’m occupying to cut off a line of traffic, or more fun was having the passenger of a car lean out his window to scream in my ear as the driver pulled past in the gutter to spook me.
Hopefully someone will start seeding their bike lanes with tacks.
And hopefully someone will fuck you with a hot iron poker.
Oh noes! Cyclist vs. Motorist … who will win?!?!?
Motorists, clearly. There’s just no need to be a cunt to anyone on a bike because you read an article about a cyclist being a cunt. Or did I misunderstand all the grousing about collectivising people?
It would seem NAP gets thrown out the window when you get behind the wheel.
meant to add this.
That has certainly stood the test of time well.
Back in high school my friends and i used to yell share the road at bikers who weren’t in the bike lane or on > 35 mph roads.
Jesse, you have not yet learned the Balmer way of biking. You ride right down the center of the road, despite the 10 ft wide bike lane on the right, and intentionally try as hard as possible to block and annoy motorists in both lanes.
Cripple fight gets crippled-lier.
I honestly can’t stand any side of this dust up, except for the locals who bought a bridge in Brooklyn.
I can never figure out why my scale model pedestrian version of the Brooklyn Bridge never sells…
Put some jeebus/Noah models on it,
find fundie town
Put some climate change victims in it
Find fundie town
BBC hand wringing continues
“”He (Trump) is actively, actively trying to undermine the healthcare system in this country using millions of Americans as political pawns in a cynical game”, Mr Schumer said on Tuesday.”
That’s right. By letting the steaming pile of shit that the Democrats singlehandedly laid on up play out Trump is actively undermining the healthcare system. By letting the Dems have their way he is destroying healthcare.
Wait, now that I say it like that it does seem legit.
News that a slight dietary change could dramatically reduce the amount of environmentally harmful methane gas released by cattle has been given an enthusiastic welcome by Irish farmers.
Researchers at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, found the addition of less than 2 per cent dried seaweed to a cow’s diet could reduce their methane emissions by as much as 99 per cent.
The study builds on the experience of a Canadian farmer who discovered in 2012 that cattle eating wind-blown seaweed were not just more healthy than others, but enjoyed a longer mating cycle. Researchers Rob Kinley and Alan Fredeen subsequently confirmed the results as well as finding seaweeds and similar plants reduced methane emissions.
How long until PETA declares feeding seaweed to cows cruel? Cause you know, they aren’t about the environment in reality.
I assume after they are done with IP rights for animals
okay but seaweed is in the sea and cows are not. What it the cost and carbon foorprint of moving from something like hay that grows around them to seaweed.
Background: Estimates of the proportion of cancer cases that can be attributed to modifiable risk factors are not available for Canada and, more specifically, Alberta. The purpose of this study was to estimate the total proportion of cancer cases in Alberta in 2012 that could be attributed to a set of 24 modifiable lifestyle and environmental risk factors.
Methods: We estimated summary population attributable risk estimates for 24 risk factors (smoking [both passive and active], overweight and obesity, inadequate physical activity, diet [inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate fibre intake, excess red and processed meat consumption, salt consumption, inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake], alcohol, hormones [oral contraceptives and hormone therapy], infections [Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori], air pollution, natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation, radon and water disinfection by-products) by combining population attributable risk estimates for each of the 24 factors that had been previously estimated.
Results: Overall, an estimated 40.8% of cancer cases in Alberta in 2012 were attributable to modifiable lifestyle and environmental risk factors. The largest proportion of cancers were estimated to be attributable to tobacco smoking, physical inactivity and excess body weight. The summary population attributable risk estimate was slightly higher among women (42.4%) than among men (38.7%).
I am very skeptic of these things that claim to estimate risk of all these factors and then somehow combine the risk.
Regression analysis.
The Minneapolis who shot the Aussie lady – was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car and shot her through the driver-side window. His partner must have been real happy about having a gun go off in front of his face for no particular reason. Surprised that he didn’t beat the shit out of him.
She approached them. Obviously he feared for his life.
“OMG White lady in pajamas!” BLAM!
Although to be fair, if they heard her accent they probably assumed she was armed with a large knife.
Obligatory that’s not a knife line
Sad trombone “that’s not a wife” line.
(She was due to get married in September iirc)
Aw fuck.
Everyone knows that everything from Australia is fucking deadly as hell. He’s lucky he was able to go home to his family.
I know a few Minneapolis cops and chatted with them yesterday. Absolutely no thin blue line on this one. The dude was startled and came up shooting.
Bad shoot.
I wonder if they will test her for the devil weed and then go with that excuse like Castile? “She was too stoned to comply and she came right at us, so we had to shoot her!”
“If [s]he has the guts and audacity to
smoke marijuana in front of the five-year-old girlapproach a police cruiser and riskher lungs and risk her life by giving her secondhand smokegetting shot by a flighty coward with a badge—what care does [s]he give about me?”Isn’t that why the MPD has been silent on this? They’re clearly waiting for her drug/alcohol screen to come back before they craft their response.
“She was high on eucalyptus leaves! Everyone knows that those Aussies chew that shit and get superhuman strength.”
TIL Aussies are just bald koalas.
How do they get the authority to just run tests on the deceased who has not even been accused of a crime?
I mean, I know “fuck you, that’s why”, but what possible convoluted legal-speak justification can they have? Maybe a lawyer can enlighten me.
Possible homicide needs to be investigated by police coroner?
typical racist cops
I think that is exactly why his partner was willing to talk to the investigators. “Fuck that crazy bastard, sure I’ll tell you what happened.”
The story they’ve come up with is a “loud noise” startled the shooter.
He was startled by the sound of his own gun going off. No, no further questions.
Cops need suppressors! Think of the damage they are doing to their ears while shooting random civilians.
I hope he doesn’t have his gun when he watches movies
And if this cop actually loses his job and, dare I say, faces some sort of legal penalty, what Al Sharpton swoop in angrily claiming black cops are treated differently than white cops.
Flying back to Vermont tonight to see the family. First red eye in a while.
Enjoy! I’ll be there in a month. Champlain Valley Fair FTW!!
(where in VT are you from?)
Near Bristol.
When does the fair start? I might be there.
I loooooove Bristol. Best swimming hole ever nearby.
Fair starts the week before Labor Day, IIRC.
I’ll be in South Hero, so it’s up in the air whether we’ll be ambitious enough to go to Essex Jct.
The falls? I lived up that road if you’re talking about the falls.
I’m looking forward to picking the blueberries. They should be just about ready.
You should, it’ll be worth it.
Yeah, Bartlett Falls. One of my dad’s colleagues clued him in to it and have been going there since I was about 7. Never jumped off the cliff, though.
The squeeze is gonna try to get me to ride the Zipper (euphemism THAT!) at the fair.
It might be your last chance! I heard the manufacturer went out of business so they can’t source parts.
Let me know if you’re around the week before Labor Day. Perhaps we can have a libterarians-amidst-the-proggie-wolves happy hour.
Of course!
The wife and I have had some disagreements, but damn.
It’s unclear – did she also shoot at the cops?
I think they shot her to stop her from shooting the husband again – but it isn’t clear.
Ahhh Norfolk, never stop being the derelict shithole that you are. A few bright spots but I hated living there.
from a recent case I am in: husband drove (allegedly) at wife’s car, in a mall parking lot, after (allegedly) bashing on the windows, screaming “I’m gonna kill you, bitch!” He’s charged with OWI, child endangerment, and reckless driving. Endangerment was part of it because the lucky kids of the lucky couple were in the car at the time. Husband’s defense (btw: not my client) “I thought it was the mother-in-law’s car!” /funny /notfunny
So the latest on murdery cop in Minneapolis is that his partner says they heard a loud “bang” and then the woman went up to the window holding a cell phone.
Yep, dude’s totally getting away with this. I predict that we’ll have the DA announce there’s no charges within a month (he’s already said he’ll decide himself and not put it to a grand jury), 6 months of paid leave, he’s “fired”, appeals, arbitrator gives him his job back a few months later (with full back pay).
It’s a damn shame the two cops’ bodycams, and the vehicle camera apparently, were turned off. They should be at least fired for that alone and should be prosecuted for manslaughter at least.
Was it one of those gun-shaped cell phones?
Having the DA decide himself has been the case with the last few cop incidents here. It is actually a move to make the process more transparent. Don’t let it go to some secret grand jury where the prosecutor doesn’t try very hard and the case is thrown out for reasons the public never finds out.
It is nice that because this guy is a cop, he can’t be compelled to go in and be interviewed by the cops. I’m fully supportive of his right to immediately say “Fuck you, I’m not saying a thing, I want my lawyer”, but at least make him come in and go through the motions. I would have to.
Cop+Somali+Minneapolis= eggshells.
Where would Minnesota be if they stopped importing Somalis?
Minnesota, probably.
Have you been reading Eddie’s series on Grand Juries?
Ima gonna call BS on your first paragraph.
No, I’m not shitting you.
I thought you were claiming it. I know proponents of it are.
Let me add, it’s quite convenient to have this excuse (there was a loud bang!) without any video or audio of the incident in existence.
“I heard a loud bang” is the answer a toddler gives for why they woke you up in the middle of the night crying, maybe for why the dog shit on the carpet. Not a reason for a self-respecting adult can have for shooting another person.
“Say Leap, i see that you didn’t get this project done on time or on budget. What’s your excuse before I shit-can you?”
“Oh, I was going to do a good job, but I heard a loud noise.”
Trump is a walking reductio ad absurdum argument for a restrained executive. This guy is a walking reductio ad absurdum for police reform. I don’t expect either to take hold.
The loud bang, if it even actually happened, is irrelevant. What the fuck was he doing with his gun out, pointed at the woman, across his partner’s face? There is really no excusing this, so of course the cop will skate virtually without consequence.
–“And lastly, Welcome to Italy! Italians hardest hit.”–
Wait, did that dude just go ass to mouth?
Plot twist: His name is Muhammad Sanchez
Not gonna watch.
As my buddy from Iran says “Those people are not civilized”
Not surprised to see one licking his ass in public in broad daylight like a dog.
What about all that bullshit about Muslims teaching Europeans good hygiene? This is too much.
SJWednesday: Good Luck Making Sense of This Edition
The mental effort to keep up with the ever-shifting lines must be exhausting.
What, like you bent your frame in an accident, and don’t feel the need to get it fixed?
Was that English? Shaka when the walls fell?
I looked up its Twitter account. Apparently it’s the editor-in-chief of RaceBaitR. One of its article says that its gender is black, since blackness rips through gender lines or something.
I get the distinct impression that this guy can’t wait for an affront of any kind. He’s chomping at the bit for some victimhood justification.
To be fair, I’m sure everyone on Everyday Feminism secretly wants a spank session from Milo.
Then my gender is colorless green ideas sleep furiously
I think my gender will be mangrove throat warbler.
If only these people spent as much time in productive endeavors as they do up their own asses trying to get a different view of their navels….
You know, I just realized: Reason will never navel gaze. The others might, but she won’t.
Does she still love margaritas? 😉
Agile, is that you?
–“But white supremacist cisheterosexism is invasive, and is nearly impossible to escape in the world we live in today.”–
As opposed to say the 1650’s where Queers roamed free gamboling across the plains in wild herds their many colored skins and wild plumage freely signaling their willingness to mate with anything that moved…..
–“It’s worth noting that queer is an English word, so the limitations of this language in defining pre-colonial nonwhite cultures and nonwhite cultures that move away from their colonized histories abound.
Those who became the prominent leaders in the movement to reclaim queerness were still predominantly white as well.”–
Reclaim “queerness” from what? Queerness has only existed for somewhere around 50 years, there was literally no such thing a Queer prior to the sexual revolution in the late 60’s and there was pretty much no human on the planet prior to about 1950 who ever so much as spent 5 minutes contemplating whether they were male or female or some other gender, they simply looked down between their legs saw what equipment was dangling there and they knew. The then went about living their lives and that may or may not include fucking members of either or even both genders without it ever really being too much of an issue
…pretty much no human on the planet prior to about 1950 who ever so much as spent 5 minutes contemplating whether they were male or female or some other gender…
This is not strictly true, as you have such instances as the priests of Cybele in pre-Christian Europe and some native American and southeast Asian cultures that believed in the existence of a third gender. The novel innovation of the present time is the belief that one can change one’s sex through surgery.
There have also been many cases of women acting as men to fight in wars, dating back for at least a few centuries, and they didn’t always go back to presenting themselves as women afterwards.
No, Mulan was totally wearing a dress at the end of the cartoon.
So did Deborah Samson.
There is a difference between how you dress and what role you take in society and the answer to the question “Are you a boy or a girl”
Hijras, bakla, two-spirits, kathoey, sworn virgins, cultists of Cybele hardest hit.
Scots highlanders remain unimpressed.
I guess? Does it matter?
To a doctor, yes.
To a sexual partner, probably.
I wore out on hearing that crap to the point where I just pay no attention. I did tell y’all I used to work in a mental hospital, right? The yammering of the insane wears you down after a while. My response is “Yeah, whatever dude. Take your meds.”
Why does anyone take these people seriously? I mean, one or two lines of that garbage and the immediate thought running through my mind was “Sure, Skippy, now shut the fuck up and get me my latte.” But, even on an academic basis, these people are fucking jokes. They don’t contribute a scintilla to the extent of human knowledge or understanding. Even the excerpt provided here amounts to an extended word salad in to basically play idiotic high school clique power games. Is there a reason anyone counts them as anything other than mental defectives?
And yet these people are absolutely the same people who end up as iron-fisted dictators of departments in academia these days. Critical Theory Marxist bullshit has ruined just about every academic discipline. Real knowledge creation and dissemination in universities (outside the hard sciences) has basically been reduced to nil.
One too many times to the well?
3M tells Minnesoda Pollution Control to stuff their latest bill.
So 3M was a good citizen and has paid a bunch of money to clean up some ground water after things that they made and that were legally dumped way back when got into the water. The local govt agency gave them another bill and they said, “Hey, that shit could have come from a bunch of other things at this low level of contamination and we’re done paying off.”
It will be fun to watch the greenies hyperventilate about this.
Pollution Control better get the Dakotas involved.
The LPGA apparently wants to go bankrupt.
Said the ugly chick.
It applies to all of them, since the more “risque” outfits draw viewers and therefore, sponsors.
It only applies to a few people.
If it applied to something other than people, I dunno puppies or something, then I suppose that would be outrageous?
Yeah, it’s outrageous, but it only applies to minorities, and who cares about minorities?
Hooray for Sharia!
What. The. Fuck??????
So they’re gonna drive everyone away that doesn’t have a “Korean fatty” fetish. Nice work, assholes.
Hey, thank doG my Korean wife has a fatty fetish.
Racerback tank tops WITH a!
If it has a collar, doesn’t that pretty much mean its not a tank top?
People watch televised golfing?
Next you’ll tell me people watch cycling on TV.
Not many watch the LPGA. It seems that is still too many for the organization.
I much prefer watching women’s tennis anyway.
Definitely a sport to watch with the volume up
Why Americans are having less sex
Honestly, I’m single but have someone I could call, but most of the time I think “drive over, conversate, wait until her roommate goes to her room, (I’ll spare you the gory details) vs just get it out of my system on my own”… Maybe I’m just getting old.
Maybe you need someone a lot hotter that you could call…
Because video games are infinitely more rewarding than sex for most men.
1) They don’t get Pregnant
2) They can’t give you a disease (unless you count carpal tunnel)
3) They don’t get pissy if you play another game for a few hours
4) They actually get betterwhen you invite some buddies over
5) They don’t charge you with a felony 6 months after you completed the game and moved on to another one
6) If it gets frustrating you can either look up a cheat code or walk away for a few months
7) quitting the game doesn’t cost you half your stuff
8) You can turn the volume off if you don’t feel like listening to it
9) They don’t expect you to keep spending money on them to show how devoted you are to them (there are some exceptions to this one however)
10) You never have to hear from a games mother telling you how worthless you are.
Mom burn from when I was like sixteen. I unwrap my birthday gift, Ananzi Boys by Neil Gaiman. Buddy jokes that I like books better than women. Mom immediately responds: at least he can get his hands on books.
Works just as well for video games.
You had friends?
Priveledged bastard.
10) – Game Devs have been known to call gamers worthless (they then start losing money for some unfathomable reason).
9) – as you alluded to – Microtransactions. (And subscription-based MMOs)
Big difference between reading a quote on Kotaku and passive aggressive or even just outright rude remarks over the dinner table.
(that said before anyone gets the wrong idea, I actually like my mother in law more than I like my mother. I love my mother but damn that woman can be a pain in the ass sometimes and my mother in law actually likes me and for some reason thinks my wife is lucky to have me, I think if pressed on the issue my MIL might admit that she thinks I could have done better than her daughter)
if pressed on the issue my MIL might admit that she thinks I could have done better than her daughter
As long as you’re telling tall tales, make her a libertarian woman as well.
/jk – Sounds like you have a great situation there
Well she was a career Army Nurse but alas that makes her a Trump supporter with some mild libertarianish tendencies
I heard this exact same scare story back in the mid-80’s.
Unsatisfied with having saved ObamaCare in the name of capitalism, Rand Paul has announced that he will seek a declaration of war against Syria in the name of peace.
He also plans to raise the debt ceiling in the name of fiscal conservatism, illegalize alcohol in the name ending the drug war, and have the NSA record everyone’s phone conversations to make sure no one’s Fourth Amendment rights are being violated.
In all seriousness, a Rand Paul spokesperson explained Paul’s logic on opposing the AHCA here:
I actually do find that defense more persuasive than anything I’ve read in comments.
He did also say that he wouldn’t be opposed to voting for partial repeal. That would honestly be far better than what the established leadership has been doing, which is deluding themselves to thinking that they’re “replacing” Obamacare.
At best, Rand Paul is playing word games. At worst, he really believes what he’s saying.
Once again with feeling, repealing the individual mandate, repealing the employer mandate, rolling back Medicaid eligibility, and cutting $880 billion from the budget over the course of ten years is replacing ObamaCare.
If you’re blaming Paul and not slime like Capito or Murkowski, who had previously voted for repeal in 2015 while Obama was president, you’re not doing libertarianism correctly. Remember, Trump won WV and AK by massive margins, and Murkowski has been deservedly primaried once before only to be saved by an absurd write-in campaign, and she still will not change her spots. That’s the shit that I oppose, not Rand.
*braces for Ken word storm*
Would you say, then, that we are on a stormfront?
If you’re saying that Rand Paul is effectively no different from socialists and progressives on this issue, then I don’t disagree with you.
But why defend him on this issue if he’s no different from them?
If he is different from the progressives on this issue, it’s because we should be able to depend on Rand Paul to vote to cut Medicaid eligibility for the first time ever, eliminate the individual mandate, eliminate the employer mandate, and cut $880 billion from the budget over ten years.
If I can’t trust him to do those things in a less than ideal world, then why should I support him? An establishment Republican would have been more libertarian on this issue. Why support a supposedly libertarian dog who won’t hunt?
Saying that the Senate bill is cutting $880 billion from the Medicaid budget is highly misleading. It is cutting $880 billion from the growth of Medicaid. There’s been no effort made by anyone other than folks in the nu-GOP to lower or even flatten Medicaid spending.
Look at PDF page 6 of the CBO report:
The very first bullet point reads, “A reduction of $880 billion in federal outlays for Medicaid”.
The Republicans wanted to cut Medicaid by $880 billion over ten years, but Rand Paul said no.
You’re giving me the wrong bill, Ken. That’s the House AHCA bill, and even that bill reduced Medicaid’s impact on the deficit, not the debt, which is what actually needs to be the focus. This is the bill that Rand Paul actually opposed: a bill that says it cuts Medicaid, but not nearly as much as AHCA and the bulk of it being far into the future (mainly in 2026, after most senators face re-election) that these cuts likely won’t happen. Also, on page 38, you can see how BCRA only reduces the deficit by an estimate of $321 billion, and once again, deficit is the increase in debt, not the debt.
I will correct my previous comments: my initial comments had me saying that the Senate bill would cut $880B from the growth of Medicaid. After reading the actual BCRA, it doesn’t really come close.
So now I’m supposed to think you support the AHCA; you’re just against the Senate version of the bill?
I’m opposed to both, Ken, but I can at least understand why Amash voted yes to the first bill. The second bill is an easy no for libertarians for all of the reasons that I’ve said.
You’re out of your mind.
Are you an objectivist or something?
Actually, the “repeal” the Senate voted for in 2015 was a lot like the bill that just failed, so I think the blame goes to all the parties who couldn’t compromise: Paul, Lee, Capito, Murkowski, Portman, the whole lot. The 2015 repeal only cut what this 2017 law cut, no more, so the Paul/Lee faction has some explaining to do about why this bill is unacceptable but the previous one was acceptable. The only defense the Paul/Lee crowd has is that they see the “replacement” portion as worse in 2017 than in 2015.
Rand Paul is the “litmus test” senator more than anything. Unlike what you’re saying, I hope he never changes. Political gridlock has never been bad for libertarians. All of those Medicaid rollbacks didn’t actually cut Medicaid, and we’re pushed back so far into the future that it was vulnerable to any leadership changes. He absolutely did the right thing in opposing that garbage.
“All of those Medicaid rollbacks didn’t actually cut Medicaid”
This is absurd.
Rolling back the ObamaCare Medicaid eligibility requirements doesn’t actually cut Medicaid?
The CBO said that the Senate bill would cut 11 million people off the Medicaid rolls and save the taxpayers a net $880 billion over ten years.
Not only that, for the first time ever, the Senate bill put a cap on total Medicaid outlays in any year–as opposed to the program being funded to whatever extent people qualify for the entitlement.
It cuts the growth of Medicaid spending, NOT the actual size of Medicaid. With the Senate bill, it lowers the increase in Medicaid spending, but the cost still grows every year.
Even IF IF IF what you’re saying is true, it’s absurd.
Having millions more people off of Medicaid and spending $880 billion less than we’re committed to spending now is an insignificant consideration–because the program, supposedly, won’t have a negative growth rate?
Would you support a bill with a negative growth rate even if it didn’t eliminate Medicaid entirely?
Would you oppose cutting Medicaid from a 10% growth rate to 1% growth rate–because it doesn’t cut it to a negative 1% growth rate?
If I was a senator, I would support a healthcare bill with a flat growth rate (tied to inflation). It doesn’t have to even be negative or eliminate Medicaid entirely for me to approve the bill. I would even vote for a bill that did what the Senate bill does IF they call it partial repeal and not repeal-and-replace (which is dishonest and causes the right to own the left’s bill). This is why Rand Paul is good for DC: he is principled and is a walking litmus test.
It shouldn’t matter what they call things.
If they eliminate the individual mandate, the employer mandate, and roll back Medicaid eligibility, I don’t if they call it, “We Love Communism and We Hate Puppies Act”.
A rose by any other name . . .
Leaving most of it in place by passing a half assed bill that claims to repeal it does 2 things – enshrines it permanently into law, and makes it the Republican’s bill now. Letting it crash and burn is a valid strategy.
Likewise Syria (or any other of the 7 shit holes we bomb each week) – force a bloody vote, define the terms of victory, the estimated cost, how it will be paid for, and estimated time to complete. Then, when we are still there 15 years and a trillion dollars later, we can hold these fuckers to account.
and makes it the Republican’s bill
I just heard Ezekiel Emanuel on the radio minutes ago stating that failures of Bill language that he helped create, are something that Administrator Price/HHS and Trump need to own if they do not participate in an ACA tweak and reform process with the rest of GOP.
If the GOP wasn’t stupid (ha!) then they wouldn’t allow the narrative to be controlled here. ACA was sold as a general panacea and steamrolled through, but has been a massive failure except for the new Medicaid enrollees.
From my point of view, GOPe is slowly owning a hot mess they didn’t create because they are doing a shit job in conducting an offensive propaganda campaign.
Bingo. The narrative has already changed to “it’s their fault for not fixing it” and the dithering around they’re doing does nothing but play into that narrative.
The situation reminds me of a household squabble: an irresponsible adult offspring rents a room from their parents on the cheap, then gets all butthurt after they spent their monthly budget on frivolous shit and complains about the rent being too high.
has been a massive failure except for the new Medicaid enrollees
Actually, that too has been a failure. Those people already had the same level of coverage they cared to exercise under EMTALA, namely “free” ER visits. All the evidence points to Medicaid expansion being a wash, at best. The healthy will continue being healthy and the unhealthy will continue being unhealthy. The only thing Medicaid does for the vast majority is to figure out that they’re healthy or unhealthy and then start an expensive process of confirming it. Even indicators you might expect to improve, like cancer survival rates, don’t seem to be moving. Maybe it will take another 10-20 years but that’s a whole lot of money sunk, especially if the benefit turns out to minuscule.
The only real “winners” under the ACA have been people who got heavily subsidized plans, but they’re in untenuous situations since if they fall below a certain threshold of income, they have to go on Medicaid, and if they rise above a certain threshold, then they lose the subsidies; and people who have recurring medical expenses far in excess of what they pay in premiums, but at the expense of everyone else. That’s… a couple million people?
” GOPe is slowly owning a hot mess they didn’t create because they are doing a shit job in conducting an offensive propaganda campaign.”
They don’t know how. And never will.
Exactly. Doing what Rand Paul is trying to negotiate the other senators into, which is partial repeal, is the best political tact IMO. It keeps the establishment honest (because it’s not full repeal) and makes conservatives happy that at least some cuts are actually occurring.
The immensity of the Repub incompetence on this can hardly be overstated. Let’s start with the basics:
How did they make their case that this needs to be done? I don’t recall any hearings with witnesses talking about how they lost a plan they liked, how their premiums have skyrocketed, how they don’t go to the doctor now because their deductible is so high – nothing. Get somebody from one of the hospitals that got acquired or went bankrupt since ObamaCare passed – get them to testify about how Medicaid sucks, and expanded Medicaid just expands the suck, about how they can’t collect huge deductibles from people, about why their hospital failed and how ObamaCare played a role. Call somebody from one of the insurance companies that has pulled out of the exchanges, etc.
They did none of that, as far as I know. If you wanted to set up a sham reform process that would fail, the Repubs could hardly have done better.
I’m not sure that’s a bad thing.
What they were trying to do wouldn’t have been more popular if people understood it better.
Cutting Medicaid eligibility is an extremely difficult thing to do. If social security and Medicare are the third rail of politics, Medicaid is might damn close to that . . .
You’re gonna throw pregnant poor women out into the street with no care, you heartless bastards!!!
We used to accept the fact that libertarian policies were unpopular–and advocate them anyway. Marijuana gets legalized through the referendum process, and I guess we started thinking we were popular.
I have no doubt but that moving people from Medicaid to private insurance would shrink the size of government and make the healthcare system better for almost everyone, but it doesn’t surprise me that the GOP didn’t spell it all out that way. The people they need to vote for them aren’t libertarians.
It’s amazing that they got something so libertarian through the House. No one has ever tried cutting Medicaid eligibility before, and we’ll probably never see it happen again in our lifetimes. And whenever I see Rand Paul’s face for the rest of my life, I’ll think about him being half the reason we didn’t cut Medicaid.
I would like to vent about young programmers who have always had a reliable network connection and reliable services their entire life.
For the last 24 hours, I have been trying to use a bulk import tool to upload data from a spreadsheet into a database. This is a perfect use case for a simple batch process. Nope, has to be started via a web form. There is no valid feedback on how things are going. There is no restartability to it. No decent logging at all. So I’ve been feeding files into this thing to try to determine what the input validation rules are. Here is my list so far:
* A certain range of columns have to have a background fill set
* Records with unrecognized brands will be rejected (case sensitive too)
* Records with unrecognized categories will be rejected (case sensitive too)
* When a bad record is encountered, all processing stops (but progress bar on web UI does not reflect this)
We inherited this tool from another development team from a different country. We only have partial source code and it has been impossible to get support for it.
Even my smart kiddie developers don’t really understand a lot of my ranting about how in “the old days” we knew how to code up a tool where it was assumed that network connection would be down, or that the db would crap out, or that you’d be given a bunch of shit data. No, today they think everything should be instantaneous. Everything will work.
Thanks, I needed to vent.
Damn, at the very least they could throw a user-visible error message when it decides to stop, or doesn’t process a record.
This isn’t “Programmers these days” it’s “Piss-poor implementation” period.
It is partly a mindset. The kids nowadays think that a simple script that parses a simple file and does stuff is boring and stone age. They want to use async web calls and queues in the back end. (those things are great for a lot of other things, but overkill for this).
I’ll readily admit that I’m guilty of this too. (Why use nosql db’s when rdbms is available?). My bias is just in the direction of the old school crap. (Cold Fusion for the win!)
You are also right, though, that this tool was a mess from the beginning. So it is a combo platter of choosing tools that don’t fit the use case and then doing a terrible job using them.
As is said here so often: “why can’t it be both?”
Why use nosql db’s when rdbms is available?
I came from this mindset, but having worked with a number of NoSQL options, my perspective has been inverted. Why would I deal with the limitations of an RDBMS if I don’t need ACID? To clarify, in situations where:
– Atomicity is important, but transactions aren’t
– Consistency is important, but relational integrity isn’t
– Isolation is important, but data normalization isn’t
– Durability is important, but uptime is more important
Then an RDBMS is the wrong choice. And there are a lot of situations like this.
That having been said, the real problem I think with your scenario is a lack of testing and defensive practices. A good engineer can write a good program the first time, but he will usually take longer than a mediocre engineer writing a mediocre program. The business cares more about “good enough” than “done right the first time” more often than not.
The thing that always irritates the holy shit out of me is that nobody gives a shit about batching and bulk commits anymore with these ‘advanced’ systems.
Load 300 rows, row 278 craps out, import dies, you have 277 ‘good’ rows, one possibly shitty row, and no way to reliably just back the whole lot out. Worse, the importer loads all 300 and tells you one of them is wrong, but lets you guess which one.
Yeah, SalesForce, I’m giving you the fucking evil eye.
Watch them not care at all.
I’m with you on SalesForce. Their tools blow chunks.
On the other hand, those shitty tools are why thousands of consultants are making big $$ modifying SF instances. If they worked and were easy, then internal IT people could do the work.
To be fair, that’s what my new gig will be if my current company RIFs me. Every financial firm I’ve spoken to winces at how little they can trust any of the standard SF functionality, and many of them are critical of the new SF ‘Financial Platform’ initiatives, simply because by its very nature, SF is incapable of industrial-strength data integrity when it comes to anything an accounting audit team looks at.
So, I’m gonna change that.
There were lots of shit coders in the olden days who also didn’t understand the concept of defensive coding – but probably a much larger percentage of them today, true.
Quickie movie review: Louis Theroux’s My Scientology Movie. Befrigged editing and very Marty Rathbun-intensive. Don’t bother. Watch Going Clear if you want a Scieno-watching fix.
Or you could just watch Battlefield Earth
I’m not one for the “so bad it’s good” types of movies, especially ones I have to pay for (that movie isn’t even streaming on Amazon!)
But you can buy the DVD for only 59.99. What are you poor or something?
I’m not one for the “so bad it’s good” types of movies
I didn’t know what it was and thought the trailer looked fun so I went to see it. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get anyone else to go. It is *not* so bad it’s good. It is just bad with no real redemption.
That’s what you get when you let the “Pope” of Scientology have almost complete control over the production.
I will say, I wouldn’t mind having had a hologram of an extinct alien race teach me math and language skills though.
Couldn’t you just be like everyone else and use Khan U, you elitist?
That sounds more time consuming than alien holograms pumping it directly into my brain.
I will have to disagree. It is, for me anyway, a badfilm treat that is right up there with Yor: The Hunter From The Future, Ice Pirates, Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn, Darktown Strutters, Surf II, etc.
Really the only part that elevates it to ‘so bad it’s good’ is Travolta’s performance. The rest of the movie is meh in comparison.
Agreed; without Travolta, the movie falls apart. Can that not be said of his entire body of work apart from Welcome Back Kotter, Grease, and Pulp Fiction?
Thanks, I almost watched it the other day.
I hadn’t planned on watching it, because the whole premise sounded cheesy (reenactments? Fuckin-a), but I saw this interview with Louis, and he is a really smart guy who knows his stuff. But ultimately, this movie was a dud. And I have had a visceral dislike of Rathbun since I first saw him around the time of the St. Pete Times’s “Truth Rundown” article. Turns out my instincts were pretty spot-on, as he’s back in the church now.
I will say the big bright spot in the movie was the guy they got to play David Miscavige. He was fantastic.
I just listened to Joe Rogan interview the guy’s dad the other day. Ron Miscavige. Pretty interesting stuff about how he got sucked in. Rogan came off as a smirking douche.
Rogan is kinda dudebro douchey, but he knows how to interview people. His interview with Leah Remini was pretty good, too. I love when she spots a roach in Rogan’s ashtray and is SHOCKED!
It’s kind of funny to go back today to Leah Remini’s interview with Howard Stern from about 15 years ago, when she gets very angry at Howard for mocking Scientology and gives an impassioned defense of it.
For more Scientology hilarity, check out The Tomkat Project
Funny stuff.
There’s a one-woman play touring around called “Squeeze My Cans” that has gotten excellent reviews.
The anti-Scientology movement’s starting to get very witch huntery.
Not a very good 3 man band.
But this is!
And this!
This one’s entertaining, too!
This was officially a 3 man band?
And Rush & Nirvana are better, too.
Rush is probably just as pretentious, though.
God. I loathe Primus.
Your name is mud.
That is excellent. Makes me drink too much, though.
I used to sort of laugh at ZZ Top, but damn, that band is tight
ZZ Top has one of the best catalogs ever for drinking, driving, and carousing (in any order you care to put them).
You take that back. One of them’s a knight even.
Where’s my shocked face?
Although I trust this unnamed sources BS about as much as the original. Fuck Trump for immediately siding with the Keeper of the Two Most Holy Latrines (PBUH) and his pals, and dragging us further into the tar pit.
What do you do when everybody is a lying POS? My guess is Qatar is getting fucked, but it’s just based on a hunch.
Yeah, I’d agree with that.
HM hit hardest: ‘Anti-pervert’ flame-throwers for sale in China
Where can I get one? Or rather where can I get like 10. One needs to be mounted on a staff to make a fire spear. One needs to be mounted on my Nova tactical shotgun. Two need to be glued end to end so I can make a kid sized Darth Maul lightsaber for my nephew. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
Do they ship to the EU?
Why do they call you the Dragonlady?
Hey baby, nice legs. What time do they open?
*screams in agony*
Baltimore cops: immoral, extrajudicial, and stupid to boot
Extry lol at that last part. Yeah, k sure
Absolutely something will happen. They are going to leave no stone unturned until they find out how that video leaked.
Baltimore cops: immoral
I saw immortal for a split second and became very concerned.
Good read on the development of the AC-47 Gunship:
‘Spooky’ Gunship Operations in the Vietnam War
Used to see the modern gunships, the AC-130s, up close at Karshi-Khanabad in Uzbekistan when I was deployed there about 14 years ago. Our tents had spent 105mm shell casings from them as ashtrays. The amount of firepower those things have is unreal.
And they are apparently headed out the door
The latest version of the AC-130 has only a single gun in addition to the 105 and it is not a minigun, instead they added single 30mm Bushmaster and they have turned it into in essence a Bomber with the bulk of it’s remaining capabilities being GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs and AGM-176 Griffin missiles either wing mounted or dropped out the cargo door.
I ask you, what credibility do these people have left?
During the election and since, I’ve been nursing a theory in the back of my mind. I really think the media is trying to get the public to play into a variation of the Picard / Cardasian “There are four (five) lights” scenario. That is, the media is acting as if they believe that if they can get the public to buy into the most visibly obviously refutable horseshit, they’ll have won their consciousness and credulousness will be granted unconditionally.
Honestly, for me, I really can’t figure out any other explanation for their behavior. They say shit that just doesn’t make any sense, shit that is just so obviously, unabashedly, untrue that I really can’t think of any other reason they’d try to get away with it.
You know who else says risibly untrue things and expects people to believe it…
Hitler?!!! Is it Hitler?!!! (what my wife says whenever I start saying “You know who else”)
The Onion?
Bill Nye?
Billy Joel?
You are exactly right, you are only missing one thing. They actually believe their own bullshit. Remember, these are largely people who buy into critical theory, one of the foundational principles of which is that every bit of information that you acquire is distorted by bias and so there can be no such thing as objective truth. Once you start down that path then you end up here because without objective truth any assertion is equal to any other assertion. All you have to do is win people over to ‘your truth’.
They are just telling ‘their truth’.
*this does not detract from the fact that they are telling deliberate, calculated lies.
Trolling? Or the female Alex Jones? I know next to nothing about her.
Without clicking: is it Mensch?
Supposedly, some leaked email chain between Mensch and some other right-wing journos showed that her insanity is purposeful. She’s trying to Pied-Piper NeverTrumpers and Dems over the edge with ever more ridiculous conspiracies.
“Yeah, whatever dude. Take your meds.”
We should put that on our currency, instead of “E Pluribus Unum.”
“Quae semper Dudus, Ut medicina tua”
Spokane City Councilman is just asking questions
I miss that crazy ass place sometimes.
First comment:
That man is on to something
Somebody needs to bottle that concentrated crazy and sell it as a recreational intoxicant.
Flakka man. Flakka.
Screw the Ravens
I believe it’s pronounced, “FLAH-kaeouw”.
The bugs on the plants die.
Being straffinrun, I should’ve made that joke. You stick with the picante.
Fucking ideal gas law, how does it work!?
Frogs turn gay?
I want more of this stuff. Batshit crazy stuff. Expanding the parameters of crazy might leave some room for my beliefs just within the border of insane.
Canada’s private ATC is pretty much the envy of the world. But apparently we can’t have nice things in the U.S.
Gotta keep those union cronies happy.
I’ll hand it to Cillizza for doing an AMA at all. He’s still a hopeless hack and I’m glad he got savaged.
I’m far from a SoCon, but this seems a little out there for a magazine aimed at a 13-17 demographic. Teen sexuality is a rather sticky topic overall and if a 15 year old couple wants to a little sodomy, I couldn’t care less. But something about a publication run by adults and marketed to (nominally) children providing buggery tips seems a bit… unsavory. Perhaps I’m just too old/too much a yokel.
Teen sexuality is a rather sticky topic
It certainly was.
I cracked a blanket it half!
Got any good links to a summary of the Cillizza AMA? Read the one from the Daily Wire already. I’m just lazy and trying to avoid reading the whole fucking Reddit thread.
Here’s the take by Fox News:
It’s just you. Nobody else has a problem with a magazine aimed at teens promoting sodomy.
The science is settled, you’re a fossil and probably some kind of Republican.
On the one hand, nobody ever got pregnant takin’ it in the keister. On the other hand, I predict that the very thought of some filthy teenager putting his hands on my daughter (she’s 2 now, but I’m projecting into the future here) will make me homicidal. Father-me would’ve definitely chased teenage-me down the street with a shotgun.
But really, the sin here is allowing some idiotic piece of tripe such as “Teen Vogue” to enter your home in the first place.
Somebody posted the Herman Cain “smoking ad” yesterday. Am I nuts, or is Cain doing a great Pepe impersonation at the end?
Jiminy Christmas. I forgot about that. Can no one fucking do propaganda on Team Red?!?
VDH on the beat.
Or in media hack Carl Bernstein’s words, a Cold Civil War.
Kids are going to a star themed party at church on Sunday night. We are making some glow in the dark shirts up for them and one of the kids says that the organizer said you could dress like a star (show biz kinda thing) for the party as well. I ask “What stars do you know?” I get responses of “whole constellations, or individual stars?”
I believe this is an indication that the wife and I are parenting correctly.
Go as Ed McMahon.
I dunno, the constellations of stars in Hollywood and New York are pretty alien to me.
Until the parenthetical, I was thinkging the same as your kid.
You have your priorities in the proper order.
He put the parent in parenthetical.
What…what the fuck did I just watch?
I thought that stuff was supposed to be done with the left hand.
Is that an Italian? I am scared and confused.
It’s a “New European”.
Might as well ask you all what you want. A month vacation starts tomorrow. Been thinking about another submission and am torn between doing a thing on King Lear and the fool’s wisdom or a piece on Japanese idioms that could be seen as parallel libertarian thinking. You have a preference? Not doing tentacle porn. That needs to be experienced first hand.
Japanese idioms.
Yeah well, your mom wears combat boots!
But little else, so that’s cool!
You know what happens when you second Q?
Are they sloppy or not?
“That needs to be experienced first hand.”
Asking for a friend, but um, what is wrong with the other seven hands? Why only the first?
Nippon idiom, prease.
Alright. The peanut gallery has spoken. There are quite a few I can work with. Give me a couple days.
TL,DR; A minority of Millennials are having all the fun and going at it like Viagra-addled jackrabbits while a larger cohort remains exiled to Mom’s basement playing Call of Duty/Posting screeds on Tumblr.
So Idiocracy?
Why’d you read that whole post? Are you a FAG?
On the one hand, millennials are more likely to have been abstinent for the past month than their predecessors were at the same age.
That isn’t what was on the other hand.
This may be the worst joke in Glib history. Congratulations!
That can’t possibly be true.
Don’t be a jerk…
Oh, come on!
I still think he pulled it off
This is what happens when you steer with your dick.
“Man on 5 ‘generic’ Viagra pills arrested for DUI crash”
So he should have had 5 non-generic Viagra pills?
I see Pfizer got to the reporter just in time.
If you need this, you should be in a psych ward, not a university (I come increasingly closer to repeating myself).
Yes, this is *exactly* why James Meredith broke the color barrier – so that the black students who come after him can complain about pictures on walls.
(I know it’s the UK not Mississippi)
Most cucked nation in Europe, the U.K. Or Germany? What a shame that they’re coddling those fools.
I’ll go with Germany just because of “Fuck You I’m Millwall!” guy.
Sweden. Hands down.
Related (sorta):
Hey, is that the British Maxine Waters?
The Flag Institute’s chief vexillologist
How much does that pay?
When I saw UK, my response was gonna be “that’s not a real university, that’s just a state sponsored basketball program” but the article wasn’t about Kentucky.
Better teeth in Kentucky …
What this forum needs is a little Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.
Yet again!
Stop it.
CPA posted this above from an article about the ADA.
“While Uber offers wheelchair-accessible cars through its UberWAV service, the lawsuit claims that these special cars, which typically have lifts and ramps for mobility devices, account for a tiny fraction of the 58,000 for-hire cars dispatched by Uber in New York City’s five boroughs. Moreover, this already limited pool of cars can be used for other riders, and vehicles may be unavailable when needed by those with disabilities, the lawsuit said.”
I just had a little personal tale about the crappiness of the ADA recently. I work out of my vehicle all day and often am working on budildings where I have no bathroom access. My parts warehouse is one place where I can go take care of business without standing in a line in some fast food joint and buying something I don’t really want so I can get a bathroom key. I went to use their bathroom a couple months back and it had a lock on it. I asked the workers there what was up and they said someone from the city came by the week before and told them they could no longer have the bathroom open to anyone but their workers due to the ADA because it is a non compliant bathroom. Now, mind you, this bathroom is two flights of stairs up. There is no way any handicapped person would be using it anyway, but now I can’t either. I took a piss out front on the street.
Good for you. What’s the fine for public urination?
Depends whether you make any loud noises when you do it.
Some punkass cop might get frightened and ventilate you.
As I was taking it I imagined that Murphys Law might kick in and I would be arrested for indecent exposure.
And then you get to be on a sex offenders list for the rest of your life.
I took a piss out front on the street.
What are you, some kind of gypsy?
*Narrows Gaze, Rolls up sleeves, abducts children*
I would feel more like a gypsy if I took a shit out front.
During the election and since, I’ve been nursing a theory in the back of my mind. I really think the media is trying to get the public to play into a variation of the Picard / Cardasian “There are four (five) lights” scenario. That is, the media is acting as if they believe that if they can get the public to buy into the most visibly obviously refutable horseshit, they’ll have won their consciousness and credulousness will be granted unconditionally.
So… gaslighting on a grand scale?
The media’s been gaslighting since at least Slick Willie was in office. It didn’t become popular to talk about until that very same media claimed that Trump is gaslighting the electorate.
I’m surprisingly more pissed off about this healthcare repeal failure than I thought I would be. Even though the plan kinda sucked.
I’ve had to listen to all my prog friends go off about how we need more price controls and Trump is sabotaging Obamcare (is he really? Haven’t looked at it)
Nice link. Straight to the point too.
we need more price controls
Economics 101: Price controls lead to …
a) Happy fun times
b) Socialist worker’s paradise
c) Republican obstructionism
d) Shortages
All wrong! The answer is:
e) Genocide of right-wing subhumans which finally allows Orgasmic Utopia to begin!
I wish they’d make up their minds as to whether we’re supposed to be giving forcible “charity” to the poor via the government, or watching them die and laughing at them for making bad choices.
I mean seriously, we’re at the point where being a dumbass with money makes you a poor victim of the system who deserves whatever help the government can extract from others to provide, whereas casting a vote for the wrong party makes you deserve every shitty thing that can possibly happen to you.
Um, that’s real consistent.
dumbass with money = making poor choices in the use of money, not dumbass who has lots of money
all of the above
Trump apparently is sabotaging it by leaving it intact just exactly as the Dems wrote it when they rammed it through without any Republican support.
“What I would like to do is issue a challenge to the citizens out there, if they see an airplane in high atmosphere, watch the airplane’s activities for a while,” Fagan said. “You’re going to see a trail come out of that airplane, that dissipates and enlarges itself, floating back down to the ground. Then what happens?”
The bugs on the plants die.
This brings back memories. When I was at the University of Idaho, crop dusters were fairly common. Sometimes, I’d pull off the road and watch for a while. The best part was when they’d have some dope in a raincoat(!) marking the line for the next pass.
Fellow Vandal here. Small world.
That makes at least 3.
McDonald’s unveils millennial burger with “millennials’ favorite ingredient.”
Spoiler: it’s Sriracha.
It’s not male tears?
I like sriracha too, but their “favorite ingredient”? That seems a bit much.
I had red Robin’s Sriracha burger last weekend, and it was a giant meh. I’m cool with Sriracha, but it’s not the best Asian hot sauce (sambal ooelek), and it needs to be used in a dish with strong flavors, or else your food tastes only of hot sauce. That’s what red Robin screwed up.
Agreed – sambal oelek is better.
Take Quarterpounder, apply Sriracha. Done and done! Good job boys, bonuses all around.
I fucking love rooster sauce like a community college drop out progressive fucking loves science, but if its served on a bun made of A-B foam with a homogenious puck of steamed meat, that’ll still be a hard no.
that’s not an ingredient, its a condiment.
they both end with “ment”, therefore are mutually exclusive categories. i refuse to hear any alternative theories.
(sigh) [goes back to work because my comment game is fucked]
Those Amish are at it again.
People who use the phrase “baby bump” should be attacked by acid.
Also people who use the term “furbaby”
*nodding in agreement*
Your dog / cat / hamster can not be compared to a human life.
The only reason it “unconditionally loves” you is because you feed it and it can’t talk.
A cop comes up to your house,. Your dog is visible through the chainlink fence. The cop draws his gun and points it at the dog.
Do you
(a) shoot the cop before he shoots your dog
(b) shoot the cop after he shoots your dog
(c) file a complaint with the civilian review board after he shoots your dog
(d) do nothing
How much do you value your own life?
(e) Shoot the dog
Go for the good wound and take the dog out of the equation.
What happens in the ensuing hail of panic fire?
There is no way any handicapped person would be using it anyway, but now I can’t either. I took a piss out front on the street.
“Where do you think you’re going, Crab? Stay in the bucket, with everybody else.”
*Rage rising*
Sessions is on the teevee now making his pitch for increased civil asset forfeiture, i.e. theft. Shorter Sessions – “I want to fuck that fifth amendment good and hard.” We have come up with a lot of bad ideas in this country but creating a financial incentive for the cops and courts is at least number 2 worst.
Can we clone Betsy DeVos and put her in charge of the DOJ? Because even if half the things they’re saying about her are untrue, she’s like the goddamn libertarian wet dream.
In a sane world, I would’ve waited the extra 500ms to realize how bad that sounds and reworded it. No edit button FTW!
I just googled her. She doesn’t *look* like Hitler …
Worst Trump appointee by far. This is a fine way to lose the very people who put him in office and have been extremely loyal.
FFS Trump, jerk the fucking leash on your dog.
Sessions unfortunately has very little public opposition from anyone but the libertarians and the most committed conservatives, and that’s mainly because nobody but us understands what asset forfeiture actually is. I’ve tried to explain to my circles about it before, and I almost always get blank stares.
Most people are unaware of its existence, and when it’s (somewhat) explained to them, they see it as taking stolen/illicit money from criminals. The lack of respect for due process seems to be a fun cross-partisan shared value.
Trump seems to think it means taking drugs away from drug dealers.
When the housing bubble burst and all the news was about banks taking back houses, I tried to find some numbers on how many homes the government seizes each year. Couldn’t find the data. Huh, I’m sure its just an honest oversight.
The Venn diagrams between people who voted for Trump and people who are outraged by asset forfeiture do not intersect in any meaningful way.
The Venn diagram between law and order copsuckers and people who voted for Trump has the first existing almost entirely within the second.
The average Trump voter likely considers Sessions Trump’s second best hire right after Pence and Sessions actions to date are giving Trump voters exactly what they want.
I think it’s true with the older, crustier voters. With the under-50s, much less so.
Regardless, asset forfeiture is an issue that is important if you’re an alleged criminal, the friends and family of an alleged criminal, or a committed constitutionalist and/or libertarian. Not a large voting demographic.
I thought the supreme court ruled on guilty until proven innocent already. What does it take to get them to stop doing this?
What does it take to get them to stop doing this?
It takes actual consequences. Therefore it will never stop.
He wants to “share” the booty with other agencies. Regular Robbing Hood.
The less they spend directly on operations, they more they can spend on pensions and benefits. Not that they don’t overspend on operations as it is…
convictssuspicious people have money. We need money. Ergo prompter hoc, we take it.You know who else wanted to share the booty?
Beastie Boys
I hear she’s been giving it up to all them graffiti guys.
As I’ve said before, the left is virtue-signaling about Sessions: only the libertarians and the nu-right are actually opposing his practices. That’s a real problem for liberty.
Very true.
the nu-right are actually opposing his practices
How true is that? They might be against some practices, but I get the sense that many on the “nu-right” think that we’ve gone “soft on crime” lately. I’m thinking more of Chicago/Baltimore/DC/LA gangs, murders, robberies, etc. At the very least, the stance on drug legalization seems to be very much a mixed bag. Some are of a libertarian mindset, while others seem to think that every step towards legalization is degrading our culture.
Asset forfeiture is actually getting a surprising amount of opposition from the Breitbart comments: some apologists, of course, but the majority don’t like it, which is a shockingly good sign. Daily Wire commenters were also opposed to asset forfeiture, though that’s a more disciplined crowd.
That’s good to hear. It’s one of those things you would naively think Democrats and lefties in general would be against*, but I haven’t seen much opposition from the left as yet.
* = Speaking solely of confiscation of assets from those accused of crimes; of course, many lefties want to confiscate assets for different reasons
The only leftists that I’ve seen actively opposing asset forfeiture is the Secular Talk guy and his viewership. Other than that tiny minority, crickets.
Also, TYT, John Oliver (usually a hack, but credit given when due), and oddly enough InfoWars also oppose asset forfeiture. Still, we’re not talking majority demographics here.
Make fun of the gay frog shit all you want, but there is nothing at all odd about infowars opposing this. It’s 100% in character.
The proforfeiture and antilegalization folks are the old right and, yeah, they suck.
The establishment right doesn’t read and doesn’t want to read the Constitution: they just want to pretend to oppose the left and secretly advance their agenda. The nu-right reads.
The left complaining about asset forfeiture is like…
An “Italian” cleaning up after a good shit?
Neither here nor there, but I stumbled across this charming tweet from noted ACLU civil liberties hero Linda Sarsour:
Someone didn’t take her Clozapine this morning…
It’s old, although someone apparently dug it up and linked it today. Still funny, though.
Not sure if it’s been discussed around here yet or not, today. But apparently a little info has been leaking out about the MI cop who shot the woman. The only 2 things that have come out of that are:
1. She was holding a cell phone when she approached the car on the drivers side.
2. The cop on the passenger side panicked and shot her more than one time through the driver’s side door.
Hmm, I’m shocked.
Now all we need to do is wait for 3. AND.NOTHING.ELSE.HAPPENED.
A Michigan cop shot a woman through a driver’s side door, too?
Forgive me. I can’t help it.
Damnit! MN. I searched for the right abbreviation. But the intertoobz told me there’s no such place as Minnesoda!
Do women ever put their cell phones down anymore?
(*’signs your relationship has issues: girlfriend checks twitter during sex’)
Mother Jones editor:
JFC, dude
Was the guy Russian? I bet he was Russian. You should blame Trump.
Nope, he took it slow. Lots of foreplay. No russian at all.
He even made sure she finnish first.
God. Can’t believe I didn’t see that coming. *Wipes Face off*
There’s Norway you know what happened.
She was a little Chile at first and he had to Greece the skids a little before she got Hungary for lovin’.
Chilly today, hot tamale, as the South of the Border billboards used to say.
I heard she’s been spreading her Netherlands all over Chad and Jordan.
What the what?
Well, uh, that’s very, ummmmm *quickly backs out of the room, runs away*
Sally Kohn, ladies and gentlemen
Popehat jumping in. And he’ll be a Trump apologist. I can’t stand much more of this.
Sally Kohn = Rachel Maddow minus 50 IQ points.
That has to be below retard.
I wonder if Sarsour reads Kohn’s nonsense and chuckles as she dreams of chucking her off a rooftop.
In the mail:
Where should I wear it first?
PTA meeting
Assuming you’re the kind of uptight square who wears shirts, that is.
Parent Teacher Conference. Bail hearing. Funeral. Where wouldn’t you wear it?
Does one just lead to the next?
On your abdomen, silly.
No need to be so formal in my Church.
Needs a bow tie.
So, I keep reading all of these headlines about the do nothing Congress. Lots of claims that they’ve done less than any Congress in history. I don’t know about anyone else, but that sure sounds like a step in the right direction to me.
More banjo. I apologize, but I’m a bit drunk.
It’s OK, I Googled it, and it’s 1:08 AM in Tokyo.
One has to get started early to be an all-day drunk.
You all’s comments make more sense with a little plucking going on this background. Yoookels.
Hey now. I am not the one that has banjo music playing on my computer.
Fiddles. Currently playing:
No you don’t, you just have to COMMIT! Damn it!
You get this!
I’m gonna have dreams I’m on a 70’s game show. Meh, could be worse.
That album cover is such a disappointment.
You can always tell the bias of the media simply because they choose the term “least productive” instead of “least destructive”.
Well, to be fair, the media thinks churning out worthless pages of words is their job, so it’s unsurprising they would project that onto Congress.
100% in agreement. When has political non-productivity ever not been good for libertarianism?
I’ll settle for a tax cut and some more deregulation. Nothing else much needed. They either repeal the ACA straight out or it collapses on it’s own. The establishment in general are also shitting their pants because Trump hasn’t filled every totally useless job in the administration. While I find that a good thing.
Call me a pessimist, but I don’t think it will “collapse”. They will polish this turd into perpetuity. It is the new standard now.
It is collapsing. The biggest insurer has already almost 100% pulled out of the ACA exchanges. And I still expect that Congress will repeal it eventually. All of the celebrations the NYTs are having are pre-mature to say the least.
I don’t know. I have a feeling they’ll bail out this thing somehow.
I do too. Expect another round of “reform” soon which includes massive subsidies to Big Insurance to keep the exchanges functioning, expanded budgets for CMS to administer everything, and moar federal funding for Medicaid expansion.
IOW, I expect the Repub bitches in Congress to do exactly what they are told by the Dems. Its how they do spending bills, so why not health insurance reform?
I’m sure Tundra has been on this, but I missed his fan boi gushing.
Replacements Unearth 1986 Concert for ‘Live at Maxwell’s’
I can’t gush about it until I listen to the whole thing!
But I’m sure it will be fantastic – original lineup and a bunch of years under their belts by then. They were a crapshoot live – either brilliant or horseshit.
Speaking of burgers, I follow Tom Nichols on Twitter and he brought up the book Alas, Babylon. The one thing about it I remember is the “cannibal sandwich” the main character fixes for himself in the opening chapter. It’s basically raw ground beef and a couple condiments served on bread. Any of you ever do this?
Steak tartare sandwich?
Nah, but I regularly have very rare burgers when I can trust the restaurant.
Not good. A sandwich needs texture and structures, and uncooked beef has neither. It just has a mouthfeel like paste, and I don’t think the flavor is improved by a lack of crust or rendered fat.
Add bacon for sure
For what it’s worth.
10) I suddenly lost interest in shoes – “as long as they keep my feet comfortable or don’t get me fired, they’re OK,” I found myself saying.
9) I tried to ignore possible medical symptoms, because they might lead to a anxiety-producing visit to the doctor.
8) While waiting for my pedicure, I read my car’s instruction manual.
7) I improved my aim by shooting empty beer cans off fence posts.
6) I studied the rules of football so that I could recognize bad calls by the referee.
5) I forgot my own birthday.
4) I can’t wait for the weekend and the Spike TV marathon.
3) I held the same opinion continuously for two days in a row.
2) I asked the waitress to bend over and explain an item on the menu to me.
1) You know how those cans of beer in #7 got empty? I drank them while sitting in my boat. I think I was supposed to be fishing.
(stereotypes; not intended to 100% reflect reality)
“10) I suddenly lost interest in shoes – “as long as they keep my feet comfortable or don’t get me fired, they’re OK,” I found myself saying.”
This one is absurd. Women have 100 pairs of $10 shoes, whereas men will have 2-3 pairs of $100+ shoes. Which leads me to the conclusion that men care a lot more about the shoes they wear than women do.
Here’s what you spend real good money on (as a man)
When it comes to cars, always get leather seats. Fabric soaks up too much odor. Don’t buy a new car, unless you have money to burn. Low mileage fleet, executive, or leases.
Grill, guns, outdoors gear, tools
Anything you expect to last for years should be shopped for quality.
Spend on:
Screwdrivers, respirator, files, squares. Cheap out on wrenches and saws.
Socks, shoes, and button down shirts. Cheap out on pants and boxers.
Keyboard and mouse. Cheap out on the desk.
Safety razor, shave soap, and brush. You can “cheap out” on the double sided razors and still get Feathers or Lord for less than the five blade abominations.
I *would not* spend much on cookware. I have a pile of 8 inch non-stick skillets from the restaurant supply store, with two in service at any time. 1 cast iron pan, 1 SS pan, 3 pots with heat-diffusing disk. The only expensive cookware I own are a clad saucier and a souse vide setup.
I spent $50 on blades and got 500 feathers and a 250 pack of various blades (in 2011). Im set on blades until 2035 or so. You can get a Gillette tech for $5 on ebay, a badger brush for $20 and shave soap for $10.
Ive splurged a bit on the shaving hobby, and still have only spent $33/year over the last 6 years. If I had only bought the cheapest of each thing I own, I’d have spent $40 in 6 years on shaving.
Oh yeah, you can get a good shave for what you are paying, though that’s a phenomenally good price on the Feathers. I fully admit that a fatboy, a $100 brush and some top-end soap is not a luxury and not a requirement. But its so damn worth it to me that if I’m going to splurge on anything for myself, its going to be that.
meh. i get the idea you’re going for, but i think you miss the mark on a few things.
i think the ‘shoes, cookware, mattresses’ are great examples = high-use, high-value, long-lasting products. things you will get genuine benefit from at the higher end of the spectrum.
watches, sunglasses, are just jewelry. not everyone is into that stuff anyway. and then there’s the fact that people have a high-propensity to break/lose small items like that. the only times i spent good money on glasses they got broke/stolen within a year. I have a rolex, but its 30+ years old and i got it for next to nothing. it looks the business, but its shit for actually keeping time.
my philosophy is that ‘guys like *tools*’…. stuff you use. if you use the item a lot, its a tool; if you don’t, and its mostly for show, its just a vanity.
e.g. i bought a very expensive bike in the 1990s (couple grand); and i proceeded to use it constantly for 2+ decades and still have it (albeit with many parts replaced/updated). I got every cent out of the thing i put in. Someone else may have blown similar amounts of money on some fancy titanium/carbon framed bike, but if they don’t actually use it, its just for show. the value-per-dollar is really about how you use goods
What an asshole
Business owners taking sides is so “smart”.
…and by smart I mean unbelievably retarded in that you’re alienating half your customers, especially in a market like bookstores which are in the process of being ethnically cleansed by Amazon but go ahead and virtue signal your way to the unemployment line. Jackass.
“alienating half your customers”
Look, Democrats are building an entire political party on that. Winning the future, one pissed off yokel at a time!
“And this is why people prefer Amazon. Great prices, awesome delivery, no judgment. No hectoring. No bullying. No preaching. Clickity-click, and I’ve purchased what I want.”
Not all speech is ok, mmkay?
So, I keep reading all of these headlines about the do nothing Congress. Lots of claims that they’ve done less than any Congress in history. I don’t know about anyone else, but that sure sounds like a step in the right direction to me.
Exactly. We’d all be better off if Congress stuck to lining their own pockets while leaving the rest of us the fuck alone. And then they (the press and various and sundry other public intellectual types) start moaning and groaning about the lack of bipartisan consensus.
Any time I hear the term “bipartisan consensus” my ass starts to hurt.
Any time I hear the term “bipartisan consensus” my ass starts to hurt.
I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that was our safe word.
TSTSNBN have now published 2 articles in 2 days, apparently claiming that the feds are going to de-schedule Ectasy. That’s not exactly the headline, but it seems obvious that they believe that some researchers are going to get this de-scheduled. Libertarian moment? Delusion? I don’t even know, but for anyone who does know, have the feds ever de-scheduled anything? Anything?
If they continue to refuse to de-schedule pot, which they are, I can’t imagine they’re going to de-schedule Ecstasy. The pro-MDMA lobby is a helluva lot smaller than the pro-pot lobby.
I’d wager that when every single state has legalized cannabis, that it will still be on schedule 1 at the federal level.
The only thing I can imagine that TSTSNBN are going on about, is that they honestly believe if some researchers get permission to do trials with MDMA, that this somehow makes it legal. Or maybe they believe that if it gets put on schedule 3 and thereby put into the control of a drug cartel (doctors), that this makes it legal. Yeah, about as legal as morphine, so now not only will it still be illegal, but there will be a massive pants shitting campaign that will cost taxpayers millions piled on top of it.
^This. Pot will be first, and it ain’t gonna happen as long as Sessions is AG.
The biggest fear about that is that they could move cannabis to schedule 3, meaning you would have to get it only by prescription. Then the same pant shitting brigade who started the opiate hysteria campaign will start another one with cannabis. Once the pharmaceutical industry gets control of weed, there will never be legal weed again. All of the states with legal retailers would be raided and shut down.
BTW, saw this on a NY Giants board I frequent. Apparently Mikey posts there….from a thread about Colin Kaepernick:
Colon Paperneck
TSTSNBN have now published 2 articles in 2 days, apparently claiming that the feds are going to de-schedule Ectasy.
You [they] slay me.
I saw an article very recently which was obviously designed to spark a new hysteria over some “nerve pain” drug which allegedly accentuates the high from opioid pain killers. I think it was Kaiser Health or some such. Drugs are baaaad, Childrin, mmmkay?
De-scheduling anything is a fantasy.
They’re living in fantasy land (libertarian moment) almost to the point that they’re as confused about reality as the most leftist prog. There must be some ecstasy in those cocktails, I’m not sure how else to explain it.
Asset forfeiture exceeds burglary in terms of dollar amount, at five billion annually, according to graph I can’t be bothered to link or investigate.
Not that I don’t care, but even if burglary dwarfed forfeiture it would be just as wrong.
1. Who is mostly likely to rob you?
a. cops
b. burglars
2. Who is more likely to shoot you.
a. cops
b. burglars
Burglars aren’t going to insist they’re here to help me. Burglars aren’t going to stick around after the burglary. Burglars aren’t going to arrest me for protecting myself against burglary. Burglars don’t get the cover of law when they burgle me, or worse. Burglars aren’t going to air out my dirty laundry to justify their crimes.
We don’t have any evidence but we’re pretty sure this guy sells drugs. We’ve confiscated his computer to see if he has any child pornography on it.
Saw that graph on Tweeters. It’s from 2014, so that happened a while ago. Which is even sadder.
Here it is- the panic du jour
Gabapentin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat epilepsy and pain related to nerve damage, called neuropathy. Also known by its brand name, Neurontin, the drug acts as a sedative. It is widely considered non-addictive and touted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an alternative intervention to opiates for chronic pain. Generally, doctors prescribe no more than 1,800 to 2,400 milligrams of gabapentin per day, according to information on the Mayo Clinic’s website.
Gabapentin does not carry the same risk of lethal overdoses as opioids, but drug experts say the effects of using gabapentin for long periods of time or in very high quantities, particularly among sensitive populations like pregnant women, are not well-known.
As providers dole out the drug in mass quantities for conditions such as restless legs syndrome and alcoholism, it is being subverted to a drug of abuse. Gabapentin can enhance the euphoria caused by an opioid and stave off drug withdrawals. In addition, it can bypass the blocking effects of medications used for addiction treatment, enabling patients to get high while in recovery.
Even as gabapentin gets restocked regularly on Quivey’s shelves, the drug’s presence is increasing on the streets of Athens. A 300-milligram pill sells for as little as 75 cents.
Yet, according to Chuck Haegele, field supervisor for the Major Crimes Unit at the Athens City Police Department, law enforcement can do little to stop its spread. That’s because gabapentin is not categorized as a controlled substance. That designation places restrictions on who can possess and dispense the drug.
“There’s really not much we can do at this point,” he said. “If it’s not controlled … it’s not illegal for somebody that’s not prescribed it to possess it.”
There you have it. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY.
drug experts say the effects of using gabapentin for long periods of time or in very high quantities . . . are not well-known
IOW minimal enough that maybe putting people in cages or body bags for possession isn’t warranted.
That’s been a fun thing with poppers. It was an OTC heart medication that got pulled because of increased recreational use with little to no potential side effects. Now thanks to ever-changing regulations an analog is being sold in Europe which may cause permanent blindness. Success!
It’s like when they started forcing people to sign for anything with ephedrine in it. So then the pharm companies replaced the ephedrine in OTC cold medications with an ingredient that everyone agreed was totally ineffective. Well, not quite as bad as what you wrote about, but along the same lines.
Oh for crying out loud. They started giving my dog this now that they won’t give her tramadol without her coming in to the vet every time. If they start doing that with gabapentin too, I’ll be greatly irritated.
I am concerned for your dog. Hopefully the cops don’t find out she’s a druggie.
Or that the vet doesn’t report the owner for animal abuse by giving it drugs to get high on.
Looking, taking stuff that people take only to feel good, is a sin. We must stop you… and your dog from sinning, sinner.
Gabapentin , the name sounds like I need some for my co workers so they will stop yakking.
The most unlikely opposition to asset forfeiture: to be fair, it’s one of InfoWars’ more sane hosts.
The problem about this is, as the guy pointed out early in the video, is that almost no Americans know this is going on, until it happens to them. Who is going to tell them? The mainstream media that they watch? Not a chance in hell.
The only remotely mainstream figure on the left that I’ve seen talk about asset forfeiture was John Oliver, and that was two years ago and can only be found if you purposefully search it on YouTube. Every other outlet that talks about asset forfeiture are non-mainstream outlets with niche audiences.
The left want a bigger more intrusive state. And they know they have to accept all of the abuses that go along with that. So they’ll not rock the boat of the great ever growing state. I mean, it can’t happen to them anyway, right? Those people HAD to do something wrong. Probably Republicans anyway.
I don’t think InfoWar’s is ‘unlikely opposition’ to anything that gives the government or its foot soldiers greater power over citizens. I mean, that’s kind of InfoWar’s ‘thing’ in general, that the government is trying to control you and we need to respond (the degree of which is dependent on the contributor, from Jones’ BREAK THE CONDITIONING to Watson’s more calm appeals to a new right movement).
BTW, John, That Mikke guy had me on the floor laughing.
And this one. HT: Sargon.
The best part? This is his current wife, over forty years younger than he is.
Mikke is basically the Libertarian Polish version of the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man in the World guy.
Count me a follower. He’s Andrew Dice Clay with principles.
Look, I have a freedom to your money, you fascist freedom denier!
I note without linking, Salon has picked up that gabapentin story.
Pants shitting?
Atari has made a new console and it looks great
Probably vaporware. But I love the wood grain retro version.
I’ll wait until they release the version with authentic period naugahyde and brushed aluminum, like a real 80’s mancave artifact should be.
Apparently Atari has changed hands like 6 times since the 1980s, most recently (2001) acquired by a french holding-company (IESA/Infogrames) which seems to have a unique talent at losing huge amounts of money and yet somehow (barely) staying in business.
The Atari subsidiary declared bankruptcy in 2013, and re-emerged in 2014 to try some other very dumb sounding ideas
that hot idea seems to have been replaced with “crowdfunding a console”. because crowdfunding is what you do when capital markets have decided you’re a loser.
So, a Raspberry Pi, running an Atari 2600 emulator, in a box.
“there’s one problem: it doesn’t have any games yet”
No, there’s 2 problems. The first is that it’s a console.
Interesting. CBS News is looking at the forfeiture thing from DOJ. And RTs IJ.
Well, an important behind-the-scenes guy from CBS News. Will it make it on their main page? Unfortunately, no.
Major Garrett? Is he behind the scenes?
Forfeiture suddenly becomes bad when TEAM RED is doing it.
In a strange intersection of two interests STEVE SMITH are available.
steve smith *socks* are available
Shouldn’t those be stitched with ‘AND BY SOCK STEVE SMITH MEAN RAPE’?
Yeah, whatever dude. Take your meds.
One ad for baby formula showed a little girl growing up to be a ballerina and a little boy becoming a mathematician.
Another ad, for a weight-loss drink, asked if viewers were “beach body ready” and showed a bikini-wearing woman whose bronzed image, critics said, promoted an unrealistic standard of beauty.
A third ad, for the video game “Game of War,” showed the American actress Kate Upton scantily dressed on a horse, making it seem as though sexual desirability were a prerequisite for leadership.
Britain’s advertising regulator, reacting to these ads and similar ones, announced Tuesday that new rules would be developed to ban advertising that promotes gender stereotypes or denigrates people who do not conform to them; sexually objectifies women; or promotes unhealthy body images.
Stick a fork in ’em. They’re done.
No need to worry about body stereotypes or anything like that anyway, all the British women, maybe the men too, will be in burkas in another decade.
Jezebel has a sad that they’re not doing the same thing here
Perpetuating gender stereotypes like ‘all straight white males are misogynists and rapists’?
Are you suggest Norman “Panty-Dropper” Schwarzkopf isn’t an indelible symbol of sexual desirability?
Another ad, for a weight-loss drink, asked if viewers were “beach body ready” and showed a bikini-wearing woman whose bronzed image, critics said, promoted an unrealistic standard of beauty.
Nice how the article links to petition to remove the ad. Instead of any of the many, many articles and videos about what actually happened.
TW: I chose Sargon for the link because Sargon is cool.….isnt that another one of Dr. Evi…I mean George Soros’ organizations?
Twelve minutes of video to find out what actually happened?
How long before they have killed anything interesting or beautiful and they are indistinguishable from the cold, grey, drab and soul crushing hopelessness of the USSR?
So a cop in NY was ambushed and murdered by a pajama wearing woman with a cell phone? I wasn’t even aware that there’s a murder app for cell phones now. I have to keep up.
A pajama-wearing woman with a cell phone who made some loud noises that scared us — please get it somewhat right.
Every fucking thing scares them. Cell phones, puppies, kittens…
If a black Muslim guy gets anything but a fingerwagging for shooting a white, attractive, blonde woman you’re going to have race riots from one end of the country to another.
At best, he’ll get punished for not having his camera on, and his partner will be punished as well, to show it’s not a racial thing.
They’re already being punished. First of all, she didn’t have a single pet to shoot first, which has traumatized them both. And now they’re on paid vacation. Why are you so cruel as to wish them more punishment?
Oh man, the city is lucky they’re modest heroes in blue. I think you are making a good case for seven-digits hardship compensation!
I was pleased that members of the black community, including NAACP representatives, showed up at the initial vigils and such for the shooting victim. It showed some unity on the issue instead of predictable balkanization.
Even Shaun King made some noise over it, although it more in the ‘how do you like it now, honkys?’ vein.
Why is he asking himself how he likes it now? Odd duck, that one.
The attorney for Minneapolis police officer Matthew Harrity said that “it’s certainly reasonable” for the officers to believe they were the target of a possible ambush when Harrity’s partner, officer Mohamed Noor, shot and killed Justine Damond in a south Minneapolis alley Saturday night.
There’s a large segment of police training based on the paranoid obsession that they are perpetually in mortal danger from the bad guys. They are being coached to be hysterical triggerhappy pussies.
They obviously should not be riding around in those police cars they have now. They need tanks which cannot be penetrated by cell phones. Then they can pull up, fire a few tank missiles as a warning. And if they happen to see a blonde lady in pajamas holding a cell phone, they can call swat for back up, and maybe some Apache helicopters and bombers.
Jesus, dude, don’t give them any ideas.
But it’s not at all reasonable for the public to fear that an approaching uniformed officer might shoot them at any moment and to react in self defense by firing their own weapon first, no matter how many times the police shoot and kill unarmed people because they were scared.
We commented on this a few nights ago, but finally our commies are doing some old-fashioned Marxist looking after working class instead of SJWing.
Nothing like expropriating the petty bourgeoisie to get the Revolution going, Comrade!
But hey, at least it deals with economy instead of gender pronouns.
Well, they have to increase population density. Else these homeless folks would find themselves out in the country side where people may give them food which has not be vetted by a bureaucrat. And that’s not even the worst of it. They might run into deplorables who talk to them about politics.
*looks behind for fainting couch, falls safely onto it*
Hyperion, what if…what if those country bumpkins ask the homeless to do something around the ranch in exchange for that food?? As in, they dictate conditions for those poor oppressed people’s very survival??
People didn’t used to talk so callously before Trump – I call him Donald DRUMPF – I can tell you that for sure.
A marxist pant shitting over a purely non monetary goods and services exchange? I think that might break every irony meter on earth.
Take the MLAs’ residences and make them live in dorms.
I just found out that Newegg sells a whole bunch of gun stuff. My brain is full of all kinds of fuck now.
*Puts on Ted “Theodore” Logan outfit*
On the coyotes-attacking-in-San Francisco story (it’s in the links! Honest!): I have coyotes all over my neighborhood. I have worked around this by not having a dog that could fit inside a Slurpee cup.
Giant malamute for the win.
This right here. Unless you have cats, chickens, or very small dogs, a coyote is not going to do anything unless it’s rabid. I’d be more scared of a possum than a coyote.
I did have an unusually large coyote chase my dog one time but I grabbed my walking stick and ran towards him and the moment he saw me he took the fuck off.
Also, in real America (e.g.: not coastal california) A coyote eating a small pet is so normal and predictable it wouldn’t even make the neighborhood newsletter. Only in SF would you have pants shitting over it.
The “have you seen Fluffy” posters around Phoenix for cats and small dogs are darkly amusing. The coyotes thank you for your delicious outdoor pets.
That’s why my cats are indoor cats, and the dogs are on a leash outside.
We have giant coyotes (I’ve seen a lot of coyotes around the country, and these are far and away the biggest – I think they’ve got a wolf or two in the family tree) that show absolutely no fear of humans. On account of we’re not allowed to shoot them.
And bobcats – see above re no fear of humans.
And javelinas – these worry me more than anything else, and are also unnaturally large (easily twice the size of javelinas in West Texas). Javelinas, especially ones with young (which seems to be nearly all of them) are aggressive and vicious.
And mountain lions – somewhere around there’s a picture of two (2) mountain lions IN MY FUCKING BACK YARD. They also tried to kill one of the neighbor’s horses.
Honestly, me and the two Dean Beasts would be very hard pressed to handle a pack of coyotes, a mountain lion, or a javelina or five. One bobcat, I think we could deal with.
Reality is racist: Transit officials won’t release criminal surveillance video: It’s racist
we pummeled this story last week
The truly retarded part of this is by making this statement we all now know what color the perps are, so the only thing this does is prevent them from being ID’ed and caught. If they were white or asian that video would have been on youtube before the fuckers had made it home that night. So, it’s okay for blacks (and probably some hispanics) to commit train robberies but no one else. I think there’s a word for that….
Maybe that’s the commentary directed toward the District?
Wasn’t the last time they refused to release video was because the criminals might be underage? Charge Hamill and the rest of BART’s senior management with accessory after the fact and criminal conspiracy.
It’s bad publicity they’re trying to prevent more than anything.
Bad publicity? You mean like shielding a gang of fucking strongarm bandits that prey on their riders?
709 comments! Is that a new high?
cold out here.
Well, a few videos of suppressed .22lr and then one of a 45-70 made me google the SHUSH act, and this is the top result.
Ah, there’s that white hot rage I’ve been missing.
“beneficiaries”? Is that what you call it when the govt points a gun at your head and says, “BUY INSURANCE”, and you do?
what if that insurance is actually *more expensive* than it might have been had you just decided to buy it on your own? are you still called a ‘beneficiary’? or is it only the people (e.g. with pre-existing conditions) for whom it turns out to be cheaper ?
That is pure horseshit. I know a dozen people that have insurance they cant afford to use because the goddamned deductibles are so high. They also cant buy the house they want or replace cars that are old because the goddamned premiums are eating their budgets up. I also know someone who finds it cheaper to pay whatever the penalties are and pay for all of their medical care out of pocket than to buy insurance through Obumblecare. Goddamned fucking liars.
Jesus, the mendacity and gall of these thieves. They really are just looters. It is like paying protection money to the Mafia, the price always just goes up and more is never enough. The only reason these fuckers have their fingers in this is because the medical industry is such a large part of the economy and there is no way in hell they are gonna let that amount of money change hands without them getting their cut. That is all this is about.
I have a lifelong pre-existing condition, which is both serious and uncommon. It was way cheaper for me to get insurance before Obamacare. My premium has gone up 400%, and the deductible has rendered the whole policy completely fucking useless. My deductible is now a *third* of my *annual gross income.* They won’t even pay for any of my medications (currently $800/mo out of pocket) without satisfying the deductible first. And, the most expensive drug I’m on is for a “rare condition” so even after I do satisfy the deductible, they still won’t cover it.
That’s ludicrous!
Inferiority – Disdain – Intolerance – tolerance – acceptance – celebration – supremacy
The spectrum of tolerance wrt how people interact with identity groups.
I wish I had time to write an article on how this is being abused by SJWs to their own peril, but a comment will have to suffice for now.