Hump Day! For those of you who have significant others or FWB or toys. I’m just othering the rest of you.

Here is person who is crazier than a runover dog. I sincerely hope that no government agency or court decision ever forces this person to sell books they find morally objectionable. I also will continue to order books from giant capitalist machines like Amazon because I personally think this person is wrong to avoid selling books that they find morally objectionable. Information wants to be free. Rather than making it interesting, just tell people they are free to buy it, but put a card in there with a website that refutes the information.

These shitbirds can do moral grandstanding all day, but can’t pass a budget to save their lives. This is why a guy who looks like well-fed bum is calling you limp dicks and getting traction with it.

…And the same jerkoffs kill the AUMF Repeal as well.

But this is great news. I love these medical miracles where we are able to reverse the negative effects of accidents on children.

And its been sort of crappy at the L residence. I went with some weird 80s blahs.